055 - Part 1
(Revelation 11)

Part 1 of 3 Parts


his Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We are up this week to chapter 11 in the Book of Revelation verse 15.


But before we start that, I want to make some comments on the first two woes. The first woe is the fifth angel, which is the locusts. And I suggested to you that the locusts is the birth of the Son of God in man. Their function is to torment, or to bring into submission to Christ, not to kill, men. Not to kill men, but bring them into submission to Christ.


And the second woe, the sixth angel, is the four angels as seen -- now that’s in chapter 9 verse 14 talks about the four angels. And I’m suggesting to you that that is the sons of God coming to full maturity in the realm of the spirit.


Then, as you go down a few verses, in verse 16 and 17 it talks about horses and horsemen. And I suggest to you that this is the sons of God as seen in the realm of the soul.


And as you continue on into verse 10 -- chapter 10, you see John typifying Christ, and the many membered two witness company. And I suggest to you that’s the sons of God as seen in the realm of appearance.


So what am I saying? I’m saying the first woe is the birth of the sons of God, or the conception of the sons of God. And the second woe is their appearance in full stature, and the Scripture shows us that appearance in full stature from three different vantage points. The Scripture show is to us as seen in the realm of the spirit, as seen in the realm of the soul, and as seen in the realm of appearance.


And the function of the second woe, the function of the sons of God in full stature is to kill the third part of men, and we established that third part of men is the satanic, unconscious mind. Now why are they going after the satanic, unconscious mind? Because we just had an exhortation that’s probably not on this message -- in this meeting -- that it’s the unconscious mind of man that is producing all of the sin that is killing us.


And it is the part of the mind of man over which we have virtually no control at all. Christ has to go in and fight this battle for us. We have no authority over our unconscious mind. God has given us power to resist sin in the conscious mind. But He is our defender, our savior, and our great warrior. In the realm of the unconscious we’re no match for Satan without Christ.


Yes, you have a question? Let me get it on the message.


What you’re saying about the unconscious mind -- I know when you prayed for her you said that something was coming from her unconscious mind [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. Does that mean that I could be -- it could be me coming into [?my unconscious mind?] and I wouldn’t even know it?


The answer’s yes. OK, Hallelujah. Glory to God.


It doesn’t have to be someone out there. The attack could have come from someone right in here, and you may not even know about it. Now don’t get upset, and don’t get scared. We have to learn to discern what’s [?in our heart?]. That’s all.


            [INAUDIBLE] come from your own unconscious mind, or can it?


I think it could under certain circumstances. It could under certain circumstances. If you’re not aware, OK. When you’re in that stage of development where you’re really not -- where you really can’t see your unconscious mind, he could be attacking you constantly because you can’t see him.


And if you remember, we did that study in Babylon is fallen, is fallen. And it said everybody’s going to see Satan. They’re going to see him. And they’re going to say is this what we were afraid of? Remember that?


OK, yeah, he can be attacking you. Although it’s -- the more vision you have within yourself, the less likely he could do it without you knowing it, OK. And the next level is it could be your very best friend. It could be your husband who loves you, who would die for you. And his unconscious mind could rise up and attack you. And then of course we have -- and he will never know it. If he is not -- or if this person is not in touch with the workings of their unconscious mind, if his eyes haven’t been opened yet, if he can’t see it, he may never know that he was the source of your grief.


And then we have the people who have enough vision to see it, but weren’t quick enough to stop it. And they have to walk with this. They have to live with this. They have to live with this, that they’re unconscious mind did that to you. And how do you deal with it? How do you deal with it? Anybody? How do you deal with this?


Condemnation is not of Christ. If you wake up one day, and you see someone that you love suffer, and you know that you did it, and it came forth from your unconscious mind, and it wasn’t your choice, how do you deal with it? You repent, and you ask God for forgiveness, absolutely. And you pray for the healing.


Nope, condemnation’s not in Christ. We’ve got to look at this. God wants us to look at it. Don’t close your eyes. Don’t run away. Don’t get condemned. You repent, ask God for forgiveness, and you don’t necessarily go to the person for forgiveness directly. If they know that you did it to them, you go to them and apologize. If they don’t know that it was you, shut your mouth. Shut your mouth.


Everybody’s just human. We can’t deal with this stuff until God brings us to a place -- if God’s saying look at, OK, then you have to look at it. But if the person is still in the condition of blindness, you just repent before God and go on. OK? Glory to God. Hallelujah.


OK, so we have completed the first two woes, and this is a very important point that Christ -- the appearance of Christ in man -- in the mind of man is in two stages. First He is birthed, which is likened to the conception when a natural woman conceives. Except that Christ is so mighty and so great that, when He’s in utero, He’s doing a mighty work to our benefit. When He’s in utero. When He’s birthed.


But when He’s going to be -- when He’s going to appear, which is likened to the birth of a natural woman -- I guess I’ve been using the wrong words. I should say not that He’s birthed in and then He appears. I should say He’s conceived and then He’s born. When He’s conceived in us, He’s still powerful enough to do mighty deeds on our behalf.


But it’s not until He’s born in us, which, by the way brethren, is the completion of the born again experience for you and me -- you’re new birth is when Christ is fully born in you. And when He appears, you shall appear with Him. So you’re in the process of being born again until He is full born and appears in you.


So that’s the first two woes, and now we’re going to go on. I’m not going to talk about the third woe today. But we’re going to go on with verse 15, which says, “and the seven angels sounded. And there were great voices in heaven, saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. And He shall reign forever and ever.”


Now when I looked at this -- when I tried to analyze it to see what God wants us to hear, I realized that this verse, or verses very similar to it, appear in two other recent Scriptures in the Book of Revelation. It appears in chapter 4. Wait a minute. Did I lose my place? I’m sorry.


And then verse 16 says, “And the four and 20 elders which sat before God on their seats fell upon their faces and worshipped God.”


That’s the verse that appears two other places. Verse 16, “And the four and twenty elders which sat before God on their seats fell upon their faces and worshipped God.’’



Something very similar to that appears in chapter 4 verse 10, which says, “The four and twenty elders fall down,” that should be shall fall down, it’s future, “before Him that sat on the throne and worshipped Him that liveth forever and ever. And cast their crowns before the crown saying,” something or other.


And then it appears again in chapter 5 verse 8. “And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and the four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb having, every one of them, harps and golden vials of odors,” which are the prayers of the saints. And then in chapter 5 verse 14, it says, “And the four beasts said Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped Him that liveth forever and ever.”


So what we’re going to do today -- these are all very significant verses. It’s not an accident that they sound similar. We’re going to review those few verses and find out what God is saying to us here.


Now these particular verses that I just read, starting with chapter 4 and in chapter 5 -- we did them twice because, at one point, I realized that I didn’t understand the significance of what God was doing there. And we went back. And I did it a second time. And when I do it this time, it’s the third time we’re going to be going over these verses. I’ve made some more changes, so if you go back to into the messages, I’ll tell you those message numbers in a minute. OK, the first time we did it was in message 38 part 11, and then I redid it in message 39 part 4. And if you should go back and desire to review those messages, you’ll see that I made even some more changes this time.


It’s not so much that I make a mistake. When you’re dealing with prophecy, sometimes you just don’t -- I just don’t get the fullness, or the full depth of what God is saying. So it’s not that what I was saying was wrong. It just really wasn’t totally accurate because I didn’t go deep enough.


So I know this is hard on you, but there’s nothing I could do about it. Ideally, I should have studied out this whole Book of Revelation and got everything down pat before I started teaching you. But God just didn’t give me the time to do it that way, so I’m struggling through it, and if there’s a correction that has to be made, I’m going to have to tell you. So I’m sorry if I’m confusing you, but there’s nothing I could do about it.


And the two major issues that I think could possibly pose a problem for somebody if you‘re listening to old messages is this. Let me tell you this, so you can watch for it. If you’re reviewing old messages, when I get into prophecy about the soul and the body, OK, I found that many times I was attributing the prophecy to the soul to the body. I had trouble discerning whether the prophecy was with regard to the body or the soul. So let me leave this with you. It’s always the revelation in the newer message that’s accurate. It’s always the revelation in the newer message that’s accurate.


And the second area where there might be confusion was that -- going all the way back to the 38 series and the 39 series, I don’t think I had the revelation that the appearance of Christ was in two stages. First He’s conceived, and then He’s born. Or first He’s birthed, and then He appears. So the changes that I made that we’re going to go over now are specifically in that area in the older messages that I spoke about the birth of Christ, but it was really his appearance. Did I confuse anybody? Does anybody have a question right now before I go on?


OK, so we’re just going to -- what, you have a question?




OK, first the appearance of Christ is in two stages. And it could be likened to a natural woman. First she conceives the baby, and then she gives birth to the baby. So Christ is conceived in us, we’ve been calling that birth. We’ve been saying He’s birthed in us, but it’s really a conception, and we’re waiting for his appearance, which is likened to the birth of a natural woman. It’s in two stages. So when He’s first conceived in us, even though He’s not in full -- He’s still, because He’s God, has great strength to bring healing and deliverance in our life. But we all know that we’re not overcoming totally, and that that will happen when he appears in us, or when he’s fully born in us.


OK. Did I answer your question? OK, so we’re going to put these few scriptures together. Basically, we’re going over chapter 4 verses 9 -- 11. And then chapter 5 verses 8 -- 14. And then we’re going to relate it to what we’re up to now. Glory to God. OK. Hallelujah.


I want to read you my notes just in case I forgot to tell you anything. These are very important verses because they specifically state what the condition of the mind of the living soul must be before Christ is going to stand up in full stature.


Chapter 4 verses 9-11, these are very important Scriptures. The tense of the verb is in the future, and they’re specifically stating what the condition of your mind and my mind must be before Christ is going to appear in full stature. His appearance is conditional, brethren. He’s not going to appear in your mind when you’re filled with sin. First you’re mind must be cleansed of sin, and that is the job of the Christ in utero. That is the job of Christ in utero when He’s conceived. When you birth Him -- OK now this is typified by the locusts. They were commanded not to kill men, but to torment them. And when we studied those verses, we found out that that word torment really means to bring the criminal thoughts of the natural mind into submission and under the feet of the Christ that has been birthed in us.


And it isn’t until Christ stands up in full stature that He’s given the authority to kill that third part in men, to destroy the satanic mind.


OK so He -- Christ in us in two stages has two separate and distinct functions. In his early stage, He’s bringing the thoughts of our unconscious mind into submission. And in the stage of full maturity, He’s utterly destroying that which generates sin in our mind. Hallelujah. Any questions at this point?


Revelation -- and I gave you these notes because it was so confusing I just didn’t think that you could really follow it without the notes because I was getting confused.


OK, chapter 4 verse 9 in the King James. “And when those beasts give glory,” present tense, “and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne,” who liveth forever, when they do that, something’s going to happen. The four and twenty elders it says fall down in the King James, but the correct -- in the Greek, the correct translation is shall fall down. It’s the future. So “when the four beasts give glory and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne, the four and twenty elders shall fall down before him that sat on the throne and worship him that liveth forever and ever.”


And they’re going to do something else. First they’re going to fall down. Then they’re going to worship him forever and ever. And they’re going to do a third thing. They’re going to cast their crowns before the throne. And they’re going to say, “thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou has created all things, and for thy pleasure, they are and were created.”


So let’s go over these alternate translations and try and understand. Does anyone remember who the beasts are? Verse 9 says, “and when those beasts give glory.” Anyone remember who the beasts are?




No, the beasts. The natural man. Right, the natural man. But, while this doesn’t say the four living creatures in verse 9, it says the beast. Now in verse 8, it says the four beasts. OK. And the four beasts typifies the glorified man, right. But this just says beasts. So in verse 9 it says, “and when those beasts,” when those natural men -- they’re not even glorified yet. They’re just natural men. When those natural men give glory and honor and thanks.


OK, so let’s get an alternate translation here on verse 9. “And when the living soul expresses its estimation of the value and worth of the creation through its mind.” Not through its mouth now. They’ve got to believe what they’re saying. And when they shall submit themselves in every thought, word, and deed to Almighty God. When the natural man expresses the worth and value of the creation -- and we got that translation out of the words honor and thanks. And of course this is on old messages if you want to redo it. I gave you the numbers.


So when the natural man -- when you and when I express the estimation of the value and worth of the creation through our minds, when we believe it, and when we shall submit ourselves in every thought, word, and deed to Almighty God, something’s going to happen.


The Christ which was birthed in the human spirit shall be caught up to full stature. Do you hear that? When you express the value and worth of the creation in your mind, and when you express Christ, or submit yourself to Christ in every thought, word, and deed, then you should know that Christ is going to be caught up to full stature in you. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


That’s the second stage of the appearance of Christ. And the sons of God shall have continual communion. Now when that happens, when Christ is caught up to full stature, you’re not a beast anymore. You’ve become a son of God. And the sons of God shall have continual communion with Him who is living throughout all ages, and they shall lay hold of and cast forth their spiritual life into the soul life of Christ. Does everybody remember that?


The point is coming where the Christ in us is going to get so strong that He’s going to lay hold of our spiritual substance, rip it out of our natural man, and cast it forth into the soul of Christ.


I’ll take questions as we go along. Yes, let me just put it on the message. Thank you, Jesus.


When you have the Christ that was birthed in us, does that mean it was conceived in us? Is that -- [?or is the?] full stature is [?when?whether?] he’s really born.


Correct. Hallelujah. Because the whole point here is that there is no way, Annette, that you could express the value and worth of the creation and submit yourself in every thought, word, and deed to the Lord if Christ hadn’t been birthed in you. There’s no way any human being could do that, unless Christ is birthed in us. It’s impossible. OK. Is that clear? Glory to God.


OK, verse 11, “You are deserving, O ruler of the universe, to have your greatness acknowledged.” And this is what we’re going to be saying after Christ appears in us. When He’s caught up to full stature, we’re going to be saying you are deserving O ruler of the universe to have your greatness acknowledged, to be reverenced and to have miracle working power. Because you have created all things, which things were created for your specific purposes and will. Glory to God.


And we have carnal Christians going around saying that we were made for God’s pleasure. That He wants to play with us. No, He doesn’t want to play with us, brethren. He doesn’t want to play with us. He wants to appear in us. His pleasure is that we should do his will, speak his words, and perform his behavior. Excuse me. Glory to God.


OK, the scripture speaks of the whole living soul, but we know that whatever happens to the living soul is happening a member at a time. Therefore, when a member of the living soul expresses the value of the creation through its human mind -- what’s another word for the human mind, it’s the human soul. Glory to God. Which will only happen as a result of Christ having been birthed in him and bringing that soul into submission. When that happens, that member of the living soul shall enter into an unending communion with God. And sometimes we call that experience the marriage between Christ and the living soul.


So the church world is out there living in their sins, waiting for Christ to descend from heaven and marry them and snatch them away. But I declare to you, brethren, that the Scripture clearly states He’s not going to marry you when you’re a harlot. He’s going to marry a virgin bride, and you must be cleansed in your mind before the joining takes place. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


OK. That which makes the creation valuable and worth is the fact that the creation is the spiritual side of God, who died when he was made into a man. What makes this creation so valuable? Brethren, we’re Christ. We are the Son of God. He was made into a man. God will never leave him down here in the realm of hell. He was propelled into the Earth, and he became the natural man, which is us.


We are the Son of God in a fallen condition. We’re worthy. We’re valuable because we’re made out of the substance of the Son of God. He’s never going to leave him down here. He’s got to redeem us. He’s got to resurrect us. We are His Son in a fallen condition.


The fullness of Christ, not only the head, which is Jesus, but his body also, which is us, must be resurrected from the dead. And when we’re resurrected from the dead, that member of the living soul shall now be called a son of God.


And we have a couple of messages, Mike, I know you missed the message on the fact that the lamb is really the living soul. I suggest you might want to listen to it. Because it’s really a controversial issue. It’s very important. If you want the exact messages, I’ll get it for you if you want the exact number, OK?


But what we’re saying here is that the lamb really is the living soul. The Son of God, the spiritual Son of God was made into a man. He became us in a fallen condition, and he’s waiting for his Father to resurrect him back up to -- well, to resurrect his whole body back into the realm of the spirit. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was already resurrected.


OK, so now we’re going to take this a verse at a time. It’s really important. We have a condition here. When those beasts express the value and worth of the creation through their minds, when the members of the living soul realize that they are the Son of God that has become a man, when we realize who we are, and when we submit ourselves in every thought, word, and deed to Almighty God.


Now we have a whole ministry down there in Nassau County, and God only knows where else, that have already found out who they are. They found out the express value and worth of the creation, and they know that they were made out of the substance of Christ. But brethren, they have not submitted themself in every thought, word, and deed to Almighty God. In fact, they are lifting themselves up as God.


And that means they are not in a condition in which Christ will appear in them. Both conditions must be satisfied. And when that happens, when both conditions are satisfied, then the Christ, which was birthed in their human spirit shall be caught up to full stature.


And the sons of God shall have continual communion with Him, who is living throughout all ages. And they shall lay hold of and shall cast forth their spiritual life into the soul life of Christ.


So we have two conditions. When they’re met, three things are going to happen. When a particular member of the living soul finds out that this creation is literally made out of the substance of God himself. Literally, the Son of God changed his form. He was Almighty God in pure spirit form, and He changed his form. He was lowered and he became a man, a many membered man. And we are Him. But we are Him in a weakened, fallen condition. We are Him not as God. But we are Him in the female element of the weakened, fallen condition. Glory to God.


A lot of people -- a lot of believers hear that, and they go off on a tangent saying we’re God, we’re God. No, you’re not. You’re made out of the substance of God. God is being birthed in you. And when he appears in you and swallows up the weak, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] elements, you shall be God. But you’re not God when you’re in your sins. It’s a fine line, brethren. It’s a fine line.


If you’re hearing the message and you want to call me, I’d be glad to talk to you. I understand how difficult it is, but I know it’s real, brethren. It’s the truth. I’m telling you it’s the truth.


OK, so when these two conditions are met, when the member of the living soul finds out that he is literally birthed out of the substance of God, and when he submits himself in every thought, word, and deed to Almighty God, then three things are going to happen, not necessarily simultaneously.


The Christ which was birthed in him is going to get caught up to full stature. The sons -- and then become a son of God. And they shall have continual communion with Him who is living throughout all ages. And they shall lay hold of and shall cast forth their spiritual life into the soul life of Christ.


OK, that was the prophecy. Chapter 4 verses 9 through 11 of the Book of Revelation. God is prophesying this into the realm of the spirit. He’s saying when this happens, I will do that.


So we’re going to skip now to Revelation chapter 5 verses 8 to 14. And we see the salvation of the living soul sketched in the realm of the spirit. Now I taught this a few months ago, but I’ll tell it to you again. The way God does things, brethren, we know he does not labor with his hands. He speaks and things are done. Well, that’s real easy to say, but do you understand how it gets done?


This is how it gets done. First God prophesies it. Then it gets sketched in the realm of the soul, and the only way I could explain it to you is by a science fiction program that I saw years ago. And I know I’m criticized for watching science fiction, but I’m sorry if this is offending you. We -- you know, this is what God’s given me as examples, and, you know, you can take it or leave it. I’m sorry if I’m offending you.


But I saw this program, and there was somebody typing a typewriter. And as he ty- --he was writing a story. And as he wrote the story, they showed you the people in a room acting it out. And when he typed hate, they hated each other. And when he typed love, they loved each other.


So this is the example. The mind of the typist conceived the idea. When he put it down on paper, it happened in the spiritual realm of the soul, and then somewhere along the line, two people manifest it. And behavior was acted out.


And brethren, this is what this whole thing is all about. It’s just really important. It’s really important. Let me try to put it together for you. You’ve heard this in some other expressions. Satan is our unconscious mind. What is his desire? What is his ultimate desire? To be seen in the realm of appearance. Amen.


He wants to get a couple of bodies. Let me draw it up here for you. He wants his thoughts acted out. You see, he’s the brain. He’s the unseen mind. OK? And this is the soul of man, or the conscious mind. And he is passing through from the unconscious into the conscious mind of man. And it’s his ultimate goal to see these two people doing what he’s thinking.


This is the thought of Satan. Man thinks it’s his own idea. Sometimes he doesn’t even think about it. He just rises up, and he performs behavior. Did you ever hear somebody say I don’t know why I did that. Why did I say that? Because Satan rose up in spiritual power, passed through into your conscious mind, and your conscious mind obeyed.


And when your conscious mind obeyed, your body did it. Or your mouth said it. Now we’ve been studying this for months about Satan.


Well, with God spiritual is spiritual. God wants to appear in the realm of appearance, so what does he do? He prophesies it. He thinks it. He says it. And the next thing that happens, it comes forth in the mind of a man.


I’m preaching this morning. This is in my conscious mind. I’m not a puppet. This is isn’t coming through my unconscious mind. God put his thought as an idea in my mind. You could say to me well where do you get all this revelation from. Where do you get this stuff from? God put his thought in my mind. And I’m speaking it.


God has a plan for the whole living soul. And that plan is when you find out who you are, and when you bring every thought, word, and deed into submission to Christ in you, you shall have communion with God forever and ever. And that means no more sin. Glory to God.


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] the other two things here. And you shall have Christ appear in you in full stature. And you shall lay hold of and cast forth -- and lay hold of your spiritual life that’s in Satan and cast it forth into the soul of Christ, spiritual life of God, never ever to sin again. Never ever to be plagued with an ungodly thought. Glory to God. Glory to God.


So this is what this mysterious Book of Revelation is saying in chapter 4 verses 9 to 11 God has prophesied it. In chapter 5 verses 8 to 14 we see it being sketched it the realm of the soul. We see it appearing in the minds of men. In what men? First in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and now in a first fruits many-membered company.


One, when this first fruits many membered company recognize who they are and bring every thought, word, and deed into submission. Number one, the Christ, which was birthed in the human spirit, shall be caught up to full stature. That’s verse 8 of chapter 5.


Let me read you the Alternate Translation, “And when Christ,” well this is a very complicated Alternate Translation. We have the original messages on. I’ll read it to you in the King James, “And when they had taken the book, the four beasts and the four and twenty elders,” which is basically the natural man and the spiritual man dwelling in the same vessel. “They fell down,” past tense, “before the lamb, having every one of them harps and golden vials full of odors.” And those harps -- the harps is talking about the satanic realm and the golden vial about the human soul.


I can’t redo the whole teaching now, but I’ll read you the Alternate Translation. Verse 8, “And when Christ Jesus was given authority to manifest in the realm of appearance, the Christ had been birthed in the members of the first fruits company was raised up to full stature. And the members of the first fruits company, which had already become spiritual men, were fully born again into the soul life of Christ.”


And Satan, the unconscious mind of each and every one of them, whose nature was evil -- it was Satan whose nature was evil, was fully neutralized by Christ. Only his shape remained. Even the spiritual skeleton, which gives form to the glorified body and personality. And they also had righteous human souls, which had been brought into submission to the Christ within them, which souls were filled with the spiritual life of God. And the first fruits company has ascended to a high spiritual state of being because they sacrificed their soul lives unto God.


This is happening in the minds of the first fruits company. And I’m suggesting to you that the creation of God which existed in parts, the natural man, the spiritual man, the four beasts, the 24 elders, they’ve now been joined into one in the correct moral order. Christ ruling. Christ ruling the son -- the four and twenty elders is the birth of Christ in the minds of man. He’s there with the living creatures. The natural man is there, and Christ is there. That’s the warfare. But they’re going to be joined with Christ on top and the natural man in submission. Satan totally neutralized. So the prophecy has come to pass in the realm of the soul in verse 8 of chapter 5.


Verse 9 says, and when this happens to them, this is what they’re going to do, “And they sung a new song saying, thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof. For thou was slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation.


Alternate Translation. And their structure, now this is the sons of God that have been caught up. Christ has appeared, fully appeared in them. And their structure, arrangement, and relationship to one another produced tranquility and inner calm and an interweaving in the correct moral order. So that when they spoke, their thoughts and words were so much in harmony that they sounded like a single melodious song.


And this is what they said, “You are suitable to possess the living soul and to fertilize it with your glorified light, despite the protective heads Satan has around it.” Who’s worthy? Jesus. Because you ge- -- and this is why he’s worthy, because He gave up his deity and all the privileges associated with it. And was broken into pieces so that we could have life. And when the Father rebirthed you back into the eternal realm of the spirit, when, after the resurrection and the ascension, you gave up your sinless soul life as Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Son of God. You submitted to crucifixion so that the Father could resurrect you, glorify you, and break your sinless soul life into pieces.


Now notice this, Christ was bro- --Jesus, not Christ, but the Son of God was broken into pieces twice. The spiritual Son of God was made into a natural man broken into many pieces. You and I each are a piece of the Son of God that was made into a natural man.


Then He appeared as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Son of God became a glorified man, and now the Lord is breaking him in pieces again. Breaking Him in pieces again because the first breaking created the female element, and this second breaking of the glorified Christ is creating the male element. And He’s joining a piece of himself in the form of male to each of us that is in the form of female. And the result of it is that we shall be a duplication of Him. We shall be Christ.


And the way he’s doing it is by pouring it out upon the rest of the members of the living soul, fertilizing him -- that’s his glorified soul life, and reproducing Christ in each of them. So that they too could be raised up to the eternal realm of the spirit out of every physical race and out of those believing each of the many doctrines contrived by man. And out of all these who know you, and all those who have never known you. Glory to God.


Verse 10, “And has made unto us” -- “And has made us unto our God kings and priests.” And have brought us unto a new relationship with our God as kings because we shall rule the Earth of our souls and bodies and by his spirit. And as priests because by his spirit we shall be the man Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and the living soul. And by his authority we shall rule in the realm of appearance.


Now I just want to remind you that all this is happening -- it has happened in the mind of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The prophecy, the word of Almighty God, the logos. Well what does that mean, the word of God? What does it mean?


The word of God appeared in a man in his mind, and He spoke it, we’re seeing it come to pass before us. OK. And now it’s in the minds of a many membered company. And we’re speaking it. Glory to God.


The logos of God, the word of God. What is the word of God? The word of God is I shall have a glorified creation in the Earth. And all sin and rule and rebellion and even the last enemy which is death shall be put down under my feet. That’s what the word of God is.


OK, going on to verse 11, “And I beheld and I heard the voice of many angels,” this is all happening in the realm of the soul now, “roundabout the throne and the beast and the elders. And the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands.”


Alternate Translation, “And I looked. And I heard the voice.” Now notice that the voice is singular, and we’re going to see in a future verse -- actually in chapter 11 verse 15 the voices are plural. And what I’m suggesting to you is that in the realm of the soul there is one voice. There is one voice in the realm of the soul. But in the realm of appearance we are separate. And you’re speaking it, and I’m speaking it, and you’re speaking it. But in the realm of the soul, there’s one mind. There’s one mind in the realm of the soul. There’s one voice. Glory to God.


OK, Alternate Translation verse 11, “And I looked. And I heard the voice,” singular, “of many spiritual men around the glorified soul of Jesus Christ. And around the souls of the first fruits company, and around the Christ within them, and the spiritual condition of innumerable spiritual men joined to innumerable perfected souls that have attained to complete salvation is expressed mathematically as ten thousands of ten thousands.” That’s innumerable spiritual men. “And thousands of thousands.” That’s innumerable perfected souls.


Now what this is all about is God has broken down the spiritual condition of man. It’s like saying you are one person, but you have a heart and lungs and a spleen and blood and a liver, and you’re in many parts, but you’re one.


Well he’s taken the spiritual makeup of this glorified my -- well, it’s not really a glorified man yet, but a man in whom Christ has been caught up to full stature and he’s saying this is what he’s comprised of.


There’s a natural man in him. There’s a human soul that’s been redeemed. And there’s Christ that’s been birthed in him and stood up in full stature. And that makes them spiritual men, and he’s giving you all the parts of the spiritual man. That’s what he’s doing.


And verse 12 says -- and the reason for the numbers, in case I never told you this before, science is intimately linked with mathematics. And this whole creation is based on scientific principles. We have about 15 messages talking about that.


So the reason God is expressing what he’s doing in numbers from time to time throughout the Book of Revelation -- the only revelation I have on that at this point is that God is saying everything is in order, and they have fully conformed to the mathematical expression of what I’ve promised to do. They’re right. They’re perfect. They’re in order.


If you’re supposed to be a right triangle, you’re a right triangle. You have two straight lines, and the angle is squared, and there’s no deviation. You are correct. And that’s why God uses mathematical expression.


OK, going on to verse 12, and this is what they were saying when they came into this condition, saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.”


Now check this out. “Worthy is the lamb was slain.” Who is the lamb that was slain? Anybody remember who the lamb that was slain is? Well what condition is he in today? Yes, someone in the congregation said Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, the spiritual Son of God was slain from before the foundations of the Earth. Now he wasn’t slain on the cross. His body and soul was crucified on the cross, but He was slain -- the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the Earth was the spiritual Son of God.


And when he was slain, what happened to Him? Anybody want to take a crack at it? OK, let me put this on the message.


            He went into the Earth and he became us.


Absolutely. When He was slain, He was -- He fell down, or was lowered from the high spiritual realm of his Father was. And He was lowered into the realm of the soul. And when He was lowered into the realm of the soul, his form changed and He became a man.


And God said to that man go forth and multiply. And he has been multiplying ever since. And you are a part of him. And you are a part of him. And I am a part of the lamb that was slain. And we’re waiting for God to resurrect the lamb that was slain back up into the realm of the heavenlies. Glory to God.


Yes, you have a question. Let’s get this on the message, OK?


            He was in pure spirit form when he was slain, right? He was totally spirit?




And so he -- the Father separated Him from his spirit. Is that what he did? And that caused his falling to the Earth?


Yeah, that’s pretty close. Yeah, that’s pretty good. The Father and the Son were one. The Father decided to reproduce himself in the realm of appearance, and he separated himself just like when a man and woman want to produce a child, the sperm of the man separates from the body of the man. The Father separated Jesus Christ from him, and literally made him into a female element that would bring forth the offspring of Christ.


And he had to make him female to reproduce. God determined that he needed a female element, and female, spiritually, is weak. So it was therefore necessary for the Father to break a piece of himself off that, to oversimplify it of course, I liken to a male sperm coming out of the body of a man. And that male sperm, what happens? It enters into the body of the woman. It leaves the body of the man, and it goes into enemy territory.


I watched a program on TV about fertilization, and it said that the female body reacts to male sperm entering into the body as if it were an invading force. The woman’s body tries to kill every sperm. It’s a miracle for women to conceive.


So what happened was the Father broke a piece of himself off and lowered it into a weak, beggarly condition, making it female for the specific purpose of coming again with his male life to fertilize himself. The Father is bringing forth fertilization from within himself. He’s both male and he’s female.


One of the messages in the 18 series we talk about the different kinds of fertilization in plant life. And it was coming to my mind right now is that there’s one plant, when it wants to reproduce, first it puts forth the female buds -- whatever, that’s probably the wrong word. The female buds appear on the plant, and then the male pollen appears on the plant. I know I’m using the wrong words. And they just come together and the plant reproduces itself.


That’s what the Father is doing. He broke a piece of himself off, made it female, and female is weak and beggarly. And we are the weak and beggarly female manifestation of the Father, but it’s just temporary. We’re here for the specific purpose of being fertilized, joined to the male element, having Christ appear in us, and thus being saved in childbearing, being raised right back up to the high realm of the spirit.


It’s just for a moment that we’re in this condition. It’s just for a moment. Glory to God.


OK. So we are now up to verse 12 Alternate Translation. Now this is very controversial, and the big problem with it is when members of the church hear I’m saying that the lamb that was slain is us, they think that I’m saying that we’re God. No, no, no, we’re not God. We are the weak, beggarly element. Christ has to appear in us.


OK, verse 12, “Saying with the voice of spiritual authority,” they had received when their minds were woven together with God, “suitable is the whole living soul. That’s us. To lay hold of miracle working power. And to raised up to the full stature of Christ. And to have the ability to meet all our own needs. And to put our souls underfoot and keep them there. And be reverenced -- we’re worthy to be reverenced, but not in this condition, brethren. Got to get cleaned up. We’re worthy for it to happen to us, but it’s got to happen to you. It’s got to happen to you. Worthy to receive reverence.


We are not to receive worship in this condition. Worship God. And to have their greatness acknowledged. And to speak the life of Christ into the realm of appearance.


Every human being is worthy of Christ’s redemption. Why? Because we are all made out of the life substance of the Son of God. We are his flesh. And he shall raise us all from the dead. No man is to be despised. We’re all out of the substance of Christ. Glory to God.


Verse 13, “And every creature which is in heaven and on the Earth and under the Earth, and such as that are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, blessing and honor and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne,” that’s Jesus, “and unto the lamb,” that’s us, “forever and ever.”


When Christ appears in us, we shall be Gods. And then we can receive worship. Jesus Christ of Nazareth received worship. He was a man, and he received worship. We are not to receive worship before Christ is ruling and reigning in us. Be very careful, brethren. Worship God. When you become God, I will worship you. But you have to be righteous and holy and resurrected.


Jesus Christ received wor- -- I shouldn’t even say resurrected, well resurrected in the realm of the soul. Jesus Christ received worship in a human body because his spiritual condition was that he was one with -- I don’t know about you, but I have two minds right now, the mind of Adam and the mind of Christ.


And James says I’m unstable in my ways, because I go back and forth between the two minds. When those two minds are woven together, I will receive worship.


Oh God, someone’s going to hear this and lay all of that one statement and crucify me. Well what am I supposed to do. It’s the truth. It’s the truth. When my mind is woven together with Christ, and you can’t tell the difference, when you worship Christ, you’ll have to be worshipping me because we’re going to be one in the same. Can you hear this? I will have been absorbed by Christ. You really won’t be worshipping me. I will have become him. I’m going to drop this before I get into any more trouble. What can I tell you.


Alternate Translation verse 13, “And every natural man which can be seen in the realm of appearance by his personality, his body, and the behavior which results from his unconscious mind. And the fertile soil of the sons of God, which exercise authority over the spiritual realm of the living soul. And every manifestation of Satan that is within them, I heard saying, may the ability to speak life into the realm of appearance, and the right to be reverenced and to have your greatness acknowledged be granted to the glorified Christ.” That’s Jesus, who has brought his own soul unto submission by the spirit of holiness. And also unto the living soul that is you and me for the life of the ages, but not before we’re cleaned up, brethren. Not before we’re cleaned up.


OK, now I just want to remind you as we go on that we’re dealing with a conditional promise. We are dealing with a conditional promise, or prophecy from the Lord God. When we get an understanding of the worth of the creation, when we find out who we are, when we find out that the reason that we’re worthy to be saved -- and you know there are so many people, so many people, especially Roman Catholic people, walk around saying I’m not worthy. You are worthy, brethren. You are worthy.


Why? Because you are made out of the very life substance of the Son of God. Not because of anything you’ve done. Not because of your good works. But because of the fabric of your spiritual being is God. 


OK, so when you get a revelation of what you’re worth and why you’re worthy, and when you bring every thought, word, and deed into submission to Christ, the second thing that’s going to happen to you -- now we just went through all those verses saying the first thing is that Christ is going to stand up in full stature. The second thing that’s going to happen to you is that you will have continual communion with Him who is living throughout all ages.


Verse 14, “And the four beasts said Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped Him that liveth forever and ever. And the souls of the members of the first fruits company in whom Christ was appearing said so be it.” They were in agreement with the prophecy, or the mind of God.


And let me tell you something, brethren, there’s no way that the mind of the living soul is in agreement with the mind of God until it’s brought into submission. Satan is a wild raging beast that is the exact diametric opposite of the mind of Christ. So for him to be in agreement, he had to be totally subdued and neutralized.


“And the four beasts said Amen.” Glory to God. “And the souls of the members of the first fruits company in whom Christ was appearing said so be it.” And the sons of God entered into a condition of continual communion with the glorified Christ, that’s Jesus in our mind, who lives by the righteousness of God for the life of the ages. We shall be married to Him. We shall enter into union with Him. We shall never be separated from Him, and forever we shall be with the Lord. Glory to God.


Now there’s one more promise after we meet the conditions of finding out why we’re worthy and bringing every thought, word, and deed into submission. The third promise, back in chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation is that we shall lay hold of and cast forth our spiritual life into the soul of Christ.


I guess I jumped ahead of myself. That verse 14 is saying that we shall worship Him forever and ever, and that means continual communion with Him. Submission to Him. We shall have the ability to come into submission to Him. And then the third promise is that we shall lay hold of and cast forth their life into the soul life of Christ.


And I looked through the Scriptures, brethren, and I didn’t find that happening until Revelation chapter 19.


Revelation 19:12, “And his eyes were as a flame of fire and had a name written that no man could know but himself.” And I didn’t type the rest of it. Revelation 19:12. Revelation 19:12, “And his eyes were a flame of fire.” Look at that, I left out the important verse. “His eyes were a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns. And he had a name written that no man knew but he himself.” That’s the fulfillment of the third promise in verse 19.


Jesus Christ was wearing all the crowns. What crowns? The crowns that the sons of God had cast down in chapter 4. In chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation verse 10, “and they cast their crowns before the throne. That is fulfilled in Revelation 19:12.


So I hope I haven’t confused you. Let me go over this one more time. Just going to review it. The first fulfillment of the promise when the conditions are met, is that Christ shall appear in us. And we talk about that in Revelation 5 chapters 8 through 13. In chapter 14, the second promise -- I’m sorry, chapter 5 verse 14, the second promise is fulfilled that the sons of God will worship him. They’re going to worship him. And worship means submission. And submission means communication. So they’re going to have communication with him. And the third promise when the conditions are met is that total joining shall be accomplished. And that is revealed in Revelation chapter 19 verse 12. When Jesus is wearing all those crowns, he has the crowns, he has the minds. He has the redeemed minds of every member of the living soul on his head and we are joined with him. So that’s the fulfillment of the promise.


Now we’ve had the prophecy, and we’ve seen it sketched in the realm of the soul. And now we’re moving on to verse 15 of chapter 11, which is what we’re up to on our study now. And we’re going to find out that the ministry of the sons of God is appearing in the realm of appearance.


So apparently all of these chapters, starting with chapter 6 going through to chapter 11, this is all the appearance of Christ in this first fruits company. This is all the raising up of the first fruits company. And all of the judgments that we talked about in chapter 8 with the angels sounding, the sea becoming blood and all that. That was all the ministry of the soul that was calling forth the members of the living soul that were called to the first fruits company. And they were people called, if you remember, out of the church world and we found out how God was going to deal with them. And there were people called that have the law of Christ written in their hearts. We found out how God was going to deal with them. All of that ministry was to this first fruits that is across the world out of every religion, out of every nation, out of every kindred, God is calling people to the first fruits company.


And when they’re raised up in the form of the two witnesses -- this is in the realm of the soul, the next thing that happens in verse 15 of chapter 11 is that the seventh angel shall sound, and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever and ever.


And I want to suggest to you, I skimmed through the balance of the Book of Revelation, and it just seems to me there’s very little said about what’s happening in the realm of appearance. It’s mostly what’s happening in the minds of men. And I believe what God has told me is that when this thing is accomplished in the minds of men, He’s just going to appear.


What we see in this realm of appearance is really inconsequential and insignificant. Everything that’s important is what’s happening in our minds. Everything that’s happening that’s important is happening in our minds. Sin is in our mind. Redemption is in our mind. Our mind is really the arena. This is just the theater where the thoughts of the mind are being played out.


And the only indication that I saw that had to do with the realm of appearance is in verse 15, where it says the kingdoms of the world are become his kingdoms. And if you recall, we studied kingdoms in the past. A kingdom -- to be qualified as a kingdom, you need a piece of land, a king, and subjects. So a kingdom is something that exists in the realm of appearance.


My personal feeling is that, in the Scripture, every individual member of the living soul is a kingdom. We have a piece of land. It’s our soul and our body. Our king is either Satan or Christ.


So the kingdoms of this world, the many members of the living soul have become Christ’s. They used to be whose? They used to be Satan’s, and they’ve become Christ’s. So this is referring to the realm of appearance, but by and large, everything else that’s following it’s all happening in the realm of the soul. God gives very little attention to this realm of appearance.


So let’s try and understand why verse 15 said -- that’s all I did today, verse 15. “And the seventh angel” -- well I meant to do verse 16, because the whole reason we got into this whole study was that verse 16 says “And the four and twenty elders which sat before God on their seats fell upon their faces and worshipped God.” But we’ll go into that on Wednesday. I just want to see something here. Glory to God. Thank you Jesus.


OK, worshipped him twice. I see. In verse 14 of chapter 5, they worshipped him. And they’re still worshipping him in chapter 16 of verse 11.


OK, I’m just going to give you verse 15 today. I think it’s enough. This was a difficult lesson. And then we’ll continue with this on Wednesday.


Verse 15. The word seven -- the number seven typifies fulfillment, or completeness, so this is the seventh angel. And I’m suggesting to you that the seventh trumpet typifies the culmination, the winding up of the whole process of God that is going to end in what? What’s -- the whole process of God, what is this all about? What’s it going to end in? Anybody? What?




OK, God appearing in the Earth. And is there another way you could put it? The redemption of the living soul. Absolutely. And they will be redeemed as Christ appears in them, so both answers are correct.


OK, Alternate Translation. This is the first third of Revelation 11:15. “And the members of the first fruits company, which were standing up in spiritual strength, completed their ministry of judgment to the living soul, and fulfilled their warfare against it, setting up the spiritual man dwelling in the same vessel,” I’m sorry, not setting up, but setting “the spiritual man dwelling in the same vessel, but the living soul free.”


Why? Because the living soul had captured the spiritual man that had been birthed in him. And redeeming and restoring that spiritual man to the spiritual realm of God. Continuing with -- “And there were great voices in heaven saying” -- now this word great, it’s Strong’s 3173. And it’s the same word that’s translated loud in Revelation 5:12.


In Revelation 5:12 where it says, “saying with a loud voice.” This is the same word great. And it’s from the Greek word mega. It means physical weight, age. It’s used of persons of rank. It’s a word typifying authority. It’s used to describe the sacred feast days of Judaism. And in the Hebrew -- the Hebrew significance of it is to twist threads or a cord together. And I’m suggesting to you that the great voices that were heard were voices that were coming forth from minds that were twisted or woven together with the mind of Christ.


This word great, it means authoritative. And there’s only one way that you can get your authority brethren, and that’s form having the mind of Christ joined to your mind. Any other authority is taken by the power of witchcraft. When you’re dealing with the things of God anyway.


So the Scripture said there were great voices. They were men whose minds had been joined to Christ, and they have received great authority. And they were making a disclosure into the realm of the spirit.


Alternate Translation the second third of Revelation 11:15. “And the authoritative voices of the first fruits company which were woven together with God in their minds were in the spiritual realm of God, and they were saying” -- so they had been elevated, the sons of God had been elevated to the spiritual realm of God. How? Because their minds were woven together with Christ. And this is what they were saying when this happened to them. The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever. And the word kingdom, I already told you what that was.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Revelation 11:15. “The members of the world system became the property of our Lord, even the Father, and of his Christ. And the Father shall rule and reign in his Christ for the life of the ages.”


Alternate Translation Revelation 11:15, the whole of it. “And the members of the first fruits company which were standing up in spiritual strength,” remember that’s the fulfillment of the first promise. Christ appeared in them. They were completing their ministry of judgment to the living soul and fulfilling their warfare against it. Because when you stand up in full strength that’s what you’re going to be doing. Setting the spiritual men dwelling in the same vessel with the living soul free. And redeeming and restoring him to the spiritual realm of God.

And the authoritative voices of the first fruits company, which were woven together with God, in their minds were in the spiritual realm of God saying -- now that’s the second fulfillment to have your mind woven together with God, you have to be in submission to him. And to be in submission to him is to worship him.


So that’s the fulfillment of the second promise. And when that happened to them, they were saying the members of the world system became, past tense, the property of our Lord. It’s already happened in the realm of the spirit. Even the Father and of his Christ. And the Father, future, shall rule and reign in his Christ for the life of the ages.


This is an issue that confuses a lot of people in the church world. We have become, past tense, the property of the Lord Jesus Christ. And he shall, future, rule and reign in our minds. He has attained the entire living soul as his inheritance, but he is not ruling and reigning in their mind. He has received the church as his reward, but in many instances he’s not ruling or reigning in the minds of the members of the church. So we have become, past tense, the property of the Lord and his Christ. And he shall rule and reign in our minds. Glory to God


And I just want to -- well are there any question? There’s one more thing I want to put on here. Are there any questions before I do that? On today’s message.


OK, I want to just go over this concept of all men being saved and relate it to this message. It’s very confusing, and it’s upsetting to a lot of members of the body of Christ.


But this is the situation that God has shown to me. He is saving the whole living soul. The living soul is likened unto a tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is a spiritual entity. It exists in the realm of the soul. It is a tree. It has roots. It has a trunk, and it has branches, which abide in -- a natural tree could live for hundreds and hundreds of years. No matter how old a tree is, it has leaves that appear on the tree that only appear for a season. They wither, and they die, and they never rise again.


The Scripture tells us that if you cut the tree down, if there’s nothing but the stump of the tree in the Earth, there’s still hope that if the [?scent?] of water [?a bow?] will come forth, and life will spring forth from the tree trunk.


So when a tree is cut down, it can live again. The living soul has been cut down, and it’s in the process of being resurrected. But the leaves that appear for a season, a few months, on the tree and live, and fall down and die, shall never appear again.


Now what I’m suggesting to you is that the living soul is a spiritual entity that wants to appear in the realm of appearance. And he births bodies. He births vessels. He’s multiplying in accordance with the commandment of God. And each body has a personality. And that personality lives for as season and falls off the tree and never rises again.


So if you know somebody that has lived and died and not had a salvation experience, that personality has been dissolved. But the spiritual substance, the spiritual root that gave that man life, has returned to the fatness of the tree. His spiritual substance shall be saved, but the personality shall not rise again.


And I just can’t go into anymore today. If you want to write to me or call me, I’ll be glad to talk to you. All men shall be saved. The spiritual substance that you are shall be saved, but your personality, the name that you’re known by now, will never rise again. Yes, we have a question.


You said if you knew somebody, and they died, and they didn’t -- weren’t saved [?I forget whether?] that’s the term you used. Well if they were saved, the personality still won’t come back, right?


Correct. The personality still will not come back. What is saved is our spiritual substance. The day that our soul is saved -- Scripture says that end of our faith is the salvation of our soul. Your soul is not saved when Christ enters into your heart. When Christ enters into your heart you receive the promise of salvation of your soul. OK? It’s your spiritual substance that is being saved.


And in the last day, in that last generation, God will give you a personality and a body. He will give you a spiritual substance that you are that has returned to the lump of the living soul. He will give you a body and a personality. It’s called a resurrection of the dead. And in that day, at the end of this whole process, where the salvation of the soul is accomplished, the personality and the body that you have in that day will never corrupt.  But what’s really essential is our spiritual substance -- can you hold it just a second.


We have a lot of Christians -- the well meaning, God-fearing Christians that believe that in that last generation that lightning bolts are going to fall down and dig up the graves of millions of people that have lived on the face of the Earth and died, and take their bones out of the grave and put flesh back on them.


Brethren, I bless you. I don’t mean to offend you in any way if you’re hearing this message, but that is a carnal interpretation of what the Lord intends to do. And we see that in the book of Ezekiel. He says prophesy to these bones of son of man. Can these bones live again? Brethren, in the Scripture, bones typify spirit. So when the Lord says to Ezekiel, can these bones live again? He’s saying can these spirits live again.


And when he says son of man prophesy to them, and the flesh and the sinews came back on the bones. Brethren, what that is talking about is the imparting to these spirits of new soul and new body that will not be in the form of the one that you knew as a personality. Glory to God. Yes?


My question is if the spiritual substance is not saved in one life, but it goes back to the soul, does it have feelings? And does it feel a separation from Christ?


I don’t know. I don’t think so because the way the revelation has been coming down here -- now I’m going to be very honest with you. There’s a lot that I don’t know about this. I’m not lying about this at all. I’m learning just like you are.


And in line with the revelation that came forth on the recent message, reconciling two doctrines of incarnation. What the Lord seems to be saying to us is that the spiritual substance that is in you, and the spiritual substance that is in me, is really one spiritual entity. It’s the Son of God that was lowered into the Earth. And Christ is not divided. So your spiritual substance would not have different feelings than my spiritual substance. It’s Christ in you -- it’s Christ.


My question is soul that separated from Christ -- does that have feeling, or when it’s back in the lump, does it feel a separation from Christ?


Oh you’re talking about the soul. No, the soul goes back to the dust. The soul dissolves. It has nothing. It dissolves. It dissolves. And, you know --


How is it capable -- the living soul capable of every evil thing if it has nothing? How is the soul capable of every evil thing if it has no emotions or feelings or anything else?


Well it does. The whole point is that the living soul is a spiritual entity, and right now he is manifesting in everybody sitting here, OK? If there were other people here that were to leave this Earth realm, he’s still mani- --all of his manifestations are in the flesh. He’d be manifesting feeling, whatever you were talking about, in you and in me, in everybody here, but once the bodies and the souls leave this realm, he’s not manifesting in them.


Feelings, which typifies the life in souls in motion, that takes place in the realm of appearance. When the body and the soul leaves the realm of appearance, they’re just dissolved. And all emotion and other manifestations of the life of the living soul is in existing vessels. It’s in existing vessels. When the vessel dies, it just dissolves. Did I answer your question? I didn’t answer your question? Did I understand your question?


Satan wants to have bodies to act out his whatever, right? So what happens to Satan when he’s not in a body? What’s going on with this being?


OK, well I -- OK, OK. Satan, when the body and the soul dies, he’s just stops manifesting in that body and that soul, and he’s manifesting in you and me.


            [INAUDIBLE] in other words?


He continues to manifest in other vessels, but in the vessel that dies, it’s just a vessel that’s discarded. It’s no good anymore.




Well OK, the spirit of Satan that’s manifesting in the man that died, he just goes to another vessel to manifest through. He continues to manifest through vessels that are appearing in the realm of appearance, and the vessel that has died, he just discards it like a dress that you wear out. He just throws it away. OK, did I answer your question? Yeah?


Thinking about that right now, I saw that in two different ways, that a spirit was actually in that body and it had to find another body, or that Satan is corporate and he just lives through many vessels. And he’s just a spiritual force that’s in the Earth. Is this true?




            He’s a spiritual force?




Well what is the difference between a person who’s received the Holy Spirit and the promise and a salvation experience in this lifetime, and a person who hasn’t? But yet they -- but yet the personality in the body is lost, is gone, and yet the spirit is saved. What is the difference?


The difference is that there’s only two men in the Earth. One man is the living soul, and the other man is Christ. And the living soul is being absorbed into Christ. So if there is a vessel that has lived on the face of the Earth, and he has received the promise, he is in the process of being absorbed into the body of Christ.  It’s just -- let me put it on the board for you. I know this is difficult.


We have to really stop thinking about individual people. There’s really -- there’s two entities. I won’t even draw it as a man. There’s two spiritual entities in the Earth, and they’re overlapping in this hour.


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] what happened to my marker here. This one isn’t writing. They’re overlapping in this hour. So we’ll have over here -- this is Adam. And this is Christ. OK, now who’s the only one that’s completely in Christ to date? Jesus.


OK now we have over here hundreds of thousands of carnal men that have nothing to do with Christ. And in this hour we have probably millions of Christians throughout the world that are in the process of being absorbed into Christ. And as the generations continue to go by, these numbers are going to diminish. These numbers are going to increase. And when the sons of God appear in this category over here, we’re going to Rita and Lorraine and Elsie and Annette. And all these names are going to be appearing in this category, but there’s an overlapping.


I know it’s hard. I can’t -- just don’t know how to explain any better. Did I help you at all with that? Let me get you on the message, OK?


[INAUDIBLE] going back to the first question that I had right when you were finishing with message is that -- you were talking about the age when our mind is going to be totally Christ, and that it would be an age. This is an age. I thought of -- can a person manifest totally Christ for a moment, and then go back and manifest to Adam the next moment?


Yes, that can happen. That happens to me all the time. I’ve been preaching here for an hour and a half. I personally think I’ve been manifesting Christ to you, you know.


[INAUDIBLE] then you’re tapping into the next age, and you’re bringing it into this age. So your overlapping. The ages overlap all the time then.


They overlap all the time, but the day is coming that they’re not going to overlap. When Christ appears in full stature in me, I won’t be going back and forth anymore. So we go back and forth. We go back and forth. And then the day is going to come that we’re not going to go back and forth anymore. It’s going to be Christ in us.


            Is that the age when it’s totally Christ in the whole world?


It’s happening a member at a time. It’s happening in your mind. So when Christ appears in you in full stature, you have entered into the new age. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the -- you are a member. No, you are a member of the living soul. You are a member of the living soul. When it happens in your mind. You’ll have entered into the new age.


[?Corporally?Corporately?] the new age, it’s still overlapping though. Because if one member does and another member doesn’t that means they’re still overlapping of ages.


There’s an overlapping of ages definitely. Just like in the world in this hour. We have animal life. We have soul life, and we now have spiritual life. And they’re all overlapping in the world at the same time. And we have different spiritual conditions overlapping in the world at the same time.


And it’s going to be even more extreme. Because once the sons of God manifest, we’re going to have people in full stature. We’re going to have animals. We’re going to soul men. And we’re going to have people in whom Christ has been birthed or conceived. And then we’re going to have a fourth category of people in whom he’s appeared. We’re going to be a mess. And it’s going to go on for thousands of years. This isn’t going to happen overnight.


            That’s true now, right? Of all those categories [?are?aren’t?] in the Earth?


The only category that as far as I know is not in the Earth is anyone in full appearance. Jesus Christ is no longer in the Earth. He’s at the right hand of the Father. So to the best of my knowledge there’s nobody in the Earth in full stature, but I believe it’s coming real soon.


The more that we experience this, the mind of Christ and this overlap. The more that we experience this mind of Christ, will we be able to recognize it?

4/22/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/01/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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