051 - Part 3
(Revelation 11)

Part 3 of 7 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


By and large what we’ve been doing here is we’ve been taking the verse’s Scripture. We’re on Chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation right now. And we take a verse’s Scripture, and we look up all the Greek words, and we find out what they mean in English, and we sort of, because I guess you know that this King James translation of this scripture is very hard to understand sometimes. So we just sort of put it in modern day English. And if you hear me saying alternate translation, what I mean is that it’s that verse, I’ll give you the name of the verse, and I’ll say Alternate Translation.  And it means that we looked up all the Greek words, and this is what we think the Scripture really means.


So I’m going to start by giving an Alternate Translation of Chapter 11 Verse 3, which we did in the last service. And then we’re going to go on. Well we’re really going to review something that we did last week. People, I sort of thought at the end on Sunday that you were getting a little tired, and I want to go over those Scriptures in Zechariah with you.


So this is Verse 3 of Chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation, “And I shall appear” -- this is the Lord speaking to John now -- “And I shall appear through my word and by my spirit in my first [?groups?] company, and they shall [UNINTELLIGIBLE] the judgment to the minds of men by the power of my Spirit.”


And the result of that judgment is not they’re going to burn in hell forever, but that these people that are being judged shall receive the glorified soul life of Jesus Christ.


OK, we’re going to go back over that. And shall impart my glorified soul life to the many members of the living soul through the preaching of my word, until every one of them is raised up to the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ. Thus fulfilling the law in the living soul while still living in the human unglorified bodies.


So we’re talking about the two witnesses and the ministry that God has given them. And that ministry has two parts to it. One part is that they’re going to judge men, and I know that in large parts of the church world they believe that those words mean damnation and eternal hellfire and great torment. But we believe that the Lord has shown us in this ministry that the judgment of men shall be upon their minds. Because when you look in a man’s mind and you compare it to the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will find out that the man’s mind is steeped in sin. And the judgment is designed to make our minds like the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ. And when that happens -- when we start thinking like the Lord Jesus Christ thinks -- we’re going to stop sinning. And when we stop sinning, we are going to stop dying.


And the whole purpose of the judgment of God upon men is not to punish them forever in some burning hellfire, but to make us like Him. And once we’re like Him, we can rule and reign and dwell in heaven with Him for all time. And that is the purpose of a loving almighty God. And He is going to be doing this through the agency of what He calls his two witnesses. And at the end of last Sunday’s service, we went into the prophet Zechariah to get more information about these two witnesses. And we’re going to start with reviewing that.


I’ll just read you verse 4, chapter 11. This is what God has [?sent?] to Zechariah. These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the Earth.


Now, we wanted to find out what these olive trees were, and what these candlesticks were, so we did a study on Sunday in chapter 4 of the Book of Zechariah. If you’d like to turn there with me briefly, I’m not going to take the time that I spent on it on Sunday, but I am going to review it for you because I think I lost some of you towards the end.


Chapter 4 of the Book of Zechariah. Glory to God. I’m not going to read the whole thing. I’m just going to comment on various verses starting with verse 2. I’m going to read verse 2. “And the angel said unto me, what seest thou? And I said, I have looked and behold a candlestick all of gold with a bowl upon the top of it and his seven lamps thereon and seven pipes to the seven lamps thereon. Or upon the top thereof.”


And the Lord told us in the service on Sunday that this candlestick that is being described by the prophet Zechariah is really what we would call a candelabra -- a candelabra or a Jewish menorah. If any of you are familiar with the Jewish feast of Hanukkah, they have a candlestick that looks like this. It stands on a base and it has one, two -- it has seven arms -- seven branches coming out from it.


So this is the candlestick that Zechariah saw. It’s one candelabra with seven branches, and each branch had a little bowl on the top, and in the bowl was olive oil, and in the olive oil was a wick. They didn’t use candles like we use candles today. They burnt olive oil. And there was a flame burning in the olive oil.


This is what the prophet Zechariah saw when he looked up, and this is the same symbol that we see in chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation. So we’re going to try to find out -- get some more information on it -- and find out what this candelabra symbolizes.


Verse 3, “And there were also two olive trees standing by the candelabra. One upon the right side of the bowl, and the other on the left side thereof.”


So we have two trees standing on the left and the right of this. I’m not a very good artist, so I’m going to tell you it’s a tree because you might not get it otherwise. We have two trees standing with leaves on them. Two full trees and olives. We have a tree over here standing on the right and on the left of the candelabra. And what the Lord told us on Sunday is that the candelabra typified -- how do I say this -- it typified -- well first of all, it was gold. Who remembers what gold typifies in the scripture? Anybody? The spirit of God, the spirit of God.


So it’s a vessel. The oil typifies the Holy Spirit, and this is a vessel of gold that’s holding the Holy Spirit. And we’ve been taught in this ministry that the spirit lives in the soul and the soul lives in the body. You are more than your body. You have a spirit, and you have a soul. And the way they’re connected is that the spirit is connected to the soul, and the soul is connected to the body. And the oil up here, this typifies the spirit of God. And it’s sitting in the soul, the glorified soul, because it’s gold we know that it’s a glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God.


So we have a glorified soul here of the Lord Jesus Christ. And what does glorified mean? It means it has no sin. There’s no sin in it. Because there’s no sin in it that means that it doesn’t have to die. Because death is a judgment for sin. We are not supposed to die. God did not create us that we should live for 70 years and die. We are all dying in this world because we have sin, and we are born with that sin. Yes, we sin during our lifetime, but we are born into this world with the sin that we have inherited from our original ancestor Adam.


And what the Lord Jesus Christ is in the process of doing is joining this glorified soul that is without sin. He’s going to lay it on top of our soul. He’s doing it right now in the realm of the spirit, and He’s going to absorb all of our sin. When we come up against an infected person, everybody is scared. You don’t want AIDS. Everybody says stay away from the person with AIDS. You could catch it.


Well Jesus Christ cannot catch our sin, and when He touches us, He’s going to make us well. Not just our body, but our soul. He’s going to heal us from the spiritual disease known as sin. And He’s going to deliver us from sin in our souls, and the result of it is that our souls and our bodies will stop dying. And if you have received faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, this is what’s happening to you right now.


You have begun -- or the process has begun in your life, of the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is without sin, which is typified by this golden candelabra -- it’s starting to lay on top of your soul. And I’ve got news for you, brethren, your soul doesn’t want to go underneath. It doesn’t want to go underneath, and there’s a spiritual [?warfare?war there?].


And does anybody know where you soul is? How does your soul manifest in your life? Anybody? Your mind. Your soul is your mind. Your soul is your mind. We sin in our mind. We sin in our thoughts. Jesus says if you hate your brother without a cause, you’ve murdered him. All sin exists and originates in the mind before you do it. You don’t have to murder somebody. You don’t have to knife somebody to be guilty of murder says the Lord Jesus Christ. And if you are guilty of murdering somebody, that sin originated and was accomplished in your mind before you ever plunged the knife into their heart.


So we have a soul of the Lord Jesus Christ that’s without sin, a mind that is without sin. And a mind in us that is filled with sin. What am I saying? If you have received the Lord Jesus Christ, you now have two minds. You have two minds. If somebody gets you angry, if somebody sins against you, your Adamic mind says I’m going to get him. I’m going to get a knife, and I’m going to go after him. And the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ says forgive him, vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord.


You have two minds. You’re going to be conflicted. You’re going to be pulled in two directions as to what to do because every way that you ever thought, every problem that you ever dealt with, you’re now going to be dealing with in another way. In what way? The way you read about it in the Bible. And when you read your Bible those thoughts get into your mind, and the Jesus -- the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ gets inside your head.


And when something goes wrong in your life, you’re going to have two different choices. I can deal with it this way, the way I’ve been dealing with it for 25 years, or I can deal with it the way the Lord Jesus Christ [?is?]. And one way leads unto death, and the other way leads unto life.


And what’s happening is that there’s a war going on between the two minds that are in your head. And the mind that’s in your head, it’s ruled by a man by the name of Satan. He’s a spirit, but he’s also a man. He’s part of the man Adam. He is the spirit that rules in the man Adam. He’s the unconscious mind of the man named Adam, of which you are one with because he’s your original ancestor.


And the Lord Jesus Christ in your mind, in my mind, is now waging war with the mind of your original ancestor, which is in your head, and it’s ruled by Satan. And the Lord Jesus Christ has every intention -- you see those two souls over there, two minds, one is Satan and one is Christ, that’s going on in all of our heads.


And that’s what they look like, but that’s not good enough because this way you’re getting two sets of thoughts. What am I going to do? Am I going to do it this way, or am I going to do it that way? That’s not good enough. Satan has to come down here, and Christ has to lay on top of him. Christ has to lay on top of him so there’s no chance you’re going to do what he says, and the day is coming that you won’t even hear his voice. You’re just going to do what’s right. You’re not going to sin in your mind, and you’re going to stop dying.


All this is going on inside of your mind if you’ve received the Lord Jesus Christ. Everybody talks about the blood of Jesus, and it sounds wonderful. We sang about it tonight, but most people in the church don’t know what the blood of Jesus is. The blood of Jesus is the mind, the mental processing, the way of thinking of the Lord Jesus Christ that’s going to stop you from dying. That’s what it is. That’s what the blood of Jesus is. It’s his sinless soul life, and it’s typified in prophecy by this golden candelabra. Glory to God.


And on the right and on the left side of the golden candelabra were two olive trees. And we know that the oil, and specifically, olive oil, in the Scripture typifies the Spirit of God. And we also know from our studies in the scripture that trees typify men. And I’m going to suggest to you that these two olive trees typify the spirit of God in this realm of appearance. God is invisible. He’s a spirit. We can’t always see him, but God, the promise of the Scripture is that God will appear in this world in this world that we could see.


That’s what Christ is. That’s what Jesus the Christ was. His name was Jesus the Christ, the Son of God in the flesh. God in a form that you could see him. And God, Almighty God, has the power to take many forms. He can be pure spirit, and he can take the form of a man if he wants to. So what are we saying here? This is the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ who is in the minds of everyone that has received his spirit raging war against Satan.


And we have a tree on the right and the left side. This is a symbol saying that this is the vessel of the Lord Jesus Christ in the realm of appearance. A tree typifying man, and that man being filled, not with the mind of Satan, but with the glorified, purified, sin free soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s what we have here. Glory to God.


Now what it really looks like, what it really looks like -- we’ve been studying this here for months, now let me tell you this. Our spiritual life is not measured from the top of our head to the bottom of our toes. Our spirit is in our heart. It’s in our mind. It’s inside of us. When God measures us, He measures, the Scripture calls it our kidneys or our heart, and this is God’s way of telling us that, when He talks about spiritual things, He measures from our heart outward to our skin. From our heart outward to our skin when He measures spiritual things.


And this is what we look like on the inside. This is what we look like on the inside. We have a spirit. It’s on the deepest part of our being. And wrapped around our spirit is a soul, and wrapped around our soul is our body. And when you look at a man, all that you see is his body. But when you get down underneath the skin, the Scripture calls it the kidneys, it calls it the [?rains?], it calls it the heart. When you get inside of a man, you have the soul and you have the spirit at the most deepest part of his being. Glory to God.


So this is just a symbolic way -- the candelabra and the trees are just a symbolic way of saying there was a man standing there and he didn’t have the mind of Satan; he had the mind of God. That a sin never entered into it, and because of that, he had eternal life. That’s what the Scripture is saying. Glory to God.


Verse 6, I’ll read it for you. “Then he answered and spake unto me saying, this is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel saying not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit sayeth the Lord of hosts.”


And we found out on Sunday that what God is saying there is that the temple of God shall be built by the power of the Spirit of God. It’s not going to be built by man. It’s not going to be made out of stone. It’s not going to be made out of mortar.


And those of us that have been studying the Scripture have found out that the temple that Solomon built was not the temple that God intended. The temple that -- there were two more temples that were subsequently built. I think Solomon’s temple was rebuilt, and then [?Herod?] built a temple. There was another temple being built, the temple that will abide forever. Solomon’s temple was torn down. It was destroyed. The temple that the Son of God is building shall abide forever.


And the reason for it is that it’s going to be -- it’s going to reach up into the heavenly. And the temple that God is building is in the bodies of men. In the bodies of men.


Don’t you know that you are the temple of the Holy Ghost? Your soul, the Holy Ghost is going to sit in your soul, and your soul is going to sit in a body. And when your mind is the mind of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and when your body stops dying, you will be a stone in the temple of Almighty God. And your soul and your body will not corrupt. In that day, in the last generation, the temple of almighty God shall be opened in heaven.


And men shall walk upon the face of this Earth, looking just like you and me, but the mind in them shall not be the mind of Satan. It shall not be the mind or their original ancestor Adam. They shall have been adopted by the spirit of almighty God, and the mind in them shall be pure righteousness, the spirit of God almighty. And because he is their mind, their souls and their bodies shall cease to die because they have ceased from sin.


So that was verse 4. Jesus is saying that the temple is not going to be built by natural means. It’s going to be a temple in the bodies and in the souls of men.


Verse 7, “Who art thou, O great mountain before Zerubbabel, thou shall become a plain and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying grace, grace unto it.”


And we found out that Adam shall be moved out of the way. The mind is Adam ruled by the spirit of Satan -- is going to be moved out of the way when Jesus Christ appears in your mind. And you have minds. Satan is going to fight like a wild beast, but he’s going to be moved out of the way, and Jesus Christ shall bring forth the headstone. The Son of God in the flesh. Even the man Jesu- --even the man Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man.


That is the promise of the Scripture from Genesis through Revelation, that God shall appear in the flesh of mankind, making them incorruptible, and imparting to them eternal life.


Verse 9, “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house. His hands shall also finish it, and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you.”


And you shall know that the Lord of hosts has sent Jesus Christ unto you. When this temple is finished, we’re going to know that God is. Now, why does God have to convince people that he is? Well the whole world is still [?the?with?] anti-Christ today.


There are people everywhere saying there is no God. There is no God. You can’t put him under a microscope, and you can’t put him in a laboratory setting. And I don’t believe it. But when God appears in the flesh of men, the whole world will know that God is, and that he exists, and that he is real.


Verse 10, no I’m not going to read the verse of Zechariah. Verse 10. Because Satan -- and the reason we’re going to know that God exists is because Satan shall not be able to trample the emerging sons of God underfoot any longer. What does that mean? When you have two minds in your head, Satan will no longer be able to force you to listen to him.


That’s how we’re going to know that God is. When the mind of Jesus Christ, in you, gives you the strength the not obey that command. Whatever your weakness is, to shoot up those drugs, to take that drink, to fornicate with that man’s wife. Whatever your problem is, when the mind of Jesus Christ that’s in you is stronger than the mind that’s in you that’s saying do it do it. When you stand up in the strength of almighty God, totally healed, totally restored, totally able to resist and go out and help others, the world will know that the Lord Jesus Christ is.


He is. He lives. Why? Because he lives in you, and he lives in your mind. Glory to God.


Because Satan shall not be able to trample the emerging sons of God underfoot any longer. Why? Because Christ in them shall shine forth as an energy source which shall maintain their correct [?moral that is?] Satan underfoot. The sons of God are the eyes of the Lord, which are everywhere in the Earth of mankind. The eyes of the Lord are men in whom the mind of Christ is ruling. That’s how God is everywhere. He’s in men. He lives in men.


Verse 11, “Then I answered and said to the angel, what are these two sources of spiritual life in the realm of appearance, which minister blessing and pronounce judgment.”


Now, he’s talking about this up here. He said what are these two sources, the candelabra and the olive trees. Zechariah wants to know what they are. He didn’t have the revelation that we have about the mind of Christ. Glory to God.


And I answer the angel again, verse 12, and said unto him, what are these two sources of God’s spiritual life which empty their life out of themselves through two purified connecting tubes. And then he said to me -- the angel answered Zechariah -- he said the two sources of God’s life in the Earth are these two anointed ones that stand by the Lord of the whole Earth.


They’re these two anointed ones. This candelabra and these two trees, they are the source of God’s life in the Earth. They are the anointed ones. Now, that word, anointed, is Strong’s 3323 -- it’s the only time in Strong’s that it’s translated that. And it really means oil, especially fresh and new oil. And the Hebrew actually reads the sons of oil. It does not read anointed ones. And if you look it up in the Hebrew, it means sons of oil. And they’re standing next to the God of all the Earth.


This word stand is Strong’s 6975, and it can be translated: arriving from, established by, dwelling with, or employed by. And the Scripture says they’re standing by the Lord of the whole Earth. That word by can be translated near to. It can be translated through the agency of, or sired by. Sired by, that means fathered by. And the whole Earth means everyone or all.

Alternate Translation of Zechariah 4:14. “Then the angel said, the candlestick and the two olive trees are the two sons of God’s spirit that were sired by the Lord of all mankind. Then the angel said, the candlestick and the two olive trees are the two sons of God that were sired by the Lord of all mankind.”


Now, I know the Scripture says that Jesus Christ is the only begotten of the [?day?dead?], and He’s also the first begotten of the [?day?dead?], and He’s the only begotten of the Father. That’s what the Scripture says. I know that we’ve been preaching here that Jesus Christ is the only begotten of the [?day?dead?] -- and even I keep saying -- I’m sorry -- the only begotten son of God. And I even have this on another message. I talked about another ministry that was going around and saying that each and every one of is a begotten son of the Father. And I told you on this other message that that couldn’t have been because Jesus Christ is the only begotten of the Father. And his mind is in us, and we are all cells in his body. We are all cells in his body. But the Lord corrected me today, and He told me that there are two begotten sons of the Father. At the time of the writing of the Scripture, Jesus Christ was the only begotten son of the Father, but that only begotten son is in the process of having a son. That only begotten son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is in the process of having a son. His son is being born in us. So there shall be two begotten sons of the Father. Glory to God.


This a very difficult message. I just pray that God helps me to impart it to you. If you’re confused anybody, don’t worry about it, because I was getting confused as I was preparing it. And I’ll just take your questions afterwards.


This is it in a nutshell. Glory to God. I’m going to try to put it on the board for you before I go on in the hopes of not losing you.


This is the Father. He’s over here and He’s pure spirit. The Father is pure spirit. Glory to God. Jesus is over here. He’s in the middle. He’s soul. He’s soul. The Father has begotten Jesus. Jesus is going to have offspring. I’ll get to it a little later. There’s a Scripture in Isaiah 53 that establishes that Jesus is having a son. He said [?of a corn of wheat?] falling to the ground he’ll bring forth a great harvest. The sons of God are coming forth. Jesus’ sons. And they’re going to be soul also.


Now, we know that after the crucifixion, and the ascension, and the resurrection, Jesus said, “I ascend unto my father,” and he disappeared off the face of the Earth. And what I’m going to try to explain to you is that when Jesus went back to the father, he was no longer soul. He went to being a spirit. He went back to being a spirit. Spirit is male, and soul is female. Jesus in this hour is one with his Father. He’s a spirit. He’s a spirit, and he’s no longer over here. He’s no longer over here. He went back to his Father. Jesus is living in the Earth through his offspring. Jesus is in the heavenlies with his Father. He’s one with the Father. And he’s in the Earth in his sons, in his offspring. Glory to God.


That makes Jesus the connecting tube. That makes Jesus the connecting tube. He’s in the Father as spirit. And he’s in the sons as soul. God help me to deliver this message. He’s one with the Father. Jesus is one with the Father. He is returned to spirit form. So it doesn’t matter whether I say to you the spirit of Jesus Christ or the Father. It doesn’t matter. They’re the same.


Jesus ascended to the realm of the spirit and he became male. He’s now one with the Father. I hope you get what I’m saying. But he still living in the soul realm how? Through his offspring. He’s still living in the soul realm through his offspring. The Father is only spirit. The sons of God are only soul. Jesus Christ is both spirit and soul. He’s the connecting tube. He goes both ways because the spirit of Jesus Christ is in the sons of God. They are the sons of God.


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] I said to the Lord [?today?] he has to enlighten me to explain this. Let me just go on. Don’t worry about it if you don’t understand it because it’s really hard. Let’s see, let’s just continue.


So the Alternate Translation of Zechariah 4:14 says then “the angel said the candlestick and the two olive trees are the two sons of God that were sired by the Lord of all mankind.” And what I’m telling you is that there soon shall be two begotten sons of almighty God. The first one was Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is having a son. The Lord Jesus Christ is having a son. So how can we say there’s going to be a second son begotten? Because the Lord Jesus Christ returned to spirit form. He became the Father. He became one with the Father, and He’s having another son, us.


Can you hear this? The Lord Jesus Christ was begotten by the Father. He was crucified. He was resurrected. He ascended on high, and he went back to spirit form, and he’s siring another child, us. Us. He’s going to live in his seed. And as the Father, Jesus said the Father and I are one. He said the mind -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth said the mind of the Father, he’s my mind. The Father was the spirit. Jesus was the soul in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In the sons of God, the spirit of Jesus Christ is our mind. We have replaced Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Father is becoming our mind, and we are the son.


Can you hear this? It’s very hard. Jesus and the Father are one. And the ruling spirit, the controlling factor of every son of God that’s going to be pulling us all together and making us one body, is that our mind shall be the Lord Jesus Christ. But the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is the Father. Jesus appeared on the Earth in one vessel, and when he went back to the heavenlies he did it all over again in a new generation, this time in many vessels.


Let me go on. We’re going back to the Book of Revelation now, and we’re up to chapter 11 verse 4. Glory to God. Help me Lord.


These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the Earth. The two witnesses. Now, what I’m suggesting to you -- this Scripture, verse 4 is referring to the two witnesses. Verse 1 and verse 2 and verse 3 and he’s talking about the two witnesses. And the next verse says these are the two olive trees. So if you read this through you shouldn’t have any problem seeing that chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation, when it says these are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks, it’s talking about the two witnesses.


John is saying the two witnesses are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks that stand before the God of all the Earth. That’s what he’s saying. So that means that all the information from the book of Zechariah about the candlestick and the olive trees we can apply to the two witnesses. That’s what we’re saying here. Glory to God.


And the witness that Jesus Christ is having offspring is in Isaiah 53:10, “yet it please the Lord to bruise him,” speaking about Jesus, “he has put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul,” now the Scripture is saying when thou shalt make the soul of Jesus Christ an offering for sin that’s talking about the crucifixion. “He shall see his seed. He shall prolong his days. And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.” The man Jesus Christ of Nazareth died on the cross, but he’s living in the next generation.


We’ve had a lot of teaching about that. We live in our children. When we die, when we pass on, our children are everything that we are. Genetically. Physically. And in the soul realm. We’ve given them everything that we have, and, for all intents and purposes, they’re everything that we are. And this is how God looks at it when the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth died. He became a spirit, and that spirit is now living in the next generation. He is living in his children, and that’s what that Scripture means in Isaiah 53:10.


Now, some of you might be asking the question, or it might be in your mind that, in the book of Zechariah, there is one candlestick, and in the Book of Revelation there are two candlesticks. So I just want to take a few minutes to try and give you some understanding of prophecy in the Scripture. And with regard to these olive trees, with regard to these olive trees and the candlestick, we’re going to find that God mentions in some instances that there’s one, in other instances that there’s seven, in other instances there are many. One, seven, many. There was another one. And two. Those are the numbers used with regard to candlesticks and olive trees. And what I’m going to try and establish with you is that these are all interchangeable. That’s what I’m trying to prove to you. That they’re all interchangeable, and I’m going to give you some Scriptures on it that we didn’t study this week.


With regard to the candlestick now, there are three Scriptures talking about the candlestick. Zechariah 4 verse 2 says that there was one candlestick with seven pipes. One candlestick with seven parts to it. One body of Christ, many members. And the number seven is the number of completion. It’s the number of fullness. And I’m suggesting to you that the one candlestick with the seven pipes typified the one body of Christ including the fullness of its many members. That’s what the pipes were.


Revelation 1:20 and 2:1 says that there are seven candlesticks. Let me read the verse to you. Revelation 1:20 says, “the mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven candlesticks, which thou sawest, are the seven churches.”


So we have one candlestick in Zechariah. We have two candlesticks referring to the two witnesses. And in Revelation 1:20, he’s talking about seven candlesticks. Well doesn’t that sound like the seven pipes coming out of the one candlestick in the book of Zechariah? He says here that “the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.” The seven churches meaning the fullness of the body of Christ.


So what I’m suggesting to you is that there is one candlestick, which encompasses many members, which is made up of the Father and the son. And sometimes the Lord expresses it as seven. Sometimes he expresses it as one. And sometimes he expresses it as two. It’s the same thing as me saying you are a man, and that I can come back again next week and say you are a spirit, and I can come back a week later and I could say you are a soul, and I could be talking about Michael all three times. And Michael is a man, and he has a soul, and he has a spirit. But I’m still talking about Michael.


That’s what the Lord is doing. One candlestick, two candlesticks, seven candlesticks, many. He talks about many trees, not about many candlesticks. And that’s what he’s doing. He’s talking about the Father and the son, the spirit of God and the soul life of almighty God in different forms.


We do not have the power to take different forms. We are carnal men. Jesus Christ of Nazareth had the power to take different forms. We know that He appeared in the midst of his disciples. A lot of preachers preach that He walked through the walls. I personally don’t think He walked through the walls. I think I have this on another message, but in this hour, I don’t think He walked through the walls. I simply think that He materialized and dematerialized. I think that he had the power to break apart his molecules and appear however he wanted to appear.


Now why would a man who had this kind of power have to go walking by a natural means of transportation and walk through a wall? Do you mean to tell me that the man that had the power to walk through a wall walked 15 miles to get where he wanted to go? He had the power to walk through a wall, but he didn’t have the power to transport himself by some supernatural means? And you mean if he had the power to transport himself by supernatural means, would he have stopped outside the door and had to go through another function of passing through the door? Now why would he do that? Why would he do that? And I really think that he had the power to just de-form his body and appear where he wanted to appear and put his molecules back together again. He didn’t walk through the door.


He must have been miles away when he first [UNINTELLIGIBLE] for the house that they were in, like Star Trek. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to say it. I’m trying to stop from being persecuted here, and one of the ladies here had us talk about Star Trek. Well, what can I tell you? How did I get on this? We’re talking about prophecy, and I just don’t want to let you go home with any question in your mind saying wow, look at that [?Sheila?]; she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I heard Zechariah say one candlestick, and Revelation 11 said two candlesticks, and I got her. No, you don’t have me. And even if you had me, even if I was wrong, all that it means is that there is an area that I don’t understand.


God is never wrong. The Scripture is never wrong. The Scripture is never broken. There is never an inconsistency in the Scripture. There’s inconsistency in the minds of men that have not tapped into the fullness of the mind of God and can’t reconcile the problem. Every time I see what appears to be contradiction in the Scripture, I go before the Lord, and I say Father I want this problem reconciled. What is the key? What is the word? What is the factor that’s going to make both of these Scriptures correct?


And here’s the factor. One candlestick, seven candlesticks, two candlesticks. They’re all the body of Christ. Body, soul, and spirit. One candlestick. Spirit, seven candlesticks. Soul, that’s the son, the many membered body, that’s two candlesticks. Spirit and soul, the father and the son, different aspects of the same spiritual being. One candlestick, many parts. One body. A heart, a lungs, a liver, spleen. One body, many parts. One candlestick, many parts. Thank you, Jesus.


Now, the olive tree. I have four scriptures for you on trees. Zechariah 4:3 says that there are two olive trees, and I suggest to you that this typifies the Father and the Son in the realm of appearance. Does anybody know how the Father is appearing in the realm of appearance? Anybody? The Father is appearing in the realm of appearance in his son, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has a soul. The Son is appearing in the realm of appearance in the soul of redeemed man. Redeemed man has a soul. [?You know?] that we’ve been studying for weeks in the Book of Revelation that sitting in front of the Father is two souls, that this is the soul of man, and that the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ is laying right on top of it. He is sitting on it. He is pressing it down. He is stopping it from sinning. He is making it righteous, and he’s imparting eternal life to it.


So the Father at the innermost recesses of our being, by our [?reins?], by our lungs, by our kidneys, inside of us sits the Father. And wrapped around him is the soul of Jesus Christ, and wrapped around him is the soul, the Adamic soul which is underneath the soul of Jesus Christ. We’re double souled. Remember, [?James?] said, “the double souled man is unstable in all his ways.” Why? Because he’s not under Jesus Christ’s feet. He’s opposing Jesus Christ. And if you have two souls, if you have two minds, if you have two minds, one of Christ and one of Satan, and one day you’re obeying Satan, and the next day you’re obeying Jesus Christ, you’re unstable in all your ways. And the remedy for your problem is for the Lord Jesus Christ to place Satan under his feet permanently, and then you will not be double souled. You will still be double souled, but you’ll be double souled in the correct order. You will be under the dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.


So we’re talking about trees. Trees are the anointed of God in the realm of appearance. In Ezekiel 47:7 talks about some trees. I’ll read you from verse 6, “And he said unto me, son of man, hath thou seen this? And then he brought me and caused me to return to the brink of the river.”


So we’re talking about trees that appear by the river. “Now that I have returned, behold at the bank of the river were very many trees on the one side and on the other.” And I’m suggesting to you, this doesn’t say olive trees, but it’s talking about a river of life. It’s talking about a river of life, which is the spirit. It’s the appearance of the spirit. It’s the spirit in the realm of appearance in many members. Now, the Scripture’s not using the number seven here. It’s saying many trees, many members, many human beings that are filled with the river of human life.


And in Revelation 11:4 we hear about two olive trees. I suggest to you that’s the Father and the Son. The Father and the Son. The Father is the spirit, and the word is the Son in the realm of appearance. How do the Father and the Son appear in the realm of appearance? They appear in men, brethren. They appear in us from time to time in this hour, but the day is coming that shall appear permanently in us.


Now we have to discern -- when we deal with the believer -- we have to discern who we’re talking to. Are we talking to Christ? Or are we talking to the Satanic mind? Someone comes to you with counsel, someone comes to you with wisdom, someone comes to you with a prophecy. We have to exercise discernment, and say did that word come from God? Should I obey it? Or did it come from the Adamic man? Should I not obey it? But the day is coming that the only words that will come out of our mouth will come forth from the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ permanently. Hallelujah.


And the last place that we have trees in the Scripture are with regard to the Father and the Son is in Revelation 22:2. And there is one tree there. It is the tree of life. I’ll read you the description, “In the midst,” -- I’ll read you from verse 1 -- “And he showed me a pure river of the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamb. And in the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river was there the tree of life,” etc., etc.


So in two Scriptures, we’re talking about olive trees, which is the oil of the spirit. That’s the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ. And in the other two Scriptures we hear about many trees with regard to the spirit [?water?], the spirit of the Father. It’s the same situation as with the candles. It’s the spirit of God in the realm of appearance, both his spirit and his soul. Is there anyone that doesn’t understand that? The reason that the numbers change in prophecy? God’s looking at the same situation from a different point of view. Glory to God.


Now, I just want to go over that for you. The number 1 typifies Christ inclusive of the spirit of Jesus Christ, the Father, and his offspring, or the many members of his body, or his church. When God uses the number one, he’s looking at the whole.


I just want to read you my note here. I know I went over this. I hope I explained it to you. The spirit of Jesus Christ is the Father. The spirit of Jesus Christ is the Father. What separated Jesus from the Father when he was on the Earth -- I know Jesus said, “I and my Father are one.” He said, “I and my Father are one.” Nevertheless, he said, “my Father is the second witness that I came out of God.” So we have a great mystery here. Jesus and his Father were one, yet they were different. One was the Father and one was the Son.


What was the difference? They were God in two different forms. Now, we’ve already said that God could take another form, but in this instance, God split himself in half. And one half of him was God in the form of the spirit, and the other half of him was God in the form of the soul. And that was the difference between Jesus and the Father. The Father was in the realm of the spirit, and Jesus was in the realm of the soul. And Jesus said, “I and my Father are one, but my Father is greater than I.”


Well what does that mean? The spiritual form of life is greater than the soul form of life. They were both God. Jesus knew He was going to return to the realm of the spirit, but for the time period that He had taken the form of a living soul, a member of the living soul, He was weaker than his Father. But nevertheless, he and his Father were one because he knew that he could return to the realm of the spirit.


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] Hallelujah. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was a member of the living soul who’s spirit was not Satan. He was a member of the living soul whose spirit was almighty God.


When Jesus ascended to the Father what actually happened to him was that He was no longer in the form of a soul, but was now in the form of the spirit. So He and his Father were one, and the only thing that was separating him from his Father was the fact that He was a soul. Now there was nothing separating them at all. So Jesus Christ, when He returned to spirit form, totally merged into the spirit of God. So the spirit of Jesus Christ is the Father. Glory to God. The only thing separating Him from the Father when he was -- with this [?soul?whole?] spirit situation, and this situation no longer existed. So the Father and Jesus Christ, when both are in spirit form, are so much one that it doesn’t matter whether you call him the Father or you call him the spirit of Jesus Christ. It’s the same thing.


The number 2, when you see the number two in prophecy it typifies the Father and Son. The Father and the Son, or Jesus and his offspring, which we call sometimes the sons of God, or sometimes the 42nd generation. Glory to God. The number 2. Jesus can go either way. He either appears as a spirit or as the Father. Or he appears in his generation, in his offspring as the 42nd generation. Glory to God.


The number 7, when used in a situation like this, refers to the fullness of the body. And the word many refers to many members. It’s the same thing as 7.


Verse 4 of chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation. Glory to God. These two witnesses, I’m going to -- oh I see what I did. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of all the Earth. These two witnesses, they’re the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of all the Earth.


Now, I’m going to try to incorporate for you, all the information we got out of Zechariah and impart it to these two witnesses, so that we can have some information about the two witnesses.


Now, first of all, this word these, “these are the two olive trees,” [?it’s?] Strong’s 3778. And it can also be translated: they, the same, or this same man. So what I’m suggesting to you is that this word these is really saying and this, these same two witnesses that I just spoke about in the previous verse, this is who they are.


And the word olive trees is Strong’s 1636. It means, just like in the Hebrew, it could mean the tree, but it could also mean the fruit, and it could also mean the oil. So we’re talking about these two sources of oil. These two sources of the life of God.


And the word candlestick, we just went over that. It’s the holder of the oil, the holder of the spirit. The oil is the spirit, and the holder is the [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. And the fact that it’s gold indicates that it’s been redeemed.


And they were standing before the God of the Earth. The word standing denotes spiritual strength.


And before we talked about that. In front of. When if someone stands in front of me, you can’t see me. When the soul of Jesus Christ stands in front of the Father, you see the soul of Jesus Christ, but his driving force is the Father. The Father is likened to the underground roots that cannot be seen; he’s invisible. And standing in front of him is the Adamic soul and the soul of Christ in the bodies that he’s given us, and that is the creation of God. And the Earth, it refers to the soul and body. It refers to the whole creation.


Alternate Translation Revelation 11:4. “These two witnesses to the fact that God exists are the two sources of God’s life giving oil in the realm of appearance. Even the Father and the Son. And they are also the two redeemed souls that form a garment for the God for all mankind, even Jesus Christ and his many membered body.


Just took that off the board, I’ll read it again. “These two witnesses,” and what are they witnessing to? I’ll remind you that they’re witnessing to the fact that God is. These two witnesses to the fact that God exists are the two sources of God’s life giving oil in the realm of appearance, even the Father and the Son. Even the Father and the Son. And they are also the two redeemed souls that are laying over the Father, forming a garment for him, for the God of all mankind. And those two souls are the soul of Jesus Christ and the souls of his many-membered body. And they’re all laying on top of the Father. The Father and the Son are one. Jesus Christ in his many membered body are one. So the Son is one with the Father, and he’s one with his many-membered body. He is the connecting tube. He is the connecting tube. He is rooted in the Father, and because he is rooted in the Father, when we are rooted in him, we too shall be one with the Father. Let me put that on the board one more time. Glory to God.


This is the Father over here in the realm of the spirit. Jesus is in the middle. And here we are redeemed man. The Father is a pipe. We are a pipe. We are dying. The Father is life. And the way the virtue of the Father is getting to us is that Jesus is the connecting tube. And Jesus is rooted into the Father from which all life proceeds, and we are rooted into Jesus. And everything from the Father is just going to flow through. Nazareth was the soul the Lord Jesus Christ. He’s in us. Amen. His spirit is with the Father and his soul is in us. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Now, I just wanted to take a couple minutes to try and compare Zechariah 4:14 to Revelation 11:4. I’m going to read you the two Alternate Translations.


Zechariah 4:14 says, “Then the angel said the candlestick,” singular, but with its seven pipes, meaning the whole body Christ, “and the two olive trees. They are the sons. The two begotten of God’s spirit. That were sired by the Lord of all mankind.”


So if anyone wants to call this a heresy that I’m preaching that there shall be two begotten sons of almighty God; we haven’t been born yet. I hope you know that we are in utero. We have not been born yet. We have a Scripture for it. Zechariah 4:14, “And the angel said the candlestick and the two olive trees are the two sons of God’s spirit that were sired by the Lord of all mankind,” that is Jesus Christ and his children.


Revelation 11:4 says, “These two witnesses to the fact that God exists are the two sources of God’s life giving oil in the realm of appearance.” [?Even before?] [UNINTELLIGIBLE] said and they are also the two redeemed souls that form a garment for the God of all mankind, even Jesus Christ in his many membered body. Jesus is one with the Father in the realm of the spirit, and he is one with his offspring in the realm of the soul. He is the connecting tube. And there shall be two begotten sons of God. So that other ministry was half right. [?They?] were preaching that each and every one of us is a begotten son of God, and I thought for several years that they were totally wrong, that there’s only one begotten son. Well, there is now, but there shall be a second begotten son of God when Jesus’ offspring is born in many members, hopefully very soon. Glory to God.


Now, I have a second witness for you that, well, if you haven’t picked it up yet, what I’m suggesting to you is that the two witnesses, they’re not Elijah and Moses. And they’re not all of these other fantasies that are being preached in the church world. They are spiritual, and they are the Father and the Son. We are just vessels in which they appear, including Elijah and Moses. The words are the spirit and the word. The Father being the spirit and the word being the Son of God. The spirit being the spirit of the Father. The word being the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ.


And I did put down another witness for you. I was going to see how it went today. I’m going to give you the Scripture if you want to read it yourself, but I’m not going to go over it because I’m under a severe attack. I’ve had a lot of trouble pushing this message out, and my voice is just about gone. I’m going to have to get [?clear?prayer?]. This has happened to me twice before over these past two years, and both times it was the spirit of witchcraft trying to stop me from preaching, and I’m starting to croak. Let me just give you the Scripture so you can check it out if you want. [?Orville?] and I will go over it Sunday. It’s Isaiah 59, and I wrote down verses 14 and 15, but if you want to read it, I suggest you read the whole chapter of Isaiah 59.


Verse 14 says, and this is the condition of the world, “And judgment is turned away backward. And justice standeth afar off.” There is no judgment and there is no justice. Why? Because “truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot answer.”


Verse 15, “Yea, truth faileth and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.”


And for those of you that have read chapter 11 in the Book of Revelation, you know that the two witnesses were lying dead in the street. And the spirit of life from the Father entered into them and raised them from the dead. And several years ago, many years ago, when God told me that the two witnesses were the word and the spirit, I asked him for a second witness to that, and he gave me this Scripture quite a few years ago.


So what I’m saying is in chapter 11 the two witnesses are lying dead in the street, and the whole world is making merry. And the spirit of life from the Father entered into them, and raised them from the dead, and great fear was upon them. And I’m suggesting to you that this is the second witness, verse 14. All the previous verses are saying how there’s absolute lawlessness in Israel, and of course we know that Israel is now whole living soul. “And judgment is turned away backward. And justice standeth afar off.” For truth, and who is the truth? Jesus is the truth and the way and the life. Jesus is fallen in the street. Jesus is fallen in the street. He’s tread underfoot of the satanic mind.


“And equity cannot enter.” And this Hebrew word translated equity is Strong’s 5229, and what it means is righteousness. And I suggest to you that the overriding, the one overriding character of God -- if someone were to say to you describe God with one overriding characteristic, if someone were to say that to me, I would say righteousness. And this word equity is translated righteousness. And I’m suggesting to you that the Scriptures are saying that true, Jesus Christ is fallen in the street, he’s under the feet of Satan, and that the righteousness of God cannot enter. Cannot enter where? The righteousness of the spirit cannot enter into the minds of men. Why? Because Jesus Christ is under the foot of Satan.


And I hope you all know this by now, but if you don’t, I’ll tell you again. The Father is not going to appear in you until Christ in you has put Satan underfoot. So, equity cannot enter into where? Into your mind. Why? Because Christ is under the foot of Satan in your mind, and that’s the two witnesses lying dead in the street. But, glory to God, they are about to be raised from the dead. Hallelujah.


The Lord Jesus Christ is resurrecting the living soul out from among the dead ones, and even the Lord Jesus Christ, he is the first begotten, out from among the dead ones. Hallelujah. And it’s going to happen to you, and it’s going to happen to me. And truth shall no longer lie fallen in the street, but he shall prevail. And he shall place Satan under his feet, and righteousness shall enter in. Enter in where? Enter into your mind, and you shall think with the righteous mind of the Lord Jesus Christ. And you shall cease from your evil works of sin. And you shall cease from the realm of death. And you shall enter into your inheritance, the life of the ages in Christ Jesus. Glory to God.


I’m going to leave it to the Lord. I may go over the whole chapter on Sunday. I may not. I’ll see what he tells me. Do we have any questions today? Let me get over there. Glory to God.


For a long time you explained today about Jesus being the same as the Father, yet describe those other Scriptures as separate. That was always very hard for me, you know, and one of the things that I couldn’t understand was if they were one, why did he pray to the Father? You know, to me it was like, I know it’s the carnal thinking, but it was like he was talking to himself, you know, that I can’t understand.


And you understand it now?


No. I don’t understand it how he praised the Father when they’re one.


OK, I’ll go over it again. Did you understand? OK, OK, let me -- help me Father to impart this. They are one, both of them, however, taking two different forms. And one of the characteristics of a superior life form that is a spirit is that it can take different forms. It can take the form of a spirit, which is invisible. Or it can take the form of a man.


And the Scripture tells us that, even though it’s Almighty God, when he is in the form of spirit, he’s weaker -- I’m sorry [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. When he is in the form of soul, he is weaker than when he is in the form of spirit. And the Lord took the form soul. He took the form of soul. In fact, he became the living soul. The Lord from heaven became the living soul. He became female. He became weak. He was still God. The Scripture says he gave up all his riches. He became poor that we might become rich. The Scripture never says that he was no longer God. All it says is that he gave up his wealth so that we could be formed.


So here we have the Father. He split himself in two, and one form of him, one part of him, took the form of weakness. And therefore, even though Jesus Christ, when he walked the Earth in the days of his flesh, even though he was the Son of God, because of the form that he was in, which was soul. He prayed to, yes, that other part of himself which was still spirit, who was not vulnerable. The Lord broke himself in two pieces for the specific purpose or reproducing himself.


Now, we’ve taught in this ministry that a lot of the forms of reproduction that the lower life forms in this world are involved in, the Lord Jesus Christ is involved in. The Lord Jesus Christ does not reproduce like we do. There is no Mrs. God. OK. And we know that when an amoeba wants to reproduce itself it just breaks itself in half.


That’s not the best example, but I know it’s on one of the messages in the 18 series. There is a form of reproduction when a plant wants to reproduce itself it just -- it bursts out female cells, and it bursts out male cells. And they mate, and it comes from the same plant. And this is what the Almighty God did. He just broke himself in half. He made one half the female, and he made the other half the male.


And he said to himself -- I mean this is God, we have to get out of our carnal thinking. He said to himself hello down there, I know that you’re part of me, and we’re in this together, and we’re going to produce offspring. OK, but while you’re down there in the soul realm, pray to me because you’re vulnerable in the soul realm. You can be hurt when you’re on the soul realm. But that part of you that’s still up here, that’s still spirit, nothing can happen to me.


So even though you’re God, you better pr- --you better hang on to the lifeline, better hang on to the lifeline because something can -- you can get hurt down there in the soul realm.


Did that help you at all?


It helped.


OK. Praise the Lord. OK.


So when Jesus said anyone who has seen me has seen the Father, he meant that it was the mind of the Father in him.




So then when we fully manifest Christ, we can say that too. That anyone who sees us has seen the Father.


Absolutely. Absolutely. And the disciple -- or the apostle said to Jesus I would see the Father -- I can’t remember which apostle it was, was it Peter? I don’t remember which one it was. And the Lord said you’ve been with me all this time, and don’t you know yet that you’ve seen the Father? I am the Son of God in the flesh.


And then the Greeks came to Jesus and said -- and the Greeks came to the apostles and said we would see Jesus. And what did the apostles say? What did the apostles say? They went to -- I’m sorry, the apostles went to Jesus, and what did Jesus say?


OK, the apostles wanted to see the Father, and Jesus said if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father. The Greeks wanted to see Jesus, and what did Jesus say? He said if a [?corn?kernel?] of wheat fall into the ground, it shall bring forth a great harvest. What kind of an answer is that? I don’t know Lord. You’re always answering me in parables. I can’t stand it. He said to the Greeks you can’t see me. You have to wait for my son.


He did not -- now, look at this. The Greeks were outside. They were behind this wall. And they said to the apostles we would see Jesus. The Greeks -- the apostles came and saw it, and they said Jesus, there are Greeks out there. There are heathens out there. There are non-Jews out there. They want to see you.

And Jesus said you can’t. Jesus Christ of Nazareth said “I am sent unto the lost sheep of Israel. I bring the children’s bread.” Deliverance is the children’s bread. Gentiles, heathen, you want to partake of Almighty God? You have to wait for the next generation. You have to wait for the next generation.


And who took the word to the world? It was the apostles. The beginning of it was the apostles. The apostles being the beginning of the next generation. They were the first sons of God. Did I answer your question?


What I was saying was that the Jehovah’s Witnesses, they take the Scripture when Jesus said, “anyone who has seen me has seen the Father,” to say that there is one God, denying the trinity.


OK. Well first of all, I think we’ve already established here that -- we’ve already established [UNINTELLIGIBLE] that when Jesus said, “the Father and I are one” -- I hope that we established it here that Jesus was in the form of soul and the Father was in the form of spirit, so I’m not going into that any further, but I want to put on this message that there is no such thing as the trinity. And there is no such doctrine as the trinity.


That is the wrong Catholic doctrine. That is unscriptural that says there is the Father and there is the Son and there is the Holy Spirit because -- God help me to explain this -- there is the Father and there is the Son. And the spir- --the Holy Spirit is the spirit of the Father. Jesus Christ was crucified. He was resurrected. He ascended. And He returned to the realm of the spirit and became one with the Father.


The Holy Spirit in the Earth today is the spirit of Jesus Christ. It’s the spirit of the Father. He’s not -- it’s not a third -- there’s only two. There’s the Father and the Son. There’s just the Father and the Son. The Father has the power to take different forms. And the Father can, while still in the form of spirit, OK -- [?now only?] in the heavenlies he’s called the Father, and when he’s in Earth he calls himself the Holy Spirit. In the heavenlies he is typified by water, and in the Earth he’s typified by oil, but he’s still the Father. And the son typifies the soul life of Almighty God.


He’s only the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is the Father. And the big -- that would make it so much easier for the church world to understand that the Holy Spirit is the Father if they could get this teaching that the Holy Spirit enters into your heart with the specific purpose of fertilizing a human spirit. That makes it easier to understand that he is the Father. And he’s fertilizing the souls of men. Now, there’s no -- there aren’t three, there’s only two. Yeah, there’s only two.


And I know that Scripture in the First Epistle of John, where it says in these three witness in the heavenlies the word and the spirit, and what’s the third one? And the word and the spirit and the blood. So they use that to make it a trinity, but I believe that there’s a note in the amplified version that’s not in the original text, OK? So there’s no such thing as a trinity. There’s just the Father and the Son. And the Father and the Son are one. Yeah, there’s no trinity. Did I explain that?


You have another question?


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] Not denying that the Holy Spirit is a person, just saying it’s the spirit of the Father. It is the Father.


Absolutely. The Holy Spirit is a person, but he’s the same person as the Father. The Father in another form.  Glory to God. There’s just the Father and the Son.


[?Remember when we got?] baptized in the other church in the name of Jesus. Because they said when you baptized in the name of Jesus that means [?all three?], but you say it’s all the Father.


It’s just the Father and the Son. Well, he said get -- be baptized in the name of the -- what did he say?


[INAUDIBLE] Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. In fact, there’s a lot of churches that believe if you don’t get baptized in the name of all three, you’re not baptized. My mother-in-law told me. But anyway, we got baptized in the name of Jesus because he said he had gotten the revelation that, when you get baptized in the name of Jesus, it’s all three.


Well first of all, God help us with this carnality in church. First of all, the words that you pronounce over somebody when you dunk them in the water are not going to make you or break you. And second of all, the truth of the matter is that dunking your head under the water doesn’t do anything for except get you wet. And that all -- now I don’t mean to be mocking the Scripture.


You see the Lord knows how carnal we are. And he has to explain everything to us within the natural and with symbols because we’re so dull we can’t understand. And the truth of the matter is that our soul is going down underneath the water of the spirit of the Father, and we are going to rise again in the newness of life. We’ve been teaching that in this ministry for months that the soul life that we now know [?in front of his love, in front of his hate?] is going to be tread under the foot of the spirit of God.


And the Scripture says we’re going to be destroyed. And we’re going -- and life as we know it is going to be destroyed, but we know that we’re going to live in a new form in the resurrected life of the Lord Jesus Christ. And when we get baptized that’s what is symbolized. And it’s just an act of faith. It’s just an act of faith. When you first receive Jesus Christ, you receive the promise.


And the Father says I know that you’re just men, and I know that you’re carnal, and I know that you have to have something to hold onto during this long journey that’s going to result in a change in your whole spiritual nature, so be baptized, OK? Get dunked under the water, and it’s a symbol that says I promise you, OK, that when you make this commitment to me, when you commit a minister of mine to dunk you under the water, that what you did in the Earth, I’m going to do in heaven. And I’m going to dunk your soul under the water of my spirit, and you’re going to rise up in the newness of the life of my Son.


That’s all that it is. It’s an act of faith that God says if you show me this act of faith, I’m going to do the real thing for you. It doesn’t matter.


[INAUDIBLE] Jesus through John’s ministry. Was it necessary then for people to get baptized?


Well, I think it’s necessary now because God told us to do it. God told us to do it. And it’s a covenant, you see. It’s a covenant with God. And he said be baptized and I’ll do the real thing. It’s a covenant, and I think everybody should get baptized. I think everybody should get baptized, and let me put this in that the reason Jesus said be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, and all the apostles were baptizing in the name of Jesus was that -- for Jesus to say be baptized in the name of Jesus -- let me back up.


At the time that Jesus said this, it was before his resurrection. He was still a natural man. He was a natural man. He had two minds. He had the mind of Satan, and he had the mind of his Father. And the mind of his Father was ruling, but the two he had -- had not yet been joined. Now remember what’s going to happen. The mind of Satan is going to be crucified to, or nailed to, the Lord Jesus Christ.


And of the two men. Of what two men? Of the Adamic man and of the man from heaven, he’s going to make -- of the [?twain?] he’s going to make one new man. He’s crucifying Satan to the mind of Christ, and he’s going to be one man in the newness of resurrection.


Jesus Christ of Nazareth before the crucifixion was just like you and me with one exception. The mind of Christ had the dominion in his life, but he still had an Adamic soul, and Satan was still alive. Under the feet of the Father but still alive.


So for him to say be baptized in the name of Jesus, he didn’t have the authority to do that. Jesus was still a natural man. Do you hear what I’m saying? For the disciples to go around over Jesus  -- well Jesus didn’t baptize. We’re told his disciples baptized. So his disciples to baptize in the name of a natural man would have been a blasphemy. So Jesus said to them baptize in the name of the Father and the Son that’s in heaven.


And I don’t know why he said the Holy Ghost. I don’t really know why. The Father that’s in heaven, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the part of the Father that’s in the Earth. I really don’t have any revelation on that. Why he -- because that’s what let into the whole concept of the trinity. So God hasn’t spoken to me yet. I’ll make it a prayer right now. If he gives me the answer, I’ll explain it to you. I don’t -- I’m not going to tell you out of my own heart. I have no revelation on that.


But that’s why Jesus said be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. What he meant was be baptized in the name of spiritual deity. I’m just a man.


But once he was crucified, resurrected, and ascended on high, he now became one with the Father. And the apostles went out, and they could baptize in the name of Jesus. Why? Because Jesus is now the Father. He went back to the realm of the spirit. He’s not a natural man anymore. You understand that?


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] [?You mentioned your note?], but I just thought she was going to ask you why did he say baptize in the name of the [?father, son, and the?] Holy Spirit?


I don’t even know that it’s in the original Greek. I don’t know. For all I know, he said baptize in the name of the Father and the Son. I don’t know what he said. And I don’t have any access to the original Greek. And if I did, I couldn’t read it.


But just based on -- we have to use common sense sometimes because the Scriptures are all corrupted. We all know that, OK. If you could say Amen to what I said about the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] is just the Father and the Son. And if you could say Amen to all that, then we have to really say that this is really suspicious that Jesus said be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


And we know that every truth has to be established in the [?map?] of two witnesses, and I don’t have a second witness for that. Or they would say the second witness is in first John and these three agree with him, but we know that that wasn’t in the original Greek.


And I -- this is just off the top of my head, whether it’s the Lord answering you, it may be God answering you right now. I would sincerely question whether that is the way it appears in the original Greek. I wouldn’t think so. I wouldn’t think so.


I don’t know that Jesus said be baptized in the name of the Father. I don’t know. So I’ll just make a prayer if there’s any way to get that information to us through some Greek scholar. I would really like to know what it is myself.


But I really think that’s what the Lord is telling me, Michael. That it doesn’t even say that in the Greek because it’s inconsistent with the rest of the Scripture. And inconsistent with the revelation that I’m working in right now.


We just spent two messages where the Lord clearly states the Father and the Son. They are the two sources of spiritual power. He doesn’t break away the Holy Spirit from the Father. It’s the Father and the Son. There’s just two. There’s no trinity. OK.


Let me get over there.


When the Bible says the Holy Spirit will be taken away -- this is getting on a whole new subject now, but if it’s going to be taken away, and that’s the spirit of the Father, can you explain that?


I’m not familiar with that Scripture. Do you know where that Scripture appears?


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] [?The restrainer?] will be taken away. The Holy Spir- --the restrainer.


You mean in 2nd verse 1. It doesn’t mean that at all, Michael. I have a whole message on that, Michael. It doesn’t mean that at all. It’s just trying to [UNINTELLIGIBLE] trying to get my memory up.


I can just tell you briefly what it says. It says -- I can’t remember clearly enough to put it on this message, but it’s on the message called, “The Man of Sin.” And I preach right out of that chapter, and it doesn’t mean that at all. OK. Glory to God.


[UNINTELLIGIBLEand he was able to materialize or dematerialize. That was after he died and rose again. So he must have experienced something through the death experience of the three days.


What happened to him was that his two minds became one. He had the mind of the natural man, which is ruled by Satan, and he had the mind of the Father. And when he was slain, the two minds were joined together, fused together for the life of the ages. And for all intents and purposes, Satan ceased to exist, and he became a spiritual man, and that was what happened to him.


So when he was crucified, it’s already happened. He put his mind underfoot for the life of the ages.


The mind of Satan in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth was under the dominion of the mind of God, but it was not dead. Satan was not dead. He was very much alive. He was locked in the bottomless pit. He was chained down in the bottomless pit, and his chain was the mind of God that ruled in the man known as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, but on the cross, Satan was slain, for all intents and purposes destroyed. Yet, he lives in another form because he’s joined to the mind of God in the man known as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He was absorbed by the spirit of God. Can’t hurt anybody anymore.


And a new creation was formed, the creation of God, the mind of God joined to the mind of man. And the creation of God was completed in the first [?cell?] Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Now it has to happen in all of us.




No creation was not completed and is not completed and shall not be completed until every human being on the face of the Earth experiences what Jesus experienced. The whole thing is that Jesus was the first one that did it. He did it in the realm of the spirit. No we’re just waiting for it to filter down to us.


If you think this is hard, what we’re going through, I can’t even imagine what Jesus had to go through.




Just a minute.


Will we be experiencing a death like that, and knowing that death and overcoming that death and rising again?


We’re not going to be crucified in the natural, but Satan, who is our mind, the mind of the natural man, is going to be crucified to the mind of Christ [UNINTELLIGIBLE], but before he can be crucified, he has to come under the feet of Christ in your mind. And when Christ gets him underfoot, he’s going to nail him, and you’re never going to hear his voice again. Right now, we’re struggling to get him underfoot, and he’s putting up quite a battle.


Then our minds will be full of life. What I’ve got is an idea that all of these thoughts from Satan that rise up, and his imagination is being pressed down. And Christ sitting on him.


Yes, that’s what we’re headed for now. But Jesus took another step beyond that. He nailed himself. After he sat on him, he crucified him, and he killed him.


If Jesus was crucified -- when Jesus was crucified, the flesh died with him. Or Satan?


OK. What happened is that Jesus had a body, and he had a -- he had two souls. He had the soul of a natural man and the soul of a man from heaven. We saw a man hanging on the cross. The body of Jesus Christ was crucified, and in his soul -- the body of Jesus Christ was crucified because men put nails in it. But his soul whi- -- the soul of the natural man, which he had, which was ruled by Satan, was crucified too because the mind of Jesus Christ nailed himself to him.


Jesus had two minds. You understand that? He had the mind of a natural, and the mind of God. And the mind of the natural man was serving Jesus. He couldn’t make him sin. He was under the dominion of Jesus. And when Jesus hung on the cross, his body was crucified and also that mind of the natural man ruled by Satan was killed.


Something happened in the realm of the spirit, and those two minds were joined and they became one. They became one new man. The creation of God.


And the Scripture says of the twain, of what -- twain meaning two, of the two minds, he made one new man, the creation of God. And that’s what we’re all going to be. If you receive Jesus, you have his mind, and there’s two minds in you now. And you’re on a long journey. And the first step is that Jesus has to rise up in you in strength and put Satan under his feet so he that he can’t get you in trouble anymore. And after that happens, Christ, in your mind, is going to kill him. And you’re going to have all the benefits of eternal life. Did I answer your question?


May I have your attention, please. This is September 23rd, 1991. Two years and two months, almost to the day, after I made this message, and the Lord has given us the revelation in with regard to the baptism and the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. If you’d like to hear it, it’s on message 113. And what I felt in this spirit, what I expressed in this message, was indeed true. That baptism is in the name of the Father and the Son, which is Christ and the Holy Ghost. There is baptism in the name of the Son and in the name of the Father. The Holy Ghost is the spirit of the Father, and Christ is the spirit of the son. And after Jesus’ resurrection, the apostles did indeed baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus, imparting the glorified soul of Christ to those to whom it was directed.


04/20/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

04/22/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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