143 - Part 1

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For 
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.

As I told you in the last message, I was going to try to shorten all the studying time and all the teaching time. But the message is good; I’m sure it’s going to bless you. But I really feel that I wasn’t satisfied with the way I presented it.


So I’ve sort of gone back to the -- to a more formal way of teaching. And basically, what I’ve cut out -- I have cut out something, but not as much as I cut out with the last message. I’ve cut out all references from the “Cyclopedic Index,” OK? I may mention to you: We have another message on it. And you’ve got to find the message for yourself. So, I’ve cut out all the references to the “Cyclopedic Index.”


As far as supporting scriptural references go, I’m just mentioning them when I feel in my spirit that the Lord really wants it in. Otherwise, I’ll just mention it lightly, and you have to look it up yourself. And a lot of the words that are pretty obvious what they are, I’m not giving the numbers, and I’m just going past them very quickly. I’m not going into how I get particular words. If you hear the number and you want to -- whoever’s listening to this message, if you want to look it up, you have to follow through all of the references and find it yourself if you want it, because I’m not doing that anymore either. But it’s still taking me a lot of time.


So I only have three verses for you today. I still feel that I’ll preach -- well, I felt that -- I preached for three hours, the last time, and I started to lose you after three hours. I felt a drop in your response after about three hours. This is almost -- the message was just short of four hours. It’s two hour-and-a-half messages and one 45-minute message that’s not quite finished. So it was almost four hours, and I started to lose you after the three hours. But if I feel that the Spirit -- that you’re holding your own, as long as I could get the preparation done, if you want it, I’ll be willing to give you double messages so long as I can get the teaching done, OK?


But all that I could get done today was three verses. I was up until 2 o’clock this -- yesterday morning, and I was studying all day. And all I have for you is three verses, and I have an outline of the next three. But I can only -- I only have three completed to give you today.


So what I may start doing -- I won’t do it today because you’re the only ones here -- is that I will start offering prayer at the beginning of the meeting. So, if other people want to leave, they could leave. Because th- -- yeah, because this could be very painful for people that can’t bear it. It could be very painful having to sit for three hours listening to this -- three or four hours. They really can’t take it. It’s, like, a pain in their heart, you know? So they’ll have to make up their mind whether they want to come on time for the prayer or stay late for the prayer. They’ll have to decide. But as the Lord leads me, I may start to do that.


Glory to God. “In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me, even unto me Daniel, after that which appeared unto me at the first.


“And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai.”


“When I li- -- then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram which had two horns: and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last.”


Now, I’d like to remind you that prophecy is almost like a jigsaw puzzle. It has a hidden message. It usually has a message on many levels. Not one word is wasted. Every word means something, and much of what is said is symbolic. So we have to find the key to the puzzle. And in my case, the teaching ministry that God has given me, the way He does it is that He puts the message in my heart first. And then when I go in and study all the words, I find the message in it.


So in this first verse, we find many words describing natural things and natural places. Well that’s in the second verse actually. And I’m going to suggest to you that nothing is wasted, but we’re going to look up the words of the cities and the rivers, and we’re going to find out what they mean. And we- -- the Lord is revealing some deep, spiritual truth to us through what sound like simple geographical locations. Glory to God.


And once again the Alternate Translations are going to sound nothing whatsoever like what we see in the King James or any other translation that I know of.


But I am convinced that this Alternate Translation is of God, and I am very excited. I wish I could come in and preach the whole chapter 8 to you today, but I couldn’t do it. But it’s really glorious. And I will give you a hint before I start: If you remember that really exciting night that we had when the Lord revealed to us how Adam reproduced in the beginning, it’s in Daniel 8. It’s in Daniel 8. But we’re not going to do it today -- next message, next message. Glory to God.


So we’re going to start with verse 1, “In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me, even unto me Daniel, after that which appeared unto me at the first.” King Nebuchadnezzar, which is Bel- -- King Belshazzar’s father, typifies Adam before the fall. Why do I say that? Because he was glorious, and his kingdom was blessed. And he acknowledged the God of heaven. We’re told that if you read the beginning of the Book of Daniel. Belshazzar is King Nebuchadnezzar’s son and heir, and he had no fear of God. And this also is in the preceding chapters of the Book of Daniel.


Therefore King Belshazzar typifies Adam after the fall or the second generation of Adam, which is called death. Now you’ve heard of the second generation of Christ, have you not? And one thing that we’re going to see revealed very heavily in this message today is that everything, every spiritual truth, that God has established, the reverse of it is true with regard to Satan and the negative spiritual realm. So if there is a second generation of Christ, there is a second generation of Adam.


The first generation was in right standing with God, and the second generation was not in right standing with God. And the first generation was called life -- I’m sorry; the first generation is called -- in the realm of the spirit, is called innocence. That’s Adam before the fall. And Adam after the fall -- the name of the generation or the age is called death. And Nebuchadnezzar’s reign is a type of the righteous Adam’s reign, first generation. And the second generation, Nebuchadnezzar’s son, King Belshazzar, is a type of the second generation Adam, which fell. And its name is death.


I think I mixed everything -- let me try that again. We have a first and a second generation of Christ, and we have a first and a second generation of Adam. And the first and second generation of Christ is: the first one, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the second one, the sons of God or Christ Jesus or the 42nd generation. Then we have two generations of Adam: Adam before the fall -- and the name of that generation was innocence. He was in right standing with God -- and Adam after the fall. And that generation or that age is called death. And he is not in right standing with God during that age.


And we have two characters in the Book of Daniel: one, King Nebuchadnezzar and two, his son, King Belshazzar, that typify the two generations of Adam. King Nebuchadnezzar typifies the first generation of Adam, who was in right standing with the Father. And King Belshazzar typifies the second generation of Adam, which is called death and is in al- -- and this generation is alienated from God in His mind.


So Daniel is getting this vision that in the third year of the reign -- he’s getting a vision in the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar. That is: He’s getting a vision in the third year of the age that the fallen Adam is existing in the realm of death. Everybody with me? The third year of -- since the fall of Adam.


Three is the number of the spiritual man, and three is the symbolic time period, which indicates the year that the fallen man becomes spiritual. Brethren, was not this our message at the last meeting? That the creation, the fallen creation, is becoming spiritual. This is the message in Daniel 12 that God gave us at the last meeting. It is time for the fallen creation to become spiritual, so we see Daniel getting a vision in the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar or in the third year of the reign or the age of the fallen, living soul or the fallen Adam. And the name of that age is death.


So what we’re about to hear will come to pass at the time that the fallen creation becomes spiritual, and, brethren, that is now. And this Book of Daniel is a sealed book, and God is giving us understanding in it. How very, very incredibly exciting, incredibly exciting.


Daniel typifies the men of the fallen creation in whom Christ is appearing or in whom -- whom have a relationship with Christ. With Daniel, it was an imputed anointing because it was not yet the season for the imparted anointing or any permanent development of Christ in him. Daniel had, I believe, the ultimate relationship with Christ that a man could have at the time that he lived. So he typifies the man that has a relationship with Christ to the fullest extent permitted in the age that the creation is becoming spiritual. And in -- now we know that the age in which the creation is becoming spiritual, the ultimate we can hope for is the imparted anointing and the fullness thereof, which is full stature.


            His was only an imputed --


It was only imputed. The imparted anointing was not available at that time. Although to be honest with you, I don’t -- I really don’t know how to express this, but we’ll find out as we go on that Daniel had an experience with the Father that could be likened unto the imparted anointing, except that it was only temporary.


Now in the past, when I have mentioned the imputed anointing, what is has meant to me -- I don’t know what it’s meant to you, but what it’s meant to me as I was preaching it was that it is an anointing that offers the friendship of God to a man, that it is a gift that is given without repentance. But what happened to Daniel was that he had an imparted anointing that was not permanent, so that’s really different than the imputed anointing. And I honestly don’t know what to call it. He had a temporary imparted anointing, OK, as we’re going to find out. He had more than the men that have an imputed anointing today.


OK, what is the imputed anointing? It is the baptism with the Holy Spirit. It’s immersion in the Spirit of God but not union with the Spirit of God. And, brethren, those of us that are married shouldn’t have any trouble understanding that it’s possible to have many relationships in our life and many intense relationships with our life. Some intense relationships are very Godly: mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, children. But there is only one person that you are totally joining with in the flesh and in the realm of the soul, and that is your husband.


So those that a- -- so Christ can have relationships with many, many people, but the only ones that He’s married to or being married to are the ones that He is joining with in their spirit and in their soul. He’s got to be joining with you to be your husband. He has many relationships with many people that think they have all there is to have and that they’re going to get the rest when they die, when their body dies. But it’s not true. They have an imputed anointing. They have a relationship with Christ.


But in the earth today, there is a group of believers that are in the process of joining with Him. And the Scripture calls that joining a marriage. And it’s happening slowly, but it’s happening to us. And we are in a different category than those that have just the baptism with the Holy Spirit. They have an imputed anointing, a relationship. We have an imparted anointing, a union with. There is a difference between a marriage and a relationship, and it should be obvious.


So Daniel, although the imparted anointing that he had was only temporary because of the season that it was taking place in, he did have an imparted anointing, so I have to say that. Hallelujah. And also let me say this: that I believe that it’s possible in this hour for a man to have a temporary imparted anointing. See God could do anything. If he has a purpose for pouring out a very great measure of power upon somebody to accomplish something, for that moment, they may very well have an imparted anointing, but it’s temporary.


OK, so the phrase -- the vision, which appeared to Daniel at the first is referring to the vision of Daniel, chapter 7. And if you check out the Book of Daniel, you’ll find out that his prophetic visions start in the chapter, which is before the one we’re working with, chapter 7. And Daniel’s saying, I had another vision. And it was very similar to the first one or appeared in the same way that the first one appeared.


Alternate Translation, Daniel chapter 8, verse 1, “A vision appeared to me, Daniel, at the time that the fallen creation became spiritual. And it was similar to the vision that I had seen earlier.”


Continuing on with the next phrase -- continuing on with Daniel chapter 8, verse 2, “And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai.”


Please note that the Hebrew word translated saw, “And I saw in a vision,” that is Strong’s 7200, and it has many translations. One translation, which we’ll use to translate the word saw the first time it’s used, merely means to be aware that something is present but not necessarily understand what that something is. Another translation of the word saw is to see with understanding or to look. We’ll use this translation the second time the word saw is used.


In the first instance, “And I saw in the vision,” the word saw indicates that Daniel perceived that a vision was present. And in the second instance, the word saw is used to indicate that Daniel turned towards it. Towards what? Towards the vision. Or that he looked at it or that he tried to understand it, or he tried to understand that it was -- or that he understood that it was a vision from God and that as Daniel turned his attention towards this vision, he was actually turning his attention towards God. And as he did this, he was caught up by the Spirit of the Father and translated into the realm of God’s Spirit. Or we can say that Daniel’s human spirit was temporarily caught up and joined to the Spirit of the Father, forming an imputed Christ within his spiritual being.


And if you recall, the same thing happened to him in chapter 7 when we did that chapter. That is what happened. Daniel did enter into an imputed anointing although temporary. Glory to God.


He perceived that there was a vision. He perceived that the Lord was communicating with him. And when he turned his attention towards the Lord, the Spirit of God seized him and joined with him. And for that instant or fo- -- as long as it lasted, he entered into the Scripture. He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit. And for that purpose, for as long as God held him, he had an im- -- full -- a full imparted anointing with the Father, a full experience of sexual union with the Father.


And I want to tell you something, brethren: That’s the only way to get true, spiritual truth. You must enter into union with the Father. You cannot get spiritual truth through your carnal mind even if you have the baptism with the Holy Spirit. At the very best, it’s going to come out mixed-up and perverted. And at the very worst, there’ll be no truth in it at all. There’s only one way to get the real spiritual truth, and that is to get caught up into a union with the Father and have His wisdom channeled right into your mind. Hallelujah, how exciting.


Daniel had to be transferred or translated before Christ could commune with him, because the spiritual wisdom and knowledge of God does not exist in the carnal mind. You may recall that the Lord revealed this to us through a Scripture in Ecclesiastes on one of the number 78 messages. Also please note that this communion took place even though Daniel was appearing in this world system in a fallen spiritual body and a carnal mind, both of which were generated by Satan’s spiritual authority.


Brethren, God is still the God of this creation. He is still the God of this creation. And anytime He wants to communicate with any human being alive on the face of the earth, He will do so through union with the human spirit. Even to those men who have an imputed anointing, when He wants to talk to them, He speaks to their spirit. He speaks to their spirit. Hallelujah.


You know, maybe the men that have the baptism with the Holy Spirit, maybe the men that have a relationship with Christ, they do experience a temporary imparted anointing from time to time. Maybe the -- I think the Lord is telling me: There is no third anointing -- that the men that have the baptism with the Holy Spirit do, from time to time, enter into a temporary union at the specific will and instigation of the Spirit of God. He will come upon them and seize their spirit for His own purposes.


But at the moment that the Spirit of God lifts off, they’re just natural men again. There’s no residue; there’s no remainder of His presence. But those that are starting to move in the imparted anointing, they will have episodes of an intense union with the Father. But when that intensity withdraws, they will have a residue. They will have a deposit; they will have a remainder that has become a permanent part of their spiritual being. So there’s only two anointings. We’ll go back to that. Hallelujah.


Continuing on with Daniel 8:2, “And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai.” Shushan, it’s Strong’s 7800, and I’m told -- I believe in Strong’s --


For those of you who have never heard my messages before, I use two Hebrew lexicons. I use the one in Strong’s and I use Gesenius, so everything that I quote comes from one of those lexicons. And if you want to know which one, you’ll have to check both of them because as I said earlier, I’m trying to cut my time back so I can get more of this teaching out for those who want it.


Shushan, number 7800: It means a city -- it is a city in Persia. It’s the name of a city in Persia, and it means lily. Lily is a flower. We know that Jesus is the lily of the valley. And a flower is a type of the Holy Spirit. Well, where does it say that? I don’t know where it says it, but that’s what the Lord told me.


And let me share with you how He explained it to me. And if you don’t want to believe it, you don’t have to. But we are the planting of the Lord. There is a Scripture for that. We are the true vine. If Jesus is in us, we are the true vine. We are spiritual plant life.


And the Lord has told me that -- for those of you that know anything about gardening at all, when you look at your vegetable plants, the first thing that appears on the plant or the vine is the flower, and the fruit grows out of the flower. And the Lord has told me that the baptism with the Holy Spirit is typified by a flower, and that is the imputed anointing. And the imparted anointing, which is the very nature of Christ, is the fruit, which comes after the flower. And many people -- I experienced it once -- have told me that they -- that the Holy Spirit has an odor and that it is the odor of fresh flowers. I experienced it once in my lifetime.


So the Holy Spirit is a flower, and that is the imputed anointing. But Christ: He is the fruit, and He is delicious. He is delicious. Some people are eating flowers these days, but I’ll take the fruit, thank you. And I remind you that when the fruit appears -- all you gardeners know -- what happens to the flowers?


            They die.


They die. They die. That little green thing at the bottom of your tomato was a yellow flower at one point, and it’s nothing more than a little, green stem at the bottom of the tomato. The Holy Spirit and all of the gifts that go with it are swallowed up by the imparted anointing. Hallelujah. And did not Paul say that the gifts are passing away?


And we have some, unfortunately -- I’m not insulting you when I call you ignorant. Brethren, you can’t get well if you don’t know that you’re sick. We have some ignorant people in the church world that have tried to remove the gifts because they read that Scripture that says the gifts are passing away. Brethren, the gifts shall pass away when they are swallowed up by the fruit. You can’t do it yourself. And you should encourage the gifts because the -- without the gifts, there won’t be any fruit. Brethren, without the flowers, there’s no fruit.


I used to have a garden. If there was a big storm and those little, yellow flowers fell off those tomato plants, we lost a potential tomato. Now the plant didn’t die, and its roots were securely in the ground, but the flowers fell off. And that flower or the po- -- the tomato that was destined to come forth from that flower will never be seen in the earth.


Do you hear what I’m saying? Women that are pregnant and don’t bring their babies to full term or the babies don’t come to full term, that was a flower that never developed into a fruit. The plant is still standing; its roots are still in the ground. And it will produce new flowers, and fruit will come out of many of them. But every flower doesn’t produce fruit. Some of them die. Hallelujah.


OK, so I’m suggesting to you that Daniel said he saw in a vision and that he came -- that he was in Shushan. And I’m suggesting to you that he was say- -- telling us that the Holy Spirit is telling us, in a hidden way, that Daniel was under a heavy anointing that could be likened to the baptis- -- to the anointing that falls upon those that have the baptism with the Holy Spirit. He was in an outpouring of the Spirit of God that came from an imputed anointing.


And as we said earlier, Daniel was translated in his mind to a place that the Scripture describes as Shushan, the lily. I just told you that; I’m reading in my notes. Hold on. I’m just going to ready you my notes in case I don’t miss anything. It typifies the Holy Spirit in the realm of appearance. We’re given more specific information, however, that Daniel was not only in Shushan, but he was also in the palace at Shushan. And I’m going to suggest to you then that Shushan typifies the baptism with the Holy Spirit and that the palace at Shushan, which is the king’s house -- a palace is the king’s house -- typifies being in the same place where the Father dwells.


So he was under this intense outpouring, but even within that, he was in a very special place. And I’m suggesting to you that Daniel was not merely experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit, but actually entered into communion with Him in the Father’s very own house. Glory to God.


And as I said earlier, of course we see this in the church today in that the church is divided into two camps: those that are merely experiencing the Father, which is the imputed anointing, and those who are actually joining with the Father in a spiritual, sexual union that is actually reproducing His life in them in the likeness of his Son, Jesus Christ.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Daniel, chapter 8, verse 2, “And I realized that a divine revelation was being presented to me, and I tried to understand it. And as I tried to understand it, I was immersed in the Spirit of God and joined to the Father.” Glory to God. “And I saw in a vision, and I recognized” -- or I realized -- “that a divine revelation was being presented to me. And it came to pass when I saw and as I tried to understand it, when I looked at it, I was immersed in the Spirit of God. As I looked towards the realm of the Spirit of God, it reached down and captured me,” Daniel said. Hallelujah.


Continuing with the second third of Daniel 8:2, “which is in the province of Elam.” “And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of Elam.” The word Elam is Strong’s 5867, and if you follow this word all the way back, there were several entries in Strong’s. It means a crown overturned, and it typifies both exiled Israel and the fall of Shem’s descendants. One of those words that I followed it back to talked about Shem’s descendants. Glory to God. And what is it in Daniel that was overturned and fallen down? Glory to God.


Now we’re told that Daniel was in the province of Elam, which typifies his overturned or fallen body. Well we know his spirit wasn’t overturned at that moment. It was caught up and joined to the Lord. So what part of him was overturned? I’m going to suggest to you it was his body. So that -- we know now that Daniel was at Shushan. He was in Shushan, and he was baptized or immersed in the Holy Spirit, that he was also in the palace. He was involved in spiritual, sexual union with the Father, and that he was having this experience despite the fact that he was living in a fallen physical body. Amen?


Alternate Translation, second third of Daniel 8:2, “which was still in a fallen body. And I realized that a divine revelation was being presented to me. And as I tried to understand it, I was immersed in the Spirit of God and joined to the Father. And I was still in a fallen, human body.”


Continuing with the third third of Daniel 8:2, “and I saw a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai.” We now see the word saw a third time. And when Daniel looked this third time, he found himself by the river Ulai, which is in the province of Elam, which we just found out is his fallen, human body.


The word by, “and I saw the vision, and I was by the river Ulai.” The word by is Strong’s 5921, and it can be translated on or in a house. And the word river typifies spiritual life in the soul realm. Hopefully you know that. And the word Ulai, Strong’s 195, is the name of a river in Persia. We’ll find out later on in this chapter that Media/Persia typifies Adam before the fall. And the river, of course, typifies spiritual life in the soul realm. The river Ulai is speaking about Christ in the soul realm, which is the mind of Chirst. How did I get that? Media/Persia typifies Adam before the fall. Before the fall, Christ was appearing in Adam. Glory to God.


So if the river Ulai is speaking about soul life in the spiritual realm and he’s talki- -- and he’s relating that to Adam before the fall, it has to be Christ because before the fall, Adam was Christ in the soul realm. And after the fall, Adam was the carnal mind in the soul realm. I’m suggesting to you then that the river Ulai typifies Daniel’s soul, the imputed mind of Christ, which was birthed in him when the Father seized his human spirit. Daniel’s Adamic soul expressed as the carnal mind is not mentioned here, because for all intents and purposes, when Daniel was caught up, that carnal mind ceased to exist. Daniel had, although temporarily, died to the age of death, which is ruled over by Satan, and entered into the new age of God’s life, which is in Christ.


And we did a study in one of the messages in the 78 series, where we did a Scripture in Ecclesiastes where the Lord says that the world is in our hearts and that the reason -- that there are two worlds in our heart or there are two ages in our hearts. All of the wisdom of God is in the heart or the mind of Christ. And the Lord has done it that way deliberately because He does not want this spiritual truth to be available to men who are living out of their Adamic souls. So if you want the spiritual truth that is Christ, you have to get into His soul, and to get into His soul, you have to repent, and you have to do everything that is required of you. Hallelujah.


The first time he looked, he just perceived that a vision was present. The second time he looked, he looked with his human spirit, which was seized by the Father. And the third time he looked, he looked with the soul of Christ, which was temporarily formed when the Father seized him. He looked three times. He looked with his carnal eyes. He looked with his spirit. And then he looked with his soul. If this was ungodly, we would call it a seduction. It was little by little.


And I want to tell you that the Lord seduces us, and I want to tell you that the Lord rapes us. Why? First of all, when He does it, His motive is righteous, and it works for our good. And the reason He has to do it is that we would never respond to Him or never come to Him if He just said pretty please. We would never do it. So He takes us against our will. Most of the church world doesn’t believe that right now, but it’s true anyhow. And pretty soon the whole world is going to find out that it’s true. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Daniel 8:2, “And then I was able to look at this divine revelation with the mind of Christ.”


Alternate Translation, the whole of Daniel 8:2, “And I realized that a divine revelation was being presented to me. And as I tried to understand it, I was immersed in the Spirit of God and joined to the Father in my human spirit, which was still in a fallen, human body. And then I was able to look at this divine revelation with the mind of Christ.”


Continuing with Daniel 8:3, “Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram which had two horns: and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last.”


The phrase “then I lifted up mine eyes” indicates that Daniel looked at the vision with the mind of Christ. The end of verse 2 merely indicates that he was given the ability to look with the mind of Christ. This issue is sorely misunderstood in the church today. They don’t understand that the mind of Christ is made available to us, but we must seek the Lord for permission to use it and that if we’re not actively seeking to think with or look with the mind of Christ, if we’re leaving our mind to its own devices, you can be assured: You are thinking with the carnal mind unless you are unusually mature in Christ. And if you think you are, you better check it out with God to make sure that you’re not being deceived. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Lost my place; just give me a second. Also you might find it interesting to know that the Hebrew word translated eyes is singular. The King James translators made it plural because they couldn’t comprehend the spiritual mystery that Daniel was looking at the revelation with the single mind of Christ and not as a double-minded Christian who cannot distinguish between the carnal mind and the mind of Christ.


And, you know, everything in this natural world is a type for us to understand the condition that we’re in. How interesting that human beings have two eyes. We are double-minded down here. Even those of us that are not moving in Christ, we have some teaching in righteousness from our parents, who raised us. We must have some teaching in righteousness or we’d be a total animal.


So we are living our life looking out of two eyes: both in the -- physically and spiritually. We look through the carnal mind, and we look through righteousness. And that gives us confusion. The Scripture clearly admonishes us to be single-minded in the righteousness of Christ and give no place to the unrighteousness thoughts that the Devil would impart into our mind.


And of course I don’t know if I made it clear, but this word eyes, it’s typi- -- it typifies the soul. I just assumed you knew that. I guess I shouldn’t assume that. But the word eye, if you check it out in your concordances and if you check it out in all the Scriptural references, you’ll find out that the eye typifies the soul. As our natural eye is the organ that sees for the body, the soul is the organ, is the spiritual organ, that sees, that sees. Hallelujah. And depending on what soul we’re seeing with, that’s what we see. And if we’re looking with both souls, Christ and Adam, we may get something all mixed-up in our minds. Hallelujah.


And of course in 2 Corinthians 11:2, Paul warns us not to let our thoughts be corrupted from the simplicity or single-mindedness that’s available to us when we reject our carnal mind and think only with the mind of Christ.


Continuing with the first half of Daniel 8:3, “Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram which had two horns.” The word stood refers to standing in full spiritual strength. Remember if you have no spiritual strength at all, you’re lying in a bed. If you have spiritual strength on the soul realm, you’re sitting on that bed. And if you have spiritual strength that’s coming from Christ -- if you have the full measure of it, you are standing.


So we see a ram, and he was standing before the river, and he had two horns. Now this word before is Strong’s 3440, and it’s very strange that it should be translated before. It means face -- face as the part that turns. And we’ve had this word many times, and we’ve always translated it the realm of appearance, the face of the creation, the part -- the world that turns around. It’s referring to time, and it’s referring to the realm of appearance.


So “Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river.” And again the river, as we als- -- as we talked about when we did Daniel 12, I’m suggesting to you the river is referring to the river that’s in the Garden of Eden: the river that was the beg- -- the creation of God when He first formed it. And “I lifted up mine --




-- the river that was the beg- -- the creation of God when He first formed it. And I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood the face of the river. There stood that part of the soul that God created that was facing the realm of appearance. So standing before that river or standing in the realm of appearance was a ram, which had two horns. And I want to suggest to you that since the ram was standing in full spiritual strength, that this typifies Adam and that Christ must have been fully manifested in him and that therefore, this realm of appearance was the Garden of Eden, the Garden of Eden. Adam was still present in the Garden of Eden when he was standing in full spiritual strength. Glory to God.


And a ram is a type of animal life on the soul realm. And in case you don’t know it, when God formed the man, he formed animal life on the soul realm. Is not the beast the carnal mind at his worst? The beast, the soul realm or life on the soul realm or existence on the soul realm is a form of animal life that is higher than the animal life that exists in the physical world. But of course it is animal life, and then again, we have the Spirit of God, which is even higher, which is pure spirit. It is a world of pure spirit.


Horns typify spiritual authority. Adam had spiritual authority, both in the realm of God’s Spirit and in the soul realm. And the two spiritual authorities or the two spiritual laws were operating as one law under the leadership of Christ. The ram had two horns. He had a spiritual law that was Christ in the -- I’m sorry; he had the spiritual law of the Father, the law for the realm of the spirit, and he had the spiritual law that was ruling in the realm of the soul. And the two were one, and the two were one. He had the spiritual authority of the soul realm and the realm of the spirit. And the two were one.


And if you look at your King James translation, you’ll see that the word two is in italics because it does not appear in the original Hebrew. The Hebrew says horns, but it doesn’t say two horns. And the reason for this is that the implication is that the two were one. The two were one. There was just really one horn in more than one member. And I’ll show you that a little more as we go on.


This is going to be a little tough. I just pray that the Lord quicken it to you. I had some trouble with it myself, but this is what the Lord -- finally I understood that this is what the Lord was saying to me.


Remember now that both the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life were within Adam. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the carnal mind, whose god is Satan. And the tree of life is Christ, whose God is the Father. But for so long as Christ was ruling in Adam’s mind, the two were one, and Satan was harmless and Adam’s servant.


Now remember Paul tells us, in Romans 7, I believe, that he was trying to serve the law of God, but he saw another law warring in his members. Any -- a spirit is a law. Spiritual authority is a law in the realms below it, and soul is lesser than the realm of the spirit and, of course, this realm of appearance. So there were two laws in the creation known as Adam when he was standing in the full spiritual strength of God. The law, the spiritual law that we know as Satan, was present, but it couldn’t be seen because it was under the full spiritual authority of the Father.


Now this is common in nature. I remember when there was a scare about apple pits. We were told not to eat apple pits because there’s cyanide in apple pits. But the cyanide in apple pits is bound in another molecule. The atom of cyanide is bound to another atom, and the two form an- -- a third product that is harmless. It is not dangerous to eat apple pits.


[?Now this i-?] -- I’m really much of a mathematician or a scientist, but God does give me these little things from time to time. And this is very common throughout the planet that we find atoms of harmful substances joined together and that the third -- and that the product of the two is not harmful. I think on a recent message, we even had that about salt. Salt is sodium chloride. I’m told that sodium is poisonous, and chloride is poisonous. But when they bond together to form a third substance, known as salt, salt is not only not harmless, it’s beneficial. We need salt; we need some salt.


So Satan was present, and he was harmless. He was a part of the one prevailing spiritual law in the man in right -- that was in full stature and in right standing with God. But he had a potential for destruction just as the atom of sodium and the atom of chloride have a potential for destruction when they separate. So long as the creation was unified, there was no danger.


And do we not see this principle in human relationships? Divide and conquer. Divide and conquer. If you permit yourself to be divided, destruction will follow -- [?that’s] assuming you have a godly union to start with. If you’ve been put together in a relationship or in a group with Christ, you should not permit anything to divide you, because no good thing can come out of division when God has put you together in the first place. No good thing can come out of it.


So we’re about to find out that the spiritual authority that was in the man Adam, that was really one authority but had two parts to it, separated out into two separate laws or two separate spiritual powers. It was never meant to be. God made them to be one, but they separated, and the whole creation died.


I don’t see it revealed in Daniel 8, but I’m suggesting to you that it was necessary for Satan to separate from Christ in Adam’s mind before she could materialize in the realm of appearance as the he goat of verse 5. So I’m jumping ahead to tell you that the he goat of verse 5 is Satan, who was female until she appeared in the realm of appearance.  and that she had to separate from Christ in Adam’s mind. She had to come out from under that authority and assert her independence in the realm of the soul before she could actually materialize in the realm of appearance as a male goat.


And we see this happening in our country today. Brethren, everywhere you look, God is speaking to His people, giving us spiritual messages. It’s happening all over this country. Before a woman comes out from under her husband and goes out and divorces him, she must separate from him in her mind. She must reject him. She must withdraw from him. Frequently, she will decide she hates him, and then eventually, what she had thought in her mind will appear in the realm of appearance. She will divorce him and go her own way.


And I’m suggesting to you that the Lord formed a creation. It was a creation that had more than one part. Part of it was in the realm of the spirit, and part of it was in the realm of the soul, but the whole creation was governed by the spiritual authority of the Father through His Christ in the soul realm. And it was Adam’s job to keep Satan underfoot or to keep the garden. And this garden was in Adam’s mind. And in order to keep the garden, Adam had to remain in agreement with the righteous thoughts of the Father. But when he started listening with two ears or thinking with a mind that was not in agreement with the Father, a separation took place, and the whole creation died. And that that whisper that he heard in his ear that he agreed with eventually materialized, took form in the realm of appearance as another animal that destroyed Adam as you’ll see in verse 5.


This is very deep spiritual truth, brethren. This is incredible, what God is bringing forth here. And I want to tell you, as we have hear- -- studied and found out in other messages, that this whole thing, this whole message, is being played out over and over and over for us to see and that way back in antiquity somewhere, human beings were both male and female. And somewhere along the line, they separated from God in their mind. We know it happened to Noah. And their bodies fell out into male and female, separate bodies. They separated from God in their mind, and the next thing that happened was the earth was filled with human bodies that were no longer male and female but were either male or female. The parts separated out and started leading independent lives.


And as I said a few moments ago, we see it in the society today. The parts of the families are separating out and leading independent lives, and destruction and death is everywhere. What happened at the beginning of time is still playing itself out for us to see and for us to understand. There is only life in Christ, and outside of Christ, we will continue to descend and divide, descend and divide. Glory to God.


But on the other hand, as the Lord has taught us in recent meetings, we are in eternal torment. And this world system will not self-destruct, but it will get worse and worse and worse. I can’t even imagine what the next stage down would be. But I know that the Lord has decided to intervene, and He is coming to save us. And that is the only way out of eternal torment is to transfer out of it by going into Christ.


See, the realm of eternal torment is the realm of Satan’s spirit. It’s the realm of the soul without Christ. And it’s not going to be destroyed; the Father has formed it. It’s not going to be destroyed. It is going to be swallowed up and brought back under the dominion of Christ, but it’s not going to be destroyed. Hell, eternal torment, that which we are caught in, is a part of God’s creation that’s separated out and embarked upon a separate, independent existence from the mind and righteousness of God. That is what eternal torment is. And it is going to be rejoined to the Father in the mind, and it will disappear. And these bodies are going to disappear. We will no longer be separate male and female bodies. We will have glorified bodies. And the creation and the world that we live in will once again be the Garden of Eden. We’re on the way back up.


And we’ll talk about it a little more. I already touched on it that there are three stages of resurrection, and we’re seeing here that there are three stages of the fall. There are three stages of the fall. Man fell in three stages, and now, we’re about to experience the first stage of resurrection. We are on the way back up. Glory to God.


And the three stages of the fall are directly -- can be directly related to the three stages of resurrection. Let me talk about it for a minute here. The first stage of the fall -- let me draw it this way for you. Christ was ruling the creation, and of course, the Father was in there. And the creation’s name is Adam. The creation’s name is Adam. And when the Father is ruling through him and appearing in him, His name is Christ. I’m sorry; I did that wrong.


And He has another part to Him. Christ has another part to Him just like a man has a wife. He has a lesser part to Him. And I’m not against women, but the Scripture calls the woman the weaker vessel. She is lesser in authority than the man. So the creation that God formed had another side to him: a side that gave him form in the realm of the soul and in the realm of appearance. And the name of that form is the pestilence in the earth by the name of Satan, who was at the center of the creation. And lying on top of her -- she’s female -- lying on top of her -- well, the name of the whole creation is Adam. Lying on top of her is Christ, who was ruled by the Father. And Christ has dominion over Satan. And she is giving form to the creation just as a glass gives form to the water that is in the glass.


Do you see Satan at the center? Satan can talk, and she is sending out whispers unto Christ. She is sending out whispers, giving Him thoughts other than the thoughts of the Father. So long as Christ ignored her -- and of course, we can say that this is Adam: Adam, through whom Christ is ruling at the moment. So long as he ignores these whispers, the creation is sound. But the moment that Adam, through whom Christ is being revealed, starts to even consider the possibility of these whispers, at that moment, he starts to separate from the righteous thoughts of God. If 100 percent of  our thoughts is not with Christ, if only 98 percent of our thoughts is with Christ, then 2 percent of our thoughts is with Satan. And we start to separate.


So here we see the first stage of the fall. We see Satan from underneath, in the female position, lying underneath her husband, trying to exercise authority on the one that’s lying on top of her. Do you remember the first stage of resurrection? I’ll remind you [?up here?]. The first stage of resurrection, Christ is underneath. In the first stage of resurrection, Christ is in the female position. Although he’s not female, he’s in that position. He’s underneath. The carnal mind that’s being revealed through Adam is lying on top of Him, and Christ -- if you’re listening to this message, He’s probably in you, attempting to overcome the carnal mind that’s lying on top of Him. In the present condition of our society, for those of us in whom Christ is appearing, He is involved in a marriage with a woman who insists on having sexual intercourse from the dominant position. Now I don’t care -- all you people out there that want to call me a prude, I’m telling you: Don’t do it. Because it happens in the natural, and before you know it, it’s going to be happening in the spiritual. Don’t do it.


Do you see the comparison? In the first stage of resurrection, Christ is underneath, trying to exercise dominion over the carnal mind that’s laying on top of Him. And in the first stage of the fall, Satan is underneath, and she’s trying to exercise dominion over the Christ that’s lying on top of her. And she succeeded. How do I know she succeeded? The creation fell.


Satan was underneath her husband in her proper position. And she ruled Him from a position of weakness. Do you know marriages where the woman rules? She acknowledges her husband as the head of the family, and she makes every decision? She controls the man; she rules him, no matter how subtly. I’m telling you, brethren, you have to rule your families in the love of God under the anointing of Christ. Why? Because if your family is out of order, if your marital relationship is out of order, your spiritual relationship cannot be correct with Christ. When Christ comes into your life, the first thing He is going to do, if you are a married person, is put your marriage in order. And what you do with your body is a reflection of what’s happening in your mind and in your soul.


I saw a TV show the other day, and they had this really good-looking man on there. It looked like he was in his 30s -- really sharp looking man. Said that he had a successful business: He was a real estate developer. I couldn’t see any woman not being interested in him: personable, pleasant, nice, appeared to be charming. And he was the -- the show was about women being aggressive. And he was saying he loves women taking the aggressive role and calling him up and asking him out for dates and making all the plans. And his reason was that he has to be so aggressive at work that it’s a relief -- or not a relief, but refreshing to have the woman take this role.


Well, I want to tell you the man’s deceived in his mind, because that is one step down to the pit of hell. I hear them out there in the soul realm. They’re calling me a nut. I’m telling you: I am not a nut. And if it doesn’t happen in this generation, it’ll happen in the next generation. And if it doesn’t happen in the next generation, it’ll happen in the generation after that. But your descendants will find themselves in relationships that have role reversal. Your men will become women, and your women will become men. And you might be a very aggressive real estate wheeler-dealer now, but a couple of generations down the line, if the men in your family keep yielding to this trend, they won’t be men any longer.


And I want to tell you something else. The way our world is set up, if you are a man and you think that the woman has to restrain herself from trying to make suggestions to you that are not godly, you are mistaken. Because that is the way God set it up. In most instances, whoever has the authority -- you know, I’m talking about spiritual men too. When you have the authority, when Christ has given you the authority, you are the man. And the people that God has given you to rule over, whether you are a natural man or a spiritual man, without meaning you any harm at all frequently will not understand what your problem is, will not understand what you are up against, and being very well-meaning, will be giving you advice. And if you take their advice without running it past Christ, you are about to lose your authority.


Don’t think -- if you find being a man hard, if you find it difficult to be a man, don’t think the answer to your problem is that the woman should stop giving you unasked-for advice, because it’s not going to happen. Because that’s the way people are. And you have to rule. You have to know who you’re talking to.


See, it’s very easy if you’re a natural man and you know you’re the man and you know who your wife is and you know who the kids are. When you’re a spiritual man and you still don’t have your identity all straightened-out in your head and all kinds of people are giving you advice, you better make sure you’re not taking any advice from any women. Because if you do, you’re going to go tumbling down. And the answer is not that these people shouldn’t give you advice, because they’re going to. And it’s not ungodly.


You have to take what they have to say and run it past Christ, and you make the decision, and you are responsible for that decision. And no matter what they said to you, God doesn’t want to hear: The woman told me.


And large elements of our society are being destroyed because the headship in this country has been devastated. It has been devastated. There’s no resp- -- I sh- -- I don’t want to say no, but in large measure, most respect for authority, in most instances, has been torn down and is utterly denied. And the children are the largest victims.


So we see the first stage of the fall: Satan in the female position, trying to rule Christ, who is lying on top of her. And in the first stage of resurrection, we see Christ, lying underneath in the female position, trying to rule the carnal mind that’s lying on top of Him. And of course the second stage reverses. In the first stage of the fall -- I’m sorry; in the second stage of the fall, we see Christ comes down into the female position, and the carnal mind is ruling Him from a position of dominance, lying on top of Him: man underneath, ungodly sexual position. And in the second stage of resurrection, we see that the carnal mind has been forced to the bottom, and Christ has come to the top and is now ruling the carnal mind from the dominant, godly position. Second stage of the fall, second stage of resurrection -- complete reversal.


And then for the third stage -- in the third stage of the fall, we see the carnal mind, who was dwelling on top, pressing down on top of Christ, utterly slays Christ. And the two -- and of the twain, they became one man, one fallen man. And for all intents and purposes, the man’s name changed to Satan. Do we not take -- in most instances do we not take the name of our husband when we marry in this society? The creation took the name of her husband, Satan. We can call it Satan. We can call it the fallen Adam. We could call it death. But the creation became totally joined in a reverse, perverse order. And in the third stage of resurrection, Christ is slaying the carnal mind, of which Satan is the god. And of the twain, he made one new man, the creation of God.


So I would say, from these diagrams, that the goal of God in His creation is to have a single creation -- that it was a single creation at the beginning, and that one of its parts separated out, and that we have been separated out ever since, and that all of the problems in this world -- for the individual and for the whole world -- is separation from God. We’re not whole; we’re not complete. We’re half a man.


So the creation was one. It separated out. Then it became one in a fallen condition, ruled by Satan and in a place called eternal torment or hell. And now we’re going back up, and we will be reconciled unto God. The whole creation will be reconciled unto God in one with Christ, ruled by the Father, in total control.


I used to hear that Scripture, I am c- -- we are complete in Christ. And I said to -- the first time I heard it, I remember when I asked the question -- I remember where I was. I said, Lord, what are you talking about? Everybody’s telling me I’m complete in you, but I have all these problems in my life. And, of course, I was being taught in the church that I was complete in Him. I wish I were, but I’m not. I’m not now.


We have a plague on our nation today of compulsive disorders. And if you talk to these people, whatever their problem is -- alcoholism, drugs, overeating, sex, whatever their problems are -- they’ll tell you there’s a big hole inside of them. And this big emptiness -- many people overeat trying to fill up this emptiness, but physical food won’t fill it up. This emptiness is the absence of Christ in our life. It’s the absence of the love of God.


Now for a season that we were in right standing with the Lord, He gave us a temporary filler, a godly family life. But the family life has been torn down, and we have a nation of people walking around with gaping wounds in their souls. They’re literally in agony. They don’t take drugs because they love it. They’re in agony -- in total agony -- because they’re separated. They’re only a part of the whole.


And the provision that the Lord has made, while we were down here in hell, to deal with that is being removed. And what is that? It’s the family life. It’s a godly family life. It’s being removed, but the new hasn’t come yet. And the people are being devastated in the transition, but God wants this devastation to turn them to Him. Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn’t. But that’s what’s happening in our world today. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, first half of Daniel 8:3, “Then I opened my spiritual eyes, which were in Christ, and was able to understand. And there was Adam, the souled animal life that God had made with two spiritual laws in his mind. And he was standing in the full spiritual s- -- in full spiritual strength in the realm of appearance.”


Continuing with the second half of Daniel 8:3, “and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last.” And, again, those -- that word two is in brackets. It’s really saying the two-parted or the two-sided horn was very high. The horn was very high, referring to the unified creation. And the word high is Strong’s 1364, and it means high, lofty. It can mean that it was in a high spiritual place, but it can also be translated arrogant or proud. And it’s used of a tree. And of course we know that Adam is the tree. Either he’s the tree -- he has within him both the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When Christ is ruling with him because his mind is in agreement with the Father, he is the tree of life. And when the carnal mind is ruling through him because he is in agreement with Satan, he is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


OK, we said the word high is 1364, and it means high or lofty or arrogantly proud. And it’s used to describe a tree. Now this is very tough. Please note that where the Scripture says two horns, it’s referring to the unified creation. But in the very next verse, it speaks about one and the other. And this is very subtle, but it indicates that a separation has taken place. “And the two horns were high.” The one horn that had two parts was high and exalted in a high spiritual realm. And in the very next phrase -- it’s not even the next verse; it’s the next phrase -- it says, “but one was higher than the other.” Well, if the two are one, how could one be higher than the other? So it shows here, in a very subtle way, that a separation took place. Can anybody not understand that? Sometimes the Scriptures are very subtle. It’s i- -- I would say it is impossible to understand them without the anointing of God especially when it comes to prophecy.


“And the two horns were high.” And it’s not really two. And the horns, which had two part -- the horn which had two parts -- I should really look that up. I should really loo- -- I should have checked that out to see if it was really a plural word or not. And the horns, which had two parts, were very spiritually exalted, but one was higher than the other. And the higher came up last.


So they were one, and then all of a sudden, they were two. And we’ve had this principle in other messages, where we said there was -- I think it’s in the Book of Zechariah where the living soul was locked in the container. And there was one, and then all of a sudden, there was two.


She had separated and become two. And also please note that as soon as the separation took place, Satan became stronger than Adam, because it says, “and the higher came up last.” And the one that was most high, the one that was most arrogant, the one that was most proud came up last. Now the word one me- -- simply means the first, and the word that’s translated other means second or the one that’s in the second place. Now remember as soon as they separated out, Satan was the one that was higher. This is very subtle.


The word came up is Stro- -- I’ll go over it again. The words came up -- the words come -- came up are Strong’s 5927, and they mean to become strong, to be made to depart, to spread over or to overlay. And I’m suggesting to you that the one that came up was Satan, who departed from her position of submission and that she rose up and she became strong and that she spread over Christ, which is the second stage of the fall, the second stage. She came out from her submissive position, rose up and covered over Christ, laying on top of Him in a dominant position. And we’re going to find out, as we go on a little further, that the Scripture indicates that she was lying on top of Him but that she hadn’t had sexual intercourse with Him in that position yet. The first thing she did was just lie on top of Him.


And I want to tell you again: God has laid this on my heart. Men, if you are engaging in sexual intercourse with your wife on top of you in the dominant, male role, you are laying the foundation for homosexuality in future generations. You have to ask yourself why you, as a man, want to be in a passive position with a woman on top of you in the aggressive role. You have to ask yourself why. It is not natural. It is not natural. Glory to God.


And I’m not saying, women, why do you have to ask yourself why you want to be on top. I’m not asking that question because this is a male problem. This is a male problem. Scripture could not be clearer that both natural men and spiritual men who do not rule in the position that God has placed them, the women underneath them -- natural or spiritual women; they could be men in female roles -- will rise up and overtake you and strip you of your authority.


People that aren’t in Christ know that this is true. They know that it’s true because it is true. And it happens all the time. In the world it could happen between two men. You see, if the man -- let’s say at a corporation, the man that’s the chairman of the board, he is the spiritual man over the whole board, which may be all physical males. If he does not rule, one of those people -- one of those men, who are women in relationship to his leadership -- will rise up and unseat him.


The whole world knows this. It happens with nations; that’s what wars are all about. The one that’s in the leadership role is male. Everyone that’s in submission to him, for that relationship, is spiritually female. And if you don’t rule, you’re going to lose what you’ve got, and there isn’t a man or a person in authority in this world that doesn’t know that. It’s just a spiritual truth. It’s a spiritual law. Adam listened to the whisper of the woman. Glory to God.


OK, “and the higher came up last.” The word last is Strong’s 314, and it means the latter or the far part, or it means the western sea. Now the western sea is the exact opposite -- or the west is the exact opposite of the east. And the east is the realm of -- is where God is. The realm of the spirit is typified in the Scripture by the east. It’s the place where God dwells, and the soul realm is directly opposite from the realm of the spirit. So the scripture describes it as the west. We know the sun rises in the east, and it sets in the west. So the west is the place where the sun is going down, where the -- where it’s weak, where it’s descending and where it’s going into a place where it’s going -- which is going to leave the world in darkness. So the west refers to the soul realm, and the east refers to the realm of the spirit. And the two are direct opposites.


Does not the flesh lust against the spirit and the spirit lust against the flesh? Also, the sea typifies the unconscious mind of the soul realm. The Father is the unconscious mind of Christ and is typified by the eastern sea. The spiritual authority or the horn that came out of the soul realm in Adam’s mind was exalting itself above God’s spiritual authority in Adam’s mind.


And we see this expressed in Isaiah 14, verses 13 and 14, “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God . . . I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” And to those of us for whom the Scripture are an everyday reality, we also see this condition of mind expressed in the Book of Jude, verse 9, and you’ll have to look that up yourself.


This was the condition of Adam’s mind when he separated out. He separated out into soul and spirit. And we’ll find out in future verses that after he separated out into soul and spirit, that the ruler of the soul realm, which is Satan, was stronger than he was and destroyed him. Glory to God.


Brethren, I want to tell you I see this happening in our society today. The family has broken down, and God’s ordained, marital relationship has broken down. And look at our society. Are not the women stronger than the men? Is this not true? Any honest person will tell you that it’s true. Women have fought for freedom. They fought for freedom. They fought for freedom, and they got it. And the men are dying on the vine. The women are prospering. They’re going ahead; they’re getting their education; they’re in the professions; they’re in the armies. They’re achieving all kinds of successes.


And look at the men. They make the most money? Well, that’s not true. No, you see that’s why I have to ask you not to whisper to me because, see, I automatically repeat what you say, and sometimes it’s not true. And that’s not true. Well, it’s not true now. If you go into the corporate world, women still can’t get in there. The highest jobs -- in the highest paying and the highest political jobs are still held by men, and that’s a matter of statistics, OK?


But what you are saying that’s probably true is that in many instances, we look around us, and the women are the ones that’s going -- that are going on to college and that are getting the better jobs. Maybe it’s happening on this local level, but it’s not happening across the country, OK? Maybe in another 40 years, it’ll be happening across the country. I really don’t know.


But just look around: The men have more problems than the women. Women are getting stronger and stronger and stronger, and the men are getting weaker and weaker and weaker. And the carnal-minded man is listening to me and saying, Sheila, what is your problem? You’re a woman. This is my problem: My problem is that the mind of Christ is revealed through me. And I want to tell you the truth: that women, in my opinion, can do anything that a man could do. There are some women that are physically strong as some men although the majority of women aren’t. But certainly with their minds and with their intellects and with their emotions, women can do anything that men can do.


But this is the problem. When they start doing everything that men can do, they become spiritual men, and the children are destroyed, and the home is destroyed, and the family is destroyed, and the whole society is being destroyed. So I am not saying women are weaker. I am not saying women are not capable. I am not for bondage of women, but I am -- what I am saying is that God established a certain order that would perpetuate the society and keep it whole and emotionally healthy. And they’re out of their order.


And it’s not a question of they’re not capable; they are capable. As a matter of fact, the Scripture establishes, and it has been proven out, that when they separate out from underneath their husband’s authority and the traditional female role, that women are stronger than men. And as we’re going to see in the next couple of verses of Daniel 8, the woman that separated out from under her husband destroyed him, utterly destroyed him.


Please, take [?the?] [UNINTELLIGIBLE]


            They are stronger, but aren’t they deceived?


They are easily deceiv- --




            They are stronger, but aren’t they deceived?


Easily deceived, but that Scripture is not talking about human bodies. The whole point is that when women come out from their traditional role and they get educated and they get into the world, they become men. They become spiritual men. That’s the whole point. The one that’s dominant, the one that rules, the one that has authority, is a man. And the one that is passive and that is ruled over and that is protected is -- the weaker vessel is the women.


So we have a society of -- in an intense degree of role reversal. They’re not engaged in physical homosexuality, but in their heterosexual relationships, the woman’s in the male role, and the man’s in the woman rol- -- in the woman’s role, role reversal. And the children are being destroyed. It’s the children that are being destroyed. So we see the Scriptural basis for it right here.


And for anybody that’s listening to this message that thinks I’m a hypocrite, I am not a hypocrite. To be in this position that I am in, to be in this role that I am in, to be preaching and teaching under the anointing of God, I have had to lose my family. I don’t have a husband. I don’t expect God will ever give me one because it doesn’t fit. What am I going to marry? A man that’s going to be a woman in the house? I don’t expect to marry. I don’t want to say never because God could do anything He wants, but I would be shocked if he had a husband for me. And my only child was removed from my house at 14 years of age. And my household is totally consecrated to the Lord.


There is no family life as we know it in this world system. I don’t have it. Once a week, if that, I go visit my parents. I have a couple of nephews or nieces that I see. But I have friends that I see more often than them because I have so much in common with them in Christ. I see you more often than I see my family. So I’m -- I am pre- -- I am practicing what I preach. If you want to be a spiritual man, be a spiritual man, but don’t kill your children by raising a family where the children are going to be destroyed.


I was watching a TV program last night where they interviewed two women policemen that go into very dangerous situations. And they were both married, and one of them was pregnant. They were going in to try and trap prostitutes and the men that are fraternizing with the prostitutes. And there are pimps involved and all kinds of criminals.


And one woman went in when she was three months pregnant undercover. Then she had the baby. The baby was 15 months old. She ha- -- was now pregnant again, and she was going into these dangerous assignments. And Geraldo Rivera said to her, you know, “What does your husband have to say about this? Why are you doing it? You could be a policeman without doing this.” And she said, it’s just part of the job; my husband accepts it. That’s part of a woman’s job? You see, and it’s go- -- every generation it’s going to get -- they’re going to get more and more into the male roles. And they think that it’s liberation for women, but it’s not. It’s destroying the country.


So we’ve got a big problem here because once authority is lost, in my opinion, it is impossible to get it back without the power of God. That is my opinion. Once a woman becomes a spiritual man -- well, even then I think it’s pretty much impossible to break without the power of God. But I think it would be easier to break that then to have a man that has become a spiritual woman raised up to manhood again. You see, because it’s always easier to tear down than to build up.


And if you have a woman that’s out of her place, hard times, troubles and problems could bring her down. But when a man has fallen down, how do you raise him up? How do you strengthen him? How do you teach him? How do you give him the wisdom? How do you sh- -- how do you teach him how to rule in love? How do you teach him this? He needs it the v- -- aside from the weakness being strengthened, he needs examples. Well, I guess the woman would need examples on how to be a woman again too. But I think it’s easier to bring an overly aggressive person down than to raise a devastated male up to a position where he can rule in strength and godly leadership, yeah.


Do you think it’s a lot of brainwashing in the world when a lot of husbands -- when the wife really doesn’t have to work if they can live within their means -- will try to give her guilt about looking for a job she should be working?


Well, the whole society is topsy-turvy. The whole society is upside-down. And what the -- and the biggest danger right now is to the men that are still in manly roles -- the men that are still in the dominant roles in their family that are telling their wives to go out to work when they really don’t need the money. They don’t even realize what they’re doing. Because when a woman goes out to work, almost without exception -- look at all the statistics -- as soon as she gets the feel of that independence, something in her mind changes. She becomes liberated in her mind.




She no longer needs the man, and there’s a permanent change that takes place in her mind that affects the whole marriage. So any man that’s doing that is ignorant in this area. I don’t mean to insult anybody, but it is a lack of understanding. It is a very great lack of understanding. They don’t know what they’re doing, because it changes the whole family life. It changes -- it’s a great -- a very big change when that happens, when the woman goes out to work.


            [UNINTELLIGIBLE] from the man’s point of view?




Isn’t it a shift of responsibility that the man, you know, is tired of being responsible and this is a possible reason?


Well, you know what it sounds like to me -- like, this same -- I just had it on the message a few minutes back about that real-estate tycoon that said he loved aggressive women because he was ti- -- you know, it’s very, very draining to be a man. It takes everything out of you. Ruling, it’s very exhausting, so he may be seduced in his mind into thinking, well, the whole society, we have all these women out there working. Why doesn’t my wife do it too? But he doesn’t realize that he is yieldin- -- a man that does this is yielding to a weakness in himself. He’s yielding to a whisper that’s coming out of his soul realm that’s saying, boy, it’s really tough being a man, and you’ve been doing it all these years. Aren’t you entitled to a break? Give a little responsibility to somebody else.


And before he knows what’s happening, those roles in that family could be reversed in a very short period of time. And it will be too late for him to do anything about it. And the reality is that he’s yielding to the whisper from his own soul that wants to bring him down. That’s the truth. But because of the way the whole society is going, who hears this kind of teaching, you know? Who hears this? And if they heard it, they would probably [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- if you brought this message into your house, they probably would burnt it, calling me some kind of a fanatic jerk, but I’m not. This is the wisdom of Christ.


            [?It’s the?] truth.


It’s the truth, and I know what I’m talking about.


I feel -- I sense it in my own role, you know, when my husband says, it’s your turn now. I’m retired. It’s your turn now to go out to work. It’s almost like shifting the responsibility that the extra moneys that you need has to come through me because now, I have no more children to raise, and I have more free time. And if I, you know, wasn’t into the Word and into the deep studies of the Word, I’m almost tempted to go out and to make the money. But I know, deep down inside, that I feel, well, why do I need a man? Why do I need him to --


Because I want to make a suggestion to you. You could disagree with me, because I really don’t know him that well. But just based on general principles, I would say to you if you were to do that, the chances that he would expect you to continue to do everything that you’re doing in the house now to continue is very great. He would want you to work full-time and do everything that you do in the house. He would not be willing to help you in the house, you know? And he would want the house however -- to whatever degree you cook, to whatever degree you entertain or shop, he would want that to continue.


And I see women all the time who are miserable because they cannot understand how their husband could be so unreasonable. It’s a very rare man -- there are some of them, but it’s a very rare man that -- and usually, they’re much younger, the younger men of our society -- that enter into a union with a woman -- you can’t even call it a marriage because it’s not really a marriage anymore -- but they enter into a legal union with a woman, knowing that she has a career and knowing that they’re going to do half of the work. They’re going to bathe the baby. They’re going to do half the cooking. And that there is no designated chores to any particular sex.


But in my opinion, it has to break down at some point. I know my nephew and my niece had that agreement. And my nephew meant it when he said it. They had the baby. She didn’t want to give up her job. She’s a mechanical engineer. And he was -- is a New York City policeman that, at the time, was working on a rotating shift. And the agreement was that when -- for those weeks that he was home during the day, he would watch the baby.


And he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t deal with the baby’s crying. He could not deal with an infant. He couldn’t -- emotionally he couldn’t do it. He could not -- now listen to this. He could not go back and forth between being a tough, hard-nosed policeman one week and dealing with an infant the next week. It was making him sick. Can you hear what I’m saying? You can’t be male and female. You really can’t. So this is the only instance that I know of personally, although I’ve seen on TV, that there are men that do all this.


But I would expect that it has to break down somewhere, because when you start spending your time taking care of babies, it is going to start tearing down the toughness that you need to rule. You see, men are not -- they’re not stronger than women. They’re not tougher than women. They’re not wiser than women. It’s -- they may be, in some instances, physically stronger than women. It’s all training.


And I want to tell you there’s not a doubt in my mind that if the society would completely reverse and the men would start -- you know, over in Scandinavia, they have house husbands. It’s very common. The men stay home and take care of the house and watch the babies, and the women go to work. If the society was to completely reverse, that it would just be a matter of generations that the women would start becoming physically strong, and the men would become physically weak. It would revers- -- it would be reflected in their bodies. There’s not a doubt in my mind.


Look at these woman wrestlers. I mean, the bodybuilding that they do, and then when you look at them, you think they’re a man because their muscles are so, so big. You know, it’s disgusting.


So it’s a real possibility. It’s just -- you see, these bodies -- even the scientists have found out that when a woman’s pregnant, that the fetus, until whatever point in its development, is -- I can’t tell you -- is neither male nor female. And it’s the same fetus that both becomes a boy and a girl. And what makes it a boy or a girl is the hormones that are excreted, but it’s the same fetus that could go either way.


And I declare to you the same thing is true in the realm of the soul and in the realm of the spirit. We are human beings. We’re in male and female bodies, but spiritually, we could go either way depending on training and experiences and things that happen. And this is the condition of most homosexuals. Most homosexuality is what they call functional homosexuality. The men and women that are that way are not born that way. They’re men and women who grow up in a family that has a variety of factors.


Usually, if it’s a woman, they have an -- there’s an absence of a male role. They never learn how to relate to a man. They don’t learn how to love a man. So when they grow up, they can’t love a man, but they had a very close relationship with their mother, maybe too close because there was no father. And they have t- -- most people need love, so they turn towards the women. That’s all they can relate to.


Well, of course, there are some factors that you’re born with. Two people in the same exact circumstances, one could become a lesbian and the other one not. But the Lord was just telling me the other day that even with male homosexuals, some of them, you can’t tell that they’re homosexuals at all. And the ones that you can tell are homosexuals are usually very effeminate, very exaggeratedly effeminate. And the Lord told me that the one who is penetrated -- the male homosexual that is in the passive role that is penetrated -- they are much more perverse than the ones that are in the male roles. Usually the ones in the male roles look normal. You can’t tell. But the ones that permit themselves to be penetrated, they’re really messed-up.


            I knew of one, and he calls himself the queen.




            So they are -- think of themselves as a real wom- --


Yeah, so there’s something wrong in their mind, you see.


Alternate Translation, second half of Daniel 8:3, “And the unified creation was in a high spiritual place, but one part of the creation was more arrogant than the other part. And the part that was more arrogant became strong and departed from the soul realm and overlayed Adam.”


I’d like to read it to you again, making it a little clearer. “And the unified creation was in a high spiritual place, but Satan was more arrogant than Adam. And Satan became strong and departed from the soul realm and overlayed Adam.”


Now I’d like to read it to you one more time in what I call an amplified version. Now you may recall that I have explained to you, on other occasions, what amplification is. There is a translation of the Scripture called the “Amplified Bible.” And what those translators have done is look up the Hebrew and the Greek text and put more words in the English translation that exist in the original text. And the way they do that -- excuse me -- is the -- is by having an understanding of what the Scripture is saying.


In other words if I was to say to you, by his stripes, I’m healed. Now because you know the Scripture, you would know that a Savior appeared at the end of the age, and that He was in the perfect image of Almighty God, and that He didn’t say or do anything except what His Father told Him to say, and that He gave up His sinless soul life so that He could reproduce Himself in His second generation. And no man could take His life, but His life was taken because He laid it down. And therefore because of the blood of His sinless soul life that was shed, raised from the dead and glorified -- because of that glorified blood, I am healed.


So the translators of the “Amplified Bible” took the Scriptures and added in their understanding of what they were so that somebody reading the Bible without that understanding -- because they didn’t have that many years of study or for whatever reason -- could find it easier to comprehend the significance of the Scriptures as they’re written.


And that is what I am doing here, and it’s what I have done in the past. It’s translators license. It’s perfectly legitimate. I am going to take the second half of Daniel 8, verse 3 that I have just read to you in two expanded translations. And now I’m going to give you an amplified translation of those verses, which will describe to you what I believe the Scriptures mean as the mind of Christ has revealed it to me and through me. Glory to God. And as I hope you know if you’re listening to this message, the letter will kill you, but the spirit of the Word will make you alive. And I [?abjure?] you to not try the Word that I’m preaching but to try the spirit that is preaching the word. And if the spirit be of God, brethren, receive the doctrine.


Amplified version, “And the unified creation was in a high spiritual place, but Satan was more arrogant than Adam and became strong enough to depart from her passive, spiritually female position in the soul realm. And she took on a dominant, spiritually male role, overlayed Adam and conceived her female offspring, the carnal mind, within Adam, God’s creation. And Christ, the offspring of God, died, and the Father drove the fallen creation out of the Garden.” Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Daniel chapter 8, verse 3, “Then I opened my spiritual eyes, which were in Christ, and was able to understand. And there was Adam, the souled animal life that God had made with two spiritual laws in his mind. And he was standing in full spiritual strength in the realm of appearance. And the unified creation was in a high spiritual place, but Satan was more arrogant than Adam and became strong enough to depart from her passive, spiritually female position in the soul realm. And she took on a dominant, spiritually male role, overlayed Adam and conceived her female offspring, the carnal mind, within Adam, God’s creation. And Christ, the offspring of God, died, and the Father drove the fallen creation out of the Garden.”


And, brethren, I would like to suggest to you that what we have just heard in Daniel 8:3 is speaking about what happened to the creation of God at the beginning of time and that it is typified or symbolized by the ca- -- by the parable of Cain and Abel. Now remember that there was only the Father and Adam, the spirit and soul. When Adam was in union with the Father, in his mind, he was the very spiritual authority of the Father in the form of Christ, and he ruled over Satan, the lesser law of the creation or the law of the soul realm or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


There were two laws in the soul realm: one higher and one lesser. The higher law was the Father, a- -- which is spirit, and the lesser was Satan, the law of the soul realm. And while the law of the Father was ruling over the law of the soul realm, the two were moving in the righteousness of Christ. And this world, this creation of God, was the Garden of Eden.


But despite Adam’s relationship with the Father, he nevertheless responded to the suggestions or whispers that Satan made from her position of weakness underneath Christ. And Adam fell out of agreement with the Father’s mind. Adam’s submission to the suggestions Satan made while she was still underneath him is the first stage of the fall. Wh- --




-- is the first stage of the fall.


When Adam fell into agreement with Satan, the law of the soul realm, Christ, who was ruling the two-sided or the two-horned creation from the high realm of God’s spirit, began to dissolve. Then Satan, taking on the role of male spirit, joined with Eve, the female seed of God and brought forth Satan’s offspring, the carnal mind. And he -- and she brought her forth into the soul realm of the creation. Adam then died to the mind of Christ and became the very expression of Satan’s spiritual authority in the realm of appearance: the carnal mind.


So we already know there is no trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is only the Father and the Son, spirit and soul. And now we see here that neither is there a trinity of Adam, Satan and Eve. Satan is the pestilence in the earth that the Son of God was joined to. Satan is a not -- is not made of the substance of the Father. Adam and Eve together are the seed of the Father. They’re the seed of the Father in form that would permit the Father to fertilize that seed and bring forth His image in the soul realm. Satan is the pestilence that is in the earth, and when the Son of God was joined to the earth at the beginning of time, the Father instructed the creation, the name of which is Adam, rule over that pestilence in the earth or you shall surely die. That’s the sin that lieth at the door, if you just yield to it, ready to swallow up the life of Christ that’s in you.


So there really was just Adam and Eve, the ca- -- the name of the whole creation being Adam -- the specific female seed within the creation being Eve. Satan is not named. Satan is the invisible structure that the Lord has called the spiritual skeleton. When you call somebody that you love by name, do you call them by the parts of their body? Do you mention that they have a skeleton? Or do you just call them by their name?


Let me say it again. Adam is the name that God gave to the whole creation. And what is the creation made of? It’s made of the spiritual life of the Son of God, joined to the earth. The earth has a spiritual pestilence in it that’s not named. So for all intents and purposes, there is just Adam and his female parts, which could be the same thing as saying, well, there is a woman and her womb and her ovaries. The two are one. The woman and her womb and her ovaries are one. So the name of the creation is Adam. And Adam had reproductive parts, and the name of her reproductive parts is Eve.


Satan is the lesser horn. Satan is the lower side of the creation that’s supposed to be repressed at all times. So you say, if Satan is the ins- -- is the spiritual skeleton that’s not named and that’s supposed to be repressed at all times, how could she be revealing herself through Adam in this realm of appearance? Well, brethren, this is what the fall is all about. That pestilence that’s supposed to be unseen and repressed at all times seduced the creation and specifically, Adam’s female parts. There was a seduction. That pestilence in the earth took on a male role and connected with the reproductive parts of the creation. The spiritual parts that would bring forth the Christ were penetrated by Satan in an act of incest, in an act of lesbianism and in an act of seduction and theft of God’s property.


So we see this condition of one who is to be repressed and unseen at all times exalting herself into a position where she is not only seen, but where she is revealing herself boldly in the place of the Father in this world system. And it is her reflection and her image that we see in fallen man, and it is her reflection and her image that we see in the world system that we dwell in today. And the name of the system is hell, and the name of the age that man is dwelling in, in which the reflection or the image of Satan is revealed, is death.


And, brethren, I have good news for you. The Father sent His Son to reverse this condition. And as you can see by the diagrams that assoc- -- that are associated with this message, there were three stages to the fall, and there are three stages to the resurrection. And, glory to God, the creation is already moving towards the completion of the first stage of resurrection, and in fact, the creation is already moving in the first stage of the first stage of resurrection in that the mind of Christ has entered into our spiritual being. And He is not whispering, but he is speaking bolding unto us and saying, come unto Me, My love, My dove, and join with Me. And I will deliver you from the yoke of the oppressor. And He will completely reverse what Satan has done, and we shall abide with Him in the high realms of His Spirit for the life of the ages. Hallelujah.


There is just Adam and Eve, spirit and soul. With Adam, the creation of God, either revealing the Spirit of the Father on the soul realm, which is Christ, or Adam, the creation of God, revealing the illegal male spirit of Satan on the soul realm, which is the carnal mind. Satan has taken on the role of spirit and is competing with the Father for his wife, the living soul.


Now just in case you’re confused about me calling the creation both Adam and the living soul, let me put this comment to you right now that God formed a creation. It’s called the living soul. He gave it a name, Adam. And there is nothing in the Scripture to indicate that Adam was male. The Hebrew word translated Adam merely means red earth, red earth. It is the name that God gave to the creation.


And, brethren, everything in relationship to God is female. And I’m suggesting to you that God created a creation that He intended to marry and that He intended to bring forth His own offspring. And He intended to reproduce Himself through this creation, which is His wife.


Now Adam, in relation to the rest of the creation, is male. Not man and woman as we think of it or know it today with male and female physical organs, but the truth of the Scripture is that the strong one is male. The greater of the two, the one with the headship, the one with the authority, the one with the physical and spiritual and emotional strength is male. The greater of the two is the male.


Therefore, the Father is the only spiritual male with regard to the whole creation. Adam is female in relationship to the Father. But in relationship to the rest of the creation, Adam is male. And do we not see this in the army. Is not a captain the head over all his troops? Yet must he not submit to the general or the rank above him? The only person that does not have anyone over Him, the only person that is never female under any circumstances is the Father God. Glory to God.


And that is why, if you’re been following along with this ministry, you may have heard my teachings about spiritual manhood. That is how there can be such a thing as a spiritual man in a female body: because the one with the strength, the one with the intelligence, the one with the power, according to the Scripture, is the male. And we see, spreading all over our country and probably in other parts of the world too, role reversal: the male being in a female body and the female or the weaker vessel being in a male body. What happened between Satan and Adam, at the beginning of time, is being revealed across the world. Hallelujah.


So to go on with my comment, Christ and the carnal mind are spiritual offspring that reveal their father in the soul realm. And the carnal mind reveals her father, Satan, and Christ reveals His Father, the Lord God. Adam is God’s creation, the living soul. When she is joined to the Father in her mind, she is Christ. Fallen Adam is still, however, God’s creation, the living soul, even when she’s separated from the Father in her mind and joined to Satan in an adulterous, incestuous and lesbian relationship, which has produced the carnal mind.


The Father is in the process of saving his wife, the living soul, by casting her into the lake of fire, which is Christ. And she shall be purified and made white and holy, but every individual human being shall not be resurrected. The corporate human spirit of mankind, which is the female seed of Christ, shall be resurrected when she bears the man child of Revelation 12.


Recap, Daniel 8, verses 1 through 3, “A vision appeared to me, Daniel, at the time that the fallen creation became spiritual. And it was similar to the vision that I had seen earlier.


“And I realized that a divine revelation was being presented to me. And as I tried to understand it, I was immersed in the spirit of God and joined to the Father in my human spirit, which was still in a fallen, human body. And I was able to look at this divine revelation with the mind of Christ.


“Then I opened my spiritual eyes, which were in Christ, and was able to understand. And there was Adam, the souled, animal life that God had made with two spiritual laws in his mind. And he was standing in full spiritual strength in the realm of appearance. And the unified creation was in a high spiritual place, but Satan was more arrogant than Adam and became strong enough to depart from her passive, spiritually female position in the soul realm. And she took on a dominant, spiritually male role, overlayed Adam and conceived her female offspring, the carnal mind, within Adam, God’s creation. And Christ, the offspring of God, died. And the Father drove the fallen creation out of the Garden.”


6/13/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

6/18/14 1st Edit MJS & CAS








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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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