078 - Part 2
(Revelation 14)

Part 2 of 11 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God. We are in Verse 14 of Chapter 14, of the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. This is Part 2 of the Harvest. And you may recall that we just barely started on Verse 14 at the last message and we went into of first Thessalonians. So, I'm just going to start at the beginning of Verse 14 again and going through, Lord willing. Verse 14, “And I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and upon that cloud, one sat like unto the son of man, having on His head a golden crown and in His hand a sharp sickle.” The word looked; we've been dealing with that all through the Book of Revelation. It’s Strong’s 1492 and it means to see and understand. What -- want to see? Not just to see, but to understand what you're seeing. And behold, of course, that means it’s an explanation. It means there it was, I saw it and there it was a spiritual vision.


And the word white we established last week is Strong’s 3022. And it means more than white. It means bright, brilliant; and the implication is spiritual righteousness. And I remind you that this is the Greek word used to describe the rightness or brilliance of deity, as we see it in Luke 9:29. And as Jesus prayed, the fashion of this countenance was altered; and his raiment was white and glistering. Glory to God. So, the phrase is, “And I looked.” I looked at the spirit -- the spiritual vision that I've been seeing all along and I understood it. And there it was a white cloud; white meaning righteousness, and righteous cloud. And we established last week that the cloud typifies the body of Christ. And I remind you, the Body of Christ in the realm of the soul. And I remind you that cloud is a visible mass of particles of water or ice in the form of fog, mist, or haze suspended at a considerable height in the air.


Remember that water typifies spiritual life in the realm of the soul, and ice typifies spiritual life in the realm of appearance. Remember also that there are many particles in a cloud, because they form a mist or haze. Remember again, that these particles are suspended in the air or the realm of the spirit. And as I've said earlier in the last message, I suggested to you that this white cloud is a fulfillment of first Thessalonians 4:17, which says -- well, which is the Scripture that’s used to support the rapture. So what are we saying here? We're saying that when the firstfruits company of the Son’s of God stand up in spiritual power in the realm of the soul, they will form a cloud, many particles of soul abiding in the spirit of Almighty God. And they will form a cloud of many witnesses. Witnesses to what? Witnesses to the fact that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. Glory to God. And because he lived, you too shall live. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Continuing with, “And I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and upon that cloud one sat like unto the son of man.” The word upon is Strong's 1909. It's a very common word. It means superimposition; the placing of one thing directly on top of another thing. If you have a stack of books and you place another book directly in line with the existing stack on top of it, you have superimposed the top book upon the existing stack. In this word upon, it means superimposition; to place upon as related to distribution. And distribution means apportionment or in many parts. The spirit of Jesus Christ is sitting on top of, or has authority over the many parts of his many-membered body. Glory to God. Jesus Christ is on top of the body of Christ. And that body of Christ which is forming a cloud in the realm of the soul is in many members. That's what this word upon means.


“And I looked and behold, a white cloud, and upon that cloud, upon that many-membered body of Christ, sat like Son of Man.” The words, “one” and “onto the” are not in the Greek. “And upon the cloud sat like Son of Man.” Well, what does that mean? Let's try to figure this out. The word “sat” is Strong’s 2521. The correct tense is the present tense sitting; it is not the past tense in the Greek. And it means to remain, to reside, to dwell permanently. Jesus Christ in the form of the spirit; he is now a spiritual entity, is dwelling permanently in the body of Christ. Anybody remember in what part of the Body of Christ Jesus Christ is dwelling? Where is the Spirit of Jesus Christ dwelling? Glory to God. And what part of your body is he dwelling? In your mind; correct. We have a correct answer from the congregation. The spirit of Jesus Christ is dwelling in the minds, or sitting upon the minds of the many members of the Body of Christ. He has authority over every thought, word and deed that they say. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


And I'm going to suggest to you that this verse that we’re speaking about here, that Jesus Christ is sitting upon the minds of the many members of the Body of Christ is -- I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought here. I’m going to suggest to you that the above verse shows the firstfruits company entering into the same experience that John had in Revelation 4, Verses 1 to 3. Revelation 4, Verses 1 to 3. And we did those verses, if you'd like to review the work-up on Message 38, Part 1.


I'm going to read you the alternate translation of Revelation 4, Verses 1 to 3. “After seeing the glorified Christ and writing down the messages, he directed me to take to the seven churches I looked and perceived that Christ was the entrance way into the spiritual realm of God. And the first thing I heard was an utterance, which sounded like a trumpet speaking to me and it said; Enter in behind the veil, even the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ into the spiritual realm of God, and I will show you the course of events which are about to come upon mankind. And in response to the invitation I immediately entered into the Christ within me. And I perceived that I was dwelling within a soul, which had utterly prostrated itself before God, and which was sitting upon my soul. And the one who sat upon John’s soul had the appearance of a perfected spiritual man, who reflected the ready soul life of God and the Spirit of the Father, which was round about the soul; and this supernatural spectacle was glistening with the life of God.”


Note that in both cases and Chapter 14 and in Chapter 4, Jesus, who was now the Father is sitting upon or ruling in the sons of the next generation. Well, of course in Chapter 4, he’s sitting upon a ruling John and in Chapter 14, he’s sitting upon and ruling through the sons of the next generation, the offspring of Jesus. And also note that in both cases the appearance of this spiritual spectacle was glistening or white, or righteous. Righteous, the keyword is righteousness. So we’re dealing with the phrase, “And I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and upon the cloud, one sat like unto the Son of Man.” Now, I told you this word “one” is not in the Greek. The word like is 3664 in Strong’s, and this word can be translated similar in appearance or character, but for this verse we are going to take another translation, which appears in Thayer’s Lexicon, which means equal in strength, power and authority.


This one that sat upon the cloud, he was equal in strength, power and authority to the Son of God. Does anybody know who the Son of God is? To the Son of Man, I'm sorry. Who was the Son of Man? Anybody know who the Son of Man is? Anybody? The Son of Man, that's a title; the Son of Man. Who took the title? Jesus took that title. He said it many times. I am the Son of Man. He said it many times. So, this one that was sitting on the cloud, he was like unto the Son of Man. He was like unto Jesus. Well, he was like unto Jesus Christ of Nazareth. So what does this mean? He was equal in strength, power and authority to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. But, he wasn't Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Why?


Because Jesus Christ of Nazareth no longer exists. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was crucified and he was resurrected, and he ascended into the Right Hand of the Father, became one in the realm of the spirit with the Father, and is now a spirit, he is no longer living in the days of his flesh. So he’s in a different form than he was in when he walked the earth. And if you don’t know that He’s Jesus, you might not recognize Him. So, the Scripture says, “this one;” it doesn't say that he was a man. This one that was sitting on the cloud, he had the same authority that Jesus Christ of Nazareth had. And I'd like to give you a verse where this word translate -- that is translated -- boy, I’m stumbling tonight. I just rebuke all opposition coming against me in the name of Jesus. Father, please help me to bring this message forth. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


I would like to give you a verse from the Scripture, where this word that is translated like in Revelation 14:14 is translated, or is used to indicate authority and power. It's translated like what the intention is; authority and power. Revelation 13:14, “And they worshiped the dragon, which gave power unto the beast. And they worshiped the beast saying, who was like unto the beast.” Meaning who has the strength, power and authority of the beast. So, it's clear in Revelation 13:4 than it is in Revelation 14:14; that this word “like” is indicating strength, power and authority. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


The phrase we're dealing with is, “And I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and upon the cloud sat in the same authority as the Son of Man. A spiritual entity sat bearing and exercising the same authority that the Son of Man had when he walked on the face of the earth.” So, I'm suggesting to you that the one sitting upon the cloud was equal to the Son of Man in authority, but not in form; had a different form. He was a spirit now. Jesus Christ of Nazareth declared himself to be the Son of Man many times, but this one sitting upon the many-membered soul of the 42nd generation is no longer a natural man. Now, I want to call your attention to the fact in case you don't realize it, that there are certain phrases that are interchangeable. The 42nd generation, the firstfruits, and you will hear me saying later on this message, the second generation of Sons; they're all the same.


The firstfruits, the first groups of men that are raised up in full stature are the same group of men that are described in the Gospels as the 42nd generation, the seed of Jesus Christ; the spiritual offspring of Jesus Christ, and therefore the second generation of Son. They are the Son of Man and the Son of God. And the first generation was who? The first generation was Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Does anybody not understand that? I will be using those terms interchangeably. Glory to God. And let me -- I feel God is telling me to go over on this message, the concept on the Son of Man and what it means. It should be the Son of Man. I believe I preached it a long time ago. Let me try. When Jesus said he was the Son of Man and on other occasions said he was the Son of God. Jesus was not double minded, Jesus was giving a message to the world and to the church that is largely misunderstood.


Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the man; in His spiritual being was not an Adamic man. He was not appearing on the face of this earth, because Satan -- the power base of Satan had given Him life. And when the power base of Satan gives you life, you are the son or offspring of the Spirit of Satan and the human spirit. You have a mother and a Father. The human spirit and the spirit of Satan, and you are the Son of Satan and the human spirit of a mother and a Father. When Jesus said, “I am the Son of Man, and I am the Son of God,” he was saying that he was the offspring of the human spirit and the Spirit of God. He is the legitimate Son of the Spirit of God and the human spirit. Every human being alive today is a bastard.


We are the illegitimate offspring of the Spirit of Satan and the human spirit. We are Ishmael, the son of the bond-woman. But if Jesus Christ has entered into you, and in the very same place, where your Adamic soul, which is a bastard, exists. If Jesus Christ has entered into that very same place and has fertilized your human spirit, and brought forth a second offspring, a legitimate son; even the seed of the promise, the Son of Man and the Son of God dwells within you. You will not be the Son of Man and the Son of God until that seed swallows up your Adamic soul.


The son of the promise and the son of the bondwoman are existing together in the same body, if that is your condition. And because the firstfruits of the resurrection of God's creation, even Jesus Christ by His spirit is present in you, you have been sanctified. Because of firstfruits sanctifies the whole lump, and therefore in the Eyes of God you are no longer a bastard, but guess what happens to you, brethren, when you're no longer a bastard. Anybody know what happens to you when you're not a bastard anymore? Anybody remember? The Lord chastens you, brethren. There's a whole bunch of children that have come forth from the bond-woman, and they're running around the earth unchastened.


Don't you ever think or hear other people saying, look at the wickedness of that person; they have money, they have long life, they have happy marriages. They have wonderful lives. What is wrong in their life? Brethren, there are bastards. The living God is not chastening them. Be not deceived church into thinking that you can enter into the kingdom by receiving the Spirit of Jesus Christ and not be chastened. The prosperity message is a travesty. The Lord is winking at it for a [?seizing?]. But if you have received the firstfruits. If you have received the promise, brethren. Your God is not a halfway God. You will receive the whole promise.


You must come forth as pure gold in the image, the very image of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the way the Lord God is bringing you into this fulfillment of the promise and of His image is through chastening. It is not through giving you a Cadillac. It is not through meeting your every need. It is through inflicting hardship upon you with blows and whippings; and this indeed is the love of God. If your carnal mind cannot perceive it, it will not stay His hand, brethren. For if He has received you, He shall chasten you with your consent or without your consent; with your agreement or without your agreement.


And Church world, take it from someone who knows. If you think this is going to be an easy experience, you are mistaken. He will beat you if necessary on to the point of death, but He will purge out every wickedness, every spot, every wrinkle, every defiling spirit. He will remove it from you, brethren. If He has to kill you to do it, and then He’ll raise you from the dead. Be not deceived. Be not deceived, brethren. Don't let the judgment come upon you as a surprise. I plead with you, although I know you're not going to listen to me. You've probably shut the message off right now and declared me a minister of condemnation. I am not a preacher of condemnation. I am a preacher of the truth of the gospel. And I speak to you as one who bears the marks of the whip upon my very own body. And I thank God for his chastening hand. Glory to God. [SPEAKING IN TONGUES]. Glory to God.


So what were we saying? Jesus Christ of Nazareth declared himself to be the Son of Man many times, but this one sitting upon the many-membered soul of the 42nd generation is no longer a natural man. He is the same spiritual entity that appeared as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, but he has returned to spirit form. So the Scripture doesn't say Jesus sat on the cloud. It says one that was like Jesus sat on the cloud. Note that Scripture is careful, not to say that it was a man sitting on the cloud; it says one sat on the cloud. And in the Greek it doesn't even say one, it just says sitting on the cloud. It doesn't say who it is at all. And what is implied of him course is that the one that was added by King James writers is not a man, but the glorified spirit of Jesus Christ.


Alternate translation, first-half Revelation 14:14. “And I continued to understand what I was seeing, and behold, a righteous soul, even the firstfruits of those raised out from among the dead ones and sitting on top of that righteous soul was one that had the same authority that Jesus Christ of Nazareth had.” Note please that this cloud is referring back to Verse 13, which declares that the firstfruits company has died to their soul lives and were now -- and are now living out of Christ. Glory to God.


I'm talking about Revelation 14, Verse 13. I'm going to give you the alternate translation of that. “And I John heard a spiritual communication coming out from the spiritual realm of God saying to me, blessed are the men whose Adamic souls have been slain and will be living out of the superior soul of Christ from now on. Surely says the Spirit of God, these men are now able to rest from their painful spiritual work of resisting sin and their Adamic souls are in submission to them. Learn from them and cleave steadfastly to them, conforming wholly to the image of the Father; that is the condition of the firstfruits company that has now stood up in righteousness.”


And I'll repeat again for you the first half of Revelation 14:14. “And I continued to understand what I was seeing and behold, I saw a righteous soul.” The soul of that firstfruits company that we just read about in Verse 13. “Even the firstfruits of those raised out from among the dead ones and sitting on top of that righteous soul was one that had the same authority that Jesus Christ of Nazareth had, and fooling in the minds of that many member soul was this., The glorified spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. And on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle.”This worked on can be translated in, and the head I suggest to use signifies mind. The golden crown; well, gold refers to deity. And the word crown is the word that signifies a weaving together.


This crown is not the European type crown, it's the Grecian type crown of fig twigs that are woven together. And in this case it means that the natural mind of the Adamic soul of Jesus Christ of Nazareth has been woven together with the mind or soul of Christ in which the Father dwells. Remember, Jesus Christ of Nazareth before the crucifixion had to souls. He had an Adamic soul. He had a soul that was the offspring of Satan and the human spirit. And He had a soul that was the offspring of the Father God and the human spirit. And if you’d like review a couple of messages where we talk about crowns, you can review Message number 36, Part 2 or Part 6, Message 3. Note that the Adamic soul of Jesus is not joined to the spirit of God, but the new power base that has been birth as a result of his human spirit copulating with the spirit of the Father, which power base grew up to full stature and took authority over his Adamic soul.


Let me give you that again. Note please that the Adamic soul of Jesus is not joined to the spirit of God, but it is joined to the new power base, the soul of Christ that has been birth in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth as a result of his human spirit copulating or having sex with the spirit of the Father. And that soul of Christ grew up, that new power base that’s in the earth, it grew up to full stature and took authority over the Adamic soul in the man known as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and nailed himself to it. Glory to God. This is pure spirit of the Father in the minds of these men. It is the offspring of the Father and the human spirit. It is the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a new power base that is available to men. A power base being a source upon which something spiritual can be built that will result in the man's appearance in the realm of appearance.


Brethren, for us to appear in the realm of appearance we must be built. We must rebuild the realm of the spirit and the foundation that we are built upon is a spirit. And that spirit is either the spirit of Satan, or the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you don't understand that get in touch with me, we do have other messages on it. Glory to God.


Well, we’re dealing with the phrase, “And on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle.” Well, we established on message 70 part two that the hand is an instrument for grasping and that when we give it a spiritual application, the word referring to the physical body that the spirit lives in. We are human being and our hand is that which grasps, but when we talk about a spirit the soul body is that which the spirit is using, so that he can grasp things. Glory to God.


I'm suggesting to you that the hand of the Son of Man, was now owns pure spirit form is the 42nd generation. The body of Christ, the sons of God who are appearing in this hour. You and me, brethren, we are the hand of the resurrected glorified spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. The fruit of God’s spirit will be gathered unto them to judgment and that judgment will be done by this. Of God moving through the vessels -- human bodies that he has raised up to righteousness. Well, our bodies have and raise up to righteousness. Our soul's love and grace of the righteousness, but our souls are living in bodies and the judgment of Almighty God will be accomplished through the vessels that he has raised up to righteousness, even the firstfruits of the sons of God.


The first men, the first members of the living soul to be restored to righteousness, through that company of men God will rain down judgment on the rest of the living soul and the end of that judgment will be that they too will be raised up in righteousness. Glory to God. Hallelujah. “And on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.” The word sickle is 1407, and Strong’s says that it's a gathering hook used especially for harvesting or reaping. And the word sharp nearly means sharp, but in the Hebrew -- well, the Greek number in Strong's is 3691 and it just means sharp. The Hebrew equivalent is Strong's 2299, and in the Hebrew this word means severe or fierce. So, I'm suggesting to you that Jesus, the one who is like unto the Son of Man; the spirit of Jesus is holding his hand or manifesting through the minds of, use using the second generation of Sons to manifest through. His mind is ruling in them.


So, I'm suggesting to you that Jesus, the one who was like unto the Son of Man is holding in his hand or manifesting through the minds of the second generation of Sons of God, and they are the sickle. And that sickle are second generation of Son is made up of men and him fierceness or sharpness, or severe news of God is manifested. And why is God fierce or severe? He is dealing severely and fiercely with sin that is raining in the minds of men. God is fierce and severe. He is fiercely and severely dealing with sin that is raining in the minds of men. And, brethren, I plead with you to pray about this, because there is going to be one shocked church world out there when they get a revelation of the severity and the fierceness that God is capable of when he said and makes a determination that now is the time that he will deal with sin in you.


Brethren, I declare to you that he will bring you to the point of death if he has to. Don't shut this message of. I'm telling you the truth. It will go much easier on you, if you could believe this and if you are prepared in your mind by having some revelation of what is about to come upon you. I know when I was pregnant with my daughter, nobody would tell me. I even asked my mother-in-law, I said does it hurt. She had five children and she said, “Oh no.” Brethren, it hurts to have a baby. And I don't know with the morality is of telling a young woman pregnant with her first child that is going to hurt, and I don't know whether you should do that or not, but I know this that Almighty God wants his church to know what's coming. He does not want you caught off-guard, and this is the message that he has given me for you.


And I rebuke your tomatoes and rotten eggs that I see coming at me in the spirit, because as long as God strengthens me I will preach his word to you until my death if necessary. And when you stand before God, you will not be able to tell him that. No one told you. There is a woman that I have been ministering to for years, and more recently in the past 6 or 8 months. The Lord has moved upon me to boldly tell her. She is severely bound by pride and rebellion. The most recent time, just a couple of months ago; and today we spoke about judgment, and she said to me, “Well, wouldn't it be nice of God if he told you why you're being judged.” I’ve told her why she's being judged, but she doesn't believe its God speaking through me. Well, there's nothing more anybody can do for you sister or anyone like you.  


Hear this word I plead with you and pray about it; it will go much easier on you. The labor must come to pass. The birth shall be accomplished. Jesus Christ shall appear in you, whether you're doing Lamaze and working with the labor, or whether you're screaming and yelling and flailing your fists and carrying on like a maniac. He's coming forth. Glory to God. OK. Glory to God. I have a note written here, but I think I may have put in the wrong place, so I’m not going to read it.


Alternate translation. Second half of Revelation 14:14. “Having his Adamic soul woven together.” And we're talking about the one that was sitting on the cloud now. “He has his Adamic soul woven together with his new soul which is born of the Father. And he was the mind of the second generation of the sons of God. Their instruments to which God is judging the living soul and curing her of sin, the one sitting upon the cloud, it had the same authority that Jesus Christ of Nazareth had; his Adamic soul is woven together with his new soul, which is born of the Father and he is the mind of this second generation of the sons of God. The instruments of through which God is judging the living soul and curing her of sin.


I'll give you the whole alternate translation. Revelation 14:14, “And I continue to understand what I was seeing and behold, a righteous soul, a corporate soul of the many membered body of Christ, even the firstfruits of those raised out from among the dead ones and sitting on top of that righteous soul was one that had the same authority that Jesus Christ of Nazareth had, having is Adamic soul woven together with his new soul, which is born of the Father and he is the mind of the second generation of the sons of God. The instruments through which God is judging the living soul and curing her of sin. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Verse 15, “And another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud. Thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the time is come for thee to reap for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”


The word loud means authoritative, we've had that many times in this Book of Revelation and our studies in this book of Revelation. In this word crying, we’ve also had this once before, but apparently it wasn't translated crying. I couldn't find it in Strong's, but in Strong's 2896 it means to croak as a Raven. And I know that even established and past verses that a Raven of course is a bird, and is implying the communication that comes from one that flies, meaning a spiritual man. So, an angel came out of the temple and he was speaking in a spiritual communication that had a lot of authority. Glory to God.


Now, I remind you that the Angels appearing in the early verses of chapter 14 did not come out of the temple. Remember, one was flying in the midst of Heaven and the others I don't think it even says where they came out of. What I'm suggesting to you is that the Angel coming out of the temple signifies a spiritual communication coming from God the Father himself directly to the spirit of Jesus Christ, which is dwelling in the mind of the second-generation of sons. Glory to God. Now, listen to what I'm saying. It's really important. This is the way men who are in the correct moral order function. The spirit of the Father, who was dwelling in his Christ. And Christ is dwelling where? In the minds of the second-generation. And the souls of the second-generation are dwelling where? In human bodies. The spirit of the Father speaks to the spirit of Jesus Christ. The unconscious mind of the sons and the spirit of Jesus Christ speaks to the conscious mind of the sons, and the sons do the will of the Father. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Now, this means the fact that the earlier Angels did not come out of the temple; I suggest to you -- suggest that the Father -- the spirit of the Father was communicating through unperfected men. These men had not yet been raised up in full stature. One of them was flying in the midst of Heaven, in the realm of the soul that he was preaching the word of the Father, but he was preaching it through an unperfected soul. Once the firstfruits company stood up in the spiritual power, then the Angels or messages, or messengers carrying a message came directly out of the spirit of God, with no possibility of error, because there were no longer passing through the Adamic souls of imperfect men. And I remind you that we found out in Revelation 11:19, that the opening of the temple refers to the raising up of God’s firstfruits to full stature. The temple is functional.


Now, what is the temple of God? Ye are the temple of the Holy Ghost. We are stones in the spiritual temple of Almighty God. He is dwelling in every one of us and as we are raised up in perfection, and will be calling each member of the living soul into perfect obedience unto him. The spirit of the Father is dwelling in his Christ, which is dwelling in the human bodies. The temple is functional when the moral order of man is such that God the Father speaks to the spirit of Jesus Christ, which is unconscious mind of the sons; and the spirit of Jesus Christ speaks to the conscious mind of the sons of God and the will of the Father is acted out in the realm of appearance. And, brethren, we have spent all kinds of time and messages preaching that this is the whole point of the creation.


Spiritual life wants to have an opportunity to act out in this realm of appearance, and Satan has been using God's property for thousands of years to act out his lusts. And the result of the fact that he has possessed us, that he has raped us, that he has humbled us; that he has succeeded in acting out his lusts in this realm of appearance. I lost my train of thought -- I rebuke you. That is what he has succeeded in doing, but it is God’s will to use our members, to use our minds; to use our bodies, to appear in the realm of appearance. To have his righteousness appear in the realm of appearance, but Satan has possessed us; has raped us, has humbled us and has appeared and is appearing in this realm of appearance for thousands of years. And we're Jesus Christ of Nazareth did on Calvary must be appropriated in the mind of every single man.


Jesus Christ of Nazareth must appear in every single man to put down all rule, power and principality in that man in his mind. Satan in his mind, in your mind. That's what's happening. That's what this is all about. Spiritual life appearing in the realm of appearance. Who's going to appear in your vessel? Who is going to appear in your vessel, brethren? The very best you can hope for in this hour is that some of the time is Jesus and some of the time it’s Satan. Don't get mad at me, I'm telling you the truth. And if you're mad at me it's Satan manifesting. Jesus wouldn’t be mad at me for telling you the truth. Glory to God.


Alternate translation. Revelation 11:19. I'm going to read you this verse about the opening of the Temple. “And one at a time each member of the firstfruits company perform the function that they were created for, even to reproduce the image of Jesus Christ and he who Jesus appeared in his firstfruits company, and there were spiritual communications between the Lord Jesus Christ and the minds of his many-membered body and the sons of God heard the word of the Lord in their conscious mind. Why? Because it passed through the spirit of Jesus Christ. When you just have the Holy Spirit, brethren, any speaks to you, do you know that the mind Satan gets in the way. Do you know the carnal mind gets in the way? Sometimes it blocks it completely, sometimes it perverts it.


But when Jesus Christ is standing in full stature in your mind, when the Father speaks to you, brethren, is going to go into the unconscious mind, which is Jesus Christ. He will not block it, he will not perverted, he will to deliver the word to your conscious mind; and you shall obey. And there was spiritual communications between the Lord Jesus Christ in the minds of his many-membered body, and the sons of God heard the word of the Lord and the word of this. Was communicated to the souls or minds of men and the sons of God peers through into the realm of appearance hallelujah and they appeared as mighty spiritual beings which had brought the criminals. Of their Adamic mind, even Satan into submission. And Satan was a spiritual skeleton, utterly castrated and brought into submission which gave form to the spirit of God and the Spirit of God here in the realm of appearance. Hallelujah.


And this which is described in Revelation 11:9, we now see coming to pass in Revelation 14:14. Now, remember what we saw on Revelation 11:19 was the word of the Lord or the desire of God being sketched out in the realm of the soul in Revelation 11:9. The desire of God being scratched in the realm of the soul in Revelation 14:14, it’s coming to pass in the firstfruits company. Hallelujah. We are continuing with the phrase and another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud.


Alternate translation. First third of Revelation 14:15. “And another authoritative spiritual communication proceeded forth from the place where the Father dwells, even the soul of his son Jesus Christ, Dodge conscious mind of the second generation of Sons. Glory to God. “And another angel came out of the temple.” And Angel what? Carrying a message. Another message, another communication from the spirit of the Father came out of the temple, came out of the body of Christ, brethren; crying with a loud voice, speaking with a great authority in the realm of the spirit in a language that the conscious minds of men can understand. That's why God the Father doesn't speak to your conscious mind, he speaks your unconscious mind. And when your unconscious mind is Satan you have a problem. “When in the firstfruits company, the Father spoketh to the unconscious mind of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ, the fateful relay the message to the conscious mind of the firstfruits company.” Hallelujah. Glory to God.


And this is what the Father said; he said to his son Jesus Christ, “Thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the time has come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” The word “thrust” is Strong's 3992 and it means to send. Thrust one thing into another. To send or to thrust one thing into another; and it includes a reference to equipment and it suggests official or authoritative sending.  This is a -- Webster says him thrust means to push or drive him and forced. To shove, to cause to enter into; or to pierce something by, or is if by pushing. It can mean to stab, to pierce. I have that twice; to pierce or stab, or lunch with, or as if with a pointed weapon. Lunge with a pointed weapon. Now, note that in verses -- if you want to jump ahead with me a little, of Chapter 14 in Verses 14, 17 and 18 we read about a sharp sickle; but in Verses 15, 16 and 19 the Scripture speaks about just a sickle.


I'm going to suggest to you that the sickle is the glorified spirit of Jesus Christ in the hand of the Father, and that the sharp sickle is the second generation of sons, even Christ Jesus in the hand of Jesus Christ. The term sharp sickle would indicate then there is a more intense manifestation of God's power flowing through the second-generation of sons then flow through the man Christ Jesus of Nazareth. I'm sorry, so that backwards. Then flow through the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This is witnessed when Jesus said that the second generation of son shall do the greater works. The word thy is Strong’s 4674. And Strong’s says that this word can be translated either, your, or your friends; or your own. And I'm suggesting to you that in Revelation 14:15, the Father is commanding the glorified spirit of Jesus Christ, which is the Holy Spirit in the earth to thrust his own self or force himself, or his own self into the minds of the members of the living soul were not yet possessed of the Holy Spirit.


If you've heard preached that Jesus would never do this, that he never force himself on you, is a gentleman you have believe the lie. Jesus is not a gentleman. He is a mighty spiritual being who was sent by the Father to save the human race from sin and death. Satan is the unconscious mind and ruling spirit of fallen man. The one of the Scripture clearly treats him teaches is lawless by nature him. No man cometh unto the Father unless the -- no man cometh unto the son unless the Father draw him. Everyone who proudly believes that he made a decision for Christ is simply unaware that the hard times which led up to so-called decision for Christ is the very law Jesus Christ thrusting or push himself into their minds. What did I say?


When Jesus Christ begins to trust or push himself into your life, into your mind; the reaction the soul realm is difficult times, pain and torment and trouble in your life. And the result of that is supposed to be that you turn away from Adam and Satan, and to the Lord Jesus Christ. Sometime people don't, sometimes they just blaspheme God and say what a wicked God is to be doing this to them, but this pain and this trouble, and this torment that's in your life is designed to turn you to the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. And then when you have all you could take, you make your decision for Christ. All the glory this to the Lord Jesus, brethren. You don't have it within you to turn them. OK. Glory to God.


We’re going on with thrust in. This is the command coming forth. “Thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the time has come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” Now for the purposes of the smoother and more understandable translation, we're going to take translator’s license here and place the last phrase of this verse for the harvest of the earth is ripe. We're going to take that phrase and place it in front of the phrase for the time has come for thee to reap. And this is how the verse is going to read, “Thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe. For the time is come for thee to reap.” Now, remember we suggested that sickle, the spirit of Jesus Christ is thrusting himself into the minds of men who are not yet possessed of the Holy Spirit.


The word “reap” is Strong’s 2325. And Thayer says, that as a plant is cut down with the sickle, when there is no more use for it after the fruit has been produced. This word can be translated to destroy or to cut off. Do you hear me? After the corn is plucked from the cornstalks, the cornstalks are dead in the fields and they are cut down. Glory to God. I'm suggesting to you that it’s the Adamic soul, which is being read or cut off or destroyed. Why? Because it has performed the function it was created for. Which is what? Does anybody know? Yes, it has reduced Christ. Christ is to appear in the earth of the living soul. And when Christ appears in full stature, there will no longer be any need for the Adamic soul, which is ruled by Satan to sustain existence in this world appearance. All existence will be in Christ.


Oh, you didn’t know that this existence is not in Christ? You didn't know? You didn’t know that Satan can incarnate? You didn’t know that Satan could cause babies to be born? Well, He can, brethren. OK. We are dealing with, “Thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the harvest of the earth is right. For the time is come for thee to reap.” And were translating with the first part of that. “Thrust in thy sickle, forcibly enter into the minds of natural men and reap, and cut down and destroy their Adamic souls. Forcibly enter into the minds of natural men and cut down and destroy their Adamic souls.” Continuing with, “For the harvest of the earth is ripe.”


The word “for” is Strong’s 1063, that can also be translated because, therefore or since. The word harvest is the reaping of the crop, that which is to be read or plucked up is talking about the produce or the fruit of the planting; that which the plant produces. Corn for example. And “the earth” is referring to the Adamic soul. Now, remember, that the earth brought forth terrors of herself according to the Scripture, or in another place it says; she brought forth evil things, is that of the fruit, which the planting of the Lord was to produce. This illegitimate fruit or illegitimate offspring of the earth that the Scripture calls is inedible.


It's inedible. This is the carnal mind or the personality of the Adamic man. The edible fruit is Christ. The legal fruit, the good fruit is Christ. Illegal fruit, the inedible fruit, the ungodly fruit is a fruit produced by the plant from a seed that was never planned by the Lord; it was a tear. In the name of the fruit of the ungodly union between Satan and the human spirit Eve, the incestuous copulation, the adulterous marriage between Satan, the unconscious mind of the living soul and the human spirit, which was to be fertilized by Christ there produced a child and that fruit is the carnal mind. And I suggest to you that this is the fruit that is right. We’re dealing with the phrase of the harvest of the earth. The food that the earth produced is ripe. And this word “ripe” is Strong's 3583. It means to desiccation, to make dry, to dry up, to wither.


Webster says that desiccate means to dry up of course to dry up, to dehydrate, to drain off emotional or intellectual vitality. And I suggest to you that the carnal mind of man, the illegal inedible, ungodly fruit that is resulted from the adulterous incestuous marriage of Satan to the human spirit, God's wife is in the process of being drained off emotional and, or intellectual vitality. It is indeed becoming dried up. The strength of the carnal mind is her intellect. What's natural man strength? It's intellect. Think about the Pharisees and the lawyers in Jesus’ day. It opposes the spirit of God, it opposes and opposes the spirit of God.


The strength of the carnal mind is your intellect. That is her duty to reason and think logically. The strength of Christ is spiritual, spirituality is the exact opposite of intellectuality or logic. The natural mind uses his intellect or logic to get his needs met in this world system. Those men were little or we can select or ability to reason are the have-nots of this world. The spiritual man on the other hand uses the authority of God’s supernatural spirit to get his needs met. In God's world or in this kingdom, or in the kingdom of God everyone's need is met. There are no special privileges for those who are not smart or sophisticated. All you need is faith in God. And the weakest member of society can't have faith in God and therefore is weakness he shall receive the strength of Christ. Glory to God.


OK. We're dealing with, “For the harvest of the earth is ripe.” And our alternate translation is, “Because the carnal mind’s ability to keep them alive.” Who, the many members of the living soul, because the carnal mind's ability to keep the many members of the living soul alive to scientific knowledge, mind control and practical experiences is dried up. Hallelujah. Continuing with, “For the time is come for thee to reap.” And the word “for” once again, can mean because, therefore or since. “The time” is Strong's 5610 and it means an hour or a season. The word “come” is Strong's 2064. The correct tense of this word is past tense came, and the meaning of it is to appear. The time appeared. So, exactly what is drying up or being cut off; or destroyed? Let's find out.


First John 3:8. “For this purpose, the son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil.” The open Bible says, the word “works” means operations, that's the notes in the margin. Strong's 2041 says the word means labor. We're talking about the word “works” now. I suggest to you that this word means the whole spiritual system of labor that Satan birthed into this world -- into this realm of appearance, when he pierced through Adam after God cursed the creation. The season to cut down and destroy Satan's image in the earth began with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. His glorified soul life is the new age or the new season, or the time of the end. It is the New Age, it is the greatest age of all the ages of all the world, it is the world or the generation without end. The life or the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ.


We are the heirs of salvation, or of the kingdom of God with the Adamic will system, which is ruled by Satan is in our -- it's our present mind. It's in our mind. With the heirs of salvation, but at this moment we are possessed of the satanic mind. We told in the Book of Ecclesiastes and why we’re possessed of it; because of mankind's illegal adulterous and incestuous marriage to Satan instead of Almighty God. We’re told in the Book of Ecclesiastes that the ages are in our heart or in our mind, or our soul. Our heart is our mind and our soul, but Jesus is a new or a different soul. So, before we can enter into Jesus’ soul, which is the kingdom of God; the kingdom of God is Jesus’ soul. So before we can enter into the kingdom of God we must first get out of or get free of our Adamic soul.


The ungodly soul must be cut off and destroyed, so that the New Age of the kingdom can become our new mind. We inherit the life of the ages in our Adamic mind is cut off or destroyed and the mind of Christ becomes our mind. There's a big controversy in the church today. Some people think that there are people or preaches out here preaching that there is no hell, that there is no heaven. Brethren, there is a hell, and there is a heaven, but it is a spiritual hell and it is a spiritual heaven. And is not what you think it is, neither is it where you think it is. Heaven, brethren, is the soul or the body, or the life; or the city of the Lord Jesus Christ.


We presently dwell in a city; it's an Adamic city, and the high priest is Lord Satan. We must escape from the city, brethren. And we must -- which is Hell, the name of the city is Hell; and we must escape, and we must flee to the city of refuge, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. His soul, his body, his life. And where is it, brethren? It's not out there in the galaxies. Behold, the kingdom of God, it is within you. There are two cities. They are called Babylon or Hell and Heaven or the New Jerusalem. Brethren, we must escape from Hell. We are in Hell, now, brethren. It is time to give up our fantasies, and our childish fables, and our pride which says we are OK.


Brethren, we are not OK, we are in hell. Few are different degrees of Hell. And different degrees to which people descendent into the pit. Some people descend into the pit physically. There are nations that war-torn, where they have no food and Iraq with leprosy and all kinds of horrible diseases. And then we have the people in America, although we -- I do know that we have homelessness and poverty, starvation in America. By in largely we don't have those problems that they see in other parts of the world, but we have drug addiction and alcoholism and perverse sex. These are all degrees and levels of Hell, brethren, and I am not preaching that it is in the mind, and that is it a figment of our imagination. I am not saying that. Hell and Heaven are real places, brethren, but they are in the spirit.


And the city that you are dwelling in, and the high priest that’s ruling over that city that's existing in your mind has a picture of it, because it's a spiritual place you see. You can’t see it, because it's a spiritual place. But if you want to see it, you could see it, because there's a picture of it being reflected on the water of the living soul. And you know where the picture is, brethren? It's right outside your window. It's right here in the house. It’s this world. This world system is the image of the city that is existing in the minds of the human -- of the living soul. And that city is being destroyed and a new city is being erected. Where, brethren? It's coming down from Heaven, brethren, but it's not going to be outside your window. It's going to be within you.


Behold, the kingdom of God, it is within you. The New Jerusalem, it is within you, sayeth the Lord. It is within you. And when the New Jerusalem is established in the minds of the entire living soul and the high priest, the Lord Jesus Christ rules in strength and righteousness and peace when you look out your window, brethren. When you look around you, this whole world system; this very same planet shall be a new Heaven and a new earth. It shall be the image of the kingdom of God that is dwelling in the minds of the living soul, but the reality is in the minds of the people. It is spiritual and the picture of it for those who need to see it is outside of us. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


OK. “The living soul entered into the reaping season.” The time for her to be cut off. Well, let me go back to what we’re dealing with. We’re dealing with, “For the time is come for thee to reap. The living soul entered into the reaping season. The time for her to be cut off or destroyed after Jesus’ crucifixion. The individual member of the living soul, however enters into the reaping season only after she becomes possessed of the Holy Spirit and conceives Christ. The Holy Spirit’s job is to reduce Christ in you, because we must be fertilized and give birth to the man-child of Revelation 12, before we can enter into the kingdom of God.


Why? The man-child in Revelation 12 is Christ. He is heaven. He is the kingdom of God. He is the New Jerusalem. He is the city within you that we will flee too when the fire of Almighty God Burns up our Adamic soul. The man-child in Revelation 12 is the very person of Christ born in our spiritual being. He is a new soul, which we were going to when we get out of or get free from our Adamic soul. His mature life in us is the end of the process, which started working in us when we became “born again.” Brethren, when you became born again you received the promise of eternal life. And its fulfillment is not after your body dies, brethren. Its fulfillment is in the seasoning. It is in the season that Christ appears in your soul. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Thank you Jesus.


Continuing with, “For the time is come for thee to reap.” Now, for clarity we’re going to move the words “to reap,” which appear at the end of this phrase, and place them between the words “for” and “the time is come” at the beginning of the phrase. It's going to sound like this; “For to reap, the time is come for thee.” I’ll just remind you, in case anyone hasn't been studying along with us and this the first message that you're listening to. Brethren, when you translate from one language to another. It doesn't have to be Greek, it could be Spanish; it could be Italian, it could be any language. There's something called idiom, brethren. You can translate word for word, because different languages form the words in different sequences in accordance with their way of doing things. So, you have to take all of the Greek words or the Spanish words, or the Italian words and put them into a sequence that makes sense in English. It's called the idiom, brethren.


And people who translate have translator’s license to do this. It’s specifically legitimate. I'm not changing any of the Greek words. I'm just changing the order that they appear in, so that we can understand this in English. OK. Remember, the word “for” can be translated therefore or because. OK. “For the time is come for thee to reap, therefore destroy Adam, because Christ is being born in them.” For the time is come for -- therefore. The time is come. Glory to God. Therefore -- I'm sorry -- Therefore, what? Therefore, destroy. Destroy who? The time. And who is the time? The time is Christ. Why are we destroying Adam? Because Christ is come. Because when Christ comes we no longer need Adam to exist in this world system. And not only do we not need him, we don't want him. We want his city to burn, so that we can get into the new life that is inside of us.


Let me try that again. I think I didn't do too good a job on that. “For to reap, therefore to reap, destroy.” Destroy who? Destroy Adam. Therefore destroy Adam. Why? Because the time is come. What time? The time is Christ. And what is Christ doing? He's come; He's appearing and He's appearing in you. Therefore destroy Adam, because destroy your Adamic soul -- Because Christ is being born in them and in you.


Alternate translation. Revelation 14:15, “And another authoritative spiritual communication proceeded forth from a place where the Father dwells. Even the soul of His son Jesus Christ, enter into the minds of natural man and cut down and destroy their Adamic souls, because the carnal mind’s ability to keep them alive through scientific knowledge, mind control and practical experiences is dried up. Therefore destroy Adam, because Christ is being born in them.” Now, I have an alternate-alternate translation here, brethren. I changed the words around a little more, just for the idiomatic English. This is only happened a couple of times. We've been studying the whole book of Revelation.


We’re ending up now with Chapter 14. This is only the second or third time that I've done this. But the Greek here is very difficult to translate and to give you the real understanding of what its meaning, I'm going to chan- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- move the words around. I'm not good changing the words, I'm just moving the words around a little bit more.


Now, this is an alternate-alternate translation of Revelation 14:15. “And another authoritative spiritual communication proceeded forth from the place where the Father dwells, even the soul of his son Jesus Christ.” And this is what it said. “Enter into the minds of natural man and cut down and destroyed their Adamic souls, because Christ is being born in them and his life is drying up the carnal mind's ability to keep them alive through scientific knowledge and mind control, and practical experiences. Therefore destroy Adam.” Hallelujah. Glory to God. The command is gone forth. His going forth now, brethren, to destroy Adam.


Are you losing your power? Are you losing your sophistication? Are you losing your skills? Are the old methods and ways to get things done failing you? Praise God, brethren. You have entered into the season of reaping, because your fruit is right and because Jesus Christ is appearing in you and drying up all of their natural ability to survive, but you shall not fall, brethren. You shall flap your wings and you shall fly, and you shall enter into the Heavenly City with Christ. Hallelujah. Now, I call your attention to the fact that there are only two categories of men. The firstfruits company and all the rest.


This is another clear warning to Christians, that if they don't ascend with the firstfruits company into full stature, they will be lumped together with the unbelievers who have just received the Holy Spirit and conceive Christ forcibly and together with them they shall be subjected to the ministry of the two-witness company. We first heard about this and Revelation 9, Verses 4 to 6. I read them for you.


This is our alternate translation. Revelation 9, Verses 4 to 6. “And they were instructed by their spiritual head that they should not judge the Adamic soul or body of the men in whom the life of Christ was appearing, but that they should reign judgment only upon those men whose minds were still clinging to their old sinful way of thinking. And who” -- I'm sorry. “Clinging to the old sinful way of thinking and who are continuing to assist the mind of Almighty God.” I'll read that again. “And they were instructed by their spiritual head.” This is the two-witness company now, the Sons of God. “And they were instructed by their spiritual head that they should not judge the Adamic soul or body of the men in whom the life of Christ was appearing, but that they should reign judgment only upon those men whose minds were still clinging to their old sin-filled way of thinking; and were continuing to resist the mind of Almighty God.”


Remember, judgment will reign only on those men who have conceived Christ. The believers in this category have conceived Christ, but are lacking what it takes to rise up in His strength and overcome. He is tread under the foot of their mind. He is tread underfoot in their mind; I’m sorry. “And they were given.” This is Verse 5 now, Chapter 9.


Alternate translation. “And they were given the supernatural power to confront men who were still resisting the mind of God and to bring their Adamic souls into submission to Christ without destroying them in the process.” Why? Because the testing which matures mean to the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ causes as much pain to the soul, as the sting of a scorpion causes to the body. And in those time periods, during which the life shall be revealed to them, men shall continue to search for separation from the miseries of sin which exist on this soul realm through scientific knowledge, mind control and practical experiences; but they shall not be able to find it. They shall not be able to find deliverance through the methods of men, and they shall long to perish; which longing shall lead to repentance. And the miseries or demons of this life shall be repulsed by their repentance and by their submission to God, and shall turn away from them.


Now, sometimes they have to be cast out, sometimes they just come out as you worship God and minister to him, and study. I've had both kinds of deliverance, brethren. I’ve had demons cast out of me for five years. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Recap. Revelation 14:14 and 15. I just want to go back to the last phrase, the demons shall turn away from them. I don't want anyone misunderstanding what I'm saying. You cannot have a demon cast out of you, brethren, unless the Lord God says it's time to have it cast out of you. That is what this is talking about. It’s talking about that when repentance comes forth in your heart, you shall be eligible for deliverance. Sometimes they’ll be cast out, sometimes they'll just come out as you enter into the things of God. Hallelujah.


Recap. Revelation 14, Verses 14 to 15. “And I continue to understand what I was seeing and behold, a righteous soul, even the firstfruits of those raised out from among the dead ones, and sitting on top of the righteous soul was one that had the same authority that Jesus Christ of Nazareth had. Having His Adamic soul woven together with this new soul, which was born of the Father, and he was the mind of the second-generation of the Sons of God; the instruments through which God is judging the living soul and curing her of sin. And another authoritative spiritual communication proceeded forth from the place where the Father dwells, even the soul of his son Jesus Christ saying, enter into the minds of natural man and cut down and destroy their Adamic souls, because Christ is being born in them; and his life is drying up the carnal mind's ability to keep them alive through scientific knowledge, mind control and practical experiences. Therefore saith the Lord, destroy Adam.” Hallelujah. Any questions today? Glory to God.


05/28/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

05/30/14 1st Edit CAS 

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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