Part 4 of 10 Parts
This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Glory to God. We’re moving on in our study in the Book of Daniel, chapter 7. I’d like to give you a recap of the first 14 verse of chapter 7.
Not a recap of the Alternate Translation, but -- that was a wrong word, recap -- a rundown of what these verses are covering. Verses 1 through 8 of Daniel 7 describe the three developmental stages of the living soul: Adam at the beginning before the fall, Adam after the fall, and Adam translated into Christ and -- who has become a life-quickening spirit. Verses 9 through 10 -- I think that’s 9 through 11. Glory to -- I’m sorry; verses 9 through 10 -- that’s right. Verses 9 through 10 describe the completed glorified creation, emphasizing the Father, who is the one -- who was one with His Christ. And verses 11 through 14 describe Christ’s reign in the living soul.
Recap Daniel, chapter 7, verses 7 to 8: “After seeing everything in the sleeping trance that I just told you about, there it was: a fourth living creature, spiritually complete and revealing the Father, the Holy Spirit, the human spirit and Christ through the many members of the living soul, which has multiplied to the fullest extent possible. He is terrifyingly strong with superior, dominant power, and he has the great spiritual strength necessary to boil the souls of men as a sin offering. He is burning the living soul, separating Eve from Satan and the carnal mind, then joining himself to Eve and bringing Satan into submission to the authority of his male spiritual strength. And he is so different from the living creatures, which came before him, that he appears perverted to them. And he has the power and authority to fulfill the law.
“I turned my attention to the power of the law, which is ruling in the living soul. And there it was: a different, despised source of spiritual power, rising up from underneath the earth of the living soul. And he made the law utterly useless by castrating Satan and destroying sin. And there it was upon this spiritual power base, called Christ: a form like the appearance of a mortal man and a personality proclaiming the mighty works of God in the realm of appearance.” Glory to God.
Verse 9, “I beheld till the thrones were cast down and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.” The word thrones is Strong’s 34- -- 3764. It means a canopy chair. We studied that before in Revela- -- in the Book of Revelation -- message number 38, part 1 and message number 42, part 2. Glory to God.
The Father is sitting on the throne of Jesus Christ. Do you remember that teaching we also established in prior messages in this series of the Book of Revelation that Jesus Christ is the throne of the Father and that the sons of God are the throne of Jesus? So, the Father is sitting on a two-fold throne. And we studied that in chapter 4, I believe, of the Book of Revelation. Glory to God. If you want to review that -- I don’t have the message numbers, but it’s the messages on chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation. Glory to God.
And -- so, we found out that thrones simply are the place or is the place -- it’s a one throne, but it’s a two-fold throne -- is the place where the Father is going to be sitting. It is the saddle or the seat of the Father. Glory to God.
The word cast down -- the words cast down mean 7412. It’s Strong’s 7412, and it means to put or to set in place, to put or to set in place. Do you remember the teaching that when a spiritual being wants to manifest in the realm of appearance, he sits in a saddle, and the saddle is on a horse, and the horse appears in the realm of appearance? The saddle typifies the soul, the horse the body. And the rider is either Satan or the Father.
Well, in the instance of the thrones, we find the Father sitting on the throne made up of Jesus Christ and the 42nd generation. And this is Christ. This is Christ, and Christ will appear in the realm of appearance as glorified -- as a glorified, many-membered living soul. So, when we’re talking about the thrones being ca- -- set in place or put, we’re talking about the preparation of the throne of the Father, the throne that is one step away from His appearing in the realm of appearance.
So, the thrones were set in place. They were put in place. What does that mean? It means that, first of all, Jesus Christ had to be glorified. And we know that that’s happened already. And that the next thing that has to happen is that the sons of God have to become one with Jesus Christ so that this two-fold throne could be set in place so that the Father can sit in it and so that the glorified creation can appear in the realm of appearance. And I remind you what I said earlier, that verses 9 and 10 are describing an overall view of the completed, glorified creation.
“And I beheld” -- I continued to look at this vision until -- “the thrones were cast down.” I continued to look until the foundation of the glorified creation was thrown down, set in place. Set in place for what? So that the Father could sit upon it so that His image could appear in the realm of appearance. Glory to God.
“And the Ancient of days did sit.” “And the Ancient of days did sit.” The word Ancient is 6268. It means old, ancient. It’s the s- -- and there is another word that has the exact same Hebrew spelling. That is Strong’s 6267.
And if you recall, we’ve talked about this in Hebrew grammar quite a few times that the Hebrew language is so rich that there -- it is possible for there to be such a spectrum of translations of any Hebrew word that sometimes, the writers of the lexicons break those categories of words down into two numbers in Strong’s. It’s really the same Hebrew word, but they brea- -- they put the positive interpretation, for example, in -- under one number and the negative interpretation under another number. Or it doesn’t have to be positive or negative; there could be interpretations of the word that are so radically different that they just choose to separate them out into two words. So, therefore, when the translators translated the Scripture, they looked at a word that had two different numbers for Strong’s. And they had their choice of all these translations.
And the King James writers said, “and the Ancient of days did sit.” And I’m suggesting to you that this word Ancient has another potential meeting -- meaning. And that is to be taken away from the mother’s breast. That is Strong’s 6267, the same Hebrew word as 6268, translated ancient. To be taken away from the mother’s breast, to be released from slavery, to be set free.
And I remind you that the mother that is producing the life of Christ in the realm of appearance is the earth of the living soul. Brethren, there is a spiritual man inside of you. If you’re listening to this message, the chances are you have conceived a spiritual man. He is in the womb of the earth of your soul. If he is born prematurely, he may die. But when he is mature enough to be separated from the earth of your soul, he shall have been released from the slavery of being within you. He shall have been set free. And I’m suggesting to you that this word Ancient means the one who has been set free from being joined to the living soul.
And that, brethren, is the one and only Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Ancient of days. And this word days is Strong’s 3118. And it means time periods in which the Spirit of God is present. We’ve studied that many times. A day is a time period at -- where the light is present, a time period where the Spirit of God is present.
So, what are we saying? The phrase, the Ancient of days, speaks of the one who was set free from the realm of time, from the womb of the earth. It also speaks of the one who was a child and is now weaned from mother earth even the Lord Jesus Christ. The Ancient of days is the one from old or the one who existed before the foundation of the earth, the one who was joined to the earth and birthed in a new form within her, and the one who has now returned to pure spirit form and is one with the Father. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
And “I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit.” The word sit is Strong’s 3488. It can be translated to sit or to dwell. But it also can be translated to remain, to marry, and it’s especially used of the places where judges sit when they render judgment. It’s used of an army, which sits down in a place and holds possession of it, to abide, to inhabit. And I declare to you that Jesus Christ, the one that has been set free from the earth, the one that has been weaned from His mother, has returned unto the earth in spirit form. And He is sprinkling Himself upon all flesh in this hour. And He is rooting in the hearts of men. And when He roots there, brethren, that is the beginning of the judgment of the soul of that particular member of the living soul. Glory to God.
Alternate Translation, the first third of Daniel 7, verse 9, “And I continued to look at the vision until the place where Christ rules from, even the Adamic soul, came into submission to Him. And Jesus Christ, the first one resurrected out from the realm of death, possessed the living soul and dwelt with her as a wife.”
“And I continued to look at the vision until the place where Christ rules from” -- let me show you how I got that. And “I beheld till the thrones were cast down,” the throne, the place where Christ rules from even the Adamic soul. Where is he ruling from? Inside of us -- inside of the hearts of men, [?brethren?].
And the thrones were cast down. The thrones came into submission to Him. They were set up. How were the thrones going to be set up? How is the second part of the two-fold throne going to be set up? What is the second part of the two-fold throne? It is the perfection of the children of Jesus, of the sons of God. And how are they going to be perfected? They must come into submission to Him.
So, “I continued to look at the vision until the place where” -- “until the thrones were cast down” -- “until the place where Christ rules from, even the Adamic soul, came into submission to Him. And Jesus Christ and the Ancients [sic] of days did sit. And Jesus Christ, the first one resurrected out from the realm of death” -- weaned from the earth, He doesn’t need to live inside of a body anymore. He’s pure spirit, and He’s still alive. He “possessed the living soul and dwelt with her as a wife.”
Brethren, He is sprinkling upon men in this hour, and He’s in the hearts of men, but in most instances, He’s not possessing her. The church is disobedient. The church can’t hear Him. The church is rebellious, but the hour is coming, dear people, that He is going to bring His church into submission. And He is going to possess her. Glory to God.
And the result of that will be that the thrones, upon which the Father shall sit, shall be set in place. The foundation for the glorified creation shall have manifested. Continuing with -- and of course, we know that Jesus is marrying the living soul. We know that Jesus is marrying the living soul. It’s something that’s happening inside of your mind, brethren. It’s a joining of the mind of Christ to your soul, but first, your soul must come into submission.
I’ll read it one more time. “And I continued to look at the vision until the place where Christ rules from, even the Adamic soul, came into submission to Him. And Jesus Christ, the first one resurrected out from the realm of death, possessed the living soul and dwelt with her as a wife.”
Continuing with, “whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head was like pure wool.” The word garment is 3831. It can be translated garment. It can also be translated splendid attire. It’s also used to describe the scaly coat of the crocodile in Job 41:5. So, what I’m suggesting to you is that the same Hebrew word is used to describe the vile and the glorified body, a splendid body, the glorified body, the vile body described by the coat of a crocodile. And [?Gesenius?] says that this word is also used metaphorically to describe a wife or to lie with a woman.
To wear a garment, in the Hebrew, can be translated to describe -- [?like?], if you take a garment, it means you have a wife or to lie with a woman. It means the taking of a woman. It’s an idiom. Did you ever hear of an idiom? In different languages, certain ideas are expressed in a way that would be considered strange to a different culture. Well, in the Hebrew language, if they want to express taking a wife or lying with a woman, they say a man has taken a garment. He has covered himself. Glory to God.
“Whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool.” The word white is Strong’s 2357. Glory to God. And it merely means white -- oh, wait a minute. Let me tell you this. 2357 -- Strong’s shows no number for this word white. I obtained this number 2357 by comparing the Hebrew word that’s written in the interlinear with other numbers under the listing white in Strong’s. Now why Strong’s didn’t give a number for it, I don’t know. But I looked at the Hebrew word, and I checked out every number for white. And the one that it coincided with was 2357.
And this word white means to be pale. And there are several Hebrew words translated white. This one means to be pale, bleached white, pale or bleached white. In other words, if you’re bleached white, it means that that was not your original color. You had to be another color to be bleached white. And I’m suggesting to you that Adam’s natural color is red, ruddy, blood in the face and -- but now, has the blood of Jesus even the whiteness of righteousness. I’m suggesting to you that this garment, which is the wife of Jesus Christ, which is the living soul, has been bleached white. The red blood of the soulish life has been bleached out of her, and she is now -- now has the color of the blood of Jesus, which is the white of righteousness. Glory to God.
And “whose garment was white as snow.” Now, we’re talking about the Ancient of days. His garment, His wife, was as white as snow. She was as righteous as snow. And snow is 8517, and it really means snow from its whiteness. And you may or may not know that [?Bill Brittain?] has taught that the snow is the sons of God. He has some heavy teachings on it. I didn’t really include it in this message for tonight, but if you want to follow that up, you can write to his ministry about it. I receive that that the snow typifies the sons of God.
So, what are we saying? The living soul, the wife of Jesus Christ, has been purified and made as righteous as the sons of God. Glory to God. And hair -- “and the hair of his head was like the pure wool.” This word hair is Strong’s 8177. It’s from the root 8175, and it means to shiver. Strangely enough, it means to shiver, to take away as in a whirlwind. And if you would like to review message number 38, part 2, we speak there about Ezekiel’s new-creation man being associated with a whirlwind. So, I’m suggesting to you that the glorified man is associated with a whirlwind.
So, what are we saying? “The hair of his head was like pure wool.” We’re saying his hair is associated with a whirlwind. His hair is associated with the glorified man. Excuse me. And also, the word hair means to shiver, to vibrate. And these words describe the motion of the spirit. We know that the spirit moves by vibration. And we have previously taught, many times, that hair in the Scripture typifies spirit. So, I’m suggesting to you that this word hair is typifying the glorified spirit of the head of this Ancient of days. So, the spirit of his head was like the pure wool.
Let’s find out what his head means. Glory to God. The word head is 7217, and it can also be tran- -- it is translated to head, but it can also be translated the sum, the total or the chief. And I’m going to suggest to you that in this Scripture, the correct choice is the sum or the total. Speaking of what? Speaking of the whole, glorified creation, including its many members. Glory to God.
And “the hair of his head like pure wool.” The word pure is Strong’s 5343. It merely means clean or pure. And the word wool is very interesting. It’s Strong’s 6015. That is the only time it appears in Strong’s. Strong says that it’s corresponding to 6785. Every other time the word wool is used in the Scripture, besides Daniel 7, the word that’s used is 6785. And the difference between the two words is this: The word that is used in Daniel 7, verse 9 is the word that describes the wool that is upon a living sheep. The wool used -- the word -- Hebrew word meaning wool that’s used every other time describes what we call fleece. It is wool that has been shaven off of and is now separate from the living animal. So, we’re talking about wool that’s still attached to the animal. What have we got?
Alternate Translation, the second third of Daniel, chapter 7, verse 9, “And the living soul was cleansed from all sin when she married Him. And the spirit of the whole creation was like one pure covering on the surface but many human spirits that have birthed Christ in the realm of the spirit.” Let’s take that apart at a time.
“Whose garment was white as snow.” Whose garment -- the garment is the living soul. The living soul was cleansed from all sin. “Whose garment was white as snow.” The living soul -- His wife, she was cleansed from all sin. When? When she married to Him. “Whose garment was white as snow.” The living soul was cleansed from all sin when she married to -- when she married Him. “And the hair of his head was like pure wool.” “And the hair of his head” -- and the spirit of the totality of the creation -- “and the hair of his head” -- glory to God. And the spirit -- the one spirit that ruled in the totality of the creation -- that was like pure wool.
And I’m suggesting to you that there is one creature that the Lord is creating. We are in many members, but from the mind of God looking upon us, we could be the equivalent of one cow, standing in a pasture. Glory to God.
So, what are we saying? “And the hair of his head like pure wool.” And the spirit of the whole creation, the single creation, was like one pure covering on the surface, like the wool of a living sheep, wool typifying that it’s a live animal. And the creation of God is indeed an animal, spirit joined to soul with a flesh body, one animal with one covering that is pure. But underneath the surface of this creature that the Lord is creating, there are many human spirits that have birthed Christ. But underneath the surface of this creature that the Lord is creating, there are many human spirits that have birthed Christ. Nevertheless, on the surface, there is just one creature, and there is one spirit covering it as wool covers a sheep. Glory to God.
Now, this is very interesting because if you read Romans 8:19, Romans 8:19 says, “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” And I read that Scripture once. And the King James will give you a footnote and tell you that it means creation, but the word is creature. The word is creature.
And I had -- the Lord had given me a revelation once that the correct word was creature and that what the Scripture was saying is that God is creating one creature, and we’re just many members, many cells. And I had asked the Lord for a second witness to that. This was several years ago. And here is the second witness to the fact that God is creating one creature. And we must all be brought into submission to the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ, the brain of the creature, so that we all function as one whole creature. We’re all going in our own ways now. The body is in chaos.
Alternate Translation, second third of Daniel, chapter 7, verse 9, “And the living soul was cleansed from all sin when she married Christ. And the spirit of the whole creation, the spirit that moved in the totality of the creation, was like one pure covering on the surface. But underneath, it was many human spirits that have birthed Christ.” Glory to God.
Continuing with, “his throne was like the fiery flame.” “His throne was like the fiery flame.” The word throne -- again, we’ve already discussed it -- typifies the Father sitting on a two-fold throne, Jesus and the sons of God. The throne of the Father is Jesus and the sons of God. Hallelujah. Now notice that in the first phrase, the word thrones is plural. And “I beheld till the thrones were cast down.” That’s the two-fold throne, Jesus Christ and the sons of God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
And then, as we continue, it becomes singular, “his throne was like the fiery flame.” The two thrones have now become one throne. The sons of God have become one with Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. They’re separate now, but they shall indeed be joined.
And the word fiery is Strong’s 5135. It means to shine, to glisten. It means lamp or candlelight. The implication is that the lampstand -- this is the same word that could mean either shining or glistening or the lamp or the candlelight. And the implication is that the lampstand is so illuminated by the flame that they are one, that the lampstand and the flame are one.
And “his throne was like a fiery flame.” The word flame is Strong’s 7631, and that is referring to tongues of fire. You know, in the Book of Acts, they talk about tongues of fire coming down upon the apostles. That means that there’s a whole fire that’s separated into and -- or split into tongues. And it’s from the same as 7616, the same Hebrew word. OK? 7616, it means ruin, broken in pieces, ruin or broken in pieces. And I remind you that the soul, the human souls and the entire living soul, is going to be broken in pieces.
We have had teaching on this, that this body is a prison house. It is dark, and it’s dense. And for Christ to come out, He’s going to have to crack it open like a chicken cracks open an egg. And the breaking to pieces of our human soul will then be followed by their rearrangement and their re- -- and their being fused together in the correct moral order and the formation of the glorified soul and body. Glory to God.
So, we have a word here, flame, that’s typifying one flame. And we know that a flame can mean the spirit of God, but it’s in many parts. It’s in tongues. It sounds like the body of Christ. And it comes from a root that means broken in pieces. Well, here we have the Adamic soul that’s been broken in pieces, and it’s been converted to a flame that is in many tongues. The Adamic soul converted into the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, I’m suggesting to you that the fiery flame is the glistening or the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ.
“And his wheels as burning fire.” “And his wheels as burning fire.” The word wheels is Strong’s 1535, and that means chaff or husk. And the chaff or husk is the outer shell of the wheat kernel. And we know that, symbolically in the Scripture, the body that we dwell in has been referred to as the chaff or the husk of the soul. Glory to God. “And his wheels as a burning fire.” I’m suggesting to you the wheels typify the vile body, the unglorified body. “And his whe-“ -- or just a body -- I don’t know if it’s unglorified, just the body.
“And his wheels as burning fire.” The word burning is Strong’s 1815. And it merely means burning. And the word fire is Strong’s 5135. It’s the same as above where it says the fiery flame or the burning fire. The word fire and fiery, that’s the same word. And it simply means candle or lamp, candle or lamp. So, what am I saying? The burning fire is the glorified body. The burning fire is the glorified body. We’re talking about the glorified soul and the glorified body.
Alternate Translation, the third third of Daniel, chapter 7, verse 9, “The spirit of the Father shone through the two-fold soul of Jesus and the sons of God, converting them into spirits.” When the Father -- when the Spirit of the Father shone through the converted souls, they became spirits. “His many-membered body was the lampstand, which holds their spiritual life.” Why? Because we’re becoming one with Jesus, and Jesus is one with the Father. And when we’re one with Jesus, we’re going to be one with the Father. And the Father is a fiery flame. We’re being converted into spirits, brethren. We’re going to be one with the Father. So, “the Spirit of the Father shone through the two-fold soul of Jesus and the sons of God, converting them into spirits. His many-membered body was the lampstand” -- or the vessel -- “which holds their spiritual life.”
And this is another situation where we have a Scripture where I asked the Lord for another witness years ago, and we have it now. Hebrews 1:7, “Who” -- speaking about the Lord -- “Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.” I’ve heard a lot of preaching on that. We’re being converted to pure spirit, brethren, but first, our soul has to be joined to Jesus. And then, when we’re joined to the Father, we shall be pure spirit. Glory to God. We shall be one with the seven spirits of God when we become a part of the glorified creation.
Revelation 4, verse 5, “And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.” “And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.” That’s describing the glorified creation that we shall be a part of in due season. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Glory to God. I seem to have lost my place here.
Oh, I see what I did. OK. I just wanted to give you -- I put this in the wrong place. I wanted to give you some understanding on Hebrews 1:7, “Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.” That word minister in the Greek is Strong’s 3011. And it means public servant.
So, what are we saying here? The souls of the sons of God shall be elevated to spirit. The souls of the sons of God are being elevated to spirit so that the men who serve Him shall be vessels that hold this spiritual life. “Who maketh his angels spirits” -- our souls are becoming spirit -- “and the ministers” -- the bodies that we live in, they are going to become vessels that hold this spiritual life. It’s the same concept that we just read about in Daniel 7:9, the third third. “The Spirit of the Father shone through the two-fold soul of Jesus and the sons of God, converting them into spirits. His many-membered body was the lampstand, which holds their spiritual life.” Glory to God.
Alternate Translation, the whole of Daniel 7:9, “And I continued to look at the vision until the place where Christ rules from, even the Adamic soul, came into submission to Him. And Jesus Christ, the first one resurrected out from the realm of death, possessed the living soul and dwelt with her as a wife. The living soul was cleansed from all sin when she is mar- -- when she married Him. And the spirit of the creation of God was like one pure covering in the realm of appearance but many human spirits that have birthed Christ in the realm of the spirit. The Spirit of the Father shone through the two-fold soul of Jesus and the sons of God, converting them into spirits. His many-membered body was the lampstand, which held their spiritual life.”
I’m going to read it again. Daniel 7:9, “And I continued to look at the vision until the place where Christ rules from, even the Adamic soul, came into submission to Him. And Jesus Christ, the first one resurrected out from the realm of death, possessed the living soul and dwelt with her as a wife. The living soul was cleansed from all sin when she married Him. And the spirit of the creation of God was like one pure covering in the realm of appearance but many human spirits that have birthed Christ in the realm of the spirit. The Spirit of the Father shone through the two-fold soul of Jesus and the sons of God, converting them into spirits. His many-membered body was the lampstand, which hold their spiritual life.”
Verse 10, “A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him.” From before whom? From before the Father. “Thousand thousands ministered unto him, and 10,000 times 10,000 stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.”
“A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him.” The word fiery, again, is the same as above. It means to glisten or shine. And the word stream is Strong’s 5103. It means a river especially the Euphrates. And I remind you that Euphrates typifies the human spirit. If you’d like to find out how we determined that, you can review message number 18, part 3.
“A fiery steam issued and came forth from before him.” The word issued is Strong’s 5047, and it means to flow. It’s corresponding to 5046, which means to stand out boldly opposite or to manifest. Now, remember that teaching about Strong’s instruction corresponding to? It merely means that Strong’s 5046 is the infinitive verb, to walk, for example or to issue out. And Strong’s 5047 is past tense: issued. But we find more translations from 505- -- 46 than under 5047. But it’s the same word. It doesn’t have to mean to flow. It can mean to stand out boldly opposite or to manifest. And who’s manifesting in the human spirit? Anybody remember who’s manifesting in the human spirit? Anybody? Christ, Lord willing, is appearing in the human spirit. Glory to God.
So “a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him.” The words came forth is Strong’s 5312. They mean to issue or to bring out. And before him means to stand in front of, to cover. And I suggest to you it is talking about being the garment of God. The body and the soul are covering the Spirit of the Father, giving Him form and shape in the realm of the -- of appearance and in the realm of the soul.
Alternate Translation, the first third of Daniel 7:10, “Christ appeared in the human spirits of the living soul, vibrated forth and covered the Father like a garment, revealing Him.” “A fiery stream issued and came forth.” “Christ appeared in the human spirits of the living soul. He vibrated forth and covered the Father like a garment, revealing Him.” Hallelujah.
Continuing with, “thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.” Glory to God. Let me put this on the board for you. We had these numbers once before in the Book of Revelation. And the Bible numerology that I gave you is -- that was very similar to what I’m giving you now. I just changed it a little. Sometimes, God brings me a little deeper. What I told you wasn’t wrong. I’m going to -- if you’re sharp enough to catch me, there is a very slight difference. And they’re both right; you can have your pick, OK?
10 is the number of the law. If you recall, it’s the number of the law in the realm of the soul. 100 is the law in the realm of the spirit. Glory to God. 1,000 is the law in the realm of the body. Glory to God. I wonder if that should be spirit, soul and body. I guess it should be s- -- well, I’m going to leave it right now.
OK, so the verse says thousands of thousands ministered to Him. Well, how do we get -- well, first of all, what is a thousand thousand? Does anybody know? A thousand thousand is a million. That’s the Scriptural way of saying a million. If you multiply a thousand by a thousand, you get a million.
So, what have we done in actuality? We have squared the number 1,000. Remember all the teachings? We just had it recently with the beasts. There was a first beast, and there was a second beast. And then we squared the second beast and jumped to the fourth beast. And this whole concept of squaring a number refers to the glorification or the spiritualization of what we’re talking about.
So, we have the law in the realm of the soul, the law in the realm of the spirit, the law in the realm of the body. And then, all of a sudden, there’s a squaring process. We have a million. And I’m suggesting to you that this number, 1 million or thousands of thousa- -- or thousand thousands, refers to the fulfillment of the law. I’m sug- -- you see, this is the law that judges you when you sin.
But when you square the law -- and squaring implies the glorification or the coming into existence of Christ -- I’m suggesting to you that the number 1 million implies the fulfillment of the law. And what is the -- where is the fulfillment of the law? The fulfillment of the law for you or for me is only in one place, and that’s Christ.
Christ did not come to destroy the law. He did not come to say that it’s OK for us to sin. He came to give us the ability to stop sinning so that the judgments could fall on us. Everybody knows that He came to take the curses away from us. But there’s a lot of confusion about how He’s going to do it. He’s not going to break His own law, brethren. He’s going to enter into us and strengthen us and give us the ability to not sin by His Spirit. Glory to God. So thousands of thousa- -- a thousand thousands typify a living soul in whose members the law affecting their spirits, souls and bodies has been fulfilled. What are we talking about? Glorified man.
“Thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.” And I’m suggesting to you that 10,000 times 10,000 is equal to -- I believe it’s 100 million. Let me check my notes here. Glory to God. It’s 100 million, right. It’s equal to 100 million. We’re talking about 10,000 squared, right? We’re squaring something again. 10,000 times 10,000 is equal to 100 million. And I’m suggesting to you that 10 is the number of the law. And when you multiply that by 1,000, which is the law -- 1,000 equals the law of the body. And where is the body? It’s in the realm of appearance.
So, what are we multiplying? The law times 1,000 is the law in the realm of appearance, is referring to the fulfillment of the law in the realm of appearance. This is Bible numerology. If it’s -- you know, if you’re not getting it, don’t worry about it. This is what God gave me. Number 10 is the law. When you multiply it by 1,000, you get the fulfillment of the law in the realm of appearance. Glory to God. That’s what I have down: the fulfillment of the law in the realm of appearance. So, you have a thousand, the number 1,000, and it’s referring to all three: the spirit, soul and the body. I’m telling you th- -- I’m suggesting to you that the number 10,000 refers to the fulfillment of the law in the realm of appearance. I’m talking about a spiritual man. I’m talking about the condition that Jesus Christ was in before He was crucified. Before He was glorified, the law was fulfilled in Him, but yet, He was in a different condition than this number here, 1 million. OK, Glory to God.
I’m just going to read you my Alternate Translations. I don’t know; I’m very tired tonight. I don’t know whether it’s me or it’s you. But it’s real- -- this Bible numerology is not important. OK, glory to God. OK, glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.
OK, “thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.” The word stood is Strong’s 6966. It means to raise up or to set up. It means to manifest. It means to manifest. We are talking about those ministering to the Father in the realm of the soul and those ministering to the Father in the realm of appearance. That’s what we’re talking about. The word before here means 6925. It means in the presence of, in the presence of. And it’s corresponding to 69- -- I wrote down the same number twice. It means in the presence of. It also means to the east, talking about ancient times. And what I’m suggesting to you is that it’s talking about time. And time is the realm of appearance. We’re talking about those ministering to the Father in the realm of the soul and those ministering to the Father in the realm of appearance.
Alternate Translation, the second third of Daniel, chapter 7, verse 10, “Christ served as the Father’s throne in the spiritual realm of the soul and appeared as the fulfillment of the law in the realm of time.” “Christ served as the Father’s throne.” Now, that’s Jesus Christ and the sons of God. They’re one, and they “served as the Father’s throne in the spiritual realm of the soul.” And they also “appeared as the fulfillment of the law in the realm of time.”
Brethren, when the living soul is converted into Christ, the image that appears in the earth is not going to look like we look now. They are going to be the fulfillment of the law in the realm of time even the glorified body. Hallelujah.
Continuing with “the judgment was set, and the books were opened.” The word judgment -- we’ve studied this many times. It’s Strong’s 1780, and it means the sentencing. But it also means the tribunal, the judge that sentenced you. It also refers to the whole legal situation of sentencing. And I remind you -- I’ll just put it on this message -- that the judgment that the Scripture speaks about is the judgment of sin.
And it is not going to take place in men until Christ has been conceived in them, because every soul that sinneth, it shall die. And that means your soul and my soul and the soul of every human being on the face of the earth. But the Lord is not going to judge it and pronounce death upon it until He has fixed His son in our hearts so that we have something that will keep us alive, even the life of his son, when our soul is judged. Hallelujah. We have many messages on that. If this is the first message that you’re hearing, just give me a call. We’ll get it to you.
Remember, Christ in you is the white-throne judgment. Glory to God. Christ in you is the white-throne judgment. When Christ enters into your heart, He begins to judge your soul. “And the judgment was set.” The word set is Strong’s 3488, and it means to fix firmly. “The judgment was set.” I suggest to you this means when Christ was -- when Christ is fixed firmly in your heart, the judgment will begin even the white-throne judgment. Glory to God.
“The judgment was set, and the books were opened.” The books -- we’ve studied this several times, brethren. If you haven’t heard it before, just let me know. I’ll give you the messages where we go into the Book of Revelation, speaking -- which describes the white-throne judgment, where we determine that the members of the living soul are books. And we’re all waiting to be inscribed by the Spirit of the Father. All forms of printing is [sic] engraving. The living soul is created to be inscribed by a spirit. Right now, our souls are inscribe- -- excuse me -- by the spirit of Satan. If you have Christ, you have two kinds of inscription on your soul: Satan and Christ. And Christ will soon swallow up the Satanic inscription. Glory to God.
“And the books were opened.” The word opened is Strong’s 6606, and that means to carve, to grave or engrave, to appear -- appear in the realm of appearance -- to plow. We all know that our soul is being plowed as the deliverance comes forth, which is bringing forth Christ within us or which is forming Christ in us. It means to break forth, to loose [?self?] to be unstopped. Glory to God.
Alternate Translation, the third third of Daniel 7:10, “The sentencing of the living soul, even Jesus Christ Himself, who is the judge, was firmly fixed within the hearts of its many members. And they were proud, engraved with the nature of the Father. And Christ broke forth from within them and appeared in their souls.”
The sentencing of the living soul, even Jesus Christ in their hearts, was firmly fixed within them. And they were proud -- getting rid of all the stones and all the grit and everything that’s of the nature of Satan. And they were engraved with the nature of the Father. And then Christ broke forth from within them.
Alternate Translation, Daniel chapter 7, verse 10, “Christ appeared in the human spirits of the living soul, vibrated forth and covered the Father like a garment, revealing Him. He served as the Father’s throne in the spiritual realm of the soul and appeared as the fulfillment of the law in the realm of time. The sentencing of the living soul, even Jesus Christ, was firmly fixed within the hearts of its many members. And they were proud, engraved with the nature of the Father. And Christ broke forth from within them.” Hallelujah.
And I had hoped to give you this scriptural reference that says Jesus shall judg- -- judgment -- all judgment is given unto the Son. But I didn’t write it down, but there is such a Scripture. All judgment is given unto the Son. And, brethren, when the Son of God appears in your heart, your soul is judged, and it’s sentenced to death.
Verse 11, “I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.” “I beheld then because the voi- -- because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake.” Voice, Strong’s 7032. It’s referring to the voice of either animals or men. It really means a sound. It can mean the bleating of sheep or it could be a human being talking.
“I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake.” This word great, we’ve studied it in recent meetings. It’s Strong’s 7260, and it means domineering in character. Remember we talked about that? We said that even a word that has negative implications, when the Scripture uses it to describe the Lord or the things of the Lord, we must by necessity attribute positive -- a positive translation to it. Because nothing of the Lord is negative. So, here we have a word whose interpretation is domineering in character, but we did find one Scripture in Daniel 4:3 where it’s used to describe the signs of the Lord. And that -- those words are translated great, mighty signs of God -- great, mighty signs of God. Glory to God.
And “I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake.” And the word words is Strong’s 4406. It means a command, a discourse. It could mean preaching. So, the first word, the word voice, refers to a sound uttered. But the word words refers to actual human language. Glory to God.
“I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake.” And I remind you that we established, I hope, that the horn is Christ, not antichrist, but Christ. And He was speaking. And that word spake merely means -- it’s Strong’s 449, and it merely means to speak about something, to tell.
Alternate Translation, first half of Daniel 7:11, “Then I continued to look at the vision because of the utterance of the powerful things the Christ spoke of.” “Then I continued to look at the vision” -- why? Because of the sound of the powerful things that the Christ was speaking of. And what was He speaking about, brethren? He was speaking about salvation. He was speaking about glorification. He was speaking about a restoration to a correct moral order. He was speaking about genius in our minds and everything that goes with it. He was speaking about a life without sin, the glory of it, the glory of it.
Continuing with, “I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.” “I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.” “I beheld even till” -- this word even is Strong’s 5705, and it means within. And I’m suggesting to you that this Scripture is saying that Daniel looked within himself. The vision that he was seeing was not on a movie screen. It was within his mind’s eye. Daniel looked within himself until the beast was slain.
The word beast -- I call your attention to the fact that it is singular, and we know that previously in chapter 7 already, four beasts have been sighted. Yet, this word is singular. “I beheld even till the beast was slain.” And I’m suggesting to you that the Scripture is speaking of the second beast. I am suggesting to you it is not speaking of the Christ, which is the fourth beast. Neither is it speaking of the first beast, which was the A- -- which is Adam before the fall, but it is speaking of the second beast. Glory to God. And I remind you that that second beast typifies the three-part human spirit. It is the -- typified by the bear. And the bear, we determined, typifies the three-fold human spirit: Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. And I remind you that that second beast has another part to him: even the leopard -- the Scripture calls it another beast -- the leopard, which typifies the human soul that is stained with sin.
“And I beheld within myself until the beast” -- until the fallen Adam -- “was slain.” Now this word slain is 6992, and it means to cut off, to put to death. “And I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed.” Now this word body is very interesting. It’s Strong’s 1655, and it’s the only time that it’s translated -- the only that it’s translated body is in the Book of Daniel. This has another Hebrew word with the same spelling, the exact same spelling. Strong’s broke it down into two words, and that’s number 1653. What this word means, in at least 10 other instances in the Scripture, is a shower of rain, a shower of rain. At least 10 times, it’s translated a shower of rain. And it’s from a root that means to rain violently. And I’m suggesting to you that this is not the body of the beast, but that indeed, it is the spiritual power of the beast. And we know that spiritual power is typified by water in the Scriptures. The living -- the whole realm of the spiritual realm of the living soul is typified by water.
OK, Ho- -- I have a reference for you. Hoseah 6:3, “Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.” So, even the Lord Himself is described as rain. And here in Daniel, chapter 7, verse 11, we find an ungodly spiritual power described as rain.
And that spiritual power is going to be destroyed. This is Strong’s number 7, which means to slay or to sp- -- or to perish, but we’re told that it’s corresponding to, it’s from the root number 6, which can also be translated to disperse a flock. And I just declare to you that you cannot -- that the spiritual power is not going to be slain so much as it is going to be dispersed, scattered, separated. And it’s going to be -- to just disappear and be absorbed by the power of almighty God.
I have a reference for you, Jeremiah 23:1, “Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!” That’s the same word that’s translated to slay or to perish. And it can also be translated to disperse a flock. “Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the Lord.” Now, when we see this word not only being -- not only that it can me- -- that the word translated slay can be translated to scatter, but we see it applied to spiritual sheep in Jeremiah 23:1. And I’m suggesting to you that the men in which the rain or the spiritual strength of the living soul manifests shall be scattered like a flock of unclean animals. I don’t believe they’re going to be scattered like sheep, because sheep are the animals of the Lord. But I’m suggesting to you that the men, in which the spiritual power of the living soul manifests, shall be scattered like a flock of unclean animals.
And it was “given to the burning flame.” Glory to God. The word burning is Strong’s 3346. It is a feminine word. It means a burning or a large, disastrous fire, like a bonfire or a large, disastrous fire, and it is feminine. And I suggest to you that this is the fire of almighty God in the realm of the soul -- the fire of almighty God in the realm of the soul manifesting through Christ. Glory to God. And it is feminine because it is strictly in submission to the Father. It is not the Spirit of the Father in the realm of the spirit. It’s the Spirit of the Father in the realm of the soul, and the Scripture makes it feminine.
“And the spiritual power of the beast was given to the burning flame.” Glory to God. And that word flame is Strong’s 785. It is the only time it is described 78- -- it is translated flame, 785. And it is especially used of the fire of God. It is translated splendor, brightness or heat of the sun. It’s o- -- so, this is the only time it’s translated flame. And I’m suggesting to you that the living soul, which is feminine, has become one with the fire of God in the realm of the soul and has become a large, disastrous fire, which is swallowing up the spiritual power of the living soul. Glory to God.
Alternate Translation, second half of Daniel 7:11, “I continued to look within my own mind until the three-fold spirit of the fallen living soul was cut off and his spiritual authority over the living soul dispersed and lapped up by the fire of God.” “I continued to look within my own mind until the three-fold spirit of the fallen living soul was cut off and his spiritual authority over the living soul dispersed and lapped up by the fire of God.”
And I have a reference for you, 2 Corinthians 5:4, “For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality” -- the living soul -- “might be swallowed up of life” -- the fire of almighty God.
Alternate Translation, Daniel, chapter 7, verse 11, “Then I continued to look at the vision because of the utterance of the powerful things the Christ spoke of. I continued to look within my own mind until the three-fold spirit of the fallen living soul was cut off and his spiritual authority over the living soul dispersed and lapped up by the fire of God.”
Recap, Daniel, chapter 7, verses 9 through 11, “And I continued to look at the vision until the place where Christ rules from, even the Adamic soul, came into submission to Him. And Jesus Christ, the first one resurrected out from the realm of death p- ” -- I’m sorry; let me start that over again.
“And I continued to look at the vision until the place where Jesus Christ rules from, even the Adamic soul, came into submission to Him. And Jesus Christ, the first one resurrected out from the realm of death, possessed the living soul and dwelt with her as a wife. The living soul was cleansed from all sin when she married Him. And the spirit of the creation of God was like one pure covering in the realm of appearance but many human spirits that birthed Christ in the realm of the spirit. The spirit of the Father shone through the two-fold soul of Jesus and the sons of God, converting them into spirits. His many-membered body was the lampstand, which holds their spiritual life.
“Christ appeared in the human spirits of the living soul, vibrated forth and covered the Father like a garment, revealing Him. He served as the Father’s throne in the spiritual realm of the soul and appeared as the fulfillment of the law in the realm of time. The sentencing of the living soul, even Jesus Christ, was firmly fixed within the hearts of its many members. And they were [?proud?plowed?], engraved with the nature of the Father. And Christ broke forth from within them.
“Then I continued to look at the vision because of the utterance of the powerful things [?that?the?] Christ spoke of. I continued to look within my own mind until the three-fold spirit of the fallen living soul was cut off and his spiritual authority over the living soul dispersed and lapped up by the fire of God.”
Any questions tonight?
Glory to God.
Lost our question ministry. OK, [?hallelujah?].
5/11/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
5/12/14 1st Edit BP