078 - Part 1
(Revelation 14)

Part 1 of 11 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God. We're starting a new subject tonight. We are still in Chapter 14 of the Book of Revelation, and we're starting with Verse 14; a series which I have called, “The Harvest.” But before we go into that I am going to read you a recap of the prior series, which we had entitled, “The Angel Flying in the Midst of Heaven.” And that covers Chapter 14, Verses 6 to 13.


Recap. Revelation, Chapter 14; Verses 6 to 13. “And I saw different messenger covering over and pressing down to the high place of living soul from which Satan broadcasts His false doctrine into the minds of men; even the human spirit, so that he could declare the good news which he possessed about an endless life to those permanently residing in the realm of death, even Hell, to all those who have never known God; to every physical race, to the many groups of people who have a different way of thinking and to those who have known God. And He was preaching with an authoritative voice, reverence God and that the respect for His spirit that appeared in your mind during the time that His judgment were falling upon you, be revealed in your thoughts, words and deeds by denying your own soul and obeying Him that form the spiritual realm of the soul; the conscious mind of man and the unconscious mind of man; even the one who caused the spiritual life of God to appear in the earth of the Adamic soul.”


“And a different angel accompanied the first preaching that the false religious systems of that proud city, which is being created to house the spiritual life of God, even the living soul are being brought to knoweth in both, the conscious and unconscious minds of men, because she caused all men who have never known God to come into existence as a result of the raging passion of the spirit that rules her; even Satan, the one who engages the living soul and continues incestuous sexual intercourse. And a third messenger from God accompanied the other two Angels preaching with an authoritative voice that if anyone submits to the Lordship of the Adamic soul and the carnal mind, which are ruled by Satan and reveals the spirit of Satan and His personality or behavior, that man shall actively partake in the spirit of Almighty God’s passion when He shall have been exchanged by the undefeatable spirit of Almighty God into the soul of Christ; the place where the father dwells and hungers for His wife, and He shall be conformed to the image of God by the Spirit of God and by His Christ, when He is joined in spirit to the members of the body of Christ and to the Lamb who is their mind.”


“And the spiritual life of Christ, which was born in their minds after many painful experiences was resurrected out of the death of this world system and raised up into the Heavenlies with God for the life of the ages, but for those in Christ who are too young to wage war and for those who have no knowledge of Christ there is no relaxation from the spiritual labor of resisting sin. And these are the ones who submit to the sinful thoughts of the Adamic soul and the carnal mind, which are ruled by Satan, because they don't have the authority to resist them. And neither is there rest for the mature in Christ who express the spiritual life of Satan in their personality, because they're refusing to exercise their authority in Christ to wage the spiritual warfare that would overcome Satan in their own minds.”


“The righteous spiritual condition of the men who have been resurrected out of the realm of death is resulting from their consistent endurance in the warfare between Christ and Adam. This is the spiritual state of mind were God's rules concerning sinful thoughts and behavior are protected from the thoughts of the carnal mind, which resulted in death. And it is a spiritual place where men fatefully and consistently agree with the mind of Christ. And I, John, heard a spiritual communication coming out from the spiritual realm of God saying to me, blessed are the men whose Adamic souls have been slain and will be living out of the superior soul of Christ from now on.”


“Surely, says the spirit of God; these men are now able to rest from their painful spiritual work of resisting sin and their Adamic souls are in submission to them. Learn from them and cleave steadfastly to them, conforming wholly to the image of the father.” Glory to God. I don't know how anybody could believe in the rapture. This word is just so glorious, I don't understand how anyone could want to rapture and be rejecting this word. I just lust for the day that the Lord’s going to open the hearts of the people and let them hear this, and understand it. Glory to God.


OK. Going on with, Verse 14 of Chapter 14. This is the Harvest. “And I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of Man, having on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle.” The word “looked,” we've had that many times in our studies in the Book of Revelation. It Strong’s 1492, and it means to see, and not only to see, but to understand what you're seeing. You know, lots of people see and they don't understand what they're seeing. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


I was walking down Lexington Avenue once about a year ago at 5 o'clock, rush hour, hundreds of people walking up and down the streets. And something caught my eye, and there was a man and a woman leaning up against the wall of the Summit Hotel, and the man was fondling the woman's breasts. And at first I thought that I was seeing things, out in the middle of the street, hundreds of people. Nobody was even looking at them. And maybe, he wasn't fondling her, but he was looking right down her cleavage. It was a very intimate situation, and I jerked my head around and I looked again and I saw terror in the woman's eyes. And she looked up and down the street a few feet away was a really rough looking men and he was just -- they were just watching me.


And I kept on walking, but it wasn't until I was way past them that the Lord told me that the woman was a prostitute, that she was giving a John the cum-on, and that was her pimp. They must have thought that I was a policewoman or something. That must have been the Christ in me that rose up and saw the sin. Nobody else saw what was going on. So, people see, but they don't understand what they see, but John looked and he understood what he saw. “And behold, there was, a white cloud.” This word, “white” is Strong's 3022 and it means not only white, but the light and the brilliance that's associated with being clean. Glory to God. Now, this is the same Greek word used to describe the whiteness or brilliance of deity.


And I have as an example for you, Luke 9:29. “And as Jesus prayed, the fashion of His countenance was altered and His raiment was white and glistering.” So, we're talking more about the color white. We’re talking about a shining brilliant white that is associated with righteousness in this Scripture. Glory to God. Now, we’ve studied clouds in the past; I just want to remind you that Webster's definition of the cloud is that it is a visible mass of particle of water or ice that have taken the form of fog, mist or haze and it is suspended at a considerable height in the air. Now, remember, water typify spiritual life in the realm of the soul and ice typify spiritual life in the realm of appearance. Remember also that there are many particles in a cloud, because the cloud is a form of the mist or haze.


So, we're talking about the many member body of Christ that has been spiritualized. We're talking about -- this is a spiritual description of the many-membered body of Christ; they shall form a cloud. And we have many studies on this in past messages and one of the best examples in the Scripture; I can't quote it for you, I didn't write it down, but one of the apostle says that -- speaks about a cloud of many witnesses. So, the body of Christ together is known as a cloud. And I'm going to suggest to you that the verse that I just read you -- let me give it to you again. Revelation 14:14, “And I looked and behold, a white cloud, and upon the cloud, one sat like unto the Son of Man having on His head a golden crown and in His hand a sharp sickle.


I'm going to suggest to you that this verse is the fulfillment of first Thessalonians 4:17, which says, “Then which we are alive, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Now, that is the apostle Paul, speaking to the Thessalonians about a future promise of the Lord. And here we are in Revelation 14:14, where we see it happening. It's not the future here. He looked and he saw white cloud, and upon the cloud sat the Son of Man. And I'm suggesting to you that this concept of the Son of Man sitting up on the cloud means -- or the Son of Man being Jesus Christ means that he is the mind that is present in every single member that forms that cloud.


And the way the Scripture describes that is that he was sitting upon the cloud. He had total dominion over the cloud; he had dominion over every particle of the cloud, over every human being that had been raised up in Christ. He was sitting upon them, he was ruling them and he was glorified in them. And what we're going to do for the rest of this message, brethren, is a word by word study of first Thessalonians 4, and we're going to do Versus 13 to 17. I thought that's what the Lord wanted me to do, and we're going to -- not tonight, but we will compare it next -- at the next message to Revelation 14: 14; I just couldn't get to it tonight.


So, we're going to go into the book of first Thessalonians, Chapter 4, Verses 13 to 17. “But I would not have you be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope, for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. For this we say unto you, by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, and the voice of the Archangel and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”


Now, as I'm sure you know this is one of the series of Scriptures used to support the rapture. And it's just very distressing for those of us that are moving on in God and becoming spiritual people too. Not only perceive this; the carnal interpretations of the Scripture and the Church world, but to see the condition of their minds that when one comes to them with a spiritual understanding of the Scripture, the malign you. And there's just nothing that we could do about it; we are waiting for the Lord to open up the eyes of the understanding of the church, so that they can understand what the Lord is really saying to them. And that will not happen, brethren. It is my understanding that that will not happen until first, the Sons of God are manifested; the firstfruits company are manifested.


And when the Lord manifest them, the teaching -- their teaching will be received by the church. I don't know exactly how it's going to happen, but that is my understanding. And I don't mean to be mocking anybody or offending anybody, but we have a situation in the church where we see people in adult bodies. We see people that, some of them are education, some of them have very good jobs; some of them are mothers, some of them are fathers. They’re adult people in our society, and the reality is that they are spiritual children. And this is very hard to deal with, because you expect people that look grown-up to be called up, and we have lots of people that look grown-up that aren't even grown-up and their emotions; least of all grown-up in spiritual things. So, we're dealing with the church of spiritual babies, and they are in total rebellion.


The Sons of God, although not in full stature are in the earth today. The gospel of the kingdom is being preached at least in measure today, and we have thousands of believers that call themselves Christians that are maligning and rebuking, and tearing down, and blaspheming against the mature ministries in the church. And there is nothing we can do, we must wait for the Lord Jesus Christ to bring them out of their rebellion and into submission. And just very hard to deal with; there's just nothing that we can do. This is the -- discipline is the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The fivefold ministry is -- the job of the fivefold ministry is to teach and to preach, and if the Lord raises is up to execute a judgment; well, then it's Christ in us doing it. But, we are just here to teach and to preach. Glory to God.


OK. As I said we're going to do alternate translation with Verses 13 to 17. But, before we start that, I want to read to you Verses 1 through 12, because I want to emphasize to you that these -- in these prior verses, Paul is exhorting the Thessalonians to be righteous. And we all know that it’s impossible to be righteous. Jesus Christ is our righteousness; that the living soul cannot be righteous. That we are lacking and we are waiting for our righteousness to be added to us, yet Paul exhorts the Thessalonians to be righteous. And I'm suggesting to you that Paul, as well as we, as if not more so than we know -- he exhorted them to the righteous knowing full well that they were incapable of righteousness. And then he continues on in Verses 13 to 17, reminding them about the promise of a spiritual change, or the resurrection from the death or for Adamic state of being unto the righteousness of our life in Christ.


So, let me say this in another way. And I'm suggesting to you that Paul is exhorting the Thessalonians to be righteous, knowing that they cannot be righteous. He's reading them the law; he's giving them the law knowing that they cannot keep it. And some of us might know; and if you don't know I'm going to tell you now that when God imparts the law, he knows that you cannot keep it. Paul tells us in another place that the law is not for righteous man, the law is for a spiritual criminal that does not know which is right or wrong. So, here is full imparting the law to them, knowing they can’t keep it and then he says to them, don't be depressed. Don't be discouraged, because you know that you could never keep this law.


God, is going to descend from the Heavenlies joining His righteousness to you, and you shall receive the ability to keep the law. So, let me read the first 12 Verses to you, and we'll get on here. Chapter 4; now, the Book of first Thessalonians. “Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus that as ye have received of us, how ye ought to walk and to please God, -- we’ve told you how to do it. So ye -- and the reason we told you to do it, so that you would abound more and more. Verse 2, “For ye know what commandments we give you by the Lord Jesus for this is the will of God, even your sanctification that ye should have stained from fornication.” And we’ve preached on this on other messages, brethren. I suggest to you very strongly, that sexual fornication is only one very small element of the fornication spoken about here.


I suggest to you that Paul is speaking about being sanctified in your mind, knowing the difference between right and wrong and ceasing from agreeing with the wrong thing or the Adamic soul. Verse 4, “That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor, you should be -- you as a spirit man should be ruling your soul in honor and in sanctification, and in separation. Your spirit man should be separated from your soul man, so that you can possess Him or rule Him in honor.” Verse 5, “Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles, which know not God; don't yield to the lusts of your soul, rule Him by your spirit. That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any manner.”


Well, brethren, this is not sexual fornication we’re talking about here. Here's your proof right here. This is what Paul wants you to do; don't go beyond and defraud your brother in any manner. Why? Because the Lord is the avenger of all such, as he also forewarned you and testified. Verse 7, “For God has not called us unto uncleanness,” -- spiritual uncleanness, brethren, but unto holiness. “He therefore that despise it -- despiseth, not man, but God. Don't defraud your brother, brethren, neither despise Him. Because if you despise Him, you despise God; was also given us His Holy Spirit. But His touching brotherly love, ye need not that I write unto you; for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another. And indeed ye do it toward all the brethren which are in all Macedonia, but we beseech you, brethren, that ye increase more and more.”


So, you may be loving one another, but not to your maximum ability. And in those areas where you love not, brethren, you sin not. You are defrauding your brother and you are despising your brother. Hallelujah. Verse 11; and Paul says, “I also wish that you would study to be quite and do your own business.” Don't be a busybody. Don’t butt into other people's businesses. Don't give them advice that they haven't asked for. Don't criticize them when your own house isn’t in order. Don't do that, but what you should be doing is work with your own hands. Look at your own business, take care of your own house as we have commanded you that you may walk honestly towards them that or without, those that are not Christians.


And if you do all these things; if you keep the law, brethren, if you love your brother; if you don't defraud him, if you don't despise him; if you mind your own business. And when you come to the point that you can love them fully with [?your copy?] love of the Lord Jesus Christ, which you can’t do until he joins Himself to you, you shall be lacking nothing. You know what this is saying, brother? If you have a lack, it’s because there's sin in your life. And then Paul goes on to say, but don't be ignorant, brethren, concerning that those which are asleep, that you so not don't be depressed about those that are living in the realm of death, because you are one of them. If there's sin in your life, you’re dead in your sins. Don't be depressed, because you know that you can’t do what I just told you to do; because I got a promise from God for you.


OK. The word ignorant or Strong's 50, and it means not to have knowledge, because you’re not to know something, because of the lack of information or a lack of intelligence. In the word “asleep,” brethren, suggesting to you that Adam fell asleep and has not woken up, has -- is just beginning at this time to start to wake up one member at a time. Genesis 2:21 says, “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept.” First Corinthians 15:34, “Awake to righteousness and sin not.” Adam fell into the sleep of sin. For some have not the knowledge of God awake to righteousness and sin no more.


Ephesians 5:14, “Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you life.” Adam fell into sin, the sin of sleep and the only waking up for all of us who are in Adam is through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Glory to God. So, the Scripture says, but I would not have you to be ignored, brethren, concerning them which are asleep. The church will tells you that they're talking about those that were Christians and died. I'm sorry, brethren, to disappoint you, but this is not what the Scripture is talking about. Those of us that dwell in the realm of the soul are the dead. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


You are only alive when you're walking in the light of Christ, and that means in every single thought and word indeed, and I know no man in this hour that has fulfilled that other than Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Now, either your alive or your dead, brethren. So, if you're sinning in any point of the law, you are dead. And if you have any measure of God and you at all, you have received the promise. You are in the process of being resurrected out from among the dead ones, but, brethren, you are still dead. You are a dead person that has received a flashlight or a candle. Glory to God.


The word, “sorrow” is Strong’s 3067, it means to be distressed. The word, “hope” is 1680 and means confidence, expectation. Expectation of what? Expectation of the spiritual change that will translate us from death onto life. Paul says, “don't sorrow, even if the others which have no hope.” But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep that you sorrow not, even as others, which have no hope. Even as others, which have no expectation; they don't know about the resurrection from the dead. They don't know that there has been a provision made for them to stop sending, that they might be restored unto spiritual life. You should know better, brethren. Don't sorrow because you can keep this law.


Alternate translation. First Thessalonians 4:13. “But I want you to understand, brethren, that the sinful state of being of the Adamic man” -- I think I did this wrong, excuse me. Let me try this again. “But I want to understand, brethren,” -- oh, I'm sorry; I read it wrong. “But I want you to understand, brethren, about the sinful state of being of the Adamic man, so that your inability to change does not distress you like it distresses other natural men were not anticipating the spiritual change that will transform their state of being into righteousness.” Don't grieve over your inability to not be righteous. Lift up your eyes to woods have an and condemn yourself none; there's no more condemnation in Christ Jesus, because in due season we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye the image of Christ shall appear in us. Hallelujah.


And again, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that moment is a lifetime. Glory to God. It's not -- it's a spiritual moment, brethren, the whole world knows it. I have this on another message. I saw it on a movie; a whole movie called, The Moment. And the woman knew that the moment was her whole lifetime. Wake up church; come out of your naivety. One day to the Lord is 1000 years to man and you think that a moment is really at the snap of your fingers. Wake up. Come on wake up. But I want you to understand, brethren, about the sinful state of being of the Adamic man. And I want you to understand so that your inability to change now in your humanity does not distress you like it distresses other natural men were not anticipating the spiritual change that will transform their state of being into righteousness. Glory to God.


Verse 14. “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, them also, which sleep in Jesus will bring God with Him.” Hallelujah. “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again.” Now, this is Jesus the man, it doesn't say anything about Christ. “Jesus the man, for if we believe that Jesus the man; Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the man died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.” Jesus and the Hebrew, I remind you is made up of two Hebrew words, one meaning Jehovah and the other meaning preserved. Jesus is the man who has been preserved or made righteous by His indwelling God, the Father; Jehovah. And He died; this man died. He said I lay down my life. No man can taketh, but I lay it down.


The word, “died” is Strong’s 599, apothnḗskō. And we've done studies on the three Greek words that can be translated death in the Greek, so I'm not going to spend too much time on this, but this is the Greek word, apothnḗskō, and it is referring to the separation of the soul from the body. Now, the implication of this word is that Jesus’ Adamic soul died. His soul separated from His body. Now, remember that His spiritual life was slain or killed outright; there's another Greek word, I'm not sure which one it is. I think it's necro, but I'm not sure, some not going to say it. But His spiritual life was slain or killed outright, when it was joined to the earth, so that the living soul could come into existence.


Jesus’ spiritual life was not slain on the cross, brethren. His soul separated from His body. Glory to God. His Adamic soul died and His body died, His spiritual life did not die on the cross, brethren. Hallelujah. “For if we believe that Jesus, the man separated from His body and rose again.” The word, “rose again” is Strong’s 450. It means to stand up to rise, to raise up again. It implies incarnation, brethren.


Alternate translation. First half of first Thessalonians 4:14. “Because if we believe that Jesus was separated from His body and then incarnated again, even so them also, which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.” Now, brethren, there's been just so much and happy interpretation about this Scripture, it’s just so untrue what they are saying about it. Let's try and find out what it says. I found this to be a very difficult phrase, had a lot of trouble getting it right and what I'm going to do in the hopes of you following me. Well, let me say it this way. You may recall on prior messages, I have taken a phrase that you were translating, and I have reversed the clauses; I have the last few words at the beginning. Do you remember that?


Well, this is a similar situation, but what I'm going to do in the hopes that you could follow me, is I'm going to take the English words and put them in the order that I'm going to translate them, so that when you hear the alternate translation you could follow me. And I'm saying that I'm restating the statement. Now, the King James’ says, “Even so, them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.” And I'm going to restate that phrase. I’m moving the words around; it's the same exact words. I'm putting them in a different place and we’re going to say. “God will also bring with Him them, which even so, -- which sleep even so in Jesus. God will also bring with them -- with Him, them which sleep, even so in Jesus.” Now, it doesn't make much sense in English, but that's the order it has to be in when you put the correct translation of the Greek words in.


And I remind you that the King James’ translators at translator’s license. If you look up these verses in the Interlinear, it doesn't, you know, it's not in the order that you see it in, in the King James. I'm just doing what the King James’ translators did in accordance with the revelation that God has given me. OK. “God will also bring with them.” The word, “God” is referring to God the Father. And the word also is Strong’s 2532, it means the same. It means in this same manner. In what same manner? In the same manner or in the same way that God raised Jesus from the dead. God will also bring with them, he will also raise from the dead the same way those which sleep, even so in Christ.


He's going to raise them up from the dead the same way that he raised Jesus up from the bed. The word, “bring” is Strong’s 71 and it means to lead or to bring to the point of destination by laying hold of. It can also mean to lead by a companying into. And it’s also used of forces and influences affecting the mind. Brethren, this is not talking about the lifting up of your body. This word, “bring” can be used to express the forces and influences affecting the mind. And I have a reference for you Luke 4:1, says, “And Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost, returned from Jordan and was led by this spirit into the wilderness. There are very few Bible scholars that would deny that that wilderness was a spiritual wilderness. Nevertheless, when the same word is used in first Thessalonians 14, they insist that it’s your whole body that's being lifted up.


And I continue to exhort you, brethren. If you haven’t this revelation to pray about it, the fact of the resurrection being a resurrection of your spiritual state of being, which takes place in your mind. OK. God will also bring with Him them which are asleep, even so in Jesus, God the father will in the same manner that he raised Jesus from the dead, he's going to bring to the point of destination. He's got a bring to the point of perfection them which sleep even so in Jesus. And the word, “sleep,” first of all, well, Strong’s 2837; sleep is the wrong tense. And the tense should be having slept, brethren. It means to put to sleep and it’s from a root, 2749, which is reflexive and means to be utterly prostrate. Utterly lying down and we’ve studied many verses here that lying down spiritually means to have lost your spiritual power, and standing up means to be; standing up and spiritual strength.


And I'm suggesting to you, brethren, that those are sleeping in Christ are the same as those who are dead in Christ. They're the members of the Adamic soul that have followed that asleep of sin, which is death and they're walking around; walking, talking having babies. Going to college, exalting themselves, making themselves doctors and lawyers, and businessmen ad wheeling and dealing; and sinning every step of the way. They are the ones that are asleep, brethren; not those in Christ that have been believers separated from their body. We are the dead; those of us walking on the face of the earth. And even those of us that have a measure of the light, we are still dead. Either you're dead or alive, or in the process of being resurrected, but at this moment we are dead. The lifelines have been chained to us and we are being rolled in, were being wheeled in, but we are still dead. Glory to God.


OK. “God will also bring with Him, them which sleep even so in Jesus.” Now, the word, “even” is not in the original Greek. The word, “so” is Strong's 3779 and it means in this manner. And I gave you that already. He's got a bring them, he's going to resurrect them in the same way that he raised up Jesus, he's going to do it to the other members of the reliving soul. “And with sleep even so when Jesus.” This word, “in” it’s Strong's 1223 and it's not the truth -- if you look in the accordance, most of the words translated in are not this word. And it means through or because of. “God will also bring with Him them which sleep, even so in Jesus.”


Now, I'm going to try and put this together for you. Oh, there's one more word. There's a word that appears in the Greek that was not translated into the English. And that Greek word appears after the Greek word translated in. And it means of this person or concerning this person. So the phrase that says in Jesus should really be translated because of this person or concerning this person, so we are finding out that God is saying he's going to bring all these other with Him, the ones that are sleeping; OK, and he's going to bring them in the same way that he raised up Jesus Christ, because of Jesus Christ. Anybody have any idea what this is about? What do you mean God is going to resurrect them from the dead, because of Jesus Christ? Anybody? Amen. Because referring back to the verse before -- to the phrase before, because Jesus died and rose again. The law of the Father God is going to be able to do the same thing to every member of the living soul that he did for Jesus Christ.


Alternate translation. This is the second half of first Thessalonians 4:14. “God the father will lead them, which will also in a prostrated spiritual condition to perfection in the same way, because of Jesus.” God the father will lead them, the other members of the living soul, which will also in a prostrated spiritual condition; weak, dead. He's going to lead them to perfection also in the same way that he led Jesus, because of Jesus.


Alternate-alternate translation of that same phrase; that's the second half of first Thessalonians 4:14. “God the father, because of Jesus sacrifice at Calvary will lead the remaining members of the living soul to perfection also in the same way that he perfected Jesus.”And how did he perfect Jesus? Anybody? How do the perfect Jesus? Anybody? Through sufferings, brethren. Through sufferings, not by making Him a King’s kid; not by giving Him a Cadillac, not by giving Him His heart's desire, brethren. Not by imparting spiritual gifts and letting Him runaround the church prophesying to everybody. Through sufferings. Mark it down, so that when that fiery trial comes upon you, you're not caught off guard and you don't blame it on Satan. I had a car accident last week and a dear sister called me today. She meant very well; she said, “How are you?” I said I'm fine. She said, “Oh, I think Satan did that to you last week.”


Brethren, Satan doesn't do anything to me. He doesn't do anything to me that God doesn't send Him to do. Excuse me. I believe that life of five, six or seven years. I don't believe in anymore. There is one God, he has created all or all of Him, or all out of Him. He is the ruling, controlling force of this creation. Satan is His servant. Satan is the enforcer of His law. Satan is subservient to Him. Satan is powerless without His sanction. And Satan does not have anything to say to me, unless God sends Him. And if God sends Him, so be it. Hallelujah. God the father, because of Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary will lead the remaining members of the living soul to perfection also in the same way that he perfected Jesus.


The whole verse, alternate translation. First Thessalonians 4:14. Because if we believe that Jesus was separated from His body and incarnated again, God the father, because of Jesus’ sacrifice that Calvary will lead the remaining members of the living soul to perfection also in the same way that he perfected Jesus. Glory to God. Hallelujah. The body of Christ is called on to perfection; they're not called on to heaven, brethren. Ephesians 4, 11:12 -- Verses 11 and 12. “And he gives some apostles and some profits, some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ.” There is nothing about heaven, brethren. It's alive, it's a false doctrine; it's a childish fable and it's time for the church to grow up. And I declare to you, brethren, that of the Lord brings a more mature word to you and you rejected, expect a judgment to fall, because they've already got your name on them.


If it's your turn, it's your time to receive a more mature word; you cannot tell God that you refuse to study. You cannot, brethren. You cannot. Glory to God. Every member of the living soul must have Christ crucified this Adamic soul. This is a spiritual crucifixion, we do not have to have our bodies crucified. Does anybody know why Jesus permitted Himself to be crucified? Does anybody know? So that we would believe. He hung up there on the cross and permitted His physical body to be crucified, so that we who are carnal would believe. Believe what? That in the realm of the soul. His Adamic soul was nailed, or Christ was nailed to His Adamic soul, destroying our -- His Adamic soul, and destroying His unconscious -- the unconscious mind of the Adamic soul; even Satan.


He was killed, he was destroyed when the nail that is Jesus Christ was driven into Him. And Jesus that His body be hung on the cross, so that we could understand the spiritual concept. So, it is not necessary for our bodies to be crucified, brethren, but it is necessary for souls to be crucified. Christ must appear in us and he will crucify Satan. Glory to God. Hallelujah. OK. I just have a couple of comments that I’d like to give you with regard to this last verse; last two verses. Remember, Adam is the sleeping one and Jesus is the preserved one. We're talking about here those that are -- those that sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. This is just another little way of looking at this.


Adam is the sleeping one and Jesus is the preserved one. At the first the Holy One was made into a natural man and then the last he was made a life-quickening spirit. The first Adam was living soul in the last Adam was a quickening spirit. Study it out in the Greek, brethren. They are one and the same. At the first, the Holy One was a living soul and at the last he was a life quickening spirit, and Adam will die, but in Christ all are made of life. So, what am I saying? I'm suggesting to you that when Jesus defeated Satan on the cross and all power and authority was given unto Jesus; all of the sleeping ones, all of the many members of Adam that were sleeping, because Adam fell into sin. All the natural men were delivered unto Jesus; each one to be resurrected into the soul of Christ in His own order. Glory to God.


Continuing with, first Thessalonians 4:15. “For this we say unto you, by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them, which are asleep.” The word, “alive,” brethren, is 2198 and it means to have life. The question is who is alive. First John 5:11, Verses 11 and 12. “And this is the record that God have given to His -- to us. I'm sorry -- and this -- excuse me. And this is the record that God has given to us -- that God have given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. And this is the record that God has given us eternal life in this life is in His Son.


He that hath the Son have life, and he that hath not the Son of God, hath not life.


And, brethren, I like to remind you that the Son of God is not the same as the Holy Spirit. You must conceive Christ. He must be conceived and you and ultimately born in you. I’m sorry you were not born again unto Christ is fully born in you, and most of the church world don't even have them conceived in them. You're laboring under childish fantasies, God is no longer winking. The hour is at hand. The gospel of the kingdom is coming for them. This childish doctrine, this kindergarten junk must be put away. Now, I [?ajoy?] you if this message comes to your ears and the Lord is calling you up higher; resist Him not. For if you do, the judgments must fall. Hallelujah. For your own good, the paddling must come forth.


“For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. We which are alive, we which have the Son and remain.” The word, “remain” is 4035 and it means survive. “And unto the coming of the Lord.” That word, “unto” can be translated into. We shall not prevent them which are asleep. The word, “prevent” is Strong’s 6348 and it means precede; we will not come before them. We're not going to -- all the same even though we’re apostles and we have the Son, we are not going to come into the perfection, before the rest of the living soul. It's a radical statement.


Alternate translation. First Thessalonians 4:15. Because the word of the Lord that we have for you is that we who’s spirits have conceived Christ and soul have survived the purge them from sin that occurs when he's conceived shall not enter into perfection ahead of the members of the living soul, which are still existing in the death of their Adamic souls. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, because the word of the Lord that we have for you is that even so them also which sleep in Jesus, God will bring with Him. I'm on the wrong verse? I'm sorry.


Verse 15, “For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, that we who spirits have conceived Christ, that's the life, and the remainder of their spiritual being; their souls have survived the purging of sin that occurs when Christ is conceived. We which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, we shall not enter into perfection; the coming of the Lord is perfection.” Glory to God.  “We shall not come -- enter into perfection before them which are asleep. We shall not enter into perfection ahead of the remaining members of the living soul, which are still existing in the death of their Adamic souls. What a radical statement to make.”


He says we've conceived Christ, our souls have been chastened. We've been through the tribulation. We’re in submission to Christ; we’re apprehended by Him, but we shall not come into perfection and to the rest of the living soul comes to the place that we’re at. Brethren, that's a radical statement. Paul made that statement 2000 years ago. And forget about the living soul, the church is a mess. And I'm going to suggest to you that this verse is expressed in Revelation 6, Verses 9 through 11. Glory to God. I didn't intend to read it in the King James, but I will. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus.


Revelation 6, Verses 9 through 11. “And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony that the held. And they cried with a loud voice saying how long, O Lord, holy and true, does thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth. How long before we go unto perfection. And white robes were given unto every one of them, and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season and will their fellow servants also, and their brethren should be killed as they were.” There it is right there. “The rest of the living soul should have their souls slaughtered and brought into submission.” Like them they have to wait for them.


And I’m going to read you the alternate translation of those verses now. Hallelujah. Glory to God. “And when the power of Christ continued to release the firstfruits company of living soul from the power of Satan, I saw in the spirit that the human souls of those having been slaughtered.” Why? Because of the word of God, because Christ was conceived in them. “Even Christ had been conceived in them and because of their spiritual condition of submission to the Christ gave evidence of His overcoming presence; I saw that those souls were indeed covered by and in submission to the soul of Christ. And they made the sound of spiritual beings functioning in the realm of the spirit; even communication that was so obvious it could not be ignored.”


“And this is what is meant, how much time must be; while they were groaning in their spirit. How much time must we wait O Lord, before you who are without sin, even the genuine Christ, which has been revealed in us. How long before you defend our souls by separating them away from Satan? The one who inhabits the Earth of mankind and the souls of every one of them were redeemed. And every one of them was commanded that they should cease from their labor of keeping Satan underfoot and recover and collect their strength for an additional period of time until the other slaves of the same master, even Satan; were also brought out of the same spiritual womb, even Eve and were about to be destroyed as they were destroyed should be fulfilled with Christ also.”


So what are we being told here, brethren? We’re being told that we can only go so far in our perfection, and then we have to stop and wait for the rest of the living soul. We can go to the place where Jesus is strong enough in us that he's keeping Satan underfoot and we are allowed to rest. That's pretty far, brethren. I would love to be in that place right this minute. But wha- -- does anybody know what the next step after that is? If your soul is redeemed, you’re made righteous; the Lord Jesus Christ is fully manifested in you keeping your Adamic soul, including Satan underfoot. You're wearing white robes; God calls you righteous. What is the one step that has not been attained? Does anybody know?




Well, that's true; the glorified body, but there's something before the glorified body. And that is the marriage of the Christ that is standing in full stature in you to your soul. That is the marriage is the same thing as the crucifixion of Jesus nailing Himself to the Adamic soul. It is the destruction, the death of the Adamic soul, so that there’s no more warfare of even Jesus keeping Adam underfoot anymore. Adam is dead, including Satan; His unconscious mind. The marriage and the crucifixion is the same; it is the joining of the soul of Christ in you to the Adamic soul in you. The result of which is that the Adamic soul shall be destroyed or shall die. Glory to God. And then, of course, we do have the adoption of the body. You're right; I said there was one more step, but there's two more steps. I stand corrected. Glory to God.


Continuing with Verse 16. “For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the arch Angel -- Archangel and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” The word, “shout” is Strong's 2752 and it means a stimulating cry that would urge you on. And I'm suggesting to you it's the ministry of the Spirit. Something that will urge you on to me that implies power. You need power to urge somebody on. And I suggest to you that it is the ministry of the Spirit of God. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout to Him, with the voice of an Archangel in the word, “voice” is Strong 545 and it means the sound of uttered words. Uttered words, that means the Lord is speaking through a man, so we have the shout, is the strength of the spirit and the voice is the words that are coming forth from natural men preaching the gospel, speaking the truth.


The word, “Archangel” is Strong’s 743 and it means Chief Angel or Prince. And I'm suggesting to you that what this is talking about is the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ descending down from heaven into the minds of men and ruling them in their thoughts, in their words and in their deeds. And the result of that is going to be that these men shall sound the trumpet, which is a call to war and we shall hear the voice of the friends, Jesus Christ Himself and that is meant preaching the true gospel by the authority of the indwelling Christ. No more false doctrine, brethren. No more women and babes in the pulpit teaching kindergarten fantasies to God's people.


And then having them rise up in the strength of satanic power to go out and try to impart it to the people of the world and members of the church that are believing the truth, have to come up -- have to be afflicted by this witchcraft. Hallelujah. Glory to God. The tyranny of the weak. The word preached about that another message. The weak and immature that are not governed or the Godly governing are dangerous. The tyranny of the weak; they are destructive and capable of every wicked work. The church in its kindergarten condition must come in submission to the Sons of God. And to anyone hearing this message, I declare to you only Jesus Christ by spirit can do this. If you hear this and you rise up and you go out, and start trying to bring someone into submission, brethren, you are guilty of witchcraft.


We preached a series on the two witnesses here. We preached on the sting of the two witnesses. And I had a young man get up in this ministry and go out and try to use it on me. Well, you -- he couldn't even have understood what I was preaching, because the sting of the two witnesses produces the mind of Christ. And if that wasn’t that Christ in Him, I would be thinking what he injected into me with this sting. And I rebuke what he injected into me with his sting. I rejected and I repudiated. He came in a spirit of witchcraft and he actually believes that he came as a Son of God; a member of the two witness company. Don’t you take these teachings and use them as a force, as a legality, as an authority to work your own witchcraft against other men.


You won't come up against me, brethren; you're coming up against the living God. How foolish of you, you're in danger. You're pride is destroying you. Repent and serve the living God. “For the Lord Himself shall descend from the heaven with a shout with the voice of an Archangel and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” OK. The dead in Christ. Now, who are the dead in Christ? Now, brethren, I may have something on the other messages that the Lord has just corrected me of. If you heard me saying on a past message that the dead in -- I think I believe that the dead in Christ were those men whose souls have been destroyed and were living out of the soul of Christ.


That's what I told you. The Lord’s given it to me a little deeper. I'm going to have to tell you what he told me. And it’s not -- that it’s not wrong. It's not totally accurate. OK. You all are we’re just going forward trying to get the truth, and there has to be error until we move into perfection, there has to be a continual error and correction of that error. So I am correcting this. The dead in Christ. They -- that -- the dead in Christ is that part of men which is the slain Christ, who was joined to the earth of the living soul. What am I talking about? The human spirits of men. That is the Son of God that was rich, but became poor, so that we could receive His life. He was joined to the earth and the intelligence and the earth, and the living soul was formed.


And Satan; and now we have a creation, he's known as man. Satan is the intelligence that was in the earth, our human souls was the earth that the Son of God was joined to. And our human spirits are the Son of God that became poor, so that we could come into existence. And he is the dead in Christ, and a part of Him; is in each and every one of us. Glory to God. The human spirit of man; the corporate human spirit of man, the many common spirits of man together is the Son of God that died for us; the one that was slain from the foundation of the earth.


For the Lord Himself shall dissent from heaven with a shout or call to war with the voice of the Archangel, speaking through the voices of men and with the trump of God -- I'm sorry. He shall descend from heaven with the power of the spirit, by the power of the spirit with the voice of the Archangel preaching through men and with the trump of God calling us to the battle. What battle, brethren? The battle of Christ against the living soul? For what? For the spirit and the soul of men. For the whole creation. Brethren, Armageddon is the battle for the minds of men and the souls and the bodies that they dwell in. Hallelujah.


“And the dead in Christ shall rise first.” The word, “rise” it’s Strong’s 450, and it really means rise again, which is another witness that would have to be referring to the human spirits. You can only rise again, you can only ascend if you first descended. Isn't that what the Scripture says? Only that it’s first descended, it can ascend. And the dead in Christ shall rise again. So, to be the dead in Christ you have had to have been in the Heavenlies at some time. And I'm suggesting to you that the dead in Christ are indeed the corporate human spirits, the many human spirits forming up the Son of God that was joined to the earth dying, so that living soul could come into existence.”


And this word, “first.” “And the dead in Christ shall rise first.” It's Strong 4412. It nearly means first, but I went into the Hebrew. Strong’s 259, and in the Hebrew the same word this translated first also means one. It means to have the face of the same. It means as one man, together; join to one, united. It means united. And I'm suggesting to you that the human spirit in you and the human spirit in me, and the human spirit and everybody else; Christ shall be appearing in them. And they shall ascend as one manifestation of Christ in many members. One manifestation of Christ in many members. Glory to God. And I declare to you, brethren, that this is happening a member at a time. And what -- I'm going to say again. My understanding of the Scripture at this time is that the human spirit of every human being alive will have to have a ascended. Christ will have to have appeared in the human spirit of every human being that is on the face of the earth before the joining takes place in any single member.


No one is going to have the experience of Jesus Christ of having Satan destroyed; of having Christ nailed to Satan, until every member of the living soul that is appearing on the face of the earth has had Christ ascend in them. The very first one that has the experience of having Christ ascend in them must wait until the very last human being alive has had this experience. And then Christ as one man is going to nail Himself to the living soul to Satan; the unconscious mind of the living soul as one man. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Alternate translation. First Thessalonians 4:16, “Because the Lord Himself shall come down from the realm of the spirit of God and by His spiritual authority shall preach the gospel of the kingdom through the mouths of men; and the Son of God who was slain, so that Adam could receive life shall be resurrected out from the realm of death; even the existence of the living soul as one man. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, because the Lord Himself shall come down from the realm of the spirit of God, and with a shout from the power of the spiritual authority; with the voice of the Archangel, he shall preach the gospel of the kingdom through the mouths of men.” Glory to God.


“And with the trump of God he shall sound the alarm and the dead in Christ shall rise first, and the Son of God -- the dead in Christ and the Son of God, who was slain, so that Adam could receive life shall be resurrected out from the realm of death; even the existence of the living soul.” Death is the existence of the living soul. Death is the existence of the living soul. And he shall be resurrected as one man. No more division. This, brethren, this is the reversal of the curse of dispersion. When you have had this spiritual experience in Christ, you shall no longer be subject to the curse of dispersion. You shall not disagree with anyone else that has been delivered from the curse of dispersion. You shall be -- this is the fulfillment of being in one mind and one accord.


There are too many Christians going around saying, let's be in one mind and they are trying to be in one mind with their Adamic souls. You can’t do it, brethren. You’re under curse of dispersion. You can’t do it and God's not honoring it. You’ve got to get into Christ. Christ is not divided, brethren. When you get into Christ you shall be in agreement in one mind and one accord with every other human being that has been translated into Christ. Continuing with, first Thessalonians 4:17. “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” The word, “caught up” is Strong’s 726 and it means seized forcibly.


Alternate translation, first Thessalonians 4:17. “Then all of the members of the living soul that conceived the life of Christ and have survived the crucifixion, destruction, slaughter; whatever you want to call it, of their souls. All those words are correct. They shall be forcibly seized by and joined to the Christ which is appearing in their own human spirits. And they shall be spiritual clouds consisting of particles of soul dwelling in the midst of the spirit of God. And this is how the whole living soul shall be joined to the Lord for the life of the ages. Then we which are alive and remain, then all of the members of the living soul that have life, those that have conceived the life of Christ and remain those that have survived.” Survived what? “The crucifixion, destruction or slaughter of their souls, they shall be caught up together with them in the cloud.”


“They shall be forcibly seized by and join to the Christ that has appeared in them. And they shall become part of the spiritual clouds consisting of particles of soul fully in the midst of the spirit of God. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Now, the phrase, “to meet the Lord,” that has been translated joined to. They’re going to be forcibly seized by and join to. They're going to meet the Lord; they’re going to be joined to the Christ that has appeared in their very own soul. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. And this is how the whole living soul, we, the whole living soul shall be joined to the Lord for the life of the ages. This is how it's going to happen.”


“Now, remember at the beginning of the message Paul was saying don't sin, brethren. Don't defraud your brother. Keep yourself sanctified and free from sin. Be holy, mind your own business. And then he said don't be depressed, because I know you can't do it. You know you can't do it. And I know you can't do it. Don't worry about it, because listen to this promise. All these things are going to happen at the very end of it is that this is how the whole living soul shall be joined to the Lord for the life of the ages, at which point you will sin, no more.” Hallelujah.


Recap. First Thessalonians 4, Versus 13 to 17. “But I want you to understand, brethren, about the sinful state of being of the Adamic man, so that your inability to change doesn't distress you like it does other natural man who are not anticipating the spiritual change that will transform your state of being in the righteousness. Because if we believe that Jesus was separated from His body and incarnate again, God the father, because of Jesus sacrifice of Calvary will lead the remaining members of the living soul to perfection also in the same way that he perfected Jesus. Because the word of the Lord that we have for you is that we who spirits have conceived Christ and of souls have survived the purging from sin that occurs when he is conceived, shall not enter into perfection ahead of the members of the living soul; which are still existing in the death of their Adamic souls.


Because the Lord Himself shall come down from the realm of the spirit of God and by His spiritual authority shall preach the gospel of the kingdom through the mouths of men. And the Son of God who was slain, so that Adam could receive life shall be resurrected out from the realm of death; even the existence of the living soul. And he shall be resurrected out as one man, then all the members of the living soul that have conceived the life of Christ and have survived the crucifixion, destruction or slaughter of their souls shall be forcibly seized by and join to the Christ, which is appearing in your human spirits. And they shall be spiritual clouds consisting of particles of soul dwelling in the midst of the spirit of God. And this is how the whole living soul shall be joined to the Lord for the life of the ages. Hallelujah.


Anybody have a question on any of this? Glory to God. What a beautiful word. Hallelujah. Thank You for Your word, Jesus. We thank You that You're not damning us to Hell forever. We thank You that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus Lord. We thank You that Your word is true. The wait might belong, but the word is sure, and we just pray for all of these poor people in the church that are under this horrible doctrine of condemnation, Lord. And we wait for the day that You will translate them by Your truth into the kingdom of Your Son. And we pray, Father, that no witchcraft manifest in us, that would bring this forth before the time, but that everything should be in accordance with Your timetable and Your perfect will. And we bless You, Lord, and we glorify You, and we thank You. In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Any questions? No. OK.


05/30/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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