075 - Part 1
(Revelation 14)

Part 1 of 3 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God.


We’re starting a new topic tonight. I’m calling the “Angel in the Midst of Heaven.” We’re in chapter 14 of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John, verse 6: And I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and the every nation and kindred and tongue and people.


Glory to God.


I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven. He had the everlasting gospel and he was taking it to preach to them that dwell on the earth and also to every nation, every kindred, every tongue and every people.


Glory to God.


I saw another angel. The word saw is Strong’s 1492. It means to know, to be aware of or to understand. The word another -- we’ve had this several times before. I’m not going to go into it again. It merely means different. And the word angel I remind you is a messenger of God. The word fly is Strong’s 4072. It merely means to fly. However the Lord quickened to me that there was a deeper meaning to this and I went into the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek word translated to fly and that Hebrew equivalent is Strong’s 5774. In the Hebrew, in addition to the definition of to fly, we have the definitions of to cover over, to hover over, to cover with darkness, to wrap around, to be pressed down by calamity. To be pressed down by calamity. The example of this Hebrew word, Strong’s 5774, which is the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek word translated to fly -- I’m going to give you a witness to the fact that it can be translated besides to fly, it can be translated to be pressed down by calamity. We’re dealing with Job 11:17 and the King James II translation of that verse is: You shall fly. You shall be as the morning. You shall fly, Job. You shall be as the morning. [?Gasengas?] translates the words you shall fly -- now remember, we’re saying this Hebrew word translated fly can also be translated to be pressed down, covered over or pressed down by calamity -- and Gasengas translates these words you shall fly as although you are now covered with darkness you shall fly -- but although you are now covered with darkness. Covered with darkness is the same Hebrew word translated fly.


Glory to God.


Although you are now covered with darkness or although you are now pressed down by calamity you shall be as the morning. Soon shalt thou be as the morning or even better yet, soon shalt the darkness that’s pressing you down shall be as the morning or although you are now pressed down by calamity or by darkness soon the darkness shall be pressed down and covered over. It’s strange because the two words have the exact opposite meanings but we talked about this before. In the Hebrew language frequently one word can have directly opposite meanings and you have to determine how that word is to be translated by considering the context of the entire verse. So what have I just said to you? I’ve said to you that the Greek word translated fly in Revelation 14:6 -- and I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven -- has a Hebrew equivalent that can be translated to cover over or to press down by calamity.


I’m going to tell you right now what I’m getting at. I’m going to suggest to you that angel flying in the midst of Heaven was pressing down, not by calamity but by the power of Almighty God, was pressing down the satanic mind of the living soul. Yes indeed it is a calamity to the living soul. We’ve studied this kind of thing before brethren. God has used in the scripture words that man would consider negative and we’ve been finding this in the Book of Revelation a lot. What we’re said it that to the living soul that it’s happening to it is indeed a calamity. When God comes over to Satan and presses down and covers over and prevents from manifesting the satanic thoughts, believe me brethren, from Satan’s point of view, calamity has come upon him. Calamity has come upon him. He cannot manifest. Why? Because the angel sent by Almighty God is hovering over him, is covering over him, is pressing down upon him and he cannot get his thoughts out to the mind of man. And then what’s happening? The angel that’s covering over him, the angel that’s pressing him down is transmitting the thoughts of Almighty God into man. Do you see the exchange brethren? There’s an exchange taking place. So let’s go on with this. And I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven.




First of all I’d like to tell you that the word the in the phrase the midst of Heaven -- that’s no in the original Greek. We’re going to find out that this first phrase is very poorly translated brethren, so bear with me. The word the in the midst of Heaven is not in the original Greek. The word in in the midst of Heaven is Strong’s 1722 and can indeed also be translated upon. Upon. The midst of Heaven, that’s one Greek word. It’s Strong’s 3321. The correct translation is really mid-Heaven. Mid-Heaven. I have heard it taught -- I don’t know whether you’ve heard it or not -- I’ve heard it taught by a well-meaning preacher that believed that there were three Heavens. You might recall that in a recent message the Lord taught us that there are not three Heavens. There are only two Heavens -- the spiritual realm of God’s spirit and the spiritual realm of the soul. I have heard a very well-meaning preacher preach that mid-Heaven is the second Heaven. But it’s not the second Heaven, brethren.


I have a note for you. Thayer, who writes the Greek lexicon or one of the Greek lexicons that I use says that sun is said to be in mid-Heaven -- mid-Heaven being the highest point in the Heavens which the sun occupies at high noon. The implication of the sun being at high noon is that it can be seen by all. If we are talking about an angel being in mid-Heaven, we are talking about him being at the highest point in the Heavens where what he is doing can be seen and heard by all. I’m going to suggest to you that the phrase the midst of Heaven typifies the highest point in the spiritual realm of the soul from where Satan can be seen and heard by all, even the human spirit. Brethren, Satan is occupying the high place of God’s creation. What does the term the high place mean? The high place -- the place where you go where you get closest to God. The human spirit brethren, the human spirit. Satan is occupying God’s place. He is married to the human spirit. He has produced the carnal mind and through that carnal mind he is transmitting or literally broadcasting his thought processes, his ideas into the minds of every human being alive. And until Christ appears in each vessel he is literally unhindered. He is the sun of the cosmos which is the natural man. He is in mid-Heaven. He rules from a place or position that is likened unto high noon and the entire vessel that he rules in can see and hear everything that he’s doing. Why? Because he is their mind.


Glory to God.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: The first third of Revelation 14:6: And I saw a different messenger covering over and pressing down the high place of the living soul from which Satan broadcast his false doctrines into the minds of men, even the human spirit. Satan is indeed, brethren, ruling in the temple of God as if he were God. He is possessing the possession of the Lord Jesus Christ for a season. And he is ruling as God. And I saw a different messenger covering over and pressing down the high place of the living soul from which Satan broadcast his false doctrines into the minds of men, even the human spirit.


Glory to God.


And I would just like to remind you that throughout the Old Testament we hear that the heathen sacrificed unto their gods on every hill, on every high place. It’s just a piece of spiritual knowledge that’s in the hearts of all men, perverted or otherwise, that when you want to commune with God you’ve got to go to the high place. But brethren, the high place is not the mountain. It’s not the Rockies. It’s not the Alps. It’s not the Pyrenees. The high place, the place that is closest to God is the human spirit. Why? Because she is of His substance. He who desires to worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth. God is a spirit and to get to Him we must worship Him from our spirit and brethren, if our spirit is fornicating with the mind of Satan every day we are not worshipping Almighty God. We worship Almighty God when we agree with the thoughts of His Christ. You don’t worship God by crossing yourself. You don’t worship God by praying the rosary. You don’t worship God by going to church or singing beautiful songs. I’m sorry if I’m shocking you, brethren, but you worship God when you reject the thoughts of your carnal mind and you agree with the thoughts of the Christ.




And I saw a different messenger covering over and pressing down the high place of the living soul from which Satan broadcast his false doctrines into the minds of men, even the human spirit. This same phrase flying in the midst of Heaven is found in Revelation 8:13 also. When we studied this verse on message 47, part 1 I was not aware of this deep translation that the Lord has just given me for you. So, on that message, I translated the phrase the midst of Heaven -- flying in the midst of Heaven -- I translated it flying in the spiritual realm of the soul. Which is not incorrect, but we now have a deeper understanding of the term the midst of Heaven.


Glory to God.


Continuing with: Having the everlasting gospel. The angel that was flying over the high place of the living soul and pressing down the satanic mind, treading it under foot if you will, he had the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation and kindred and tongue and people. To those that dwell on the earth -- and that is a total category -- those that dwell on the earth are made up of nations, kindreds, tongues and people.


This word having is Strong’s 2192 and it can mean to -- it means to possess. He had it. He possessed the everlasting gospel. Brethren, you cannot preach the gospel if you don’t have it. We have a whole church world full of preachers that are trying to preach the gospel and they don’t have it. They haven’t got the gospel, brethren. They can’t give it. But instead of admitting they don’t have it they’re giving another gospel, a wrong gospel, a false gospel. You can’t give it if you don’t have it.


Glory to God.


The word everlasting is Strong’s 166 and it is translated -- the actual translation is not everlasting. It’s the Greek word aiṓn. Most believers that have studied to any amount of time are familiar with the word aiṓn. It means age, ages. It’s the plural of aiṓn and it means ages. The implication is that this is a time period that is existing in the past and the present and the future. It is a time period with no specific delineated end. It goes on indefinitely. And the word gospel, of course, most of us should know, is Strong’s 2098 and it means good news. There is one gospel, brethren, but this gospel is divided into many parts. I don’t even know if parts if the correct word. Let me say it this way. A particular teaching of the gospel is separated out of the whole and directed towards one specific group of people. This is another way of saying that a particular group of people may need to hear a particular aspect of the gospel from a particular viewpoint in order to accomplish God’s purposes in their lives.


Brethren, I’ve had many experiences where I’ve gone to people with the word of revelation and they couldn’t receive it and they’ve come back to me a couple of weeks or a couple of months later and they said God gave it to me and this is how He gave it to me. It was a little different than you preached it to me. But because of where I am this is how I needed to hear it for me to get the understanding. So there is one gospel but God will preach it from different viewpoints to different people -- His sole purpose being to bring all men unto Christ. He’ll go to them and tell them that part of the gospel that they need to hear.


I just want to give you some scriptures on that. We’re going to start with one gospel from many points of view. The gospel of God, we find in the scripture the expression the gospel of God. I’m going to suggest to you that the gospel of God is sent to those who do not know God and the message to them is repent and come to know the living God, the true God.


Romans 15:16: That I, Paul, should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost. Paul was sent with the gospel of God to the Gentiles that the Gentile people might be acceptable unto God. How? By keeping the religious ordinances of the old covenant Hebrews? No. By being sanctified by the Holy Ghost, not being sanctified by the Levitical priesthood sacrifices. The gospel of God went to the Gentiles but for the Gentiles to be accepted by God they must be sanctified first. They must hear the gospel. They must repent. And they must receive the Holy Ghost.


Glory to God. Hallelujah.


I have another scripture for you on that -- the gospel of God. First Peter 4:17: For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God and if it first began at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? The gospel of God, brethren, is for those are not of the household of God. It’s the gospel. It’s the good news of salvation. But it’s being preached in a particular way to those people that don’t know anything about God. Brethren, was Paul going to write that epistle to the Book of Hebrews? Was he going to go and preach that to someone that knew nothing about Jehovah at all? He couldn’t hold their interest for five minutes. They’d walk away from him. He had to preach the gospel to the Gentiles in a manner that would enable the Gentiles to receive it and from that point of view God calls it the gospel of God.


Then we find the scripture speaking about the gospel of the Son or the gospel of Jesus Christ. I saw to you, I suggest to you that the gospel of the Son is sent to those who do know God. Who knows God? The Jew. When God sends a preacher preaching the gospel to the Jew He does not speak in the same terms that he speaks to the Gentiles. He speaks to them as men that know Jehovah and should have an expectation of salvation because they have been studying the scripture for years and they should already know that God has promised salvation to them. And He says to these people, repent of your idolatries, of your whoredoms, you who should know better and return unto your God.


To the Gentile He just says repent and come to know me. To the Jew He says repent of your idolatries and your whoredoms, you who should know better and return unto Me that I might return unto you. Mark 1:1-3: The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God -- the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God -- behold I send My messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His path straight. Brethren, no one’s going to preach that to a Gentile that never read the Bible. They’ll turn around and walk away.


Romans 1:1: Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord -- this is the gospel of the Son we’re talking about -- declared to be the Son of God with power to all called to be saints, I thank God through Jesus Christ for you all that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. The gospel of the Son, the gospel of salvation through the Son of God is preached to those who already know God.


The gospel of the kingdom is sent to those who need information about the kingdom of God. That could be Jew or Greek and the message to them is repent of pride and learn the spiritual truth about the kingdom. I guess that would much more likely be a Jew than a Greek. The kingdom is not on Mars, brethren. It’s not on another planet. Behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Repent of your pride. Put away your false doctrine and learn the truth. Luke 19:11: And as they heard these things Jesus added and spake a parable because He was nigh to Jerusalem and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear. I guess the gospel of the kingdom is just preached to the Jew. They thought it should immediately appear. Did you ever receive a prophecy and feel that it should immediately appear?


Glory to God.


Put away your religious pride and learn the spiritual truth about the kingdom of God.




The gospel of Christ -- now this is not the gospel of the Son -- the gospel of Christ teaches about salvation through agreeing with the thoughts of Christ unto righteousness. The gospel of Christ teaches that salvation is a result of denying the thoughts of the carnal mind and agreeing with the thoughts of Christ in your mind. It is a constant, ongoing warfare. Rebuking, casting down every high imagination that enters into your mind and saying Lord, help me to believe that which You have said unto me.


For the life of me I cannot understand these ministries that preach there’s no more warfare. Your warfare has been accomplished. I don’t know what they’re talking about. There is war reigning in my mind, brethren. Every day, every minute, every second of my life Satan wants me to believe him and Christ wants me to believe Him. And let me tell you something. It’s no warfare to believe Satan. That’s rest and relaxation, believing Satan. It is a warfare to agree with the mind of Christ and salvation, brethren, is in agreement with the mind of Christ. Repent of fornicating with your carnal minds and pray for the ability to agree with Christ. Repent of fornicating with your carnal minds and pray for the ability to agree with Christ.


Romans 1:16-17: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes. To everyone that succeeds in rejecting the carnal mind and agreeing with Christ. It’s the power of salvation to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written. The just shall by faith. In a recent message we did a word study on this word faith. It really means fidelity. The just shall live by fidelity to the mind of Jesus Christ. There is righteousness that will result from waging war against your carnal mind and by the power of Almighty God agreeing with Christ. The end result of it is righteousness and through righteousness, salvation.


I don’t know how you could do it without a warfare. I don’t know what these ministries are talking about. And they’ve got hundreds of people buying their messages and coming to their meetings and inviting them all over the country. Sometimes our numbers are so small, if I didn’t have an understanding of what God was doing I’d be discouraged. No one wants to go the hard way. Only one or two -- I don’t know what to call us. They called John a mad man -- John the Baptist. Well, maybe we’re mad men out here in the wilderness. But I’ll tell you this; we hear the voice of God. And behold a voice came to John in the wilderness and said go forth, for indeed the Messiah is at hand.




He was there all by himself, brethren.


Second Corinthians 4:4: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not. Do you remember from our past study? What does the word believe mean? The word believe means to turn your head towards, to attempt to agree with the mind of Christ, to make that effort to reject the carnal mind and agree with Christ even to the extent of saying God I can’t do it. Help me. That’s what the word believe means. And we’re told in 2nd Corinthians 4:4 that the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not. Brethren, if you’re not even trying, if you’re not even trying to resist the carnal mind, if you’re not even crying out to God saying give me the strength to resist and agree with Christ, if you’re not doing that, your mind has been blinded by the god of this world.


I just answered my own question or the Lord answered my own question. That’s why these ministries don’t believe in the warfare. They’re not even trying and the god of this world has blinded their minds lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. Brethren, I don’t care how much revelation they have, I don’t care how much like a Christian they look, if they are not resisting the carnal mind and striving to agree with Christ there is no salvation unto them. We must exchange souls to be saved. We must get into Christ.


The gospel of the grace of God is sent to those that need to know that God has the power to enable them to keep the law. It is the law of sin and death that is killing us, brethren. It is our inability to keep the law. What does that mean? That means that we are agreeing with the carnal mind. It is our continuation in fornication with the carnal mind. Our inability to say no, I will not do it, I will agree with Christ, that is killing us. And the gospel of grace tells those that needs to hear it that there is a new power base in the earth. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ and through Him can be imparted to you the power to keep the law that you might stop dying and live.




The message to these people is repent and change your ways by the power of Almighty God. Change your thought patterns and change your behavior by the power of Christ, the new power base in the earth that is in your mind. And if it’s not in your mind ask for it, brethren, and He’ll give it to you because He gives freely and abundantly to those that ask Him.


Acts 20:24: But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself so that I might finish my course with joy. This is Paul speaking. And the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus Christ to testify the gospel of the grace of God. But none of these things move me. None of his trials move him. Neither does he count his life dear. Neither will he reject God to save his life so that he might finish his course. What course? The course, the end of which is that Christ shall appear in him. And the ministry which he has received from the Lord Jesus Christ -- and the reason he wants to do it is to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. We know that Paul has testified that he is the chiefest of sinners. If God could save him God could save anybody. Indeed, he persecuted and murdered the holy apostles of God. Brethren, if that isn’t fornicating with your carnal mind I don’t know what is. And Jesus Christ imparted the power to a man who was so overtaken by his carnal that he was killing the apostles of God. To him was imparted the power to stop that fornication and to receive the mind of Christ. Brethren, he could do it for you, too.


The everlasting gospel, which we are dealing with in our study tonight, Revelation 14:6, teaches about deliverance from death. The message to the people that need to hear that there is a deliverance from death; the message is repent of sin and believe that God can give you unending life. Repent of your sins and ask God for the power to stop fornicating with your carnal mind that says this is hogwash and to receive the thoughts of the mind of Christ which says yes, I shall impart to you life without end through righteousness. No corrupt person shall inherit the kingdom of God my friend. We’ll only enter in through righteousness.


Hebrews 7:15-16: And it yet far more evident for that after the similitude of Melchizedek there ariseth another priest who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life. This scripture is speaking about Jesus Christ of Nazareth, brethren, and the authority by which He is made high priest is not that He is appointed under the Levitical law but that, through His righteousness, He has received life without end and that fact has made Him a high priest, the mediator between God and man.


We’re going on with verse 6 of chapter 14 in the book of Revelation. Having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth. Let me give you that alternate translation of the first part of that phrase so that you can stay with me.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: The first third of Revelation 14:6: And I saw a different messenger covering over and pressing down the high place of the living soul from which Satan broadcasts his false doctrines into the minds of men, even the human spirit, and this angel was having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth.


The word preach is Strong’s 2097. It really means to announce the good news. I point out to you that there was more than one Greek word is translated preach. This one simply means to announce the good news, good tidings. To those that dwell on the earth. The word dwell is Strong’s 2730 and that word dwell means to house permanently or to reside. I suggest to you, brethren that the members of the living soul are permanently residing with -- they are permanently married to -- they are permanently joined to the earth of the Adamic soul. Permanently. That means to get us free is going to take a miracle of the magnitude of which this world has never seen. As we’ve studied in past meetings, it’s going to take something that I believe the scripture likens to nuclear fusion. Incredible amounts of energy are going to be required to do what to the carnal mind is impossible. There is no separation from Satan for natural man, brethren, outside of the incredible power of Almighty God.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: The second third of Revelation 14:6: So that he could -- this is the angel that’s covering over Satan’s mouth now -- so that he could -- and the reason he’s covering it over is so that he could declare the good news which he possessed about an endless life to those permanently residing in the realm of death. Which I declare to you, brethren, is Hell. Brethren, this is it. We are in Hell now. For those preachers that are out there preaching Hell is a place, I agree with you. It’s a place. It’s called the planet Earth. So we have an angel and he’s possessing the good news that we can stop dying and live an endless life and in order to deliver this news to the people that are joined to the Adamic soul, they are so blinded by Satan’s doctrines, this angel, by the power of God, has to enter into the minds of men, cover over the satanic mind, press it down, wreak calamity upon it, strip it of its power to impart its knowledge to men, and when he shuts him up, then the angel preaches the good news about everlasting life. Brethren, no one can hear this message until the angel of Almighty God hovers over and crushes down and treads underfoot the mind of Satan in any individual believer. They shall not believe by the Adamic mind. Until God sends His power to quiet that mind they shall not believe.




So that he could declare the good news which he possessed about an endless life to those permanently residing in the realm of death, even Hell. This planet right here.


Continuing with and to every nation and kindred and tongue and people that are residing in this realm of death, that are residing here in Hell. This angel, it was his intention to preach this gospel of life and not death unto every nation, kindred and tongue and people that are residing permanently in this realm of death, even Hell, this planet Earth. The word nation is Strong’s 1484. We’ve had this at least three or four times so I’m just going to run through it. And I remind you that it means those who have never known God. I’m not going to go through the whole definition. It means those who have never known God.


The word kindred is Strong’s 5443, and that is a race or a clan and it means every physical race. The word tongue is Strong’s 1100. It’s referring to a language that’s naturally acquired. So what we’re talking about is those groups of people who express themselves in the same way, who think alike. We’re talking about groups of thinking. We’re talking about groups of thinking. For those of you that are aware of it, brethren, you go over to Europe and there’s no question about it that there is a particular way of thinking that British people think. And there’s a particular way of thinking that French people think. And anybody that wants to be a diplomat or a missionary or anybody from one nationality that wants to go minister to another nationality for any reason -- a businessman, a politician, a minister of the gospel, anything -- they will go and research the mind of the people that they’re going to. They don’t want to offend them. They want to know how to reach them. They want to know how to business with them. Groups of people have definite ways of thinking.


I suggest to you that I would take this even a step further. I would say when Jesus is reaching out with this everlasting gospel to the groups of people that think the same way, He’s talking about the Jehovah’s Witnesses. He’s talking about the Mormons. He’s talking about the Catholics. He’s talking about the Hindus. He’s talking about the Buddhists. He’s going to go to them and He’s going to relate to them the gospel of the kingdom in a way that they need to hear it. That the result of His words will be that their carnal mind will be covered over and pressed down under great calamity for the power of Almighty God has crushed it.




And He’s also going to take this word to the peoples of the earth and I suggest to you that that is referring to the people that have known God. Traditionally in the scriptures this word refers to Israel.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: The third third, Revelation 14:6: And to all those who have never known God -- this is who He’s going to preach the everlasting gospel to -- to all those who have never known God, to every physical race, to the many groups of people who have a different way of thinking and to those who have known God.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Revelation 14:6: And I saw a different messenger covering over and pressing down the high place of the living soul from which Satan broadcast his false doctrines into the minds of men, even the human spirit, so that He could declare the good news he possessed about an endless life to those permanently residing in the realm of death, even Hell, to all those who have known God, to every physical race, to the many groups of people who have a different way of thinking and to those who have known God. This everlasting gospel, brethren, is going to the whole world. Every human being, no matter what category you can place them in, at some point the angel of Almighty God is going to approach them and he’s going to speak to them with a stinger in his mouth and he’s going to paralyze the satanic mind. He’s going to hover over it. He’s going to cover over. He’s going to tread it underfoot and he’s going to shut its mouth. And when that happens to you, brethren, you shall hear the gospel of life.


Glory to God.


Please note that this gospel of an endless life shall be declared to those who have known God last. I suggest to you that’s the natural Jew.


Verse 7: Saying with a loud voice -- now this is the angel that’s covering over the satanic mind -- and when he covered it over and tread it down, this is what he said into the minds of the people with a loud voice -- fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgment has come and worship Him that made Heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters. This first phrase, it’s a very poor translation, brethren. We have some translating work to do here.




Saying with a loud voice. The word saying is Strong’s 3004. It means a set discourse -- and we’re talking about preaching here -- this angel that’s bringing this good news, brethren, he’s a preacher. He’s a preacher that’s preaching under the anointing. His words are with power, brethren. They’re powerful enough to press down the satanic minds of those to whose ears his words are coming. And the word loud -- we’ve had all these words before, so I didn’t look them up again -- it means authoritative. The word voice merely means a sound. Saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to Him.




Fear God and give glory to Him. The word fear means reverence. There are two Greek words that are translated fear, brethren, and this is the word that means reverence. It does not mean an ungodly fear. It means reverence.




Fear God and give glory to Him. I remind you that on message number 42, part 7, we established that the word glory typifies God’s spirit manifesting through the soul of man or the spirit of God manifesting through a man’s soul life. The scripture describes it as glory. We did a word study on that -- message 42, part 7.


Saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgment is come. This word for can be translated because, which we are doing for this verse. The word hour I remind you means a time period, a spiritual time period. And judgment, I remind you, is the correction that will bring the Adamic soul into the image of Christ. The judgments of God are merciful. They will be painful for a season but they shall yield the peaceable fruit of the righteousness which comes forth as our soul is forced into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. I remind you that that judgment can start from the outside, but as soon as Christ begins to be formed in you the judgment shall transfer to the inside -- inside your own mind and this is the white throne judgment. Christ appearing in you in whatever measure will judge your soul, brethren. If you have Christ in you in any form He will start judging your soul. You can review that on message 42, parts 2 and 15 if you like - the white throne judgment. Christ, in your mind, judging your soul.


John 16, I have some excerpts here from verses 7, 8 and 11: Jesus speaking: Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you. But if I depart I will send Him unto you and when He is come He will reprove the world of -- that means He will reprove the world of -- that means He will give the world an understanding of judgment. Because the prince of this world is judged. Brethren, the way you’re going to get an understanding of judgment is that the prince of this world, Satan, in your mind, is about to be judged. A lot of believers running around saying I want Christ formed in me. I want tabernacles. I want Christ formed in me. Brethren, when He’s formed in you He judges your soul. Better be careful what you pray for. You shall get a revelation of judgment when the prince of this world is judged in your mind. When you receive the Holy Spirit that is the beginning of the process that will result in the judgment of your soul.




The prince of this world, even Satan, shall be judged one man at a time as Christ appears in that man’s mind.


Glory to God.


Saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgment is come. This word come means appear. The hour of His judgment is at hand. It’s appearing.




I have a comment for you. This is a very poor translation. Saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgment is come. Very poor translation, so try and follow me with this. The Concordant Greek Text, which is an interlinear, tells us that the phrase for the hour of His judgment is come should read that appeared in the hour of His judgment. Let me tell you what I’m getting at and then I’ll tell you again. Saying with a loud voice fear God and give the glory to Him that appeared in your mind at the hour of His judgment. The King James says: For the hour of His judgment is come. But the Greek Concordant Text says that which appeared in the hour of His judgment.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: First half of Revelation 14:7: This angel now that was covering over the satanic mind, he was preaching with an authoritative voice and he was saying reverence God and let the respect -- glory to God -- let the respect for His spirit -- this is glory now -- let the respect for His spirit that appeared in your mind during the time that His judgments were falling upon you, let that respect be revealed in your thoughts, words and deeds. This angel that’s pressing down the satanic mind, he was preaching with a very authoritative voice and he was saying fear God, reverence Him and let the respect for His spirit that appeared in your mind during the time that His judgments were falling upon you be revealed in your thoughts, words and deeds. That’s much more significant than to say for the hour of His judgment is come. It’s come, brethren. And the result of it is that your blasphemy has been cast down and in its place is appearing in your mind a respect for Almighty God.




Continuing with: And worship Him that made Heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters. And worship Him that made Heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters. This word and can be translated by and we shall translate it by. Worship -- we’ve had that many times and the true worship, brethren, I remind you is denying your soul life and obeying God. You can review this on message 18, part 1. Brethren, it’s very nice to sing songs. It’s very nice to raise your hands. It’s very nice to give testimonies. But it’s not going you one bit of good if, when you finish, you get up and you fornicate with your carnal mind. Brethren, the gifts, the hand raising, the song singing, the dancing -- they are given unto you to guide you and bring you into a true submission to God, which is rejecting the thoughts of your carnal mind and obeying Christ. I’m not going to lie to you, that is painful. Singing and dancing and prophesying feels so good. Well, you start really worshipping God and you’re not going to feel good, brethren. But in due season your faithfulness to Christ shall produce the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto the salvation of your soul. The end of your faith is the salvation of your soul. The end of denying your carnal and agreeing with Christ, when you finally get to the point that you do it without failure, shall result in the salvation of your soul.


And worship Him that made Heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters. Heaven -- it’s a singular Heaven, I call your attention to, and I’m suggesting to you that the scripture is speaking about the spiritual realm of the soul. I don’t believe God is saying that He made the realm of His spirit. He made the spiritual realm of the soul. He created the living soul and that spiritual realm of the soul is a three-part spirit. It’s made up of Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. God has produced this. It’s the work of His hands. He has also made the earth, which I remind you is the conscious mind of man, which is Adam. And He has also made the sea, which is the unconscious mind of man, even Satan. I think I’m going to have to go back on that. The Heaven that God created -- it must be just Eve. The Lord must be talking about Eve there. He created Eve. He made her a part of the living soul. He also made the unconscious mind of man, Adam. And He made the sea. He made the conscious mind of man, Adam, which is the earth. He made the sea, which is the unconscious mind of man, even Satan.


He also produced the fountains of waters which symbolize God’s source of supply in the earth of mankind. We established that on message 45, part 3 if you would like to review that.


He’s saying respect God and let the respect for His spirit that appeared in your mind during the time that His judgments were falling upon you be revealed in your thoughts, your words and your deeds. And this is how you’re going to do it. By denying your own soul and obeying Him that formed the spiritual realm of the soul, which is Eve; the conscious mind of man and the unconscious mind of man, even the one who caused the spiritual life of God to appear in the earth of men’s souls. What is the Lord saying? He made the spiritual realm of the soul. He made Adam. He made Eve. He made Satan. And after He made them He had the power to cause the life of God to rise up like a fountain of living waters through this living soul. He is God Almighty. The Lord Jesus Christ is His name.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Revelation 14:7: Now this angel that covered over and hovered over and pressed down the satanic mind, he was preaching with an authoritative voice reverence God and let the respect for His spirit that appeared in your mind during the time that His judgments were falling upon you be revealed in your thoughts, word and deeds by denying your own soul and obeying Him that formed the spiritual realm of the soul, the conscious mind of man and the unconscious mind of man, even the one who caused the spiritual life of God to rise up and appear in the earth of the Adamic soul.


Verse 8: And there followed yet another angel saying Babylon has fallen, has fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Now I’m not going to give any information about Babylon right now because chapters 17 and 18 of the Book of Revelation deal with Babylon in detail. And I will remind you that she does typify the false religion that is preached by the living soul. The carnal mind of man has its own religion. It’s a false religion and Babylon typifies that in the scripture.


Parts of chapter 17 and all of chapter 18 of the Book of Revelation are dealt with in our series number 32, called “Mystery Babylon.” I will not be redoing these verses when we get up to those chapters. I probably will read the alternate translations onto these messages in this series and I’ll probably be reviewing the series myself and pass on to you any comments or additional information that the Lord reveals to me. As you know, this is a learning, unfolding revelation in this ministry and I review my messages all the time and I hear things that I would have preached differently. But of course, I preached them a year ago or six months ago and now six months later God has given me more information. This series “Mystery Babylon” was preached well over a year ago. Close to two years ago. I most likely will be reviewing those messages before we get to chapter 17 and 18 and if God gives me any additional information I’ll be giving you little comments and reading the alternate translations into this series of messages. However, it would be to y our benefit if you feel that you would like to review this series yourself. I wouldn’t do it right now. You know how long it’s going to take you to get through -- I think it’s eight messages. Just start doing it as we come towards the end of chapter 16, which could be a couple of months from now. Just keep it in mind.


We’re continuing with verse 8: And there followed another angel saying Babylon has fallen, has fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. This is a very poor translation, brethren. And there followed another angel saying Babylon has fallen, has fallen, that great city. The word followed is Strong’s 190 and it means to be in the same way, to accompany, to be of the same mind, of the same accord, to be thinking in the same direction. Again, another angel means a different angel - angel being messenger. And this word saying again means preaching. And there followed another messenger preaching Babylon has fallen. The false religion that is promoted by the carnal mind of the living soul is fallen and the word fallen is Strong’s 4098. It means to fall down. It means to fall down from a higher place. I suggest it means to lose power or to come to naught. The phrase is fallen is repeated twice I suggest to you because antichrist religion is being brought to naught in both the human soul and the human spirit. I suggest to you or remind you that the human spirit is married to Satan and is joined to him and their offspring, the carnal mind and it is from this source that the false religious dogma is coming forth. It is being pumped into the conscious minds of men and it is received there.


So there are two places that it must be cast out of -- the unconscious mind from where it’s being generated and the conscious mind where it is being believed. I remind you in past teaching in this Book of Revelation we have been taught that even after Jesus Christ completely defeats the unconscious mind the conscious minds of men must receive many stripes in the form of judgment because He will not willingly give up the false religion or the evil ways that were taught to him by the satanic unconscious mind. Even thought that satanic mind has been destroyed, the conscious mind has been obeying for so many years he will not be able to change his ways without judgment.


Glory to God. Hallelujah.


The word great -- we’re talking about that great city now -- is Strong’s 3173. It means proud or mighty. And the city I suggest to you is the living soul. We know that Jesus taught that every man is a city and the corporate living soul is a city. We are a city that is being created to house spiritual life. The spirit dwells in the soul and the soul dwells in the body.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: First half Revelation 14:8: And a different angel accompanied the first one, preaching that the false religious systems of that proud city, which is being created to house the spiritual life of God, even the living soul, are being brought to naught in both the conscious and the unconscious minds of men. And a different angel accompanied the first angel, preaching that the false religious systems of that proud city, which is being created to house the spiritual life of God, even the living soul, are being brought to naught in both the conscious and the unconscious minds of men.


Brethren, how are they being brought to naught? The minds of the men, brethren, are rejecting the thoughts of the carnal mind. They are casting down every high imagination. They are resisting it. They are at war with their own minds and they are crying out to God daily for the grace and the ability to believe the gospel of Christ. And God shall answer their prayers, brethren, and they shall receive the power and they shall reject the carnal mind and they shall join with Christ and the result of this is that the false religious systems that have been raised up by the carnal mind shall be brought to naught. Mankind shall not believe their lies any longer.


Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Continuing with: Because -- who? The living soul. She made all nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. This is a poor translation, brethren. I’ll try to make this as clear as I can for you. Because she made all nations -- and we know that nations are those that have never known God -- we studied that earlier. She made them to drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. The words made to drink is one Greek word. It’s Strong’s 142. This is the only time it’s translated made to drink and what it means is to furnish drink to irrigate, to give to drink, to feed, to water. It means to flush somebody with water. I remind you that water typifies the spiritual realm of the soul. All men that have never known God have been made to be filled with this spiritual life with this ungodly illegal spiritual life. The word wine in the scripture typifies spirit. Now this word wrath is Strong’s 2372 and it means passion. Now we’re told in the lexicon -- I didn’t write down which lexicon told me this -- it’s either Strong’s. I think probably Thayer told me this. This word wrath typifies the angry heat that comes forth, boiling up and soon subsiding again. We’re talking about a rhythmic angry heat that rises up and withdraws, rises up and subsides, rises up and subsides.


I’m asking you to remember our studies in Ezekiel 1 where the Lord gave us some very exciting teaching about how this realm of appearance appears. If you remember there was a constant spiritual sexual activity of coming together and of pulling away, of coming together and of pulling away. A rising up and a subsiding of the male and female elements of spiritual life. In the living soul those elements are the human spirit and the satanic mind. There is a constant spiritual sexual intercourse which sustains and maintains the carnal mind. The result of which is that men appear in the realm of appearance. I’m suggesting to you that this word wrath is typifying that. Of course we know when the creation is completed that spiritual sexual intercourse will be taking place between Christ and Eve. Between the soul of Jesus Christ that has been imparted to us and Eve, and their offspring shall be the personal Christ that is birthed in each individual vessel.


Glory to God.


The word fornication is 4202. And brethren, I’m asking you to put your religiosity away. I came out of a church meeting a couple of years ago, went out to coffee with a group of Christians. This subject came up of fornication and adultery. I said if you look up the word fornication in the Greek it does not mean what we think it means in English. The Greek word translated fornication includes all kinds of perversion. Adultery is merely having sex with someone you’re not married to, that is not your mate. The lady that was sitting next to me said now dear, I’ve been a Sunday school teacher for 20 years and you’re mistaken. Will you go home and double check that word? And she really condescended to me. And I just looked at her and there was a man sitting on my left and he said yeah, you must be right. I always thought that fornication just meant sex outside of marriage. Nobody gave me any credence at all. They would not even go so far as to say maybe you could be right. They didn’t even consider it. And I just gave up. I said yes, I will go home and check it. And I went home and I checked it. Brethren, the word fornication is Strong’s 4202. It does not mean fornication as the English language means it. In the English language fornication just means sex outside of marriage. The Greek word means harlotry, including incest and adultery and idolatry -- perversion, brethren, perversion. Put away your pride. Put away your religiosity. I don’t care how long you’re teaching Sunday school, brethren, there just may be something you don’t know.


Glory to God.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Second half or Revelation 14:8: Because she -- who? The living soul -- Babylon -- she caused all men -- the living soul that produced the false religion of Babylon -- she caused all men who have never known God to come into existence as a result of the raging passions of the spirit that rules her, even Satan, the one who engages the living soul in continuous incestuous sexual intercourse.


I remind you, brethren, that we are the product of incest. Satan and Eve are brother and sister. Come unto me my sister, my love, my dove. Song of Solomon. Review it on message 2, the seduction of Eve. And because she caused all men who have never known God to come into existence as a result of the raging passions of the spirit that rules her, even Satan, the one who engages her -- the human spirit -- in continuous incestuous sexual intercourse. If you’d like to you might want to review message number 4, a study of incarnation at the express will of Adam. Brethren, this doctrine of incarnation at the express will of Adam is so profound. Those of you that have studied it, I don’t know what kind of an effect it’s had on you but I preached that message two years ago and every time I think about it and on the several occasions that I’ve listened to the message I am attacked severely with doubt and I go before God and I say God did you give me that message? That is some message. Did you give me that message that some men are in this earth because the Lord Jesus Christ from the spiritual realm said I want you to be born because you’re going to serve me? And that other men are in this earth because the spirit that rules in the living soul wants to perpetuate himself and is causing babies to be born? Of all the doctrines that you’ve given me to preach, Lord, that is the one that I am attacked on most frequently that it may not be God. And here is another witness to it and I thank God for the other witness to it. Because she caused all men that have never known God -- those that have been birthed at the express will of Adam -- to come into existence as a result of the raging passions of the spirit that rules her, even Satan, the one who engages the human spirit in a continuous incestuous intercourse. And there are men on the face of this earth that have been born as a result of that incestuous intercourse. God has never said come forth. And they are therefore without the root of Christ.




It is possible, however, that they shall be saved through their offspring in future generations. God help us open our minds to this revelation. It is so profound. The whole church world is out there waiting to see [UNINTELLIGIBLE] after they die. Waiting to see their mother, waiting to see their father, waiting to see their husband. Brethren, you’re never going to see them again. Christ is the one that is being resurrected. The soul that’s in it, it shall die. As the leaf on a great tree, once it falls off, it shall never be born again. The tree stands. The spiritual life of the tree stands. It continues to produce new leaves, new souls, new bodies until that last generation when that soul and that body shall be made incorruptible. The same spiritual life, brethren, that’s giving life to the tree -- the tree is Christ, brethren. He lives. He’s being resurrected. He’s being born again into your carnality. He is God. We are just dust. Boy, this is a tough one. Help us all, Lord. How will they ever believe all this stuff, Lord? You’re going to have to really do a miracle.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Revelation 14:8: And a different angel accompanied the first angel -- and a different angel accompanied the first angel preaching that the false religious systems of that proud city which is being created to house the spiritual life of God -- that proud city is even the living soul -- they are being brought to naught. The false religious systems are being brought to naught in both the conscious and the unconscious minds of men because she caused all men who have never known God to come into existence as a result of the raging passions of the spirit that rules her, even Satan, the one who engages the human spirit in continuous incestuous sexual intercourse, the result of which is that this realm of appearance appears. This realm of appearance is not the reflection of Christ, brethren. It is the reflection of Satan. You and I, our bodies, are the reflection of Satan. I’m sorry if I’m shaking you up but most of the time our souls are the reflection of Satan. And the Lord Jesus Christ has entered like a germ enters into a human body. Like a plague enters into the city and everybody runs for the inoculation. Jesus Christ is being viewed by the living soul as an invading virus. As an enemy. As an invading force. But I declare to you, brethren, as smallpox entered into this nation years ago and cries went up from the people as babies and children and mothers and fathers died, that smallpox virus brought death but I declare to you, brethren, that the living soul can call Jesus Christ any name he wants. He can call Him a calamity. He can call Him hated. He can call Him any name he wants but I declare to you when the Lord Jesus Christ enters into this world as an invading virus and He attacks babies and children and mothers and fathers and grandfathers they shall not die, brethren, but the death that rules and reigns in their minds shall die. And He shall impart life to this living soul. Fornicate not with your carnal mind, brethren. Believe not the life. Jesus Christ is a calamity only unto death. He is indeed your savior. Even the savior of the world. He is the destroyer of death and the bringer of life.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Recap: Revelation 14:6-8: And I, John, saw a different messenger hovering over and pressing down the high place of the living soul from which Satan broadcast his false doctrines into the minds of men, even the human spirit, so that he could declare the good news which he possessed about an endless life to those permanently residing in the realm of death, even Hell; to all those who have never known God, to every physical race, to the many groups of people who have a different way of thinking and to those who have known God. And he was preaching with an authoritative voice reverence God and let the respect for His spirit that appeared in your mind during the time that His judgments were falling upon you be revealed in your thoughts, words and deeds by denying your own soul and obeying Him that formed the spiritual realm of the soul, the conscious mind of man and the unconscious mind of man, even the one who caused the spiritual life of God to appear in the earth of the Adamic soul. And a different angel accompanied the first one, preaching that the false religious systems of that proud city which is being created to house the spiritual life of God, even the living soul, are being brought to naught in both the conscious and the unconscious minds of men because she caused all men who have never known God to come into existence as a result of the raging passions of the spirit that rules her, even Satan, the one who engages the human spirit in a continuous incestuous sexual intercourse.


Glory to God.


And there are those, brethren, that have come into this world at the express will of Almighty God and He’s appearing in them in this hour, brethren. And savior shall appear on Mt. Zion and indeed the living soul shall be invaded and indeed she shall die and there shall rise up from her wounds, brethren, the life of the ages.


Glory to God.


Any questions on tonight’s message? OK. God bless you.


5/19/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/20/14 1st Edit CAS & BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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