045 - Part 3
(Revelation 8)

Part 3 of 3 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We're in the 8th chapter of the book of Revelation, and I've had to do a lot of meditating on this chapter to hear from the Lord as to what his intention is in these Scriptures. And just in the event there's anybody listening to these messages that aren't studying regularly with the ministry, I remind you that man's interpretation of these Scriptures is very unimportant. We want to know what God meant when he gave these impressions to John. I really don't care what any great evangelist thinks that these Scriptures mean unless he's speaking under the anointing of God. I want to know what God meant when he gave us these Scriptures because we know that this whole book of Revelation is the account of the salvation of the living soul. And it is God's intention to raise up the entire living soul back up to the realm of the spirit. OK.


I have two corrections for you from last Wednesday's message. Now, the first correction is very interesting. This is the first time this ever happened to me. You may recall, and you may hear it on the message, when you review it, that I started to read to you an Alternate Translation that I had prepared in the 5th 6th of the 7th verse. You may recall we took the 7th ber- -- verse of the 8th chapter and broke it down into six parts so that we could study it and understand it. And when I started to read you that Alternate Translation of the 5th 6th, I said, oh, look at that. I made a mistake. And the Lord corrected me. Thank you, Jesus, for correcting me. And I changed that Alternate Translation. Something spiritual happened to me. It was like a blinder went over mind, and I thought it was the Lord Jesus Christ. And when I went back into my notes to try to -- to correct my notes, I realized that the change that I made was wrong and that it was not the spirit of God that had come upon me to change my -- to change what I was preaching to you but that it was Satan in my own mind that had blinded me from preaching to you his doom because the phrase that was changed was preaching the doom of Satan.


And as I continue to meditate on this, and I was discussing it with another believer, the Lord revealed to us what's -- one of the things that's going on in the Earth today. Now, we know that there are a lot of preachers preaching the kingdom message. There are a lot of preachers out there preaching reconciliation. And one of the things that's offensive to me and to, I think, almost everybody that could partake of the ministry that God has given to me for you is that these kingdom and reconciliation preachers will not talk about the trials or the burdens that are involved in this walk. They just talk about the promises. They talk about the glorious promises of the kingdom, but they don't tell you about the severe trials that we'll be going through. And if they don't tell you about them, it makes it that much harder for you to deal with them. I believe that we have to talk about them and talk about the attacks that are going to come against us, talk about the witchcraft, talk about everything so that when it comes against us, we can deal with it.


And this has been frustrating me for several years, but I never really understood why these preachers were giving half a message. I figured, well, that was just what the Lord had given them, and that was all there was to it. But God has shown me that Satan is very subtle. And he knows that the hour is at hand for the message of the kingdom to be in the Earth. And he has really, pretty much, stopped trying to fight that. He will rise up in some traditional preachers and say that the kingdom message is not of God, but he knows that the message of the kingdom is in the Earth. And he knows that the message of reconciliation is in the Earth. But the message of the slaughter of the soul, the message of the judgment of the church is not being preached. And God showed me that these very fine preachers that are preaching the kingdom and reconciliation, they are -- it's not necessarily God's will that they just preach what I call half a message, but they're being blinded. Well, I guess, God's will prevails over all. God is permitting it, OK. But what's really happening to them is that Satan in their own mind is preventing them from preaching about the destruction of Satan. They're preaching about the promises of God, but they're not preaching the destruction of Satan.


And the Lord showed me that when the destruction of Satan is preached under the anointing, something happens in the realm of the spirit. It's not just that the people here are hearing it and that I'm hearing, but when I sit here on a Sunday morning or on any morning and I preach the destruction of Satan under the anointing, something is happening in the realm of the spirit, and Satan is going to fight with everything he's got, everything he has, to stop any preacher from preaching the destruction of Satan. He likes it when they say he's harmless. He likes it when they ignore him. Everything's fine. But he does not want it preached into the realm of the spirit that he is going to be destroyed, and his destruction shall take the form of his being utterly overtaken by the spirit of God to the uttermost extent whereby Satan himself shall stand up and praise almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ.


Satan, in your own mind, is going to stand up and praise the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the uttermost to which our souls shall be saved, that every aspect of it, including Satan, shall be praising God. And if you want to review this, it first appeared in the Scripture, to the best of my knowledge, in chapter 5 of the book of Revelation in verse 13. And if you want to review that,  it's on is message 39, part 4.


And I'm going to stop right here. I'm going to ask somebody to pray for me. I am -- I have been under such an attack this last week. I'm having trouble speaking. I literally have pain in my throat. It's not a sore throat pain. It's a pressure. I had this once before about six months ago, and it turned out to be a spirit of witchcraft [INAUDIBLE]. Satan just does not want me to preach this message.


So this is one of the primary messages coming forth from this ministry in this hour. Satan is not just going to go away. He's going to be reconciled unto God. He is going to come into the position that he was ordained to hold from the beginning of the foundations of the Earth. He's going to be the spiritual skeleton. He's going to give the creation form, and he too shall be singing praises unto God. This wild, venomous beast is going to be so reformed that he will be singing praises unto God. Hallelujah. OK.


So the phrase that was changed against my -- well, I was deceived. I wouldn't say that I couldn’t have resisted it if I didn't want to, but I thought it was Jesus Christ changing my mind, and it was Satan in my own mind. That is in the 5th 6th of the 7th verse of the 8th chapter of Revelation. And it should read, and when the Sons of God appeared in the realm of appearance, Satan, in their unconscious mind, was consumed and rendered harmless. Glory to God. Glory to God. And that was a translation of [INAUDIBLE] third part of the trees was burnt up. OK.


Now, I also told you, at the last meeting, that I had taught you, originally, that the first angel and the second angel and the third angel was typifying the first members of the first fruits company that would come forth and preach and that the Lord had corrected me on that. And he was -- I don't know if I told you this last week or not, but I'll tell it to you now because I just -- a little confusion just came upon me. The first, second, third, fourth angels, et cetera, does not mean the first members of the first fruits company that are coming forth to preach. The Lord has revealed to me that he emphasized, largely, the third part of the trees, the third part of the living soul. That was what I told you last week, and he showed me that the third part was referring to Satan. Adam being the first to appear, Eve being the second to appear, and Satan being the third to appear in the Scripture. So when he talks about the third part, he's talking about the Satanic realm in the mind.


And when he talks about the first, second, third, fourth angels, I believe, that the Lord has revealed to me he is not talking about the first members of the first fruits company coming forth, but the first angel typifying the first part of our spiritual being which was -- which is Adam, and the second angel typifying the second part of our spiritual being to appear, which is Eve. The third part being Satan. And when we get to the fourth angel, we'll see. I haven't studied that yet, but it appears to typify the entire living soul. And the fifth and sixth and seventh angels appears, and I just glanced through it, to be dealing with the spiritual components of the balance of the living soul.


Now, if you remember, when we started with chapter 8, we're talking about the first fruits company, so we're talking about the spirit, the soul and the Satan realm of the first fruits company. Then the fourth angel is the whole living soul. And then the fifth angel appears to me, at this point, to be talking about one of the elements of the spiritual makeup of the balance of the living soul. Did I confuse you? Did anybody have a question on that now? This is very, very difficult, this chapter 8. I've spent hours meditating on it. It is very hard and as I told you, I don't think it's on the message, a lot of these -- or not -- a lot of the translations or the interpretations that I have for you in these next few verses, you're going to have to really get it by the spirit. You're going to have to pray about because there's no way you could get this understanding but by the spirit. God gave it to me as I meditated for hours on the word of God. OK.


So we'll continue. Glory to God. Hallelujah. OK. Let me just give you an overview here. OK. Let me read you my notes. The expressions the first angel, the second angel, et cetera, does not refer to the first members of the first fruits company starting to preach but appears to be referring, starting with verse 7, to the soul realm in the first fruits company. When the soul realm in the first fruits company begins to preach. And the result of that, the result of the soul realm in the first fruits company beginning to preach, results in the manifestation of the Sons of God in the Earth. In other words, when they preach from their soul, it raises themselves up. We're doing that here right now. We're preaching the message of the Sons of God, but apparently I'm preaching from my soul because God hasn't sent me to the world yet. So apparently I'm preaching from my soul, and the result of it is that the Sons of God are being raised up.


The second angel refers to the Sons of God company preaching from their spirit. That's in verses 8 and 9, and how that effects the remainder of the living soul. When we start preaching this message from our spirit, brethren, it's going to have an effect on the remainder of the living soul. My preaching is just to the church right now. Can you hear what I'm saying? I'm not affecting the world, so I must be preaching from my soul. But when God -- when Jesus Christ increases in me to the point, and to you when it happens to you, that we start preaching from our spirit, when that happens, our preaching is going to be affecting [UNINTELLIGIBLE] non-believers. OK. That's what this is saying. Glory to God.


And the third angel refers to the Satanic realm in the Sons of God, and that's in verses 10 and 11. When our Satanic realm is so pacified that it too starts preaching the message of salvation to all men, OK, that is going to affect what we call the church today, the men in whom the Holy Spirit are dwelling today that think they've got it made, that think they're OK because they have the Holy Spirit and they speak in tongues or they heal the sick and they cast out demons. The judgment of the church, as we know it today, is going to start when we are so raised up in Christ that our Satanic realm starts preaching this message of the slaughter of the soul, OK, and the salvation of the entire living soul. When we are so converted -- we're in the process of being converted now, and when that conversion has start- -- starts to touch our Satanic realm, the people that our preaching is going to affect is the church world. And we know that we're not affecting the church world now. They're opposing us. They're against us. They're at war with us, and they seem, to me, to be incapable of understanding this message that's coming cro- -- across.


But the Lord is telling us in verses 10 and 11 that when we become converted to the point that the Satanic realm in us is converted, we shall have the power to reach what we call the church world today, the men in whom the Holy Spirit is dwelling. And I remind you that for Satan to be preaching from within us, we shall have received holiness because Satan typifies our um, and that is the place from which all sin originates. So when Satan becomes pacified, we shall be holy. And so God tells me that this -- that when he sends -- before he sends us to the church world, we have to become holy. They're not going to receive us. They're not. They're fighting against us with everything that they've got. But when we have become holy by the indwelling spirit of Jesus Christ, we shall go to them. They still won't receive us. We're going to them with judgment. Glory to God. OK.


Recap Revelation chapter 8, verse 7. And when the first fruits company stood up in spiritual strength and began to announce, from their souls, the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God. The spirit which was ruling in the unconscious minds of the beginning company, even Satan was pressed down under the Christ, which was appearing in their completed spirits. Do you hear this? When the first fruits company starts preaching from their soul, what's going to happen is that Satan, in their own minds, is going to be pressed down under the Christ that is appearing in their own human spirits. OK. Glory to God.


And they were mixed -- this is the Sons of God now. And they were mixed with the soul life of Christ which abides in the fire of almighty God. So this is still ministry to the first fruits company. When the first fruits company is preaching out of the soul, the ministry is to the first fruits company, the result of which is that they're being raised up. And they appeared -- the first fruits company appeared in the realm of appearance, and Satan, in their unconscious mind, was consumed and rendered harmless. And that's the phrase that was blocked out of my mind on Wednesday night. I'm going to say it again. And Satan, in their unconscious mind, was consumed and rendered harmless. And the home of the demons, the place where the unclean spirit of man and every impure f- -- manifestation of spiritual life, which is a part of the whole, dwells -- that's the individual. Even the human soul was utterly consumed.


So then, the first fruits company starts preaching out of their soul. The first thing that's going to happen is that Satan, in their own mind, is going to be pressed down underfoot. Christ is going to be appearing in their human spirit pressing him down underfoot. Their souls are going to -- they're going to be mixed with the soul life of Jesus Christ. That's the transfer of souls. Satan shall be rendered utterly harmless, and their human souls shall be utterly consumed because their life shall have been transferred into the soul life of Christ. And that's where we are today, from what I can see, brethren. That's where we are today. OK.


Going on to verse 8, glory to God. And the second angel sounded, and it was a -- excuse me. And as it were, a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea, and the third part of the sea becla- -- became blood. And the second angel sounded -- we're talking about the pa- -- the spiritual part of the Sons of God that appeared second, and that is Eve. That is the human spirit. And I remind you, brethren, that in this hour, the human spirit is dwelling within the midst of Satan. She is married to Satan and has produced the carnal mind. Jesus Christ is in the process of separating the soul from the spirit and the bone from the marrow.


And I remind you that the way he's doing this, brethren, is that he is moving upon the human spirit which is the fertile parts of man. She's the part that brings forth offspring. She has brought Satan's offspring, the carnal mind, and the Holy Spirit is entering right into the human spirit while she's still married to Satan, and he's fertilizing her, and she's bringing forth Christ right in the midst of her marriage, her ungodly marriage, to Satan. And right in the midst of her ungodly offspring, the carnal mind. And when Jesus Christ stands up in full stature, he's going to break her free from Satan and destroy the carnal mind, get her free and marry her. Then he is going to utterly neutralize Satan and destroy the corrupt soul that permitted this to happen. Hallelujah. OK.


So we're dealing with the second angel sounded where we're talking about the human spirit. And when the Sons of God started preaching from their spirit -- that means that Christ has to be appearing in their spirit. And as it were, a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea. Now, this word great -- there are -- you may recall there are two Greek words that can mean great, and this is the word that means mega. It's Strong's 3173. You've heard of mega vitamins and mega doses. It's means super large. It's feminine. And everything, the living soul, even the Sons of God, in relationship to Christ, are feminine, brethren. So we're talking about a great mountain, and I declare to you, this is a mountain that's feminine.


And as I mentioned on last week's message, God has a mountain. It's Mt. Zion. And Isaiah 2, verses 2 to 3 says, and it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains. The Lord's mountain, the nation of God, is going to be higher than every other nation. It's going to be established on the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills. And does anybody remember what the hills are? Anybody remember the spiritual significance of the hills? Anybody? OK. Glory to God.


I remind you that our spiritual substance, our spiritual life, is not measure from the top of our head to the bottom of our toes, but our spiritual life is measured from our innermost being, which is where our spirit is, to our outermost being, which is the flesh that we dwell in. And we have teachings on this. I think it's message number 10. I didn't write it down. At -- that establish that the hills are the top of our spiritual being, which is our flesh. It's the outline of our body. And the mountains typify the spiritual power dwelling within us that permeates or vibrates out past our skin. There is spiritual life that exists outside, beyond our skin, brethren. The world calls it an aura. The world calls it an aura, but it's a spiritual reality, that the spiritual life dwelling underneath the skin vibrates out beyond your skin. And when that spiritual life is Jesus Christ, that is the armor that the Scripture is talking about. That is your defense. That is your [INAUDIBLE]. When Jesus Christ is dwelling in you in such strength that his spiritual life is permeating beyond your skin and defending you against every onslaught. Hallelujah.


So they're saying, and it shall come to pass on the last day that the mountain of the Lord's house, that's Zion, that's the Sons of God, that's the nation of God, shall be established in the top of the mountains, higher than all of the other nations, and shall be exalted above the hills. He's going to permeate your skin, brethren, and all of the nations shall flow unto it. So when Jesus Christ in us stand up in such maturity that he vibrates out past our skin, brethren, all of the nations, all of the peoples of the Earth are going to flow unto us. They're going to flow. They're going to respond to the spirit of God that's penetrating out from beyond your skin. Can you hear this? Can you hear this? It's going to have a magnetic effect on the nations of the Earth. Glory to God.


Verse 3. And many people shall go and say, come, ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, and he will teach us of his ways. And we will walk in his paths for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. Glory to God. Right now, those people that can discern the spirit of God in us are hating us and killing us, but the Lord is telling us that the day is coming when the spirit of Jesus Christ is permeating and penetrating out beyond the skins of his sons. There's a day coming that it's not going to be hated. But the nations of the Earth are going to say, come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and let them teach us his ways. And let us walk in his path because out of Zion shall go forth the law. And I remind you, brethren, that the law is spiritual. The law comes forth from the spirit. Jesus Christ is the law. He is the ultimate fulfillment of the law, and he shall proceed forth from the spirits of the Sons of God to whom the nations are being attracted.


So they're going to say -- let -- we're going to walk in his path, and we're going to learn his ways. Why? Because the law is going to be coming forth from the spirit of the Sons of God and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem, and Jerusalem is the -- typifies the redeemed soul that will be present in the Son of God. So the Sons of God shall be preaching a true word because their souls shall have been purged of sin, which is not really the case, OK. Their -- they shall have been transferred into the soul of Jesus Christ, and their sin-ridden soul should have been consumed. So you could say it either way, but technically speaking, they have been transferred into the soul of Christ, and they shall be preaching a pure word out of Jerusalem, the New Jerusalem, the Holy Jerusalem, the new soul that we're promised. It's the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ that we shall have been transferred into. And the law, the spiritual law of God, shall go forth from our spiritual beings. And, brethren, that means more than being able to tell people what's right and wrong. Because implicit in the law is judgment.


When the law shall come forth from the spirit of the Sons of God, when Christ shall have appeared in full stature in their spirit, they will be able to declare righteousness, right and wrong, to all men. And when this law, when this spirit, confronts unrighteousness, judgment shall fall. This is the perfected Son of God. Hallelujah. So the mountain burning with fire, I declare to you, is the holy mountain of God. Because if the mountain was a nation that was not pure, that was not righteous, it would not abide the fire. And I remind you again of the bush that Moses saw that burnt but was not consumed. There was a bush that was burning, but it was not consumed. It abode in the fire of almighty God. And the only we can abide in the fire of almighty God and not be consumed is to be without sin.


And I remind you of the Hebrew children that were thrown into the fire, and Jesus Christ joined them, giving them his righteousness. And not only were they not consumed by the fire, but not even the smell of smoke was upon them. Brethren, we shall abide in the fire of almighty God's spirit, and we shall not be consumed because our sin-ridden soul shall have been -- well, our sin-ridden soul shall be consumed, but our life substance, sprit, shall have been transferred into the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is without sin. And we shall abide in the fire of almighty God, and we shall not be consumed, and we shall be the mountain burning with fire that was cast into the sea. And I remind you that the sea typifies the living soul.


So what have we got here? Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 8:8. And when the human spirit of the first fruits company stood up in spiritual strength and began to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and others restoration to the spiritual realm of God. That's all the translation of the second angel sounded. When that happens, the members of the living soul began to be effected by what was happening to the first fruits company. Now, when the first fruits company is preaching out of their soul, the members of the living soul are not affected. They couldn't care less about us, brethren. What's happening now is that the members of the first fruits company are being raised up.


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] I can't tell you what it means to be preaching out of the spirit. The Lord hasn't explained it to me. But when we start preaching out of our spirit, when I start preaching out of my spirit, what I say is going to start affecting unsaved men. Glory to God. Right now, I'm just affecting those people that Jesus Christ has called to this ministry. Hallelujah. OK. OK.


So when the second angel sounded, the members of the living soul began to be effected -- affected by what was happening to the first fruits company. My spiritual change and your spiritual change in some day is going to start to affect the balance of the living soul, and some of you might know the principle of cause and effect. If you have a relationship between two people, a husband and a wife, a mother and a daughter, a son and a mother, and you have a relationship, health or unhealthy, when one person changes, the other -- the relationship must change. The relationship must change. Well, when Jesus Christ starts preaching out of the spirits of his first fruits company, the balance of the living soul must change, and that change shall be that they shall stop rejecting his word and start receiving it. That's the change. Because we shall be preaching with spiritual power when we start preaching out of our spirit. OK.


Going on with the second half of verse 8 of chapter 8 of the book of Revelation. And the third part of the sea became blood. Now, this word became, it's Strong's 1096, and it implies if you become something that you're going to become something different than what you presently are. If I was a secretary and I became a preacher, I'm no longer a secretary. Now I'm a preacher. So to become means to change. Glory to God.


Now, this is -- I'm going to try and impart this to you. I pray that God gives me the ability. This is -- you're going to have to really pray about this. Now, I remind you that the sea typifies the living soul. The third part refers to the Satanic realm. I hope I've already established that to you. And I remind you that our reproductive parts are trapped inside the -- are joined to Satan. Our reproductive parts, which is Eve, is joined to Satan. OK. So the third part of the sea became blood. What we're saying here is that the Satanic realm in our mind became blood. And I remind you, we dealt with this in chapter 6, verse 12 where we said and the moon became as blood. I'm sorry. I don't have the message number for you, but you should be able to look it up in your encyclopedic indexes. Or if you need it, I'll get it for you.


Verse 12 of chapter 6. The moon became blood. And we determined that what that meant was the moon typified the soul and that we -- that the soul received the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. That we the conclusion we drew. And I'm declaring to you that the third part of the sea or the third part of the living soul became the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Satanic realm in our minds became covered with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, how did that happen? The Lord Jesus Christ was begging to appear in the human spirit that was joined to the Satanic realm. Can you hear this? The third part of the sea, the Satanic realm, became covered with the spiritual life of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the way he did it was to stand up in the human spirit which was attached to the Satanic realm.


Alternate Translation, second half, Revelation chapter 8, verse 8. And the living soul of Jesus Christ, which was appearing in the human spirit, reached out to and fertilized the human spirits of the many members of the living soul, which were married to the Satanic realm in their minds. And Satan, in the minds of the many, was brought into submission to the emerging Christ which was birthed in them. And they became blood. They were converted into, they were covered over by, they were joined to the blood or the spiritual life of the Lord Jesus Christ, which was emerging forth and appearing in the human spirit which was joined to the Satanic realm.


I'll read it to you again. And the spiritual life of Jesus Christ reached out to, from the Sons of God. He reached out to and fertilized the human spirits of the many members of the living soul, which were married to or joined to the Satanic realm in their minds. And Satan, in the minds of the many, was brought into submission to the emerging Christ which was birthed in them. And the third part, the Satanic realm of the sea of the living soul, became the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 8:8. And when the human spirits of the first fruits company stood up in spiritual strength and began to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God, the members of the living soul were affected by what was happening to the first fruits company. And the way they were affected was that the soul life in the first fruits company, the spiritual life of Jesus Christ in the first fruits company, reached out to -- how? By preaching. And fertilized the human spirits of the many members of the living soul which were married to the Satanic realm in their mind. And Satan in the minds of the many was brought into submission to the emerging Christ which was birthed in the many.


Jesus is going right in where all the demons dwell, by his Holy Spirit, and he's fertilizing [?even?Eve?]. Brethren, this is another example of what is legal for God is not legal for man, because if you can hear what I'm saying, I'm telling you that the Lord Jesus Christ is committing adultery. Can you hear this? Eve is married to Satan. She's producing his offspring. She's not yet divorced, and the Lord Jesus Christ is entering right into her and fertilizing her. He's having sex with a married woman, and he's not producing a demon. He's producing Christ. And when Christ comes forth from the harlot, he shall stand up and separate her from her husband, hide his li- -- her life in him, transfer her into his spiritual life, make her his and utterly pacify the wild beast that she's been married to. Can you hear this? God can do it. We can't. Heavy, huh, the truth?


Verse 9. And the third part of the creatures, which were in the sea and had life, died. And the third part of the ships were destroyed. Now, I remind you again, the third part is referring to the Satanic realm. And we're talking about the third part of the creatures. The word creatures is 2938, and it merely means the thing created. Mark 16:15 says, and he said unto them, go, ye, into all the worlds, and preach the gospel to every creature. And II Corinthians 5:17 says, therefore, if any man, being Christ, he is a new creature. And I declare to you that the creatures in the sea are the individual members of the living soul. That's you and that is me. Hallelujah. Glory to God. OK.


The third part of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, they died. Who's in the sea, brethren, that has life? Which members of the living soul have life, brethren? Glory to God. Which brether- -- which members of the living soul have life? Only those that have the son, brethren, on those that have the son. There's no life in the Holy Spirit, and there's no life in any other name but the name of Jesus, not his Holy Spirit but the Son. And life is in those who have birthed the Son. Glory to God.


So what is the Scripture saying? And the third part of the creatures, the Satanic realm of the creatures, which were in the sea, but had birthed the Christ, they died. Let's find out what the Lord is talking about.


I'll give you an Alternate Translation, and then we'll go back to it. And Christ stood up in full stature in those members of the living soul whose human spirit had already birthed Christ. And he slew their Adamic soul, and they died to their soul life. I declare to you, brethren, that there are people in this Earth today that have Christ in their heart, not the Holy Spirit, but they have the spirit of Jesus Christ birthed in their heart. And I remind you, brethren, they don't have to be in the church. We did a whole message on Paul preaching that some men are a law unto themselves. Some people have birthed the Son. I don't know how. I don't understand it, but it's in their heart. They're a law unto themselves. And of course, there are some people in the church world that have birthed the Son that are not hearing this message now, that are not in the first fruits company. And when the first fruits company goes out and starts preaching out of their spirit, which is an increased spiritual authority, and their words come in contact with men that have the Son, that Son is going to stand up in full stature.


See, the people that don't have any part of Christ are going to birth Christ. The people that have already birthed Christ, they're going to -- it's going to be the double portion, and he's going to stand up in full stature. And what is he going to do when he stands up in full stature? He's going to slay your soul. He's going to get our spiritual substance away from Satan, transfer it into his soul, and he's going to kill our sin-ridden soul, which is the source of our dying.


And Christ stood up -- well, let me read the Scripture, [?all right?]. And the third part of the creatures, which were in the sea and had life, died. And Christ stood up in full stature in those members of the living soul whose human spirit had already birthed Christ. And he slew their Adamic soul, and they died to their soul life. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


I Peter 2:24. Who his own self, speaking about Jesus, bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. Who by his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness. And they died, brethren, unto their sins. And the third part of the creatures which were in sea that had Christ died to their sins that they might live unto righteousness. And Christ stood up in full stature in those members of the living soul whose human spirit had already birthed Christ, and he slew their Adamic soul, and they died to their soul life. Glory to God.


Continuing with -- we are still in verse 9 of chapter 8 of the book of Revelation, second part. And the third part of the ships were destroyed. Now, this word ships is Strong's 4142, and it means through their idea of plunging through water. Now, I told you on Wednesday that the ships referred to the human souls, which are the vessels in which our spiritual life travels. The spirit sits in the soul, and the soul sits in the body. But the Lord showed me that it can also mean the power by which we exist in the soul realm. Ships from the idea of plunging through water, and to plunge or move through water implies power. And the power by which we exist in this realm of death is by Satan. If we did not have a spirit, we could not exist here. And if you don't have Christ -- if Christ is not your life-giving source, Satan is the source of your existence. Hallelujah.


And of course Satan dwells in the soul, so I'm really just going a little deeper on top of what I said on Wednesday. Proverbs 31, verses 10 and 14 say, who can find a virtuous woman? She is like the merchants' ships. She brings her food from afar. So we see the Scripture referring to a virtuous woman as a ship, glory to God, carrying cargo. And we know that the human life in this Earth is a ship, and it carries the cargo of our human spirits. OK.


And the third part of the ships were destroyed. The word destroyed is Strong's 1311, and it means more than die. It means to change for the worse. To corrupt minds or morals, to consume of bodily vigor and strength. And I remind you of the teaching about the second death, that the first death was the death of innocence, and we fell down into the soul realm of sin corruption. And that the second death is the death of death. It is the death of sin. It is the death of corruption. And it shall result in the impartation of eternal life. And I'm going to suggest to you here that the ships that are being destroyed is the Satanic life that gives us existence in this realm of corruption. So when you kill or destroy corruption, when you utterly consume and destroy so that it can no longer be what it was, when you do that to corruption, what does it turn into? It turns into good, the same concept as the second death. It's the death of death. It's the death of corruption. It's the death of sin. OK.


Let me give you an Alternate Translation, and we'll talk about it some more. And the third part, the Satanic realm, of the ships -- were the -- destroyed. The ships being our being, the spiritual life that we are in this existence, and the Satanic realm of our spiritual beings was utterly changed. It was changed, and we're told that the human definition of that word is to go from good to bad, but I declare to you that the spiritual meaning in this Scripture is that Satan, which is the worst corruptible, immoral force in the Earth today, is -- who can be no worse, is going to be changed from bad to good.


And the third part of the ships were destroyed, and Satan, in the minds of the members of the living soul, which was al- -- which had already birthed Christ, was deprived of bodily vigor and strength, and his mind was changed from evil to good. And the second witness to this is the second death. And Satan, in the minds of the members of the living soul, the third part of the ships, but which had already birthed Christ because that's what we're talking about, he was deprived of bodily vigor and strength, and his mind was changed from evil to good.


I'll read you the Alternate Translation of the whole thing, verse 9, chapter 8, book of Revelation. And Christ stood up in full stature of those members of the living soul whose human spirit had already birthed Christ. And he slew their Adamic soul, and they died to their soul life. And Satan, in the mind of the members of the living soul which had already birthed Christ, was deprived of bodily vigor. OK. Their soul life was destroyed, and Satan himself was deprived of bodily vigor and strength, and his mind was changed from evil to good, the second witness for the second death. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Verse 10. And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaving, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters. And the third angel sounded, and I remind you that the third realm is the Satanic realm. And there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters. OK. The word fell means to fall down. It's Strong's 4098, and I'm just going to suggest to you that it's a descending from a higher spiritual realm to a lower spiritual realm.


Now, the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star. Previously, we established that stars are the truth of God or the Sons of God. And I suggest to you that a great star would be the corporate body, Christ Jesus. A great star, a mighty star, would be the corporate body, Christ Jesus. And the word lamp is Strong's 2985. It means a torch or a lamp, the flame of which is fed by oil. Not an electric lamp, it's this special kind of lamp, the flame of which is fed by oil.


Isaiah 62:1 says, for Zion's sake will I not hold my peace. And for Jerusalem's sake -- and I remind you that Zion is the realm of the spirit, and Jerusalem is the realm of the soul. For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as a brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. And I suggest to you that the Lord God is bringing forth righteousness in our spirit and salvation in our soul. And he will not rest, and he will not spare what? The judgments upon us until righteousness comes forth from our spirit and our conscience and until salvation appears in our soul.


And I remind you, for the purposes of this verse, that righteousness is likened unto the brightness which -- of a star, and that salvation is likened unto a lamp. And we're dealing with the phrase, and the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star or a great brightness. OK. The righteousness of God in men, hallelujah, in the spiritual realm. The man, Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, and he was burning as it were a lamp. He was burning with a soul that had been purified.


So the star that fell to the Earth, I declare to you, is the man, Christ Jesus, with a purified spirit. And, brethren, if you have been victimized by the teaching that your spirit is perfect, the minute you receive Jesus Christ, I suggest to you have bought a lie. And I ask you to pray about it. Nothing about you is perfect yet, brethren. I don't know one man outside of Jesus Christ, including myself, that has anything perfect in any area of his spiritual being at this -- in this hour.


And when your spirit is perfected -- and it will not be perfected until Christ stands up in spi- -- in full stature. The perfection of your spirit is when the spirit of Jesus Christ stands up in full stature. And when he does that, righteousness shall proceed forth as a burning light, which is the star. And the result of it shall be that he shall bring salvation to your soul so that your soul shall burn as a lamp.


So what do we got here? And the third angel sounded. When the Satanic realm in the Sons of God are so pacified that they start to preach the message of the salvation of the living soul, they shall -- the Sons of God company shall appear in the Earth as a burning star, righteousness burning forth in brightness for the spiritual realm of God, bringing salvation to the souls of the men that it touches. Now, what I'm going to suggest to you -- I don't know how --


Well, let me just read you my Alternate Translation. Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 8:10. And as Satan in the members of the first fruits company stood up in the spiritual strength of God and began to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God. OK. When that happens righteous -- now, that's the third angle. When that happens, righteousness proceeded forth from the realm of the spirit, which Satan had been swallowed up by. Righteousness proceeded forth from the realm of the spirit into which Satan had been swallowed up. And that righteousness was bringing salvation to the soul.


And as Satan in the members of the first fruits company stood up in spiritual strength, righteousness proceeded forth from the first fruits company, from the realm of the spirit into which Satan had been swallowed up. And that righteousness was bringing salvation to the entire living soul. Brethren, we shall not convert this world until we have become righteous. I declare to you, there is no way we are converting sinners when we too are sinners. Hallelujah.


When the Sons of God, when the first fruits company, pacifies their own Satanic realm, when they are saved to the uttermost point that their own Satanic mind is preaching the gospel of God, righteousness shall proceed forth from their minds, from their spirits, from their conscience, and it shall bring salvation to the entire living soul. Hallelujah.


And it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters. Now, when righteousness proceeds forth from the Sons of God, who is it going to? I remind you, when we preach this gospel from our soul, it's calling to everyone that's called to the first fruits company. The first fruits company is being raised up. When there are men in the Earth that are preaching this gospel of God from their soul, when they start preaching it from the spirit, the word is going forth to people in the world that are not members of the church.


And when they start preaching this gospel from their Satanic realm, when [UNINTELLIGIBLE] whole -- when their whole spiritual being is -- has been pacified and converted and purified, that's when they're going to the church, brethren. They're going to the people that have the Holy Spirit that think they're righteous now that are living with all these false doctrines, that are condemning the gospel of God, that are calling its preachers false prophets and false ministers and telling the people of the church to stay away from them and not believe it. Brethren, we're not going to the church until we stand up in righteousness, until every aspect of our spiritual being has been pacified by the spirit of God.


And then, God is sending us to his church, and this is what's going to happen to them, brethren. And the star, the righteousness of God that was bringing salvation to the living soul, it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains and waters. So let's find out what the rivers and the fountains and waters are. I'll give it to you before I establish it. I hope to convince you that the fountains of waters refer to the spiritual source of God in men, which to the best of my knowledge is the Holy Spirit, if you have the Holy Spirit, he is the fountain of waters. He is the source of spiritual life in your being, and the rivers refer to his manifestation in the individual men. OK.


The word rivers is Strong's 4215, and it merely means a stream or a river. Webster's says that a stream is a body of running water that flows in the Earth. I remember Jesus talked about rivers of living water that give eternal life. We're talking about spiritual water here. If you have the Holy Spirit in you, you have a river. It's a body of running water flowing in the Earth of your soul that's giving you life. Hallelujah. Or who's in -- I'm sorry. I don't want to confuse you because I said life is only in the Son. That river, that manifestation of the Holy Spirit, is potential life. He is giving you life, but you can lose him. Once he births the Son in you, when he fertilizes you and the Son comes forth, that is life. Yes, the Holy Spirit is life in seed form, but you've got to get that seed mixed with your seed, brethren. And you've got to produce the child that's going to save you in childbearing. Glory to God. OK.


And Webster says that a fountain is a spring of water issuing from the Earth, and it is a source. He says that a spring is a source of supply, a source of water issuing from the ground, an ultimate source of action or motion. And I'm suggesting to you that the fountains of waters is the Holy Spirit in man today and that the rivers is your particular manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the individual. So when the star that was burning with the righteousness of God that was bringing salvation to the living soul fell upon the third part of the rivers, it fell upon the Satanic realm of those that had the Holy Spirit, and it fell upon the fountains and waters, and it fell upon the Holy Spirit across the board. That's what it's saying. The star of righteousness that was bringing salvation to the whole living soul fell upon those vessels in whom the Holy Spirit was manifesting that were a part of this whole company in the Earth, that is described by the expression fountains and waters. I hope I made that clear. OK. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Revelation 8:10. And it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains and waters. And the righteousness of God descended upon the members of the living soul in which the Holy Spirit was living. And the righteousness of God descended, he fell down. Remember, the star fell down. It came down from the high realm of the spirit, the Sons of God, and the righteousness within them descended from the high realm of the spirit down to the realm of the soul. Because, brethren, if you have the Holy Spirit, he's dwelling in your soul realm. He's dwelling in your soul realm. To ascend to the high realms of the spirit, you need to be righteous, and the Holy Spirit shall not make you righteous, brethren. Only the Son shall make you righteous.


So the Sons of God came down from their high spiritual place to the people in the church world that had the form of life that was given by the Holy Spirit. It was a form of life that was a potential. It was a promise. It was really the promise of life, and the Sons of God descended down to these people. And what happened to them? Glory to God.


And the righteousness of God descended upon the members of the living soul in which the Holy Spirit was living.


Let me give you that whole Alternate Translation before we find out what happened to them. And I want you to know that when I was working on this message, brethren, I cried when I heard what's going to happen to them. Alternate Translation, Revelation 8, cha- -- verse 10. Chapter 8, verse 10. And as Satan in the members of the first fruits company stood up in the spiritual strength of God and began to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God -- OK, that's when the Satanic realm in the Sons of God stood up and were preaching. They were totally pacified. What happened? Righteousness proceeded forth from the realm of the spirit into which Satan had been swallowed up.


And I remin- -- if he -- if I didn't make this clear to you, I'm going to make -- try and make it clear to you now, that all of the spirits were joined, the human spirit, the Holy Spirit -- the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ, the Father, and Satan. Although, Satan's not named. We've been saying that in your completed spirit, it's four manifestations of the spirit, the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ and the Father. Satan is not named because he gives it form, but Satan, which is spirit, has been joined to the spiritual realm. He's been absorbed. He's been swallowed up by the Christ that has come forth in you. And that is typified by the hail.


If you go back to verse 7 of chapter 8, I mentioned this on a previous message. [INAUDIBLE] hail, it shows by the concentric layers covered by snow that Satan, which is spirit, has been joined to the spiritual realm of God in a position of submission. So Satan has been swallowed up into the spiritual realm, which is Christ, and righteousness proceeded forth out of the realm of the spirit, which Satan had been swallowed up into, and that righteousness was bringing salvation to the soul, to the whole living soul. And the righteousness of God descended upon the members of the living soul in which the Holy Spirit was living. And I declare to you, brethren, he is descending with judgment. Glory to God.


Verse 14. And the name of the star is called wormwood, and a third part of the waters became wormwood, and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter. I remind you that the fountains and waters is the Holy Spirit, the source of God in men that have not birthed the Christ, and those waters were made bitter. Let's find out what it means. The word wormwood -- I don't know if you knew this or not, but I was surprised to find out that it really is an English word. I thought it was just some symbolic word that was in the Scripture. It's Strong's 894, and Strong says that it means absinthe, which is a form of liqueur. OK. Webster says that wormwood is any of a genus of composite, woody herbs. It's an herb. An- -- a European plant yielding a bitter, slightly aromatic, dark green oil used in the liquor known as absinthe. And Webster says that absinthe is a green liqueur flavored with wormwood or a substitute, anise, and other aromatics. I guess it's like crème de menthe. It's a bitter herb. And in some alcoholic beverages, I really don't know what -- I haven't drank in so many years. But they bitters in. They put bitters in, so it's a bitter herb. Some people like it's [?light?] bitter taste. OK.


Now, bear with me a second. I got -- this next comment, I have it all marked up. And as I told you earlier, my computer wasn't letting me input data into it, so I'm going to have to read you this from my notes which are a mess. OK. Wormwood or bitterness symbolizes the change which takes place in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to men -- to the men that he is dwelling in, which makes those men unable to continue to partake of him. That is, because of unrepented sin, the Holy Spirit stops feeding them the word of God and starts to feed them bitter experiences. Can you hear that? Can you hear that? The Holy Spirit in men -- and I remind you, that the Holy Spirit has come to men with gifts. He's come to us with gifts to woo us unto Christ. And the ultimate purpose of the Holy Spirit is to bring us to the marriage. He has to fertilize our human spirit. Christ has to appear in us, and then Christ shall marry our soul.


And there are men in the church world today that have the Holy Spirit. They speak in tongues. They dance. They sing. They will pray for you. You can get healed. They've been recipients of healing themselves. And of all the miraculous gifts and blessings that God has sent to mankind saying, will you be my bride? And they've partaken of the gifts, and they have refused to consummate the marriage. They have refused to be fertilized by the Holy Spirit, and the way they have refused is that they've utterly rejected this message. They've rejected the gospel of God. They've -- and they have received fables and fantasies that have tickled their ears about being  [?king's kids?] and about the judgment being for the world and about the fact that they can get away with anything and say, I put it under the flood and that they're going to fly away to heaven without any pain.


And as a result of this attitude, as a result of the rejection of the true gospel of God that's in the Earth today, they have refused to be fertilized. And by refusing to be fertilized, they have refused the Son. And by refusing the Son, they have refused the marriage. And by refusing the marriage, they have refused the consummation of the marriage which will destroy our sin-ridden soul. So there's nothing left for them but judgment, brethren.


And we have the Scripture in Hebrews 12. It says if you've tasted of the good things of the word of God and the miracles of this world and you still continue to sin -- and we all sin, brethren. The only way we're going to stop sinning is to have Christ stand up in us. So if they were not permitting Christ to stand up in them, they're still sinning. There's nothing left for them but the judgment. And the gentle correction of the Holy Spirit, which is in our life now -- he comes to us. He whispers to us. He speaks to us in our sleep, or he speaks to us through another believer. And he says, brethren, you're a little -- he sends a prophet to you. He says, you're a little out of order. you know, your heart's not right in this area. Would you repent? I'll -- you know, you're covered by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Come and get deliverance. This is all the gentleness of the Holy Spirit. It's the gentle correction of the Holy Spirit.


And, brethren, I went through 5 years of deliverance, and to my carnal mind, it was not gentle. It was very hard confessing my sins and repenting and going through the physical deliverance because very frequently, when you sin, your sins are -- the judgment for you sin is manifested within you in the form of evil spirits. I had many evil spirits. I was in deliverance for 5 years. There was such sin on my family line and in my life that I -- it took 5 years to purge me of the evils spirits that were the judgment that were in my own soul. Everybody's not in that severe a condition, but we're all under judgment for sin. And what I'm trying to tell you here, it's the gentle correction of the Holy Spirit was what my carnal mind found very difficult. What is the bitterness of the Holy Spirit going to be? I don't even want to think about it, and I wept while I was preparing this portion of the message.


So, basically, what I'm telling you is that wormwood is a judgment of God towards Israel. And when the righteousness that's proceeding forth from the Sons of God contact the believers in which the Holy Spirit is ruling, that will be God's word to his Holy Spirit saying, no more gentleness.


I'm -- now, we know God doesn't change, but God's ministry to men changes depending on the condition of men. Someone asked me this question the other day. They heard a preacher saying that God doesn't change. God doesn't change. Man changes. When you're repentant, God deals with you in one way. When you're not repenting, he deals with you in another way. God has not changed. He is righteous. His state of being is righteousness, and he will deal with you in accordance with your repentance or lack of it, but he hadn't changed. You've changed. Different men are in different positions. God hadn't changed. He's righteous. He's holy. He's eternal. He doesn't change. You take a fire and you put silver into that fire, it's going to react one way. There's going to be a chemical reaction. You put gold in the fire, there's going to be a different chemical reaction. You put water in the fire, there's going to be a third chemical reaction. The fire has not changed. Glory to God.


So I have some Scriptures for you establishing that wormwood is a judgment of God towards Israel. Jeremiah 9:15 and 16. Therefore, thus sayeth the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; behold, I will feed them, Israel, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink. Verse 16. I will scatter them also among the heathen, whom neither nor their fathers have known: and I will send a sword after them, until I have consumed them. So these believers shall no longer be fed with the word of God. They shall be fed with the bitterness of wormwood.


Wormwood is a judgment of God also towards the prophets. Therefore thus sayeth the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets; behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land. For the prophets of the soul realm is profaneness gone forth into all the land. So the wormwood is being fed to Israel and to its prophets that are prophesying out of its own soul -- our of their own souls.


Wormwood typifies God's reactions to men when gentle crea- - -correction has not brought forth repentance and deliverance. Amos chapter 5, verses 1, 2, 4 and 7. Here ye this word which I take up against you, even a lamentation, O house of Israel. The virgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up. For thus sayeth the Lord unto the house of Israel, seek ye me, and ye shall live. Don’t seek healing. Don't seek deliverance. Don't seek prophecy. Seek ye me, and ye shall live. Can you hear this, brethren? Thus sayeth the Lord unto the house of Israel, seek ye me, and ye shall live. Don't seek the church with the social life. Don't seek the church that ministers to your children. Seek ye me. Don’t seek the man. Don't seek the preacher. Don't seek the prophet. Don’t seek the manifestations of the Holy Ghost. Seek ye me, and ye shall live.


Verse 7. Ye who turned judgment to wormwood, and leave off righteousness in the Earth. You who take the word of God form my Holy Spirit and turn it into bitterness. You turn it out to naught. The purpose of the word of God is that Christ should be birthed in you. You're dancing. You're singing. You're jumping. And you're doing everything wrong. You're picking the churches for all the wrong reasons. And those that follow after the spirit are just a handful of faithful in the Earth. Everybody's out there satisfying their soul. I like the music. I like the preacher. I like the location. I -- there's no single men. I go to the other church because there's single men. Brethren, you're supposed to go where the Lord tells you to go. I go there because there's 400 people, and I like crowds. I go there because there's a 33 piece orchestra. Well, brethren, you're supposed to go where the Lord tells you to go, no matter what the sacrifice.


Wormwood typifies God's reaction to men in whom his gentle creactio- -- in whom the gentle correction of the Holy Spirit has not brought forth repentance, confession of sin, obedience. It has not brought forth the work in you, and there's nothing left for you and for the members of the church world but judgment. And I remind you that they're coming third, if I understand these Scriptures correctly. First, the Sons of God are being raised up. Then, the Sons of God, the message that they have are going to people that are not part of the traditional church world. And then, the righteousness of God coming forth in the Sons of God is going to judge the church world. God's righteousness can be likened to a stream, which is a body of water in the Earth. That's like the river.


Amos 5:24. But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. And I told you that because of this translation. And the name of the star was called wormwood, and the third part of the waters became wormwood. So I'm trying to establish that the waters -- well, what am I saying here? But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a might stream.


Alternate Translation, first half of Revelation 8:11. Let me see what I'm doing here. And the name of the star is called wormwood. And when God's righteousness confronts the unrighteousness in men, his righteousness becomes bitterness to them. I think I put that Scripture in the wrong place. Excuse me. OK.


This is the first half of verse 11 of chapter 8. And the name of the star is called wormwood. And when God's righteousness -- when the spirit behind God's righteousness confronts the unrighteousness in men, his righteousness becomes bitterness to them. No more Holy Spirit but bitterness. OK. I don't know why I put that other Scripture in. if I need it in another place, I'll go back to it.


Now, I want to establish to you that Satan is God's enforcer because the next phrase says, and the third part of the waters became wormwood. And I want to suggest to you that the judgment, God's judgment, against the existing church is coming forth from Satan in their own mind. What he's going to do is that he's going to turn them over to the Satan and the demons and the false doctrines and the lies and the lusts in their own mind. That's what he's going to do. So I just want to establish to you that Satan's God's enforcer.


Psalms 17:13. Arise, O Lord, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword. The wicked, the demon, Satan in the minds of the people, he shall judge you from within your own mind. He shall let you believe the lie. He shall let you go to the church with the 33 piece orchestra where they're preaching a false doctrine. He shall let you follow after the lusts of your soul, and he shall let you reap what you sow.


Second witness to the fact that Satan is God's enforcer is I Chronicles 21:12. And this is God speaking to David after he sinned. He's giving him a choice of his judgments. Either three years' famine; or three months to be destroyed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtake thee; or else three days the sword of the Lord, the judgment of God, even the pestilence, in the land. The sword of the Lord, when God judges you, it's pestilence in the land of your soul, brethren. It's Satan and the demons in your own mind. He's going to let them multiply. He's going to let them seduce you into sin. OK.


And the third part of the waters became wormwood, and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter. I see why I put that in. OK. And the third part of the waters became wormwood, and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter. And I was trying to establish to you that these waters, which is another way of expressing strain, is the righteousness of God. OK.


Amos 5:24. But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. So the waters are judgment, and it says because the waters -- many men died of the waters because they were made bitter. The gentle, correcting judgments of the Holy Spirit were made bitter. Glory to God. OK. And this word died is Strong's 599, and it means to be utterly dead.


Alternate Translation, second half, Revelation 8, chapter 11. And the spiritual realm of the soul became God's weapon against those who thought they were saved because the Holy Spirit dwelled in them, even Satan and the demons in their own minds. and many men died when they were cut off from the life that is in the Holy Spirit. Because a lack of repentance had caused him to replace his corrective judgments with destruction. The Holy Spirit's leading them, brethren.


None of the teaching -- I heard this on a recent message. I can't remember where. Bill Brittain caused a whole big flurry because he said those that are in the sixtyfold, that if you don't move onto the hundredfold, you're going back to the thirtyfold. It was a whole big flurry in the church world. They didn't want to believe it. Well, it's even more serious than that, brethren. If you don't birth the Christ, you're going to lose the Holy Spirit. Can you hear me? Whoever's listening to these messages, I know everyone here knows it, if you don't birth the Christ, you're going to lose the Holy Spirit. You cannot stay in this in-between stage. Either you shall go forward, or you shall slip backwards. And I declare to you, I can't tell you -- whoever's hearing this message, I can't prophesy to you personally, but I'll tell you that if you don't -- if you slip back, if you lose the Holy Spirit because you have not birthed the Christ because of your stubbornness and your rebellion and your disobedience and pride, the chances are that you will not get another chance in this lifetime, that salvation will come in future generations. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation chapter 8, verse 11. And when God's righteousness confronts the unrighteousness in men, his righteousness becomes bitterness to them. And the spiritual realm of the soul became God's weapon against those who thought they were saved because the Holy Spirit dwelled in them, even Satan and the demons in their own minds. And many men died when they were cut off from the life that is in the Holy Spirit because a lack of repentance had caused him to replace his corrective judgments, that are in the Holy Spirit, with the destruction of what he calls wormwood. And when God's righteousness confronts the unrighteousness in men, his righteousness becomes bitterness to them.


Brethren, we've seen it right in this ministry. God's righteousness has confronted people in this ministry, and they had two choices. They could have repented and gotten deliverance, and it would have been -- God's righteousness would have been a blessing to them, but they would not repent. And his righteousness bitter to them. It became anathema to them. They hated it. They fled this ministry saying evil things about it because the righteousness of God was an affront to them. Why? Because their hearts were evil.


Recap, Revelation chapter 8, verses 7 through 11. And this is the first through the third angels sounding the first through the third trumpets of god. Verse 7. And when the first fruits company stood up in spiritual strength and began to announce from their souls the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God, the spirit which was ruling in the unconscious minds of the beginning company, even Satan, was pressed down under the Christ, which was appearing in their completed human spirits. And they were mixed with the soul life of Christ which abides in the fire of almighty God. And they appeared in the realm of appearance, and Satan, in their unconscious mind, was consumed and rendered harmless. And the home of the demons, the place where the unclean spirit of man and every impure manifestation of spiritual life, which is the part of the whole, dwells, even the human soul, was utterly consumed.


I remind you, the first trumpet, brethren, is raising up and calling to those members of the living soul that are called to be members of the first fruits company. And what's going to happen is that Christ is going to start to appear in you. He's going to put Satan under his feet, and Satan shall be rendered utterly harmless. And the souls of the first fruits company shall be utterly consumed.


Verse 8. And when the human spirits of the first fruits company stood up in spiritual strength and began to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God, the members of the living soul were affected by what was happening to the first fruits company. And the soul life of Jesus Christ in the Sons of God reached out to the many members of the living soul which were married to the Satanic realm in their mind. And Satan, in the minds of the many, was brought into submission to the emerging Christ which was birthed in them.


Number two, brethren, when the Sons of God start preaching out of their spirit. And I remind you, we're talking about degrees of spiritual authority, increasing degrees of spiritual authority coming forth in the Sons of God. The first step is just a call to those that are called to the first fruits company. As we get stronger, our preaching shall go to the many members of the living soul, and it shall touch them, and it shall fertilize them. And I remind you, these Scriptures say nothing about these people having the Holy Spirit first. These are people in the world. God is skipping a step with certain groups of people. And if the Sons of God are sent to them and this word falls upon their heart, the spiritual strength in this word shall fertilize their human spirit. Christ shall appear and shall bring Satan, in their own minds, into submission. That's when the Sons of God start preaching out of their spirit. Now, spiritual strength is continuously increasing in us.


Verse 9. And Christ stood up in full stature in those members of the living soul whose human spirit had already birthed Christ, and he slew their Adamic soul, and they died to their soul life. And Satan, in the minds of the members of the living soul, which had already birthed Christ, was deprived of bodily vigor and strength, and his mind was changed from evil to good. So when we preach out of our spirits, we're going to people that are not necessarily in the church world, that are not members of the first fruits company, but who have birthed the Christ.


And I declare to you there shall be a company coming out of the church world. There shall be a group of people in the church world that have birthed the Christ but that are not called to the first fruits company, and that there are people in the world that Paul describes as being a law unto themselves. And they that already have Christ in their heart are going to receive the double portion, and he's going to stand up in full stature and put Christ underfoot.


Verse 10. And as Satan in the members of the first fruits company stood up in the spiritual strength of God and began to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God -- now when the Sons of God are standing up in holiness and righteousness because their unconscious mind has been purged of sin, what's going to happen? Righteousness shall proceed forth from the realm of the spirit which hath swallowed up Satan. And that righteousness was bringing salvation to the living soul. Righteousness shall proceed froth from the Sons of God when Satan, in their own soul, starts preaching this gospel. And the righteousness of God descended upon the members of the living soul in which the Holy Spirit was living.


Verse 11. And when God's righteousness confronts the unrighteousness in men, his righteousness becomes bitterness to them. And the spiritual realm of the soul became god's weapon against those who thought they were saved because the Holy Spirit dwelled in them. even Satan and the demons in their own mind became their judges, and many died when they were cut off from the life that is in the Holy Spirit because a lack of repentance had caused him -- who? God Almighty in the form of the Holy Spirit, to replace his corrective judgments with destruction. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Any questions today? Glory to God.


04/01/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

04/02/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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