143 - Part 3

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



I'll read you the recap, Daniel 8, Verses 1 through 4. "At the time that the fallen creation became spiritual, I, Daniel, saw a vision similar to the one I had seen earlier. And I realized that a divine revelation was being presented to me. And as I tried to understand it, I was immersed in the Spirit of God. And the Father joined with my human spirit, which was still in a fallen human body, and I was able to look at this divine revelation with the mind of Christ. Then, I opened my spiritual eyes, which were in Christ, and was able to understand."


"And there was Adam, the [?souled?] animal life that God had made, with two spiritual horns in his mind, and he was standing in full spiritual strength in the realm of appearance. And the unified creation was in a high spiritual place, but Satan was more arrogant than Adam and became strong enough to depart from her passive, spiritually female position in the soul realm. And she took on a dominant, spiritually male role, overlaid Adam, God's creation, and conceived her female offspring, the carnal mind, within him. And Christ, the offspring of God, died, and the Father drove the fallen creation out of the garden."


"And I saw Adam com-" -- now, I just remind you at this point that after those first verses, now, the Scripture is going to expand or give us more information or amplify the previous verses and give us more detail.




This is Verse 4. This is the Alternate Translation of Verse 4. "And I saw Adam coming out of the spiritual realm of God and spreading himself into the soul realm, and he was revealing Christ as the conscious mind and the Father as the unconscious mind of the creation. And he was protecting the living soul from materializing in the realm of appearance in a spiritually altered state of being, because he knew that Satan had the spiritual strength to strip off the godly covering of Christ and begin an independent existence."


And that's what we were talking about earlier in our teaching on multiple personalities. Glory to God. It started -- well, it started -- it was probably with an act of pride, because she had an independent thought. And right after it was rebellion, and the rebellion brought the division. Unification brings the mercies and the peace of God, and rebellion brings division. Glory to God.


Continuing with the last part of that Daniel 8:4. "But he did" -- who? The Go- -- the righteous Adam, "did according to his will and became great." Glory to God. "But he did according to his will and became great."


And the word but, the interlinear says it can be translated and. I think we're going to translate it and here. The word did is Strong's 6213, and it means to make or produce by labor. And I remind you that the righteous Adam was laboring to produce the realm of appearance, which was the Garden of Eden at that time. And what was he laboring to -- how was he laboring? It was a spiritual labor of keeping sin under his feet.


And I just want to remind you of this. It's very important, brethren, very important that Adam -- oh, God, I'm going to try and draw a horse. Adam, well, he wasn't a horse. He was a ram, and he had two horns. And he had -- I'm just going to make this real easy. I'm going to call it sin. He had sin under his feet. It is much easier to control sin when it's under your feet than when it's gotten out from under you -- excuse me. That when it's gotten out from under you -- oh, God, what a ram.


That when it's gotten out from under you and it's facing you head on as a he goat, full bent on destroying you face-to-face, let me tell you, it's a whole new ballgame. Does anybody not know what I'm talking about? Once you let it get up out from under your feet, you've got a problem. You've got one big problem. Let me tell you, I've experienced it. Don't let it out from under your feet. Of course, God's going to give you the victory, but do you need this wild goat looking at you eye to eye, eyeball to eyeball? Who needs it?


So I want to suggest to you that Adam was laboring to keep the creation unified. In Genesis, we see this truth in parable form. And we're told that God told him to keep or to guard the garden, well, the Garden of Eden. Guarded from what? We just read about it. Guard it from Satan or sin in the form of a spiritual law. That was under Adam's authority, to guard the garden from that spiritual law or that spiritual strength from getting out from underneath Adam's feet.


Guard the garden. Keep the garden. Why? Because when Satan got out from Adam's feet, we're going to find out, or if you've read ahead, you know, that she manifested as a goat in the realm of appearance, outright challenged the ram, which typifies the righteous Adam, and destroyed him. And when Adam was destroyed, the Garden of Eden disappeared. And in its place was found the Land of Nod.


And I want to suggest to you that it didn't happen in five minutes, that it may have taken thousands of years. The world was not always as corrupt as it is now. It's surely the Land of Nod -- this world is surely the Land of Nod now. Exactly when it turned over from one physical place to another, I couldn't tell you.


Now, I remind you that the whole creation has fallen, and has now, ever since Jesus appeared at the end of the age 2,000 years ago, is on its way back up. Everything's being reversed. So this is now the Land of Nod, and it's in the process of being restored to the land of Eden. But when Adam -- when the righteous Adam was doing what he was doing, according to his will --


I think I put a wrong word in here. What does the Scripture say? "He did according to his will." I wrote pleasure down over here for some reason. The word means pleasure. It's Strong's 7522. And I remind you that righteous Adam was revealing the mind of Christ, so we know what it was his pleasure to do. It was his pleasure to reveal the mind of the Father, and by His mind, to establish the Garden of Eden.


Now, let me remind you what we've been teaching here for a while, that this world system and any world system is a reflection of a superior mind. I want to remind you that this whole creation has come to pass because God imagined it. God imagined, an imagination. He had a thought of something that never existed before. He called it a cherub, an imaginary creature. That's us. We're a fallen cherub right now, but that's what the cherub is. God had a thought, Almighty God, with a mind so superior we can't even, in our wildest dreams, comprehend it. He had a thought, and it materialized in physical form.


Let me give you the natural example of it. You are an artist. You had a thought. You've had many thoughts. And you picked up a canvas, and you picked up paints, and there is your thought. It has materialized on a piece of canvas. Can you hear this? But because we're fallen, you had to use your hand and pick up the brush and put the brush marks on the canvas. But when God has a thought -- well, God doesn't have any hands. He's a spirit. It just appeared.


So righteous Adam had the spiritual authority to do what you did when you produced that painting, on such a higher level that I don't even know how to express it. He had the mind. The creation of God, Adam, had the authority, when the mind of the Father -- when the Spirit of the Father was reflected through his mind as Christ, to cause a physical world to appear. Can you understand that? Everybody understand that? Anybody not understand it? And our natural example is an artist picking up a brush and paints. Only, He did it with His mind.


So we're told, here, that Adam did according to his will. Well, his will was the will of the Father, because he was in right standing. And the Father said, Adam, dress and keep the garden. And we talked about that in the last message. The Father was saying to Adam, let My mind be revealed through you. Keep the weeds out of the garden. Control Satan who is necessary. Why? Because the physical components of which this world is made, that which gives form, is Satan. She's the spiritual skeleton. Ride her, control her, put her on a leash. Make her serve you. Subjugate her to you, to your mind, to your will. And in a single thought, project the Garden of Eden. W- -- as one mind, project the Garden of Eden.


And that was the will of Adam, and he did that which he purposed to do. He accomplished it. He put Satan in subjection to him. He unified the creation, and the physical world appeared. And Satan was needed. Satan is needed. She's the matter. She's the substance. She's the hard stuff. Well, she's not really the hard stuff. She's the physical hard stuff. Christ is hard. Hard means male.


This whole creation is covering an invisible form. You see, in this glass, the glass is forming the water. Right? Water has no form. You put it in a glass, the glass gives the water form. But with the creation, God, invisible God, has covered Himself with the earth, and Satan's in the earth. So the earth has no form, but it is the darkness of the earth layering over the invisible Christ that has made this world come into appearance. Of herself, she's nothing. The true substance is Christ. The true hard part, the part that's giving form, is Christ.


And if you remember the early messages, our example is "The Invisible Man." He was scaring everybody, because he's se- -- appeared that he was talking out of the air. No one could see him. He had lost his body. Well, he didn't lose his body. He became invisible. So he put on a jacket and hat, and he bandaged his head, and gloves and shoes and an overcoat, and everybo- -- nobody knew he was invisible. So it was the invisible substance underneath the clothing and the bandages that gave the clothing and the bandages form. The clothing and the bandages did not form the man. Satan does not form Christ. Christ, although invisible, forms Satan. Does anybody not understand this? Are you OK? OK.


            Would you say that's light, that Christ resembles light, and then the darkness         can cover the light?


Yes, the darkness reveals the light. The darkness reveals the light. Makes -- what does it mean reveals it? It makes it obvious. The darkness makes the light obvious. OK.


So Adam, he did according to his will, which was to subjugate Satan and cause the Garden of Eden to come into existence. "And he became great." Now, this word great is Strong's 1431, and it has another meaning besides great or besides to increase. And it can be translated, and as a matter of fact, it's the first translation in Gesenius, to join or to bind together. And I'm suggesting to you that Adam, the righteous Adam, bound the mind of Christ together with Satan and formed this realm of appearance, and thus joined himself to this realm of appearance. The Garden of Eden was bound or intertwined with or joined to the mind of Christ. There must be a mind that produces the realm of appearance. So the unified creation, Christ bound Himself to Satan, intertwined them, and as a unified mind formed the Garden of Eden. And he labored a spiritual labor to keep it that way.


And if you have entered into the end-time warfare, if you are fighting with the demons, if you are fighting with your carnal mind, you have entered into a spiritual labor to subjugate that which is destroying your soul and your body. They're -- he's a spiritual weed. Satan is a spiritual weed, and you must control her. She's a beast. You have to put her -- that Satan, the god of the carnal mind, they're one. You have to put them on a leash.


And I don't care how many times you get knocked down or bruised or wounded. My Bible says that if you fight, you must prevail over her. You must prevail. I'm not going to tell you how long it's going to take, and I'm not going to tell you that you're not going to get hurt. And I'm not going to tell you that you're going to have some -- that you're not going to have any failures. And I'm not going to tell you that it's going to be fun, but you must prevail if you fight. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, this is the last phrase in Daniel 8:4. "And he" -- Adam, the righteous Adam, "accomplished what he intended to do. He intertwined the mind of Christ with Satan and the physical creation, and all three were one with Christ ruling."


Alternate Translation, Daniel 8:5. "I saw Adam coming out of the spiritual realm of God and spreading himself into the soul realm. And he was revealing Christ as the conscious mind and the Father as the unconscious mind of the creation. And he was protecting the living soul from materializing in the realm of appearance in a spiritually altered state of being, because he knew that Satan had the spiritual strength to strip off the godly covering of Christ and begin an independent existence. And he accomplished what he intended to do. He intertwined the mind of Christ with Satan and with the physical creation."


Continuing with Daniel 8:5, "And as I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth, and touched not the ground: and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes."


"And as I was considering," the word consider is Strong's 905. It means to separate or distinguish. It means to turn the mind towards something. And this is the same word used in Daniel 12:10 when we found out that the wise will separate from their carnal mind and join with the mind of Christ. Daniel continued to separate from the carnal mind and to look at this vision and to listen and to hear from God only with the mind of Christ. He rejected his carnal mind. He subjugated it to him. He put it down under his feet, and he would not look at this spiritual happening with his carnal mind. Why? Because if he did, it surely would have polluted the revelation that God was giving him.


And all over the church world, brethren, it's such a problem. People hear from God. They get prophecies. They see visions. They have dreams, and then they interpret it or they understand it with their carnal minds. I want to tell you an example. I -- there is a local minister that was supposed to be going to Africa this month. And on two separate occasions, I saw a plan explode in the sky, and I knew it was referring to him. And my carnal mind wanted to tell me, ah, God's going to get him. He's going to blow up in the sky, and he's sure to die. And I had to rebuke my carnal mind. I said, I will not accept that. I don't believe it's God, and I'm not going to drag this vision down to the realm of the soul and glorify Satan in it. I said, Lord, if for any reason that would be You telling me that, You are going to really have to witness it to me, because I reject this thought.


And I think most likely it means there will be some kind of an abortion. You know, you can use that word in other ways except with regard to a pregnant woman. Something is going to abort. Something is going to end. Something is not going to come to pass, but I don't believe it's going to be a physical explosion of the plane. I saw it twice, a couple of weeks apart. And I found out today they didn’t go. The trip was aborted. The people are safe and well.


Now, I want to tell you something. If I had yielded to that thought, you know, I could have done great damage. I have no idea how much damage I could have done. If I yielded to it, if I talked to other people about it -- ah, God's going to kill them. That's what the church world does. It must be resisted, because our mind has power to hurt us and to hurt other people. And it's a big problem in the church, that eventually God's going to have to deal with it. Sometimes it's amazing how long it takes God to deal with problems in the church. I know God's perfect. I just can't comprehend sometimes how long He lets things go on, that people don't understand.


And I've never heard it taught from the pulpit that because you are anointed to bring the prophecy forth, do not assume that you are anointed to interpret it, because you may be, but you may not be. And the fact that you bring the word forth does not -- it does not automatically follow that you are qualified to interpret it. And I see it wherever I go, people bringing forth a word of the Lord and assuming the -- not only the right to but that they have the correct understanding of it. I see preachers doing it, bringing forth the word and giving the wrong interpretation.


And I don't even hear anyone being taught that you're talking about two different gifts. You're talking about the gift to prophecy and the gift of interpretation. The Lord has much work to do in the church. But, you see, it wouldn't be -- who wo- -- you know, you could say, well, who cares? Well, people get hurt, you know. People get hurt. Glory to God.


And then all of the enemies of the charismatic church arise up and say, oh, those Pentecostals. They're all into witchcraft, and they don't know what they're doing, and it's not God. And all of these curses come spewing out of people's mouths. God help us. There's no man in the church. The very best of them, the very best of us are sorely lacking, some a lot more so than others. A lot of ministers aren't serious with God. Dear, God, the man is about to return to His house. Hallelujah. Perfect teaching that will usher in perfection. Glory to God.


The word came -- so we were just talking about the word considered. It's talking about the fact that Daniel distinguished between his carnal mind and the Christ in him and chose to cleave unto Christ. I want to tell you one more time. You can't just choose to cling unto Christ. You can just choose to cleave unto your carnal mind. You don't even have to choose. If you don't do anything, you shall surely cleave unto your carnal mind. But if you want to cleave unto Christ, you must wage a warfare, because your carnal mind is not about to let you cleave unto Christ. She's not going to let you do it.


If she can't keep you away from the Lord, if she can't keep you out of the things of God, then she'll let you go on with the things of God and subtly get into your mind and tell you that she is Christ. We talked about it at the last meeting. She will look like a lamb, and she'll have the horns like a lamb, but she's really going to be a dragon. And she's in your mind.


So -- but, glory to God. I have good news for you. The Lord is imparting the ability to us to distinguish between the carnal mind and Christ. We have the power to do it if we're willing to labor with Christ. It's ours. Isn't that wonderful? Hallelujah. You have to fight the war though, brethren. You have to fight the war. Glory to God.


"And as I was considering, behold, an he goat came up." And when I first researched that word,  I was a little put off, because I've been teaching that Satan is female. And the Lord told me that the Scripture clearly states that it is a male goat. And -- oh, let me tell you this at this point. You know, I don't know, maybe you knew this and I didn't know it. But I really didn't realize when we started in with Daniel 8 that a ram is a male sheep. Did you know it's a male sheep? Did you know it's a male sheep? Did you know?




Did you know that a ram is a male sheep? I didn't know that a ram was a male sheep, and of course, the children of God are referred to as sheep, female sheep. Jesus has a flock of sheep. That means, spiritually, His people are female. But righteous Adam wasn't a sheep. He was a ram. He was male. Christ was being revealed through him. Glory to God. I like little tidbits like that.




Yeah. So all of a sudden a he goat appears. And I would have expected it to be female. But this is what the Lord said to me, for everyone that's listening to this message that thinks they have an opportunity to get me. This is what the Lord told me, that when Satan exalted herself to the point that she appeared in the realm of appearance as a goat, at that point, she was stealing the male role. And the Scripture clearly states that she materialized as a male and challenged the ram. Females don't challenge males. I'm sorry. Females don't chal- -- you know, they -- someone with a female nature does not challenge a male. So at that point, Satan had already ascended and was challenging the male ram, and she was in -- so much in a male role that the Scripture calls her male.


And if you remember the exhibit that you -- or that you should have from the 31 series, as God had given it to me years ago. I did that series years ago. I have typewritten on there, two males in the house. Satan ascends to spiritual manhood. And at this point, there are two males in the house. So at the risk of confusing people, I'm going to try -- and I know I've had a problem with my pronouns, but I will continue to call Satan a he when she is in her stolen male role. But if -- to the best of my ability I will call her a she as God leads me to call her a she. And I know it's confusing, so I just ask that you pray about it. If you have a question, at any time, I'll be glad to answer you.


But just for the people that haven't been following these messages, let me put this on the message. Female -- Satan was originally female. She exalted herself to the position of male, and she started doing what spiritual men or spirits do. She was soul, and she exalted herself to spirit, and she started doing what spirits do. And she has been in a male role for many, many years. But now the man has returned to His house, and He is in the process of putting her back down into her female role. So depending on the Scripture, how it -- as -- how it appears, sometimes I refer to her as a female. But in a Scripture like this where it's important that we know that she exalted herself to the male role, I will continue to refer to her as a male. Have I confused anybody? Are you OK? OK. OK, these little details aren't important.


OK. So, "And I was -- as I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the west." This word came is Strong's 935, and it can be translated entered into. And it entered into the west. Now, I remind you from our previous messages that the west is the soul realm. The east is the place where the sun rises, and it typifies the spiritual realm of God. And the west is the place where the sun goes down, where the darkness is, and that typifies the soul realm. So the he goat entered into the realm of the soul.


And I also remind you that the realm of the soul is the conscious mind, that -- I remind you, from our studies, we did a message on this recently. Let me sh- -- remind you of this. We had the realm of appearance. I'm sorry, the realm of the spirit, and down here we had the realm of appearance. Then we had the soul realm, was really split in half. The soul realm is partially in the realm of the spirit, and it's partially in the realm of appearance. And soul appears in the realm of appearance in the form of personality. So we have -- in the realm of appearance, we have the manifestation of soul as personality and the manifestation of physical behavior. And soul manifests in the realm of the spirit as the unconscious mind.


And Satan was in the unified creation. She was under the authority of the righteous Adam, and she was not expressing herself in the conscious mind. The conscious mind was Christ. So we see what we have here is similar. This seems to be shaping up as a Bible principle where we see -- let me remind you of this. Maybe it'll help you. We see the Father in the realm of the spirit, and Christ, the only mediator between God and man, is in the realm of the soul. [?We have?] the second generation of Christ, and we see that when Christ wants to be spirit, He manifests as the Father. And when Christ wants to be soul, He's down here -- I guess He is in the realm of appearance in us. We're the second generation of Christ. Amen? Can you say Amen to that?


OK. So this is not a trinity. There is only Christ, and either He's father, which is spirit, or He's  the second generation of Christ, which is soul. People that don't understand think that there's three, but there isn't three. There's only two. There's only spirit and soul, the Father and the Son. Spirit and the soul, Father and the Son. So over here there's only -- the soul either is manifesting in the realm of the spirit, or it's manifesting in the realm of appearance. It looks like they're three, but they're not three.


She's not even supposed to be there. See, the realm of the spirit is equal to the Father, and the second generation of Christ is in the realm of appearance. The conscious mind is either in union with the spirit of the unconscious mind or it's being revealed in the realm of appearance. She wasn't made to be separate, but there's only two, the realm of the spirit and the realm of appearance. Soul is a manifestation or a lower level of the realm of the spirit, and she is revealed in the realm of appearance. Everybody OK? OK.


Soul -- sometimes I tell you the spiritual realm of the soul, OK. She's not a third area. Soul is not a third area. She's female, and she was made to be -- to appear in unison with a male spirit. Glory to God. Now we talk about soul and we talk about spirit because everything's out of order. Hallelujah.


OK. So, "And as I was considering, behold, a male goat came out from the realm of the soul on the face of the whole earth." And the face means edge, front. And, again, I'm suggesting to you it means the realm of appearance. And the whole of the earth, Adam's world system, which is what? The Garden of Eden, also known as heaven.


So we saw a male goat came out from the soul realm. You see, she wasn't supposed to be seen. She was supposed to be under the authority of A- -- of righteous Adam and in unison as -- with him being the only one revealed, but she came out of the soul realm. Adam was spirit manifesting Christ. He was spirit, and he was Christ. Satan was not seen. He was a spiritual manifestation of Christ and the Garden of Eden was projected. She wasn't even seen. All -- maybe I drew it [?the wro-?] -- I don't know how to draw it. All that you could see was Adam. It's almost as if I would draw it like this. Can you see what I did? All you could see was Christ. Satan was in there, but all you could see was Christ. You're not supposed to see her. I don't know how to draw this for you. Lord, tell me how to show it to them, please. Everybody doesn't know what I'm talking about.


What is the example I could use? Well, it's just like your skeleton. Nobody sees your skeleton. Your skeleton is there. Your organs are there. Nobody looks at your organs. The only thing that was supposed to be seen was Christ. Satan was just there for form. It would be as if your skeleton came out from your body and started having its own existence, or your heart came out from your body and started having its own existence. That's what the Scripture likes -- likens it to. It just wasn't supposed to be.


Now, your skeletons an important part of the whole of you, becau- -- why? Because it gives shape to the skin that's hanging on it, and it holds all your organs in place. But if your skeleton decided to come out from you and have a life of its own, it would be life threatening. Would it not? And that's what happened to the creation, of course, on a much higher spiritual realm.


So she entered into the soul realm as an individual. And she appeared. She materialized in the realm of appearance. Now, first, she entered into the soul realm, and then she materialized, two different steps. We don't even know how long it took. This didn't happen overnight. When things first occur in the realm of the spirit, it can take a long time for them to materialize in the realm of appearance.


Now, today, we don't see many -- I don't know. I really can't even think of one example of seeing something that God did materialize as a physical object in the realm of appearance, but I know that I see that God -- behavior that has been generated by God materialize in the realm of appearance. I see where there's great stress and tension and rebellion, and I see peace. And I know that it's the move of God. I see it with spiritual atmosphere. I see it with words. I know that I've seen many times that I've prayed in various areas, and I see the mind of God manifesting in the person, and lots of times they come to me. And they tell me that God has spoken to them. So I see Christ manifesting His thought. I see Him manifesting His behavior. But I have never seen a physical object materialize. Why? Because the way the world is set up now, if God wants to give us a physical object, He -- we buy it. He does- -- He just isn't doing that today, OK.


But in this hour of the creation, the goat materialized. First, there was a separation of the mind. And the soul realm became prominent. The soul realm was so closely tied to the realm of the spirit that it looked like there was just the realm of the spirit. And then, all of a sudden, there was the realm of the spirit, and the realm of the soul was unveiled. Does that -- anybody not know what I'm talking? OK, at least understand enough to follow with me.


So first she came out of the west. First her mind arose and a separate thought. Her mind separated from righteous Adam, and then she materialized as a goat in the Garden of Eden. So I think God wants me to put this on the message. This is important to know, that your thoughts will eventually materialize. If you think about something long enough or hard enough -- because obviously we don't have the spiritual authority that existed in Satan at the beginning of time, but your thoughts will materialize. That's why we  must police our thoughts.


If you're lusting for somebody -- if you're a man or if you're a woman and you're lusting for somebody or something and you lust and you lust and you lust and you lust, it will materialize in your life. And if God hasn't sent it, if it has materialized as a result of your lust, it must come along with grief.


I knew a woman once. She wanted a house. There's nothing wrong with wanting a house. But she was convinced that because she was married and she had three children and she had a relationship with the Lord that she was entitled to a house. She had three children, a dog and a snake, and she felt she was entitled to a house. And her husband couldn't afford a house, and she kept getting all kinds of vision. And she called me up once, and she said I saw a house in Mastic. And she told me all the details, and she asked me what I thought. And I said I think it's witchcraft. And she got mad at me. And a year later, I heard that they were moving in to a house in Mastic, and it went so far, and the whole deal disintegrated.


And I never even prayed about it. As a matter of fact, I went before the Lord, and I said, Lord, was I wrong? Could I possibly have been wrong? You know, God -- there's -- God teaches me continuously about spiritual things. There's no book written on it. And I knew that she was in a very haughty, arrogant spirit towards me when they were getting this house in Mastic. And all that she asked me -- all I did was answer her question, but she was mad that I didn't witness to her that it was Christ. And the house fell through.


And the next thing I knew, they were living in a house somewhere in Centereach, around here. She went through Hell getting this house. They moved in, and they were renting, and eventually, she bought the house. And I said, Lord, was I wrong? I don't like being wrong. I don't -- and that's not a manifestation of pride. When someone comes to me with a spiritual question, I don't like being wrong. I don't want to hurt people. So I went before Him, I said, ho- -- you know, was I wrong? And He said to me, no, she brought it to pass by witchcraft. She lusted for it and she lusted for it, and she connived and she connived and she connived, and they got in the house, and her husband lost his job, and they couldn't afford the mortgage payments. And it just went on and on and on and on, trouble, trouble, grief, grief, trouble, trouble. But she got the house. But God said I didn't give it to her.


And then the next thing I knew she was lusting to have it fixed up, very angry that the people across the street had rich parents and that the house was fixed and the house was decorated and the landscaping was done. And she was very angry. So if you lust long enough, you can -- your desire can materialize. So I guess I have seen material object materialize, but what I had in my mind was something just being formed in front of my eyes. But the house came into her life. Be careful that you're not getting your needs met by witchcraft. Don't want it if it's not God. No good thing could come out of it.


Hallelujah. OK, let's go on. I'm talking a lot tonight. I'm sorry. "So as I was separating my mind from the carnal mind, behold, a male goat came out of the soul realm, and he appeared in the realm of appearance. And he touched not the ground." The word on, "on the face of the whole earth," can also be translated on top of, on top of the whole earth, meaning the realm of appearance, but we're going to see that it also means something else.


"And as I turned to Christ to understand the vision, there it was, Satan separated from righteous Adam, entered into the realm of appearance and was on top -- and lay on top." So I'm going to suggest to you that there's another meaning here. Yes, she appeared in the realm of appearance, but she also layered on top of the righteous Adam, that when she came out from underneath him -- remember, the stages of the fall. She was underneath Adam, and she, originally, controlled him from her position of weakens. Righteous Adam has dominion and authority, and Satan started to control him or dominate him from her position underneath him. That was how she got out. We have this on a past message.


She didn't just break free of him. She started to whisper to him. She started to make suggestions to him, and he started to listen. Yeah, wouldn't it be nice to be god of this creation? And when he listened, she got out, and she went from being in this position, just by way of example -- she came right up to him. She wasn't in submission anymore. She confronted him as a he goat. She made herself equal to him. She exalted herself.


And the next thing that happened -- see, nothing ever stays the same. The next thing that happened was she got on top of him. She was underneath him. She put thoughts in his mind that weren't of God. He listened to them. And as a result of his listening to them, she met him on his own level, and then she rose up and she layered on top of him. She took authority over him. That's why when you're dealing with righteousness, there can't be any compromise.


I want to tell you, one thought of compromise will turn out to be the first step of your fall. That's just the way the human race is. Everybody in the world knows that. Anyone that has succeeded in the world, that has succeeded in business, that has made a lot of money, anyone that's exercised authority in any level knows, when it comes to righteousness, there is no compromise. Of course, if you're wrong or you make a mistake, you have to concede. But when you know that you are right and you compromise, you will go straight down. You won't just fall one step. You'll go straight down to the bottom. That's the way it is. Everyone in the world that knows anything knows that that's true.


So, "As I turned to Christ to understand the vision, there it was, Satan separated from righteous Adam." After she dominated him through suggestion, she separated from him. "And she entered into the realm of appearance, and she was on top of him." She dominated him. She took authority over him.


As I told you earlier, once she got out -- see, he had the authority to keep her down when he was ruling her. But once she got out, she was stronger than him. That's very important, because it's happening all over our society today. Headship is torn down everywhere. It's torn down in the families. It's torn down between men and women. It's torn down between the women and their children. It's torn down between the children and their fathers. Headship is very important. God honors it.


And through godly headship, the Lord can minister through the peace that's reigning because of it. Man is fallen. We're criminal in our minds. That's why there has to be a headship, because a righteous man doesn't need a law. But we're all lawless, all of us, including me. I'm still fallen. There has to be a descending order that has been established by Christ. And then He moves. He manifests in that order. And when you're out of that order, I can't tell you He won't manifest, but things just don't go right. And when He puts someone in a position of headship, even though they're imperfect, He anoints them to do the job, because man can't function without headship. It's just our condition.


If everybody would hear from God all the time, if everybody would move in righteousness all the time, there wouldn’t be any need for headship, but it just doesn't happen. So God has a God-ordained order, and -- boy, I'm really going off tonight, but I'm going to say this. He wants me to say it. Part of the problem in the country is that the headship in the family is torn down. Why? Because it's not recognized today that the family is an institution. The family is an institution. Just like you have a head of a school, just like you have a head in a courtroom, just like you have a president of the nation, the family is an institution. Each household h- -- is an institution, even if you're a  household of people that are not blood related. Every household is an institution. It must have a head. And if it doesn't have a head, it will be destroyed, or there will be destruction present in it. Why? Because we're fallen. God set it up that way, and it really has to be, until such time as we don't need it anymore.


Glory to God. OK, let's go on. OK, I just put in a reference for you, I John 5:19. "And we know that we are of God, and that the whole world lieth in wickedness or under wickedness." And I put that in just as a witness that Satan layered on top of or took authority over or took dominion over the righteous Adam. And the result of it is that the whole world lieth in wickedness. And this word lieth indicates passivity, because this whole world system is lying under or is in -- or is female in relationship to Satan.


Satan and her carnal mind, and the two are one, are in -- is continuously engaged in spiritual sexual intercourse with every human being on the face of the earth. Now, the more of Christ that's in you, the less that that's happening. But until you're in perfection, you are engaged in some measure of a harlot relationship with the carnal mind and Satan, and that's the truth. And the truth is going to set you free. And if Christ is in you and you're engaged in a sexual relationship with Christ, you're an adulteress. You are not clean until you're in perfection. Or -- well, I'm sorry. You're not clean until you're in full stature. It's just not true. That's why we need headship. If everybody was clean, we wouldn't need a headship. If everybody was thinking with the mind of Christ, we wouldn't need a headship.


Glory to God. "And touch not the ground," touch, Strong's 5060. It means to violate, to injure. It can mean to kill. It also can be used mentally, to change somebody's mind, and it also can mean to lie with a woman.


And I'm going to suggest to you that what this Scripture is saying is that at the point that Satan took dominion over the righteous Adam, she did not penetrate him immediately. It was a slow seduction. She was under his authority. She whispered to him. She came out from under his authority. Why? Because he received her whisper and let up the restraints. She came out from under his authority. She manifested in the realm of appearance. She took dominion over him, but there was a time that she was dominating him but she had not yet penetrated him. And why does she want to penetrate him? She's acting like a man. She wants to do what the Father did with him, and she wants to produce her offspring in him, which is the carnal mind. So it was a slow produ- -- seduction, and there was a period that she dominated him, but she had not yet penetrated him.


Glory to God. The word did not -- "and touched not the ground," she touched not the ground. This word not can also be translated without. And I'm suggesting to you that at this point, Satan took dominion over Adam but had not yet changed his mind. She had not yet birthed the carnal mind in him. She had not yet birthed the carnal mind. Even though she was dominating him, his mind was still Christ. Why? Because she hadn't penetrated him. There was no offspring. So she was dominating him, but his mind was still Christ.


Now, it happens today. Even righteous men, even men that are in right standing with God, sometimes they're dominated, and they're influenced by an ungodly thought. Everybody knows that. Hallelujah.


"And as I turned to Christ to receive understanding, there it was, Satan separated from Adam entered into the realm of appearance and lay on top of him or dominated him without penetrating him."


Please note -- well, I'm going to read you my note. I told you all this already. Please note that this is the second stage of Adam's fall and that it directly corresponds to the second stage of the resurrection. I didn't tell you that. Does anyone have a problem with that? Remember, the resurrection -- well, let me put it on the board for you. The resurrection is reversing this fall. And in the fallen man, at our center, we are the carnal mind ruled by Satan. And then we have a body. And what's happening to us is that Christ is appearing. He is the newcomer, and He's appearing at our innermost being. And He is starting to influence the carnal mind. Christ is underneath the carnal mind. He has been birthed within our spiritual being, and He's coming forth into a carnal mind and a body that has existed for many years.


And He's starting to influence the carnal mind. He's putting new thoughts into our mind. And Eve, who was up here -- Eve, Satan and the carnal mind are one. And who is He influencing? Who is Christ influencing? He's influencing Eve, and she's starting to disagree with Satan and the carnal mind, and she's starting to agree with Christ and the Father. And there's a real battle going on, and they're battling for Eve, because Eve -- both the carnal mind and Christ cannot exist without Eve. Christ appears when Eve joins with the Father, and the carnal mind appears when Eve joins with Satan.


So this is the first stage of resurrection. Christ is present, and He's whispering to Eve, and He is starting to influence her and take dominion over the carnal mind. And when He fully starts controlling the carnal mind 100 percent of the time, you will be in full stature. That is what full stature is, Jesus Christ, in the passive position, fully controlling, 100 percent of the time without any exception, the carnal mind that's lying on top of Him.


And the second stage of the resurrection is when Christ gets on top and forces the carnal mind to the center. Now Christ is in the dominant position. Remember, Satan came out and got on top of Christ? Christ got out and got on top of the carnal mind. And now He is controlling the carnal mind from a position of dominance. It takes much less strength. It's much easier.


And this is the situation. This is what occurred in the Garden of Gethsemane. And the whole church world believes that Jesus was begging the Father to get Him out of going to the cross. He wasn't asking the Father to get Him out of going to the cross. He was asking the Father, if it were possible, let Him pierce through His carnal mind and get on top of her. And He agonized in a mental agony. And His soul, which is typified as liquid, typified as water, typified as blood -- His soul, which is typified as blood. He said, you must eat My flesh and drink My blood. His soul penetrated the carnal mind that was lying on top of Him, and it penetrated it as a -- as the c- -- let me say that again.


And the carnal mind was as a porous surface. Do you know what a porous surface is? You know what a porous surface is? How can I expla- -- everybo- -- I don't know how to ex- --




OK, anythi- --








OK. Christ, when He pierced the carnal mind, it wasn't in a sharp thrust of a sword, but it was the kind of penetration as liquid going through a porous surface. And it appeared on the other s- -- Christ appeared on the top of the carnal mind as great drops of blood. It seeped through. Christ seeped through and appeared on the other side as though He were great drops of blood. And that word that says drops in the Greek is talking about large, clotted drops. He didn't pierce through and flow off. He pierced through and He clotted. He covered over, and He sealed in the carnal mind, just like the scab that's formed from clotted blood.


That's the second stage of the resurrection. It's the exact reverse of the second stage of the fall. He's sealed in their carnal mind so she could heal. Hallelujah, just like a scab. Glory to God. OK, I'm rambling a lot tonight. I'm going to read you this note here.


 And of course there's only one creation. Oh, I told you this 100 times already. Well, let me read it again. And of course there's only one creation. When the creation is ruled by the Father, its name is Christ. Its world system or environment is called the Garden of Eden or heaven. And the name of the age that it exists in is called innocence. When the creation is ruled by Satan, its name is the carnal mind. Its world system or environment is called Nod or Hell, and that's what we're in right now. And the name of the age is death. When the creation is ruled by the Father after the regeneration, it's name, once again, is Christ. Its world system or environment is, again, called the Garden of Eden or heaven. But the name of the age that it exists in is called life.


"And I turned to Christ to receive understanding. There was the vision -- and as I" -- I'm sorry. "As I turned to Christ to receive understanding, there was the vision, Satan separated from Adam entered into the realm of appearance and layered on top of him without penetrating him."


And I'm going to make that a little clearer. I'm taking a lot of liberty with these translations, and I'm going through it many times, because when you hear the final Alternate Translation, it doesn't sound anything at all like the Scriptures. OK, so I'm doing it slowly, and I'm just putting it in better English.


And let me briefly explain to you, again, what amplification is. We have an amplified Bible on the market today. And what the King James translators have done is that they've taken one or two Greek or Hebrew words and added a lot in the English translation. For example, if someone were to say to you, Jesus died on the cross. You would know. Anyone that has any maturity in Christ at all would know that He was born. That at 30 years of age that He started calling disciples, that He did great miracles, that He was crucified, that He was raised from the dead, the He ascended to His Father and that He's pouring out of His spirit upon all flesh. So what the King James translators have done is they've added a lot of this in for the people reading the Bible that don't know that.


And that's what I'm doing here. I'm amplifying it. It's legitimate translator's license. There's a whole Bible on the market like that today. Except -- and I'm putting in revelation that's not on the market today. This is the only place you can get it, that I know of, but it's legitimate. Glory to God.


OK, let's make it a little clearer. "And I turned to Christ to receive understanding -- And as I turned to Christ to receive understanding, there was the vision, Satan separated from Adam entered into the realm of appearance and began to dominate him but did not penetrate him right away. And as I turned to Christ to receive understanding, there was the vision, Satan separated from Adam entered into the realm of appearance and began to dominate him but didn't penetrate him right away."


The creation was still the Garden of Eden, even though he was being dominated by another thought. Continuing with, "And the goat had a notable horn between his eyes." Notable, 2380 in Strong's. And this word -- this same word is translated vision in Isaiah 29:11. The word translated notable in Daniel 8:5 is translated vision in Isaiah 29:11. I looked up the word in Webster. Vision can also mean the act or power of imagination, the act to make your imagination come to pass, just like that painting on the wall. It also can mean a supernatural appearance of an idea that is transferred from one place to another.


And I'm going to suggest to you that the notable horn -- I don't know if we read it yet or not, but the se- -- the Scripture says the notable horn was between the eyes of the goat. It was between the eyes, meaning the forehead. OK, you know the mark of the beast, the mark of God and the mark of the beast. It's in your forehead and in your right hand. It's in your mind, and it's in your behavior. The horn or the vision was in the forehead or in the mind of goat. And I'm going to tell you -- I'm going to suggest to you that this is saying here that that horn, that spiritual authority, had the supernatural power to transfer the idea from Satan's mind into the realm of appearance. She had the authority to appear, and she not only had the authority to appear as a goat, but she had the spiritual authority to project, to bring forth the carnal mind and re- -- project the image of Nod, which is what we're living in today.


And we're going to find out t hat she knocked the righteous Adam out. And the Garden of Eden disappeared, just as that 7-year-old child disappeared and the multiple personalities took his place. And in its place, she projected the image of Nod with the many members, some good, some evil and some childlike, of the living soul. And it's time for the fusion. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


OK, so let me go over this again, because this is a little radical. This word translated notable, the same translators that translated it notable translated it vision in Isaiah 29:11. Now, if they can do it in their own translation, I should be able to do it, Amen. It's doable. It's legitimate. Hallelujah.


And this word vision can also mean the act or the power that's associated with imagination. And it can mean a supernatural appearance of an idea that is transferred from one place to another. And I'm suggesting to you that Satan had the supernatural power to project her idea into the realm of appearance. And she had, in her imagination, a world with her as God. It was in her mind, like you have an idea before you make a painting. It was in her mind. And she thought about it, and she lusted for it, and she thought about it. And because she had the spiritual authority that she had, we're going to -- we all know that it manifested.


Eyes, "And the goat had a notable horn between his eyes." Let me ask you a question. Did you -- where did you think the horns of the ram were? Did anybody --




I thought it was in the middle of his head. I just assumed, because the Scripture says that the goat had the horn in the middle of his head that the ram had the two horns in the middle of his head, and I guess had a vision of a unicorn. But, no, it doesn't say that. The ram was a normal ram. It had a horn on each side of its head, on each side of -- two different sides, the dark side and the light side, the spirit and the soul. But the goat had the horn right in the middle of his head, and it was a vision of himself as God in the Land of Nod. Hallelujah. She knew exactly what she was doing.




Just do me a favor and take the -- just take the mic.




Yeah, because sometimes the people really need to hear what you say.




Yeah, isn't that interesting? Yeah, that came to me too. A lot of worldly expressions come out of the Bible. [UNINTELLIGIBLE]


            [INAUDIBLE] Land of Nod [INAUDIBLE]


What means ruling spirit?




How do you spell that?


            D-O-N, the exact opposite of Nod.


Oh, the opposite of Nod. It means ruling spirit?


            [INAUDIBLE] the opposite [INAUDIBLE]


Oh, really? Yeah, that's interesting.




Yeah, yeah, that's interesting. Well, that's what we are. We're the mirror image, everything's backwards here. Hallelujah.


So the expression, between his eyes, is translated on his forehead. In Exodus 13:9 and 16, Deuteronomy 6:8 and 11:18, and it's translated on the front of the head in Deuteronomy 14:1. The mark of the beast and Ezekiel 9:4's mark of God in the forehead is the spiritual application of this expression. It means in the mind. So we found out that this he goat had a spiritual vision in his mind, and it was what has turned out to be the Land of Nod, and he is indeed the prince of the power of this world system.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Daniel 8:5. "And Satan had the spiritual authority in her mind to transform her vision of the creation into a physical reality."


Let's make that a little clearer now. "And Satan's spiritual authority was strong enough to transform the physical creation in the realm of appearance into the Land of Nod."


She was strong enough, in her mind, to convert the Garden of Eden to Nod. But I declare to you, brethren, look up, because our savior has arrived, and Christ is much stronger than Satan. And He surely has the power to transform this world system from the Land of Nod or Hell into the Garden of Eden or heaven. It was done once by a lesser authority, and surely our God can bring it back to the Garden of Eden.


You know, the minds of people -- the word I want -- that's on my heart is mutate. You know, we change continuously. We have an experience, and it changes us. And the person that we were will never be again. You can't go back to what you were 10 years ago. All of your experiences have changed you. Excuse me. And we must continue to be changed until we're fused into the glorified Christ. We shall continue to change.


It's really not so far-fetched to think that this world system is now Hell and can be heaven, if you just open your heart. It's shocking when you first hear it, because you've never heard it before. But if you really just open your heart, it's not that far-fetched. Look at Germany. It was this highly sophisticated cosmopolitan area, and then after World War II, it was demolished. Berlin was demolished. It was bombed out. Things change. You could be in a relationship that could be pure heaven, and the next year it's pure Hell. It's really not that far-fetched. Look at what happened in Israel. Miles of sand and desert where nothing would grow, and now it's green with trees and fruits. It's not so far-fetched that Almighty God has the power to convert this horrible place into heaven. It's really not.


Why does it have to be someplace else? And it's the same principle as saying, well, He wants a creation of holy people. Well, then why doesn't He throw us away and make some holy people. He's using what He has, and He's changing it where it needs to be changed. Well, why not the same thing with the earth as with the people? Makes sense if you can just get away from your carnal mind long enough. It's really not all that unreasonable. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Daniel, Chapter 8, Verse 5. "And as I turned to Christ to receive understanding, there was the vision, Satan separated from Adam entered into the realm of appearance and lay on top of him without penetrating him. And Satan's spiritual authority was strong enough to transform the physical creation in the realm of appearance into the Land of Nod."


"And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power."


There was great lust behind Satan's desire to get out, to be independent and to rule. There was great strength of mind. And we see it today. Satan's been fragmented. And every one of us is just a drop of her. But we see it in people all the time. They want something so bad that they get it. She was in a fury of anger. Against what? Against being dominated. She didn't want to submit to Adam's authority. And it was causing great anger in her.


Brethren, if you have a problem with anger, if there's anyone hearing this message that has a problem with anger, I ask you to petition the Lord as to whether or not you are rebelling against authority. If it's true, you can get help. If it's not true, He'll tell you. Satan had great anger at being in a subordinate position.


And does not the parable of Cain and Abel speak of Cain's anger and great distress that God was favoring Abel? And did not the Father say to Cain, if you do well, I will receive you also. Meaning what? In due season, as the creation progresses, you will be absorbed into the glorified creation. But He said, if not, if you don't do well, sin lieth at the door. He said, if you do well, I'll receive you as a part of the righteous Adam. That's the way I set it up. I'll receive you, and I'll bless you in your place. But if you don't stay in your place, sin will be revealed through you. If you don't -- if you come out of your place, you'll get what you want, but it's not going to be Me. It's going to be sin being revealed through you. That's what the Father was saying.


The word came is Strong's 935. "And he came to the ram that had two horns." It means to enter into, and it can also be translated to take a wife, and is translated to take a wife in Judges 12:9. So he entered into the ram. Now, remember, in the verse before, he was layering on top of the ram. He was dominating the ram, but he hadn't entered into it yet. And now we find that he's entering into or taking as a wife or penetrating or sexually possessing the ram. He penetrated the righteous Adam while Adam was still revealing Christ.


And this is the exact opposite of what the Holy Spirit is doing with the creation today. He's entering into human beings whose minds are joined fully to Satan and the carnal mind. And He's entering in and birthing His own offspring, Christ, right there in the midst of them. It is the exact reversal of what Satan did. Satan penetrated Adam while Adam was married to the Father and reflecting the offspring of the Father in him.


And we'll see that, for a season, the glorified -- well, not the glorified creation but the original creation in right standing had two offspring, Christ and the carnal mind. And is that not what is happening today? Those of us that are in the process of being regenerated by Christ, do we not have two minds, Christ and the carnal mind? The fall and the resurrection is the same, exact procedure, only reversed.


So there will be a season that we have two minds, and James says we are unstable in all our ways. Why? Because lots of times we can't tell which mind is manifesting in us, and that makes us unstable, the Bible says, makes us dependent women. The Lord describes us as dependent women. We can't even be sure that what we're thinking is Christ. Because if it were possible, the very elect would be deceived.


"And he came to the ram that had two horns." That had, Strong's 1167, and the interlinear translates this word with, the ram with two horns. And Gesenius and Strong's both say that this word, strangely enough, means -- can also be translated lord, master, possessor, owner or husband. "And he came to the ram that had two horns," or that was the lord and master or the possessor or the owner of the two horns.


And the word two, "He came to the ram that had two horns," is 5703, and neither the interlinear nor Strong's had any number for this word. But I found it by looking in the Hebrew. And it can also be translated, we're told, to express attaining as high as something or someone else. For example, Nahum 1:10 says, "For while they be folden together as thorns, or like the thorns" -- it's -- this word is used to compare one to the other, to say one is greater than the other. That's how the word is used.


So we're going to say that Satan entered in as -- not to, but as Adam's husband. And as he came to the ram that two horns. And as he came, as he approached the ram as an equal, he -- she lifted herself up and made herself male, and she approached -- the goat approached the ram eyeball to eyeball, saying you don't have any authority over me, and took him on. And we'll find out that she destroyed him.


"And Satan approached righteous Adam, whom I had seen standing in the realm of appearance in full spiritual authority over both the realm of the spirit and the realm of the soul, and entered into her as a husband."


I'm going to make that a little clearer. "And Satan approached righteous Adam, whom I had seen standing in the realm of appearance with full spiritual authority over both the realm of the spirit and the realm of the soul, and she penetrated him as a husband would."


She possessed him. Please note, that as soon as Adam was penetrated, he died to his manhood and became a female. He died to his manhood and became a female. Brethren, this happens to human beings all the time. I must have died at least five times in this lifetime. I died to what I was for a season of my life. People that knew me, years ago, while I was already an adult, would never believe the life that I'm leading. I died to everything that I was, and I am a new person, not only in my behavior but in my -- the way I think about things. It wasn't a religious work that stopped me from doing things that I used to do. My mind was changed. If I didn't have the same body with the same name with the same child with the same family, I wouldn't even know who I was. I died to everything that I was.


As a matter of fact, I died to being a female. God has made me a spiritual male. And that's just the truth. Wha- -- how do I say I'm a spiritual male? I function in the world as a man. I do what men do. I don't do what women do. I don't have a family. I don't have a husband. I don't have any children. I don't minister to any natural family. I do what a man does. It's the truth. I never asked Him for it. He just did it. This is what I've become. I died to my womanhood in every area of the mind. My body is still female, and I like decent clothes, and I like makeup, and I do wear nail polish. I put on jewelry. So just in my body I'm a woman. In every other area of my life, the way I think, the way I behave, the way I deal with problems, I'm masculine. Women don't wield authority. We've talked about that. That's what God has done to me. I've died to my womanhood. Well, Adam died to his manhood. He became a woman.


Glory to God. This is the third stage of the fall. Adam is slain, and the whole creation is joined to Satan with chains of darkness, which is his -- which is Satan's spirit. Remember, Paul said that the chain he wore was Christ, and we discovered in other messages that the chains of darkness that Peter speaks about are Satan, spiritual chains.


"And he ran" -- who? The goat. "And the goat ran unto the ram in the fury of his power." This word ran, Strong's 7323 is used of one who takes on the prophetic function with evil purposes. In Jeremiah 23:21, the word ran, Strong's 7323, this word is used of one who takes on the prophetic office with evil purposes, in Jeremiah 23:21, many different meanings to every word.


The King James translators are not consistent. They're doing exactly what I do. They just pick whatever translation sits right with them. All through the King James translation, there is no consistency with the Hebrew words, translated many different ways by the same translators throughout the Scripture.


The word fury is Strong's 2534, and it means the warmth that comes from wine, and it also means that -- a poison that burns the bowels. Now, we've done some studies on wine, and we found out that it typifies the spirit. It can typify God's spirit, or it can typify Satan's spirit. And we found out that Noah, when he got drunk, that he got drunk on Satan's spirit. So, for him, the wine was poison. Why? Because it caused him to die to the mind of Christ that was in him. He was poisoned by bad wine.


So what is this verse saying? Well, let me tell you the word power first. "And he -- and ran unto him -- and the goat ran unto the ram in the fury of his power." And this word power is Strong's 3581 and can be translated to be describing a large lizard. And I'm going to suggest to you that it is speaking about the carnal mind that was formed in Adam when Satan penetrated him. The carnal mind is typified by a reptile.


Alternate Translation, "And used -- and the goat used the spiritual authority of the soul realm to penetrate him, or to penetrate Adam, and make herself the ruler of the whole creation."


"And the goat used the spiritual authority of the soul realm to penetrate Adam, to penetrate the creation, and make herself the ruler of the whole creation."


"And Satan approached righteous Adam who I had seen standing in the realm of appearance with full spiritual authority over both the realm of the spirit and the realm of the soul, and she penetrated him as a husband and used the spiritual authority of the soul realm to penetrate him and make herself the ruler of the whole creation."


Now, it sounds like -- those words sound a little repetitious there, so I cleared up the English, and this is what it sounds like. "And Satan approached righteous Adam whom I had seen standing in the realm of appearance with full spiritual authority over both the realm of the spirit and the realm of the soul, and she used the spiritual authority of the soul realm to penetrate him as a husband and make herself the ruler of the whole creation."


One more time. "And Satan approached righteous Adam whom I had seen standing in the realm of appearance with full spiritual authority over both the realm of the spirit and the realm of the soul, and she rose up against the authority he had over those two spiritual realms, and she separated the soul realm from the unified creation. And she used that spiritual authority to penetrate him as a male spirit, and she brought forth her offspring, the carnal mind, in him. And Christ, the offspring of the Father, died, and Satan became the ruler over the whole creation."


In case you didn't notice it, I amplified that verse and added in what we have found out in other Scriptures and clarified it. Very profound, is it not? I'm going to tell you what I told you in the last meeting. This is a ministry for spiritual men. God has moved us out of the parables, and He's telling us what really happened, very exciting, very profound that God -- it's profound that it happened, and it's profound that God would choose to be sharing this with us. And I remind you that Daniel is a sealed book. It's very exciting that He's opened it to us and eventually to the whole church world.


And I remind you of the Scripture that I showed you at the last meeting. Let me put it on the message in case anyone's just listening to this message alone. I believe it's Daniel 10:21. And the angle is saying to Daniel, "I will show thee that which is noted in the Scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince." The angel within you, Christ within you, is going to show you the truth of the Scripture.


And nobody's going to believe this word except those who have Christ being formed in them. Michael is a type of the Christ being formed in the mind of the believer. No one that does not have Christ being formed in them will understand this. They will not understand it. Don't waste your time, and don't try. And don't throw your pearls before swine, because they're not going to believe it. I don't even think the word says understand it. The word says believe it. Well, holdeth with the truth. They're not going to believe it.


I want to tell you that this truth coming forth here is painful to someone who does not have Christ being formed in them. It causes them pain. I've seen manifestations that amaze me. They just start to squirm in their seat, and the get grea- -- it just came to my mind now that in the prophets, somewhere, it talks about men with stricken faces. I've seen it on people. They're in agony. And I want to tell you, is this not what the Book of Revelation predicts is going to happen, men with stricken faces in great pain? But the church world thinks it's physical. No, it's spiritual. It's in their souls. It's in their minds. And they don't even know what's bothering them, but they're in agony. They get up, and they run out. I've been at meetings that I had to end the meeting. They were literally stirring, just moving around, all this movement.


Sometimes someone starts talking in a loud voice. They don't even know what they're doing. Satan has caused a noisy upheaval to shut the word up, to shut me up, to stop the word from coming forth. Just stop it, just stop it, just don't talk like that. Just stop it. They can't bear it. It's burning them. It's fire unto them. It's the fire that's coming out of the mouths of the horsemen in the Book of Revelation in Chapter 9.


Brethren, we've got to grow up. We can no longer believe these fantasies that are in print about the Book of Revelation. Why? Because the truth of that book is already manifesting in our lives. It's in the earth. It's in the church. The firstfruits are not in full stature. The two witnesses are not in full stature, but Christ is manifesting through whoever He's manifesting through. It's happening. We've just got to give up these fables, especially if you want to be a part of it. It's so exciting.


So let me read you the Alternate Translation of what we did today, and I'll let you go. It's been a long -- I -- the Lord's been giving us double messages. Praise the Lord, double portions. Amen.




OK, so this is Daniel, Chapter 8, and it's Verses 5 and 6, Alternate Translation. "And as I turned to Christ to receive understanding, there was the vision, Satan separated from Adam entered into the realm of appearance and began to dominate him, but he didn't penetrate him right away. And Satan's spiritual authority was strong enough to transform the physical creation in the realm of appearance into the Land of Nod."


"And Satan approached righteous Adam, whom I had seen standing in the realm of appearance with full spiritual authority over both the realm of the spirit and the realm of the soul, and she rose up against the authority he had over the two spiritual realms, and she separated the soul realm from the unified creation, and she used that spiritual authority to penetrate him as a male spirit. And she brought forth her offspring, the carnal mind, in him, and Christ, the offspring of the Father, died. And Satan became the ruler over the whole creation."


I would like to point out to you, though, that the end of Verse 6, where it says, "And Satan's spiritual authority was strong enough to transform the physical creation in the realm of appearance into the Land of Nod," that the verse after that is an amplification of that phrase.


Let me say it again. I don't think I made it clear. Remember how I told you it's the literary style of the Bible. Lots of the times the Lord -- well, it happened here, in Daniel 8, that the first three verses gave an overview of everything that was happening. And then the verses after that give us more detail. Remember me explaining that to you? Well, this is happening right here at the end of Verse 5.


Let me give it to you in the King James. At the end of the Verse 5 where it says, "and the goat had a notable horn between its eyes," well, Verse 6 goes on to explain what that meant. And in our Alternate Translation it says, "And Satan's spiritual authority was strong enough to transform the physical creation in the realm of appearance into the Land of Nod." And then, the next verse, which is Verse 6, goes on to tell us how she did that. "And Satan approached the righteous Adam, and she rose up against him," et cetera, et cetera. Does anybody not know what I'm talking about. Do you know what I'm talking about? You don't know what I'm talking about. OK, OK. Any questions anybody? OK. You must have understood some of it.




Yeah, OK. So it was a lot for you, huh? OK. OK, let me leave you with this word of counsel to you. If you're not -- don't worry about it if you're not absorbing. If the Lord is giving us two messages at a meeting, my counsel to you is if you want to leave, you're free to go, but my counsel to you is, if you can possibly sit for it, sit for it. The fa- -- you're not here -- first and foremost, you're not here to understand. You are here to have the spirit of Christ penetrate your carnal mind and bring forth Christ in you. So if you don't have an understanding at this moment, it's really not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you sit under this anointing, that the words are falling on your heart, that they're penetrating your soul and that they're engrafting. And one day, you're going to wake up, and you're going to understand.


So hang in there. Don't be discouraged if you don't understand, because this message cannot be understood with the carnal mind. So if you submit yourself to the ministry and the word engrafts in you and starts to grow, when it starts to be formed in you, it will be the eyes of your understanding, and you will understand. Do you understand what I'm telling you. So if you can possibly do it, please sit for it, because I know that it -- when you're in that place where Christ is just starting to be formed in you, it can be distressing. It can be emotionally distressing, because I'm -- the word is burning you. It's killing your carnal mind. So that's the reality.


Understanding is not the most important thing. You see, a lot of people [INAUDIBLE] -- a lot of people -- a lot of ministries where there's a lot of revelation, they fall into the -- no, leave it on. They fall into the trap of pride. They have all this revelation, and they understand all this revelation. And it's a snare, because life is not in the revelation. Life is Christ. Resurrection is not in the doctrine. Resurrection is in the formation of the living Christ in your heart who's going to kill your carnal mind. OK, it's not -- it looks like doctrine -- well, doctrine is the emphasis of this ministry, but someone's carnal mind would say, oh, they're all lifted up in pride. Oh, they want all this -- and they want all this knowledge and all this understanding. But that's a lie, and the carnal mind always misunderstands Christ. It's the power of Christ flowing forth over whoever is sitting here. And he wants to get inside of you. He wants to put the same thing inside of you that's inside of me. And when He's inside of you, you'll understand. Does anyone not know what I'm talking about? The doctrine comes later. You've got to get the seed. he's got to come forth in you.


            When do you know about [INAUDIBLE]. When I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, actually felt something kiss my very soul [INAUDIBLE]. When do        you know that this is for you [INAUDIBLE]


Well, it's very -- this may be a question I -- that [INAUDIBLE]




What would be?


            [INAUDIBLE] God hasn't made [?available yet?].


You doubt that God put you here, after all you’ve been through [INAUDIBLE]






            I know.


How do you know? Well, it's not an easy thing to know, OK. First, let me say this, that it's very possible that you were penetrated all of those years ago. The seed doesn't always start to grow right away, and there could be various reasons why it will grow right away in some people and grow less speedily in other people. And it all depends with what we start with. In other words, I -- the -- I'm convinced that the reason what happened to me happened to me, or at least a large part of it if not the whole reason, was the I got all the deliverance that I got. I got rid of so much junk out of my mind that the seed really manifest.


And you haven't had that much deliverance. That's your testimony to me, that you've submitted to it, that you've gone up for prayer. You've asked for it, but for some reason, it hasn't happened. So it's very possible the seed did engraft in you, but there's too much junk from your carnal mind, nothing personal of course, too much junk in your soul it can't come forth.


Now, that's why you're here. In my opinion, that's why you're here. Everybody that comes here is here for deliverance. Everybody that God sends here is here for new order deliverance, that God -- if God has truly brought you here, God has made a judgment that the older order deliverance did not produce the results that He wanted to bring forth in you. So He has brought you to a different form of deliverance, a more powerful form of deliverance. That's why you're here.


You're not here to learn doctrine. Really, you're not. You're not here to be made -- to be lifted up in pride because you have all this doctrine. That's not why you're here. But there is a spiritual power that is bringing forth the doctrine. The Christ in me -- I'm not in full stature, but He's very mature. And the way He reveals Himself through me is through doctrine. And when you sit here, He's manifesting. He's manifesting through me at this moment, in spiritual truth. And that manifestation is falling upon you, and it's going to bring forth the deliverance. I know you get some deliverance every night. I see you yawning, so there is -- it's started. It's started to trickle. It's light. But He's already started to move on you. That's why you're here. You're here for deliverance. You're not here for doctrine. Have I comforted you at all?


OK, and as far as the signs of your understanding, it's really very hard to tell. It's -- like, the most obvious sign in the church is that you speak in tongues, and you know that you've received the baptism with the Holy Spirit. That's the only sing that I know of that is that obvious.


As far as the grafted -- engrafted word is con- -- the seed is concerned, the sign is the development or the ongoing development of His nature in you, and that's very hard to tell. It's very hard to tell whether it's happening or not. OK, you might want to look for some change, victory in areas that you didn't have victory before, but it's very hard to say that it's the engrafted word while you're in transition. Eventually, you've be able to tell, and you'll know.


Do me a favor. People need to hear this question, Mary. Please put it on the message.


            What does a person [INAUDIBLE] initially?


With their initial experience with the Lord?




Here, I'll put it on the board for you.




OK, this is the condition of the fallen man. Here's the carnal mind, which has been brought forth by Satan and Eve. And he has a body. And he has an encounter with the Holy Spirit, usually in somebody else, and the Holy Spirit enters into the heart of the unregenerate man and goes right to Eve and engages her in a sexual union. Now, she's married to Satan, and the carnal mind is her offspring, and the -- all three are one. The Holy Spirit aggressively enters in and engages her in spiritual sexual intercourse. And it is an experience with God. It is the onset of a relationship with Christ.


OK, now, it is possible that you received the -- it is possible that in the one experience, the Holy Spirit connected with Eve and brought forth Christ, right in the midst of your carnal mind. It could have happened. I'm -- I can't tell you that it didn't happen. But what I do know is that -- I can't even say that, because I don't know you all these years. But I do know that Christ is not manifesting so obviously in you that I could see it. So if the seed is in there, it means the carnal mind is layering over it and preventing it from growing.


If you did receive the word, the seed, Christ is in there, and the carnal mind is controlling Him. And He hasn't had much victory. Maybe He's had some victory in reversing the situation and controlling the carnal mind. It's His job. The Father has instructed Him to overcome and to rule and to grow and to increase. So if He can't do that because the carnal mind is too strong, then you need deliverance. That carnal mind needs to be attacked and dismantled and torn down.


But for the people that don't get Christ in them right away, the Holy Spirit can be engaging in sexual intercourse with that person over a period of many years, and they may never conceive. They may be going into the church where the Holy Spirit is just showering over the carnal mind, just showering over it and showering over it. The Scripture clearly states that the seed fell, and in some places it fell by the wayside. In some places, it fell on stony ground. And what was the third one?




Then it fell on thorns.




Please, give her the microphone.




Half a measure of what?




It doesn't really say that anywhere. It really doesn't say it in the Scripture. It is the onset of a relationship with Christ that can be likened to engagement or courtship or even -- well, I don't see the Scripture thinking of it as a marriage, but even if you are married, you can have sex for years and never conceive. Some women never conceive.


So what -- we need to have Christ formed in us. He has to be formed in us. Why? So that He could become the spirit of might and become our personal, indwelling savior and sacrifice for sins that is going to fight with our personal carnal mind, not some carnal mind or some Satan that's out there on Mars somewhere. But we need a personal savior right inside of us to battle with the carnal mind that's right inside of us. We've got a carnal mind that's a lizard, that's a wild beast, and we need Christ right inside of us to overcome him and kill him. So that's why the Holy Spirit isn't enough.


The Holy Spirit is the sperm. The Holy Spirit is the spiritual sperm. It is the Spirit of the Father. It is not the Spirit of Son. It is the Spirit of the Father, and it's likened to the sperm that falls upon the female parts of our being. And when she conceives Christ, He is the warrior. He is the savior that's going to overcome the tyrant that's keeping us in this condition. The Holy Spirit doesn't overcome tyrants. The Holy Spirit is curative. The Christ, the spirit of Christ, is defensive. The Holy Spirit does not stop us from getting sick.




OK, the Holy Spirit is curative. The spirit of Christ is defensive. The Holy Spirit does not stop us from getting sick, but it can cure us when we get sick. The Holy Spirit does not stop us from getting a demon, but it ca- -- has the authority to cast the demon out once we have it. OK, the Holy Spirit doesn't stop us, necessarily, from getting into trouble, from making a mistake, a judgment, or getting caught up in the occult or anything like that. But if it happens to us, it'll cleanse us and cast out any demons that are necessary.


But the spirit of Christ will prevent us from getting sick. It was the spirit of Christ in Paul that let the snake bite his hand and no- -- and prevented him from getting sick. It is the Holy -- it is the spirit of Christ by which Jesus says no man could take My life, but I lay it down. The Holy Spirit doesn't have that authority, Mary. That's pretty obvious. You've been in the church a long time. The Holy Spirit doesn't have that authority. It's not defensive. It's curative. The Holy -- was not the Holy Spirit in Jesus that caused the gods to fall backwards when He said I am?


And if you look at the church today, honestly, the church is not an aggressive war machine. The church is defending itself. We're defending ourselves against sickness. We're defending ourselves against demons. We're defending ourselves. We're not out there charging out there and taking the world. We're really not. We're not going out there and going into the mental institutions and saying let those people go. It's not happening. See, it's a different manifestation than existed when the apostles were around. They had the spirit of Christ. We have the Holy Spirit, and it's not -- same Spirit, different administration, but it's definitely a different administration. We don't see people walking down the street today and their shadow falling on people and them getting healed. It's not happening today. There has to be a reason why. It's a different administration of the spirit, a weaker administration of the spirit.


As a matter of fact, I don't know if you've had a chance to listen to the message on the truth about baptism, but  we're not even baptized with the Holy Spirit. We've received the Holy Spirit, and it's not the same thing. And it has a different sign. When the apostles were baptized with the Holy Spirit, they spoke in tongues that were recognized by other people as understandable foreign languages. That doesn't happen today. We get baptized with the Holy Spirit, and we get a personal prayer language. So we're not baptized with the Holy Spirit. We have received the Holy Spirit, which is a weaker manifestation or a weaker administration of the same experience.


There's three administrations of it, to receive the Holy Spirit, to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit, each one more str- -- a stronger manifestation of the experience.


So the whole condition of the church today is a lesser model of what God intends to do. And we also talked about that on one of the 78 messages, when we went into the Scripture in Joel that talks about Jesus pouring out His spirit upon all flesh. And we found out that those Scriptures didn't repeat themselves for nothing. They were really saying there's going to be two outpourings. And right now the church is existing in the first outpouring, which is the weaker outpouring. It's the former rain, and it's so --




Yeah, and it's sole purpose was to raise up the temporary church system, which is going to produce the seed of the Son of God, just like natural Israel was set up. The whole purpose of natural Israel and everything that it accomplished was to produce Christ. Can you say Amen to that, was to produce Christ? Well, the whole purpose of all these 2,000 years and all the church world and everything that the church has done, the whole purpose is to produce Christ, the second generation of Christ. And when Christ appears in the second generation of Christ, the church world is going to fall apart. There are going to be those that are going to go on, and there are those that are going to be [?falled back?], just like happened the first time.




People need to hear your questions.




The first generation of Christ is the man, or was the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


            Him alone?


Him alone. And now He's having -- He's the corn of wheat that fell into the ground, and He's bringing forth a great harvest. And now it's Him, His glorified resurrected life appearing as the mind of the many members of the second generation of Christ. He gave up that soul life so that He could appear in all of us.




Microphone phobia.


            [INAUDIBLE] right after He died, He resurrected, and He was glorified in a      resurrected body.


In a glorified body.


            Right. And then after that, He decided to give that resurrected soul life to [INAUDIBLE]


Yes, that's true. He gave that up too. Very good, Michelle. He gave up the soul -- let me repeat this for Mary. That was excellent, Michelle. Oh, boy, we're just seeing fruit everywhere in this ministry. Thank you, Jesus.




Michelle's really been struggling. She's really been listening to the messages, and she's had a very good attitude. I love to hear her say, well, I'll keep listening, and sooner or later I'll understand. Glory to God.


Jesus gave up His resurrected life twice. He gave up His resurrected soul life when He laid it down to be crucified, because He could have stayed in that condition forever. And then He gave up His glorified soul life, as Michelle just said, because He could have remained in the heavenlies forever. But He gave that up and permitted Himself to be slaughtered or slain again and broken into many pieces. And there's a piece of Him in you and a piece of Him in each of us.


See, He's really died three times. He's the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the earth. His spiritual life was slain or slaughtered and dressed for market. That's what that Greek word means. And broken into -- and the orig- -- and the creation was formed. He was -- we were made out of Him. Then, His soul life that was in full stature, He died, OK, so that He could be glorified, and then His glorified life is being scattered over the earth today, so three times He was slain.


Hallelujah. Well, this turned into a good night.




OK. God is doing such exciting things here. The teaching that He's bringing forth --




-- is boggling my mind, you know. And it's not -- and, you know --


            [?Where did He come up?] --


And, you know, what's really exciting is that, like, for a couple of years, I was just really bringing forth the really deep stuff. And it's very nice. you know, really deep doctrine is very nice. But people have everyday problems. People have problems in their life that they need answers to. So He's doing it side-by-side. He's bringing forth this practical teaching. You missed it. You'll have to get t he message, very good, on multiple personalities --




-- and denial. Yeah, you just came in at the very end, that denial is a lesser form of multiple personalities. It was very interesting. So He's bringing forth all this practical teaching. You can't walk around with your head in the clouds. It's the same principle as saying these Scriptures can't be fantasies anymore. They have to be made real to us. People need help in their everyday lives, so He's doing both side-by-side.


That's very exciting for me, because I knew. For the years that I was laboring, I knew that it was high, intellectual doctrine and that a lot of people couldn't bear it and that people needed other things. But that's what He was giving me. I can only do what He's giving me, you know. So this is very exciting for me. The ministry is really -- it's rounding out. It's just rounding out. He's doing much more.


He calls you the second class. I think I told you that, how the first class and then the second class -- He's doing much more with this class than He did with the first class. He's doing a lot more. Of course, I was working a full-time job in Manhattan. I was very limited then. But He's doing a lot more with you people. It's very exciting for me to see.


            Don't you think this teaching also gives you more of an aid for counseling?




            You know, I mean, I can see it with this one --




            -- especially.




            I mean, it brought it all out --




            -- you know.


Yeah. We re- -- well, when the first class was in existence, we really, for all intents and purposes, did not have any deliverance at all. We didn't have new order deliverance. People didn't get delivered when I preached. He shut off the old order deliverance. If you listen to the early, early messages, we have it, but it didn't go -- it didn't last very long.


[AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- thing in my head. You know, if you get out of deliverance, it's a danger sign.




I was very upset about it, and the Lord -- and there was some people that were talking about me, you know, that had come into a few meetings and went back gospel revivals and was saying how I wasn't in deliverance yet. And the Lord had to rebuke me. He just told me. He said, I've done it to you. You're not out of order in any way. And I don't want to hear any more about it. So I said, yes, Lord, and I really had no answers for people that wanted deliverance. There were no -- there was very little prayer. There was no anointing for deliverance. Maybe if someone was sick, they would get a healing, but it was very little prayer. It was just straight deep teaching, week after week after week after week. And now He's moved us into the new order deliverance, and the counseling goes hand in hand with it, so it's -- He's doing it. You know, He -- we had to come out of that to go into this.


6/11/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

6/18/14 1st Edit MJS & CAS




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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