066 - Part 3
(Revelation 13)

Part 3 of 4 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


I have the correction to Verse 1 of Chapter 13; that's back two messages. And the translation that I gave you in part 1 of this series, it’s spiritually correct. What I told you is spiritually true, but the Lord showed me today that it really wasn't the accurate translation of what He was saying in this Verse. OK. So, there’s -- there is no -- I didn't teach you anything that you have to forget about. It's just not an accurate translation of this Verse. And the area where I made an error was where Verse 1 says, “And I saw the beast rise up out of the sea.” And I translated that to [?me?mean?] that Satan was rising up out from under the authority of man's conscience where the law of God is.


Now, we know that that's not true -- but, we know that that’s true that Satan is rising up under the authority of man's conscience, but what this really means -- that the beast was rising up out of the sea, the Lord showed me is that the beast which is Ad- -- the beast is Adam, and the sea we've been teaching for two years is the unconscious mind is Satan. It’s the unconscious mind that flows through every man, and the beast is the man that is appearing in the realm of appearance; he's the corporate man. So, what are we saying? Satan, the sea, Satan, the Spirit that rules in the living soul is the spiritual power base that is incarnating Adam, the many-membered corporate man in the realm of appearance. That's what it’s saying. We saw the beast, which is Adam or man as we see him, and he rose up; he appeared out of the unconscious mind of man. So that's what that -- the correct translation of that verse is.


“I saw the beast rising up out of the sea.” Satan is the spiritual power base that is incarnating, and when he incarnates he looks like man. Does anybody have a problem with that? OK.


So, I'll just put this on this message. The first beast, which we’re studying now in Chapter 13, he is Adam who was generated by the power base known as Satan. He's man as we know him, and he’s here, because the power base known as Satan has incarnated. And the second beast, which we will be getting into starting with Verse 11, the Scripture says he's a beast that came up out of the earth. He’s a beast that came up out of the earth. And I'm going to suggest to you that that second beast is the personality of Satan himself appearing in the earth of Adam’s soul. So, I just put that on here, but we'll go into it in more detail when we get to Verse 11.


So what am I saying? The first beast is man as we know it, which has been generated by the power source or the power base of Satan. And the second beast is the unconscious mind of man that's appearing in the Adamic soul, and the two [?were?are?] one. The two [?are?were?] one. Satan and Adam, they are one, and what is their name? Anybody know what their name is? S- -- the living soul. Amen. The living soul. Hallelujah.


Actually there’s more to it. The second beast and the first beast. The Scripture only breaks them down into two beasts, but we know that there’s also the human spirit and the offspring of the human spirit in Satan, which is the carnal mind. So, there's really four elements to the -- to man as we know him. Man that exists on the earth today, there’s really four spiritual elements to him. Adam, Eve, Satan and the carnal mind. Anybody have any problem or question with regard to that before we go on?


OK. Recap. Revelation 13, Verses 1 and 2. “And because Christ was appearing in my human spirit,” John speaking, “and was joined to me in my mind, I could understand that Satan, the Spirit that rules in the living soul is the spiritual power base that is incarnating Adam, the many-membered corporate man in the realm of appearance. And Satan was generating the fullest amount of human beings that was possible, and he was appearing in the personalities of men to the fullest possible extent, and he was enforcing the law with the maximum authority that was given to him, and Satan's authority to judge men was woven together with the” -- with -- oh, I'm sorry, “was woven together with and joined to their minds. And the men in which th- -- he was manifesting revealed the spirit of antichrist. And I understood that the fallen corporate living soul was stained with sin and that his own unconscious mind, even Satan was executing judgment upon him for those sins, and the Spirit that rules in the corporate living soul, even Satan was appearing in their personalities as raging, warmongering, clamoring men. And the fierce and cruel words they spoke had the spiritual power to tear men's souls and pluck up men's lives. And Satan, the spirit which rules in the living soul is giving Adam his miracle-working power and his spiritual protection and mighty authority to control God's creation.” Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.


I think the Lord is correcting me here. I said the first beast is Adam, and I told you the second beast is Satan. I think the Lord’s g- -- you know, telling me that ther- -- well, I'm going let it go. I'm going to wait until we get into Verse 11. I hope you know by now that these -- this prophecy is so subtle that it c- -- the Lord gives me the revelation in shades, you know, when I just keep going deeper and deeper. So, I’m just going to scratch that right now. Either it’s Satan or the carnal mind. I know the Lord was speaking to me, but I really can't get into it on this message. So, if it's not Satan, I'm just a shade off, and we'll go into that more deeply in Verse 11. I should never jump ahead. Every time I jump ahead like that, I'm sorry that I do it.


OK. One more. Not correction, but a comment on the last message. I don't think I made it clear on the last message that the mouth of the beast symbolizes the beast’s manifestation. That's in Verse 2. It says -- to speaking about the beast, “And his mouth, as the mouth of a lion.” And I don't think I made that clear that the mouth of the beast, I told you it was the human spirit, but I didn't make it clear that that human spirit, that that mouth symbolizes the beast’s manifestation in the realm of appearance. That means that the human spirit has birthed the carnal mind and become one with the carnal mind. The mouth, that is the vehicle by which the beast is speaking, and this word to speak it means to speak words. It means to speak words. And we know that for a spirit to appear in this realm of appearance to the point that it could speak, it must have an offspring that is made up of -- does anybody remember? What must the offspring be made up of? Anybody? Spirit and soul. Spirit and soul.


And we know that over here, with carnal fallen man, the way he is appearing in the realm of appearance is that Satan has raised himself up into the role of spirit. He has become a power base, and then we have a human soul, and we have a human spirit. And we know that Satan is fornicating with the human spirit. He is constantly coming together and pulling away from her in the form of spiritual sexuality and that they have an offspring, and that offspring is the carnal mind. And the carnal mind is just another way of saying the mind of man. In order for Satan to appear in the realm of appearance the carnal mind is in the realm of appearance. In order for Satan or any spirit to appear in the realm of appearance they can only do so by their offspring. And the offspring is both spirit and soul, because Eve is a part of the living soul. She is a part of the living soul and the offspring becomes spirit and soul.


When Christ wants to appear in the earth -- or when -- that I shouldn't even say Christ. I should say when the Father wants to appear in the earth. He comes to the human spirit or to the living soul which has a human spirit and a human soul. The Father copulates with the human spirit in a form of spiritual sex and there is an offspring that appears in the realm of appearance and His name is Christ. And when the Father God wants to speak out through a man, when he wants to speak in words his manifestation, his shape, his form, his image in the realm of appearance is called Christ. And when you talk to a man, when you talk to a human being. If you’re not speaking to the image of Almighty God you are speaking to the image of Satan.


But the purpose of this teaching at this moment is that I'm trying to reinforce your understanding of how men appear in the realm of appearance, how we get a body and how we get a personality that has the ability to speak through this body. There must be a ruling spirit, a human soul and a human spirit. And that ruling spirit must be having a form of spiritual sex with the human spirit part of the living soul in order to appear in the realm of appearance. We’ve had some very deep teaching on this for two years now. I hope that you have some revelation of how God formed the realm of appearance in everything that's in it and I hope that you have some revelation that this realm of appearance is a reflection of the spiritual world. And if you are a man either you are reflecting the Spirit of Christ or the Spirit of the Father and in that case you would be Christ. You are reflecting the Spirit of Satan.


There are only two spirits in this world that have the authority to generate what we call human life. It's either Satan or it’s the Father and when they do generate that human life that can't be seen or an existence, Satan doesn't generate life; he generates existence. He either generates Christ in the form of a man or he regenerates the carnal mind in the form of a man. A carnal man is manifesting the carnal mind. It's a very tough teaching, but it’s the truth and the Lord wants us to know. So, when I -- when we went over Verse 2, over that phrase, “That the mouth of the beast is like a lion.” I told you that it was the human spirit, but I didn't go far enough, because the human spirit has fornicated with Satan and produced the carnal mind and she is one with the carnal mind. And therefore the carnal mind is appearing in the realm. Where? In the many members of the living soul. Glory of God.


OK. Let's go on. I've got a good word for you tonight. Verse 3. Any questions on anything that I just spoke about? Verse 3, “And I saw one of his heads.” Talking about the beast now. “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and His deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast.” Now, this word head we’ve studied this before and the word head comes from the intention of something that can be taken hold of, something that's popping up that can be taken hold of. And we will so -- commented that seven heads, the seven heads of the beast symbolizes the fullest amount of human beings that the living soul is capable of generating. We said that heads with regard to the beast is referring to that part of the creation that appears, because a head will appear above the ground. The spirit is beneath the ground and it’s unseen, so we drew the conclusion that heads typify the members of the living soul that are appearing in the realm of appearance and seven heads typifies the fullness of the number of human vessels that the living soul has the capability of producing. Glory to God.


I'm also going to add to that definition. Well, let me read you my note here. A head is something that could be taken hold of. Seven heads of the beast symbolizes the fullest amount of human beings the living soul is capable of generating and also the living souls ability to produce the fullness of the creation which is Christ. Seven heads would typify the living soul being everything that it could be. As many members -- human members as it’s capable of producing on the carnal level. And it’s ability to produce Christ on the spiritual level. The seven heads of the beast typify its fullest capacity to be everything that it could be and the Scripture says, “And I saw one of its heads as it were wounded


onto death.” The word wounded is 4969 and it means to butcher, especially an animal for food. It means to slaughter.


And I remind you when you butcher an animal for food would you do, you cut it into many parts. If you butcher a cow you cut it into steaks and chopped meat. You break it down into many members. And also if you -- it means to slaughter for sacrifice and also when you slaughter for sacrifice the animal is dismembered, it's cut into many parts. I know in the Levitical sacrifice they take out the kidneys, they take out the organs. It's a whole big ritual. So, what I'm suggesting to you is that this beast who had one of its heads wounded onto death was cut into many pieces. It was separated into many pieces. And what I'm suggesting to you is that originally this beast was one entity.


We know somewhere back in time it was only one and that it has now become many members. It was wounded onto death. The word death used here is Thanatos. We know there are several Greek words translated death. This one is Thanatos 2288 and we have studied previous to this that Thanatos means the death which occurs when the soul separate from the body. Well, we should then be able to apply this Greek word to the death, which occurs when the soul separates from the Spirit of God and indeed the Greek word Thanatos is translated to mean the death of this existence. Even the existence which appeared when man died to his relationship with God. Do you hear what I'm saying? Man was joined to God. The soul of man separated from God. It was a form of death and this existence that we call life came into -- appeared.


Yet, there is another death. There is the separation of this soul from the body. So, the concept of the Greek word Thanatos is death by separation. Glory of God. So, what are we saying? One of his hands was wounded onto death means that the living soul’s ability to manifest Christ or to appear to the fullest was crippled. The living soul had an ability to appear in many members and to manifest Christ and one head was wounded onto death, that ability was crippled. He no longer had what he needed to either appear in the realm of appearance or to manifest Christ. What was he lacking? Anybody? What was he lacking to appear in the realm of appearance?


He died to his relationship with God. He was separated from God and he was not able to appear in the realm of appearance or manifest Christ. What was he lacking? He was lacking the male spirit. He was separated from the Father, which when the Father copulated with the human spirit produced Christ. He had no man to produce the offspring that was going to enable him to appear in the realm of appearance. He was wounded onto death. He didn't have what he needed to appear. Glory to God.


Alternate translation. First half of Revelation 13:3. “And I saw the beast die to his relationship with God and he lost his ability to appear in the realm of appearance. And then his deadly wound was healed, but his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast.” Glory to God. The word wound is Strong’s 4127. It means calamity, plague or stripe. It's the same word that's used in the Scripture to describe a calamity or plague that would be infirmity or illness on a human being. And the word healed is Strong’s 2323, which means to relieve of disease. So, when he was wounded, he was wounded with a plague, with a disease and when he was healed he was relieved of that disease. And in case you don't know it, if someone’s sick, especially if they're sick continuously, it is a plague. It is a whipping, it is a scorching and it is a powerful judgment of God. Hallelujah.


“And his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast.” I've mentioned to you before that there are three Greek words that are translated world. We know the most popular one is aeon, which is translated age frequently. Age or world. And the second one is Kosmos, which can refer to the universe. It can also refer to the cosmos of our body. Those of us appearing in this world we have a sun, that sun is the spirit that generates us. We have a moon that's our soul and the stars that we produce are the offspring of the sun and the moon. Glory to God. The third Greek word that's translated world is not used too frequently. Its Strong’s 1093 and it’s produced  [?gat?get?gut?got?] and it’s the -- it means the solid part of the whole -- of the terrain globe.


That means if you look at the physical earth, it's not referring to the seas or the oceans. It's referring to the earth. So, world is really a very poor translation. It’s referring to the earth and I'm suggesting to you that it refers to the earth of our spiritual cosmos. And what is the earth of our spiritual cosmos, anybody remember? The earth or the body, but it’ll be also besides the body. Ac -- the soul, yes, really the soul is more important than the body, although the body is correct. So of this spiritual cosmos of which we are this word [?gat?get?gut?got?] means the soul and possibly the body if it -- if that’s the intent in this Scripture. Glory to God.


So, what am I saying that the earth part of our spiritual being, the soulish part of the creation or the conscious minds of men. We know that the unconscious mind is like in onto the sea and the conscious mind is soul and it’s earth and it is typified by this Greek word translated world. “And all the world wondered after the beast. And all the men in their conscious minds wondered after the beast.” The word wondered is 2296 and it means to admire and here's something unusual for you. “They wondered after the beast.” This word after its Strong's 3694 and it can also be translated to the back of. “And the whole world wondered to the back of the beast. And the whole world admired the back of the beast.” What's the back of the beast? I suggest you, brethren. Anyone want to guess what the back of the beast is?


The back of the beast is Satan. We have had other teachings or maybe I didn't get to it yet. I know I've studied it. I don't know whether I've preached it or not. Where the backside or the tail of an entity is the unseen part, the hidden part, the unconscious mind that's what it's referring to. So, what have we got?


So, alternate translation. Second-half Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 3. “But the intelligence which dwells in the earth of the living soul took over God's role of male spirit. Incestuously fertilized his own human spirit and begot the carnal mind instead of Christ. And as a result of all that the living soul now exists in the realm of appearance even though she is separated from God, her rightful husband.  And the conscious minds of the many members of the living soul highly esteemed the carnal mind of man. And his deadly wound as healed.” How was his deadly wound healed? The intelligence which dwells in the earth of the living soul took over -- well, first of all what was his deadly wound? His deadly wound what crippled him, what killed him, what stopped him from appearing in the realm of appearance was that God separated himself from him. There was no man to fertilize the living soul, so that the offspring which appears in the realm of appearance could appear. That was his deadly wound.


And now we’re saying that his deadly wound was healed, how? The intelligence which dwells in the earth of the living soul took over God's role of male spirit. Incestuously fertilized his own human spirit and begot the carnal mind instead of Christ and as a result of all that the living soul now exists in the realm of appearance even though she is separated from God her rightful husband. “And all the world wondered after the beast and the conscious minds of the many members of the living soul highly esteemed the carnal mind of man.” Which is here appearing in the earth illegally.


Alternate translation. The whole of Revelation 13:3. “And I saw the beast die to his relationship with God and he lost his ability to appear in the realm of appearance, but the intelligence which dwells in the earth of the living soul took over God's role of male spirit. Incestuously fertilized his own spirit and begot the carnal mind instead of Christ and as a result of all that the living soul exists in the realm of appearance even though she is separated from God, her rightful husband. And the conscious minds of the many members of the living soul highly esteemed the carnal mind of man. The illegitimate offspring of God's wife, the adulterous. Illegitimate offspring of God's wife is highly esteemed by the many members of the living soul.


Verse 4. Glory to God. “And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is like unto the beast, who is able to make war with him?” The word worshiped is Strong’s 4352 and it means to kiss like a dog licking his master's hand. It means to fawn or to crouch to literally prostrate oneself to someone, the utterly humble yourself before somebody. The Dragon, I hope we've established is Satan and the Greek word translated power here is an exousia meaning authority, strength, jurisdiction. It doesn't mean miracle working power now. This is authority to be in the right. Authority. Glory to God. Authority to what? Authority to appear in the realm of appearance. Glory to God. The beast I hope we've established is Adam in the realm of appearance. That's man as we know it. Adam, Eve, Satan and the carnal mind in one lump sum modern man as we know him.


Alternate translation. The first half of Revelation 13:4. “And the human spirits of the many members of the living soul submitted to and fornicated with Satan. The spiritual power base which is empowering the living soul to manifest in the realm of appearance. And the conscious minds of the many members of the living soul worshiped the man which was appearing in the realm of appearance saying. And they worshiped the dragon which gave power to the beast and they worshiped the beast saying. And the human spirits of the many members of the living soul submitted to.” How did they worship the dragon? And they worshiped the dragon. How did they do it?


The human spirits of the many members of the living soul submitted to and fornicated with the Dragon, who was Satan. The one who is the spiritual power base which is empowering the living soul to manifest in the realm of appearance. And they also worshiped the beast. There’s a separation here. They worshiped the Satan and they worshiped man. The way they worshiped Satan was that their human spirits fornicated with him and the way they worship the beast, which is man is that their conscious minds, their human souls of the many members of the living soul. Worshiped or admired the man that was appearing in the realm of appearance. They admired him, they worshiped him, they bowed down to him and they were saying.


How did they worship man? How did the conscious mind of man worship man in the realm of appearance? Anybody? How does the conscious mind of man worship man as we see Him? Right, by the things they do where we call Him God. We call the doctors God, we call the scientists God. We set Him up as our God and we are indeed worshiping Him, both with our human spirit that's fornicating with Satan resulting in our appearance and then once we appear our conscious mind fornicates -- our conscious mind worships the man as he appears. Once he appears by admiring and all the things that he does and everything that he’s built and everything that he’s formed. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Who? -- And this is what they were saying. Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with Him? Who was like unto the beast? Who was able to make war with Him? So, they are fornicating with Him, with Satan, submitting to Satan, worshiping the product of that fornication and they're saying who could make war with this beast. We better do it, there's no one else. Who is like unto the beast? Like unto, who can be compared to and we know who the beast is. It's man in the realm of appearance. Who was able to make war with Him? And this word war is Strong's 4170. It means to be engaged in battle. Now, what would they be engaged in battle over? The souls in the bodies of the many members of the living soul. Who can fight the spirit that's giving us existence and take over these souls and bodies.


Alternate translation. Second half of Revelation 13:4. “Who is like unto the beast? Who has spiritual strength that can be compared to the spirit which rules in man? Who is able make war with him? Who can engage in a warfare with him and not be destroyed? This beast is powerful.


Alternate translation. The whole of Revelation 13:4. “And the human spirits of the many members of the living soul submitted to and fornicated with Satan. The spiritual power base which is empowering the living soul to manifest in the realm of appearance. And the conscious minds of the many members of the living soul worshiped the man which was appearing in the realm of appearance saying who has spiritual strength that can be compared to the spirit which rules in man. Who can engage in a warfare with Him and not be destroyed? Who can fight against His science? Who can fight against His medicine? God is trying to kill us. We're all under judgment for sin and Satan's mind develops cures and all kinds of feelings and we’re still here.


Verse 5. “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and power was given unto him to continue 40 and two months.” This word given is Strong’s 1325. It can also be translated to bring forth, to grant, to commit. “And there was given unto him a mouth.” Now, we studied this word mouth with regard to Verse 2 and I just commented on it at the beginning of this message that the mouth typifies the ability to speak and Satan's ability to speak in the realm of appearance comes forth from the carnal mind. Speech only exists in the realm of appearance. If this beast wants to have the ability to speak he must be producing an offspring, the offspring of his own human spirit and a spiritual power base.


And the word speaking is Strong's 2980 it means to utter words. “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.” Great things, Strong’s 3173 and this word great things it really means things that have external form or appearance. In particular it speaks of things that have space and dimension, number and quantity. And I'm suggesting to you that the living soul is bragging about all of his accomplishments in the realm of appearance. He’s saying look at the buildings, look at the machines, look at the atom bombs, look at the guns, look at the planes, look at the trains, look at the power generators, look at what I've done. Look at how great I am.


That's what I suggest to you that that means. “And there was given unto him, unto to the beast a mouth speaking great things about everything he's done in this realm of appearance, but also blasphemies.” So while he is exalting himself, taking credit for everything that God has done plus everything that's wicked, he is also speaking evil of God, because that word blasphemy is Strong's 988 and it means to speak evil against God. So, is exalting himself and he’s speaking evil against God.


Brethren, is that not what's manifesting in this country today, to the utmost? Is not man being lifted up as God? I hear it on the TV, I cannot believe what I'm hearing. I saw a confrontation between a woman manifesting Antichrist or the carnal mind and she was having a confrontation with a man that was manifesting Christ and he called homosexuality by the Bible name. He called it a perversion. He called those manifesting it sodomites. And she said to him who are you to determine that someone -- how do you -- how can you determine what is a perversion? You are not a sex therapist. That is what she said on national TV utterly denying the authority of the word of God. Lifting up college graduates with their piddling human studies of sexuality above the word of God.


It’s manifesting in its fullness in this country in this hour. What we are reading right here in Verse 5. “And it was given unto him a mouth speaking great things about this world system and speaking evil of God.” Things are getting so bad that if you want to make a little extra money and you’re a woman that's raised a few children you’re -- it’s going to get harder and harder to go out and get a job without going to school to get a certificate to prove that you’re eligible after spending 20 years raising a family. They're denying everything except their own authority to give you permission to even go out and earn a living. It is the most wicked thing I've ever experienced in all my life and in all of my knowledge of history. I've never seen anything so wicked.


At least back in the Roman days when men were slaves they knew that they were slaves. The society really is just loving it. And they're blaspheming God. They are victimized by it and they are exalting man and speaking evil about God. God have mercy on us all and the harder we pray the faster the judgments are falling, because there is nothing that’s going to correct this, brethren, except judgment. “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.” Hallelujah. Glory to God. I didn't do an alternate translation on half of this verse. I'm just going to try and ad-lib this, I should’ve.


Alternate translation. The first half of Revelation 13:5. “And the beast brought forth the carnal mind and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies. And the beast brought forth the carnal mind, which preaches about the greatness of this world system, but evil things about God. And power was given unto him to continue 40 and two months.” The word power, that's translated power here as again exousia. It is not miracle working power, it is authority. It is to have the right. It is to have the privilege and I hear somebody asking the question, well, you just said, “That the carnal mind is the adulterous offspring of God's wife, the human spirit.” Yes. That is correct.


The carnal mind is the adulterous illegitimate offspring. It -- the carnal mind is the illegitimate offspring of the adulterous behavior of God's wife, the human spirit, but nevertheless the Lord has permitted it and I declare to you, brethren, if you don't have this revelation now that you pray about this. Nothing happens in this universe unless God permits it. God has permitted it and we’re going to see that a little further on. Right here, we’re going to study it right now. “And power was given unto him to continue 40 and two months.” He’s saying he had no power of his own, it was given unto Him. And that word to give means granted, committed to. You see it’s not His own power, but the Lord said you want to do, it it's all right. Go do it. I'm giving you the power. I'm permitting you to do it.


If I'm laying down on the floor and someone has his foot on my head so that I can’t get up, that does not mean that I don't have the physical strength to stand up. But I still, I have the physical strength to stand up, but I still can't do it until that man takes his foot off of my head and says you now have permission to do it. Satan had what it took to rise up and fertilize His own human spirit, but He had to be released by God. He had to be given permission by God. God had to back off and step away, get his foot off his head and say, all right you could do it. And power was given unto him to continue 40 and two months. That word power is exousia authority and the word continue in Strong's 4160. It means to band together, to construct, to form, to fashion. And I'm suggesting to you that with regard to a spirit that has no form or shape, these definitions would mean to take form. To take form, to band together, to gather together, to fashion, to appear.


“And authority was given unto him to appear in the realm of appearance 40 and two months.” I remind you we have studied this before that the word month refers to a time period wherein the moon or the soul interacts with the sun, which is the spirit of God. A month is a time period that is measured I believe by the moon circulating around the sun that is an interaction between the moon and sun. I suggest you it is a time period wherein the soul of man is interacting with the spirit of God. The number 40, I remind you we studied this with regard to the fort -- to the two witnesses. It is a number of spiritual generation that is Moses in the -- was in the mount 40 days and nights. And the result of that 40 day separation or that 40 day experience was that the law of God appeared to the human race.


The law of ordinance is -- was given to Israel and eventually became available to the whole human race. That was a 40 day period during which something -- there was an interaction with God and something happened. It rained 40 days. It rained during the flood 40 days and for 40 nights, and the result of that flood was that God washed away sin and gave man a new start. So, 40 it’s the number of generation. It's the number of generation and usually after that 40 day period something changes. It’s a time period in which God is moving usually. The number 42 I'm suggesting to you means that it's more than a generation or it’s something that goes beyond that time period during which God is interacting with man.


The 40 -- the number 40 typifies the generation during which something is happening. 42 would mean something that goes beyond that time period. The generation in which God is interacting with men began with the ascension of Jesus Christ. Glory to God. The New Age began with the ascension of Jesus Christ. You know, Jesus Christ has sprinkled on your heart. You are entering into the New Age. Now, listen to what the Lord told me. This is really interesting. Just as the Giants coexisted with modern man during David’s day, modern man will coexist with restored man in the next age.


Let me try and put this on the board for you. Glory to God. Let me see if I could wipe this off here. I can't wipe it off. OK. Glory to God. OK. What are we saying here? What are we saying? “And the beast was given the power to appear in the realm of appearance for 42 months.” The beast was given the authority to produce His illegitimate offspring, the carnal mind in the realm of appearance throughout the time period that God is interacting with man and beyond it. And what is the time period? Glory to God. That God is interacting with man. It's now. And we are entering into the Age of the Kingdom. The result of this interaction is that we are entering into the Age of the Kingdom.


Now, remember the 40 days that Moses was up on the mount. He came down with the law of God and it change the whole -- their whole life and the life of the world. The 40 days Noah -- of that -- that it was raining that resulted in the flood. It started; it ended in a whole new world. Now, the Scripture says that the beast is being allowed to manifest his carnal mind in the realm of appearance throughout the whole time that God is interacting with man, the re -- and the result of that God's interaction with man is what? That we’re entering into the Age of the Kingdom. And when we enter into the Age of the Kingdom the number of human beings on the earth that are manifesting Satan are going to diminish greatly. Who is going to be manifesting the human beings on the earth? Who is going to be the power source that’s generating the human beings on the earth? Yes, who's is the power source?




The Father. Right. The Father is going to start being the power source that is going to be generating the human beings on the face of the earth. He's going to be cutting Satan out and the earth is going to be populated by and filled by restored men. There's going to be thousands and billions of us, but Satan's been given permission to manifest the carnal mind beyond th- -- beyond this age. He's goin- -- given permission to go into the kingdom age and what the Lord said to me is just as it took the descendants of Ham so long to become carnal man, if you remember that teaching when the whole Earth was populated by carnal men in David’s day they were still a few Giants, one here and one there.


Now, we are going back up. All of mankind is being restored back up to spiritual men and I don't know what we're going to look like, but when the day comes when we are fully into the Kingdom Age and the day comes that the majority of the human beings are being generated by the power source of the Father, there’s still going to be a few men around that are generated by Satan. Does anybody not understand that? I feel that you don't understand it. Do you understand it? OK. Right. It’s right. It's going right back around again. OK. Glory to God. OK. Hallelujah.


Let me read you this alternate translation. This is the second half of Chapter 13 Verse 5. Glory to God. “And power was given to Him to continue 40 and two months and he was permitted to bring forth the carnal mind and appear in the realm of appearance beyond the generation in which God is confronting man, even into the next age.” Glory to God. Even into the next age. Beyond this age where man is being raised back up into the next age, whatever that's going to be, where we’re going to be glorious again there’s still going to be a few carnal men roaming around. “And the beast brought forth the carnal mind which preaches about the greatness of this world system, but evil things about God and he was permitted to bring forth the carnal mind and appear in the realm of appearance beyond the generation in which God is confronting man, even unto the next age.” Glory to God.


Verse 6, “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God. To blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven.” To open the mouth simply means to speak. Blasphemy we’ve already discovered, it means to speak evil of God, to say bad things against God. And this word against it means to oppose. He's saying bad things about God, but it's not just that he's saying well, I don't like somebody. He's not nice. He's saying bad things against God. He’s saying things that would break people’s faith. That would cause them not -- that would cause them to turn against God. Hallelujah. And his tab -- “And he opened His mouth and blasphemy against God, to blasphemy His name and His tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven.”


His name -- names in the Scripture, I hope you know typifies spirit. So, he is saying evil things about the spirit of God, he’s saying evil things about God’s tabernacle and the tabernacle I suggest to you was the soul life of Jesus. We -- I don't have the message for you, but we did study that. It was somewhere in Chapter 10, when we did Chapter 10. If you want the message give me a call and I'll get it for you, but we did establish there that the soul life of Jesus Christ is the tabernacle of God or the place where God rests. And the soul life of Jesus rests in the body. Hallelujah. And he’s going to blaspheme them that dwell in heaven. And I'm suggesting to you that those that dwell in heaven are those human -- those men whose human spirits have birth the Christ and are now dwelling in his soul life.


The soul life of Jesus Christ is heaven. The soul life of Jesus Christ is heaven. I'm sorry if I’m shocking you, but it's not a physical place. It's a state of being. It's a state of mind. It’s the condition that your soul is in. And when you're dwelling in -- with one -- when you're one with Jesus and dwelling in His soul life you shall be in heaven and your every need shall be met and nothing, by any means shall harm you. He has nothing to do with the carnal, natural things of this world. The church is som- -- by some miracle is just going to have to get spiritual, because the -- a lot of ministers in the church world today they’ve just set up a barrier, they're just waging war against this glorious doctrine that the Lord’s pouring out on the earth in this hour. They just don't want to believe it. They want to keep everything carnal and I just pray that God has mercy on the people that are in bondage underneath them. Glory to God.


Alternate translation. Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 6. “And men spoke evil about God and opposed him in their minds and they spoke evil about his spirit and the soul life of Jesus, and the men who were dwelling in His soul life. And the men spoke -- and men spoke evil about Go and opposed Him in their minds and they spoke evil about His spirit, and the soul life of Jesus and the men who were dwelling in His soul life.” Have you ever come up against the carnal-minded man that speaks evil of you? For no good reason they just cannot stand you, they can't stand being around you, they can't stand what you believe. They lie about you and they’ll do many evil things to you for no reason other than that you’re dwelling in Christ. Glory to God.


And I just want to note to you in this last Verse 6, “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, I guess His name, against His tabernacle, against them that dwell in heaven. Note the descending order please. John breaks God down into his parts. First he names God and then he names his spirit. Then the soul of Jesus, which is the soul of God and then Jesus’ children, the Sons of God. We are all or we shall all be part of the Elohim, the family of God and the natural example is our very own bodies. We have a heart and lungs and a spleen and we're all one. And in the spiritual life of Almighty God we shall be all one. The Father, His spirit, His soul and those of us that dwell therein and all shall be one. The Elohim, the plural God. The many member of God. Hallelujah.


Recap. Revelation Chapter 13 Verses 3 to 6. “And I saw the beast die to his relationship with God and he lost his ability to appear in the realm of appearance, but the intelligence which dwells in the earth of the living soul took over God's role of male spirit, incestuously fertilized his own human spirit and begot the carnal mind instead of Christ. And as a result of all that the living soul still exists in the realm of appearance even though she is separated from God, her rightful husband and the conscious minds of the many members of the living soul highly esteemed the carnal mind of man.”


“And the human spirits of the many members of the living soul submitted to and fornicated with Satan, the spiritual power base which is empowering the living soul to manifest in the realm of appearance and the conscious minds of the many members of the living soul worshiped the man which was appearing in the realm of appearance saying who has spiritual strength that can be compared to that of the spirit which is in man. Who can engage in a warfare with Him and not be destroyed? And the beast brought forth the carnal mind which preaches about the greatness of this world system, but evil things about God and He was permitted to bring forth the carnal mind and appear in the realm of appearance beyond the generation in which God is confronting man even into the next age.”


“And men spoke evil about God and opposed Him in their minds. And they spoke evil about his spirit and the soul life of Jesus, and the men who were dwelling in his soul life.” And I just want to point out one more time in Verse 5 that Satan has permission to manifest in the realm of appearance and that permission has come from God. And I rebuke the lie that's floating around the church world today that Satan is in a warfare with God where he's an equal opponent, where there's a possibility that God could lose. I rebuke you, you liar. Satan is the servant of Almighty God and He does nothing, but by permission of His master. May God be glorified in all of humanity and in all of mankind and may Satan fulfill the function for which he has been created to give form and shape to the creation of God. To be the garment that the Lord will wear and to be in perfect into our own submission to Him. Any questions on this message tonight? Nobody?


05/03/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

05/07/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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