042 - Part 4
(Revelation 6-7 & Genesis 49)

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Let me start again. Yeah, a lot of people, when they look at the Scripture that says aren't entering into the kingdom and fornicators aren't entering to the kingdom, et cetera, they think that it means that a particular man, because he lies, is not entering in or because he fornicates is not entering in, but that's not correct. What is correct is that the living soul in each one of us is capable of all of these things. And we're not entering in, any one of us, until that capability within us has been destroyed because we're all liars. We're all fornicators. We're all everything. We've all probably done it sometime in our life, and the fornication is in your mind, I remind you. So we, probably, at some time, committed every sin that's listed in that list, and that it's not that an individual is going in. It's that no one's going in with that personality problem. Your personality has to be purged of lying and fornication and whatever else is listed there. We're all going on, you see, each man in his own order, but we have to get converted out of the soul that permits us to perform these ungodly acts into the soul of Christ, so we're all going in.


And that's what's happening in this ministry and the deep teaching that's coming forth is giving us the power to get this deep deliverance. So the Lord seems to be pressing that issue because this is for me too. I'm still a carnal person, half carnal, half spiritual. And we're going to find out, in the message tonight, that the spiritual man, the person that has -- and that term, spiritual man, it covers the whole gamut, from people that have received the Holy Spirit to people that have birthed the Christ just short of him standing up in full stature. Those are all spiritual men, OK.


And then, once Christ stands up in full stature, you become a man who's completed in his spirit. We'll talk about that more when I start the message, but that -- under that category, a spiritual is everybody from the person who just received the Holy Spirit to the person that has birthed Christ possibly for years but he's still not fully mature in them. So God is dealing with us to move us on because if you're in this category, you're called to a very high calling. Maybe it's grievous to you to expose yourself to this kind of exposure, you know, to what you really are, but if it helps you, everybody's the same way. Everybody has pride and rebellion and spiritual incest and all kinds of -- and don't forget that your sins are in your thoughts. Sins are in your thoughts.


So we all have the same thing. And if God comes to you, and if you're sitting in this ministry, there's an excellent chance, if he hasn't done it already, he's about to approach you and show you something about yourself that it's going to be grievous to you to admit. And I've gone through this, and I just encourage you. I just encourage you when it happens, because if it's not happened already and it doesn't happen tomorrow, it's going to happen sooner or later, as long as you go on with God. And I just want to encourage you to the best of my ability to just ask God for grace and confess it. He's not going to ask you to confess it to anyone that's going to condemn you. The chances are, it'll be between you and him.


And if possibly he exposes it in a group like this, I hope everybody that's here knows that no one's going to look down on you. We've all been delivered from terrible stuff here, so I don't know why I'm even saying this tonight, but it's what the Lord laid on my heart. We can't enter in unless we confess it and he tramples it underfoot and it comes out. That's the procedure. Glory to God.


So it's nice to cast out demons and heal the sick and all that, but the Scripture says that's going to pass away. It says the prophecy's going to pass away [INAUDIBLE] is going to pass away, healing by the laying on his hands, it's all going to pass away. Why? Because we're going to come unto the point where Christ is going to be birthed in us, and we won't need any of that. We're going to be totally completed spiritual beings. The laying on his hands and prophecy and the speaking of tongues and word of knowledge, it's all a partial entrance into the spiritual life.


What is a prophecy? It's someone that lays hold of an idea from the realm of the spirit and brings it into the carnal realm where we live so those of us that aren't spiritual enough to lay hold of it for themselves can hear it. But why will you need that when Christ appears in you and you have knowledge of all things? Why will you need me to prophesize to you? You're going to hear it yourself? You're going to be prophesying. You're going to be speaking, not prophesying, but speaking the oracles of God yourself. So what do you need prophecy or word of knowledge or word of wisdom for, and why would you need a healing if Christ has stood up in full stature in you and is giving life and strength to your body? Why would you need me to pray over you or lay hands on you? So that's why it's passing away.


You know, we have people in the church world today that won't pray for anybody because they say healing has passed away. No, no, healing will pass away when it's swallowed up by Christ who's standing up in you. If he hasn't appeared in you, it's not passed away yet. Glory to God. Glory to God.


This is the hour of overcoming, sayeth the Lord. Indeed, we have played tender garden games for many a season, and I have blessed you, and I have shown you my power. And, indeed, I have taught thee to heal the sick and cast out demons and prophesy in my name, but the hour is at hand, sayeth God, that I require thee to choose between me and your pastor. I require you to choose between me and your husband, and I require you to choose between you and your daughter, sayeth the Lord. I require this of you.


And as I have told you in the past, there is no standing still with God. Either you go forward or you slide backwards. There is neither compromise with God, sayeth the Lord. You cannot have your foot -- your left foot in one place and your right foot in another place, sayeth God. I desire and require a total commitment, sayeth the Lord. Who will you serve? Will you serve me, or will you serve your carnal mind? And I declare unto you, sayeth the Lord, that the hour is at hand, that, indeed, I shall accomplish my purpose upon all of the disobedient sayeth the Lord. And, indeed, I shall reign down judgment upon them.


Hear the word of the Lord, sayeth the God almighty, for, indeed, the hour of judgment is at hand. I will tolerate rebellion and disobedience in my advanced armies no longer, sayeth God. I shall bring you in, and I shall break you, and I shall chasten you, and I shall cleanse you. And it shall not be pretty, sayeth the Lord, if thou does not submit unto me willingly. I shall do this thing, sayeth God. I have been longsuffering. I have warned thee many a season. I have sent my ministers to thee. Indeed, they have pulled you out of the fire time and time again, sayeth the Lord but by disobedience has ascended up into my nostrils as a cinch, sayeth the Lord. And they rebellion and thy pride, sayeth God, has, indeed, offended me. And the moment of judgment is at hand, sayeth God. The trumpet is sounded. This is the last call for, indeed, I shall have my will with you, and I shall have my way with you whether you choose or whether you refuse. OK.


Well, what it looks like to me is that we're two souled. James clearly tells us that we're two souled, and one day, one hour, one minute, we're manifesting out of Christ, and the next day, hour or minute, were manifesting out of our carnal mind. And we're bouncing back in forth. That's the double mind in us, but somewhere along the line, we're going to shoot into the soul of Christ with such power that we're not going to bounce back to our carnal soul. Or maybe what's going to happen is that our carnal mind is going to burn up so there's nothing to come back to. I'm not really sure. But I agree with you, that we're bouncing back and forth, and one day we're going to bounce over, and we're just going to stay there. I agree with you. Glory to God.


[INAUDIBLE] Yea, sayeth the Lord, indeed, I am he that quickeneth the live and the dead. Yea, sayeth God, I shall come unto my people, sayeth the Lord. Indeed, I shall visit my church, sayeth God, and I shall plead with them with fire and with blood and with pestilence, and I shall draw them unto myself, sayeth the Lord. Indeed, I shall do this thing. Believe me when I say the hour is at hand, sayeth the Lord. Indeed, look not to the left and look not to the right, and look not to a man, sayeth God, for, indeed, if thou idolized the man, thou shalt indeed fail, sayeth God. For only those that cling to me, sayeth the Lord, shall enter in. Tell me not that thou thoughteth that thou could not discern me for thyself, sayeth God. Cling not to a man. I warn thee, sayeth the Lord. For indeed, thou shalt fail.


Throw yourself upon my mercy, sayeth the Lord. Throw yourself upon my mercy. Seek me early and seek me late, and I shall indeed bring thee through the troubled waters, sayeth the Lord. I shall deliver thee, and I shall speak to the in the darkness of the night season, sayeth God. And I shall whisper the truth of my word unto thee. And I shall strengthen my spirit, sayeth God. And indeed, together, we shall cross over Jordan, sayeth the Lord, for my son shall appear in you, sayeth God, and he shall stand up in full stature, sayeth the Lord. And thou shalt be delivered from everything that prevails in the soul realm, sayeth God. This is the hour. It is at hand, sayeth the Lord. Follow not another spirit nor another man for, indeed, the door is about to close, sayeth God, and thou shalt not be able to enter in. Praise the Lord.


This is the sixth seal of the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John, part four. I have a couple of comments from last week's message for you, with regard to chapters eight and nine of the book of Ezekiel. And I started to make this point on the tape, and I think I lost my train of thought. I wanted to emphasize that the judgment in the book of Ezekiel is clearly to Israel, clearly to Israel. Whereas in the book of Revelation, we see the judgments of God extended to the entire living soul as it's described as the Earth, the sea and the trees.


But never the less, even though the judgments of God are extended to the entire living soul, the only ones that are seal, we're seeing in chapter seven of the book of Revelation, are the tribes of Israel. We're going to do that in a few minutes. It's verse four through eight, verses four through eight. We see that those that are sealed, even though the commandment goes out not to hurt the Earth, trees and the sea, the only ones that are sealed are those that are of Israel. Glory to God.


And what I want to suggest to you is that the only one sealed are those who have been elected by God to birth the Christ before the judgments fall. This group of people is described in Revelation seven as the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve tribes of Israel or the sons of God, whatever you want to call them. And what I'm suggesting to you is once the sons of God stand up in full stature, it will be possible for the judgments of God to fall on men who have not birthed the Christ. What we've been teaching in this ministry for the last few weeks or few months is that God cannot reign judgment on you before you birth the Christ because if that's the case, you'll just be destroyed. What good would it do, and how would it glorify God? But we're going to find out that once the sons of God appear, once the landmark of almighty God is apparent in the Earth to every- -- for the most ignorant person to see, that God is going to reign judgment on men that have not even repented, some that have repented but only to a minor degree.


And the reason for this is because the landmark of God is standing, when the judgments start falling on these people, they could be two days away from death, and if they desire to repent, they know where to go, and they can fling themselves at the feet of the sons of God and say to them we repent. Have mercy on us. And the sons of God will have the spiritual power to deliver them. Did I make that clear? Before the sons of God appear on the Earth, God is not judging. Well, I don't even know if that's true. Glory to God.


The judgment designed to bring forth the Christ, OK, the judgments of God, are falling on the Earth. They're constantly falling on the Earth. That's why people are dying. But the judgments of God specifically designed to bring forth the Christ do not fall on believers until they have birthed the Christ because there's no point in destroying our souls and our bodies if theirs is -- there's not a Christ first to flee into that we can be resurrected through, OK.


Once the sons of God stand up in full spiritual power, they are going to be as obvious to the world as the apostles were in the early church. There were thousands of people that came to the apostles teaching led by Peter. We're told about it in the book of Acts. If anybody was dying, they knew where to go to ask to have their sins remitted and to get healing and deliverance. So I'm suggesting to you that God is about to reign judgment on the entire Earth, but the only ones that are going to recei- -- that are going to stand up in spiritual power are those -- what he calls spiritual Israel. he describes them as the 12 tribes of Israel, but they're spiritual Israel in this hour. And he is going to reign judgment on the rest of the living soul without them having birthed the Christ. And the reason he's changing his procedure is that once his landmark company stands up and these people that are being judged know where to go when they're in trouble, he's going to reign down the judgment on them. And if they want to repent and have their sins remitted and get healed, there's a place for them to go. Hallelujah. OK. Glory to God.


So and I just want to emphasize that these judgments are falling on everyone within and without the church. Everybody in the church is not getting sealed. The seal is the image of God. To be sealed, you're sealed with the image of God, OK. Glory to God. In other words, as the judgments of God are reigning down upon everyone, within and without the church, the message that they can be saved by birthing Christ will be public knowledge.


We know that in the world today there are many who have not heard the gospel of the cross, many who have heard it but have been unable to repent and many who have repented, received the Holy Spirit and still died from their infirmity. We know that that's going on today, [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. But when the gospel of the kingdom is preached, it will reach all men supernaturally, imparting the power to repent and birthing the life of the ages in them through the Christ. You're all looking at me strangely. Did I not make that clear? Did I make it clear? OK. Maybe you're just tired. OK.


And I wanted to take a few minutes to go over Ezekiel. I have the wrong Scripture down here. It must be Ezekiel eight. I put down Ezekiel two, Ezekiel eight, chapter -- verses two and three. What in the world did I do here? Let me look for this myself. OK. We're in Ezekiel. We started -- when we met last, we started in chapter eight down about verse seven, and I looked back at verses two and three. I see what I did. And I just wanted to include that.


Verse two. Then I beheld and, lo, a likeness as the appearance of fire from the appearance of his loins, even downward, fire. And from his loins, even upward, as the appearance of brightness as the color of amber. And he put forth the form of a hand and took me by a lock of mine head, and the spirit lifted me up between the Earth and the heaven and brought me and the visions of God to Jerusalem to the door of the inner gate that looked toward the north, where was the seat of the image of jealousy which provoketh to jealousy.


And you may recall that when I went over these Scripture on Sunday I was caught off guard because I thought the Lord had wanted me to do it today, so I left something out. And I just wanted to point out to you that the person that Ezekiel is talking to is the glorified Christ. And you may recall him from our study in Ezekiel one. He had the likeness as the appearance of fire, and that is describing the glorified Christ that we studied in Ezekiel one.


And in verse three it says that -- it says and he put forth the form of a hand, hand typifying ministry, and he took me by a lock of mine head. And we did a lot of speaking here about the fact that hair typifies the human spirit, and I just wanted to point that out to you that when the glorified Christ, who is in the realm of the spirit, wanted to speak to a man, he took him by a lock of his head, and that word lock is Strong's 6734, and it means a lock of hair. He connects it with his spirit. When the glorified Christ in the realm of the spirit, he connects with his spirit. That's what he does. And this word lock also can be translated French, tassel or a wing-like projection, so that's another witness for the future that wings in the Scripture typify the spirit. OK.


He lifted me and he took a lock of mine head, and the spirit lifted me up between the Earth and the heaven. Between the Earth and the heaven is the spiritual realm of the soul. It's the spiritual realm of the soul. And brought me to the visions of Go- -- in the visions of God to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the city of God. It's in our soul. Jerusalem is in our soul. To the door of the inner gate. Again it was the inner gate. It wa- -- the outer gate would be our body. He let him see into the souls of Israel by the power of the spirit. He was in the inner gate. He was between the heavenly realm of the spirit of God and the Earth where he was carnal. And he took him to the inner gate that looked toward the north.


Where was the seat of the image of jealousy, and I want to declare to you that the image of jealousy, we know that we're going to be made in the image of Christ., correct? The image of jealousy is the image of Satan upon the minds of men. It's the image of Satan upon the minds of men and it's the image of jealousy because Lord God is jealous of it. Lord God is jealous of it. He wants us for himself. And that image of jealousy provoketh to jealous. Provoketh who to jealousy? The Lord God to jealousy, and he's coming to get us back from our husband whose image we are bearing. Glory to God.


So that's just a couple of comments I thought might bless you. And we're going back now to Revelation chapter seven. I'm going to recap for you verses one to three, and then we'll go on. And after everything I, John, previously saw in the spirit, I saw the spiritual offspring of Jesus Christ who had reached spiritual maturity, even possessing the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ and the father in their spirits, standing up in full spiritual authority over Satan, even the part of their own souls which has the ability to reproduce itself, having authority over its lifeless spiritual existence and restraining its spiritual power so that it should not reign destruction on the human soul, the corporate living soul, nor the bodies of men.


And I saw Jesus spring up from the new day that was dawning in the souls of man, even the kingdom of God, and he was the expressed image of the father showing forth the father's mind and nature. And Jesus disclosed an obvious spiritual communication, which could not be ignored, to his spiritual offspring, the ones to whom the living soul and the corporate living soul was given for the purpose of wounding it and causing it as much damage, distress and substantial harm as is necessary to bring it into the image of Christ. And Jesus was saying to his spiritual offspring, with authority, don't lose or damage the human soul, the corporate living soul, nor their forms on the Earth, even their bodies, until the slaves of our God, even the remaining members of the living soul, have received the protective seal of the Holy Spirit.


Verse four. And I heard the number of them which were sealed, and there was sealed 144,000 of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Now I remind you that we studied here that the correct translation of that is thousands of 144s. 144, the number 144 typifying a complete spiritual man. Now, in the past -- and I even have exhibits where I call the 144 the glorified spiritual man, the glorified man. Six is the natural man. 12 is the spiritual man. And I've told you -- and it's written on the exhibit, that 144 is the glorified man, but that always bothered me. It didn't sit right with me because to me glorified includes your body being glorified, and we know that Jesus was way up there, and he was one with the father before his body was glorified, so I prayed about it.


And the Lord only answered me recently, so I'm not going to be calling the 144 a glorified man anymore because you don't have to have a glorified body to be a 144. And the 144 typifies a man that I'm going to say that is completed in his spirit. I'm going to say he's completed in his spirit. He has the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ and the father. And you may remember that he ca- -- you cannot get the father until you birth Christ. Jesus Christ and the father are one. So when Christ stands up in full stature, you automatically get the father, and this is how it looks. OK.


We have the natural man. Six is the natural man, and then it doubles. You get 12 is the spiritual man, and from there it jumps to 144, and you increase by -- OK. This is the human spirit. This is the -- the 12 is the Holy Spirit. When you receive the Holy Spirit, you become a spiritual man. And then from there it jumps to 144, and you receive Christ in full stature and the father because you can't have Christ without the father. You automatically get the father when Christ stands up in full spiritual strength. The father is automatically there.


So what we're saying -- and I think I said it before I went on the tape, that the Lord has shown me that this category of being called a 12 or a spiritual man, OK, includes and covers every man from the person that just received the Holy Spirit to the person that can be walking with a very mature Christ birthed in them. It covers all of those people. You're not 144 until Christ stands up in full spiritual power. You could be this -- one inch away, and God still categorizes you as a spiritual man or a number 12. To become a completed man -- I didn't put that down. To become someone who's completed in their spirit and have the Christ and father, have all four elements, the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Christ and the father, you are then completed in your spirit, and your number is 144. Glory to God.


And to be categorized like this, Christ must be standing in full maturity. You can be one day away, one second away from it, and if he hasn't fully stood up yet, you're still a spiritual man. Did I make that clear? So we have spiritual men of all different ages and all different categories. So getting back to verse four. And I heard the number of them which were sealed, and there were sealed 144,000 of all the tribes of the children of Israel. And if you'd like to review that teaching on the thousands of 144s, it's on tape number 38, part three. Glory to God. OK.


And we're moving on now. And I heard the number of them which were sealed, 144 of all of the tribes of the children of Israel. This Greek word children, it really doesn't mean children. It's Strong's 5207, and it really means sons, mature sons. And number 5043 is the Greek word that's normally translated children. It doesn't me mature sons in full stature, but it doesn't mean little children. It means sons. And the word tribes is Strong's 5443, and it means offshoot or men, and I'm suggesting to you that tribes are the physical bodies that have been produced as a result of the spiritual life being in the Earth.


So 12 is the number of the spiritual man, the human spirit, the Holy Spirit. And men identified after 12 -- I'm just reading my comments here because I don't want to miss anything. Men identified as a 12 include men who have just received the Holy Spirit up to and including men who have birthed the Christ up to any point of maturity just short of full stature. The sealing of thousands of 12s, because as you're going to see down in verse five -- we haven't read it yet. Verses five through eight lists 12 tribes, and there were sealed 12,000 of each of them. So what's the significa- -- what is the significance of sealing of 12,000? The sealing of thousands of 12s are thousands of spiritual men, that means they have the human spirit and the Holy Spirit, and I'm going to suggest to you that for these scriptures, they have already birthed the Christ because you're not going to go to 144 unless you've birthed the Christ in some measure.


So we had this -- under the number 12, under spiritual man, there are people that have not birthed Christ. But they're not going to from not having birthed the Christ to being in full stature. So these 12,000 of each tribe, for them to be eligible to have Christ stand up in full power in them, they have to have already birthed the Christ. It's not going to go from nothing to full stature. It's a process, it's a process. So we're talking about these thousands of 12s. We're talking about believers that have already birthed the Christ, and they're being approached. They're about to be caught up to full stature. That's what's happening here.


I heard the number of them which were sealed, and there were sealed thousands of 144s, so all of these listings in verses five to eight are spiritual men, and they're about to be sealed. But I thought the seal was the Holy Spirit. We've had that in other messages. I thought the h- -- the seal was the Holy Spirit. Well, they're going to be sealed unto the fullness of the image of Christ. That's what's happening. They're already number 12. There are thousands of 12s. They're already caught up to being spiritual men, and they're about to be sealed to the point that Christ is going to stand up in full stature, and they're going to be totally in his image. That's what's happening over here. Glory to God.


The sealing of thousands of 12s are thousands of spiritual men that have the human spirit, the Holy Spirit and an immature Christ, and they're being squared and raised up to full stature, which means they're now going to have the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Christ and the father. And for a spiritual man, he would have had to already birthed the Christ. So that's what we've got here. The Lord has all of these spiritual sons. They're not children. They're sons. And you can't be a son unless you birth the Christ. You can be all different ages, but to be a son, the only ma- -- the only one that's male is Christ. If you just have the Holy Spirit, you're not a son yet. He's still dealing in you. You have to birth the Christ to become a son. You have to get the spirit of adoption, which is Christ. Christ in- -- it's Christ that's the spirit of adoption. Hallelujah.


So he has all these people lines up, all these believers lined up. And they already have received the Holy Spirit, and Christ has been birthed in them, and they're about to be sealed. They're about to stand up in full stature. Hallelujah. OK.


And I have an alternate translation for you. Revelation, chapter seven, verse four. And I understood that thousands of the descendants of Israel's sons were completed in their spirits as Christ stood up in full stature in them. And the number which describes their mature spiritual condition is 144. They went from 12 to 144. Glory to God. OK.


Now, the following listing of tribes -- of the tribes of Israel, I suggest to you, typifies the various elements and weaknesses of natural Israel, which are still present after they received the Holy Spirit. Now, when I say natural Israel, what I mean is that these weakness and elements were present in natural Israel, and they're still present in the church today, in the members of the church that are still natural men. All of the weaknesses of natural Israel, in case anyone listening to this tape doesn't know it, is still present in the members of the church today that are still natural men. It's not very popular to preach this. Members of the church like to believe that they've got it all, but you don't have it all, brethren. You just don't. It's just not the truth. And we have all of the weaknesses of natural men, and that natural is [?real head?].


So this listing of the 12 tribes typifies the various elements and weaknesses of natural Israel which are still present after they received the Holy Spirit and become spiritual men. But these weaknesses will be dealt with, and if they're negative, neutralized when Christ stands up in full stature in them. OK. And now, these tribes, they're not all going to be negative qualities. OK. You're going to see as we go through them. We're going to do a deep study on each of the tribes. The -- some of them are just speaking about the qualities that are present in man, which some of them are good because we come out of God. But every quality that's present in man that's negative is going to be completely neutralized when Christ is added to the vessel.


And we've done studies about valleys and mountains, and I know that if I have a weakness, if I have pride or if I have envy, the Scripture describes it as a valley. Literally, spiritually, the Scripture describes it as a valley. And when I have -- what we have is natural men -- even though we have the Holy Spirit, all these valleys. Maybe this is pride, and this is envy, and this is rebellion, and -- or whatever the last one could be. And when the Holy -- when Christ stands up in full stature in us, he's going to over layer us, and he's going to fill all of this in, and we're not going to have any more envy, pride or rebellion. OK.


So that's my point with regard to this listing of 12 tribes. We're going to do a study. We're going to start it tonight, in Genesis 49, where all of the tribes that prophesied over, and we're going to find out what the weaknesses of all the tribes are, that typify natural man, that are going to be neutralized and/or dealt with when Christ stands up in full stature. And if you're listening to this tape and you think that this has all been dealt with because you have the Holy Spirit, I'm asking you to pray about it because you're mistaken. You're still a natural man. You're still a natural man. You're capable of everything, and you're probably doing a lot more than you're admitting, unless you're really aware of your condition. Hallelujah. OK.


Verse five, we're still in Revelation, chapter seven. Of the tribe of Judah were sealed 12,000, and I won't even read the rest of verse five because we're going to study the tribe of Judah in Genesis 49, verses eight to 12. The tribe of Judah -- the word Judah is Strong's 3063, and it comes from a root that means the open hands. It indicates power, and it means direction. And we know that it also means ministry.


Genesis 49, eight to twelve. Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise. Thy hand shall be in the neck of thinne enemies. Thy father's children shall bow down before thee. Judah is a lion's whelp from the prey, my son. Thou art gone up,. He stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion. Who shall rouse him up?


Verse 10. The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver between his feet, until Shiloh come. And unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice fine, he washed his garments in wine and his clothes in the blood of grapes. His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk.


Starting with verse eight. Judah, though are he whom thy brethren shall praise. Thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies. Thy father's children shall down before them.


I just want to say this again. I'm not sure that I made it clear. Let me remind you that the whole human race is one living soul in many members, and we are a creature. We are a creature, and we are one creature that has many different aspects to its personality, just like you and me. We have many aspects to our personality. We can be kind. We can be loving. We can be quick to anger. We have many aspects to our personality. Well, the whole of the living soul has many aspects to its personality, and different members of the living soul manifest these different qualities. So as we go over these prophecies over the 12 tribes, we're finding out all of the weaknesses of the living soul that exist in the Earth today, among men. We all don't have all of them, but everything that we're going to study, you can understand that there is a group of men, in this Earth, manifesting these qualities. OK. Glory to God. OK.


Verse eight. The word hand, Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise. Where did I get hand from? Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise. By hand -- I see, by hand, I guess that was simple enough. He's the one that his brethren are going to praise him, so I didn't look up any words for that. We're on to the second phrase. Thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies. And that word hand, you may recall in the Hebrew, there's two different words for hand. There's one for the right hand, and there's another Hebrew word for the left hand. And this is the word for the right hand. It's an o- -- I'm sorry, not the left hand. There's one Hebrew word for the right hand, for the open hand, one Hebrew word for the closed fist, and this is the word for the open hand. It's a good word. It means blessings and ministry and power and strength.


2nd Samuel, 22, one and 41. It says, and they that spake unto the Lord the words of this song in the day that the Lord had delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies and out of the hand of Saul. Verse 41. Thou hast also given me -- this is David speaking. Thou has also given me the necks of mine enemies that I might destroy them that hate me, that I might destroy them that hate me.


And we're dealing with the second phrase of verse eight. Thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies. And what I'm suggesting to you that that expression means, victory over one's enemies. Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies that I might destroy them that hate me. Glory to God. And dealing with Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise. Praise is Strong's 3034, and it means to hold out the hand, to revere or worship with extended hands. It means to praise with the hands, to bemoan by wringing the hangs, to give thanksgiving for something. But it's specifically referring to the motions of the hands. Hallelujah.


And now we're on the third phrase. Thy father's children shall bow down before thee. This word, bow down, is Strong's 7812, and this means to worship, to pay homage, to [UNINTELLIGIBLE] to prostra- -- physically prostrate yourself before the person. So let's see what we have here.


Alternate translation. Genesis 49, cha- -- verse eight. Judah, your brother shall repent before you, present their needs to you with moanings and give thanks for you. You shall have power to destroy your enemies. Your father's children shall acknowledge your authority. Most people that are in a class like this or listening to a tape like this would know that Judah is the tribe out of which Messiah came and out of which the sons of God are coming. If you are a son of God, you are spiritual Judah, and this is the prophecy to you.


Judah, your brothers shall repent before you, present their needs to you with moanings and give thanks for you. You shall have power to destroy your enemies. Your father's children shall acknowledge your authority. When we stand up in full spiritual power, those of us who are spiritual Judah, the other members of the church, the other members of the 12 tribes of Israel, shall repent before us. Why? Because we shall have the authority to remit their sins. They will present their needs to us with moanings. Why? Because we shall have the power to answer their needs, to meet their needs. And they shall give thanks for us for we shall deliver them out of the lion's mouth. And we shall have power to destroy our enemies and their enemies. And our father's children shall acknowledge our authority.


Now, there's a real problem in the Earth today. A lot of people don't want to acknowledge the authority of the sons that are in the process of coming up. I -- that happens to me a lot. We look in the church world today, and there are a lot of men and women that take on an heir of authority, and they make themselves very important. And they dress in a certain way, and you can't approach near to them, and you can't talk to them, and you have to call them by a title. And the pe- -- by and large, the people in the church world just love it. They just love it. They respond to it. They agree with it. And they can understand that that man or woman has spiritual authority.


But, brethren, I declare to you all the things that I just named are not signs of spiritual authority. Anybody can open a church. Somebody called me this week and asked my opinion as to where they should start a church in Suffolk county. And I had to tell them that they have to ask the Lord. I don't -- he said to me, where is a church needed in Suffolk county? I said, I don't know. You have to open a church where God tells you to open a church. So just -- my whole point is that just because is -- stands in a church, takes a title, dress a certain way or acts religious, that is not God's sign of authority for him, but this is what the church world is used to. And as the new order, fivefold ministry appears, people that aren't spiritual are going to have trouble seeing -- excuse me, seeing the authority of God on his ministers.


And I even prayed to the Lord, coming out here today, because I keep a very low-key profile. I keep a very low-key profile. Probably if you walked into this room and -- if someone new walked into this room and I was sitting in the congregation, nobody would be able to tell that I was the preacher. And I said to the Lord -- because I've been having a few problems with it, I said, well, am I doing something wrong? Am I really going to have to change something? And he said to me, no. he said, I don't want you to do anything different at all, and people that can't discern my authority on you, because they don't have spiritual eyes, are merely going to have to pay the consequences of not discerning my authority on you by missing whatever they could be getting from you. And he said that's between me and them. I want you to continue in the same matter -- manner that you are.


And I have people that -- I've had it since God raised up this ministry, that they just don't want to acknowledge my authority and -- for whatever their reason. What -- for -- not -- for whatever their reason, I know what their reason is, but whatever natural excuse they're giving in their mind, they just don't want to acknowledge the authority. But you see, nobody can destroy the authority that God has imparted to me, and anybody that tries, it only burns them. It only burns them, and the result, usually, is that they leave the church, if they are a member of the church. Everyone that I have this problem with is not a member of the church.


Th- -- so what I'm trying to say is if someone -- if God gives me a blessing for somebody, if I have ministry for somebody and they challenge my authority or reject my authority, the only result of it is going to be that they will not receive what God has for them. They can't hurt me. They're the loser. So we all -- as we move into the new age, we have to learn to discern authority on people, the authority of God on people because, I mean, even you here -- I think here everybody is pretty spiritual, but you never know where you're going to wind up, in a street somewhere, on a subway train or on a bus, and God might require you to discern the author- -- the spiritual authority of somebody. And we just have to start functioning in the spirit.


We have to find out who has the power to heal us and who has the power to deliver us and who has the power to give us words and knowledge and who has the power to minister the life of Christ to us. And we can't make these decisions because somebody is male or female, aggressive or non-aggressive, because they have a title or they don't have a title, because they have a big building. Lots of people [?are a big band?] because if you stay -- if your mind stays in that condition, you're going to miss it. You're going to miss it. We're moving in to the age of the spirit.


God requires his people to grow up. And as we were speaking earlier, I don't think I'm going to have it on the tape, but we were saying earlier that sometimes God teaches us by letting us miss something. And when we finally get around to saying, Lord, why not me, why not me? What happened, what happened? A year or 2 or 3 or 4 down the line, he says, hey, you remember? I sent somebody to you, and you didn't want to believe that that was my spirit on them. That's what happened. Next time I send someone like that to you, I hope that you'll recognize my spirit on them. That's how he's going to teach us, brethren.


I don't know about you, but I don't even want to be even one month or one week or one hour missing what God has for me because I have too much pride or too much rebellion to discern the anointing of God on a donkey. I don't care if it manifests on a donkey. I don't care if it manifests -- the same person that wanted to know where to start the church said to me -- we were talking about local churches, and he said, well, such-and-such a church is doing well, and that one's doing well, and that one's doing well. And I said what do you mean doing well? Do you mean money? I said, I'm no fool. I know I need enough to live on, but I'm not looking for money. I want the power of God. I want the power. I told him I'm ruined?]. I have tasted the power of God, and nothing less will satisfy me. I'm ruined.


And as I was going over this in my mind, something very interesting -- a thought very -- a very interesting thought came into my mind. That's what they used to say about young women that got involved in sexual activity before they got married, that they were ruined because they had tasted it, and now they wanted it. And they were vulnerable men who would get involve with them sexually without wanting to marry them. Well, we know that the Lord God is going to marry us and that our spiritual experience is liking to natural marriage, including spiritual copulation and natural copulation. And he said to me, you're ruined, Sheila. You're ruined. You've tasted it, and nothing else will make you happy.


And in the Song of Solomon -- one of the Scripture in the Song of Solomon is that the woman who typifies the living soul is running around the whole city saying where has my beloved gone? Where has my beloved gone? Well, there are some of us here tonight that have experienced great outpourings of power that have been withdrawn from us, and we cry, where has our beloved gone? He's ministering to us in his word, but he's forcing spiritual growth, and for a season, he has denied us mighty outpourings of spiritual power that would gratify our soul. And we go around crying, where is our beloved? I'm ruined, brethren. I'm ruined. It has to be God. Hallelujah. OK.


So they're going to acknowledge our authority. There's not going to -- we're not going to walk in this realm anymore where they're going to say, well, maybe she is or maybe she isn't. And I've had people mock me and laugh at me. I've had people compete with me, and it's only to their own detriment. This is not going to happen again. I actually had a new believer come to me and ask me how I research certain material, and when I told her, she tried to do it. And when she couldn't do it, she was so angry at me that she just slammed away from me. I've been studying for year- -- not only that I've been studying for years, brethren, but I have a gift. You could study for 15 years and not be able to do the -- God has to anoint you to study in the manner that I study.


People are -- in the church today, they're without knowledge. They don't understand how the things of God work, and this is not going to happen anymore. They're going to acknowledge the authority of the people -- to whom he's given his spirit. OK.


Going on with verse nine. Judah is a lion's whelp from the prey, my son, thou art gone up. He stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion. Who shall rouse him up? Now, I have not done a word by word in this because we did it in tape number 38 part four, if you want to recheck that.


I'm just going to read you the alternate translation. And we put the second part of the verse first. The son of God was lowered into the realm of appearance so that he could multiply. He became a fallen, natural man, and now that he has brought forth many young who shall fulfill the promise and cause him to rise in spiritual power again. Judah, a young spirit, you have been elevated back into the spirit of God, my son, having been plucked out of it like a leaf falls off of a tree.


So as I said earlier, we're finding out, when we study the tribes that are listed -- we're finding out the weakness -- some of the weaknesses that exist in man, and we're also being told spiritual truth as it relates to the living soul. Hallelujah.


Continuing with verse 10. The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come. And unto him shall the gathering of the people be. The word scepter is Strong's 7626, and it means a scion, S-C-I-O-N, and Webster's says that a scion is a descendant or a child of loyal stock. The scepter shall not depart from Judah. The word depart is Strong's 5493, and it means to call back or to remove. Hallelujah.


Nor a lawgiver from between his feet -- nor shall the lawgiver depart from between his feet. The word lawgiver is Strong's 2710, and it means to hack or to engrave, to enact laws, cut in stone. So the concept here is the idea of having the law of God engraved on man's soul. That's what's happening to us. For those of you listening to the tape that don't know, Jesus Christ is in the process of engraving the image of the father upon our souls. And this word lawgiver is one that has the ability to engrave, to engrave. Hallelujah.


Deuteronomy 28:15. I'm giving you a witness here about the Scriptural concept of coming out from between someone's feet, as to what it means. Nor a lawgiver shall not depart from between his feet. And toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet and toward her children which she shall bear, for she shall eat them for want of all things. That expression, to come out from between one's feet is referring to natural birth, brethren. Glory to God. Hallelujah. OK.


Now, we're going to try and find out what this word Shiloh means. For some reason I didn't put down the Strong's number. Shiloh is a geographical area. It also has a prophetic significance of the coming Messiah. And this is how we get it. Joshua 18:1. And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh. It's a geographical location. And set up the tabernacle of the congregation there, and the land was subdued before them. This Scripture is taking place right after all of Israel had crossed over Jordan. They set up a place of worship [?in accordance?] with the instruction of the law. There was a tabernacle, and it was called David's Tabernacle, and it was located at the geographical location called Shiloh. And it continued to abide there through Samuel's reign, through Samuel's reign.


You may recall that at end of Samuel's reign, his sons, his backslidden sons were being defeated in battle, and they went and got the Ark from Shiloh, took it into battle with them, and they were still defeated because God didn't tell them to do that. The Ark of God was captured by the Philistines and placed in a temple with the Philistine God, with the Philistine God. And when the Philistines came in in the morning, the -- I may not have this exactly right. Either the head or the hands of their statue, their [UNINTELLIGIBLE] God had fallen off, and that happened one or two days in a row. And they were so frightened that they just wanted the Ark of God away from them. And the Ark was taken to a believer's house where it stayed until David to reclaim it later on.


So Shiloh typifies the place where the Ark of God is, and prophetically, it refers to Messiah, to the coming Messiah. So with -- we're dealing with the Scripture. The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come.


Alternate translation. This is the first half of Genesis 49:10. The spiritual root of Christ shall not be removed from the descendants of Judah, nor shall a man with his mark or the mark of God cease to be born until Messiah come. Now, that's a very interesting Scripture because what the prophecy is saying -- well, first of all, we've talked about the root of Christ, how people praying for salvation that don't have the root of Christ, that their descendants can be birthed with the root of Christ in subsequent generation.


And we've also talked about losing the root of Christ, and I think we even said on a prior tape that Israel has lost the root of Christ. And when God -- when it comes time for God to graft them back into the tree of the church, those generations are going to be born with the root of Christ again. So those people that do not have the root of Christ can receive it, and those that have it can lose it.


But there is a group of people, a line of descendancy in the Earth, the Lord calls it Judah. OK. Now, it's not -- it was transferred from natural Israel into a spiritual Israel, OK, till Christ was born. But there are a group of people in the Earth, and the root of Christ will never depart from them. We have to use spiritual eyes to find out who they are. In the Old Covenant, we could find them. We knew they were natural Israel. But today, you can only discover a Judean is by the wisdom of God. You have to ask God. OK.


And we're told that along this family line, the root of Christ will never be lifted off of them. And -- excuse me, I lost my place. Nor shall a man with his mark or his image cease to be born till Messiah comes. Now, I find that very interesting because what that says to me is that God has always had a people in the Earth since Judah. And I know that history talks about the Dark Ages where the Catholic Church took over the entire church world. But according to this prophecy, through all of the Dark Ages, there was always -- God always had a people. God always had a people in whom his root was, and a man that was manifesting his spirit. So I find that very interesting. He's never left the Earth. OK.


And the last phrase of verse 10 is and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Now, this word gathering is Strong's 3349, and it means obedience. It means obedience. I couldn't make any sense out of that, so I checked the word obedience in Webster's. And it's -- I got a definition that said obedience can mean a sphere of jurisdiction, a sphere of jurisdiction. So the people that will be obedient to Messiah, and he will have jurisdiction or authority over them.


Alternate translation, the second half of Genesis 49:10. And he shall have authority over the people. He shall have authority over the people. And the implication is because he has authority over them, they shall be obedient to him. You see, we can't -- we were talking about this earlier.


I don't think it's on the tape, but we were talking about people not doing something because somebody's working witchcraft on them. And we were saying that people have to take responsibility for their own behavior. It doesn't matter whether someone's trying to put you in bondage. If you're a believer, you have to petition God for deliverance. You can't say I'm going to stay in bondage to this person because someone's working witchcraft on me. It's your responsibility to stand up and -- by the power of God and by the mercy of God [?get set?].


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] obedience is the same situation. If somebody that is in a position of submission, a position where they're subordinate to another person, is not obedient, we cannot say -- well, we can say that the person's not obedient. We can call it for what it is, but as I understand the Scripture and what's been coming forth in this meeting tonight is that we cannot say to the person that's in a lower realm that you are so bad. We have to look to the person with the authority. We have to look to the person with the authority.


A school teacher cannot say these students are terrible. It's her responsibility to assert the authority that will manifest the obedience. Do you understand what I'm saying? We were talking about this man who has a ministry. He's not -- I don't think he's a Christian. He charges $12,000, and he takes these teenagers up into the woods, these rebellious teenagers that the parents can't handle, and he gives them a rough time. And they come back submissive, you see. They come back submissive.


And we had -- there was a woman on this TV show where I was hearing about this, and she kept saying, well, did the parents talk to them? Did the parents do this? Did the parents do that? Did the parents do this? Well, the point is that you don't have to talk to these children. You're supposed to be asserting your authority over them. You're supposed to be asserting your authority over them, and you have to do it when they're young. OK. I hope that I made my point. I don't really want to go on with this too long.


But the person with the authority is the person that's responsible. And if someone's working witchcraft on you and you are a believer, you have authority over the witchcraft. If you are a believer and somebody's working witchcraft on you, your authority is Christ, and you are expected to go before the Lord and ask him to help you to exercise that authority to break yourself free. So my point is that the responsible authority in a conflict is the one with the authority. OK. Glory to God.


So this Scripture means that the people will be obedient to him, but the implication is that he's going to assert his authority because I think everybody here knows t hat the rebellion in the church today is incredible. And what do you do with these people? You have no authority over them, if you're a minister. I know every minister goes through the same thing. What can you do to the people? You tell them the truth. They get mad at you. They leave the church. They talk about you. Whatever they do, you have -- I have a minister have no authorit- -- I mean, I could pray. I pray for them, but basically it's between them and the Lord because all that I could do is give it to God.


If it was my child, I'd take them and put them over my knees and say, now, you sit in that seat, but I can't do this to an adult person. I don't have that kind of authority. But I believe, when the sons of God are fully manifested, they will have spiritual authority that will be able to bring the people into obedience. Hallelujah. Glory to God. OK. Hallelujah.


Alternate translation, Genesis 49, verse 10. The spiritual root of Christ shall not be removed from the descendants of Judah, nor shall a man with his mark, the image of God, cease to be born until Messiah come. And Messiah shall have authority over the people. The spiritual root of Christ shall not be removed from the descendants of Judah. Nor shall a man with his mark cease to be born until Messiah come. And Messiah shall have authority over the people. He's going to deal with the disobedience. He's going to assert his authority.


And we know that one of the curses, as a result of breaking the law, is that children shall be our masters. That's the curse of God. We have that problem. We have to seek the Lord for deliverance. Continuing with verse 11. Binding his soul unto the vine and his asses colt unto the choice vine, he washed his garments in wine. This is a good one, brethren, verse 11. Binding his soul unto the vine. The word binding is Strong's 681, and it merely means in the sense of joining, binding his soul. The word soul is 5895, and it means a young ass that has just been broken to accept a load of burden.


I used to see, like, the cowboy movies where they used to ride wild horses until they broke them all the time. Well, I guess, any animal that you want to be a beast of burden, they have to be broken to the point where they will submit to having this load on their back. And that's what a foal is, a young ass that has just been broken to load. And Webster's says that an ass is any of several hardy, gregarious mammals. Gregarious means friendly. That are smaller than the horse, have long ears and are used as a beast of burden.


Binding his soul unto the vine. The word vine is Strong's 1612, and it means to bend as a twining, and it specifically means the grapevine. And I remind you, we've had a lot of teachings since we're in the book of Revelation, that this whole concept of crown and winding and intertwining different vines and twigs refers to the merging of the mind of Christ in the natural man. Hallelujah. OK.


I'm going to do a little bit more before I give you an alternate translation. Binding his soul unto the vine and his ass's colt unto the choice vine. The ass's colt -- well, the word ass is Strong's 860, and this is a female ass, and it's very docile. A female ass, from its gentleness. And the word colt is Strong's 1121. This is the only time it's translated colt, and it doesn't really mean that at all. It's 1121. Almost every other time it's translated son, son as a builder of the family name. So when we say ass's colt, we're talking about the offspring of the female, the offspring of the female. We'll find out a little bit later what that means some more.


Binding his soul unto the vine and his ass's colt unto the choice vine. The choice vine is 8321, and it's labeled that in the sense of redness, and it's the richest variety of vine stock. It's the nobler kind of vine. So let's see what we've got here.


For -- alternate translation. This is the first half of Genesis 49:11. Joining the broken and domesticated living soul -- I'm suggesting that that soul, that young ass that's just been broken to a load is the living soul. Jesus is in the process of breaking us [UNINTELLIGIBLE], and the load that he wants us to bear is his spirit. He said my burden is light. We have a burden to bear, and he wants to ride on us, brethren. So what I'm suggesting to you is the soul, that's -- is the young ass that's been broken. It's the living soul as it's broken to carry Jesus. Joining the broken and domesticated living soul that he was formed into when he descended into the Earth to his glorified soul. He's binding his soul unto the vine. He's taking the living soul that was made out of his substance when he descended into the Earth, and he's binding it together with his glorified soul. Glory to God.


And we all know that Jesus appeared once at the end of the age to put away sin. He was crucified. He was resurrected. He was glorified, and his soul -- by his spirit, he his pouring himself out upon all flesh. And if his soul has appeared in you, you now have two elements of the living God and the creation that he's making. You are the soul of the original living soul, and you also have his glorified, and he's binding them together. And he's also binding his ass's colt to the choice vine. Glory to God.


And the spirit of the living soul, the ass's colt, I'm suggesting to you. The ass is female, and we know that the human spirit is female. And he -- and the spirit of the living soul, it's the offspring of the female to his -- he's biding that to his spirit. I'm suggesting to you that the ass's colt is the son or the descendant of the female. That means the human spirit and the human spirit in me. That's being bound to his spirit. The foal is being bound unto his glorified soul, and the spirit, the human spirit, is being bound unto his spirit, which is the spirit of the father. The spirit of Jesus is the father.


Joining the broken and the domesticated living soul that he was formed into when he descended into the Earth to his glorified soul and the spirit of the living soul, to his spirit, which is the spirit of the father. And I remind you that this is the prophecy to Judah. If you are spiritual Judah, this is what you're going to be doing. This is what you're going to be doing. It's for you.


And the last phrase of verse 11. He washed his clothes in the blood of grapes. The word washed is Strong's 3526, and this is -- it's not washing as we know it. It comes from a root that means to trample, and this means to wash clothes by, literally, jumping on them. Wo- -- I've seen pictures where they beat clothes with sticks. I've never seen anybody wash clothes by trampling it, but that's what this word means. To wash by stamping the feet, and it includes the whitening process. It includes making the clothes whiter.


The clothes is Strong's 5497. It's the only time that it's translated clothes, and it's from a root that means to suck up or to absorb. So what we're talking about here is being cleansed by a process of absorbing, and I found that very interesting because we are being cleansed as the life of Christ gets upon us, as we are absorbing the life of Christ or he's absorbing us. It depends on whether you're looking at it from the soul realm or from the spiritual realm, who's absorbing who, but we're coming together. The result is that we're being cleansed. Glory to God.


He washed his clothes in the blood of grapes, and the word grapes is Strong's 6025. And there only -- it really means ripe fruit. It can mean any kind of fruit. It's used, traditionally, in this Scripture, for grapes, but it really means ripe fruit. It can mean any kind of fruit.


Alternate translation, second half of Genesis 49:11. He purified his clothes, even the living soul, by trampling it with man blows under the feet of his glorified soul life, even the ripe fruit of his spirit. He purified his clothes, his clothes being the garment that his spiritual being is wearing. Does anybody know what is -- what the garment is that Jesus is wearing? Does anybody know, remember? It's us. It's us. It's the living soul. We're his garment. Hallelujah. And he purified his garment, his clo- -- he's purifying the living soul by trampling it with many blows under the feet of his glorified soul life, and his glorified soul life is the ripe fruit of the spirit. It's the ripe fruit of the spirit. When the Holy Spirit fertilizes the human spirit, the fruit that comes forth, the fruit of the spirit, is Christ in you, the hope of glory, and that Christ is trampling your soul life underfoot, and that trampling is purifying you. Hallelujah.


Alternate translation, Genesis 49, the whole of chapter 11 -- verse 11, I'm sorry. Joining the broken and domesticated living soul that he was formed into when he descended into the Earth to his glorified soul, and the spirit of the living soul to his spirit, which is the spirit of the father. He purified his clothes, even the living soul, by trampling it with many blows under the feet of his glorified soul life, even the right fruit of his spirit.


Now, if you're in Judah, that's what you're going to be doing. That's what you're going to be doing. You're going to be purifying your soul and your body, and you're going to be putting it under the feet of the Christ that's birthed in you, and we're going through that in this ministry right now. It's sounds like we're in Judah, huh? Praise the Lord. Sounds that way.


Continuing with verse 12. His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk. The word eye is Strong's 5869. It means fountain. And we've had this many times, but eye in the Scripture typifies the soul. The word red -- his eyes shall be red. The word red is Strong's 2447. It's the only time it's translated red, and it means dark. It means dark, and it can mean satiated with color, satiated, totally saturated, with color. Glory to God. And the word teeth, and his teeth white with milk, is Strong's 8127, and it means a tooth or an ivory, and it's from a root -- I'm sorry. I got ahead of myself.


It -- we have some teaching on teeth on tape numbers 32, part four and five. And just to catch you up in your memory, I'll remind you that a tooth is something that's visible, but it's root goes way down beneath the gums. You can't see the root, and the tooth typifies Satan. His spirit is deep down within our conscious mind. But if you're not manifesting Christ, Satan is appearing in the realm of appearance. And it's white because he -- teeth are white and because he's not -- he doesn't have the life of God. Satan does not have the life of God, and when you have the life of God, the color that you have is red, you know. OK. And his teeth are white as milk. Milk is Strong's 2461, and it typify- -- it's more than milk. It really means cheese. It's referring to the richness of cheese. So this is what we've got.


Alternate translation, Genesis 49:12. The many members of his soul shall be saturated with the life of the father, and his Satanic realm, righteous -- shall be made righteous because of the rich milk of his soul life. And we know that Jesus feeds us with milk. I know he feeds us with bread, but there are also many Scriptures that he feeds us with milk. Jehovah says that he's the breasted one. I guess, when you're younger, you get the milk.


So what are we saying? His eyes shall be red with wine. His eyes, the many members of the living soul, shall be saturated with the life of the father. Wine in the Scripture typifies the life of the father. And his teeth white with milk, and the Satanic realm which appear without color in the realm of appearance and are -- and have their roots buried deep underneath where they can't be seen. His satanic realm shall be made righteous because of the rich milk by which his soul life shall feed us. The Satanic realm is going to be covered with milk. He's going to be fed. He's going to be quiet. Hallelujah.


Recap, Revelation 7:4 and one third of verse five and Genesis 49, eight through 12. And I understood that thousands of the descendants of Israel's sons were completed in their spirits as Christ stood up in full stature in them. And the number which describes their mature spiritual condition is 144. Of the tribe of Judah were sealed 12,000. Judah, your brothers shall repent before you, present their needs to you and moanings -- with moanings and give thanks for you. You shall have power to destroy your enemies. Your father's children shall acknowledge your authority.


The son of God was lowered into the realm of appearance so that he could multiply. He became a na- -- a fallen natural man. And now that he has brought forth many young who shall fulfill the promise and cause him to rise in spiritual power again. Judah, a young spirit, you have been elevated back into the realm of the spirit of God, my son, after having been plucked out of it like a leaf falls of a tree. The spiritual root of Christ shall not be removed from the descendants of Judah, nor shall a man with his mark cease to be born until Messiah come. And Messiah shall have authority over the people.


And this is what he's going to do. He's going to have authority over the people, and with that authority, he's going to join the broken and domesticated living soul that he was formed into when he descended into the Earth to his glorified soul and the spirit of the living soul to his spirit. It's going to be joined to his spirit which is the spirit of the father. The many members of his soul shall be saturated with the life of the father, and his Satanic realm shall be made righteous because of the rich milk of his soul life. And the implication there, brethren, is that you cannot tell --


03/06/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

03/18/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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