Comments on Christmas



OnlineHost: *** You are in "Living Epistles". ***

LivingEM: Praise the Lord!

LivingEM: We have finished our study in Revelation, Chapter 12.

LivingEM: The floor is open the questions on any subject.

PSALM 29 2: I have one, but if anybody else does, I'd like them to feel free

LivingEM: I don't have any leading for amessage today, which means

LivingEM: that the leading while most likely, from the congregation.

LivingEM: Go-ahead Psalm 29:2

PSALM 29 2: Thank you. My question is, with the holiday season coming

PSALM 29 2: and having the revelation that Christmas is not about a celebration

PSALM 29 2: of the birth of the Lord

PSALM 29 2: how does one "keep the peace" in the family

PSALM 29 2: while holding onto the precious doctrine and not forcing it upon

OnlineHost: JSNGSNG has entered the room.

PSALM 29 2: other family members?

LivingEM: <G>

LivingEM: I'm thinking about where to start.

LivingEM: First of all, it is a serious problem when one member of the family

LivingEM: has the revelation that Christmas does not represent the birth of Christ,

LivingEM: and the reason it is such a big problem, is that the issue is not intellectual, but spiritu

LivingEM: For me to continue intelligently, I have to ask you if you know what holiday

LivingEM: is actually being celebrated on December 25th.

LivingEM: Do know Psalm 29 2?

PSALM 29 2: a pagan holiday worshipping the Sun God

LivingEM: yes, this is true. It is the birthday of Tammuz.

LivingEM: So, if you have not found out already, you will find out as soon as you take your stand

LivingEM: that you'll not celebrate a pagan holiday,

LivingEM: your whole world is likely to rise up against you.

LivingEM: People who don't even celebrate Christmas will rebuke you,

LivingEM: but especially "practicing" Christians, will be enraged.

LivingEM: You will be accused of associated yourself with a cult,

LivingEM: and "faithful" Christians will pray for you, Catholics will light candles for you,

LivingEM: and the spiritual warfare will rage on.

LivingEM: Christmas is one of the biggest challenges

LivingEM: and requires one of the greatest spiritual wars I have ever seen,

LivingEM: since I am in the Church.

LivingEM: I do not know of any way that you can refuse to engage in this pagan practice "peacefully"

LivingEM: It is a war of wars.

LivingEM: All I can do is to counsel you not to begin something that you are not prepared to finish,

LivingEM: and to count the cost before you start.

PSALM 29 2: May I comment?

LivingEM: The worst thing that you can do is to take your stand,

LivingEM: and then change your mind.

LivingEM: Go-ahead

PSALM 29 2: Most of my family that we "celebrate" Christmas with are not

PSALM 29 2: Christians, but just doing the "holiday thing" because

PSALM 29 2: it is a tradition. If this is the case and the birth of the Lord

PSALM 29 2: is not being celebrated, how can I translate

PSALM 29 2: or I should say, can it be taken as a time to

PSALM 29 2: get together with family?

LivingEM: The floor is open for anyone who would like to answer this question.

Myprecous1: Ihave to say there can be no compremise

LivingEM: Anybody else?

JSNGSNG: It is just an excuse to celebrate Christmas

Myprecous1: for it is one of the fiersed battles i 'e ever accounted

JSNGSNG: It has not stopped yet

LivingEM: The battle is just as fierce among those who "just keep the traditions,"

JSNGSNG: Every year I have to go through the same battle but it gets easier when you take the stand i

JSNGSNG: immediately

LivingEM: as it is amongst the "religious crowd."

LivingEM: There are two aspects to your question Psalm,

LivingEM: The first one is, how do you make your position acceptable to the members of your family.

LivingEM: And the second is, is it all right for you to celebrate Christmas,

LivingEM: if you admit that it is not Christ's birthday.

LivingEM: The answer to the first question is, I would be shocked if you found a

LivingEM: "peaceful" way to help your family accept the fact

LivingEM: that you no longer celebrate Christmas.

LivingEM: The answer to the second question, is that there is no compromise.

LivingEM: Gathering together with family members on December 25th,

LivingEM: and declaring that this is just a "family gathering,"

LivingEM: is a deception.

LivingEM: It cannot be done, because the spirit of Christmas declares the day

LivingEM: to be a pagan holiday.

LivingEM: I remember celebrating May Day when I was a child.

LivingEM: I was one of the children who "wound" the ribbons around the May Pole.

LivingEM: but as soon as Russia declared May 1 to be their national day,

LivingEM: the schools and other institutions in the United States stopped


LivingEM: May Day.

LivingEM: You probably never heard of it.

PSALM 29 2: no

LivingEM: The Spirit of Christmas is one of Satan's most powerful expressions.

LivingEM: Everyone except those who know the truth, and take a stand for it, celebrates Christmas.

LivingEM: The pagans celebrate Christmas,

LivingEM: the heathens celebrate Christmas,

LivingEM: agnostics celebrate Christmas,

LivingEM: i know taoists who celebrate Christmas

LivingEM: Christmas is a festival that is resisted only by those

LivingEM: who are willing to take a stand against it.

LivingEM: This festival is a spiritual seduction of the highest order.

LivingEM: I believe that I can honestly tell you that witches celebrate Christmas,

LivingEM: although they know the true meaning of the holiday.

LivingEM: They call it the winter stolstice.

LivingEM: Now, with of categories aforenamed celebrating Christmas,

LivingEM: the Spirit of Christmas is exhalted, and stirred up in all of these individuals.

LivingEM: And the Spirit of Christmas from all of these rivers ascends into the heaven ways

LivingEM: heavenlies

LivingEM: where they are gathered into one cloud of witnesses

LivingEM: who are exhalting Satan, whether they know it are not.

LivingEM: The reason that they are exhalting Satan, is that Christ would never

LivingEM: acknowledge this day as anything other than, " another day."

LivingEM: And therefore it must be the carnal minds of the people engaging

LivingEM: in whatever fellowship is taking place.

LivingEM: The believer who is convinced that they are not denying Christ

LivingEM: by gathering together with other people in a festive spirit,

LivingEM: Whatever name they may give them festive spirit,

LivingEM: is deceived.

LivingEM: Jesus said if you are not for me, you are against me.

LivingEM: This means, that either you are manifesting Christ,

LivingEM: or the carnal mind. It must be one way or the other.

LivingEM: We cannot engage in activities that Christ would not engage in without realizing

PSALM 29 2: thank you

LivingEM: that we can only do this with our carnal mind.

LivingEM: Is there any other question that I can answer for you?

PSALM 29 2: Well, I'm just amazed that there is not one person

PSALM 29 2: in the church that hasn't received this message in 2000 years

PSALM 29 2: and preached it

PSALM 29 2: that Christmas has survived that long

PSALM 29 2: it's pretty easy to research

LivingEM: There are those who have received his message, and have preached it.

PSALM 29 2: why wouldn't someone want the truth to be known?

PSALM 29 2: oh

LivingEM: And those who have preached it have lost from 1/2 to all of their congregation.

LivingEM: John answered your question.

LivingEM: They don't want to truth, because there deeds are evil.

LivingEM: They love their traditions more than they love the truth

PSALM 29 2: i see

LivingEM: They want to appear righteous before men,

PSALM 29 2: spiritual blindness and deafness?

LivingEM: without paying the price that it takes to have a true relationship with the Lord.

LivingEM: No, they are not blind and deaf.

LivingEM: They simply want to do what pleases them, even

LivingEM: when the Lord says that he hates it.

LivingEM: And the reason is this,

LivingEM: They want to feel good, and the Word of God does not make them feel good enough

LivingEM: to give up their worldly pleasures.

LivingEM: The Word Of God makes our spirit feel good,

LivingEM: but leaves our emotions unsatisfied.

LivingEM: So there is a wilderness experience that can go on four years,

LivingEM: for years

LivingEM: during which those who go on with God can experience much emotional pain.

LivingEM: Our goal is to transfer over from experiencing most of our


LivingEM: in our flesh and emotions,

LivingEM: to experiencing the large part of our satisfaction

LivingEM: from the Word of God,

LivingEM: and from our personal relationship with Christ Jesus.

LivingEM: But the satisfaction that arises out of the Kingdom of God is an

LivingEM: "acquired taste."

LivingEM: It must be developed, and in order for it to develop,

LivingEM: we must stop engaging in the activities that Satan provides to satisfy us.

LivingEM: So, there is a period of fasting,

LivingEM: a period During which we give up certain activities of this world,

LivingEM: some of which are spiritually unclean, such as Christmas,

LivingEM: and others which are acceptable to God for the time that we are in this fallen condition.

LivingEM: The give up the unclean activities as part of the program to purify ourselves

LivingEM: and we give up, as the Lord leads us, "harmless"

LivingEM: activities which swallow our limited time to study

LivingEM: and fellowship with the Lord.

LivingEM: We are on a long journey, which is painful at times.

LivingEM: Many times it is sweet when we first taste it,

LivingEM: but bitter when we experience the effect of it upon our carnal mind.

LivingEM: Unfortunately, the Church is severely uneducated.

LivingEM: The Christian walk is a sacrificial, difficult walk,

LivingEM: as far as our carnal mind is concerned,

LivingEM: and a glorious adventure as far as our Christ mind is concerned.

LivingEM: We are a divided people, and we are our own worst enemy.

LivingEM: We are divided within ourselves.

LivingEM: We are war continually.

LivingEM: Jesus clearly said that families would be divided.

LivingEM: The Church today is not lining up with the Scripture.

LivingEM: Proper preparation enables us to enjoy the blessings which are in Christ,

LivingEM: while dealing righteously with the problems of the carnal mind,

LivingEM: both our own, and those of our friends and relatives.

LivingEM: Our there any other questions?

PSALM 29 2: none from me, thank you for your answer

LivingEM: you are welcome.

LivingEM: Anyone else?

LivingEM: We will wait a few minutes. If the Lord does not give me

LivingEM: another lead, we will consider this a short session.

LivingEM: We have been talking for one hour at this point.

LivingEM: Let's pray before we close

LivingEM: Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for your Son.

LivingEM: We thank you for your intervention in our day-to-day lives, and for your protection of our

LivingEM: families.

LivingEM: We thank you for wisdom and knowledge and victory over the enemy of our souls.

LivingEM: If this one-hour message is all that you have for us today, we thank you for it,

LivingEM: and acknowledge that most ministries don't even have this much.

LivingEM: God bless you all. See you next week.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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