051 - Part 5
(Revelation 11)

Part 5 of 7 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.




-- to my presence, my people. Continually surround yourself with my praise and my worship, sayeth the Lord. And see if my glory will not fill you, sayeth the Lord. See if my miracle which I have ordained beforehand will not be wrought in your life, sayeth the Lord. See if I will not fill you with my spirit, sayeth the Lord. See if the miracle of those [?who have not?] believed is possible when your life comes to pass, sayeth the Lord. For as surely as I live, sayeth the Lord God, I will bring forth my miracle in your life. Even this night, I will wrought it in you, if you believe it. If you'll reach out for it,  I will do it sayeth God.


[SPEAKING IN TONGUES] Yea, sayeth the Lord, even in this hour, the armies of the anti-Christ raise up against my anointed, sayeth the Lord. Yea, they stand up with bow and arrow drawn, sayeth God, against my anointed, those in the realm of the spirit and those in the Middle East.


Yea, indeed, that which is spiritual shall manifest in the natural, sayeth God. Enemies to the left and enemies to the right, they cover us like a cloud, sayeth the Lord, that I remind you of my servant, David, sayeth God. I remind you of his fearlessness and his righteous indignation against the enemy, sayeth the Lord. And I remind you of the miracle that I wrought in Israel that day that I raised up my David, sayeth God. And, indeed, the hour is at hand that my David shall appear, sayeth the Lord. Fear not, for indeed, the stones that I shall place in your sling, yea, even your spirit, shall destroy the enemy, sayeth God.


While the world [?looks?] and quakes with fear, sayeth the Lord, be at peace. For, indeed, this is a commandment that I give thee. Be at peace. I shall meet thy every need. And, indeed, everything shall go according to my plan, and nothing shall go awry, sayeth the Lord. But I shall appear in the Earth, sayeth God, and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. And I shall bring the heathen to repentance, sayeth the Lord. And I shall appear in those who love me. And, indeed, all things shall work for the good. For those who love the Lord and those who do not shall be brought into obedience, sayeth God.


Yea, indeed, the hour is at hand, and I do declare to you, my people, it shall be in your natural lifetime. Seek not for the exact moment or the exact hour, sayeth God. It is not in my purposes that I shall tell you these things, but know that the hour is at hand, and it is quite near, sayeth the Lord. Follow your lives, sayeth God. Serve me in peace and in love. Study, learn, practice, have mercy on your fellow man, sayeth God. And as if thou were waking up out of a dream, one day I shall appear. Thank you, Father.


Recap, Revelation 11:5-6, "And if any member of the living soul or Satan, his unconscious mind, is inclined to oppose their righteous mind, words of spiritual authority will come out of their mouth, which will inflict injuries upon their corrupt conscious mind and strip Satan of the power he has over their I mean. And if any member of the living soul or Satan, his unconscious mind, is inclined to oppose the righteous mind of the Spirit of God and the word of God manifesting through the sons of God, the mind of that member of the living soul must be destroyed by the mind of Christ manifesting in the sons of God."


"These two witnesses that God is have the spiritual authority to make it impossible for members of the living soul to communicate with God and to dry up the anointing which He is pouring out and to also prevent you from being sanctified, from having truth and error separated in your mind. All this during the time period that the spiritual of God and the word of God is revealed in full stature through men, and that also have the spiritual authority to convert -- excuse me, to convert the human spirits of the members of the living soul into the soul of Jesus Christ. And as often as they choose, they have the authority to confront the members of the living soul forcibly, setting the process in motion which will birth Christ in them."


So what are we saying here? What are the signs of the manifesting two witnesses? They will have authority over both the conscious and the unconscious mi- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] when they get in a spiritual battle with a man, the sons of God, in full stature, will never lose. And spiritual battles, brethren, they take place in the mind. They're dealing with doctrines of men. They're dealing with ideas. Spiritual warfare has to do with ideas, with the way people think. And if somebody thinks amiss, whether a believer or a unbeliever, and they are -- come into a conflict with a son of God in full stature, the person whose thought processes are not correct must bend their knee to the correct thought in that particular situation.


You know, this is manifesting in this hour. It's manifesting in this hour, but the sons of God are not in full stature. They don't have full authority, and I -- well, I don't -- I can't really, in all honesty, tell you how they're going to manifest differently in -- when they're in full stature than they are now because I know when the anointing comes upon me to be in a conflict with a -- with the mind of someone who's not thinking with the mind of Christ, I know a tremendous strength wells up in me, and I can feel the fire in my eyes. So when I stay -- say that I'm not in full stature, what I mean is that the anointing of God does not abide upon me 100 percent of the time. But when it does rise up in me, it's in full strength.


So what I'm saying is, I don't know whether when we -- when Christ appears in us in full stature, whether we will be experiencing the same experiences that we experience now when Christ rises up in us, only 100 percent of the time, or whether we will be more powerful when he rises up in us. I really, honestly don't know. As soon as I find out I'll let you know. But, in any event, that's the sign that the two witnesses are operating in you. And the two witnesses are -- does anybody remember? The t- --




The spirit and the word, absolutely, operating in men, appearing in men in a many membered company. And Spirit of God and the word of God appeared in Jesus Christ. It also appeared, I believe, in full stature in Peter and in Paul, and I'm not 100 percent sure about the other apostles. So I know of three men, in my opinion, that the two witnesses have appeared in. Now, it's not two men. It's not Peter and Paul. It's the word of God and the Spirit of God in whatever vessel they're manifesting in.


And we're going to find out in today's message that the two witnesses were slain and that they lay dead in the street. And I'm suggesting to you that the two witnesses appeared 2,000 years ago in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in Paul and in Peter at least, and they have been lying dead for these 2,000 years. We haven't seen any such manifestations in 2,000 years, and they're going to stand up again, the word of God and the Spirit of God, in full stature in many membered company.


So it's not a man, but they will be appearing through men. And we'll know that it's them because they'll never fail in a confrontation of minds. And we'll know that it's them because they will have the judgment to shut up the heavens, which is to cut off communication between God and man, and I perceive this to be the wormwood judgment that's directed towards the church.


And as I just read to you, the Alternate Translation, they're going to have the power to cut off communication with God and to cut off deliverance. And yet, the very next -- or last phrase says, "They shall have the ability to confront members of the living soul, forcible setting the process in motion which will birth Christ in them." And what that means to me is that the ministry that has been in the Earth through the Holy Spirit, gentle correction and gentle deliverance and healing, is coming to an end. That's what it says to me.


Now, I remind you, there's always an overlapping when God does things. He's like the sea rolling in. He never does anything suddenly. It's always -- what you see that appears to be sudden is the move of God that has crossed over the threshold, if you remember the threshold teaching, and all of a sudden it appears. But it has been rolling into the realm of appearance for a very long time, and there will be an overlapping of the withdrawing of the wave of the communication of the form of God, of -- I'm sorry, of the form of communication with God and the form of deliverance that we have available to us through the Holy Spirit in this hour. And there shall be a new form of communication with God that's going to be wormwood judgment and the forcible birthing of Christ in men.


Now, it's going to do what the move of the Holy Spirit has not done or has done very gently. It's going to do it more quickly. It's going to do it without failure. And I remind you that the Holy Spirit does not necessarily fertilized the human spirit of every person whom He enters into. We know lots of people that have the baptism of the Holy Spirit or that have the Holy Spirit just in the form of faith. There are many people that have the Holy Spirit without being baptized into it, and they have not birthed Christ. And deliverance -- they have a communication with God, and there is all kinds of deliverance in people's life. You don't have to be casting out evil spirits. If you establish or if the Lord establishes are relationship with you and you -- your heart changes and your life changes, that is deliverance. And yo- -- it may have been an evil spirit that came out of you that you weren't even aware of it.


It's only the extreme cases that need them forcibly cast out. The -- I bel- -- I personally believe there are people all across the world that get deliverance from God continuously. And if evil spirits are cast out, if they -- if it's a mild one, if they belch or something or yawn -- like, we that are in deliverance know that a yawn or a belch could be an evil spirit coming out. They're not aware of it because it's an evil spirit that is not strongly rooted, and either they have no manifestation or it's a belch or a yawn and they're not aware of what it is.


It's only those severe cases that need demons forcibly cast out, basically falling in the area of witchcraft, sexual sin. There was a third one. It's alluding me at the moment. The cases that fall into hardcore deliverance where you need demons cast out, fall into three categories. I'm sorry I can't recall the third one. Witchcraft, sexual sin and the occult. Thank you, Lord. People that have been involved in the occult, people that have been involved in sexual -- ungodly sexual behavior and witch- -- and people that have been involved in witchcraft, most likely, you're going to wind up in a ministry where evil spirits are forcibly cast out of you.


But God's doing deliverance across the church world. So we see this form of ministry coming from the Holy Spirit passing away and being replaced with a much stronger form of ministry, the ministry of the sons, and it's going to be forcible, and it's going to be painful. We know they're going to have the authority to inflict painful injuries on men's minds that are thinking with a reprobate mind. So it's going to be painful, but it's going to be much faster. And it's going to be sure.


When you have a conflict or a confrontation with a son of God, you shall birth Christ as a result of it, and that's not the case with an experience with the Holy Spirit. So the whole program of God is speeding up. It's moving much faster, and Christ is going to start appearing all across the world, once we get going. We're waiting for the manifestation of the two witnesses. We're waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God in the Earth, and once God raises them up in full stature, we're going to start seeing people everywhere birthing Christ. It's going to start happening everywhere.


But, I remind you, there's going to be an overlapping. There will be people still moving under the ministry of the Holy Spirit, possibly for years. I don't know but possibly for a very long period of time. This is as very big world, brethren. There are billions of people in the world. Glory to God.


OK, going on with verse 7, "And they shall have finished -- the two witnesses shall have finished, and when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and shall kill them." Glory to God.


Well, that sounds impossible. You know, how could this happen? Well, I'll repeat it. I said it earlier. I don't know whether you picked it up or not. What I'm suggesting to you in this message tonight is that the two witnesses have already appeared in the Earth in at least Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the apostles Peter and Paul. And when those three vessels left the Earth realm, for all intents and purposes, the two witnesses died, and they are lying in a unmanifested state in the realm of the soul, waiting to be incarnated again, waiting to be birthed again in new souls and new bodies.


And if this is the first message that you're hearing and it's the first time you ever heard anyone mention multiple incarnations of the Spirit of God, you can write to me, and I'll get some other messages to you. The Spirit of God has incarnated more than once, and He shall incarnate many times in many members. Glory to God.


OK, "And when they shall have finished their testimony."


The word when is Strong's 3752, and it really means whenever. And Strong's says that it implies hypothesis or more or less uncertainty. Hypothesis means an imaginary situation. You might say to somebody, well, you know, if I were to fall down that step, would I be able to sue? You just want some information about a situation that, really, has not occurred. So that's what that word means. It's very indefinite. It also can be translated as soon as, whenever or as soon as.


And the phrase, "And when they shall have finished their testimony," the word finished is Strong's 5055, but the tense is incorrect. Strong's says shall have finished, and the correct tense is finish in the present. The whole phrase is, "Whenever they finish," or, "As soon as they finish," indicating a present situation that has been going on for a while and that shall continue into the future. It indicates and indefinite time in the present or future.


And the word finish, whenever they get around to finishing, that word finish means complete, conclude or executed. And I remind you that this book was written by John. I personally don't know whether Paul or Peter was still alive at this time. And -- but according to the Greek, the two witnesses were still manifesting at the time that Paul wrote this book. Maybe the Holy Spirit is referring to -- did I say Paul? I meant John. Did I say Paul?




I meant John. Excuse me. Sometimes I review these old messages, and I can't believe the slips that come out of my mouth. Glory to God. OK, we all know that John -- that St. John wrote the book of Revelation. I do know that.


And I don't know whether the Holy Spirit was referring to the fact that the two witnesses were referring to John at this point. But according to the tense in the Greek, the two witnesses had not yet finished their testimony.


And the word testimony is Strong's 3141. It means evidence, report or a witness that's given judicially. And I don't know that we've discussed that in this ministry, but this whole concept of the work of Jesus Christ in our world and in our realm, according to the mind of God, is a judicial function. God has judicially, legally declared the living soul criminal and has smitten her. He's executed the judgment of death upon her after legally trying her and finding her guilty.


And the legal testimony that's coming forth through the two witnesses is, I suggest to you, the legal testimony that the righteous life of Jesus Christ has appeared in the living soul. It's going to be written on the heavenlies. It's legal, and God will receive no counterfeit.


OK, Alternate Translation, first half of Revelation 11:7, "And whenever the two witnesses that God is, even his Spirit and his word, whenever they finish presenting the evidence that Christ is risen and appearing in men, and what is the evidence? Every time they confront a reprobate mind, they shall prevail. They shall cut off the present communication with God and the present form of deliverance. And they shall have the power, through conversations with men, to cause Christ to be birthed in them."


And we all know that the church world -- many, many members of the church world is out there spending very precious time and energy talking their heads off to people, and the people just -- it's happened to me. I've ministered to people for an hour, and they said, well, thank you, but I don't believe that. That will never happen again. That will never happen again when the two witnesses are manifesting in you. You will speak to somebody, and they will birth Christ. Glory to God.


I'll read it again, first half of Revelation 11:7, "And whenever the two witnesses that God is" -- that's what they're witnessing to, the fact that God is -- "even his Spirit and his word, when they finish presenting the evidence" -- what evidence? -- "that Christ is risen and appearing in men, that He's appearing in men. God not only is, but He's appearing in them."


OK, when that happens, "The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and shall kill them."


The word beast is Strong's 2342. It means dangerous animal. And I'm suggesting to you that it's typifying Satan. The word ascendeth is Strong's 305, and that form of the verb, ascendeth, isn't too clear. It really should say the beast that is ascending. Again, an ongoing situation in the present. We're not told when he started to ascend, and we're not told when he will finish ascending. He is in a state. He is in a condition of ascending. And I'm suggesting to you that that is the condition of the entire living soul, that Satan from our unconscious mind is continuously ascending and piercing through into our conscious minds.


And we did a study on that, if you'd like to review it, on message 47, part 2. And we found out that it's the equivalent of the Hebrew word that was used in one of the prophets where we're told that iniquity was found in Adam. The expression used in the Old Testament is that iniquity sprang forth in Adam. And where did it come from? He pierced through from the unconscious mind of man. And this word ascend means to spring forth, to go up or to arise.


OK, so the phrase is, "And the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them."


Now, the original Greek word -- I really don't know what the significance of this is, but in a prior chapter -- I guess it was chapter 9. We did a lot of talking about the bottomless pit. As a matter of fact, I want to give you the message number on that, and for some reason I didn't type it down. We established that the bottomless pit was the living soul.


But what I'm starting to tell you now is that this word in chapter 11 does not say bottomless pit in the Greek. It merely says the abyss instead of -- or the pit. OK, it does not say bottomless pit. And I don't know what the significance of that is, but I want to point it out to you. And if God tells you, I'd appreciate it if you tell me.


So we have established in prior meetings that the bottomless pit is the living soul. And if you want to review that, it's in the messages that are on chapter 9 of the book of Revelation.


OK, "And the beast that ascendeth out of the living soul shall make war against the two witnesses."


And the word war is 4171. It merely means warfare. It can mean a single encounter or a series of encounters. And I am suggesting to you that Satan is at war, both with the members of his own soul and with the mind of Christ. I remind you that Satan is divided, that the living soul is divided. He is under a curse of dispersion, and he is waging war against his own members, and he is also waging war against Christ.


"And He shall overcome them." The word overcome is 3528, and it means to conquer, to take the victory over. "And He shall kill them." The word is Strong's 615, and it means to destroy, to put to death. And that sounds shocking to a lot of people, but I declare to you that the manifesting word and Spirit of God was utterly overcome and destroyed approximately 2,000 years ago when it disappeared from the face of the Earth in full stature. Now, we know that men have always manifested the Holy Spirit over these 2,000 years, but not in full stature, brethren, not in full stature.


Glory to God. Alternate Translation, second half of Revelation 11:7, "Satan, man's unconscious mind, who is continual piercing through into their consciousness, shall wage war against the Spirit of God and the word of God in the minds of men and tread them underfoot and shall kill them."


And, brethren, I declare to you, there are people all over the world walking around with Bibles, reading Bibles, quoting Scriptures, speaking in tongues, doing miracles under the imputed anointing, which is without repentance. And I declare to you that the Son of God, the word of God and the Spirit of God is at least in measure tread under the foot of their satanic mind. Because if that were not the case, we would not be dying, brethren. So don't get offended with me. I ask you to pray about it. I'm telling you the truth.


We are a carnal people that have been given the promise of salvation, and sometimes God manifests in us and lets us pray for people wh- -- and see them get healed, and sometimes he lets us cast out demons by His power. And sometimes he lets us preach, and sometimes he lets us minister under a supernatural anointing. But, brethren, I'm telling you, we are carnal men that have been given a gift. And we're waiting for Him to appear in us and totally swallow us up, and then we can say that we are in full stature, and we will stop dying.


But until that time, Christ is tread underfoot in us, the word of God and the Spirit of God, at least in measure. I don't know anybody that's manifesting Christ 100 percent of the time. I personally think God has given me a very spiritual walk, and I screamed at a dog yesterday that was snapping at my feet. And I lose my temper, and if I have a bad day, sometimes I'm not too patient with people. My faith isn't what it should be.


Brethren, this situation could not exist if the two witnesses were in full stature in me. And I'll be honest with you, I consider myself pretty spiritual. Well, what does that say about me? It says that I'm a carnal man just like everybody else and either -- you know the statement in the world, either you're pregnant or you're not? Well, brethren, if we're all carnal men, does it really matter if one person has the Spirit of God mani- -- and the word of God manifesting in them more than the other? What does it matter? You're not good -- you're no better than anybody else because maybe Christ is manifesting in you a little more than somebody else. You're still a carnal man. Do you hear what I'm saying. We're still what we are. I still am what I am. I'm the same thing that you are. I'm a servant of Almighty God.


And I remind you that Jesus received worship. Jesus was a man, and he received worship. Yet, the angel speaking to John, a little further along in the book of Revelation, said, "Worship me not. I am just one of your brethren, the servant of the Almighty God."


So when we're coming out of our soul realm, we are servants. The Scripture says Moses was a servant in his Lord's house, but Christ is the head over his own house. What does that mean? Moses was a natural man. He was in the house of Adam, ruled by Satan. But God had apprehended him. Christ is the head over his own house. He is moving in his own soul and in his own spirit totally not subject to the Adamic mind. So as long as we're subject to the Adamic mind, we are servants in the house of Almighty God.


And we all know how anointed Moses was, and God still called him a servant. So until we enter fully into Christ, we are servants. We are carnal men, and it really doesn't matter. It's not at all godly to be comparing yourself against other servants of God, for your own good. It's very ungodly to compete within Christ and to compare yourself with other believers.


Just serve God and tell him that you want whatever he has for you. He'll give you more than you could ever hope for in your wildest dreams. Be faithful to that which He has given you, if He's given you a ministry, whether it be a ministry of helps, whether you clean, whether you play a musical instrument. If you -- you know, if you just -- if you erase the blackboard, whatever you do, whatever your ministry is, be faithful to it. Serve God, and in due season, He'll exalt you. Don't compare yourself to other believers, brethren. You're damaging yourself. It's very ungodly. Just keep your eyes single towards God. Hallelujah.


OK, Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 11:7, "And whenever the two witnesses that God is, even his Spirit and his word, finish presenting the evidence that Christ is risen and appearing in men, Satan, man's unconscious mind, who is continually piercing through into their consciousness, shall wage war against the Spirit of God and the word of God in the minds of men and tread them underfoot and shall utterly destroyed them."


After the first appearance of the two witnesses almost 2,000 years ago, Satan, the unconscious mind of men, waged war against the human beings that still had the word and the Spirit in their mind and defeated them. And now, almost 2,000 years later, we're waiting to see the manifestation of the two witnesses in the earth of men's souls again. And when they appear, they will give judicial evidence that they are indeed of God.


Verse 8, "And their dead bodies" -- now these words shall lie are not in the original Greek, an they're -- that means that that I'm going to have translator's license as to what to put in there.  The King James translators said, "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom in Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified."


Now, the word dead body is Strong's 4430, and it's talking about a corpse. Strong's says lifeless body, corpse, carrion. But I'm suggesting to you, brethren, that it's human bodies without the life of Christ. We're in a spiritual book here, and the Lord is telling us about things that must shortly come to pass. And I remind you that the Scriptural definition of death is to be living and dwelling and thinking in the carnal mind.


And for the purposes of this verse, I am going to use this word corpse to human bodies that our walking around, talking, having babies, dancing and singing and even praising God sometimes. According to God, we are dead. We have received the promise of life, and those of us that don't have the promise -- well, we're all dead. Just some of us have recei- -- well, we've all received the promise. The promise was made to the whole living soul. It's just manifesting in a few of us in this hour.


Glory to God. OK, now I want to make a comment here that the body of the two witnesses, I suggest to you, is the living soul. The two witnesses are appearing in the living soul, not necessarily in these flesh bodies that we look at. And I believe that for these Scriptures anyway, the bodies that are being spoken about are the Adamic souls in which the two witnesses shall appear. The bodies, the receptacle, the holding place for the two witnesses is the Adamic soul. They're going to pierce through our Adamic soul. Anybody have a problem with that?


And the word street -- "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city." The word street is Strong's 4113. It means a wide open place or a street. And what this suggested to me, as I was asking God for revelation on these Scripture, was it reminded me of our studies and the message number 18 series, our studies in the creation where we were told about the field, that Adam was the field, and he was a piece of -- that a field is a piece of clear land where the trees were chopped down. And there was no cattle grazing. It was just a piece of land that was waiting for somebody to do something with it. And God showed us that that was the condition of the living soul before the fall. It was wide open for what? To have the image of Christ engraved upon it, but the image of Satan got in there first.


So I know this is not obvious. We haven't had this kind of revelation in a few messages. I just pray -- you know, pray, Father, that if it be true that you witness this to them. What I'm suggesting to you is that the street -- that the bodies of the two witnesses was -- were lying -- was -- is the living soul. The two witnesses, the word of God and the Spirit of God, are lying dead in the spiritual realm of the living soul. They have not left.


And I suggest to you that the state that they're in -- they're in a dormant state in the living soul right now. Does anybody have any idea what that dormant state is? What is the potential in men for the word and the Spirit of God to appear? Anybody want to take a guess at that? I know it's a tough one. The human spirit that has the root of Christ. The human spirit is the potential for the word and the Spirit of God to appear in men.


And I suggest to you that the word and Spirit of God have not left the living soul. Christ has indeed entered into the living soul. There is a new foundation of power in the world. Christ is present but not manifesting, or manifesting only partially. And the two witnesses, according to this Scripture, have been utterly killed, utterly slain, but are still potentially present in the living soul. They're lying dead in the street, which is the minds of men.


Glory to God. And, OK, let me read you the verse again. "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street." And I suggest -- well, I'm going to change that, and I'm going to take translator's license, and I'm going to change it to exist because we know that the living soul is existing and that the two witnesses are existing within them in potential form. They're not manifesting the life of God.


OK, "And their dead bodies shall exist in the street of the great city." And that word city is Strong's 4172. It means a town without wall -- a town with walls. It's from the -- two words, 4171, which means war, and 4183, which means many. That is, many places where war is waged. The word city means many places where war is waged.


And I suggest to you that the many places are the many souls of the many members of the living soul. War is waged in our mind every day, brethren, whether we have Christ or not. Satan is devouring his own.  He's eating his own offspring. He's consuming them. He's destroying them. He's a wild, venomous beast, and the minds of men is the place, I suggest to you, where war is ra- -- is waged.


And it's a great city. It's a great place, where war is waged. And this word great is Strong's 3173, and it means mighty and proud. It's a very proud place where war is waged all the time, the minds of men, brethren, the minds of men.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 11:8, "And the Spirit of God and the word of God, although potentially present in the form of the root of Christ, which is the human spirit, shall not be birthed in the many members of the living soul which exist in the spiritual realm where that proud living soul wages war. She wages it both against her own members and the Spirit of God and the word of God when they are [?bothed?] -- birthed."


"And the Spirit of God and the word of God, although potentially present in the form of the root of Christ, or the human spirit, shall not be birthed in the many members of the living soul which are existing in this spiritual realm of the soul where that proud living soul wages war, both against her own members and the Spirit of God and the word of God when they are birthed."


Contusing with, "Which spiritually is called" -- "Which great city is spiritually called Sodom in Egypt, here our Lord was crucified." The word Sodom is Strong's 4670. It means burnt or scorched. And I think most of you should know that Sodom was destroyed by God for great wickedness. It was a wicked city that God destroyed by burning. I have some interesting comments on that on message 11, if you'd like to review it. I'm not going to go into it now.


But Sodom was a wicked city filled with sin. I've always thought that that sin was primarily homosexuality because we know when the angels went to Sodom and stayed with Lot that the men of the city demanded that the angles be given over to them. And I always thought that primarily the sin of Sodom was homosexuality. But the Lord showed me that -- well, what He told me to do was look in the Levitical call for what sins required the judgment of burning. And to tell you the truth, I didn't find hom- -- I didn't find -- I didn't specifically look for homosexuality. I just went into my Strong's concordance, and I looked under the words burnt, and I didn't find anything applying to homosexuality. Isn't that interesting?


I have three Scriptures for you. Levitical 20 -- Leviticus 20:14, "And if a man take a wife and her mother together, it is wickedness. They shall be burnt with fire, both he and they, that there be no wickedness among you." And this Scripture is talking about incest. If you marry a woman and you take her wife also, we know this to be incest. And the Levitical law says that the judgment is death by being burnt alive both for the woman and the man.


Not too long ago I watched a movie. I think it was King Arthur and his round table, and I was very shocked to find out that when it was discovered that Queen Guinevere had been unfaithful to King Arthur, the judgment was being burned at the stake. And I was horrified, because to me that's a barbar- -- to my carnal mind, that's a barbarous judgment. And at the time, I was not aware that being burned alive was in the Levitical law. I was not aware of it. And to me, I mean, I can't think of a more horrible death. And subsequently to that, just before I prepared this message, only a week or so ago, the Lord showed me that being burnt alive is one of the judgments in the Levitical law.


And the second reason for which the judgment is being burn alive is found in Leviticus 21:9, "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father. She shall be burnt with fire."


Now, I know a lot of women are going to be screaming and yelling, but don't get mad at me because I didn't write the Levitical law. But if you haven't picked it up, that for incest both the man and the women are burnt with fire. But for harlotry, only the woman is burned. Now, to be perfectly honest with you, I don't know why, except that this seems to be the way the law is written. For incest, both the man and the woman, the judgment is death by burning. For harlotry, they s- -- I don't -- they don't even pronounce a judgment upon the man. It's just upon the woman.


And I want to give you another witness to that burning for harlotry in Genesis 38:24. "And it came to pass about three months after that it was told to Judah, saying , Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt."


Glory to God. I was speaking to somebody recently, and they told me that they thought it was the man's place to set the sexual guidelines, but it isn't. but in our society, it's the woman that draws the boundaries. And apparently, it's -- this situation has evolved in our society based on the Scripture. I mean, can you imagine living in the days when you were burnt alive, if you were found involved in harlotry? Those women sure did draw those guidelines. You'd better believe it. The man got up and walked away, and she was burnt alive.


And this procedure has just followed down through the generations. Thank God we don't burn our women alive anymore if they're involved in some form of sexual sin. But the value of the society -- the burden, the drawing the sexual guidelines had to be [UNINTELLIGIBLE] upon the woman, and it is rooted in the Scripture. OK, and I don't have any more information for you on it than that. I just know that God is not -- does not hate woman. And that P- -- Moses and Paul did not hate woman, that there's a reason for everything. And every law of God is righteous and good. If He gives me more information for you on this, I'll be glad to share it with you.  But that just seems to be the situation.


Glory to God. I think he just gave me the answer. OK, I'll tell you what he just told me. The whole Old Testament, everything in the Bible, is pointing to the spiritual realm of our mind. And we know that the woman typifies the soul. And in the last day, the spiritual man's not going to be destroyed, but the soul, who is the harlot -- our soul is the harlot. She's fornicating with a spiritual man, which -- you know, which is Satan. She's fornicating, and she -- her judgment is that she's going to be burnt by fire, but it's going to be the fire of Almighty God which is going to catch her up and let her live in another form.


So when God burns your soul with fire for harlotry, it's going to be painful, but you're going to rise and live in another form. But because God has made the whole Old Testament a [?type?] of what's happening to us, the judgment was laid down that the woman is burnt with fire. And so for those poor people living in that day, subject to the Levitical law, if they had a moment's weakness and they fell into harlotry, the woman was burnt in fire, and the man just walked away. Because in the New Covenant, the man is Christ, and He's the one that's going to do the burning.


So all of these people that had to live under the Old Covenant were subject to this because God is making a point that in the realm of the spirit, it's the soul that's going to be burnt and not the spiritual man. Nevertheless, if the spiritual man falls into incest -- and who is the spiritual man that fell into incest, anybody?




Adam. Satan is the spirit. OK, the -- a- -- both answers are correct actually. Satan is the spiritual mind and the Adamic mind that has fallen into incest, and he is going to be burnt. He is going to be burnt as well as the living soul. But where it's just harlotry involved, OK, the one that's going to do the burning is Jesus Christ, and He shall not be burnt also. He shall be doing the burning.


So the Old Testament is a [?type?], and all the poor people subject to this law had to be burnt alive because God is teaching us that this is what's happening in the realm of the spirit. But God is righteous.


OK, we're talking about Sodom, the fact that this great city is spiritually likened unto Sodom in Egypt. And I'm suggesting to you that Sodom symbolizes both incest -- and that's the incest perpetrated between Satan and Eve. And it also symbolizes adultery, and that is Eve's unfaithfulness to Almighty God. And the judgment upon her is that she shall be burnt in accordance with the fulfillment of the Levitical law.


And this word and, it says, "Sodom and Egypt." This word and is Strong's 2532, and it can also be translated even or indeed. It doesn't have to be translated and. And the word Egypt -- I hope we all know here that Egypt typifies the flesh or the Adamic soul or the satanic mind.


And I'm suggesting to you that our Lord was crucified in a human body, the place where incest and adultery takes place continuously. Now, not in Jesus' case because he brought his soul into submission to the spirit of holiness. But the human body is the place where incest and adultery -- spiritual incest and spiritual adultery takes place vict- -- I don't want to say victimizing, but it's against Almighty God, and spiritual adultery and incest that is directed towards Almighty God. And that is the place in which our Lord was crucified, the filthy realm of the soul.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Revelation 11:8, "Which represents spiritual incest and adultery, e- -- indeed, even the mind of the Adamic soul, which is also the place where the spiritual Son of God was nailed to Satan for the life of the ages." And I remind you that we saw Jesus Christ hanging on a cross with iron nails in him. But we've talked about this many times, the spiritual reality of what happened in the realm of the soul was that Satan, the mind of the living soul, was crucified, and the nail, known as Jesus Christ, was put through his heart. And now Jesus Christ and Satan are joined together for the life of the ages. Of the twain, he made one new man.


And if this is the first message that you're hearing, we have a lot of messages on it. Write to me please, and I'll get you the messages.


So instead of saying crucified, I exchanged that for the phrase that said the Son of God was nailed to Satan for the life of the ages. "And because he is nailed to Satan, destroying him for the life of the ages, we shall have the opportunity to live through the soul of Jesus Christ."


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 11:8, "And the Spirit of God and the word of God, although potentially present in the form of the root of Christ, which is the spirit of -- which is the human spirit, shall not be birthed in the many members of the living soul. The word of God, the Spirit of God, they're not going to be birthed in the many members of the living soul which exist in the spiritual realm where that proud living soul wages war both against her own members and the Spirit of God and the word of God when they are birthed, which place represents spiritual incest and adultery, [?indeed?], even the mind of the Adamic soul which is also the place where the spiritual Son of God was nailed for the life of the ages.


Glory to God. Jesus Christ was crucified to Satan, the place where spiritual incest and spiritual adultery takes place in the living soul. It takes place where? In the unconscious minds of men, known as Satan. And Jesus Christ crucified him so that he shall not be able to cause us to be involved in spiritual adultery and spiritual incest again when the work of Jesus Christ is completed in us.


Glory to God. Verse 9, "And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies." Whose dead bodies? The dead bodies of the two witnesses -- "three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves."


Now, the Greek text says that the phrase, "and they of the people and kindreds and tongues," et cetera, the word is not they. The Greek text says it's some. And some of the people and some of the kindreds and some of the tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies, et cetera, et cetera.


Now, we've gone over this several times, so I'm just going to do it quickly. The word peoples is Strong's 2992, and it means those who know God. It -- what it real- -- it's used -- OK, I'll give you the whole thing. All those people who are of the same stock and language, it's used especially of the nation of Israel, those who know God. OK, so some of the people who know God.


Kindreds, Strong's 5443. It means offshoot, race or clan. And I suggest to you kindreds are referring to the people that come out of every physical race. The word tongues is 1100. It means language, usually naturally acquired, and it's referring to those who express themselves in the same way, not only speaking the same language but thinking alike. And I suggest to you that a lot of ethnic peoples have very similar thought patterns, and I don't think anyone would really dispute that.


And so out of the na- -- out of some of the nations and out of those who have never known God, nations -- did I get ahead of myself? I got ahead of myself. Tongues are those who have the same way of thinking, so they're going to be seen out of every way of thinking.


And the word nation is Strong's 1484. It means a multitude of men or beasts, and it's associated -- that are associated or living together. And I suggest to you, it's all of the nations that do not know God. All of the members of the living soul do not know God.


So what are we saying? That some of the people and the kindreds and the tongues and the nations of which I just described shall see the dead bodies of the two witnesses. And I suggest to you, the reason says the Greek text says that some people is that -- well, I'm no- -- sorry, I'm going to get into that in a few minutes.


OK, "And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies."


This word see is Strong's 91, and it means voluntary observation. And I just want to comment to you that the souls and bodies of the human race now belong to Christ, whether he's manifesting in them or not, they now belong to Christ. They now belong to Gri- -- to Christ.


Glory to God. OK, now, the reason only some people are going to see them lying in the street -- they're going to see their dead bodies. I'm suggesting to you that that means the people who we see Christ in, the people who are a law unto themselves or the people that are in the church -- there are people, and there have been for centuries, that just show kindness and mercy, and it's just the love of God that comes up and appears in their soul. And some people recognize it for what it is, that it's the Spirit of God. And the word of God must have been manifesting for 2,000 years, not in full stature but truth. I read a prophecy that came forth in the 1800s last week, and I was amazed, [INAUDIBLE].


Glory to God. OK, "And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half." They're going to see them even though they're lying dead in the living soul. They're going to be seen by some people. Now, this phrase, "three days and a half," this is what God gave me. You have to pray about it. I said to him, Lord, what in the world does three and a half days mean, and he said to me, well, find out what four days mean.


And I checked out the number four, and what I found was it's in the Scripture and particularly in the book of Revelation. The number four has been used to show completeness. God has given it to us for the completion of the soul, the squaring of the soul and the squaring of the spirit. The squaring of the spirit means that spiritual life is completed. It's not in four parts, the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ and the Father. And when all four elements are appearing in your spirit, your spirit shall be squared and in full stature, in full completion, in full maturity.


And if you want to review that, you can review that on -- well, it's -- we talked about it, basically -- briefly in Reve- -- in the Scriptures on Revelation 9:14, but it's on message 38, parts 12 and 13 in detail. And with regard to the squaring of the soul, we said that the squaring of the soul refers to the completion of the fulfillment of the soul.


And the soul has been program-- the living soul that God created has been programmed to multiply into many members and to produce Christ. And we did study -- I put it on message 40, part 2, that the soul will unfold just like that plant up there. It will unfold a certain number of leaves at the time of its fullness.


And we're also -- we also talk about this in Revelation 7:1 a little bit. We talk about the four angels holding the four corners of the Earth, and it's just talking about the fullness of the living soul. So He said to me, well, if that's what number four means, what does three and a half mean? Not quite complete, not quite complete, more than three quarters of the way complete but not quite complete.


So let's see what this is saying to us. Glory to God. I'm suggesting to you that the number three and a half represents a time period just short of the completion of God's program with regard to the living soul.


Glory to God. "And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half."


Now, we know that their bodies can't be lying dead throughout the fulfillment of God's program for the living soul because towards the end, the living soul's going to be resurrected from the dead. So the people can only see them lying dead in the streets for three and a half days, and the last half of day, representing God's program, is the day that the living soul's going to be resurrected.


God has a program for the living soul. The fullness of it is represented by the phrase, in four days. In four days, God is going to completely form the living soul in his likeness and in his image. Somewhere along the line, the living soul produced sin and was smitten by God and died. And the two witnesses, representing Almighty God, have lain dead in the streets of the living soul until almost the end of God's program for her. And in that last half of day, Almighty God shall resurrect her from the dead. Hallelujah


OK, so what are we saying? That the last half of day, then, must be the time period in which the resurrection of the dead takes place. Now, this word grave -- let me read you that phrase again, "And shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves."


Well, what does that mean? Well, they're lying dead in the street. I suggest to you that that's typifying the soul life of Christ, the word of God and the Spirit of God. And this word graves is 3418, and it does not mean a grave that's under the ground. It is sepulchral monument, graves which appear above the ground.


And I suggest to you that they are talking about human bodies, the human bodies produced by the living soul. They are graves. They are sepulchers. They have no life. God says that the life on the soul realm is death. And they are sepulchers. They are marking the graves of the human spirits that are not producing life in the members of the living soul that are walking across the face of the Earth.


Now, we did a study on that. If you'd like to review it, it's on message 31, part 6. And we did a word-by-word study of some of the Scriptures where Jesus called the -- calls the Pharisees sepulchers that men walk over and can't see. It's very interesting if you want to review it.


OK, Alternate Translation, Revelation 11:9, "And the Spirit of God and the word of God in the many members of the living soul shall be visible to some of those who know God and some of every physical race and some of every way of thinking and some of those who have never known God. They're all going to be able to discern the word of God. They're going to know truth when they hear it, and they're going to see the Spirit of God when they see it manifesting. They're going to recognize it, and they're going to recognize it throughout more than --


This is going to go on for more than three quarters of the time period between the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the living soul. And the reason that I say it's between the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the living soul and I don't include all of the years from the crea- -- original formation and creation of the living soul is that the word that's used is day, and we know that a day is a time period in which the light has appeared.


So I'm saying that all of -- that these people from these different categories have been witnessing the life and the word of God throughout more than three quarters of the time period between the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the -- when the light appeared and the resurrection of the living soul.


"But Satan, the ruling spirit of the Adamic soul, shall refuse to allow the soul of Christ to appear in the realm of appearance. He shall keep in tread underfoot and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. But Satan, the ruling spirit of the Adamic soul, shall refuse to allow the soul of Christ to appear in a monument on top of the ground, our human body, our human body."


I'll read it again, "And the Spirit of God and the word of God in the many members of the living soul shall be visible to some of those who know God, to some of every physical race and some of every way of thinking and some of those who have never known God throughout more than three quarters of the time period between the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the living soul.  But even though these people -- some people will be able to see them, Satan, the ruling spirit of the Adamic soul, shall refuse to allow the soul of Christ to appear in the realm of appearance."


There's just going to be fleeting glimpses of the word and the Spirit. But Satan will not let Christ up from under his feet. Glory to God.


Recap, Revelation 11:7-9, "And whenever the two witnesses that God is, even his Spirit and his word, finish presenting the evidence that Christ is risen and appearing in men, Satan, man's unconscious mind who is continuously piercing through into their consciousness, shall wage war against the Spirit of God and the word of God in the minds of men and tread them underfoot and shall utterly destroy them, shall utterly prevent them from appearing in the realm of appearance with any strength or for any length of time."


"And the Spirit of God and the word of God, although potentially present in the form of the root of Christ" -- that's the human spirit -- "shall not be birthed in the many members of the living soul which exist in the spiritual realm" -- that's right here -- "where that proud living soul wages war, both against her own members and the Spirit of God and the word of God when they are birthed, which place represents spiritual incest and spiritual adultery, indeed, even the mind of the Adamic soul, which is also the place where the spiritual Son of God was nailed to Satan for the life of the ages."


In his mind, brethren, Jesus Christ took the victory over Satan, in his mind.


"And the Spirit of God and the word of God in the many members of the living soul shall be visible to some of those who know God and some of every physical race and some of every way of thinking and some of those who have never known God, throughout more than three quarters of the time period between the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the living soul. But Satan, the ruling spirit of the Adamic soul, shall refuse to allow the soul of Christ to appear in the realm of appearance. He shall keep it tread underfoot."


And that's all we have for today, but I have to put on this message until -- Glory to God. Until -- after --


Verse 11, "After three days and a half, the spirit of life from God entered into them" -- hallelujah -- " and they stood up on their feet;" -- glory to God -- "and great fear fell upon them which saw them." Hallelujah, the manifestation of the sons of God.


Thank you, Jesus. Any questions? Any questions tonight? Thank you, Lord.


            -- that Eve was fornicating with Satan. But I thought you said that in the beginning that she was married to Satan and that on the other hand God was committing legal adultery with Eve.


I don't -- if I said fornication, I made a mistake, but I think I said adultery.


            No, you said Eve was committing fornication with Satan, and so Eve's soul is going to be burned for that.


Well,  the word -- the correct word is adultery, and I'll put it on the message. Fornication is illegal sex outside -- it's sex outside of marriage. Adultery is sex by -- I'm sorry. Fornication is the sex of a single person outside of marriage, and adultery is sex by a married person outside of marriage. So I believe the word was adultery. It should have been adultery, and Eve was promised to be married to God, and she did marry Satan, but God sees it as adultery.


            It's adultery with Satan?


It's adultery with Satan, yes.


            And you had said that God committed legal adultery now with Eve.


Well, yes, I said that Eve is married to Satan, OK, even though from God's point of view it was an illegal marriage than, in His mind, never took place, so God see her as an adulterer. In His mind, she's still married to Him, but we know that she's married to Satan, and that's how we're in the condition that we're in. And Almighty God has gone right in and is copulating with Eve and producing the Christ. That's correct. But when God does it, it's not a sin.


            What do you mean by her soul is being burned for the harlotry anyhow?


Well, she's being burnt -- you see, when -- well, when the Holy Spirit of God enters into the heart of man and possesses Eve, OK, legal adultery. It's legal, OK. Theirs is a childbirth, and that child is Christ. And when Christ stands up, He is the one that's burning Eve. He's burning all of the structures of her ungodly marriage. Only, when it happens in the realm of the spirit, it's glorious. She's going to be burnt, but she's going to live in another form as the wife of Jesus Christ. Did I answer your question? OK, I know it gets confusing sometimes. Anybody else? You have a question [INAUDIBLE]?


            Can you go over verse 7 one more time?


Verse 7, OK. I closed my Bible. Could you tell me what it is? Just -- OK. I just don't like these empty spaces on the message. OK, I got it.


Verse 7, "And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them."


OK, now w- -- the tricky part of this, OK, is that we have to bear in mind that the two witnesses are the word of God and the Spirit of God and not get them mixed up with any men, OK. And when the Spirit of God and the word of God appeared in Jesus Christ of Nazareth and in at least Paul and Peter, they witnessed to the world that God was appearing in men. And apparently, when they went out and when their minds conflicted with mens' minds, they won the victory, et cetera, et cetera. And the word of God and the Spirit of God appeared in them.


And then these vessels, the men known as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Paul and Peter died. And the word of God and the Spirit of God that was manifesting in the other men of the Earth, whether it was apostles or disciples. It was manifesting, probably, in disciples like us, OK. When the -- when Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the apostles died and left the Earth, OK, the satanic mind that is in the mind of every man rose up and overcome -- and overcame the word of God and Spirit of God that was manifesting in the disciples that were left. They weren't strong enough to live out of Christ when Satan waged war against them. Did I explain it to you?




Right, yeah. I believe -- this is what God told me. You're going to have to pray about it because this is -- I asked him, and this is what he told me. The word of God and the Spirit of God was manifesting in the Earth. And when these three men that I named, when they left the Earth realm, the men in which the word of God and the Spirit of God were still manifesting were not spiritually strong enough to keep Satan underfoot. And Satan, who is continuously ascending up out of our unconscious mind, defeated the word of God and the Spirit of God in the minds of the believers that were still alive and put them underfoot.


And now all of these almost 2,000 years, the word of God and the Spirit of God is potentially in the human spirits of men. Why? Because Jesus Christ was crucified, and He was joined to Satan for the life of the ages, and we have the legal right to inherit his soul. So that means Jesus won. He won over Satan 2,000 years ago. So that means that every human being  was -- you know, is now eligible to receive the soul of Christ. But it hasn't happened yet. They've been lying dead, the word of God and the Spirit of God that's resident in our human spirit waiting to be brought forth or activated by Christ, OK, is lying dead in the street of the living soul, and Satan is refusing -- well, did I get ahead of myself in the Scripture?


Verse 7, let me see where I am. Glory to God. OK. Well, that's just the end. I went on to verse 8, OK. That was what happened. This is what God told me. That the Son of God -- the word of God and the Spirit of God was manifesting in full stature in certain chosen vessels 2,000 years ago. And when those chosen vessels were taken from the Earth, the vessels in which they were manifesting not as strongly could not take the victory. Satan rose up and overcame them and put down the two witnesses.


Now, don't think about any individual person, just across the board. He just tread the word of God and the Spirit of God underfoot, and it's been underfoot ever since except for some manifestations, like we have here of the word and of the Spirit of God. But no one's standing in full stature until the Spirit of God incarnates again in the next generation which is coming 2,000 years later. Did I help you?




Well, let me put this on the message. It's a good comment.


            I'm just saying that I always heard the opposite, that the witness would be overcome in the future. It's always -- every person I've ever heard taught that it's coming down the road, that the witness would -- of the church, even, like, saying the two witnesses is symbolic of the church even.




            They always said it was the future, never that it had occurred already.


Well, I know this is unusual, but I did ask the Lord, and this is what He told me. So we'll all, you know, just keep it in prayer. And I know that's what they say. I know that's what they say.


Glory to God. "And when they shall have finished their testimony." I believe was a -- I said that was a wrong verse. "And when they -- and whenever they finish their testimony." Glory to God.


Let me see what I said in my notes here. "And whenever they finish their testimony, the witness that God is" -- "Satan was continuously piercing through into their consciousness, shall wage war against them in the minds of men and tread them underfoot and shall utterly destroy them."


Well, you know, these tenses -- we get into a lot of trouble with these tenses. We have to go by the Spirit, yeah. We'll find out, I guess.


Glory to God. Hold on.


            To me, it just sounds better because it's going to be revised. You know, it's [UNINTELLIGIBLE] word of God is going to come, and then it's going to die for a while.




            So this is better to me.


Because it's already happened. Because [INAUDIBLE] this is correct, that we're waiting for the resurrection. We're just living in such an exciting hour. We're going to see glory, you know. It's just going to be incredible, you know, to be alive in this hour. What can I say? Anybody? Glory to God. [INAUDIBLE]


I can understand that this is very confusing. Test, testing.


I can understand how this is very confusing, but this is what God has told me, that in chapter 11, specifically starting with verse 3, and He says that he's going to give His -- Himself to His two witnesses, and they'll prophesy for a thousand two hundred and threescore days. And in verse 5, "If any will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth." I believe that this really didn't happen in its fullness yet. But, we find in the Scripture -- you see, in God, there is no past, present or future. For God, everything just is. There's no past, present or future for God. So what He's -- He's telling us all these wonderful things about the two witnesses, what they're going to do.


And then, in verse 7, the only way I can express this is that He's going back. You see, the -- God's two witnesses, in his mind, there's no -- going to be no difference between -- I'm making a radical statement here -- between Jesus Christ of Nazareth the man and Peter and Paul and the sons of God in whom these two witnesses are going to be manifesting when they stand up. As far as God is concerned, it makes absolutely no difference. The only thing that has reality, the only thing that has substance, the only thing that has validity is His Spirit and His word, and the vessels that they're manifesting in make no difference whatsoever.


So here, Jesus, through verse -- from verse 3 through verse 6, He's telling us what these two witnesses are going to do. Now, the three men that I already named, they probably did it in a measure. They did it in a measure, but it was just a drop in the bucket. So he tells us all of these things that these men are going to do.


Now, we know that Jesus Christ birthed Christ in other people. How? He birthed it in the apostles. He birthed it in Peter and Paul. He birthed Christ in Peter and Paul. And we know that he cut off the ministry of God. From who? From the natural Jew. Did he not do that? You shall see me say -- you shall see me until you say -- you shall not see me again unto you say, Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord. Did he not cut off the existing form of ministry of God to the natural Jew. Did that not in fact happen? It happened.


And Peter -- the Lord is giving me Scripture, so [INAUDIBLE] Peter. Did he not say to Simon the sorcerer, I perceive you are in the [?goal?] of bitterness and place a curse upon him so that he couldn't get anything from God? Didn't Peter do that to Simon the sorcerer? Yes, he did .Yes, he did.


And I believe that the apostles birthed Christ in people. Now, they may not have -- these people -- Christ in these people may not have risen to full stature, but I think I told you on a recent typ- -- message that when Peter said to the man outside of the gate Beautiful, rise up and walk. Gold and silver have I not, but that which I have give I thee. Rise up and walk in the name of Jesus Christ. That he did more than strengthen his physical ankles. He also quickened Christ in him.


So these men were doing -- everything that we've just studied will be a sign of the two witness- -- but I hate to get too big worded, but sometimes I just can't th- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -crocosm.


It's just a microscopic, a very small manifestation of what he Lord intends to do, but it has already happened. But in God's mind, it's never stopped happening. This 2,000 years wait means absolutely nothing to God. You hear what I'm saying? As far as He's concerned, this thing is happening. His life appeared, and they're lying dead in the city, OK. And they're going to be raised again. But nevertheless, OK -- all of these other verses between 3 and 6 are valid. Did I confuse you more, or did I help you?


You know, sometimes spiritual things even get confusing to me. You know, we just -- and all that I -- the only counsel I could give you -- because sometimes -- well, OK, let me put it this way. Sometimes, when I'm trying to understand spiritual things, my -- the only way I could describe it is that my mind starts to hurt me. Now, if your mind starts to hurt you, I believe that you're trying to understand with your carnal mind. When Christ gives you revelation, when Christ gives you understanding, it just flows into your mind and you're at peace.


Now, if you're having trouble understanding this, if your mind is hurting you, if you're feeling distressed in your soul in any way, it means that yo- -- that Christ is not manifesting, for whatever reason, and you're trying to understand this with your carnal mind. And my counsel to you is to release it. Release it; just drop it. Tell God that you would like to understand this, that if it's true -- and don't hesitate to pray that way because I could be wrong, and if I'm wrong, I want the Lord to correct me.


Pray that if it's true that you would like to understand this by His Spirit and release yourself from trying to understand it with your soul because first of all, you'll never succeed, and second of all, you'll cause yourself great [AUDIO CUTS OUT] and God doesn't want you to be damaged. He doesn't want you to be hurt. So this happens to be a very difficult passage.


I'll say it one more time. To God's mind, 2,000 years has not even elapsed between the first manifestation of His two witnesses and the second manifestation that's coming. There's no time or space in the realm of the spirit. So in these few verses, God has described to us the ministry of His two witnesses. And after He finishes describing it to us, which is through verse 6 -- OK, verse 7, literally, jumps back in time. But for God there's no time. You hear what I'm saying? Verse 7, literally, jumps back in time. It's no problem for God because there's no time or space, but it's a problem for our carnal mind.


But that's what happened. He gives us an overview of the ministry of the two witnesses through verse 6. And then starting with verse 7, He backs up and tells us what happened to the first vessels in which his two witnesses were manifest.


OK, anybody have a question on that at all? Don't struggle with it. It's got to come by the Spirit. Don't worry about it. You're all doing great, every one of you. And I wouldn't tell you this if I didn't believe it. This stuff is very hard. And I preach it to you under the anointing. Sometimes I listen to my old messages, and I say, oh, my God, who could understand that because it's not -- I'm not preaching it. I'm listening to it as a listener, and I've got to role the messages back, and I've got to listen to it, and I've got to figure out what I've said, and that's me.


So don't be too hard on yourselves. Just let it -- leave it to God. Expose yourself to it. Be faithful, how- -- whatever you do. If you listen to the messages once or twice, however you do it, don’t make it a burden. It has to come by the Spirit of God. And just know that Christ is growing in all of you. And as he grows, you will -- your ability to understand these things will increase. So just -- you know, don't grieve the Spirit of God that's in you. Just be faithful. You are faithful. You come to the meetings. You listen to the messages. You are faithful. You're doing the best you can.


If there's something that you don't understand and I explain it a second time and you still don't understand it, drop it. And if you want to ask me about it two or three weeks down the line or at the next meeting, please don't be embarrassed. But for the time being, if I've explained it a couple of times and you haven't received it, drop it.


And this is what I live by. I live by this, OK. I'm no different than you. Maybe I'm a little more advanced, but I'm going through the same struggles that you are trying to understand what God is showing me in the Scriptures so that I could give it to you. So don't strain yourself, and please, please don't let pride get you. Don't hesitate, you know, to come back in a week or two or three, and if you've listened to the message again, if you've slept on it and you've been meditating on it and you have a fresh question or you just want me to explain it again, please don't hesitate to ask me either at a meeting, or feel free to call me. OK, God bless you all. I love you.


04/20/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

04/22/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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