047 - Part 4
(Revelation 8 & 9)

Part 4 of 4 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.




Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord.


Yea, say the Lord, indeed, I am God Almighty. I stand tall. I stand high above all the Earth, sayeth the Lord, yea, above the Earth of men’s souls and above the Earth of men’s bodies. Yea, I, indeed, am the controlling factor of all life, and I bless and I curse, and I giveth and I taketh away, and I prosper and I destroy.


Yea, sayeth the Lord, this ministry is not subject to any external factors, sayeth God, but I have raised it up, and I can close it down, and I have prospered it, and I can destroy it. I have added, and I have taken away. I have given music, I have removed music and I have given it again. Yea, sayeth the Lord, I am indeed the controlling factor. Everything that comes against thee, sayeth God, is at my command, and I shall be glorified in the Earth, sayeth the Lord.


Indeed, I shall be recognized for being who I am, even God Almighty, in total control of everything that happens in this world system. And to the carnal minds of men that cannot perceive the evil that I do as a result of my righteousness, I shall reveal myself to them, sayeth God, and I shall reveal my ways to them, sayeth the Lord, and in due season all men shall know me, for my spirit shall pour forth from Zion, sayeth the Lord, yea, even from my sons that I shall raise up and bring to Zion.


My spirit and my law shall go forth, sayeth God, unto all the Earth, and indeed, fountains of living waters shall pour forth, and then every man on the face of the Earth shall understand my laws, sayeth God, and they shall indeed obey. They shall bend their knees, and they shall bow their heads, and they shall submit to the greatness of my Spirit. Indeed, they shall say, the Lord, He is God.


Fear not, sayeth the Lord. Fear not for your health. Fear not for your finances. Fear not for your numbers. Fear not for the needs of this ministry, for indeed I have tried thee very harshly, sayeth the Lord, and I have permitted the north winds to blow upon thee, sayeth God, and I have permitted thee to endure a long, hard winter, sayeth God. And I have smitten thee, and I have permitted the winds to sting thee, sayeth God, and indeed, thou has become mightily discouraged and utterly disheartened, but I say unto you this day, indeed, I am God Almighty, and I shall not give thee more than thou canst bear.


And I also say unto thee this day, in the witness of many members, that the winter is over, sayeth God. Indeed, the spring is at hand, and indeed, the seeds have begun to sprout, sayeth God, and the south wind will start blowing shortly, sayeth the Lord, and the gentleness of my Spirit shall prosper you, sayeth God, and it shall increase you, and it shall bring the needs of your soul with it, sayeth God. And indeed, I shall raise thee up and strengthen, and all that I have called thee to and all that I have prepared thee for, sayeth God, shall become manifest. And there is nothing that I have called thee to that I shall not equip thee to do, sayeth the Lord.


Fear not, sayeth God, for indeed, I am with thee, and indeed, I hold thee by that thread that keeps thee alive, and indeed, I am the holder of that thread that keeps thy head just above water. But the intensity of the testing, sayeth the Lord, is nearing its end, not that there will be no testing in the future, but this intense, harsh period, sayeth God, is near it -- the end is near at hand.


Take heart, be strong, and follow through. Serve me with all thy heart and thy soul. Stay humble before me, stay repentant before me, and my blessings already are at the door.


Hallelujah. I want to touch on something that I felt I didn’t -- for whatever reason, I didn’t go into as completely as I should have last week. And we talked about the Greek word thanatos, Strong’s 2288, meaning the death of this existence. I told you that there were several Greek words that could be translated death and that this word thanatos, according to Strong’s and Thayer’s lexicons, could be translated the separation of the soul from the body, but it could also be translated the death of this existence. And we know that separation from God is death and that this whole realm of appearance is separated from God. It’s in darkness, separated from God.


And the Lord just wanted me to give you some Scriptures on the fact that the Scripture talks about a life of death or an existence of death. Romans 7:24, Paul speaking, “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” That means that Paul was saying that living in this body is an existence of death.


Romans 8:6, “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” So that whole teaching that we had at the last meeting, all these -- all those men in the world that are trying to save themselves from this world system, which is carnal -- carnally minded -- this whole -- all of the horrible things going out -- going on in this world from people that are carnal-minded. The Scripture calls that death.


2 Corinthians 1:9-10, “But we had the sentence of death in ourselves,” -- the sentence of death is within us -- “That we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead.” And another thing that we taught last Wednesday was that the men of this world system were trying to deliver themselves from the death of this world system through science and through experience and through mind control and mind games, and they found out that they couldn’t.


And this Scripture, 2 Corinthians 1:9-10, says, “But we had the sentence of death in ourselves.” Death is within us. It’s reigning with us, and the reason for it is that we should learn not to trust ourselves, but that we have to believe that -- believe in God to meet our needs. He who has the power to raise the dead, He is going to -- Who is going to raise us up out of this realm of death, not take our bodies physically off the Earth, but spiritually raise us up out of this realm of death that we could be in accordance with Romans 8:6, spiritually minded, because to become spiritually minded is life and peace.


So, the evolution, so the rapture, so the change is from being carnally minded, which is death, to be -- to spiritually minded, which is life and peace. We’re being raised to a higher realm of the Spirit.


And verse 10 of 2 Corinthians 1 says, “Who delivered us” --


Well, let me read it again. Verse 9, “But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead: Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver us: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us.”


And what that says in simple English is that God has delivered us, and everybody here was living in a life of extreme death. We all know what that means. We were all involved in something. He has delivered us. He is delivering us in this hour, and we just had a prophecy to that effect today. We’re in the process of being delivered, and yet, he shall deliver us. There’s a deliverance in the future that we haven’t even touched upon yet, which I declare to you, brethren, is the fullness of the salvation of your soul.


And in case this is the first message that you’re listening to: if you’ve received a measure of Christ, if you’re baptized with the Holy Spirit, you’re not saved. I have to stop using that expression myself. I still use it, but you’re not saved. What has happened to you is that you have received the promise of salvation, and when you are fully saved, brethren, you will no longer be dying. And if there’s any manifestation of death in your life at all, you’re not saved, and that includes a common cold, a virus, a skin rash. If you need glasses, if you have any kind of impairment, no matter how minor, you are not saved. You are not saved, brethren. You are in the process of being saved if you have received the promise. Well, at this point, the whole living soul has received the promise, not necessarily in your heart, but it’s in the realm of the Spirit. Glory to God.


OK, I have one more for you. 1 John 3:14, “We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.” And I don’t know about you, brethren, but I fail all the time, loving my brother. People annoy me. Their manifestations annoy me. I get angry. I manifest back. God’s imparted the ability to me to deal with it pretty well, but that doesn’t change the fact that in my heart and in my mind, sometimes I don’t love my brother. And that means, in that area, I’m still abiding in death. I’m still abiding in this world system.


And I remind you that the scripture that we were dealing with last week is a Revelation -- was Revelation -- I think it was Rev- -- yeah, Revelation 6, that this realm of death -- and that is all of these manifestations of not loving your brother, of infirmity, of every manifestation of sin in your heart -- is going to be so repelled by us, as Christ appears in us, that it’s going to turn away from us and flee from us. Glory to God.


Recap, Revelation 9:4-6, “And they were instructed by their spiritual head.” Who knows who the sons of God’s spiritual head is? Any -- Christ, amen -- Jesus Christ in spirit form is dwelling in the minds of the sons of God. “And they were instructed by their spiritual head that they should not judge the Adamic soul or body of the man in whom the life of Christ was appearing, but that they should rain judgment only upon those men whose minds were still clinging to their old sin-filled way of thinking and who were continuing to resist the mind of Almighty God. And they were given the supernatural power to confront men who were still resisting the mind of God and to bring their Adamic souls into submission to Christ without destroying them in the process, because the testing, which matures men to the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ, causes as much pain to the soul as the sting of a scorpion causes to a man’s body.


“And in those time periods during which the light shall be revealed to them, men shall continue to search for separation from the miseries of sin which exist on this soul realm through scientific knowledge, mind control and practical experiences, but shall not be able to find it.” They’re not going to be able to get deliverance from this soul realm and the sickness and disease in it through their scientific experiences. “And they shall long to perish because they’re going to be without hope, which longing shall lead to repentance, and the miseries or demons of this life shall be repulsed by their repentance and by their submission to God and shall turn away from them.”


Glory to God. We’re not going to be raptured out of this realm. This realm is going to turn its back on us when Christ appears in us. Is that exciting? We’re not changing. Death is fleeing from us. Hallelujah.


Verse 7, “And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.” And I just want to remind you again about the literary style of the Bible that is very common, that the Lord, in dictating these Scriptures, states a fact, and then the following Scriptures go into more detail about either how it’s going to be accomplished or b- -- or about what he has stated. And I’m suggesting to you that starting with verse 7, we’re getting a more detailed description of the sons of God.


And in verse -- the first verses of chapter 9, we’re talking about the sons of God. Let me get my place here. I didn’t -- wasn’t turned to the Book of Revelation. In chapter 9, we’re talking about the fifth angel. We’re talking about the bottomless pit, which is the living soul, and what’s happening there, that the smoke is coming out. We see the emergence of the sons of God, and then in verse 4, we see the commands of the Lord to the sons of God, who they can hurt and who they cannot hurt and for how long they can hurt these people. And then we get some information about -- in verse 6, about those men, how they’re going to feel when this judgment comes down -- and starting with verse 7, we are getting -- verse 7 through the end of the sixth seal, which is verse 11, we are going to be receiving a spiritual description of the sons of God, and this is what the Lord has to say about them.


“And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.”


And I remind you that the spiritual application of locust is that they fly. So we know this is a -- symbolizing a spiritual being because they fly, and they eat vegetation. And we know that when the sons of God appear in the souls of men, they are going to consume that soul, and I believe that’s why the Lord chose a locust as the symbol of the son of God. And I remind you that in different circumstances, God will use a different symbol to describe the son of God, depending on what kind of information he’s trying to impart to you.


And in this situation in chapter 9 of the Book of Revelation, the Lord is trying to get us to understand it. What’s he’s saying to us is that when this -- when Christ appears in your human spirit, swallowing up your human spirit, the next step is for Him to swallow up your sin-ridden soul. So he describes the sons of God as a locust which is going to eat the vegetation of your soul. And I remind you that the Lord sees us as a plant. Throughout the Scriptures, he talks about the souls of men as being plants.


Glory to God, we’re growing. We’re growing in the Earth. Hallelujah. The spiritual life of the soul is growing in the Earth, glory to God.


OK, and the -- so this is what the locusts appear. Now this is a spiritual understanding of what they look like. They look like horses prepared unto battle. Now, first, I want to talk to you about the word shapes. It’s Strong’s 3667. It’s the only time that it’s translated shapes in Strong’s concordance, and it means resemblance, likeness, similitude. And if you want to review that, we did a study on Ezekiel’s new creation man, where there was a very similar word talking about the new creation man that was called the cherubim in Ezekiel 1.


And if you want to review that, it’s in message 38, part 3. The word shape is talked about, and for the purposes of this message, I’m just going to give you our findings from that message. I’m not going to go into how we got this, but this word shape also means -- and as I remind you, we went into the Hebrew text, we went into Webster’s, and this word shape also means essential nature. So the shape of the locust, we’re talking about their essential nature. We’re not just looking -- talking about what they look like. We’re talking about their character. It also means physical material. It means what they’re made of, what their substance is. It also means arrangements of parts, and we know that th- -- man in his fallen condition, his spiritual parts are out of order -- Satan is ruling and reigning on top -- and that the arrangements of the parts of the sons of God will be that God will be on top, and then Christ, and then the soul in submission underneath.


So, to be a locust, they’re going to have to fit -- fill these [sic] particular qualification. Their essential nature’s going to have to be like Christ. Their physical material’s going to have to be spirit. The arrangements of their parts will have to be with God on top ruling through His Christ and the soul in submission. And this word shape also means structural design, which also refers to arrangements of parts, and it also means the visible makeup, characteristic. We’re also talking about what they’re going to look like. Glory to God.


The locusts -- the spir- -- are spiritual beings because they leap and fly, and they consume the souls of men. They also travel in swarms, and we know that the sons of God are the many members of the body of Christ, so we swarm. We swarm. Glory to God. We’re together. We swarm together, not in our physical bodies, but in our minds. The sons of God shall be one in their minds, and we shall have the power that could be likened to a swarm of locusts going through a field and just devouring everything, but it’s going to be spiritual, and it’s going to be in our mind. Hallelujah.


And this word, like unto, means similar in character, and the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses. That means they were similar in character, not necessarily in appearance, but in character to horses. So, if we want to understand that, we’re going to have to find out what the nature and the character of a horse is. And we’ve had some teaching on horses in this ministry, that when you’re -- when you have no contact with God at all, God calls you a beast in the Scripture. When you’re responding to His voice -- when you’re in a spiritual condition, when you’re responding to His voice, He calls you a sheep. And when we come to a place where we’ve been utterly brought into submission to Him, He calls us horses.


So the fact that the locusts look like horses means, No. 1, that they’ve been brought into utter submission to God. They do nothing except what he tells them to do. And now we’re going to find out some of the characteristics of the horse. Webster says that a horse is a large, solid-hoofed, herbivorous mammal. That means that they eat vegetables; they’re not flesh eaters. They’re domesticated by man since a prehistoric period and used as a beast of burden, a draft animal or for riding.


So what are we saying? If the sons of God are likened unto horses, that means that they’re not flesh eaters. They eat vegetation, which is typified by the soul. They’re dom- -- horses are domesticated by man, and I suggest to you that spiritual horses have been domesticated by God, brought into total submission, and they’re used as a beast of burden or for riding. That means, if you’re a spiritual horse, you carry a burden, and I suggest to you that the burden that you carry is Almighty God. He is riding you. He’s riding you, and you’ve been brought into submission to Him, and therefore, you’re serving His purpose. And we’re going to find out that the purpose we’re serving is that He’s riding us into battle.


And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle. Now this word, prepared, it’s Strong’s 2090, and it means, specifically, internal fitness. It doesn’t mean that the horse has a pretty feather on [INAUDIBLE] on his head. It means internal fitness, and in our natural type, when horses used to be taken into battle in Calvary or in ancient Rome, driving the chariot, those horses had to be trained so that they didn’t balk. When gunfire or spears or the noise of war came to them, they still had to obey their rider, no matter what was happening out there in the battlefield. They were prepared internally, not because they were dressed up, but they were trained in their minds to respond to their master and to not what was happening -- and not to respond to what was happening on the battlefield.


So, if the locust is sons of God, and that -- well, that means that they have had spiritual training that has prepared them in their souls to not respond to the battle, to not be afraid, but to do only what their rider commands them to do. And, brethren, this is the training that we’re in now, and we’re our own worst enemy because the trial comes upon us -- the battle comes upon us -- and we have two choices. We could do what God tells us to do, or we could do what our soul tells us to do, and many of us, in this hour, are still doing what our soul tells us to do when the trial comes upon us, and it affects our emotions, and we become alarmed. After all these years of doing what our soul told us to do, we still do what our soul tells us to do, and we have to get out of that. We have to learn to do what God t- -- we have to hear the voice of God in the deepest trial, in the midst of the greatest emotion, whether it be fear or concern or any kind of pain, no matter what’s manifesting in us, we have to still achieve that ability to hear the voice of God and then do what He tells us.


But most of us, in this hour, can’t even hear His voice when the crisis hits. We don’t even hear Him speaking, and I know that there are many people that I’ve warned, you know, that a spiritual attack is coming upon you, and when it comes upon you, it’s going to try and get you to do this, and it’s going to try and get you to do that. And I know they hear [AUDIO CUTS OUT], and they do all the wrong things. And this is the -- I’m not condemning anybody, but what I’m telling you is that we are being exposed to trials in this hour, one of the reasons being is that we have to learn to hear the voice of God in the trial, and then we have to learn to obey it.


I remember when I was pregnant, my husband and I [?tooks?] hospital. I was living in Queens, and I wa- -- my doctor wa- -- wanted me in Mt. Sinai Hospital in Manhattan. So it was a good 45-minute ride. We took a prac- -- couple of practice rides, and we knew exactly how we were going to go. And when I went into labor, I called him home from work, and he put me in the car, and he jumped in, and he went the wrong way. We got caught -- he went the completely wrong way, and we got caught in traffic, and he was lost, and yeah, I almost got out -- got -- threw him out of the car and started to drive myself, which I didn’t. You know, that’s an exaggeration, but he was so flustered, and then he started yelling behind the -- yeah, we weren’t saved at the time. He was yelling, he was cursing, he was mad, and we got caught in traffic going through the tunnel, and I was just laughing. You know, I was laughing, but I was looking at him. I was saying, boy, you know, it’s a good thing I wasn’t going into labor any more quickly.


But that’s what happens to us, brethren. We have all the teaching, we have all the instruction, and the trial comes upon us, and it always comes without warning, even if you’re warned about it. There was someone this week that I said to them, I see this trial coming upon you, and I’m telling you, it’s already upon you. And when it comes upon you in its fullness, this is what it’s going to try and do. It happened, because when the pain comes upon you, when the stress comes upon you, when the affliction comes upon you -- you forget everything, and you just react like a brute beast, like a horse that has not been prepared to respond to his master no matter what’s going on.


So, that’s part of the reason for our trials, brethren. We have to hear God and obey God in everything. And that, I mean, that’s really hard. Can you imagine someone coming there to kill you with a razor, to slit your throat, and you hear the word of the Lord, and He says, stand still. Don’t defend yourself. Would you believe that was God? I tell you, I’d have a problem believing it was God. I’m not going to lie to you. I’m -- if I had an opportunity to run -- if I wasn’t bound, and someone was going to slit my throat, and the voice of the Lord spoke to me and said, just stand there. Let him slit your throat. I’ll raise you from the dead. I don’t know that I can do that. I’d probably run. So I’m not there yet either, but this is what we’re getting -- this is what we’re being brought to.


And most of us would say, well, that’s not even the voice of God. It’s a demon. God would never tell me to let them slit my throat. He might, if -- especially if He intends to raise you from the dead. Didn’t He let them crucify His Son? Jesus petitioned Him. He said, Lord, take this cup away from me. And the Lord said, no, I want them to crucify you. I’m going to raise you from the dead. Glory to God. We’re not internally prepared yet, brethren. Glory to God.


OK, Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 9:7. “And the nature of the spiritual beings which were devouring the souls of men, that were domestically” -- I’m sorry. I read that wrong.


“And the nature of the spiritual beings which were devouring the souls of men was that they were domesticated animals, spiritually prepared to accompany God into battle.”


Can you imagine a rider on a horse going into battle, and the rider wants to go to the right, and the horse wants to go to the left? What happens? What do you think happens? I know what I think happens. They would lose all sight of the enemy, and there would -- because the rider of the horse would start struggling with the horse. The rider of the horse would be charging right into the battle, ready to destroy the enemy, and all of a sudden, this horse is going to the left. Well, what’s going to happen? He’s going to going to take his eyes off the enemy, and he’s going to start fighting with the horse.


Brethren, that’s what happens to us. God is trying to defeat our enemies, which are in our own mind, and because of our disobedience, which is a result of our inability to hear Him or understand Him, He has to stop fighting with the enemies that are in our minds, which are destroying us, and start struggling with us and bring us back into line, and that means your deliverance is put off for another week, another month, another year. I don’t know. It depends on what the problem is.


Do you hear this reality? God wants to defeat every enemy in your mind, and because you are rebelling against Him, He has to put that off into second place and start dealing with your rebellion. That’s a heavy word, brethren, but it’s the truth. And sometimes we rebel because we really can’t hear him, but I’ll tell you that if you really can open your heart to this message and tell God that you really want to obey, He’ll let you hear him. But it’s hard, you know, but it’ll go easier than if you -- if you’re just assuming, no, that can’t be God, and I’m not going to do that, and -- well, you’re off down the road for six months until He brings you back to the place where He’s going, after that deliverance in your mind. Glory to God.


OK, continuing with -- “And on their heads were, as it were, crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.” Now, we’ve had plenty of teaching right in these studies in the Book of Revelation that crowns typify a woven leaf, that it’s not talking about a solid gold crown, but what’s described by this Greek word is a crown of leaves woven together that was worn by the Greeks and the Roman emperors, and that it typifies the mind of Christ being woven together with the mind of man. And the fact that the crown is gold typifies the mind of Christ, and it says, “And on their heads they had, as it were, crowns of gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.” So they appeared to be men, and they did have a man’s mind, but that man’s mind was woven together with Christ, and that is how they got their crown. Glory to God.


So now we have three characteristics of these locusts. They were internally in their minds, OK, like horses prepared for battle. There was nothing that could scare them or disorient them enough to disobey or not hear the command of Almighty God. And the second characteristic is that in the realm of appearance, they appeared to be men, and the third characteristic is that their minds were totally joined to the mind of Christ. No carnal thought could prosper or live or even come forth because Christ was utterly ruling their mind. So we now have three characteristics of the sons of God.


Alternate Translation. “And their minds were woven together with the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the realm of appearance, they looked like a man.” Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, the whole verse of Revelation 9:7. “And the true nature of the spiritual beings which were devouring the souls of men was that they were domesticated animals -- how humbling -- spiritually prepared to accompany God into battle. And their minds were woven together with the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the realm of appearance, they looked like men.”


Brethren, we are animals. We are animals that were formed to be domesticated for the use of Almighty God, and if you are manifesting when I tell you this, I’m telling you, brethren, that you’re suffering from pride. You need to confess it, and you need to ask the Lord for deliverance because that’s what we are, and the Lord has been showing me for years Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, and he says, look at those mice. They put on shoes and dresses, and Minnie puts a bow in her hair, and they live in houses, and they talk to each other, and they have children, and look at what they think they are. He says, that’s the human race. You’re just Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse, all dressed up. You’re a life form way beneath me, and I made you to serve me, and you’re living a life apart from me, rejecting me, rebelling against me, and in some cases, outright denying me. But I’m going to bring you into your proper position. You are a domesticated animal. You are a horse, and I shall love you and care for you and groom you, but I shall ride you, and you shall obey me.


Ouch, ouch, ouch, but it’s the truth, brethren. I’m telling you the truth. Either submit, or he’s going to break you. Glory to God.


Verse 8, “And they had their hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.” Now hair in the Scripture typifies the spirit, and I’m going to suggest to you that the phrase that says, “And they had hair as the hair of women” refers to the human spirit because the human spirit is female. We know that there are male spirits. We know that Jesus Christ is a male spirit. Satan, in his ruling position, is a male spirit. So, if their hair, if their spirit, was as the spirit of women, I’m suggesting to you that we’re referring to the human spirit and a human spirit that was in a submissive role to a male spirit. So let’s find out what male spirit these locusts were in submission to.


And the word women is 1135, and it means wife. It means woman or wife. So the fact that their hair was as the hair of women -- it means that they were in the role of wife. Their spirits were in submission to a ruling spirit.


OK. “And they had their hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.” Teeth, we did a study on teeth, if you want to review it, on message 32, part 4, and we determined that teeth typify Satan in the realm of appearance. First of all, teeth are white, and we know that the color of the living soul is red. Adam is red, ruddy, blood in the face, and the spiritual color white, in this realm of appearance, is referring to Satan, who never received the life of God or the life of the living soul. And teeth also originate underneath the gum. They have roots underneath the gum that are not seen, so the life that’s existing underneath your gums and your jawbone appears in the realm of appearance.


So teeth typify Satan in the realm of appearance, and I remind you that natural man is Satan in the realm of appearance. His spirit pierced through the conscious mind. He was originally formed to be the unconscious mind of the living soul, and the spirit of Satan illegally pierced through into the conscious mind, and somewhere along the line, he became hard. These bodies were formed. He took on the flesh. So the natural man is Satan in the realm of appearance, and it’s -- if you haven’t heard any of those message, I didn’t write it down for you, but it’s basically, I think, in the Babylon series, 31, if I’m not mistaken.


OK, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. OK, so, we have human spirits in submission to a male spirit. We have teeth that typify Satan in the realm of appearance, and now we say that the teeth were as the teeth of lions. Well, we did a study on the word lion, if you want to review it, Revelation -- review message 38, part 4. That’s the same message as the one for teeth. Now, lion typifies a ruling spirit. So we have the female spirit in the form of hair and lion typifying ruling spirit, and in the Scripture, both Satan, a criminal spirit, and Christ, the legal ruler of the living soul, are described as lions. Glory to God. They’re described as lions, but --


So we’re trying to find out who these locusts are in submission to. Glory to God. Now -- well, let’s just go on with what I have here. Webster says that a lion -- we want to find out which li- -- which spirit this lion is typifying. OK. Lion: a person felt to resemble a lion as in courage or ferocity. Webster says that a lion is courageous and ferocious, and if a man is referred to as a lion, that means he’s courageous or ferocious. Now ferocious means intense, Webster says, violently hostile or aggressive in temperament, given to fighting or killing, marked by unrestrained zeal or vehemence. Courageous means mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.


Glory to God. Now, for some reason I didn’t write this down. OK, the phrase is, “And they had their hair as the hair of women.” They were in submission, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. So their human spirit and their Satanic realm was in submission to a ruling spirit that was courageous and ferocious.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:8, “And their spirits were in submission to Jesus Christ, and he was overlaying Satan in their unconscious mind and expressing himself through their soul as an intensely aggressive moral strength, capable of withstanding danger, fear or difficulty.”


Now, how do we know that the ruling spirit is Christ and not Satan? Well, in the verse before, we said that their minds were woven together with Christ. They had crowns of gold, and their minds were woven together with Christ. So we know that the ruling spirit was Christ. Now, when we’re dealing with lions, Webster tells us that lions are ferocious. They’re intense, violently hostile, aggressive in temperament, given to fighting or killing, marked by unrestrained zeal or vehemence. Well, how could this be the sons of God? Because, brethren, every quality that appears in the realm of appearance, when Jesus Christ lays hold of it and expresses himself through it, it becomes in submission to His righteousness.


So let’s take it one at a time. Jesus Christ, could He be intense? Could His zeal for righteousness be intense? It surely is. It surely is. Have you ever heard Him prophesy? Have you ever seen somebody standing up with the fire of God burning in his eyes, when they’re condemning sin? Yes, God can be ferocious, but His ferociousness is not destructive. It ends in righteousness. He can be intense. Yes, I believe Jesus Christ can be violently hostile and aggressive in temperament, but Jesus Christ does evil perfectly, and I believe that when He wages war against sin, He can be violent. I believe that He can chasten you to the point of death, but he does his violence perfectly, and when God per- -- when man performs these qualities, another man is destroyed. When God manifests these qualities, re- -- life comes out of it because it’s the evil of God. We had this recently. It’s the evil of God being waged against the evil of man, and the result of it is life, and it’s likened unto a parent beating his children [AUDIO CUTS OUT] submission and grow up to be Godly men and women.


So Jesus Christ -- when these qualities of the lion are under the authority of Jesus Christ, they’re used for good. He is given to fighting or killing. He sure is. He’s fighting with the enemy, and He is going to utterly destroy him, marked by an unrestrained zeal or vehemence. He is not going to stop until every last vestige of sin is destroyed.


So, when these qualities of the lion are taken over by Christ, who was woven to the minds of these men, all of these qualities are going to be used for godliness. And I’ve spoken to a few people recently. I know I’m one of them. I was a very aggressive person in the world. I had a lot of good qualities, but they were being directed in the wrong direction, and what God has done to me is that He’s beaten me until the ungodly qualities have flown out of me -- flowed out of me through deliverance, and He’s laid hold of my aggressiveness, and He’s laid hold of my strength, and He’s using it for righteousness. That’s what He’s done to me and these other people that I’ve spoken to.


So man can have all these qualities -- zeal, intensity, ferociousness, violence -- and if the carnal mind is wielding them, if Satan’s expressing himself through these qualities, they’re going to bring destruction into your life. When Christ is expressing Himself through these qualities, they’re going to bring life to you and to anyone that you minister to or that you come in contact with.


So I’ll read that again, Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:8. “And their spirits were in submission to Jesus Christ, and they had hair as the hair of women, and their spirits were in submission to Jesus Christ, and he was overlaying Satan in their unconscious mind and expressing himself through their soul as an intensely aggressive moral strength, capable of withstanding danger, fear or difficulty.” I hope I explained that. It’s very exciting. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Verse 9, “And they had breastplates, as it were, breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.”


And they had breastplates. Breastplate is Strong’s 2382, and it means the breast or the part of the body from the neck to the navel, where the ribs end, a breastplate or corselet consisting of two parts and protecting the body on both sides, the one part going in the front and the other part going in the back, mostly liked tied together on the shoulders. Glory to God, so, as it were, breastplates of iron. Now, iron -- I don’t have a message number for you, but I know we’ve talked about it. Iron is a metal that is found buried in the earth. It’s very strong. We know that Jesus will be ruling with a rod of iron, so it typifies spiritual strength that comes from deep within the earth. And we know that there’s spiritual strength that comes into a spirit form. The spiritual strength that comes forth from the Father, God Almighty, is a spiritual strength in pure spirit form, but we know that God wants to manifest in the Earth, and iron is spiritual strength coming forth from the heart of the earth of men’s soul. Glory to God.


So this breastplate, this protection, this armor that is really covering the heart area, it’s covering the area where all of the vital organs are. We know that we can lose an arm or a leg and live. OK, we can’t lose our head and live, but unless -- well, if you’re in battle, you’re much more likely to get an arrow in your body than in your head because your body is broader, and it’s a greater target. So this armor is protecting all of the vital organs, and particularly the heart or the soul.


So there was a breastplate, a spiritual strength made of iron, a spiritual strength that came forth from the soul realm, from the soul realm. And, brethren, in case you’re not aware of it, men are being devastated in their soul realms today. They are weak, they are on drugs, they are drinking, they are eating compulsively, they are sexually promiscuous. Why? Because of a weakness in their soul, but there’s a strength that’s going to come forth from underneath the earth of our soul, and that strength is coming because Jesus is joining Himself to us and permitting us to live out of His soul life. Glory to God.


You know, I always used -- when I used to hear this preached, you know, what it really sounds like to the carnal mind is that Jesus is coming, and He’s going to join Himself to our soul, and our soul is going to be as it was, but Jesus is going to make us strong. Well, that’s not really true, and we’ve been teaching that here. He’s going to come to us and swallow up our soul totally, and we’re going to be living out of His soul. We’re going to be living out of His soul. Glory to God.


“And they had breastplates, as it were, breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.”


And this word sound is Strong’s 5456, and it means disclosure. It doesn’t have to mean language. It can mean speech or language, but it means the idea of disclosure. If there’s something that I know that I want you to know, it doesn’t matter whether I tell you in words -- or according to this Greek word, I could tell you in words, I could write it on a piece of paper, or I could use mind communication. The fact that I have imparted a thought to you is described by this Greek word as a sound, and it’s through the idea of disclosure. It could be from a beast, from an animal or artificial. It could be an address for any purpose: speech, discourse, saying or language.


And the phrase is, “And the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots.” And the sound of their wings -- we did a study on the word wings on message 38, part 9, and we found out that the wings could mean the four corners of the earth or the edges of the earth, and in studying Ezekiel’s cherubim, the new creation man, we determined, by going into the Hebrew and in Webster’s, that the wings typified the outer realm or the exterior of the spiritual being or the spiritual life as it appeared in the realm of appearance. And as we’ve been teaching here, spiritual life is measured not from head to toe, but from the deepest depths of our spiritual being outward to our body, our body being the outer realm, the ends of the earth or the realm of appearance.


So these wings are the realm of appearance. They’re the ends of the earth of a spiritual life. Glory to God. And the sound of their wings, the sounds of these spiritual men in the realm of appearance, the disclosure that these spiritual beings in the realm of appearance was making was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And I remind you, we’ve established on many messages that chariots typify the human soul: the horse typifying the human body, the chariot, the soul, and the rider of the chariot, the spiritual life that’s ruling. God Almighty is sitting in our soul, and our souls are sitting in our body. That’s the makeup of the spiritual son of God. Hallelujah.


And the soun- -- and they sounded like -- the sound of soul, of the soul of many horses. They sounded like the souls of many bodies running to battle. Glory to God. And the word run, running, it’s Strong’s 5143. It merely means to run or walk hastily, and the word battle means warfare. And I just have a Scripture for you, reminding you of what the battle is all about. Does anybody know what the battle is all about? What battle are we going to? Anybody know?




Anybody want to take a guess?




Yeah, what battle are we running to, as we’re perfected?




Yeah, it’s the battle for the souls of men, amen, for our souls and for the souls of other men. When Christ is righting us, when we have been brought into submission to Him, and He’s leading us into battle, He’s leading us to the battle that’s going to obtain the souls of the balance of men.




Yes, that’s true. Revelation 16:14, “For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world,” and the reason they’re going forth is to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty, and that great day, brethren, is the spiritual time period in which the light of God shall be revealed to all men, and every last man on the face of the earth shall be bending his knee and saying, the Lord, He is God. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:9. “And they had spiritual strength deep within their souls, and the preaching of these spiritual men in the realm of appearance sounded like the souls of many spiritually prepared, domesticated animals running into battle.”


So, when this gospel of the kingdom starts coming forth in strength, brethren, they’re going to sound like the souls of many spiritually prepared, domesticated animals running into battle. Spiritual battle, brethren, is with the mouth. The realm of the spirit, the life of the spirit, is accomplished with -- but with the spoken word, and this warfare shall not be waged with our hands. It shall be waged with our mouth that is being propelled by the Spirit of Almighty God.


I remember, you know, when I used to be a legal secretary, and for many years I typed on a typewriter, and then all of a sudden, computers came in, word processing, and we had to transfer over from typing all our legal documents, from typewriters to word processing, and it was really confusing because you have to -- well, for those of you, I’ll just tell you. Assuming you don’t know what a typewriter’s like, you would type to the end of a line, and if you had a manual typewriter, you had to reach up and push the carriage back. If you had an electric typewriter, you had to -- when you came to the end of the line, a bell would ring, and you’d have to press a button so that the carriage returned to the left margin again.


Well, when you work on a computer, you don’t have to do that. It’s called a wraparound function, and when you get to the end of a line, there’s no bell, and the line automatically returns to the left margin. It does it all automatically. And I was really disoriented when I had to go from typewriter to computer, and then when you have to -- when you had a typewriter, you had to type on one page and watch for the bottom of the page, and when you were on the last line, you had to take it out and put a new piece of paper in. And with the computer, you don’t do that. You just keep typing, and when you’ve finished your document, you have to program it to pr- -- you have to program the computer to print on a machine that you’re not even sitting there.


So you’re really working with two machines instead of one, and it was very disorienting, and there were women in this field that could not make the transition, older women in their 50s and 60s that were still legal secretaries that could not learn this co- -- they were very bright women, but they had been working on typewriters for so long, they just couldn’t make the switch. I know one woman retired, and another woman just went into another field. She couldn’t deal with the computers.


So what I’m telling you is that we’re going to have to make this switch, from doing things with our hands, from doing things in the natural to speaking the warfare, and that’s a very hard thing to do. And I’ve seen believers -- I’ve seen -- I’ve seen believers in a deliverance church. One woman had submitted herself with deliverance, and a woman came over and pulled her hair to get that demon out. You don’t get demons out by pulling people’s hair. Now I had submitted for deliverance once, and a man was praying for me and was frustrated that the demon wasn’t coming out. He hit me on the back. I happened to be a very slight woman; he was a very husky man. I thought he was going to break my shoulder. And I’m told by some people that have gone to foreign countries and ministered deliverance over there, and they’ve seen the ministers from that country pulling hair -- Isn’t that correct? Didn’t you tell me that? -- hitting them and pulling hair, and they think that’s going to get the demon out.


No, no, no. Spiritual authority comes with the spoken word. So you see, church, we have to make this transition from using our hands and our carnal mind to using the spoken word under the authority of God. So we have a lot to learn, brethren. But when we learn it, we’re going to sound like the souls of many spiritually prepared, domesticated animals running into battle with our mouth. We’re going to not get up off the chair, possibly, or get up off the ground. It’s with your mouth, brethren.


Verse 10, “And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there was stings in their tails, and their power was to hurt men five months.” Glory to God.


“And they had tails like unto scorpions.” Webster says that the word tail is the rear end of the body of an animal, the back, the last, the lower or inferior part of something, the reverse of a coin, the inferior or lower part of something. Brethren, I declare to you that the tail is the inferior part of the spiritual man. Does anyone want to take a guess at what the inferior part of the spiritual man is?


            The body?


The body or the soul, the body or the soul. I thought it was the body when I first started this, but I’ve de- -- I think what the Scripture is saying, that the body is just a slave, and in these Scriptures, God is talking about the soul. He’s talking soul, spirit, and the soul is the inferior part to the spirit. The body just does whatever the ruling spirit tells it to do. This is what I believe the Lord’s telling me.


So the tail: it’s the last, the lower, the inferior part of the spirit, and it’s also the reverse of a coin. The soul realm is the exact mirror image, the reverse of the spiritual realm. So the tail is the soul of the spiritual man, and they had tails like unto scorpions. The sting -- what did I do? And they had tails like unto scorpions. OK, we know what scorpions are. We’ve talked about it, that their sting can kill a man, and it can bring him unto torment. And there were stings in their tails.


The word sting, Webster says, means to prick painfully, to piece or wound with a poisonous or irritating process, to affect with sharp, quick pain or smart, to smart. OK? And now, this is right out of Webster’s dictionary, and it says, “Hail stung their faces.” And we know that the sons of God are likened unto hail, and Webster says that hail stings. See, and we have it right here. And those -- Webster also says that the word sting means to cause to suffer acutely, to suffer remorse.


So the stinging is associated with the sons of God. Glory to God, a stinger, and then Webster had another word, stinger, and that means -- that is a sharp organ of offense and defense, such as a bee, a scorpion or a stingray, and it’s usually connected with a poison gland or otherwise adapted to wound -- stings are adapted to wound by piercing and inoculating a poisonous secretion. And I’m going to suggest to you, brethren, that the sons of God are equipped with stingers. They are equipped with spiritual -- a spiritual ability to pierce what? To pierce what? To pierce the mind, the carnal mind, of men. They have spiritual stingers that are weapons of offense, that can pierce the carnal minds of men, and whereas a scorpion inflicts -- pierces and inoculates a poisonous secretion, I declare to you that the stingers of the sons of God shall inoculate these sin-filled men with the righteousness of Almighty God.


They are going to -- we are going to be deadly animals with stingers, and we are going to minister death to the realm of death. And if you remember the teaching on the second death, brethren, when death is destroyed, righteousness shall prevail. Yes, the sons of God are killers, and they’re filled with poison. That’s under the auspices of Almighty God. It’s poison, all right, to the people living in this realm of death. The righteousness of God, the mind of God, is poison to the carnal thinking of men.


Oh, Jesus, this is so glorious, and the whole church world has made these locusts out to be some demon monsters. They’re not. They’re manifestations of God in the earth, and they are anathema to men. Men shall hate them. They shall be repulsed by them. They shall perceive them to be manifesting witchcraft and mind control and every form of evil, but the true [AUDIO CUTS OUT] from homosexuality.


In my opinion, their presentation was perfect. They never at any time manifested any spirit other than the spirit of God, of love, of mercy, of understanding, but there was also present a spirit of righteousness, and Donohue and that audience was going crazy. They were going crazy. Donohue stood up in the full strength of his carnal mind and told those Christians that it’s their interpretation that homosexuality is not of God, and they were very gentle, these Christians. They said, it doesn’t please God. They didn’t even call it sin. They said, it doesn’t please God. And Donohue stood up. That spirit in him stood up and took those Christians on and said, “You can’t tell me homosexuality doesn’t please God.” Of course, I’m exaggerating. He didn’t say it, but spiritually, that’s what he said. And he -- well, they didn’t back down. The Christians didn’t back down, but I’ll tell you, brethren, it was a standoff. I’ll tell you that those Christians had not yet been equipped with the stingers of the son of God because they did not penetrate the mind of Donohue. He stood against them in full battle array, and they didn’t touch him. They’re not fully developed yet.


And the audience wasn’t any better, and there was one woman who stood up and said that she was a Unitarian, and she was so offended by these people that she felt that she couldn’t even sit in their presence without being utterly condemned. And she was not a homosexual. She was utterly manifesting. The Holy Spirit was convicting her, and she perceived it to be these people. She perceived it to be evil coming from these Christians, and God has shown me, over these last few months, that as we continue to manifest the righteousness of Christ, and when we speak righteousness to people who have evil in their hearts, they are going to perceive their evil. It’s going to be like looking in a mirror. They’re going to see that evil, but they’re going to think it’s going to be us.


We’re going to be a mirror to them, and they’re going to see everything they’ve got: witchcraft, Jezebel, mind control. They’re going to call it exactly what it is, but they’re going to think that it’s in us. But when the day comes, brethren, that we mature to the point that our stingers appear, we shall be able to penetrate their defenses and their carnal minds, and we shall inoculate them with what is poisonous unto the death of their carnal minds. And they shall receive the mind of Christ and righteousness and be delivered out of the realm of death against their own will.


I rebuke you, you spirits, that say God will not save a man against his own will. All you preachers out there, preaching that lie, I rebuke you, and I adjure you to preach the gospel of God or step down out of the pulpit. Hallelujah.


And 1 Corinthians 15:56 says, “The sting of death is sin.” Therefore, I suggest to you, the sting of life must be righteousness. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:10. “And they had souls that pierced men’s souls like scorpions pierce men’s bodies, and there were sharp organs of offense in their bod- -- in their souls, which could pierce through men’s souls and impart the righteousness of God to them, and they had authority to execute the ministry which would bring men’s souls into submission to Christ for the time period during which the Spirit of God was confronting the souls of men.”


And I remind you that we did that five months on last Wednesday’s message, and we determined that five means ministry, and month is the time -- the spiritual time period where we know a month is the time period -- is one revolution of the moon around the sun, so the spiritual month is the time period during which the moon is interacting with or con- -- being confronted by the Spirit of God, receiving its ministry, and the number five means ministry.


I’ll read it again. “And they had souls that pierced men’s souls like scorpions pierce men’s bodies, and there was sharp organs of offense in their souls, which could pierce through men’s souls and impart the righteousness of God to them, and they had authority to execute the ministry which would bring men’s souls into submission to Christ for the time period during which the Spirit of God was confronting the souls of men.”


Verse 11, “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Appollion.” A king, I remind you, is a foundation of power. It’s a ruling force. If you want to review it, it’s on message 31, part 6. And this word, over, they had a king over them -- it’s Strong’s 1909, and this word means to superimpose. It doesn’t mean to have someone over you that one should be higher, and the other should be lower. The word superimpose means to lay on top, to literally overlay. Glory to God.


So this king was overlaying them, and we know that the soul of Jesus Christ is going to overlay the souls of -- the Adamic souls of men. “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit.” I remind you that an angel is a spiritual man. It’s the spiritual aspect. It’s man, a spiritual man, without his body. It’s referring to the spiritual man. It’s distinguishing between a natural man and a spiritual man. The Scripture calls it an angel.


The bottomless pit, on the last few messages, we’ve established is the living soul. And Abaddon, in the Greek, means destroyer. In the Hebrew, it’s No. 11. And we have message 42, part 8, establishing that God Almighty is the destroyer and in fact declares himself to be a destroyer. He says, “I form the light, and I create evil.” And then he tells us in other Scriptures that He has purpose to do evil against men and to destroy them, and we have all the Scriptures for you on that, if you want to review it, message 42, part 8.


And God is a destroyer to you until you cease from your rebellious ways and come into submission to Him. He will destroy you unto death. He will kill your body, if necessary, rather than that you should enter into the kingdom maimed. Better you should yiel- -- lose an eye or a hand than enter into the kingdom maimed. That’s what Jesus said, and He will pursue you with judgment unto the death of your body, if you will not repent. He will not permit you into the kingdom with rebellion or any other evil work in your heart.


That’s message 42, part 8, to review the Scriptures which establish that God is a destroyer. And Appollion is 623, also means destroyer, and it’s from -- it just means destroyer.


And I asked the Lord why He put that -- the name destroyer in twice, and what He told me is that He is the destroyer in the Old Testament, and He’s also the destroyer in the New Covenant. He was the destroyer to the Hebrews -- the Old Covenant was to the Hebrews -- and He is also the destroyer to the Greeks. He’s the destroyer to the New Covenant, to the Israel of God.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:11. “And the sons of God had a king over them and the spirit that rules the living soul, whose name in the Old Covenant Hebrew writings that are directed towards the Hebrew, is Abaddon, the destroyer. But in the New Covenant Greek writings, when He’s revealing Himself to the balance of the world or the living soul, He’s called Appollion. He’s a destroyer under the Old Covenant, and He is also the destroyer under the New Covenant.” Glory to God.


Verse 12. “One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.”


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:12. “One experience of grief and suffering is over, and look, there are two more experiences of grief and mourning coming, after the first one, to the members of the living soul that have not yet yielded their minds to Christ.” Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Recap, Revelation 9:7-12, “And the true nature of the spiritual beings which were devouring the souls of men was that they were domesticated animals, spiritually prepared to accompany God into battle, and their minds were woven together with the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ. And in the realm of appearance, they looked like men, and their spirits were in submission to Jesus Christ, and He was overlaying Satan in their unconscious mind and expressing Himself through their souls as an intensely aggressive moral strength, capable of withstanding danger, fear or difficulty. And they had spiritual strength deep within their souls, and the preaching of these spiritual men in the realm of appearance sounded like the souls of many spiritually prepared, domesticated animals running into battle. And they had souls that pierced men’s souls like scorpions pierce men’s bodies, and there were sharp organs of offense in their souls, which could pierce through men’s souls and impart the righteousness of God to them. And they had authority to execute the ministry which would bring men’s souls into submission to Christ for the time period during which the Spirit of God was confronting the souls of men. And the sons of God had a king over them, the spirit that rules the living soul, whose name in the Old Covenant Hebrew writings is Abaddon, but in the New Covenant Greek writings, He’s called Appollion. One experience of grief and suffering is over, and look, there are two more experiences of grief and mourning coming after the first one.”


Glory to God. Any questions today, anybody?


I wanted to know is, after the foe -- the first wo- -- woe, will some of the men submit, and then they’ll, you know, they’ll do what God wants them, and then the rest will come in the second woe, and then some more will come the third bowl -- woe. That’s it.


Well, I haven’t really studied this out completely, but I don’t think so. I think we’re falling into the category of wormwood here, and the -- these last, these three woes, which are the last three trumpets, if you don’t receive the Spirit of God by the time the first woe starts, I don’t think you can get out. You’re going to experience all three woes. There’s not going to be any repentance. You’re going to have to go through the whole thing. Glory to God.


4/08/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

4/09/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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