Any Old Mountain?


Scriptures Commented On (In Order of Appearance) Rev. 6:12, Est. 4:3, Rom. 16:20, Zech. 14:4, 1 Sam. 25:3, Rev. 6:14, Zech. 14:4 (AT), Dan. 11:6, Luke 16:26, Luke 11:24, Matt. 21:21, Matt. 21:21 (AT), Gal. 6:16

<LivingEM> Praise the Lord!! His mercy truly endureth forever. We have the life of a soldier, which is hard, but His ministry to our spirit is more than anyone can ever hope for. The warfare never ends, but we get stronger and stronger. Actually, the warfare does end.

Can anyone tell us when the warfare ends?

<OVERCOMER> When we are in the crown (7th) center permanently?

<LAMB> When Christ Jesus marries Jehovah.

<LivingEM> These answers are correct, but the average person would not know what you are talking about. The warfare ends when we overcome death.

<Psalm292> When Satan is put under Christ's feet, and He is all in all.

<Myprecous1> When we overcome the flesh.

<LivingEM> Yes, this is true.

Can anyone tell us what it means for Satan to be under Christ's feet?

<Psalm292> The Christ mind ruling over the carnal mind?

<LivingEM> This is true, but there is a specific overshadowing.

The parable says, and sackcloth shall cover the???? and blood shall cover the????

<Psalm292> Earth?


<LAMB> Sun and moon.

Rev. 6:1, 2 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Can anyone tell us who is causing the earthquake?

<LAMB> The Spirit of Christ?

<LivingEM> In the natural, what causes an earthquake? Is the quake caused from underneath or on top of the ground?

<Psalm292> Friction of two land masses coming together from underneath.

<LivingEM> Yes and, in the Spirit, who is under the ground?

<Psalm292> Cain.

<LivingEM> And who else?

Actually Cain is not under the ground, although her roots are intertwined with the ground.

Who is under the ground that is trying to get out?

<Psalm292> I meant Abel <G>

<LivingEM> Yes, Abel is under the ground and, when he moves, his vibrations shake the earth.

<LivingEM> Who is the second body that is coming together with Abel?

<DANIEL42> Christ Jesus.

<Psalm292> Fiery Serpent.

<LivingEM> Christ Jesus is in the heart (4th) center, Daniel, but you are close.

The Fiery Serpent is joined to Abel, who is trying to free himself from the Fiery Serpent, by moving to and fro, sort of like a car stuck on the ice. First you move the car forward, then you go into reverse, until the car moves over the rut. We northerners call this "rocking the car."

Actually, the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual ground that Abel is breaking through, like the sprout of a young seed breaks the physical ground when it begins to grow.

What is the name of the spiritual force that penetrates the spiritual ground from the top, seeking Abel out, and strengthening him to break through the Fiery Serpent?

Who is going around saying, "is anyone in there?"

<Psalm292> Christ Jesus?

<LivingEM> Yes, Christ Jesus and, more specifically, the Spirit of Christ.

The spiritual man, Christ Jesus, seeks out the mortal men who are hosting Abel in the Jew, and Christ in the Christian. And when Christ Jesus finds such a mortal man, the Spirit of Christ vibrates forth and penetrates the mind of that mortal host like a ?

What is the symbol of the penetrating Spirit of Christ?

<Psalm292> Male organ?

<LivingEM> A needle. The Spirit of Christ is the needle that penetrates the opening between the warp and the woof of our spiritual garment, which is our mind.

So Abel is under the ground, rocking and reeling in an attempt to break free from the Fiery Serpent, and the Spirit of Christ in another, more mature man, is assisting him.

Does anyone know the relationship between the Spirit of Christ and Abel/Christ?


Can anyone tell us what Abel is saying as the Spirit of Christ pierces through the ground from above, and he breaks forth from underneath?

Abba, Father.

Who are the sun and the moon?

Is the Scripture talking about the physical sun and moon?

<JSNGSNG> Leviathan is the moon. Christ Jesus is the sun.

<OVERCOMER> Spirit of Christ and Christ Jesus?

<LivingEM> We are talking about the sun and moon that are being covered. Yes, Leviathan is the moon.

Who is the sun?

<OVERCOMER> In the negative, it would be Satan?

<Psalm292> Glorified Jesus Christ?

<LivingEM> Yes, Satan is the sun of mortal man.

And who is the sackcloth that is covering the sun? Can anyone tell us what sackcloth represents?

<Psalm292> Personality?

<JSNGSNG> Garment?

Est. 4:3, And in every province whithersoever the king's commandment and his decree came, there was great mourning among the Jews, and fasting, and weeping, and wailing, AND MANY LAY IN SACKCLOTH AND ASHES. (KJV)

<LivingEM> SACKCLOTH SIGNIFIES MOURNING. And mourning signifies death.

Who is covering Satan unto her death?

Sackcloth is a roughly woven garment that acts as a filter, sort of like cheesecloth which is used to make farmer cheese. The curds and the whey are scooped into the cheesecloth and only the liquid whey passes through the cloth. The solid curds remain and become cheese.

Filtration signifies separation. Adam/Christ Jesus is the great filter that overshadows the whole of Satan's kingdom. Only the liquid part of Satan's kingdom will pass through Adam's filter.

This is similar to the principle that the Spirit of Christ is the needle that passes through the carnal mind. The human spirit will pass through Adam's filter, but the earth shall not pass through.

And what is the process that separates the spirit from the earth?

<Psalm292> Judgment.

<LivingEM> This is true.

What form does Satan's judgment take?

What separates the water/spirit from the earth?

<Psalm292> Sowing and reaping.

<LivingEM> Sowing and reaping is the judgment that Satan executes, Psalm. We are looking for the judgment UPON Satan, that separates the earth from her waters.

<Psalm292> Boiling.

<JSNGSNG> Boiling.

<LivingEM> Yes, boiling.

And who is the blood that covers the moon? Who is the spiritual blood of the New Man?

<Psalm292> Christ Jesus.

<LivingEM> The Spirit of Christ is the blood. Christ Jesus is the whole man.

So we see that there is an actual overshadowing that must take place within our spiritual being. Satan and her household must actually go underneath Christ Jesus, just like the physical sun goes behind the moon in a solar eclipse.

Rom. 16:20, And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.(KJV)

<LivingEM> Can anyone tell us what the word "feet" symbolizes?

<JSNGSNG> Carnal mind?

<LivingEM> Yes, the carnal mind. And the conscious part of the carnal mind of the average mortal man is usually in the third energy center, which is characterized by ???

<Myprecous1> Worldly lusts.

<LivingEM> Yes, Myprecous, lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of this life.

But Satan in the average mortal man is ascended to a variety of heights, because she is the spiritual blood of mortal man that nourishes all the spiritual tissues of mortal man's spiritual bodies.

The promise of "bruising Satan underfoot," In [Adam/Christ Jesus'] timeline, the Fiery Serpent [becomes a Seraph who dwells underneath Christ Jesus, and] the personality [who is] above [the Fiery Serpent because of her union with Adam/Christ Jesus], dwells [in] the [holy] Jerusalem, [the spiritual city that extends into] Jehovah's eternal realm, because [the sons of God, the fruit of the glorified Jesus Christ], the Tree of Life [that] dwells [in the left side of the heart (4th) center, dwell] in the brow (6th) center; [and the sons of God], shall separate [the personalities] joined to [Leviathan], the fish in the midst of [Satan's] vehement sea, [that] divided [Adam, Elohim's] great mountain, [into] the northern and southern [kingdoms, and they] shall go back [under Adam/Christ Jesus' authority]. signifies Satan's forced descent into which energy center?

<Psalm292> Second?

<LivingEM> Yes, the second energy center, the place of moral impurity, which is characterized by water-filled caverns. "Bruising Satan underfoot" also signified forcing Satan into the bottomless pit.

Zech. 14:4, And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof, toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley, and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Someone asked me a good question recently. They wanted to understand how the term "feet" can signify both the carnal mind and the feet of Adam/Christ Jesus.

"The feet" are the part of the creation that is in the earth. The Hebrew word translated "feet," Strong's #7272, can also be translated "pudenda," signifying the female sex organ.

Can anyone tell us the name of the spiritual female sex organ in the individual?

<Psalm292> Fiery Serpent?

<LAMB> The Fiery Serpent.

<JSNGSNG> Fiery Serpent.

<LivingEM> Yes, the Fiery Serpent.

Zech. 14:4 answers this question.

"And in that day, the Fiery Serpent shall stand...."

How will the Fiery Serpent stand? And what will she become?

<Psalm292> She will stand when married to Christ Jesus.

<Myprecous1> Praising Jehovah day and night.

<Myprecous1> Seraph.

<JSNGSNG> Seraphim.

<LivingEM> Yes, the Fiery Serpent becomes a Seraph when Christ Jesus marries her.

So we see that the word "feet" signifies the carnal mind when the Fiery Serpent is separated from Adam/Christ Jesus, and the "Seraphim" when the Fiery Serpent is married to Adam/Christ Jesus.

So, we can say that there are good feet and evil feet.

We found the term "footsteps" or "reflections" in our study of Samson & Delilah. Mortal men are the footsteps, or the reflections, of the Fiery Serpent within themselves. The Fiery Serpent is the spiritual sexual part of the personality, and the personality and the Fiery Serpent are one whole spiritual woman, which has a good and an evil side.

So we see that the mortal men who are joined to Christ Jesus are manifestations of the "good woman," the feet of Adam/Jesus Christ, and the mortal men who are not joined to Adam/Christ Jesus in their spiritual sexual part are footsteps, or reflections, of the rebellious Fiery Serpent.

But I know a lot of people, Sheila, who are good people, but do not have a relationship with Jesus.

We are talking about a Scriptural definition of "good woman."

The personality that is not joined to Jesus is good and evil, and can be a manifestation of either side, but the "Scriptural good woman" is the personality whose evil potential is covered by Christ Jesus.

1 Sam. 25:3, Now the name of the man was Nabal, and the name of his wife, Abigail, and she was a woman of good understanding ... (KJV)

<LivingEM> Contrary to the King James translation, the Interlinear text indicates that Abigail was a good woman who had understanding. You may recall that Abigail saved her husband and all of the people who dwelt with them from David's armies, because she understood that refusing to assist someone in need, especially someone who the Lord is protecting, is foolish.

Abigail had this understanding because she was a "good woman," or a woman whose mental processes were strongly influenced by Adam/Christ Jesus. Abigail's "goodness" is not the same "goodness" as the personality who chooses, of her own will, to follow the path of good, as opposed to evil.

So we see that, in that day, the Fiery Serpent will stand, or dwell, in the Mount of Olives. Does anyone know the location of the Mount of Olives?

<OVERCOMER> Is it the crown (7th) Center?

<LivingEM> Where do olives grow? On a vine? Are olives the fruit of a house plant? Olives grow on a???

Someone should know the answer to this one. Where do olives grow?



<Myprecous1> On the right side of the heart( 4th) tree center.

<LivingEM> That was my next question, Myprecous. The olive tree does grow in the heart (4th) center.

What does the olive tree represent?

<LAMB> The Tree of Life.

<LivingEM> Yes, the Tree of Life.

So which side of the heart (4th) center would the Tree of Life be on?

<Myprecous1> Left.

<LAMB> Left.


<LivingEM> Yes, the left side of the heart (4th) center. The Tree of Life grows on the left side of the heart (4th) center.

Can anyone tell us why the Tree of Life cannot grow on the right side of the heart (4th) center?

<Myprecous1> Because that is Satan's sea.

<JSNGSNG> Satan's water covers the right side.

<LivingEM> Yes, it is true that Satan's sea covers the right side of the heart (4th) center, and not the left side.

What would happen to the Tree of Life if it sprung up on the right side of the heart (4th) center?

<Myprecous1> It would die.

<LivingEM> Yes, the Tree of Life dies when Satan covers it.

Can anyone tell us the name of the Tree of Life in seed form?

<LAMB> Christ.

<LivingEM> Yes, Christ is the name of the Tree of Life in seed form.

What must be added to Christ for Him to mature into Christ Jesus? Water, or energy.

Satan is the polluted waters of creation. Therefore, her waters kill the seed of the Tree of Life when the two are joined.

What is the name of the pure waters that Christ must be grafted to?

<JSNGSNG> Holy Spirit?

<LivingEM> Yes, the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is the purified water that Christ, the seed of the whole Tree of Life, can graft to, and prosper.

So, in that day, the Fiery Serpent dwells on the left side of the heart (4th) center, and the Mountain of Olives which is above the heart (4th) center.....

Overcomer said that the Mount of Olives is in the crown (7th) energy center, but the 7th energy center is beyond the visible world. The mountain that the olive Tree of Life reaches into, is the brow (6th) energy center.

So, in that day, the Seraphim will dwell in the left side of the heart (4th) center, and the fruit of the olive tree will be in the brow (6th) center...

Who is the fruit of the olive tree?

Who is the olive tree?

<LAMB> Christ Jesus.

<LivingEM> Yes, Christ Jesus is the olive Tree of Life, and the sons of Christ Jesus, which is Christ Jesus in many mortal men, shall dwell in the brow (6th) energy center.

The Hebrew word translated "upon," can also be translated "because of," or "above" and the Hebrew word translated "before" is a translation of two Hebrew words, Strong's #5921, which means "above," and Strong's # 6440, which means face, or the part up front, which is the personality.

...and in that day, the personality will be above.

Above what?

Above the Fiery Serpent who covers the personality in fallen men. Our spiritual sexual part cannot cover us, brethren, because if she does, we die.

The word "east" signifies the eternal plane where Jehovah is, and "Jerusalem on the east" signifies the spiritual city that extends from the left side of the heart (4th) center all the way into eternity, the crown (7th) center, and beyond.

Can anyone tell us what "in that day" means?

<LAMB> The mature mind of Christ manifests in us?

<OVERCOMER> The day that the individual is fully raised from the dead?

<LivingEM> Both answers are correct, but I prefer to translate the word "day" as "timeline."

In Adam/Christ Jesus' timeline, the Tree of Life grows in the left side of the heart (4th) center, the fruit of the glorified Jesus Christ dwells in the brow (6th) center, the Fiery Serpent becomes a Seraph and dwells underneath Christ Jesus, and the personality who is now above the Fiery Serpent, dwells in the holy Jerusalem, the spiritual city that extends into Jehovah's eternal realm.

The Hebrew word translated "cleave" is preceded by two prefixes, "vav," which means "nailed," and "nun," which means "fish," and the Hebrew word translated "in the midst thereof" is preceded by the prefix "mem," which means "waters," or "sea."

And the sons of God in the brow (6th) energy center, the fruit of the glorified Jesus Christ, shall separate (cleave) [the personalities] nailed (vav) to the fish (nun) in the midst of [Satan's] sea (mem) ...

... toward the east and toward the west ....

<LivingEM> What does the east signify?

Jehovah's eternal realm.

What does the west signify?

The visible physical world.

.... and there shall be a very great valley, and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.

<LivingEM> The Hebrew word translated "remove," can also be translated "withdraw, "go back," "depart," "take away," or "cease," and Strong says that the word suggests "receding by contact."

I suggest to you that the Hebrew word translated "remove", as it is used in Zech. 14:4, suggests the prophesied conflict of this world system with the Lord Jesus Christ, and its subsequent withdrawal.

Rev 6:14, And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. (KJV)

<LivingEM> The Hebrew word translated "very" means "vehemence," and the Hebrew word translated "valley," means "a gorge," or "a winter torrent."gorge

gorge (gôrj) noun

1. A deep, narrow passage with steep rocky sides; a ravine.

2. A narrow entrance into the outwork of a fortification.

3. The throat; the gullet.

4. The crop of a hawk.

5. An instance of gluttonous eating.

6. The contents of the stomach; something swallowed.

7. A mass obstructing a narrow passage: a shipping lane blocked by an ice gorge.

gorged, gorg·ing, gorg·es

verb, transitive

1. To stuff with food; glut: gorged themselves with candy. See synonyms at satiate.

2. To devour greedily.

verb, intransitive
To eat gluttonously.

[Middle English, throat, from Old French, from Late Latin gurga, perhaps from Latin gurges, whirlpool, abyss.]

-- gorger noun(1)


tor·rent (tôrnt, tr-) noun

1. A turbulent, swift-flowing stream.

2. A heavy downpour; a deluge.

3. A heavy, uncontrolled outpouring: a torrent of insults; torrents of mail.

[Latin torrns, torrent- from present participle of torrre, to burn.](2)

<LivingEM> I suggest to you that the Hebrew word translated "valley" signifies

(1) The belly (3rd) energy center, where the Fiery Serpent gluttonously feasts upon the energy of Leviathan, the resident of the throat (5th) energy center, who descends into the belly (3rd) energy center, to "love" the Fiery Serpent (gorge), and

(2) The second (2nd) energy center, characterized by moral depravity, which is an underground pool (torrent).

Remember, both Christ Jesus and Leviathan woo the Fiery Serpent in the belly (3rd) energy center, to draw her up into the left or the right side of the heart (4th) energy center, respectively, where they penetrate, or marry, her.

These three energy centers (2nd, 3rd & 5th) suggest the fallen world under Satan's spiritual sea (valley) and their inhabitants, in particular: Satan (2nd), Leviathan (5th), and the Fiery Serpent (3rd), who Christ Jesus is about to overshadow.

This illustration shows how the Serpent's timeline curves downward when it tries to ascend above the heart center. This "curve" places Leviathan in the 5th energy center directly opposite the Fiery Serpent in the third (3rd ) center.

The right side of the heart (4th) energy center is not included in "Satan's Valley," because the right and left sides of the heart (4th) energy center will be rejoined, when Christ Jesus reigns over the whole "visible world."

<LivingEM> ... and the vehement (very) world underneath Satan's sea, that divided (half) [Adam, Elohim's] the great mountain, into the northern and southern [kingdoms, shall go back (remove) [under Adam/Christ Jesus' authority].

What are the names of the two kingdoms that Adam, Elohim's great mountain, was divided into?

Adam/Christ Jesus and Leviathan.

Which kingdom is the northern kingdom?

<Psalm292> Adam/Christ Jesus.

<LivingEM> What does the north signify? Hot or cold?

<Psalm292> Cold.

<Myprecous1> Satan is the north.

<LivingEM> Yes, the north, which is cold, signifies Satan, and the heat signifies Christ Jesus, the Lake of Fire.

Leviathan is the northern kingdom.

Does anyone know what the south signifies?

The visible spiritual world.

Alternate Translation, Zech. 14:4, In [Adam/Christ Jesus'] timeline (day), the Tree of Life (olives) [grows in the left side of the heart (4th) center], [the fruit of the glorified Jesus Christ] dwells (stands) in the brow (6th) center (mountain), the Fiery Serpent (feet) [becomes a Seraph and dwells underneath Christ Jesus, and] the personality (before) [who is now] above (upon) [the Fiery Serpent, dwells in] the [holy] Jerusalem, [the spiritual city that extends into] Jehovah's eternal realm (east); [and the sons of God, the fruit of the glorified Jesus Christ], shall separate [the personalities] joined (vav) to [Leviathan], the fish (nun) in the midst of [Satan's] sea [mem], and the vehement (valley) [world underneath Satan's sea, that] divided (half) [Adam, Elohim's] great mountain, [into] the northern and southern [kingdoms, shall go back [under Adam/Christ Jesus' authority].

Dan. 11:6, And in the end of years they shall join themselves together; for the king's daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm: but she shall be given up, and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and he that strengthened her in these times. (KJV)

What part of the personality is Leviathan dividing from?

<LAMB> The Fiery Serpent?


<LivingEM> Who must Leviathan be joined to, to ascend into the brow (6th) energy center, or higher?

<Myprecous1> The Fiery Serpent.

<LivingEM> Yes, the ascended Fiery Serpent joined to Leviathan is called???

<OVERCOMER> Pharoah.

<LivingEM> Yes, Pharoah is the name of Leviathan joined to the ascended Fiery Serpent.

So, when the personalities divide from Leviathan, the northern mountain, they shall pass into the southern quarter, the visible spiritual world of the Lord.

Luke 16:26, and beside all this, between us and you, there is a great gulf fixed, so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot, neither can they pass to us that would come from thence. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Who is trying to pass into the southern kingdom?

<LAMB> Those who only have the Holy Spirit?

Lk 11:24, When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places seeking rest, and finding none, he saith, 'I WILL RETURN UNTO MY HOUSE WHENCE I CAME OUT. (KJV)

<LivingEM> The personalities in the southern kingdom are delivered from Satan and Leviathan, who can no longer return "to their house," because of the great gulf that now exists between the lower energy centers and the visible world of the southern kingdom.

Does anyone now what this great gulf is?

<LAMB> The left and right heart (4th) center?

<LivingEM> It is the Lake of Fire.

<OVERCOMER> Is this the dividing line that Adam makes?

<LivingEM> That is partially right, Lamb. The Lake of Fire covers the heart (4th) center in Christ Jesus' timeline, just like Satan covers the right side of the heart (4th) center in this fallen time line.

Matt 21:21, Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, if you have faith, and doubt not, you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if you shall say to the mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, it shall be done. (KJV)

<LivingEM> So we now understand that when Jesus spoke about casting a mountain into the sea, He was not talking about any old mountain, but about the overthrow of Leviathan, the fish nailed to Satan's sea, who is ascended into the crown (7th) energy center.

What does the fig tree signify? The carnal mind of a Jew [or Christian today] under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus did not curse any physical fig tree. He cursed the carnal minds of the disciples who were under the influence of the Holy Spirit, but had not produced the engrafted Christ.

Jesus said, "you will not grow in my people any more. From now on the Tree of Life will grow here."

But Sheila, the Scripture says that Jesus was hungry and looking for something to eat.

Jesus said, you must eat my spiritual flesh and drink my spiritual blood. Jesus also said, "if you are neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth." "Hunger" and "eating" signify "spiritual union."

Jesus was looking for a place to lay His head. He wanted to join with the spiritual body of His people.

Was Jesus talking about mortal faith? Was He talking about the faith of mortal man?

Mortal man has no faith. Mortal man only has hope that faith will come and live in him.

The Greek word translated "doubt" means "to oppose" or "contend with."

So, Jesus said, if you have the faith of Christ, if Christ is grafted to you, and if you contend with Satan (not) ...

"Ye shall do" can also be translated "prepared," so

Alternate Translation, Matt. 21:21, If you have the faith of Christ and contend with Satan [and Leviathan, your fig tree], your carnal mind will be prepared (ye shall do) [to have this same experience], and you shall say to the [northern] mountain [within you, who divided Adam] in the midst, [let the Fiery Serpent] be cast [down into the 2nd energy center, where Satan's] sea [is, and] you shall reassemble (it shall be done) [in the southern kingdom.]

The Greek work translated " it shall be done" can also be translated "to assemble." So we see that Jesus was not talking about any old mountain, but was expounding upon Zech. 14:4 (KJV).

Can anyone tell us the spiritual significance of the word "assemble"?

<LAMB> The gathering together of the household of God. The household within us of God.

<Myprecous1> Spiritual ascension.

<LivingEM> To gather your spiritual parts into one focused place.

What is the household of God? Is the household of God many physical people?

Does anyone know what the spiritual significance of the word "household" is? "

Household" signifies "wife."

<LAMB> The Fiery Serpent. The personality.

<LivingEM> The personalities of mortal humanity are the wives of the Lord Jesus .

Yes, Lamb, "assembly" signifies the gathering together of the whole personality, the woman and the Fiery Serpent, into union with Christ Jesus, to form one whole focused weapon which can destroy Satan and Leviathan.

Once again, I exhort you all to understand that it is impossible to accurately understand the New Testament, without an understanding of the Old Testament and the spiritual principles upon which it is based.

Are there any questions or comments on this message?

I want to congratulate all of you who have submitted to these deep studies. I have been very hard on you all, but harder on some than on others. But you are all growing, have all become more disciplined and spiritually mature, and have increased in every way.

My special commendation to Myprecous, who I have pressed harder than anyone.

God bless you all as you go forth to uproot your own olive tree and divide yourself from Leviathan, your own northern mountain, and cast down the Fiery Serpent into Satan's underground sea.

May your carnal mind be ripped to pieces, and may you all reassemble in the glory of the southern kingdom, from where you shall ascend into the high mountain of Christ Jesus' timeline, and may you all grow up into the call on your life, which is to show God's people their sins, or their sin nature, so that they, too, can cast down Satan and Leviathan within themselves.

May the Lord's salvation reach across the world and touch all peoples and, as prophesied, may the saviors go forth from Mount Zion. May they fearlessly do their job, may Christ Jesus make His public appearance right soon, and may the great deliverance get underway, which is the remaking of mortal humanity into the image of our true husband, the Lord Jesus Christ.

All sins are forgiven, the hour of redemption is at hand, the judgment of the Church has begun.

Maitreya waits in the eaves, he sees you, and will challenge you soon.

Fear not, for I am with you says your God, yea, even the Holy One of Israel. Wash your clothes, make yourself clean, for the hour is at hand. Owe no man anything, forgive your enemies, deal fairly with all men, my mark is already upon you, because they are the Israel of God who walk according to these rules.

Gal 6:16, And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. (KJV)

<LivingEM> God bless you all.



If you have the faith of Christ and contend with Satan [and Leviathan, your carnal mind, Christ Jesus] will prepare you to say to the [Satan and Leviathan, the northern] mountain [within you who divided Adam] in the midst, [let the Fiery Serpent] be cast [down into the 2nd energy center where Satan's] sea [is, and let my personality] reassemble [in the southern kingdom] .


[The sons of God, the fruit of the glorified Jesus Christ], the Tree of Life [that] dwells [in the left side of the heart (4th) center, shall ascend] into the brow (6th) energy center of [Adam/Christ Jesus'] timeline, [and the sons of God] shall separate [the personalities] joined to [Leviathan], the fish in the midst of [Satan's] vehement sea [that] divided [Adam, Elohim's] great mountain, [into] the northern and southern [kingdoms, and] the personalities [shall be] above [the Fiery Serpent because of their union with Adam/Christ Jesus, and] the Fiery Serpent shall go back [under the authority of Adam/Christ Jesus, and the personalities] shall dwell [in] the [holy] Jerusalem, [the spiritual city that extends into] Jehovah's eternal realm.

1. 1Excerpted from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition Copyright © 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V., further reproduction and distribution restricted in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.

2. 1Excerpted from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition Copyright © 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V., further reproduction and distribution restricted in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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