The Ten Commandments (A Spiritual Understanding)


Scriptures Commented On (In Order Of Appearance):

Alternate Translations: Ex. 20:1-17, Luke 17:15-18, Heb. 2:2, Ex. 20:11-16, Rev. 1:5, James 1:19, Luke 10:29, 37, Mark 10:30

Ex. 20:1 And God spake all these words, saying, (KJV)

COMMENT - The Hebrew words Eloheykaa, angels, or the sons of God, and Elohim, the Supreme God, are both listed under Strong's # 430, which accounts for the confusion that some students of the Scripture have, since the word Eloheykaa is always transliterated Elohim in the King James and modern Translations.

In Exodus, Chapter 20, the Hebrew word Elohim, the Supreme God, appears in Verses 1 and 3, but it is the Hebrew word, Eloheykaa, angels, magistrates, or sons of God, that appears in verses 2 and 4 through 17.

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:1, And Elohim spoke all these words, saying,

Ex. 20:2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. (KJV)

(AT) I Jehovah (LORD) sons of God (God) which brought out waters (prefix mem) land Egypt waters (prefix) house enforced servitude (bondage)

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:2, I [Am] Jehovah, [the one] who delivers Elohim's sons from forced servitude [to the Dragon, the spiritual] waters [in the crown (7th) energy center of Leviathan's timeline, which is] the land of [spiritual] Egypt, [and from Satan, the spiritual] waters of [Leviathan, Satan's] house[hold],

Ex. 20:3, Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (KJV)

<LivingEM> There are two words translated before me. Strong's # 5921, means among and Strong's # 6440, means face, the part that is in front, which we translate personality. The Hebrew word translated other means strange, or alien, which can be defined as foreign.

Verse 4 is the first of the thou shalt nots. The Interlinear Text reveals that thou shalt not is a translation of Strong's # 3808, the Hebrew negative particle that we usually translate Satan, and that the Hebrew letter teth, which means serpent, appears before the adjective that follows not, in each of the thou shalt not commandments. We shall translate these two negatives as Satan or Leviathan, and the Fiery Serpent. In some cases, such as in verse 4, we will remember that the Fiery Serpent is Cain and Abel engraved with the Dragon's nature, and translate one of the negatives as Cain.

(AT) Cain (not) to be/come to pass (have) belong to (thou) Elohim (gods) alien above (before) personality (me)

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:3, [Wherefore], It shall come to pass that Cain, the alien personality that is above [Abel], shall belong to Elohim,

Ex 20:4, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: (KJV)

<LivingEM> You shall not make an image of anything that is in heaven, which is the upper window of creation, or in the earth.

The Hebrew word translated earth is preceded by the prefix beth, which means household. You shall not make an image of anything in the household of the earth.

Who is the earth, and who is the household of the earth?

<OVERCOMER> The Serpent. The household is Satan, Leviathan and the carnal mind.

<LivingEM> Yes, the Primordial Serpent is the earth, and Leviathan is her household, or her wife.

The Hebrew word translated beneath is preceded by the prefix mem, waters. The whole phrase is, the waters beneath the earth.

Where are the underground waters?

<OVERCOMER> Third (belly) energy center?

<LivingEM> Satan's stagnant pool is in the second energy center.

(AT) Satan (not) fiery serpent (prefix teth) form (make) belong to (unto thee) (any not in Hebrew) to engrave (graven image) whole (or any) image (likeness) (of anything not in Hebrew) that (is not in Hebrew) household (in) upper window of creation (heaven) waters (prefix mem) above that (is not in Hebrew) household (in) the etheric (earth) waters (prefix mem) under (beneath) or that (is not in Hebrew) household (in) Satan (water) waters (prefix mem) under separated (prefix lamed) personalities (earth)

Satan fiery serpent form belong to carved image whole image that household heaven waters above that household the earth waters beneath or that household water waters under separated earth

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:4, [And] Satan, the [pool of polluted] water [in the morally impure (2nd) energy center that lies] under the separated personalities [of mortal mankind, and] the whole Leviathan, the household of Satan [in] the etheric [plane of consciousness, who] engraves [Adam/Christ Jesus, Elohim's] household in the upper window of creation [with Satan's nature], and forms [Elohim's sons into a] household [that produces good and evil mental] images,

Ex 20:5, Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; (KJV)

(AT) Satan (not) fiery serpent (prefix teth) prostrate (bow down) Cain (nor) enslave you (serve) shall you belong to them (to them) and (for) I [Am], Jehovah (LORD) [and] sons of Elohim (God) to have an ardent zeal for (a jealous God), and the internalized sins (iniquity) of the fathers are deposited (visited) the children above (unto) Dragon's kingdom third or (and) Adam (fourth) (generation not in Hebrew) separated (prefix lamed) enemies (hate me)

Alternate Translation, Ex, 20:.5, [And Leviathan makes] the fiery serpent [within Elohim's sons] bow down to Satan, [the one who] enslaves you, [ but] Jehovah, [who] has an ardent zeal for you, [shall subdue the fiery serpent, the one who] punishes [Abel], the children [from] above, [and] Cain, [Abel's] widowed enemy, [by] depositing the internalized sins of their father [Satan, in their path, whether they incarnate in] Leviathan's kingdom, [or in] Adam's Kingdom, and the sons of Elohim shall belong to I [Am],

Ex 20:6, And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. KJV

(AT) appointing (shewing) mercy to the ox= personalities (thousands=ox=personalities) widow (prefix lamed) friendship (love) (me not in Hebrew) nailed (prefix vav) widows (prefix lamed) hedge about (guard) (my not in Hebrew) divine law (commandments)

<LivingEM> The Hebrew word translated thousands is eleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and eleph means ox. The word eventually came to be translated thousands, because thousand is a multiple of one. But we know that Adam's ox is the foremother of the mortal side of mankind.

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:6, [Who] appoints mercy to the widowed personalities of [Adam's] ox that are hedged about [by Adam/Christ Jesus, Jehovah's] Divine Law, and the widowed [personalities] who are [Elohim's] friends,

Ex 20:7, Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (KJV)

(AT) Satan (not) fiery serpent (prefix teth) bring forth (take) self (untranslated word) nature (name) Jehovah (LORD) sons of Elohim (God) empty (vain=vanity-emptiness) to accomplish purposes (for) not cleansed of sin (guiltless) Jehovah (LORD) self bring forth (taketh) self (untranslated) nature (name) empty (vanity)

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:7, [But, while we wait for this great salvation], Satan [and] Leviathan [continue] to bring forth the nature of [their] own empty selves to accomplish [the Dragon's] purposes [in the personalities of mortal humanity, but I], Jehovah, am cleansing the sons of Elohim from sin, [so] they shall bring forth Jehovah's [nature, and not] the nature [of Satan and Leviathan's own] empty selves,

Ex 20:8, Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. KJV

<LivingEM> Sabbath means intermission, and comes from a word that means a rest, or to cease from labor, and the word bless, means to kneel down.

The intermission, brethren, is the period of time that began with Adam's fall, and will end when Christ Jesus dismantles this criminal age.

The intermission is this present criminal age, which has temporarily interrupted Jehovah's plan to bring forth a civilized man in the earth.

(AT) become male (remember) self (not translated) Adam/Christ Jesus (day) intermission (sabbath) morally cleansed (keep holy)

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:8, [And Jehovah, the one who has mercy], shall cleanse [the tarnished] morality [of Abel, your] male self, [and Abel] shall mature into Adam/Christ Jesus, [who will deliver you from Satan and Leviathan],

Ex. 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work (KJV)

(AT) the mark of Satan and Leviathan (six=female) age (day) enslave (labor) make (do) all work

<LivingEM> Leviathan shall make you a slave, i.e., you shall be Leviathan's slave.

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:9, [But the personalities who] bear the mark of Satan, [the spiritual female], will be Leviathan's slave [for] the [entire] Age [of Intermission],

Ex 20:10, But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: (KJV)

(AT) age (day) completion (seventh) (is not in Hebrew) intermission (sabbath) separated (prefix lamed) Jehovah (Lord) sons of Elohim (God) the Dragon (not) (in it not in Hebrew) make (do) all=collectively (any) servile work you Adam (son) fiery serpent (daughter) Abel (manservant) Cain (maidservant) physical body (cattle) Leviathan (stranger) that the household (prefix beth) opening (gate) [to Leviathan's timeline)

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:10, [But] my son, King Adam, shall complete the sons of Elohim, [who] the Dragon separated from Jehovah [and] fashioned into the fiery serpent, [Satan's] daughter, [so that] Abel, [would serve as Leviathan's] manservant, Cain, the physical female animal, [would serve as Leviathan's] maidservant, [and the whole fiery serpent [who blocks] the opening [to Adam's timeline, would] serve the collective [Leviathan], the household [of] Satan, the Alien Age [of] Intermission,

Ex. 20:11, For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it.

<LivingEM> The intermission (Sabbath) will bow down (bless), and the age of holiness (hallowed) will continue on to completion.

The hallowing of the Sabbath day is the subjection of Satan's world.

Our part is to submit to the exposure of our sin nature, confess our sins, repent, study to show ourselves approved, and to do everything that we can to resist and reject our carnal mind, the Ambassador of the Age of Intermission within us. We are to follow after Christ Jesus, kill Satan, and continue on with the Age of Completion, as our elder brother, Jesus, did.

The natural observance of the Sabbath calls for ceasing from the physical labors of this age one day each week, and dedicating that time to spiritual pursuits which regenerate Adam/Christ Jesus, the Holy Age.

The Hebrew numbers coincide with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is heh, a female letter, which we will translate mother. We will also translate the word days as age. Seven means completion.

Adam is the mother, and Elohim is the father, of the completed ages. Every completed mortal man is an age of completion, and there is one collective Age of Completion, which the Church knows to be Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man (1 Tim. 2:5).

(AT) because (for) mother (six=female) age (days) made Jehovah (lord) heaven and earth Satan (sea) and all that in them Adam (prefixes vav and yod) marry (rest=settle down) household (prefix beth) age (day) completion (seventh) set upright from above (wherefore5921-to set upright - 3651-above) bowed down (blessed) Jehovah (lord) day intermission (sabbath) morally cleansed (hallowed)

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:11, Because Jehovah made the heavens and the earth, and all [the species] that [are] in them, [and] set [Adam, Elohim's] household, the mother of [the personalities who are] the completed ages, upright, [and, for this reason, King Adam who is] above, will silence Satan, the Age of Intermission, [and King Adam will make Leviathan] bow down to Jehovah, [and King Adam] will cleanse [Abel], the morality [of your male self, and Jehovah] will marry King Adam [within the personalities of mortal mankind],

Ex.20:12, Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Honor your father and your mother, so that you do not die prematurely. This is simple to understand in the natural.

Rebellion, in general, brings death, but rebellion against parents brings PREMATURE physical death. I know this to be true, personally. Rebellion against, and dishonor of, parents, no matter how wrong they may be, brings sickness, death and destruction into our life.

The glorified Jesus Christ is our spiritual father, and Christ Jesus within us is our spiritual mother. Disobedience to spiritual parents also produces disease and death but, in this case, on the spiritual plane.

It is very difficult to hear our spiritual parents clearly, so the Lord gives us spiritual elders in the flesh to help us understand and obey our spiritual parents.

Once again, the Lord does not punish us for disobedience. Our own wrong thinking and wrong behavior returns back to us by the hand of Satan, the unconscious part of our carnal mind. This is the Law of Sowing & Reaping, and it is a righteous law.

Satan is the father, and Leviathan, the mother of mortal man.

(AT) not heavy burden (honor) father and mother that mind (prefix yod) may be stretched out days upon the ground (land) which Jehovah (Lord) gives Elohim's sons (God) belong to (thee)

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:12, [And for all of these reasons, King Adam/Christ Jesus], the [unified] mind that Jehovah gives to the sons [that] belong to Elohim, is a heavy burden upon Satan, the father, and Leviathan, the mother [of mortal man, because King Adam/Christ Jesus, is the mind from] above that draws [Abel, Jehovah's royal seed], out [from under Cain's] ground,

Ex. 20:13, Thou shalt not kill.

<LivingEM> The Hebrew word translated kill means to dash in pieces.

So we see that

It is murder to o separate a personality from Christ,

It is murder to give counsel that turns someone away from Christ,

It is murder to teach in an insensitive way that frightens the spiritually unschooled away from Christ, and

It is murder to relate to another person who is less spiritually sophisticated than we are, in any manner that turns them away from the Lord.

Restrain your pride that loves to teach, counsel, and give unasked for advice, and speak such things to others only out of Christ Jesus, or Satan shall reward your vain ministry.

Sow only to the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of Christ will reward you with holy counsel and deliverance in your hour of need. But if you seek to exalt yourself at the benefit of those weaker than you, the counsel of women and children will run out to meet you in your hour of need.

Oh, so you don't think that you will have an hour of need? Woe be unto you in the hour of your calamity, Pharisee. Turn your eyes upon yourself, towards self improvement, because running to teach and counsel before the time, can do you much harm.

<LivingEM> Remember that verse 4 is the first of the thou shalt nots, and that the Interlinear Text reveals that thou shalt not is a translation of Strong's # 3808, the Hebrew negative particle that we usually translate Satan, and that the Hebrew letter teth, which means serpent, appears before the adjective that follows not, in each of the thou shalt not commandments. We shall translate these two negatives as Satan or Leviathan, and the Fiery Serpent. In some cases, such as in verse 14, we will remember that the Fiery Serpent is Cain and Abel engraved with the Dragon's nature.

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:13, [Wherefore], Cain [seeks to] murder [Abel/Christ, and] Leviathan [seeks to murder Adam/Christ Jesus],

Ex. 20:14, Thou shalt not commit adultery. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Every physical man and woman that is married to Christ Jesus, is a spiritual wife to Christ Jesus, but a spiritual male in this world.

You shall not interfere with the personality that is married to Christ Jesus because that spiritual male's lifestyle is strange to you.

You shall not encourage the spiritual male to marry a physical mate.

You shall not persecute the spiritual male with false counsel about a lifestyle that you cannot comprehend.

You shall not try to turn that spiritual male away from the long hours that he spends alone, as this world understands the word.

You shall not set your opinion above the opinion of the spiritual male pursuing the things of the Lord with all of his strength because, to do so, is to encourage him to commit adultery with Satan and Leviathan, his carnal mind.

The spiritual married woman cannot do what the unmarried Christian can do.

You who are married to Christ Jesus,

You shall not agree with your carnal mind. This is spiritual adultery.

And, of course, physical adultery is forbidden because it harms you and your children, and your grand children and your great grand children....

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:14, [And] Satan commits adultery with the fiery serpent,

Ex. 20:15, Thou shalt not steal. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Of course, we shall not take what belongs to someone else, but the root meaning of the Hebrew word, to steal, is to deceive, and to deceive means to cause to believe what is not true. Some synonyms of deceive are, to betray, mislead, or dupe, which means trick. These verbs all mean to lead another into error, danger or a disadvantageous position, for the most part by underhanded means.

To deceive involves the deliberate concealment or misrepresentation of the truth. No good thing comes from deceit in the natural, brethren, but leads to a loss of confidence and deteriorates the relationship.

Spiritually speaking, this whole illusory world is a lie. Satan's philosophy deceives us into believing that her spiritual world and spiritual experiences can lead to true life, so we ignorantly break the spiritual laws that govern this physical world, and die.

But the worst part of believing Satan's deceit, is that we then think that the truth is the lie, and reject the truth.

We are talking about the commandment to not steal here, brethren. So we see that to lie is to steal. Steal what? The Truth. Lying makes a fool of the person lied to. To lie is to steal another man's dignity, self-respect and honor.

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:15, [Since] the Primordial Serpent deceived [Adam, who died to his immortality, and became] Cain [and Abel],

Ex. 10:16, You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Yes, we should not report falsely concerning our neighbor in legal disputes, but spiritually speaking, who is the Witness?

Rev.1:5, And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

<LivingEM> And from Jesus Christ, the true and faithful witness....

What does Jesus witness to?

The reality and the nature of the Father.

Cain tells (bear) Abel, her neighbor, that Leviathan is Christ Jesus.

Cain and Satan say that the invisible Christ Jesus manifesting through an imperfect man, is Leviathan.

Cain and Satan speak falsely against Christ Jesus, the true witness to the Father, in the earth.

James 1:19, Wherefore my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

<LivingEM> Jesus is our neighbor, brethren.

Luke 10:29, But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbor?

Luke 10:37, And he said, HE THAT SHEWED MERCY ON HIM. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

(AT) (not) Satan (prefix teth) respond (bear) household (prefix beth) one who has mercy (neighbor) false witness

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:16, [And] the fiery serpent [within the sons of Elohim] responds to Leviathan, the false witness [within the sons of Elohim], the household [of Jehovah], the one who has mercy,

Ex. 20:17, Thou shalt not covet your neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's manservant, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Brethren, you shall not covet the spiritual and natural gifts that a man reaps from sowing mercy. Many covet what I have received from the Lord, but not many are willing to experience what I have been through to get it

The Lord is unlimited. He can surely provide for all. Serve him with all of your being, be willing to give up all for him, which includes family, and you, too, will inherit all things.

Now, this does not mean that you have to give up your family. It means that if some family member forces you to choose between family and the Lord, you follow the Lord, who will do everything possible to bring forth a reconciliation. But man does have a free will.

Mark 10:29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,

30 But he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.

<LivingEM> Here is the natural understanding of thou shalt not covet. The Lord does not ask you to give up all, but those who do lose everything to follow Him, shall inherit all. So, don't covet the natural family life of the man who has mercy upon God's people, and don't covet his spiritual family life. Neither covet him because he is joined to the household of God that is above.

It is Satan and Leviathan who covet the natural wife of the man who has mercy upon God's people.

Don't covet the man who shows mercy to God's people because he has the Fiery Serpent, the female side of his personality [wife], under control.

Don't covet the man who shows mercy to God's people because he has a manservant or maidservant to help with the work of the ministry.

Don't covet the man who shows mercy to God's people because he has a a manservant or maidservant to help with the work of the physical household.

Don't covet the man who shows mercy to God's people because his personality [ox] is in good health and prospering.

Don't covet the man who shows mercy to God's people because his Old Man [ass] is restrained.

From a spiritual point of view, as we found out in the verses above, that Jehovah is the one who has mercy, and Jehovah';s mercy is Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

<LivingEM> Here is the spiritual translation.

(AT) Satan (not) Leviathan (teth) desire (covet) wife the one who has mercy (neighbor) nailed (vav) manservant nailed (vav) maidservant nailed (vav) personality (ox) nailed (vav) personality in agreement with Satan/Devil (ass=dun red ass) nailed (vav) all (nor anything) (that - not in Hebrew) widow/separated (lamed) one who has mercy (neighbor)

Alternate Translation, Ex. 20:17, [And] Satan and Leviathan desire [to marry Adam/Christ Jesus], the wife [of Jehovah], the one who has mercy [on Abel, Elohim's] male servant, [and on Cain, Elohim's] female servant, [who became the animal that is] nailed [to Leviathan, and on the human spirit that is] nailed to Satan, and [on] the all the personalities that [are] separated [from Jehovah], the one who has mercy, [because] they agree with Satan's thoughts.

<LivingEM> Are there any questions or comments?

God bless you all.


RECAP - Ex. 20:1-17

20.1, And Elohim [within Moses] spoke all these words, saying,

20.2, I [Am] Jehovah, [the one] who delivers Elohim's sons from forced servitude [to the Dragon, the spiritual] waters [in the crown (7th) energy center of Leviathan's timeline, which is] the [spiritual] land of Egypt, [and from Satan, the spiritual] waters of [Leviathan, Satan's] house[hold],

20.3, [Wherefore], It shall come to pass that Cain, the alien personality that is above [Abel], shall belong to Elohim,

20.5a [And] Jehovah, [who] has an ardent zeal for you, [shall subdue]

20.4, Satan, the [pool of polluted] water [in the morally impure (2nd) energy center that lies] under the separated personalities [of mortal mankind, and] the whole Leviathan, the household of Satan [in] the etheric [plane of consciousness, who] engraves [Adam/Christ Jesus, Elohim's] household in the upper window of creation [with Satan's nature], and forms [Elohim's sons into a] household [that produces good and evil mental] images,

20.5b, [And Adam shall subdue Leviathan, who makes] the fiery serpent [within Elohim's sons] bow down to Satan, [the one who] enslaves you, [and Elohim's sons shall subdue the fiery serpent, the one who] punishes [Abel], the children [from] above, [and] Cain, [Abel's] widowed enemy, [by] depositing the internalized sins of their father [Satan, in their path, whether they incarnate in] Leviathan's kingdom, [or in] Adam's Kingdom, and the sons of Elohim shall belong to I [Am],

20.6, [Who] appoints mercy to the widowed personalities of [Adam's] ox who are hedged about [by Adam/Christ Jesus, Jehovah's] Divine Law, and the widowed [personalities] who are [Elohim's] friends,

20.7, [But, while we wait for this great salvation], Satan [and] Leviathan [continue] to bring forth the nature of [their] own empty selves to accomplish [the Dragon's] purposes [in the personalities of mortal humanity, but I], Jehovah, am cleansing the sons of Elohim from sin, [so] they shall bring forth Jehovah's [nature, and not] the nature [of Satan and Leviathan's own] empty selves,

20.8, [So, Jehovah, the one who has mercy], shall cleanse [the tarnished] morality [of Abel, your] male self, [and Abel] shall mature into Adam/Christ Jesus, [who will deliver you from Satan and Leviathan],

20.10, [But] my son, King Adam, shall complete the sons of Elohim, [who] the Dragon separated from Jehovah [and] fashioned into the fiery serpent, [Satan's] daughter, [so that] Abel, [would serve as Leviathan's] manservant, Cain, the physical female animal, [would serve as Leviathan's] maidservant, [and the whole fiery serpent [who blocks] the opening [to Adam's timeline, would] serve the collective [Leviathan], the household [of] Satan, the Alien Age [of] Intermission,

20.9, [But the personalities who] bear the mark of Satan, [the spiritual female], will be Leviathan's slave [for] the [entire] Age [of Intermission],

20.11, Because Jehovah made the heavens and the earth, and all [the species] that [are] in them, [and] set [Adam, Elohim's] household, the mother of [the personalities who are] the completed ages, upright, [and, for this reason, King Adam who is] above, will silence Satan, the Age of Intermission, [and King Adam will make Leviathan] bow down to Jehovah, [and King Adam] will cleanse [Abel], the morality [of your male self, and Jehovah] will marry King Adam [within the personalities of mortal mankind],

20.12, [And for all of these reasons, King Adam/Christ Jesus], the [unified] mind that Jehovah gives to the sons [that] belong to Elohim, is a heavy burden upon Satan, the father, and Leviathan, the mother [of mortal man, because King Adam/Christ Jesus, is the mind from] above that draws [Abel, Jehovah's royal seed], out [from under Cain's] ground,

20.13, [Wherefore], Cain [seeks to] murder [Abel/Christ], Leviathan [seeks to murder Adam/Christ Jesus],

20.14, [And] Satan commits adultery with the fiery serpent,

20.15, [Since] the Primordial Serpent deceived [Adam, who died to his immortality, and became] Cain [and Abel],

20.16, [And this is the reason why] the fiery serpent [within the sons of Elohim] responds to Leviathan, the false witness [within the sons of Elohim], the household [of Jehovah], the one who has mercy,

20.17, [And] Satan and Leviathan desire [to marry Adam/Christ Jesus], the wife [of Jehovah], the one who has mercy [on Abel, Elohim's] male servant, [and on Cain, Elohim's] female servant, [who became the animal that is] nailed [to Leviathan, and on the human spirit that is] nailed to Satan, and [on] the all the personalities that [are] separated [from Jehovah], the one who has mercy, [because] they agree with Satan's thoughts.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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