0002 Edition, Vol. 2
02/09/00 - Bitten By The Fiery Serpent
Scriptures Commented On (In Order of Appearance): 1 John 2:1, 1 Cor. 4:3-5, Rev. 9:3, Mal. 4:2, Rev. 9:5, 1 Cor. 15:56, Acts 12:23.
<LivingEM> Well, I think the Lord wants me to talk about my recent affliction. I was bitten by the Fiery Serpent. My first reaction was that I failed to shake her off, but the Lord told me that I did shake her off -- it just took me 24 hours to do it.
So, once again, we see how important it is to have a "face to face" dialogue with the Lord. Communication is the name of the game. It does not glorify God for us to think that we are a failure when we are not.
How did the bite of the Fiery Serpent affect me?
It drained my energy. It would be more accurate to say that a spiritual vampire bat drained a lot of my spiritual blood. I was very weak. I slept most of the afternoon yesterday, and when I did get up, I was still very weak, and my mental faculties were not up to par. Our physical condition most definitely affects our spiritual and mental condition.
Does anyone know why?
<OVERCOMER> When the spiritual vampire bat takes some of your spiritual energy, your body feels it.
<LivingEM> This is true, but the functional reality is that whatever energy I had left rushed to sustain my physical body.
You see, our spiritual blood, which is our energy, circulates through all of our bodies, physical, astral, etheric, and mental, and sustains them all. A severe enough energy drain can produce death, and the first body to die is the physical body.
The astral, etheric and mental bodies of the personalities do not continue without the physical body, because they are all parts of one system. The Fiery Serpent's bite is supposed to kill the whole man, but she frequently falls short of her goal because of a lack of strength.
So the initial attack is towards the physical body. The ailing physical body then requires extra energy to heal itself, and draws that energy from the astral, etheric and mental bodies. which, in turn, do not function at their maximum ability.
So we see that when the physical body goes down, our other bodies are drained to sustain the life of the physical body which supports the existence of the spiritual bodies.
Can anyone tell us why the Fiery Serpent attacks?
<OVERCOMER> If she is bitten, she bites back?
<LivingEM> This is true, but who would be foolish enough to bite a deadly Serpent?
<OVERCOMER> She is bitten by a son of God.
<LivingEM> Yes, only a son of God would be foolish enough to bite a poisonous Serpent.
Now this might be some new insight into the 5 foolish virgins. So we see that the foolish virgins, the believers who follow Jesus everywhere but have no oil, are those who follow Him, but do not do His works.
Can anyone tell us what works I am talking about?
<OVERCOMER> Confession and repentance.
<LivingEM> No, Overcomer, Jesus does not confess sin and repent. That is what the personality does.
What good works does Jesus do?
<JSNGSNG> Precous says, to fight the warfare to overcome our carnal mind.
<LivingEM> And what form does that warfare take? What does Christ Jesus do that makes the Fiery Serpent mad?
<OVERCOMER> Raises Adam from the dead.
<LivingEM> Yes, Overcomer, but how does Christ Jesus raise Adam from the dead?
<OVERCOMER> Separates her from Leviathan and casts her down to 2nd center.
<LivingEM> The Fiery Serpent cast down to the 2nd energy center is too weak to bite anyone.
The Fiery Serpent bites the hand that tries to cover her. What is the spiritual significance of the word "hand"?
<LAMB> Unconscious mind.
<OVERCOMER> Subconscious mind?
<LivingEM> Yes, our spiritual hand is our subconscious mind.
And what part of the carnal mind is the Fiery Serpent?
<JSNGSNG> Subconscious?
<LivingEM> Yes, the Fiery Serpent is the subconscious part of the mind -- both of the Christ mind and the carnal mind.
Can anyone tell us how the Fiery Serpent, the subconscious part of the Christ mind, differs from the Fiery Serpent, the subconscious part of the carnal mind?
<JSNGSNG> Fiery Serpent is part of Leviathan in carnal mind.
<LivingEM> Yes, the Fiery Serpent who is the subconscious part of the carnal mind is covered by Leviathan, but as far as the Lord is concerned, Leviathan is no cover at all.
Can anyone tell us why?
<OVERCOMER> Leviathan is a woman, so her spiritual semen has only Satan's waters, no seed.
<LivingEM> Yes, a woman cannot cover a woman, even if she acts like a male, because she lacks the righteous seed.
So, as far as the Lord is concerned, the Fiery Serpent covered by Leviathan is an uncovered female.
And the Fiery Serpent who is the subconscious part of the Christ mind is covered by???
Christ Jesus covers the Fiery Serpent when she is a part of the Christ mind.
Now, at the beginning of the regeneration, the Christ mind exists in an unmarried state. He has not yet overshadowed the Fiery Serpent or overcome Satan, so He is incomplete, a manchild.
So we see that the immature Christ can exist within a personality as only half a mind [seed, no water], and that the mature Christ Jesus [seed and water] is still an incomplete man until he marries the Fiery Serpent. For the season that Christ Jesus is unmarried, the Fiery Serpent exists as a separate entity apart from Him. Doesn't this sound like the story of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, the partial tree, departing from the Tree of Life, the complete tree?
There is only one tree, there is only one man, but the tree, which is the symbol of the man, is a two-part entity, the man and His wife. And until Jesus Christ, it was possible for the woman to depart from the man and kill the whole creature. But because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we now have an advocate in heaven, not to plead with the Father for our life, but an advocate who CONNECTS US to the Father.
You see, before Jesus, everyone born of a woman who ascended in the righteous time line was drawn back down into Satan's black hole, because there was no anchor in heaven for them to latch on to.
1 Jn. 2:1(KJV), My little children, these things I write unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
<LivingEM> God save us from the carnal mind's understanding of the Scripture. Brethren, when we sin, this gives Satan legal ground to re-capture us and draw us back into her dark kingdom. But if we are joined in Spirit to the glorified Jesus Christ who is above, because we are married to His Son, Christ Jesus, in the midst of us, we continue to ascend because of the righteousness of the Father and the Son.
Can you hear it? Does anyone not understand this spiritual principle?
The Lord Jesus is that great highway, the path where no fowl flieth, the city that NEVER extradites criminals, but gives them a new, righteous nature, which calls us forth and liberates us from???
From Jehovah's sowing and reaping judgment. Righteousness calls forth liberty, or deliverance, from Jehovah's sowing and reaping judgment, which is executed by?
<JSNGSNG> Satan.
<LivingEM> Yes, Satan. A righteous nature liberates us from Satan's authority.
Therefore, if we live out of Christ Jesus we can say what Paul said,
1 Cor 4:3, But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment, yea, I judge not mine own self.
4, For I know nothing by myself, yet am I not hereby justified, : but He that judgeth me is the Lord.
5, Therefore, judge nothing before the time.... (KJV)
<LivingEM> Can anyone tell us what this means? Judge nothing before the time... What does it mean?
1 Cor 4:5, ....until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness...
<LivingEM> How is the Lord coming?
<OVERCOMER> In the mind of Christ in a son.
<JSNGSNG> Precous says, He is coming in His sons.
<OVERCOMER> Judging before the time would be judging out of the canal mind, and not waiting for the mind of Christ to arise in the situation?
<LivingEM> Yes, Overcomer. The Lord "comes" in us continuously, not just one time. Every time Christ Jesus manifests through us, he "comes," and every time our carnal mind arises, Christ Jesus departs from us. And since the carnal mind rises in us continuously, the Lord departs from us continuously, and "comes" again, every time He overcomes Satan and Leviathan.
So be careful not to judge with your carnal mind, but call upon the Lord for His opinion, and He will come quickly and take vengeance upon your carnal mind that seeks to destroy you with false counsel and false judgment.
What form does the vengeance of the Lord take? What does Christ Jesus do to the carnal mind?
<LAMB> Corrects it.
<LivingEM> Yes, Christ Jesus corrects the carnal mind, but what must happen before He corrects her?
<LAMB> He judges it.
<JSNGSNG> Exposes sin.
<LivingEM> Christ Jesus must bring the carnal mind into submission before she will receive His correction.
And this brings us back to square one. Christ Jesus stings the Fiery Serpent, and the Fiery Serpent stings Christ Jesus back. Spiritually speaking we are back to prehistoric times, where the man beat the woman into submission to have sex with her.
But, let us finish up 1 Cor. 4:3-5 first.
...don't judge before the time line of the Lord comes.
<LivingEM> First of all, who is the Lord? Now, remember, the Scripture does not say "Lord Jesus," but "Lord."
<LAMB> The controller within us.
<LivingEM> Yes, and His name is?
<LAMB> Christ Jesus
<LivingEM> Yes. So what is the difference between "the Lord" and "Lord Jesus?"
"Lord" is Christ Jesus within the individual, and "Lord Jesus" is the glorified Jesus Christ.
So don't judge anything until the time line of Christ Jesus arises within you, who will shed light upon the hidden things of darkness....
<LivingEM> What is hidden in the darkness?
<LAMB> Our sin nature.
<JSNGSNG> Hidden sins of the heart.
<LivingEM> Yes, the hidden motives that arise out of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.
1 Cor. 4:5, ...and will also manifest the counsels of the hearts:
<LivingEM> Please note that both "counsel" and "heart" are in the plural. Can anyone tell us what this means?
<LAMB> Counsel of carnal mind and the counsel of the mind of Christ.
<JSNGSNG> Two sides of the heart, left and right.
<LivingEM> Yes, Paul is telling the Corinthians that there are two heart centers, and that each heart center has its own counsel, that different counsel comes from each center, and that they should wait until the wisdom of Christ Jesus, Adam's time line, ascends.
I hope you all can remember the times that I have told you that I did not know the answer to something, and would speak only after the Lord arose within me. Sometimes He rises as I confess that I don't know the answer.
I am so humbled by this truth that I cannot even speak. That the mind of God lives in me, and thinks through me, and speaks through me, and does His mighty works through me, and that the more that I oppose Satan's thoughts, as a general rule, the faster He rises in me.
Sometimes He is here instantly, sometime only after I pray, and sometimes I must wait for the answer, a day, a week, a month, or several months. So don't judge before Christ Jesus, Adam's time line, arises in you, who will reveal Satan and the Fiery Serpent who conceal themselves under the darkness of the carnal mind, because Christ Jesus will help you to distinguish between the counsels of the left and right side of the heart center,
1 Cor. 4:5, ...and then every man shall have praise of God.
<LivingEM> The Greek word translated "have" really means "to cause to be." And then every man shall become praise of God. Does anyone remember what the praise of God is?
<OVERCOMER> Your life in full submission to him.
<JSNGSNG> Overcoming the carnal mind?
<LivingEM> The word "praise" signifies "the exact representation." Christ Jesus is Jehovah's praise, the only true thought form that accurately represents Jehovah's nature.
So whoever restrains his carnal mind, refusing to form judgments until Christ Jesus arises within him, and submits to Christ Jesus' judgments when they rise, will become one with Christ Jesus, Jehovah's thought form.
And Christ Jesus shall come in and go out no more, and that man shall live above the laws of this criminal world, which is a spiritual penal colony.
So we see that praising the Lord is much more than raising your hands in church, or singing, or clapping and shouting.
Worship is submission to Christ Jesus, and worship is forcing your carnal mind to submit to Christ Jesus, and praise is obedience to the risen Christ Jesus, which results in your union with Him and your ultimate glorification.
1 Cor. 4:5, Alternate Translation, So don't judge anything until the time line of Christ Jesus arises within you, [because Christ Jesus] sheds light upon [Satan and the Fiery Serpent] the hidden darkness [of your carnal mind, because Christ Jesus] distinguishes between the counsel of the left and the right side of the heart center, so that everyone can be an accurate representative image of Jehovah's nature.
So, to get back to the main theme of our study, the work of Christ Jesus is to judge the carnal mind, and this judgment takes place through close contact, and penetration. Christ Jesus must penetrate the carnal mind in an individual to expose Satan's hidden motives. This is how Christ Jesus sheds light in the dark places. He penetrates the mind of the candidate who hopes for eternal life, and exposes the truth of their motives.
The Scripture calls this penetration a "sting."
Rev. 9:3 (KJV), And there came out of the smoke, locusts upon the earth and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
<LivingEM> The Greek word translated "scorpion" comes from a root that means "to pierce." Brethren, this war is real and vicious. Christ Jesus is determined to overshadow and penetrate the Fiery Serpent in the individual, and the Fiery Serpent is determined to kill Christ Jesus. And they both have stingers.
Oh, so you thought the locusts of Revelation were Satan and Leviathan, or their evil offspring, the daughters of Babylon?
Rev. 9:4, And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth....
<LivingEM> What is the spiritual significance of the "grass of the earth"? Who is the grass? We have a 3-part message on this. Adam is the grass of the earth. And Adam in the New Testament is called?
<JSNGSNG> Precous says, Christ Jesus.
<LivingEM> Yes, Christ Jesus.
Rev. 9:4, ....neither any green thing...
<LivingEM> The Greek word translated "green" means "pale." Who are the pale ones? You should know this from Samson & Delilah.
<JSNGSNG> Spiritual immigrants.
<LivingEM> You are close, JSNGSNG, but the answer is Delilah, the personalities of the earth, who are separated from Christ Jesus, and therefore, weak and dependent, and depressed. "The pale ones" signifies the ones who are pining away.
So, we see that the locusts [Christ Jesus] arise from under the earth of the carnal mind, and their leader, the Lord Jesus, warns them not to hurt Adam/Christ Jesus, or the personalities as they go forth to judge Satan and Leviathan,
Rev. 9:4, ...neither any tree.
<LivingEM> The Greek word translated "any" means "whole." Do not harm the whole tree.... that is, harm only the partial tree, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, that is separated from the Tree of Life.
The word "men" is a translation of Strong's # 444, anthropos, which means "Adam."
...but those Adams which do not have the seal of God in their foreheads.
<LivingEM> "Seal" signifies "nature," and "forehead" signifies the "brow" (6th) energy center. Hurt only those Adams who are in the brow energy center without God's nature.
And what does the word "hurt" mean? Who is the one who ascends into the energy centers? The personality is the house.
<OVERCOMER> The Fiery Serpent.
<LivingEM> Yes, the Fiery Serpent is the one who ascends into the energy centers. So, the Scripture says, don't hurt Christ, the young Adam, and don't hurt the house, the pale ones who are pining away for whom? Who are the pale ones, the personalities pining away for?
<OVERCOMER> Leviathan
<LivingEM> Yes, Satan and Leviathan.
So don't hurt the mindless personalities who are pining away for Satan's spiritual experiences, and Leviathan's lusts, neither hurt the Fiery Serpent who is married to Christ Jesus, and become a part of the whole tree. But hurt only the Fiery Serpents within the personalities that Christ Jesus is formed in, who have ascended into the brow (6th) energy center uncovered.
Now, brethren, the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual sexual part of the ???
<LAMB> Personality.
<JSNGSNG> Personality.
<LivingEM> Yes, the personality.
So you can't hurt the Fiery Serpent without hurting the personality, but the Lord said don't hurt the personality. Can anyone tell us how to reconcile this apparent contradiction?
The harm to the Fiery Serpent that casts her down to the 2nd energy center and liberates the personality that is cleaving to Christ Jesus. You see, what we consider "hurt" is not counted as "hurt" by the Lord.
In the Lord's eyes, to not interfere with an illegally ascended Fiery Serpent, is to "hurt" the personality. But Christ Jesus does not consider causing temporary pain to the personality for the purpose of liberating her to be "hurt," because the Lord bases His decisions on the fruit, on the results, of the behavior.
Therefore, the Lord's affliction of the Fiery Serpent is righteous, even if the personality suffers temporarily.
Rev. 9:4, ...should not kill them....
<LivingEM> The word "not" does not appear in the Greek. The Interlinear text says "and it was given to them that they should kill them," The Greek word translated "kill" is "thanatos," which means "death by separation."
Who must be separated from whom to hurt the Fiery Serpent?
<JSNGSNG> Precous says, Leviathan.
<LivingEM> Yes, but who is being separated from Leviathan?
<JSNGSNG> Precous says, Fiery Serpent.
<LivingEM> Yes, and who dies when the Fiery Serpent is separated from Leviathan?
<JSNGSNG> Precous says, carnal mind.
<LivingEM> What is the name of the entity that is formed when the Fiery Serpent joins with Leviathan in the crown (7th) energy center?
<JSNGSNG> Satan.
<LivingEM> The separation of the Fiery Serpent ascended into the crown (7th) energy center, is the death of Pharaoh.
Leviathan becomes Pharaoh when she joins with the Fiery Serpent in the 7th energy center.
Alternate Translation Rev. 9:4, And [the glorified Jesus Christ], the whole Tree [of Life], commanded that Christ Jesus [in the individual] injure the Fiery Serpent [who was joined to] Leviathan, [and to] the personality [in the wrong moral order], in those men whose Fiery Serpents were not penetrated by Christ Jesus,
Rev 9:5, And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man (KJV)
The Greek word translated "torment," means "to drive down under with vexation." Who is being driven downward? Satan is the one being driven into the bottomless pit, but that does not apply here. We will translate the word "torment" "to vex."
The Greek word translated "month" means "moon."
Can anyone tell us who the moon is?" Who is the moon of the individual? Who is the sun of the individual?
<JSNGSNG> Leviathan.
<LivingEM> The sun or the moon?
<JSNGSNG> Christ Jesus is the sun, Leviathan is the moon.
<LivingEM> Excellent! That was a hard one.
Mal. 4:2 (KJV), But unto you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings...
<LivingEM> Actually, JSNGSNG, your answer is almost right, but you had the right idea.
The spirit is the sun and the mind is the moon of the individual. The Spirit of Christ is the sun and Christ Jesus the moon, and conversely, Satan is the sun and Leviathan is the moon.
So for the purposes of Rev. 9:5 which is talking about judgment, you were right, Leviathan is the moon.
So, we see that the sons of God are instructed to kill Pharaoh who is in the crown (7th) energy center, who separates into Leviathan, the subconscious part of the carnal mind, and the Fiery Serpent in the individual, and drive Leviathan down into the 5th energy center. The death of Pharaoh drives Leviathan down into the 5th energy center, and the Fiery Serpent falls down into the 2nd energy center, where she is vexed by????
Who opposes Leviathan in the 5th energy center? Adam/Christ Jesus opposes Leviathan in the 5th energy center. Adam/Christ Jesus joined to the glorified Spirit of Elijah/Christ opposes Pharaoh in the 7th energy center.
So we see that the sons of God are sent to help the believers that Christ Jesus is formed in, but who is not strong enough to overshadow the Fiery Serpent that is married to Leviathan and ascended into the crown (7th) energy center where they take the singular name of Pharaoh.
And the sons of God are commanded to kill Pharaoh and cast Leviathan down into the 5th energy center, where Christ Jesus in the individual will now be able to deal with the weakened Leviathan.
... and the torment that the ascended son of God visits upon the whole man is the same torment that Adam/Christ Jesus experiences when the Fiery Serpent stings him.
Alternate Translation Rev. 9:5, And [the glorified Jesus Christ] gave [Christ Jesus in the individual] permission to kill [Pharaoh by] separating the Fiery Serpent from Leviathan, [Satan's] reflection, and to drive [Leviathan] down into the throat (5th) energy center, [just like Satan and Leviathan] drive Adam down [into the belly (3rd)energy center where the Fiery Serpent] stings and pierces Him.
1 Cor. 15:56 (KJV),The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.
<LivingEM> Who is death? Satan is death, and Leviathan is hell. Satan stings us when she manifests through the Fiery Serpent.
Our sin nature is in the form of the Fiery Serpent, our subconscious mind. Satan impulses her thoughts to the Fiery Serpent, who agrees with Satan and brings Satan's thoughts to pass, either with or without the personality's conscious agreement.
So we see that both the sons of God and the Fiery Serpent sting their victims. Can anyone see why?
What name does the Fiery Serpent take when she is overshadowed and penetrated by Christ Jesus? Seraphim.
So we see that the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual weapon, and that whether she is married to Adam/Christ Jesus, or not, determines whether she is a righteous or unrighteous weapon.
The Fiery Serpent is the focused energy of the individual. Satan is the unfocused energy. Satan flows through the whole being nourishing all the bodies of the individual. The Fiery Serpent is Satan's sword. Satan operates in thought and in suggestion. The Fiery Serpent bites and steals energy. Satan can produce insanity, but the Fiery Serpent kills the body.
When I studied Tai Chi Ch'aun, I found out that there are advanced exercises that whip up the energy of the individual to such an intensity that, if you are not trained to control it, can damage your physical organs.
I had intended to go over the Scriptures in the Book of Acts concerning the Fiery Serpent that bit Paul, but I think you are all in shock. If the Lord permits, we will look at those Scriptures next week.
So I was bitten by a Fiery Serpent this week, but she did not kill me, and I shook her off in about 24 hours.
Since the Lord has not given me a status report, I choose to believe that I killed Pharaoh and drove Leviathan down to the 5th energy center where she is weak enough for Christ Jesus in the individual to deal with.
I will close this message with my observation that the eastern religions are trying to arouse a sleeping Fiery Serpent (Kundalini), but the Christians are trying to cast down the ascended Fiery Serpent. How interesting!
The bottom line is, though, that both are trying to harness the power of the great spiritual worm that consumed the spiritual life of Christ Jesus within Herod.
Acts 12:23, And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. (KJV)
<LivingEM> The eastern religions are saying, "get up and walk," but the Lord Jesus is saying, "get back down and don't come up here without your husband."
Of course, the uncovered ascended Fiery Serpent is in the counterfeit time line, and the Lord Jesus is also saying, "get back down, and rise again in the proper channel."
Are any questions or comments?
May we all marry Christ Jesus, and may He overshadow and penetrate our Fiery Serpent, that we may be a weapon for righteousness, and not for evil.
God bless you all.
Good night.
1 Cor. 4:5, Alternate Translation, So don't judge anything until the time line of Christ Jesus arises within you, [because Christ Jesus] sheds light upon [Satan and the Fiery Serpent] the hidden darkness [of your carnal mind, because Christ Jesus] distinguishes between the counsel of the left and the right side of the heart center, so that everyone can be an accurate representative image of Jehovah's nature.
4, And [the glorified Jesus Christ], the whole Tree [of Life], commanded that Christ Jesus [in the individual] injure the Fiery Serpent [who was joined to] Leviathan, [and to] the personality [in the wrong moral order], in those men whose Fiery Serpents were not penetrated by Christ Jesus,
5, And [the glorified Jesus Christ] gave [Christ Jesus in the individual] permission to kill [Pharaoh by] separating the Fiery Serpent from Leviathan, [Satan's] reflection, and to drive [Leviathan] down into the throat (5th) energy center, [just like Satan and Leviathan] drive Adam down [into the belly (3rd)energy center where the Fiery Serpent] stings and pierces Him.