163 - Part 2

Part 2 of 2 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



As has been our practice with prophesy, as we translate it -- first of all let me remind you that for every English word that you look up in Webster’s Dictionary, it could be anywhere from one to 20 definitions of the same word, and in the Greek and Hebrew -- this is true in the Hebrew sometimes, there are three pages of alternate definitions in my lexicons, and what we’ve been doing here is that the Lord has been giving me a revelation, and then He sends me into the lexicons to look up the words, and I find with all -- with meanings that have not been translated into the King James translation, there’s everything the Lord has laid in my heart. And that’s how we wind up with these Alternate Translations.


And on top of that we have found out over the five years that we’re doing this, they’re frequently the phrases in a verse or in two verses are not in a -- in what we could consider a logical order for our carnal minds anyway. And I honestly don’t know whether the original translators moved these Hebrew words around because they simply -- or the Greek words -- because they simply couldn’t make any sense out of it otherwise.


Another possibility is that this realm is standing opposite of the spiritual realm of God. It’s a mirror image of the realm of the Spirit, and when this prophecy was given to John from the realm of the Spirit, remember he was caught up. He didn’t receive it down here on the Earth. He was caught up into the heavenlies, so he received it from the realm of the Spirit. It’s possible that when he put it down in the original language, some of the phrases got out of order. I haven’t changed any of the words, just made the sequence correct, so it would make sense to our fallen minds.


And I’ve done that in several verses, and in some cases, there are two verses that have been out of order. I’ve had to -- I’ve -- the word I use is intersperse them.


Revelation Chapter 16. Please note that in Verse 1, the Father commands Jesus, and the command begins to be executed in this second verse. First one, “and I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, ‘Go your ways and pour out of the vials of the wrath of God upon the Earth.’’ And we went into Verses 1 through 14 in detail on the message prior to this. I’m just going to read you the Alternate Translation.


“And I hear the authoritative voice of the Father speaking to the Lord Jesus Christ from within His glorified soul saying, ‘Go and let my passion for my wife pour out of you upon the conscious minds of men.’”


So let me just remind you that the temple of God, the temple of the Father, is the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ and the wife of God is this human race. In relationship to God, spiritually speaking, every human being alive is female. God is Spirit. This Bible is a spiritual book. He’s not concerned with your bodies, and the carnal church continuously stumbles over bodies. And I’ll go so far as to tell you that a man that has no spiritual maturity at all should be placed over women who are developed spiritually -- this is ridiculous. Any rational mind would tell you that this makes no sense at all.


And another problem is this Scripture that women shall be saved in childbearing -- we have a whole world full of natural women that have not been saved by the birth of human babies. Every human being alive must birth the Christ child that we read about in Revelation Chapter 12. He’s being born of your mind. It is the Christ being born in your mind, and when He’s born in your mind, He’s going to weave Himself together with your carnal mind. And when that work is completed, and that is the work -- Jesus said he’s completing the work of the Father -- that’s what it is, being born in your mind and weaving Himself together with your carnal mind. When that work is completed, Christ will be fully revealed in you, and you will be able to say what Paul said: “I live but not I. Christ liveth in me.”


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] So in the first verse, we heard a great voice out of the temple. The Father saying to the seven angels -- seven being a number of completion, angels being the spiritual men of human beings -- and the Lord is saying, “Go and pour out of vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.” And we found out in the last message that the vials typify our humanity.


And back in Chapter 15, we found where the verse says, “And I saw another sign in heaven. Great, marvelous seven angels having the seven last plagues. For in them has filled up the wrath of God.” We found out that what that means is that the angels are filled up with the wrath of God, but that word -- that Greek word translated wrath -- it can also be translated the passion of God, the passion of God for humanity, the passion of God for His wife. He is desiring to have a union of the mind with us. He is desiring to join with us in our mind, and our carnal mind is opposing this union with God. And the Father loves us so much and desires to join with us so much that judgment is pouring out of the men who are filled up with the life of God, and that is the judgment of sin, which is the mercy of God because sin is killing us.


And if we are not chastened, the Scripture says, we are bastards. If we are truly Sons, we are chastened. Our sin is judged, and the result of it is, is that righteousness arises in us. It is the putting down of sin and the uprising of righteousness. It the death of this existence onto the newness of life as it is in Christ Jesus.


Verse 2, “And the first went, the first angel went and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshipped his image.”


Now when I did the first part of this message, I was very short of time, and I didn’t take the time to look up the significance of the first angel, the second angel, the third angel and the fourth angel. And I’m going to make comments on that today. The Greek word translated first also means the -- it means the, excuse me -- it means the first in rank, and I’m suggesting to you that it’s talking about the Lord Jesus Christ. He came before us. He’s talking about the Lord Jesus Christ.


And also in Verse 2, I made a change in the translation. I had said in the last message, conscious mind and environment, and I realize now that it should have been conscious and unconscious mind. So let me read that for you.


In the first verse, Jesus Christ pours himself out of the firstfruits of the second generation of Christ. Let me explain that to you. Jesus Christ in this hour is in the minds of the second generation of Christ. The first generation of Christ, the Lord Jesus cries, has become the unconscious mind of the men in whom He is about to intertwine His mind and fill them up with His life, so when the voice of the Father says, “Pour out judgment,” He is arising in the minds of the group of men who exist in the earth today in whom He has begun the process of interweaving His mind with their mind. And He’s not doing it with everybody at once. He’s not a [?respector?] of persons, but He has a plan to save this world and this whole human race, and God usually works with small numbers, and His plan involves Him starting with a small group first. He started with Abraham. Then He went to Isaac. Then He went to Jacob. Then He went to the 12 tribes, and the 12 tribes multiplied into thousands, probably millions of human beings.


And now that was in the flesh, now in the Spirit, He’s doing the same thing. He’s starting with one man, the Lord Jesus Christ. And now He’s going forth into a small company called the firstfruits of Christ Jesus, but eventually it’s going to touch everybody that’s on the earth at the time that this happens.


So Verse 2, Alternate Translation, “And the Lord Jesus Christ separated from the Father and arose from the realm of God’s Spirit, which is heaven, to become the new unconscious mind of the second generation of Christ, who were still obeying their carnal minds because Satan’s nature was engraved upon their souls.”


So we find a company of people. We find a church. [?We’re all?] filled with people that have the Holy Ghost or whose nature is in the image of Satan, whose nature is in the image of Satan. This is a big mystery, and there are many people in the church today that won’t deal with it, and the Scripture -- Jesus said he came to the Pharisees, and he told them, “I came to heal the blind. If you tell me you could see, there’s nothing I could do for you.” But people think that -- for people who think that they’re OK, and they go around and they quote Scriptures, but there -- these Scriptures are not being walked out in their life. They have received a lie. The truth is, we have received the promise of the Holy Ghost, and what we -- the promise that we receive is that the Lord will make real every one of those Scriptures that you’re walking around quoting for what has promised to make it real in your life, but you have to let Him do it. If you walk around saying that you’ve already got it, who can help you?


So we find a witness to th- -- I’ve been saying this for years, and we find a witness to it. In Verse 2 of Revelation 16, that the church is still in the image of Satan. This is a shock to many people, but all you need is a pair of intelligent eyes, [?which?] is very little difference between the church and the people in the world, and sometimes the people in the world are nicer than some of the people in the church. I want to tell you the most wicked people I ever met in my life, I met when I came into the church. I was in shock for about a whole year. I couldn’t believe it. The most wicked, wicked people I ever met in my life in the ministry! [?Forget about?] it in the church.


The whole world is still, with the exception of the Lord Jesus Christ, is still in the image of Satan. Don’t worry about getting the mark. You already have it. You were born with it. The mark is the image of Satan. You’ve got to get it erased. I’ve heard people tell me, they’ve had all kinds of plans. They’re going to run here. They’re going to run there. They go to escape this tattoo on the hand. Brethren, you were born with it! You have got to get it erased from your mind, and there’s only one way it can be erased from your mind, and that is, when the Lord Jesus Christ enters into your life. He simultaneously erases the nature of Satan and impresses the nature of the Father on your mind. If the image of Satan was removed before Jesus was ready to impress the image of the Father, you would have no mind!


So the Lord is doing it slowly. He comes against an area of sin in your mind. He deals with you. He brings you to confession and repentance, and He replaces His image in that area. Do you know that computers work like that? When you have a disk for holding data for a computer, there has what it calls sectors, and some of those sectors can be bad. We had a problem with the computer today. It has bad sectors on it, and what do you think happens when you hit a bad sector on the computer? It corrupts what it touches, and that’s the word that they use in computer language. Corruption.


Glory to God. Verse 3, “And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and it became as the blood of a dead man, and every living soul in the sea died.” And of course, the second angel refers to Christ Jesus, the second generation of Christ, and the sea in the Scripture typifies the unconscious mind of the fallen man. It typifies Satan. Well, we know there are two seas in this Scripture. Satan is the salt sea, and he’s dead, and we have a natural example of that. We have a salt sea in Israel. Did you see it when you were there? He’s aw- -- it’s eerie. The sea is dead. It never moves. There’s no life in it. It’s utterly stagnant.




Yeah, you can float in it.




Whatever’s in it floats, yeah. Yeah, it’s all salt. It’s dead. It doesn’t move, and then we have another sea in the Scripture that typifies the unconscious mind of Christ. The sea, anybody know the sea of what?




Sea of Glass, amen. Sea of Glass. That’s the unconscious mind of Christ. Glory to God.

So in Verse 3, we see Christ Jesus, the second generation of Christ beginning to pour out of their carnal minds. Now remember, the life of Christ is inside the carnal mind, which is inside this body. A lot of men stumble over us. Israel stumbled over Jesus’ flesh, we’re told in the prophets, and the same thing is happening today. Carnal men are stumbling over the flesh of human beings. Paul said, we’re to know no man by the flesh, but you know him by the spirit. You don’t know who I am by looking at me. I’m told that about 50 years ago, a man was a mighty man of God. He was preaching. He was teaching. He was prophesizing, and a congregation in Canada invited him to come be their pastor without ever seeing him, based on what they had heard. When he got off of the train, he was short and he was very thin and he was wearing an old raggedy suit and he wasn’t -- he didn’t make much of an appearance at all. And they were so horrified at the way he looked that they sent him packing. They fired him before they ever let him get in the pulpit.


Paul said that when you see me in person, you’re not impressed with me, but when I write you letters, you’re impressed with me. I want to tell you, men are destroyed by what they see with their eyes, and the way their carnal minds evaluate it. We are who we are in Christ. It has nothing to do with our body. It has nothing to do with what we wear. It has nothing to do with what kind of a job we have. It has only to do with one thing, and that is whose nature is appearing in us, and if the church doesn’t start to overcome this carnality, this new move of God is going to go sweeping right past them because they’re not going to see it. [?Got to look?] the spiritual fruit. You’ve got to know a man by the spirit. You have to know who he is.


So back to Verse 3, we see that the second generation of Christ begins to pour out of their carnal minds upon their remainder of fallen mankind before they are in full stature, before the carnal is totally paralyzed and it’s only Christ appearing in them, we see the two witness company. It’s called the two witness company, or the immature manifestation of Christ Jesus doing the works of the Father, and the works of the Father is the judgment of sin, the righteous judgment of sin in men, the judgment of sin which doesn’t condemn, but results in healing and deliverance and life. And this can only come forth out of the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.


So we see this company in the earth executing and expressing the righteousness of Christ before they are perfect, and be careful that you don’t go to one of these people and say to them, you are not in perfection yet, and there’s nothing you have to offer me, and there’s nothing you could say to me, and you have no authority over me, because if God has placed that person with authority, if they truly are moving in the authority of Christ, you are rejecting the ministry of Christ. And what’s going to happen? God’s not going to kill you, but you’re going to reap what you’re going to sow. What does that mean? You’re going to have a painful experience that will show you that you made a mistake. God loves you. He doesn’t want to kill you, but He does want to correct your errors.


Alternate Translation Verse 3. ”And the firstfruits of the immature Christ Jesus company poured out of their carnal minds upon the unconscious mind of the fallen man, and the whole living soul which had been dissolved in the Sea of Satan died to the death of this existence. And the resurrected glorified blood of Jesus Christ became fallen man’s new unconscious mind.”


I want to take a minute to show you how fallen man was dissolved in that sea. And the second angel poured out of his vial, poured out of his humanity upon the sea of fallen man, upon the unconscious mind, and the unconscious mind of man became as the blood of a dead man.


Let me try and show you how we’re all dissolved in the Sea of Satan. First of all, let me remind you that water typifies the soul realm and that we have done studies that have shown that the life of God is typified by minerals. If you do a word study on the gems that are on the breastplate or the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] of the Levitical priests, I did that once years ago, and I couldn’t figure it out, but I took every one of those words and studied them down to their root, and every one of them was a mineral, and I didn’t understand what it meant. Now I understand.


Minerals, specifically salt, typify the substance of God, and did not Jesus say, “If you have salt, but that salt has lost its savor, what good is that saltiness?” If you have a human spirit, but it’s not revealing Christ, if it’s not preserving your soul, what good is your human spirit? If you have a residue of the life of God in you, but it’s dead and therefore not keeping your soul alive, what good is it?


If you’re a married woman and your husband is not there and it’s your desire to have children, well, what kind of a marriage is this? He’s not doing what he’s supposed to be doing. If you’re married, you want your husband, you want your children, you want your family life. Well, if you have a drop of God in you, He should preserve -- He should be preserving your life!


So we know that the human spirit is typified by salt because Jesus told us that. Does anybody not know what I’m talking about? So we’ve established that our human spirit is typified by salt in the Scripture, and that the soul realm is typified by water, and we know that Eve had an adulterer’s union with Satan at the beginning of time in which she became completely immersed in him. The Lord has revealed to us that this whole world system exists as a result of a spiritual sexual union. What it is in one big amniotic sac, and all of us are in utero. We have not been born yet, and this is existence in the sac known as hell or as the Land of Nod. It started out at the Land of Eden, the amniotic sac of Eden, but we’ve fallen down into Nod. So we found that Eve permanently joined with Satan, forming this creation, and the way the Scripture explains it, is that the sea became saltwater, became the salt sea known as the unconscious mind of fallen man.


And we have found many Scriptures, but it started out in Daniel 7, and we found it in other Scriptures since then, that God’s remedy for His wife being dissolved in the living soul -- anybody remember what He’s going to do to it? What’s the ra- -- how’s He going to get her out of here?


            [INAUDIBLE] [?Boil her?hot water?]


He’s going to boil her. The answer is fire. And He’s going to boil this sea until Satan goes off in vapor and the only thing that’s left are the crystals of his human spirit, which is Eve the mother of all living, and when He gets here free from the salt sea, the life of Christ is going to descend upon her, and she is going to be dissolved in the soul realm of Christ, and she shall be in a sea of glass likened to crystal, and forever she shall be with the Lord.


So that’s how we got the understanding that this whole living soul is dissolved in the salt sea of Satan’s life, and that this soul realm is standing opposite of the realm of the Spirit, and the world you see, a world where there are nations, where are there are continents, and then there are large seas, and there are islands in the sea. We are the islands. The drop of water is inside of us. It’s the opposite of the way it is in this world.


The way we’re all dissolved in the salt sea is that our human spirit is so immersed in Satan, this is the original codependency, Brethren. Talk about being codependent! OK, she has become totally immersed. The Scripture says she shall long for her husband. She is engaged in a continuous spiritually intercourse with Satan, and they have produced the fruit of the carnal mind. She is the harlot of Revelation.


She not only is committing adultery with someone who’s not her husband, but she’s also engaged in a continuous incestuous union with her own offspring, and frequently there is a fruit of this union between her and her offspring, and that fruit is demons, and basically the difference between the carnal mind and in the demons is this: the carnal mind is a whole personality, a whole personality. Demons are fragments of personality. You can get some relief by casting demons out. Demons typify personality characteristics. You can have a demon of lust. You can have a demon of anger. You can have a demon of pain. You can have a demon of fear. And when you cast it out, your personality remains the same, but you’ve lost a quality that is negative. The carnal mind is your whole personality. That’s why the whole answer to your problem cannot be casting out demons because you still have your fallen personality to deal with.    


The answer to the problem of fallen man is to get a new personality, to get his mind renewed, to get a new mind in Christ Jesus.


Alternate Translation, this is the third verse of Revelation 16, “And the firstfruits of the immature Christ Jesus” -- that’s the human beings that are manifest in Christ but are not yet perfect -- “poured out of their carnal minds upon the unconscious minds of fallen man and the whole living soul which had been dissolved in the sea of Satan died to the death of this existence.”


And when you die to the death of this existence, what happens? And they were resurrected, and the glorified blood of Jesus Christ became fallen man’s new unconscious mind. Hallelujah.


Please note that the Scripture says, the whole living soul that was in the sea was dead. Let me remind you that our God is the God of the living, and who is the living? Eve is the living and the mother of all living or the mother of all human spirits which have appeared in the earth since she was formed.


I’m suggesting to you then that this Scripture is witnessing to the Lord being the God of this Spirit, and does not the Scripture say He is the God of all spirits? He is not the God of the dead living soul. Satan is the God of the dead living soul.


Verse 4, “and the third angel poured out of his vial upon the rivers and the fountains of waters and they became blood.”


The word third is Strong’s [?7992?], and it means the third part but it also can mean a day or a time period. Remember that Christ is the day or the new day or the new age? In Verse 4, Christ Jesus, the mature second generation of Christ pours out of their carnal minds upon the remainder of fallen mankind and after they have experienced the first stage of the resurrection known as full stature. Now what this first stage of resurrection means, it means they have paralyzed their carnal minds. They are called the Sons of God or the new age of Christ at this mature stage of their development.


Let me just remind you of the three stages of the resurrection. The Lord Jesus Christ is raising this creation from the dead. It’s going to be in three stages. Jesus Christ has already experienced all three stages. This is our condition. We have a carnal mind, and we are in a fallen human body, and at the time that the Holy Spirit comes to you, He enters right into your heart and plants His seed and brings forth Christ. That’s the condition of most of us right now. From the day that mustard seed is engrafted into your heart, He starts waging war against your carnal mind, and eventually, He totally paralyzes her.


When she is totally paralyzed to that point that you are incapable of sin, you are in the first stage of resurrection, and this is the condition that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was in before the crucifixion. The second stage of resurrection, we found that -- I’m going over this very quickly because I have it because I have it on a lot of messages -- the second stage of resurrection is when the Christ pierces through the paralyzed carnal mind. It’s called the spiritual circumcision. The Scripture says, “I will give you a new heart and a new mind, and there shall be a circumcision without hands.”


Christ pierces through the border of the carnal mind and overlays her, therefore dominating her not from underneath but from on top, utterly suffocating her and crushing her. Second stage of the resurrection, it happened to Jesus in the garden.


Third stage of the resurrection, Jesus went to the cross, and while you saw His body being nailed to a stake, in the realm of the spirit, He was killing His carnal mind. He killed it with Himself. One of the titles of the Lord Jesus Christ is the nail. He crucified His own carnal mind and slew it, and the Scripture says, “Of the twain, of the two minds, He made one new mind.”


And that was the beginning of the creation of God. This was the formation of the incorruptible seed. That seed He wove the mind of Christ together with His carnal mind, and that killed His carnal mind. There was no chance ever, ever of there ever being any sin again because the carnal mind was now dead.


This is the formation of the incorruptible seed which is now being poured out upon all flesh, and when it comes to your mind, it’s His intention to join with your human spirit and bring forth Christ in your mind and utterly paralyze, overshadow and then slay your carnal mind also. He’s doing the same thing for you that He did in the man Jesus of Nazareth, and the whole church is fighting him tooth and nail. Hallelujah.


The Scripture distinguishes between the second angel and the third angel, who was the new day, remember the third angel is the new day -- in order to reveal the two stages of the development of Christ Jesus. One when they’re not yet perfect, and two when they are perfect.  


Now, Jesus was perfect, and the Pharisees rejected him. What do you think’s going to happen when you’re trying to live for Christ and minister Christ Jesus and you’re not perfect? But I want to tell you something, Brethren, it doesn’t matter! You do what Jesus sends you to do, and whoever stumbles over you will be corrected by the Lord, but if you’re called to this ministry, you do what you have to do, no matter what the carnal minds of men say to you.


Alternate Translation, “and the spiritual new age of Christ poured out their paralyzed carnal minds upon the conscious minds of fallen men who are existing in the night of this present age, and they were resurrected out from death into the life or new age of Christ.”


So do you see this? First, there is Jesus Christ. He’s bringing Christ Jesus to full stature. Then Christ Jesus is going forth to the rest of the world. The Lord is saving [?this?His?] creation in stages. He’s not a respecter of persons. We have just have fallen minds, and we can’t understand what He’s doing.


He is a merciful, loving God who is so beyond our cr- -- His ways are so beyond our comprehension, and mankind continuously thinks evil of Him.


Verses 5 and 6, “And I heard the angel of the waters say, ‘Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou has judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou has given them blood to drink, for they are worthy.”


Now the carnal minds of men say that Jesus is forcing physical blood down people’s throats. Let me remind you that when Jesus Christ of Nazareth walked the earth, he said to his disciples, “You must eat my flesh and drink my blood.” And the Scripture says, many left Him because they thought He was encouraging them onto cannibalism.


So if you are preaching the spiritual word of God, and you are continuously misunderstood, know that it happened to Jesus before it happened to you.


In Verses 5 and 6, we hear the Lord Jesus Christ telling the Father that He has righteously put out judgment upon the firstfruits of the second generation of Christ. That’s us! We’re the second generation of Christ. Judgment is falling on us. The church is waiting for judgment to go to the world. No, Brethren! Judgment begins at the house of the Lord! And at the el- -- or with the elders, thereof the more mature you are in Christ, you are -- that’s how close you are to getting judged first.


The problem is, men don’t understand what the judgment of God is. The judgments of God are corrective. They’re corrective. God will speak to you about an area of sin in your life, and He’ll say, “Repent and change!” If you can’t hear Him, He’ll send a human being to you to say, this is wrong. Repent and change! And if you can’t, you will have a painful experience. Nothing that you can’t survive, but something that will result in your repenting and changing.


Why? So that He can put our blessings and resurrected life upon you. He is a loving parent who will correct you so that He can bless you. He is a righteous God. He will not bless you when you are in rebellion. He will not bless you when you are raging against Him, as we see some parents do in our society today. He will not do it. He will not bless you until you come into order.


Now, it doesn’t have to all happen at once. I’m talking about the area of your life in which He is dealing with you on. You must come into order for the blessing to fall. He will not be manipulated. He will not be cajoled. He will not be controlled. Your tantrums won’t work. You’re dealing with the God of the universe.


Alternate Translation, Verses 5 and 6. “And I heard the Lord Jesus Christ saying to the Father, ‘Your judicial decision to separate the second generation of Christ from their carnal minds” -- now, hear this. This is what the judgment’s going to do. It’s going to separate Christ in you from your carnal mind. Through painful experiences is a correct moral decision. Why? Because they -- who? Christ Jesus are -- the whole world, in fact, are worthy to be delivered out of the death of this existence. Why? Because the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ was poured out on their behalf.


So we get a lot of people, frequently ex-Catholics, telling us that they’re not worthy. You’re worthy. Not because of anything that you have done, but because the Lord Jesus Christ died for you. That makes you worthy.


Verse 7. “And I heard another out of the altar say, ‘Even so Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are Thy judgments.’ And I heard another out of the altar.”


Please note that the firstfruits of the second generation of Christ, as a result of the judgment of their carnal minds, has now become a part of the altar. This is expressed by the phrase, “And I heard another out of the altar.”


But now, don’t think there are three in the altar. There are still only two in the altar. Why? Because the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus are one. There is only the Father and the Son, and there is only spirit and soul. There is only heaven and earth. Let me just give you this principle on the board one more time.


Christ Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. In heaven we have the Father, and in the earth we have Christ. [?Right this wrong,?] Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man. In heaven we have the Father. In the earth we have Christ Jesus or the second generation of Christ. This Christ Jesus is the unconscious mind which goes both ways. When He appears as the Father, He is spirit and He is in heaven. This a- -- He’s in your mind. When He’s appearing in the earth, He’s appearing as Christ Jesus, and He’s soul. You don’t have three. You only have two. The Father and the Son. Let me write this here. The Father and the Son. The Father is in heaven. He is spirit. The Son is in earth. He is soul. And men have in their minds, Christ Jesus, and He goes both ways, but there’s only two. He’s either spirit or He’s soul. At any given moment, He’s either the Father or the Son. There’s not three. There’s only two.


Soul is an intermediary realm that is either appearing in heaven as spirit or in the earth as soul. Soul is an intermediary realm that does not appear by itself. It either appears with the Father in heaven or with the Son in the earth. And Christ Jesus is the only the intermediary between God and man. Hallelujah.


            [?Wouldn’t that be Jesus Christ?]?


Please, please, please.


            Wouldn’t that be Jesus Christ in the [?center?]?


The Scripture says Christ Jesus. The Scripture says Christ Jesus, and I believe the reason that the Scripture says Christ Jesus is that Jesus Christ is dwelling in this hour in the minds of men. He’s dwelling in the minds of men, but He ascends up to heaven and He comes back down to the earth. He is the fulfillment of Jacob’s ladder. He’s in the heaven and He’s in the earth at the same time.


So for all intents and purposes, He is appearing through men, and that’s why I believe the Scripture says Christ Jesus, because He’s in the earth most of the time. OK? Does that satisfy you? OK.


Alternate Translation, Verse 7: “And I heard the firstfruits of the second generation of Christ, which had ascended up into heaven, say Amen. The Father’s judgments which are being executed upon fallen mankind arise from the true spiritual nature of the Father who is without sin.”


So notice the Lord Jesus Christ judges Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus judges the rest of the world. Their motives are without sin. Their motives are righteous, and the result of righteous judgment is life. The result of unrighteous judgment is condemnation and death. Satan is the mediator of unrighteous judgment. He kills people. That was the ministry that was und- -- over the Hebrew children in the wilderness. The spirit of adoption had not yet been poured out. There was no deliverance available in that time, so Satan was mediator of God’s judgment. They were stoned to death. Satan being the natural -- the unconscious mind of the natural man, who came forth into the realm of the earth, came forth in the conscious and stoned these people to death.


But in this hour, we have a better judge! We have a better mediator! His na- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


But in this hour, we have a better judge! We have a better mediator! His name is Jesus Christ, and He’s in our mind, and in Him there is spiritual authority to cleanse spiritual filth so that people don’t have to be stoned to death anymore. There is judgment unto life. Hallelujah.


See? Israel, the nation of Israel in the old covenant, they had all the blessings of God, but they couldn’t pass it on to their children. We ha- -- in this hour, in Christ Jesus, we’ll -- well, right now we have the authority to pass these blessings onto our children, but the spiritual authority is minimal. It’s minimal.


We found some Scriptures. I think it was in message number 20 if I’m not mistaken, where the Lord showed us Scriptures where it says the days going to come that our children are going to come out of the womb. They’re going to be born! With the Holy Ghost praising God. Now that’s not the way it works. Now you have your children. You raise them up. You train them up in the ways of the Lord, and you hope for the best, but your children aren’t born serving God. Even if your husband’s serving God and you’re serving God, your children are born sinners. But the day’s coming that they’re going to come right out of the womb praising God. We found it in the Scripture. Hallelujah.


Verses 8 and 9: “And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire, and men were scorched with great heat and blasphemed the name of God which hath power over these plagues, and they repented not to give Him the glory.”


The fourth angel -- the number four typifies the completed creation, and it -- the completed creation which is spiritual. So I’m going to suggest to you that the fourth angel is talking about the spirit of Christ, and we see in Verse 8 typified the spiritual circumcision, which I spoke about before, the second resurrection and the second stage of the resurrection.


Verse 8: “And the spirit of Christ, which was given spiritual authority to overshadow Satan” -- that’s the spiritual circumcision. Christ was underneath him, flowed through and overlaid him, and we found this in Daniel 8 also just recently. He poured out of the resurrected soul of the firstfruits of the second generation of Christ, and He brought fiery trials upon fallen mankind, and fallen mankind knew that it was God who was subjecting them to severe spiritual, emotional and physical trials, but they refused to repent and admit their guilt and instead accused God of afflicting them unjustly.


And we find this present in the Book of Job. This is the sin of pride when we think that we don’t deserve the afflictions that are upon us but that God is unrighteous for letting this happen to us. Brethren, we are fallen and God is perfect. We must repent and ask him for mercy.


I move Verses 13 and 14 to this place. This is one of these instances where these two verses I felt were out of order, so we’re going to do Verses 13 and 14 next.


“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, for they are the spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth onto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”


And we spent a lot of time on this in the last message. I’m just going to read you the Alternate Translation.


“And despite God’s judgments, I saw Satan boldly expressing himself as mankind’s unconscious mind, and I saw the carnal mind boldly expressing himself as mankind’s conscious mind, and I saw the harlot Eve boldly performing signs and wonders by Satan’s spiritual authority.”


And verse -- and the sentence doesn’t end there. Verse 14 goes right on to say, “Because the threefold spirit of fallen mankind has produ-” -- and what’s the threefold spirit we had it up there? It’s Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. The threefold spirit of fallen mankind has produced the miracle working demons which are appearing in the existing leadership of the church, and in other fallen spiritual men, so that the many members of fallen mankind may be gathered together to Jesus’ great showdown with Satan. And the second generation of the carnal mind, which is all the wicked people around today, and when we did the last message, we likened this to [?the largest?] showdown where the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.


What happened in the natural is now happening in the spiritual. This is a spiritual covenant. It’s happening in the minds of men. It’s happening in unseen realms, Brethren. If you can’t get spiritual, this thing is going to get right past you. It’s going to get right past you. Now, don’t get upset. Just keep praying for it.


And Verse 14 points out to us that the Lord is using man’s own wickedness to gather him to this place of judgment. You know, God moves and everybody -- He is the greatest God of all the Gods. There isn’t anything He can’t do. There isn’t any sin He can’t overcome. There is not any corrupt mind that He not -- cannot control, and we have a whole world including a church [?world?] full of people that are totally misunderstanding God because they cannot comprehend that He’s not forcing everybody into salvation at this moment. So they tell you that’s He’s a gentleman. Well, they have to come up with some excuse why all these people aren’t saved. They have to come up with a reason why they pray for you, and you don’t always get healed. So they blame it on the people, or they blame it on God. It can’t be that they don’t have any power.


God is not weak. Neither is God a gentleman. He is all-powerful. He is more powerful than the entire human race put together, and we’re told that in Genesis when we’re told that there was one man building a tower unto Babel. There -- mankind was of one mind, and they were trying to work their way back up into heaven by the use of spiritual power that was not of God. So what did He do? He separated them, and He made their skins different colors, and He made them speak different languages, and He put them in different ethnic groups and He set them fighting one against the other. Why? Because if they made it back up into heaven before He was ready to deal with them, He would have had to wipe them off the face of the earth. And He didn’t want to wipe them off the face of the earth.


It was God’s judgment to reserve mankind in chains of darkness, which means they’re -- we’re all bound to Satan in our mind. He is our chain of darkness. Did not Paul say that the Lord Jesus Christ was his chain? Satan is the chains of darkness binding the carnal minds of men. We are reserved in chains of darkness, Peter tells us. Reserved into the what?




Into the judgment! Which will correct our fallen mind and permit us to be raised from the dead. God is not weak. Neither is He a gentleman. He is a righteous man of war. He is the God of hosts, and He does as He wills, and He doesn’t take council from anybody! And He wants the world to know Him as He is.


OK, back to Verse 10 now: “And the fifth angel poured out of his vial upon the seat of the beast.” And we found out in the last message that that seat of the beast is the carnal mind of -- the beast’s [?whole creation?], fallen creation is the beast.


And his Kingdom was full of darkness. That’s the minds of fallen man, Brethren. They are full of darkness and they gnawed their tongues for pain.


Verse 10: “But fallen man continued to blame Christ for their great physical and material troubles and for the pain that the Sons of God were afflicting on them as they judged their souls in righteousness, and they refused to admit that they were guilty. Mankind will not repent.”


Verse 11: “And blaspheme the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores and repented not of their deeds.” That verse, excuse me. Did I read the wrong verse?




What verse did I just read?




Eleven, OK. Verse 11, this is taking about the fifth angel, and five -- what am I doing here? Verse 11, fifth angel, doesn’t say fifth angel.


            Ten says --


Ten says the fifth angel, OK. I guess I have this in the wrong place then. Where’s my pen? Well, I’ll have to -- I’ll put a question mark there. Just let me put this on the message that the number five means ministry, so the fifth angel is talking about ministry falling upon the earth, and the seat of the beast, I told you, is the carnal minds of men. And that should be Verse 10.


Please note that the healing -- and we’re doing Verse 11 now, and please note that the healing and deliverance of fallen mankind is accomplished by great trouble.


Brethren, this is a great mystery, but we’re going to be healed by great trouble, and our natural example is that the Scripture clearly states as to chasten our children in love. Now, we’re not supposed to be doing child abuse, but there is supposed to be corrective discipline, corrective physical discipline to our children. The Lord says this is what’s going to save their life. You do it in love and in righteousness, not in rage or in anger. And this is what the Lord is doing to mankind in the realm of the spirit. The healing of our wicked ways and our inability to repent is through spiritual blows, which are painful experiences. The easier you can repent, the more minimized your painful experience will be.  God is not a sadist. He is out to save your life, and believe me, He will whoop you as hard as necessary to bring you in. Amen.




Alternate Translation, Verse 11: “And the firstfruits of the second generation of Christ poured healing and deliverance out of their resurrected soul upon the carnal minds of fallen man, and the great trouble which fell upon men because of the Lord’s intense desire for His wife, broke the bones of fallen mankind’s corporate carnal mind, and He could not sustain the vision of this fallen world, which is the Land of Nod.”


Let me just comment on that for you. And they blasphemed the God of heaven. I can’t do it. You’re going to have to listen to the last message. I don’t know how I got that.


And the firstfruits of the second generation of Christ poured out healing and deliverance which is judgment out of their resurrected souls upon the carnal minds of fallen men, and the great trouble which fell upon them, because of the Lord’s intense desire for His wife, which is us, broke the bones of fallen mankind’s corporate carnal minds.


I want to comment on that for you.


OK, we’ve talked a lot about Christ’s bones being broken at the beginning of time. I’m going to make this very simple, because the message is long tonight. But we said that what the Scripture is talking about when it’s talking about spiritual bones being broken, bones typify the skeleton. The skeleton is that which the skin hangs on. Our skeleton gives form to this skin, so the spiritual bones are that which gives form to the creation. Who knows what -- how would you describe the form that the creation is in, today? Does anybody know? What do you call the condition of the creation today?


Death. It’s death. It’s death. At the beginning of time, we had a creation. It was in this form. There was the Father, and He was appearing through Adam. Because the Father was appearing through him, he was called Christ. He had fertile parts which were Eve, and there was a petulance in the earth, and the name of the creation was -- anybody know? Anybody remember? Innocence.


            The name of the age or the name of the [?creation?]?


The name of the -- it is an age. I can’t spell innocence. It is an age, but it’s the name of the creation at the beginning of time. OK, the creation was good. It was without sin, but it was not perfect, and it was capable of sin, and it was capable of falling. Who remembers why?








It wasn’t woven together. All separate pieces, all laying there, but they were not woven together. But as long as they -- as long as the skeleton, as long as the bones of this creation was [sic] in this order, Father, Christ, Eve, Satan -- the creation was alive. But this --


            What did it look like?


What did it look like? It looked like a right triangle. I really can’t get into it tonight, but I have lots of messages on it. We have found that the crea- -- spiritual truths can be expressed mathematically. Spiritual truths can be expressed mathematically. I do have a [?flight?]. If you remind me after the message, I’ll give you the piece of paper that I have on it with drawings. You must have it at home, but I’ll give it to JP if he wants it.


And something happened. It was a tragedy, and the order that the elements of the creation were in flipped over, and they -- and the skeleton of the creation changed its form. It’s as if our skeleton would turn over on its side and this would be normal. Looking like this would be normal. It’s the only example I can think of it.


Remember, it was a spiritual creation, and Satan came up on top. She became God. She brought forth her offspring, which is the carnal mind instead of Christ. Eve was still present. The skeleton changed. The bones changed, and we found out in Daniel 8 that for this to come into -- come to pass, that the carnal mind had to break the bones of this creation. She killed them.


And the name of this age or this stage of the creation is death. And we do have another element here, demons where they exist. And now there’s a third age coming. It’s the new age of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we’re going back to this. The Father, His Christ, Eve, Satan’s going to be there, and the difference is that they are going to be woven together, and the Scripture tells us that Satan is going to be -- I may have this backwards, but I have drawings of it somewhere -- Satan’s going to be the [?warp?]. She’s going to go this way. The Father’s weaving a garment, and His Christ is going to go this way, and the Spirit of the Father is going to be underneath here.


And this age is called -- what is it called, anybody?




Life. Life. Hallelujah.


            So what does that [?look like?]?


That’s a square. I think that we did that in the number 38 series if I’m not mistaken.


Fallen man is a str- -- typified by a straight line, which is really -- well, let me clarify that. We found out that this -- well, I’ll put that on the board for you. This we have on the 38 series, we also have this on the messages [?symbolic?] numbers. I went into this. We found out that the mathematical expression of fallen man -- a lot of people think it’s a circle. I may even say it’s a circle on that message, but we found out that the fallen creation is really a loop, and what I find very interesting is that that’s the symbol for infinity. You know? And of course, it’s an infinite loop. It’s gigantic. It’s beyond the universes.


            The fallen creation?


Yes, this is the fallen creation. It’s a loop, and of course, all of these lines are curves, but because this loop is so immense, if you just take a section of it, it will really look like a straight line, but there’s -- the reality -- the mathematical reality of it is that the fallen creation is a loop and that each individual human being is typified as an arc. Now, because it’s a curve, it’s called an arc, OK? Each individual human being is typified. It has a place along, you see -- fallen man is not spiritual. He is existing on the exterior of this loop. So each and every one of us has a space. The loop is divided because we are a many-membered creation. It’s just one loop, but it’s cut in many members, and we found out that each loop measures six degrees. Yeah, I think six degrees. Each one of us is a six-degree loop -- a six-degree arc on the loop of fallen man, and that is the mathematical expression of fallen man.


The spiritual man is typified by right triangle. Jesus Christ is the Lord from heaven. He is the spiritual man, and Adam is the earthman, and Jesus Christ is the head of the corner. He is the Lord of the spiritual man and of the earthman. He rules in heaven, and He rules in earth, and what happened when the physical creation fell at the beginning of time, this side came down here, and the creation lost its access to heaven, and it became what looks like a straight line, but it’s really a six-degree arc.


And the glorified creation is going to be a square. It’s going to be a right triangle doubled, squared. It’s going to be a right triangle squared. And this is going to be -- this is the pure spiritual, pure spirit creation. Glorified is the square. Remember that now. The occult will tell you that the triangle looks like this, but it doesn’t. It’s a right triangle. And we go into this on the 38 series if you want more information on it.


OK. So we’re in Verse 11, and I’m reading you the phrase that says, because of the Lord’s intense desire for His wife, He broke the bones of fallen mankind’s corporate carnal mind. He broke the configuration of the loop, and He changed the configuration back to a right triangle. He broke the bones of fallen mankind, and because Christ broke the bones of fallen mankind -- remember now, the carnal mind is Satan’s high priest who has the spiritual authority to cause this world to appear, and when the carnal mind -- when the formation of the carnal mind is broken, this world system will cease to be.


But simultaneously they’re with the high priest of the Father God Jehovah, whose name is Christ, shall be using His superior mental powers to reestablish Eden as this world system. And it’s all happening simultaneously because if it wasn’t, we would all cease to be. So the Lord Jesus Christ is dismantling the carnal mind, a sector at a time to use computer language, a sector at a time, a cluster at a time, and replacing each cluster with Christ. Yeah, I like that too.


Verse 12: “And the sixth angel poured out of his vial upon the great river Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared.” And the Lord told me years ago that Euphrates typified Eve, the human spirit, but I never fully understood this verse until now. Why would Euphrates be dried up? We had it on the board earlier. Euphrates is being dried up so that Eve can be separated from Satan. Satan is the water part of Euphrates. Eve is the salt that is dissolved in his water.


Now listen to what it’s saying here. The water was dried up that the way the kings of the East might be prepared. The East typifies God. That’s the place or the realm where the Father lives. It’s heaven in the East, and the kings of the East are the Sons of God. So the water that Eve is dissolved in is being dried up so that she can join with Christ and bring forth the Sons of God in each of our minds. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Verse 12 -- oh, and also, please note that the fire that’s boiling the water that’s releasing Eve is Christ. He’s the lake of fire. One of the results of being thrown into the lake of fire is that which is water is going to burn up, that which is metal -- human spirit is typified by metal, is typified by gold -- will be purified by the fire. That which is wood will be consumed by the fire. Our carnal soul will be consumed in the fire. The souls in the mind of Christ will abide the fire.


Moses said, “Behold the bush that burneth but is not consumed.” The bush that burneth but is not consumed. Our souls which are typified by wood are going to be likened to that bush when Christ comes to full stature in us.


Please note also that Verse 11 speaks about the judgment of the carnal mind which causes the carnal mind to break up, and Verse 12 speaks about the judgment of Eve who was still joined to Satan. Remember, Satan, Eve and the carnal mind are joined together. OK, first the carnal mind is separating, and then Eve is separating from Satan.


The carnal mind is typified by flesh, and both Satan and Eve are spirit, and they are all joined together. So the two are -- the two that are spirit, even Satan, will be separated from the flesh of the carnal mind, and then the two spirits that are so codependent they’ve become one, will be separated by judgment. Everybody OK? OK. Let’s go on.


Alternate Translation: “And Christ Jesus, the man who was in the image of the Father, poured out of his resurrected soul upon the human spirits of mankind, which were dissolved in the sea of Satan, and boiled fallen Adam as a sin offering, thus separating Eve from Satan and preparing the fallen living soul to marry Christ and give birth to the Sons of God.


OK, we’re picking up now with Verse 15. We haven’t done this yet, and I have these Strong’s references for you, and I’ll only give you definitions of the words that I think are -- don’t sound at all like what the King James translation says.


Verse 15: “Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.”


Behold, I am coming. That all -- it is what it sounds like. The word thief in Strong’s 2812, and it means -- it does mean thief, but it also means to come unexpectedly. One of the characteristics of a thief is to come unexpectedly. So Jesus said, I’m going to be coming unexpectedly. Well, who is He going to be coming unexpectedly to? To those who are not watching for Him. To those who are not watching for Him, because then we know that, because the next few words say, “He that watcheth and keepth his garments. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth.”


Why? Because He’s not coming as a thief to you. If you’re watching for Him, you’re going to see Him coming. And remember, now, God told Gideon that the way he was to recognize those whom God had called was that even when they were drinking the water of spiritual things, they would still be looking for the enemy. Not that Jesus is the enemy, but wh- -- the significance is to keep your eyes on spiritual things. Keep your eyes on spiritual things and you will see him coming.


“Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” And keepeth, Strong’s 5083, it means to attend carefully, to take care of, and the word garments, Strong’s 2440, is referring to the outer garment in the circumcised creation is Christ. The outer garment is Christ. The outer garment is Christ. The carnal mind is going to be underneath. We know that when the seed starts out in the first stage of resurrection, Christ is underneath and the carnal mind is on top, but this in an unnatural position. Christ is the cover.


Christ and we -- I take you to the Scriptures and [?in?] what are the books of Corinthians. There is no one over Christ’s head except the Father. He is the outer garment. Now a garment refers to the soul realm, so the only cover over Christ can be the pure spirit of the Father. There can be no soul-[?ish?less?] cover over Christ.


Blessed is he -- behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth. Blessed is he that is aroused from sleep. Now we know that we’re all sleeping this sleep of this death, and Paul said, awake to righteousness. Those of us in whom Christ is arising are waking up out of this sleep of death in Christ. Glory to God.

So he says, Behold, I come as a -- I come unexpectedly. Blessed is the one who has started to wake up and keepeth, or is taking care of, his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame. Now it says garments plural. Blessed is he that takes care of the Christ in him and the carnal mind in him. Blessed is he that is taking care of his whole mind and watching it carefully that Christ should be on top and the carnal mind should be on the bottom. Because even though we haven’t experienced the spiritual circumcision yet, we are being challenged by the Lord to keep our body under, and it doesn’t -- of course, you can’t go around fornicating, but there’s a deep spiritual significance to that verse, and he’s talking about the body of the mind of Christ which is the carnal mind, and we have that on a couple of messages also. That this physical body is the body of the carnal mind and from the time that Christ starts to arise in the midst or underneath the carnal mind, the carnal mind becomes the body of Christ, the exterior layer of Christ.


“Lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” To walk, 4043, it means to live one’s life or to conduct one’s lifestyle, and the word naked, Strong’s 1131, means unclothed or without a body. So what is the Lord saying? He’s saying, Watch that your carnal mind stays under the Christ in you, or you’re going to find yourself unclothed. You’re going to find yourself without Christ, without the body of Christ. You’re going to find yourself without Christ. What He’s saying, Brethren, is that this is a warfare that must be waged every day, and the way we’ve been expressing it here is we’re using computer language again. If you don’t actively wage war to [?live?lid?] out of your mind [?at?] Christ, you default to your carnal mind. And what does that mean in accordance with this Scripture? Your carnal mind comes on top. If you’re not actively putting your carnal mind under the authority of Christ on a daily basis, you better believe you’re walking in your carnal mind, because your mind defaults to your carnal mind.


“And they see your shame.” And this word shame, Strong’s 808, we’ve had it on several other messages, and it’s pudenda. It can be translated pudenda, which is referring to sexual organs, and I remind you that we have spiritual sexual organs for clearly stated [?girred?] up the loins of your mind. We reproduce spiritually. We know that the Father had a Son. Someone said to me just recently, this whole idea of the conception of Christ, where is that in the Scripture? Well, Brethren, did not the Father have a Son? A couple of people have said that to me. I just look at them. Isn’t Jesus the Son? And is not Jehovah the Father? Well, then who’s the mother? The mother is your human -- was His human spirit that was in the soul, the fallen soul that He inherited from Mary.


I got a letter from someone in California rebuking me severely, saying, “How could God reproduce?” Well, how could you have -- isn’t having a son reproduction? You know, sometimes I think I’m losing my mind here [?what?with?when?] these people write to me, but it’s all the way you look at it.


So we have spiritual sexual organs, and I remind you that our natural life experience is a type of our spiritual experiences, and it is very socially unacceptable to walk around with your genitals exposed. You’re not supposed to be doing it. It’s not a good thing to do. Although I heard on the 700 Club today that somebody was suing because they didn’t have the right to practice their religion naked. They went to some kind of Satanism, and some authorities told them that they couldn’t walk around naked, and they’re suing on the basis of their freedom of religion. God help us. But all that aside, we cannot be walking around with our spiritual genitals exposed any more than we can be walking around with our physical genitals exposed.


Now I’ve told you before that frequently when the Scripture is speaking about something very subtle, for example, the two souls, the mind of Christ and the carnal mind, it’s a -- that’s a hidden mystery in the Scripture so frequently God will just use two different words, a very subtle difference in separation, and I’m telling you that because the word garment is a hidden way of saying soul, the covering of Christ, and the word shame is a hidden way of saying that our soul is our spiritual reproductive part. This last phrase is a parable, and we found several times, more often in the Old Testament than in the New, although we found it in the New Testament too, that Paul could be very much in the flesh, and then all of a sudden, he throws in a spiritual statement, and carnal men stumble over it. And we know in one of the books of Timothy when he’s talking about us being saved in childbearing. It’s a very carnal -- if you read the whole chapter before the verse that says we’re going to be saved in childbearing, it’s a very carnal exhortation, talking to the church about how to conduct themselves in carnal affairs. And he’s saying, well, this is what you have to do to lead a godly decent life. Why? Because you’re fallen, so follow the rules and keep yourself orderly, and then he says, but nevertheless, they shall be saved in childbearing. When you bear the Christ-child, you won’t have to obey these rules and laws because the law will have been internalized in you. Paul does it all the time. The whole world is stumbling over him.


It’s bad enough that people can’t understand spiritual things when you tell them it’s spiritual. How can you expect them to understand spiritual things when he throws it in after a whole chapter of carnal talk? Well, what does all this mean? It means that this is only for those that God calls. This is not for everybody in this hour. And for those who are not called in this hour, let them understand carnally. That’s the word of the Lord. The only problem is when they try to force it on people, and they kill them with it.


Look, I’m coming unexpectedly. Blessed is the one whose carnal mind is covered because Christ is appearing in him and enabling him to live a Godly life because the one whose spiritual reproductive parts are seen by the Sons of God shall experience painful judgment. Brethren, if you’re spiritual sexual parts are hanging out, the spiritual police are going to rebuke you for it. They’re going to wrap you up in chains, and they’re going to put you in jail. It’s against the law, Brethren, to walk around exposed.


Now, we have a whole creation of people and a whole church walking around exposed, but when the new age of Christ comes, and the spiritual authority of the Lord Jesus Christ is appearing in the earth, there will be a penalty in the form of a painful experience for everyone who is walking around exposing their genitals.


And we find a second witness to this in the book of Ezekiel. The Scripture says, “There will be men of continual employment.” And we found out in the -- I believe it was in Daniel 8, that that expression is talking about fallen men. There will be men of continual employment going around and everywhere they see a man’s bone, they will mark it. This is talking about men who are not yet raised to full stature, Brethren. That’s us, men who are not yet raised to full stature. When they see this is the Christ Jesus in his immaturity. Call the two-witness company. We talked about it earlier.


When God sends them, and they see carnality appearing in a man, they’re going to mark it, and then it’s up to the Father, and His time and purposes to send the correction. I’ve talked about that to a few of you. When you see sin, when we see sin, we are required to write it on heaven, to say, Father, I saw it, and I call your attention to it, and then you walk away unless God raises you up to deal with it. He may raise you up. He may not. But every time we see a man’s bone -- bone typifying the spirit, man typifying carnal man -- every time a man’s bone or the genitals of the fallen man is being exposed and we see it, we are to write it in heaven. That is our job.


And we can’t do that if we’re in any kind of denial, if we’re refusing to see sin, if we’re looking at life through rose-colored glasses, if we’re denying the truth because the truth hurts us, if we’re denying the truth to self-preservation. Whatever our motive is, we cannot serve God and [?Lanmin?] at the same time. Can’t be done. And self-preservation as a motive will oppose your work for Christ in this area. If you are looking at circumstances and events out of a mentality of self-preservation, you cannot be evaluating circumstances and events out of righteousness for Christ. This is the laying down of our life.


You know a lot of Christians read about laying down your life and dying to yourself when they really don’t understand what it means. What it means, Brethren, is to stop living out of self-motives that are for your own self-worth, for your own, not self-worth, but for your own protection. We’re not supposed to be protecting ourself [sic]. We’re supposed to be living for the righteousness of Christ.


Now when we come to a conflict with a mentality that is to protect ourselves, Christ cannot appear in it. Christ cannot appear in it. And this is the truth of the laying down of one’s life. Because self-preservation, you can be doing the same exact thing on the surface. It appears the same exact thing, but if your motive is self-preservation, God’s not glorified in it. I know for years, I was praying for this nation, and then when we were [?carnal?gone home?call home?], they used to tell us that my people will humble themselves and repent, I’ll heal your land. You know, which is not -- the way they using it really isn’t scriptural, but I was so scared of judgment falling on this nation, and I used to pray that Scripture every day, and I prayed it out of fear until one day the Lord rebuked me. I remember where I was when He spoke to me, and He said, “You better stop doing that.”


And I didn’t pray for the nation for three years, and during those three years, He delivered me of a lot of fear, and then one day, He said to me, “You can start praying for the nation again.” And prayers came forth out of me for the nation out of the deep depths of my spirit. Prayers that blessed this nation, not prayers that wanted it saved so that I wouldn’t have to experience anything painful. And now I know that great judgment is falling upon this nation, and I believe and I must believe that no matter what happens, He’s going to get me through it.


I want you to know what my prayer is. My prayer is this. That no matter what happens, that He should not be ashamed of me, that He give me whatever it is I need to accept whatever He permits to fall upon me, that He shouldn’t -- that people shouldn’t look at me and say, “This is a Christian.” That’s my prayer.


This judg- -- this nation must be judged, and I’m living here, and people that I love are living here, and if there’s an earthquake or a tornado here, I guess God -- I know that God can fix it, that I won’t be touched, but maybe He will, and maybe He won’t. And whatever has to be has to be.


On a national level and on a personal level, any conflict that I enter into, any problem that I deal with, I want to tell you I cannot survive as the head of this ministry if I were worrying about my own needs. The truth is that you can’t survive as the head of any ministry if you’re worrying about your own needs because you start compromising, and you start selling out. And before you know it, you start favoring the person that gives you money, or you start favoring the person, for whatever reason, you start favoring people. And before you know it, the Spirit of God has left your ministry.


You can’t do it. You must stand for righteousness, and [?men?they?] will always accuse you of favoring someone or playing politics or of your motives, whatever it is that you decide to do, of your motives being carnal. But you see, it doesn’t matter what men think about you. And you don’t have to be the head of a ministry. Your own life should be lived this way. Every decision you make with regard to your husband, with regard to your children, with regard to your neighbors, with regard to your brothers and sisters in the fellowship, everything you do should be brought forth because of a desire to express the righteous image of the Lord Jesus Christ.


I want to tell you, selfishness will ruin your walk. You have to be prepared to give up everything. Nothing belongs to you. This ministry doesn’t belong to me. Nothing in this house belongs to me. Anything that He wants, He can have it. If I try to hold onto it, I would surely lose everything.


Once the Lord apprehends you, you are His servant, and every thought that you think that is self-protective, every word out of your mouth that protects your own interests, is opposing the development of Christ in you.


And Brethren, we don’t have moment to lose. Yeah, don’t let me talking this way panic you. It’s very hard for me to convey to you the urgency of the hour, and yet not tr- -- condemn you or try to frighten you. I’m not condemning you, and I’m not trying to frighten you. But you must know that there is no time to lose.


In every sin the Lord shows to us, every area in our mind that needs to be dealt with, we must put all of the effort that we can muster into dealing with it. We must do all we could do, and He is faithful to reach us at the point of the fullness of our expression and drag us the rest of the way. He is faithful to do it, but we are required to do all that we could do.


So on Verse 16 now, And He gathered them together into a place called, in the Hebrew tongue, Armageddon.


Verse 16 is speaking about the Lord’s command to judge this wicked world system. “And He gathered,” Strong’s 4863, means to assemble, to join, to assemble by calling together. In a place called, in the Hebrew language, Armageddon. That’s exactly what it means. This name Armageddon in the Hebrew is made up of two words: one, mountain and two, the city of Megiddo.


Thayer says that Megiddo is a place where the double slaughter of first the Canaanites and then the Israelites took place. Megiddo was a city that has a history of slaughter. The Canaanites were the slaughtered there, and the Israelites were slaughtered there. This is a city of slaughter. The Lord is bringing the whole world to a spiritual place, one man at a time, where there soul is going to be slaughtered.


You know, when we did the early chapters of the Book of Revelation, we found this expression, and I was preaching on those earlier messages from 35 to 50, I think. I was preaching on that message saying, we’re going to get our souls slaughtered, and we had some visitors one day, and this man was so upset, he almost ran – he virtually ran out of the meeting.


But our souls must be slaughtered. Why? Because they’re wicked. And what is slaughtered mean? It means to cut into pieces. Our soul is totally joined. Eve, Satan and the carnal mind are inseparably, and the Lord has shown us that a good example of this is a garment that has been dyed. That garment is inseparable from the dye. So the slaughter is coming because by the miracle-working power of the Lord Jesus Christ, He is separating Eve from Satan from the carnal mind.


And Thayer says, geographically, that the mountains spoken of could only be Carmel. Remember that Mount Carmel is the place where Elijah challenged and defeated the prophets of Baal, which had penetrated and polluted the life of the Hebrews.


The Canaanite or the heathen typifies the carnal mind, and the Israelite typifies the human spirit. Armageddon then, I suggest to you, is the place where Christ Jesus shall challenge the carnal mind. Remember that the carnal mind is Satan’s high priest and that the second generation of the carnal mind are his prophets -- the second generation of the carnal mind being the people, the carnal people in this world.


The first generation of the carnal mind is the carnal mind that appeared at the beginning of time, the carnal mind that broke the bones of Christ who joined with Satan and is appearing as Satan as the unconscious mind of fallen man. That’s the first generation of Christ. The first generation of the carnal mind, the second generation of the carnal mind are the people in the world today. It’s the same thing as happened with Jesus. Jesus Christ was the first generation of Christ, and He returned to the Father and became spirit, and we are the second generation of Christ, also called Christ Jesus.


Armageddon is the place where the second generation of the carnal mind, which is Satan’s prophets, and the dead and adulterous human spirits of men shall be slaughtered. We’re all come under the judgment seat of Christ, which will separate them.


It is the spiritual place where the Lord Jesus Christ shall expose Satan to be truly powerless and bring him to Nod, and the example of it is Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. It’s happening now, Brethren, in the spirit. The Old Testament, although there’s many spiritual things in the Old Testament, but we’re told clearly it was an example to help us understand spiritual things.


What happened to Israel externally is happening to Israel in our minds, and it will eventually be reflected out there in the world, but the significant happening is in our minds. We’re going to be changed in a twinkling, in the moment of a- -- in the moment of an eye, in the moment and the twinkling of an eye, but it’s in a spiritual moment, which I declare to you, if one day is equal to -- if one day with the Lord is equal to a thousand years, a moment is a man’s whole lifetime.


We shall be changed in a lifetime. In the twinkling or a wink of an eye -- the wink of whose eye, Brethren? Not the wink of your eye or my eye, but the wink of God’s eye. And I want to suggest to you that the wink of the eye is the transfer from one age to the other. The eye closes. We’re in the Land of Nod. The eye closes, and it opens and it’s Eden. But it’s God’s eye. It’s not happening in a human second. We must be changed.


Alternate Translation, Verse 16: “And this is how Christ Jesus summoned the many members of the fallen living soul to the judgment sea of Christ.”


See? The Lord’s not a gentleman anymore. He’s calling everybody to the judgment seat of Christ, but He’s not doing it until the judgment seat of Christ has been erected in the earth. And the Jehovah’s the judgment seat of Christ, and is Christ in the firstfruits company, and then when you are fertilized and Christ appears in your own heart, that’s the judgment seat of Christ, twofold judgment seat of Christ. Initially, you will probably have an encounter with the Son of God, which will result in your conceiving Christ, and when He starts to arise in you, He will judge your soul.


Verse 17: “And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of Heaven from the throne saying, ‘It is done.’”


Verse 17 describes the beginning of the dismantling of this world system, which is the Land of Nod. “And the seventh angel poured out of his vial into the air.” And the seventh angel, seven meaning the fullness or the com- -- the full -- the complete company of the angel, I’m going to suggest to you, that’s talking about the first generation and the second generation of Christ that have been joined, a company of men in [?home?.]. The Lord Jesus Christ is their unconscious mind, and Christ Jesus has become their conscious mind. They’ve been completed. They poured out of the vial typifies their humanity [?of?or?] their carnal soul. They are still dwelling inside of a carnal mind. They haven’t been glorified yet, and they poured out into the air. That word is 109, and it means atmosphere. Glory to God.


And there came a great voice out of the temple. The great voice, I suggest to you, is the Father. The temple, I remind you, is the glorified [?soul?sole?] life of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is now joined to the second generation of Christ. It’s in men. A great voice came out of a certain group of men, and that word great, it means to have spiritual authority. A powerful, authoritative voice started to be preached out of men. Brethren, you’re hearing it right now.


And it came out of the heavens. It came out of the physical heavens. It’s coming out of my mind. You’re hearing the voice of the Lord coming out of the mind of a man. And there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven. And you know that it’s the t-- it says that it’s the temple of heaven. We know that there’s a temple of the earth, only the Scripture calls it the seed of the beast. The Scripture doesn’t say it’s the temple of the earth. It gives it a totally different name. It’s a mystery. It’s a parable. The seed of the beast is Satan’s temple. The temple of heaven is the temple of the Father.


So this great voice came out of the mind of Christ. Brethren, you’ve got a whole church world full of people. Some of them preaching some very good stuff, but it’s coming out of their carnal minds.


But the Scripture says that the voice of the Father is going to start being projected and preached from a man or a company of men who will be preaching out of the mind of Christ. And this is what it was saying: “It is done.” Strong’s 1096, and it means it has happened. To me, that’s very different. To say, it has happened as compared to it is done.


Thayer translates this phrase, it has happened. So now what I want to suggest to you is that the Garden of Eden has displaced the Land of Nod. The bones of Christ have broken the bones of the carnal mind, have torn down this world system, and displaced this Land of Nod, this land where people sleep the death of spiritual sleep, and it’s going to be replaced with the Garden of Eden. I just want to put that on the board for you one more time.


But the beginning of time, it was called Eden, and that lying underneath it hidden was Satan, and Satan got out, and she fertilized the creation. She brought forth her carnal mind, and just like a chick breaks through an egg, a big crack appeared in the earth in the Land of Eden, and it split open as you would see a crevice from an earthquake. So this was Eden over here, and hell or the Land of Nod started to appear as a big crater in the Garden of Eden, and it opened and it spread.


And the Scripture expresses it by saying, It rolled back as a scroll. It rolled back the eggshell like a scroll, and then all that you could see was hell. But the reality of it is that Eden is lying underneath this covering called hell. Christ is lying underneath the carnal mind, so as Christ arises in you and gets strong enough, there is going to appear a big crack in hell, and we’re going to see Eden start to appear.


And the heavens of this world system are going to roll back like a scroll and going to force hell back down underneath, and Eden is going to be visible again and will become a reality to us. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Verse 17: “And the glorified creation poured out of his resurrected soul life into the atmosphere of this world system, which is the Land of Nod, and an authoritative voice came out of the physical expression of the glorified Christ, saying the Garden of Eden has come into existence.”


It has happened. The Garden of Eden has come into existence. You see, you could say, It is done. The Land of Nod has been covered over, but that’s not really telling the story, Brethren. It has happened. The Garden of Eden has returned to the surface.


Verse 18: “And there were voices and thunders and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake.”


Now, I don’t know whether I mentioned it or not, but when this crack appears in the world system, it’s almost always accompanied by an earthquake, and the Lord has told me many years ago -- I’ve known for many years that earthquakes in the Scripture typify a piercing through from one realm to another. If there’s a spiritual communication between heaven and earth or if a spiritual being is piercing through into the mind of a man to bring forth a revelation, it’s very frequently in the Scripture described as an earthquake.


The earth of the man’s carnal mind, now listen to this, is really exciting. This is what happened to Daniel. His human spirit was lying underneath his carnal mind, and when Gabriel came to talk to him, he arose out of his dead human spirit. And there was an earthquake. Daniel’s carnal mind separated, and they arose out from underneath it. A manifestation of heaven. And if you remember what Gabriel did was that he [?layered?] himself over Daniel’s carnal mind.


Now, it’s not expressed exactly that way in the Book of Daniel, but I’m saying the same thing. Gabriel came up from underneath. He said, “The Prince of Persia delayed me.” I think it was 21 days. What does that mean? The carnal mind resisted Gabriel’s attempts to form a crack like that and come through for 21 days.


I don’t know about you. This is very exciting to me. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


It has happened. The Garden of Eden has come into existence.


Verse 18: “ And there were voices and thunders and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great.” And there were voices. I suggest to you that these voices are the voices of the many members of the body of Christ, and I suggest to you that they were speaking the words of God and that they were preaching the gospel of the Kingdom and that they were executing judgment upon sin, and they were exposing sin before they executed the judgment upon it, and all this is done with the spoken word.


And that those are the many voices, and thunders, Strong’s 1027, we found out in other messages that thunder is a noise made in spiritual communication. If a lightning bolt, which typifies the power of God, penetrates a cloud, which typifies a man’s soul, it creates thunder. We’re talking about spiritual communication. Frequently when a spirit tries to communicate with you, people that can’t hear the voice, I heard the noise of thunder. People that are standing by to whom are not given to understand the actual communication.


And there was an earthquake. Well, we just found out what that was. It was a great earthquake, and this word great is Strong’s 3173, and it means exalted or high order of rank. I’m going to suggest to you, Brethren, that this earthquake was Christ arising. It wasn’t the carnal mind arising and breaking the bones of Christ, but this earthquake of a high order was Christ piercing through into this world system. Hallelujah.


Let me read you the verse [?here?again?]. “And there were voices and thunder and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake such as was not seen since men were upon the earth.” This earthquake, there has not been seen such an earthquake since men appeared on the face of the earth! There has not been an earthquake like this since the carnal mind pierced through Christ. This has only happened -- it only happened once before, and now it’s happening again.


So mighty an earthquake and so great. All of these words pretty [sic] mean pretty much as they’re translated. The word were, I’d like to give you that one. “Since men were upon the earth.” That word is Strong’s 1096, and it means come into being. Since men came into being upon the earth. And the word for earth is Strong’s 1093. It means a country, a land enclosed within fixed boundaries, and I want us to just [?chew?] this. It’s speaking about these fallen bodies, which have enclosed our human spirits within fixed boundaries.


And again, mighty earthquake, it’s the same as above, Strong’s 4578, and it means shaking, commotion, tempest or earthquake.


So this is our Alternate Translation, Verse 18: “And the high spiritual rank of the Sons of God caused a commotion, the likes of which has not occurred since the carnal mind pierced through Eden, covered it over with the Land of Nod and enclosed Adam inside of bodies with fixed boundaries, and they destroyed, and who the Sons of God destroyed the corporate carnal mind of fallen man by speaking the judgments of God with spiritual authority.” Hallelujah.


Verse 19: “And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and great Babylon came in remembrance before to God to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath.”


And that great city, and we’re told that that great city is Babylon. That great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and great Babylon came in remembrance. That great city is Babylon, Brethren, and she divided into three parts. I want to remind you that Babylon is our fallen soul. Who remembers the three parts of our fallen soul? Anybody?


            Satan, Eve and our mind, our carnal mind.


Amen. She was divided into three parts. That’s what’s happening. That’s what Peter’s talking about when he says this is going to be a great heat, and the elements are going to melt. The carnal mind, Eve and Satan are as completely joined as dye is joined to a garment, but by a miracle of God, they’re going to be separated.


And that great city divided. The word really isn’t divided. In Strong’s 1519, it really means it came to be. Thayer says this word means an entrance into a time period, which has been penetrated, and I want to suggest to you that our carnal mind is a time period. It’s an age. It has a name. It’s the age of death. And I’m also going to suggest to you, it’s been penetrated from underneath by the Lord Jesus Christ.


And I also want to suggest to you something a little controversial. If you were with us when we did Revelation 9, I believe that the de- -- that the locusts of Revelation 9 are the Sons of God appearing on the earth of the carnal minds of men and beginning to execute judgment. If you listen to those messages, I suggest to you that they are the Sons of God not in full stature. They’re the immature manifestation of Christ Jesus that we spoke about tonight, and as you go further on in that chapter, we find the mature manifestation of Christ Jesus.


This is another witness to me that the Sons of God come up from underneath the earth. They’re coming up from underneath the earth of the carnal minds. And at the time that I taught those messages, I didn’t have the revelation that they were coming up from underneath the earth of their carnal minds. Hallelujah.


OK, it was divided into three parts, Satan, Eve and the carnal mind, and the cities typifying the many carnal minds of this living soul, the cities of the nations -- the nations, that’s a word that generally typifies people or nationalities that are not of Israel. They fell. The heathen nations, they fell. The word fall or fell is Strong’s 4098. This is the same Greek word found in Revelation 4:10, and I’d like to read you that verse.

“And when the four and 20 elders fall down before Him that sat on the throne and worship Him that liveth forever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne, saying Thou art worthy.”


Brethren, this is the same word fall that is used to express men falling down in submission and worship -- and submission to and worship of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I want to suggest to you that when the great Babylon falls, she will bend her knee and fall down and worship the Lord Jesus Christ.


Alternate Translation of the first half Verse 19: “And the powerful city broke up into its three component parts: Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. And the many members of fallen Adam fell down before the authority of almighty God. And great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath.”


And great Babylon, we talked about that already. She’s a mighty city. This carnal mind is a mighty city. She has spiritual authority. She has spiritual power. The only one that in the universe that’s stronger than her is the Lord Jesus Christ. She came into remembrance before God. Now, I don’t know about you, but every time I’ve ever heard this verse preached, it said to me, God remembered her so that she could judge, so that he could judge her and judge her fiercely, but we found out that that’s not what this Scripture means. This word came into remembrance is Strong’s 3415, and it means to return to one’s mind or to remember, and I want to suggest to you that God did not remember Babylon but that Babylon remembered who she really was.


Now, remember, at the beginning of time, Satan knew that she was soul and that the Father and Christ -- and that the Father was spirit and that Christ was a manifestation of the Father, but she rose up in rebellion. She broke Christ’s bones. She made herself a man. She fertilized the creation and brought forth her own offspring, and she’s been acting like a man ever since, and we found in Isaiah 33 Scriptures witnessing to this. That she is a spiritual lesbian who has the authority to impregnate the creation, which we don’t see in the natural -- the natural lesbians do not have the authority to impregnate.

So we see someone returning to one’s mind. Now, this cannot be speaking about the Lord, Brethren. He never left His mind. So I suggest to you that this is Satan remembering who she really is. She came to her senses. She snapped out of her episode. She’s been in a raging wild demonic episode for thousands of years, and just like somebody smacked her in the face. You know, when you have a hysterical person and you smack them in the face? She snapped out of it, and she remembered that she’s not a man, that she’s a woman and that she’s the lesser one of the creation and that she’s supposed to be in submission to Christ.


And great Babylon came in remembrance before God. This word before is Strong’s 1799, and it’s speaking of an occupied space which is opposite to one. And I want to suggest to you that what this phrase is saying, and that she came in remembrance before God. Remembrance, to return to one’s right mind before -- or to remember -- before, to occupy a space opposite. What she remembered that she was occupying the space opposite who? God. And the soul realm is the mirror image of the spiritual realm. She remembered she wasn’t spirit, but she was soul, that she is the one who was opposite God. She is not God.


She came into remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. To give unto -- that word unto is Strong’s 846, and it means self. She gave to herself. She gave herself. Remember, she remembered who she was. She remembered she was soul and not spirit. She remembered that she was the mirror image of God, not God, and she gave herself -- to give unto. She gave herself the cup, 4221, and it means cup, but I’m suggesting to you that the word cup -- we’ve had this many times before -- it holds the wine which typifies spirit, so cup is soul.


Cup is female, but I’m suggesting to you that in this case, it is the soul that holds the spirit of the Father, which makes it the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. We had a male cup here, Brethren, because the spirit of the Father has given Him His authority. I’m suggesting to you that this cup is the mind of Christ, the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s the cup of the wine, wine typifying spirit, male, the spirit of the Father, of the fierceness -- Strong’s 2372, means passion. It can mean angry heat, but Brethren, it’s talking about God’s passion for us. He wants to join with us with such a passion that’s He’s judging the sin, which is separating us from Him.


And of His wrath is Strong’s 3709. It’s referring to an internal motion, and it’s used of plants swelling with juice. And I want to refer -- suggest to you that this is typifying God’s spiritual, sexual desire for His creation. He’s filling up with desire for her, not to kill her but to join with her, and the only way He can join with her is to destroy the sin. As a matter a fact, as He joins with her, the sin will automatically be destroyed. That is the casting of the beast and the false prophet into the lake of fire, as the Lord joins with us. These elements of our soul that are not of Christ are being cast into the lake of fire.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Verse 19: “And the mighty Babylon return to her right mind and remembered that she was the female and not the male, and gave herself over.”


She gave herself over when she remembered she was the female and not the male. She gave herself over. She submitted to -- she fell down before, she worshipped the soul of Christ, through which the Father was expressing the passion for His wife, the living soul.


The whole Verse 19: “And the powerful city broke up into its three component parts: Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. And the many members of fallen Adam fell down before the authority of almighty God. And the mighty Babylon returned to her right mind and remembered that she was the female and not the male, and gave herself over to the soul through which the Father was expressing His passion for His wife.”


She gave herself over to the mind of Christ, or we can say, she gave herself over to Christ Jesus, who was expressing the Father’s passion for His wife through the judgment, which was returning her to him. Or we could say, she submitted to the lake of fire, the purifying judgment, which can restore her virginity. She’s being made a virgin again.


Alternate Translation, Verse 19: “And the powerful city broke up into its three component parts: Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. And the many members of fallen Adam fell down before the authority of almighty God. And the mighty Babylon returned to her right mind and remembered that she was the female and not the male, and she submitted to the lake of fire, which is the purifying judgment, which can restore her virginity.”


Now it’s interesting to note that the Lord’s definition of virginity is separation from the carnal mind in Satan. Now in the natural once you lose your virginity, once you have experienced a man, you can’t get it back, but to God’s mind, once you separate, your sin is forgotten.


Verse 20: “And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.”


Every island -- I explained earlier about islands in the natural. We see a piece of land floating in a great sea, but the spiritual which stands opposite of the earth or of the soul realm, we see many men with a drop of the ocean inside of them, typifying their soul. So every island fled away.


To flee away is Strong’s 5343. To seek safety by flight, to escape out of danger. And the mountains, Strong’s 3735, mountains typify the pride of man, typified by Leviathan, the king pride, and to not be found. That word found means 2147, to be recognized. And the human spirits of the fallen living soul escaped from Satan and the carnal mind, and Leviathan could not be seen. And the human spirits of the fallen living soul escaped from Satan and the carnal mind, and Leviathan, pride in man, could not be seen anymore. Pride, the root of man’s carnal mind, would not be found anymore when Eve escapes from Satan and the carnal mind. Pride is another name for the carnal mind. Leviathan is another name for the carnal mind. He won’t be found anymore.


And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven. Every stone about the weight of a talent, and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, for the plague thereof was exceeding great.


And there fell upon the man a great -- means exactly what it sounds like. I’d like to remind you that we found out that the hail typifies the Sons of God. Hail consists of a hard core of ice, surrounded by a soft covering of snow. The ice typifying spirit, and the snow typifying the Sons of God and the earth. Spirit and soul, heaven and earth. So when the Scripture says that hail is falling upon -- as judgment, it means the Sons of God in full stature are coming against the carnal minds of men.


Now, remember, earlier in this chapter, we saw the Sons of God that were not in full stature, and here in Verse 21, we see the Sons of God in full stature. Then we’re coming out of heaven. Then we’re coming out of the mind of Christ, and every hail stone was about the weight of a talent. I really don’t know -- I hear that’s very big. I didn’t take the time to research it, but I hear that it’s enough to kill a man, very large.


            [?It must be?] 100 pounds.


100 pounds, that’s pretty heavy. You can really get killed from that.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Verse 21: “And heavy crushing judgment fell upon fallen mankind because of the Sons of God. And heavy crushing judgment fell upon fallen mankind because of the Sons of God.” And the rest of the verse: “And then blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, for the plague thereof was exceeding great.”


“And then blasphemed God because of the plague,” the word plague is Strong’s 4127. It means public calamity or heavy affliction, and Brethren, frequently, when the judgments fall, they will fall publicly. Now God is not a sadist, but some people need to have their sins exposed publicly.


Some people need to have their sins exposed publicly. Why? Because they need that to repent. They need it to repent. God -- first God comes to you alone. If you can repent, it goes no further. If you can’t repent, He sends a man to you in the privacy of your home. If you still can’t repent, then He will arrange a circumstance where your sin will be exposed publicly, and you will be forced to acknowledge it, and you will start reaping the repercussions of your error.


So a plague is frequently a heavy affliction or a public calamity. And this is the plague of the hail. It’s the plague of the Sons of God, and I just described to you the way they come.


“And it was exceeding great,” and the word great is Strong’s 3173. It’s talking about a very high rank, and it’s saying that the plagues that the Sons of God are going to visit upon the church will be of the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. These plagues are not coming out of the carnal minds of men. They’re coming out of the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Alternate Translation: “And they curse God for their public humility, for their public humiliation, because the heavy affliction of the Sons of God was of a high spiritual authority. And the heavy crushing judgment fell upon fallen mankind because of the high spiritual authority of the Sons of God, and fallen mankind cursed God for their public humiliation, and because of the heavy affliction of the Sons of God.”


Recap, Revelation Chapter 16, Verses 1 through 21: “And I heard the authoritative voice of the Father speaking to the Lord Jesus Christ from within his glorified soul, saying, ‘Go and let my passion for my wife pour out of you upon the conscious minds of men.’ And the Lord Jesus Christ separated from the Father and arose from the realm of God’s  spirit, which is heaven, to become the new unconscious mind of the second generation of Christ, who was still obeying their carnal minds because Satan’s nature was engraved upon their souls. And the firstfruits of the immature Christ Jesus company -- and the firstfruits of the immature Christ Jesus company put out of their carnal minds upon the unconscious minds of fallen man, and the whole living soul, which had been dissolved in the sea of Satan, died to the death of this existence, and the resurrected glorified blood of Jesus Christ became fallen man’s new unconscious mind. And the spiritual new age of Christ poured out of their paralyzed carnal minds upon the conscious minds of fallen men, who were existing in the night of this present age. And they were resurrected out from death into the life or new age of Christ. And I heard the Lord Jesus Christ saying to the Father, ‘You’re judicial decision to se-’” -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


And I heard the Lord Jesus Christ saying to the Father, “You’re judicial decision to separate the second generation of Christ from their carnal minds through painful experiences is a correct moral decision because they are worthy.” Everyone is worthy of salvation. They are worthy to be delivered out of the death of this existence. Why are they worthy? Because the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ was poured out on their behalf.


“And I heard the firstfruits of the second generation of Christ, which had ascended up into heaven say, Amen. The Father’s judgments, which are being executed upon fallen men, arise from the true spiritual nature of the Father, who is without sin. And the spirit of Christ, which was given spiritual authority to overshadow Satan poured out of the resurrected soul of the firstfruits of the second generation of Christ and brought fiery trials upon fallen mankind, and fallen mankind knew that it was God who was subjecting them to severe spiritual, emotional and physical trials, but they refused to repent and admit their guilt and instead accused God of afflicting them unjustly. And despite God’s judgments, I saw Satan boldly expressing himself as mankind’s unconscious mind, and I saw the carnal mind boldly expressing himself as mankind’s conscious mind, and I saw the harlot Eve boldly performing signs and wonders by Satan’s spiritual authority. Because the threefold spirit of fallen mankind has produced the miracle-working demons, which are appearing in the existing leadership of the church and in other fallen spiritual men, so that the many members of fallen mankind may be gathered together to Jesus’ great showdown with Satan and the second generation of his carnal mind. But fallen man continued to blame Christ for their great physical and material troubles, for the pain that the Sons of God were inflicting on them as they judged their souls in righteousness, and they refused to admit that they were guilty. And the firstfruits of the second generation of Christ poured healing and deliverance out of their resurrected soul upon the carnal minds of fallen man. And the great trouble which fell upon men because of the Lord’s intense desire for His wife broke the bones of fallen mankind’s corporate carnal mind, and He could not sustain the vision of this fallen world, which is the Land of Nod. And Christ Jesus, the man who was in the image of the Father, poured out of his resurrected soul upon the human spirit’s of mankind, which were dissolved in the sea of Satan and boiled fallen Adam as a sin offering, thus separating Eve from Satan and preparing the fallen living soul to marry Christ and give birth to the Sons of God. And this is how Christ Jesus summoned the many members of the fallen living soul to the judgment seat of Christ. ‘Look, I’m coming unexpectedly.’ Blessed is the one whose carnal minds is [sic] covered, because Christ is appearing in him and enabling him to live a Godly life because the one whose spiritual reproductive parts can be seen by the Sons of God shall experience painful judgment. And the high spiritual rank of the Sons of God caused a commotion, the likes of which has not occurred since the carnal mind pierced through Eden, covered it over with the Land of Nod and enclosed Adam inside of bodies with fixed boundaries, and they destroyed the corporate carnal mind of fallen man by speaking the judgments of God with spiritual authority. And heavy crushing judgment fell upon fallen mankind because of the high spiritual authority of the Sons of God, and fallen mankind cursed God for their public humiliation and because of their heavy affliction of the Sons of God. And the powerful city, the carnal minds of men, broke up into its three component parts -- Satan, Eve and the carnal mind -- and the many members of fallen Adam fell down before the authority of almighty God, and the mighty Babylon returned to her right mind and remembered that she was the female and not the male, and she submitted to the lake of fire, which is the purifying judgment, which can restore her virginity. And the human spirits of the fallen living soul escaped from Satan and the carnal mind, and Leviathan could not be seen anymore. And the glorified creation poured out of its resurrected soul life into the atmosphere of this world system, which is the Land of Nod or hell, and an authoritative voice came out of the physical expression of the glorified Christ saying, ‘The Garden of Eden has come into existence.’” Hallelujah.


Any questions?


Glory to God.


            I had a question from earlier. When you first started talking about the unconscious mind --




            -- what does a person have to do to get it, the new unconscious mind of Christ?


The new unconscious mind -- you have to conceive Christ.


            You have to conceive Christ. That’s when it happens?


No, wait a minute, wait a minute. No, no, that’s not true. The new unconscious mind of man is the Lord Jesus Christ. When you receive the Holy Spirit, you receive that new unconscious mind. And then He begins to work in your life to bring Himself into your consciousness. He starts to pierce through your carnal mind and wage war against it and become your conscious as well as your unconscious mind.


            Along with that, how can we be sure that we have the new unconscious mind?


Well, that’s an easy one because the new unconscious mind is the Holy Ghost, and that’s evidence by the speaking with tongues. It’s much easier to prove to yourself that you’ve -- it’s much harder --




-- to establish that you’ve conceived Christ.


            So if you have the new unconscious mind, you’re able to speak in tongues.




            Wow, so then what does that simple prayer do, you know, Jesus come into my heart -- it’s not that the new unconscious mind’s coming in when you do that, right?


Well, I don’t --            


            I mean, the Holy Spirit’s not just coming in just because you --


No, we don’t have the power to bring the Holy Spirit in. He has great mercy on us, and He winks at us because we’re such spiritual children, and we’re so filled with pride. He enters in because He has made a decision to enter into your heart and for no other reason. And if He wants to enter into your heart, and you’re a person who doesn’t want Him, but He has made a judgment that in this hour, He’s going to enter into your heart, He will change your mind. That’s why this whole concept of burning in hell forever is ludicrous. Because the Lord Jesus Christ has the spiritual authority to change any man’s mind, to bring any man to repentance and turn any man towards Christ, so the -- this whole concept of the Lord having to burn people in hell forever because they rejected Him makes no -- it’s the fabrication of a fallen mind.


So to answer your question, there are people -- I have known people who have answered every altar call, and the Lord has never come into their heart. It doesn’t happen too often, but I’ve seen it happen. I had a man appear in my own house who was virtually in tears, had been reading his Bible and been praying to God for, I think, 15 or 20 years, had every Christian he ever knew lay hands on him to receive the Holy Ghost, and he never got it. And I really thought I was going to have a crying man on my hands in here, but the Lord gave him -- I don’t know what the problem was. The Lord gave him a miracle. He gave him a woman. I don’t -- I haven’t heard from him in a long time. You know, He gave him a girlfriend at that point. He was very lonely person. But He didn’t give him the Holy Ghost.


So we can’t say Jesus -- I mean, He just does not do our bidding. It’s just a lie in the church. But because we’re children and because He has mercy on us, when we stand up there and say, “Lord Jesus, come into my heart,” most of the time, He comes in because He knows that we don’t know any better, and we don- -- we’re not meaning to insult Him. It’s just the way we’ve been taught. There’s really a very great irreverence to the Lord.


Any teaching that indicates in any way that we can lay hold of the Lord Jesus Christ and cause Him to do our bidding is really an insult to the Lord. He just [?wicks?] at it because He knows we’re babies.


            So the Holy Spirit is the uncon- -- new unconscious mind, and since the g- -- the evidence is speaking in tongues, my question is, when you s- -- exercise speaking in tongues, does that activate that new unconscious mind?


Well, you know, I don’t think so. I know that that’s taught a lot in the church, and I know -- all I could say to you is that if it works for you do it. It doesn’t work for me. And I’m of the opinion that these two camps -- you know, I’ve been teaching that here for a long time, Old Order and the New Order, the imputed and the imparted, and it never worked for me. I guess I must have had an imparted anointing from the beginning. I remember a new believer getting down on my knees and inte- -- fully intending to [?bind and loose?] and pray for at least two hours, and I couldn’t make it past five minutes. I’ve never been able to do that. I’ve never been able to force tongues. It’s always been him flowing through me. You see, when you force the tongues, it’s your own will bringing it forth.




So, but I wouldn’t tell you not to do it. You know, that’s between you and --


            What are they for?


What are they for?




It’s a [?peeling?] which the Scripture says, when you don’t know how to pray and when you’re in great distress, and you don’t know how to pray, this is one of the few times that I speak in tongues these days because most of the time I know how to pray, but what has really educated me [?but there’s?] a great distress in my soul, and I just don’t know how to pray frequently tongues will come up. It’s the Christ in you praying for you when you don’t know what to pray.


            OK. Mm-hmm. What’s the ingredients -- you said that the Dead Sea is made up of Eve and the dead human spirit, the Dead Sea.


Eve is the dead human spirit.


            And that’s the Dead Sea, when she’s joined to the carnal mind?


No, oh, when she’s joined to the carnal mind in Satan.


            Eve and Satan and the carnal mind is the Dead Sea.


When they’re woven together, they are the corruptible seed.


            No, I’m saying sea, S-E-A.


Oh, the sea.




The sea. Yes, when s- -- when Eve is do- -- is dissolved in Satan that is the sea of death, the salt sea.


            OK, so the salt is her.




            And the water is Satan.


Is Satan in the salt, yes.


            OK, then the sea of glass is Christ in Eve, so I’m asking, Eve is still the salt, right? And what is the ingredient in Christ that makes glass?


Glass, gee, I -- let me try and remember. If I’m not mistaken, I know I did look this up at one time. I think glass is made of sand, isn’t it? That’s forced together under high pressure, so you see, we mentioned this the other night that the sands of the sea -- let me back up. Jesus is the rock, and when the -- Christ fell the beginning of time, that rock was ground into many grains of sand, and each of us have a grain of the rock in us. We’re all going to forced together under great -- all of the human spirits of men are going to be forced together under the great pressure of the lake of fire, and all of the human spirits are going to be bonded together, and there going to be glass. They’re not going to be separated anymore.


            And that glass is going to be clear --




            -- totally transparent.


It’s going to be crystal. We’re told it’s going to be crystal glass.




So you’ll be able to see through it, but one of the characteristics of crystal is that it’s like a diamond. It has so many facets to it that there’s going to be light bouncing off of it in all directions. Yeah.


            Oh, yeah. OK, you said -- you were talking about the judgment of Christ through the Sons, and you said that if you don’t -- if you’re not able to see your own sin, He’s going to send you -- He’s going -- and He -- when He tells you and you can’t see it, He’s going to send it through another human being, a son, right?


Yeah, a son, yeah.


            And --


Most of the time --


            That’s --


He could send someone who’s not a son too.




Yeah, it’s possible.




But the person who’s not a son cannot bring judgment, but He may use a heathen to just tell you.


            To point it out.


Oh, yeah, He’s done it to me.


            OK, but will the Son or anybody that is, like ca- -- are we only to do it to believers, or are we to go and point out sin of sinners?


No, we have to be very careful. I’ve been warning people that are listening to this message for five years. Be very careful. It has to be Christ in you doing it. If it’s your carnal mind pointing out people’s sins, it’s not good, and it’s really -- it’s ungodly spiritual authority.




And you’ll be disciplined for it. [CROSSTALK]


            But could it ever of the mind of Christ to point out sin --


Oh, yeah.


            -- to a sinner.


Oh, to a sinner?


            To unregenerate, someone that doesn’t have the Holy Spirit?


Well, yeah, I think so.


            [?Or can be?Oh, it can be?]


Well, this is the difference. Yes, I think so --


            Oh, OK.


-- but this is the difference. If you’re a sinner, there won’t be any judgment associated with it. You see, God loves people. He really loves His people, and there are people everywhere that are in terrible pain, and it all cause of trouble because their minds are fallen, and He has sent me to sinners to tell them what they need to hear, but if they didn’t take my advice, there was no judgment involved. Understand what I’m saying?




He sent me to several people that did not know the Lord, and He had me tell them the answer to their problem. I don’t know whether they took my advice or not, but if they didn’t take it, there was no judgment. Well, the judgment would be that they would to continue in their difficult circumstances. So the Lord sent them a way out. He sent me to one woman that had been raised as a Baptist, whether she prayed or not, I don’t know. Maybe her mother was praying. I don’t know. I worked in the same office with her, and she was really getting into a spot that a young woman shouldn’t be in. And the Lord sent me to her, and I gave her some real good advice. I think she took it. I don’t really know, but I think she took it.


            This brings me back to a qu- -- what you said, it just triggered a question. Like, the Baptist people, for instance, they have a lot of knowledge about the word of God. It seems very -- sometimes they’re very strong on the word --




            -- and knowledge, you know, but they don’t have the Holy Spirit.


Well, they have the Holy Spirit.                     


            I mean, so they don’t have a new unconscious mind.


I believe they have the Holy Spirit, but they don’t -- they have not been -- they have not received the Holy Spirit. They have -- if you listen to that message, The Truth about Baptism -- they have, Lord help me to remember the name, been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, I think that’s how it’s expressed in the Scripture. They’ve been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. It’s in there. I’ve known for years that it had to be in there, but the Lord just revealed it to me.


            In Acts. You’re talking about in Acts?


I don’t know. You’ll have to listen to the message. I really don’t remember in route detail.


            They said to -- you’ve been baptized by John, but you need the Holy Ghost or something like that.




            Is that what you’re talking about?


No, but I believe it is in the Book of Acts, where they talk about baptizing people in the name of the Lord Jesus, and those were the apostles baptizing people in the name of the Lord Jesus. You don’t hear it in the church today because I don’t think the authorities in the church, except in a very few cases, to baptize people in the name of the Lord Jesus. It’s different. It’s a good message.


            Tho- -- was that water baptism? Was that water baptism?


What? No, it’s not water baptism.


            The baptism of John was water baptism, right? And then they said you need the baptism of the Spirit.




            And that’s different than the baptism of the Lord Jesus?


Yeah, there are quite a few baptisms.


            Which is also different than the baptism of fire?


They’re all different. They’re all one baptism, different administrations or different manifestations of baptism, but they all add up. They are sequential which means they are designed to follow one another. The end result --


            Oh, OK.


-- of the accumulation of all the baptisms is that you baptized, I believe that last one is with fire --




-- where Christ [?start to?] re-consumes you, but it’s a series of baptisms, which are really one baptism in many stages, and you start with water, and you end with fire.


            Oh, so you can’t get the fire without the water.


No, well, God can do anything that He wants. Water baptism is an act of faith. It has no spiritual effect on your life at all other than to say that you have entered into a covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ, that He has said to you, if you’re -- if you submit to baptism in water, He will do the rest of the baptisms, all of which are spiritual, and He’ll bring it to pass in your life. If you let your body go down under the water, He’ll put your soul down under the water of His life, and to put your soul down under the water of His life involves a series of baptisms, a series of steps which is really just one baptism.


            So it’s water then spirit then fire, right?




            Where does the --


I really don’t want to get off on this here. Maybe people that have questions on the message, OK?


            All right.


OK. Anybody have a question on the message? Anybody else? Michelle has a question on the message.


            When you were preaching on Revelation 16 --


Try and talk a little louder, OK?




We have the air condition running.


            When you were preaching -- when you were just teaching now the Revelation 16 --




            You were talking about the locusts and likened to the Sons of God that are going to be coming in -- within the earth --


Of our souls.


            Right, and it’s just going to be rising up.




            Could you explain that a little bit?


Well, the Sons of God are coming forth, and they -- in order for them to come forth, they must wage war against our carnal minds, and Christ is conceived underneath our carnal mind, and I really can’t go into, for both of you, I really can’t go to into the whole teaching tonight, but we have the messages on it, and what it’s saying is the locusts are the manifestation of the Son in each of us that is not yet in full stature. And if you read the Scriptures, it says that they don’t -- they eat the vegetation of your carnal souls. It sounds -- the church world makes it sound like their demons, but it’s really what the Sons of God are doing to your carnal mind, and we had -- I found a Scripture not too long ago in the Book of Isaiah, where it likens the coming forth of Christ to a locust. So there are Scriptures on it. OK. I remember the first time God gave me that -- just let me give you this little testimony. I was sitting one Saturday night. I was in a deep study, and all of the sudden my mind became overwhelmed with the thought of particular woman in the church that I was going to, and it was Saturday night, and she was married, so I said, well, she probably has company. But it was so strong, I called her up, and she was sitting there studying, and she said she was praying about this Revelation 9, and she wanted to know who the locust was. So the Lord told me to call her and tell her! So I told her who the locust was, and she got very upset. She couldn’t believe that the locusts were the Sons of God, but two years later she came to me, and she said that the Lord had shown it to her. Took two years for Him to show it to her.


            OK, I’d just like to know the meaning of --


The baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus.


            The ba- -- and the sequence.


The -- in the Scripture, the word name is talking about a nature. If you do word study on it, it’s talking about a nature, and a nature typifies spirit, so when we say we should pray in the name of Jesus, you know, it really doesn’t do much good to say in the name of Jesus. What it means is pray it under the minds of Christ and don’t pray it out of your carnal mind. But I still say that, because people need to hear it, but you know, when you are praying out of Christ, you really don’t have to say in the name of Jesus. But I do it because I don’t want my brother to stumble. K, for the same reason that I pray over my food when I’m in the presence of believers that expect me to pray over my food, I’ll pray, but when I’m alone, you know that I don’t pray over my food because my whole life is consecrated to Christ. Every minute, I wake up in the morning until the minute I go to sleep at night. OK, but if I had children in my house, I would say grace every night because they need to hear, so Paul clearly told us not to do anything that would cause our brother to stumble.


OK, so basically the sequence is water baptism, which is a covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ. I think I said it before. He says if you go down under the water, under the natural water, if you put your natural body under the natural water, I will put your carnal mind under the water of the soul of Christ. In other words I will kill it. I will bring it into submission. I will stop you from sinning. And so after you submit your water baptism -- well, let me tell you this, first of all. We found in this study that every bap- -- every spiritual baptism that’s authored comes in two degrees. It comes in a lesser degree and a greater degree. The principle is the former and the latter [?reign?]. To the best of my knowledge, nobody in the earth has been baptized with the Holy Spirit. We have all received the Holy Spirit. The apostles were baptized with the Holy Spirit, and Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit. Each increasingly greater degree of the measure of the outpouring of the Spirit, and each having its own sign.


We speak in tongues when we receive the Holy Ghost. We get a private prayer language, but that’s not what happened to the apostles. When the apostles were baptized with the Holy Ghost, they spoke in other languages that were recognized by other men. Now I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard a preach -- that these prayer languages that we have must be recognized by somebody somewhere in Timbuktu on the other side of the earth, but my Bible says that when the apostles were baptized with the Holy Spirit, that there were men standing right there that recognized their language. So it was a different experience, different evidence.


And Jesus Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit, and what that word means if you look it up in the Greek is what John said, He who sent me said, the one upon whom the spirit abides, that is he. To be anointed with the Holy Spirit means to have it smeared on you, that it can’t come off. It’s like oil. You put oil on your skin. You can’t get it -- you have to wash it off. You can’t get it off. The anointing of the -- to be anointed with the Holy Spirit is the -- is full stature.


OK, so my whole point in telling you that is this: each baptism, we found out, has a lesser and a greater manifestation. So, I’m trying to remember. The baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus is a baptism of faith, and it’s the baptism that you find -- see, I may not be having -- is it the baptism or receiving? I don’t know. I don’t remember exactly, but this is what we find in people that have the [?threefold?thirty fold?] and people like the Baptists who have not received the Holy Spirit, OK, but they obviously have faith. And this has bothered me for years. I’ve been praying about this for years. And this revelation just came down about a year ago, less than a year ago, but I’ve been saying to the Lord for years, these people have faith! I listen to these Baptists. They preach this word! They love God! It’s obvious to me, but they don’t have the Holy Spirit. But they do. They have the measure of his Spirit, which is called being baptized in the name Lord Jesus. It’s a baptism with faith.


And that is something -- and what I believe, I spelled it all out when I did the message. And I believe that what happened to them with that baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus when the apostles did it, there are two measures of it: the lesser and the greater. The lesser we see in the church today. I can’t remember the difference in the names, but this is the difference in the two outpourings. The lesser, which we see in the church today, is a baptism with faith that we see in many people that don’t have the Holy Ghost, but they really love the Lord, and you know that they’re hearing from Him. You know that they have a relationship with Him. It’s obvious. A lot of Baptists are like that. And the greater of this can only be given by the apostles, and it was the impartation of the seed of Christ. It was the impartation of the seed of the imparted anointed, and you don’t hear about it today because it’s very rare that it’s being imparted today. Are you following me?




OK, so in Bible days, that was the next step and then after that came receiving the Holy Ghost, and then there’s a baptism into suffering, and maybe a few others, I don’t remember, along the way. You have to enter into Jesus. Well, the baptism with suffering is part of the baptism with fire. [?It’s entering?] It’s the judgment of your soul and transferring. Your human spirit has to transfer out of your carnal mind. Let me put that on the board.


Our human spirit has to transfer. There’s going to be a transference or an exchange of souls that’s coming to humanity. Our true reality is spirit. Our soul is just a dress that we’re wearing. It’s just a garment. And this body is a prison house. It’s not even of God, but -- well, I’m going to draw it in a way that it’s not really going to be, just to give you a better idea. This is our carnal mind, and in here is our human spirit. And she’s totally dissolved in Satan and the carnal mind, and over here comes the mind of Christ. And they’re both dwelling in a man’s mind at the same time, and it is the Lord’s intention. He sends his Holy Spirit in here, and His ultimate intention is to separate her from Satan and get her out, and she’s going to be found in Him in the hour of His appearing.


The human spirit has to be found in Christ, Him in spirit. And then when the Lord gets her out of here, He’s going to burn this carnal mind up completely. She’s going to transfer. There’s going to be an exchange of souls. The human spirit is now resident in the carnal mind. She’s going to exchange her garment from death unto life. She’s going to get rid of the carnal mind, and now her garment or her cover is going to be Christ.


So there’s going to be an exchange of souls and a transference, whichever word you prefer. You could use either word, so why did I tell you that? So that’s pretty much the baptism with fire.


Praise the Lord. Anybody else? Quiet group tonight. June has a question.


            Do you believe at this stage that we’re in now that we can bring judgment on others?


Uh-huh, I cannot tell you personally whether or not you’re in that stage, but I will say that there are people in the earth who are doing it. I do it. I do, but be very careful because if you do it and it’s not Christ, you’re going to be judged. You see, if you judge, judge not lest you be judged. But if it’s Christ in you judging righteous judgment, there is no sin. But be very careful.


            So that -- you would have to be extremely careful in a marriage, you know, with your husband.                       






I don’t see any judgment for the sinner. Your husband doesn’t know the Lord. Judgment is correction, and it is executed only on a believer who’s moving into maturity. It’s really important that you understand what judgment is. Now, we know that there’s two judgments. Now, if you’re judging out of your carnal mind, that’s Satan’s judgment, and you are Satan to the person that you’re judging. You don’t want to be that, do you? Any judgment that brings destruction on the person is the judgment of Satan. You [?show?] an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, an insult for an insult. You don’t want to be doing that. OK, the judgment of Christ is the correction for the person who’s moving into Christ. It is the dismantling of their carnal mind so that Christ can appear in that problem area, and I really liken it to a computer.


Look, if you got a computer, if you’ve got a hard drive in your computer, any kind of memory disk in your computer -- I’m not sure that this is what it looks like, but this is my imagination. It’s broken down into sectors. It’s called sectors. And each one of these little pieces, whatever you -- sectors or clusters that they call them -- contains memory. And if you get a damaged cluster here and a damaged cluster here, you have what happened to me today. My document corrupted twice today, but I had three copies this time.


What happens is if you try to put information in a bad sector, what you try to put in is destroyed, so what the judgment seat of Christ is only for a person who is conceived Christ and is moving in the deep things of God. And the Lord comes to them, and He says, “You see this thing in your mind over here, Son?” It’s only for the Sons! “You see this rebellion in your mind? It’s got to go, because I want to take this rebellion out, and I want to replace it. I want it to go.”


Now, we’re not dealing with the whole personality. We’re dealing with this cluster right here, and I want it to not be rebellion anymore, which is a sin that’s like scarlet. But I want to turn it into righteousness. I want to take that scarlet out, and I want to make you a virgin again in that area. He says, “Confess your sin and repent.” And He says this to you personally. Most people don’t hear Him. Then He’ll send a Son to you. When it’s your time and God says, “It’s the hour for you to deal with your rebellion.” You’ve got to be very careful.


            So He sets up a circumstance?


You better believe it.


            And then -- 


Don’t do it of your own accord.




It’s got to be a person who is a Son, number one. Number two, it has to be God’s chosen time for this exchange from sin for righteousness. This is their heart. This is the heart. God has to say, “This is the hour for rebellion to be cast out and righteousness to replace it.” Well, not righteousness. Submission, I guess, would [?a godly?] -- submission would be the equivalent of it.


And third of all, you have to be the one He sent. Now, the fact that you discern sin in somebody’s heart does not mean that God’s sending you. It doesn’t mean that it’s the time for his judgment, and if he not saved, forget it. If he’s not saved, he’s subject to the reaping and sowing judgment of Satan. He will reap what he has sown in due season. So you better check yourself out. I’m not picking on you. Anybody that’s thinking along these lines, you have to check yourself out for vengeance. Are you looking for vengeance? Why does your motive for even thinking about bringing judgment on him? What’s your motive for it?


            Oh, well, it’s probably retaliation.


And vengeance, yeah.


            Well, I’m glad you made that clear because --


Please be very careful.


You know, it makes things a whole lot easier, you know, understanding the situation.


OK. Does anybody not understand what the judgment seed of Christ is? It’s an exchange of His righteousness for your sin. And He does it a sector at a time. Why? Because if He knocked out your whole mind at once, you would die. You wouldn’t survive it, and some people have said to me, well, why doesn’t He take out this whole mind of sin and just plug in the new mind of Christ?


I’ll tell you why. Because the mind of Christ, the incorruptible seed is going to appear in your mind that will cause you to live forever must be woven together with your carnal mind. He’s not going to pull out your carnal mind and plug in the mind of Christ. The two of them are going to be woven together, and the way He weaves them together is by giving you His righteousness through confession of sin, repentance and a conscious understanding of the change of mind that’s occurring in you.


We are not robots. He doesn’t want robots. He wants our participation. Now if we can’t repent, He may twist our arm, but He will bring us to repentance. He’s not just plugging into us like we’re a machine. If you can’t repent, He will permit the judgments to fall upon you. He will permit you to reap what you have sown until you repent. At which point, He will take your sin and give you His righteousness in its place. But if you’re not His Son, if you’re not walking with Christ, if you don’t have the life of His Son in you, He can’t do that. So you’re subject to the judgment of Satan, which is reaping what you’re sowing unto destruction. This is reaping what you’re sowing unto life, unto the resurrection of His life in you. You’ve got to be His Son.


And there are many Christians all over the church world that are much too carnal for this, much too -- I had a man in this ministry for the first year. He just couldn’t stand it! God called him into a deep walk from the day he was called, and it used to drive him crazy, all these carnal Christians out there. He had a business, and he was always in -- having lots of financial troubles. Well, he had a very hard life. I won’t deny that. And it used to drive him crazy, all these carnal Christians out there getting all this money, getting all these business opportunities, running around saying, I’m the King’s kid, and getting all this stuff and the Cadillacs and the cars, and he had a hard time. And it used -- it really drove him crazy. But what forever God’s reason, He brought him right into this.


You have to realize that God has children of many different ages, and if you see Christians that have no troubles in their life or a minimum of trouble in their life, they’re in kindergarten. They’re babies! They’re still bab- -- not even kindergarten, they’re babies in the [?arc?].


Yeah, now I’m sorry, ladies, but I’m going to tell you one more time that I’m telling you the truth. I always tell you the truth. We are a fallen creation. And because we are fallen, we are lawless. We need a law, or we would destroy ourselves and destroy each other, and marriage is an institution that God has ordained for people with fallen minds. I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. When you are resurrected into the newness of Christ so that every thought you think is godly, you’re not going to fight with anybody. You’re not going to be breaking the law. You’re not going to have any trouble. And in heaven there’s no marriage. [?Or giving a marriage?] I’m telling you the truth. I’m sorry, young women. I’m telling you the truth. So because you are a fallen creation, and you are in this relationship because you’re fallen, the law says that you must submit to your husband. And the law says that if he’s treating you probably in some way, you have one recourse and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. And if it takes Him 15 years to turn this man around, there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m sorry. I tell you the truth.


Now that doesn’t mean that you stay in a marriage and you get abused. It doesn’t mean that at all. You’re not supposed to be abused.


You can make -- put it on low. Well, I’m not hot now, but I will be. You can put it on low. OK?


You’re not supposed to be abused, and as you know, the Lord helps you work things out. He teaches you, or He’ll instruct you, whoever you are, to express yourself and to approach the man and, I mean, assuming that you’re married to m- -- you know, most men are decent human beings, unless you’re married to some kind of an animal, you know, that’s beating you up every night or something. That’s a different story. You leave! If he’s beating you every night, you pack up and you leave. If he’s incesting [sic] your children, you pack up and you leave, but if he’s a decent man, and he’s worked all his life to support you, and he’s raised your children, and he’s giving you a hard time in some areas because he’s imperfect, you know, you’ve got to give it to God. And then He takes you step by step, but you can’t be executing judgments on him. He’s your head.


Now, of course, it’s a very fine line. You know, if he’s really doing unrighteousness to you, and you’re a believer, it’s possible -- you know, you got to be very careful. It’s possible on an occasion, and you’ve experienced this, that God will have you to stand against him and say, now, honey, this just isn’t right. I want you to know, this just isn’t right.


I mean, if your husband tells you to rob a bank, are you going to do it? You know it’s not right. So there are certain circumstances that you have to stand against him, but by and large, he is your head, and that’s the way it is.


            So in other words, you just make the statement, and then you leave it. You know, like if --


You have to communicate it.


            -- if it’s something that’s not --


Is something hurting you? What is the -- is it hurting you? What kind of a problem is it?


            No, I just -- I mean, if you have a disagreement, you just make it known --


How you feel. You should be able to tell him how you feel.


            And then just leave it, you know. There’s nothing else --


There’s nothing you can do.


            -- you can do, right?


There’s nothing except cry out to God and ask God to change his heart.


            I mean, there’s no great -- I mean, there’s nothing tragic or, you know, big. It’s just, you know, small episodes or little things, you know, that --


You have to keep it before God and walk very --


            Which I think it goes in every marriage.




            You know, you -- you’re two minds, so [?when?] you don’t agree on everything, you know.


That’s why the woman has to submit to the man. That’s why the rule. Because you have two people, both with a fallen mind. You never agree on everything. Some marriages you never agree on anything. Some marriages you agree on 75 percent of the things. Nobody ever agrees 100 percent of the time. That’s why Jesus said, “He’s the head, and you’re the weaker [?vessel?].” Because you’ll never -- if you both had the mind of Christ, you wouldn’t need that law. You would both be doing what is right. You’d both be walking in righteousness. But you’re fallen, and it’s not natural for the woman to be the head. That’s what’s happening in this country today, and it’s turning out to be a disaster. It’s not that women are weaker than men. Women are not weaker than men. But God has made a plan to live together and propagate the human race, have children and have fairly normal children. And He said, “There’s going to be a Father, and there’s going to be a mother -- ”


7/23/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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