075 - Part 3
(Revelation 14)

Part 3 of 3 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


I received this book in the mail from Benny Skinner who is a preacher in Florida. And apparently this organization in Canada, Kingdom Flagships Foundation -- according to their letter included with the book asked Benny Skinner to write this book on reconciliation, and Kingdom Flagships is promoting it. If you want your own copy you could write to them. I think they'll send it to you free. But I hope that everybody knows that when literature or messages or anything is advertised as free, that means that it's free, but it's a matter of conscience. And I just remind you that in my opinion we shouldn’t be taking anything for free. It’s free so that the people that really can't afford it can get hold of it.


But talking about reconciliation, I just glanced through the book, and it seems to be pretty sound dissertation of reconciliation as it was taught to those of us here. But those of us in this ministry no longer, as far as I know, I know I no longer embrace that doctrine the way it’s being preached, that each and every single human being will be saved and that when they pass out of this world system, because their body dies, that somewhere along the line their soul is going to get a new body and they will be resurrected and meet all of their dead relatives that lived hundreds if not thousands of years ago.


And the Lord has shown us in this ministry that that is not the truth of the Scripture. That the truth of the Scripture is that the creation of God, the living soul, the spiritual entity that was created at the beginning of time, that shall be saved. And if you look at all of these Scriptures, if you study these Scriptures where it says all men are -- all men shall be saved. If you look at it in the King James, you’ll see that the word men is in italics. And what the Scripture really says is that all shall be saved, the many shall be saved, the whole shall be saved. And the Lord is talking about his whole living soul. And as we have been teaching here for a while now, this living soul is a spiritual entity. It has its roots in the realm of the spirit. It can be likened to a tree that has its roots underground. And it is spiritual life form that takes on the flesh in a many-membered body, and just like the leaves of the tree, the life of the tree puts forth new leaves with every season, and those leaves never rise again.


And the personalities of the people that we are and that we know during our lifetimes can be likened to the leaves of the spiritual tree known as the living soul. So the spiritual substance of the living soul is being saved, but if that living soul has manifested in a human vessel in this lifetime, it does not mean that that personality, that that individual is going to be raised up again. I believe this to be the truth of the Scripture. The personality is not being saved; the spiritual life of the living soul is being saved. And what is the spiritual life of the living soul? And God breathed into the livi- -- breathed into the man, and he became a living soul. When the Son of God was joined to the earth and the intelligence in the earth, that Earth became a living soul. So, in fact it is the Christ who was joined to the earth at the beginning of time that is being resurrected from the dead, because He died when He was joined to the earth.


And Christ is appearing. He's incarnating in many members over a period of thousands of years until the day that his Father raises Him up again. Now, we know the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth was raised up again, but He was just the first of many brethren. But, brethren, I suggest to you and, you know, don't get mad at me; pray about it. I suggest to you that there is nothing in the Scriptures to indicate that the personality, that the individual member of the living soul is being resurrected at anytime in the future. The soul that sinneth, it shall die, and everyone on the face of the earth today has sinned. This soul is dying. And the soul that is going to be delivered out from among the dead and the members of the living soul that are going to be delivered out from among the dead ones are the members that are alive in that day, in the last generation in that hour when the Christ within joins Himself to that individual personality.


All of the people that are alive in the hour that Christ is doing this, if you are one of those personalities that it’s happening to, your personality shall live for the life of the ages. But all those before you are not coming up out of a hole in the ground, brethren. And it’s not your skeleton like is described in the Book of Ezekiel that is having flesh laid upon it again. That is a parable. That is prophecy, brethren. And the bones in the Scripture typify the spirit. It is the spirit that is being resurrected. The spirit that is your life substance now is -- shall be resurrected. Is -- if you're here, it is being resurrected and it shall be resurrected, but not your personality, brethren.


It's a great error in the church, and I’m told -- I haven’t studied this out myself, but I read in one of George Weller's newsletters that it's an ancient -- it’s a belief of ancient pagan religion. And he is the only other preacher that I know of that is preaching or has preached at any time that the personality is not resurrected and that it is a teaching of ancient pagan religion. Now, I understand that this is a very hard word. We have people all over the church world, you know, believing that they're going to see their mothers and fathers and dead children again. I mean, this is a very hard word, but the lord never said going on into Christ was going to be easy. It just gets harder and harder and harder.


But I wanted to share with you what God told me when I received this book on reconciliation. Because since God gave me this revelation of the true reconciliation, of the true meaning of the all shall be saved, and I remind you the word men is not in the Scripture. The all, the whole, the spiritual creation shall be saved, not necessarily the leaves that it's putting out for a season. I was tending in my mind to -- I'm trying to use -- not use big words, but I'm sorry I can't think of a simple word. The only word I can think of is denigrate. I was starting to denigrate this doctrine. The -- my respect for this doctrine -- I was losing respect for this doctrine of reconciliation in my mind. And I was saying how could I ever have believed it? There are as many Scriptures against reconciliation as there are Scriptures for it.


And I know of two very respected preachers that -- one of them is now dead, Bill Britton. And the other one, to the b- -- is Kelly [?Barnett?] to the best of my knowledge has never accepted the doctrine of reconciliation. And they resisted it consistently, because their eyes were open to the many Scriptures that contradict it. And I started to say to myself how could I have ever received this doctrine. It's just not true. And this is what the Lord told me. He said to me, you’re right; there are as many Scriptures that would disprove reconciliation as there are that would prove it. It's 50-50 or close to it. There are many on each side of the fence. He said, and those people who do not believe in reconciliation are the ones who were preaching that 99 percent of mankind is going to burn in Hell forever. And the Lord said to me if the mind of mankind is not yet prepared to receive this deep revelation that He has given us, that the personality is not resurrected. What a hard word. OK.


So, most of the church world is not ready to receive this yet and there are two other choices available to them. They could take -- gather together the Scriptures that say 99 percent of men are going to be destroyed in a burning hell forever; they're going to be tormented forever. And your second choice is to gather up all the Scriptures that say all men are going to be saved and the personality is going to be resurrected, and you’re going to see Aunt Gertie in the by-and-by. Why would you choose the doctrine that says men are going to be tormented forever? Why would you choose the negative and other positive? What am I saying? I'm saying that man cannot bear the truth of God. The average man cannot bear the spiritual truth of our creation.


What is the truth? The truth is the reality of who and what we are. And the average man in the church -- forget about the man in the street. The average man that has Christ cannot bear the truth, and only God knows what truth is out there that He has not yet revealed to us. And I believe that I die a little bit every time that a really hard word becomes alive in me. My Adamic soul just dies, because every time the revelation gets deeper in me there's a thread running through all the revelation and that thread is you are insignificant. The vessel known as Sheila Vitale is insignificant. You are just a leaf on the tree of Jesus Christ that is living for a season that He is doing a work through, that He is bringing this word through, that He is preaching through. And when your body gives up and dies He's going to go to another leaf. He's going to go to another human vessel, and you will be gone forever. Only Christ abides. Who could bear it?


So, for all the people in the church world that couldn't bear this and couldn't bear -- God only knows what truth is coming in the future that we cannot bear right now. God permits them to believe half-truths so that they could step their way little by little up into the truth. Those of us here were all involved in deliverance. And all -- as far as I'm concerned, all of the criticism that was leveled against deliverance ministry, when I was in it, at this stage in my life, I believed it was true. Every one of those criticisms were true, but nevertheless God was honoring that deliverance ministry, because He was permitting it. There was enough validity there for Him to permit the error and He anointed it, and He brought forth a mighty deliverance in my life and I don't know how many others. He permitted with the error, because we couldn't have handled the reality of the whole truth at the time.


And that ministry was a step along the road that is bringing us into a spiritual condition where by our mind can receive the whole truth. So the church world is moving along. I'm told deliverance which was considered totally criminal when I was in deliverance ministry. There were Christians that were saying if you believed a Christian could have a demon, you're not even saved.


And now I'm told that deliverance is very acceptable. I hear Christians in the average church are breaking curses, and binding and loosing, which we don't do anymore. We don't bind and loose anymore. I will break curses onto the anointing or if God tells me to do it, but I don't do it like I used to do it. So they're all doing it out there.


            On the radio.


On the radio, so it’s becoming very popular. And I received another newsletter from California today, Scott Paris -- not today, recently, Scott Paris' newsletter. And he was speaking about reconciliation and sharing with the members of his mailing list how when he believed in sonship, it never occurred to him that it was an error to believe that 99 percent of the church was going to burn -- or the world was going to burn in Hell forever; and just that 1 percent were going to inherit these glorious promises of sonship. And then he received the word of reconciliation. Do you see the evolution, brethren? There is an evolution. It's not of our body, it’s an evolution of our mind and we're moving forward continuously. Of course, we must receive Christ to re- -- to move forward, OK.


So, this is what God said to me in case they didn't make it clear. There are two doctrines in the church today. One says that 99 percent of the human race is going to be tormented in Hell forever, because their minds are not ready to receive the deep, hard truth that He's imparted here. And the other part of the church world, which is much -- did I say half before? Much more than half, believe that, and a small fragment -- remnant in the church today are believing that all men are going to be saved. All of the personalities that have died over thousands of years are going to be resurrected and walk the face of the earth again. It would be a bit crowded I would think, but I don't mean to knock them; forgive me. I don't mean to knock them. That's what they believe.


And the Lord said to me, don't denigrate this doctrine, and don't lose respect for it. Because it’s only one of the two doctrines for it that are being believed in the church today, except for what He’s taught us. Here I don't know anyone else that believes this, what He’s taught us here. If they’re out there, I don't know them. And if they're out there, they can’t be more than one or two, as far as I'm concerned. I could be wrong. If you want to disagree with me and your hearing this message, call me. Let me know. But right now there's just two groups of people in the church world. Why would you choose the negative over the positive? They're both error, but they are error that are stepping stones. They're error that God is anointing. They're error that God is permitting so that they can be used as stepping stones in our spiritual development which will bring our minds to a place where it -- where they can’t bear the real truth, that we are so insignificant that when these bodies die we will never be heard from again, except in our offspring.


And, you know, what's really funny? People, unsaved people have had this revelation for centuries. I saw a movie called Shaka Zulu, and the king didn't want to have any children. And his mother said to him -- and his wife got pregnant against his wishes. And when he -- the king tried to kill the baby, his mother said to him, don't do that. He is the future. Our offspring are all of us that will survive. I'm not ta- -- outside of the spiritual substance of Christ, I’m talking about our personality. The only thing that -- of our personality that will remain in the earth is our offspring. People have had that revelation for generations. They used to reverence having children and, in particular, sons. Why? Because it's the male seed, it's carried through the male. The seed is carried through the male. The name is carried through the male. The inheritance is carried through the male. And the natural is a type of a spiritual.


Today children are valueless. They're a liability. They cost money. They get in our way from fulfilling ourselves and our jobs outside of the home. They’re a hindrance. But we’re living in a perverse society. Soci- -- all societies for generations knew on some level that the only thing we leave behind are our offspring. That's the only legacy we leave behind to the world. And in this country today, we see people choosing to have total strangers raise their children. Do you know, brethren, that whoever raises your child that spiritually it becomes their child? Do you know that it’s enough to just physically give birth to the child? You have to give your child your soul, your ideas, your thoughts, your morals. And how do you do that? You spend time with them.


So I don’t want to go on too long. I do have a message for you tonight. But this is what God told me, do not knock reconciliation. It is preferable above Hell and damnation. I couldn't think of the name for a minute. Reconciliation is preferable above Hell and damnation, and it is a doctrine that God has permitted and in fact raised up and anointed just like deliverance ministry. Even though it's partially in error, He is using it to bring a carnal people to a place where they will be spiritually developed to the point that they can receive His truth. Thank you, Jesus. OK.


Glory to God. We’re teaching again tonight after a two-week absence. Praise God that I was strong enough to study today. And I'm going to start this message by recapping the entire category. We're in "The Angel in the Midst of Heaven." That's Chapter 14 of the Book of Revelation, starting with Verse 6. And we have already done Verses 6 through 10. So I'm going to read those Alternate Translations and then we will do Verses 11 through 13 this evening, Lord willing. It got awfully quiet downstairs, didn't it? We had some raucous neighbors for those of you listening to the message, and we prayed and they got awfully quiet. Hallelujah.


Recap, Revelation, Chapter 14. Verses 6 through 10. “And I saw a different messenger covering over and pressing down the high place of the living soul from which Satan broadcasts his false doctrines into the minds of men, even the human spirit, so that he could declare the good news which he possessed about an endless lifetime to those permanently residing in the realm of death, even Hell, to all those who have never known God, to every physical race, to the many groups of people who have a different way of thinking and to those who have known God. And he was preaching with an authoritative voice, reverence God and let the respect that His spirit that appeared in your mind during the time that His judgments were falling upon you, be revealed in your thoughts, words and deeds by denying your own soul and obeying Him that form the spiritual realm of the soul, the conscious mind of man and the unconscious mind of man, even the one who cause the spiritual life of God to appear in the earth of the Adamic soul.”


“And a different angel accompanied the first, preaching that the false religious systems of that proud city, which is being created to house the spiritual life of God, even the living soul are being brought to naught in both the conscious and unconscious minds of men, because she caused all men who have never known God to come into existence as a result of the raging passions of the spirit that rules her, even Satan, the one who engages the living soul in continuous, incestuous, sexual intercourse. And the third messenger from God accompanied the other two angels, preaching with an authoritative voice that if anyone submits to the lordship of the Adamic soul and the carnal mind, which are ruled by Satan, and reveals the spirit of Satan in his personality or behavior, that man shall actively partake of the Spirit of Almighty God's passion, when he shall have been exchanged by the undefeatable spirit of Almighty God into the soul of Christ, the place where the Father dwells and hungers for his wife. And he shall be conformed to the image of God by the Spirit of God and by his Christ when he is joined in spirit to the members of the Body of Christ and to the Lamb who is their mind."


So we find out in those verses, brethren, that no matter how wicked a man is -- and according to God as I understand the Scripture, the ultimate wickedness is this insect- -- incestuous spiritual fornication between the parts of the living soul denying their true Husband, Almighty God. The most wicked of all men, the judgment upon him is that he shall one day be brought to a place where he shall be copulating with his true Husband, Almighty God. Hallelujah.


So we see that the Scriptures that so many Christians think lead to a burning in Hell is in fact a burning judgment of the fire of Almighty God upon the sin in the man, and the result of that burning judgment is that that man shall be delivered from sin and shall return unto his true Husband, Almighty God.


Going on with Verse 11. “And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever. And they have no rest, day nor night who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name." Hallelujah. Glory to God.


OK. This word smoke we’ve discussed this in several other messages. You can review it if you like on Message 44, Part 2; or 47, Part 2. And on those messages we established that smoke typifies the spiritual life of God. The sons of God opened the pit -- now this is what's discussed on these other messages. Open the pit or make ex-  -- and the pit, I remind you, is the living soul. So the sons of God are making accessible to God the living soul by pouring out the fire of judgment upon that living soul. And the fire of judgment interacting with the living soul causes a spiritual chemical reaction, which separates the human spirit from the soul and results in a new substance. What is that substance? The smoke of God’s spiritual life.


This burning is taking place in the earth of the living soul, causing the living soul to function like a furnace.


Now, the realm of the spirit is opposite from the realm of appearance. In the realm of appearance, the precious material that is smelted in a furnace is left in the furnace, and the impurities ascend in the smoke. But in the realm of the spirit the impurities remain in the soul or in the earth, and the gold, the spiritual life of God springs up and ascends in the form of smoke above the soul. The burning of judgment, brethren, releases the spiritual life of God from you so that it can ascend into the heavenlies. And the result of that is that you shall be resurrected out from this realm of death. Hallelujah.


In Revelation 8:4, the smoke of the incense ascends up before God and the incense, which is in the censer, is cast into the earth. That's Revelation 8:5. This is another way of saying that the sons of God will be living in the heavenlies by their spiritual life and they will also be living in the Earth at the same time. That’s the incense that was cast into the earth. And this is also symbolized by Jacob's ladder and the tree that has its leaves in the clouds and its roots in the earth. This is the promise brethren, that we shall walk in the heavenlies and on the earth at the same time. That our body shall be on the earth and that our spirits shall be in the heavenlies with God and that are soul shall be joined to our spirits, in the heavenlies with God, righteous and free from sin.


So what are we dealing with? "And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever." Hallelujah. The word torment may be reviewed on message number 47, part 3. And I remind you that it's referring to the pressing down of the Adamic soul underneath or to the -- excuse me, it is referring to the pressing of the Adamic soul down to the bottom or under the feet of Christ.


And remember that the judgment of torment or hard labor in bringing forth the Christ child is pronounced upon Babylon in Revelation 18:7. You can review that on Message 32, Part three. The judgment of Babylon is torment. So what am I saying to? I'm suggesting to you that those men spoken about in Verses 9 and 10 of Chapter 14, the ones who are submitting to the lordship of living soul are the men typified by the symbolic figure of Babylon in Revelation 18:7, even the false religion of the living soul.


And what is the false religion of the living soul? What is this false religion that the living soul practices? It is the worship of itself. It is spiritual incest. It is submission to the spirit that rules in the living soul, submission to its own unconscious mind, even Satan. But, remember, the good news of the gospel, as it appears in Verse 10, excuse me, is that these very same men who are guilty of such wickedness and lewdness shall, in due season, be joined to God.


So what is the smoke of their torment? The smoke of their torment is referring to the spiritual life of God, typified by smoke, which is released from the living soul when the Fire of God, which is judgment, comes upon her, resulting in the painful torment or tribulation which puts her own Adamic mind underneath the feet of or in submission to the Christ-child that is being birthed in her own mind.


Now, brethren, there's no tribulation before Christ has been birthed in you. There has to be something to put the Adamic soul underneath. If you have not birthed Christ, the Adamic soul is ruling and reigning in your mind and you have not entered into the tribulation. Glory to God. You may be reaping what you sow, but you have not entered into the tribulation that is going to result in Christ appearing in you. Glory to God.


Continuing with, “And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever.” The word ascendeth is Strong’s 305. It means to rise up, to spring up. And you may review this concept of springing up on Message 47, Part 2 if you like. But I’ll remind you that this is referring to the Life of Christ appearing, springing up, appearing in a place where it was previously never seen. One day they woke up and it was there. Hallelujah. And the phrase forever and ever is referring to the life of the ages.


Alternate Translation, the first quarter of Revelation 14:11. “And the spiritual life of Christ which was born in their minds after many painful experiences was resurrected out of the death of this world system and raised up into the heavenlies with God for the life of the ages. And the smoke of their torment and the spiritual life of Christ, which was born in their minds after many painful experiences, ascendeth up, was resurrected out of the death of this world system and raised up into the heavenly with God forever and ever, for the life of the ages.” Hallelujah.


This is the true born-again experience, brethren, not the impartation of the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the beginning of the process of being born again of the Spirit of God. It is incorrect, brethren, to say that you are born again, and it is also incorrect to say that you are saved if all that you have is the promise, even if Christ has been conceived in you, you are not in fact born-again until Christ stands up in you in full stature. And the only one that I know of that is truly -- that has been truly born-again is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We are in the process of being born again. We are in the process of being saved. You are not saved, brethren. If you were saved you would not die, you would not be sick and you would not be aging. Hallelujah, hallelujah.


Let's try and get it right. And I find myself frequently still using these expressions, saved, born-again. And what's happening to me is that I'm yielding to the majority out there, and I really believe God has told me not to do that. We must speak the truth. It is not the truth. You are not born-again. You are a carnal man that has received the promise of salvation. And I am a carnal woman who has received the promise of salvation. Let's speak the truth, brethren. Let's speak the truth.


And we are no different than the people in the world. If you think you're better off than the people in the world you're sadly mistaken, brethren, because the Scriptures clearly indicate that the majority of Israelites, those to whom the word of God was delivered, were rejected, and the word went to the Gentiles. Be not deceived, brethren. God is not mocked. You shall surely reap what you sow. You shall reap your condemnation. You shall reap the fruit of your pride. You shall surely reap the fruit of your self-righteousness and your lack of mercy towards your fellow man. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Continue with the phrase, “And they have no rest day nor night.” The word rest is Strong's 372. It means the cessation of any motion, business or labor. Thayer says the word denotes a temporary rest, a respite, a period of relaxation that is granted to soldiers. And I remind you, brethren, that we are soldiers in the army of the Lord. And we have not been made soldiers to fight the witches and the witches’ covens. Neither have we been made soldiers to fight free flying demons in the atmosphere. Neither have we been made soldiers to fight the demons in our brother, whom we cannot find any tolerance or mercy for, because he irritates us. Brethren, we are soldiers in the army of the Lord, and our assignment is our own soul. We are to wage war against the wickedness in our own soul. Hallelujah. God, help the church. God, have mercy on the church. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Trench, which is a reference book that I use. Hold on a second. [INAUDIBLE] leave it on [INAUDIBLE] glasses, OK.


 Trench; which is another reference book that I use. You may have heard me mention him before. I don't use them as frequently as Thayer or Gesenius. Says that this Greek word translated rest implies the pause or cessation from labor. It is the constant, consistent word in the Septuagint which describes the rest of the Sabbath. For those of you that don't know the Septuagint, is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament. And this is the word in the Greek Old Testament that consistently describes the Sabbath rest.


I'd like to read you some verses from Hebrews Chapter 4, Verse 1, “Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of this promise.” Verse 2, “For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto the Hebrew children: but the word preached to the Hebrew children did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.” Verse 8, “For if Jesus had given the Hebrew children rest, then would He not afterward have spoken of another day.” Verse 10, “For he that is entered into the rest of God, he also have ceased from his own works as God seized from his.” Verse 11, “Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after that same example of unbelief.”


Brethren, there is a rest of God that is promised to us. It is a rest from the labor of struggling with sin in our mind and in our behavior, that exhausting process that sometimes we win at and sometimes we lose at, the procedure that keeps us from utter destruction, but never has the power to raise us up unto righteousness. God has promised us a rest from that, a permanent rest, when Christ appears in us and puts all sin in subjection and rule on power and principality under His feet in your mind. I know He did it in the mind of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, brethren. It's not doing me any good when I lose control over my emotions. It's not -- what Jesus Christ of Nazareth did in that individual vessel is not doing me any good on the days and during the moments that I'm eating food that's making me sick. He has to get inside of my mind and help me to overcome every area of sin and wickedness in my mind. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


I'm suggesting to you, brethren, that this word rest is speaking of rest from the spiritual labor of keeping Satan underfoot. The temporary rest that Thayer speaks of can be applied to the moments in our lives when Christ is ruling in our minds. This is a temporary rest, because in this hour there are still many areas of our lives where Satan rules. Or in any one particular area, one day Christ is ruling, and the next day Satan is ruling.


I have a problem keeping to a healthy diet. I have making great -- I had made great strides in the right direction and greatly improve my diet, and I got sick a week -- two weeks ago. And I felt so bad that I just blew the whole thing. I stopped eating all the good foods and I started eating all the bad foods, and I'm not sick anymore, but I haven't been restored. So at one point Christ was ruling in my diet and now Satan is running wild in my diet. And Jesus has to rise up in me and help me put him underfoot again.


Nevertheless, this wo- -- Greek word translated rest is the word used in the Greek Old Testament to describe the Sabbath, and we know that the Sabbath of the Levitical law is just a type of the spiritual Sabbath that the Lord desires to bring forth in our souls. This is the fullness of the promised spiritual rest that will result from Christ ruling. Hallelujah. From Christ ruling 100 percent in our minds 100 percent of the time. And if you want you can review the rest of God on messages numbers 31, Part 6 and 32, Part 1.


And they have -- and we're continuing now with, “They have no rest day nor night.” The word and is Strong's 2532 and it can also be translated but. We're going to translate it but. The day, I remind you, is a time period, or a lifetime, or a personality in which the light of Christ is appearing in at least some measure. The night, I remind you, is a time period, or a lifetime, or a personality in which the light of Christ is not appearing at all. It is all darkness. You were darkness and now you are light.


As we will see further on in this verse, there are two categories of Christians who are not being resurrected out of this realm of death with the firstfruits company. The category includes those men -- the first category includes those men who have received the promise of the Father, but are still too young to fight. Please note that this category is coupled with the unbeliever, something that I have been preaching for years.


Now, I hope I'm not losing you. The first part of Verse 11 said, “And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever.” That first phrase that we translated, “And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever.” That is speaking about a group, the firstfruits company, a group of men that have been resurrected out from among the death of this world system. And as we go on at that verse, we find that with -- it may not be clear to you now, but what's happening here is that we are starting to speak about other groups of people. This Scripture is speaking about groups of people that have not been resurrected out from the realm of death. OK.


“And they have no rest day nor night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receiveth the mark of his name.” So we’re into other categories of people here. And as we will see further on in this verse, there are two categories of Christians who are not being resurrected out of this realm of death with the firstfruits company. The first category includes those men who have received the promise of the Father but are still too young to fight. Please note that this category is coupled with the unbeliever, something that I have been preaching for 2 years now, that if you're not living out of Christ in God's eyes, you're just like that heathen.


OK. Alternate Translation. This is the second quarter of Revelation 14:11. “But for those in Christ who are too young to wage war and for those who have no knowledge of Christ, there is no relaxation from the spiritual labor of resisting sin. And they have no rest; there is no relaxation from the spiritual labor of resisting sin.”


For who? For those who are in the day or for those who are in the night, but those in Christ who are too young to wage war, those that are in the day. And for those who have no knowledge of Christ, those who are in a spiritual condition of night, there is no relaxation from the spiritual labor of resisting sin. Glory to God. Hallelujah. And where is the authority to wage warfare? It's in Christ. The Holy Spirit is a teacher and a babysitter. His job is to point us in the direction of Christ. Christ is the warrior.


I want to give this to you again because it's really not that clear. Verse 11, the first phrase, “And the smoke of the torment ascendeth up forever and ever." That is talking about the firstfruits company. The group of believers who have been spiritually resurrected in their minds out from the realm of death. The balance of the verse is referring to three other categories of men who are not being resurrected in their mind. And the phrase, "And they have no rest day or night." That phrase, it isn't too clear in the Scripture, but when we pull the words apart we found out that it means that those who are in the day -- but those -- but for those who are in Christ, they have a measure of Christ, but they are too young to wage war. And the reason I say they are too young to wage war is that they are not being resurrected. They're in the day; they have a measure of Christ, so there's got to be reason why they're not being resurrected. And I'm suggesting to you that they're not -- that they may have the Holy Spirit, they may have a very immature Christ, but for whatever reason they are not strong enough to wage the spiritual warfare that will result in their being resurrected out from among the dead ones. And they have no rest. They have no relaxation from the spiritual labor of resisting sin, those that are in the day but are too young to wage war, and night, those who have no knowledge of Christ at all. Glory to God.


Continuing with, another ca- -- this is the [?discontinued?this continued?] description now of those who are not delivered, who have not receive the rest of God. And they have no rest day or night, the ones who worship the beast and his image. This is why they have no rest day or night. That because they are the ones who worship the beast and his image. So we have a group of men that have ascended spiritually in their mind to the Sabbath of God where they are delivered from the painful experience of resisting sin in their own mind and failing a large percentage of the time. That's the first group.


Now, we have three more groups of people that are not being resurrected, and this is why they're not being resurrected. They're worshiping the beast and his image. They have no rest from this spiritual warfare. This resisting of sin, they have no rest from it, those who are in the day or those who are in the night. Why? Because both those who have the measure of Christ and those who have never known Christ worship the beast and his image.


We studied about worshiping the beast and his image in Verse 9. You could review that if you want in part 2 of this series, which is the message just prior to this. And I'm reminding you that the beast is the Adamic soul, and that the image of the beast is the carnal mind. If you want to find out how we drew that conclusion, review the message prior to this.


Alternate Translation, the third quarter of Revelation 14:11. “And these are the ones.” Which of the ones? The ones that are not being resurrected in their mind some of which have a measure of Christ; they’re of the day. And some of which have never known Christ; those that are of the night. "These are the ones who submit to the sinful thoughts of the Adamic soul and the carnal mind, which are ruled by Satan." Why? Because they don't have the authority to resist them.


Now, brethren, no matter how wicked somebody is every -- I don't think anybody in this world, except maybe some really sick person somewhere, is utterly yielding to the sin in their mind. Everybody has some revelation of society. They want respect, they want to be accepted. Everybody is resisting sin in some measure, but we know from this Scripture that the men in this world that have not been resurrected in their minds to a condition of sinlessness have not been so resurrected, because at least in some measure they are submitting to the sinful thoughts of the Adamic soul and the carnal mind, which are ruled by Satan. And the reason that they are submitting to them is that they don't have the authority to resist them, either they have no knowledge of Christ at all.


And when I talk about knowledge, I'm not talking about an intellectual knowledge. They have no know- -- spiritual knowledge of Christ; He's not in them. Or they do have some knowledge of Christ, but either it's the Holy Spirit, Christ is not been conceived yet. Or even if Christ is being conceived yet, He's just too immature for these people to ascend into the heavenlies. Christ has been conceived in me, brethren. I'm not resurrected from the dead. I sin every day, every hour, sometimes every minute, and I'm fighting a pretty heavy warfare. I know what I'm up against. I'm no fool. I'm not lying to you, and I'm not lying to myself. So I personally am in the category of those who have no rest that are in the day. I'm working very hard to resist sin; I fail all the time. And the reason I fail is that the fullness of the authority of Christ that I need to ascend has not yet been imparted to me. Hallelujah.


And we see the church filled with hypocritical Pharisees trying to tell me that they’re without sin, hiding behind their fig leaves, denying the sins in their heart. Don't you know, brethren, that every sin shall be exposed? Don't you know that the work of Christ in you is to expose your sin for the specific purpose of bringing you to confession and repentance? And if you lie about your sin, brethren, if you hide from it; if you break off fellowship hoping that no one will know what's in your heart, how will you ever ascend? And if you're in this category, brethren, your problem is pride. Confess your sins. Repent. Humble yourself before God, and He shall raise you up.


Continuing with, the third category of person who has not been resurrected, the ones who receive the mark of his name. We have the firstfruits, they have been resurrected in their mind. We have three categories of human beings that are not being resurrected. One category is mankind that has no relationship with God at all. The other category is the Christian that has Christ within him but is just too young or too immature or too weak to do the job.


And here is the third category. “Whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” Whosoever is Strong’s 1536, and that means any man. And the word receive is Strong's 2983. It means to take or to get a hold of. Remember that there are two different Greek words translated receive. In Revelation 13:16, which says to the -- talking about the beast, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads; that's one Greek word. And the second Greek word is found in Revelation 14:9, the Verse -- I think I made a mistake. Is found in Revelation 14:9, but of course it’s also found in 14:11, which is what I should have written down here. Glory to God. And the Greek word translated receive in Revelation 13:16 is referring to the natural man that has no knowledge of Christ, or the very young innocent Christian that has --


You know, brethren, I think I made a mistake when I put myself in this category of Christian that was not ascending because I sin. I'm going to have to take that back. Sorry to confuse you. But this first category is referring to young Christians that are yielding to their carnal mind, because they're just too weak to resist at all or they can't -- they don't even have a knowledge that they're sinning, and I'm not in that category. I have a pretty good knowledge when I'm sinning. So you’re going to find out that I'm in this third category. So let me go over this so that you know what I'm talking about.


Revelation 13:16, the word receive is speaking about the natural man or the baby Christian that has -- the natural man that has no knowledge of Christ or the baby Christian that has not birthed Christ or has a very weak Christ. And the word indicates that the mark is brought forth. It’s brought forth without their cooperation in these men, without they’re having anything to say about. The mark is just found them. The mark appears in them. They're innocents. They don't even know how to resist. Glory to God.


And the Greek word translated receive in Revelation 14:11 is addressing those to whom the everlasting gospel is being preached. Now, the everlasting gospel starts to be preached in Verse 6, and the Christians that are in those categories -- now, if you're hearing this message or if you're in this meeting, you should know that the average Christian is not listening to these messages or listening to this teaching. This is a mature ministry. And if you're here or you’re listening to the messages you are a mature Christian to whom the everlasting gospel is being preached. And if you're in that category, if you're mature enough to hear the everlasting gospel preached, you are mature enough to wage warfare. And even though, just to follow along with my testimony to clarify this, I have not been resurrected out from among the dead ones, I am in the process of being resurrected. I have ascended in my mind steadily and continuously for the last 11 years.


And I think that I have great reason to believe that in this lifetime I shall experience the resurrection out from among the dead ones. I believe God has made that promise to me. So I am in the process of ascending, although I have not totally been resurrected yet. And the reason I'm ascending is that I am constantly, on a minute-by-minute basis, involved in the warfare, and the warfare against the sin that's been generated from my own unconscious mind. I'm at war with it, fighting with it that it should not manifest in my flesh. I fail. I fail every day. I fail every hour, but it's OK if you take three steps forward and two backwards. You're still going to get there.


So this is the third category of Christian, and it's described by the Greek word translated receive in Mark 14:11. And that word is describing a laying hold of or a taking of the mark by their own choosing. They have laid hold of this mark by their own choice, and the way they've done that is by not waging the warfare that would bring forth Christ instead of the carnal mind. Glory to God.


So what am I saying? I myself I would consider in the category of the resurrected ones, although I have not yet -- I think I just said it wrong again; I just told you I was in the third category. I guess the Lord just keeps correcting me. I'm sorry we’ll try it again.


The first category of believers that have been resurrected out from the realm of death is the firstfruits company. If you are a mature Christian to whom the everlasting gospel has been preached or is being preached and you are waging warfare every day, you may not have been totally resurrected yet, but God sees you in the category of those who have been resurrected. Why? Because you are ascending as a result of your warfare, and it's just a matter of time.


There are then three other groups of human beings that are not in the category of being resurrected. The first is the group that know nothing about Christ. The second is the group of Christians that have not conceived Christ or have a such a young immature Christ that they're not even aware that there is a warfare. They don't even recognize it when it stands right in front of them. And the third group of people that are not in the category of those who are being resurrected out from among the dead ones are those Christians who have heard the everlasting gospel preached but by their own choice are not waging the warfare that will bring forth Christ instead of the carnal mind. I hope I got it right that time. Thank you, Lord, for correcting me.


And, brethren, we’ve seen it right in this ministry. People have sat here; they've heard this everlasting gospel. They’ve heard it preached. They've seen and tasted of the power of God. And when it came their turn to confess their sins and repent, they upped and they fled rather than admit that they were imperfect, which everybody knows they're not perfect anyway. But all that it means is that they were overtaken by a spirit of pride. Well, I hope I got it straight that time. Sorry for all the confusion.


OK. We’re dealing with the phrase, "And whosoever receiveth the mark of his name." And this is referring to that third category of man who is not ascending, even though he's heard the everlasting gospel preached. Why? Because he refuses to wage the warfare. And why would anyone refuse to wage the warfare? Brethren, you get hurt when you ref- -- when you wage the warfare. Satan fights back. You get bombed, you get shot. Sometimes you get overtaken, you get afflicted. You get smitten, you get hurt. It's painful. Sometimes it's so demoralizing that the only thing that gets you through is a steadfast knowledge that Jesus Christ cannot fail and that it's Him in you strengthening you unto the warfare, that you can be cast down, but you cannot be destroyed, that no matter what happens you’ll be raised up again stronger and stronger and stronger every time.


I'll tell you, brethren, without that knowledge I don't think I can go on. I'm not lying to you. I'm not soft-pedaling it and I'm not babying you. I'm not trying to scare you; I'm telling you the truth. So get ready to endure hardship like a good soldier, because if I don't talk to you like this you'll never make it. You've got to know it's not just you. This is what the tribulation is like. It's tough, it's arduous, and it's painful. But Jesus is quite able to get you through, and you're not the only one going through it. We have whole ministries of there that don't want to talk about the trials. Brethren, I need to talk about the trials. I need to hear that I'm not the only one. I need to hear that Jesus never fails. I need to hear about your trials, and I need to hear about your victories. I need to hear about your tears, and I need to hear about your weaknesses. And I need to hear that for every tear and weakness you express. You get stronger and better and higher until you just pass out of this realm of death. I need to talk about the negative side. Glory to God. If you don't, God, bless you.


OK, we’re dealing with the phrase, “And whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” The word mark is Strong's 5480; we’ve studied this in several other messages. It means a scratch or an itching, and it’s from a root that means a stake, a rampart or a military mound. And we established in part 2 of this series, which is the previous message to this, that the mark is a spiritual life that is engraved upon and revealed through the person's soul. And we know that the living soul is typified by water in the Scripture. And that the living soul is a military force, that it’s set itself up against God, so the mark is the spiritual life that’s engraved on your soul.


You either have the mark of the beast, brethren, or you have the mark of God. It’s either the spirit of God or the spirit of the living soul, known as Satan, that is engraved in the wood of your soul. And you must have one of the other. And if the mark in your soul, brethren, is Jesus Christ, you are without sin. You're not without sin, the mark on your soul is Satan. I'm sorry, brethren, your right- -- your self-righteousness and your pride is going to get you nothing but death. Confess it and submit yourself to God.


OK, we're still dealing with the phrase, “And whoever receiveth the mark of His name.” And the word name throughout the Scripture, we’ve been studying for years here, it means spirit.


Alternate Translation, the fourth quarter of Revelation 14:11, “And neither is there rest for the mature in Christ who express the spiritual life of Satan and their personalities, because they are refusing to exercise their authority in Christ to wage the spiritual warfare that would overcome Satan in their own minds.”


They're not taking three steps forward and two steps backward. Maybe they're taking two steps forward and three steps backward. They are not successfully waging the warfare, and maybe they are not waging it all. Hallelujah. OK.


Let's try and take this a little bit at a time here. OK. "Neither did they have rest, the ones who have received the mark of His name. And neither is there rest for the ones that have received the mark of his name." Neither is there rest for the mature in Christ, the ones that have willingly taken the mark, the ones who are willingly expressing the spiritual life of Satan in their personalities, because they are refusing to exercise their authority in Christ to wage the spiritual warfare that would overcome Satan in their own minds.


Now, I could just hear their cries going up. What do you mean I have willingly taken the mark? Brethren, about six months ago I had to tell a member of my own congregation the truth about what she was thinking. Someone called her and she never returned the phone call. And she said to me, “I guess I haven’t made a decision yet about not returning the phone call.” And I said, sister, you haven't returned the phone call. You made a decision not to return it. If you are a victim of that kind of self-deception, brethren, I suggest to you that you submit yourself to the Lord for deliverance. You cannot free yourself from responsibility of doing something or of saying something by doing nothing, because when you do nothing your answer is no. You might just as well fess up and say I have decided to not return that phone call.


If you really believe that you have not made a decision in a situation like that, you have lied to yourself and you have deceived yourself, because passivity is no. No answer is no. If you don't show up to an appointment that you made, you have decided not to go. Don't tell me that you forgot about it or you don't know what happened or you can't figure out how come you didn't get there. Somewhere on some conscious or unconscious level you decided not to go. And if you're living in this kind of a fantasy, brethren, you need deliverance. Face up to your emotions. Face up to your decisions. Confront the person you're dealing with, and either go or don't go. Say yea or saying nay. Hallelujah.


And if you're dealing with a hidden fear, you need deliverance from that fear. If you're dealing with fear of confrontation, you need deliverance from fear of confrontation. No one’s condemning you, but let's ascend brother. Let's rise up in our minds so that we can be resurrected out from this realm of death. A situation at a time, a problem at a time, an incident at a time, let's do what's right, brethren. We're supposed to be the righteousness of God. I condemn you not. If you hear yourself in this preaching, submit yourself to God for deliverance. If you have a problem, brethren, confess it before your God. And if He instructs you to, confess it to someone who will pray for you, if that's what He tells you to do. Maybe He will, maybe He won't. But let's start working on it, brethren. The Church of Jesus Christ is made up of the most immature group of people I've ever met in my lifetime. Hallelujah.


Doesn't mean I don't love you. This preaching doesn't mean I don't love you. Do you think letting you stay in this condition is a sign that I love you? That’s a sign that I hate you. Grow up, and manifest Christ. I'll help you in any way that I can. Let's go on with God. What's amazing is all of these Christians running around that think they're going to be raptured, that think that they one today they are going to wake up and they're going to be in the image of Christ without overcoming any of these flaws in their personalities. Brethren, we are ascending as we overcome the flaws in our personalities, and I have just as many as you do. Maybe not in the same areas, maybe they are in the same areas. I'm in the same boat that you are, but we have to wage war. This is a warfare. Glory to God.


Somebody said to me I make too many demands on the people. Brethren, I'm not making any demands on you at all. I'm telling you what you need to hear so that you can get up and fight too. Do you know that the condition of many minds in the church is so reprobate that when they hear preaching like this they twist it in their mind to say that I'm making demands on them? I'm telling you the truth. I have no power to force you to do anything. I have no power to punish you if you totally ignore me. If you walk out of here and say, I'm off-the-wall, I have no authority to discipline you. But I'm waging warfare, and there have been people right in this very ministry that have looked at me and have been so convinced in their minds that they can’t do what I'm doing, and have been so reluctant to admit their own weakness that they turn around and say I’m making demands on them.


I am here as an example for you, brethren. Where would you be if God put a baby or a woman in this spot? The church is filled with men that call themselves pastors that are spiritual women and whining children. And the members of the Body of Christ are weak and sickly and immature and reprobate and filled with sin. and they don't even know what's wrong their lives. Do you know that's a curse of God? If God’s put you in this ministry, if he's put you under these -- under this ministry through listening to these messages, you are sitting under a man. And that man is the Lord Jesus Christ. You are blessed. Receive the rebuke like a Son of God and rise up and overcome. And stop this baby nonsense. There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the entire 11th Verse of Chapter 14. “And the spiritual life of Christ, which was born in their minds after many painful experiences, was resurrected out of the death of this world system and raised up into the heavenlies with God for the life of the ages.”


Now, that includes people that have already been resurrected, which is far as I know is just Jesus Christ, and those mature believers who are in the process of ascending, because they are waging successful warfare. But for those in Christ who are too young to wage war, those that have no rest during the day, and for those who have no knowledge of Christ, those that have no rest that night, there is no relaxation from the spiritual labor of resisting sin. And these men are the ones who are in this condition and are submitting to the sinful thoughts of the Adamic soul and the carnal mind which are ruled by Satan, because they don't have the authority to resist them. And neither is there any rest for the mature believer in Christ who expressed the spiritual life of Satan in their personalities, in their thoughts and in their behaviors, because they are refusing to pay the price of exercising their authority in Christ to wage the spiritual warfare that would overcome Satan in their own minds. Hallelujah.


Verse 12. “Here is the patience of the saints. Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ.” The same exact phrase, "Here is the patience of the saints," appears in Revelation 13:10, and I discuss it in depth. I discuss that phrase or that verse of Revelation 13:10 in depth on Message 66, part 4, if you'd like to review it. I’m not going to do it again here.


I'm just going to give it to you briefly. The word here means in this place. The word patience refers to -- well, the -- Strong’s says cheerful or hopeful endurance, but I don't think God requires us to be cheerful. I cry a lot. I think it just refers to the hopeful endurance. We endure. Why? Because we have hope that it’s going to end in our resurrection out of this horrendous place known as H-E-L. This is it, brethren, right here You're in it. I agree Hell is a pill -- Hell is a place. I spoke to somebody the other day about Hell or Heaven being in the mind. And they said, “Well, I believe Hell is a place.” I believe it's a place too. It's called the planet Earth. Glory to God.


Did you hear about that little boy that had 50 percent of his body burned? They're giving him skin grafts from cadaver’s skin. Brethren, this is it right here. And of course the saints are the holy ones who are sinless, who are either totally sinless or are under an imputed righteousness because they are striving and doing everything that God has told them to do work to words that's sinlessness. This name is also given to those in Christ -- the name of saint is also given to those in Christ who are confessing their sins and waiting for the hope of perfection. Confessing their sins, repenting and doing everything they can to overcome in the hope of attaining to perfection.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Revelation 14:12. “The righteous spiritual condition of the men who been resurrected out of this realm of death is resulting from their consistent endurance in the warfare between Christ and Adam. Here is the patience of the saints. The righteous spiritual condition of the men who have been resurrected out of this realm of death or in the process of being resurrected out of this realm of death is a result of their consistent endurance in the warfare between Christ and Adam. Brethren, you cannot go around recognizing sin and all of your brothers and sisters and not recognizing it in yourself. Glory to God.


Going on with the phrase, “Here are they that keep the commandments of God.” Here are they. Where are they? In this place, in this spiritual place where they are consistently enduring in the warfare against Christ in Adam. Here in this place, where we find believers consistently engaging and endurance through this warfare, are those men that keep the commandments of God.


So we’re finding out the ones that have been resurrected, or are in the process of being resurrected, have more than one characteristic. The first characteristic being that they are consistently enduring in the waging of the warfare between Christ and Adam. They are aligned with Christ. The second characteristic of this group of people is that they keep the commandments of God. And I remind you that the word keep -- we’ve studied this several times; it’s Strong’s 5083. It means to guard from loss or injury.


And the word commandments is Strong’s 1785. It is an authoritative prescription. That's what Strong says, an authoritative description. A prescription for what? The prescription that will heal sin and the result of sin.  And what is that pres- -- well, what is the result of sin? It’s death. And what is the prescription that will heal death? It is Christ. So the commandments of God, when obeyed to the best of our fallen ability, will lead to the birth of Christ in us. And when He stands up in full stature and He appears, we shall be saved in childbearing.


Alternate Translation, second third, Revelation 14:12. “This is the spiritual state of mind where God's rules concerning sinful thoughts and behavior are protected from the thoughts of the carnal mind, which resulted in death.”


This place, the place where you’re going to find mature believers waging warfare against the satanic mind, that is the spiritual place or the spiritual state of mind where God's rules concerning sinful thoughts and behavior are protected from the thoughts of the carnal mind, which result in death. What are we talking about here? This is a description of the spiritual warfare, brethren. The first characteristic of those who are being resurrected is that they are waging warfare. Well, does that mean? Do you know what that means? Well, maybe you do, but maybe there's a believer out there that doesn't know what that means, to wage warfare. Maybe they think it means you have to go out and attack someone on the street.


A young Jewish woman told me once that she was attacked on the street by a group of so-called Christians that called her harlot and whore. Maybe they -- somebody thinks that's the warfare. Well, the second phrase of this verse tells us what the warfare is that God requires of you. If you are in a spiritual state of mind where you’re waging warfare, what you're doing is following God's rules concerning the sinful thoughts and behavior which are in your mind and keeping them tantamount and stronger and above the thoughts of the carnal mind, which will cause you to die, which will pull you back down to the realm of death and cause you to die. So the spiritual warfare is in the mind and it is a ma- -- it is a warfare of thoughts.


If the thoughts of Christ are ruling in your mind, you are ascending. If the thoughts of Satan is ruling in your mind, you are dying. And if you have three thoughts of Christ and two thoughts of Satan, you are ascending. But you've got to stay ahead. It's all right to fall back. We're not perfect yet. I know you're not going to make it every time, but the thoughts of Christ must be greater. They must be stronger. They must be coming through more and more than the thoughts of Satan.


Now, if you have just started this warfare don't walk away defeated, because you more satanic thoughts than Christ-like thoughts. The only thing that matters is that each day of your life you're thinking more and more with the thoughts of Christ. Don't go getting religious on me, brethren. You’ve got to be getting better every day. And if Satan is still ruling 95 percent but you can honestly look at yourself and say you're getting better every day, you're making it.


And if you're not making it, don't go running away. Would you stop being such a coward? Go before God and ask him for help. Go to an anointed minister and get prayer. I rebuke cowardice amongst the church world. What a rotten condition this body of Christ is in.


Let me tell you something brother. Only God could make it out of this group. Only God could make a body for himself out of this motley crew. And I'm including myself in this; we are the dregs of the earth. You should've seen me 11 years ago. I'm not above this, brethren. The Scripture says, and when you've been strengthened, strengthen your brethren. I'm trying to strengthen you, brethren. If you look at me and you see the Fire of God in my eyes, if you look at me and think that I’m strong, well, maybe I am, but you didn't see me 11 years ago. Get up off your feet and start doing something. You think I'm going to help you by babying you? I won’t baby you. Stand up and fight. Glory to God.


And the last phrase in Verse 12 is, “And the faith of Jesus. Here is the patience of the saints. Here are they that keep the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” And the faith of Jesus. The word faith is Strong's 4102. It means a moral conviction of religious truth, or the truth of God. And I suggest you that it means a conscience that agrees with God.


And we've had a recent message -- I didn't look up the message number for you -- where we talked about the faith of God or the faith of Jesus. And we found out what that really means, is to -- when we have the faith of Jesus, we are continuously agreeing with the mind of Christ rejecting the thoughts of Satan. Glory to God. If you would like to hear that message, get in touch with me, I’ll find out the number for you.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Revelation 14:12. “And it is the spiritual place where men faithfully and consistently agree with the mind of Christ.”


What is the spiritual place? The place where you're going to find men ascending out of this realm of death. It’s spiritual place. It's a condition of your mind where the men who were experiencing this are consistently and continuously, increasingly agreeing with the mind of Christ. It’s a place of spiritual warfare of thoughts where Satan's thoughts are being rejected; and your spiritual substance is, on an ever-increasing basis, agreeing with the mind of Christ.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 14:12. “The righteous spiritual condition of the men who have been resurrected out of this realm of death is resulting from their consistent endurance in the warfare between Christ and Adam.”


And what is this warfare? "This warfare is a spiritual state of mind were God's rules concerning sinful thoughts and behavior are protected from the thoughts of the carnal mind, which will cause you to die. It is also the spiritual place or the spiritual condition of mind where men faithfully and consistently agree with the mind of Christ."


 This place where believers are in the process of ascending out of or being resurrected out of this realm of death; they're waging war, brethren. The warfare is against the thoughts of their carnal mind and the consistent agreement with the mind of Christ.


Brother, you cannot tell me that you agree with the mind of Christ except when it comes to fornication. You cannot tell me, brethren, that you wouldn't do some religious work. You cannot tell me, brethren, that it’s wrong to watch television when you're out there fornicating. You cannot tell me, brethren, that you wouldn’t collect unemployment insurance or Social Security, or you wouldn't go to a chiropractor and that that's a behavior that a Christian shouldn’t be indulging in when you're out there fornicating, brethren, or when you’re out there lying on a regular consistent basis. You can’t do that, brethren. You have to agree with the whole mind of Christ, even when it affects your sin.


I remember when I was a young Christian and we used to go out after church with a group, and there was a deacon in the church that came with us. And we were talking about fornication and I said to him, even -- you can’t fornicate even if you’re engaged? And he laughed at me. It was a loving laugh, but he laughed at me. He said, “No, not even when you’re engaged.” No sex outside of marriage, brethren, no sex outside of marriage. And sex is not just formal intercourse. You’re not supposed to be getting involved in any soul ties that result from ungodly sexual behavior, which could be anything from intense kissing on. That’s for married people, brethren. Serve God. Look, if you want to do it, it’s between you and God, but don't come and tell me I shouldn’t watch television. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Give me a break.


OK. Please note that these men have ascended to a spiritual place of righteousness, but their Adamic soul has not yet been swallowed up by or married to Christ. If Christ had already swallowed up their soul at this point, it would not be necessary for them to consistently endure in the warfare between Christ and Adam, nor to deal with ungodly thoughts. So we're not talking about the condition that Christ was in after the resurrection, we're talking about the condition that Christ was in before the crucifixion and for those who are attaining to that place where Christ was in before the year of crucifixion. Glory to God.


Verse 13, “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, saith the spirit that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them.”


“And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me.” The word voice, we’ve had it many times. It means an utterance. It's not necessarily a spoken language. It’s just a spiritual communication. Heaven can either be the spiritual realm of God or the spiritual realm of the soul; we’ve discussed that on Message 71, Part 10. And the word right, Strong’s 1125, it merely means to describe in writing. And what God was saying to John is, explain this spiritual concept in writing. Why? So that the hundreds of thousands of people that I'm going to send this Bible to can understand this.


Alternate Translation. The first quarter of Revelation 14:13. “And I, John, heard a spiritual communication coming out from the spiritual realm of God saying to me -- and I John heard a spiritual communication coming out from the spiritual realm of God, and it was saying to me, write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. Write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord henceforth.”


The word blessed is Strong's 3107. In merely means fortunate or supremely blessed. The word dead is Strong's 3498. Now, you may remember if you've been with this ministry for a while, that there are several Greek words that are translated dead or some such word. This word that's trans- -- this Greek word that's translated dead is the Greek word necros, and it means slain. Now, I’m suggesting to you -- I’m reminding you that the Scripture teaches that the carnal mind is death. That a man can be spiritually slain and still exist in this world system. Everybody walking around in this realm is dead, brethren, according to the scripture.


Ezekiel 21:14 and 15 says, “Thou therefore, Son of Man, prophesy, and let the sword be doubled the third time.” The sword of the slain. The slain has a sword. "It is a sword of the great men that are slain." So there are great men that are slain. They have a sword, and their sword is entering into their privy chambers. "I have set the point of the sword against all their gates." Brethren, suggesting to you that the slain in Verse 13 of Chapter 14 of the book of Revelation are referring to fallen man, men that have an existence but that have been spiritually slain. Glory to God.


The word slain in the Scripture that I just read you, from Ezekiel, that Hebrew word that is translated slain is the same Hebrew word that when it's translated into the Greek is necros. So we find this use of the word in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, that this word necros can be used to describe a man who has an existence but has been spiritually slain.  And what does that mean? He has been separated from God. He has lost his righteousness. Glory to God.


So what am I saying? I'm saying that the dead, which die in the Lord, are the Adamic men who have been slain by Christ and are now living out of the soul of Christ. Brethren, your true life is your spiritual substance. It's -- in this hour, it's joined to your Adamic soul. You're married to Satan. I'm married to Satan, but there's a divorce coming, brethren. We're going to be divorced from Satan. Glory to God. We're going to be separated from the Adamic soul, and he is going to be slain. When the woman's husband is dead, there is no law. She is freed from that husband, and we shall marry Christ. Glory to God.


So what am I saying? I'm suggesting that the dead which die in the Lord, spoken about in Verse 13 of Chapter 14 of Revelation, are the Adamic men whose Adamic soul has been slain by the Christ that has been birthed in their own mind. And they are now living out of the soul of Christ. Brethren, that is the resurrection out from among the dead ones. The dead one, the slain ones, they are Adam. They are the many members of Adam. And our spiritual substance, which is the human spirit, is being resurrected out from among our dead Adamic soul, and we shall ascend into the heavenlies -- unto the heavenly realm of the soul of Christ. Brethren, it's not a place. It's a spiritual condition. We're going to be living in the same house, which is this body. We're going to be living in the same house that we were living in when we were married to Satan. When we ascend, we're still going to be living in this house, but we're going to be walking in the heavenlies, in our mind, until such time, of course, as our bodies adopt it. Hallelujah.


OK, we're dealing with the phrase, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. "I'd like to read you that phrase in the interlinear, which reads, "Blessed are the dead, those in the Lord dying from now on. Blessed are the dead, those who are in the Lord." Blessed are the dead ones who are in the Lord. The word die, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Blessed are the dead, those in the Lord that are dying now."


That second word, die -- we have -- first we have the word dead, and then we have the word dying. The first word was necro, which means they're slain. And the second Greek word, translating dying, is Strong's 599, and that is the Greek word apothnesko, if I'm pronouncing it right. And we have studied this word on many messages. It is the Greek word that can be used to describe a moral death. Brethren, when Adam fell, he died morally. We still have an existence. We've been talking a lot about this for 2 years. We have parties. We dance. We sing. We have babies. We have families. There's wine and oil and corn and all kinds of good things in this existence. We have -- we are -- it's very real for us. Although, the Scripture teaches us that it's just an illusion. For us who dwell here, it's very real.


So the dead ones, the ones that have been spiritually slain, the ones who -- Glory to God. The ones which are having a moral death in the Lord -- now, we've had this many times before, where we find in the Scripture a word that is specifically referring to something evil. When it's used with regard to God, it can be good. Example, the death of death. The death of death means resurrection unto the life of God. We're t- -- we have a word here, those that are dying, those that are experiencing a moral death, well, they're already dead, brethren. So we're talk -- what are we talking about here but the death of death? And what is the death of death but the resurrection unto Christ? Does anybody not understand that? We've had it on many other messages.


OK, "Blessed are the dead, those that are slain, those in the Lord that are dying from now on." We're talking about the death of death. And I want to spend a few minutes on this phrase, "Those in the Lord. Blessed are the dead -- blessed are the slain that are in the Lord." Now, we can't be talking about the slain of this world system if we're saying that they're blessed and that they're in the Lord. Can we talking -- can we be talking about fallen men?


Let's try and get some understanding here. The word Lord is Strong's 2862, and it means supremacy, superi- -- and I'm suggesting to you that it's typifying the superior soul of Christ. What is the soul of Christ superior to? It is superior to the soul of Adam. We are ascending, brethren. We are evolving, brethren.


I saw a movie on the T.V. the other night about a man that they claimed was born 5,000 years ahead of his time. And he had power to heal by the laying on of hands and do all kinds of wonderful things. He was good. He had a good heart. Brethren, I want to tell you, the people that made this movie and the people that watched this movie, they would laugh right in your face if you told them about a supernatural healing by the power of Jesus Christ. They would call you a Jesus freak, but it's OK if it's coming forth from Darwin's theory of evolution. Well, let me tell you something, brethren. Man is never going to be good. 5,000 years, 10,000 years, 15,000 years, man is never going to be good. And if he does attain to these healing powers, they will be by the satanic mind. He is lacking. Man is deficient. He is absent an ingredient, and he shall not be healed or cured or become good until Christ is added to him. Hallelujah.


So this word Lord is referring to the superior soul of Christ. "Blessed are the dead. Blessed are the slain ones. Blessed are the fallen ones, those that are in the Lord. Blessed are the fallen ones that are in the Lord." So now we find out that there's two categories of fallen men, those that are fallen and separated from God and those that are fallen but have become God's servant. Glory to God.


Ephesians 4, Verses 4 to 5. "There is one body, and one Spirit. One Lord, one faith and one baptism." Brethren, that is the baptism into the Spirit of God, which is flowing through the body of Christ. "Blessed are the slain ones that have entered into or have been baptized into the body of Christ." And how does a slain one, how does a fallen one get baptized into the body of Christ? Brethren, they must come in submission to the Christ that is within their own mind. So you could be a fallen man. Your whole very state of spiritual being can be Hell and death, and you can be blessed. How? By coming into submission to God, the Christ that has appeared in your very own mind and serving Him as you were intended to do from the beginning of the creation. And the word henceforth is Strong's 534, and it means from now on.


Alternate Translation, the second quarter of Revelation 14:13. "Blessed are the men whose Adamic souls have been slain and will be living out of the superior soul of Christ from now on."


So we really have a double meaning there. We can say blessed are the men who have been slain because they're fallen ones, and we also can be saying blessed are the men whose fallen souls have again been slain. We're talking, again, about the death of death. Blessed are the men whose Adamic souls have been slain. Slain by whom? Slain by Christ. How? Christ has nailed Himself to them, and of the twain has made one new man. Glory to God.


"Blessed are the men whose Adamic souls have been slain," the death of death, "and will be living out of the superior soul of Christ from this time forward." Hallelujah.


Continuing with, "Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors." Hallelujah. When your soul is slain, brethren, you're going to rest from your labors. When the death in your mind is slain by the Lord Jesus Christ, you don't have to spend the rest of your life resisting destructive impulses in your own mind. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


The word yea is Strong's 3483. We can translate that surely. "Yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest." The word that is Strong's 1565, and it can be translated these very same men, and we're going to translate it these very same men here. And the word rest, of course, we're talking about -- of the rest of God, that they can relax in their labors, and we're referring to the rest of God. The word labors is Strong's 2873, and it is referring to intense manual labor that is joined with trouble or associated with trouble. And it is work that requires energy and results in fatigue. Glory to God. "Yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest or cease from this intense manual labor that's brining them trouble and draining them of energy."


Alternate Translation, third quarter of Revelation 14:13. "Surely, says the Spirit of God, these men are now able to rest from their painful, spiritual work of resisting sin." "Surely, says the Spirit of God, these men" -- the ones who have been slain, the ones who have been apprehended by Christ, the ones who have been brought into submission, they "are now able to rest from their painful, spiritual work of resisting sin."


And the whole world out there -- is out there, including the church world, resisting being brought into submission to Christ. It's the answer to all your problems, brethren. Why are you resisting? Because your mind is reprobate. That's why you're resisting. Hallelujah.


"And their works do follow them." The word works is Strong's 2041. It means accomplishments. And the word follow is Strong's 190. It means to accompany as a disciple, to cleave steadfastly to one, to conform wholly to his example. Those who have been resurrected from the dead are now Christ, and their work, like Jesus, is to finish the work of the Father.


John 4:34, "Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work." And what is the work of the Father? Genesis 1:26 and 2:2, "And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made." His work is the creation of man, brethren. "And He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made." The work of the Father, brethren, is a completed living soul with every single member on the face of the earth expressing the image, the likeness, the nature, the character, the righteousness of Almighty God.


Jesus' part in finishing that work was to die so the He could be the corn of wheat that fell into the ground and bring forth a great harvest. And who are that great harvest, brethren? They are you and me and every member of the living soul that in that last day, in that last generation, shall have a mind engraved with the righteousness of Almighty God. And that work is being accomplished in this hour by the spirit of Jesus Christ through you and me. Hallelujah.


So what are the sons -- what are the works that follow the resurrected sons? We're talking about the work -- "And their works do follow them." What are the works? The works that follow the resurrected sons are their Adamic souls, which are now in the image of the Father. The work of the Father is to engrave His image on the soul of men. So if you are a resurrected son and your work does follow you, what it means is that you have brought your soul into submission, and your soul, your personality, your thoughts, words and deeds are 100 percent of the time expressing the righteousness of Almighty God, the nature of Almighty God, which is indeed righteousness.


Alternate Translation, the fourth quarter, Revelation 14:13. "And their Adamic souls -- and the Adamic souls of the resurrected ones are in submission to them." They learn from them. Their souls learn from them. If you have a question, souls, ask your husband at home. The soul is to learn from the spiritual man." And they cleave "steadfastly unto them, conforming wholly to the image of the Father." The Adamic souls of the spiritual men are in submission to them. They learn from them, not from Satan, and they cleave steadfastly to them. There is no fornication with the satanic mind. And they are -- and because they're doing this, because they're in submission, because they learn from their husband, which is Christ, and because they copulate only with Him, the souls of these resurrected ones are conforming wholly to the image of the Father.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 14:13. "And I, John, heard a spiritual communication coming out from the spiritual realm of God saying to me, blessed are the men whose Adamic souls have been slain and will be living out of the superior soul of Christ from now on. Surely, says the Spirit of God, these men are now able to rest from their painful, spiritual work of resisting sin, and their Adamic souls are in submission to them. Learn from them, and cleave steadfastly to them, conforming wholly to the image of the Father."


Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah. So what's the procedure? First, your soul has to be slain. Your dead soul has to die, and in that dying will be resurrected unto the life of Christ. When that happens, you will be able to rest from the painful spiritual work of resisting sin, which you're failing at anyway. And when you come into this condition, your slain Adamic soul that has been slain by Christ, the death of death, shall be in submission to you. He's going to learn from you. He's not going to learn the wicked ways of Satan anymore. And He shall cleave off, copulate steadfastly with your spiritual man. And your soul shall wholly conform to the image of the Father.


Recap, Revelation 14, Verses 11 to 13. "And the spiritual life of Christ, which was born in their minds after many painful experiences, was resurrected out of the death of this world system and raised up into the heavenlies with God for the life of the ages. But for those in Christ who are too young to wage war and for those who have no knowledge of Christ, there is no relaxation from the spiritual labor of resisting sin. And these are the ones who submit to the sinful thoughts of the Adamic soul and the carnal mind, which are ruled by Satan, because they don't have the authority to resist them. And neither is there rest for the mature in Christ who express the spiritual life of Satan in their personalities, because they are refusing to exercise their authority in Christ to wage the spiritual warfare that would overcome Satan in their own minds."


"The right spiritual condition of the men who have been resurrected out of this realm of death is resulting from their consistent endurance in the warfare between Christ and Adam. This is the spiritual state of mind where God rule- -- where God's rules concerning sinful thoughts and behavior are protected from the thoughts of the carnal mind, which result in death. And it is the spiritual place where men faithful and consistently agree with the mind of Christ."


"And I, John, heard a spiritual communication coming out from the spiritual realm of God saying to me, blessed are the men whose Adamic souls have been slain and will be living out of the superior soul of Christ from now on. Surely, says the Spirit of God, these men are now able to rest from their painful spiritual work of resisting sin, and their Adamic souls are in submission to them. Learn from them, and cleave steadfastly to them, conforming wholly to the image of the Father."


Glory to God. Hallelujah.


I can't wait. Any questions tonight?


Hallelujah. Thank you.


5/19/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/20/14 1st Edit CAS & BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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