165 - Part 1

Part 1 of 4 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



We’re starting a new series of messages today. It’s the second half of Daniel, chapter 8. I’ve given it a new number because we had 10 parts to Daniel’s prophecy in chapter 8. And it looks like we’ll have two or three -- I hope not more than three parts to the interpretation of this prophecy. So we’re still in Daniel, chapter 8. I’ve given this series a new number, and I’m calling it “Daniel 8 Interpretation.” This is part 1, starting with verse 15 in Daniel 8.


“And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel, had seen the vision, and sought for the meaning, then, behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man.” And it came to pass is Strong’s 1961, and this is the -- a form of the word -- of the Hebrew word which means to be or to exist. Had seen is Strong’s -- I had seen is Strong’s 7200. That merely means to see. It can mean spiritual sight, and we know that Daniel was seeing a vision, so there had to be spiritual sight involved.


And the word Daniel is Strong’s 1840, and his name means God’s judge. And we know that, according to the Scripture, a judge is a man of God who judges God’s people. He judges sin and executes a judgment against it. He judges righteousness and execute bl- -- executes blessings against it.


And we -- I hope we know -- if you don’t know, I’ll tell you that there is another judge that is about to appear in Israel. Let me remind that in the Book of Judges, Israel was continuously falling under the dominion of an ungodly military power because of sin. And every time they cried out to God, He would raise up a judge who would rouse up the armies of Israel and lead Israel into war and defeat the enemy army. Why? Because Israel had repented.


And this is about to happen in our modern-day church, brethren. The name of the judge is Christ Jesus. It is the second generation of Christ in a many-membered company of men, in whom the Lord Jesus Christ is appearing in the fullness of the stature that was demonstrated in the man, the Lord Jesus Christ. They will have the Spirit without measure. And no man will be able to take their life unless the Lord requires them to lay it down. And I have no such information about that happening at this time.


[?I’m?] going to suggest to you that Daniel’s name indicates that he was destined -- because he was given this name at birth -- he was destined to experience the formation of an imputed Christ within his mind. Now what does that mean? To be a judge for God, one must have the mind of Christ. To be a judge for God means to judge righteous judgment. It is impossible to judge righteous judgment in spiritual matters and over God’s people without the mind of Christ.


Let me briefly remind you of the difference between the imputed and the imparted anointings. The imputed anointing is a temporary anointing. It is a manifestation of the Spirit of God, which comes upon a man for a specific purpose, for a specific set amount of time, and when its work is accomplished, withdraws.


And we see this happening in the Israel of old. It came upon the prophets. The Spirit of God came upon the prophets, and they prophesied without an error. They prophesied perfectly. And what hap- -- and then the Spirit of God withdrew from them, and they were natural men. And for all intents and purposes, what happened to them was that the Spirit of Christ came upon them, joined with their mind and covered over their carnal mind, giving them a temporary or imputed manifestation of the mind of Christ, spoke what needed to be spoken and withdrew.


The imparted anointing is typified in the New Testament by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord told John the Baptist: Look for the one upon whom the Spirit abides. Look for the man upon whom the Spirit of God comes upon, speaks through and does its work but doesn’t lift off of after its purpose is accomplished. Look for the one in whom the Spirit of God remains. Did not Jesus say, I will never leave you, and I will never forsake you? That is the difference between the two anointings.


Daniel could not have had an imparted anointing because an imparted anointing or the imparted anointing was not available to men before when? Who knows?




Be- -- right, before the resurrection, amen. It is only after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ that an imparted, an abiding anointing of Christ is -- has been made available to men.


So Daniel’s name, the name Daniel, means God’s judge, which indicates that from birth, he was chosen or destined to experience the formation of an imputed or a temporary Christ within his mind for a specific time period and for a specific purpose: that being to bring forth the Book of Daniel. Hallelujah.


“And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel, had seen the vision.” The Hebrew word translated vision is Strong’s 2377, and this Hebrew word appears in verse 1, where it is translated vision. It means a vision from God, and it is not the same Hebrew word, which is translated notable horn in Daniel 8, chapter 5, where we found out that the Hebrew word translated notable horn meant vision, but it meant a vision that comes to an evil prophet. This word means a vision from God.


“And it came to pass, when I Daniel, had seen the vision, and sought for the meaning.” I sought for, Strong’s 1245. It means to seek for. Meaning, Strong’s 998, means insight.


And I have an Alternate Translation for you, first half of Daniel 8:15, “And when I, Daniel, understood that God was communicating with me through a vision, I asked for understanding.” I --


Continuing with the second half of Daniel 8:15, “then, behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man.” Then behold, Strong’s 2009, translated, there it is, or, look at it, just pointing out the vision. The word stood, Strong’s 5975, to arise. And before me, Strong’s 5048, is translated in the presence or in the sight of.


“Then, behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man.” I’m suggesting to you, brethren, that something arose or came into existence or materialized in front of Daniel. This Hebrew word stood, we’re translating it to arise. There are many Scriptures in which this word is used to describe the appearance of something that was not there before. And I’m suggesting to you that a spiritual man materialized in front of Daniel.


And he had the appearance of -- Strong’s 4758 -- or the form of -- he appeared like a man, Strong’s 1397. Now once again we have several Hebrew words that are translated man. Usually the Hebrew word translated man is the word for Adam. I believe it’s Strong’s 120. That is not the word which appears here. We find the word 1397 in Strong’s, and it is not referring to a human being. It is referring to male strength, the strength of a male person or a warrior, human being or otherwise. When the Scripture uses Strong’s 120, meaning Adam, it is specifically saying that this person is a human being. But the word that we find in Daniel 8, verse 15 does not specify the man to be a human being. And since he just materialized in front of Daniel, I’m going to suggest to you that this is a spiritual ma- -- a male, spiritual warrior, and that would have to be Christ. He is the only male -- spiritual, male warrior. I’m suggesting to you that the glorified Jesus Christ appeared to Daniel or in front of Daniel.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Daniel 8:15, “Th- -- and there it was: A mature spiritual being materialized in front of me.” I want to go back to that man a little. He had the appearance of -- we can also say he had the appearance of a strong one, a strong one, not necessarily a member of the human race but a strong, spiritually male being. “And there it was: A mature spiritual being materialized in front of me.” I guess we should say male. “And there it was: A mature, male spiritual being materialized in front of me.”


Please remember that in verses 13 and 14, which we did on a previous message, we found that the imputed Christ Jesus in Daniel’s mind was speaking with the Spirit of Christ, which is the Spirit of the Father. And in verse 14, the Lord Jesus Christ appears from within Daniel or materialized in front of Daniel. I want to go over that with you.


We found out in verses 13 and 14 -- this is on another message -- an imputed Christ Jesus appeared in Daniel’s mind. Now this is what happened. Daniel had a carnal mind. He was a fallen man. And in his carnal mind was Satan, Eve as well as -- and Eve as well as the carnal mind. Now what happened was: The Father wanted to speak to Daniel. And the Father arose.


Are you aware that the Father can desire to speak to any human being alive? He can manifest in any human being alive. And when He does that, He comes forth from the realm of His spirit, which is in every human being. The bones of Christ, the bones of the Father’s dead Son, the residue, the remainder of God’s dead Son is in every human being alive. So when the Father wants to appear in a man, contrary to popular belief, He does not come from the sky. Remember, everyone here in the soul realm, we’ve got it all backwards. We’re the mirror image. We got everything backwards. We see Him coming from out there, but the truth is that He’s arising out of the dead bones of Christ that is in every human being.


So the Father arose. And what -- which of these three are the dead bones of Christ: carnal mind, Satan or Eve? Anybody? Eve is the dead bones of Christ. So the Father arose in Eve. And when the Father arosed [sic] in Eve, there appeared in the mind of Daniel the man a manifestation of Christ Jesus, the second generation of Christ.


Jesus Christ of Nazareth was crucified. He was raised from the dead. He was glorified, and He returned to the Father and is now one with the Father. He is pure spirit. The Lord Jesus Christ, who lived in the man Jesus of Nazareth, is now the Father. He is the first generation of Christ. He arose in Eve, and He produced an imputed, or a temporary, Christ Jesus in the mind of the man Daniel, the second -- a manifestation of the second generation of Christ.


Now we see something here that is very interesting. We see a man, Daniel. He has a carnal mind. He has the mind of Christ. And present with the mind of Christ is the Father.


Now this is only temporary because if the Father wants to really speak to someone, He has to crush this carnal mind no matter how temporarily. When the Father, through His Christ, wants to speak to you, He lays on top of your carnal mind, and He presses it down. He suppresses your carnal mind. We had this both in chapter 7 and earlier in chapter 8 of the Book of Daniel. Why? Because if the Father doesn’t crush your carnal mind, you will never hear what He says. He has to put the carnal mind down under His feet.


So for a short period of time before that is accomplished, there is present in Daniel’s mind a carnal mind, Christ Jesus and the Father. Now doesn’t that ever happen to you, those of us that are un- -- that are double-minded and unstable in all our ways? Doesn’t ever the Father talk to you and then something gets in the way, and you’re not sure what the Father said or you’re not sure that you heard from Him? Your carnal mind is still functioning, and he’s a problem for all of us.


Well, the Father is in the process of putting our carnal mind down under the feet of Christ so that He can be exalted in us. This condition is called full stature. We’re waiting for Him, in this hour, to do it permanently so that we can go the way Jesus of Nazareth went.


But in Daniel’s condition, it was just going to be a temporary thing. The Lord Jesus Christ would crush Daniel’s carnal mind temporarily for so long as it took for the Lord to communicate to Daniel that which He wanted to tell him. So we have in the man Daniel, the mind Christ Jesus, the carnal mind and the unconscious mind of the Father.


And we hear -- the Scripture tells us that the man Daniel, who is his carnal mind at this point, heard one man talking to another man. He heard Christ Jesus talking to the Father, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, in his own mind. Can you imagine that? He was a carnal man, and all of a sudden, he had an awareness that there was another mind inside of him and that that mind was talking to a third person and that he was an observer! Until this mind of Christ overlayed his carnal mind, joined with it and, for all intents and purposes, became Daniel, in that in-between period, Daniel was hearing the Christ in him talk to the Father. Does anybody not know what I’m talking about?


OK, so we found this in verses 13 and 14. And I’m going to suggest to you that here, in verse 15, the next thing that happened was that the Lord Jesus Christ, which had entered into the mind of Daniel, [?arose?rose?] from within Daniel’s mind, vibrated forth and took the form of a man outside of Daniel. Now I’m going to go over this again too. We’re going to go real slow today.


Now the world tells you that spirits are outside of us and that they’re fighting to get inside of us. But I declare to you, brethren, that that’s backwards. We are a mirror image. The soul realm is the mirror image of the realm of the spirit. And outside of the mind of Christ, men who try to bring forth spiritual information frequently get a mirror image of the truth.


So can I take this off the board? Yeah. So the truth is that we are all cities for spiritual life, that there is no such thing as free-floating spirits out there. All spiritual life is rooted in the mind of man. Godly spiritual life and ungodly spiritual life is rooted in the mind of man. Spiritual life is not restricted by our flesh. It has the authority to vibrate out of our mind unseen and go anywhere in the world and materialize, depending on the strength of your spiritual authority, whether it be Christ or whether it be the carnal mind, ruled by the Father or Satan, OK?


Now there’s this big deception going on in the world, and the demons want it to stay that way. The carnal mind wants the deception to continue that demons are outside of us, that Satan is outside of us, that sin is outside of us, but it’s a lie. We are the city, and spiritual life dwells within us and arises from within us and vibrates out of us. And the man that does not have spiritual understanding will see a spirit take form in front of him and say, glory to God. An angel just came down from heaven and stood in front of me. And I declare to you: The truth is an angel just arose from heaven, OK, and vibrated out of somebody’s mind and appeared in front of you.


And in this case, this is what happened to Daniel. Gabriel, the angel, came to deliver a message to him, and he came from the dead bones of Christ, which was resident in the man Daniel.


The human race thinks of aliens and spiritual life coming from outer space. No, brethren, they’re coming from within our minds. And I’ve told you before, and I’ll tell you again: I still have a problem with this. There is no time or space in the world of the spirit. They’re spirit; they’re energy rays. They don’t have the substance that we have, but they’re -- the amount of spiritual life inside the minds of men is many times greater than all of the universes out there. But there’s no space involved. I don’t understand it. I just know God told it to me, and I believe that it’s true.


They live inside of our minds. They’re inside of us. They vibrate out of us, and they take form. And people that are not sophisticated about spiritual things think that they came from Mars. No, they came from some man’s mind. Either your own mind or someone that has spiritual authority, witchcraft or otherwise, can send an apparition to you. Like, if it’s an ungodly spiritual power, they can send a demon to you from the other side of the world, and it will appear in front of you. If it’s Christ, we know that someone can travel in the Spirit and appear on the other side of the world. Spiritual truth, brethren.


So we see, in verse 15 of Daniel 8, that first the angel Gabriel, which has the appearance of a man -- [?well?], not really -- I’m sorry -- the appearance of a strong spiritual being --first he arises in Daniel’s mind, and then he materializes in front of him.

Alternate Translation, Daniel chapter 8:15, “And when I understood that God was communicating with me through a vision, I asked for understanding. And there it was: A mature spiritual being materialized in front of me.” We must be careful about what we ask for, brethren. Sometimes we’re surprised about what we get. Daniel wanted to understand the vision, and a spiritual being was assigned to him to explain it to him.


Continuing with verse 16, “And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.” I heard, Strong’s 8085, means to understand things heard, which someone else is speaking. Daniel overheard the conversation between Christ Jesus and the Father in his own mind. And he was a third party because the joining had not yet taken place.


And I would like to show this to you with regard to what we’ve learned about the doctrine of the Trinity. Remember what we’ve taught here: that Christ Jesus, He’s the only mediator between God and man. And when He wants to be the Father or in S- -- the form of the Spirit, He joins with the Father and appears as Spirit. When He wants to appear as a man, He joins with the conscious mind of man or with the personality of man and appears in the earth as a man.


And we said there’s no Trinity. There’s only two: either spirit or soul. But what we see in Daniel 16 and in Daniel 15 is a situation where they’re joining, where Christ Jesus is not completely joined to the personality of the man. It’s an interim. It’s an in-between stage. Christ Jesus is not fully joined to the man, so we do have a Trinity. We do have a Trinity for a short season. It’s not the way it’s supposed to be. It’s an interim stage. We have the Father, Spirit of Christ. We have Christ Jesus in Daniel’s mind, and we have the personality of man, which is the carnal mind. We have a Trinity. It’s an interim stage. It’s not supposed to stay that way.


And I want to suggest to you that that’s the condition that we’re in now. If Christ is being formed in you, you have Christ Jesus and the Father, and you also have a carnal mind. But we’re a perversion. We are -- we can be likened to a four-eyed man. We are a spiritual perversion. We’re not supposed to be -- there’s not supposed to be three parts to us. We’re in an in-between stage, and we’re not to stay this way.


“I heard a man’s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.” I heard means to understand something that someone else said. A man’s voice, this word is the man that means a member of the human ver- -- human race, excuse me. It’s Strong’s 120. And the word voice is Strong’s 6963. Merely means voice. Between, Strong’s 996, means space between, the space between, the space between.


And the words, the banks of, is not in the Hebrew. Ulai is Strong’s 195. Now let me remind you that we found out that the river Ulai typified the mind of Christ in verse 2 of Daniel 8. Verse -- and the words in verse 2 are the river Ulai. Verse 16, however, does not say the river Ulai. It says between Ulai, between Ulai.


It’s very dangerous to assume, brethren, when you see something in the Scripture, that it means the same thing that it meant in the verse before. Because more often it does not than it does. Strong’s number 194 -- that’s the word in the lexicon exactly before the word Ulai, which is Strong’s 195 -- has the same exact spelling as Strong’s number 195. And this word can be translated perhaps. So we see the writers of the lexicons, once again, have taken a word -- one word -- and given it two numbers because in their carnal minds, they cannot conceive that this can be the same word, the same exact spelling, same exact pronunciation, two different numbers.


And because the Scripture does not say the river Ulai in verse 16, we are going to take the translation of Strong’s number 194. This word is used to express doubt or fear. I’m suggesting to you that Daniel was afraid and also doubtful that what he was seeing was a genuine spiritual experience from God.


Brethren, can you relate to that? I can relate to that. I hear from God so much. I see in the Spirit. I hear in the Spirit. I get all kinds of words of knowledge and words of wisdom and prophecy. And I go around saying, is it God? Is it God? Is it you, Lord? And I would like to tell you that there are certain areas of my life right now that I believe the Lord has told me if I continue to say, is it You, Lord? I’m going to be offending him: things that I’ve been praying about for years that He has witnessed to me over and over and over and over again that it’s Him. I believe He has told me I’m insulting Him if I pray again, is that You?


Daniel wasn’t sure what he was seeing. Can you imagine if you’re in prayer and, all of a sudden, you hear a conversation between two other people? And as if that’s not bad enough, a man materializes in front of you. That is frightening.


So Daniel was afraid, and he doubted that it was God because he knew about demon spirits. Remember: In verse 15 Daniel sought for the meaning, and he heard a man’s voice in verse 16. I’m suggesting to you that perhaps in between the time that Daniel sought for the meaning and the time that the spiritual warrior appeared, Daniel heard the voice of the Father addressing the male warrior as Gabriel and instructing him to make this one, Daniel, to understand the vision.


So I’m going to tell you again. The word between means the space between. And Ulai means perhaps, expressing doubt or fear. So Daniel was saying, perhaps in between the time I asked for the information and the time that the man appeared, I heard the Father telling this angel to instruct me.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Daniel, chapter 8, verse 16, “And between the time that I asked to understand the vision and the time that the spiritual warrior appeared” -- continuing with the second half of Daniel 8:16, “which called” -- who called? The spiritual warrior. I’m sorry, the Father who was speaking to Gabriel called and said -- let me give you that again.


“And between” -- this is Daniel speaking. “And between the time that I asked to understand the vision and the time that the spiritual warrior appeared, I heard a voice, which called and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.” So what the verse is really saying is that there was a sequence of three events. Daniel asked for understanding. Daniel heard a voice speaking to a man named Gabriel, saying, explain it to him. And Daniel saw the man, Gabriel, materialize in front of him. That’s what this verse is saying. It has nothing to do with the river Ulai. Hallelujah.


“Which called, and said, Daniel [sic], make this man to understand the vision.” Called, Strong’s 7121, means to cry out. He called to -- He cried out loud -- He called to the ma- -- the angel Gabriel, who was not right next to him. He called. He said it loudly. And He said -- and when He called, this is what He said, Strong’s 559. This word said means to bring light. He didn’t just say, hi. How are you? He said something that brought enlightenment. What brings enlightenment? He gave information. And the words unto me are not in the Hebrew.


And the word Gabriel -- Gabriel is the man to whom the first man was calling. And the word Gabriel, the name Gabriel is Strong’s 1403, and it means man of God. This Hebrew word comes from Strong’s 1397, meaning a spiritual man, and that’s the word that we had earlier, where we said a strong spiritual warrior appeared to Daniel. The name Gabriel comes from that word plus a second Hebrew word, which means mighty. So the meaning of the word Gabriel is a mighty spiritual male. So it’s -- the word mighty is coming through twice. The name Gabriel comes from two Hebrew words. The one Hebrew word means a spiritual male that’s a warrior, and the second word means mighty. So he has a double portion of might. He has the Father, and he is the Son. Hallelujah.


Gabriel is the glorified Christ. He has the Father, and He is the Son, but He’s bringing forth the second generation of Christ. But He is the Son. The glorified Christ is the Son, and He has the double portion. Wherever the Son appears, the Father is within him, OK? Is that all right?


Don’t get confused about the second generation of Christ. Let me just show you that on the board if that’s what was confusing you. We have the Father, and we have the Son. Wherever the Son is, the Father is. Wherever the Father is, the Son is not necessarily present. For example in the Holy Spirit, the Father -- when the Father appears as the Holy Spirit, the Son is not necessarily present. Wherever the Son appears, the Father is always present. So to be the Son is the double portion. And this is Jesus Christ, the Son.


Now the Son is going to have a child. His name is Christ Jesus or the second generation of Christ. So to the person that doesn’t have spiritual understanding, thinks again that we have a Trinity. But we do not have a Trinity because the first generation of Christ and the second generation of Christ are one. And how are they one? In the mind of a man, the first generation of Christ is the unconscious mind. And in the conscious [?and?] -- they are one in that the first generation of Christ is the unconscious mind of man, and the second generation of Christ is the conscious mind of man. So we have Father, which is Spirit, and man, which is soul. There are only two, OK? Everybody OK? You’re not OK. OK. Try and hang in there, OK?


So we see that the name Gabriel is speaking about a man of God, which has a double portion. He is the Father and the Son in the first generation of Christ. And He has appeared outside of Daniel. And I’m going to suggest to you right now that He has a purpose with Daniel. And His purpose is to cause Christ Jesus, the second generation of Christ, to appear in the mind of Daniel.


And I point out to you that the way He starts to do this is by talking to him. Now the first time you ever heard anything -- th- -- your first experience with the Lord, was it not through the spoken word? Whether it was spoken through the mouth of a man or whether the Lord spoke to you directly, was not your first communication, if not all your communication with the Lord, through speaking, through communication?


So the angel Gabriel appeared in front of the man Daniel and starting talking to him. And his words were spirit, and his words were life. And they went into Daniel’s mind. And we’ll see in the next few verses that a temporary Christ Jesus was formed in Daniel’s mind and covered over his carnal mind. And his perverse condition, whereby the Son was present and the Father was present and he also had a carnal mind, that perverse condition of his mind, temporarily disappeared.


Now do we not have Scriptures where the Lord talks about blotting out your name? A name in the Scripture is typified by spirit. How do you blot out a spirit? You overlay it with another spirit. So temporarily -- to answer your question -- temporarily the temporary formation of Christ Jesus in the mind of the man Daniel would overlay his carnal mind, blotting it out until God’s purposes were completed. And for that time period, for all intents and purposes, there was no more carnal mind. There was just the Father and the Son. And Daniel had become the Son.


To blot out, to cover over -- let me remind you that in the second stage of the resurrection, when Christ pierces through His foreskin, which is the carnal mind, and appears on top of him, He is going to appear on top of him as great drops of blood and cover over the carnal mind. We found Scriptures indicating, like a scab, the carnal mind is a wound. The Lord sees the carnal mind in His Son as a wound that has slain His Son. And Christ is going to cover him over, like a scab, and seal him in so that he can do no more damage.


And this is what happened to Daniel, but it was only temporary. Now when the Lord, when -- well, after this happens. I don’t think we’re up to it yet. After this happens to Daniel, all communication from the carnal mind is cut off, and Daniel can only hear what the Christ has to say to him. He won’t have the confusion that we have today. We have confusion today. Is that you, Lord? No, it’s not. [?Yeah, was it?It wasn’t?], Lord? No, it’s not the Lord. That’s painful. We do the best we can, and He meets us as we walk. Hallelujah.


And we found out that Gabriel is the first generation of Christ, which has the double portion of the Father and the Son. And the Father was telling him to make this man -- who was this man? Daniel. The word man, really, is not in the Hebrew. The Father was really saying, make this one to understand the vision. Now why would the Father not say, make this man? Because any individual member of the living soul is not a man unto himself. We are members of the one spiritual man, which God created. We’re half-man.


Actually we’re one-three-hundred-and-sixtieth. We’re a 6-degree arc. We found that out in another message. We are a -- well, I’ll put it on the board because I see a confused face over here. Just -- don’t worry about the details. Don’t worry about the details. Just the fact that you’re sitting here, that you’re submitting yourself to the teaching, the anointing is present, and God’s going to honor your faithfulness. Don’t let it depress you and make you insecure in any way, OK?


We found out in the message some information about symbolic numbers -- I think that was the name -- that man is -- well, first of all we know that every spiritual reality can be expressed geometrically. We found out the spiritual man is a triangle, and the glorified man is a square. And we found out that fallen man is -- the whole of fallen man is a circle and that every individual member of him is a fraction of this circle, which typifies fallen man.


And a circle -- the length of the outside of the circle is called the circumference -- is measured in degrees. And a circle, no matter what size it is, is 360 degrees if you measure around the edge of the circle. So each individual man is one fraction of the whole, which makes every ind- -- this is a man, here, and he is one fraction of 360 degrees. You don’t have to know the math. Each individual man is a fraction that exists on the edge of the circle, which typifies the fallen man. Did you understand that at all? Don’t worry about it; it’s not important. That certainly is not important.




OK. Don’t worry about it. God’s going to do it. So I’m having trouble getting off of this verse here. We’re still on verse 16. “And the Father called and said to Gabriel, make this one” -- this fraction of the fallen man, meaning Daniel -- “to understand the vision.” To make to understand is Strong’s 559, and it means to bring to light. We had it earlier. It’s the same word that was translated said. Cause him to understand. Don’t just speak to him, but give him the understanding.


And this one -- the word that’s translated this one is Strong’s 1975, and it really doesn’t even mean this one, but it’s -- what it means is -- if you look it up in Gesenius, it means that side, that side. Now if it’s talking about a side, we have to be talking about something that has more than one side. Can -- is anybody having a problem with that? If I’m talking about that side of the room, you know there has to be this side of the room also. There has to be at least one more side, OK? So the Father is saying to Gabriel, make that side to understand the vision.


Well, what side? What are you talking about? I want to suggest to you that at that moment in Daniel’s mind, there was two sides. In one side of him, there was an imputed Christ. And the other side of him was his carnal mind. And the Father was talking to the Christ and saying, tell this guy what I’m talking about.


Now, brethren, I want to suggest to you that this is the ministry of Christ. I know we’ve taught it here before. Let me tell you again: The ministry of Christ is to be the mediator betwee- -- the only mediator between God and man. The Father speaks to Christ, and Christ speaks to us. And all this is going on in our mind. So this is the right order. We found these Scriptures -- we found Scriptures expressing this in the Book of Revelation.


Now in this hour, the Father speaks, and Christ is standing there with a baseball mitt, and our carnal mind is standing there with a baseball mitt. And whoever catches the message gives it to our understanding. And by what comes out of our mouth and what we do, we find out who caught the message. Was it Christ or was it the carnal mind? Can you hear what I’m saying?


The Father is speaking to us continuously, and the carnal mind is in there, blocking the message from getting into our understanding the way God wants it to get there. And it’s Christ’s job to get the message of the Father into our understanding, and He’s not going to do that without killing the carnal mind. And every time the Father speaks to you and you understand what He has said, for that fight, for that battle, for that instant, Christ has slain your carnal mind. Because you better believe if there’s any way your carnal mind could have put a stop to [?your?] receiving this word, he would have done it.


So we find in this phrase, which is Daniel 8, verse 16, the Father instructing his Christ to teach the carnal mind of Daniel. Now, brethren, there’s a Scripture like this -- forgive me. I’m not a [?letter?] man. Is it Ephesians or Colossians? The powers and the principalities --




-- Ephesians -- shall be taught of God by the church or by Christ in or through the church. I don’t know about you, but I just get real excited when I find the New Testament in the Old Testament. Hallelujah. And what that Scripture means in Ephesians is that the Christ in your mind is going to teach the side of you that is carnal.


Going to teach you what? What is the Christ in our mind going to teach our carnal side? That you are not to have an existence of your own, carnal mind, but you are to be joined in death to the Christ so that the one -- of the twain the Lord will bring forth one new man, the creation of God. That’s what the carnal mind is going to be taught.


 You cannot teach. You must be silent in the church. You cannot usurp authority over the spiritual man, which is Christ. But your place is to be unseen. Your place is to be transparent that the man should be revealed through you. That’s what she’s going to be taught. Right now our carnal mind is running the show. So the Father was telling Gabriel, which is the glorified Christ, to teach Daniel’s -- to teach Daniel in his humanity, to teach his carnal mind, to teach that side of him, which is carnal, to un- -- to teach him to understand the vision.


Now this word that’s translated, that side, is Strong’s 1975. It’s masculine. Gesenius makes it very clear that it’s masculine. I’d like to put this in in case anyone looks it up and has a question. We know that Daniel’s human side or his carnal mind is female especially in comparison to Christ.


But I want to remind you that when the mind of Christ joins with our carnal mind, it becomes male. That is what full stature is. When the mind of Christ arises in us to such a degree that it is so joined to our carnal mind that you can no longer see our carnal mind, our carnal mind has become male. Why? It’s been totally absorbed by the Christ in us. So the Scripture uses a male word indicating that Daniel’s carnal mind shall come in total submission to the Christ.


We’re working on the phrase, which is the Father saying to Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision. And the word vision is 4758. And again it’s speaking about the information that God has given Daniel. Make this man to understand the vision. Strong’s 4758, this Hebrew word is neither the word which means a prediction of God nor the word which describes the evil vision that Satan had in her mind, which we studied in verse 5 of chapter 8. Strong’s number 4758 is a third Hebrew word, which the King James translators translate vision. It means a priest’s spiritual sight, a priest’s spiritual sight.


So the Father was saying to the glorified Christ, give Daniel the ability to see this vision with a priest’s understanding. OK? He wasn’t saying, Gabriel, give Daniel an ability to understand that this is future events. We have many books written about future events. The Father said, let him understand it as a priest of God would understand it.


Brethren, we have this all through the church today: the Scripture being preached without understanding. Is that not the primary word of this message? They’re repeating the words and repeating the words, but they really don’t know what it means. So Daniel was given the ability to understand this message as we are being given to understand it here. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Daniel 8:16, “I heard a voice crying out, saying, Gabriel, enlighten this human mind with spiritual sight.” And the whole of verse 16, Daniel 8, “And between the time that I asked to understand the vision and the time that the spiritual warrior appeared, I heard a voice crying out, saying, Gabriel, enlighten this human mind with spiritual sight.”


Verse 17, “So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision.” So he came, Strong’s 935, it means to enter in, and this word is used of a bride. It’s referring to the entering in of a man into a woman. It’s talking about sexual intercourse. And we know that spiritual communication is through the joining of the mind. And for a spirit to communicate with us, it is likened to human sexuality. It is spiritual sexual intercourse.


So Daniel is saying, so he came there where I stood. So the spirit entered into Daniel, and it entered in in the place where Daniel stood. Now this phrase where I stood is two Hebrew words. The first one is Strong’s 681, and the interlinear says that it should be translated beside. The interlinear says the phrase where I stood should be translated beside my place, so he came beside my place.


And the word beside is Strong’s 681. It means a side or at the side, and it’s so called from joining together. So I’m suggesting to you that the Spirit entered into and joined with Daniel. And the phrase my place is Strong’s 5975, and it means to be set over anyone. So he came near where I stood. So the Spirit penetrated Daniel, joined with him and set Himself over him. He layered over his carnal mind. He took authority over his carnal mind. He pressed down his carnal mind.


“And when he came, I was afraid.” And when he came, that’s Strong’s 935. It’s the same word in the phrase so he came. It means to enter in. I was afraid, Strong’s 1204, can be translated to come suddenly, to attack unexpectedly. This word, Strong’s 1204 is used in 1 Samuel 16:14 in the phrase, an evil spirit from the Lord terrified him. It’s used in the sense of an attack. Gesenius says that this word, in both phrases, in both 1 Samuel 16:14 and in Daniel 8, verse 17, can be -- and Gesenius would, in fact, translate it: an evil spirit from the Lord came upon him suddenly, came upon him suddenly.


The King James translated this word, I was afraid, but I’m suggesting to you that the Spirit of Christ came upon Daniel suddenly. The implication here is that the spiritual warrior set himself over Daniel. Now that’s another word now. That’s the Strong’s 5957, and it’s the translation of one of the words, which means where I stood. He set Himself over Daniel. First he came upon him suddenly, then He set Himself over Daniel by joining Himself to him. And where did this joining take place? In the mind. How do we know it took place in the mind? Spirits don’t have bodies. Spiritual events take place in the mind.


We find in verse 17, the phrase he came near where I stood, conveying the thought of joining after penetration. And then we also find the phrase and when he came, conveying the idea of penetration alone. The first phrase -- I’m going to give you this to -- give this to you again. We’re dealing with the phrase, “So he came near where I stood.” That phrase is talking about penetration followed by joining. Then we get the phrase -- this is verse 17 -- “and when he came.” That phrase is talking about penetration alone. It’s the same word, and the King James translators translate it the same way twice. It really doesn’t make much sense.


But what we see here is we have a word -- excuse me -- we have a word, which means penetration, and in one instance, that word is modified, and in the other instance, it is not modified. Remember the teaching about modification. We can have the same word appearing in two different Scriptures, and that same word can appear -- I’ll put it another way for you. Modified is one way we can express it. Another way is to say it can appear in conjunction with another word, in which event the second word alters the meaning of the first word.


If I say to you, I have a dress, you have no information whatsoever about this dress. If I say to you, I have a pretty dress, the word pretty has modified the word dress -- and you [?know?] that it’s a pretty dress. If I say to you, I have an ugly dress, the word ugly has modified the word dress, and you now know the dress is ugly. So we have two phrases: pretty dress and ugly dress. Well, they both mean dress, but there’s really a difference -- a big difference, between a pretty dress and an ugly dress. So the modifying word is very important. OK? Everybody OK?


The Hebrew word, which is translated enter in, Strong’s 935, is used in both phrases. I’m going to read you my whole note. I don’t want to risk missing anything, so forgive me if I’m repeating myself. So once again we are faced with the modification of a word: in this case the Hebrew word translated came. In the first phrase, the Heb- -- and let me give you the phrase. Let me give you the phrase. In the first phrase, “so he came” -- I’m sorry. The first phrase, “and when he came” -- the Hebrew word translated came is modified by the Hebrew words translated near where I stood. He came near where I stood. In the second phrase, “and when he came” is not modified at all. It just says, Gabriel just came.


So we’re going to translate the first phrase, “he came near where I stood” as joined. And the reason we’re doing that -- let me remind you -- the word came means to enter in, and the translation of, near where I stood, is referring to joining. So the intention of the phrase is: He came in, and he joined with me. He came in, and he joined with me.


But when I put the Alternate Translation together, it sounded clumsy; too many words to say he came in, and he joined with me. So we’re just going to take the translation that he joined with me. The first time the Spirit joined with Daniel, and the second time, he just came in. So let’s find out what that means. The first time he joined, and the second time, he just entered in. The first time the entering in was a joining. The second time it was not a joining.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Daniel 8:17, “So he set himself over me unexpectedly by joining himself to my mind.” So Gabriel set himself over Daniel unexpectedly by joining himself to Daniel’s mind. The Scripture is not saying that Daniel was afraid. It’s saying that the spirit of Gabriel entered in unexpectedly.


Daniel heard the voice telling Gabriel to enlighten Daniel. If Daniel had any idea how Gabriel would enlighten him, the Scripture does not reveal it. But in any event, Daniel was surprised that Gabriel enlightened him by entering in and joining with his mind. How do we know this? The Scripture says that Daniel didn’t expect Gabriel to enter in and join with his mind. Because Daniel said that Gabriel entered in unexpectedly.


So what is this saying? Daniel heard the Father saying to Gabriel, enlighten him. And Daniel stood there like a sheep, not knowing or having any idea how this enlightenment would taken [sic] place. And we know that because the Scripture said the spirit entered in unexpectedly.


Let me say it again. The Father said to Gabriel, enlighten him, the Father knowing and Gabriel knowing that the means of the enlightenment was for Gabriel to enter into Daniel’s mind and join with his mind. But Daniel didn’t know that. If Daniel had any idea at all how Gabriel would enlighten him, the Scripture doesn’t say so. But we know that he never expected this enlightenment to come through penetration and joining. Why? Because the Scripture says that Gabriel entered in unexpectedly. OK? Hallelujah.


And once again how do we know that the joining was in the mind? Because, brethren, Gabriel is a spiritual man. He’s an angel. He has no body. And also all spiritual events originate in the mind of a man and eventually appear in the earth.


Brethren, I declare to you that the large part of the church world today has an erroneous idea, a fantasy in their mind, of how we are to be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. And two of those erroneous ideas are the rapture, which comes out of the -- I call them the carnal church for lack of a better word. And the second erroneous idea is this concept coming forth from the Kingdom Church that you will enter in by identifying with Him, by trying in your humanity to think like He thinks.


Do you hear what I’m saying? Let me say it again. Daniel heard the Father instruct Gabriel to give Daniel a spiritual experience. But he did not hear the Father give Gabriel instructions as to how to do it. Why did not the Father give Gabriel instructions as to how to do it? Because the Father knew that Gabriel knew what to do. But Daniel didn’t know what to do, so Daniel, if he had any idea at all, it was a wrong idea.


And we see in the church today this exact event. Now I’ve spoken to you about this before especially when it comes to the ultimate reconciliation camp. God speaks truth; He speaks truth; He speaks truth; He speaks truth. And then many men who are fine preachers and teachers cannot perceive that the Father has stopped speaking. They recognize that they don’t have the whole message, but they cannot tell that the Father stopped speaking and their carnal mind started speaking.


So we have in the church today a great deal of truth as to what the Lord intends to do for humanity, a great deal of truth in all elements of the church. But we get into trouble when we start listening to teaching about how God is going to do it. A large element of the church says He’s going to rapture our bodies, and we’re going to fly away while this world burns. And another large element of the church says, well, all you have to do is think like Jesus thinks in your own humanity, in your own strength, and one morning you’ll wake up, and you’ll be spiritually raptured.


And they’re both wrong, and how did this happen? This happened because the Lord Jesus Christ has not imparted to the church an understanding of how He’s going to do it. He has just started to bring this understanding forth through this ministry. And the word is being widely rejected. The church loves their fantasies and their fables. They don’t want the truth, so we see the fables and fantasies of men prevailing in the church, lying about how God will perform His word. And this is typified by Job’s friends.


We see a ministry and a church world condemning the world, but my Bible says God is reconciling the world unto Himself. But, brethren, He is not doing it by resurrecting every personality that has ever lived, which is not a man unto himself but a fraction of this one living soul. Everyone that has ever lived is not being raised from the dead in that personality. Neither are we entering in through identifying, in our own humanity, with the mind of Christ.


But we shall enter into the kingdom of God, brethren, through judgment, through the death of our carnal mind, which is to be slain by a Christ that has been conceived and formed in us. And that is the truth. God didn’t speak for half an hour. Isn’t that what it says in the Book of Revelation? And man’s carnal mind went bananas. Hallelujah. But the truth is in the earth, and it’s coming to our ears. Hallelujah, what an honor. What a great honor.


I declare to you, brethren, that all those with ears to hear today shall be saved when the Lord Jesus Christ joins with our mind so completely that His Son is born in us and grows up to spiritual manhood in us, at which time He shall slay the enmity, which is in our personal flesh, which enmity is our carnal mind. Hallelujah.


Let me give you that Alternate Translation again. We have an Alternate Translation on the first third of Daniel 8:17, “So Gabriel set himself over Daniel unexpectedly by penetrating him- -- by penetrating Daniel and joining himself to Daniel’s mind.” And I suggest to you, brethren, that the church world is going to be as shocked as Daniel was, and perhaps Daniel was frightened. It must be a frightening experience to be penetrated by another mind. I would imagine it’s frightening as a young woman that knows nothing about sex on her wedding night.


And I believe Daniel is a type of the church, and I’ve preached this here before. Jesus said He’s coming as a thief in the night. He’s no gentleman, not in this sense. He’s not -- we’re His, and He’s going to have us one way or another. And it’s my understanding that He’s going to come as a thief to the large majority of the church. I don’t know whether it’s because they haven’t received this message, whether they couldn’t receive it, whether He blinded their mind. I don’t know, but I don’t think it makes much of a difference. He’s coming upon them. He’s going to fall upon them suddenly, unexpectedly. And He’s going to be within them, and that’s the way it’s going to be.


There are people that hate this message, but it’s going to be. And God’s motives are righteous. It’s a form of spiritual rape; yes it is. But Jesus is going to do it because these people will not come willingly. And this spiritual penetration is going to save their life. Now I tell you all the time: What Jesus does is acceptable. What man does is not acceptable. Why? Because of the difference in the motive. Jesus can rape you. Why? Because His motive is to save your life.


Brethren, in the natural example, if a young man marries and his wife is afraid of him and locks herself in the bathroom and he drags her out and rapes her, he is a monster. And why would he do such a thing? Because of his own passion. What is the square root of why a man would do such a thing? He’s her husband. She’s his wife. And he has a right to her to satisfy himself.


But Jesus is doing it with a different motive. Jesus will be raping the church and humanity to save her life. Why? Because this penetration will implant the seed of Christ, and she shall be saved in childbearing. It’s hard for the carnal mind. Just hang in there.


That’s why when we see Jesus executing judgment, we must be careful not to condemn the Lord. We’re about to see people in great pain in the very near future. We must guard and ask the Lord to help us to guard our minds against thinking, even for a split second, that the Lord is unrighteous. I know it happens to me all the time, and I catch it, and I repent immediately because the carnal mind will pronounce the Lord Jesus Christ unrighteous. And that is a lie wherever it appears.


Continuing with the second third of Daniel 8:17, Daniel speaking, “and fell upon my face” -- Daniel fell upon his face -- “but he said unto me” -- Gabriel said unto Daniel -- “Understand, O son of man” -- so Daniel fell upon his face, but Gabriel said unto him, “Understand, O son of man.”


And fell upon, Strong’s 5307. Gesenius says that when this word is followed by the Hebrew word, which is pronounced [?al?], it means to rush upon, to attack someone. And it is translated this way in Genesis 43:18 if you would like to check it out. And I looked in my interlinear, and guess what? This word Strong’s 5307 is followed by the Hebrew word [?al?].


And I’m going to suggest to you that Gabriel, the glorified Christ, entered into Daniel’s mind unexpected, joined with it and attacked his carnal mind, rushed upon and attacked his carnal mind. Brethren, this is going to be a violent penetration, a violent warfare. Christ is not gentle in this end-time ministry. He is going to kill the carnal minds of men, and He is going to do it by rushing upon them and attacking them. Hallelujah.


And Daniel fell upon his face. The phrase upon my face is Strong’s 6440. And I’m going to remind you we’ve dealt with the phrase many times even in Daniel 8. And it’s speaking about the outer realms or this realm of appearance that is seen. The face of something is that which is on the -- in the most exterior realm. And it’s referring to this outer world that we live in. And Gabriel fell upon Daniel’s carnality. I’m suggesting to you that the phrase, and fell upon my face, should be translated: and rushed upon my carnal mind. Gabriel penetrated Daniel’s mind, joined with him suddenly and unexpectedly and rushed upon and attacked Daniel’s carnal mind.


Let me give that to you again. And fell upon, means to rush upon or attack anyone. And my face is referring to that which is in the outer realm of the spirit. It’s referring to Daniel’s carnality, and it should -- I know this is a tough one. If you can’t receive it, that’s OK. I just ask that you pray about it. And fell upon my face should be translated and rushed upon my carnal mind, and rushed upon my carnal mind.


“But he said unto me, Understand, O man.” The word but can be translated and. He said, 559, meaning again to enlighten, to give information. Unto me, there was no number in the interlinear. “And he said unto me, Understand” -- now this is not the Hebrew word that means to enlighten. Understand is Strong’s 995. And we found this word in Daniel 12. It means to distinguish, to separate, to discern or to perceive. And it’s the word that we found in Daniel 12 with regard to the concept of learning to distinguish between the carnal mind and Christ.


So Gabriel entered into Daniel’s mind, joined with him suddenly and unexpectedly. And once he got in there, he rushed upon and attacked his carnal mind. And then he said to Daniel, after he attacked his carnal mind -- well, what happened to his carnal mind? When he attacked it, I suggest to you, he put it down under him and set himself up over it. You may recall from an earlier verse, the Scripture says that Gabriel set himself over Daniel.


And let me remind you that frequently, as we do these -- this prophecy or these Scriptures on prophecy, the verses need to be reversed. For whatever reason they’re out of order. It could be that they were preached as a mirror image, or it could be that when the King James translators translated these difficult passages, they moved the words around to try and make some sense out of them in English. But we have found consistently, both in the Greek and the Hebrew prophecy, that after we do a series of verses, we find that we have to rearrange the phrases to make the sequence correct.


So what am I saying to you? I’m saying to you: In the second third of Daniel 8:17, we see that Gabriel rushed upon Daniel’s carnal mind and attacked it. But we found that in a phrase before this, in a verse before this, that Gabriel set himself up over Daniel’s carnal mind. Well, it -- surely you must be able to comprehend that Gabriel must have rushed upon Daniel’s carnal mind and attacked it before he set himself up over it. Can anybody not comprehend that? So the verses are reversed; the phrases are reversed.


So what do we have here? Gabriel rushed suddenly, came suddenly upon Daniel, penetrated him, joined with him, rushed upon his carnal mind, attacked it, set himself over it so that it couldn’t function. Why did he attack his carnal mind? To stop it from functioning. And then he said to Daniel, O son, what did he say: O son or O son of man? O son of man: distinguish between the carnal mind and Christ.


And I want to suggest to you that nobody, nobody, no fallen man can distinguish between the carnal mind and Christ until they have experienced Christ in their own mind. The Scripture says that only Christ will recognize Christ in another believer. You will never recognize Christ in another believer if He’s not in you. And even if Christ is in you, but you are not -- have not been instructed that He’s there or you have not been instructed that there’s two of you in there, if you haven’t been instructed to discern or distinguish between Christ and the carnal mind, if you can’t do it in your own mind, you’ll never recognize Christ in someone else’s mind. So this ministry starts with our own mind. And this why Gabriel said to Daniel, here’s the mind of Christ, Daniel. You’re experiencing Him. Now see the difference. See the difference. Compare.


The word son of man, as Gabriel speaks to Daniel, now “understand, O son of man,” it merely means offspring of fallen Adam, offspring of fallen Adam, offspring of fallen man.


Alternate Translation, the second third of Daniel 8:17, “and he rushed upon my carnal mind and showed me, a descendent of fallen Adam, how to distinguish between Christ and the carnal mind.” He enlightened me. He showed me how to do it. “And he rushed upon my carnal mind and showed me, instructed me, enlightened me, a descendent of fallen Adam, how to distinguish between Christ and the carnal mind.”


Brethren, I’m going to suggest to you that you could have -- it’s possible for someone to have two totally different things right in their own room. And unless somebody points it out to you, you may never even notice the difference. Now let me remind you that the carnal mind and the mind of Christ have things in common. They’re not as foreign as this pair of eyeglasses is to this glass of water. Well, first of all they’re both minds. Second of all they’re both spiritual. And those of us who have been in this end-time warfare, to any degree, know how hard it is to tell the difference between our carnal mind and Christ when they’re speaking to us.


So Gabriel didn’t go to Daniel and say, here’s this blue, plastic glass, and here are these pink eyeglass frames. Distinguish the difference. He didn’t do that. He said, here, Daniel, there are two minds, and they look and sound so much alike that if it were possible, the very elect would be deceived. Amen. And I’m going to teach you how to tell the difference. And why would Daniel want to tell the difference? Because Christ is life, and the carnal mind is death. That two minds that look so much alike could be so diverse in their effect on our life that one means life and the other means death -- hallelujah.


Continuing with the third third of Daniel 8:17, “for at the time of the end shall be the vision.” The word for can be translated because. The time of, is Strong’s 6256, and it’s referring to a certain time or a time limit. The end is Strong’s 7093. It means extremity. In case you don’t know what an extremity would be, an edge -- the extremity of this table is the edge of the table. That’s as far as the table goes. This is the extremity right here. The vision, Strong’s 2377, which is speaking about a prediction from God. For the time of the end shall be the prediction of God.


Now I must admit to you, brethren, that I don’t think I could have ever translated this last phrase of verse 17 without the help of Christ in my mind. Once again we find prophecy vague and unclear as well as incomplete to the carnal mind. To my carnal mind, this combination of words is incomplete. I could have never told you what it meant, but the Lord told me that what this means, “for at the time of the end the vision” -- the words shall be were added in by the King James translators. “For the time of the end the vision” -- this is what the Lord told me it means. Now the vision, remember, is the prediction of God because the promises or the prediction of God are about to bring this present age to an end. Because the fulfillment of the promises of God are about to bring this present age to an end.


Now remember the teaching: This age is eternal damnation. It shall never end any way other than to be swallowed up by the new age of Christ. There is no destruction. There is no atom bomb. There is nothing that can disrupt this endless cycle of births and deaths and torment and tribulation that occurs in this world system. There is only one force in the universe that can put an end to it, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ absorbing it. I don’t care how many atomic bombs we have. The Lord has told me this is eternal torment, and this world will not end outside of absorption into Christ. If we bomb ourselves off of the earth, there’ll be one man and one woman left, and we’ll start all over again just like the cockroaches. That was under the anointing.


I hear a lot about endangered species and all the animals of the world that are gone. Well, they can’t knock out the cockroaches. I don’t believe an atom bomb could do it. God has told me so. You know, I’ve had dreams about cockroaches. I have very interesting dreams. I have had dreams with cockroaches being the symbols of the ungodly minds of men. I had a dream once that comes to my mind right now that Jesus came into the kitchen, and all the cockroaches were around, [?you know?]. And He was directing the bug spray and telling me how to get deliverance. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Daniel 8:17, “So he set himself over me unexpectedly” -- who? Gabriel. “So Gabriel set himself over Daniel unexpectedly by joining himself to Daniel’s mind. And Gabriel rushed upon Daniel’s carnal mind and showed him, a descendent of fallen Adam, how to distinguish between Christ and the carnal mind. Because the promises of God are about to bring this present age to an end.”


The reason Gabriel is instructing Daniel in hi- -- in an ability to distinguish between Christ and the carnal mind is because this age is about to come to an end. Well, what does one thing have to do with the other? Brethren, this age is resident in our carnal mind. And the way that it’s coming to an end is that the new age of Christ is going to swallow it up. And our true reality, our human spirit must be resident either in the carnal mind or Christ. And if -- when -- if you hear the bombs coming down and you flee into the carnal mind, you’re a goner. Do you hear me?


Brethren, when you look up and you see terrible things falling upon this nation, there’s only one place of safety. And that is the ark within you, the ark within your mind. His name is Christ. And if you can’t distinguish Him and you flee into your carnal mind, who’s calling himself God, Christ is not going to appear in you. Your human spirit will return unto Christ and stand on this earth in the last days, but your personality, you, you, who are living in an age where you have the opportunity to experience the glory of Christ appearing in you, you will lose that opportunity. And you will also lose whatever protection you are presently affording to your family. And not only that, but you will also lose whatever protection you are presently affording to other believers that the Lord has assigned to you.


Brethren, if you have any maturity at all, there are believers that God has assigned to you to encourage, to counsel, to pray, to drag through. And if you don’t make it, most likely, everyone under you, unless they have a special call from God, is going to go down. I know -- don- -- I hear all that screaming in the spirit. I know what I’m talking about. Outside of a member of the family having a special call from God, when the father is a very wicked man and a blasphemer of God, the curses that fall will destroy his whole family. Believers that go to a church and don’t have the spiritual strength to make Christ their head but look to their pastor as the head, when that man backslides, they will be destroyed. And if God has assigned 10 people to you, people that you may not even have met yet -- they may not have come into your life yet. If He has assigned them to you to drag them through and you fail, they’re all going down with you.


Now I want to put on this message to avoid any misunderstanding about what I’m saying. I believe, with all my heart, that if you are faithful, God knows your heart. I don’t know your heart all the time. God knows your heart. If you are faithful, if you are doing all that you could do, if you are responding to everything that you have heard -- and He knows whether you’ve heard Him or not. It’s His responsibility to get you to hear it -- He’s going to get you through.


This word, what I just said, it’s to people that are playing games with God, people that have heard God speak to them and have hardened their heart. And they’re going to be destroyed just like the Hebrews in the wilderness. They’re going to harden their heart during the temptation. They’re not going to fight. They’re not going to -- they’re deliberately going to turn away from what He tells them to do.


There’s a difference between being overcome -- there’s a difference between doing the best that you could do, and then you can’t do any more. He’s going to reach down and drag you up. But there are people who have wicked hearts towards God. And they are the ones that are not going to make it.


And I tell you the truth: They’re not going to burn in hell forever, and the human spirit will return unto Christ. But this opportunity to enter into the age of everlasting life will pa- -- slip past them, and it will have a negative effect on their family and every other person they have been given authority over. And that’s a disgrace. And you leave a negative inheritance to your descendants. Curses go on your descendants. I tell you the truth, brethren. I’m not trying to scare you. The truth will only set you free.


I want you to know that I continuously pray that God should give me whatever I need to do what will make Him proud of me. I pray continuously: Don’t let me be a coward. I don’t care what He does to this world. I don’t care what He does to this country because I know everything He does is righteous. My prayer is: Come Lord Jesus. Do it; we’re in bad shape. Just give me what I need to be a hero. Why would you want to be ashamed of me? Because I know I’m a coward. That’s nothing new. When I think of someone torturing my body, I’m an absolute coward. I’m not going to lie to you. I got a big mouth until you’re hurting me. I don’t like to be hurt. Hallelujah.


I haven’t -- I rewrote that Alternate Translation of Daniel 8:17. I made it a little clearer, and we’ll call it an amplified translation of Daniel 8:17. “So he rushed upon me unexpectedly and joined himself to my carnal mind by laying on top of it. And because the promises of God are about to bring this present age to an end, Gabriel showed Daniel, a descendant of fallen Adam, how to distinguish between Christ and the carnal mind.”


“So Gabriel rushed upon Daniel unexpectedly and joined himself to Daniel’s carnal mind by laying on top of it. And because the promises of God are about to bring this present age to an end, he showed me, a descendant” -- I’m sorry -- “he showed Daniel, a descendant of fallen Adam, how to distinguish between Christ and the carnal mind.”


Why? So that Daniel’s life could be preserved. And I want to suggest to you, at this point, that Daniel was prophesying in verse 17. Daniel was prophesying. He was speaking for the entire church. And I’ll go into that in more detail in the next message. And of course the -- when we went over the verse, we found the translation of the word, was to be set over, and I changed that to laying on top of because it’s clearer in accordance with the way God’s been teaching us.


Verse 18, “Now as he was speaking with me, I was in a deep sleep on my face toward the ground: but he touched me, and set me upright.” Now as Gabriel was speaking with Daniel, he was in a deep sleep on his face toward the ground. Now as he was speaking, Strong’s 1696, merely means he was speaking to him. With me has no number. I was in a deep sleep, 7290: to sleep heavily, to sleep heavily. On my face, Strong’s 6440. Again the word face is talking about these outer realms, this fallen world that we live in. Toward the ground, 776. The word ground means the soul or the carnal mind. Now as Gabriel was speaking with Daniel, Daniel was in a deep sleep in this outer realm, and he was in his carnal mind. But Gabriel touched him and set him upright.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Daniel 8:18, “Now as Gabriel was speaking with Daniel, Daniel was in the deep sleep, which exists in the earth of fallen Adam’s carnal mind.” “Now as Gabriel was speaking with Daniel, Daniel was in the deep sleep, which exists in the earth of fallen Adam’s carnal mind.”


Does not Paul say, awake to righteousness? I remind you that God put Adam into a deep sleep at the beginning of time, and he is only beginning to wake up today a few members at a time. If you’re here or if you’re listening to these messages, you have begun to awake. And what are you awaking to? Who remembers the Scripture? Awake to what? To right- -- the Scripture says righteousness, but that’s close. We are awaking to righteousness. We died to righteousness when righteous Adam was castrated at the beginning of time. And now we are awaking or being resurrected unto the righteousness of God. We -- our death at the beginning of time did not cause us to cease to be. But we died to the righteousness of God, or we died to life and entered into this existence of death, which is really hell.


See, the church has such a fantasy and a fable or what hell is supposed to look like, we can’t recognize it when we’re in the midst of it. Why? Because we think there are supposed to be physical fires with devils that are red and horns and tails and pitchforks. And this doesn’t look like that, so it can’t possibly be hell. If you stop to think about it, we’re really so naïve, totally naïve. Denial, the church is in denial. Hallelujah.


Continuing with the second half of Daniel 8:18, “But Gabriel touched me” -- “but Gabriel touched Daniel and set him upright.” But he touched me, Strong’s 5060, to reach into or to touch a woman, another penetration. This is the same word, which appears in verse 5, where we translated it to engage in sexual intercourse. In verse 5, I remind you, this word was used to describe the carnal mind’s penetration of righteous Adam.


And set me upright, Strong’s 5975, to arise or to stand upright. And I remind you that this word is used throughout the Old and New Testament to refer to a restoration unto righteousness. Our fallen condition is typified by lying down in a bed. There is a stage where we are sitting up in the bed, where, as it’s told us Revel- -- in the Book of Revelation, we have a little strength. We are waiting -- those of us that have this word in our heart, we are waiting to be set upright.


And I remind you that we are a tree that has fallen down. And because we have fallen down, all of the pestilence has spiritual authority to crawl over us and climb over us and bite us and kill us. We are a tree that is waiting to be set upright so that once again, all the pestilence that is bound to the earth, the snakes and the vipers and the crawling insects, no longer have dominion over us.


So this word is referring to -- well, in this case it wouldn’t be full stature because it’s just temporary. But it’s talking about Daniel being brought to a position where he’s in righteous relationship with the Lord. Why? So that he can -- or so that the things of God can be imparted to him.


Brethren, this truth cannot be imparted to sinners. This truth is the hidden manner. Only by the election of God can we understand this word. So Daniel had to be brought to a position of righteousness whereby he could hear what Gabriel was saying to him. Do you realize that if this word is being imparted to you, if you’re called to hear it, that in God’s mind, you have genuinely repented to the point where He is exposing you to this word? Because we are -- that -- we are justified before God through repentance and, of course, the blood of Jesus Christ, but it’s not enough to just say the blood of Jesus. We have to use the blood of Jesus or appropriate the blood of Jesus to come into a place where God finds us faithful.


The whole church world is not getting this message. And I remind you: In very few cases is it the people’s rebellion. God has not opened their heart to the word. I know some people that understand it are in rebellion but very few and far between. “But he touched me, and set me upright.” He reached -- Gabriel reached into Daniel, touched him as a woman, another penetration. And he put him in a position of right standing with God, over his carnal mind, where he could understand the deep, spiritual things of God.


There’s another phrase in this verse that was not translated by the King James translators, and it says -- in the interlinear it says, on my place. But he touched me and set me upright on my place. Strong’s 5977, and it means a platform. So we can say, but he touched me and set me upright on a platform. Gabriel set Daniel or stood him up on a platform.


And I’m going to suggest to you that this platform is the foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now you may recall from our studies in Daniel 7 that a foundation was laid into the fallen creation, and we found out that foundation to be the carnal mind, which is -- to be honest with you, I don’t remember whether it was Satan or the carnal mind. It must have been the carnal mind, ruled by Satan. And then towards the end of Daniel 7, we found out that the new foundation of Jesus Christ was added to the fallen creation.


Brethren, every human being alive must have a foundation. It’s hard for us to understand that, but there is such a thing as a spiritual foundation upon which we are built. When a baby is conceived, a spiritual foundation is laid into that child. And flesh is laid over the spiritual foundation. Try thinking of Ezekiel’s dry bones. The dry bones typify the spirit. God will impart a spirit to the woman’s womb, and then the flesh starts to form around it. Everyone that’s walking the earth has a spiritual foundation. Everybody has the spiritual foundation of the carnal mind.


In some of us, we now have two foundations. And when the foundation of Christ is strong enough to support us, the Lord’s going to destroy the foundation of the carnal mind. But for a season, until the foundation of Christ is fully built, we have two foundations.


So again we see a Scripture with a deep spiritual truth, and it sounds so simple. Gabriel stood Daniel up on a platform. Well, to the unschooled mind, what in the world does that mean? It means that Gabriel imparted Christ to Daniel.


And I’m suggesting to you that the second penetration is that which caused Daniel to conceive Christ in his own mind. And what we see here, in the Book of Daniel, chapter 8, is a -- God help me -- is an outline of what the Lord is doing. It must be at least 3,000 years since the Book of Daniel was written or thereabouts. It has to be more than 2,000 -- 2,500 or 3,000 years. Later we see God actually doing it.


So I suggest to you again, it was not happening to Daniel. Daniel was a type of the church. But for all intents and purposes, for that moment that the Lord was speaking to Daniel, a temporary foundation, a temporary Christ was imputed to him. But this is really a prophecy of what God is going to do for the church and for the whole world. He is saving us from eternal torment by imparting a new foundation to us. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Daniel 8:18, “but Gabriel joined himself to Daniel’s mind as a new foundation. And Daniel arose to the spiritual realm of God because of His -- Christ’s -- righteousness.” “But Gabriel joined himself to Daniel’s mind as a new foundation” -- a new spiritual source -- “and Daniel arose to the spiritual realm of God” -- why? -- “because of Christ’s righteousness.” Gabriel imparted something spiritual to Daniel that enabled him to arise to a place where he could hear the secrets of God. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Daniel 8:18, “Now as Gabriel was speaking with Daniel, Daniel was in the deep sleep, which exists in the earth of fallen Adam’s carnal mind. But Gabriel joined himself to Daniel’s mind as his new foundation. And Daniel arose to the spiritual realm of God because of Christ’s righteousness.”


Please note that there are two joinings: one in verse 17 and a second in verse 18. The joining in verse 17 is in two stages. It begins with general penetration of Daniel’s carnal mind. And that wor- -- that phrase, general penetration, merely means that Gabriel was outside, and now he is inside.


Or -- I don’t want to confuse you -- I said Gabriel arose from the dead bones of Christ. Well, we could say Gabriel was inside those dead bones, not manifesting. And all of a sudden, he arose into Daniel’s mind. He was not in Daniel’s mind, and then he was in Daniel’s mind. That’s what I mean by a general penetration. He entered in in -- originally with no specific direction. He just entered in. And that penetration ends with Gabriel setting himself over or laying on top of Daniel’s carnal mind.


Two penetrations, the first one in two stages. Gabriel entered into Daniel’s mind, located his carnal mind and layered over it. There’s no mention of penetration in verse 18 because Gabriel, or the glorified spirit of Jesus Christ, penetrated Daniel’s carnal mind in verse 17. He’s already in there by the time we get to verse 18.


In verse 18 we hear about a foundation appearing in Daniel’s mind upon which he can be set upright or be restored to right standing with God. And we know that there is no foundation laid other than the foundation that has already been laid in Jesus Christ, and that is in 1 Corinthians 3:11.


So I’m suggesting to you that the second joining is actually a fertilization of the spiritual seed of God, which is within Daniel’s carnal mind. So what am I saying? The first penetration, Gabriel went into his mind. The second penetration, he went right for Eve, OK?


The first penetration located the carnal mind and layered on top of it. The second penetration penetrated the carnal mind and went right for Eve and fertilized her and caused her to conceive Christ. The indwelling Christ then -- or the imparted anointing -- is the foundation upon which Daniel is set upright although of course we know that it was only temporary in Daniel. But I repeat: I wrote it in that way because I believe Daniel is the type of the church. And it -- and he -- it is -- the Lo- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


-- and it -- and he -- it is -- the Lord is expressing through him that this is how the church will be saved, through penetration by the Spirit of God, through the conception of Christ and through the formation of Christ, which will be a foundation or, as we preached it in other Scriptures, a new power base upon which we can build righteousness. Fallen man cannot build righteousness upon the foundation of the carnal mind. We will fail every time, and we will continue to remain in this death.


You may recall some old teachings about there being a new power base in the earth. This is shocking to the church world, but, brethren, there’s only one power base. There’s only one spiritual authority that is causing men to be born in this hour, and his name is Satan. With the exception of the Lord Jesus Christ, every one of us was generated by Satan. We have Satan’s body, and we have Satan’s carnal mind.


Christ is the invading force. Christ is invading that which Satan has already brought forth. Christ is entering into another man’s labor, and He’s taking away everything that he’s done. He’s taking all the bodies and all the souls, which was originally stolen from Him in the first place, of course.


Can you hear what I’m saying? Christ did not cause us to be born. We wouldn’t look like this if He did. We’re fallen. I believe in certain situations now, as we move into the end times, I believe certain human beings were -- that the Lord Jesus Christ caused them to be born because He knew they would be sons of God. But in those instances, the Lord Jesus Christ overshadowed Satan’s authority simply by directing which human being we would be born in, but we’re still coming forth in a fallen body. And that’s what I mean when I say we’re born under Satan’s authority. If Jesus Christ generated us, we would not look like this.


Does anyone not know what I’m talking about? There is a continuous reproduction going on in this fallen world. And when the Lord Jesus Christ wanted someone to come forth, like Jeremiah or one of the people who was going to be His sons or son, the Lord, of course, has the authority to influence the Satanic procedure of bringing forth human beings. But generally speaking every one of us is a product of the fallen man, which is Satan.


Jesus Christ is invading us and converting us from the inside out, but He’s starting off with a satanic product, and that is the truth. And if you’re upset, you may be dealing with pride. If you’re hearing this message and you’re upset, rebuke it because I’m telling you the truth. And Jesus said the truth is going to set you free. Denying what and who you are and where you came from is not going to help you. I rebuke denial.


Amplified translation, Daniel 8:18, “Now I was in the deep sleep, which exists in the earth of fallen Adam’s carnal mind, but as he started speaking with me, the foundation of God’s city, the new Jerusalem, began to appear in the earth of my mind. And I began to ascend into heaven because of Christ’s righteousness.” Again this happened temporarily to Daniel, but it is a type and an example of what is happening to the church permanently today.


Verse 19, “And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be.” And he said, it’s that same verb, 559, to enlighten, give information. Behold, there it is. I will make thee to know, Strong’s 3045, to perceive, to acquire or to acknowledge. I will make you to understand. What means what. Shall be, Strong’s 1961. We can translate that, what shall come to pass. In the last end of, 319, the latter or extreme part.


The indignation, 2195. This word means punishment sent from God. Gesenius says that this word is properly translated foam, F-O-A-M, foam, like on a wave of the sea. I suggest to you that it is speaking about the sons of God, which are also described as snow and hail in the Scripture.


This whole existence, called death, hell or the Land of Nod, is God’s punishment upon his creation. And in the latter end, at the very tip of this age of punishment, there’s going to appear some foam on the wave. Glory to God. The life of Christ is going to appear, and [?in this?] whole mess, the deliverance of God through his sons.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Daniel 8:19, “And he said, look. I will enable you to understand what shall come to pass at the end of the punishment sent from God.” “And Gabriel said to Daniel, look. I am going to enable you to understand what’s going to happen at the end of the punishment sent by God.” This is it -- this whole world that we live in eternal torment is the punishment of God.


Now the church world would translate this Scripture to make you think that the indignation is that which is coming. But I suggest to you: We have been under the indignation of God for thousands of years. This is hell, brethren.


When I was a young Christian, we used to talk about crashing into hell and getting the people out. Brethren, we are the people that are in hell. We are crashing out. I remember I went to someone in that church that I went to who I thought was pretty spiritual. God had told me this. I was so excited. I went running over, and I said, do you know what God told me? We’re not crashing in; we’re crashing out. And she just looked at me deadpan and turned away.


People have been resisting this message for at least 10 years. I’ve had this message in my heart, in various degrees, for at least 10 years. People have walked away from me. People have changed the subject on me. People have rebuked me. People have run out of my house, but I declare to you, brethren, that this is the truth of the word of God. And for those who have ears to hear, hear it. And if you don’t have ears to hear, let God deal with you. God bless you.


If I’m the only one, I am going through. If I am the only one, I would study for myself if there was nobody here. I have never heard such a blessed thing. Such blessed words have never come to my ears as what the Lord has imparted to me. Worth every drop of persecution and rejection I’ve ever experienced. I wouldn’t change places with anybody for anything unless it was what I had now plus -- wouldn’t give up anything.


Continuing -- we’re almost finished. It shouldn’t be too much longer. Continuing with the second half of Daniel 8:19, “for at the time appointed the end shall be.” For at the time appointed, Strong’s 4150, the assembly. It means the assembly. The King James translated it, for the time appointed, but another translation is the assembly or a signal. Have you heard about the ingathering, the gathering of the saints? There’s a lot of talk about it in the New Testament. There’s a great ingathering of the saints of God. That’s what this phrase means, for at the time appointed. The end, 7093, again it means extremity. And the words, shall be, are not in the Hebrew.


Alternate Translation, Daniel 8:19, “which shall end with the assembly of the saints.” Once again we find a few vague, unclear words, but I suggest to you that the Scripture is saying that the end of God’s punishment upon His creation is the assembling or the gathering together or the reconciliation of His saints, which ingathering shall be a signal of salvation to the world.


Now the carnal mind reads this verse that the indignation is first coming in: We’re going to burn in hell forever. But I declare to you this verse is saying that this world that we live in is the indignation and that the end of it will be the reconciliation of the creation unto God: not the end of it but the beginning of it. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Daniel 8:19, “And he said, look. I will enable you to understand what shall come to pass at the end of the punishment sent from God, which shall be the assembling of the saints.”


Now I had -- I have some Scriptures for you, which I’m not going to give you. We’ll do it at the next message. I feel that I’ve al- -- I -- you really can’t take any more. But I have several Scriptures on reconciliation, and basically these are the Scriptures upon which the doctrine of ultimate reconciliation was brought forth. And I would like to expound on them as I give them to you. And I don’t -- the Lord’s telling me you can’t take any more tonight, so we’ll leave it for the next message. I would just like to give you an amplified translation of Daniel 8:19 and then read you a recap of verses 15 to 19. And we’ll pick this up at the next message.


Amplified translation, Daniel 8:19, “And he said, look. I’ll help you to understand” -- “And Gabriel said to Daniel, look. I’ll help you to understand that the end of God’s punishment upon mankind is the reconciliation of the whole creation unto God.” Now not the way it’s being preached in ultimate reconciliation. Not every individual personality, but the reconciliation of the original creation, which is spiritual, which is presently in the form of righteous Adam’s dead bones, a drop of which is in each man in the form of his human spirit.


Recap, Daniel chapter 8, verses 15 to 19, “And when I understand that God was communicating with me through a vision, I asked for understanding. And there it was: A mature spiritual being materialized in front of me.


“And between the time that I asked to understand the vision and the time that the spiritual warrior appeared, I heard a voice crying out saying, Gabriel, enlighten this human mind with spiritual sight.


“So he rushed upon me unexpectedly and joined himself to my carnal mind by laying on top of it. And because the promises of God are about to bring this present age to an end, he showed me, a descendant of fallen Adam, how to distinguish between Christ and the carnal mind.


“Now I was in a deep sleep, which exists in the earth of fallen Adam’s carnal mind, but as he started speaking with me, the foundation of God’s city, the new Jerusalem, began to appear in the earth of my mind. And I began to ascend into heaven because of Christ’s righteousness.


“And he said, look. I’ll help you to understand that the end of God’s punishment upon mankind is the reconciliation of the whole creation unto God.”


Glory to God. Some of those verses are not in the proper sequence. I didn’t have time to intersperse them, but at the next message, I’ll give you an interspersed translation of those verses, and we’ll go over the ultimate reconciliation verses. And I have a few more interesting things for you. And I hope this was a blessing to you. I’m sorry it was so long. Glory to God. Are you all OK? Two hours and 18 minutes of -- hallelujah.



It was deep, but it’s glorious. Isn’t it glorious?






But you have to remember. You have to keep reminding -- I keep reminding myself that most of them couldn’t hear it. He hasn’t opened their ears to it, and the reason for it -- I’m going to keep on saying it. The reason for it is that God has a plan. And his plan is that a firstfruits should arise first and teach the others.


And as I told you the other day, I’m convinced at this point that if I or anyone that He would bring to my condition were to try to teach thousands of people -- if I were to have a mailing list of thousands of people, that their carnal minds would kill me, that that corporate thousand-person carnal mind, my body would not survive it. I’m convinced of it. And that’s why He’s waiting until a group of us are in full stature -- OK, because they won’t be able to kill us -- to teach the rest of the world. I’m convinced of it.


            There’s so much to learn.




07/30/14 – Transcribed by VerbalFusion

08/06/14 – 1st Edit CAS/BP








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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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