045 - Part 1
(Revelation 8)

Part 1 of 3 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


I just want to share with you something the Lord told me the other day. I don't know whether you have any questions in your mind about why I get sick so often. There are a lot of questions in my mind about why I get sick so often. And I've been very ill this -- since Wednesday. When you were all here Wednesday night, I didn't know what was wrong with me. Apparently I had an infection in one of my organs. I believe God told me that it was the duodenum. Is that right, [?Annette?], the duodenum? [UNINTELLIGIBLE] and he -- I don't think it was an ulcer. I believe the Lord told me it was a blockage in that organ, which I'm told connects the stomach to the intestines. And I was in a lot of pain, and I was very sick.


And I did go before the Lord because I've been sick a lot this last two months, and I'd just like to share with you what he told me because most of us here know that there has been some conflict with other people that have grudges against me and against the ministry. And this is very unfortunate that Christians should feel this way against other Christians. We're supposed to be living in peace. But we have found, in this ministry, that people's anger can take the form of curses if it's not abated, if it's not resisted with the desire to be Christ like. And they can be flung against other people and cause sickness and cause accidents and cause all kinds of disaster in our life.


And there is this one person. He happens to be a minister himself, who is very opposed to me and has some very unkind things to say about me and is very angry at me for over a period of years now. And I know that this is coming from him. But what I didn't understand was why God keeps letting me get knocked down like this. I couldn't see how God could be glorified in my being sick. And this is what God told me, that this particular preacher is under judgment right now, and my -- him succeeding in harming this way is revealing the evil in this other man's heart. I am being sacrificed. Of course, God raises me up. He heals me every time, but he is letting me be smitten so that the evil in this man's heart can be revealed. And ultimately, God will judge him. It's not my place to judge him, but God will judge him.


And I just remind you that this is what the Scripture said about Jesus. He was an innocent. He harmed no man. But he judged the prince of the world. How did Jesus judge the prince of this world? He appeared before him. He loved him. Jesus said to the Pharisees, for what reason do you desire to kill me? For what good work that I have done do you desire to kill me? And they said to him, because you call yourself -- not because of your good works but because you blaspheme and call yourself the Son of God. They died his deity, and they killed him. And that is how Jesus judged the prince of this world, by being the Son of God, by being righteous, by being the Lamb without spot, by being innocent, by not sinning against any man that came against them. Their evil, or the evil in their hearts, ran rampant, and that is how he judged the world, by being righteous and watching their unrighteousness respond to his righteousness. Can you hear what I'm saying?


And the Scripture does declare that there will be people -- I'm not saying that I'm Jesus Christ, but that there will be people in the Earth who serve Jesus who he will use in situations like this. I have not done this many any harm. I've done nothing but bless him and reach out towards him and ask him for reconciliation and peace. And he keeps flogging at me, and God told me that he is letting his unrighteousness be revealed, the unrighteousness of this man be revealed. And he's also letting it be revealed to the people of his congregation, that they should know what this man is like. And when God says it's enough, he won't be able to do this to me anymore, but the Lord is letting him do it to me, and that that's his purpose.


And it's a measure of martyrdom. That's what it is, it's a measure of martyrdom. I'm no- -- on this instance, I am a martyr. And this is the true witness of Jesus Christ. There's a lot of talk in the church world about the witness of Jesus Christ. And a lot of Christians believe, they take this Scripture out of the book of Revelation, and they believe that we're going to overcome what? Overcome sin and death by the blood of the Lamb and our testimony. That's what the Scripture says, that we're going to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and our testimony.


But most of the church world do not understand what our testimony or what the blood of the Lamb is. You are not going to overcome sin and death, brethren. You're not going to stop dying because you sit here and testify. Because I sit here and testify that God healed me of some kind of intestinal infection that I sure would have been hospitalized for, that is not going to give me eternal life. The testimony that is going to give me eternal life, if you looked that word up in the Greek, it's the word martys, and it's also translated martyr in the same English New Testament. Sometimes it's translated martyr, and sometimes it's translated a witness.


And my witness that Jesus Christ is with me is not that he has healed me. Yes, the fact that he has healed me is a witness that Jesus Christ is with me because some power had to heal me. But, brethren, we know that witches can heal people. We know that Christian science can heal people. We know that witchdoctors in Africa can heal people. We know that doctors heal people. People get sick and get healed all the time. That is not a witness that Jesus Christ is with you. And if you're healed supernaturally without medication, it's not a sign that Jesus Christ is with you. I know lots of people in the occult that do healings.


The witness that Jesus Christ is with you is that when you are living for Christ and doing the best you can to live in his righteous admonition, somebody is trying to kill you because you're living that righteousness. The witness of Jesus Christ is the wounds in my flesh. And I believe there's a Scripture that says that. I just can't quote it. I believe Paul said these wounds in my flesh, the witness that Christ is -- lives within me. The witness that Christ is with me is that I'm reaching out to this man fo- -- in peace and love and reconciliation, and he will stop short of nothing short of destroying me, if he can. So the wounds in my body are the witness of Jesus Christ. That's not a popular thing to preach because nobody wants to suffer, but that's the truth.


And the blood of the Lamb that you're saved by is not the red blood that was poured out on the ground at Calvary. It's the blood of his spiritual soul life that ascended -- that was resurrected and ascended to the Father that is now [UNINTELLIGIBLE] being poured out upon all flesh and being sprinkled upon you and me. And when it's sprinkled upon us, it gets inside of us, and it starts growing in us. And we are saved by that life, the blood of the Lamb, the spiritual life. The life of the flesh is in the blood. Well, the life of Jesus' flesh was not in his human blood. The life of Jesus' flesh was in the life of the Father that was within him. He said, no man can take my life. I lay it down. Nobody that lives by the power of Adamic blood can say nobody takes my life, I lay it down. You can say that if you have red blood flowing in your vlai- -- in your veins. Jesus made that statement by the life of the Father that kept him alive. And it's that blood, the life of the Father, the blood of Jesus that lives because the Father is within him. OK. That's going to save us.


And if you have received faith in Jesus Christ, if you have received of his spirit, that blood is appearing in you. So that's what's going to save you, the fact that he's within you and living through you and that you have his testimony. And, brethren, his testimony is righteousness. You can't be wounded because you're evil and say that you're a Christian. This very same man that's been attacking me for 3 years has for years been talking about all the persecution he goes through, but he's persecuted because he makes people hate him. It has nothing to do with righteousness. If you're being wounded, if you're being persecuted, if you're being tormented or made ill, or whatever's happening to you, it has to be because you're righteous and you're being hated because you're striving for e- -- for righteousness. OK. You can't -- there's all kinds of people out there being killed and murdered and tortured. OK. It doesn’t mean that they have Christ. It has to be for righteousness sake. Glory to God. Hallelujah. OK.


The Lord just wanted me to share that with you. I hope I haven't distressed any of you by being sick this much, but He told me to tell you. Glory to God. OK. We are going on with our study in the book of Revelation, the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. And we are in chapter 8. Lord willing, we're going to be going right through. You know, do you realize, people, we have preached about 100 messages in the book of Revelation already? That's awesome. That's ab- -- that's just awesome, you know. And it's very exciting.


I do have a correction for you before we start today, and I'm sorry to do this to you. I'm sorry if it confuses you, but my only other choice is not to tell you that God showed me there was something I didn't see. Usually the corrections that I give you are not so much that I told you something wrong but that as I was meditating and receiving the word of the Lord, there was something that I didn't quite see. So I have to switch it around. So I'm just going to give it to you briefly. I'm not going to spend too much time on it. And then you could review the message, or if you want to ask me any questions, I'll be right here.


Basically, what I have taught you is that chapter 4 of the book of Revelation prophesies the redemption of the living soul. That's what I told you. And then I told you that chapter 5 ske- -- God sketches it in the spirit. And chapter 6, it starts to come to pass in the natural. Well, God told me that I left a step out. First, God speaks it -- first, God thinks it, imagines it, then it's sketched in the realm of the spirit. And then there's another step. It appears in the realm of the soul before it appears in the realm of appearance. So it's God imagines it. It's sketched in the spirit. It appears in the realm of the soul, and then it appears in the realm of appearance.


And I'd just like to give you an example of what I mean when I say it appears in the realm of the soul. For example, somebody can have spiritual authority. They can have authority to do -- cast out demons, heal the sick, preach the word, prophesy, and they could walk down the street, or they could know somebody intimately. For example, my own parents, they do not comprehend the authority that God has given me. They can't comprehend it. It has a [?pure soul?]. And those of that have spiritual discernment, that have some contact with spiritual things and you can discern that God has anointed me to teach and preach or prophesy or whatever, praise the Lord, you are blessed. But there are thousands or millions of people out there that would sit right in this meaning and say, I don't know what she's -- who does she think she is? And she's just a person. No, you have to be called to preach, brethren. And there are some people preaching that aren't called. If you're spiritual, hopefully you can tell the difference. OK.


So there is an -- there is -- things appear in the realm of the soul where they are not obvious to every human being. Once they appear in the realm of appearance, they will be obvious to everyone, believers and unbelievers. Can you hear that? First, God imagines it. Then it's sketched in the realm of the spirit. Then it appears in the spiritual realm of the soul where spiritual people can discern it. And the final and last step is its appearance in the realm of appearance where spiritual and non-spiritual parents -- people can no longer deny it. OK.


So I'm just going to read you some notes that I made. Starting with chapter 4, re-describing these verses. And the Lord also -- you know, he just gave me this whole concept in more focus, OK. It shouldn't confuse you. If it does, talk to me about it. Chapter 4 prophesized the redemption of the whole living soul. God has imagined it. It's in prophecy form. Chapter 5, verses 1 to 5 narrates how God will perform the promise. Chapter 5, verses 6 to 14 reveal God's plan of redemption as it appears in the realm of the spirit after God thought it into existence. It's now sketched in the realm of existe- -- of the spirit.


Chapter 6, verses 1 to 8 reveal God's plan of redemption as it appears in the realm of the soul, and a previou- -- and I previously told you that these verses was the realm of appearance. Let me give you that again. Chapter 6, verses 1 to 8 reveal God's plan of redemption as it appears in the realm of the soul. I have previously told you on other messages that this is the realm of appearance. It's not. It's appearing in the realm of the soul. It is visible to spiritual people who can discern it in the realm of appearance. Chapter 6, verses 9 to 11 describes the first fruits company overcoming their souls by the power of Christ, and they are commanded to stay in this condition until the others, killed as they are, should be fulfilled. That's a quote from the Scripture. Now, the first fruits company is being killed one member at a time.


Well, first of all, let me remind you, because there's somebody new here, that we have discovered, as we went through these Scriptures word by word, that it's necessary to enter into eternal life to have our soul slaughtered. That's the Scriptural expression. The soul of men is desperately wicked. It's filled with sin, and it must be slaughtered so that that which is the life of God that is trapped in it can be extracted from it, joined to Christ and saved. Could you understand that? OK. Good enough, praise the Lord. OK.


So that -- the soul is being slaughtered. The sin-filled soul is being slaughtered, and that is the purpose. The -- it's being circumcised for the life of Christ that's in it, which is us, which is our basic essence, can be saved out of it, joined to Christ and live for the life of the ages. Hallelujah. Now, we know that the whole -- that God only created one living soul, and that that living soul is in many members. And we are now billions of members of this one living soul, and we are being saved one member at a time. That's why you look across the face of the Earth and you see some people that have no experience with Christ, some people that have some experience with Christ and some people that are very deep in with Christ, because we're all in different phases of the process that will save the entire world. OK.


So we're now talking about chapter 6, and verses 9 to 11 describes the first fruits company. That's the first group of people that are going to be saved, OK. And they're overcoming their souls by the power of Christ, and they are commanded to stay in this condition until the others, killed as they, should be fulfilled. What these people have succeeded in doing is resisting sin every time it appears in their mind, and refusing to act upon it. And what they're waiting for is God to literally strip them of any knowledge of sin so they no longer have to war with the sin in their mind and say, no, I won't do it. We're waiting to enter in to the rest of God whereby God puts sin down and swallows it up and destroys it so that we can live in peace without waging war with sin in our own mind.


And this first group of members of the living soul are -- they've got sin under their feet, and they're fighting to keep it down there. And they're tired, and they're saying, how long, Lord, do we have to wait? And they're told that they have to wait a little bit longer for the next group. And even though the majority may have had their souls slaughtered, the whole company must be in that condition for the next step, which is to have their life force transferred into the soul of Christ. That is the rest of God. That is where you cease from you labor of resisting sin in your own mind. And what this is saying here is that whoever is called to this first group of people that are going to be -- to enter into this condition of no longer having to resist sin, we have to wait for the whole company to be ready, and we're all going to enter in together.


One at a time, we're going to come to the place where we can keep sin under our feet. Where -- when sin tempts us in our mind, we have the strength to say no. And we have to wait for the specified number of people, and then, as one group, God is going to give us rest so that we no longer have to struggle with the sin in our mind but that Jesus will be dealing with it and strip it from us totally so that we can live in peace without this warfare. Glory to God.


I previously told you -- I'm having trouble reading, excuse me. I previously told you that the -- they had to wait for the balance of the living soul. On prior messages, I told you that they had to wait for the balance of the living soul and that there was only one more step, the glorification of the body. And I was wrong, OK. They are not waiting for the balance of the whole living soul to enter into this rest of God. They're waiting for the fullness of the first fruits company, OK. Can you hear that? That -- I was wrong on that. And the second thing that I was wrong on, I told you that they were waiting for the balance of the living soul to be glorified, but they weren't waiting to have their bodies glorified. They were waiting to be transferred from this condition of holding sin off in their own minds to having Jesus take over the battle so that they could rest. OK. Did I make that clear? Anybody have a question on that? OK. Glory to God.



OK. Let me get that on the message, OK.

            I don't remember exactly what you said, but you said they were waiting to be in the fullness, something, like, about in their fullness.


I said that there's a certain group of people that are going to be standing up in spiritual strength. It -- the whole living soul is not going to stand up in living strength at once. OK. There's a first fruits company made up of how many people, we don't know. OK. This group, one at a time, is coming to a place in Christ where they're resisting sin in their own mind. OK. That's happening one at a time. And the expression the Bible uses is that they're putting sin under their feet, and they're at war every day of their life not to yield to envy, not to yield to hatred, not to yield to every ungodliness that's appearing in their mind. And it's tiring. It's a spiritual labor, OK.


But there is another step coming where Christ is going to move in and take over the battle so that we no longer have to fight with sin to keep it under our feet. Christ is going to do it, and we shall be able to rest. To enter into that step, it's not going to be one at a time. To enter into that step, we're going in as a group. So those of us -- let's say it's over a 40 year period. God is raising up the people that are becoming strong enough to put sin under their feet. If you are one of the first people to enter in, you might have to wait 40 years until the whole group is ready to get into the next step where Christ takes over the battle. If you are one of the last people in the group, you may only be battling with the sin in your mind for a year before Christ takes over the battle. OK. OK. Glory to God. OK. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.


Chapter 6, verse 12 describes submission of fullness of the first fruits company to Christ and his appearing in their spirits and their souls. Chapter 12 of verse 6 describes submission of the fullness of the first fruits company. That's the whole first fruits company. They're -- now, every last one of them is submitting to Christ and has sin under their feet. And the next thing that happens is that he appears in them.


Chapter 6, verse 13 describes the reaction of the present fivefold ministry to the appearance of the first fruits company in the soul realm. They are -- and I want you to understand. This is really important. There's a difference between the soul realm and the realm of appearance. Now, I'm going to read you that again. Chapter 6, verse 13 describes the reaction of the present fivefold ministry to the appearance of the first fruits company in the soul realm.


Now, brethren, the first fruits company, it's not -- it's appearing already in a measure. They're appearing already in a measure. And the reaction is that the present fivefold ministry is going to wither. OK. But the present fivefold ministry cannot see that this group of people are starting to stand up. But, nevertheless, look around the church world. Ministries are withering. They're shrinking. The anointing is going. The people are leaving. The excitement is going. Everybody's in an uproar. What's going on? What happened to the anointing? Nobody knows.


So the point that I'm trying to make to is that this reaction to the beginning manifestation of the Sons of God is not a conscious reaction. It's a spiritual reaction. As God raises up his anointed, the people that have been here temporarily to hold the fort until the true manifestations of Christ come are starting to shrink away, and they don't even know why. It's not a conscious, human reaction to the Sons of God. It's a spiritual reaction that is stripping them of their authority. The current fivefold ministry is being stripped of its authority because God is, in this hour, in the process of raising up his anointed. It's spiritual. It's [UNINTELLIGIBLE] spiritual.


It's happening in the realm of the soul, and only people with spiritual eyes can understand what's happening. It has not yet entered into the realm of appearance where everybody, the most uneducated person, will -- is going to be able to sit down and say, well, look at that. God raised up a whole new ministry, a whole new church in the Earth. And when he did it, that existing structure had to fall down. Would you look at that? Nobody's saying that because you have to be spiritual to see it happening. You have to know the Scriptures, and you have to be able to see it with spiritual eyes, but it's happening right now. The Sons of God are being raised up. And the ministry that's been in the Earth for 2,000 years that was a temporary ministry -- it was a John the Baptist ministry. It's a John the Baptist ministry. And John the Baptist said I must decrease that he should increase. They're decreasing already. And they're on their faces. They're fasting and they're praying, and they don't know what's wrong because they don't understand this word. It's happening in the realm of the soul. It's not yet in the realm of appearance. You need spiritual eyes to see it. OK.


Chapter si- -- let me [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. Let me read you my whole note. Chapter 6, verse 13 describes the reaction of the present fivefold ministry to the appearance of the first fruits company in the soul realm. They are withering already and do not know why because they haven't recognized the first fruits company. They think the first fruits company are in error. OK. Chapter 6, verse 14 describes how verse 12 will happen. Now, this has all been preached on other messages. This is just a correction.


Chapter 6, verses 15 to 17 describe the reaction of the remaining members of the living soul to the appearance of the first fruits company in the realm of the soul. It's happening now, and they don't know why they're acting like that. Have you ever met anybody that looks at you and hates you? They don't even know that you're a Christian yet. They don't want to talk to you. They run from you. Have you ever met anybody that won't even look at your eyes? I've met people, they won't even meet my eyes. They can't stand me. They don't know anything about me. They don't know that I'm a preaching. They don't even know that I read the Bible. They just can't even be around me. It's the reaction of the balance of the living soul to the appearance of Christ in men. And he is appearing in me. They don't even know why they're acting like that, you see.


When this thing gets into the realm of appearance, people are going to be saying, oh, boy, there goes someone that's -- that Christ has appeared in. And I can't stand being around them because I'm convicted of ever sin that I'm involved in. That's when it's going to be in the realm of appearance. Now it's in the realm of the soul. They don't know why they can't stand being around you. They don't know why they hate you. They don't know why they're trying to destroy you. It's a spiritual thing that's appearing in the realm of the soul. OK.


Up to chapter 7, verses 1 to 8 describes the Lord's instructions to the first fruits company. Now, I had told you this was the realm of the pear- -- of appearance. It's not. It's still the realm of the soul. Verses 1 through 8 describes the Lord's instructions to the first fruits company in the realm of the soul, not to judge the living soul. Don't hurt them until they have been sealed. And this sealing is not to be done by the first fruits company. Now, I remind you that the se- -- the reason the souls of men cannot be slaughtered until their sealed is that the sealing is the impartation of Christ to you. And if you do not have Christ and God judges your soul, your soul has sinned, the soul that sinneth, it shall die. You're going to die. If Christ has not been imparted to you to give you life in righteousness and in holiness and your soul is judged, you'll cease to exist. So Jesus has called out to his sons, and he said, do not judge the living soul until they've received a measure of Christ. Glory to God. That's the whole point behind that.


And -- sorry, I lost my place here. Glory to God. Describes the Lord's instructions to the first fruits company in the realm of the soul, not to judge the living soul until they've been sealed. This sealing is not to be done by the first fruits company but by the bride company, what the world sees as the church today. Now, I don't think I told you anything different. I just didn't make this point. Jesus has said to the Sons of God and the Sons of God company, which I believe we are here -- he says, don't go out judging the world. We're not -- we're told to judge the church. We're not told to judge the world. They don't even know their own sin. He said don't judge the world until their sealed.


And everybody looked at a ministry like this, and they say, what are you doing? Are you going out? Are you giving out tracts? What are you doing to reach the public? What are you doing to tell everybody about Jesus? Brethren, that's not our job. We're sitting here waiting, as we're going to hear in the next few verses, for the command of Jesus to go out and judge the world. And the existing fivefold ministry is out there spreading the word, going to Africa, going to Asia, going everywhere across the world, and they're doing it. Russia is not open to the word. China is going to explode in a revival very soon. I feel that in my spirit. This feeling of the living soul, it's spreading across the entire world. And once they get that measure of Christ, that when judgments of sin fall, they won't be utterly destroyed. The time for judgment shall come. And that's the job of the first fruits company. So that's what we're talking about in the first verses of chapter 7. Glory to God.


And in chapter 7, verse 9 describes the realm of the sou- -- in the realm of the soul, the imputed anointing after it has touched every member of the living soul. Chapter 7, verses 10 and 12 describes the realm of the soul. In the realm of the soul, the imparted anointing after it touched every member of the living soul. The first was the imputed anointing. The second was the imparted anointing. Chapter 7, verses 13 to 17 describe, in the realm of the soul, full salvation. Chapter 8, verses 1 to 6, describe -- well, let me stay with chapter 7. So chapter 7 through the end, OK, is in the realm of the soul, from the sealing of the living soul until full salvation as it appears in the realm of the soul. That hasn't happened yet, brethren. The whole living soul hasn't been healed. And, certainly, the whole living soul has not received full salvation.


And as we enter into chapter 8, we're starting to see the mechanics of how this is going to happen. Chapter 8, verses 1 to 6 describe the first fruits company in the realm of the soul waiting for God's command to appear in the realm of appearance and to begin to judge the living soul. Chapter 8, verses 7 through -- I -- we haven't gotten through chapter 8, so I have a question mark here. Describes the first fruits company manifesting in the realm of appearance. This does not mean a glorified body. It merely means that God will enable men to recognize who the first fruits company are. So what's happening in chapter 8, brethren, is that the first fruits company, who have already appeared or are in the process of appearing in the realm of the soul and are being denied by large numbers of people even in the church world, OK, they are about to appear in the realm of appearance. And nobody will be able to deny who they are unless there's evil in their heart. Like the Pharisees, if they deny them for their own personal gain, the judgments of the Lord -- and the judgment of the Lord for denying Christ is that you shall not see me until you say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. OK. So this is what we're up to in chapter 8.


And I'm going to give you a recap of our Alternate Translations from Wednesday night. Revelation chapter 8, verses 1 to 6, and we're going on with verses 7, Lord willing. I want you to know that the pain in my side is completely gone. I couldn't -- it's completely gone, amazing. Praise the Lord. I should preach every night. I was this sick for three nights. I should have called a meeting. Maybe that's what I should have done. Glory to God.


Revelation chapter 8, verses 1 to 6, Alternate Translation, in easy to understand English. And as the power of Christ continued to release the many members of the living soul from the power of Satan, there was a waiting period between the time they began to receive the sealing of the imputed anointing and the command from heaven to slaughter their souls, which waiting period lasting about half of the time period allotted to bring the whole of the living soul to full salvation. And I saw the fullness of the spiritually mature first fruits company. And they were given trumpets to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling within him o- -- in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God.


And Christ appeared and was established in his rightful place in the minds of the spiritual men. And he was possessing a sinless body, and many souls were delivered to him so that when he had possessed their desires and their wills and become joined to them in their minds, he could then turn over to God the will and desires of all of the members of the purified, holy living soul, which were now directed towards God so that their souls could be consumed in the fire of God which had appeared in their own human spirit which were appearing in the realm of appearance in front of the prostrated soul of Christ.


Verse 4. And the human spirits that were in the midst of the many human souls, together with the desires and the will of the now sinless members of the living soul, were released from the control of the Holy Spirit, even the schoolmaster supplied by God. And as Christ appeared in their separated human spirits, they stood up in full stature before God. And the spirit of Jesus Christ, verse 5, manifested in the members of the body of Christ, and they were filled up with the fire of God that was within them which had consumed their sin-filled souls. And the spirit of Jesus Christ hurled them into his soul life, and spiritual authority could be discerned in the body of Christ in their doctrine and in the way they dealt with their fellow men. And miraculous signs and wonders were worked by them, and there was a powerful outpouring of the spirit of God in many human vessels, and Christ appeared.


Verse 6. And the fullness of the spiritually mature first fruits company, which had been given full authority to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God, began to preach the message God had given them in the realm of appearance. The first fruits company appeared so that all could see, and they began to preach the message of the redemption of the entire living soul through the destruction of that soul and the transfer of our life substance into the life of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.


Verse 7. We're now entering into the first trumpet. There were seven angel blowing seven trumpets, and we're doing the first angel with the first trumpet. Verse 7. The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood. And they were cast upon the Earth, and the third part of trees was burnt up. Now, I touched on this concept of first, second, third, fourth on message number 36, part 11, if you want to review it. I'm just going to skim through it here. The word first is Strong's 4413, and it can also be translated beginning. The first angel, the beginning angel. And I remind you that the [INAUDIBLE] typified [INAUDIBLE] continuous overlapping. So the first angel means the beginning angel. The first fruits company, a certain number of members, however many God chooses, are going to start preaching. You could be called to the first fruits company, but if -- you may not be preaching yet. Maybe 5 years from now you're going to be preaching.


Do you understand this concept of God operating like the sea? The whole sea doesn't roll into the shore at once. You just get a certain amount of water touching the shore with waves. And the first fruits company -- let me see if I can make that a little clearer for you on the board. This is the way God moves. Everything is gradual, everything is gradual. If he's got a group of people over here, this is the first fruit companies with many members in it, OK. And they're going to start preaching the message of the redemption of the living soul. Well, maybe this guy is going to start preaching. This is 1989. And maybe this guy is going to start preaching and this guy. All of these people are still in the first fruits company, but they're not going to preach until 1990. So in 1990, you have these three preaching, and maybe God takes three more, and now you have six people preaching. This guy back here, he's still in the first fruits company, but he hasn't flowed out yet. You know what I'm saying? Then we have 1991, and now we have all of these guys here. They're all over here preaching, and God takes two more. And they're all preaching in 1991. It's a constant flowing, constant flowing and exchange. That's the way God operates, the same thing with the living soul. Every member is not serving God right now, but they shall serve God.


So the beginning angel sounded, and we de- -- and we established in last week's message that the sounding of the trumpet is the -- OK. We studied in last week's message that the sounding of the trumpet is announcing the warfare of the Christ against the living soul, which is sin-ridden. Men all of the Earth, including men in the church, are in deep sin. Well, the hour is coming that God is saying, you can't do this anymore. I'm about to judge you. I will not tolerate it anymore. OK. That's what the trumpet means, the first angel sounded.


I broke this verse down into five parts because I was trying not to get you confused, so let me give you an Alternate Translation of the first part of Revelation 8:7. And the first members of the living soul to stand up in spiritual strength, even the beginning company, that's that first group that I showed you over there -- or you could call them the first fruits company, began to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of the redemption of the living soul and the restoration of the whole living soul to the spiritual realm of God. That's what the first angel did. When he started blowing the trumpet, that trumpet is a spiritual symbol, and what it means to people living on the face of the Earth is that this message of God is going to start to be heard in the ears of natural men.


Going on with the next phrase. And there followed hail and fire mingled with blood. Now, as soon as those first few members of the first fruits company started to preach this message that your soul has to be slaughtered -- and, brethren, I remind you that that message is not being preached in the church world today. They're barely telling you that you don't -- that you have to repent. That preacher that I mentioned earlier, I listened to his whole message. And I -- it was on for an hour, and I was just saying to myself, gee, he never once mentioned repentance. All he was talking about was getting rid of sin consciousness, think positive. God's going to give you whatever you want. And I said, gee, he never once said that we have to repent. And at the very end of the message, he said it.


We have to repent, brethren. And after we re- -- well, first we have to confess that we have sin, and then we have to repent of it. We have to say we're sorry and we desire to not do it anymore, not that we're sorry and, well, that's just the way I'm made. You have to desire to not do it anymore. Then you have to resist it in your own mind. When it manifests in your mind, you have to resist before you d- -- perform the behavior, and then you have to hold onto the horns of the alter until Jesus Christ, by the power of his spirit, rips that desire for sin out of your mind so that you no longer have to wrestle with it and resist it and hold it down. Glory to God. OK.


Going on with and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood. Let's try and find out what that means. and I remind you that the book of Revelation is a book of symbols, and we have to find out what these symbols mean. To interpret these Scriptures with our carnal minds will only bring death. We want life in the spirit of Jesus Christ, and therefore, these Scriptures must be interpreted by his spirit. We must find out what Jesus Christ meant when he gave this word to John and told him to put it down in a book. We -- there's no life in our own interpretation of what these Scriptures mean. Glory to God. OK.


The word followed -- now, we're dealing with the phrase, and there followed, OK. The word followed is Strong's 1096. It is the only time it is translated followed in the Strong's concordance. And, indeed, it really does not mean followed at all. It's a word that means to come into being, to become, to come into existence, to begin to receive being.


Now, that is how we describe a newborn child. I was listening to a very interesting talk show the other day, and they tell me that if a wo- -- a pregnant woman is in a car accident and a fetus -- it could be a 9 month fetus. She could have been ready to deliver in two days. If that fetus is destroyed or killed, loses life, that she cannot sew on the basis of loss of life because that child had not yet come into being. It had not been birthed. It had not appeared on the other side of the womb. There was no birth certificate. OK. That she could not claim the loss of the life of her child. There's no insurance payments. There's nothing that she's entitled to, no governmental benefit or worldly benefit that she could be entitled to, even though it was -- could be proven that the child was breathing and well and healthy right up until the moment of that accident. And she had a life insurance policy prepared for the baby at birth. She could not collect because the baby had not yet come into being.


And I declare to you, brethren, that God has a Christ in the [?Ark?]. He has the first fruits company. We're in utero, but we have not yet appeared. People can't see us. We have not yet come into being. We're not in our fullness. We all know that. And that's what this word means. The Scripture says the first angel sounded. He preached the doctrine of slaughtering your soul. And the next thing that happened was  there came into being hail and fire mingled with blood. Well, let's try and find out what this means. OK.


Now, I want to make another comment on this word there followed with regard to the form of the verb. And we've been finding out in this ministry that, very frequently, the King James translators have changed the form of the verb because they did not have the spiritual revelation, and they could not figure out what God was saying, so they did the best they could to make sense out of this. And the form of the verb that's translated occurred, which is what you see in the King James, and there occurred, that is called the passive -- I think it's the passive mode. Passive, there occurred. It's not I occurred, you oc- -- I occur or I am, I go, you go, we go. It's -- it was like saying there went somebody. There went somebody. There's no person attached to it. It's passive. It's something that happened outside of action. OK. Now, that's how they -- the King James translators have translated. That's an incorrect translation. The form of the verb, according to Thayer's Interlinear, is not the passive form. I could not determine the exact tense for you, but it appears to be in the perfect tense.


And I remind you that the perfect tense is a past tense in which the action has not been completed. In other words, if you are having a baby and you're on the labor table and the head has appeared, OK, you are having a baby or have had a baby, or you've -- let's say the head has appeared. The arms have appeared. Just the feet haven't come out yet. No one in their right mind would say they didn't have the baby. The baby was alive and well. Just the feet were still in utero, OK. You would use the perfect tense saying she is having a baby. She had the baby. She had the baby, but it's not completed yet. It's not completed yet. The umbilical cord wasn't cut. The baby -- OK. It wasn't totally completed. Can you follow me, or should I give you another example? [?It's a?] past tense. You know the baby was birthed, but it's not fully completed yet. You know it's alive. You know that it's well, but it's not fully completed, OK. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] that's the tense that I believe it should have been, and this passive tense is certainly incorrect.


And the correct translation of the verb should be is not there followed but is becoming. OK. Now, remember, the word is not to follow. The word is to come into existence, to become, and it should not be in a passive tense. It should be in a past tense, action not competed, and this is what it should sound like. Let me give you the first few words. And the first angel sounded, OK -- well, that's not right. It should be translated is becoming or became, indicating a complete action -- an incomplete action, an action started in the past that is not yet completed. The beginning angel sounded, and they became. The beginning angel sounded, and they became.


Well, what are the next few words? What did they become? And they became hail and fire mingled with the blood. The first angel, the beginning angel, they preached this message of slaughtering your soul. And the next thing that happened is that everybody involved in this first fruits company that's preaching this message, that's involved in the slaughter of their soul, they became hail and fire mingled with blood. Well, let's find out what these symbols mean, hail and fire mingled with blood because what -- we're -- hopefully, we're in the first fruits company, so let's find out what we're becoming.


The word hail is Strong's 5444, and in the Greek it merely means hail, so I went back to the root. It's from the root 5465, and what it means is to lower, to let down from a higher place to a lower place. And I remind you that the realm of appearance is the exact opposite of the realm of the spirit, OK, and that to lower is t- -- that God is the fire, OK, and that this realm of the Earth is the cool place. So to go from a hot place to a cold place is to go from the realm of the spirit into the realm of the Earth. OK. To lower is to go from the realm of the spirit into the realm of the Earth. Can you hear that? God is a consuming fire, and the Earth is the cold place. Now, [INAUDIBLE]


When God wants to make a glass bowl -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] I'm still not feeling well. I'm sorry. Forgive me. When a glazier wants to make a glass bowl, he takes the glass, and he puts it in the fire, and he melts it. And when it gets hot, he can work with it, and he can form it. He gets it in the place that he wants it. Then he takes it out of the fire, and he cools it off, and you have a glass. OK. Well, God is going it just the opposite, OK, OK. He's -- we were with God in the realm of the spirit where it was hot, and he's lowered us into the realm of the Earth where it's cold where we are being formed into what he wants us to be, in the cold. The realm of appearance is the cold place. Help me, Lord. Did I make that clear, that the realm of appearance is the cold place? OK.


So this hail, it comes from a word that's in a cold place, so we know that hail is cold. We know that it's typifying the realm of appearance. And I went into Webster's Dictionary, and these are the definitions that I have for you. Hail is precipitation, that means moisture falling from the skies, in the form of small bowls or lumps. And I remind you that each member of the living soul is a lump of clay. We're a small bowl or a lump. And they're usually consisting of concentric layers of clear ice and compact snow.


Now, I want to show you this. Concentric layers, for those of you that don't know, are -- well, usually they're concentric circles, and they are circles that wrap around one another that it -- have the same distance. No matter how many circles I would draw surrounding the other one, each circle would be the same distance. That's concentric circles. So if we have ha- -- a piece of hail and it's a lump and it's made of concentric layers of ice --


Now, I just remind you, I'm not going to into this [?any deeply?]. And I know we have someone here that didn't see this, but I just want to put it on the message that I remind you of all of the studies that we've done about the appearance of the living soul, and it was concentric layers, was it not? We have the Father at the innermost circle. And then we had a concentric circle. We said Christ came next. This is our spiritual makeup. We have a physical makeup. We can't see it. When I look at you, I can't see your heart or your lungs, but I know you have a heart and a lungs and a liver and a spleen. Well, spiritually, this is our makeup. The Father is at the innermost being. Then the next circle is Christ. OK. Then the next circle is the living soul, and I can't remember the fourth off the top of my head. But we had, I think it was, five circles, if I'm not mistaken. OK. So what I'm saying to you is that our spiritual substance appears to be appearing in a lump of hail. Can you hear what I'm saying? You [?can't?] hear what I'm saying. OK. Let me go on, and I'll come back to that.


Hail is precipitation in the form of small balls or lumps. It's usually consisting of concentric layers of clear ice and compact snow. OK. What I'm trying to -- let me tell you what I'm getting so you can at least hear me. I'm suggesting to you that these hail balls -- they're symbolic. They're typifying the Sons of God in spiritual strength appearing in the realm of appearance. And God calls them hail. And the physical makeup of hail is in concentric layers just like our spiritual makeup. So what I'm suggesting to you is that hail is the symbol for strength. Hail is hard. It can hurt. It can kill if it's -- if the hail is large enough. And it's the Sons of God appearing in spiritual strength in the realm of appearance. And they're covered with compacted snow, and compacted snow is -- the word compact means combined, consolidated and to make up by combining. It's made up of layers of clear ice and compact snow.


Now, ice is frozen water, and water is a state of coldness. Water is the realm of the soul. Gas or vapor, steam, is the realm of the spirit. Water is the realm of the soul, and ice is the realm of appearance. And man's spiritual being, OK, depending on where he is, is spirit, soul or his body in the realm of appearance. OK. So the hail is ice. I'm -- what I'm telling you is that it's redeemed soul. It's soul that's been made hard. It's soul that's been made incorruptible. That's what I'm telling you. And the soul was covered with compact snow, and snow is something that's combined or made up. Snow is white crystals of frozen water that is formed directly from the vapor of the air. Snow is formed from the vapors, spirit. OK. The ice is formed from the water, soul, and they're wrapped together. I'm telling you that it's the spiritually strong human being standing up in the strength of Christ with an incorruptible soul and an incorruptible body, appearing in the realm of appearance. That's what I'm suggesting to you. Glory to God.


And the fact that the snow is compacted, it means that it's combined. And I remind you that when our spirit stands up in spiritual strength, there's going to be four parts to it. We're going to have the Father. We're going to have Christ. We're going to have the Holy Spirit, and our human spirit is going to be there. That's the spiritually mature man. We don't have the whole thing now. We're getting there. So what I'm -- what the Scripture's saying is, the first angel sounded. They preach the doctrine that the soul has to be slaughtered, and the next thing that happened was that they became hail. Their soul was redeemed. Their spirit was caught up to full spiritual maturity, that this is -- I'm suggesting to you that this is the symbol used in the book of Revelation to describe spiritually mature men standing up in the spiritual strength of a redeemed soul and a spiritually mature spirit with all four elements, the Father, the Christ, the Holy Spirit and the human spirit, spiritual strength, undefeatable spiritual strength in the realm of appearance. No sickness, no disease, no death, no deceit, no poverty, no hunger, no corruption. Glory to God. OK.


So they became, they sounded the first trumpet. They submitted to their souls to be slaughtered, and they [INAUDIBLE] they beca- -- [INAUDIBLE] and their spirits strengthened in Christ. And they also became fire mingled with blood. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Well, let me give you an Alternate Translation on that. I have a few more comments for you here. I wanted to tell that in Revelation 4:6, if you want to review crystal. Where'd I get that from? Snow is white crystals. We did a study on crystal, which is mentioned in Revelation 4:6, and if you want to review that, it's on message 38, part one. And in that verse, we translated the phrase a sea of glass likened to crystal. We translated it as a many membered, transparent, dead human soul. And we got that translation from the Hebrew word translated crystal. It was Strong's 2930, and this definition is a many faceted -- this is crystal, a many faceted, many membered -- many faceted. That means many membered, clear without the darkness of sin, colorless soul. And we have established, in this ministry, that if you have life, you are [?led?]. You have the readiness of Adam and that colorness -- the colorlessness in the Scripture typifies dead. So the crystalline condition of the snow indicates the death of the soul. Only Christ is appearing in the soul of these people, and only Christ is appearing in the spirit of these people. Glory to God.


So let me give you an Alternate Translation. What did I do? I have more for you before I give you an Alternate Translation. Satan is the on- -- OK. Satan is the only part of the living soul without color. And when Christ stands up in power in the first fruits company and passes through into the realm of appearance, he will push Satan, who is presently in the front, to the background. And Satan will be the spiritual skeleton. And I'm suggesting to you that the hail is the spiritual skeleton. This must be a little tough on you, Ann, because we've been studying here for weeks. I hope I'm -- I hope you're going to follow this a little bit. I can't get this board erased. OK. I just wanted to make this point to you here, that -- I don't want it moved. I want it erased if you can erase it, while I'm working here. OK. If you could get some paper towel from the kitchen, thanks [INAUDIBLE].


We are a man, and this is our condition right now. Our spirit is within us. Our spirit is locked within our human body, and -- here, the spray is in the bag, [?Elsie?]. OK. Our human spirit is locked within our body, and it can't get out. What's happening is that as Jesus Christ comes forth in us, his spirit is going to penetrate through these bodies that are dark and dense and are, in actuality, prison houses. And his spirit is going to prevail in our lives. I'm having a lot of trouble bringing this message forth today. Glory to God. OK.


I just want to show you this on the board. I'll read you this again. Satan is the only part of the living soul without color. Now, this was all established on past messages. He's without color. He's without the life of Christ. And when Christ stands up in power in the first fruits company and passes through to the realm of appearance, he will push Satan, who is presently in the front, to the background, and Satan will become the spiritual skeleton. OK.


Let me try and show you this. This is what's going to happen. This is man. I draw it as a circle. And right now, Christ is in the midst of us. Can you follow that? I'm just drawing man as a circle, and Christ is in the midst of us. But he's pressing his way out. He's pressing his way out, and as he presses against our soul, OK, our so- -- he's going to pierce it, and he's going to come through, and he's going to be seen outside of our body. He's going to be seen in our thoughts, in our words, in our deeds. But for all intents and purposes, this line of our out of body was our Adamic life, and Satan is the spirit that rules in the mind of the natural men. And he's going to get pushed into the background, and another circle is going to be formed here. Now my marker isn't working. OK. And there's going to be another circle formed here, and it's going to be Christ on the outside. And this is going to be Satan in here, and it's no longer going to be the natural man with all his evil ways on the outside and Christ buried in his heart trying to be seen. It's going to be Christ in every thought word and deed, and Satan is going to be locked on the inside unable to move and unable to make us sin, inside of our hearts here, and eventually inside of our body.


Right now, man is mostly Satanic. Our thoughts are evil. Man has very evil thoughts, and we're constantly at war with them. And Christ is in us, you know, trying to stop Satan form making us do ungodly things. OK. But when this happens, when we stand up in spiritual strength, our natural state of being is going to be righteousness. Our thoughts are going to be to do good. We're not going to have these evil thoughts because Christ is stronger, and Satan is going to be locked down there where he cannot even impulse these thoughts into our mind anymore. And that is what's typified by the hail, so that was just another witness that the hail was -- I see what I'm trying to do here.


I'm going to just pray now. I'm having too much trouble bringing this forth. Father, I just pray that you help me to bring this message forth. It's very difficult and it's very symbolic, and it's very complicated, but there's a lot coming against me. I just break every curse and I break every hindrance coming against me. And I ask that you be glorified in this message, Lord, and I thank you. Amen. OK.


So we're dealing with chapter 8 of the book of Revelation. And we are in verse 7. The first angel sounded, and they became hail and fire mingled with blood. And I hope that I just convinced you that the hail typifies the living soul and the soul and the spirit of man that a- -- that has been raised up and glorified and redeemed, and that the Satan mind, the unconscious mind -- we know that the living soul is in three parts. We have the conscious mind, the unconscious mind and the human spirit, and the unconscious mind is Satan, in the depths of our mind, and that he has been neutralized, and that he has been covered over with the completed spirit of Christ. Glory to God.


And now we're going to find out that the fire typi- -- well, we know fire typifies the spirit of God, and the word mingles means to mix with. The fire mixed with blood. We're trying to find out what that means. Now, Webster says that the word mingle means to bring or combine together or with something else to intermix, to prepare by mixing, to mingle. To mingle usually suggests that the elements are somewhat distinguishable or separate, separately active, as is the case here. Because we know that even though we're being mixed with Christ, there's still going to -- they're not going to be so -- we're not going to be so mixed that we utterly lose our identity. We're all going to have an individual identity. And the word mix means to combine or blend into one mass.


So the fire's going to mingled with blood. Well, what does the blood mean? The blood typifies the soul life, brethren. The life of the flesh is in the blood. Glory to God. Now, the fire mingling with the blood typifies the fire of God, which is spirit, mingling with the soul life of Christ. Now, I remind you, what we've been teaching in this ministry for months now is that if the Father tried to join to man directly, we would die. Does anybody know why? Well, yes, because of the sin, but technically what would happen is that God, which is an all consuming fire, would burn us up. We'd burn up our soul. So here, in this Scripture, the fire is mixing with the soul, and the soul is not being burnt up. Now, we know that this could not be the soul of natural man. It has to be the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ as typified by the burning bush that Moses saw, the bush that was made of natural substance that burned, yet it was not consumed. The only soul that will not be consumed when it's mixed with the fire of God is the sinless, pure soul life of Jesus Christ. Glory to God.


So let's try this Alternate Translation. And this is the second phrase of Revelation 8:7. And the beginning company were the first to enter into the life of Christ, and the spirit that ruled in them -- oh, I put this in the wrong place. That's why I was getting all mixed up. And the beginning company were the first to enter into the life of Christ, and the spirit that ruled in them, even Satan in their unconscious minds, became the spiritual skeleton for the body of Christ. And they were mixed with the soul life of Christ, which abides in the fire of almighty God. OK.


What we're doing here is -- and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood. And the beginning company, the first to enter into life, that's the first angel, and the spirit that rules in them, even Satan -- it says here, and they became, so I clarify that instead of they I said, and the beginning company were the first to enter into the life of Christ, and the spirit that ruled in them, even Satan in their unconscious minds, became the spiritual skeleton for the body of Christ. And they were mixed with the soul life of Christ which abides in the fire of almighty God.


And I can't go into the whole teaching today, but I remind you that this body that we're living in now, it is going to become the spiritual skeleton. When Christ fully appears in us and we're redeemed in our spirit and in our soul and Christ penetrates out beyond this body and this body is pressed into the background, its form is going to remain, and it will be the spiritual skeleton. I just -- we spent many messages on that. I just can't re-teach the whole thing now.


Let me read it for you one more time. And the beginning company were the first to enter into the life of Christ. And the spirit that ruled in them, even Satan, in their unconscious minds, became the spiritual skeleton for the body of Christ. And they were mixed with the soul life of Christ which abides in the fire of almighty God. And I remind you that before you can be mixed with the soul life of Christ, your natural soul has to die. Your natural soul has to die. Glory to God.


And they were cast upon the Earth. That's the end of that phrase. And they were cast upon the Earth. The word cast is 906. We've had that before. It means to deliberately hurl. And the word upon is Strong's 1909. It can also be translated to. And I'm going to suggest to you that that phrase, they were cast upon the Earth, means they were cast to the Earth, the Earth being the realm of appearance. And they appeared in the realm of appearance. So what we're saying is the angel sounded. They preached this doctrine of the slaughter of the soul. And the next thing that happened was that they became redeemed in their souls, completed in their spirits. They stood up in spiritual strength, and they were mixed with the soul of Christ which abides in the fire of almighty God. They were ripped out of their Adamic soul, which is filled with sin and was destroyed, and they were mixed with the soul of Christ. They became one with Christ. As they had been married to Satan, we shall be divorced from him and married to Christ in righteousness. And we shall abide in the fire of almighty God.


So let me read this for you. Alternate Translation of -- this is the first few phrases of Revelation 8:7. And I'm not going to finish the whole verse because those next two phrases there, in verse 8 -- in verse 7, of the trees being burnt up and all the green grass burnt up, I really would have had to go into future verses to g- -- really understand what God was saying, and I just wasn't strong enough to do it last night. So I'm just going to give you these first few phrases of Revelation 8:7.  And the first members of the living soul to stand up in spiritual strength, even the beginning company or the first fruits company, began to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration in the spiritual realm of God. And the beginning company were the first to enter into the life to -- a life of Christ, and the spirit that ruled in them, even Satan in their unconscious minds, became the spiritual skeleton for the body of Christ. And they became mixed with the soul life of Christ which abides in the fire of almighty God, and they appeared in the realm of appearance.


So what this says to me, brethren, is that we are not going to be recognized by the world until we have been delivered of our sin-filled Adamic souls and mixed with the soul life of Christ. God is going to keep us hidden. He's going to keep us veiled as we proceed in this process of becoming the first fruits company. We have not been born yet. We're still in utero. But I declare to you that the doctrine is being preached, that it's coming forth, the doctrine of the slaughter of the soul. And as I understand this Scripture, the next thing that's going to happen is that we're going to be separated from Satan in our own minds and joined to Christ in righteousness. And at that moment, we shall appear in the realm of appearance. Can I answer any questions for you today, anybody? OK. Let me get over there. Thank you, Jesus.


            You had said that -- let's see. Where was it? On the 7th verse, you said it was a spiritual skeleton, and you also said it was the soul and the spirit, right? Is that the same thing as spiritual skeleton? I'm, kind of, confused about what the spiritual skeleton was because at one time I thought you said it was the body [UNINTELLIGIBLE], and one time I thought you said it was Satan, or is it the whole thing?


OK, I'll try and give you a little review of the spiritual skeleton. Wha- -- God, help me to do this simply. What we have said was that everything in the realm of appearance and in the realm of the soul is a reflection of the spiritual life. OK. [?Annette?]? OK. And at the center of the Adamic man -- who is the spirit that rules the Adamic man? Satan is the spirit that rules the Adamic man. He is the spirit. We have spirit, soul and body, Satan. And then he was surrounded by a soul. The name of the soul was Adam. And Satan, which is our unconscious mind, he pierced through into our conscious mind, and then he pierced beyond our conscious mind to a place where he could perform his desires or his lusts, OK. And when that happened, the body was formed. OK. So you're correct. Satan is the -- the human body is the manifestation of Satan in the realm of appearance. Satan is the unconscious mind in the spirit form. He's the unconscious mind, and his desires are desperately wicked. No man could know it. And he will not stop until he can perform those desires. So because of his lusts for evil, something spiritual happened which resulted in these bodies. This is not the creation of God. God doesn't want to see us age with wrinkles and dying and suffering from sickness. This is not God's creation. The resurrected Christ is God's creation. This is the result of Satan's lust to act out the wicked desires of his own heart. So the human body is the manifestation in the realm of appearance of the spiritual life known as Satan. OK.


And what I said earlier about the hail, the point I was trying to make -- I was having a little trouble with it. I was trying to establish that the hail typified the whole living soul, OK, in its redeemed state. And in its redeemed state, if you remember, OK, there's a change coming in here. Right in the middle of Satan, there's someone else coming forth. His name is Christ, OK. And he's starting to pierce. His mind is going to enter into our conscious mind, righteousness, and his mind is going to enter into the realm of the body. And where the body was sick, it's going to be whole. And his mind is going to go one step further because we're getting a glorified body.


And when Christ comes out here, beyond the body, another realm, another layer, another circle is added to our spiritual being. This body, which is Satan in the realm of appearance, is going to become the spiritual skeleton. Right now, he's not the spiritual skeleton because he's our body. It's all we've got. But there's another layer that's going to be added to us. And it -- what it is is it's Christ coming from the depths of our unconscious mind, and he's going to pierce out. He's going to overlay our conscious mind and think righteous thoughts into our conscious mind. He's going to overlay our body, make it healthy and make it whole, and then he's going to add another layer to us. It's going to be a layer of the spiritual authority.


And we've also taught here that man -- that this is a -- the whole world accepts this fact. I hope the church world accepts it. I know the world does. That man has a body. He's a natural man. He's also a spiritual man, and spirit originates within the heart of man, and it emanates out from him. That spirit emanates out from man. Natural man calls it an aura. OK. You could see it in some religious pictures. They draw circles around them. Sometimes they just draw it around his head. OK. That is an indication of spiritual life emanating out from the heart of the man. OK. Now, as long as Satan is the ruling source in our soul, OK, this body is not a spiritual skeleton. It's all that there is. OK. But when Christ takes over our minds and he starts piercing through our conscious mind, he's going to permeate out past our body, OK, which means he's going to be evident in our thoughts, our words and our deeds. And this body is going to become a spiritual skeleton because it's going to be buried under the life of Christ.


            So when you say this body, you're talking about the soul and the spirit also?


Yes, I'm talking about the soul and the spirit also. OK. It's going to be buried under the life of Christ. Yet, it's not going to be totally destroyed because God is making the creation, and the creation needs a form. And in the studies that we've done of what the -- to find out what the new creation man is going to look like, we're told he's going to look like a man. So even though Satan was responsible for the appearance of these bodies, God is using it. He's going to be the form of the spiritual creation. Did I explain it? OK.


And what I was trying to suggest to you, that the concentric circles of the hail, OK, typify our spiritual being in a redeemed form. And the hail typifying the living soul, which means soul -- spirit -- Satan would have to be there and Adam would have to be there. OK. It was covered over by snow, snow typifying the spirit meaning that the spirit had pierced through to the outer realm and was utterly covering over the living soul. That's what I was trying to say. Hail is ice covered over by snow, so that's the complete reverse of our condition now. We are soul outside and spirit inside. But when the angel sounded and the hail fell, they were ice on the inside and snow on the outside, or soul on the inside and spirit on the outside. We're going to be reversed.


You see, now, we're being ruled by our soul. We're be- -- that's why we sin because we're ruled by our soul. When this conversion takes place, we're going to be ruled by our spirit, and we won't sin anymore. So that's what the hail typifies, the reversal of our spiritual condition into one by which we will not sin anymore. Did I answer your question? OK. Anybody else. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] OK.


4/03/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

4/08/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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