165 - Part 3

Part 3 of 4 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



I have the message here. It is by [UNINTELLIGIBLE].




I’m giving it to [?Celie?]. She’s our librarian. I only have one copy, so you’ll -- if you are interested after I tell you about it, you’ll have to take it out, one at a time.


I heard one of her messages a couple of years ago. She is very anointed, and she really sounds good, and the message sounds very similar. It’s a kingdom message. It sounds very similar to what we’re preaching here. And she -- I received this message unsolicited, and I listened to it. And the reason I’m giving you the message is this. I do -- I wasn’t going to give it to you. I wasn’t going to give it to you, but the Lord told me that I cannot overprotect you.


I’m telling you that this -- now, how ju- -- I’m going to put this on for the message. I think you all here understand this. I am never against an individual. I have nothing against any human being alive, but I am here to expose the spiritual truth about every individual. And what is the spiritual truth? Are they the truth, or are they a lie? Is their life in Christ, or is their life in another spirit? I have nothing against anybody personally.


And I’m telling you that this woman is a -- probably a very nice lady. I know she’s had -- I’ve heard part of her testimony. She’s had a terrible life, a very painful life, let me say that. She is part of a group of preachers that -- I hate to give people names, but I -- just to give you information, I would classify them in the reconciled or reconciliation camp, and their message sounds really good. It sounds -- if you don’t have a discerning ear, it sounds like the same thing that I’m preaching.


So I am giving you the message. I’m going to give you four basic -- one, two, three, four basic principles to listen for, and I suggest that you pray before you listen to it. We must come to a place where we can rightly discern the word of truth. We must know what someone is saying to us, and what blew my mind with this message is that I have been teaching you here: don’t try the word, try the spirit. I want to tell you, I could not tell anything wrong with this anointing, I -- and I have a very keen discernment. I cannot discern anything wrong with this anointing, and this is not the first time. It’s the second or the third time the Lord has told me that this company, the preachers preaching in this spirit, with this doctrine, they are the angel of light. I want to tell you. I couldn’t discern anything wrong with the spirit.


So, when I sought the Lord, this is all that I have to tell you. I said, Lord, I’m telling these people, try the spirit and believe the doctrine. What do I tell them now? If the spirit be of God, believe the doctrine. Well, what do I tell them now? I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know what to tell you, except that it has to be the spirit and the word, the spirit and the word. Now you can’t try the word and reject the person because of the doctrine, but apparently, you can’t just try the spirit. You have to try the word.


Now, what do I tell to young Christians that could never discern the error in this word? I don’t know. So let me give you these four principles to look for when you listen to this message. This spiritual ministry preaches that there is no sin. Now, she never once came out and said there’s no sin. She never spoke those words. You’ve got to listen to what she’s saying and understand what she’s saying. But what she’s saying is that there’s no sin, that after the -- oh, that -- that’s OK, because that’ll just blow it away, June. OK, thanks anyway.


Now, if there’s no sin, then there’s no fall. She’s preaching that there’s no -- it’s not just her. It’s this whole camp. They’re preaching that there’s no fall. Now, this statement with these words do [sic] not appear on the message. She never said there’s no sin. She never said there’s no fall. But if you listen, that’s what she said. No sin, no fall, no judgment. Oh, and God today is only in man.


Now I want to take a minute on that because I -- I’m not even sure that you -- how much knowledge you have on that area yourself. I’ve touched on it once or twice. Let me show it to you again. God, brethren, is all there is. There is nothing outside of God. There is nothing greater than God. He fills everything. Is that not what the Scripture says? He fills everything. God is this whole board, and of course, off the board. We are in the realm of time. This, of course, is eternity. It has no beginning, and it has no end. We are in the realm of time, which is within eternity, and we found out that it’s a loop, but if you want to draw it as a circle, I’m not going to fight with you, but we found out it’s loop. There is something within eternity. Time has borders. Eternity has no bor- -- it just goes on forever. Time has an edge. It has a border.


Now, the Father, out of eternity, brought forth a creation, the living soul, and he brought forth a world, or an amniotic sac, that that living soul dwells in. We are a many-membered living soul, if you recall the teaching, and our whole world, including the universes and the planets and as far out as we can get, is a spiritual amniotic sac called the Land of Nod, because we’re fallen. Adam, before the fall, had an amniotic sac called Eden, and outside the edge of that amniotic sac is still God. Anybody not understand what I’m saying? This was the teaching on this message.


This is the most -- out of the four thing -- out of the four principles that I named, this, I believe -- I don’t know how you will hear it -- sh- -- is the most obvious, if you’re listening for the exact words. She will say to you, God was nothing. God was no thing. He was beyond the visible. He was beyond the invisible, and the way she describes it is, He was nothingness, and He came into the invisible realm, which we know to be the unconscious mind, and in this hour.


Well, we know that’s true, that He came into the unconscious mind of the creation, and in this hour, He is piercing through into the conscious mind of the creation. That’s true too. You see, Antichrist never tells you 100 percent lies. That’s true. God was beyond the invisible and the invisible. He was beyond the conscious and the unconscious mind, and He flowed into the unconscious mind of man, and in this hour, He’s flowing into the conscious mind of man. All true. And then she says, “But He has left his condition of nothingness.” He has left -- she didn’t use this word. He has left His condition of eternity, and now the only place you can find God is in man.


This is why -- and it’s not just her. I’m not picking on her. I’ve been accused of cutting up people. I don’t cut up people. I don’t even know her. I’m talking -- I’m a minister of Christ. I’m talking about what she’s teaching. They are saying, and she says on this message, that God emptied Himself out to form this creation. Well, we teach that here, don’t we? That’s how He got into this weakened condition. He used all of His strength that we could come into existence. But thank God, the Father’s still out here, and the Father’s going to raise Him from the dead.


But she says, oh, no. He used all of his strength, and there’s nothing left, and the only thing of God that there is, is in you. Yeah. But she’s not saying it like -- I’m making it easy for you. It’s hidden. It’s hidden. You got to get your ears trained. Listen to the message. Pray before you listen. You must be able to recognize it when you hear it. The angel of light has manifested.


And then she goes on to say that the only place God is, is in men. Therefore, the salvation of the creation is up to us. OK. There is no concept at all of what we teach here, that it is Christ in us doing the work. She is saying we are Christ. We have the power to save ourselves. We must do it, etc., etc., etc.


So I don’t want to take too much time on this. I highly recommend that you listen to the message, and if you can hear these four -- make -- take pencil and paper. Look for the four points. They are there. And, of course, she also preaches -- which, to me, is a much lesser problem -- that every human being that has ever lived will be raised from the dead. But, to me, that’s not a big problem. This concept that God is no longer in eternity, but God is only in man -- to me, that’s blasphemy. That’s blasphemy.


Well, I want to tell you something. I am not sure that it’s not God. Now, look, we’re a mature ministry here. We’re a mature ministry here. We know that we have a carnal church out there that preaches all kinds of error, and they have the Holy Ghost. I think -- I really think that this may be the problem. I heard a test -- a message by this woman two years ago. I don’t want to go into it, because I really don’t want it to be recognizable. I’m probably going to put this on the message. But a testimony -- I believe the woman has a relationship with the Lord. There’s not a doubt in my mind that she has a relationship with the Lord. It’s immaturity, brethren, to think that because somebody goes off, they no longer have a relationship with the Lord.


So, herein is the problem. How did the anointing get on the message? She probably loves the Lord. My understanding is that she should have died several years ago. He saved her life, time and time again. That’s how the anointing gets on the message. Hallelujah. The angel of light is manifested. Glory to God. Brethren, this thing is so close I could taste it.


[INAUDIBLE] in learning to discern all this? Is that the reason, do you think, that the -- this has come about to you?


Why God permits it?


Yeah, that it’s for us to really be able to discern that?


No, that’s not -- in my opinion, no. OK? I haven’t heard from the Lord about this, but I believe I have the spirit of God. This is what I perceive to be happening. God has a creation. It is a many-membered creation. It is His intention to raise this creation, which has died, from the dead. This is a hard word, but it’s the -- I -- to -- if you can hear it, it’s glorious, OK. The way He’s going to raise it from the dead is that He’s going to do it with the fittest. Did you ever hear that the law of the jungle is the survival of the fittest? And most people that study jungles and nature, they know, well, if that weak, little deer got killed, well, it’s the law of the survival of the fittest, and it works, because if the little -- if the weak ones didn’t die, there wouldn’t be enough food for the strong ones, and duh, ta duh, ta duh, ta duh, the whole story.


Brethren, our only reality is our human spirit. This body and this personality is temporal. It is passing away. It is -- except for that last generation, where the indwelling Christ gives life to it, it is passing away. It will die. It is not permanent. We are spirit, and the spirit of Christ is piercing through into this Land of Nod, into this fallen world, and it’s going to take a mighty, supernatural feat to raise this creation from the dead. And every human being on this earth just doesn’t have what it takes. No condemnation to them. If you’re not fit, they don’t take you in the army. If you have flat feet, they don’t take you in the army. Every human being on the face of the earth just doesn’t have what it takes, and what’s more, every person that calls himself a Christian, every person that names the name of Jesus, every person that speaks in tongues does not have what it takes.


And the -- it’s going to be hardest for the first group to go through. The hardest, hardest was what Jesus did. Now the next group is coming through, and it’s pretty hard, and most people couldn’t take what we’ve been through, those of us that are called to it. Most human beings would not have survived what we’ve been through. And I know you don’t think you’ve been through very much, but I think you have. Personally, I think you’ve had many years of emotional abuse that you just haven’t touched yet. You could disagree with me, but that’s my opinion, OK?


But for whatever reason -- maybe you’re an exception to the rule; I don’t know.




I don’t know. But everybody doesn’t have what it takes. So, the Lord is permitting the fittest of the group to go through, and this is what Paul meant when he said it’s a race. The strong ones that are going to finish first are going to get into Mount Zion, and they’re going to come back for the others. Everybody here knows that’s what the Scripture teaches. That’s a common Scripture in Sonship. We’re going up, and we’re coming back for the others, but most people that know that Scripture don’t comprehend how hard it is to get up there, before you can come back.


So, to answer your question, that is my opinion. There’s a race going on, and Christ is in a hostile environment. He’s in enemy territory, and the carnal minds of many of the many members of the church world have overtaken the Christ in these people. And it’s not that the Lord has permitted that to train us. That’s just what’s happening, but He’s got this handful of faithful that are overcoming their carnal mind and hearing from Christ and piercing through.


So they’re just ones that have fallen away, and apparently, she’s -- she must have an intense relationship with the Lord to have an anointing like that. She’s got some interesting revelation. A couple of things that she said really blessed me, except that she thinks there’s no sin, there’s no fall, and there’s no judgment. That’s pretty serious. Why is it serious? It’s serious, because if you believe there’s no sin, you can’t repent. And if you believe there’s no fall -- I don’t know how they believe in a resurrection, if they were -- I guess -- I don’t know how they believe in a resurrection. I don’t really know the details of all their doctrine.


But if you believe there’s no judgment, you’ll never enter in without the judgment. Why am I saying this? Because any person that really believes there’s no sin, there’s no fall, and there’s no judgment -- I will go out on a limb and tell you that it is not Christ in them believing this, but it is a person with a spiritually developed carnal mind. They have knowledge that puffeth up, but there’s no way that you could enter into the kingdom if Christ isn’t formed in you, and if your carnal mind is manifesting to the degree that it’s manifesting in this camp, that you have all of this knowledge and you believe all of this error, where could Christ be in this? And even if He’s in there as a mustard seed, without the judgment He’ll never sprout. And they don’t believe in the judgment. They don’t believe in confessing their sins.


Brethren, we shall enter into the kingdom of God by confessing our sins, by hating our sins, by working on overcoming our sins and destroying our carnal mind. If they won’t do that, how will they enter in? So they’ve cut themselves off from the kingdom of heaven, and everyone that’s sitting under them.


So did I answer your question?


Just now, if you had told them exactly what your feelings were about this whole thing, do you think that would make an impression on them?


No. You know, I said -- this particular lady, I didn’t send any messages, but two years ago, I sent out the Daniel 7 series to many people in this camp, and they totally ignored me, and I prayed for it a long time. I said, Lord, why? I mean, even if they wrote me a letter and said they disagreed, it would have been better than their ignoring me. Why are they ignoring me like this? I sound just like them. We’re on the same level. Why don’t they want to know me?


And now I understand why. We sound the same, but we’re not the same. They despise what I preach. They hate what I preach. They believe it’s false doctrine. They call it duality. You have your eyes on sin. You haven’t matured into this doctrine yet. That’s what they tell you. Yeah. OK, I’m going to give you the mic, but please, I have to save my strength. OK, so you guys are going to have to help by passing around the mic.


Do you think it was the grace of God and the mercy of God that allowed you to get that message, because it says, if it was possible, even the elect would be deceived -- so that you can preach this that people can pick up? No?


I don’t think people are going to pick it up. No.




I think it’s for this group here. I don’t think people are going to pick it up. I really don’t. I think, as you’ll see as we get into the message tonight, that there is a firstfruits company that the Lord Jesus Christ is raising up and that the ministry, this ministry, this spiritual ministry that’s here -- and if it’s anywhere else, it may be, but it may not be. Brethren, there is a negative side to pride. Anyone that’s telling me this is pride doesn’t have the discerning of spirits. I’m telling you that I don’t know anyone else that’s preaching this. Now, if there is someone else, praise the Lord! But God, after five years of prayer, has not showed me anyone else that’s preaching this, and I declare to you that it is possible that no one else is preaching it. Does anyone no -- not understand what I’m saying?


Jesus was the only one that preached His doctrine. Paul was the only one that preached his doctrine originally. It’s my understanding that Bill Britton was the only one that preached that doctrine for maybe 10 years. It is possible I’m the only one preaching it.


So every ministry that comes here is for the people associated with this ministry, and when that firstfruit stands up in full stature, then they’re going to the church at large and to the world. That’s my opinion. OK.


Rita, would you do me a favor? Would you get me some water please? Thanks.


OK. So I don’t want to spend any more time on that. Just see [?Celie?]. I don’t know if she -- if you want to make up some copies for the others. That would be nice, if you want to do that.


OK, and I want to make a -- I have several comments to make before I start preaching. Maybe I’ll wait for Rita to come back. OK. One of the things I’d like to comment on is sleeping at the meetings. Now, I have to laugh at myself. I really have to laugh at myself, because as much revelation as I have, the Lord has clearly shown me that He will give me revelation up to a certain point. Remember that diagram I showed you, where the sun’s rays stopped, and on the other side was darkness. Remember I showed you that in [?Celie’s?] house? With all the light that I have, as soon as I looked at something on the other side of this line, I’m as carnal as the rest of the world.


Thank you very much, Rita.


And what do carnal men do? Carnal men see the -- oh, let me. I forgot to tell you something. The Lord’s prompting me to -- going back to the angel of light. Another thing that’s being said is that man is equal to God, because we are God, only we’re the left side, and He’s the right side. He’s spirit, and we’re soul, and we’re standing opposite one another, but we’re equal, opposite but equal. That’s what she’s saying, opposite but equal. And what this does is deny the superiority of the glorified Christ to us.


Brethren, even when we’re in full stature, the glorified Lord Jesus Christ will be superior to us. He is the king of kings. He’s the big king; we’re the little kings. He is the Lord of Lords. He is the big Lord; we’re the little lords. He’s the prince of the princes. He is the big shot; we’re the little shots. OK. Now I believe that when the whole creation is glorified, when we’re all pure spirit, we’ll all be one, but that’s a thousand -- in my opinion, thousands of years. What we’re dealing with right now, what we’re waiting for right now is full stature, which is only the first stage of the resurrection.


And even after the second stage of the resurrection, we will still have orders or rank. Jesus Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who has risen from the dead and ascended, is the chief honcho. Now this camp teaches otherwise. They teach that we are equal. God and man, spirit, soul, just standing opposite one another, and they teach no headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. They teach no submission to the Lord Jesus Christ. They teach no rulership to -- of the Lord Jesus Christ.


And the message that’s been coming through here for years, it’s been come -- we found it in the Book of Revelation, that this is the way the creation of God works. The Lord Jesus Christ is our unconscious mind. He is perfect. He speaks to us from our unconscious mind, and depending on how clearly that message is transmitted to our understanding, the result of it is dependent on how clearly that message is transmitted to our understanding. The message must travel from the realm of the spirit, the unconscious mind, through our conscious mind into our understanding.


When the message of the Father passes through the carnal mind, it comes into our understanding in a perverted form. Brethren, we cannot obey if we do not understand what God said. Jesus Christ, the faithful, He is the One that is faithful to the Father. It is His mind that will transfer the instructions of the Lord into our conscious understanding perfectly, without any form of change or perversion. There must be an unconscious mind. There must be a prince of princes. Jesus said, “I and My Father are one, but My Father is greater than I.” We must have one greater than us, and they are denying this. It’s very important. It’s --


I want to tell you that I don’t let too many things upset me. I try not to even address too much something that I have no control over, and I have no control over this. But I want to tell you that this upsets me. When I heard this message, and I heard the anointing on this message, and I realized that people are dying because of this, it upset me. And I want to tell you, she has a fairly large church, and there are several preachers of this ilk. They have lots of people. We have so few, but we have the words of God.


That’s what the Apostles said, or the disciples said to Jesus. Jesus said, “Will you go away too?” And they said, “How can we? You have the words of God.” Brethren, the word of the Lord is not a written word on a page. The word of the Lord is a spiritual word. It is the intention; it is the message of the Father to us. It doesn’t matter what’s written on the page. It is the word of the Lord, His heart, His intentions, His message, His communication to us. So, if you’re coming to me with a book and pointing at the words and saying, see what it says, you are merely revealing your immaturity. We have been permitted to hear the words of God. This is awesome.


Let them persecute us. Let them do it. Let them say whatever they want. I’ve been telling the Lord for a long time, I thank God for the few of you that are here, but if you weren’t, I’d preach to the four walls, because whether you know it or not, I increase every time I study, and I increase every time I preach it. It’s not enough to study. I’ve got to preach it, and Christ is growing in me, and I’m getting revelation as I preach and I teach. I’m in the same race as you are. Maybe I’m a couple of feet ahead of you, but it doesn’t matter. Either you’re up there, or you’re not up there, and I’m not up there, and I want to get up there.


So let them think whatever they want. Let them say whatever they want. I don’t wonder why nobody invites me to preach anymore. Now I know why they don’t invite me to preach. Thank God they don’t invite me to preach. Thank God I don’t preach that error. I just want to get up there. I’m not building any kingdom for myself. I just want enough to meet my needs while I’m here, and when that door opens, man, I want to go through. And I’m telling you, I -- there’s not a doubt in my mind, it will be in our lifetime. I would be surprised if it goes another five years. I would be shocked. I really think it is very close. It -- I really think it’s possible within the year, but of course, I’m not prophesying.


OK. I want to go on. So I have several comments to make to you tonight, and the first thing is about sleeping in the meetings. Now I was aware that the members of our congregation frequently fall asleep at our meetings, and I knew that it was an -- I’ve even told you. I’ve shared with you that I know it’s a manifestation, and my opinion of the manifestation -- I don’t think I ever prayed about it, but I thought the -- that the manifestation was that Adam, your carnal mind, is shutting you down. He doesn’t want you to hear this.


And the Lord has corrected me, and He’s showed me a Scripture. I think it’s Daniel 8 or Daniel 9. It’s in there, and it says that what we are experiencing in this ministry is what happened to Daniel. It is the Christ that is shutting you down. It is the Christ that is shutting down your carnal mind. It is the Christ that’s in me, that’s vibrating out from me as I preach, that’s -- that is entering into you. This is in message No. 165, part 1. Well, hopefully, I’ll have it for you, if not -- not by Sunday, but by next Thursday.


OK. As I preach, the Christ in me is rushing upon you and laying down and pressing down your carnal minds, and this is the sequence. It happened to Daniel. He saw the angel, and the first thing that happened was that he was afraid. And everybody that has ever come here has been afraid, except, probably, Rosie, and maybe she was afraid too. What do I know? Everybody that has ever been called to this message has been afraid. Amen? Amen. Everybody. I was afraid when He first gave it to me.


So Daniel says, “I was afraid.” And then the next thing he says, “I was on my face in a deep sleep, with my face towards the ground.” His carnal mind, the ground, that part of him that looks towards the carnal world, was in a deep sleep from the presence of the angel. And the next step is, he says, “But the angel touched me and set me upright.” His carnal mind went to sleep, and the angel raised up the Christ in him.


These words of God, brethren, cannot be understood with the carnal mind. You may get some understanding, but the test is when you try to give it back out. Now I’m not here to trap you or to get you. You don’t want to be giving out perverted doctrine. I’m telling you that the test of whether it’s Christ in you coming forth or whether you’re understanding it with your carnal mind is what comes out of your mouth when you talk about it.


Now don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about what I’m saying. Just tell God that you want it in Christ. So I have not had any direct instruction from the Lord. He hasn’t spoken to me on it, but I -- I’ve thought it through, and I’ve told Him that -- well, what I was doing was looking at it with my carnal mind. That was what I told you, that I’m so carnal that I have to laugh at myself, because the carnal mind sees things as the mirror image of the spirit. And here it is, Christ in me crushing your carnal mind and putting you to sleep, and I’m thinking that it’s Adam in you. I saw it backwards. Do you hear what I’m saying? I thought it was Adam putting you to sleep, but it’s not. As soon as I open my mouth, you go to sleep. At the last meeting, at the -- June was struggling to stay awake for the whole meeting, and at the end of the meeting, she jumped up, and she was raring to go, as soon as I stopped preaching.


OK, so this is the stand that I’m taking. This is the stand that I’m taking, unless and until the Lord corrects me. If you feel that you can’t keep your eyes open, let your eyes close. I will no longer ask you to wake up, because what I’m thinking --


            If it needs no other [UNINTELLIGIBLE].


OK. Why don’t -- the anointing’s very heavy tonight. What I’m thinking, and until the Lord corrects me, this is what I’m staying with. The Scripture says, first you’re afraid, then you sleep, and then Christ arises in you and listens to the message. So I don’t hear any -- the Lord telling me that your eyes have to be open for Christ in you to be listening to the message. I know some people listen to the message. I believe Rita here is with Christ, and her eyes are open. I don’t understand why you never sleep. I really don’t know. I’m just guessing at this point. Could it be that you’re still a little bit afraid? I don’t know. I really don’t know. I honestly don’t know. But this is the sequence. It may not be exactly the same for everybody, but I feel that if you really can’t keep your eyes open, I won’t say anything to you anymore, and I want to make one more comment on this.


This is how the Lord showed it to me. I’ve talked to you before about people with multiple personalities who have different body conditions, depending on the personality that’s up, and it could be one personality named Joe, and he could have diabetes. The doctors will test for diabetes, and the test will be positive. Joe can go down, and Johnny can come up, and Johnny will not have diabetes. And the doctors will test the same body, and there will be no diabetes present. That’s what the Scripture is talking about. Daniel went to sleep in his carnal mind, and Christ arose.


Brethren, Christ is another personality. Christ in you is another personality that has the ability to understand what I’m talking about. Now, people who try to understand me with Adam manifested sometimes cannot understand me, sometimes get very upset, sometimes get very aggressive, sometimes get all mixed up about what I’m saying. I can’t believe the thing -- that they think that I said some of the things that they come back at me with. I never said any such thing.


So, I’m just going to leave it at that. If you really feel that you can’t keep your eyes open, well, then, let them close, and I’m going to wait to see what the third part of the Scripture means, whether Christ will arise when your eyes are closed or whether He’s going to do it another way. I don’t know. But those of you that are struggling with the doctrine, maybe Christ will hear it when Adam goes to sleep. So let’s see what happens. Maybe, if you sleep, you’ll find -- if you find yourself receiving more understanding with the doctrine, please let me know.


You know, there was a time that we had only two people in these meetings, and they both slept through my whole message consistently. They would come in, and they would -- as soon as I would open my mouth, they would go to sleep. Then I’d preach for -- and then the meeting would be over. So, if that’s the way it’s going to be again, praise the Lord. Hallelujah.




Please, Mary. Take the mic.


Could you define Christ?


Christ is an expression of God in the earth. God in heaven, or God in the unconscious mind, is spirit.


It’s in backwards. OK.


God in heaven, or -- is spirit. That’s the unconscious mind. God in the earth of the conscious mind is called Christ. God in the heavens, which is our unconscious mind, is spirit, and God in the earth, which is our conscious mind, is Christ, which is personality. God in the heaven is spirit, and His name is the Father. God in the earth is personality, and He’s either Christ or the carnal mind. And, of course, in the heaven, it’s either the Father or Satan.


OK. I’m going to try and cover some more points here before we get into the message. OK. On the last message, I made a comment about Jesus never breaking the law. So I’d like to comment on my comment, just in case some wise guy is hearing this message and wants to try and get me.


Jesus never and will never break the spiritual law of God. He did break the law of ordinances. He did break the religious ritual, the laws of men. He did do that consistently. It infuriated the Pharisees, but He never did and never shall break the spiritual law of God. As a matter of fact, He broke the religious law because He fulfilled the spiritual law.


For example, when He refused to stone the adulterous woman, the reason He didn’t have to keep that law was that He converted her heart. We looked up all those words in the Greek, and we found out that what He did when He wrote on the ground, that it was the ground of the earth of her heart, and He converted her heart. He delivered her from adultery. That was why He didn’t stone her. That was why He let her go. He did not let a guilty woman go. He converted her heart, so that she was no longer guilty.


There’s tremendous misunderstanding in the church, and if it wasn’t for the fact that I believe that God is righteous, and He’s on His throne, and He’s got everything under control, I would be upset every second of every day of my life at the condition of the church. But there’s nothing I can do about it. He will move when He moves. We do learn patience when we are in Christ. He does take His time, but the Scripture clearly states He is never late. He’s never late. It just looks that way to our fallen minds. All is well.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. Amen, He’s never late. Everything’s OK.


I’d like to make a few comments on the living soul being the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Now, these comments that I’m making to you are based on my listening to the message from Sunday night, and I felt led to go over these few issues before we go on with [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


Amen. It was the imputed anointing at the beginning of time. It was the anointing that is curative but not defensive. It is a -- the lesser manifestation of God, and when we did that message, the truth about baptism, for all you Pharisees that are manifesting about a lesser and a greater anointing. It’s the truth. Open up your heart. It’s there. It’s in the Scripture. Does not the Scripture say the latter and the former reign? It’s the truth. Don’t respond to the things I say with your emotions. Your emotions are your carnal mind. They’re going crazy when they hear me.


So, the church today is fallen, but we are justified by the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. But the purpose of the Holy Spirit in the church today is the same purpose that it had at the beginning of time, to put down roots in us, to join with us and form a plant that will put roots down deep into the earth that will abide forever. That is the purpose of God in the church today, and it was the purpose of God in the creation at the beginning of time.


So, what happened was, Satan rose up. Satan rose up and penetrated into the creation, and she wasn’t fooling around. She wasn’t flowing over and under and through. She went right for the jugular, and she joined with the creation. She conceived her offspring and brought forth the carnal mind, which can be likened to the impu- -- to the imparted anointing. So what we had was a manifestation of Christ with an imputed anointing and a manifestation of Satan with an imparted anointing, and the imparted anointing is always stronger than the imputed anointing. And that’s how the carnal mind could knock out Christ.


Is everybody with me? Problem?




You don’t need --




Plea- -- you have to talk into the microphone.


            I don’t understand that. Satan had the imparted anointing?


Everything that the Spirit of God does, Satan does too. The Spirit of God brought forth an offspring, Christ. The spirit of Satan brought forth an offspring, the carnal mind. The spirit of Satan, it’s -- spirit is spirit is spirit.


            But how could he have the imparted anointing?


Well, it’s not the imparted anointing of God.




It’s the imparted anointing of Satan.


            Of Satan.


Of Satan.


            But how did he have an imparted anything --


Oh, OK.


            When Christ only had the imputed at that time?


Yeah. Well, you really have to get these messages on Daniel 8, because we explain the whole thing, and I’ll just tell you briefly.




OK, I’ll tell it to you briefly, so you can follow along, but you really have to hear the messages, OK? That when the creation -- when God formed the creation, He formed it with two spiritual laws in it. Satan was a spi- -- was a spiritual authority, but it was a lesser spiritual authority than the Father. And the creation was designed, and the way that the Scripture shows it is that he -- the Scripture describes the creation as a two-horned ram: one animal, two horns. One animal, two spiritual authorities, one lesser, one greater, God having created the creation for the two to function together, just like you have two legs, and the spiritual authority of Satan was specifically designed to function as a part of the overall creation, which was under the rulership of Christ. And she came out and became her own man.


She was typified by a woman, a traditional woman, not like we have in the country today, who was not supposed to be seen, just to work behind the scenes, and her husband would be everything. But she came out and made herself a spiritual man and appeared as a goat in Daniel 8. But she was a spiritual authority, just as a captain is a military authority who is required to be in total agreement to the commandments of the general. OK, so, and she rebelled. She rebelled. OK, can that hold you for now? OK. Praise God.


You see, we don’t even realize how fast God is moving here. You miss a few meetings you’re really at a disadvantage. God is moving like -- I believe that He is moving as fast as our spirits could bear it, or at least me, anyway. I believe that He is moving as fast as I can receive what He wants you to have and pass it on to you. He’s going like a man of war. You know, I’ve been doing this for so many years. Sometimes, like, people ask me questions, and it’s hard for me. I just ass- -- to me, because of where He’s brought me to. I see -- I think, you mean, you don’t know that? And then He has to remind me, no, they don’t know that. They don’t know that.


Even -- someone came to me, not too long ago, and the issue of the Trinity came up. And I said, oh, didn’t that other preacher teach you that? For the minute, I really thought it was taught in that other church. And they said to me, no, I didn’t know that the Trinity was a Catholic doctrine. I said, are you sure? I thought he taught that to you over there. And they said, no, he never taught that. So I had to give them a couple of messages.


What God has done here in five years is absolutely, miraculously incredible.


OK, anything else? I just have a note for you here. I’ll read it, that we must -- even though, those of us that have the Holy Spirit, we must work diligently to purify our hearts. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to bring forth purification through conceiving Christ in us, because only those with a pure heart will see God. And yet, the church teaches that, no matter what condition your heart is in, you’re getting raptured, and you’re going to see God. Isn’t that true? Only those with a pure heart will see God, and the Holy Spirit has been given to us to purify our heart for deliverance and for healing and for conception of the Son. And if we don’t use the Holy Spirit for the purpose that God gave it to us for, we will be likened to the unprofitable servant who took his talent and buried it under the earth of our carnal mind and gave no increase into Christ at all. The -- I -- my heart breaks for the church because they're taught incorrectly. If anyone hears this message, you are not given the gifts of the Spirit to be a great one who prophesies and heals and interprets tongues and casts out demons. Those things are signs of His presence in your life, but you are given the Holy Ghost to bring forth Christ. The Holy Ghost brings forth Christ. It's not to make you a great one; it's to bring forth the Great One in you. They're not taught properly. God, have mercy on all of our souls, and I know He will. It's hard for me to see, but I know He will have mercy, however He's going to work it out.


OK, oh, one more point. I -- God gave me something under the anointing on the last message, and I just wanted to state it again because I didn't know whether you caught it or not. But Paul says that if we're not chastened, we're a bastard, but -- and I know that Jesus is adopting us, but it never occurred to me that we are bastards because the carnal mind has brought us forth. Our mother is Eve, and our father is the carnal mind. We are a bastard daughter of Eve, God's wife. I never quite saw it that way before.




We are -- the whole human race. We are a bastard daughter of Eve, which is of God's spirit, and her adulterous union with Satan.




This whole creation, except for the spirit in us which died is a manifestation of a bastard offspring of the adulterous union between Eve, God's wife, and Satan. Hallelujah. We're bastards. But when God comes and starts to chasten you, that is the sign that the Father has visited you and has joined with you in enough measure to conceive Christ. And when Christ is conceived, the judgment begins, and you're no longer a bastard, but you have been adopted by the Father. Hallelujah. OK. I'm going to try and preach this message.


            At this point, are we adopted, or is it going to be -- I mean, we're -- you say we're bastards now, but  are we adopted at this point?




            Because it says in -- I don't know if it's Galatians. It says, "And because we are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying Abba, Father."


Well, I would say that we're sons because we wouldn't be chastened if we were still bastards. The sign of the chastening, that's the seal of our adoption, the chastening of the Lord.


            Don't we have to be chastened continually?


It's a process.




Everything that -- right. Everything in that Bible is a process.




We're sons, but Galatians also says that we're still under governors and tutors until we come into full stature, so we don't have --


            [CROSSTALK] spirit 100 percent of the time.


To be a --




-- son in full stature, yeah. So we're not -- we're sons, but we're not in full stature, so we're just likened unto a servant. We're just like the people in the world.


            [?That's what that servant means?]?


Mm-hmm. We have the potential --




Well, we are. Look at the sin in the church. We have the potential to come into the full image of our Father, but we're still -- most of us are pretty raunchy. Most of the church is pretty raunchy. Even if they don't act sinful, their hearts are filthy.




That's our condition. OK. I'm going to try and bring this message forth. Glory to God. We are back in Daniel 8. This is the third message on the interpretation, and, Lord willing, I will finish this up on Sunday.


Recap, Daniel, Chapter 8, Verses 20 to 22, "The souled animal life which you say had two spiritual laws in his mind." That's the ram. We were just talking about this, Rita.


"The ram, he had two spiritual laws in his mind, Christ and Satan, and Christ's spiritual authority was stronger than Satan's spiritual authority until Satan made herself male and came out from under His authority. And the spiritual power of Satan's mind penetrated Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to the carnal mind, and Satan's carnal mind was stronger than the Father's immature Christ, and she broke Christ's bones. And Satan made her carnal mind the high priest of the fallen creation, and these are the three stages of righteous Adam's fall. And this is how the fallen, bestial creation materialized because of the lower horn's rebellion, but the many members of Christ Jesus shall nevertheless arise out of the body of the Gentiles, not by the carnal mind's authority but by the reproductive strength of the glorified Christ."


Glory to God. We're picking up with Verse 23. "And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up."


And in the latter time of, Strong's 319, it means the extreme part, or it can be translated the end of the age, which is how we'll use it here. The word kingdom, Strong's 4438, it means a dominion or a reign. It could be the dominion. It could be the land over which a king reigns, or it could be referring to the time period or the condition of his reign. Transgressors, Strong's 6586, and it means covenant breakers or sinners. Brethren, that's what we are. The whole human race is fallen because we broke our covenant. We broke our spiritual covenant with the Father at the beginning of time when we were in Adam's loins. Adam broke his covenant -- his spiritual covenant with the Father. What is that? [?The flood?] -- what is the spiritual covenant that Adam made with the Father? Does anybody know? Please, use the mic, please, please, please, please. Thank you.


            Was it to birth the Christ?


Well, let me put it to you this way. What did Father -- the Father command the creation? What did the Father command the creation? What did He say to Adam in the garden?


            To [?rule it, subject it?].


Well, He said that, but He also said don't -- do not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and He did say subject the garden. That's true. So what did -- and when we did the series called, "The Roots of Denial," and we did several Scriptures in Genesis 3, we found out that Adam went right in, and he ate -- partook of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and then he failed to subdue the garden. He had sexual -- spiritual sexual intercourse with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which is Satan. So we have broken our covenant with the Father, and we did it in Adam's loins when he did it for us. He did it for us.


Brethren, children are subject to the sins of their parents. It is clearly a scriptural principle. There is no such thing as an innocent child. We are the offspring of our parents, and we are the product of their sins, and sin is not in behavior. Sin is in the condition of the heart, and we are the recipients and the inheritors of our parent's heart. We are them, or we are they. We are them. Pardon my English. We have inherited, within our very spiritual being, everything that they were and are, and it becomes our sin, but, Lord willing, we will do something with it that our parents have not done with it. Lord willing, we will cleave unto Christ, confess the sins of our fathers, repent, get the deliverance and become saviors to our whole family. Do you know that when God chooses to save a family, He picks out the strongest person in that family and draws them near to Him, cleans them up and sends them back to their family as a savior?


            [?The strongest?]?


The strongest one. Sometimes we don't see ourselves clearly. There's a w- -- someone I've been telling for years, you're called to this high calling, and for years they've been telling me, I'm sorry, I just can't see it that way, and, in so many ways, indicating that I'm off. I received a phone call from them the other day. The Lord gave them a dream. They can no longer deny it. They can no longer deny it. I said to them, I've been telling you this for years. Every time I've ever said it, you've been annoyed at me, but they can no longer deny it. And this is what they said to me, I just can't see myself that way. We did a whole series on this, brethren, called "The Roots of Denial." We cannot see ourselves as we are because our human personality has utterly cut of our human spirit, which is the Christ in us, and we perceive ourselves to be our personality. We are not our personality. We are Christ.




We are Christ, and the Christ in us must judge this sin-filled personality so that Christ can come to the surface. Let Christ be seeing in us. If Christ is not being seen in you, what it means is that your carnal mind has taken prisoner the very bones of Christ in you. [?Come out, in the name?] of Jesus.


So we're dealing with the phrase, "And the -- at the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full." Are come to the full, Strong's 8552, it means to complete, to come to the end of something or to complete something.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Daniel 8:23, "And in the end of the age in which the covenant breakers' rulership" -- that's the kingdom -- "comes to an end." "And in the end of the age that the covenant breakers' rulership comes to an end."


That's this age, but I want to suggest to you, brethren, that I know of  at least two ages in which the covenant breakers have ruled, the age -- have reigned, the age before the flood and the age after the flood. So this Scripture is saying in the age that their reign comes to an end. That wasn't the age before the flood. That's this age, and I remind you, we are in a book that was sealed until the end-times. What an honor to be a part of what God is doing in revealing this hidden word. I can't even cope with it, brethren.


"And at the later time of their kingdom -- and at the end of the age," who -- of who's kingdom? At the end of the age of the covenant breakers' rulership, the time when it comes to an end, "a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up."


King means king. A fierce countenance, this -- in the interlinear, this is revealed to be a translation of two words. The first one meaning strong -- in the interlinear, it's translated strong of, and the second word is face, and the King James translated it "a fierce countenance." The interlinear translates it "strong of face." The word strong is Strong's 5794, and it means strong or fortified, and face -- we've had this many times, Strong's 6440, the part that turns, the surface. It's referring to the surface. This king had a fortified surface. Does anybody have any idea what this means, a fortified surface?


            Like a wall around him?


We're talking about the mind. The surface is the conscious mind. That's true, but what is the wall? It's the conscious mind, and underneath is the unconscious mind. Brethren, we get hurt because our surface is not fortified. How do we get hurt? We get hurt by the weapons of the carnal mind. We become penetrated. We are penetrated by the minds of others that are projected -- the thoughts of other men that are projected by witchcraft and lust and envy. They penetrate us; they rape us continuously and put their thoughts in our mind. And if we're not spiritually mature, we receive that thought as our own thought, and we commit the sin.


Our walls are down, brethren. Our walls are down, but at the end of the age of the rulership of the fallen ones, there appeared in the earth a king with a fortified mind. The carnal mind sent his weapons against him, and they bounced off. And I declare to you that the name of that king is the Lord Jesus Christ. He was tempted of Satan, and He -- the thoughts of Satan never penetrated His mind. He did not fornicate once; He did not receive one word; He did not receive one suggestion that was not of the mind of God, and He was able to do this because His mind was fortified.


And what does that mean, fortified? To make it clear, to relate it to our message here, Christ had been formed in him and had risen to a position of strength that it had total control over his carnal mind. He said, I won't do it. I won't agree with you, and before one could do that, one must have the word of God in one's heart. One must know what is truth and what is a lie. One must have the ability to distinguish between one's own carnal mind and the Christ within oneself. If you can't distinguish the carnal mind in yourself, you will never discern it in somebody else. So we're on a -- we are on a program of training. The Lord wants you to know that this is what He wants you to accomplish, and He will help you to do it. Hallelujah.


So a king with a fierce countenance, a king with a fortified conscious mind who understood -- who was able to understand dark sentences, shall stand up. Understanding, 995 -- Strong's 995, and it means to turn the mind towards anything. It means to discern, and it simply means to understand. We have a whole church world today reading the Scripture and going out and trying to teach other people, and they have no idea what the words mean.


Brethren, this Scripture on the understanding of dark sentences is speaking about the spirit of the word. And I've commented to you on this before. I feel to put it on the message again. Brethren, if I say something to you and either I choose a poor choice of words or you, because of your life experience, do not receive the intention of my heart from the words that I spoke -- they may not have been a poor choice of words, but, maybe for you -- they didn't mean the same thing to you that they meant to me. Brethren, if you take my words and, to you, they mean something other than what they meant to me, you do not have understanding. For you to understand me, you must understand the spirit of my heart. You must know what's in my heart, and if I choose a poor choice of words or if those same words mean something else to you and you choose to take the letter of the word and deny me the right to tell you that's not what I meant, you have not understood me, and it can only be to your disadvantage. This is called a lack of communication. This is called a breakdown of communication. We must find out what the person's heart is saying to us if we wish to communicate with them.


So we find, at the end of the age of the transgressors, the Lord Jesus Christ appearing, and He has the ability to understand dark sentences. Dark sentences, Strong's 2420, it merely means mysteries. It's a word that's very closely associate with the Hebrew word translated riddle in Samson's riddle.




That's not the same word, but it's very closely associated with it. And the difference between the two Hebrew words is that the Hebrew word translated dark sentences or mysteries implies that this person has given us the mystery. The word translated riddle, in Samson's riddle, implies the person who's going to try to understand it. But this is not only the man who understands it, this is the man who gave us the mystery. This is the Lord Jesus Christ His very self. Hallelujah.


He's going to stand up at the end of the age. Stand up, Strong's 5975, it means to arise, to manifest, to appear, and we know that the Lord Jesus Christ appeared at the end of the age, and He appeared, and His purpose was to put away sin. And how is He putting -- or how did He put away that sin? He purified His carnal mind; He totally paralyzed it and forbade it to sin; He killed it. He died; His Father raised him from the dead, and that victorious life has now been imparted to us to put away this sin in us.


We must understand, brethren, that this must happen to us, that we cannot quote these Scriptures as a fantasy believing that they will happen after we die. They are to happen in this lifetime. Christ in you must overcome your carnal mind and put away sin. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, second half of Daniel 8:23, "A king with a fortified mind who understands the mysteries of God shall appear."


The whole of Daniel 8:23, Alternate Translation, "And in the end of the age in which the covenant breakers' rulership comes to an end, a king with a fortified mind, who understands the mysteries of God, shall appear."


Hallelujah. Continuing with Daniel, Chapter 8, Verse 24, "And His power shall be mighty, but not by His own power: and He shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people."


The word power is Strong's 3581, and it's -- it can be used to describe the power of fallen man or the power of God, and the way we tell which power it's talking about it by reading the whole verse and looking for modifying words. In other words, if I [?were?] to say to you power, you would say to me, who's power? If I say to you God's power, the word God is modifying the word power, so we have to look in the verse and see which words are modifying power. "And His power shall be mighty." We're going to translate this word for this -- for the purpose of this phrase, as the power of the glorified Jesus Christ. His power -- the power of the glorified Lord Jesus Christ shall be mighty but not by His own power. It's not going to be His human power. It's going to be the power of the Father that was within Him. This word mighty -- excuse me. This word mighty is Strong's 6105. It means to bind fast, to make strong, so He's going to have power to bind fast and strengthen something up.


This word, in Arabic -- and let me just tell you one of the things that Gesenius does here. When he's trying to im- -- [?apply?] -- when he's trying to impart to us the understanding of a Hebrew word, sometimes he will give the German equivalent or the Arabic equivalent, and his purpose in doing this is to give us the equivalent word in another language to give us a broad spectrum of what this word could possible mean. And I believe this is the first time I've ever taken an Arabic translation, but I thought you might find it interesting that an Arabic -- the Arabic equivalent of this word -- of this Hebrew word translated mighty means to tie up a skin bottle. And you may remember that we are spiritual skin bottles. The spiritual life -- our spiritual life, which is typified by water, is inside these skins, and the Scripture t- -- calls us skin bottles, amongst other things. It calls us water spouts, calls us tents. The Scripture calls us many things.


The glorified Jesus Christ, our new unconscious mind, is going to bind up our carnal mind and make Christ Jesus, our new conscious mind, strong. Brethren, this is the message. The power of God is coming into our life in a two-pronged assault. He is attacking our carnal mind, and He is bringing forth His Son, Christ Jesus, in us.


The Lord showed me something very interesting today. I've been telling you for many -- for -- actually, for years. I've been saying this for years, that the Hebrew language is so interesting, that it will have, for one Hebrew word, a whole category of words having a positive meaning and a whole category of words having a negative meaning, and the only way you can tell what this Hebrew word is supposed to mean is by reading it in the context of the whole sentence. And I've always thought how strange that so many Hebrew words have both positive and negative meanings, and this is what the Lord has shown me. This very same word, when applied to the carnal mind, is negative, and when it's applied to the mind of Christ, it's positive. Hallelujah.


We are a duality. We are double souled. We are double minded, and Christ is doing one thing to our carnal mind, and He's doing something else to the mind of Christ in us. Why? Because His intention is different from one to the other. His intention towards the carnal mind is to kill it, but His intention to Christ Jesus in us is to raise Him from the dead. Hallelujah. That's a very important understanding. Otherwise, it looks like God can't make up His mind. He doesn't know what He's talking about, but He can make up His mind. We are a duality, and He's dealing with one part of us one way and with the other part of us another way. One part of us is being killed, and the other part of us is being raised from the dead. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


"And His power shall be mighty, but not by His own power." That word power, again, it's the same word, and this time we're going to translate it the power of fallen man or His -- or the power of His carnal mind. And, of course, there's the phrase, "But not by His own." That's Strong's 3808. It simply means not for or not in His own power.


Alternate Translation, one third -- the first third of Daniel 8, Chapter 20 -- I'm sorry.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Daniel, Chapter 8, Verse 24, "And His power shall be strong enough to bind up the carnal minds of men, but not with His human power."


He's going to bind up the carnal minds of men with the power of the Father. Why wouldn't He be using His human power? Any of us that use our own willpower to bind up the carnal mind, you should know that even though you may succeed in binding up your carnal mind, your efforts will not produce Christ. Your efforts will not produce Christ. Give it up. Lay down your own strength. Let the Father do it because when He does it, you will have the simultaneous resurrection of your human spirit from the dead. If you do it in your own strength, there is no resurrection; you are still dead in your sins. Hallelujah.


"And His power shall be strong enough to bind up the carnal minds of men, but not with His human power."


Continuing with the second third of Daniel, Chapter 8, Verse 24, "And He shall destroy wonderfully, and He shall prosper, and practice."


He shall destroy, 7843 in Strong's. You know, I had it in my heart that the translation of this word had to be paralyze. You may not see it here, but as I went ahead in the verses that -- in the phrases and the verses that we'll get to shortly -- and I looked at it, and I put it all together. I had it in my heart that the translation of this word had to be paralyze, and I've used -- been using that word a lot, saying that Christ is coming and paralyzing the carnal mind. And is that not the promise of Chapter 9 of the Book of Revelation, that the sons of God, as scorpions, will sting and paralyze the carnal mind? So I looked up the word destroy in Webster's, and I couldn't find paralyze as a definition. But the Lord spoke to my heart, and I looked up the word paralyze in Webster's, and one of the definitions of paralyze is to destroy, so we're going to take the definition of this Hebrew word translated destroy, Strong's 7843 -- we're going to translate it paralyze.


"He shall paralyze the carnal minds of men." Why shall the Lord want to paralyze the carnal minds of men? He shall paralyze them so that they cannot sin. He shall paralyze them so that He can come upon them and break them apart, Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. They must be broken apart; they must be destroyed, but the original paralysis is to stop it from sinning. Remember, we are -- as long we're fallen, we are engaged in a continuous adulterous relationship with our carnal mind. Don't tell me you're not doing it. If you're not in full stature, you're doing it. Somewhere, somehow, some way you are in an adulterous union with your carnal mind, and I've got a flash for you.


Even if you are heroically waging this warfare -- I believe I heroically wage this warfare. I wouldn't say I have a 100 percent victory, but I heroically wage it. I lay hold of every thought in my mind that's not of God, and I beat it to a pulp, pretty much of the time. But, brethren, even if I was doing it every single time, the fact remains that I am still in an adulterous union with the carnal mind. I am resisting him, but I'm in it. I'm resisting him, but I'm in it. Until Jesus breaks us apart, I'm in it. It's just like saying -- even if it were possible that you never ever committed a sin, which it's impossible because sin is in the mind, but even if it were possible, you would still be a sinner because the very essence of our being or of the being of fallen man is sin. It is sin that has generated our bodies and our personalities.


We are sin. We were red as crimson, but we shall be white as snow. We are sin. We shall be righteousness, but we are sin. We cannot be righteousness until we confess that we are sin, and it's not a question of what we're doing or even what we're thinking. That’s what we are. Hallelujah. And what we are is revealed in what we think and what we do. If we were not sin, it would be impossible for us to think sinful thoughts or do sinful deeds. Everything starts in the heart. What you see in a man's mind, in his mouth or in his deeds, originated in his heart. We are sin, and we have been given a passport to righteousness, so confess your sins, brethren, give up your delusions, speak the truth, and let God convert us. Let Him convert us into a land of milk and honey with continual peace and every other promise of the Bible. Your denial -- our denial anchors us into this realm, stops us from getting out.


And I'm going to suggest to you that as we go along here, you will see, in Daniel 8, the three stages of the resurrection expressed, and this just really excited me. This just really excited me, to see this second witness, and I call it a concise witness, the three stages of the resurrection, one after the other. If I'm not mistaken, when the Lord first brought forth this revelation of the three stages of the resurrection, it was somewhere around message #135. I really didn't have Scriptures for it. I had one Scripture here and one Scripture there, and I, sort of, put it together. And I remember listening to that message not too long ago and saying, Lord, I know that You gave it to me, and I've got a Scripture here and a Scripture there, but I really don't have a strong Scripture on this. If anyone challenges me, I really don't have a strong Scripture, and here it is in Daniel 8, consecutively, boom, boom, boom, first, second and third stage of resurrection. So as we go on, I'll show it to you. I'm suggesting to you that this paralysis of the carnal minds of men is the first stage of resurrection, and we find it in Daniel, Chapter 8, Verse 24. Hallelujah.


And I'll read you my note. I did type out that Scripture in Revelation 9, Verses 5 and 6 for you. "And their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." Men who are stung with the sting of the scorpion, they're not going to die, but they are going to be paralyzed, and they are going to be in torment. Why will they be in torment? Brethren, to still have desires fom sin and be restrained from doing it is torment. The large part of the church is in torment. All of the single people that are l- -- trying to live celibate for God are in torment. All of the overeaters that are trying to fast are in torment. All of the Jezebellic wives that are trying to be godly wives, they're in torment.


            [INAUDIBLE] [?she's right?].


Hallelujah. It's the truth. I tell you the truth. Glory to God. This is a nice spirit here tonight. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Glory to God. Jesus Christ, glorified, is the scorpion; He is the sting; He is the paralyzer; He is the tormenter of the fallen minds of men. He shall torment you, and He shall harass you, and He shall bully you --




-- until every sin in your heart has been purged out, and then He shall fill you with Himself, and His righteousness shall arise in you, and you shall truly praise God. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Continuing with the second third of Daniel, Chapter 8, Verse 24, "And He shall destroy wonderfully, and He shall prosper, and practice."


You know, the carnal church world, brethren, they cannot comprehend that this could be anyone but this mythical anti-Christ that they're waiting to arise in the Middle East, or maybe he won't be mythical. Maybe some human being will satisfy them and arise. I don't know, but they cannot comprehend that this could possibly be Christ. How could God do these terrible things to you, destroy the holy people? Brethren, our God is a righteous God, and He will destroy every vestige of sin in you, and, in fact, every cell of your being is sin, and the only reason that you shall survive His chastening is that He shall impart Himself to you.


There is nothing in us that is worth saving. Our own righteousness is truly as filthy rags, and if we try to save ourselves, I just -- as we talked about the doctrine -- the false doctrine that's in the ultimate reconciliation camp today at the beginning of this message, when the judgment falls upon them, there will be nothing left. They will burn up. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


"And He shall destroy wonderfully." Yes, Jesus Christ, crucified, resurrected and ascended, shall destroy your sin-filled souls wonderfully. Thank you, Jesus. He shall paralyze the carnal minds of men and separate Christ from the carnal mind. This is known as the judgment.


Remember the condition of the vine of the earth. The harvest is not as it's preached as it's preached in the church world, brethren. The harvest is not bringing souls into the church. Look it up in the English dictionary. Look it up in the Greek dictionary, and look it up in the Hebrew dictionary. The harvest is the separation of the fruit from the vine. Christ in you must be separated from the untrue vine that it's growing on. Jesus is the true vine. Satan is the false vine, and Christ is coming forth in the midst of a people that has been generated by Satan. We are bastards until He comes forth in us. These bodies are Satan's; these minds are Satan's. The only thing of us that is not of Satan is our dead human spirit, and that is what the Lord has come for, to raise Christ from the dead. And when Christ rises from the dead, He becomes the fruit on the untrue vine, and the -- there's only one way to separate the true fruit from the false vine. How do you separate the fruit from -- and, if you call our #78 series, the grape skin is the carnal mind, so it's not just a question of separating the grape from vine because then your carnal mind could say, well, just pluck it off. The fruit must be separated from the grape skin, and there's only one way, brethren, and that is the winepress; it is judgment. Hallelujah.


So the Lord Jesus Christ shall ba- -- paralyze the carnal minds of men and separate Christ from the carnal mind. This is known as the judgment. Then He shall make singular -- I'm sorry. I think I went past the word.


Wonderfully is Strong's 6381. It means to separate, disting- -- or to distinguish, and it also means to separate and make singular -- to separate or to make singular, excuse me. So we could have one grape, fruit and a grape skin, and this word can mean to separate. You had one, and you're making it two. But this very same word can mean to make singular, to have two and to make one. Well, if you don't have this understanding that the Hebrew language, [?and?] with one word, is dealing to the two-pronged man, you would really have a problem with this language, so listen to what this word is saying. He is going to destroy wonderfully. Well, He's going to paralyze the carnal mind. He's going to separate the fruit from the grape skin, and then He's going to make one, and He's going to join Christ with the carnal mind.


Remember, the stages of -- the third stage of the resurrection is that the carnal mind shall be joined to the Christ, crucified to him. Of the twain, of the two minds, He will make one new man. So, first, He's separating the fruit from the grape skins. Then He's giving Christ a dominion over the carnal mind, and He's going to kill the carnal mind, and they're going to be joined together for the life of the ages. Jesus is the ransom that the Father has sent. He's given His Son to us for the life of the ages because without Him we will be dead forever; we will remain dead and remain in eternal torment. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, shall be crucified to the dead tree of the living soul for the rest of time, thus giving life to that tree. So we see the Hebrew word translated wonderfully, meaning both to separate, and then after the separation to join in one. Hallelujah.


I'll read you my note just in case I forgot something. He shall paralyze the carnal minds of men and separate Christ from the carnal mind. This is known as the judgment. Then He shall make singular. That's the second meaning of this word translated wonderfully, or He shall make one new mind out of the two minds by crucifying Christ to the tree of the carnal mind. Does anyone not know that fallen Adam is typified by a tree?




He's a tree, and we know that Jesus of Nazareth, in the natural, was crucified -- the Scripture really says a tree. The Jehovah's Witnesses have that one right. If you look it up in the Greek, it really says He was crucified to a tree. In the natural, the man, Jesus, was nailed to a tree, a dead tree, and the man died, but, brethren, we're talking about heavenly things here. In the spirit, Jesus' spirit which never died -- it was His soul life that died. Jesus' spirit was nailed to the tree of the living soul, and Jesus didn't die, but the living soul died to the death of this existence.


I'll say it again. In the realm of the spirit, when Jesus was crucified, His spiritual life, which did not die -- I know a lot of preachers have arguments about this, but His spiritual life did not die. It's very clear. Some issues that I preach on are very controversial, but all you have to do is look this up in Strong's. It was his soul life that died; it was not His spiritual life that died on the cross. So His spiritual life that did not die killed His carnal mind, which was already paralyzed and pierced through in circumcision but still alive. The spiritual life of Christ totally killed it, joined it in crucifixion, and of the twain, of the two new minds, made one new mind, one new man, one new resurrected Christ, glorified man. Hallelujah.


Let me read you my note. But we're speaking about heavenly things, brethren, which are the opposite of earthly things. In the earth, the man dies as a result of the crucifixion, but in heaven the tree dies. This is a great mystery, but the carnal mind shall be crucified or joined to Christ, and the carnal mind shall die, and of the twain, of the two minds, Christ shall make one new mind, the creation of God, thus raising Adam from the dead. This joining is also known as the marriage, so we have the separation, which is the judgment, and the joining after the separation, which is the marriage. Hallelujah.


New Testament witnesses to the idea of singleness of heart may be found in Acts 2:46, Ephesians 6:5 and Colossians 3:22. If you'd like to pursue that, the Bible does exhort us to be of a single heart, but I honestly don't know that many Christians understand it. We must have a single heart, and now, singleness, it doesn't mean suppressing your carnal mind. It means killing your carnal mind. The only way we can be truly single is to kill our carnal mind, and we don't even have the strength to do that. Jesus must come and do it for us and in the exact time and in the exact season. So some people can be more single than others. We can be more single at some times in our walk than others. We can pray for singleness, but, brethren, so long as our carnal mind lives, we will always be double minded or double sided to some degree.


And I just spoke to you about that earlier tonight. I have to laugh at myself. With all the revelation that I have, there are areas when I'm looking at things backwards, which is a sign that I'm looking at them with my carnal mind. And when I got this revelation, I said to the Lord -- I asked the Lord to, please, help me. Every time a new revelation comes down, to remember to ask him, Father, am I seeing this with my carnal mind, or am I seeing it with Christ? Do I have it backwards? We are opposite of God. Hallelujah.


Continuing with -- well, we're still dealing with the Hebrew word translated wonderfully. The Lord Jesus Christ shall destroy our carnal minds wonderfully. Please, note that the Hebrew word translated understanding in Verse 23 means to distinguish between the carnal mind and Christ in one's understanding, but the Hebrew word translated wonderfully, in Verse 24, means to physically separate two objects which were one and then join the two objects, which are separate. The Hebrew word translated wonderfully, in Verse 24, means both to separate and to join in one.


Continuing with the second third of Daniel 8:24, "And He shall destroy wonderfully, and He shall prosper and practice." And shall prosper, Strong's 6743, means to go over or through, to flow through like a river. Brethren, I have -- I didn't have time to study it out, but I have many recollections of this concept in the Scripture, especially in the Prophets, of a river flowing through and going over. I'm going to tell you right up front, this is the circumcision without hands. It's Christ, underneath the carnal mind, flowing through the carnal mind. I'd like to put this back on the board for you to bring this to your memory. This is a very exciting revelation to me. I don't know whether it's exciting to you or not. But let me remind you that Christ has come forth in the midst of the carnal mind. And in the garden, we looked up all of those words in the Greek of Jesus in the garden, where the carnal mind tries to tell us that Jesus was asking the Father if it were possible to escape the cross, and I will put this on this message either, also, it is one of the issues that the Lord is pressing in this ministry at this hour.


If you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was asking the Father to let Him off the cross, you believe that there was weakness in our God. And I declare to you that is blasphemy. I also declare to you that the Lord Jesus Christ had not been raised to perfection until the baptism. I am suggesting to you there was weakness, human weakness, and the Lord Jesus Christ, up to the time of His baptism, at which point He was raised to full stature. If you call this blasphemy, I call you a doctrine's blasphemy. I call you a doctrine that He hung on the cross and He accused the Father of forsaking Him, I call that blasphemy. There was no weakness in Him. There was no sin in Him. You have failed to tell the truth about our God.


So we see in the garden, the Lord Jesus Christ, or the Christ within the man, Jesus, inside of His carnal mind. And the Father is sa- -- I'm sorry -- and Jesus is saying to the Father, "If it's possible, am I strong enough? Has the Christ in Me matured enough? Is it possible? Can I do it? Can I pierce through this carnal mind?" And the Father said to Him, "Go ahead." And the Scripture says, "And He was in a great agony." And when we looked up that Scripture, we found out that that word can be applied to the mind. He was in a great agony of the mind. It was a mental concentration. I honestly don't even know what it means. But it was by the will of the Christ in Him. If you can, just imagine yourself willing as strongly as you can to do something, but it wasn't the will of a natural man. It was the will of the Christ in Him, exerting its authority over the carnal mind.


And He pressed outward. And He pressed outward and He came closer and closer and the Scripture says, "And it appeared as it were great drops of blood on the ground." Brethren, we looked up every one of those words. The ground was the ground of His carnal mind, the earth of His Adamic soul. And those great drops of blood, they were clotted blood, clotted blood. And this carnal mind is described as a porous surface. It's as if you had a sponge and you poured water on top of the sponge and the water appeared on the bottom of the sponge. Jesus Christ pierced through and when He got right up to the edge here, He started to appear on the surface of the carnal mind in great drops of the blood of His glorified life, that was in -- well He wasn't glorified yet, I'm sorry -- in great drops of the blood of the resurrected Christ that was within Him. And they clotted and they joined together. And they covered over the carnal mind and they formed a scab. What does clotted blood do, brethren? They formed a scab. Do you know that the carnal mind is called a wound by our God? A wound was ministered to the creation at the beginning of time and that wound has a name. It's called the carnal mind. It was an opening, a sore, something that shouldn't have been in the creation at the beginning of time. And the Lord Jesus Christ covered over that wound and scabbed in the carnal mind. This is the second stage of the resurrection.


First stage of the resurrection, Christ appears in a man very much in the condition that He's in us now. But then He takes total continual abiding authority over His carnal mind, paralyzes it, makes it incapable of sin, not up and down, but incapable of sin. First stage of the resurrection. Second stage of the resurrection. Jesus forces His carnal mind underneath Christ. Third stage of the resurrection. Christ, now in the dominant position, kills the carnal mind. And of the twain, He makes one new man. The creation of God. God help us. Hallelujah. And this revelation that came forth approx- -- I believe it's the first time that God gave it to me, it was revelation as I was preaching. I believe it came forth in message number 135. I could be mistaken.


That was the cross?


The crucifixion, the third stage, is the cross. That happened on the cross. The third stage happened on the cross. OK. And I had it and I knew that it was God and there wasn't a doubt in my mind, but I knew that I didn't have any strong Scripture for it. And also, the second stage of the resurrection with Jesus in the garden, I specifically prayed for a second witness for that. And I couldn't ask for more than to find all three of them right in a row, right here in Daniel 8. Brethren, this is the doctrine that is preceding resurrection. Do you hear what God is giving us? Can you hear this? Jesus.


When He came out [INAUDIBLE]


Please, the people need to hear your comment.


He came out on top while nailed to the tree.


No. That happened in -- what do you mean? The second stage of resurrection, He was on top.


He was on top.


He was on top when He went to the cross.


OK. He came out on top while in the garden of Gethsemane.


Yes. Yes. Hallelujah. And, let me put this on this message also, for people that may not have heard our other messages. The one witness that I have to-date, God has not given me a second one yet, but there's not a doubt in my mind that He'll give it to me. The witness that I offered to you, that He was in a different condition after this experience in the garden, is that when the soldiers came to arrest Him, He spoke and they fell backwards. And if anybody can show me a Scripture where He had any such manifestation of authority before His garden experience, I would like to see it. But I'm sugg- -- according to the revelation that I'm walking in now, I'm suggesting to you that prior to that experience, He had no such authority. He healed, He delivered, He rebuked. They threatened His life, they threatened to throw Him off of a cliff, and He disappeared from the midst of them. This is the first -- He walked on the water, He did supernatural miracles, but the extent of His aggression that I could see was His rebuking the moneychangers in the temple. He was not walking on the earth in an aggressive stance. He was a healer, a teacher, a minister. But after He circumcised his soul, He circumcised His carnal mind, that was an increase in spiritual authority and now the guards came for Him and He just said, "It is I. I am He." And the Scripture says they went falling backwards. Now He didn't, I don't believe --


"I am He."


"I am He." He didn't try to hurt them. We know He didn't try to hurt them because He rebuked Peter for drawing his sword. So it was just the power of His words knocked them down. So to me, that's the only witness God has given me so far that witnesses to an increase in spiritual authority. After the circumcision of His own soul He became aggressive. Not that, now don't misunderstand me. I don't mean that He because aggressive, but the power on Him entered into an aggressive realm. An aggressive realm. And I would suspect, if the Lord didn't ordain for Him to go to the cross so quickly, and of course between the garden and the cross, He was meek like a lamb because that was the instruction of His Father. But I believe, and again God hasn't told me this, but I am moving in some kind of spirit of revelation as I bring all this forth, to-date I believe that if He wasn't instructed by His Father to be as gentle as a lamb, if He had walked the earth in that condition, with a circumcised soul, that anyone that came near Him with any thoughts of harm at all, could have even been killed. I don't know how much, well He must have had control over it. Now remember, when they tried to kill Him, He hid from them. Now that may mean that He didn't want to hurt anybody. But it also may mean that He really didn't have aggressive authority. It may mean that. I don't know. Does anyone not know what I'm talking about? It may mean that. I don't know. But all I know is that there's a demonstration in the Scripture that there was an aggressive spiritual authority upon Him after He was circumcised, that I didn't see before He was circumcised. And it was so strong that it came out through Him when He wasn't even trying to defend Himself. So it's just something to think about. The Lord will tell us eventually, I'm sure. Let's go on. Hallelujah.


OK. This is the second third of Daniel 8:24, "And he shall destroy wonderfully and he shall proper and practice." And the word prosper means to go over or through, or to flow through like a river. And I'm suggesting to you that this word is talking about the spiritual circumcision. He went through. He flowed through like a river. He went over the carnal mind and He clotted on the outside of it. Hallelujah.


This Hebrew word is used to describe, this very word that we say means to go through, it's used to describe God Himself breaking forth upon men in Amos 5:6, so we see a usage of this word referring to God. And I'll read you Amos 5:6, "Seek the Lord and you shall live, lest ye break out like fire in the house of Joseph and devour it and there be none to quench it in Bethel." So we get a- -- what does this mean? It means that this word has been used to describe the going forth of the Spirit of God. And I'm suggesting to you, it is describing the going forth of the Spirit of the God in the spiritual circumcision. Glory to God.


And this is the second stage of the resurrection, which is all in one verse, the three stages of the resurrection. "And ye shall prosper and practice." Practice, Strong's 6213, to produce by labor, to make or prepare a victim to be offered to God, and hence it can be and is transferred to offer, for example in Exodus 29:36, which reads, "And thou shalt offer every day a bullock for a sin offering for atonement." That word offer is the word translated practice in Daniel 8:24, believe it or not. We are going to translate this Hebrew word for this verse, for our purposes, to offer up the souls of men as a sin offering, which is the third stage of the resurrection. You may recall the Daniel 7 series, where God first brought forth His revelation that the Lord Jesus Christ is offering up our sin-filled souls as a sin offering to the Father. I've received a lot of opposition to this revelation, but here we find it again in Daniel 8, and I suggest to you it is the third stage of the resurrection. It is the killing, the slaying of the enmity in our flesh. The slaying of the carnal mind, the third stage of the resurrection.


Alternate Translation. This is the second third of Daniel 8:24. "And He shall paralyze the carnal minds of men and give the firstfruits of the fallen living soul the single mind of Christ Jesus. And He shall pass through and flow over the carnal minds of men like a river. And He shall offer up the carnal minds of men as a sin offering to the Father."


Now you may have noticed that the three stages of the resurrection are not in the right order. And once again, we find a situation where we have to move the words around for them to be in the correct sequence, for our carnal minds anyway. And again, I'm not sure why these words are out of sequence. It could be because they were preached from the spirit and we're opposite here in the soul. Or it could be that in accordance with the King James translation, the King James translators couldn't make any sense out of the Hebrew being in the order that it was in, and they may have switched it around. But it doesn't matter. I'm within the parameters of legal translator's license to move these words around. The King James translators have done just as much, if not more than what I've done. You have to do it. You have to do it to get a readable translation. Hallelujah.


This is our Amplified Translation. Daniel 8:24, "And He shall paralyze the carnal minds of men and He shall pass through and flow over the carnal minds of men like a river. And He shall offer up the carnal minds of men as a sin offering to the Father. And He shall give the firstfruits of the fallen living soul, the single mind of Christ Jesus." Hallelujah.


Continuing with the third third of Daniel 8:24, "And," -- this is talking about the king of fierce countenance now -- "And he shall destroy the mighty and the holy people." Now that has got to be antichrist. It can't possibly be our Lord and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Why would He be destroying us? Because we're filled with sin, brethren, every single one of us. Our righteousness is as dirty rags. We have nothing to offer Him. But He has chosen to have mercy on us. "And shall destroy the mighty and the holy people." And destroy, Strong's 7843, to lay waste. Now this is the same word that was translated destroy before. We have this word, I think, twice in this verse 24. It means to lay waste, destroy, ruin, to be corrupted. It can mean to destroy in a moral sense. And in this moral sense, it speaks about the destruction of the carnal minds of men. I just failed to give that to you the first -- if I could find it -- the first time we had it, that word destroy. We didn't, oh we used paralyze. OK, the first time it appeared, we translated it paralyze. This time we're using it to speak of the destruction of the carnal mind. "And shall destroy the mighty and the holy people." The word mighty is Strong's 6099. It means strong, robust, powerful. It's used of a whole people and Gesenius tells us some people translate this word, the whelps of a lion, baby lions. Satan is the lion, brethren. And the many members of the fallen mankind are his whelps. And the Lord Jesus Christ shall destroy the lion's whelps and the holy people. The word and we will be translating because of the word holy, 6918, means the holy ones of God priests and are we not kings and priests? People, 5971, used often of Israel as being the people of God. Well how could this possibly be the Lord Jesus Christ?


Alternate Translation. The third third of Daniel 8:24, "And the Lord Jesus Christ shall destroy the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul because of the priests of God." Now I didn't make this clear, so let me back up. "And shall destroy the mighty and the holy people." That word and in the phrase, and the holy people, should be translated because. Should be translated because. He is going to destroy the lion's whelps. He's going to destroy the carnal minds of God's people because of the priests of God which are arising, Christ Jesus, which is arising within them. He's going to destroy the carnal minds so that the priests can fully appear. Hallelujah. Jesus. Hallelujah.


Amplified Translation. This is the third third of Daniel 8:24, "And the Lord Jesus Christ shall destroy the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul, so that the priests of God can appear." Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation. The whole of Daniel 8:24, "And His power shall be strong enough to bind up the carnal minds of men but not with His human power. And He shall paralyze the carnal minds of men and He shall pass through and flow over their carnal minds like a river. And He shall offer up their carnal minds as a sin offering to the Father. And He shall give the firstfruits of the fallen living soul the single mind of Christ Jesus. And He shall destroy the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul so that the priests of God can appear."


I moved the words around there to make it flow more smoothly. So I have an Amplified Translation of Daniel chapter 8, verse 24, "And the King's fortified Christ mind shall be strong enough to bind up and destroy the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul so that the priests of God can appear. And He shall paralyze them and pass through and flow over them like a river. And He shall offer up their carnal minds as a sin offering to the Father. And this is how the King, the Lord Jesus Christ, shall give the firstfruits of the fallen living soul the single mind of Christ Jesus." Is that awesome? Is that awesome?


Continuing with Daniel chapter 8, verse 25, "And through his policy, also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand and he shall magnify himself in his heart. And by peace shall destroy many. He shall also stand up against the Prince of princes, but he shall be broken without hand." You know when I mailed out, or when I made some advertisements offering the Daniel 7 series, and I advertised it with "Christ Is the Little Horn," I was shocked at how few people were interested in this series of messages. And I couldn't understand why no one would even want to check it out. But I realize now that a lot of people that have been into deep doctrine for a while, they know. If Christ is the little horn, it means there's a judgment and they have already made a judgment that there is no judgment. So they don't even want to hear the messages. They don't even want to hear the possibility that it may be true. They just don't want to hear it. Yeah.


Continuing with Daniel 8:25, "And through his policy also, he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand. And he shall magnify himself in his heart. And by peace shall destroy many. He shall also stand up against the Prince of princes but he shall be broken without hand." His policy, Strong's 7922, means understanding, intelligence, prudence. He shall cause to prosper, Strong's 6743, that's the same word, to go over or through, to flow, to be poured out. It can also mean to attack. This is the same word which appears in verse 24, where we found out it describes the circumcision, without hands. "And through his policy, also, he shall cause craft to prosper." Craft, Strong's 4820. It means fraud, deceit, subtlety, guile or treachery. Brethren, this word is feminine, and I'm suggesting to you that it typifies the carnal mind, which is feminine in relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Alternate Translation. I've broken this verse down into five phrases. This is the first fifth of Daniel 8:25. "And by understanding, He shall pass through and flow over the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul." Brethren, He's going to pass through the spiritual circumcision. He's going to come to pass through understanding.


Now I honestly don't know whether the same rules will apply to the rest of the church and to the world. To me, if it's going to be a requirement to understand this doctrine, it's going to take a miracle. It's going to take a miracle. I know that it's working for me through understanding. I have, I'm receiving tremendous victory over my carnal mind through this understanding. But we have to wait and see. Either it's going to be different for the rest of the world or God is just going to pour out His Spirit and they're going to understand it. We know they're receiving the word in Nigeria. New converts are understanding these messages in Nigeria. It's quite incredible. We are on the radio. We have for three years. We got one letter in three years. In Nigeria, He's getting all kinds of responses. So maybe it's going to take a miracle of God. But this Scripture says that this conversion of the heart will be a result of understanding God's purposes and plan for us, and what our part in it is. We have to understand what our contribution to this resurrection must be. Apparently it's very important. Our part is important.


Now there's an international -- I don't know whether he's an evangelist or not -- but I know he has an international newsletter that about a year ago wrote in his newsletter that there are these two great powers fighting over us and we have absolutely nothing to do with it. We have no responsibility. We're just waiting to see who's going to win. And I knew at the time that was not true. And here I have the Scripture which will oppose it. We are very active participants of this warfare and this conversion of heart. And the major reason that it's taking the Lord so long to convert us, is that we are so dull of hearing and understanding. Hallelujah. "And by understanding, He shall pass through and flow over the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul." Second stage of resurrection.


Continuing with the second fifth of Daniel 8:25. "In His hand," -- oh, well let me tell you this. In the King James, the way this is phrased, one would think that the phrase, "in his hand," should be a part of the first fifth. In the King James, it reads, "And by understanding," -- oh that's an Alternate Translation. Excuse me. Let me get this back for you. "And through his policy, also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand. And he shall magnify himself in His heart." OK. "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand." What I'm suggesting to you that that phrase, "in his hand," should be not a part of the first phrase, but a part of the second. And of course it doesn't make any sense in English at all. But it will make sense in the Hebrew and in our Alternate Translation.


So our first Alternate Translation is of the phrase, "And through his policy, also he shall cause craft to prosper." And now we're dealing with, "In his hand, and he shall magnify himself in his heart." And that word and was just added in. It should be, "in his hand he shall magnify in his heart." The word himself was added in also. In his hand, Strong's 3027. It means to take with oneself, to take in one's hand, to take with me. There are, in Gesenius, there are three full pages, three full pages of variations of the Hebrew word translated in his hand. The variation which is spelled exactly the way I found it in the Interlinear is translated to beget a son, in Ecclesiastes 5:14. Sounds way out. It's in the reference book. It's in the reference book. In his hand, to beget a son. Praise God. Hallelujah. Glory to God. "He shall magnify in his heart." Now we're not going to translate this phrase, in his hand, to beget a son. As we go along, you'll see that it'll fit in. But we're going to translate it -- that meaning will come out through the other words. This phrase, in his hand, is just supportive of what's coming. And we are going to translate it, to take with him. "He shall magnify himself." Strong's 1431. It means to twist or bind together. He's going to twist or bind together. That which he takes with him and that twisting or binding together will produce the son. In his own heart. Strong's 3824. And this phra- -- this word really means heart. I'm suggesting to you that it's speaking about the heart of Christ, which is the same thing as the mind of Christ. In the Hebrew, heart and mind is the same word. "The Lord Jesus Christ shall bind the carnal minds of men together with His Heart." And the result of it shall be the beginning of a son. Hallelujah. So He's taking the carnal minds of men with Him, binding them together. Now it's not clear in this Scripture but it is in other Scriptures that that binding together kills the carnal mind.


But let me remind you, the teaching of the zygote, which the Lord brought forth, I don't remember whether it was either the 18 or the 31 series. In human conception, we start with a sperm and an egg. And the two join so completely, that for all intents and purposes the sperm and the egg die and there is now a new product of the two. It is called a zygote and the sperm and the egg have joined so completely that they have formed one new cell, new creation of God. One new man. And of the twain, in the woman's body is made one new cell, the first cell of the new human being. Hallelujah. So He's joining Himself, He's binding Himself together to the carnal minds of men. And they're dying. Now Jesus isn't dying, brethren. God doesn't die. In human reproduction, the sperm dies and the egg dies and we have the first cell of the new human being. But in heaven, brethren, God doesn't die; just the egg dies. The sperm doesn't die, brethren. And we see we find a son -- let me see if I can put this on the board for you.




Hallelujah. We find that the egg dies in spiritual reproduction. The egg dies and we see the seed of the Father remains as the unconscious mind and the son appears as the conscious mind of the creation or the new individual. And of course, you know, we have the carnal minds in there, which is dead. And we have a new creature and His name is Christ Jesus, but the sperm did not die. The sperm is the chief honcho in the form of the unconscious mind. God's going to do this in the many members, initially in the many members of the firstfruits company, eventually in the many members of the living soul. So we will have Christ Jesus appearing in all these people. And when Christ Jesus appears in you, you are a prince. But there is a Prince that is over all of the princes. And this is a blasphemy to deny this. Because without the Prince of princes, there is no creation. There are no princes. There is nothing with Him. There is nothing. God help us. Hallelujah. Glory to God. A Son shall be born of the spiritual woman of Revelation 12, the living soul, when the Lord Jesus Christ takes the carnal minds of men with Him. That's the phrase translated, in his hand, with Him, when He takes them with Him and binds them together with His own heart. And let me relate this for you to 1 Thessalonians 4:17. "Then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with Him." Hallelujah. With Him. Glory to God. Not on Mars, brethren. Not on Mars.


Alternate Translation. Second fifth Daniel 8:25, "And He shall beget a Son by binding the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul together with His own heart." Glory to God.


Amplified Translation of that phrase. "And He shall beget a Son by binding the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul together with the mind of Christ." With the mind of Christ. With the mind of Christ.


Continuing with the third fifth of Daniel 8:25. "And by peace shall destroy many." Well now that has to be antichrist. Sitting down, making peace treaties with the world. No, brethren. The peace of God comes through the destruction of the enemy. Our God does not make peace treaties, brethren. He kills every enemy. Men, women, children and animals. But we're talking about heaven here. This is not earth. Peace will come when the carnal mind is dead. "And by peace He shall destroy the many." When Jesus makes peace, that's the end of your carnal mind. You die. He makes peace. He comes in and He knocks you out. No more arguing. No more rebellion. No more pride. You just die. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus. And by peace, Strong's 7962, peace means security, whether it's genuine or whether it's false, security. Shall destroy, Strong's 7843, that's the same word. The first time we translated it as paralyze, and the second time we translated it to destroy in a moral sense. And this time, I'm saying that you will only be destroyed when Christ slays the enmity in your flesh. One word translated, used three times, translated three different ways. Happens in English all the time. "And by peace shall destroy many." The word many is Strong's 7227, the many members of the living soul.


Alternate Translation. Third fifth of Daniel 8:25, "And He shall being peace to humanity by slaying the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul." And He shall bring peace to humanity. Who is peace? Christ Jesus is the peace that's coming to humanity. And He's going to do that by slaying the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the living soul and bringing forth Christ Jesus in these men. Hallelujah.


Continuing with the fourth fifth of Daniel 8:25, "He shall also stand up against the Prince of princes." Well now what are you going to do with this one, Sheila? They're saying that this king is going to stand up against Jesus. Well, I don't dispute that the Prince of princes is Jesus, brethren. But let's check out this translation of the King James. "And he shall also stand up against." The word stand is Strong's 5975. And it means to arise, manifest, we've had this word several times. But in this instance, Gesenius says that this Hebrew word is often used of a new prince. And this is the case in Ecclesiastes 4:15. It's also used of war springing up in 1 Chronicles 20:4. So here we see it again. This word is used to describe a new prince, that's Christ Jesus appearing. And it's also used to describe war springing up. Well what does that mean? When Christ Jesus appears, the war begins against the, well it appears both in the minds of the firstfruits and when that victory is taken, the warfare goes out to the rest of the world. So the new Prince is coming with war. He's coming with a sword. Jesus comes with a sword, brethren. Yeah.


Did anybody read David Wilkerson's newsletter? Yeah. I want to tell you that it really blessed me. I'm just going to take a minute to do this because this is a long message but I really feel to tell you how he blessed me, how he said all these people were writing in saying that they were in dead churches. And one of the things that he mentioned that was not present was that sin was not being exposed. Well we may have some rough times in this ministry, but nobody could say sin is not being exposed here. I want to tell you if you're in a church where there's no conflict, God's not moving. Conflict is of God. Until we're in full stature, God will wage war with our sin-filled souls. And if you're in a ministry where His Spirit is really moving, expect trouble. Expect conflict. The church today wants to go where they're going to have peace. I made a comment a few months ago. Come here and it'll be the last time you have peace for the rest of your life. Hallelujah. There's no peace. Peace. Peace. But there is no peace until Jesus completely rules and reigns over every enemy, even the last enemy which is -- I don't know about you, honey, but if a car hits me tomorrow, I'm a dead end. He has not prevailed over every one of my enemies and if I'm in a church where there's no conflict, I'm going to get on my face before God and find out what's wrong. But this isn't taught.


There's one person that's been called here for two years and they keep telling me, "Well I go to that other church. I have peace there. I know God wants me there because I have peace there." And I said to them, "That is the exact sign God does not want you there." He did not come to bring you peace. What a lie! I'd rather have the Lord killing me than have no move of God in my life, man. God saved me from having no move of God in my life. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Jesus.


The phrase is, "And he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes." Stand to arise. A prince is born and he's waging war. Now this word, against, this is the key word. He's going to stand up against the Prince of princes. Well what word are the King James translators dealing with in Strong's 5921? And to be honest with you, I could not find the word -- I didn't go over it with a fine toothcomb -- but I couldn't find the word against in Gesenius. I didn't look in Strong's. Gesenius says that this word means on, upon or over. This Hebrew word describes one thing being put upon the upper part of another. And I suggest to you that this Scripture is speaking about the foundation which is the Lord Jesus Christ. "And He shall also arise upon the foundation of the Prince of princes." Christ Jesus, brethren, shall appear because the foundation of the glorified Jesus Christ has been laid in Him.


God help us. Father, I pray for every person that names the name of Jesus, that cannot comprehend that this letter of the word kills. I ask for mercy on everyone that maligns and blasphemes the spirit of the word. Have mercy on them in their ignorance, Lord. And bring them against their will, so long as it's You doing it in Your timetable and Your purposes. And, Father, I come before You boldly and I pray for the day that You expose this five-fold ministry that is killing Your people, that is out like wolves among the lambs, stripping them away from the true ministers of God, lying to them, capturing them, kidnapping them and seducing them away from God's true ministers. How much longer, Lord, will You permit this to continue? How much longer, O God? You said that you indicted Israel because they didn't plead the cause of the widow and the orphan. Lord Jesus, we plead the cause of the widow and the orphan. Have mercy on the one that doesn’t have you for a Father. And have mercy on the one that doesn’t have you for a Husband. How much longer, O God, before you defeat these false Christians in a false church that's killing the lambs? How much longer, O God. Arise, O God, and fight for Your people, I pray. Woo. Hallelujah.


The Prince of princes of course is the Lord Jesus Christ who is prince over all of the, He's chief honcho Prince of all the little princes.  That's us, the little princes.


Alternate Translation. The fourth fifth of Daniel 8:25, "And Christ Jesus shall stand upon the foundation of the glorified Jesus Christ who shall be the chief Prince over the many princes which shall form the corporate body of Christ." Brethren, there is no body of Christ. What you see out there is a false church. It's an eggshell. There is no body of Christ. It hasn't appeared yet. Well, excuse me, I take that back. There is a body of Christ, but He's hidden. He'd hidden. He's hidden. He's not what you see out there. That's not the body of Christ. It's a false church. And what confuses everybody is that the Holy Spirit is present in it. And most of the people in it do have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. But I declare to you the true church is the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is Christ. What you see out there are the friends of the Lord. They have a relationship with Him. They know Him. They talk to Him. They have experiences with Him. But they have not conceived His Son. And for this reason, many are sick and weak and die. Hallelujah. Jesus.


Amplified Translation. The fourth fifth of Daniel 8:25, "And the glorified Jesus Christ shall be the unconscious mind of the firstfruits of the body of Christ. And Christ Jesus shall be their unconscious mind." I'm not going to put that Amplified Translation, I'm not going to use that when I put the whole verse here, but that's what it means. That's what it means. "And Christ Jesus shall stand upon the foundation of the glorified Jesus Christ." The unconscious mind is the foundation upon which the conscious mind stands. And the Lord Jesus Christ shall be the chief honcho Prince. I rebuke that lying devil out there that's saying anything other than that.


I didn't finish verse 25. Praise God. I didn't finish it. There's just another phrase left to it, but I just couldn't get it done. I believe the phrase is, "And he shall be broken without hand." So, Lord willing, we'll do that Sunday.


I will read you the Alternate Translation for the first four-fifths of Daniel 8:25. "And by understanding, He shall pass through and flow over the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul. And He shall beget a Son by binding the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul together with the mind of Christ. And He shall bring peace to humanity by slaying the carnal minds of the many members of the fallen living soul. And Christ Jesus shall stand upon the foundation of the glorified Jesus Christ who shall be the chief Prince over the many princes which shall form the corporate body of Christ."


Hallelujah. Come out all you devils. That's right. You listen to me. Come out. I guess that means I have authority, right? OK. I moved these phrases around in this verse 25 to put it in a sequence that was understandable for our fallen minds and for our English language. I'm going to read you that. I call it an Amplified Translation and then I will read you a recap. And then if we're not in the middle of a major mass deliverance, I'll take questions. Come on out all you devils. Everybody's manifesting here. Come on out, all of you.


Amplified Translation. The first to the fourth fifth of Daniel 8:25. "And by understanding, the Lord Jesus Christ shall pass through and flow over the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul. And He shall beget a Son by binding the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul together with the mind of Christ. And Christ Jesus shall stand upon the foundation of the glorified Jesus Christ who shall be the chief Prince over the many princes of the Christ Jesus company. And Christ Jesus shall bring peace to humanity by slaying the carnal minds of the many members of the fallen living soul."


Hallelujah. Recap, Daniel 8:23 through the fourth fifth of verse 25. "And in the end of the age in which the covenant break is rulership comes to an end, a King with a fortified mind, who understands the mysteries of God shall appear. And the King's fortified Christ mind shall be strong enough to bind up and destroy the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul, so that the priests of God can appear. And He shall paralyze them and pass through and flow over them like a river. And He shall offer up their carnal minds as a sin offering to the Father. And this is how the King, the Lord Jesus Christ, shall give the firstfruits of the fallen living soul the single mind of Christ Jesus. And by understanding, the Lord Jesus Christ shall pass through and flow over the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul. And He shall beget a Son by binding the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul together with the mind of Christ. And Christ Jesus shall stand upon the foundation of the glorified Jesus Christ, who shall be the chief Prince over the many princes of the Christ Jesus company. And Christ Jesus shall bring peace to humanity by slaying the carnal minds of the many members of the fallen living soul."


Hallelujah. Come out all you devils. Come on out. Get out of there all you antichrist spirits, all you lying devils about the end time. Come on out. Come on out. Come on out, all you antichrist spirits. Come on, all you spirits waiting for some person to stand up in the Middle East. False doctrine. Come out of there. Jesus. Thank you Jesus. [SPEAKING IN TONGUES] Pride. Come on, any pride that would cause you to fall, pray to that false doctrine, saying that we are equal to the Lord. We will never be equal to the Lord. No matter how high we ascend, He will always be higher than us. Jesus. Any and every potential in these people to fall prey to the angel of light, come out. Come out. Come out of the eyes. Come out of the ears. Come out of the heart. False doctrine, no sin, no fall, no judgment. Come out of there. Fear of the judgment. Fear of the judgment, come out. Come out. The Lord said He won't give you any more than you could bear. Come out. Fear that you won't make it. Come out. Come out. Come out.


07/30/14 – Transcribed by VerbalFusion

08/07/14 – 1st Edit CAS/BP





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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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