055 - Part 2
(Revelation 11)

Part 2 of 3 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.




Yea, sayeth the Lord. Seek Me early and seek Me late, for, indeed, I listen for your prayers, sayeth God. Yea, indeed, it is not Me that has turned my back on you, sayeth the Lord, but your own hard heart that has closed the door between us, sayeth Lord. Yea, indeed, your sin has separated you from Me, sayeth God.




Yea, sayeth the Lord, I am a miracle working God. Indeed, I am a God of miracles. I am a God that imparts life, sayeth the Lord. But also, I am a God that is righteous, and I am a God that executes judgment upon sin, sayeth the Lord. Yea, for many a season My name has been blasphemed amongst My own ministers, sayeth the Lord. Yea, they have preached a picture of Me that is not true, sayeth God. Indeed, they have drawn an illusion of Me and the people of the church world, yea, even My own holy people, sayeth God. They have believed the lie.


But in this hour, sayeth the Lord, on the eve of My appearing, sayeth God, I shall preach the truth of My person, sayeth the Lord. I shall preach the truth of My word. Yea, indeed, I am a holy God, sayeth the Lord, and righteousness shall come forth from the earth of My soul and from the earth of the souls of my people, sayeth the Lord. Yea, the hour in which I winked at sin has long drawn past, sayeth the Lord. I shall wink no longer, for, indeed, already in this hour, judgment is falling, sayeth God.


But my people, they perish for lack of knowledge, sayeth the Lord, for, indeed, they cannot even discern that judgment is falling. Yea, they blame Satan, sayeth God. Yea, even the work of My hands, sayeth God, they give him power equal to Mine. They will not repent, sayeth the Lord. They will not look upon their own hearts, and they will not look upon their own motives. They will not repent, sayeth God. They say Satan has power more than Me.


But in this hour, sayeth the Lord, I shall destroy their illusions, and I shall tear down their lies. And I shall reveal to them, if not one way then another way, sayeth God, indeed, the nature and the origin of Satan, sayeth God, yea, even the natural man that is the work of my hands. I shall expose him, sayeth God, and I shall expose the evil hearts of my creation, sayeth the Lord. And I shall expose it with a might exposure, sayeth the Lord.


But I shall lasso accompany this exposure, sayeth God, with the truth of My word, that you are an incomplete creation, that you are sin because you can be nothing else, sayeth the Lord. And the hour of our joining is at hand. Yea, indeed, the hour of the joining of righteousness unto you is at hand, sayeth the Lord, for I am your righteousness. Yea, I am your righteousness. Outside of Me, there is no righteousness, sayeth God. I will no longer tolerate the worship of Satan in my church. I will no longer tolerate the lie about who he is and from whence he comes. Yea, sayeth the Lord, indeed, the hour of reckoning is at hand, even the hour of the judgment of the church, sayeth the Lord.


I shall appear, sayeth God, as lightning appears from the East to the West, and every eye shall see Me, sayeth God. And it shall no longer be possible to perpetuate this lie about Me and about the other elements of My creation, for I shall, indeed, appear in might power with miracle working signs and wonders, sayeth God, in my sons, sayeth the Lord. And they shall execute judgment, sayeth God. And every eye shall see, and there shall be a great quaking and a great fear, sayeth the Lord. And, indeed, for a season, that is what shall prevail.


But judgment shall yield the peaceable fruit of righteousness, sayeth the Lord. And in due season, as they mature, even My little ones, sayeth God, they shall see the wisdom of My chastening, and I shall appear in them also, sayeth God. But be not deceived, there shall be a decei- -- a season of great judgment upon this Earth, much wailing and moaning and great torment to the bodies and souls of men, sayeth God. And many shall not survive in this lifetime, sayeth God. Yea, indeed, they shall be saved, for I have ordained t hat all men shall be saved, sayeth the Lord, yea, even that which is in them, which is of My Spirit, shall be saved, even their spirits, sayeth God. Yea, I have promised this in My word, but I have never promised that sin shall be saved, sayeth God. And there shall be many that shall fall in this generation, and their personality and their body shall never rise again, sayeth the Lord.


And, indeed, this revelation shall be imparted to My church and to the world. And the fairytales that pepper the church, they shall be torn down, sayeth God, for My truth shall rise again. And my righteousness shall appear in the streets of the souls' of men. Fear not, sayeth the Lord, for, indeed, my judgments are merciful. And to you, whom I have called to the first fruits company, to you whom I have given understanding, yield your members unto Me, sayeth God, for, indeed, the hour is at hand. Yield your members to Me, sayeth God, so that at the hour of My appearing, you shall not be ashamed, and it should not be said of you that you were approached by Almighty God with the truth and with the opportunity to be among this first fruits company, and that when He appears, He has not appeared in you. Yield your members to Me, sayeth the Lord. Repent, humble yourself before Me, for, indeed, the hour is at hand.


Bless Jesus, wonderful Jesus. Blessed is Jesus in my soul. For I have touched the hem of His garment, and His blood has made me whole. Blessed is Jesus, wonderful Jesus. Blessed is Jesus in my soul. For I have touched hem of his garment, and His blood has made me whole. Oh, it is Jesus, wonderful Jesus. Yes, it is Jesus in my soul. For I have touched the hem of His garment, and His blood has made me whole. Thank you, Jesus, Lord, Jesus [INAUDIBLE]


Glory to God. Thank you, Lord, for the grace you pour down upon this ministry. [INAUDIBLE]


Glory to God. I'm going to read you the recap from Revelation 11:15. And then we're going to briefly go over what I preached on last Sunday. I have a little more information for you, and we're going to take it a little deeper. The Lord told me that He really wants to emphasize this, and we -- I also have verse 16 for you.


OK, recap, Revelation 11:15, "And the members of the first fruits company, which was standing up in spiritual strength, were completing their ministry of judgment to the living soul and fulfilling their warfare against it, setting the spiritual men dwelling in the same vessel with the living soul free and redeeming and restoring him to the spiritual realm of God. And the authoritative voices of the first fruits company, which were woven together with God in their minds, were in the spiritual realm of God saying, the members of the world system became" -- past tense -- "the property of our Lord, even the Father and of His Christ. And the Father shall " -- future -- "rule and reign in His Christ for the life of the ages."


I would someone to -- someone or all of you, to pray for this message. It's going to be very heavy, and I believe the Lord asked for prayer. Would you shut the message off for just a minute?


Glory to God. OK, so what do we have here now in Revelation 11:15? The sons of God are appearing in the realm of appearance, and the judgment of the balance of the living soul is beginning. All of the events described in chapter 6 through chapter 11, verse 14 have been sketched in the spiritual realm of the soul. And that has happened as a result of the gospel of the kingdom being preached. And if you want to check that out, that appears in Revelation 5:2. The gospel of the kingdom is being preached, and the result of it is that the sons of God are appearing in the realm of appearance.


This ministry that we have been studying for these last few weeks has been to those members of the living soul called to the Son company. And I remind you that the Son company has members in the church and has members that are not in the church. There's going to be a lot of very surprised church people when that first fruits company stands up. There are going to be a lot of people in the church that are not included that they thought would be included, and there's going to be a lot of people that have had nothing to do with the church of all -- at all that may even have been involved in great sin in their life that Christ is going to appear in. There's going to be a lot of surprised people.


And I remind you, all of you anti-Christ spirits and all of that pride in the church world, I just heard you, in the realm of the spirit, rebuke me. And I say unto you, the choosing of the members of the Son company is the work of Almighty God. You will not choose the vessels in whom the Lord Jesus Christ will appear. You will submit to the choice of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will come into submission to Him, and you will bend your knee, and you will worship Him. All you spirits that have been running the church world for all of these years, we rebuke you and your pride in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


For, indeed, the hour of your demise is at hand, sayeth the Lord. I have watched, and I have waited in the night seasons, sayeth the Lord. For many a day and many a night I have wept bitter tears, sayeth the Lord, as thou has lifted thyself up in pride and called it the anointing of My spirit. Yea, sayeth the Lord, I shall tear you down, and I shall bring you down to the dust, sayeth the Lord. And I shall make it available. I shall make the knowledge available to the whole world that thou art [?fords?].


Glory to God. OK, starting with Revelation, 11:15-19, we see the ministry of the sons of God appearing in the realm of appearance. And in Revelation 12 and 13, chapters 12 and 13, we see the spiritual condition of the living soul at the time -- at this particular time, and how the ministry of the sons of God is both interacting with and affecting the living soul. Chapter 14 describes the glorified Christ in a many membered body and sketches his ministry to the living soul in the spiritual realm of the soul. And that ministry will bring forth Christ in them.


Chapter 15 to the end of the book describes the spiritual ministry of the sons of God to the living soul in the realm of the soul. And this ministry re- -- will result in the reconciliation of the living soul to God. Chapters 12 and 13 describe the spiritual condition of the living soul at this time and describes how the ministry of the sons of God is both interacting with and affecting the living soul.


The only Scripture that I could find -- well, I found two Scriptures that describe what is happening in the realm of appearance. It's Revelation 11:15, which refers to kingdoms, and we talked about this Sunday. Kingdoms refer to human bodies. To be qualified as a kingdom, you have to have land and a king and subjects. And a kingdom describes the land in which either the Lord Jesus Christ or Satan is ruling, the land of your soul and your body. In Revelation 11:18 -- Revelation 18 speaks about the judgment of the dead, and we know that the judgment of the dead will result in Adam's resurrection and the appearance of the creation of God.


What happens in the realm of the spirit is really what's important because when that is accomplished, the realm of appearance will automatically reflect what has happened in the realm of the spirit. The realm of appearance is just -- it's just an automatic follow-through of what's taking place in the realm of the soul. So most of what we see in this Book of Revelation -- of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is what's happening in the realm of the soul. But the Lord has made it clear that the sons of God do appear in the realm of appearance, as I just previously stated.


OK, verse 16, "And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God."


Now, I want to briefly go over what we did on Wednesday. And I remind you that what's happening here was prophesied in Revelation 4:9-11. And what it said, basically, was that when the living creatures expressed the value and worth of the creation through their minds and when they shall submit them in every thought, word and deed to Almighty God, what was supposed to happen was that the Christ which was birthed in their human spirit shall be caught up to full stature. And we see that happening in the spiritual realm of the soul in Revelation 5:8. And the second thing that was to happen was that the sons of God shall have continual communion with Him who his living throughout all ages. And that's the worship, and we see that sketched out in the realm of the soul in Revelation 5:14. And the third thing is that they should lay hold of and shall cast force their spiritual life into the soul life of Christ. That's the exchange of souls, and we see that sketched out in the realm of the soul in Revelation 19:12.


Now, I just want to look at this from a little different point of view. In Revelation 4:10, which is where the prophecy takes place, we're told that when the living soul shall submit in every thought, word and deed to the spirit of Jesus Christ, the four and twenty elders, which is really the 42nd generation or the offspring of Jesus Christ -- OK, we said that the 24 elders, are -- that 12 is the number of God's government, and two -- and it's also the number of the tribes of Israel and that there were two witnesses from each tribe of Israel. So what we're saying here is that the -- that this is the offspring of Jesus Christ. This is the offspring of Jesus Christ. It is Christ that is being birthed in your heart and being birthed in my heart. It's Jesus Christ in the next generation.


So what are we saying here? We're saying, when the living soul shall submit in every thought, word and deed to the spiritual of Jesus Christ, which is in our mind, the four and twenty elders, of the 42nd generation or the offspring of Jesus Christ, shall fall down before Him that sat on the throne. Now, I point this out to you. They're going to fall down, which means, we found last week, they're going to stand up in full stature. But they're going to stand up in front of Him that sat on the thorn, which is the Father. And they will worship Him that liveth for ever and ever. That's -- for the life of the ages, and that is Christ. They're going to appear in front of the Father and worship Christ.


Now, I remind you that the whole purpose of this creation is that the Father, who is invisible, wants to appear. And I remind you that this expression, to appear before or in front of the throne, the throne being the soul -- OK, just to appear in front of or before, it simply means that the soul is going to cover over the Spirit of God. If I am an invisible Spirit of God an you can't see me and I want you to say me and let's say I could throw this message on me, this tape is mass, it has substance, and I put it in front of my invisible self and wrap it around me, I will appear. Do you remember the teachings on the invisible man? You couldn't see him. And we wrapped -- or in the movie, they wrapped bandages around his head, and you could see the form of the invisible man. So this expression that says they will appear in front of the Father, what it means is they are going to be wrapped around the Father so the form of the Father can be seen. That's what the expression means.


So when the living soul shall submit in every thought, word and deed to the spirit of Jesus Christ, the four and twenty elders, or the 42nd generation, shall fall down before Him who sat on the throne. That's the Father. He's sitting on the throne of Jesus Christ. And those four and twenty elders, the 42nd generation, they're going to wrap around the Father so He can be seen, and they're going to worship Him that lives for the life of the ages, which is Christ. They're going to wrap around the Father so that He can be seen, and they're going to submit themselves to the unconscious mind, which is Jesus Christ. That is when the 42nd generation shall appear in front of or surround the Father and submit to Christ as their unconscious mind.


Or another way to say it is, when the living soul shall submit in every word, thought and deed to the spirit of Jesus Christ, the 42nd generation shall stand up in full stature and shall surrou- -- now, that's us. We're the 42nd generation. OK, we're going to stand up in full stature and shall surround the Father, giving Him form, and shall be in total submission to our unconscious mind, which is the spirit of Jesus Christ.


So what does that mean? It means that we, the offspring of Jesus Christ, are dealing with our own unconscious mind, beating it into submission, beating it into submission, beating it into submission. Well, when we bring it into submission, the day that we bring it into submission -- and, of course, we know, there's another condition. We have to recognize the value and work of the creation, but I'm not dealing with that now. The day that we can't be raped --


And I told you that I was spiritually raped on Sunday. A missile came against my mind, and it stimulated ungodliness in my unconscious mind. And before I could say, Jesus, help me not to sin, that sin passed through into my conscious mind, and I was guilty. I had to repent and ask the Lord to cleans me.


OK, but the day comes -- when the day comes that that can't happen, when the day comes that Christ in us has matured to the point that we could catch every wickedness coming forth from our unconscious mind, in that day, Christ is going to appear in us in full stature. OK, and when he stands up in us in full stature, our spiritual condition will be that we will be wra- -- we will be giving form to the Father, OK, and we shall submit every thought, word, and deed to Christ in our mind.


And what is the form of the Father? The form of the Father is Christ. The form of the Father is Christ, so this is all going to happen at once. We're going to bring our souls and our unconscious minds into submission. We're going to stand up in full stature, at which point the Father will have taken form because we are submitting to Jesus Christ as our unconscious mind.


Hallelujah. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus. OK, now in Revelation 5:8, the prophecy is scre- -- sketched in the satanic realm of the soul. And this says not just the -- now, what I just read to you was that the 24 elders were going to fall down. Revelation 5:8 says, both the 24 elders and the four beasts fell down before the Lamb. Now, I want to remind you that the Lamb is the Father and Jesus Christ. The Lamb is the Father and Jesus Christ. Why? Because the Father is everywhere that Jesus Christ is. Jesus is the Lamb, and the Father is with him, so They appeared in front of or surrounded the female Adam and the Spirit of Jesus Christ.


Now, in the -- in Revelation 4:10, it says that they fell down in front of Him who sits on the throne. It says they fell down in front of Him who sits on the throne. In Revelation 5:8, it says they fell down in -- before the Lamb. OK, now, look, I'm going to try and impart this to you. If it's to confusing, don't panic. It's very confusing.


I'm going to tell you -- let me tell you my point before I go on. Maybe it'll help you. This is what God's creation is going to look like. We have the Father. He's sitting on a throne. What's the name of the throne? What's the Father's throne? Jesus Christ. No, not Christ but Jesus Christ. OK, Jesus Christ is sitting on the throne. Does anyone know who's the throne of Jesus Christ? Us, yes, us.




Our soul, our human souls, your human soul and my human soul. Now, note the overlap over here. Please, note the overlap. The Father sitting on Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is sitting on the living soul. Now, there's only two thrones. This is the first throne. I'm sorry, I did that wrong. There's only two thrones. It -- you see, there's three parts to the diagram, but there's only two thrones. And Jesus Christ is the first throne, and the living soul is the second throne. The Father sitting on Jesus, and Jesus is sitting on us. You see three parts to this diagram, but there's only the Father and the Son. There's no trinity. There's only the Father and Son because Jesus Christ, who is in the middle, the way the Lord has set it up, is when God talks about Him, He's either one with the Father or He's one with the living soul. When Jesus Christ is one with the Father, Jesus is called what?




What? He's the Father. When Jesus Christ is with his Father, Jesus Christ is the Father. When Jesus Christ is manifesting in his sons, what is He? He's the Son. He's Christ. He's Christ or He's the Son. Jesus Christ is the mediator, the only connection between God and man, but there's not three parts in this. Depending on what God is doing at that moment, Jesus Christ is either the Father or the Son or the [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. I shouldn't even say the Son because that'll confuse you. It's true, but I'm trying to establish with you that we have now become the son. You and I have become the son, and Jesus Christ has become the Father.


So when we call on the name of the Father, you and me, this 42nd generation -- when we call on the name of the Father, who is our Father? Is it some abstract spirit flying around in the heavenlies? Who is our Father? Jesus is the Father in our mind, in our unconscious mind. Jesus is in the role of the Father when we call on the Father. When the Father wants to communicate with the Son, Jesus becomes one with us. Did I confuse you? Do you have any understanding at all?


There's only two parts. The trinity is an error. There's only the Father and the Son. Jesus, as they say in the world, forgive me Father, goes both ways. Jesus goes both ways. Either He's the Father, when He's ministering to us. When He's our unconscious mind, He's the Father. OK, and when the Father wants to appear in the realm of appearance, Jesus becomes the Son. He's one with the living soul because the Father cannot go directly to the living soul. He'll kill us. So Jesus goes both ways, OK.


So, I remind you, in chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation, it says the 24 elders fell down before He who sits on the throne. They fell down before the Father. In Revelation chapter 5, it says they fell down before the Lamb. They fell down before Jesus, but Jesus is one with us. What I'm trying to tell you is that the Father and the Lamb are one. Actually, all three are one. It's like the Lord saying to you, you are one person, but you are many. You have two lungs. You have a heart. You have a spleen. You have a liver, OK, but you're really one person. God is breaking it down so that we could understand. There's only the Father and the Son. Jesus goes one way or the other.


And by saying in chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation they fell before the throne and then saying in chapter 5 that they fell down before the Lamb, what the Lord is saying is, they're the same, they're the same, they're on in the same. Jesus is the Lamb that was slain before the foundations of the Earth. And we're told in chapter 4 that the 42nd generation fell down before the Father, and in chapter 5 we're told they fell down before the Lamb. The Father and the Lamb are one. The Father and Jesus Christ are one.


So when we worship the Father, we are worshiping Jesus Christ. Why? Because He's no longer in His flesh. He's become spirit. He's returned into the heavenlies, and He is one with the Father. The Father, the one who sits on the throne -- the Father and the Lamb are one. Jesus Christ and the Father are one, and They are sitting on the throne of the living soul, which is you and me, and we have now become the son, and Jesus is the Father.


Does anybody want to ask me a question about that right now? OK, it's very confusing. I was having a hard time when I was preparing it. Don't be upset if you don't understand it completely.


            One minute, I'm understanding it, and then one minute I'm thinking about you had said that the Lamb was the fallen Christ but then was raised back up. So it's raised back up to the Father, is that it?


Well, it's -- you see, everything's in transition right now. The Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the Earth was the spiritual Son of God. He was slain. But ever since Jesus Christ of Nazareth was crucified, resurrected and ascended -- and it's just a matter of time until every other member of the living soul follows suit from the mind of God, when the mind of God looks at it, from the day that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was cruci- -- was resurrected and ascended, as far as God is concerned, the Lamb has been resurrected. In God's mind, you and I and everybody in the world have been resurrected already because it's just like someone's drowning and you grab them by the hair and you pull their head out of the water. You know that if you keep on pulling, it's just another few seconds and their torso's coming out and their legs are coming out. And that's how God looks at the whole living soul. So in God's mind, the Lamb has been resurrected. Did I answer your question? OK, anybody else?


OK, so we're being told, in chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation, that the 24 elders, which is us, the living soul, the members of the living soul, was -- fell down before the Father in chapter 5. We're told that He fell down before the Lamb. And I'm suggesting to you that what the Scripture is showing is that the Lamb and the Father are one. OK. Glory to God. So the Lamb is the Father and the Spirit of Jesus Christ because if you have Christ, you have the Father. Jesus said, if you've seen me, you've seen the Father.


Glory to God. And when the Christ which is appearing in the living soul or the 42nd generation, when He stands up in full stature, the four beasts or the living soul stands up with Him. Now, I remind you also that in chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation where it said when the living soul gives honor -- let me give you the exact Scripture.


OK, Revelation 4:9. "And when those beasts give glory and honor and thanks to Him that sat on the throne" -- verse 10, "The four and twenty elders will fall down." And I'm suggesting to you that the giving of that glory and honor and thanks is the same thing as worship. So we're told in chapter 5, in verse 8, that both the four beasts and the 24 elders fell down. They both fell down. So what I'm suggesting to you is that when Christ in you stands up in full stature, He's taking your soul with him. The living soul typifies -- the four beasts typify your soul, and the 24 elders typify Christ in you. So when Christ stands up in full stature in you, He's raising up your human soul with Him. Your human soul is going with Him. OK, Glory to God. Hallelujah.


When the living soul and the 42nd generation shall appear together and surround the father and the spirit of Jesus Christ giving them form, the spiritual body of Christ shall appear.


And accor- -- this is the Alternate Translation of verse 8 of chapter 5. "And they're going to appear having a spiritual skeleton and a redeemed soul -- and a redeemed soul in which the Father, the spirit of Jesus Christ, and our own spirits, Christ Jesus, shall rest." So this is the balance of the creation. We're going to have the Father. We're going to have the Lamb. We're going to have Christ Jesus, which is what our own spirit, our own human spirit, shall -- is now Christ Jesus. There's three generations. The Father, OK, brought forth the Son, and the Son brought forth His seed, and They're all together, and They're all sitting on a redeemed soul.  The Father, Jesus Christ, the seed of Jesus Christ and the redeemed soul.


And this is what it's going to look like from another view. It's sort of messy over there. Let me show you like this. Hallelujah. OK, I'll show it to you in circles. This is our spiritual being from our innermost point out. We're going to be the Father in our center. Glory to God. Christ is going to be wrapped around the Father and is going -- well, that's Jesus Christ. That is going to be Christ Jesus, and These two are one. And we're going to have a spiritual skeleton. That sa- -- that's what it says in verse 8 of chapter 5.


This Father is in our heart, and these circles -- you see how my body wraps around my heart? My body is wrapped around my heart and around all my internal organs. Well, think of the Father as your heart, and wrapped around him is Jesus Christ, then is Christ Jesus, which is the appearance of Christ in you. Your personal manifestation of Jesus Christ in you is Christ Jesus, and the two are one. OK, I'm going to let it go. I don't know what the Lord told me to give it to you -- don't worry about it. It's very confusing. Just let it go into your spirit.


OK, and in Revelation 5:14, the four beasts said Amen, which means they came into full agreement with the Christ within them or came into the correct moral order. And the four and twenty elders, which is Christ in you and me, fell down. OK, that means they stood up in full stature. The soul realm is a part of the 24 elders but not seen.


OK, "And the four beasts said, Amen." They came into full agreement with the Christ within them. And then the Scripture says, "And the four and twenty elders fell down." Well, what happened to the four beasts? Verse 14, "And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down" -- or stood up in full stature -- "and worshipped Him." And I'm suggesting to you that when your being comes into the correct moral order and your soul comes into submission to Christ that has been birthed in you, the Lord Jesus Christ will no longer talk about your soul. Your soul will be such an integral part of the whole that the Lord is just calling them the four and twenty elders or Christ.


When the Scripture talks about Christ, it doesn't specifically say that Christ has a human soul and a spiritual skeleton and a body and all that. So verse 14 is saying that the -- that your soul has become one with the Christ that stood up in you. And when the Christ in you stands up, your soul will stand up with it, and you're going to worship Him that liveth for the life of the ages. That's Christ, but I thought I just told you that you were Christ. Yeah, it's going to worship the Father. Did I really destroy your minds today?


You could remember this [INAUDIBLE]. Christ, which was over here, stands up in full stature. Our human souls, which are down here. Are going to stand up with it. OK, full stature, full stature, and the Scripture says they're going to worship Christ. Jesus Christ goes both ways. He's one with the Christ that's being born in you, and when Christ is born in you, He's going to worship the spirit of Jesus Christ which is in your mind which is one with the Father. So Christ goes both ways. Christ is in you. Jesus Christ is one with the Son or the Christ that has been born in you. He's also one with the Father who is your unconscious mind. He goes both ways.


And when the creation comes into the correct moral order, the Christ that is born in you is going to raise your soul up to a position of full stature with it. It's going to be redeemed. It's going to be in the correct moral order, and it's going to turn around, and it's going to worship the spirit of Jesus Christ which will now be your unconscious mind which is one with the Father.


Glory to God. OK, let's just go on. OK, thank you, Jesus. In other words -- I'll just read you my note here. When the members of the 42nd generation bring their own soul into submission, each member of the 42nd generation, together with their soul, shall appear in front of the Father who is one with the spirit of Jesus Christ, and they shall have the spiritual skeleton and a redeemed soul in which the Father, the Spirit of Jesus Christ and their own spirit, Christ Jesus, rest.


OK, let's get back to verse 16. "And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God." See, here, we have the same verse this time appearing in the realm of appearance.


And I want to point out to you the play in the words. OK, in this Scripture, the four and twenty elders, they didn't just fall down. They say before God on their seats. They sat before God on their seats, and they didn't just fall down. They fell on their faces. And I'm suggesting to you that this play of words, when we study it, I hope to show you, is going to indicate that this -- everything we've just been talking about is now appearing in the realm of appearance.


The word seat is Strong's 2362, and it's the same word that's translated throne, so we're really saying, and the four and twenty elders which sat before God on their thrones. Now, the word sit, I remind you from previous teachings,  means to remain, to abide, to dwell, to reside with or to be married to. And the four and twenty elders, which is Christ in you, they were married to their thrones. They sat there before God.


And the word face -- I'm going to go over that again. The word face, I remind you, is the part that can be seen. Now, the Father is sitting upon the throne or soul of Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is sitting upon the throne or soul of you and me, the living soul. The spiritual sons of God, or Christ Jesus, that's us, are one in spirit with their Father. Jesus Christ has become the Father, and are sitting upon or dwelling in or married to the same soul that Jesus Christ is married to, the living soul.


Revelation 4 speaks about the throne of the Father and the throne of Jesus Christ. Verse 16 of Revelation 11, however, says that the thrones were before God. This phrase and the phrase, they fell on their faces, indicate their appearance in the realm of appearance.


OK, Revelation 4 speaks about the throne of the Father and the throne of Jesus Christ, but now, in verse 16 of Revelation 11, it says that the sons of God were not only sitting on their thrones but that those thrones were before God. And this is the phrase -- plus the phrase, "they fell on their faces," meaning they were caught up into full stature on their faces, indicate this appearance in the realm -- that this -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] that this creation has now appeared in the realm of appearance. I'm sorry if I couldn't explain it to you any better.


I'm just going to read you the Alternate Translation of Revelation 11:16, and then we're going to go on with a very interesting second witness to this. "And each Son of God was married to the human soul in the member of the living soul where he had been birthed. Christ that's appearing in you, He's going to marry your human soul. And they sur- -- and then all of Them together surrounded the Spirit of God and appeared in the realm of appearance in front of Him. And in the realm of the soul, they" -- the Scripture says they worshipped Him -- "they engaged in continual communion with Him."


Glory to God. Let me try and put this on the board for you. I'll try one more time. Glory to God. OK, what happened to Jesus Christ of Nazareth is going to be happened to you. Christ has been birthed in your human spirit, and when He stands up in full stature, He's going to marry your soul, thus elevating your soul. And we're going to have what looks like this. The Father is in the realm of the spirit, and we're going to have Michael over here. We're going to have Rita over here. We're going to have Lorraine [SP]. We're going to have Annette [SP] over here, Elsey [SP] over here and Sheila over here. And Christ has stood up in full stature in all of these members, and we're going to have many more members of people that aren't at this meeting. And all of these members are going to be around of that Father. The Father is going to be in the midst of every one of them, and this is the appearance of the creation of God.


The Father is invisible, OK, but all of the members of the living soul have now been elevated. They're going to be surrounding the Father, giving Him form. And when they surround the Father, they're going to be doing two things. They're going to be giving Him form, and they're going to -- and that's the falling down, and they're going to be having continual communion with Him, and that is the worship. We've had many teachings that the worship is to be in submission with God and in continual communion with Him. So we're going to have a creation that's going to look something like that. The Father's going to be in the midst of each members, and He's going to have total communion with each member through the Christ in us, and He shall appear because we shall surround Him.


So I want to give you a second witness to this concept. I have two second witnesses. One is John 17:21, which says, "I pray, Father" -- this is Jesus speaking -- "that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." Jesus said He was one with the Father, and He was praying that we should be one with Him so that all three of us could be one. And that prayer that Jesus Christ prayed in John 17 is coming to pass in this hour. Jesus Christ is one with the Father, and the next step of the creation is that Jesus Christ is being made one with us so that the Father can reach us through Jesus Christ.


Hallelujah. Let me try one more time, the 17:21. OK, this is the Father up here. He became one with Jesus Christ, and now Jesus Christ is being made on with us, which is Christ Jesus. And because -- and because the Father is one with Jesus and Jesus is one with us, the Scripture says we are one with the Father. We are one with the Father. Because Jesus Christ is one with the Father and He Is one with us, we are one with the Father. Remember, He is the connecting tube. He is the connecting tube. Remember the way we taught it in that other message? Jesus Christ is the connecting tube that will bring us to the Father.


And because our souls shall be redeemed and wrapped around the Father, the Father shall appear in the realm of appearance. He shall be our unconscious mind. Do you know right now, if you're sitting -- you're all sitting in these chairs. If one of you wanted a drink, you [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] drink, and what would happen? Your body would get up and go in the kitchen and get a drink. OK, that's probably not the Father. That's probably your satanic mind. But the hour is coming that Jesus Christ shall rule and reign as your every motivating thought. And when He thinks, your body will get up and do it. How many of us have Jesus Christ think in our unconscious minds and we go in the other direction? Has it ever happened to you that the thought of Jesus Christ thinks in your mind and you do the exact opposite? Why doesn't your body obey? Because your soul is not in submission to Jesus Christ. But the hour is coming that your soul, or your conscious mind, shall be in submission to Jesus Christ, which is your unconscious mind. And when Jesus Christ thinks, your soul will hear it, and your body will get up and do it.


I had and experience a couple of nights ago. I have to get over it because it was just pride, but I'm really mortified over it. I shouldn't be. It's just pride. I was lying on the couch. I think it was Saturday night, and I got this overwhelming urge for White Castle hamburgers, which I haven't eaten for years, which are no good for me. And it was an overwhelming urge, and I jumped up off the couch, and I drove to [INAUDIBLE], and I walked into the White Castle, and I ordered three White Castle hamburgers. And I sat down, and there was a very desperate young man sitting in a table there. And in my opinion, he was looking to pick up a woman. He was very desperate, and he thought picking up a woman was going to help him. I think he was suicidal, and he started looking at me, and my carnal mi- --


You see, I heard the Lord send me to White Castle. I heard him say White Castle, but I didn't realize it was God, and I thought it was my own compulsive spirit sending me to get White Castle hamburgers. I heard the word, but the understanding didn't come into my soul, and my carnal mind was ruling, and my carnal mind said -- well, first Christ said talk to him, and my carnal mind said no, I'm sitting on a Saturday night in White Castle hamburger, and I'm all alone. And this guy is going to think that I'm picking him up. How can I talk to him? And he was desperate. He was walking around. And I didn't minister to him because my carnal mind got in the way. And as he walked out -- and God gave me about 20 minutes. I just sat there. He kept looking at me, and I kept saying, I'm not going to talk to him. He's going to think I'm picking him up. And then what am I going to do?


Well, it was a public place. I mean, and aside from the fact that I had to believe Jesus was going to protect me, it was a public place. I wasn't going into his house or into his car or anything like that. And I simply wouldn't minister to the man. Until he walked the door, I realized that I goofed, and I asked God to bring him back, but I knew He wouldn't because I've missed opportunities before. And all I did was pray for the man, and I asked that God have mercy on him and help him, even though I failed, that God should still help him.


Do you hear what I'm saying? The day is coming that Jesus Christ is going to want to take you someplace to minister to somebody, and He's going to think a thought in your unconscious mind, and your body's going to get up and it's going to go. And when it gets there, it's going to know what it's supposed to do. See, my body got there. My brain didn't get there, see. But the whole creation, it's going to be fused together, you see. The conscious mind is going to understand what the unconscious mind is saying, and the body's going to obey. Because it really wasn't my body that wouldn't talk to him. It was my soul that wouldn't talk to him. My soul would not do what Jesus Christ told me to do because of carnal thinking. Isn't that amazing? He got my body there, but he couldn't get me to do it. I think that's incredible. I'm sorry for the young man, but I think that' quite incredible. I just jumped up off the couch and got in my car and drove to [?Center Ridge?].


Glory to God. OK, let me go on. The second witness that I have for you, it's going to be a little longer. I'm going to expound a little in I John if you want to join me there. We're going to start in I John chapter 2. I'm going to just touch on verses 24 -- what did I do here? 24 and twenty fi- -- well, I'm just going to read down. I'm not going to touch everything in chapter 2 because we're running out of time.


But I'm going to start with I John 2:24, "Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning." Now, a lot of these people quote these Scriptures, but what have you heard from the beginning? What is it that you've heard from the beginning. I suggest to you that John is talking about the word of truth. He's not talking about the rapture, brethren, and he's not talking about the doctrine of Satan ruling your life. He's talking about the truth. And who is the truth? Jesus is the truth. He's talking about the truth that has rooted in your heart, [?being grafted word?].


"Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you." Now, if what you heard from the beginning was the truth and the truth is in you, that means Jesus Christ is living in you. And then, it means He's reproduced Himself in your soul. But John is saying if that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you. That means there's a possibility that it doesn’t have to remain in you. You hear me? "If it shall remain in you, ye shall continue you in the Son, and in the Father." If the soul of Christ which has been birthed in you is not destroyed by whom? By Satan, your Satan, brethren. If that which has been birthed in you, Christ, is not destroyed by your unconscious mind because you have failed to subdue Him and slaughter Him, ye shall continue in the Son and in the Father. Why? Because if you have the Son, you have the Father. If you don't destroy the young Christ coming forth in you, you shall continue to have the opportunity to abide in the soul of Christ.


You have to wage war against Satan in your mind, brethren. And if he treads Christ underfoot and kills Him -- and this is not heresy. Before Christ stands up in full stature in you, He's capable of being destroyed. He's in utero. You can have a prema- -- what's the word? A spontaneous abortion, that's what it is, a spontaneous abortion. You can kill your child, brethren. And it doesn't matter whether you pick yourself up and you go to an abortionist. It doesn't matter whether you consciously sit down and say, I hate Christ appearing in my, and I'm going to kill Him, or whether you just do things. You yield to your soul realm and take a passive role. Brethren, if He's destroyed, He's destroyed. And if the Christ that has been birthed in you has been destroyed, there's no exchange of souls. Do you hear me?


Glory to God. Verse 25, "And this is the promise that He hath promised us, even eternal life." If you don't destroy the Christ that's been birthed in you, your hope is the promise of God that your soul -- your Adamic soul shall be exchanged for the soul of Christ and ye shall receive eternal life.


Glory to God. Verse 26, "These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce or deceive you." Brethren, don't believe that you cannot lose your salvation. And as we said earlier, before the message started running, the Lord seems to have brought us full circle with this revelation. First, we believed only a select few were going to be saved. Then, we believed all men were going to be saved. And now God is revealing to us that it is our spiritual substance that shall be saved and it is possible for our soul and our body, that is in existence at the time of the appearance of Christ, to be destroyed. In other words, if Christ were to appear tomorrow and you have tread Christ underfoot and aborted Him, you shall -- I don't want to -- I'm not prophesying to you. But there's a good chance that you could lose the opportunity in the soul and the body that you have now. Your spiritual substance shall be saved at some future time but not in this lifetime. Do you want to be one of the people standing outside saying, Lord, Lord, I cast out demons in your name. How come you appeared in everyone else in the ministry and you haven't appeared in me? Brethren, this is what it's teaching.


This is a hard hour. Jesus Christ wants the truth to come forth. As we heard in the prophecy earlier, you can lose your salvation in this lifetime. Your spiritual substance will be saved. You are not going to rot in hell forever. You are not going to be in burning fires, damned in hell forever. Your spiritual substance shall be saved. But who wants the pain and the torment and the rejection of having been so close to Christ appearing in you and having Him not appear in you?


And as I said earlier, brethren, and I believe this with all my heart, if you have heard this message, if you have tasted of the power of the age to come and you do not throw your will in line with Christ and judge your own soul, if Christ chooses to not appear in you, you're not going to keep what you've got. You're not going to be able to dance in the spirit and speak in tongues and go to the church on the corner. That's all being torn down. Either you go in or you drop out. You're going to be a carnal person, you're going to lose everything that you've got. If the Lord has come to you with an opportunity to enter in and you fail to enter in because of your own pride, your own rebellion or your own laziness or unwillingness to police your soul, who is very rebellious, powerful -- it's [?grievesome?] to police my soul. It's [?grievesome?] to police Satan in my unconscious mind, but you've got to do it, brethren, and I've got to do it. And if you fail to do it, when Christ appears, He may not appear in you. And if He doesn't appear in you, you're going to lose that which you have. Any anointing that you have, you're going to lose it, and you're going to become a carnal man, and you'll probably fall under the judgments that will be falling upon the whole world.


This is a very hard word, and it's only a thin line away from the doom and gloom that the early -- that the preachers are preaching about hell and damnation. And I'm going to say it again. I don't believe in hell and damnation. You're not going to burn forever. Your spiritual substance will be saved. But, brethren, everybody that's in this room and probably everybody listening to this message has already tasted of the fiery trials. We know what it's like to have torment in our life with Christ, torment with Christ. This is the word, brethren. I'm going to say it one more time. Someone's sure to twist my words, but I'm going to say it one more time. Your spiritual substance shall be saved. The whole living soul is being saved.


But the personality and the body that your spiritual substance is dwelling in in this hour, in the hour that Christ appears, if you do not rise up in the strength that has been imparted to you through Christ being birthed in you and police your soul, your conscious mind and police your unconscious mind, which is Satan -- if you don't do it, Christ will not appear in you. You will lose the anointing that you have, and you will be subject to the judgments falling upon the heathen. This is a hard word, brethren. Only the Spirit of God can put this word out. No one's going to want to hear this, but I'm telling you the truth. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


OK, I'm going to skip verse 27. Verse 28, "And now, little children, abide in Him." Abide in who? Abide in the soul of Christ that's in you. I just experienced it today. My mind filled up with ungodly thoughts towards another believer, and I saw it. I recognized it. The Christ in me policed my unconscious and my conscious mind, and it said, hey, you thought, you are illegal. You are hating your brother or sister. I rebuke you in the conscious mind, and I rebuke you in the unconscious mind. And it wouldn't go away. And I cried out to God, and I said, Lord, there's sin in my mind. Excuse me. I said, Lord, there's sin in my mind, and I've rebuked it, and it won't go away. I said, Lord, have mercy on me. Keep me from sinning. I repent. I don't want this judgment on me.


And I said, Lord, I honestly don't know whether this thought is coming up from my own unconscious mind or whether it's being pr- -- these thoughts are being propelled into my mind from other believers or other people. I honestly don't know. To this minute, the Lord has not told me. But it doesn't matter. I both cases, the sin is mine, if I agree with it. I wouldn't agree with it. God gave me grace, brethren. He took those thoughts out of my mind, and then I got an asthma attack. I was punished by the satanic realm. But, glory to God, he delivered me from the asthma attack.


And I'd rather go through the experience that I just described to you that lose whatever anointing I have and see Christ appearing in everybody else but me. And don't you think that it can't happen, that He could appear in everyone in this room except me. Don't think it can't happen because it could happen. I'm no fool. I'm not giving myself a good time. I know it could happen. You better fight this war, brethren. Wage the war of faith. Isn't that what Paul said? It was something like that. Fight the fight of faith. Nobody even knows what he's talking about. They think he's fighting some demon flying out in the sky there. No, brethren, the demon's in your brain.


Glory to God. OK, verse 28, "And now, little children, abide in him." Stay in the soul of Christ. Do not yield when Satan rises up and says, come, and agree with me and abide in my soul. Do not agree. Fight the fight of faith, brethren, that when He or Christ shall appear, [?wherein you, brethren?]. We may have -- well, I'm sorry. That's not true. That when he shall appear in this realm of appearance, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. I've heard that preached, brethren. I've never heard it preached the right way, OK.


And now, little children, live out of the soul of Christ in you that when He shall appear in this realm of appearance we may have confidence. That word confidence is Strong's 3954, and one of the translations of that word, brethren, means to become conspicuous or to secure publicity. When appears that everybody can see Him, let us have publicity. Well, how are you going to have publicity in the hour that Christ is appearing? What's the only way that you could have publicity? You've got to be one of the people that He's appearing in. No one's going to be looking at you, honey, if you're manifesting Satan. When the word gets out that Christ is appearing, the people are only going to have eyes for Him.


So what are we saying? And now, little children, abide in the soul of Christ that when He appears in the realm of appearance, we may have publicity, we may be one of the people that He appears in, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. Those that He appears in, brethren, they're going to have publicity. They are going to be seen. And those that He doesn't appear in, they're going to be ashamed. Why? Because the righteousness of Christ is not appearing in them. They don't have to be performing some wicked sin on the sidewalks of New York. The shame is that Christ is not appearing in you. You're naked, brethren. When Christ doesn't appear in you, you're naked and you're ashamed.


And you're all -- there's also, the Lord just reminded me, thank you, Jesus, that a deeper signification of that is that when you're ashamed, when you don't have a cover, you are open to any spiritual force that can rape you at will. That's the shame of not having Christ. That is the shame of not having Christ. You are subject to any spiritual force, to be raped at will.


Glory to God. Verse 29, "If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of Him." This says, brethren, you can't do righteousness unless you're born of Christ. "If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of Him." Now, this is not as simple as it sounds. You have to be able to discern people's motives because there are people that do things that appear to be righteous. Their act is righteous. But when the Lord Jesus Christ talks about doing righteousness, brethren, He's not talking about people's acts. He's talking about people's motives. He's talking about your heart. So if you could discern righteousness in the heart of a man, you know that that man is born of Him.


I've got a flash for you, even if that man is not a born again Christ. I can' get into this too deeply, now, because I'll be preaching for three hours tonight. But I just want to remind you that there is only one name by which men can be saved and that that word name means spirit. There is only one spirit by which men can be saved, brethren. And His spirit can be written on the heart of a man that is not what you would call a Christian. It's still in an immature, embryonic stage. But when Jesus Christ goes to him and quickens him, Christ is going to appear in that man, at which time he will acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope you're following me. He's going to be appearing in Hindus and Buddhists and Jews and all kinds of people of all kinds of religions that have Christ in embryonic seed form. And when He quickens that seed and it starts to sprout, they will get a revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you hear what I'm saying? They can have the seed, and that seed can be manifesting in righteousness before they declare the words, the Lord Jesus Christ, to you.


There's only one spirit by which you can be saved. I've heard so many preachers argue with people. You believe in Buddha. I believe in Jesus. Jesus is the only name. it's a spirit we're talking about, brethren. You can talk -- you can argue with someone for 6 years whether it's Buddha or Jesus. We're talking about the spirit that's in the man. And if that Buddhist has the spirit of Jesus Christ, why? Because the Lord God Almighty determined that he would have it, and you have nothing to say about it. When a son of God goes to that Buddhist, you better believe there's going to be an interaction between Christ in the son of God and Christ in that Buddhist. And there's going to be a bolt of lightning and a sound of thunder that's going to pass between the two vessels. And that Buddhist is going to get a revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Now, I've got a flash for you. There are a lot of people in the church that aren't going to be quickened. They're not going to be quickened. I can't go on along this line. I'll be preaching all night. Glory to God. But if you know that he is righteous, ye know that every on that doeth righteousness is of Him and that righteousness is in the heart. You have to have discernment.


Chapter 3, I'm going to go through. I'm not going to skip anything. I'm going to go right through verse 11, Lord willing. "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God:" -- or the 42nd generation -- "therefore the world knoweth us of no- -- knoweth us not, because it knew Him not."


Now, we had a very good question on Sunday's message that I cut off because I thought we were out of tape, and we weren't out of tape. So I just want to touch on it here. "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not." The world doesn’t know us, brethren. They can't recognize us. They cannot discern the spirit that's on us. We know who they are. We see the sin in their heart. We know what they're all about. But they don't know who we are. And because they don't know who we are, they attribute base motives to our behavior. If we manifest righteousness, they think it's because we want power or sa- -- or because we want money or some other godly reasons. They don't know us. The world cannot discern us, brethren.


And there was a question asked about verse -- I'm sorry, Revelation 19, chapter 12, which says, "His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a name written, that no man knew, but He Himself." He had a name written. He had a spirit, brethren, on His head, typifying His mind. There was a spirit engraved on His mind, brethren. And no man knew it but He himself. Brethren, if you are in Christ, you are Him. Every [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] spirit is Christ, so no man knew it but He, His many membered self. So if you have [?Christ?] or if Christ has been reproduced in your mind and Christ has been reproduced in my mind, you are going to be able to discern that I am Christ because no man knoweth this spirit except he that have it himself and the many members that are in Him, He and His many members.


Glory to God. If Christ has been engraved on your mind, you will discern Christ or you will discern righteousness wherever it is manifesting, but the world will not discern you, brethren. They will not know who you are. They will hate you. They will lie about you. If you live in a society that permits it, they will try to kill you, and they will try to crush you and destroy you. They will perceive you as an enemy.


"Behold, what manner of Lord the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God, therefore" -- what? What do you mean therefore? Therefore, because we're the sons of God. What does that mean? Because Christ has been engraved on our soul, the world doesn't know who we are, and they don't know who we are because they never knew the Father. And what does that mean? It means they never had His spirit. Not only were they never a born again Christian, but neither did they have His law written on their hearts. They were members of the living soul born without the root of Christ, members of the living soul born without the root of Christ to serve the purposes of Almighty God.  I just can't get into that whole teaching right now.


Glory to God. The Lord told Adam to go forth and multiply for the express purpose of the Lord Jesus Christ coming forth and fertilized the many members of the living soul, but for those members to be fertilized, they have to have the root of Christ. And we have found out, God has shown us in this ministry, that there are some people, no matter how you minister to them, no matter how you pray for them, no matter what you do for them, they just can't seem to get it.


Brethren, the seed -- some of the seed fell by the wayside. If you're sowing the seed of Christ on a heart that is not prepared to be fertilized, on a barren heart if you will -- there are members of the living soul that are barren. They cannot have children. They cannot bring forth the fruit of Christ. There is nothing that you could do for them. But if they discern the spirit of God and they truly cry out for salvation, that salvation can come forth in future generations. How does that happen? Every woman and man that have ovum and sperm in their body, only -- there are only two or three -- every if you're a woman and you have 13 children out of thousands or not millions of ovum in your body that are fertilized in your lifetime -- and I declare to you that in the ovum of a woman and in the sperm of a man -- well, the -- science says that all the genetic material for that person is present in seed form.


And I declare to you that some of those seeds are capable of being fertilized by Christ, and some of those seeds are not capable of being fertilized by Christ. And if God hears your outcry and he decides to bring forth salvation on your family line in future generations, when you conceive, brethren, you can believe that Almighty God has spoken to your body and commanded forth the seed with the root of Christ, and your future generations, Lord willing, shall be fertilized. Did I make that clear? I'm saying this so fast. I'm just really putting this on the message for anyone that hasn't heard all these teachings. We have lots of messages on all of these teachings, brethren.


This creation is a lot more complicated than your  carnal mind can deal with. At least admit it and ask God to teach it to you. God has raised up vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor, some vessels of gold and some vessels of wood. And He's interplaying us all together for His own purposes. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


OK, "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." Therefore the world cannot discern who we are because they never knew the Spirit of God.


Verse 2, "Beloved, now we are the sons of God" -- or the 42nd generation or Christ Jesus -- "and it doth not yet appear what we shall be." Do you hear that, brethren? We can't see what we're going to be. There are Christians that are saying, when Christ appears, they're going to take over all the Senate seats in Washington. Brethren, it says we can't see what we're going to be like. To me, that means we're not going to be like we are now. Glory to God.


"It doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is." Oh, I'm sorry. I skipped something. OK, I'll do that later.


Now, this Scripture is preached a lot, but I'm going to suggest to you that it really has not been preached accurately at all. It says, "We shall be like him; for we shall see Him as He is." And I believe that it's being preached, and almost every Christian that I know, including me, for a long time, believed that we are still going to be we. I'm going to be Sheila, and you're going to be whoever you are, but we're just going to be like Him. There's going to be some subtle change, and we're going to be like Him. And, brethren, I declare to you that that is not the truth. This is the way the apostle expressed it because for our carnal minds, there was no other way to express it.


But I declare to you, we are not going to be like Him. [INAUDIBLE] going to appear in us, and when He appears in us, everything that we are shall be destroyed. The reason we shall be like Him is that we shall have become one with Him. Everything that's of the flesh that's in us is going to be torn down, burnt, destroyed, swallowed up, and our spiritual substance shall be like Him. Why? Because His image is being engraved upon our spiritual substance. Our soul is not going to be like Him. Our body is not going to be like Him. Out human spirit is going to be like Him in that His image shall appear in our soul. We're not going to be anything like we are right now. This world system is not going to look anything like it looks right now. The whole world is going to change.


Glory to God. "Beloved, now we are the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be." Nothing at all like we are now. "But we know that, when He shall appear" -- when He appears in you and when He appears in me -- "we" -- our spirit -- "shall be like Him; for we shall see Him" -- in the spirit -- " as He is." And we shall see Him because He shall have appeared in us.


Brethren, when the Lord God said let Us make man in Our likeness and in Our image, I hope you don't think that God had a body like we have. God does not have a body like we have. That's wha- -- that's our function. We're supposed to be His flesh. We are in the likeness and the image of God in our spirit, brethren, in our spirit and in our soul. God doesn't have two eyes and a nose. No, he doesn't. He's a spirit. He has not form or shape. We are His form or shape. So we shall be like Him in our spirit for we shall see Him as He is when He appears in our spirit. And when He appears in our spirit, our soul is going to change, and our body is going to change.


Hallelujah. Verse 3, "And every man that hath this hope," what hope? That Christ is going to appear in us, in our spirit. In hi- -- "And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as He" -- who? Jesus -- "is pure." Brethren, He's not appearing in you unless you're purified. And who's doing the purifying? "And every man that hath this hope in him" -- in Christ appearing -- "purifieth himself," even as Christ is pure. Brethren, you are required to police your conscious mind and your unconscious mind. You are required to police it and to restrain it and to tread it under the feet of Christ in you.


I'm going to read it again. "And every man" -- that's you and me -- "that have this hope" -- what hope? That Christ shall appear in them -- "purifieth himself," even as Christ is pure. Brethren, work at your own salvation with fear and trembling because if you don't great judgment is about to fall on you.


And I'm sorry. If you're calling me a doom and gloom preacher, I'm telling you the truth. Noah preached doom and gloom, and everybody laughed at him, and everybody mocked him. And he built his ark, and everyone else was drowned. I'm telling you the truth. Purify yourself. Look upon your sin. Confess it, hate it and police it, or you're going to lose this thing.


Verse 4, "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." Brethren, if you sin, you cannot tell me the devil made you do it. If you sin and you really believe the demons made you do it, you are deceiving yourself, as we'll find out a few verses down.


"Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." Brethren, because you have the Holy Spirit, you are not exempt from transgressing the law. You cannot do whatever you want and say, put it under the blood. Ye shall indeed reap what you sow, and you might reap damnation. You might reap the loss of the promise of the salvation that you have. If sin has manifested in your mind through your mouth or through your behavior, you have done it. Don't tell me it's the demons. What a cop-out.


Verse 5 -- and there's whole congregations preaching that. A pastor's wife called someone and attacked her with accusation. And when the woman answered her in righteousness and said, that can't be the case. And whatever evidence she put forth, the preacher's wife said, oh, well, it was the demons. And the woman told her, don't tell me it was the demons. You just called me up and attacked me and blasphemed my character. Don't tell me it was the demons.


Verse 5, "And ye know the He was manifested." Who? Jesus was manifested, "to take away our sins; and in Him is not sin." So you think because you have the Holy Spirit you can't sin, do you? Well, you bought a lie, brethren, because first of all, the Holy Spirit won't do it. You have to birth Christ. And second of all, even if Christ has been born in you, it is possible for you to live out of your Adamic soul. If Christ has been born in you, you are now two-souled, brethren, and it's real easy to live out of Adam. To live out of Christ requires a warfare, a second-by-second warfare.


Glory to God. Verse -- I'm still in verse 5. "And ye know that He" -- Christ -- "was manifested." He appeared in you. He was birthed in you for the specific purpose of taking away our sins. "And in Him is no sin." So if you don't want to sin, brethren, you have to get into Christ, and you have to crush your Adamic soul, whose unconscious mind is Satan, under your feet. So if Christ has been birthed in you, you have the opportunity to cease from sin. I think there's even a Scripture like that. Paul said [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- from sin. I think it's in the Book of Romans. How? Live out of Christ and wage war against your Adamic soul.


But, brethren, I don't care whether you have the soul of Christ or not. If you're living out of your Adamic soul, you are not only capable of sin, you are most likely sinning every day of your life. Cease from sin. Be holy as your Father in heaven is holy. How? Live out of Christ, call out to God. But even before that, you must look upon the sin in your own heart. You must see it, and you must recognize it, and you must call it what it is.


Glory to God. Verse 6, "Whosoever abideth in Him," whosoever liveth out of the soul of Christ sinneth not. If every thought, word and deed is coming out of Christ, you won't sin. "Whosoever sinneth" -- that's Adam -- hath never -- has not seen in Christ, neither known Him. Whosoever abideth, whosoever liveth out of the soul of Christ, you will not sin, but don't think you're going to do it without Satan trying to kill you. Whosoever sins has never seen Christ, neither known Him.


Brethren, there is no connection between your Adamic soul and the soul of Christ in your. There's a song that never the twain shall meet. I think it's a song, "Never the Twain Shall Meet." Adam is sin, and Christ is righteousness. OK, Adam is sin, and Christ is righteousness, and there's only one way they're going to get together, and that's when Christ swallows up and destroys the unrighteousness. The only way Adam and Christ are going to be joined is through the death of Adam. Adam must die. It's the only way they're going to live together. How can two walk together if they be not in agreement? It's impossible.


Glory to God. Verse 7, "Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous." Verse 8, "He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning." Brethren, if you sin, you've got the devil in you, honey. Don't tell me it's the demons. It's you. It's your demons. They're you.


"Little children, let no man deceive you." If you do righteousness, you're living out of Christ. And if you're committing sin, you're living out of Satan or Adam. "For the devil" -- your unconscious mind, your Adamic unconscious mind -- "has sinned from the beginning." And for this purpose -- what purpose? For the purpose that your unconscious mind has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested so that He could reproduce His image in you. Why? So that you could wage war against Satan, that He might destroy the works of the devil.


And the works of the devil, glory to God, it means labors. And I suggest to you that the Son of God was manifested to replace our carnal, sinful ways of meeting our needs with the righteous methods of His spirit. And we've taught this on other messages, that just about every wickedness that man does is to get his needs met. It's the only way he knows how to get his needs met. Of course, God gave us a way. He said that we could walk humbly, that we could till the earth and labor and live in peace with all man, that it was possible to do it before Christ was birthed in us. But man is reprobate. He does it for a season, and in this modern society, it's almost -- there's almost no profession that you could work in where you're not either directly or indirectly eating somebody's flesh.


Glory to God. All of this witchcraft out there, forcing people through mind control to buy things that they don't need. The whole society is utterly demonic. The only godly way of earning a living, as far as I'm concerned, is doing something that does not eat the flesh of another human being or being in some kind of a service, maybe where you supply food. If you're honest and you walk circumspect [UNINTELLIGIBLE] before God and you don't cheat the people, you could be a merchant, you know, if the people need what you have.


But all of these other professions, law, medicine, real estate, it's all making your money off of other people's hardship and problems. It's disgusting. Be a doctor or a lawyer. No, don't be a doctor or a lawyer. Don't you be rich because somebody's getting divorced or because somebody made a mistake and their business is being ruined because they're being sued for $3 million. No, don't be a doctor or a lawyer, don't. Don't, you would want to be a doctor or a lawyer.


Glory to God. OK, I just want to back up a little. There was something that I forgot to tell you. I thought you might find it interesting. OK, it's chapter 3, verse 2. It says, "Beloved, now we are the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear" -- that word, when, brethren, is mistranslated. It's Strong's 1437, and Strong's says it's a conditional particle denoting indefiniteness or uncertainty as to whether or not the event will take place. It should be translated, provided that, if or in the event that. So it's not guaranteed that He's going to appear in you.


"Beloved, now we are the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: be we now that" -- if He shall appear -- "we shall be like Him." If, brethren, if, if. It's not guaranteed. All you Christians that are just sliding along, waiting for some rapture, you're in for a big shock. All you up there, all you ministers preaching about the $150,000 that God gives you when you ask for it, you're in for a big shock if you're not policing your soul. I'm not saying He can't give you $150,000. But all you preachers preaching the prosperity message, all you preachers preaching that people can't fail, you're a liar. You are lying to God's people. They can fail.


And I just wanted to emphasize what I'm telling you here by pointing out to you that in chapter 2, verse 28, that word when is a different Greek word. "And now, little children, abide Him; that, when he shall appear," we may have publicity. He may appear in us and not be ashamed. That's a different Greek word. That's 3752, and it implies uncertainty as to the time. "And now, little children, abide in Him," live out of His soul, that when He appears, when He makes His general appearance -- OK, it's going to happen for sure, but we just don't know when. When that happens, OK, let's hope that we'll have confidence and not be ashamed.


But in verse 2 of chapter 3, that is a Greek word. That is Strong's 1437, and that word should be translated if, if He appears in you. When he appears in this realm of appearance, it's sure to happen, we just don't know when. OK, that's verse 28 of chapter 2. But in verse 2 of chapter 3, if He appears in you personally. It's not guaranteed, brethren, it's not guaranteed. Your spiritual substance will be saved. There is no hellfire and brimstone after death. You're not going to burn forever. But, brethren, who wants to go through this humiliation of not having Him appear in you after you've been sitting in church with years and then [UNINTELLIGIBLE] and losing everything that you have and then being subject to the judgments that are falling on the carnal man. I wouldn't want that, brethren. I wouldn’t want it.


OK, going back to verse 9 of chapter 3. "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin." Oh, God, have I heard this preached. What a lie, how they preach this. You're a born again brother or sister, you can't sin. Go do your thing. There is no thi- -- sin. Put it under the blood. Brethren, you are not fully born of God until he appears in you. When you receive the promise, you have conceived. You are a pregnant lady. Your first birth is your birth into the body and soul that you're living in now. The second birth is the appearance of Christ in your spirit. And the end of the faith -- of your faith is the salvation of your soul. And it will not be saved until Christ is fully born again in your spirit. And you are not fully born again until he appears in you.


"Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin." Once He appears in you, brethren, you will not sin anymore, but you are most certainly capable of sinning now. "For his seed remaineth in Him: and He cannot sin, because He is born of God." What does that mean? His seed remaineth in Him, it means that He's not going to fornicate with Satan. His seed, His sperm, He's not going to give it to the soul realm, which is what sin it. And He cannot sin because He is born of God. He will not fornicate with the soul realm. He will castrate Satan.


Verse 10, "In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother." Brethren, you are two-souled if you have received the promise of Christ. I don't care what you're doing. I don't care if you're talking in tongues, dancing around, casting out demons, healing the sick, prophesying. I don't care if you are the most anointed man in God's kingdom. Brethren, whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God. "Whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother." It has nothing whatsoever to do with the imputed anointing. If you doeth not righteousness, habitually, you are not of God. Do you hear this?


Now, let's not get religious here. If you're warring on a daily basis to keep your Adamic soul underfoot and you are smitten like I was last Sunday, that doesn't mean that I'm not of God. I'm still a woman of God. I failed. I was smitten in battle, but I repented immediately, and I asked God to have mercy on me. We are talking about He who doeth not righteousness habitually, without repentance, he who loveth not his brother, habitually, without repentance, without resisting the sin in his mind. He is not of God.


And if there is a preacher out there that is habitually doing unrighteousness and habitually hating his brother and you think that you discerned an anointing in his service, brethren, I ask you to ask the Lord if it is truly his spirit or if you have been deceived by a lying wonder. If it were possible, the very elect would be deceived. And I've heard it preached for years, of course it's not possible. We're born again, and we're perfect, and we can't sin. How can we be deceived? Well, you were wrong about the first -- that you were wrong that you were born again. You're wrong that you can't sin, and maybe you're wrong about the fact that you can't be deceived. Now, you pray about this. Don't take my word for it, but God has told me that a man that habitually done unrighteousness and hates his brother is in no way manifesting the anointing of the Almighty God. I don't care if he's casting out demons and healing the sick and prophesying. Now, you pray about it, and you get your personal word.


Verse 11, "For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another." For this is the message that you heard from the beginning. And going back to verse 24 of chapter 2, it says, "Let that therefore abide in you which ye have heard from the beginning. If ye -- if that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye shall continue." If it remain in you, ye shall continue in the Son and in the Father. And verse 11 of chapter 3 says, "For this is the message that ye have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another."


Verse 24 of chapter 2, "Therefore, if you love one another" -- if you love your brother and you doeth righteousness which is the commandment that you had from the beginning, if that -- if ye shall continue in that, ye shall also continue in the Son and in the Father. And if you don't continue in it, brethren, you shall not continue in the Son and in the Father. And if you are not abiding in the Son and the Father, who are you abiding in? I'm sorry, but you're abiding in Adam and Satan, and I don't care what kind of lightning and thunder you see falling down in that service, brethren, because that is not the Spirit of God. And don't let your pride get you now. We can all be deceived.


God is calling us in this hour to use our intelligence based on His teachings. He doesn't want us just flying away with any spiritual sign and wonder. And I remember when God first brought me into training. I was in a deliverance church, and the preachers were up there preaching to us every time we came into the church, everything that's spiritual is not a God. If someone gets you in the parking lot and wants to prophesy kitchen prophesy to you, don't believe it. Remember that? Yeah, and they were warning us because there was a lot of it going on, a lot of people that had just received the promise, they were filled with witchcraft. They thought it was God, and they were going around prophesying to people. We had someone praying by a witchcraft spirit. All kinds of witchcraft was going on in this church of novices that God had placed in this ministry for training and deliverance.


One time we had ministry, and there was always powerful ministry. And there were, like, five or six people stretched out in the Spirit, and there was a young man in the church. We had a visiting ministry. It was a seminar, had never seen him before. And he was going around, squatting down and laying hands on the people that were out in the Spirit. And the Lord gave a word of knowledge.


Now, this man came down from Delaware. He came down with a group -- a church group from Delaware. And what's more, the pastor was very -- thought very highly of this man, and not that he shouldn't think highly of him, but the man had a spirit of witchcraft. And the Lord spoke to someone in our congregation and said that man has a spirit of sexual perversion, and he's polluting those people that are out in the spirit. And we prayed, and God just whisked him out of the way.


Once I was in a deliverance seminar with two or three churches, and there was a little girl from our church getting prayer. And there was about four people that was squatting around her, praying for her. She was manifesting, and this man -- I looked at this man. I was a young Christian at the time, and I looked at him, and God was giving me a word of knowledge, but I was afraid it wasn't God. And I said, oh, God, I see a spirit of child molestation on this man. And somehow he's getting some kind of ungodly satisfaction out of praying for this little 12 year old girl. And I said, oh, I -- there must be something wrong with me. This can't be God, you know. But I prayed, I said, God, if that's you telling me that, get him away from that little girl. And I'm telling you, that man got up and left that little girl.


The church is filled with witchcraft. It's filled with witchcraft, false prophecies, false spirits praying deliverance, witchcraft praying healing. Listen to my message number 12, witchcraft, tithing and other tidbits. A pastor put a minister in the pulpit. She had a prayer line from one end of the church to the other ministering by the spirit of witchcraft. The church is filled with witchcraft, so why do you think it's not possible that you could discern an anointing and be deceived? And God is saying to us, in this hour, brethren, do not be blown away by every spirit. You're not supposed to be moved by every wind or doctrine. You're supposed to try the spirit, brethren, and you try it more than one way. You see if it witnesses to your own spirit, but also you see if the life of the minister lines up with the Scripture.


Now, if you walk into a church and you don't know anything about the preacher, all you could do is try the spirit, but if God sends somebody to you and says, look at this and look at this and look at this, and you discern that it's not a spirit of gossip, and you discern that God has sent a prophet to you and you believe a- -- or God shows you something in front of your own eyes and you see that this minister is habitually -- now, look, anybody could fall. I personally have the greatest compassion for Jimmy Swaggart, and I believe he's a man of God, and I believe he's repented and he should be preaching. I'm talking about someone habitually hating their brother and doing unrighteousness without repentance. Don't you believe that that's the anointing. Pray about it. It's the word of the Lord.


This is grow up time, brethren. This is grow up time, and you better believe if you are called of God and you wind up in a church -- and we all go from the church to church. It's the thing when you're in the church. What else do you do, right? You don’t -- you know, you don't hang out in the ways of the world. If you go into a church and you are a true son of God, you better believe that God is going to tell you in one way or another if the preacher's not right. If the lying wonder is so powerful that you can't discern it with your spirit, you better believe He's going to bring a word to you. He's going to bring a prophet to you. He's going to show you something in front of you eyes.


And I'm telling you, brethren, that mixture is anti-Christ. If there's mixture, it's anti-Christ. Just pray about it, pray about everything. But if you believe the spirit's OK and all of these expressions of unrighteousness are manifesting before you, a mixture is anti-Christ. He can't be OK on one said and not OK on the other side. Check everything out with prayer.


But I'm telling you, brethren, in these last days, if it were possible, the very elect would be deceived. And God expects us to do more than feel our own spirit being quickened. He wants us to discern the hearts of men, and He will come to us with words of wisdom and words of knowledge, and He will send prophets to us if we are in any kind of danger of being deceived, if our heart is strictly towards God, if we love the truth, if we love righteousness, if the desire of our heart is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and truth, brethren, He'll get you out of there. He'll show you the truth. He'll expose it, and He'll get you out of there. And all those that don't get out, they don't love the truth. They love man before they love Jesus Christ, and they want their own -- they're serving their own pride and their own rebellion and their own needs.


Love God. Worship God, seek Him with all of your heart and your mind and your soul. Seek righteousness, brethren. Seek to love your brother. Wage war against every spirit that would seduce you to do otherwise, and you shall not fall, and He shall not fail you. If you fail, it's because of your own sin, your own pride, your own rebellion, your own witchcraft.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. If it were possible, the very elect would be deceived, right in front of our eyes. Any questions tonight? Yes?


            The form -- you said that we are bei- -- we are God's form. And I wanted to know if that form -- what that form actually is. What is that form, and is it changing?


We are God's form. Our body is God's form. We're His flesh, and it is going to change. It's going to be a glorified body. God is spirit. He has not form or shape, so He's wrapping us around Him. We're --


            [INAUDIBLE] you said that in our spirits, were the- -- that's God's image in our spirits.


God's image is being engraved upon our s- -- it's appearing in our spirit, and it's being engraved upon our soul. And it will be manifested in the realm of appearance through our body. So God -- the form of God is seen in our soul and in our bodies. Our soul is our behavior. Our thoughts, our words and our deeds will manifest Christ. And our bodies, eventually, will manifest Christ. OK, we are His form. Glory to God.




4/22/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/01/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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