055 - Part 3
(Revelation 11)

Part 3 of 3 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God. We're going to recap Revelation chapter 11, verses 15 to 16. "And the members of the first fruits company, which was standing up in spiritual strength were completing their ministry of judgment to the living soul and fulfilling their warfare against it, setting the spiritual men dwelling in the same vessel with the living soul free and redeeming and restoring him to the spiritual realm of God. And the authoritative voices of the first fruits company, which were woven together with God in their minds, were in the spiritual realm of God saying, the members of the world system became" -- past tense -- "the property of our Lord, even the Father of His cri-" -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- "rule and reign in His Christ for the life of the a-" -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


And that's a point that's a real sore spot in the church -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] accomplished, but it has not been accomplished in its fullness in us, and the church world really stumbles over this. They take everything they read in the Bible and assume that it's happened to them. And by and large, they're running around as carnal as the heathen in the street.


OK, this is verse 16, "And each Son of God was married to the human soul in the member of the living soul where He had been birthed, and they surrounded the Spirit of God." Who? The many members surrounded the Spirit of God, "And appeared in the realm of appearance in front of Him." In front of who? In front of the Spirit of God. "And in the realm of the soul, they engaged in continual communion with Him." The members of the living soul gave form to the Spirit of God, both in the realm of the soul and in the realm of appearance. In the realm of the soul in their thoughts, words and deeds, and in the realm of appearance in the form of their bodies.


Glory to God. Verse 17, "Saying, we give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because they -- thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned." This word thanks is Strong's 2168, and it means to express gratitude, but it's a very strong expression of gratitude. It's the word that's usually used to say grace before a meal. And it's thanking God, literally, for life when we say grace before a meal. We're thanking God for sustenance that's keeping us alive.


And I'm suggesting to you that when these members said thanks, they were saying thank you, Lord, for life because if we don't have Christ, we have an existence. We do not have a life. The Scripture says if we're separated from the Lord, we are dead. We're dead in our sins. And I suggest to you that these four and twenty elders were saying thank you, Lord, for giving us life.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 11:17, "Saying, we are grateful for receiving life, O Lord God Almighty, who lives now as the Holy Spirit, who lived as Jesus Christ of Nazareth and who shall live as Christ Jesus. O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come."


Glory to God. And the reason that I chose to translate this that the Lord was the Holy Spirit, was Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is the Holy Spirit and shall be Christ Jesus -- the reason I didn't put -- name the pure Spirit of God is the following phrase says, "Because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and reigned." And after praying about it, I drew the conclusion that this phrase is referring to God in the flesh. And therefore, I translated, "You who art, and wast, and art to come," as, "The Holy Spirit who is the spirit of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ of Nazareth he was, and -- who shall come, that is Christ Jesus."


I'll read it for you again. "Saying, we are grateful for receiving life, O Lord God Almighty, who lives now as the Holy Spirit, who lived as Jesus Christ of Nazareth and who shall live as Christ Jesus."


Glory to God. And they're thanking Him, "Because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and has reigned."


OK, another comment on why I didn't choose the Spirit of God as the subject of this phrase, "Which art, and wast, and art to come." Well, we could do it two ways. If I was going to say the part of -- the manifestation of God that was in the past -- when you're talking about the Spirit of God, He's all of these three things. Maybe that's what I have to tell you. God is in the past, in the present and in the future, so when I say to you who lives now as the Holy Spirit, who lived as Jesus Christ of Nazareth and who shall live as Christ Jesus, that's just another way of expressing the Spirit of God. He takes all of these forms. He is the past, the present and the future. He is one. But when He moves into the realm of time -- see, God is eternal. He changeth not in the realm of the spirit, but when He moves into the realm of time, then we say He was, He is, and He shall be. So when we speak of the eternal Spirit of God, He is the Spirit of God, Jehovah. But when we speak about Him in His manifestation in the realm of time, we say that He is now manifesting as the Holy Spirit. He did manifest as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and He shall manifest as Christ Jesus. He's already manifesting as Christ Jesus, but it's a very -- just a glimmer of it. Remember, Paul wrote this book about two -- not Paul. John wrote this book about 2,000 years ago.


OK, "Because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned." Now, this word to take to yourself is 2983, and it means to get hold of, to lay hold of, to take possession of. And the great power, the word great is -- merely means mighty. And we know that there are two Greek words translated power in the Scripture. This word is 1411, and it's dunamis, miracle-working power. It's not authority, now. It's miracle-working power that would be used or employed to raise the dead, to heal the sick and to heal the blind and the deaf.


And this word reign is Strong's 936. It means to rule, but it's from a root 9935, which means a foundation of power. Before you can reign and rule, you have to have a foundation of power. It's really hard to rule if you don't have any power behind you. Most men will just run right over you and laugh at you as they tread you under their feet. You need power to rule. And so this -- it's from a root that means a foundation of power, a power base.


And I suggest to you that the power base from which the Lord is ruling is the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a new kingdom in the Earth, brethren. There is a new foundation of power in the Earth, and it's a new soul. Satan -- before the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, resurrected and ascended, Satan was the only power base in the realm of time. God gave him this realm over which to rule. He was the prince of the power of the air. God put him in that position. He was the only power base in this realm of time aside from a sovereign move of God. We know that God controls all things. But the situation of the realm of time, before the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, was that there was one foundation, one power base, and he was Satan. And it was from that base that all human beings appeared.


Satan was ruling this realm, producing vessels, ruling in men's conscious and unconscious minds, except for a sovereign move of the Lord Jesus Christ, which we saw specifically over the nation Israel. They had an imputed anointing. We know that Almighty God spoke to Pharaoh. We know that he raised up Cyrus. There are many Scriptures showing God in the Earth, but that was a sovereign move whereby God was overriding the authority of the one that He had established in the realm of time. Does anybody not understand that? God is always overriding His own law. Why? Because the [?letter?] killeth, and the spirit or the mercy of God maketh alive.


And God is always moving in this realm of time upon men that are doing the best they can to live their lives or rule in positions of authority by following God's law. And God will always intervene and say, I understand, you're following My law, but My compassion is greater than that law, and I'm going to intercede on the part of this person in this instance. It's throughout the Scriptures, I -- we've talked about it a lot. I really don’t' want to spend any more time on it.


So, Alternate Translation for the second half of Revelation 11:17, "Because You, the Lord Jesus Christ, have laid hold of Your miracle working power" -- see the play of words -- "because You have laid hold of Your miracle working power and have established a new base of power in the Earth, even the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ."


Now, what are we talking about? The Lord Jesus Christ laid hold of His own miracle working power? What in the world does that mean? What it means, brethren, is that the Lord Jesus Christ, in the form of His offspring, is being formed in you and in me. It's a new generation, and that generation is coming forth into a encamped city which is ruled by the living soul, the ruling spirit of which is Satan. And He has been commanded by His Father to overcome. So what this -- I am suggesting to you what this Scripture is saying is that You, the Lord Jesus Christ, in Your new generation, in the form of Christ Jesus, You have laid hold of your miracle working power by overcoming.


And, of course, that is also true with regard to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself being birthed, with the logos of God being birthed in the man, the Lord Jesus Christ. He rose up, and He overcame. He brought His soul in submission to the spirit of holiness in Him. And He therefore cleansed His soul and His body, making Himself eligible to be raised from the dead by the power of Almighty God, His Father.


So when we say, You have laid hold of Your miracle working power, we can take it in two ways. Jesus Christ, the spirit of -- the image of the Father that appeared in Jesus Christ laid hold of His power. Which was what? The Father. He said, I am the Father of one, so therefore the power of the Father was the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was born of a virgin. He grew up. He was raised. He was subject to the tutorship and the governments of a natural man. And the Spirit of God in Him, the logos, rose up and brought His soul into submission, and He laid hold of, yes, His own power. How? By bringing His soul into submission, through holiness, brethren, through holiness.


And I declare to you, that even if Christ is being formed in you, if you have the Holy Spirit, if your human spirit has been quickened, brethren, the only way you're going to lay hold of miracle working power is through holiness, brethren. It's through holiness.


Now, we see people in the world today, people in the church, there are a lot of people that are gifted. They're gifted with healing. They're gifted to bring healing to men. They're gifted to bring deliverance to men. They are moving in the power of God without repentance, for the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance. But I declare to you, brethren, there shall be no man in the Earth judging his fellow man without I holiness. I declare to you, brethren, you shall not see it. It shall not be. Jesus said, he who is without sin, cast the first stone. He will not tolerate it, brethren.


Glory to God. So the second half of Revelation 11:17 says, because You, Jesus Christ, either in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth or in the next generation Christ Jesus, You have laid hold of your own miracle working power, the miracle working power of the Father, and have established a new base of power in the earth of men's souls, even the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ. And that was done through holiness. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 11:17, "Saying" -- this is the 24 elders saying -- "we are grateful for receiving life, O Lord God Almighty, who lives now as the Holy Spirit, who lived as Jesus Christ of Nazareth and who shall live as Christ Jesus; because You have laid hold. You, in the soul realm, have laid hold of Your spiritual miracle working power through holiness and have therefore established a new base of power in the Earth, even the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Hallelujah. Verse 18, "And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto the servants, the prophet- -- thy servants they prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth."


So what are we saying here? The to- -- the nations were angry, and the wrath of God is come, and the time is come. To what? To judge the dead, to give reward unto the servants, the prophets, and to destroy them which destroy the earth. So I'll take this a little bit at a time.


First of all, the nations, I remind you, we've talked about this several times, are basically non-Jews. When we have the word, the nations, in the Scripture, the Lord is talking about non-Jews.


"And the nations were angry." The word angry is 3710 in Strong's, and it means to provoke or to enrage. We had this -- it's the only time -- I don't know why, but I thought it was the only time it was translated angry.


We had this same word used in Revelation 6:17, the same word. It's an unusual usage of the word it means angry to provoke to enrage, and it's from a root that is Strong's 2709, which is the Greek word orgy, like English word orgy, and it means desire, a violent passion. And it refers to a passion that is so strong that it reaches forth as an excitement of the mind. We've had this word twice. We used it in our study on lust, in the message, "Lust Has Power." And it also appears in Revelation 6:17. And I'm suggesting to you that it is typifying the witchcraft power of the minds of men, which is the living soul, that when they lust -- and lust I remind you is a characteristic of the mind of man. Man is lust. And when he desires and he desires to the point that that word lust is typified by the Greek word, orgy, he is desiring it to such a degree that he has witchcraft power vibrating forth from his mind and that that witchcraft power is capable of bringing his desire to pass in his life.


Glory to God. Now, I gave you an -- I have here an Alternate Translation for you from 6, sev- -- Revelation 6:17, just to show you how we translated it there. "For the mighty age of His reaching out for us has appeared." You see, in Revelation 6:17, the word is used in connection with Christ. Christ is lusting for us. He's reaching out for us. He's desiring us with such an intensity that there is spiritual power reaching out for us. Now, when man does it, it's lust and it's witchcraft, and it's legal. But when Jesus Christ desires you with such a desire that He's reaching out for you, it is legal. Why? Because we are His, and we were created to be His bride, and we belong to Him.


So this is the Alternate Translation of Revelation 6:17, "For the mighty age of Christ reaching out for us has appeared, even Christ in us. And who shall have the strength to separate himself from Satan and stand up in spiritual power by entering into the soul life of Christ?"


So here we see it used in a negative sense, when it's applied to the living soul in Revelation 6:7. But in Revelation 11:18, the word is applied to the nations, and it is therefore an illegal witchcraft power vibrating forth from the minds of men. Now, if we want to find out what they're trying to accomplish by this, we first have to find out what they're angry at.


The next phrase is, "And thy wrath is come." Well, it seems like this is one of these instances where there are a few words left out. So let's find out why the nations are angry and why the wrath of Jesus Christ has come.


OK, now, first of all, I want to tell you that this word, and, the second and, "And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come." That word and is Strong's 2532, and it can be translated because, and I am going to translate it because. "And the nations were angry were angry because thy wrath has come," because the wrath of Jesus Christ has come into the soul realm, the nations are angry. I thought they were supposed to be repenting. They're not repenting, brethren. They are angry that the Lord Jesus Christ is here.


This word wrath, "and thy wrath is come," the word wrath is the same Greek word that's translated angry above. So the nations are angry and vi- -- and witchcraft power is vibrating forth from them. And the Lord Jesus Christ is angry at what? At sin and the power -- the spiritual power and authority that is in His righteousness is vibrating forth from Him. And what we see here, brethren, is the spiritual warfare that's spreading across the Earth today.


Glory to God. "And thy wrath is come." The word come is Strong's 2064, and it means appear. The spiritual authority that is reaching out for the human race that is angry at the sin which is separating us from Him has appeared in the Earth, and the nations are angry.


Alternate Translation, this is the first quarter of Revelation 11:18, "And the heathen were enraged that Jesus Christ had established a new base of spiritual power in the Earth. And the heathen were enraged that, or because, Jesus Christ had established a new base of spiritual power in the Earth. And their violent passions vibrated forth from their minds, from the minds of the nations, to make war against the spiritual authority of the Christ."


The spirit of Almighty God is moving in this hour to apprehend us, to fertilized our human spirit, to bring forth Christ in it, to make us His, but the nations are angry, and the power of the own minds -- of their own minds, which is satanic power, is not receiving Christ. They are vibrating forth under the authority of Satan, and they are waging war against the spiritual life of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is in the Earth today.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. "And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, for the mighty age of His reaching out for us has" -- oh, that's the wrong one. I'm sorry. "And the heathen were enraged that Jesus Christ, or because Jesus Christ, had established a new base of spiritual power in the Earth. And their violent passions, the nations' violent passions vibrated forth from their minds to make war against the Christ." Hallelujah.


And if Christ is manifesting in you, brethren, you better believe that you are going to be subject to, in some measure, to that warfare. I was beat. I was beat yesterday. It's just not easy to have Christ appearing in you, brethren. I wish that I could tell you that He's going to be such a shield and a defense to you, at this stage of our development, that you will have no negative reactions in your life, but if I told you that, I'd be lying to you. It's just not true. So longs as there's any vestige of a human -- or an Adamic soul manifesting in us, so long as we're human in any way, when these witchcraft attacks come forth, Christ, who is living in our soul, which is living in our body, that part of us which is Adam is going to be whipped. You have to get deliverance or you'll never survive it. You won't survive it without deliverance.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. When we rise from the dead, Lord -- when the Lord raises us from the dead, we won't be subject to these whippings and these scornings anymore. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


OK, the next phrase being, "And the time of the dead is come, that they should be judged." OK, the heathen are mad because Jesus Christ has formed a new base of power, and He's reaching out to make us His. And the heathen is mad. They're waging witchcraft warfare against the power of Christ. And what's happening, because Jesus Christ has established this foundation base of power, is that the time is come for the dead to be judged.


The word time is Strong's 2440, and it means occasion or proper time. There are three words that are translated time in the Greek. There's the word aeon, which means age. We talked about that a lot. And there's the Greek word cosmos, and that means a proper order. And this is the word that's used least frequently, Strong's 2540, and it merely means an occasion, a set or proper time. And it's the time for the dead to be judged.


The word judged is Strong's 2919, and one of the translations of this word judged in Strong's is to distinguish. And I suggest to you, brethren, that judgment is the distinguishing between Adam and Christ in your mind. Now, unfortunately for us, the way the Lord Jesus Christ distinguishes between Adam and Christ in our mind is that He tests us. He permits trials and tribulations to come upon our life.


And by the way we react -- and, brethren, I want to tell you that there are people in this world that are experts at mind control. They could be faced with any kind of crisis. They say the right thing. They do the right thing, and in their hearts, they're hating you. And they'll make you think that you have no problem with you at all, and they'll go behind your back, and they'll destroy your career, or they'll destroy you in any way they can to get even with you. That's not what I'm talking about, brethren.


When God is judging you for the purpose of distinguishing between Adam and Christ in you, He's looking right at your heart, brother. That witchcraft and that mind control is not fooling Almighty God. And I want to tell you that if someone comes to you and smites you, if they curse you, if they hate you, if they despitefully use you, and if you hate them, you are not damned to hell. But the Lord God looks at your heart, and He says, hmm, it's still Adam manifesting in there. My Christ is not appearing. Can you hear this? He's not judging you, damning you to hell forever. This judgment, in accordance with the meaning of the Greek word, is not punishment. It's a trial, and sometimes these trials are very painful. But the specific purpose of the trial is to reveal how much of Christ has been formed in you and then to bring forth more of Christ in you.


Glory to God. The -- Webster's says that the word distinguished means to separate by pricking, to proceed as being separate or different, to mark as separate or different, to separate into kinds or classes or categories, to characterize, to discern, to perceive a difference. Brethren, I don't mean, you know, to be beating this too hard or to be offending anybody, but I don't care if you dance in the spirit, and I don't care if you talk in tongues, and I don't care if you've been tithing every week for the last 100 years. I don't care. That does not tell me that Christ has been formed in you or is being formed in you. What tells that Christ is -- anyone want to take a crack at that?




What do yo- -- OK. OK. The lady said, what you do, what you think and what you say. That's the truth. Righteousness, the appearance of righteousness and love for your brother as it appears in your thoughts and your behavior, that is the sign that Christ is appearing in you. The tongues and the dancing in the spirit and all of these other religious works that you do, that is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit which is the vehicle whose job it is to bring forth Christ in you. But the signs of His presence are not the signs of His nature being formed in you. The signs of His presence, tongues and dancing in the spirit and prophecy, they are the -- what those signs indicate is that the vehicle that will cause Christ to be formed in your personality is present.


If I have an ironing board and a crinkled dress and an iron, and I hold up the iron and wave it at you, you're probably going to assume I'm going to take the crinkles and the wrinkles out of the dress. I have the iron, it's in my hand. It's plugged in, and the steam's coming out of it. That doesn't mean the dress has been ironed, brethren. So if you have the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, the tool that's going to iron out your wrinkles has been imparted to you, but that doesn't mean you're without wrinkles, brethren. And by and large, the members of the church world are as carnal as the heathens, and some of them much, much more obnoxious than any heathen I've ever met. And that's just the truth. I'm not against anybody.


You see, the Lord wants us to understand what's happening to us. And the preachers are out there telling the people, you're King's kids, and you're entitled to riches, and you're entitled to everything you need and everything you desire. And the truth of the message of the gospel is, brethren, that Christ has come to put His nature on your soul, and the process is painful. I want you to know what's happening to you so that when you enter into it, you can have some intelligence. You can pray intelligently so that when the heavy trials come upon you, you're not destroyed thinking that God has abandoned you. The truth is we're having a baby. We're bringing forth the image of Christ, and that labor is and shall be painful. But the end of it is life eternal.


I don't know how anyone's going to survive this without this knowledge. I think it would kill me thinking that God had turned on me. You know, all these Christians dancing around and singing, praying for their $150,000 bonanzas, when the tribulation hits them, brethren, they're going to think God's abandoned them, how terrible. But we have to believe that has their turn comes up one number at a time, one man at a time, that God's going to get a message, something like this -- either send a believer or get a message to them or whatever, or just tell them in their heart if they could believe it, that He has not abandoned them, that they've been preached a lie, that the preachers that stand up there and say, you can't fail, have lied to them. They have sold them. These preachers have sold them. They've not prepared them for the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why? Because they're building their own kingdoms, and they want them to come to church, and they want their money.


And people don't come and pay money to be told Jesus Christ is ready to cut your heart out, except everybody here. I guess there's something. I don't know what it is with all of us here, but the average Christian is not going to come to a church that says judgment is upon you and you've got to change and the trials and tribulations are coming upon you, the result of which will bring forth the love of God in your soul. But it's painful, and you've got to change. They're not going to come to hear -- they don't want to hear that. So the preachers are selling them down the river.


Glory to God. OK, I wanted to comment here, I had a note for myself, to comment of Revelation 20:11-15. I've done this before. I'm going to go over it again, just quickly. I've done this on another message. This is the judgment of the wicked. It's called the white throne judgment. By and large, the church has absolutely no idea what this means. They have some fantasy conjured up in their mind. And I suggest that John saw a great white throne, thrones meaning souls. He saw a white soul. He saw a soul that had been made righteous. And Him that sat on it, the Father, the soul -- the righteous soul, being the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, from whose face the Earth and heaven fled away.


When this righteous soul appears in you, brethren, the heaven and the Earth, your spirit and your Adamic soul, is going to flee away. They're not going to be seen anymore. Why? Because when this soul of Jesus Christ is made available to you, He's going to be birthed in your human spirit, swallowing her up. And He's going to put your Adamic soul underfoot. And there was found no place for them, no place for your Adamic soul, brethren, except underfoot.


Verse 12, "And I saw the dead." Brethren, I have news for you. We're still dead. I have news for you, we're -- I'm still dead. I'm not going to lie to you. I wish I wasn't, but I'm still dead, but I have life within me. I have a little manifestation of the life of God, a droplet of the life of God. And it's entered into my heart like a mustard seed, brethren, and it's going to spread, and it's going to grow, and it's going to swallow up death in the victory that is the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. And that process is called the resurrection out from among the dead ones. It's happening from within us.


But I'm still dead. I won't tell you you are. I don't want anyone telling me I'm cursing them. But I'm telling you, I'm setting myself up here as an example, I'm still dead. The resurrection out from among the dead ones has not been completed in my life. I am in the process of being resurrected out from among the dead ones. And the soul life of Christ is expanding in me, hopefully, on a daily basis. And eventually, when death is swallowed up, I shall live in the victory of the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ. But, brethren, I still get sick. I still make mistakes. I still hurt. That doesn't happen in life, brethren. That's happens in the realm of existence. It hasn't happened yet, brethren. Stop giving yourself a good time. It hasn't happened yet, and you're not flying away and going to heaven either.


"And I saw the dead, small and great." Those -- the dead means everyone from this soul realm, those that have dignity, those that are known, those that are well-known and those that are not well-known, those that are famous and those that are not famous. As far as the Lord Jesus Christ is concerned, we're all dead. He lumps us all in one category. All of those people with the glory of this soul realm, scientists, doctors, lawyers. They're just lauding men.


You use it on T.V. and in the movies all the time. They give homage to men. They give glory to men. God says, you're all dead. They give them awards. They make speeches for them. God says you're all dead. And the most famous man in the United States of America or in the world is as dead as the weakest derelict lying down on the [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. You're all dead. Glory to God.


"And the books were opened." And I remind you that we are the books. We are the books. Books are the -- is that which something is engraved upon. Our souls are books, and right now, Satan's image is engraved upon our souls. Lord willing, the image of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be engraved upon our souls. But right now, we are books, and our books say one word, Satan and everything that he stands for.


"And another book was opened." That's the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the book of life. "and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." Jesus Christ is going to look at your soul, and you're going to reap what you have sown. The works that you have worked out of your Adamic soul, you shall reap, brethren. You shall reap your reward. And the reward of the works of the soul life are what, anybody? Death.


And it -- I'm telling you. I know people get all hung up on this. I know one man, he goes crazy about this. I don't care if you were a mass murdered in Hitler's death camps or if you lived a life of religious works and never hurt another man in your life, you're both going to reap death because you are not saved by works, brethren. You're saved in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Your spirit has to get transferred into His soul. This man goes crazy. He goes crazy that -- because he happens to be a person with a problem of self-righteousness. And he wants to believe that he's OK, and he knows people that have murdered. He comes out of a background where he's known criminals. And he wants to believe that he's OK because he's so much better than the murderers that he's known, but you're not, brethren. You're not. We're all dead, and we're all guilty, and we're all reaping death. And the only way we're going to find life is to transfer into the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. Verse 13, "And the sea gave up the dead," the sea being the unconscious mind of man that's present in every member of the living soul. "And the sea" -- Satan -- "gave up the dead which were in it." Satan released up. I don't know about you, but Satan in my mind is not releasing me to Christ at this moment. He is at war with Christ. He wants me. Jesus gives me an instruction, and Satan whispers in my other ear, and he tries to confuse me and get me to obey him. But we're told that, at this time, the sea, Satan, gave up the dead which were in it. He stopped trying to get our ear and to get us to not listen to Jesus Christ. He -- and the only way that's going to happen, brethren, I declare to you, is that Jesus Christ is going to take him captive. That's the only way it's going to happen. Jesus Christ is going to castrate Satan.


"And death and hell," death being Adam, the soul of man, which is characterized by pride, and hell being the spiritual realm in which we dwell, the spiritual realm of the soul. They, "delivered the dead which were in them." Our pride was defeated, brethren. "And they were judged every man according to their words."


Verse 14, "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire." Well, what does that mean? They were judged, every man according to their works, and it was found out that they had manifested death and hell. And they were cast into the lake of fire. "This is the second death."


And I remind you that the second death, that the lake of fire, is the Christ that has been formed in you. And what this is typifying is your spiritual substance being transferred into the soul of Christ. And fire of Almighty God living through His Christ, taking authority over your Adamic soul and your pride and this entire realm of hell that we live in and neutralizing it and making it harmless towards you and causing it to serve Christ by giving the creation form.


And just in case you're wondering, back up in verse 10, the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, in case you were wondering what happened to Satan. He was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone also. We'll be up to chapter 20 eventually. OK, I just wanted to put that it.


Glory to God. Alternate Translation, this is the second quarter of Revelation 11:18. Let me read it to you in the King James so I don't lose you. Glory to God. "And they should be -- and the time of the dead, that they should be judged." "And the time was set to discern the difference between Adam and Christ and to separate them into different categories." And the time set to discern the difference between Adam and Christ and to separate them into different categories arrived. Now, brethren, I declare to you, this separation cannot take place until Christ has formed in you. If the judgment falls upon you before Christ is formed in you and Adam is burnt and destroyed, and you will have no soul life. You will die.


We had a man in this church, for many months, that was terribly set as to the many Christians that he knew that go to a lot of the local ministries around here that had no real problems in their life. They had no money problems. They had no problems with their family. They were leading happy lives, dancing and singing in church every Sunday. And he had terrible problems in his life, and he was resentful and angry and rebellious. Brethren, apparently Christ must have been formed in him in a measure, and judgment was falling upon him.


So don't get upset if you see carnal Christians out there with no trauma or crisis in their life. It's just not their time. It's just not their time. Even with your natural children, there's a period of time that yo- -- I mean, you're not going to paddle a 3-month-old baby. There's a period of time you don't minister judgment. You don't minister discipline no matter what they do. If they mess over you, if they break your best statue, I mean, are you going to discipline a 3 month old baby if she shot her fist out and broke a statue that cost you a million dollars? What are you going to do to the baby? So there are large numbers of Christians in the church world, in this hour, that have not yet come under judgment. Don't be jealous. You're just more mature.


It's really important that we understand these things. Because why? Because it helps us not to sin. I know that if envy manifests in me -- if envy were to manifest in me in that area and I have the understanding that it's not that God loves them more than He loves me but that I'm maturing and that I'm being judged so that He can appear in me, and I can go onto great glories in the spirit with Him, that would be a weapon that would help me to resist their pride and repent of it and put it under my feet. The truth sets you free, brethren. The truth will set us free.


OK, continuing with -- we're still in chapter 11, verse 18, "And that thou shoudlest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great." So the time has also come to give reward unto three categories of people, the servants of Almighty God, which are the prophets, to the saints, and to them that fear thy name, both small and great, the small and great being those that are well-known, those that have dignity and those that do not. It makes no difference to God. He places man in three categories. You're a prophet of Almighty God, his servant. You're a saint, or you're amongst them that fear His name. And He doesn't care whether you have dignity in this world or not. It makes no difference to Him.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. I spoke to a man once that was trying to intimidate me. He was my employer, and he was in a very ungodly spirit, and Christ was fully manifested in me. And he was trying to assert his authority over me. He say behind his desk as a lot of lawyers do from time to time. And he looked down at me, and he said, you know, I'm being -- I'm going to be the president of the bar association again this year. And the Lord was in full control, and I just looked at him. I know, I just know, there was absolutely no reaction on my face whatsoever. The Lord was totally unimpressed. And he looked at me, and he got really upset. He got really upset. He couldn't move me.


And shortly after that, he fired me. But -- well, he was firing me at the moment. That's what I was doing sitting behind his desk. And even his parting remarks, telling me that he was firing me, he wanted me to knuckle under this ungodly spirit. And the Lord just -- I just didn't flick an eyelash. I just looked at him as if to say, so? And he fired me for a very ungodly reason, by the way.


OK, "And that thou shoudlest reward unto thy servants the pro- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great. The word reward is Strong's 3408, and it means pay for service good or bad, hire or wages. And I suggest to you that that's referring to the reaping and sowing. We shall get paid for whatever we do. We shall reap whatever we sow.


We see that reward mentioned in Revelation 22, verse 12. "And, behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Jesus Christ is coming, and when He comes, He's bringing a reward for you with Him. Brethren, you shall reap what you have sown. You shall reap what you have sown. Your only hope is to get into the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ because every last one of us has been sowing death from the earliest stages of our life. Our only hope is to get into Christ and start, by the power of His spirit, to reap -- to sow into the soul of life, into the realm of the spiri- -- of His spirit. Glory to God.


OK, I just wanted to comment to you, on -- in this Revelation 22:12, I just read it. "And, behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." That word man is not in the Greek. It's not in the Greek, just a point of information. So the Lord is really saying, I come to give, according as your work shall be. I just come to give as according as your work shall be. Hallelujah.


Galatians 6:7-8, says, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh." And that means, brethren, that you yield to and agree with the thoughts and the emotions that manifest in your flesh. Sowing to flesh means when envy rises up, you say, yeah, I hate her. I can't stand what she's got. That when hatred rises up, you say, yeah, I hate her. You're not supposed to be doing that. You're supposed to be saying, Jesus, I'm thinking thoughts of envy, help. I rebuke you. I don't agree with you. I don't want you thoughts in my mind. I want to love this brother or this sister. Go away. That's what you're supposed to be saying when these thoughts come into your mind.


Now, if you can't discern the thoughts in your own mind, you've got a problem, and judgment is probably already falling upon you to bring your mind to a place where you can discern the wickedness in your mind. Because if you've got an image of yourself that is a lie, how are you going to discipline your own soul? You've got a real problem. So if you're walking with the Lord and this is the condition of your mind, you better believe that judgment is already upon you because the Lord Jesus Christ wants you to look at your heart and to police it.


Glory to God. Verse 8 of Galatians 6, "For he that soweth to his flesh," he that agrees with the carnal mind, "shall of the flesh reap corruption." That means death. "But he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap everlasting life." If you resist that thought, brethren -- and I'm telling you from experience that if you can't resist it, if it's overtaking you and you cry out to Jesus, He will give you the strength to overcome it. If the truth of your spiritual nature is that you really do not want to commit this sin, if you discern envy or hatred or any ungodliness manifesting in your mind and you really, really don't want it and you can't stop it, if you cry out to Jesus, brethren, He will never fail you. And the only time you might think that He has failed you is that -- is the occasion upon which He has looked upon your heart and He said, she doesn't real- -- or he doesn't really mean it. He really doesn't want to stop. He's paying me lip service, to God.


OK, and the time that you should reward your servant the prophets, and to the saints, and to them that fear your name. Thy servants the prophesy, I'm going to suggest to you that this category of men typifies Adamic men who have been faithful to God and have been speaking His word while they live out of the Adamic soul. God called Moses a servant. Isaiah was a servant. They did not have the imparted anointing. They were Adamic men who yielded to the Spirit of God because they loved Him. I suggest to you, that is the servants of God who are His prophets. They speak His word under an imputed anointing.


The saints, I suggest to you, are those whom have the imparted anointing, those faithful of God who -- in whom Christ has been formed and are living out of the imparted anointing. And those who fear His name, well, who are they? This word fear is 5399, and we've discussed here that there are two Greek words that mean fear. One means to be -- to have an ungodly fear, and the other one means to revere or be in awe. And this is t he word to revere or be in awe.


So those who fear His name, who are they? I had to go into the Old Testament for this, brethren. I'm in Isaiah chapter 59:15-21. I'm just going to read it quickly because I felt I couldn't leave any of these verses out. I think it's pretty understandable. I won't be expounding too much.


Isaiah 59:15-21, now this is the condition that exists, "Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased Him that there was no judgment." There was no separating of good from evil. When is there no separation from good from evil? When there's no manifestation of good. There was no manifestation of the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Only the Adamic soul was manifesting its evil. This was the condition of the church. I believe that this is to the church.


Verse 16, "And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him." That's a prophecy of Messiah, brethren. There was no righteousness in the Earth, so the Lord manifested Himself in the form of Christ.


Verse 17, "For he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation upon his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak. According to their deeds" -- whose deeds? The deeds of the righteous, Adamic mind -- "accordingly will he pay." They're going to reap what they've sown. "Fury to his adversaries, recompence to his enemies; to the islands he will pay recompence. So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall life up a standard against Him." But we're still not told who's going to fear His name. Let's try verse 20.


"And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, sayeth the Lord." Those that fear His name are those that turn from transgression in Jacob. Now, I point out to you that the word Jacob is used, not Israel. Jacob was a carnal man. When he was caught up to be a spiritual man, God renamed him Israel. But in this Scripture, God is referring to His people as Jacob. He's referring to His carnal people before they've become spiritual.


And I remind you that in accordance with our studies in chapter 7 of the Book of Revelation, the Lord has revealed to us that Israel is now the entire living soul. All of Israel is not Israel. Every member of the living soul is not manifesting Christ. But in God's eyes, His people, Israel, is now the entire living soul. Salvation is available to all men. Is that not true? In Christ Jesus, salvation is available to all men. And in God's eyes, His chosen people is now the living soul, even though every member of the living soul is not manifesting Christ.


So I'm suggesting to you, in accordance with verse 20, that those who fear His name are those that turn from transgression in Jacob. So we have those that have the imputed anointing. They're in the church. Those that have the imparted anointing, they're in the church. And there is a group of people out there, brethren, that are not in the Pentecostal church. They're not in a church where the move of the Spirit is, but they're members of the living soul, which is now God's people. And there are going to be people out there who will repent, people who desire righteousness, people that want God to love them, people that want to manifest the righteousness of Christ. They've turned from their sin. They hate it. They might not have the power if they're not -- if they don't have the Spirit of God within them. They might not have the power to defeat the sin in their mind.


But I'm telling you, the Lord has show men, there are people out there, brethren, in every rela- -- in every nation, in every religion, in every ethnic background, that desire the righteousness of God. Unfortunately, large numbers of them think they can get it by doing religious works. But Go- -- I declare to you, God's going to discern the intent of their heart. And He's going to go to those people, and He's going to say, do you really want to turn away from your sin? Because if you do, here I am. I'll give you the power to do it. And those people that say, yes, Lord Jesus, they are those who fear His name. And He's going to be drawing people by His spirit out of every nation, out of every kindred, out of every tongue,. And what people are He approaching -- is He approaching? Those people that in their heart really desire His righteousness. And when it comes to them, He's going to find out which ones of them really desire His righteousness and which ones just want to have a self-righteous cover on them. This is a day of the revealing, Lord, of the truth of men's hearts and then souls. Glory to God.


OK, we're back in the Book of Revelation, and we are in chapter 11, verse 18. Does anyone not understand the three categories of people, those with the imputed anointing, those with the imparted anointing and those that desire righteousness but don't have His Spirit? Anybody not understand that? OK. Glory to God. Hallelujah. And I already told you that small means small in dignity, and great means mighty or being revered in this world.


Alternate Translation, Revelation -- the third quarter of Revelation 11:18, "And the time has arrived that men, both little known and well-known, who have spoken Your word faithfully under the imputed anointing and those with the imparted anointing and those members of Jacob which turn away from their sins shall receive the reward of My Spirit and My word."


They're going to get their reward, and their reward is the Spirit and the word of the Lord Je- -- of God, which is the Father and the Son. Those that sow to the flesh will reap corruption and death, and those that are serving God faithfully in either of the two categories, imputed or imparted anointing, and those that desire His righteousness, they're going to reap what they sow, and they're going to reap His Spirit and His reward. There's only two rewards, Lord. There's only two rewards of the Lord. I said that wrong. There's only two rewards. Either you're going to reap the life of Christ or you're going to reap the death and the corruption of Adam in whom Satan rules and reigns.


Brethren, you need a spirit in you for you to continue in existence. Y9ou need a spirit in you. You have to be li- -- existing by the spirit of Satan or living by the spirit of Christ. You can't live without a spirit. You can't exist without a spirit. And if you reap unto the -- if you respond to the mind of Satan, you shall reap death. And if you respond to the mind of Christ, you shall reap life. And I declare to anyone that's sitting there thinking right now, oh, God, I'm in trouble. I really don't desire righteousness. Brethren, if you want that righteousness and you're discerning the intents of your own heart and you know that you really don't desire it, don't condemn yourself. Tell God the truth. Tell Him that you're hearing this message and that you want to be in His kingdom, but your heart just isn't right.


There was a time in my life, brethren, when I first came to the Lord, I remember, I had a problem with gossip. I remember telling God, I love to gossip. I'm not repentant. I love it. Please, help me. I've got a problem here. I recognize I've got a problem because Your law says that I'm killing my brother when I gossip. I understand that the law says it's wrong, and I love it. Help me. [INAUDIBLE] in that area, wouldn't say I'm perfect. I'm still a human being, but I've had great [INAUDIBLE] in that area. Hallelujah.


Don't condemn yourself. Do you know, people that have pride do this. This is a manifestation of pride. If you know someone or if this is the thought in your mind, if your mind says, I've got sin and I'm not good enough to go before the Lord and say, Lord, I've got sin, please help me. If you think that He won't talk to you or He won't look upon you or He won't help you because the sin is already there, brethren, be not deceived. That is pride manifesting in your mind which is preventing you from getting the deliverance that you need. How? By preventing you from approaching the throne of God and repenting. Pride is blocking repentance and blocking your deliverance. Be not deceived. God is rejection nobody. If you are separated from God in any way, it is your sin that has separated you from Almighty God.


OK, Glory to God, going on with, "And shoudlest destroy them which destroy the earth." And it's also the time for the Lord Jesus Christ to destroy those which destroy the earth. Now, this word destroy is Strong's 1311. It's the only time the word is translated destroy. And we also studied this word in a similar way. Did I write down the Scripture for you? I didn't write the Scripture down for you, but it's in Revelation 8:9, and it's translated destroyed there. OK, now, the word means to change for the worse, to corrupt mind or morals, to consume of bodily vigor or strength, to decay. So when this word destroy is applied to a natural man using it -- OK, if I was saying I have the power to destroy you, if that's how I was using it, the result of my destruction towards you would be that you would be corrupted of mind or morals. Glory to God. You would be consumed of bodily vigor or strength, or you would decay.


But I declare to you, brethren, that when God is destroying, what He is destroying is corruption, and it's the same principle that we see in the second death. The second death is the death of death. The destruction of corruption is what? It's life. It's life.


Let me give you an Alternate Translation. "And it's time also that the Lord should restore the corrupt mind and morals of the fallen living soul back to the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ." And it's time that the Lord should destroy them which destroy the earth. It's time that the Lord should destroy them that are destroying the earth of the Adamic soul and of our bodies.


Brethren, this is a big problem in the church. When men are in their carnal minds and they read these Scriptures that God's going to destroy you, they go around preaching hellfire and brimstone. God's going to burn you forever. Brethren, when God destroys you in your state of wickedness and sin, He destroys your wickedness and sin, and His life appears in you. His life appears in you. God help us from the carnal minds of men. They would burn us in hell forever. They would torture us without mercy or compassion or rehabilitation. There is no rehabilitation in the soul of man.


I have news for you, America, you have done more to harm the criminal in these last 50 years than you have done to rehabilitate him. You have taken away his hard labor. You have taken away the authority of God that says if he doesn't work he shouldn't eat. You have put him in jails where he sits around watching television all day, where he has so much energy and frustration that they're in these jails raping other men left and right with no restriction, because some law was passed that said you can't make a criminal work if you don't pay him. I rebuke that law, and I cast it down by the power of Almighty God. Give them work to do. Put them on the rock piles. Stop the rape in the jails.


Anyone that knows anything knows that if you want to kill sexual desire, put a man on a rock pile. You're destroying his soul. You're promoting homosexuality in a jail. You're killing the man instead of rehabilitating him. God help us from our reprobate minds in this country. When God destroys you, brethren, He saves your life. And I declare to you, putting a man on a rock pile is saving his life. Not only will you keep him from homosexual behavior in jail -- because if nothing else, he'll be too tired. Or at least the physical exertion will give him strength to resist this ungodly p- -- behavior. You take a man that's laying around all day doing nothing, all he's thinking about is sex. Not only are you saving him from that horrendous sin, but maybe the hard labor will bring a manner -- a measure of rehabilitation. Maybe he will say I don't want to rub -- rob that drug store anymore. Pounding these rocks for 5 years was just too hard on me. I don't want to do it.


Do you know, brethren -- and I got this straight hand from a convict. There are men out there that deliberately commit crimes so that they could get arrested. Do you know they can't make it out there in the world? It's too hard to earn a living. They go to jail. They love it. It's a country club. They feed them. They put a roof over their head. They hang out, playing ball all day, if they do anything. It's not grievous for them to be in jail.


Brethren, this country is sick in many areas. I just rebuke that infirmity under the authority of Almighty God. And I speak healing unto it. Thank you, Jesus. Glory to God. I say heal in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I rebuke reprobateness in the governments and the minds of the governing authorities in this nation. And I speak the law of God and its restoration into effect. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah.


Hallelujah. OK, so Alternate Translation, the fourth quarter of Revelation 11:18, "And they -- and it's also time for the Lord to restore the corrupt mind and morals of the fallen living soul back to the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ."


Alternate Translation, Revelation 11:18, "And the heathen were enraged that Jesus Christ had established as new base of spiritual power in the Earth. And their violent passions vibrated forth from their minds to make war against the Christ. And the time set to discern the difference between Adam and Christ and to separate them into different categories arrived. And the time that men, both little known and well-known, who have spoken Your word faithfully under the imputed anointing, and those with the imparted anointing and those members of Jacob, natural Israel" -- that's the whole living soul in this hour -- "which turn away from their sins. They shall receive the reward of My Spirit and My word. And the time that you should restore the corrupt mind of morals of the fallen level- -- of the fallen living soul back to the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ has arrived."


Glory to God. Verse 19, "And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in His temple the ark of the covenant: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thundering, and an earthquake, and great hail. Glory to God.


Just reminding you that we are the temple of the Holy Ghost. I Corinthians 3:16, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" Brethren, the opening of the temple is in the souls of men. The temple is us, and the fact that it's open -- do you remember our teachings about the opening of the living soul meaning the accessing of the living soul? To open the living soul, which is the job of the Lord Jesus Christ, means to make her responsive to Him, to engage in intercourse with Him and to have her human spirit fertilized.


I watched an old movie the other night, brethren, and there were two men having a racy conversation about women. And this was the exact expression that they used. I could tell you how to open up that woman to you. It means to get a woman to go to bed with you. That's what it means. The Lord Jesus Christ is opening the living soul. He's making her responsive to Him, and He's going to make love to her. And He's going to fertilized our human spirit and bring forth His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, in each member of the living soul, His offspring, His seed, the next generation. And Jesus shall live in the next generation in you and in me. Glory to God.


So the temple of God was opened. It was accessed in heaven. Where? In the realm of the spirit. It wasn't accessed in your eyeball. Jesus Christ is not making contact with you in your nose or your mouth. He's accessing you in the realm of your spirit, in your human spirit.


"And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple" -- in the temple of the Lord Jesus Christ -- "the ark of the testament." The living soul was accessed. She produced Christ, and after she produced Christ, there was seen, in his temple which is the many-membered body of Christ, which is human beings, the ark of the testament.


Glory to God. Now, before I go on, I wa- -- I have a comment for you on the word opened. It's Strong's 455, and the word is anoigo. I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right or not, anoigo or anoigo. And it's -- it means simply to open up, but that -- they got that word by putting two Greek words together. And those two Greek words is the word oigo, O-I-G-O, oigo or oigo. That merely means to open. They took a word that means to open, and they attached it to another Greek word that is Strong's 303, A-N-A, and it means a piece, to be opened a piece at a time. They took the word, to open, the Greek word that means to open, oigo, and they attached it to the Greek word ana, and they got the word anoigo, and it means to open a piece at a time, to open a member of the body a time, to cause the fertilized of the human spirit of the living soul a member at a time. The temple of God in heaven is being opened a member at a time.


There's not going to be one big rapture and everybody's going up together. Brethren, you all didn't receive the promise at the same time. You all didn't receive the Holy Spirit at the same time, and Christ is not being formed in all of you at the same time. And I declare to you, as each individual member of the living soul, or as Christ appears in each member of the living soul, that living sou- -- that member of the living soul shall be a stone that is added to the temple of the Lord Jesus Christ in the heavenlies. And He's building that temple a stone at a time. We are the stones in the temple of Almighty God. One at a time, brethren. One at a time. My personal opinion is it's going to take thousands of years from now. I could be wrong. That's my personal opinion Glory to God. It could go very fast once the sons of God appears. I could be wrong.


Hallelujah. OK, so the temple's being opened one stone at a time. One member, one human being at a time is being opened up and being accessed. Christ is being formed in him, and he is becoming -- he's being put into his position as a rock or a stone in the temple of Almighty God.


OK, "And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in His temple the ark of His covenant." That word seen implies spiritual sight. And now the ark of the covenant. Is that what that said here? "And there was seen the ark of the testament."


OK, now I know the ark of the testament is the Lord Jesus Christ, but I wanted to give you some Scriptures on it. And this is what I found. In the Book of Hebrews 9:3-4, and verses 11-12, the phrase, "The ark of the testament," is used. The ark of the testament, and that word testament is the same -- I'm sorry. The words the ark of the covenant is used, and that word covenant is the same Greek word that's translated testament in verse 19 of chapter 11. So when we talk about the ark of the covenant or the ark of the testament, we're talking about the same thing.


And, now, I hope to convince you that this is Jesus Christ. It's not that clear. You're going to have to pray about it. OK, chapter 9 of the Book of Hebrews, verses 3 and 4. Now, this -- these verses are describing the ark of the covenant as it appeared for natural Israel. "And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all; which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold." So the ark of the covenant is something that was in the tabernacle that was in the wilderness. I hope I established that to you.


"And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all; which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold." So the ark of the covenant was in the tabernacle which typifies the temple of God that is being built in the heavenlies.


Verse 11, and I hope to show you here that Christ -- that the ark of the covenant typified Christ. Verse 11, "But Christ being come a high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle." Jesus Christ is the high priest of the tabernacle, or the temple of God in the heavenlies, the temple not made with hands. That is to say not of this building but of the bodies and souls of men. "Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us."


The Lord Jesus Christ entered in once into the holy place in our human spirits. He appeared in the tabernacle in the heavenlies which is made up of men's souls and men's bodies. And he is the ark of the covenant that is now resting in the most holy place of our minds, which is the temple of Almighty God. We're livi- -- your soul is living in a body, brethren, but the temple of God is in our minds.

OK, we look at men, and we see human bodies. And I know it's preached that we are the temple of God, but it's really not our bodies.  The temple is in the heavenlies. It's spiritual, and it's made up of our souls, in which Christ is dwelling. And Jesus Christ has entered into -- if you are a member of the living soul that is being opened in heaven, what has happened is that Jesus Christ has entered into your soul, has reproduced his image in your human spirit and is therefore giving you all of these blessings which are eternal redemption. Does anybody not understand that? I know it's not that clear. It's not cut and dry. Does anybody not understand that? OK. Jesus Christ is the ark of the covenant.


Glory to God. Jesus entered into the temple made up of the members of the body of Christ, in their minds, and Jesus appeared in that many-membered company.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Revelation 11:19, "And one at a time, the many-membered body of Christ performed the function they were created for, even to reproduce the image of Jesus Christ. And He appeared in His many-membered body." Hallelujah. And the tabernacle was o- -- "the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in His temple the ark of the covenant." And one at a time, the many-membered body of Christ performed the function they were created for. They produced the image of Christ in their human spirits. And He, Jesus Christ, appeared in His many-membered body. The opening of the temple in the heaven, Lord, is the -- of the Lord, is the appearance of Jesus Christ in the minds of the members of the body of Christ.


And when that happened, "There were lightnings, and voices, and thundering, and an earthquake, and great hail." Now, we did a study on lightnings and thunders. If you want to review it, it's in message 40, part 1. I'll just tell you briefly that lightning is the flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity from one cloud to another or from a cloud to the Earth. And I'm suggesting to you that the spiritual application of this is a lightning in the Scripture typifies a spiritual communication between the spirit of Jesus Christ, which is the unconscious mind of the sons of God, and the souls, or the conscious minds of the sons of God. And it could also mean communication between the souls or the conscious minds of the sons of God and the souls of Adamic men.


And we studied this a li- -- I don't have the message number here for you, but we talked about this more when we studied the seven thunders. You should have that in your encyclopedic index, if you want to look up the message number. If not, let me know. I'll get it for you. When we studied the seven thunders, we found out that what that typified was the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit form, who is the unconscious mind of the members of the body of Christ, that the Lord Jesus Christ manifested in their unconscious mind and communicated with the conscious minds of the sons of God. And the Scripture calls it lightning. And then when the sons of God understood the word of the Lord in their conscious mind, they communicated with the minds of carnal men. So we have lightening in two instances, going from Christ to the sons of God and going from the sons of God to the Adamic man. And this spiritual communication is typified by lightnings in the Scripture.


"And there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings." And the word voices, we've had that many times. It typifies communications. It doesn't necessarily mean language. It can mean language, but it does mean a communication that is expressed in an articulate sound. It can also mean, if a cow moos, it's a voice, according to this definition. It's an articulate sound. It can be language. It cannot be language.


Glory to God. And I'm suggesting to you that the voices typifies the fact that the communication has touched the ears of somebody. Now, it can be within your own mind. You can hear the Lord. You can hear Him speaking to you, OK, or it can be voiced, verbally, by the Son of God.


And the thunderings are Strong's 1027, and we talk about that -- this on the same message also. It also means to roar, and it's referring to a sound made in the realm of the spirit. When spiritual entities interact to one -- with one another. I'm not going to take any more time with it. It's on message 40, part 1.


But this is what we've God. "And there were spiritual communications between the Lord Jesus Christ and the minds of His many-membered body. And the sons of God heard the word of the Lord, and the word of the Spirit was communicated to the souls or minds of men."


So the temple was opened in heaven. Christ appeared in the minds of His many-membered body. And the next things that happened was He spoke in the un- -- as the unconscious minds of His sons, He spoke to His sons. They heard Him, and they did what He told them. It's not enough to hear the Lord. You have to do what He tells you because in the condition that we're in now, even if we hear His voice, the satanic mind is still operating and can convince us not to do it, that it wasn't God or that we shouldn't do it or for whatever lie comes into our mind.


But when the temple was opened in heaven, Jesus Christ appeared as the unconscious mind of His sons. He spoke unto their conscious minds. They heard Him, and they did what He said. And what He told them to do was to relay His message to carnal minded men who could not hear from God. That's what He told them to do. Hallelujah.


Now, it's lightnings, voices and thunderings. Lightnings referring to Jesus' communication with the sons. Voices referring to the sons hearing of that communication by the sons of God. And thunderings referring to the sons of God transmitting that communication to the souls of men. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus. And we're told -- we found out that the seven thunders was the communication of the sons of God to men. Glory to God.


And the last phrase is, "And there also was an earthquake and great hail." Now, an earthquake typifies the piercing through from one realm to another. If you want to study that more deeply, it's on message 42, parts 1 and 2. I talk a lot about an earthquake, and in my opinion, every time the Scripture talks about an earthquake, what has happened is that a sp- -- a form of spiritual life has pierced through from one realm of the spirit to another. It could be from the Spirit of God to the realm of the soul or from the realm of the soul into the Spirit of God. And the fact that the Scripture describes an earthquake, to me, that is the sign that this appearing is taking place in the realm of appearance. OK, if the Scripture would not have said an earthquake, I would have said, well, this is happening in the realm of the soul. It was happening in the realm of the soul. But the fact that the Scripture names an earthquake, to me, it says that the sons of God have fully manifested in the realm of appearance.


And the last phrase is, "and great hail." Now, hail can appear both in the realm of appearance and in the realm of the soul. OK, but I'm choosing to preach that, at this point, the sons of God are manifesting in the realm of appearance because there was an earthquake. There was a piercing through from one spiritual realm, or the spiritual realm of the soul unto the spirit -- unto the realm of appearance. Glory to God.


OK, now the word hail, if you want to review the study on hail, it's on message 45, part 2. And the great, "and great hail," it merely means mighty hail. And I remind you that the hail typifies the sons of God, and we established that in message 45, part 2. Hallelujah.


And I do want to go over this, just very briefly. And I will put this on the board for you. Hail typifies the sons of God. And hail -- we were taught in our study on hail, which I didn't even know before we did this, hail is made up of an ice ball, a little ball of ice, that has snow warped around it. It has snow impacted upon it. And I remind you that snow in itself has no from or shape. It takes the form of whatever it lands on. Snow is many crystals, OK, microscopic crystals. I don't know if they're microscopic, but they're very small. And it takes an accumulation of snow to be seen, and it takes the form of whatever it falls on. If it falls on your car, it takes the form of your car. If it falls on your lawn, it takes the form of your lawn. If you have a rooster that shows the direction of the wind and the snow falls on it, the snow takes the form of the rooster. So the snow is taking the form of the ice. Does anybody -- is anybody not with me? Hail is made up of ice and snow, two parts, and the snow is taking the form of the ice. The ice is the hard part. Anybody not with me?


OK, what I'm suggesting to you is that ice is frozen water, and water typifies spirit in the realm of the soul. Spirit in the realm of the spirit is vapor or gas. OK, spirit in the realm of the soul is water, and spirit in the realm of appearance is ice. Ice is frozen water. Ice is spirit in the realm of the soul that has pierced through into the realm of appearance. It is white. It is not [?ready?ruddy?]. it does not have the colorings of Adam on it. And the only spirit that I know that does not have the coloring of Adam that is white, well, we were taught grayish, is the spirit of Satan.


And I suggest to you that the ice part of the hail is the spirit of Satan that existed in the realm of the soul. That's where Satan exists. He is the prince of the power of the air of the soul realm. He's not the prince of the realm of God's spirit. OK, that Satan is the spiritual life in the realm of the soul, and he has passed through into the realm of appearance. He has been lowered into the realm of appearance, and he has become hard, and he has taken from. And the Scripture says, in the form of a ball because he's ice. Well, ice is little -- they're not perfectly round like that. This is just for example.


So that's Satan, and the snow is wrapped around him. Now, what is snow? Snow is frozen vapor. Now, that was the definition. Now, I've always thought snow was frozen water. But I got this definition right out of Webster's, and it says that snow -- if I can just find my place. Snow is frozen vapor. It's not frozen water. Vapor is like steam. Snow is frozen vapor. It is the frozen Spirit of God. It is the Spirit of God descending into the realm of appearance. We have frozen water, the spirit of Satan in the realm of appearance. Frozen vapor, the Spirit of God in the realm of appearance. And when the Spirit of God appears in the realm of appearance, He has no form or shape. He takes the form of whatever He lands on. Snow has no form or shape. So we have hail. We have hail, which are the sons of God, and they're made up of Satan, giving the form and shape to the substance, in the realm of appearance, of Almighty God. Does anybody not see that?


The whole purpose of this creation is that God wants to appear in the realm of appearance, and Satan -- the function of Satan, we've been preaching for months here, and we've been finding it in many Scriptures, the function of Satan is that he forms the Spirit of God. God has no form or shape. And we're told that God is going to wrap darkness around Him so that He could be seen. Well, this is just -- this is the vision of God's creation from another point of view. Sometimes He shows it to us from the inside out and sometimes from the outside in. Even though the Spirit of God is on the outside of Satan, He's still being formed by Satan within. He's being formed into a hailstone.


OK, when we look at it from the other point of view, we say, I see the body of the man. And Christ is being formed in the body of this man because the spirit of Christ which has no form or shape is inside this man. So this man's body has given form to the Spirit of God. We also say that the spir- -- we also say that the Spirit of God is dwelling in the soul of a man in the form of personality and that that personality is giving form to the Spirit of God. The righteousness of God is appearing in the compassion of that man, which is personality.


So this is just another way of saying that when the sons of God manifest in the realm of appearance, the Spirit of God, as it appears, is going to take the form of snow. That's what the Scripture tells us. Has no form or shape, because it's spirit, and it's going to be wrapped round Satan who also has descended into the realm of appearance, has become ice. And together, they're going to appear as what? The sons of God in the realm of appearance. The Spirit of God in the realm of appearance, taking its form from the satanic spirit of the living soul, one more proof that the function of Satan is to give form to the creation.


Does anybody not understand that? I'm meeting -- I feel some opposition in my heart. Anybody having a problem with that at all? Maybe it's just my own satanic realm rising up against me. Satan has a function -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] to explain that to him. And he didn't even want to listen. He said, there's no darkness in Christ. There's no turning of darkness in Him. You know, he didn't even want to hear what I wanted to say. I tried to tell him that God is wrapping Himself in darkness because if you -- all you have is bright light, you can't see it. If all you have is bright, you can't see it. But if you put a flame around it, if you take a flame made out of darkness, and this is all bright light, and there's bright light inside the flame and bright light outside the flame, you could see this is bright, white light, ad you could see this is bright, white light, but you've put a frame up, and you've formed it.


And we know that the creation is going to be a square. God is forming this creation based on mathematical principles, and we are taking the form of a square in our spiritual being. And God is using darkness to frame Himself out. It's so simple. We have all these reprobate minds running around the church world going crazy, not even listening to what you're saying, just getting hysterical. God, help us.


Brethren, we are going to be dealing with all of these children. That's what they are. They're spiritual children. God, help us. I keep thinking of movies that I've seen where kids take their babysitter and tie them up to a chair and put on an Indian headdress and run around them, you know, trying to burn them at the stake. You know, that's what the church world is trying to do to us. They're trying to burn us at the stake. Well, Jesus Christ --


[AUDIO CUTS OUT] OK [INAUDIBLE] 19, "And the sons of God -- and [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] mighty spiritual beings wi- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] of their submission, even Satan, and Satan was the spiritual skeleton around which the Spirit of God was formed. And the Spirit of God appeared in the realm of appearance."


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 11:19, "And one at a time, the many-membered body of Christ performed the function they were created for, even to reproduce the image of Jesus Christ. And He appeared in His many-membered body, and there was spiritual communications between the Lord Jesus Christ and the minds of His many-membered body. And the sons of God heard the word of the Lord, and the word of the Spirit was communicated to the souls or minds of men. And the sons of God pierced through into the realm of appearance, and they appeared as mighty spiritual beings which had brought the criminal spirit of their Adamic minds into submission, even Satan, and Satan was the spiritual skeleton around which the Spirit of God was formed. And the Spirit of God appeared in the realm of appearance." Hallelujah.


Recap, Revelation 11:17-19, "Saying, we are grateful for receiving life, O Lord God Almighty, who lives now as the Holy Spirit, who lived as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and who shall live as Christ Jesus; because you have laid hold of your miracle working power and have established a new base of power in the Earth, even the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the heathen were enraged that Jesus Christ had established a new base of spiritual power in the Earth. And their violent passions vibrated forth from their minds to make war against the Christ. And the time set to discern the difference between Adam and Christ and to separate them into different categories arrived. And the time that men, both little known and well-known, who have spoken Your word faithfully under the imputed anointing and those with the imparted anointing and those members of Jacob which turn away from their sins shall receive the word of My Spirit and My word. And the time that you should restore the corrupt mind and morals of the fallen living soul back to the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, that's also arrived."


"And one at a time, the many-membered body of Christ performed the function they were created for, even to reproduce the image of Jesus Christ. And He appeared in His many-membered body, and there was spiritual communications between the Lord Jesus Christ and the minds of His many-membered body. And the sons of God heard the word of the Lord, and the word of the Spirit was communicated to the souls or minds of men. And the sons of God pierced through into the realm of appearance, and they appeared as mighty spiritual beings which had brought the criminal spirit of their Adamic minds into submission, even Satan, and Satan was the spiritual skeleton around which the Spirit of God was formed. And the Spirit of God appeared in the realm of appearance." Hallelujah.


4/23/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/01/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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