Spiritual Wives (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 10


Scriptures Commented On (In Order Of Appearance): Judges 21:11, Ex. 7:12, Ex. 4:2-4, Jn. 6:51, Ex. 7:10, Gen. 16:4

<LivingEM> Praise the Lord! We see in the Alternate Translation of Judges 21:11 that the spiritual males of Benjamin were overcome by Satan. Does anyone remember how they were overcome? Verse 11 says that Satan's waters overflowed into the left side of Benjamin's heart center. Can anyone tell us what this means? Where was the flood?

<OVERCOMER> They were in agreement with their carnal minds and let the waters in.

<LivingEM> Yes, that is true, but where did the overflowing waters go to? What was flooded?

<OVERCOMER> Their minds.

<LivingEM> That is close. The left side of the heart center of the spiritual males of Benjamin was flooded. Who lives on the left side of the heart center?



<LivingEM> Yes, Adam occupies the left side of the heart center. Can anyone tell us how we describe the left side of the heart center when Adam is present?

<OVERCOMER> Heaven? Dry ground.


<LivingEM> When Adam occupies the left side of the heart center, Satan's waters do not flood the ground. Can anyone tell us who "the ground" is?

<OVERCOMER> Serpent.

<JSNGSNG> Fiery serpent.

<LivingEM> Yes, the fiery serpent is the spiritual ground. When Adam occupies the left side of the heart center, the fiery serpent is dry ground, but when Adam is absent, the whole heart center is wet ground. Can anyone tell us the spiritual significance of "wet ground." Wet ground is under the influence of Satan.

<OVERCOMER> I think that the fiery serpent would be active if its dry ground is under the influence of the Spirit of Elijah/Christ.

<LivingEM> This is true. The fiery serpent is active in her own strength, which is Satan's strength, when she is wet, but when she is dry, Adam/Christ Jesus is in full control. Can anyone tell us the function of the fallen fiery serpent in the Kingdom of God?

<Myprecous> She is a seraph.

<LivingEM> This is true, Myprecous.

<JSNGSNG> Praise and worship?

<LivingEM> What does praise and worship mean?

<JSNGSNG> Submission to authority.

<LivingEM> Yes, worship is submission to authority. What is praise?

<JSNGSNG> Exalting Almighty God.

<LivingEM> I exhort all of you, but especially JSNGSNG, to not give carnal answers to spiritual questions. My question was "what is the function of the fiery serpent in the Kingdom of God."

This is spiritual meeting. Words like "praise," "worship," and "exalting almighty God," do not give us any information. The Church world uses words like this more often than not, and the whole world laughs. Can anyone tell us why the whole world laughs ? Because these words are slogans, and the Christians that use them rarely, if ever, know what they mean.

The definition of "slogan" is:

1. "A phrase expressing the aims or nature of an enterprise, an organization, or a candidate,"

"a motto."

2. A phrase used repeatedly, as in an advertising promotion.

3. The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in print or on the air.

4. The business of designing and writing advertisements for publication or broadcast.

"Slogans" have been appearing in recent meetings. I have tried in subtle ways to let the people doing this know that Christian slogans are not acceptable responses here. But the slogans continue to come forth, so I have no choice but to bring the correction. It is not my intention to embarrass anyone, but it is my intention to get you out of these bad habits.

The Doctrine of Christ reveals the mysteries behind the slogans. Jesus clearly said that the parables [slogans] are for those who are without, and the truth is for the disciples who come near to the Lord. Can anyone tell us the condition of the mind that speaks forth slogans? How do we come near to the Lord Jesus?

<JSNGSNG> Carnal.

<LivingEM> We come near to the Lord Jesus by entering into an intimate spiritual relationship with his mind. Can anyone tell us the name of this intimate spiritual relationship? The Church world thinks that it is something to be eaten. The true "communion" is spiritual sexual intimacy with Christ Jesus. We are to eat His flesh, the Doctrine of Christ, and drink His blood, the Spirit of Christ. Our spirit is to flow as one spirit with the Spirit of Christ, and the maturing Christ within us is to eat the Mind of Christ Jesus, which is His flesh. Can anyone tell us how we eat or consume a mind? We consume a mind by listening to what it has to say, learning from its speech, and internalizing its wisdom and knowledge. Can anyone tell us why Jesus would call His mind, His flesh?

<DANIEL42> Heart?

<OVERCOMER> Because all He is, is mind.

<LivingEM> Can anyone tell us what part the physical body signifies spirit? Christ Jesus is Spirit and Mind, OVERCOMER.

It is okay to give an incorrect answer, this is how we learn. But slogans are not acceptable in these meetings or in any place where the sons are gathered, because slogans arise out of the carnal, female mind, and the woman is to be silent in the Church.

That's a good try, Daniel. The physical bones signify the spiritual aspect of the etheric body. Jesus, a human man made of physical blood, flesh and bones, was glorified, and became a spiritual man made of flesh and bones.

The Spirit of Christ signifies His bones, and the mind of Christ signifies His flesh. In the physical body, the flesh covers, or is a house for, the bones. In the spiritual body, the mind is the cover for, or the house, or temple, of the Spirit.

Jesus' flesh is Christ, the mind that is engraved with Elohim's nature, and His bones are the Spirit of Christ, the engraver of His mind. The spirit engraves the mind with the nature that the spirit carries.

Can anyone tell us what part of the spirit carries the genetic code? Another name for "spirit" is "water." What does "water" signify in the Scripture? What is "Jehovah's waters"? Do Jehovah's waters carry a genetic code? Does Jehovah produce urine?

<DANIEL42> Seminal fluid is the waters, the seed carries the genetic code.

<LivingEM> Yes, Daniel, this is true. This is an excellent explanation as to why we call Satan a false spirit. She is water, but has no seed. Satan is barren. Therefore she produces a dead creature that dies continually, and is reformed from the recycled genetic material that Satan stole. This concept is truly gruesome, but it is the truth. The spiritual genetic material that forms our flesh, blood and bones, is recycled material.

Satan is incapable of creating the spiritual substance that forms the creation. She can only form and reform what she has stolen. Therefore, her lie to the people, that every human being born of a woman will be resurrected, is exposed by this truth. Satan does not possess enough of the spiritual substance to recreate all the people who have experienced consciousness in the earth, nor does she have the power to create it. We are all recycled products of Satan's birth and death machines.

You may recall that this principle was presented in the film "The Matrix." So we now see that when Jesus said, "you must eat my flesh and drink my blood," He was saying that you must learn from me, and think like I do. The Spirit of Christ which is in Christ Jesus must flow in your etheric body until Satan is defeated, at which time my spiritual blood will become the spiritual bones of your new body. So we see here the principle of liquid blood solidifying into bones. Can anyone think of a liquid that becomes solid in the Scripture? What happens to the sea?

<LAMB> Water becoming dry land?

<JSNGSNG> Sea becomes crystal.

<LivingEM> Yes, the sea becomes crystal. Water does not become dry land, Lamb. The water evaporates and the ground dries out. Well, I thought Satan, the sea, is boiled away. How, then, can she become crystal? Does anyone know?

There are two seas, which are two spiritual bloodlines. Satan is the female bloodline, and the Spirit of Christ is the male bloodline. "Bloodline" signifies "nature" and genetic heritage. So we are back to the same story, which is the warfare over who possesses the waters of creation. Satan's false seed, the earth, which is not really a seed at all, possesses the waters of creation as long as she can keep the earth hydrated. Jehovah's virile seed cannot cleave to earth-saturated waters. Can anyone tell us what happened to the sperm who fell down into the earth-saturated waters of the lower window? What form is Jehovah's sperm in today?

<LAMB> The fiery serpent.

<LivingEM> Yes, the fiery serpent. Jehovah's sperm, the spiritual fish who flew in the upper window were coated with particles of earth from the waters of the lower window, and they became heavy and could not rise to the surface. Or, we can say, they became heavy and went to sleep in the depths of the sea. If you can hear it, the physical body of mortal man is the accumulated particles of earth that are covering and weighing down each fiery serpent.

Therefore, the fiery serpent tries to return to the spiritual waters by ascending into planes of conscience which are less densely saturated. It is hard for the fiery serpent to vibrate under the earth, so she feeds off of the spiritual energy of her host until she gains enough strength to rise into the higher energy centers.

We were talking about bloodlines. To have two blood lines is a perversion that cannot continue indefinitely. One bloodline must swallow up the other. This is the significance of Moses' contest with the Egyptian court magicians.

Ex. 7:12, For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron's rod swallowed up the rods [of Pharaoh's magicians]. (KJV)

Ex. 4:2 And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.

3 And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Once again we see a subjectless verb in verse 3. We will translate verse 2.

The Hebrew word translated "said," Strong's # 559, appears twice in this verse, and can be translated "to command" and "to challenge." The Hebrew word translated "what," Strong's # 0014, signifies Elohim, and the Hebrew word translated "rod," Strong's # 4294, signifies "rule," or "authority," and life, or the bread of life. Who is the bread of life?

Jn. 6:51, I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Jesus, the Christ is the bread of life, and Jesus Christ is the regenerated Adam.

Can anyone tell us what the word "hand" signifies?

<LAMB> Mind.

<LivingEM> Very close, Lamb. The hand signifies the subconscious part of the mind, which is the spiritual part of the mind. The man who lives out of his subconscious mind is spiritual. The man who lives out of his conscious mind is carnal. Elohim and Adam are the spiritual mind that challenges Pharaoh's power.

And Adam said to [Moses], Elohim, the subconscious part of Jehovah's mind, is challenging [Pharaoh].....

In verse 1, Moses is telling Adam that the Hebrews will not believe that Jehovah sent him, and Adam's response is that Moses is not going in his own strength, which is the strength of his conscious mind, but that Adam, Moses' subconscious mind, Jehovah's ambassador within Moses, is the one who is challenging Pharaoh with Elohim's strength.

Alternate Translation, Ex. 4:2, And Adam said to [Moses, it is I], the bread of life, the subconscious part of Jehovah and Elohim's mind [within you], that is challenging [Pharaoh],

Ex. 4:3 And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. (KJV)

<LivingEM> And Adam said "throw down the ground," and Moses cast down the ground and it became a serpent..." Can anyone tell us what this means?

<OVERCOMER> Cast the fiery serpent down

<LivingEM> Yes, OVERCOMER.

Adam said to Moses, cast down your ascended fiery serpent... So we see that the fiery serpent was ascended in Moses. Which timeline was the fiery serpent ascended in?

<LAMB> Leviathan's timeline.

<LivingEM> Yes, the fiery serpent was ascended in Leviathan's timeline.

Adam said [to Moses], cast down the fiery serpent [within you], and [Moses] cast down the fiery serpent, and [she] became a serpent... The Hebrew word translated "became," Strong's # 1961, can also be translated "to fall down." What form was the fiery serpent in before she became a serpent? Where was she cast down from?

<LAMB> The sperm of Jehovah

<LivingEM> Well, yes, the fiery serpent is the fallen sperm of Jehovah, but what is her name when she is ascended in a man?

<LAMB> Leviathan.

<OVERCOMER> Flying fish.

<LivingEM> The fiery serpent becomes a swarm of flies in the 3rd center, a goat in the 4th center, an elephant in the 5th center. Does anyone know what the fiery serpent becomes in the 6th and 7th centers?

<LAMB> Bat and Swine.

<LivingEM> A vampire bat in the 6th center.

<JSNGSNG> Vampire bat.

<LivingEM> Yes, Lamb, the fiery serpent is a vampire bat in the 6th energy center, and a herd of swine in the 7th center.

It is interesting to note that unrighteous men sometimes call sexually promiscuous women "pigs." I heard this expression recently when I viewed the film "Saturday Night Fever." So Leviathan is Pharaoh, and the fiery serpents are his harem [herd] of pigs. Remember, the fiery serpent divides into many members as she ascends.

So we see that Moses, by casting down the fiery serpent [within him], committed an act of faith. Moses talked to the Angel of the Lord, and knew that he could not fail by trusting Him.

Who is willing to give up their personal power to serve Jesus Christ? I must tell you that I don't know that I would have done it if I had been given the choice. My personal power was stripped from me because of sin, and Jesus saved me from death. I take no credit for my present condition of faith, but I tell you all plainly that if you are not willing to give up your personal power, you will never rise in Christ Jesus. Can anyone tell us how "personal power" manifests in us?

<OVERCOMER> Self will.

<OVERCOMER> Witchcraft and rebellion?

<Myprecous> Pride.

<LivingEM> Yes, self-will. Yes, Myprecous, pride manifesting as self-will. Rebellion is under self-will.

<LAMB> Holding on to the gifts of the Holy Spirit when we're told to let go.

<LivingEM> Yes, Lamb, this is true.

<LivingEM> We must find out how Christ Jesus thinks, to rise in Christ Jesus. We must strive in His power to think like He does, and act out His thoughts, solutions, and behavior in every situation. This means that no matter how abused you feel in a relationship [which may or may not be an accurate perception], we make no change in our position, unless we are sure it is the Lord telling us to do it -- and He is not likely to tell us to make a change when our pride is all manifested. Change may be the way to go, but if we change because we have followed the promptings of our pride, it is sin to us, even if Jesus would have told us to do the same thing.

So Moses gave up his personal power. The last phrase of verse 3, "and Moses fled from before it," indicates that Moses lost his spiritual power. The Hebrew word translated "fled," can also be translated "to vanish," and the Hebrew word translated "from before it" is preceded by the prefix "mem," which means "waters." The Hebrew word translated "before," means "the face," the word we usually translate as "personality."

....and Moses cast down his fiery serpent and the spirit of his personality vanished. ... and Moses cast down his fiery serpent and the spiritual power of his personality vanished.

Can anyone tell us why the spirit of Moses' personality would vanish? Who is the spirit of the ascended personality? Remember, the personality and the fiery serpent are the whole woman. The two are one.


<LivingEM> The fiery serpent is the personality's spiritual sexual part. Yes, Satan is the spirit of the ascended personality. So why would Satan vanish?

<OVERCOMER> She dried up, her waters boiled away.

<LivingEM> Yes, OVERCOMER, this is true. And what happened to Satan's waters?

<OVERCOMER> They were distilled?

<LAMB> Purified.

<JSNGSNG> They were purified

<LivingEM> Yes, this is true. And what happened to the distilled waters? Yes, they were purified, but where did they go? Where would I look for them if I wanted to find them?

<OVERCOMER> Back to Jehovah in the upper window.

<LivingEM> Very close, OVERCOMER.

<LAMB> Left heart center?

<LivingEM> Adam absorbed the distilled waters, and Adam is in the upper window. Left heart center is very close, Lamb. Adam absorbed the waters and brought them, as a part of himself, rather than a part of the ground, to the left side of the heart center. So we see that when Moses obeyed the Angel of the Lord, he was transformed from a man who was powerful in witchcraft, to a powerless man. Ity should not surprise us that Moses was powerful in witchcraft for two reasons: Moses inherited the spiritual power of Jehovah's virile seed that was imparted to Isaac. You may recall from our study of the Gadarene demoniac, that the righteous Pharisee asked Jesus to join with him after the fiery serpent was cast down, because he realized that he had lost his personal power.

Alternate Translation, Ex. 4:3, And Adam said [to Moses], throw down the [swine, the ascended] fiery serpent [within you], and [Moses] threw down the [swine, the ascended] fiery serpent [within him], and the [fiery] serpent [within Moses] fell down [into the 2nd energy center], and [Moses'] personal [spiritual power] vanished.

<LivingEM> We know that the fiery serpent falls down into the 2nd energy center from our study of the Gadarene Demoniac.

Ex. 4:4, And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand: (KJV)

<LivingEM> The English word translated "said," Strong's # 559, is preceded by the two prefixes which mean "Adam.," and can also be translated "to challenge," the Hebrew word translated "hand," Strong's # 3027, is a euphemism for the subconscious part of the mind, and the Hebrew word translated "to take," Strong's # 270, can also be translated, "to seize." And Adam, Jehovah's hand within Moses, stretched out [and] challenged [Leviathan] and seized the tail....

Can anyone tell us who the tail is? Who is the head of the tail?

<OVERCOMER> Leviathan.

<JSNGSNG> Leviathan is the head.

<JSNGSNG> The tail is the fiery serpent.

<LivingEM> Yes, Leviathan is the head and the fiery serpent is the tail. So we see that the correct understanding of the King James translation which says, "you shall be the head and not the tail," is that the new you in Christ shall be the head of the fiery serpent. Leviathan shall not be her head any longer, but you, the personality joined to Christ Jesus, shall be the head of the fiery serpent. Hallelujah!!!

The Hebrew word translated "put forth," Strong's # 7971, appears twice in verse 4, as well as the Hebrew word translated "hand." The Hebrew word translated "caught," Strong's # 2388, is preceded by the two prefixes that mean "Adam," and can also be translated "to fasten," and the Hebrew word translated "it," can also be translated "time." And Adam seized the timeline.... Leviathan is the Primordial Serpent's timeline, not the fiery serpent, who has been revealed in past studies as "the door" to Leviathan's timeline.

And seized [Leviathan], the timeline, by the tail...

The Hebrew word translated "tail," Strong's # 2180, is preceded by the prefix "beth," which means "household," and "household" signifies "wife" in the Scripture. Who is the "household," or "wife," of the fiery serpent, Leviathan's tail? The fallen personality is the wife of the fiery serpent, Leviathan's tail.

And Adam, Jehovah's hand, [the subconscious part of Elohim's mind within] Moses, challenged [Leviathan by] stretching forth and seizing the personalities [of the tribes of Israel, the wives of] the fiery serpent, [and] Adam, [Jehovah's] hand, fastened [himself to Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's] timeline...

The Hebrew word translated "rod" can also be translated "rule (scepter)," "correction," "life support," "bread." This same Hebrew word can also be translated "tribe" and, indeed, the true meaning of the phrase "the tribe of......" is, "the ruling authority of..."

<LivingEM> [The tribe], who corrects the people, and sustains their lives with spiritual bread.

And Adam, Jehovah's hand [within] Moses, challenged [Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's] timeline [and] seized [the wives of the fiery serpent], and the personalities of the tribes of Israel became the physical and spiritual expression of Jehovah's authority, correction, and life-sustaining doctrine.

Wow! I thought Moses was powerless! So we see that Moses' relinquishing of his personal power -- which was provided by Satan -- made him eligible to manifest Jehovah's authority.

Alternate Translation, Ex. 4:4, And Adam, Jehovah's hand, [the subconscious part of Jehovah and Elohim's mind within] Moses, stretched forth and challenged [Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's] timeline, [and] Adam, [Jehovah's] hand, seized [the fiery serpents within the tribes of Israel, and] fastened [himself to] the personalities [of the tribes of Israel, the wives of] the fiery serpents, and [the personalities of the tribes of Israel] became the physical and spiritual expression of Jehovah's authority, correction, and life-sustaining doctrine.


2 And Adam said to [Moses, it is I], the bread of life, the subconscious part of Jehovah and Elohim's mind [within you], that is challenging [Pharaoh],

3 And Adam said [to Moses], throw down the [swine, the ascended] fiery serpent [within you], and [Moses] threw down the [swine, the ascended] fiery serpent [within him], and the [fiery] serpent [within Moses] fell down [into the 2nd energy center], and [Moses'] personal [spiritual power] vanished,

4 And Adam, Jehovah's hand, [the subconscious part of Jehovah and Elohim's mind within] Moses, stretched forth and challenged [Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's] timeline, [and] Adam, [Jehovah's] hand, seized [the fiery serpents within the tribes of Israel, and] fastened [himself to] the personalities [of the tribes of Israel, the wives of] the fiery serpents, and [the personalities of the tribes of Israel] became the physical and spiritual expression of Jehovah's authority, correction, and life-sustaining doctrine.

We were talking about spiritual bloodlines. We will finish up with Ex. 7, starting with verse 10.

Ex. 7:10, And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent. (KJV)

<LivingEM> As I have told you in the past, I will not argue with you about whether or not Moses had a physical confrontation with Pharaoh, but I do believe that the acts of Moses manifested on the spiritual plane within the minds of the Israelites. Pharaoh is the name that signifies Leviathan joined to the fiery serpent ascended into the 7th energy center, but remember that the fiery serpent is the spiritual sexual part of the personality. The two are one.

Please note the beginning phrase of verse 10, "And Moses and Aaron WENT IN UNTO Pharaoh...." "Went in unto" is the same phrase that is used to describe physical sexual union.

Gen. 16:4, And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived: and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes. (KJV)

The Hebrew word translated "went into," Strong's # 935, is preceded by the two prefixes which mean "Adam," and the Hebrew word "Aaron" is preceded by the prefix "vav," "nail." The Hebrew word translated "and they did," can also be translated "to make," and the Hebrew word translated "so," can also be translated "to set upright." And Adam [within] Moses had spiritual intercourse with Pharaoh [within] Aaron, to make [Aaron] righteous....

So we see the spiritual principle of the bloodline here. Two minds can only exist temporarily within a man, but one mind must prevail over the other. And when one of the two minds is Adam/Christ Jesus, he will surely prevail over Pharaoh.

So Adam within Moses entered into Aaron's ascended carnal mind and set Aaron upright.... Can anyone tell us how Adam set Aaron upright? What does "upright" mean?

<JSNGSNG> Standing Upright means "righteous."

<LAMB> To be made righteous, or in right standing with God.

<LivingEM> Yes, JSNGSNG and LAMB. How did penetration of the fortified carnal mind set Aaron upright?

<LAMB> Gave him imputed righteousness.

<LivingEM> This is true, Lamb, but what specifically happened to them?

<OVERCOMER> It was Adam in Moses inside of them, standing them up, giving him the strength.

<LAMB> It cast the fiery serpent down in him.

<LivingEM> Yes, OVERCOMER, but how did Adam do this?

<OVERCOMER> He separated their fiery serpent from Leviathan and cast her down.

<LivingEM> Yes, OVERCOMER, this is true. Adam within Moses gave Aaron the same experience that He gave Moses. Adam interfered, or hostilely interacted, with Pharaoh within Aaron, and divided the ascended fiery serpent from Leviathan.

The Hebrew word translated "as" can also be translated "what," which signifies "Elohim," and the Hebrew word translated "commanded" can also be translated "to set in order." And Adam [within Moses] penetrated Pharaoh [within Aaron], and [Adam within Moses] set [the fiery serpent within Aaron] in Jehovah's moral order, [and Adam] stood up [within Aaron], and [Adam within Aaron] cast down [the ascended fiery serpent, and Aaron became] righteous...

The Hebrew word translated "before," the word that we translate "personality," appears twice in Ex. 7:10, and the prefix "lamed" precedes the word both times. So we see that the Scripture considers Aaron's personality unmarried even while she was joined to Leviathan.

We discussed the definition of the Hebrew word translated "rod," earlier [The Hebrew word translated "rod" can also be translated "rule (scepter)," "correction," "life support," "bread." This same Hebrew word can also be translated "tribe" and, indeed, the true meaning of the phrase "the tribe of......" is, "the ruling authority of..."], and the Hebrew word translated "became," Strong's # 1961, can also be translated "to appear." Indeed, we are waiting for the public appearance of the regenerated Adam, who is Christ Jesus in this generation.

And Adam [within Moses] penetrated Pharaoh [within Aaron], and [Adam within Moses] set [the fiery serpent within Aaron] in Jehovah's moral order, [and Adam] stood up [within Aaron], and [Adam within Aaron] cast down [the ascended fiery serpent, and Aaron became] righteous, and Adam [within Aaron] cast down the authority, correction and doctrine of Pharaoh's widowed personality, and nailed the widowed personality of Aaron, his servant, to the [fiery] serpent, and [Adam] appeared.

Alternate Translation, Ex. 7:10, And Adam [within Moses] penetrated Pharaoh [within Aaron, and Adam] stood up [within Aaron], and [Adam within Aaron] cast down [the swine, the ascended fiery serpent within Aaron, and] Adam cast down the authority, correction and doctrine of Pharaoh's widowed personality, and [Adam within Moses] set [the fiery serpent within Aaron] in Jehovah's moral order, and Elohim nailed the widowed personality of Aaron, his servant, to the [fiery] serpent [in] Jehovah's moral order, and righteous [Adam] appeared.

So we see that there was no contest between Moses and Aaron, and Pharaoh and his magicians. Aaron and Moses broke Pharaoh's power by casting down the fiery serpent within themselves, and Pharaoh used every means possible, including calling for help from Satan, the magician in the unregenerate spiritual males of Israel, but to no avail. Pharaoh, the fortified Leviathan, could not hold on to the fiery serpents within Moses and Aaron, even with Satan's help. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is the magician that uses illusion and witchcraft to seduce and destroy Adam/Christ Jesus.

The spiritual reality here is that Pharaoh will seek the help of Satan in unregenerate spiritual males to prevent Christ Jesus from penetrating the mind of the spiritual males that He is drafting into His army. Of course this all takes place in the subconscious and unconscious part of the carnal mind.

In other words, the sons of God who are sent to liberate God's people will come under severe attacks from all kinds of people -- whoever will respond to Pharaoh's call for help. And the sons of God must deal with such attacks without sinning against the personality that is knowingly or unknowingly agreeing with Satan to attack the man of God.

We will end this message with a prayer for our sister.

Thus says the Lord your God, I shall wound Pharaoh, that mighty sea serpent, and I shall cast down the fiery serpent within you, and you shall lose your personal power. But I will never be far away. I shall sustain you with the righteousness of my name. I shall grant you repentance, and you shall seize the fiery serpent within you with my hand, says your God, and you shall serve me, for I have much work for you to do. I have not called you to be a goat says your God, but I have called you to be a ram and to manifest my power to Pharaoh. Therefore, I shall put you in order and stand you upon your feet, and you shall do whatever I say, and you shall die to the lifestyle of the fiery serpent and arise into my life.

I have said it, and it shall come to pass, says your God. I have not saved you from death and destruction to blaspheme against my servants. I will purify your mouth. I have purchased you, and you are mine. From this day forward, you shall try to blaspheme, but the words shall not come out of your mouth. But in their place shall sound words of honor and submission to my righteous authority. I have said it, and it shall come to pass.

This Word is primarily for one person, but if it has touched you, you may take it for yourself.

God bless you all as you go forward to face your powerlessness and to defeat Pharaoh, your strong enemy, believing that resurrection will surely come, not as a rapture, but gradually, as you labor in the Spirit to acquire the nature of God.

Do good to all men, especially those who speak evil of you. Deal righteously with all men equally. Do not respect persons, but fear me, says your God, the one who has the power to cast down the fiery serpent, the spiritual worm within you, from the upper window where she is under the authority of Christ Jesus, which is your return to the hell of the carnal mind.

I am imparting a double portion of faith today, says your God. May your strength be doubled, may your warfare be doubled, may your victory be doubled, may your good health be doubled, may your righteousness be doubled, may your wisdom be doubled, may your mercy be doubled, because he who is merciful shall receive mercy.

I am your total source of supply. He who seeks me to have his needs met shall never be without. I am all that there is. I am the only reality. You cannot abide in the truth with your carnal mind. Humble yourselves before me, consider your brother before yourself, be at peace with all men. And you shall be called the Sons of God, the offspring of my life, the proof of my apostleship.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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