042 - Part 15
(Revelation 6-7 & Genesis 49)

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation

By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.




Now, sayeth the Lord. In the hills and in the dens and in every far place that they shall run to, sayeth God, and I shall seek righteousness sayeth the Lord. And where there is none, sayeth God, my fire shall fall upon them, sayeth the Lord. And I shall judge them without mercy, sayeth God. For indeed, my judgments are my mercy.


Praise the Lord. We are recapping Revelation chapter 7, verses 9 to 10. And Lord willing, we will finish chapter 7 tonight, and we will finish our studies on The Sixth Seal of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. Hallelujah. Recap, Revelation 7, verses 9 and 10.


After seeing thousands of the members of the living soul caught up to full stature, I continued to look. And there it was, the balance of the many-membered living soul whose number was uncountable. And they came out of every physical race, out of every manner of thinking, out of those who know God and out of those who never knew God. And they stood in the strength of their newfound spiritual maturity in front of the prostrated corporate living soul and in front of the Christ within them. And they were clothed with the righteousness of the imputed anointing and were possessing the promise of rest, righteousness, prosperity and victory over death. And with the great authority that had received when they were joined to Christ, they uttered an obvious spiritual sound, which in the language of men said -- excuse me. Salvation is in our God who is sitting on top of Christ's prostrated soul and in the Lamb which is Christ. Glory to God.


Continuing with verse 11. And all the angles stood around about the throne and about the elders and the four beasts and fell before the throne on their faces and worshipped God. And all the angles stood around about the throne. Well, we -- I hope that I established to you, in past meetings, that the throne is Christ. God's throne, the father's throne is Jesus Christ's prostrated soul. When Jesus Christ brought his soul into the -- into submission to the spirit of holiness, the father within him, the Scripture tells us, sat upon his soul.


And we are talking about spiritual order here. I thought I [UNINTELLIGIBLE] took a couple of markers out. I'll show it to you on the board. We're talking about spiritual order. And I ask you to just keep in mind that it's really impossible to draw a spiritual thing and that everything in the book of Revelation is symbolic. And what the Lord is trying to express to us is that there is a spiritual order, and the spiritual order is the father on top. Underneath him is Christ, and underneath him is the living soul. That's the spiritual order that the entire creation will come into at the end of its processing.


Another way we've been seeing it is with circles. The father is in the center. The Christ is next. OK. And then we have a third circle which is the soul of men. And the circle that is the farthest from the center is the part of the creation that we are that faces the realm of appearance. OK. We are a creation that is both seen and unseen. What is seen is our bodies, and our personality [UNINTELLIGIBLE], thoughts, our speech and our behavior. OK. But there is a spirit in us that is unseen. It's either Satan or it's Christ. OK. And the top of the throne is the spirit where the father is.


The father is invisible, and he's seen in the soul of his Christ and in the living soul, in the realm of appearance. So when the Scripture says, OK, that something was in front of the throne, what it's saying is that it is seen. The throne is the prostrated soul, and it's invisible. So if someone's standing in front of the throne, that means that you could see them. They're standing in front of a submissive spirit. They're standing in front of a spiritual life that has been brought into submission. If they're standing in front of the throne, that's God's way of explaining to you that they're appearing in the realm of appearance or they're appearing and that they are appearing and what -- and the spiritual life within them has been brought into submission to Christ and/or the father.


Did I make that clear? That's the way God -- that's what he means when he talks about throne. That's his way of expressing that the beings that we're talking about have a spiritual being that's in submission to God. OK. I hope I made that clear. OK. And all the angels stood round about the throne. And the Lord has showed me that the word angels signifies the spiritual man. He calls spiritual men angels. Glory to God.


And we know that we are body, soul and spirit, and he breaks down the word angels into two parts. Elder, a spiritual elder, is the human spirit in which Christ has been birthed. When your human spirit births Christ, the Lord describes it as a spiritual elder. And I remind you this is a symbolic book. It is a book of symbols that is attempting to express spiritual concepts. OK. So God gives names to different aspects of our spiritual beings so we can understand.


And we're talking about a mature spiritual man now. He -- God calls them an angel. There's a mature spirit within that man he's calling an elder. And the beast or the living creatures is referring to the redeemed living soul. So an angel is a spiritually mature man. He has Christ for his spirit, and his soul has been redeemed.


And all the angels stood round about the throne. So we're talking about a spiritually mature man with a spiritu- -- a mature spirit and a redeemed soul, and they stood around the throne. They were in the correct moral order. That's what it means. OK. And they stood about the -- and the elders and the four beasts and -- I'm sorry. And about the elders and the four beasts -- OK.


Let me just take it from here. If you want to review the concept of thrones being a prostrated soul, you can review tape number 38, part one. And I want to read this verse 11 to you in the interlinear because there's something that's not clear in the King James. We're just going to -- I'm just going to deal with the first half of verse 11 in the interlinear.


And all of the angels stood around the throne and of the elders and of the four living creatures. And it's a little tricky, but what it's really saying is this, that the throne, the throne of our submissive spiritual being is in two parts. And the first part of the throne is that Christ, the soul life of Christ, is in submission to the father, and he is the father's throne. And when the living soul, when your human soul, comes in submission to Christ, we become Christ's throne. The father is sitting on the prostrated soul of Christ, and Christ is sitting on the prostrated living soul. And the whole creation shall have been brought into the correct spiritual moral order.


So there's one throne within us, but it has two parts, Christ, who is in submission to the father, and our own human soul, which is in submission to Christ. And together they make on throne. So what I'm suggesting to you is that the Lord is explaining to us -- he's saying and all of the spiritual men stood round about the throne. Which throne? The throne of the father, which is Christ. And they also stood about the throne of the elders and of the four living creatures which is the living soul. When our soul lays down and dies so that Christ can live through us, the spiritual men, the elders, and our redeemed soul shall live in Christ. OK. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 7:11. And all of the spiritual men compassed the father's throne about, which is Christ. And they also compassed the throne of the elders and the four living creatures about, which is the prostrated living soul. A spiritual life in correct moral order in two parts, Christ is in submission to the father, and the soul of the elders and the redeemed soul is in submission to them because the redeemed soul is in Christ. The human soul, the Satan soul, is in submission to them.


Continuing with and fell before the throne on their faces and worshipped God. They were in the correct moral order. They were in spiritual order. And the next thing that happened that the -- to the spiritual men, made up of the elders and the beast, was that they fell before the throne on their faces and worshipped God. Now, this word fell is Strong's 4098, and it means to fall down, to fall down. And the word before -- we've had this on many tapes. I don't have the number for you. It can be translated in front of. They fell down in front of. OK.


Now, we know -- we've spoken about this many times, that when we compare spiritual places to carnal places, we know that the realm of the spirit is high and that the carnal realm or the natural realm or the realm of the flesh is low. And I'm going to ask you to think about this concept of their falling down meaning that they fell down from the realm of the spirit. And if they fell down from the realm of the spirit, what would they fall into? The realm of the soul or the realm of appearance? Amen. When you fall down from the realm of the spirit, you fall down into the realm of appearance.


And they fell down into the realm of appearance on their faces. And the word faces is 4383, and that means the front, the part which is seen. So because they came into the correct spiritual order, which is demonstrated or symbolized by them standing around the throne, the throne being their spiritual life in correct moral order. Because they came into that condition, the result of it was that they fell into the realm of appearance, the part that was seen. They fell into the realm of appearance, the part of the creation which is seen.


Alternate Translation, second half Revelation 7:11. And they descended into or manifested in the realm of appearance where they worshipped God. And I remind you -- we've spoke about this many times, that the word worship refers to the fact that the soul life is laid down or denied so that the life of Christ can manifest in our soul and in our body. So these spiritual elders that were in correct moral order fell down into the realm of appearance, and when they got here, they laid down their soul life and let Christ live through them. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, all of Revelation 7:11. And all of the spiritual compassed the father's throne about, which is Christ. And they also compassed the throne of the elders and the four living creatures about, which is the prostrated living soul, and descended into or manifested in the realm of appearance where they worship God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


And I have a not to you here. This verse describes the imparted anointing becau- -- and I draw this conclusion, because we cannot truly worship God unless we are in complete submission to him. And the appearance of Christ is in the whole living soul. This verse describes the imparted anointing, and I draw that conclusion because you cannot truly worship God unless you're in complete submission to him. OK. And we're talking, here, about the entire living soul, so we're talking about the imparted anointing being imparted to the many members of the entire living soul, how exciting.


Verse 12. And when they fell down into the realm of appearance and they were in correct spiritual order and they laid down their soul life and let Christ manifest through them, this is what they said. Verse 12. Amen. Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be unto our God forever and ever. Amen. And I want to draw your attention to the fact that this is word for word, with the exception of one word, riches, the same verse that is in Revelation chapter 5, verse 12.


And I'm going to touch on it again in a little while, but I just want to tell you now, to remind you that chapter 5, verse 12, we determined, was the sketching into the realm of the spirit what would ultimately appear in the realm of appearance. And we said that when God creates he does it in three stages. First he gets the idea in his head. God imagines. And the next thing that happens is that what he imagines is sketched in the realm of the spirit. And that's what's happening in Revelation 5:12.


And the third step of God's will manifesting in the realm of appearance is that it manifest in the realm of appearance. God imagines it, it's sketched in the realm of appearance. I'm sorry, it's sketched in the realm of the spirit, and then it manifests in the realm of appearance. So in Revelation chapter 5, verse 12, we see God's will being sketched in the realm of the spirit. And in Revelation chapter 7, verse 12, we see it happening in the realm of appearance.


So I'm going to go through this quickly because we did it in Revelation chapter 5. Blessings are polished language. I suggest to you that it's the fine speaking that comes forth when it's Christ speaking through you. Glory means greatness. Wisdom is practical skill. 2169 is thanksgiving. That is the only word that did not appear in Revelation chapter 5, verse 12. And you're going to see that Revelation chapter 5, verse 12 speaks about riches, which we determined is the fullness of God's spirit. And in Revelation chapter 7, verse 12, that riches is exchanged for the word thanksgiving. And I declare to you that they are no longer hoping for the fullness of God's spirit or speaking into existence the fullness of God's spirit but thanking God for the receipt of the fullness of his spirit.


And the word honor is a valuing by which the price is fixed. It means money paid, and I suggest to you that means righteousness. And power is [INAUDIBLE] miracle working power. Glory to God. OK.


Now I have some comments here for you. I want to read it just in case I forgot to tell you something. The language of Revelation 5:12 and 7:12 are almost the same. I told you this. OK. In Revelation 5:11 and 12, which is discussed on tape number 39, part four. The many angels are saying, and I emphasize the word many, many angels are saying that the living soul is worthy to receive salvation also because they are the female element of the creation. And by saying that, they are speaking that salvation into existence.


The Greek word many is Strong's 4183, and it means marked with a great variety of colors. It means varied, manifesting itself in many forms. And it's used to describe cloth or a painting, and I remind you of Joseph's many-colored coat, and I remind you that the Lord is weaving a garment with which he intends to cover himself. And the living soul is that garment. So by saying that many angels -- talking about many angels, what it's saying is that there are many members of the living soul or many spiritual men that are taking many different forms, different colors, different races, different personalities. God -- excuse me. God is a God of variety, and he shall manifest himself through the many members of the living soul through each of our individualities, through each of our talents, through each of our preferences. He will be glorified in a variety of members of the living soul. And that's what's being sketched in the spirit. OK.


And in Revelation 7:11 and 12, which is now what's happening in the realm of appearance, the expression is all the angels, not many angles but all the angels. And the first fruits company and the balance of the living soul which have now received the earnest of the spirit are declaring that salvation and everything associated with it is only in God. The Greek word translated all is Strong's 3956, and it means everyone of the class spoken about, that is every individual manifested in the realm of appearance, the whole of which is the garment described in Revelation 5, verses 11 and 12.


So Revelation 5, we're talking about the spiritual aspect of this, which is a garment for God in many different colors. And I remind you that God is bright white light. And when you put him through a -- when you put white light through a prism, it breaks down into many colors, many variations. OK. So we across the face of the Earth, the many members of the living soul, are the many different varied manifestations of almighty God, spiritual manifestations.


And when we get over to Revelation chapter 7, we see that the language changes to all of the angels because in the realm of appearance we're dealing with numbers. In the realm of the spirit, we're not dealing with numbers, we're dealing with expression of the spirit of God. And in Revelation 7, we're dealing with numbers, and God is saying that every single member of the living soul shall partake of his spirit in due season. Glory to God.


And I'm going to put this on this tape again. If you've heard it before, maybe you need to hear it. If this is the first tape that you're hearing, it's not likely, but if you just picked this tape up somewhere, brethren, if your carnal mind cannot deal with the fact that God is going to save every single man because you have seen millions of men die and you cannot deal with their salvation after death, brethren, I ask you to pray about it. And I declare to you that God almighty is greater than your carnal mind, and he is greater than this problem of saving men who have passed on without salvation. Because you can't understand it does not mean that God cannot do it. Hallelujah. Glory to God. OK.


Alternate Translation -- well, let me see. I made another point here for you. The multitude of Revelation 7:9 are the manifestation in the realm of appearance of the group which is sketched in the spirit in Revelation 5:11. Hallelujah. OK.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 7:12. Saying so be it. The ability to speak the words of God and to have our greatness -- now, this is after they fell down into the realm of appearance. This is what they said. So be it. The ability to speak the words of God and to have our greatness of knowledge and the ability to have all our practical needs met and the privilege of giving thanks to God for the fullness of his spirit and to be [?reverant?] and to have miracle-working power and the strength to put our souls underfoot and keep them there is in our God for the life of the ages. So be it.


And what that means, brethren, that expression it's in our God, it means that he is all of these things. And when he is in you, that is when you have them. Christ is all of these gifts. He is all of these blessings. And when he abides and dwells in you, you shall, indeed, have the life of the ages and every one of the things just named. It's not something coming from outside of you. It's got to get inside of you. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


I have another note. I have a lot of notes in this message. Let me just read it to you and -- to make sure I didn't miss it. Verse 12 describes the attitude of spiritual men with the imparted anointing. This is the true worship of God. When you have the imparted anointing, when your soul is dead or is lying down under the feet of the Christ within you, this is what you will say, the things that I just read off of you. Praising God for everything that he has given you.


And, brethren, just take a minute to stop and think what the natural man sounds like. Does he praise God for anything? He thinks that he's done it all, and he's deceived because he hasn't done anything, and everything is a gift. The food that you grow when you labor for months on the fields is a gift of God because, brethren, the day could come that that field will not give forth fruit, that the skies will not give forth rain. We cannot do anything, and it is a -- the mark of a fool that gives the glory unto the talents with which he was given when he was born because you could be smitten with a terrible disease overnight. You could even die, and your family would be left destitute. Brethren, get this understanding because your own pride is destroying you. Hallelujah.


I was reading in the second book of Kings today, and I read how God delivered, I believe it was, the army of the people of Israel. He says the angle of the Lord went forth and smit -- and smote thousands of the members of the other army, that Israel did not even have to go to battle. The dawn rose, and there were dead soldiers all over the land. Hallelujah. Glory to God. OK.


Going on with verse 13. And one of the elders answered saying unto me, what are these which are arrayed in white robes? And whence came they? Now, when I started to do this, I said, Lord, I don't understand why the angel is asking John this question. And as I worked this through, I found out that the angle was trying to find out if John understood what he had seen.


And I remind you that it's very possible to see spiritual things. You could read it in the Bible. You could see a vision. You could hear every word I'm saying and not understand it. You must get understanding, brethren. If you don't have it, ask God for it. If you want me to pray for you, I will. You've got to get understanding. What good is doing all of these deeds if you don't have understanding? It's not any good at all, brethren, or very little good. OK.


Alternate Translation. Revelation chapter 7, verse 13. And one of the sons of God responded to the vision. I'm sorry. And one of the sons of God responded to the vision I saw saying to me, what did you see? Who are these people who have received the righteousness of the imputed anointing? And where did they come from? Glory to God.


Now, I remind you that in verse 9 they have the imputed anointing, and in verse 11, they have the imparted anointing. So when we're doing verse 13, the angel is referring back to the beginning. He's referring back to verse 9, and he's saying, who are these people who have received the righteousness of the imputed anointing?


And the way I get that is in verse 12 it says, who are these which are arrayed in white robes? And the word arrayed is Strong's 4016. It's the same Greek word that's translated clothed that appears in Revelation 7:9. And I remind you that there are two Greek words that can be translated clothed. And one means that it's a jacket that can be taken off of you, and the other Greek word means that it becomes a part of you. And this is the Greek word that means it's removable, and that is the imputed anointing. OK. Glory to God. I'll give that to you again.


Alternate Translation. Revelation 7:13. Excuse me. And one of the sons of God responded to the vision which I saw saying to me, what did you see? Who are these people who have received the righteousness of the imputed anointing, and where did they come from? Did you ever sit in a classroom where the teacher says to you, well, you just saw the visual aid, what did you see? Tell me what you say, students, and I'm going to grade you on what you have to say. This is what is happening. John is being instructed with regard to what has happened to the living soul, and the angel, the son of God that was instructing him, said to him, well, John, what did you see? Feed it back to me. It's called feed it back to me. Let me see if you understood what you saw.


Verse 14. And I said unto him, sir, thou knowest, and he said to me, these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. And I said unto him, sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Hallelujah.


Now, this word knowest, it's Strong's 1442. It is used, Strong's tells us, only in the past tense. It means to see, to be aware of, to beheld or to behold. And what it means is John is saying to the angle, well, you saw it also. You saw it also. What are you asking me about it for? You saw it. That's what it means. And I said unto him, sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, these are they which came out of great tribulation.


And the word came out is Strong's 2064. Strong's tells us it's used only in the present and imperfect tenses. Now, the imperfect tense is used to designate a continuing state or an incomplete action. And I suggest to you that the reason it's an incomplete state and a continuing action is that God is saving the entire living soul one member at a time. And, brethren, he has started, and he has not yet finished. Glory to God.


The word tribulation is 2347, and it means pressure, pressing together, affliction, anxiety of heart and wish. And it's from the root, 2346, which means to crowd, to afflict. It means narrow, and it's from another root that means to rub or to make a pathway. Now, this word narrow, to make narrow, it's from a -- it's the same word that's used in the Scripture that says straight is the gate and narrow is the way.


And as soon as we get through this verse 14, as soon as I give you the alternate translation, I'm going to diverge a little to do those few verses, straight is the gate and narrow is the way. It's a very controversial Scripture. There's two verses which most Christians use to prove that all men shall not be saved. I've been -- I've mentioned it to you several times, and I felt that the Lord told me that this is the time to just put it into this message and get it on the tape. So we're going to finish verse 14, and then we're going to stop and do that little side study with regard to this word tribulation and find out what it really means. OK.


And I said unto him, sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes. Now, this word washed, it's Strong's 4150. It's the only time it's translated washed in Strong's, and it means to be cleansed to the point of sinlessness.


Now, on tape four we did a study on the difference between spiritual washing and sanctification, being made holy. And we found out that there's two processes involved in being made holy. First, you have to be washed, which means that the sin has to be separated from your true spiritual substance. And the second part of the process is that the sin must be purged out an- -- of you and eliminated from your spiritual life completely. And if you want to review that, it's on tape four.


This word, this Greek word, meaning washed is a word that means to be cleansed to the point of sinlessness. That means it includes washing and purging. Hallelujah. OK. Glory to God. Glory to God. OK. And the word robe, let me just keep you in touch with this phrase. And have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. And the word robe, we've touched on that before, and it means a long-fitting gown as a mark of dignity. And we determined on a prior tape that we were talking about the soul and [UNINTELLIGIBLE] talking about making the soul dignified. I guess that's the word, dignified. OK.


Alternate Translation. Revelation 7:14. And I said to him, sir, you saw the vision for yourself. What are you asking me for? And when he realized that I had seen the vision but did not understand it, the angel said to me, these are the members of the living soul. When the angel realized the vision but he didn't understand it, he explained it to him, and this is what he said. These are the members -- talking about verse 9 now. These are the members of the living soul which are experiencing the intense pressure, that's the tribulation -- the intense pressure of the soul of Christ appearing in them and crowding their human souls into a position of submission under his authority.


And I want to go over that with you again. These are the souls that are experiencing that great pressure. Tribulation is pressure. Hallelujah. I lost my place, excuse me. And have washed their robes. OK. They are experiencing the intense pressure of the soul of Christ appearing in them and crowding their human souls. That means they're getting cleansed. Their robes are getting washed. Why? Because the soul of Christ is pressing them down into a position where they cannot sin. That's how their robes are being made white. The soul of Christ is pressuring them and crowding them and afflicting them down into a position of submission and correct moral order. And part of this process is the casting out of demons and breaking curses. And, please, let's not forget repentance.


That is all -- there's one name that covers th- -- all of these processes. Learning, instruction, healing, deliverance, the breaking of curse and repentance. I should have put repentance first. OK. And that -- what is causing that is that the soul of Christ has appeared in you, is growing in you and is forcing your Edomite human soul into it's correct moral order where it shall submit to Christ. Hallelujah. That's how their robes are being washed, and they're being made white in the blood of the Lamb. They're being made without sin when the soul of Christ gets them into that submit -- position of submission where your human soul cannot sin. You will then be without sin because the Christ will rule and reign in your soul. Now, let me read that for you again.


Alternate Translation. Revelation chapter 7, verse 14. And I said to him, sir, you are the vision -- you saw the vision for yourself. And when he realized that I had seen the vision but did not understand it, he said to me, these -- those of verse 9 of chapter 7 are the members of the living soul which are experiencing the intense pressure of the -- which occurs when the soul of Christ appears in them and crowds their humans souls into a position of submission under his authority. That is what the tribulation is, brethren.


Now, I don't deny that there could be a manifestation in the natural. I don't deny that there could be warfare. I don't deny that you could be involved in a war and hard times. But, brethren, the whole church world knows that wars and afflictions have been going on for centuries. People were crucified long before Jesus. People were tortured. People have been burned alive. This has been going on for centuries, but it did not result in the manifestation of Christ. If it didn't result in the manifestation of Christ, it is not the tribulation spoken of in the Bible. And although your tribulation might involve these kinds of things -- I hope not, but if Jesus calls you to it, there's nothing I could do about it, and there's nothing that you could do about it.


But the true spiritual tribulation or the true tribulation is spiritual, and what it is referring to is that it is a vexation, a pressing, a crowding, a pressure, and what is being pressured is your soul. And the one's who's bumping into it and pushing it around is Christ, the soul of Christ that has appeared in you. Glory to God. Or has been birthed in you and is the process of appearing in you, and he's pushing and then he's pressing, and then he's pushing him into a corner, your soul, your soul, and he's saying, get down under my feet, for I shall rule in this vessel. And when I get you down there, because my spirit rules in your vessel, you shall indeed be raised from the dead. Hallelujah. And that is the spiritual reality of the tribulation. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


I hope I made it clear. I'm not denying you might have hard times in all kinds of natural ways, but those experiences, brethren, are part of the process by which Christ is bringing your soul into submission to his sou. And when that situa- -- when that spiritual reality occurs in your life, brethren, there isn't out there in this world that could damage you.


I heard a testimony that supposedly took place in China, that these two women were evangelizing everywhere. It was a mother and a daughter, and the father and husband was a very great heathen, and he hated their works. And he threatened to -- if they didn't stop that he would kill them. And they came home one day, and he butchered them with a Chinese cleaver. He didn't just kill them. He butchered them. And I'm told, glory to God, that Jesus Christ raised them from the dead in the sight of the entire town, and the entire town received salvation.


Do you understand? When this spiritual work happens to you, there is nothing in this realm of appearance that cannot be rectified, not even death or butchering. So we are not looking at the physical manifestations of the tribulation. I'm not saying they're not going to happen, but I don't want to even take the time to zero in on them. I want to study everything and do everything that I can that's going to help me get to this spiritual place in Jesus Christ where even if I was hacked to death with a butcher knife that he would raise me from the dead.


I don't want to take the time to talk about the man that may or may not be standing up in the Middle East. There've been hundreds of butchers that have stood up already, so it's going to happen again. I hope you understand what I'm saying. I'm not denying it's going to manifest in the natural, but there's nothing I could do about the natural. I've got to get my spiritual condition right so that I could survive. And, unfortunately, I don't -- I have very little control about that. It has to be at the time of Jesus' choosing, but I want to throw my will in line with him and do everything that I can that if he's going to permit me to be in this spiritual condition by the time great tragedy comes in my life, if it ever comes, that I'll be in a position to -- where the Christ within me will just stand up and keep on going. If my hand gets chopped off, another hand will grow out.


A believer told me just a year ago -- a man told me, a very deep believer, that his finger was cut off, and it just grew right back. And his wife was with him, and she said, yes, I saw it, it just grew right back on. Well, in this hour, I don't know it might have been a gift or he might have had a  mature Christ in him. I don't know. But if you have a mature Christ in you, all of these things that now appear as gifts will happen to you because of the spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you. It will quicken your mortal body.


Why is not your mortal body quickened? Because it's not dwelling in you yet. You may have the Holy Spirit. Christ may not have been birthed in you, or he may have been birthed in you in embryo formed. And he may not be dwelling with you in enough maturity and strength to quicken you from the dead. Did you ever see a believer filled with faith die? I have. I saw her struggle with cancer for 5 years, wouldn't go to a doctor, believed God to deliver her, and she died. That was his deliverance for her pain because for whatever reason the spirit -- it was not the hour that he was going to work the spiritual work in her that was going to raise her from the dead, so he delivered her from her pain through death.


Can you receive this? If you can't, you know, and you’d like me to pray for you, I'll be glad to pray for you. Contact me. I'm telling you, it's the truth, and you've got to grow up in this hour. Now, we're going to diverge for a few minutes to study Matthew 7, verses 13 and 14. And I mentioned to you earlier that this word tribulation in Revelation 7:14 comes -- is a derivative of the word narrow that is used in the Scriptures, Matthew 7:13, 14, which are two Scriptures used by people to deny the truth that God will save every member of the living soul. And we're going to do this with an alternate translation and put it on the tape.


Matthew 7, verses 13 and 14. Enter ye in at the straight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction. And many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which lendeth -- which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it. That word few in verse 14 is the same word that is translated narrow which -- from which the word tribulation comes. They're very closely related. OK.


Verse 11. Enter ye in at the straight gate. The word straight is number -- is Strong's 4728, and it means narrow. That's the word that I was just talking about. Is there something wrong with [INAUDIBLE] downstairs. OK. OK. That word straight, it's the same word that's translated narrow which is basically the word that is translated tribulation. And it means narrow from obstacles standing close. What that means is if you are in a tough spot and someone is threatening you with a knife and you're forced back up against the wall so as to not get pierced by that knife, you are in a narrow place, brethren. You cannot move out of that place because if you move out, the knife is going to get you. That's what it means, and it specifically refers to standing up. The area that you have in which you could survive is small enough for you to st- -- to be in this area if you stand. But if you were to sit down or squat down or lie down, you would never fit into this area in safety. So the word narrow is directly and specifically related to being in a standing position in an area where you shall be safe if you can stand. Glory to God. OK.


Stra- -- OK. Enter ye in at the straight gate for wide is the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- well, first of all gate is Strong's 4439, and it's a leaf or wing of a folding entrance, but basically it's a door. It's a door that opens and closes. OK. Enter ye in at the straight gate for wide is the gate. Now, the word wide is Strong's 4116, and it means spread out. It's from a root that means to shape or mold or to fabricate. And I remind you that we have a soul which is in the process of being shaped and molded into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. And in the human vessels in which it is not yet shaped and molded, the spirit that is ruling is Satan. So I declare to you that an unmolded and unshaped, a spread out soul, is a soul that is ruled by Satan. OK.


Enter ye in at the straight gate for wide is the gate, or wide is the door, and broad is the way. The word broad is Strong's 2149, and it means spacious or broad. It's from a root that means an empty expanse of field that is empty. Now, I declare to you that it is a human vessel that has not yet been filled with Christ, the fruit that it has been ordained to bring forth. Glory to God.


For wide is the gate, or wide is the door, and broad is the way. And the word way is Strong's 3598. It means either road or the mode or means of making a journey. OK. So wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction. And this word destruction is Strong's 684. It means either physical, spiritual or moral ruin or loss. And I remind you that every human vessel alive is determined and planned to manifest Christ. And if a human vessel leaves this realm of appearance, if it dies and Christ has not appeared in it, it is ruined, and it is lost.


And I remind the teaching on spiritual menstruation. I didn't make a note of the tape number here, but if you want to contact me, I'll give it to you. And the teaching on spiritual menstruation is, excuse me, that the living soul is female. Each one of us is a vessel that can potentially be fertilized by the seed of Christ, by the seed of the father which is the Holy Spirit and produce Christ. And if we are not fertilized and we leave this realm beca- -- are dissolved without having produced Christ, we are menstruous egg. Those of you that know anything about biology, there are thousands of female eggs. One by one they descend into the fallopian tubes and into the womb where if they are not fertilized they exit the body in the form of menstrual blood. And that was what the Lord was saying to spiritual Israel when he said you're like menstruous rags. He's saying I've given you my word. I've given you the male element, but you have not produced Christ, and you're menstruating. Glory to God. OK.


That's what this word destruction is relating to, spiritual or moral ruin. If we do not produce Christ, we are in spiritual and moral ruin. Glory to God. OK. Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to spiritual or moral ruin. And there are many that go in that way. Well, what is the Lord talking about? I want to give you an alternate translation on that first verse before we go on because I want to suggest here that what the Lord is speaking about is entering into the realm of the spirit. And we know that the living soul and men across the face of the Earth have an interest in spiritual things. If people won't turn to God, well, then they want the occult. They want the astrology. They want their palms read. They want tea leaves read. Everybody's interested in the spiritual realm, something that's a basic curiosity in almost every man that I have ever met.


And I'm going to back this up with a few Scriptures as we go on. But I declare to you what Jesus is speaking about in Matthew 7:13 and 14 is that he's speaking to his people, and he's saying, I want you to enter into spiritual things, but there's two ways to do it. You could do it by my spirit, or you could do it by following Satan. And if you follow Satan, the result will be spiritual and moral ruin.


So let me give you this Alternate Translation. Matthew 7, verse 13. Experience spiritual things by the -- and then he's saying enter into the gate. What gate? The gate into the realm of the spirit. Experience spiritual things by the method that requires you to stand up in spiritual strength. This is Jesus' counsel. Enter ye in at the straight gate. It's all right, children, you can have spiritual experiences. But enter into the spiritual experiences by the method that requires you to stand up in spiritual strength. And to stand up in spiritual strength, you must be righteous. Do it my way. And then he goes on to elaborate. And he's says, because the spiritual source which can give you spiritual experiences another way is not formed in the image of God. That's what he's saying. Enter ye in at the straight gate because wide is the gate. Glory to God. Wide is the gate, spread out, not impressed with the image of Christ. Well, what’s the spirit that's not impressed with the image of Christ? Satan. Glory to God. Because the spiritual source which can give you spiritual experiences another way is not formed in the image of God. Glory to God.


And broad is the way, and making the journey, the path that you have to take when you follow Satan, making that journey from a natural man into a spiritual man, without experiencing the pain of having Christ formed in you leads to moral and spiritual ruin. And many experience spiritual things that. They're experiences result in moral and spiritual ruin. I'll read it to you again. Children, experience spiritual things. It's all right, but experience it by the method that requires you to stand up in spiritual strength.


 Because the spiritual source which can give you spiritual experiences another way without being made in the image of God is not formed in the image of God. And the one that will lead you that way, he himself is not formed in the image of God. And making the journey from a natural man to a spiritual man without experiencing the pain of having Christ formed in you leads to moral and spiritual ruin. And many experience spiritual things that way. It results in moral and spiritual ruin for them.


Verse 14. Because straight is the gate because the door that lets you into the spiritual life requires you to be standing in spiritual strength. I'm sorry, I read that wrong. Because the door that lets you enter into true spiritual life requires that you be standing in a spiritual strength which has resulted from Christ appearing in you. Because straight is the gate, the gate that lets you into the realm of the spirit, the door that will let you into the realm of the spirit and true spiritual life requires that you have spiritual strength, which you can only get from the process which will render you righteous in Christ. It's all right, he said. Enter into spiritual life, but enter in at the straight gate. Enter in by the way that requires you to be righteous. Enter in the legal way. And -- because straight is the gate and narrow is the way. Glory to God. I lost my place. Excuse me.


And the lifestyle that leads to this spiritual condition is afflicted and painful because straight is the gate. You have to be standing. And narrow is the way, afflicted and restricted and painful is the path that you have travel to enter into spiritual things the legal way. The way that requires you to have spiritual strength is painful, brethren, and it's afflicted. And few there be that find it.


Now, here's the clincher, brethren. This word few is Strong's 3641, and it can be translated puny, little in size, light or slight. And I declare to you, brethren, that the intention of our Lord in this Scripture was not to tell us that only a few, a small number, of people will find the way into the realm of the spirit but that he is telling us, brethren, that to enter in at the straight gate, well, you have to be standing up, brethren. There's no room for you to be standing in that place with all of the weight of the sin that so easily besets you. You cannot enter in with the weight of the sin. You have to lose weight. You have to be light. You have to be thin. And all that you can bear is that which Christ has given you. I declare to you that that's what that means, and I'll give you a couple of more witnesses.


Let me read Matthew 7:14 in an Alternate Translation for you again. Because the door that lets you enter into true spiritual life requires you to be standing in a spiritual strength which has resulted from Christ appearing in you and pressuring your soul. When Christ appears in you, he's going to pressure your soul into the correct moral relationship with him. And the lifestyle that leads to this spiritual condition is afflicted and painful, and only those who have cast off the weight of sin can find it.


Brethren, you're not entering in without repentance. You're not entering in without deliverance, and you're not entering in without casting off the sin that makes you heavy and weights you down in this realm of appearance. You can't have sin when you have cement blocks tied to your feat. You have to get light, brethren. You have to lose weight, and you have to have the sin purged out of you if you want to enter into spiritual things and more specifically spiritual life legally. Because if you enter in illegally, you shall die. Hallelujah.


And that word life, I want you to pu- -- I know I must have put it down somewhere, but I don't see it. OK. That word life in verse 14. Because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life. That word life is Strong's 2222, and I didn't write down the tape number for you, but we have a whole study on life. There are several Greek words that mean life. And basically what we taught here is that this word, 2222, is a general word for life. And we find out what kind of life the Lord is speaking about, whether it be soul life or spirit life or physical life by the word that modifies this word, 2222, it's zoe. We have to say soul life, spirit life, physical life, body life, this is a general word for life. And it is used in Revelation -- largely, it is used a lot, in the book of Revelation without modification.


And in this study, we found out -- which is on another tape. We found out that the reason God uses this word zoe life in the book of Revelation without modification is that life in the realm of the soul is not really life. We are existing. And in the book of Revelation, the Lord is describing the entering in of life, the beginning of life because his life is dwelling in us. And he doesn't even modify it which means we cannot even imagine what the Lord has for us in the future. If the imparting of his life to us is just basic zoe life and that basic life is likened unto grass. I have -- I can't go into the whole thing again. I have it on another tape. It's likened unto grass. The Lord says that when we enter in to the life of his spirit in the beginning stages, we're like grass. We're going to grow into a big tree. We can't even imagine what life is going to be like when we're brought to that place.


So in this Scripture, Matthew 7:14, where it says this is the way that leadeth to life, it's meaning leading to the life of almighty God and the life of his spirit because everything else is not really life, it's just existence. Glory to God. And the few witnesses that I have for you on that are follows, John 10, verses 1 to 2 and 7 to 8. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold -- well, what is the sheepfold, brethren? It's God's place where you live. It's the realm of his spirit, brethren. It's the realm of his spirit. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that entereth by the door into the sheepfold -- I'm sorry. He that entereth not by the door into the sheep fold but climbeth up some other way, he who enters into the life of Christ. We are his sheep. We hear his voice, and we follow him. And the sheepfold is a safe place for the sheep. And safety is in his spirit. So he that enetereth not by the door into the place of safety in Christ's spirit but climbeth up some other way, the [?sin?] is a thief and a robber.


Verse 2. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. Then said Jesus unto them again, verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. That was verse 7. Then said Jesus unto them again, verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. I am the gate that enters into the realm of the spirit without moral decay. I am the door through which the sheep enter into the life of the ages. I am the gate. I am the straight way. My appearance in you that afflicts you, that causes you pain, that causes you anguish, that sends you through tribulation, that forces your soul into submission to me, I am the way that you shall find life. Hallelujah.


Verse 8. And all that ever came before me are  thieves and robbers. And if you enter into the realm of the spirit by anyone that came before Christ, you're entering by the spirit of Satan who is the thief and the robber. And the second witness I have for you with regard to that last phrase, with regard to the word few. And I said only those who have cast off the weight of sin can find it.


I have Hebrews 12:2. Wherefore let us lay aside every weight. Let us become thin. Let us become slight. Let us become very light in weight, and let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us. And let us run with patience the race that is set before us, the race, the road, the path, the way, the straight gate that enters into the straight gate. Let us run it, and the way we're going to run it is by putting off the weight and the sins that so easily beset us. That word weight is Strong's 3541, and it means a mass, a large burden or a hindrance. Brethren, you will have to be small in number to get into the straight gate. You have to be skinny. And what you have to do to be skinny, brethren, is not to stop eating food in the natural. You've got to get delivered from the weight and sin that's making you fat with the increase of sin in your spiritual life. Glory to God. This is for everybody. Hallelujah.


I just rebuke every spirit in the world that's trying to make it for a select few people. And I rebuke these demonic interpretations of God's glorious word. It's for everybody, but you've got to get skinny, brethren. God wants you on a diet. You've got to go on a diet. Don't be worrying about passing [?out tracks?], brethren. Work out your own salvation. Start asking God to show you the sin in your life so that you can lose weight because you are not entering in with that pot belly. You're not going in, brethren. You're not going in. hallelujah. OK.


I've been wanting to do that for months, so now we've got it on a tape if anybody wants to hear it. And we are going on with Revelation chapter 7, verse 15. Therefore are they -- these are the people from Revelation 9 which have received the imputed anointing. They're the many members of the living soul. Therefore are they before the throne of God and serve him day and night and in his temple. And he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. The balance of the members of the living soul are moving on. They are evolving into the imparted anointing, one by one, each man in his own order. They are evolving into the impute- -- imparted anointing.


Now, this concept of before the throne of God, I touched on it earlier, and I'll just touch on it again. This word before means in front of. If you are in front of the throne of God, what it means is you are that which is seen. If you are -- if I am in front of you, you cannot be seen. God is spirit. He is invisible. If your body and your soul is in front of God, he is manifesting through you. You are standing in front of him. You are standing in front of him. But if you are without sin, you are clear, and you are light, and his life is appearing in you.


This is the concept. I have it up here on the board. We're talking about spiritual order. And the correct spiritual order is first the father, then Christ and then the living soul. Spiritually, we draw it as circles. At the most innermost point is the father. In front of the father is the Christ. And in front of the Christ is the living soul. And this diagram typifies our spiritual makeup. And that which is in front is that part of the living soul or the redeemed man which is seen. So if I am standing in front of the father, his spirit has to be at my spiritual base. That's what we're talking about. His spirit has to be at my spiritual base for me to be standing in front of him. Glory to God. OK. Hallelujah.


Therefore are they before the throne of God, and as we said earlier, the throne of God typifies the prostrated soul. It comes in two parts. Christ brought his soul into submission to the spirit of holiness, and he became the throne of the father. The father is sitting on the soul life of Christ which is in submission to him. Now, he couldn't be sitting on it if Christ was out in left field. Christ had to come under the father for the father to be sitting on him as a throne. And the throne of Christ is the living soul. And if the living soul is out in left field in rebellion, Christ cannot be sitting on him. When the living soul is brought into the proper position and he is under Christ or she is under Christ, she will then automatically be under the father.


I pray, father, that they be one with me as I am one with you, that we should all be one, the father, the Christ and the living soul. There's no way you're going to be one with either Christ or the father if you're in rebellion because you're out in left field, and he's not moving, brethren. He's reeling you in, and you have to come in submission and sit under him. In which case, you come under the father, and you receive all of the spiritual blessings of the life of God. So when the Scripture says therefore are they before the throne of God, for you to be standing in front of the throne, you have to be in line with him. You can't be out in left field. To be in front of the throne, you have to be in line with him. Glory to God. It means that you're in submission.


Therefore are all of these members of the living soul serving him day and night in his temple. And he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. So,  therefore these many members of the living soul, they've been brought into submission, and they serve him day and night. This word serve is Strong's 3000. It's an infinitive. We've talked about grammar in the Hebrew, and now I'm telling you it's very similar in the Greek. A lot of these words are in the infinitive form. That means it's translator's license to determine the tense. It's translators license to determine the tense. And I'm going to change the tense that the King James translators used because I have translator's license. OK. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


It means -- it's an infinitive. It means a hired menial. It means to worship. And  that -- worship, we've discussed this on many tapes. It means to be in a condition whereby God can be expressed through your soul. The true worship of God is the destruction or the laying down of your own soul so that Christ can prevail in you and through you. That is the true worship. If you want to wave your hands around in church and you want to scream and yell, that's good if that's where you are in Christ. But, brethren, you can't stop there because you're not worshipping God in spirit and in truth until you have died. And every time you're in conflict with him, if he says go left and you say -- and you want to go right and you're going right, brethren, and you're saying, well, that's not important, why would God care if he really wanted me to go left but I really want to go right? Brethren, you are not worshipping God. You have to do everything he says and submit to his every will to be truly worshipping God.


And most of us are there in part. I think the only one that I know of that has do- -- accomplished this is Jesus. Why? Because we don't understand his every desire for us. How can we do what he tells us if we really can't hear him every time he talks to us. So we've got a lot of work to do. We've got a lot of growing up to do. We've got to be able to hear God before we can obey him. Hallelujah. Glory to God. OK.


They were serving him, but they were hearing him. They were hearing every word that he said because they were worshipping him, and they were doing everything he said to do. They had been brought into total submission. Glory to God. And they were serving him day and night in the temple. And I declare to you, brethren, that the day is the light and the light is in the spirit because when we're -- when we are redeemed, our spirit shall have been turned into Christ. Christ shall have been birthed and swallowed up our spirit, so the light or the light of the day shall be our spirit, and we shall be serving him in spirit.


And we shall also be serving him at night. And I remind you that the soul is darkness. And darkness is typified by night. So we shall be serving him in the day of our spirit and in the night of our soul. He's going to be the Lord of our spirit and the Lord of our soul. Both shall have lain down so that Christ can be glorified in us. And glory to God.


And day and night and in his temple. And I remind you, brethren, the temple is the place where the Lord dwells. It's a holy place. It's Strong's 3485. And First Corinthians 3:17 says if any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy for the temple of God is holy. Which temple ye are? We are the temple of God. First Corinthians 6:19, 20 -- 19 and 20. What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which is God's. So we're going to be serving him in our spirit and in our soul which is in our body. OK. In the darkness of our soul and in the light of our spirit. We're going to be laying down our life that he should appear in us. Glory to God.


And he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell amongst them. Glory to God. Now, sitteth is Strong's 2521, and it means not just to sit there temporarily but to abide there for it to become your permanent home. And he that sitteth on the throne, which is your prostrated soul, shall dwell among them. Now, this word dwell is Strong's 4637, and it means to encamp. It means to be one's tent mate. To literally live within a tent. And these bodies that we live in, they're tents. They're skin stretched over the frame of our skeleton. They are tents. They are tabernacles which house spiritual life. And the Lord God has promised that he shall tabernacle with us, and he shall dwell with us in  the tent of these bodies. He shall dwell with our soul together with his spirit in the tent of this body.


And this word dwell, the Hebrew equivalent of it is used in Exodus 40, verses 34 to 35. I'll read it to you. Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode thereon. And that Hebrew word translated abode is the same word translated dwell in Revelation 7:15. Because the cloud abode thereon. And the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Brethren, do you hear it? Do you hear that account in Exodus? It's happening to you, and it's happening to me. For indeed, we are the fulfillment of the tabernacle that was constructed in the wilderness that was a [?type?] in a shadow.


We are the reality. We are the reality, and this is what's going to happen to us. The cloud is going to cover the tent of our being, and the glory of the Lord is going to fill us. It's going to cover us, imputed anointing, and it's going to fill us, the imparted anointing. And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode thereon. The cloud shall dwell within us, and none shall be able to enter in, no thief and no robber and no liar and no stealer shall be able to enter in [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Glory to God. And the glory of the Lord shall fill our tabernacle.


Now, I don't know if I have  this on another tape. I know I've -- the Lord has shown this to me recently, and he's show me that this entire world -- most of us know that it's a warfare. But one of the gifts that he's given to this ministry is that he's explained a lot of things that a lot of people, except he's given us understandings to how they work. And he has shown me that this warfare is a vibrating force of the life of the spirit. And if you have all of your life been a victim of witchcraft, what's -- the reality of what' happening to you is that the spirit of Christ in you, if you had him when you were a victim, or whatever spirit is dwelling in you because the spirit of man can be strong, it is not vibrating forth from you to oppose the witchcraft against you. It is not waging war, your defenses have been destroyed mostly because of your upbringing, because of family line curses, because of traumatic things that have happened to you in your lifetime.


When a strong personality or a strong-minded person approaches you to work witchcraft against you or to use mind control against you, if you are a victim of witchcraft and mind control, what is happening in your spiritual being is that you spiritual strength is not strong enough to vibrate forth and wage with that strong mind and repel it and throw it off and say you cannot change my mind and you cannot make me do what you want to do because I know what's right and I'm going to perform what's right, and you can't destroy me. We have been damaged in our soul because of experiences in our childhood, because of family line curses. And some of us have been made vegetables because of it.


I was one of them. I was dying. It was -- of course I was dying from sin, but one of the things that was operating in my life, as a result of sin, was that I had no defense against strong-willed people. I would do whatever they told me. Well, in the natural, brethren, if someone gets a hold of you, if your mind is a vegetable, and tells you to come along and murder somebody, honey, you are guilty of murder. In our natural law, you cannot say, well, I was weak-minded, and he took me along for the ride. They're going to execute you if there's capital punishment in the state. If not, they're going to lock you away and throw the key away, lock you up and throw the key away.


Well, it's the same thing in spiritual life. If your spiritual strength has been devastated because of sin in your life, because of family line curses, because of whatever has happened to you, this is the reality of it. A spiritual force comes against you. Read the book of Kings. Understand how this warfare -- and they road up -- and the king road up with horses and with men and with chariots. And he stood at the gate of Israel and he said, who are you that think you could stand against me? I've taken every nation in the area. I am the king of Assyria. You think you could stand against me?


And you know what happened? The king of Israel gave him presents and he said go away, go away. Because of sin, he did not rely on his guard. And the Scripture says that all of the cities, outlying cities of Judah, were taken by the king of Assyria because there was no spiritual power to vibrate forth and meet that king and say, yes, in the name of the Lord, God Jehovah, ye shall not take this city. He was weak because of sin, and he gave them presents, and he said, go away.


And you know what happened? 3 years later he came back, the king of Assyria, and he went right up to the gate of Jerusalem. And he said, who are you to think that you could stand against me? Every nation has capitulated to me. Even Egypt has capitulated to me. Who do you think you are? Mind control. You conceded before you fight, the ultimate mind control. But the king said, no, this is going too far. They can't have Jerusalem. Then he went to the prophet Isaiah. And Isaiah said, thus, sayeth the Lord, they sh- -- what did he say? The king of Assyria shall not take Jerusalem, and the spiritual power vibrated forth to the spiritual strength that was projecting from the king of Assyria, and it opposed it. It opposed it before it ever came to bows, before an arrow was ever shot.


Do you hear what I'm saying? It's going on in the world today. People are going to come up to you, and they're going to try and defeat you before you even try to defend yourself because your spiritual strength has been devastated. Why? Because of sin. But when we repent, brethren, and when Christ is birthed in us, brethren, our defenses are restored, brethren, and we go forth in the power of almighty God, and we say, who do you think you are? You who would raise up your ahead against the Lord God of Israel. And the angel of the Lord went forth and smote them while they slept. Hallelujah. Glory to God. OK.


Revelation 7, verse 15. Alternate Translation. So this is how the members of the living soul are being restored to the correct moral order. And Christ shall be the source of their every thought, word and deed. And they shall lay down their soul lives so that Christ can be expressed in their spirits and in their souls which are in their bodies. And the father shall never leave them, and they shall never -- I'm sorry. I rebuke that.


And they shall share the same body. Glory to God. And the father shall never leave them, and they shall share the same body. And when a criminal spiritual offense comes up against you and threatens you in whom the father is dwelling, in whom is dwelling in a position that he shall never leave you, that spiritual life of the father shall vibrate forth and defeat him before he ever touches you.


Do you believe that? Can you believe God for that? That you could be walking down the street and be approached by muggers and that they would be smitten before they ever touch you? Can you believe God for that, brethren?  I can. Hallelujah. Isaiah 7:14. Therefore, the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel. I want to give you the interlinear on that. That was the King James. Therefore shall the Lord himself give you a sign. The Lord, brethren, shall give you himself as a sign. The sign is, brethren, that the Lord shall appear in you. The sign is the Lord in you. Glory to God. Therefore, the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel.


Isaiah 7:14. Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign. He's going to be the sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel. I gave you anoth- -- an alternate translation of Isaiah 7:14. Therefore, the Lord shall give himself to you as a sign. Behold a spiritual virgin shall conceive and bear a spiritual son, and he shall be called Christ, God dwelling in the same flesh body with man. Behold I shall give you a sign, sayeth the Lord. I shall be born in you, and I shall dwell with the soul man that you are in the same body of flesh. And I shall be your defense, sayeth the Lord, and I shall be a fire within you and a wall of fire around you, sayeth God. And no spiritual power shall enter into the city of your mind and your body where you dwell for my spirit shall vibrate forth and smite him in the [?outer court and on the camp?]. hallelujah.


Another witness, Revelation 14:4. These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. Who's the virgin that's going to have the baby? These are they which were not defiled with women; for they were virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and unto the Lamb. Brethren, we are all spiritual harlots. We have fornicated with our soul, with our -- and produced the carnal mind. We are filthy. But when Jesus Christ finishes the process that strips the weight of the sin and the burdens off of us, we shall not only be skinny and thin, we shall be virgins, brethren. We shall be fit for marriage to almighty God.


Alternate Translation. Revelation 14:4. These are the members of the living soul which are not fornicating with their soul. They're virgins. They're no longer fornicating with their souls. They're clean. They are the ones which do whatever the Christ within them tells them to do, and they take their bodies wherever he wants to go. These are the members of the living soul which were purchased out from the realm of hell and death where man dwells. They are the first group of men who shall be brought into submission to Christ and receive his light. That's the virgin that's going to produce the child. That's the virgin that's going to conceive, first the natural and then the spiritual. Yes, Mary fulfilled that prophecy in the natural. That prophecy shall be fulfilled in the spiritual. A virgin, a cleansed, purified living soul shall conceive the life of Christ and bring forth a son, and his name shall be Emmanuel, God with the living soul dwelling in the same tabernacle. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Receiving the spirit of Christ is not enough to give you the life of the ages. Incorruptibility occurs when our soul life comes into submission to that spirit. I don't care if you're talking tongues. I don't care what you do by the power of that spirit. If you are not in submission to that spirit, brethren, you shall not receive the life of the ages. And you are not holy. If you are not in submission, you are in sin. Glory to God.


Verse 16. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore, neither shall the sun light on them nor any heat. Now, I remind you that we're talking about the entire living soul at this point. They shall hunger no more. And I declare to you that we hunger in this realm of appearance for the word of God. We hunger for the fullness of his word that will lead to the life of the ages. We are all hungry in this hour, even those of us that are partaking of this deep word of God. We're still hungry, brethren. And we're still hungering, and we're still suffering from malnutrition because let me tell you something.


As deep as this ministry goes, you know, I still get sick in  my body. There's something lacking in me. I don't have enough of it to keep me from getting sick. Can you believe that? We're so deep in this ministry. We just have our big toe in it. We've just started. So they're not going to hunger anymore, and neither are they going to thirst anymore because if you're thirsty you're without the spirit of God, brethren. Yes, we have a measure of the spirit of God. Have you gotten to the place yet where someone attacks you and Christ vibrates forth from you and knocks them down? You only have your big toe in the water. How much of the spirit can you have? If he's not vibrating forth from you and smiting your enemies before the battle, you've just got your toe in the water, brethren. Don't get all carried away with what you've got. You've got very little. You've got very little. Hallelujah.


They're not going to hunger anymore. They're not going to thirsty anymore. Glory to God. And neither shall the sun light on them. Glory to God. The word light is Strong's 4098. It's the only time it's translated light in the Scripture, and it means to fall down from an erect position, to fall down from an erect position. Glory to God. And I'm going to suggest to you -- this is what the Lord told me. If you can't receive it, pray about it. That the sun is the Christ in you, and the sun falls down on them. The sun falling down on them is the Christ in you coming down on your soul and executing judgment.


And we've mentioned in this ministry that the white throne judgment occurs when Christ, when the sun of Christ starts rising in you. And it starts shining its light on your soul, and he starts seeing what you're really like. That is the white throne judgment. And the books were opened. Well, you're a book and I'm a book. Are we not epistles? Are we not living epistles? Is that not what the Scripture told us? We are the books that shall be opened when Christ starts to appear in us, and we shall be judged according to that which is in the books. God help us, hallelujah. Glory to God.


And the sun shall not light on them. They're not going to be subject to the judgment anymore, glory to God, nor any heat. Now, this word heat is Strong's 2738, and it means a painful, burning heat. It's from a root that means consumed by fire, and I suggest to you that what this means is that there will be no more judgment and there will be -- that there will be no more revelation of the sin in us and no more of the execution of the judgment for sin. Why? Because we will have been put on a diet by almighty God. We shall be stripped by the weight and the sin that so easily poses us -- possesses us. And we shall enter in at the straight gate into the spiritual realm of God by the door which is Jesus Christ and receive his righteousness, his holiness and the life of the ages. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 7:16. They shall not be without the word of God anymore, neither shall they be without the spirit of God anymore. Neither shall the Christ within them judge their sin nor execute judgment upon their souls. Why? Because they shall have been made holy. They shall have been brought into submission to the spirit of holiness and to correct moral order, and there shall be no more sin in their life. Glory to God.


Verse 17. For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes for the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall see them. The word feed is Strong's 4165, and it really means to tend as a shepherd, to supervise or to rule.


And I'm just going to take a minute to remind you that the word pastor or shepherd is not appropriate for anyone except Jesus Christ, brethren. And the only man that is entitled to take that title is the man through whom Jesus Christ is manifesting 100 percent of the time. You know, I'm not telling you to rise up and rebel against your pastor if you call him a pastor, but I'm telling you the titles are legal. Paul never called anyone a pastor. He called them a bishop. He called them an overseer. The only pastor is Jesus Christ, and the Scripture in Ephesians 4 where we're told that he's giving us pastors. Brethren, that is the promise of the sons of God, men who shall manifest his spirit without turn, without exception, 100 percent of the time. I don't know anyone in this hour fulfilling that qualification. It's an illegal title.


If you're hearing this tape and you go to a church where the man calls himself a pastor, brethren, please don't attack the man. You have two choices. You have three choices. Well, you could pray for him. Do not pray psychic prayers, please. Just put it before the Lord. Maybe he's not ready to hear this, Lord. He may still believe in the rapture. And you're going to go up to him and tell him he's not a pastor. That's not wisdom, brethren. That is not wisdom. So you have two choices. You can stay there and respect the man in his own house, and if you're really pushed up against a wall in a position where it's expected of you, call him pastor. Or if you can't do it, you can leave the church. Let's not work witchcraft on the poor man that may be doing the best he can. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


But I do declare this to you. Even if you pray a godly prayer, it's not likely God's going to give him the revelation of not being a pastor before he gives them the revelation of there being no rapture. If the man's in that spiritual condition, you just have to live with this thing, brethren, until this man gets delivered. And it might be a long time, and your only other choice is to leave the church. If you want to stay, shut your mouth and respect and honor the man in his own house. Glory to God. OK.


For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them. He's going to rule over them. He's going to be their ruler from within the midst of them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters. I don't think I have to establish to you that the fountains of waters is the life of Christ. It's the life of the ages flowing forth in the realm of the soul, water existing in the realm of the soul. Gas typifying the realm of the spirit. Hallelujah. It's the life of God in the realm of the soul. And he shall lead them unto a soul life that is filled with the life of God, a purified holy soul life. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.


Now, this is interesting. I looked up the word tear in Strong's, and it just meant tear. So I went into Webster's, and this is what Webster said about tears. It says that a tear is a drop of clear salted fluid which appears between the eye and the eyelid. OK. Eyes in the Scripture typify the soul, and the eyelid is that which covers the eye. What covers the soul? The body [UNINTELLIGIBLE] OK. It's a drop of clear salted fluid which appears between the eye and the eyelid or the soul and the body for the purpose of moistening the eye or the soul so that it can function.


Well, when God turned this living soul over to multiply and it was separated from the life of God, it needed a spirit to function, brethren. The name of that spirit is Satan. He's the spirit that rules in the living soul. And this tear is salted. That means he's a form of preservative. Brethren, you could not live if you did not have a spirit. If your spirit is not Christ, your spirit is Satan. You cannot live without a spirit. So until Christ fills your Earth, Satan is your salt. Can you hear that? Satan is the salt of your Earth until Christ fills your soul because you can't live without a spirit. Hallelujah. OK.


So a tear is a drop of clear salted fluid. OK. It's a spiritual life that's a preservative. It appears between the soul and the body for the purpose of moistening the eye so that it can function. And Satan is present so that we can function in this existence until we birth the Christ which is our life. And we're told that an abundance of tears typifies grief and pain. When you get too many tears, brethren, when Satan starts appearing in too much strength, you get a lot of grief and pain. Hallelujah. Glory to God. OK.


The spiritual application, then, is that the eye typifies the soul throughout the Scripture. A tear typifies the spirit within the soul which gives the soul a distance. Salt is the preservative so that it can function without the spirit of God. When this spirit, Satan, increases too much, the result is grief and pain. Now, we're talking about God wiping the tears away. God will wipe Satan out of the eyes or the souls of the many members of the living soul when Christ becomes their life. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 7:17. Because Christ has become the center of their spiritual being and shall be their minds and shall guide them to the father, and the spiritual of God shall blot out the authority which Satan's spirit had over their souls. Glory to God. Glory to God. Hallelujah. That was continuing on from verse 16 which said that they weren't going to hunger anymore and they weren't going to thirst anymore, et cetera, because Christ has become the center of their spiritual being and shall be their minds and shall guide them to the father, and the spirit of God shall blot out or wipe away the authority which Satan's spirit had over their souls. Glory to God.


Recap, Revelation 7:11 to 17. This is the end of the Sixth Seal. Glory to God. And all of the spiritual men compassed the father's throne about, which is Christ. And they also compassed the throne of the elders and the four living creatures about, which is the prostrated living soul, and descended into or manifested in the realm of appearance where they worshipped God. Saying, so be it. The ability to speak the words of God and to have our greatness acknowledged and the ability to have all our practical needs met and the privilege of giving thanks to God for the fullness of his spirit and to be reverenced and to have miracle-working power and the strength to put our souls underfoot and keep them there is in our God for the life of the ages. So be it.


And one of the sons of God responded to the vision I saw saying to me, what did you use? Who are these people, and who have received the- -- who are these people who have received the righteousness of the imputed anointing? And where did they come from? And I said to him, sir, you saw the vision for yourself. And when he realized that I had seen the vision but did not understand it, he explained to me. These are the members of the living soul which are experiencing the intense pressure of the soul of Christ appearing in them and crowding their human souls into a position of submission under his authority.


So this is how the members of the living soul are being restored to the correct moral order. And Christ shall be the source of their every thought, word and deed. And they shall lay down their soul lives so that Christ can be expressed in their spirits and in their souls which are in their bodies. And the father shall lead them, and they shall share the same body. They shall not be without the word of God anymore, neither shall they be without the spirit of God anymore. Neither shall the Christ within them judge their sin nor execute judgment upon their souls because Christ has become the center of their spiritual being and shall be their minds and shall guide them to the father. And the spirit of God shall blot out the authority which Satan's spirit had over their souls. Hallelujah. Any questions today? Glory to God. OK. Let me get over there with the mike. Hallelujah.


            I have a question about what you said about pastors. Like, the Scripture says it gave apostles, pastors, other things. It says until -- it goes on. The end of says   until we come into the maturity. It sounds like, in the Scripture, it's saying that         those gifts will be there until we come into the fullness not that [UNINTELLIGIBLE] have those things.


Yes, that's correct. OK. There is a first fruits company that God is raising up to mature spiritual power. And when they stand up, when Christ stands up in these men, this true fivefold ministry shall be the pastors and the evangelists that are prophesied in Ephesians 4. The ministry that's in the Earth today is a temporary ministry, and they are -- it -- the ministry of men. They don't have the true word of God, and they don't have the mind of Christ, not that that's anything to be condemned for. The problem is that they do not understand that they are the John the Baptist ministry and that they must decrease so that Christ, in the men in whom he has chosen to manifest, shall manifest as the true pastor and the true shepherd. They think that they're the real thing, and they're not, so they're fighting with everything they've got to oppose the true move of God. And the Lord is going to have to wage war against them.


There's going to be very few members of the existing fivefold ministry that will yield to the true ministry of Christ. They just don't believe they're John the Baptists, but that's who they are. They have served. I want this to be understood by everyone listening to this tape. They have served a fine and noble purpose, and they've done a lot of good in the Earth. But they must be removed so that the new and the better and the real -- and the reality can take their place. And if they don't go willingly, they're going to be removed. Hallelujah.


Anybody else? Glory to God.


03/25/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

03/26/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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