057 - Part 2
(Revelation 12)

Part 2 of 3 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God. We’re recapping Revelation chapter 12, verses 1 and 2. And the supernatural evidence of God’s ability to reproduce His image in the hearts of men was scene in the realm of God’s spirit. The living soul and right standing with God because of the spirit of Jesus Christ and an understanding of the gospel of the kingdom.


And the passions of her sole realm were in submission to the Christ which had been conceived in her, and her mind was woven together and one with the spirit of Jesus Christ. And the pregnant living soul was preaching the gospel of the kingdom, laboring to live out of the spirit of God and enduring the painful testing, which was proving that her spirit was bringing forth the Christ.


Glory to God. Verse 3 -- going on with verse 3, “And there appeared another wonder in heaven, and behold a great red dragon having seven head and ten horns and seven crowns upon his head.”


Now this word great in great red dragon, we had it before. It means mighty or big. And this whole concept of another wonder in heave, I just wanted to make a comment on it. We said that -- in the first verse that there appeared a great wonder, a woman clothed with the sun -- that that was the sign that we quoted in Isaiah when he said behold I’ll give you a sign. A virgin shall conceive.


And when I first started to do this verse, I said, well, how can the dragon be a sign also? What kind of sign is God giving us in the form of a dragon? And the Lord said to me well it is a sign. It’s a sign that I’m going to reproduce My Son, and the first part of the process is going to result in Christ, God in man, is that there has to be a female element, a womb, or a substance upon which the spiritual image of God is going to be impressed.


So the dragon, which really typifies the Adamic man -- and I’m going to show you how he’s Adam in a minute --, he is the sign that God is going to be reproducing His image in the Earth. Because how can God reproduce His image if there isn’t some substance upon which that image is going to be impressed?


So therefore the dragon is a sign in the heavenlies. It’s a sign that God is proceeding forth with his plan to appear in the realm of appearance because the dragon, or Adam, we know is a spiritual creation. When God first formed Adam, he formed the mind of man. The original creation was a spiritual creation.


So I think what confused me, and what might be confusing you, is the fact that the first wonder that’s mentioned is the living soul, or those members of the living soul that are starting to manifest Christ, appearing in the correct moral order. That’s the first sign.


And the second sign is the dragon. Well that’s very confusing. Because if we’re going to take the attitude that the reason this sign is in heaven, that the dragon is sign that’s saying God’s going to reproduce himself, we would think that the dragon should appear first. The carnal living soul, the basic Adam, the original creation. And then followed by the living soul coming into the correct moral order.


But this is another one of those situations whereby God puts the finished product first. Because God is looking at -- we could be looking at the same situation as God is looking at, and He’s looking at it from the realm of the spirit, and we’re looking at it from the realm of appearance. And the realm of the spirit and the realm of appearance are mirror opposites of one another. So when God looks at it, He sees the church, or the members of the living soul manifest in Christ in proper order. That’s what He sees first. And then He sees from whence she came, the Adamic man. The Adamic man. The natural man.


But we here in this realm of appearance, the first thing we see, the way our minds work is first God manifest in the natural man, and then the next thing that happened was that God started to impart his spirit to the natural man, bringing her into the correct moral order. Does anybody not understand this? It’s just a mirror reversal of the series of events. We’ve come up against this frequently in the Book of Revelation.


So this is what I’m suggesting to you, that the great dragon is Adam. Let me go on with that, and then I’ll back up.


This word red -- and there appeared another wonder, and behold a great red dragon. The word dragon means serpent. OK, we know that Satan is the serpent. And the word red is Strong’s 4450. It means fire-like, flame colored or red. It is not the same Hebrew word -- I’m sorry, it is not the same Greek word that is used to describe the Red Sea for instance. It’s not a word that merely is implying the color red. It’s another word, and it has with it -- the intonation is more than the color. It carries with it spiritual strength. Fire-like. Lightning. Flame colored. It’s red because of its spiritual activity.


And this Greek word red. Now it’s translated red or lightning, indicating spiritual power. We know that lightning is used to describe God’s spiritual power. So therefore it can be used to describe any spiritual power. OK. Lightning is spiritual power.


So how do we find out whose spiritual power it is? We have to identify and study the other words in the sentence to find out whose spiritual power it is. So this word red, it’s Hebrew equivalent, brethren, is the word Adam. The Hebrew equivalent of this Greek word translated red, this great red dragon, is Adam.


And I’m going to say it again. This is not the only Greek word translated red. There are other Greek words translated red, but the Holy Spirit chose this word translated red, meaning lightning, spiritual power, to describe the dragon. And I declare to you that this great red dragon is Adam, God’s original creation at the end of his cycle.


God created a living soul, it’s living for a season. Does anybody know what the end of the living soul is? When it comes to an end what shall happen to it? It’ll be Christ, Amen. He’s going to -- he’s the caterpillar that’s going to turn into a butterfly. And the season of his existence is coming to an end, and he will be destroyed. He will cease to exist, but he will live in a new form, the life quickening spirit, Christ Jesus.


So we see a great red dragon here, and I’m suggesting to you that he’s Adam at the end of his cycle. I’m not going to take too much time on this. I know I’ve touched on it before.


But I believe that in the back of the Book of Job the description of Behemoth followed immediately after by the description of Leviathan signifies God’s description of the living soul in two stages, in two stages of its first cycle. Behemoth, if you study him -- and we did study him in the 18 series -- you will find out is typified by lust. If you look up all those Hebrew words describing Behemoth in chapter 40 or 41 in the Book of Job, Behemoth is lust.


And I suggest to you that when God first created Adam, he was lustful. We know that passions are one of the basic descriptions of the natural man. What is the problem of the human race? Our passions. We’re constantly looking to satisfy ourselves. We eat. We take drugs. We smoke. We want relationships.


And I’m going to tell you something, brethren, this is a hard word, but I’m telling you the truth. No matter how much a man loves a woman. No matter how much a woman loves a -- if your square root, your motives for pouring out your life for that person, and I don’t doubt -- I’m not denying that men and women pour out their lives for one another, are willing to die for one another. When you really -- if you’re honest with yourself, if your square root is, your doing because the relationship is satisfactory to your soul. There’s nothing wrong with this. I’m just telling you the truth.


This is our condition. God formed us like this. Are you ready to die for a woman? Are you ready to work your entire life so that she can stay home and raise your children with you not being there and getting no pleasure from it at all? Are you willing -- no man in his right mind is willing to do that. She’s going to go live with another man, be happily ever after, enjoy all the blessings of life. And you’re willing to work your entire life so that she can stay home and have a good life. And never see her, never talk to her, never enjoy her company, never have the pleasure of being near her. You have to be sick to do that.


The root of the people that exist in this soul realm, which is you and me, is passion. And everything that we do is the result of our desire to satisfy the needs or our soul. Feel your love. It’s very fine. And it’s glorious in this realm, but there’s something higher. It’s the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ. To be so self sufficient that you need nothing, that you give, and you give, and you give, and you give. And you need nothing back. To be so self sufficient, to have every need so met in yourself, that you just give without getting anything back. That’s the agape love. That is the life of the spirit. It’s what we’re moving into. Man is incapable of it. Man is incapable of it.


Now I hope I didn’t condemn anybody. Just know the truth. Man is selfish. And he’s lustful. And Behemoth describes man at his inception when God first formed him. When God said go out and multiply into many members for the specific purpose of my coming in another form, fertilizing these many members, and bringing forth Christ, or the ability for agape love.


And I’m just going to comment -- make one more comment on this because it really doesn’t belong on this message. But no matter how hard you try to do what’s right, to be a faithful husband, to be a faithful wife, a faithful son, daughter, minister, anything -- you can pour your life out, and God can look upon you and say I know son, it was incapable for you to do any more.


It’s not guaranteed that you’re going to have a glorious life. You could hit it, that woman could love you, that man could love you, and you could have ecstasy together. Someone could die. Someone could get sick. OK, and then on the more negative side, they may not be faithful. They may not respond, and they betray you. But even if they don’t betray you, what if they get sick and die? There is lack of perfection in this soul realm. If you do all humanly possible to make your life right, you still don’t know what’s going to happen.


It’s only in the agape love of the spiritual life of the Lord Jesus Christ that we abide in perfection. Perfection. Total satisfaction. Peace, contentment, and glory. And it’s a [?life start?], but we have a hard time comprehending it’s the total opposite of the soul realm. And we might have some understanding of that by saying it’s total giving instead of total taking.


And what I’m saying to you if you didn’t understand what I said -- and I repeat, I’m not condemning anybody. We have to understand our spiritual makeup. If you didn’t understand what I said, what I’m saying to you is that man is a taker.


Even if you take the fines amongst men, that’s pouring out his life for his wife and his kids, the root of his motive is that he wants to feel good. He wants that wife. He wants that family. He wants to be righteous. He wants to be in good standing with God. He wants society to look at him and say yes you’re a good member of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And for men that live in the soul realm there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s admirable. Does anybody not understand me? It’s admirable. But there’s something better. There’s something better.


But we can’t get to that something better until Jesus takes us there. So while you’re a soul man do the best that you can do. Be the very best that you can be. I hope nobody hears this message and says well Sheila said I don’t have the very best that I can be because it’s up -- give me a break people. I didn’t say that. Don’t go twisting my words. Be the very best that you could be. Respect yourself. Honor yourself. Behave in a manner that other men will respect and honor you. But don’t love the soul life to such a degree that you don’t want to give it up to become a spirit man. That’s what I’m saying to you.


OK, now I forgot what I was saying. OK, so in the Book of Job I find Behemoth as the description of the natural man in his early stages. Pure lust. And then the very next chapter we see Leviathan, who is a wild venomous beast. The Lord describes him in the Book of Job, and he’s pretty vicious. And I suggest to you that Leviathan is the lustful man at the end of his cycle after he has yielded to and fornicated with all of the lust that was inherently in him. He has become a wild, venomous, destructive beast at the end of his cycle with all of his sins that he has produced in his heart in the midst of him. And he has become a very great detriment and danger to his own self, which is mankind. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Excuse me. Glory to God. Could you shut the door for a minute? Glory to God. Hallelujah.


OK, so what I’ve suggested to you is that this great red dragon is Adam, and that Adam is also Leviathan. I’m suggesting to you that the description of Behemoth and Leviathan in the Book of Job is a description, a spiritual description, of God’s creation, which is not man as we seeing, but man as he exists in the spiritual realm. And I’m further suggesting to you that this great red dragon is Leviathan, natural man, at the end of the cycle of his natural life, after he has yielded to and fornicated with all of the lust that he was created with, and is now filled with the inequity, the product, of his own sin. Glory to God.


And we’re going to find out that his heart is very evil towards his creator. OK, and there appeared another wonder in heaven, and behold a great red dragon. And I just want to repeat one more time that he is a wonder indeed. Because God has formed him, and God has formed him for the specific purpose of being the female element, the soul upon which the image of the spirit of God will be engraved. So he is indeed a sign in the spiritual realm of the soul, and he is in heaven. It doesn’t tell us which heaven it’s in.


We know that there’s a spiritual realm of God and the spiritual realm of the soul, so I’m going to suggest to you that this wonder is in the spiritual realm of the soul. Behold a great red dragon, and he’s a wonder and a sign because indeed the Lord God has formed him. He is Adam. He has multiplied as God has commanded him to multiply.


I thought I wrote that verse down for you, but I didn’t. I think it’s Genesis 1 chapter 28. I wrote it somewhere. I’ll come across it in my notes. I’ll come across it and I’ll give it you.


Where God said to Adam go forth and multiply. Be fruitful and fill the Earth. OK, God told Adam to multiply, to be fruitful, to produce fruit. The fruit being Christ, and to fill the Earth of men’s souls with that fruit. That’s what God commanded to Adam.


And here is Adam at the end of his cycle. He has multiplied. He is very great. Unfortunately not only has he multiplied into many members, but he has multiplied in the evil that he has produced in his own heart. And we see him as a villain in verse 3 of chapter 12. Glory to God.


Now what is this here. Trying to read my own notes.


And behold, there appeared a wonder in heaven, a great red dragon. I didn’t write down the word. I just wrote down the number. I guess this must be the word for dragon. It’s Strong’s 1404. A fabulous kind of serpent, one who can fascinate. And it’s from a verb that means to look. And Webster says that the word fascinate means to bewitch, to transfix, and behold spellbound with an irresistible power. To command the interest of.


So we see in this word -- why can’t I get this word in my head, a great red dragon. I guess it’s the word dragon. We see inherent in the word dragon the witchcraft ability to cause men to look at oneself and to hold their attention. And what is Adam drawing -- we know he’s drawing men’s attention to himself, well what is he drawing men’s attention away from? If we’re not looking at our self, who would we be looking at? We’ll be looking at God. Amen.


So Adam draws the minds of men to look upon the circumstances, to look upon the natural realm, to look upon the death of this realm, the negativity of this realm, he destroys the hope of men, which is in the spirit of God and the life of the word of God. So that’s just a -- we know that those are the characteristics of Satan, so that’s just another witness that we are talking about he Adamic man.


And let me just make this comment on this message in case someone is listening to it that really hasn’t been following along with me. It is my belief, and it’s the teaching in this ministry that Satan and Adam are different shades of the same creation of God. Adam being the conscious mind, and Satan being the unconscious mind of man. And the two are one. You are not two people because you have an unconscious and a conscious mind. You are still one person.


And I’ve used this example many times. You have a heart, and you have lungs, and a liver, and you have many organs. Your body is in many parts, but you are one person.


Well spiritually we are in many parts, but we are one person. Adam the conscious mind. Satan the unconscious mind. But they are both Adam. God only named Satan for purposes of study and understand. When God refers to the whole unit, when God refers to the living soul, He calls it Adam. He doesn’t say Adam and Satan. If I talk about your mind, I don’t talk about your conscious mind your unconscious mind. I just talk about your mind. But we all know, any of us that have any education at all, that there is an unconscious mind. So when God talks about Adam or the great red dragon, which is Adam, He doesn’t find it necessary to state Adam -- there’s two parts to Adam’s mind.


But we do see as we go further down -- I’ll get into that later. Let’s just go on with what he have here.


OK. Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 12:3, “And another supernatural evidence of God’s ability to reproduce his image in the hearts of men was seen in the realm of God’s spirit. And I saw a spiritually powerful, ruddy colored serpent, even Adam, ruled by Satan, which has the power to cause men’s eyes to turn away from God and to look at him.”


“And another supernatural evidence of God’s ability to reproduce his image in the hearts of men was seen in the realm of God’s spirit. And I saw his spiritually powerful, ruddy colored serpent, even Adam, ruled by Satan, which had the power to cause men’s eyes to turn away from God and look at him.”


Glory to God. Hallelujah. Now just let me make one more comment here. I heard a preacher preach once. Well he drew the conclusion that the serpent had to have legs at one time because, in Genesis, God -- when God curses the serpent, he says from here on in you shall crawl on you belly. It’s very dangerous drawing conclusions in spiritual matters, because if you’re not getting a word, you better believe it’s your carnal mind that’s drawing a very inaccurate conclusion. And this preacher said well he’s crawling on his belly. He had to have legs before. Brethren, all that that means is that serpent used to have an apparatus that kept him off the ground, and now he no longer has that apparatus.


Now what is the ground? What does the ground typify in the Scripture? It typifies the flesh, this carnal realm, dwelling in the realm of the soul. The soul is made out of the dust is made out of the Earth. It’s made out of the dust of the Earth, the soul of man. So therefore the serpent must have been a spiritual entity that lost his apparatus for living above the ground, or living above the realm of the soul. And now he has been relegated to dwell in the dust, or the realm of the soul, on his belly. All that it means is that he lost his apparatus to dwell in the realm of the spirit, and he has fallen down to the realm of the soul.


You know, I declare to you that Satan, the unconscious mind of God’s creation, the living soul, dwelt in the high realms of the spirit with Almighty God during the age of innocence when he was in the correct proper order. And because he rose up out of his place and fertilized the human spirit illegally, came out of the correct moral order. He fell down to the realm of the soul. And the Lord says from here on in you shall go on your belly in the dust of the Earth.


And the word belly if you look it up in the Hebrew, means reproductive parts. And he says the creation that I formed, the spiritual creation that I formed, you’re fallen down to the realm of the soul, and you’re reproductive parts shall now produce in the realm in the soul, and not in the realm of the spirit.


And we see God’s creation, the living soul, reproducing in the realm of the soul. How is that? He’s reproducing members that have bodies and souls. He’s not reproducing on the realm of the spirit. And we’re told in the Book of Genesis that Adam reproduced in his own likeness and his own image. And the command of God to Adam was reproduce in my likeness and my image, but we’re told -- I believe it’s chapter 5 of the Book of Revelation, and Adam reproduced in his own image and in his own likeness. Adam reproduced in the realm of the soul. He went on his belly in the dust of the Earth. Anybody not understand that right now? God help us.


We’re continuing with the phrase “and this dragon had seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads.” This word having merely means possessing. Seven I remind you -- I’m going very quickly through this because we’ve studied all these words before. Seven meaning the number of completion. The word head meaning mind, which is the seed of the intellect. It means the individual. It can be the unit number of domestic animals, which we are. God sees us as domestic animals, sheep. And it also means that which is seen, the personality.


The number ten is the number of the law. The word horns typifies power and authority in the Scripture. And the word crown -- we studied this recently in the Book of Revelation -- typifies the weaving together of two different elements. And in this situation either the mind of Christ to the natural man, or the unconscious mind of Satan to the conscious mind of man. Our conscious mind must be woven together either with the unconscious mind of Satan or the mind of the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise we would have no mind at all.


We must have an unconscious mind that is generating thoughts into our conscious mind to exist. And that unconscious mind must either be the Lord Jesus Christ or Satan. We cannot exist without a spiritual base, and there’s only two spiritual bases in the Earth today, Satan and Christ. And before the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, there was only one spiritual base in the Earth. And everyone had Satan as his spiritual base, the source of his existence. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, this is the second half of Revelation 12:3, now we’re talking about the dragon now, “who was fully and legally possessing the minds, or personalities, of the many members of the living soul. He had seven heads. He had ten horns. And seven crowns upon his heads.”


And I’m translating that to say he was legally possessing the minds or personalities of the many members of the living soul. Now I want to go over that, because I know it may not be completely understood.


He was fully and legally possessing -- the number ten, well the number -- horns typify the authority and power, and there were ten horns, that means he had authority and power in the realm of the law. God had given him authority in this realm, and he was fully and legally possessing the minds, or personalities, that’s the word from the crowns. Seven crowns, meaning fullness of the crowns. Meaning the fullness of the conscious minds that were woven together with the unconscious minds. Glory to God. He had the legal right to be possessing the minds or personalities of the many members of the living soul.


Now Leviathan, there’s another witness that we’re talking about. Leviathan, which I’ve declared to you is Adam. He has many heads, and that statement is found in Psalms 74:14, which reads, “Thou breakest the heads of Leviathan in pieces and gave us him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.” That’s speaking about God.


Now seven typifies the fullness. And what it means is that Leviathan has many heads, or Leviathan has many minds. And we’ve been teaching in this ministry that Leviathan is the unconscious mind of man, that every one of us that is a natural man, shares in common our unconscious mind. We all have individual personalities. We all have individual conscious minds. But we all have one unconscious mind. His name is Leviathan. Glory to God.


And I would like to read to you an Alternate Translation of Psalms 74:14. If you want to find out how I got this, we worked it up on message 38 part 8. But Psalms 74: 14, “Thou breakest the heads of Leviathan,” thou breakest the many members of Leviathan in pieces, “and gave us him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.”


Our Alternate Translation was “The Lord caused the individual members of the natural man to pierce through into the realm of appearance, and because of Him, the people inhabiting the wilderness of the living soul have existence.”


We are the heads of Leviathan. Leviathan, the original creation. The mind of men was broken into many pieces, and because of that we have existence. Glory to God. And if you want to see how we worked that up, it’s in message 38 part 8.


OK, I’m still working on this last phrase trying to give you some more witnesses. This red dragon, he’s the one that was fully and legally possessing the minds, or personalities, of the many members of the living soul.


And I have for you a witness that Satan is the prince of this world. He has legal authority here. And before I go on, let me qualify this before everybody stands up to crucify me. Satan had legal authority here. That authority was taken from him when Jesus Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father. However, Satan is still holding possession of this legal -- of this living soul. It is no longer legal authority. I think I said that wrong in the statement before this.


Don’t lay hold of my words. Sometimes when I’m preaching, the words that I want to say don’t come out exactly right. I came up against a Pharisee last week that he just -- I even said to him, now I’m sorry that wasn’t what I meant, and he wouldn’t let me say it again. He was insisting that the first thing that I said was what I meant, and it was just a poor choice of words, OK?


So what I’m saying to you is that Satan had legal authority over this living soul given to him by God. That authority was taken from him when Jesus Christ of Nazareth joined himself to him. That’s right he nailed himself to Satan. And they became one man. However, Satan still possesses the living soul.


Does anybody remember what the proof is that Satan is still possessing the living soul? People are still dying. That’s a good witness. Anybody else? I had something else in mind. That’s true, but I had something else in mind.




What they’re doing and saying, that’s true. But what I had in mind, we taught it here out of this Book of Revelation is that the function of the living soul is that it’s to produce Christ. And if it hasn’t produced Christ yet that means that in many areas the seals of Satan are still upon the book which typifies the living soul, which is denoting possession, which is preventing the living soul from copulating with the spirit of Jesus Christ and bringing forth the image of Christ in the Earth. Glory to God.


So Satan still has possession of the legal soul, but now it’s illegal possession. But he hasn’t given it up yet. John 12:31, “Now is the judgment of this world. Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” Jesus said that. He called Satan the prince of this world.


And how is he being cast out? It’s not the demons. I’ve heard it preached in deliverance circles we’re going to cast out the demons. No. The prince of this world is not the demons, brethren. The prince of this world is Beelzebub, the lord of the flies, the lord of all the demons, Satan himself, even the unconscious mind of men. Glory to God.


Satan is also the prince over men. Matthew 12:24, “but when the Pharisees heard it, they said this fellow Jesus doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils.” And you’d like to study how we determined that Beelzebub is the prince of the demons, which really means if you translate it, he’s the lord of the flies. We did that on message 48 part 2. We established Beelzebub as the lord of the flies, or the lord of the many members of the living soul. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Satan has no power over the new power base in the Earth. Satan had legal power over every member of the living soul. He now has illegal power over every member of the living soul, except the Lord Jesus Christ. And yes, I mean you. I don’t care if you have the Holy Spirit. I don’t care if Christ has been conceived in you. If you really believe that Satan has no authority over you at all, I’d like to meet you. And if you don’t mind I’d like to try the spirit myself. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


John 14:30, “Hereafter I will not talk much with you,” Jesus said, “for the prince of this world cometh, and he hath nothing in me.” “He hath nothing in me.” Jesus Christ was sitting in his own power base. Now I myself have preached this verse to mean Jesus had no demons.


But brethren, I’m changing my mind. And I’m preaching it today on a deeper level. And I’m stating to you not only did Jesus have no demons, but neither did he have the unconscious mind of Satan. He was dwelling in his own power base. The spiritual authority of his Father in his own glorified soul. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, Revelation chapter 12 verse 3, “And another supernatural evidence of God’s ability to reproduce his image in the hearts of men was seen in the realm of God’s spirit. And I saw a spiritually powerful, ruddy colored serpent, even Adam ruled by Satan, which has the power to cause men’s eyes to turn away from God and to look at him.” That’s witchcraft power, brethren. “And who was fully and legally possessing,” I guess that’s wrong. He’s no longer legally possessing them, but he is fully possessing the minds, or personalities, of the many members of the living soul.


Well I guess the way the Lord is looking at this is that if Christ has not been imparted to you, he is legally possessing you. I’m going to put that legally back in. If Christ has not been imparted to you, he is legally possessing your mind. Why? Because if you don’t have Christ as your unconscious mind, and you didn’t have Satan, you would die. We cannot live without a spiritual base. The soul of man -- your soul and your body cannot live without a spiritual base. So if Christ is not your spiritual base, Satan must be your spiritual base.


So even though Jesus Christ defeated Satan and officially stripped him of his power, the reality of it is that he still legally has power over you, because you would not exist if he withdrew as your unconscious mind, until the power base of Christ is added unto you and our souls are transferred, or exchanged into, the soul life of Jesus Christ.


So let me read this again. “And another supernatural evidence of God’s ability to reproduce his image in the hearts of men was seen in the realm of God’s spirit. And I saw a spiritually powerful, ruddy colored serpent, even Adam, ruled by Satan, which has the power to cause men’s eyes to turn away from God and to look at him, and who was fully and legally possessing the minds, or personalities, of the members of the living soul that are not -- either do not have the power base of Christ, or are not living out of the power base of Christ.


And I just wanted to comment on one thing here. I saw a spiritually powerful ruddy colored serpent, even Adam, ruled by Satan. And I wanted to point out to you that the day is coming, yea it is even at hand, that the man Adam shall be ruled by another power source. Here it is right here. Even Adam, ruled by Satan, that very same Adam is going to have a transfer of unconscious minds. His unconscious mind is becoming Christ. And that this is the difference between the first Adam and the second Adam. The first Adam was a living soul, and the last Adam, a life quickening spirit.


In understandable terms, brethren, the difference between the first Adam and the last Adam is that Satan was and is the unconscious mind of the first Adam. The last Adam, Christ is and shall be the unconscious mind of the last Adam. Do you hear my play of words? Satan was in the past and is now the unconscious mind of many members of the living soul. Christ is now, in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and shall be in the many members of the living soul the unconscious mind of the same man, Adam.


Anyone have a problem with this? There’s really only one man. At the beginning he was a living soul, and at his end he shall a life quickening spirit. There’s really only one man in the Earth. The creation of Almighty God. Who, at his beginning, was a soul man. But when he fulfilled the instruction and the description as God sketched him from the beginning he shall be a life quickening spirit.


We’re not going from ape to giraffe. We’re going from one kind of man to another kind of man. And what determines what kind of man we are is not the color of our skin, or whether what we look like, but what determines what kind of man we are is what spiritual base is ruling our what? Our mind. Because whatever the condition of our mind is in, it will be reflected in our body. And the condition of our mind is determined by the source of our unconscious mind.


We are a creation. We are being built systematically orderly. Spiritual power base. Resting in a soul. Resting in a body. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


And as wild as it sounds, what God did was the first that He formed was the power base of the living soul. Let such circumstances come upon it that a body was formed around it. And after He was broken into many members, each member having a body. The Lord Jesus Christ came and is coming and shall come to swallow up the power base of Satan, and literally possess the souls and bodies that are in existence because Adam has gone forth and multiplied in the Earth. And because Adam fell from the highest state of spiritual being down into the Earth, down into this realm of appearance, and multiplied, and formed bodies.


And after all this was done in this low spiritual realm, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming and possessing the work of the living soul. Now you might say is it in your mind to say well is Jesus Christ possessing the work of another man? No He’s not. Why? Because Jesus Christ was that man, is that man. Jesus Christ is the first Adam and the last Adam. He’s just possessing His own work at different stages of the game. Glory to God.


The Lord is forming a man, a creation. And He took His glorious spiritual Son of God, propelled Him into the Earth, and made a man out of Him, a spiritually -- a man that exists in a spiritually low realm. And God commanded him to overcome. And He sent His son in another form to join with Him this whole creation, this whole forming of the creation known as man is in two stages. But both stages are Jesus Christ, spiritual Son of God.


So in one stage, He formed the female element, He multiplied into many members that we see on the Earth today. And in the second stage He’s coming forth as Christ, but he’s not entering into another man’s labors because he was the first man as well as the last man. Glory to God.


OK, I hope you understood that. I have to go on.


Satan has no power over the new power base in the Earth. John 14:30, “Hereafter I will not talk much with you, for the prince of this world cometh and has nothing in me.” He’s not talking about demons, brethren. He’s talking about the power base of the unconscious mind, of Satan. There’s no vehicle by which Satan could whisper in his ears.


What does that mean, the prince of this world cometh? Well what does it mean he cometh? He wants to manifest. What does the word come mean? It’s means come into existence, come into being. What Jesus is saying is that Satan wants to manifest in my mind. And he can’t.


Why? Because he has no power base in me my unconscious mind is Christ. There’s no vehicle, there’s no source, there’s no channel, there’s no power by which his thought could have entered into Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Because Jesus Christ of Nazareth was existing in the realm of appearance as a result of another spiritual base. Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 12:3, “And another supernatural evidence of God’s ability to reproduce his image in the hearts of men was seen the realm of God’s spirit, and I saw a spiritually powerful, ruddy colored serpent, even Adam, ruled by Satan, which has the power to cause men’s eyes to turn away from God and to look at him, and who is fully and legally possessing the minds, or personalities, of the many members of the living soul.” Glory to God.


Verse 4, “And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the Earth. And the dragon stood before the woman, which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.”


And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven. We studied the word tail in other messages, and I’m reminding you that it means hidden part, but it means backside if you look it up in Webster’s.


The tail means the back part, and in previous messages, we looked it up in Webster. It means that which is not seen, that which is hidden. And I’m suggesting to you that the tail, or the backside, or the hidden part of Adam is his unconscious mind. It’s not seen.


When Adam whispers in your heart, when he whispers, and he whispers right into your conscious mind, and you say something or you [AUDIO CUTS OUT] do something, does anyone think for one second well his unconscious mind did that? No. His consciousness did that, but what suggested the idea to him? His unconscious mind. He’s hidden. He’s subtle. He’s behind the curtains. You can’t see him. But you better believe that every word that somebody speaks, and every deed that somebody does, has been suggested to him by his spiritual source. And that spiritual source is the power base out of which he’s living. And if he did not have that power base, he would not have existence.


Because the way God set up this creation is that to appear in the realm of appearance we must have a spiritual source, either Satan or Christ, a soul, a conscious mind, and a body. You cannot be walking around the Earth, talking and doing behavior without an unconscious mind, a spiritual power base.


So the tail of this dragon, the hidden part of him, the unseen part of him. Satan, the unconscious mind of Adam, drew the third part of the stars of heaven. And this word drew is Strong’s 4951. It means basically to drag, but Strong says it’s akin to 138, and that word means to take for oneself, and I’m going to use that definition.


Satan took for himself the third part of the stars of heaven. Now I remind you our recent studies in chapter 8, I believe, about the third part, and God showed us that that third part does not mean one third of the numbers of stars. But it means one third of each star. The three -- a star being typifying a spiritual man, and each man having three parts to his makeup. Adam, the conscience. Eve, the human spirit, the reproductive parts. And Satan, the darkness in the Earth, the spiritual power base of the natural man.


And I’m suggesting to you that this verse means the tail of Adam, the unconscious mind, the satanic realm of the living soul, took for himself the satanic realm in the minds of the stars of heaven. Those men, the stars of heaven, that have been raised up, or are in the process of being raised up into the spiritual realm of Jesus Christ, because the spirit of Jesus Christ has been imparted to them. They still have a power base that is satanic.


I declare to you that every man in the church, every minister of the gospel, with the exception of the Lord Jesus Christ himself, is still at least partially living out of the power base of Satan.


And I declare to you that if that power base of Satan in me were to be withdrawn in this moment, I don’t believe that I would survive. I don’t believe that I am spiritually developed to the point -- unless God gave me a miracle, I don’t believe I’m spiritually developed to the point that my life substance could transfer into Christ and I could continue to exist.


I don’t believe the hour for that has come yet. God could move sovereignly on my behalf, but we’re not talking about that. I exist. I appear in this Earth because the power base that has caused me to appear is Satan. However, another power base has been added to me. It’s in my mind. It’s developing. It’s growing. And in due season, Jesus will sound the last trump. And the command will be given for those faithful that have been prepared to cast themselves, to powerfully hurl themselves out of their spiritual base known as Satan, and transfer their life substance into the spiritual base of Christ. At which time, it will be safe to destroy Satan. Because our existence is now dependent on the power base known as Christ. Does anybody not understand that? OK. Glory to God.


So Adam, the dragon, he -- his hidden part, his unconscious mind, Satan took for himself the unconscious minds of the stars of heaven. There were men in the Earth, you see. Their existence was based on the power source of Satan, but they had Christ also. And they were obeying Christ. They were preaching the Gospel. They were living holy. They were doing the best that they could do.


But Satan rose up, and he took them to himself. He rose up in their unconscious minds and he worked witchcraft upon them from the depths of their unconscious minds, he whispered to them. And brethren, how do you think he did it? Do you really think he incited them to rebellion against God? I declare to you no he did not. I declare to you that he rose up and he said I am God. This is the voice of your master speaking. Obey me.


And the stars of heaven said yeah that sounds like my God. And they just trotted off and did whatever he said. And that happening, Satan drew them unto himself. He caused them to obey him. And he strengthened his power over them.


Brethren, why do you think you have warfare after you come to the Lord? Why do you think that warfare intensifies when you go into deliverance? Why do you think that warfare intensifies even more when you’re in deliverance and you’re preaching the Gospel of the kingdom? Why? Because the power base of Satan is trying to get you to obey him. And you are obeying a power base that you are not yet rooted in. Can you hear this? The power base that gives you existence you are rejecting, and obeying another power base that you have not yet been transferred into. And therefore Satan has the power to make you sick, to cause all kinds of destruction in your life.


And that power will not be broken until out spiritual substance is transferred into Christ, and Christ rises up and destroys Satan. Christ will not destroy Satan while our spiritual substance is still in there. We’ll be destroyed with him. Glory to God.


So the unconscious mind of Adam took unto himself the unconscious minds of those members of the living soul that were dwelling in heaven, those that were moving in the spirit of God, those that had the imputed anointing, and even some of those in whom Christ had been conceived.


Brethren, I declare to you this can happen to you until Christ is fully born in you, even if you have the imparted anointing. If you have conceived Christ and He’s being formed in you, your spiritual substance still hast to be transferred into him. You can still be drawn to Satan by believing his lie.


I don’t think there are many Christians that would know it was Satan and obey. That’s very rare. He’s going to lie to you, brethren. He’s going to tell you that he’s God. Some Christians are really according -- I call them Scriptural fools. They have been on television and said that God told them it’s all right to commit adultery. No, God doesn’t tell you to commit adultery, brethren. That’s an easy one. You should spot him immediately. I don’t believe that God tells you to divorce your wife, brethren, and marry somebody else, but we have a preacher that did that. He had a TV ministry.


That’s easy. It’s hard when it’s subtle. When it’s not clear whether God would want you to do something or not. Whether it’s not clear that the law is being broken. That’s where you’re going to be deceived.


Sot that’s what this verse means. The unconscious mind of Adam, he drew to himself those that were in the process of being raised up into the heavenlies, because Christ was working in their lives. But Satan still got to them, deceived them, and caused them to accept his threat. He drew them unto himself.


And the result of it was that he did cast them to the Earth. He brought them back down to the carnal mind, out of the influence of Christ. And we’ve had much teaching about Christ being tread underfoot in this ministry. So we should know what that means.


OK, I did a little teaching on message five on the stars representing the truth of God’s word. If you want to look up that message, it’s a teaching out of Daniel 8.


So what I’m suggesting to you is that he not only called those that were moving into Christ back down into carnality, but he also cast down the truth. So if you have heard the gospel of the kingdom, brethren, or even deliverance, if you have received this word, and you know that there are people that this has happened to. If you’ve been blessed by it, and a year later you don’t believe it anymore. You better believe that the tail of the dragon has drawn you unto himself, and cast you down to the Earth.


You might -- so what am I saying here? I’m saying that there are shades of this. Yes, you can be a spiritual man living out of Christ, and that you can be deceived and you can become a carnal man. You can backslide totally. Or you can be cast down to the Earth only in certain areas. You could still be a Christian. You could still be serving God. You could really love God. But in the area of the truth of His word, or in certain areas of the truth of His word, you can be cast down to the ground. You can lose your revelation of the gospel kingdom. You can lose your revelation of deliverance.


I know people that it’s happened to. It’s happened to them. They’ll tell you they’re Christians, and I have no reason to believe they’re not. They love Jesus. They read the Bible every day. But they’ve become carnal Christians. And they’re walk with God is not progressing. And you can’t make them understand this, but Christ is not going to appear in them under this condition. They have to wait for the Lord to restore them to continue on their journey, which will result in Christ appearing you. So they’re backslidden in measure at least. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, this is the first half of verse 4 of chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation, “And the hidden unseen part of Adam, even Satan, is possessing the unconscious mind of the members of the living soul which are being raised up into the spiritual realm of God through the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ, and forcibly hurls thoughts of their conscious minds back down to the spiritual realm of the carnal mind where Satan rules.” Glory to God.


Continuing with, “And the dragon stood before the woman, which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.”


Now I want to make more comment before I go on. Because the way I read this first half of verse 4 is that Scripture is saying all of the stars of heaven have been drawn to Satan by his unc- --have been drawn to Adam, the carnal mind, by the unconscious mind which is Satan. Well what do you mean all? What about the sons of God?


And I want to state you that it is a literary principle in the Bible, and we’ve talked about how important literary principles are, you have to get an understanding of the technique that God uses when he writes these Scriptures. Frequently throughout the Scriptures he will say all are condemned, all were drawn unto Satan. And then you read down a few verses, and it says except those that were faithful to God.


God’s always got a remnant, you see. He talks about the living soul as a whole. And then he’s got a faithful remnant who are being kept by the word of faith, hidden deep in the heart of God from that which is happening to the whole living soul. By a sovereign move of God, this, whatever’s happening to the living soul is not happening to them.


And the way the Lord expresses this in the Scriptures, it’s his literary license, it’s the way he writes it here. I’m sorry if you don’t like it. You got to get -- you have to read this book by the spirit, OK. This is his literary style. He says this is the condition of the whole living soul.


And then if you’re really looking for God’s meaning, you have to read the next chapter, or the next few verses, and look for the but, and look for the except. And look for those that are not subject to the judgment that’s on the whole living soul. Look for those exceptions that are exceptions because they’re hidden in Christ. Does anybody not understand this? This is on every member of the living soul, but there’s a small group of faithful that are being kept by the power of God. It’s not that the judgments not on them. Do you understand what I’m saying? The judgment is on every member of the living soul, but there is a small group of faithful that are being sheltered from the storm, that are being hidden from the judgment, upon whom the rain is not falling.


Why? Because they’re too close with Christ for it to touch them. The minute they separate from Christ it’s on them too, you see. It’s nothing that they’ve done that’s made them not subject to this judgment. It’s nothing in their thoughts. It’s nothing in their mind. It’s nothing in their being. They’re not subject to this judgment because they’re too close to Christ. And if for any reason they separate from him, they are immediately subject to it. It’s nothing in themselves that’s keeping them from this judgment.


OK. Continuing with, “And the dragon stood before the woman, which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.” I have to interrupt again. The Lord told me to give you the example of Moses. Indeed it was the decree of pharaoh that all male Hebrew children should be killed. Pharaoh typifying the ruler of the living soul, Satan. It was his decree. It was his judgment, but it was the decree and the judgment of Almighty God that the Hebrew male child named Moses should live. And he not only lived, but he grew up in pharaoh’s palace. And that judgment was on Moses too, but God sovereignly intervened. Glory to God.


We’ll try it again. Continuing with, “And the dragon stood before the woman, which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.”


OK this word stand, “and the dragon stood”. It’s Strong’s 2476. And it can be translated to continue, to covenant, to establish, to hold up. And I’m suggesting to you that it’s typifying the covenant between God and Adam. Whereby God said to Adam you are in existence because you are made of the substance of my spiritual life. And the purpose for which I permit you to exist is that you should multiply. That the fruit of my spirit should appear in you that I might fill the Earth.


I’m suggesting to you that the only reason for the existence of the human race is to bring forth Christ. And all the problems that we’re having in the Earth today is that man thinks he exists for his own glory and for his own purposes. Brethren, there’s only one reason why you’re alive. And that’s because Christ wants to appear on the Earth.


I’m sorry if that upsets you, but I am telling you the truth. There’s only one reason why you’re alive. Is that Christ intends to appear in mankind. And even if he doesn’t appear in you in this lifetime, he will appear in your child. And if he doesn’t appear in your child, he will appear in your grandchild. And if he doesn’t appear in your grandchild, he will appear in your great-grandchild, which would not exist if you were not here today. And that’s your only reason for being alive.


And the Lord blesses us. He gives us food and shelter and love and whatever, but that’s the only reason for your being alive. And I suggest to you that that fact is represented by a covenant between God and Adam, the fact that God lets Adam exist. That he’s even given the power base of Adam Satan authority in this realm for a season. For the specific purpose of producing the vessels that Christ will appear in.


So, when it says the dragon stood in front of the woman, we know that the woman typifies the living soul. And I’m suggesting to you that what it means is that the dragon continued, or the dragon held up the members of the living soul. He permitted to manifest, or he continued to produce, the members of the living soul because of the covenant that he had with Almighty God. In other words, he couldn’t stop doing it. He’s in existence because Jesus Christ wants him producing these vessels and he has no power to stop doing it on two levels.


First of all, the Lord would not permit it. And second of all, if he stops, if he breaks his covenant with God, he’s going to cease to exist. If he stops producing vessels, human vessels, he will cease to exist.


And he wants to exist. Adam wants to appear. So he will not stop producing the many members of the living soul. Nevertheless, he knows that when Christ appears in these many members, he will cease to exist. So how is he going to solve this problem?


Is he going to stop producing the members? No, he’s going to keep on producing the members, and he’s going to devise a plan to destroy Christ before he appears in those members. It’s his intention to steal the creation, to continue to produce many members of the living soul. But to not fulfill his obligation to submit to the spirit of Jesus Christ to be fertilized and to have Christ appear in him, which will be the end of his existence as he now knows it. Glory to God.


So the dragon stood in front of the woman -- before the woman, he continued to produce the many members of the living soul. Glory to God. Which was ready to be delivered, and this word read is Strong’s 3195. And it means to be about to be. In other words, it’s not definite. It’s not saying that this is going to happen at such and such a time. It’s an indefinite word. It means to be about to be in the sense of duty, necessity, probability, possibility, or hesitation.


So what am I saying? I’m saying that this particular verse is being seen from the realm of the soul. The dragon stood in -- excuse me, my page turned here. The dragon stood in front of -- before the woman, which was ready to be delivered. And there’s a question mark as to whether or not she’s going to be delivered. And the reason there’s a question mark as to whether or not she’s going to be delivered is that it is the intention of the tail of the serpent of the unconscious mind of Adam, of the power base upon which this natural man exists. It is his intention, as it was the intention of pharaoh, to destroy the male children coming forth from the members of the living soul. And I remind you, every female child produced by the living soul is merely another Adamic soul.


But in this hour the man-child is being born. And there is only one that can produce a male child, and that sire is the Lord Jesus Christ. The power base of Satan can only produce females. And the power base of the Lord Jesus Christ is accessing the living soul, and it is his intention to bring forth the male child that will save the living soul in child bearing and cause him to appear in the Earth.


And the dragon stood before the woman. And in his mind, it was not definite that that child would be delivered because he was determined to destroy it before it could stand up in full stature and appear. Glory to God.


Now we’re dealing with the phrase, “and the dragon stood before the woman, which was ready to be delivered,” and we all know that delivered means to give birth, “for to devour her child.” “For to devour her child.” Now this word for is Strong’s 1063. And it can also be translated because, or no doubt. Because or no doubt.


And I’m going to show you how this phrase was misinterpreted because of a lack of understanding. The word devour means devour, but in the King James it’s translated in the wrong tense. It’s translated to devour, which is the infinitive. And in the original Greek, it’s translated in an indefinite tense, which can be translated that he may, or that he might devour.


So we see it from the dragon’s point of view. He’s not sure that the man-child is going to be delivered. It’s indefinite to the dragon’s mind that the man-child is going to be delivered. But to the mind of God we see it being said for that he might devour her child as soon as it was born.


So it’s very indefinite in this verse as to whether the man-child is going to be born. Or as to whether the dragon is going to devour it before it is born. The tenses that are used are indefinite, and that is as it seem from the soul realm, Glory to God, on one point, and the realm of the spirit of God on the other hand.


OK, let me give you an Alternate Translation. The second half of chapter 12 verse 4. “And Adam continued to fulfill the covenant with God,” fulfill his covenant with God, “even to provide members of the living soul in the Earth for the specific purpose that the living soul might fulfill her duty to God, which duty is to produce God’s offspring. While at the same time, Adam, no doubt, is secretly hoping that he might destroy the newborn Christ when he is in his weakest condition, even at birth before the Christ rises to full stature. At which time, he will be undefeatable.”


And we’ve taught here that when Christ first starts -- when Christ is first conceived in you. When Christ is first conceived in you, he can be destroyed. He can be aborted. He can be tread underfoot. We’ve been teaching that hear. And what this verse is saying is that the dragon is standing in front of the woman, which is you and me, because he can’t stop letting us exist, or he would die. But it’s his intention to kill our offspring, so that he does not lose possession of the creation. And these verbs are spoken of in indefinite tenses. Glory to God.


And what I suggest that means to you, is that, in the cases of some individual members, the Christ child will be destroyed. Overall Christ will appear in the living soul, but I declare to you there are members of the church that are going to lose their Christ child. He’s going to be aborted. He’s going to be tread underfoot. He’s going to be destroyed.


And we get to this very confusing point in the area of reconciliation. Yes, all men shall be saved. Well to be saved you have to bear the Christ child. Well you might not do in this personality and in this body, brethren. Your spiritual substance shall be saved.


So don’t think that you can’t miss. There was a woman that came to this ministry. She told me for two years she knows that she can’t feel God’s going to bring her through everything. Well he didn’t. He may eventually. Well we know our substance is going to be saved. I don’t know whether it will be in this lifetime or not. But she severely backslidden in this hour. And she was pretty high up in God. And before she backslid, God gave her mother-in-law a dream. It wasn’t me. He gave it to her mother-in-law that the child was run over by a car. And the interpretation of the dream was that her Christ child was being aborted. And she still wouldn’t repent. And she severely backslidden in this hour.


So don’t have a sense of false security because you believe in reconciliation. Yes, your substance will be saved, but maybe not in this lifetime. And you could have years of hardship and grief ahead of you if you backslide.


Let’s get it straight, brethren. Let’s get it straight. It’s important that you get it straight. Then if you backslide, at least you’re responsible for your own actions. What a tragedy to see somebody backslide because they really believed that there’s nothing that they could do that could turn them away from this glory. There is something you could do. You could sin, brethren. Glory to God. Without repentance. Sinning without repentance.


OK, I’m going to read it for you again. The second half of Revelation 12:4, “And Adam continued to fulfill his covenant with God, even to provide members of the living soul in the Earth for the specific purpose that the living soul might fulfill her duty to God, which duty is to produce God’s offspring. While at the same time, Adam, no doubt, is secretly hoping that he might destroy the newborn Christ, when he is in his weakest condition, even at birth before Christ rises to full stature. At which time, Christ will be undefeatable.”


Now I basically kept the same words that are in this chapter 12 verse 4, but I want to put on this message that, when we are talking about birth of Christ, the Lord has shown us that it’s in two stages, in conception and birth. The birth being the same thing as the appearance of Christ. And I know that it’s backwards in the Scripture. I kept it the way it was in the Scripture. It’s just a different way of looking at it from the soul realm or the spiritual realm. OK?


And I also wanted to comment -- well I did that already, Adam’s inability to break his covenant with God. If he breaks his covenant with God and stops producing the many members of the living soul, he will cease to exist. So therefore in his demented mind, the only way that he can continue to exist -- you see, if he stops producing the members of the living soul, he ceases to exist. And if he produces Christ, he ceases to exist. So the only way Adam can continue to exist is to continue producing the members of the living soul, but to destroy Christ.


Brethren, doesn’t this sound like the mentality of the abortionists. They believe the only the only way they can continue in their lifestyle, the only way they can continue to exist, is to kill themselves, and then they die. Or to kill that child. What they’re saying, these abortionists, is if I have this baby, their lifestyle as they know it shall cease to exist. And they’re going to kill that baby.


Do you believe this? It’s right out of the Bible. Woman in this condition of mind and men that are supporting them, they are fully manifesting the carnal mind as sponsored by Satan. It’s right out of the Scripture. Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


OK, what I would like to do now -- I’m just reading my note here. What did I say after that? Well let me read it to you. I don’t know what I wrote here. His failure to break -- this is Adam’s failure to break the covenant. He cannot stop producing members of the living soul -- leaves him in his mind one possible way of preventing his own destruction. To destroy the Christ when he is born or con- -- OK, I see what I’m doing here.


How is he going to destroy the Christ. Through the power -- OK, this is what I didn’t tell you. Well how is he going to destroy the Christ? Through the power he still has over the unconscious mind of man. To cause believers to agree with his mind rather than the mind of Christ, which has been imparted to them. That’s how he’s going to destroy the Christ child. That’s how he’s going to abort this baby. He’s going to disguise himself as an angel of light. He’s going to tell you he’s God. He’s going to whisper into your conscious mind.


And when you obey, you will have been drawn unto him. And if you’re not living out of Christ, Christ is going to die. If you’re living out of your Adamic soul. Christ is going to die. He’s going to be tread underfoot, and he’s going to die. That’s how he’s going to do it. That’s you could lose it. Although your spiritual substance shall be saved, you can lose it in this lifetime. And that’s how, by failing to discern Satan in your unconscious mind who is telling you that he is God.


That is a very serious condition to be in, brethren, to not be able to discern Satan and Christ in your unconscious mind. You’re very vulnerable. You should be praying on a daily basis for deliverance from this condition. You need to be able to hear and discern who is talking to you from your unconscious mind.


And I’m going to tell you something else, brethren. If you have an active spirit of pride, you’re in very great danger because your pride is not going to want to admit to you that you can’t tell the difference at least some of the time. I’m declaring to you, you better get that pride underfoot. This is a serious business. And you better open your heart to the truth about whether or not you’ve heard from Satan or you’ve heard from God.


And if you’ve heard from Satan and you’ve acted on it, you better repent and get your act together. Because your spiritual life in this lifetime depends on it. That pride will destroy you. And you better believe it. I’m telling you this is a tough message. The reconciliationists aren’t going to like this, but it’s the truth. And if you can’t hear the difference of what I’m saying. If you can’t hear that I’m saying yes, all men will be saved. But if you can’t hear that, you better pray about it. Because you need to hear it. Because it’s the truth.


And I’m not contradicting myself. All men shall be saved. But, and you better get a revelation of that but, or you could be comprising your existence. You could compromise Christ appearing in you in this hour.


OK, now I’m going to do another Alternate Translation of the second half of verse 4, exchanging it for the expressions that we have been studying here. Instead of saying birthed, I’m going to say conceived. I don’t -- I’m trying not to confuse you, so I’m going to give you a second translation here now. “And Adam continued to fulfill his covenant with God, even to provide members of the living soul in the Earth for the specific purpose that the living soul might fulfill her duty to God, which duty is to produce God’s offspring, while Adam, no doubt, is secretly hoping that he might destroy the newly conceived Christ in His weakest condition, even in conception before Christ Jesus is fully born. At which time, He shall appear in the souls of the many and be undefeatable.”


Why? Because when Jesus Christ -- when Christ Jesus fully appears, when He’s fully born, what’s He going to do? Does anybody remember? What’s the first thing He’s going to do as soon as He’s fully born in full stature? He’s going to swallow up Satan. That’s the end of Satan. As soon as Christ Jesus appears in your soul in full stature, your life substance is being transferred out from Satan into that soul of Christ, and Christ is going to swallow up Satan. He’s going to nail himself to him. Satan’s going to cease to exist as he now knows it.


So he’s got to get him before Christ stands up in full stature, before Christ is fully born in you. And the way he’s going to get him is by whispering into your unconscious mind, saying that he’s God, and tricking you into obeying. And thus living out of your carnal mind instead of out of Christ, which will cause Christ to be tread underfoot, which will cause him to be aborted. Does anybody not understand this? Glory to God.


OK, Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 12:4, “And the hidden, unseen part of Adam, even Satan, is possessing the unconscious mind of the members of the living soul, which are being raised up into the spiritual realm of God through the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ, and forcibly hurls the thought of their conscious minds back down to the spiritual realm of the carnal mind where Satan rules. And Adam continued to fulfill his covenant with God, even to provide members of the living soul in the Earth for the specific purpose that the living soul might fulfill her duty to God, which duty is to produce God’s offspring. While Adam, no doubt, is secretly hoping that he might destroy the newly conceived Christ in his weakest condition, even at conception before Jesus Christ is fully born. At which time, he shall appear in the souls of the many and be undefeatable.”


Glory to God. Now I just want to make a point here to you. If anybody -- I don’t think it’s true of anybody here, but if anybody listening to the message is confused that I’m saying that the woman was ready to be delivered, and he was going to devour her child as soon as it was born. Glory -- I thought the Lord just gave me a word on that and it just popped right out of my mind.


Before the woman was ready to be delivered for to devour her child before it was born. The two stages are implied there. Apparently the child exists before it was born. Can you see that? The Scripture says, “and the dragon stood before the woman, which was ready to be delivered.” She was pregnant. “For to devour her child as soon as it was born.” So what it’s really saying that he wanted to devour the child after conception before it was fully born. That’s what it’s saying. Glory to God.


Recap Revelation 12 verses 3 to 4. And another supernatural evidence of God’s ability to reproduce his image in the hearts of men was seen in the realm of God’s spirit. And I saw a spiritually powerful, ruddy colored serpent, even Adam, ruled by Satan, which has the power to cause men’s eyes to turn away from God and look at him. And who is fully and legally possessing the minds, or personalities, of the many members of the living soul. And the hidden, unseen part of Adam, even Satan, his unconscious mind, is possessing the unconscious mind of the members of the living soul, which are being raised up into the spiritual real of God through the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ, and forcibly hurls the thoughts of their unconscious minds back down to the spiritual realm of the carnal mind where Satan rules.” How? Through deception, brethren. “And Adam continued to fulfill his covenant with God, even to provide members of the living soul in the Earth for the specific purpose that the living soul might fulfill her duty to God, which duty is to produce God’s offspring. While Adam, no doubt, is secretly hoping that he might destroy the newly conceived Christ in his weakest condition, even at conception before Christ Jesus is fully born. At which time, Christ Jesus shall appear in the souls of the many and be undefeatable,” in that, at this point of development, he shall swallow up Satan and Satan shall cease to exist in the form that he now knows, and certainly in the form in which he rules. He will become subservient to Christ Jesus in the Earth. Hallelujah.


Any questions today? Glory to God. Anybody? Hallelujah.


When you said that this serpent went from the spirit realm to the soul realm, and when he went started crawling on the ground. And you had previously said, and you also stated today that he became, the spiritual head, you know, of the living soul. I didn’t understand how he could both, go from spirit to soul and soul to spirit. You know?


And still how he could be soul and still be the head at the spiritual base.






How he could go from one end -- it’s like you’re saying he went from soul to spirit. And the other end it’s like you’re saying he went from spirit to soul.


OK. What I said was he was in the realm of the spirit, and the curse relegated him to the realm of the soul. And now here in the realm of the soul I’m saying that he is the spiritual power base by which we exist. So you’re saying to me if he was relegated to the realm of the soul how could be a spiritual power base. OK. OK.


God told me that this is the answer for you. That when he was joined -- when the creation -- when Adam was joined to God in the age of innocence, OK, the creation was spiritual. Because you are whatever your head is, OK? So Adam was a spiritual creation by virtue of the fact he was joined to God, and he existed in the heavenlies.


Then Adam fell, and the curse was pronounced, and the living soul fell down to the realm of the soul because they were detached from God, OK? But there was now a vacancy. There was no spirit. We know, that for man to exist, he has to have a spirit, a soul, and a soul. OK. To exist in this realm of appearance of course a body. But to appear he has to have a spirit and a soul.


And the example that I gave you was a family where the man dies. We need a man in the family. That office cannot be vacated. It has to be filled. Somebody will fill it. I’m just going to put it on the message. Somebody will fill it. Usually the wife rises up and fills it, if not, an older son will rise up and fill that male ruling role if the family is going to stay together. OK?


So when the living soul was knocked down to the soul realm, it was no longer spirit because it was no longer up there in the heavenlies with God, OK? What happened was somebody had to fill in that vacuum. Somebody had to take the male role. Somebody had to take the role of spirit. So that the creation could appear in the realm of appearance.


And the person who took that role was supposed to be Adam, but Adam failed, and Satan took that role. And the difference, where I think the confusion in you mind is, Satan is soul, but he’s in the role of spirit because he has become the foundation base by which men are appearing. And the difference is that God said multiply and be made in my image and my likeness. Satan is in the role of spirit, but he can only produce females. He can only produce members of the living soul in the likeness and image of Adam. So it’s inferior, it’s deficient, OK?


So he is soul who has moved into a spiritual role. Does that help you at all? He’s soul, but he’s moved. And I have all those diagrams on the 31 message. If you want to review it, it should help you to remember it. Or, you know, he is soul. But he was given the delegated authority of being male, or spirit. Because somebody had to take over that role.


And the fact that somebody takes over that role doesn’t mean that they’re qualified. If you have a family, and the father dies, and maybe the mother dies, and maybe you have a 13-year-old girl raising the children. She’s certainly not qualified, but somebody’s doing it. She’s doing the best she can. She’s bathing the kids. She’s cooking the food. She’s giving them instruction in morality. She’s doing the best she can, but surely in a greatly inferior way.


So Satan moved into the role of spirit and thereby became spirit. For all intents and purposes, by his function, he became spirit. But he’s doing an inferior job. He can only produce female children, you see, in his likeness and in his image. But when the real man comes, when Jesus Christ comes, we’re going to see a man-child produced in the living soul.


So he became spirit by his function. Because of the role that he was performing he became spirit, but he’s an unqualified spirit. Did I help you? He’s not doing an ideal job. You still don’t understand? You have another --


[INAUDIBLE] at the time that he knocked him down, so that he would crawl on his stomach, that was at the same time that he also was doing the job as a spirit?


Yes, being knocked down. And when the curse was pronounced that said you’ll crawl on your belly, what that meant was when he was falling from the realm of the heavenlies where he lived -- where he existed in the age of innocence. He was existing in the spiritual realm of the heavenlies with God. And now he was going to exist in the realm of the soul.


You see, God -- do you see what I’m saying? Now he’s going to exist in the realm of the soul, but he’s acting as a spirit because somebody’s got to do the job? And he’s obviously doing a terrible job. He’s eating his own children. He destroys us. He kills us. He’s murdering us, right? He’s teaching us everything that’s bringing destruction on us.


So he’s doing a terrible job. He’s highly unqualified. And we see this in the Earth all the time. You want to look at a devastated family? Look for the man. Either he’s absent. Either he’s not there. Or he’s not functioning as a man. Or the woman’s ruling. You know we have whole families, man, woman, and children, and the woman rules.




It’s happen- --I agree, but it’s also happening all over the country right now. Yeah. Yeah. It’s happening everywhere, and the Scripture clearly states that when children rule you, your life’s going to be a disaster. It’s a curse to have women or children ruling you. And everybody yells what are you doing preaching? Because I’m a spiritual man. My spirit is joined to Jesus Christ. And he’s my unconscious mind. And he’s the one that’s teaching you through me. And there are male preachers all over the place who are preaching from their satanic unconscious mind. I’m sorry it’s true. You’re all women for the purposes of preaching and teaching. You’re all women.


And looking at it from another point of view, if you take a family where the man is not a spiritual man, either he’s not a man of God, or he is a man of God that’s not -- or he believes in Christ, but he’s not living out of his Christ -- out of the soul of Christ, your family is not under a [?headship?].


One more in here, OK. There are other manifestations in the Earth of Christ other than the indwelling Holy Spirit. And that is the law. And we have -- we’ve talked about this much. We have men in the Earth. They may not be Christians quote unquote, but they have a revelation of the righteousness in their heart. And they’re ruling their families in love and righteousness. And their families are in order and under protection. OK? You can be a Christian man and living out of your Adamic soul, and your family could be a disaster. The whole -- the key is this, what’s coming out of your heart and your mind towards your family, it has to come out of the righteousness of Christ, which also is in His law.


04/24/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

05/02/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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