Part 7 of 10 Parts
This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah.
Recapping Daniel, Chapter 7:15-19: I, Daniel was made holy in the spirit which is in the midst of my soul, even my human spirit and spiritual communications from the Lord were thrust into me. I approached the completed creation of God, which is the fourth beast, even Christ, and ardently asked to know what the vision really meant. So Christ explained it to me and assured me that the vision was of God. These wonderful -- and this is the explanation. These wonderful living creatures which have matured to their full spiritual potential and increased to the number of souls and bodies that complete the living soul, they are human beings which have ascended to the throne of Jesus Christ and become spiritual men. They shall stand up in the authority of Jesus Christ and rule the earth of their souls and indeed, the men who are joined in their minds to Jesus Christ have taken authority over their own souls and become sinless. They shall enter into the kingdom of God, which is the minds of Christ and they shall be joined to the minds of Christ for an indefinite period of time, even for the time period or age which shall be the greatest of all ages.
Then I asked to understand about the fourth living creature and to be assured that I was being taught God’s truth about the one which is so different from the other living creatures that he appears perverted to them. He is gloriously terrifying. The one who has the spiritual strength necessary to boil the souls of men as a sin offering and he is like the one who used to have spiritual power but had fallen down to an existence on the soul realm. Nevertheless, he is the one which is burning the living soul separating Eve from Satan and the carnal mind and then joining himself to Eve and bringing Satan into submission to the authority of His male spiritual strength.
Glory to God.
Going on with verse 20: And of the 10 horns that were in his head -- that means -- now Daniel, I remind you, Daniel says in verse 19 that I would know the truth about -- and we’re continuing in verse 20 now: He would know the truth about the fourth beast and of the 10 horns that were in his head -- in the fourth beast’s head -- and of the other horn which came up and before whom three fell. Even of that horn which had eyes and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.
I remind you that we are in the portion of Chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel where Daniel is more or less repeating his vision that was described in Chapter 7:2-14. Daniel is repeating or recounting that vision and he’s recounting it because he’s asking the Christ within him for more information about it. As in the last message, I suggest to you that you stop the message here, unless you really feel you don’t need it, and review -- not on the last message but the message before that -- it’s Message 71. I guess it’s not even the message before that. It’s Message 71, Part 3. I suggest you review the very last phrase of Daniel 7:7 which says: And the beast had 10 horns and all of Chapter 8 because we’re not going to redo all of that deep revelation.
We’re going to find out that as Daniel recounts his vision for the second time, asking for more information about it, we’re going to find out that that information -- that additional information -- is already coming forth in the form of Daniel’s question. Because as we look at the second recounting of the vision we will see that there is additional information in that second recounting and in the last message we found out that in verse 19 we found out the fourth beast had nails of brass. Which we didn’t find out in verse 7 and in verse 20 today we are going to find out some additional information and we’re also going to -- I am going to try, by the grace of God, to impart to you some understanding of the spiritual reality whereby God will recount a vision. When I say recount I mean repeat, retell, a vision three times.
I’m going to give you some spiritual information about it and I’m going to give you spiritual principles about why God does this. I’m going to give you some information because I’m going to apply those spiritual principles to Daniel’s recounting the vision three times and I’ll show you where he recounts it three times. Then we’re going to spend some time in Chapter 10 or Chapter 11 of the Book of Acts, where we have an account of Peter’s vision and I’m going to show you where that vision was recounted three times and we’re going to apply the spiritual principles that God has given me for you tonight to Peter’s vision in the New Testament. Then we shall see the difference between the Old Testament vision that was recounted three times and the New Testament vision that was recounted three times.
Do you have a question? Could you shut that message off for a second?
Glory to God.
Starting with verse 20 -- let me tell you now that we’re just going to do half of verse 20 tonight. Then we’ll go on with the spiritual teaching that I just told you about.
Starting with the first phrase of verse 20: And of the 10 horns that were in his head -- Daniel wants more information from the Christ within him -- within his own mind, about the 10 horns that were within the head of the beast. I remind you from the past teaching that the number 10 typifies the number of the law. Horns typify power and law. When we did our alternate translation of verse 7 we translated the 10 horns -- let me just read this for you.
In verse 7 at the very end, the very last phrase, it says: And it, the beast, had 10 horns. It, the beast, had 10 horns. When we did that study in Part 3 of Message 71 we found out -- we looked up the translation for the word had and we drew the conclusion in a word-by-word study that what was really being said was that within the beast there were 10 horns. We found out that the 10 horns typified the power of the law and the power of that law was within the beast. We translated it there were the 10 horns which represented the law of sin and death which is ruling from within the midst of the living soul.
Glory to God.
As we look at the second recounting of this vision in verse 20 we read: And the 10 horns that were in his head. Notice the literary technique. In verse 7 we’re told the horns were in the beast. In verse 20 we’re told the location within the beast of where the horns were. The horns were in his head. They weren’t in his toe. They weren’t in his nose. They weren’t in his eye. The horns were in the head of the beast. We’re getting additional information. Daniel’s prayer is being answer as he asks the question. We’re going to get some more understanding of that later on.
The word head is Strong’s 7217. We’ve had it many times. It can mean the head on top of your body. It can mean an authority. It can also mean the sum or the total of. Did you ever hear of a headcount? I know we’ve had this on other messages. This Hebrew word can be translated the total, the sum, or the sum of the many parts. We total it up to a headcount. We are going to translate this phrase that Daniel wants to know about the horns, about the law of sin and death that was within the head of the beast. It was within the many parts of the beast. I’m suggesting to you that this law of sin and death is not just within the beast but it is within each of the many members of the beast and that’s what we are being told in verse 20.
The law of sin and death, the enforcer -- which is Satan -- is not out on Mars. We know there are a lot of preachers and teachers in the church that would tell you that the enforcer of God’s law is out on Mars. He’s not, Brethren. He’s in each of our minds. He is our unconscious mind. He is the unconscious mind of the natural man. As frequently as he can he is operating in our conscious mind with the full intention of bringing us to destruction.
Hallelujah. Glory to God.
This is going to be a very different kind of message and I have a lot of notes so I’m going to be reading somewhat because I don’t want to leave anything out. I’m just going to read you this note here. The 10 horns of the law are not only within the fourth beast -- they’re not only within the fourth beast but more specifically within the head of the fourth beast or within the sum total of the fourth beast or within each of the many members of the fourth beast.
Glory to God.
Remember that we have translated the last phrase of Daniel 7, which reads: And it, the fourth beast, had 10 horns. We translated that as: And in it -- and in the fourth beast -- the law of sin and death is ruling. Verse 20 however reads: And the 10 horns which were in his head -- not in the fourth beast, but in the fourth beast’s head or in its many members.
ALTERNATE TRANSLATION of the first part of Daniel 7:20 reads as follows: And I would like to know -- and Daniel would like to know -- about the law of sin and death which is ruling in each of the many members of the living soul. And I’d like to know about the law of sin and death which is ruling in each of the members of the living soul.
Glory to God.
Continuing with the next little phrase: And of the other which came up. Starting with verse 20: Daniel would like to know of the 10 horns that were in the beast’s head and of the other. The other what? The other horn which came up. That is referring back to verse 8 where Daniel says: I considered the horns and behold, there came up among them another little horn before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots. Now we’re in verse 20. This is Daniel retelling his vision, asking for more information. He’s saying that he would like to know about the other horn which came up.
Glory to God.
I checked this phrase out and there was nothing in this phrase that gives additional information. However, if you take all of the phrases in verse 20 that are referring to the little horn, you will see that additional information with regard to the little horn is added in the form of the phrase whose look was more stout than his fellows. Now watch this. In verse 8: I considered the horns and behold there came up among them another little horn. And behold, in this horn were eyes and a mouth speaking great things. There was a horn. He had eyes and he had a mouth speaking great things. In verse 20 the other horn came up and that horn had eyes and a mouth and spake great things whose look was more stout than his fellows.
We have more information in the phrase whose look was more stout than his fellows. We’re not going to do a word-by-word about that tonight but I just wanted to get that point across. With regard to our study tonight we’re just going to stay with this phrase: And of the other which came up. It means pretty much the same thing as it did in verse 8 and we’re translating it: And I would like to know about the different law. Now remember, the horns, the 10 horns, are the law and a little horn came up and we translated it -- in Message 3 we translated it another horn. Another power source or another law.
Daniel wants to know about the different law which was appearing from underneath the earth of the living soul. A different law, a different power base, if you recall. Daniel would like to know about the different law. Not the law of the 10 horns, not the law of sin and death, but about the different law which was appearing from underneath the earth of the living soul.
Continuing with the phrase: And before whom three fell. I remind you, from our study back on Part 3, that when the little horn rose up and confronted the law of sin and death which is typified by 10 horns that three of those horns fell away. They were castrated. They were made powerless and the spiritual law of Jesus Christ took authority over the living soul. We’re dealing now with this third phrase: And before whom three fell. There is a variation here. Back in verse 8 the phrase is: And there came up among them another little horn before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots. In verse 8 they were plucked up by the roots. In verse 20 they fell. Let’s see what the difference is.
Glory to God.
First of all the word three is Strong’s 8532 and it means the third part. If you would like to review our studies which establish the fact that Satan is the third part of man you could do that by reviewing Message 48, Part 2. Remember there are three parts to the spiritual essence of man? Spirit, soul and the darkness in the earth. Satan is the third part. This is revealed in our study of the six trumpets in the Book of Revelation. The Hebrew word translated fell is Strong’s 5308 and it means to be cast in prison or to prostrate himself. What are we saying here? We’re told in verse 8 when we did the alternate translation on the phrase the first horns were plucked up by the roots and three of the first ones were plucked up by the roots. Our alternate translation was that Christ castrates Satan and brings him into submission. We’re told in verse 20 that the three horns prostrated themselves. We’re told in verse 8 Christ brought them into submission, he castrated them and in verse 20 we’re told that the law of sin and death prostrated itself.
The additional information received in verse 20 is that Satan does not go down fighting. Yes, Christ castrates him; he brings him to a place where Satan will prostrate himself before Almighty God. Do you hear this? Christ does not destroy Satan to the point that he is destroyed fighting. Christ breaks him. He breaks him. He brings him to the point -- Christ brings Satan to the point where Satan shall genuflect before Almighty God and he will bow to him and he will say glory unto the God of the universe, the creator of all men. We have many messages on that in our study in the Book of Revelation.
ALTERNATE TRANSLATION of that part: And before whom three fell. In Daniel 7:20: The one which caused the criminal mind of the living soul to prostrate himself.
ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: This is the first half of Daniel 7:20: And I would like to know about the law of sin and death which is ruling in each and every member of the living soul and about the different law which was appearing from underneath the earth of the living soul; the one which caused the criminal mind of the living soul to prostrate himself.
Glory to God.
Daniel would like to know about the law of sin and death which is ruling in each and every member of the living soul and about the different law -- the law of Christ which was appearing from underneath the earth of the living soul, the one which caused the criminal mind -- Satan, the criminal mind of the living soul to prostrate himself. And I point out to you that the soul of Christ, the law of Jesus Christ, is ascending from underneath the earth of your mind. He is not dropping out of the sky, Brethren. You’re looking in the wrong place.
Glory to God.
In verses 19 and 20 we see Daniel’s request for understanding about the fourth beast, revealing more information than was revealed in his original account of the vision. In verse 19 we find out that the fourth beast contains the redeemed fallen Adam in the form of nails of brass. In verse 20 we find out that the law is not only within the fourth beast but more specifically it is within each of the fourth beast’s many members. We have also found out that Satan is not only castrated by Christ but that he prostrates himself. He is brought into submission. He is broken. He is brought to a place of servitude. He is not destroyed to the point that he is useless. He is brought to a place where he shall serve Christ.
Glory to God. Glory to God.
What does it mean that we have more information the second time around? Do you remember the teaching about how events come to pass in the realm of appearance? First they’re spoken by the authority of God in the realm of the spirit. Then we said they’re sketched in the realm of the soul, which means what? They take form in a man’s thoughts. The last thing that happens is that these events occur or appear or are acted out in the realm of appearance. Nothing happens in the realm of appearance that was not thought by a spiritual life form -- either Christ or Satan. If you think that every thought that rises up in your mind, Brother, comes from Christ you’d better ask and look again. There are only two power bases in the earth that have the authority to give you existence, that have the authority to give you thoughts, that have authority to formulate your behavior. I declare to you, every word you say, every thought you think, and every step you take is not generated by Christ.
Let’s try and get some deep teaching here tonight.
Glory to God.
I’m suggesting to you that when the scripture repeats the account of a vision three times it’s with the specific purpose of describing this vision in the realm of the spirit, in the realm of the soul and in the realm of appearance. They’re not the same in all three areas.
Glory to God.
The first account is seen from the realm of the spirit. It takes the form of pure instruction in a form that the soul cannot understand. Every vision that any believer receives must be interpreted. We must get the understanding of the vision. When we get the understanding of the vision that is the second time that the vision appears. It appears in our soul. It appears in our mind in the form of thoughts -- in the form of human understanding. That’s the second recounting of the vision.
Glory to God.
The third account is seen in the realm of appearance where all men should be able to see and hear and understand what’s going on. I want to tell you something, Brethren, if you’re more mature than me in this world, glory be to God. God bless you. But I want to tell you that I’ve gotten all kinds of visitations from God -- visions, knowledge in many different forms. Even though in many instances I would say to you that I had a very real grasp of what God was saying, I really had a pretty good idea of what He was saying, when it was actually played out in the realm of appearance it’s never -- I don’t recall it ever being exactly in line with the understanding that I had in my thoughts. I would say God has given me enough understanding in the realm of the soul, in the second recounting of the visitation that I could know what to expect. But when it actually happens, when a man comes and says something to me that’s the final recounting of the vision that God gave me it’s never exactly the same as the idea that I had in my mind.
To get the full understanding of a spiritual communication that God has given us, because we’re human we really have to wait for it to be played out in the realm of appearance. Although it’s possible to get a real working understanding in the realm of the soul if you pray very carefully and if you diligently lay hold of your soul in order to stop him from laying hold of God’s revelation and convincing you to use that revelation in a way that will benefit him.
In verse 16 when Daniel says: He came near to one of them that stood by. He says he came near to one of them that stood by. What Daniel is really saying is that he became one with them. Now remember from our last message that the phrase one of them means the united of them or the one of them that swallowed up all the rest. Do you recall? There were four beasts. The second beast swallowed up the first beast. The first beast was Adam, who was glorious. He was innocent. He had the potential to sin but he had not yet sinned. When the second beast appeared he only appeared because the innocent Adam fell into sin. The first beast no longer existed. The third beast was the second part of the fallen Adam -- the sin-stained human soul. The fourth beast is the glorified creation, Christ.
When the glorified Christ comes forth in the living soul there will be no more innocent Adam, no more first beast. Neither will there be the second or third, which is the fallen Adam. They will all be existing in a new form in Christ. When you are an infant your body is not destroyed. What happened to that infant baby that your mother held in one hand? That body wasn’t destroyed. It wasn’t burnt up. It changed. It became what you are now. If you are 40 years old or 50 years old or 20 years old, all of your previous years -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. -- are not gone away. They all exist within you. You are the sum total of all of your years. The fourth beast, Christ, is the sum total of all of the experiences, including the sin-filled ones, that the living soul has lived through. The fourth beast, even Christ, is the mature, completed creation of Almighty God. He is the sum total of the entire experience of the living soul in his mature, glorified state.
The Hebrew word translated came near -- we’re still in verse 16 -- the Hebrew word translated came near can also be translated sexual intercourse in marriage. We know that the vision was within Daniel’s own mind and I’m suggesting to you that Daniel’s soul came near to the Christ which was in his own mind and copulated with Him. Remember, we’re marrying Christ. When Daniel asks for the truth from all who stood by he is asking that spiritual knowledge be expanded into the realm of his soul of human understanding. Daniel wants this spiritual knowledge that is revealed in verses 2 through 14 -- he wants it expanded into the second recounting of the vision. He wants it translated into soulish understanding because man cannot understand the things of the spirit unless God joins Himself to that man and gives understanding of the vision in the soul.
In the first stage, the first counting, the first telling of the vision, the spirit of Christ joins to Daniel’s human spirit. Remember, Daniel said he was made holy in his spirit. How is our spirit made holy? Does anybody remember? There’s only one way our spirit is made holy. Anybody? Did you want to answer that?
Christ. Christ has to be formed in our spirit. What’s cleansing our spirit is the fact that Christ is appearing in it and we know that Christ can appear in an imputed anointing or in an imparted anointing. For Daniel to have been made holy, Christ -- an imputed Christ must have formed in his spirit because we know that there is no imparted anointing before the crucifixion. There was no lasting Christ available to Daniel or any member of natural Israel except for Jesus Christ of Nazareth, of course. Before Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Any anointing that any prophet received from Almighty God, which had to include the spirit of Christ which is mentioned in the scripture, that natural Israel, under the old covenant experienced the spirit of Christ. It was an imputed anointing. It was a Christ that was only temporary that lasted so long as God wanted to communicate with that prophet. It was sent for a specific purpose.
What are we saying? In the first stage, in the first recounting of the vision, the spirit of Christ joins to Daniel’s human spirit and forms the imputed soul of Christ which speaks -- the imputed soul of Christ speaks to Daniel’s human soul. This is expressed in verse 16 by the words so he told me. Christ spoke to Daniel’s human soul. The imputed Christ which has been temporarily formed within Daniel for the specific purpose of imparting knowledge to him, told him -- told Daniel the first part of the second account of the vision. This appears in verses 17 and 18.
What I’m suggesting to you is that the second telling of the vision starts with verse 17 and goes through verse 22. It’s in two parts. In verses 17 and 18 the soul of Christ is telling the soul of Daniel about things to come. Starting with verse 19 we hear Daniel speaking the rest or the balance of the second retelling of the vision. We’re going to find out what that means.
Glory to God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Daniel was joined to Christ through spiritual copulation and he received knowledge. Daniel received knowledge from Christ in the form of understanding. He received the knowledge in his soul and the second counting of the vision in two stages. In the first stage the spirit of Christ joins to Daniel’s human spirit and forms the imputed soul of Christ which speaks to Daniel’s human soul. That’s verses 17 and 18. This is expressed in verse 16 by the words so he told me. The imputed Christ which has been temporarily formed within Daniel for the specific purpose of imparting knowledge to him told Daniel the first part of the second account -- the second retelling of the vision in verses 17 and 18.
Believers -- you and me -- we can experience this stage of revelation in several ways. God can send a prophet to us. We can have Christ speaking to us through another man. We can hear an audible voice. Somebody’s saying to me I thought the Christ was within me. What do you mean God’s sending another prophet to me? Brethren, if Christ isn’t formed in you God could send Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself to you and you won’t understand a word that He’s saying. Remember the scripture? Jesus said don’t you understand my speech? I speak to you. Don’t you understand what I’m saying to you? Brethren, it’s not enough for God to send a prophet to you. You must be prepared within your own spiritual being to hear what is being said to you. If you are clinically deaf, if you cannot hear, if your ears don’t work and I bring a radio over with a news broadcast and turn it on you cannot hear the news -- the radio. The radio station is broadcasting but your receiver is not on. Yes, having the soul of Christ formed in you can bring forth the hearing of the word of the Lord from a prophet, which is another man which is outside of you. But having the soul of Christ formed in you means that your receiver is on. Your spiritual ears are working. This is the first stage of receiving revelation in your soul.
Glory to God.
Let me put this in at this point. Everybody can hear about the first stage which is the impartation of the spirit. You don’t have to be lying on your bed at night and get a vision from God that needs to be interpreted. Haven’t you ever picked up a church magazine where there’s a printed article and a man says I had a dream. I had a prophecy from God. This is what he said to me. You can read about a vision, about a visitation, about a spiritual impartation of information from God right out of the realm of the spirit. Somebody could tell you about it. Didn’t you ever hear of somebody -- one believer going to another person and saying I had a dream and the person that they go to understands the dream? The second person didn’t get the original visitation from Christ. You can hear it from a man.
Glory to God. Hallelujah.
You can get a second recounting of someone else’s visitation in your soul. Anybody not understanding me? We’re supposed to be spiritual now.
Glory to God.
There are three ways that you can hear or you can receive a spiritual revelation in your soul in the first of two stages. God can send a man to you. In the second stage -- the second possibility -- in the first stage we’re talking about the first stage of getting an understanding of a spiritual revelation in your soul. The first stage -- the second possibility in the first stage is that you might hear an audible voice from the Christ within your own minds. If you’ve never heard an audible voice that’s OK. Don’t let anyone put you down because they’ve heard an audible voice. It’s just a gift. It’s passing away with prophecy and tongues and everything else. If you have it, God bless you. You are blessed. But don’t get lifted up in pride. If you’ve never experienced it that’s alright. If you wind up with the fruit and you’ve never experienced the gifts you’re way ahead of those that have had the gifts and never had the fruit. It’s OK.
Glory to God.
I’ve heard audible voices.
Glory to God. Hallelujah.
The third way -- the third possibility of receiving understanding of a spiritual revelation in your soul -- the first stage, when Christ is separate from you in your soul is that you can hear God speak through a scripture. Did you ever read your Bible and read a particular scripture and get an understanding that God is really meaning that for you? If that’s happened to you, fine. If it hasn’t, God bless you. The only thing that matters is the end. Where are the first, second and third beasts? The only thing that matters is the fourth beast. The only thing that matters is that you get there at the end. It doesn’t matter if you skip step one, two and three. Do you hear me? It doesn’t matter. Just keep on going. Don’t give up.
The third possible way that you can get understanding of a visitation from God in your soul, the second recounting of the vision is that God could speak to you through a scripture or He could speak to you through a natural example. My sister called me on the phone the other day and she told me an interesting account of how God spoke to her. She stopped off to buy some food for dinner and she picked up two chicken breasts. All she wanted was simply broiled chicken breast. Nothing fancy. She was tired. She had had a rough day. She walked in the house and she put the chicken breasts down and went inside and by the time she washed up and came back out her mother had laid hold of the chicken breasts, unwrapped them, deboned them, cut them in pieces and made a gourmet meal. All she wanted was a simple unadorned chicken breast. She had to put her pride in her pocket -- because she never said anything to her mother who meant well by her -- and enjoy it. The Lord turned around and said to her do you see that? Sometimes I ask you to do something and you make this whole big fancy gourmet meal out of it and all I wanted you to do was this little thing. God spoke to her through a natural example. When she saw what happened this understanding just came into her soul.
That’s the first stage of a revelation from God being transformed into understanding in your human soul. Christ is separate from you but He’s speaking to you in three different ways. The second stage of having a spiritual visitation transformed into understanding in your soul -- the second recount -- the second stage of the second recounting of the vision -- in this stage, Christ joins to Daniel’s soul or joins to your soul. The soul of Christ in you is no longer separate from you. It marries you. Remember there’s going to be a wedding? First Christ has to appear in your soul. Where? In the human spirit which is a part of your soul. When he stands up in full stature He’s going to marry your soul, which is what? Your human spirit. He’s going to swallow up the darkness in the earth.
There’s two stages. That’s what we’re talking about here. The second stage of the second recounting of the visitation. The soul of Christ that’s been formed in you joins with your soul. There is no longer any separation. This stage is expressed in verse 19 when by Daniel’s direct question. I would know the truth of the fourth beast. I would know the truth of the fourth beast. In this stage the believer is no longer told by someone or some spirit. Knowledge literally flows into his mind, which is his soul, directly from the spirit of God and it feels as if it’s your own thoughts. It was so much like his own thoughts that the scripture says that Daniel said I would know the truth of the fourth beast. This is still the second recounting of the vision. Understanding of the visitation is being given in the soul but someone is no longer telling Daniel. It seems to him like it’s his own thoughts but it’s not. The spirit of God is flowing directly into him because there is no longer any separation between him and Christ.
I would like to tell you, Brethren, that I have experienced this. It is very exciting. The first point I would like to make here is that if you experience the second stage apparently, by my own personal experience I tell you this; it does not mean that you have advanced to second stage and you will never experience first stage again. God goes forwards, backwards, up and down. I cannot tell you why but I experience both first and second stage of spiritual revelation in my soul. I experience the first stage much more so than the second stage. When I asked the Lord what I could tell you about why He would use one stage, under what circumstances He would use one stage and under what circumstances He would use another stage the only answer I have for you -- and I’m not convinced it’s a complete answer -- is that to the best of my memory, the second stage comes forth in a crisis. God wants to speak to you or wanted to speak to me right then and there. It was important. I had to hear what he had to say. It was the strangest experience. You may recall that the scripture refers to spirit as water. The only way I could describe it, Brethren, is that it felt like it flowed into my soul like it was water. I can’t describe it any other way. It was not an unpleasant experience. It was a very different experience and that’s the only way I could describe it. I literally felt it flowing in. I felt the vibration of it flowing right into my mind.
I think the Lord just spoke to me. I think I have some additional information for you. We will hear from the Lord in the second stage when the situation that we are involved in -- when in that situation we are manifesting Christ. That’s what the Lord just told me, Brethren.
The last occasion that this happened to me I was involved in an encounter with another believer. That was a very serious encounter. I believe in that moment, for that encounter the Lord had brought me into the realm of the two witness company. It was a crisis and the Lord spoke to me directly. But the reason that I entered into the second stage was not that there was a crisis. The reason that I entered into the second stage of revelation in my soul was that, at the very moment that God wanted to talk to me I was involved in an activity where God had elevated me to the level of Christ for that moment in that incident.
Does anybody not understand that? I am not saying that I’m Christ to anyone listening to this message. I do preach however that the kingdom of God is manifesting in the church today and that there is a certain group of believers in whom our Lord will manifest in a measure of Christ for His own specific purposes for a limited period of time. In one of those encounters, in one of those limited periods of time where the Lord had elevated me to Christ for this specific conversation, for this specific encounter, when He spoke to me He spoke to me in a condition of my soul being joined to Christ. Because, in fact, it was already joined to Christ.
Hallelujah. Thank you for that information, Lord.
When that imputed anointing of Christ was separated from me and the Lord wanted to speak to me He reverted to speaking to me in the first stage. Anybody not understand this?
That’s exciting. Thank you for that word, Lord.
Apparently I spend many more waking hours not in an imputed anointing of Christ and I spend many more hours outside of an imputed anointing of Christ. Without one than with one because most of the time that the Lord speaks to me it’s in the first stage.
Hallelujah. That’s very interesting. Thank you, Lord.
The first stage -- there are three possibilities. I’ll give it to you again. The first one is God will send a prophet to you. The second one is an audible voice from the Christ within you. And the third possibility is hearing God speak through a scripture or through a natural example. The second stage is when your soul is joined to the soul of Christ and the direct communication from the spirit of God flows right into your mind directly as if it’s your own thought.
Hallelujah. Glory to God. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
We’re going to go on, Brethren, to the first account of Daniel’s vision and I’ll make a brief comment on that. This is with regard to the first account of Daniel’s vision. This is Chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel, verses 2 to 14. We have messages on all of these verses. I’m suggesting to you that the first account of Daniel’s vision was that one which Daniel received directly from Christ into his spirit. Remember Daniel had to be made holy before he could receive from God. This phrase describes the formation of the imputed Christ. He got the word from God but he didn’t know what it meant.
We’re moving on the first stage of the second account of the second retelling of Daniel’s vision. The first stage of the second telling of Daniel’s vision is sketched out or expanded into Daniel’s soul or expanded into Daniel’s understanding in verse 16 when Daniel says: So he told me and made me to know the interpretation of the things. Please note that in verse 16 Daniel asks for the truth of all of this. The truth of all of this and knowledge about all of the four great beasts is transferred from the soul of Christ to Daniel’s soul. I’m going to say it again because it’s important. In verse 16 Daniel asks for the truth of all of this. He wants to know the truth of the whole vision. What does the Christ within him say to him? He tells him in verse 17, He gives him an understanding that the four beasts are the glorified creation and in verse 18 He speaks to him about the glorified creation in terms of its many members abiding for an indefinite period in the realm of time.
I’m going to read verses 17 and 18 for you again. I think it’s pertinent here. We know there was a first and a second beast that was in two parts that sometimes we call the second part the third beast. When the Christ speaks to give Daniel more understanding He says nothing about the first beast. He says nothing about the second beast. He says nothing about the second part of the second beast or sometimes called the third beast. All He talks to him about is the sons of God and the kingdom. Let’s hear this.
ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Verses 17 and 18: These wonderful creatures -- this is the whole creation, the sons of God, everyone has been glorified -- which have matured to their full spiritual potential and increased to the number of souls and bodies that complete the living soul. They are human beings which have ascended to the throne of Jesus Christ and become spiritual men. They shall stand up in the authority of Jesus Christ and rule the earth of their souls. And indeed, the men who are joined in their minds to Jesus Christ have taken authority over their own souls and become sinless. The whole living soul -- they shall enter into the kingdom of God which is the mind of Christ and they shall be joined to the mind of Christ for an indefinite period of time, even for the time period or age which shall be the greatest of all ages.
This goes back to what we were talking about a few minutes ago. If someone came to me and said tell me about Elsie I’m not going to tell them about Elsie at six-months-old. Aside from the fact that I know nothing about Elsie at six months old, they don’t want to know about Elsie at six months old. They want to know about Elsie the adult. Not even Elsie the adult of 30 years old. They want to know about the Elsie that exists today. I’m sorry Elsie. I told everybody you were more than 30. I’m sorry about that.
When Daniel asked for more information about this vision the Christ within him is already dealing with the completed vision. The whole vision has been imparted to Daniel and as far as God is concerned, He doesn’t want to hear about anything before the Christ. This is just very interesting. Remember, Daniel is living under the old covenant. Despite the fact that Daniel’s living under the old covenant Christ answers Daniel’s request for knowledge with information about the end of God’s plan for mankind because once the positive part of the creation is revealed, even in the realm of the spirit, as far as God is concerned the processing of the creation, even the negative processings of the creation, that which we are living through now don’t even exist. As far as God’s concerned this is all over. Do you hear what I’m saying? There has been a disclosure in the realm of the spirit that the living soul shall be redeemed and glorified and as far as God is concerned this mess that we’re in now? It doesn’t even exist.
I’m speaking to someone on the phone last night that was very upset about a troubled child and I said to them, you know, everything’s fine. It’s just like you see somebody come out of the operating room and their head is bandaged and their leg is up and their arm is in a sling and they’re groaning. And you say oh, my God. But the doctors and the nurses, they all know in another two days they’re going to be getting this guy up out of bed. Everything’s OK, world. Not only church world. Everything’s OK. Jesus Christ died on the cross. He was raised from the dead and glorified 2,000 years ago. We’re just hanging in this hospital bed with our arms and legs in a sling, Brethren, but in another couple of days we’re getting up off the bed. Can you hear it? Everything’s really OK. If you just stop worrying about it. I know it’s hard but I just told you the truth.
Remember, man cannot do what God does. I just told you that the positive revelation of God, of God’s purposes, is in the realm of the spirit so God doesn’t even see this garbage that’s going on here today. But, Brethren, we have preachers in the church that are trying to do what God’s doing and it’s not working for them. We have preachers in the church today, you see -- they’ve gotten a revelation of the kingdom. God’s imparted a revelation of the sons of God to them and they are going around preaching all of the good and wonderful things of the scripture and they are failing to tell the believers about the here and now. You see, for God the here and now is over but for you and me it’s not over. Is you’re here and now over? Is your pain over? Are your children healed? Are your finances healed? Is my daughter healed? No, Brethren. We’re in the here and now. God can be likened to the doctor and the nurse saying he’s OK. I know he’s going to make it. He’s laying in the bed in all kinds of pain waiting for his pain injection. You see, God can look down here and say I know you’re alright. I did everything I had to do. You’ve got it made. It’s just a matter of time. But, Brethren, we can’t say that. We can’t say that. God could lie. We can’t lie, you see? God could do lots of things.
I got a phone call from Florida the other day. Someone was really upset that heard one of my messages where I said God commits adultery and incest. Brother, you’ve got to get spiritual. God doesn’t sin. I’m not saying God sins and it’s OK. When God does it it’s not a sin. Brethren, God is copulating with Eve. She is married to Satan. In my book that’s adultery. But everything that God does is righteous, Brethren. Don’t tell me you’re going out and committing adultery with your best friend’s wife because he drinks. You’re a sinner. But God could do it and good -- the good of the whole human race is going to come out of it.
God help me. He gave me this really blunt message, Lord. I’m blowing people’s minds all over the place. Get spiritual before you throw your eggs at me.
Remember, man cannot successfully do what God does. The positive revelation of God’s purpose is in the church today but there are preachers in the church who utterly deny the negative realm which the entire church still exists in. We’re still here, Brethren. Don’t tell me I don’t exist. Don’t tell me my pain doesn’t exist. Don’t tell me I’m laying in bed for 12 days because I have no faith. God hasn’t raised me up out of this mess yet. If He’s raised you up out of it God bless you but he hasn’t raised me up. Don’t condemn me. I’m still down here and not only do I ask you not to condemn me I need someone to tell me how to get out. It’s like some nurse going over to that poor guy lying in the bed. His head’s all bandaged. He can’t talk. He’s got pipes in his throat. And I said to him why don’t you eat? And he groans. He’s got three tubes down his throat.
We have a sister in the congregation who just said and the nurse said it’s all in your mind. You can’t eat because you have no faith. Get real, Brethren. Get real, Brethren. The church needs you. If you’re a preacher and you’re caught in this I don’t mean to be hurting your feelings but get real because the church needs you. They need help. A lot of them can’t hear this from God. That’s your job. You’re in between.
So we have preachers that deny the negative realm which the entire church world lies in. Yes, even those believers that have received the vision of God’s positive purposes still exist to a large extent in a negative realm. How? I’ll tell you how. The vision of the kingdom lies within the Christ that is being formed in your human spirit. Your human spirit is surrounded by your human soul and the darkness that dwells in the earth. And they’re causing us all kinds of problems in here.
Remember, Christ Himself, who was coming forth in the human spirit, is surrounded by this negative realm of the human soul and the darkness in the earth. As soon as Christ stands up in full stature, as soon as He becomes a full-grown man, He’s going to deal with our souls and the darkness in our souls. But He’s not in full stature yet. How do I know? He hasn’t done it yet. You’re walking around telling me you’re a son of God. You’re sick, you’re coughing, you have diarrhea, you’re committing adultery, you’re preaching false doctrine. Come off it, will you?
The swallowing up of our soul is the process known as our marriage to Christ. Remember, first Christ appears in our human spirit, which is what? Eve. And then He swallows up the remainder of our soul, which is what? Adam. The remainder of our soul is our human soul, Adam, and the darkness that dwells in you, even Satan. To the best of my knowledge, although Christ is in the process of appearing in this hour, He has not yet appeared in full stature in anyone except Jesus Christ of Nazareth, which is no longer in the earth. Why? Because He ascended to the right hand of the Father. If you know someone in whom Christ is standing in full stature, please introduce me to him. I’d like to meet him. I don’t know about him.
Glory to God.
To the best of my knowledge He’s not yet appeared in full stature, let alone swallowed up the remaining negative realms of our soul. This swallowing up of the remaining negative realms of our soul shall be accomplished only by warfare and we have these well-meaning preachers -- I bless them. I don’t mean to sound like I’m against you if you’re listening to this message but I hope that this message wakes you up. If you’re listening, you are not helping anyone by only preaching the positive. Brother, that’s positive thinking. These believers need your help. They need your help. They have to know how to get through and how to survive this warfare and it’s your job and it’s my job to teach them. This particular group of preachers speak mostly about the glorious promises of the scripture, but usually skirt lightly over the issues of trials, tribulations, hardship and persecution and by and large, they utterly fail to instruct believers in any practical way as to how severe these trials can be or how to cope with them when they come. Even more important, they are failing to teach believers the truth about the wickedness and the strength of that wickedness in their own soul.
They’re failing to teach them how to recognize this wickedness, how to resist him -- his name is Satan in case you haven’t guessed -- and how to recognize and resist him in their own unconscious mind as well as in their conscious thoughts. And they’re failing to teach the believer how to join with Christ in Christ’s victorious battle to bring the entire living soul into submission to his Lordship. He’s starting one member at a time, in your mind. Brethren, the church is called to engage, to join with Christ in this warfare. Brethren, the only way I hear it being preached is that Satan is some red freak out there that you have to beat to a pulp. Brethren, he is your unconscious mind. He’s in you. I don’t hear it being preached anywhere except here.
Glory to God.
The Lord’s made a start which will expand. The word of God shall expand. It shall cover the earth. He starts in one place. And if it’s being preached someplace else and I don’t know about it, glory to God. Don’t kid yourself. Believers don’t want to hear this. You look at our numbers you’ll know that believers don’t want to hear this. They pass in and they pass out. They sit here and they love the message and they say glory to God. You know, Brethren -- do you know that you can’t sit in a congregation and not expect to experience what’s being preached? If you think that you could do that you’re naïve. I can’t believe how many people have sat here and praised this revelation when they thought it was for someone else. Never thinking for a second that the hand of the Lord would touch them and reveal sin in their own hearts. Reveal Satan in their own minds. And when it happened they rose up and did everything I told them they were going to do when it happened and left the church.
Glory to God.
You can’t run away from Satan. He’s in your head. I have two people running from me. They won’t come here, they don’t want to talk to me, they don’t want to come near me because they don’t like something I said to them. Brethren, you can’t run away from a human being because you don’t like what they said. Words are spirit. You think that it may not come to pass because you keep your physical distance from me? Your physical distance from me has nothing whatsoever to do with anything that I said if it came from my soul. If it came from God you certainly can’t stop it by keeping your physical distance. But assuming it came from my soul you think you could keep it off of you by keeping a physical distance from me?
Let me tell you something, Brethren. I grew up in a family with some spiritual problems. I ran for years. I ran from my mother. I ran from my sister. I would have run to the other side of the world if I could have. And you want to know something? Almost every relationship I formed was with people that had the same emotional problems. I wouldn’t bother with people from my ethnic background. I only went with people from a different ethnic background. I wouldn’t bother with people from my religious background. I was running from the spiritual mental problems. The words that were spoken in my family in my childhood. I married someone from another ethnic background, another religion. As far opposite from mine as you could get. And you want to know something? He was just like my family. After I married him I heard relatives walking around and saying look at that guy. He’s not like that ethnic group. You’d never believe he was a so-and-so. You’d never believe he was an Iskabibblite [sic]. He doesn’t act like an Iskabibblite at all. He acted like my ethnic group that I was running away from for 20 years. Do you hear what I’m saying? God help us. The ignorance in all of us, God help us overcome it and be delivered.
Brethren, you’ve got to start teaching these people how to fight their way out of this realm by having the power of Christ joined to them. It took me a long time to get that revelation. I got very upset when I first heard that aspect preached. I thought God was going to do everything for me. Jesus was going to do everything for me. When I heard you had to fight I got all upset because I didn’t understand it. Brethren, what is an impossible situation in your life now becomes possible. Did I say impossible? What is an impossible situation in your life now -- what is a situation that is impossible to overcome in your life now becomes a situation that is possible to overcome when the spirit of Christ joins His strength to you. But you have to overcome. You have to stand up, lay hold of your newfound strength and fight your way out of this paper bag. If you think you’re going to wake up one morning and your problem will be gone, you have a rapture mentality.
Glory to God.
Forget it. You will be delivered in stages after due diligence in spiritual warfare and seeking God, not to speak of confession and repentance with great, Godly remorse and fulfilling all of God’s requirements which may or may not include apologies to other people. God help us.
We are -- God bless you preachers. I do not want to force to rebellion in any manner, shape or form through my preaching. I bless everyone that God has raised up in any form of ministry. Forgive me if I’ve been too harsh on you. I bless you and I love you, but please, for Christ’s sake, start doing what he’s called you to do. Stop condemning this people. Stop giving them a promise of a free ride and help them get out of this mess that they’re in. The Lord showed me the other day that the whole category of kingdom preachers that preach 99 percent positive things, they’re doing as much damage to these people as the preachers that condemn them. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] How to get out of bondage, Brethren. Neither are you telling them the true source of their problem. Rise up in the strength of Christ and become the preacher He’s called you to be.
Glory to God.
We’re going into the second stage of the second account of Daniel’s vision. This is the second stage of the second retelling of Daniel’s vision. Now this is the stage in which the soul of Christ has joined to Daniel and become one with him and the revelation is flowing into Daniel’s mind as if it was his own thoughts.
Glory to God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
I’m going to read you my notes because I don’t want to miss anything. In verse 19, the second stage of the second account of Daniel’s vision is sketched out or expanded into Daniel’s soul. This increased knowledge about God’s creation is no longer being spoken to Daniel by someone else but it being expressed through Daniel’s own thoughts in the form of a specific question about the fourth beast. Remember, the knowledge is no longer being transferred from the soul of Christ to Daniel’s human soul. Spiritual knowledge is now spoken from the realm of God’s spirit directly into Daniel’s soul, which has become one with the soul of Christ. I’m going to give you here the alternate translation of verse 19 which is actually a continuation of the second retelling of the vision but coming forth in the form of Daniel asking a question. Does anybody not understand that? That in verses 17 and 18, where Daniel is being told about the revelation it’s just the first part of the second telling. Everybody OK with that?
ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Verse 19: Daniel speaking: Then I asked to understand about the fourth living creature and to be assured that I was being taught God’s truth about the one which is so different from the other living creatures that he appears perverted to them. He is gloriously terrifying, the one who has the spiritual strength necessary to boil the souls of men as a sin offering and he is like one who used to have spiritual power but had fallen to an existence on the soul realm. Nevertheless he is the one -- the fourth beast -- Christ -- he is the one which is burning the living souls, separating Eve from Satan and the carnal mind and then joining himself to Eve and bringing Satan into submission to the authority of his male spiritual strength.
Please note that the second stage of the second retelling of the vision describes the spirit of Jesus Christ, even the Father of the 42 generation of the sons of God. Now what am I saying? I’m going to say it again. This is important. Verses 17 and 18 talk about the kingdom and the sons of God. In verse 19 we’re hearing about this one that’s gloriously terrifying. He’s boiling the souls of men. He sounds violent. What does that have to do with the sons of God and the kingdom?
Glory to God. Hallelujah.
We are talking in verse 19 about the spirit of Jesus Christ, the glorified Christ, which is now appearing in the minds of each son of God that’s coming forth today. Jesus Christ, the glorified resurrected Christ, is sprinkling upon all flesh, Brethren. If He is sprinkled upon you what it means is that He is in your mind. He’s within your spiritual being and He is judging your human soul and the darkness within the earth.
The whole of the expanded information revealed in the two stages of the second account of Daniel’s vision -- that’s verses 17 and 18, the sons of God; and verses 19 to 22, the spirit of Jesus Christ. The two groups of verses contain the whole of the second account of Daniel’s vision. If you would like to review this concept of Jesus Christ being the new mind within the sons of God, if you would like to review this concept of Jesus Christ being the controlling factor in the minds of the sons of God, you can review that on Message 49, Part 4. Jesus Christ in the minds of His sons. As Jesus said I do nothing except what the Father tells me to do. I say nothing except what the Father says. The true son of God does nothing and says nothing except that which the mind of Jesus Christ, His Father, gives Him instructions to do. That mind is the soul of Christ which is within Him.
Glory to God.
The revelation that is being imparted in the second account of any vision is in the soul realm. Remember? First account, spirit. Second account, soul. Third account, realm of appearance. This means that the sequence of events should be, as one would see them from the human mind. Remember the way we explained this once before? If spiritual information is being given from someone that’s in the realm of the spirit the sequence of the events usually appear in the exact opposite than we would expect them to appear in this realm of appearance. Am I confusing anybody?
Lots of times we’ll get scriptures -- scripture one, two, three -- and when we translate it we’ll translate it three, two, one. Because I’ve told you that it appears to be in the wrong order for us because when the visitation comes down from the realm -- we are the mirror image. When the visitation comes down from the realm of the spirit the sequence or the order of events to our carnal minds appear backwards. Because we are backwards to the realm of the spirit. Do you understand that?
Glory to God.
The revelation that comes in the second telling should be in an order that should be correct to the soul realm. Know that, as the vision unfolds in the realm of appearance in our life time -- what vision am I talking about? The kingdom -- the vision of the kingdom, the vision of the sons of God and the revelation of the warrior Jesus Christ, the spirit of Jesus Christ, the warrior spirit of Jesus Christ being in the minds of His sons. As His revelation comes to pass in the realm of appearance, we see that it’s coming to pass in the sequence or in the order that Daniel tells us about it in the second retelling of his vision. What am I talking about?
Glory to God.
What’s happening in the earth today? What’s the revelation in the earth today? There is a revelation of the kingdom in the earth today. There is a revelation of the sons of God in the earth today and this information was imparted into Daniel’s soul in verses 17 and 18. That was the first revelation that the Christ gave him. In verse 19 we found out about the warrior spirit of Jesus Christ. This revelation -- glory to God -- it is in the earth. It’s being preached in this ministry and God only knows where else. But it’s being preached, it’s being spoken, it’s being recorded, it’s being studied. Glory to God. It’s coming to pass before our very eyes. Do you know what I’m saying? Daniel’s vision is coming to pass in our life time.
Glory to God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Let me read you my notes in case I miss something here. Note that the vision unfolds in the realm of appearance in our life time. The first event is revealed in verses 18 and 19, which is the revelation of the kingdom and the sons of God. This is already being preached by many and comprehended by at least thousands of believers, if not millions. The second event, which we see in verse 19, the spirit of Jesus Christ being revealed as the warrior mind of those sons of God that are manifested is just now starting to be preached. I’ve been asking the Lord for two years to reveal any other preachers that He’s given this message to. Either there are no others at this time or the Lord has chosen, in His wisdom, not to reveal them to me.
Before we go on to the third account of Daniel’s vision I would just like to remind you that the additional information that has been revealed in the second telling of Daniel’s vision that we have studied so far -- we haven’t completed it -- includes the nails of brass which is the revelation that the redeemed fallen Adam is a part of the glorified creation. That’s verse 19. The horns of the beast which are no longer placed generally within him but are found to be specifically located in the minds of each and every member of him and the three horns which fell. The third piece of additional information that has been revealed to us through the second retelling of the vision is the three horns which fell, not only typify a castrated Satan but a Satan that has prostrated himself before Christ and that is now worshipping Him and serving Him.
Glory to God.
Moving on to the third account of Daniel’s vision. This is the account that should be in the realm of appearance according to our spiritual guidelines.
In verse 23 of chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel we find the words thus he said followed by a further, even more expanded explanation of the vision. Thus who said? I’m suggesting to you that at this point Daniel and the Christ were totally one. I thought Daniel and the Christ were totally one when Daniel recounted the vision in the realm of the soul in verses 19 to 22. Yes he was. But there’s a difference. The reason the scripture separates verses 19 through 22 from verses 23 through 27 is to clearly show that in the first instance, in verses 19 to 22 Daniel was experiencing understanding within his own soul as an individual son of God. In verses 23 to 27 Daniel has now become the Christ of God. He is prophesying the future of the living soul right out of his own mouth. What I’m suggesting to you is that in the hour that Daniel received this vision it was not time for it to appear in the realm of appearance so the third telling of the vision, instead of us getting an account of what’s happening as it’s played out in the earth -- because it’s not the time -- we are getting a third, even more expanded prophesy of the Christ.
What does this mean? When the Christ prophesies, Brethren, it is sure to come to pass. Does anybody not understand this? There has to be a third telling of the vision because that’s God’s spiritual principle. But in the hour that God gave this vision to Daniel it just wasn’t time for it to be played out. There’s no way that Daniel could have said I saw this happen amongst people and this is what the vision really means. It just wasn’t time. Instead of that, God gives us a third retelling which is a prophecy of the very Christ Himself. Eventually we will get to doing a word-by-word of those verses.
Glory to God.
It’s only a matter of time until the vision is actually played out in the realm of appearance and Daniel’s vision, in fact, began to be played out after Jesus’ crucifixion. I’m going to say it one more time. Since it was not time for Daniel’s vision to be played out in the realm of appearance, the third account of Daniel’s vision takes the form of an even more expanded explanation. That’s verses 23 to 28, which is spoken by Daniel himself, who is the very Christ at that moment. Remember, Christ is the Son of God in the flesh. He cannot manifest without a body. Daniel was made holy in his spirit, which means the spirit of Christ joined to Daniel’s human spirit. The imputed soul of Christ was formed and revelation was imparted to Daniel’s soul. Then the two souls joined and, number one, Daniel received revelation directly from the spirit of God and two, Daniel spoke the oracles of God which are in this hour already coming to pass.
Brethren, I did intend to make some comments on Acts 10:9-23, which is a New Testament example of a vision being retold three times. How do you feel? Is it going to be too much for you? Are you OK? Do you want me to go on? How do you feel? You want me to go on? OK. Let me see what I’m going to do with this. How much time do we have on the message there? There’s not much left on the message, huh?
Glory to God.
Let me -- maybe I could just give you some pointers on it without reading it all and doing the whole thing. Acts 10:9-23 -- maybe I’ll just give you my comments and let you study it out yourself because I really don’t want to go to a second message either.
Please note in verse 14 of Acts 10 that the voice of the spirit gives the pure spiritual command right out of the spirit. Rise Peter, kill and eat. Now you’re going to have read these verses yourself, Brethren. I don’t have time on the message. The pure spiritual command comes out of the realm of the spirit. Rise Peter, kill and eat. Remember, it’s not enough to receive the word of the Lord. We must pray for understanding.
In verse 15, the will of the Father is sketched out in the realm of Peter’s soul in the form of understanding. The scripture says: And the voice spake to him again the second time. What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. Remember he saw this vision of a sheep being lowered with all unclean animals? He saw what God showed him. He had no idea what it meant. In the second retelling of the vision the voice of the spirit gave Daniel understanding. It said to him: And the voice spake to him again the second time. What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.
However, verse 16 says this was done thrice, meaning three times. And the vessel was received up again into Heaven. What was done three times, Brethren? We have a spiritual account of the vision. We have a second account where Peter is given understanding that God has cleansed something and Peter shouldn’t call it common. Brethren, I’m telling you, Peter had no idea what this meant. Peter had no idea how this was going to be played out amongst human beings. OK? In verse 16 it says this was done thrice. Where was the third time, Brethren? I’m suggesting to you that there is no account -- well, let me read you my note.
Why is there no account of the third manifestation of the vision? Because the command of the Lord is manifested for the third time in the realm of appearance in verses 34 to 48 of Acts 10. 34 to 48 of Acts 10. The Lord spoke to Peter’s spirit. The idea was sketched or took form in Peter’s mind or soul where his doubts were formed but were now calmed by the spirit. And the will of the Lord was played out in the realm of appearance through Peter’s very own person.
What I would like to do is I’m going to start reading verses 34 through 48 and if I run off the message, I run off the message.
Glory to God.
Remember, the word of the spirit came to Peter. A sheep was lowered from Heaven with unclean animals. Peter had no idea what it meant. He sought the Lord for understanding in his soul -- the second retelling of the vision. He was told that what this meant was don’t call what you’ve considered unclean in the past unclean because if God has cleansed it it’s no longer unclean. That makes sense, doesn’t it? That’s English. I mean that makes sense to me.
But how is God going to apply that? What is unclean? What in Peter’s past had been unclean? Pig? Shellfish? Peter had no way of knowing what God was going to use this revelation for. How God was going to use it with regard to men. I would go so far as to say to you, Brethren, that when God gives you a revelation in the spirit and in the soul, when it’s played out in the spirit it’s not going to be played out in Porky Pig. It’s going to be played out in men. Let’s start reading with verse 34 and see how this vision was played out in the realm of appearance.
Let me bring you up on this. I remind you that some men came looking for Peter and they were calling him to the house of a heathen man that had heard the story of Christ and was praying daily that God receive him and his household into the kingdom of God. He was not a Jew but he was praying that he be received into the kingdom of Heaven. God said to Peter: Go with these men to the house of the heathen.
Brethren, I -- if I was a betting man, which I’m not, glory to God -- that’s just a worldly expression - don’t get upset all you religious people out there -- that Peter, when these men came to Peter and God said go with these men, he, in a million years, never related this journey to the vision that he just had. He never related it. I would bet my bottom dollar on it. If I bet.
Starting with verse 34 we find Peter in the household of these heathen and Peter’s speaking: Then Peter opened his mouth and said of a truth, I perceive that God is no respecter of persons. Now this is after Peter got in the house. I don’t know whether it’s before or after the Holy Spirit fell. Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons but in every nation he that feareth Him and worketh righteousness is accepted by Him. The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ, He is Lord of All. That word I say ye know which was published throughout all Judea and began from Galilee after the baptism which John preached. How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him. And we are witnesses of all things which He did, both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they slew and hanged on a tree. Him God raised up the third day and showed Him openly. Not to all the people but unto witnesses chosen before God, even to us who did eat and drink with Him after He rose from the death. And He commanded us to preach unto the people and to testify that it is He which was ordained of God to be the judge of quick and dead. To give all the prophets witness that through His name whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins. And while Peter yet spake these words the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word and they of the circumcision which believed -- believed what? In Christ. They were astonished. As many as came with Peter because that on the Gentiles, on the unclean beasts that were in the sheep, that were in Peter’s vision because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues. They knew it happened to them because they heard them speak with tongues and they magnified God. And then answered Peter can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we. And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord.
Glory to God.
Brethren, as glorious as the revelation that’s coming down in this ministry is, I’m suggesting to you that you will not have -- and I will not have -- a full understanding of what it’s going to mean to us personally. Of what it’s going to mean to any man personally until we experience it. Do you hear what I’m saying? The revelation is glorious and the understanding I’m sure is true, to a large measure. But being human beings, being men, I’m suggesting to you, don’t think you’ve got the full understanding until it has played its way out in the realm of appearance.
5/11/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
5/13/14 1st Edit BP