Spiritual Wives (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 9


Scriptures Commented On (In Order Of Appearance): Ex. 34:14, Judges 21:11-12, Matt. 6:33, Gen. 3:6, Num. 21:5-9, Deut. 21:11-13, Rev. 11:10-11, 2 Kings 2:2

<LivingEM> we are continuing with Spiritual Wives, Part 9. At the end of Part 8 of Spiritual Wives, Adam within the mortal men of Israel was penetrating the spirits of the Benjaminites who were drafted into Satan's army. Can anybody tell us how the mortal man of Israel found the strength to fight for the men of Benjamin? Who joined himself to the mortal man of Israel? Elohim strengthened the mortal man of Israel, by joining Himself to the regenerated Adam within them, and Adam, the righteous mind of the mortal men of Israel, appeared in the people of Benjamin. Can anyone tell us how Adam appeared in the men of Benjamin? Can anyone tell us the name that Adam takes in the New Testament?

<OVERCOMER> Christ Jesus.

<LivingEM> Yes. And how does Christ Jesus in one man appear in the mind of another man? As thought. So we see that the spiritual warfare between the mortal men of Israel and the people of Benjamin, was a war of thought, a war of ideas. The words of the spiritual warfare that the mortal man of Israel prayed, appeared as thoughts in the minds of the captive people of Benjamin. Everyone who is truly engaged in the spiritual warfare between Christ Jesus and Leviathan has two sets of thoughts in their mind, and the two sets of thought war against each other continually. If you are not engaged in such a warfare, you all are fully captured by Satan, and a member of her army. Can anyone tell us why the person who is not engaged in a war within their own mind, is a soldier in Satan's army?

<LAMB> They are only open to Satan's thoughts.

<JSNGSNG> They agree with their carnal mind

<OVERCOMER> Leviathan is automatically the owner when you don't fight.

<LivingEM> Yes, you are all correct. The personality who does not engage in an on-going warfare within her own mind, will speak Satan's words automatically. The spiritual reality of worship is obedience, so if you are Satan's mouthpiece, you are worshiping Satan. Please remember that Satan is both good and evil, but Christ is the only righteous one.

We worship the one that we obey. This is the reality of our spiritual condition. Whether we believe it or not, or whether we are aware of it or not, every mortal man worships Satan some of the time. If we never worshiped Satan, who is both good an evil, we would be a perfect, righteous man. Every evil situation in our life arises out of obedience to Satan.

Exodus 34:14, For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: (KJV)

<LivingEM> Do I tell you this to condemn you? No. I tell you this to bring you into reality. Every man born a woman has consciousness and existence through a mortal foundation, in the form of a negative mind which exalts itself against the righteousness of Adam, Jehovah's mind. Accordingly, because of this basic foundation of our existence which provides a negative mind, the Scripture calls us sinners.

Sinful behavior in the world of appearance is the outermost expression of sinful thoughts which arise out of the unconscious part of the carnal mind, humanity's mortal foundation. Sin originates in the unconscious motives of the individual. The warfare should begin as soon as Christ Jesus, our new man, starts to inject His thoughts and motives into our conscious mind. The thoughts of the mind of Adam/Christ Jesus, is the call to war. If Adam/Christ Jesus directs His thoughts towards the personality and there is no response, Christ in that personality will eventually die.

If you are not fighting the war of the two minds, you are murdering Christ. Your passivity, your uninvolvement, is covering a spirit of murder, and that spirit is Satan, the unconscious part of your carnal mind. We, the personality, are responsible for the whole person as soon as Christ Jesus, our strength to resist Satan and Leviathan, appears in us.

Judges 21:11. And this is the thing that ye shall do, Ye shall utterly destroy every male, and every woman that hath lain by man. (KJV)

The King James translation says that the mortal men of Israel, Jehovah's spiritual police, decided to destroy every male and every woman who had intercourse with man. The Hebrew word translated "lain," Strong's # 4904, literally means "a bed," but figuratively can mean "to sleep," or "to have intercourse."

The King James translation indicates that Jehovah's army decided to kill every male Benjaminite, and every female Benjaminite who was not a virgin, but the Alternate Translation says the exact opposite.

The Hebrew word translated "you shall do," Strong's # 6213, is preceded by the Hebrew prefix "teth," which means "serpent." So we see that Judges 21:11 is talking about something that the serpent did, not what the mortal men of Israel were about to do.

Once again, we see how important prefixes are in the Hebrew language, especially when there is no stated subject that can be associated with the verb. And this is the thing that Satan did to every male and to all of the women that engaged in intercourse with the men: Satan utterly destroyed them. Satan truly destroyed all of the males and all of the females, but that is the surface understanding of verse 11. As we dig deeper, we find more information about who the males, females and men are, and how Satan destroyed them.

The males spoken about in Verse 11 are the personalities who became spiritual males through spiritual sexual intercourse with the regenerated Adam, and the women are the fiery serpents within the spiritual males, who were engaging in spiritual sexual intercourse with the regenerated Adam, within the men of Benjamin. Satan destroyed the regenerated Adam in Benjamin, and at the same time, destroyed the personalities and the fiery serpents who were righteous because of Adam's cover. Can anyone tell us the name of the righteous fiery serpent? What name does the fiery serpent take when she is covered by Adam/Christ Jesus?

<DANIEL42> Seraphim?

<MYPRECOUS1> Seraphim.

<LivingEM> Yes, the covered fiery serpent takes the name of "seraph," or "seraphim" in the plural. So we see that Satan entered into the tribe of Benjamin and destroyed her own offspring in an act of spiritually incestuous rage.

The Hebrew word translated "you shall utterly destroy," Strong's # 2763, means "to shut up," but especially, "to shut in," or "to contract the nose," to "draw in" or "to depress the nose." This word also means "to prohibit."

Gesenius says that this word can indicate boring through the cartilage between the nostrils of a camel to put a ring in her nose. The nose is the vehicle for breathing, an essential function if we are to live. The heart center, which has an essential function in the spiritual man, has two sides, just like the physical nose has two nostrils.

We have had extensive teaching about the two sides of the heart center, and how both sides of the heart center are under Satan's sea until the regenerated Adam/Christ Jesus dries out the left side and occupies the dry land. Spiritually speaking, the piercing of the cartilage within the nose of the camel, an unclean beast, suggests the destruction of the wall between the two sides of the heart center, which returns the whole heart center to Satan.

The hole that Satan bores in the wall of Christ Jesus is the hole in the proverbial dike. Satan's sea seeps through the opening, enlarging the fissure until Satan flows through in full strength. The little boy with his finger in the dike is the personality who carries the Christ child, and the finger signifies the Christ mind in the personality which is a part of the many-membered Christ Jesus, the hand of the glorified Jesus Christ.

The Hebrew letter "teth" appears as a prefix before the Hebrew word translated "you shall utterly destroy." So we see that Satan utterly destroyed the resurrected spiritual life of the people of Benjamin by overcoming the regenerated Adam within them, the protector of the personalities and fiery serpents who engaged in spiritual sexual intercourse with him, and by expanding Satan's sea over the whole heart center.

Alternate Translation, Judges 21:11, And this is the thing that Satan did to the [spiritual] males [of Benjamin], and to their wives, the fiery serpents [within them. Satan] separated the fiery serpents, the wives of the spiritual males of Benjamin, from Christ Jesus, and Satan's waters overflowed into the left side of [Benjamin's] heart center, and flooded the dry ground that Adam was occupying, and killed him, and Satan married the fiery serpents, the wives of the spiritual males of Benjamin, and the spiritual males of Benjamin, and the fiery serpents, their wives, died also.

Once again, we, the personality, should be fighting with all of our strength to defend whatever measure of the household of God is within us, because He is our only hope of deliverance from Satan and Leviathan. Can anyone tell us how we defend Christ, the manchild within us? We defend Christ by agreeing with His thoughts, by supplying Him with nourishing food, and by warring against His great enemy, our own carnal mind. Can anyone tell us the name of the food that Christ Jesus requires? Christ will stave to death without ????

<DANIEL42> Doctrine of Christ.

<LivingEM> Yes, the Doctrine of Christ.

<MYPRECOUS1> The Doctrine of Christ.

<LivingEM> And should Christ starve to death, all of the people and activities that you have placed before him, will be destroyed. So we see that the priorities of our carnal mind reflect the magnitude of her ignorance.

Matt. 6:33, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all the things of this world that are important to you, you shall receive, IF the Lord is in agreement.

Judges 21:12, And they found among the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead four hundred young virgins, that had known no man by lying with any male: and they brought them unto the camp to Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan. (KJV)

<LivingEM> The Hebrew word translated "and they found," Strong's # 4672, means "to come forth," "to appear," "to find," or "acquire," and is preceded by the two Hebrew prefixes that indicate "Adam." So we see that Adam was found among the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead. We discovered last week that Jabesh-gilead mean the land on the female, dead side of the heart center," also called, "the firmament." Can anyone tell us another name for the spiritually female, dead side of the heart center? I mean the whole world on the female side, not just the heart center.

<LAMB> Nod?

<LivingEM> This is true, but we are looking for the name that the Doctrine of Christ uses.

<OVERCOMER> East of Eden, carnal mind?

<LivingEM> This also is true but, once again, we are looking for the name that the Doctrine of Christ uses. The Doctrine of Christ calls the energy centers underneath the heart center, "the lair of the wild beast." The world underneath the sea consists of the right side of the heart center, when it is under Satan's dominion, and the three energy centers under the right side of the heart center.

So we see that humanity has already descended into hell, which has its own heaven and earth. The Astral Plane, Satan's waters covering the right side of the heart center, is that heaven or hell, and the three energy centers beneath are the earthen part of hell.

We also found out last week that the Hebrew word translated "inhabitants," Strong's 3427, can also be translated "to be married." So Adam within the mortal men of Israel appeared in the spirits of the people of Benjamin, who were married to Satan and Leviathan, the principalities that rule over the right side of the heart center.

The prefix "mem" appears before the Hebrew word translated "the inhabitants," which we are translating "to marry." Does anyone remember the significance of the Hebrew prefix "mem"? It means "waters," which we will translate "spirit." So we see that Adam appeared in the spirits of the people of Benjamin who were married to Satan, the waters that cover the right side of the heart center.

Adam in the mortal men of Israel entered into the spirits of the humiliated people of Benjamin, for the specific purpose of reviving Abel and regenerating Adam. Remember, Adam in the mortal men of Israel was strengthened by Elohim, and Elohim carries Jehovah's virile seed. So the mortal men of Israel penetrated the carnal minds of the people of Benjamin, fully intending to graft Jehovah's virile seed to their human spirits so that Adam could be regenerated in them.

And Adam appeared in the spirits of the people of Benjamin who were married to the right side of their heart center. We are interpreting the English word "four," as the heart center, which is the fourth energy center of Leviathan's timeline. Can anyone tell us who, on the right side of the heart center, the people of Benjamin were married to?

<OVERCOMER> Leviathan.

<LivingEM> You were close, Overcomer. The people of Benjamin were married to Satan, the sea that covers, or controls, the right side of the heart center. Can anyone tell us what the number "100" signifies?

<DANIEL42> Brow energy center.

<LivingEM> Yes, Daniel, the number100 signifies the brow energy center, which vibrates at 100 undulations. We will interpret the number100, Strong's # 3967, as "the brow energy center." The Hebrew word translated "young," Strong's # 5291, means "a girl (from infancy to adolescence)," "a young girl." The Hebrew word translated "virgins," Strong's # 1330, can also be translated "a bride," and the Hebrew word translated "no," is a negative particle which we will translate "Leviathan." And the young women, the bride of Leviathan, were in the brow energy center.... Can anyone tell us who the young women, the bride of Leviathan, is?

<OVERCOMER> Fiery serpents.

<LivingEM> Yes, the fiery serpents. The people of Benjamin had agreed with the thoughts of Satan, the god of the world underneath the sea on the right side of the heart. Can anyone tell us what Satan's thoughts are in the context of this present discussion? What thoughts would Satan be generating in the minds of the people of Benjamin? Lust for Leviathan, pursue Leviathan, reject Christ Jesus and marry Leviathan. So the fiery serpents of the people of Benjamin lusted for Leviathan, and ascended into the brow energy center because of her.

We have found out in other studies that Leviathan, as well as Adam/Christ Jesus, reside in the heart center, and can only ascend into the higher centers through union with a spirit which is higher than they are. From this prior teaching, then, we can determine that Leviathan could only raise the fiery serpent, as well as herself, into the brow energy center through union with Satan.

So we see that Satan, Leviathan, and the fiery serpent were all ascended into the brow energy center in the people of Benjamin, and that the three were one, unclean mind, engaged in mature spiritual activities, which are always directed at the destruction of the Kingdom of God.

This principle was revealed in our message entitled, "What Really Happened at Gibeah"? The men of Benjamin, who had become Satan's agents, were not content to be married to Satan and Leviathan. They had become Satan's army, the pawns that Satan was using to oppose every faithful man of Israel who was following the path of ascension through the regenerated Adam.

And Adam appeared in the spirits of the people who were married [to Satan, the God] of the right side of the heart center, and the young women who were the bride of Leviathan were in the brow energy center.

The Hebrew word translated "had known," Strong's # 3045, can also be translated "the knowledge that comes from experience." The prefix "lamed," which means "widow," appears before the Hebrew word translated "by lying with," Strong's # 9404, which signifies sexual intercourse, and the Hebrew word translated "man," Strong's # 376, signifies a mortal man. And Satan had intercourse with the widowed mortal men.... Can anyone tell us who the widowed mortal men are? Who are the married mortal men?

<JSNGSNG> Fiery serpents.

<LivingEM> Can anyone tell us what is wrong with Jsngsng's response? What is the spiritual sex of the fiery serpent?

<MYPRECOUS> They are female .

<LivingEM> Yes, the fiery serpent is spiritually female, and therefore could not be the widowed mortal men.

<OVERCOMER> Those men in whom Adam had died. Widowed, without the mind that's righteous

<LivingEM> Yes, Overcomer, the personalities are the land where Adam had died. Personalities are also called "the land" that a spirit, or a mind, lives in. So we see that the mortal men of Israel were married to the regenerated Adam, who was married to Elohim, but that the people of Benjamin were widowed when Adam died. We see also that the Scripture does not consider the joining of the mortal men of Benjamin to Satan and Leviathan a marriage, but calls them widows.

And the fiery serpents who were the bride of Leviathan, were in the brow energy center, and the widowed mortal men that the fiery serpents dwelled in, received knowledge when they experienced spiritual sexual intercourse with Satan.... So we see that the personality receives knowledge when their fiery serpent marries Satan and Leviathan. And is this not the promise of the serpent in Genesis 3?

Gen 3: 6, And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, AND A TREE TO BE DESIRED TO MAKE ONE WISE, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. (KJV)

<LivingEM> And the fiery serpents, the bride of Leviathan, were in the brow energy center, and the widowed mortal men of Benjamin received spiritual knowledge when they experienced spiritual sexual intercourse with Satan.

This very Scripture is coming to pass in our country today. Satan has bored a hole through Christ, the wall that has separated the West from Satan's spiritual knowledge for 2000 years, and the nose of the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, that had two nostrils, the breath of Christ, and the breath of the carnal mind, is collapsing, and the divided breath of humanity is becoming one breath again.

But be of good cheer, says your God, there will always be a remnant, and I will always raise up a savior, and many shall be delivered from the plague because of the Moses and Aaron company who intercede for my people. Yea, says your God, the Moses company shall raise up the brazen serpent in my timeline, and she shall join with the glorified Jesus Christ and defeat the poisonous, ascended fiery serpents of Leviathan's timeline who are biting my people with the sting of death. Yea, saith your God, the fiery serpent under the auspices of Moses is already rising, and when I join with them, says the Lord, you shall see me in all of my glory, and Satan shall see you, just as she saw the mortal men of Israel at Jabesh-gilead. Fear not, for I am never late, and I shall make a timely appearance, and reclaim all that is mine.

Can anyone tell us what Scripture the Lord is referring to?

Num. 21:5 And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loatheth this light bread.

6 And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.

7 Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.

8 And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.

9 And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Some of Moses' own people were talking against him and cursing him with their thoughts. This caused their fiery serpents to break free from the restraints of Christ within them, and the fiery serpents bit Leviathan in an act of spiritual sexual passion, and the personalities that the fiery serpents were joined to died when the fiery serpent, their spiritual sexual part, departed from Christ and joined with Leviathan.

Did these people physically die? No, they died to the spiritual life of God that they had through the regenerated Adam. But some of the people repented and came to Moses for help, and Moses prayed for them. And of those people who repented and asked Moses for help, the ones who recognized that the fiery serpent within Moses was ascended to the top [crown (7th) center] of Moses' pole [spinal column] in Christ Jesus' timeline, lived.

So we see that it is not enough to perceive your own sin nature and war against it. We must also recognize the ascended Christ Jesus wherever He is appearing, even if we don't like the personality, or think that we are equal to, or higher than that personality.

May the Lord Jesus have mercy on the people who are saying bad things about me today, may He grant them repentance, and give sight to their spiritual eyes, that they might live and not die.

Back to Judges 21:12. And Adam appeared in the spirits of the people on the right side of their heart center, and the fiery serpents, the bride of Leviathan, were in the brow energy center of the widowed mortal men of Benjamin, and they received knowledge, and spiritual manhood [because their husband, Leviathan, was engaged in spiritual] intercourse with Satan. "Spiritual manhood" is a translation of Strong's # 2145, translated "any male" in the King James Translation. Do you remember there are two spiritual marriages? Can anyone describe the two spiritual marriages for us?

<OVERCOMER> marriage between the fiery serpents ascended and Leviathan, between Christ Jesus and personality and Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus, or the personality married to Leviathan, and then Leviathan marries Satan?

<LivingEM> This is true of the righteous time line. You are very close, Overcomer. Actually, it is the fiery serpent, the spiritual sexual part of the personality, who marries either Leviathan or Christ Jesus. So your answer is technically correct, but we will say "the fiery serpent," rather than "the personality," for the sake of clarity.

The fiery serpent takes the personality with her as she ascends into the counterfeit time line, and marries Leviathan in the heart center. Satan then descends into the heart center, marries Leviathan, and raises Leviathan, the fiery serpent, and the personality into the brow energy center.

Does anyone know what "Shiloh" means? It means "peace," and signifies Messiah. We rendered the Hebrew word translated "camp," as "army" in Verse 8. The Hebrew word translated "and they brought," means "to go," or "to come," and is preceded by the two prefixes which signify Adam.

So we see that it was Adam who came, or entered into Satan's army.

The Hebrew word translated "land," is preceded by the prefix "beth" which means "household," and "Canaan" means "to bend the knee," or "to humble." "Canaan" is the one who humbles himself before God. And the widowed mortal men received spiritual knowledge and spiritual manhood through intercourse with Satan, but Adam within Messiah entered into the household of the personalities of the humble soldiers of Satan's army.... Can anyone tell us who Messiah is in the context of this verse? The mortal men of Israel are Messiah.

I told you earlier that the personality is "the land." Can anyone tell us who the humble ones in Satan's army are? The humble ones in Satan's army are the mortal men who serve Satan out of weakness, but are confessing their condition and crying out day and night for the Lord to help them to be righteous.

Can anyone tell us the spiritual meaning of the word "household"? "Household" means "wife." Can anyone tell us the spiritual sex of the personality?


<JSNGSNG> Female

<MYPRECOUS1> Female.

<LivingEM> Yes. The personality is female. Can anyone explain, then, how the female personality can have a wife? Under what conditions does the female personality become male?

<LAMB> When she is over the fiery serpent.

<LivingEM> Yes, Lamb, and what causes the female personality to be over the fiery serpent?

<LAMB> Authority

<LivingEM> This is true, Lamb. Can you tell us the name of this authority?

<LAMB> Christ Jesus?

<LivingEM> Yes, the female personality becomes spiritually male when she is penetrated by Christ Jesus from above.

Rev. 1:7, Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindred of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Look, He is coming in the spiritual bodies of His saints, and everyone who sees with the Spirit of Christ, shall see him, yea, even those who are wailing because He has pierced them.

We, the personalities who are wailing because Christ Jesus has pierced us, cease from mourning when we marry the Lord Jesus Christ.

Deut 21:11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;

12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;

13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, And shall remain in thine house, AND BEWAIL HER FATHER AND HER MOTHER A FULL MONTH: AND AFTER THAT THOU SHALT GO IN UNTO HER, AND BE HER HUSBAND, AND SHE SHALL BE THY WIFE. (KJV)

<LivingEM> Can anyone tell us what we are mourning for?

<LAMB> The old man.

<OVERCOMER> To be caught up with him and overcome our carnal existence.

<LivingEM> Yes, we are mourning for the comforts of this world.

Rev. 18:10, Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgment come.

11, And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: (KJV)

To those who are wailing because of Christ Jesus, that say, "even so, amen -- let it happen despite our pain," to them I come quickly, saith your God, I have not forgotten you.

Alternate Translation, Judges 21:12, And the fiery serpents, the bride of Leviathan, and the widowed mortal men who had [attained to] spiritual manhood, and [received spiritual] knowledge when they experienced intercourse [with Satan], were in the brow energy center [when] Adam appeared in the spirits of the [Benjaminites] on the right side of their heart center, and Adam [within the mortal men of Israel, who were] Messiah [to the Benjaminites], entered into the personalities of [the soldiers of] Satan's army who humbled themselves before [ the regenerated Adam and Elohim].

Alternate Translation, 2 Kings 2.02 And Elijah said to Elisha, Jehovah is restoring me to the spiritual world above the firmament, so I urgently advise you to continue to dominate Leviathan after I pass over into the eternal time line. AND ELISHA HUMBLED HIMSELF BEFORE ELOHIM AND THE RESURRECTED ADAM, ELOHIM'S HOUSE[HOLD IN ELIJAH], saying, Jehovah's life has preserved your personality, and I am determined that the life I received from [Jehovah through] you, shall preserve my personality also.


11 And this is the thing that Satan did to the [spiritual] males [of Benjamin], and to their wives, the fiery serpents [within them. Satan] separated the fiery serpents, the wives of the spiritual males of Benjamin, from Christ Jesus, and Satan's waters overflowed into the left side of [Benjamin's] heart center, and flooded the dry ground that Adam was occupying, and killed him, and Satan married the fiery serpents, the wives of the spiritual males of Benjamin, and the spiritual males of Benjamin, and the fiery serpents, their wives, died also,

12 So the fiery serpents, the bride of Leviathan, and the widowed mortal men who had [attained to] spiritual manhood, and [received spiritual ] knowledge when they experienced intercourse [with Satan], were in the brow energy center [when] Adam appeared in the spirits of the [Benjaminites] on the right side of their heart center, and Adam [within the mortal men of Israel, who were] Messiah [to the Benjaminites], entered into the personalities of [the soldiers of] Satan's army who humbled themselves before [ the regenerated Adam and Elohim].

<LivingEM> Forgive your enemies, be at peace with all men, appreciate and assist one another, put away all carnality, envy and competition. Suffer the loss of your pride, and live in peace with the Lord, Jesus, the only one who can save you from hell and death.

Go in Peace.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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