042 - Part 2
(Revelation 6-7 & Genesis 49)

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


            This is The Sixth Seal, Part 2, from the Book of Revelation, of the revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John.  Hallelujah.  I have a couple of comments on the last message on Part 1.  The first point is when we talked about the great earthquake.  When I listened to the tape, I realized that I empathized the fact that the word great was feminine.  I never made my point as to what I meant by it.  The word great is feminine, and of course the spiritual power of the earthquake.  We said that the Greek word translated earthquake really means spiritual power.  When it manifests in the heavenlies or in the realm of the spirit, it is a gale or a windstorm.  When it manifests in the soul, the Scripture calls it an earthquake.  But we are talking about a spiritual power, and the fact that, that word great is feminine, what it means to me is that, that spiritual power is manifesting in the many members that are still female; the many members of the living soul that are still female.  Of course, when our soul is swallowed up by Jesus Christ, and we become one with him, we will be male.  Even though they are moving in his power right now, it is my understanding that we are still female because the Christ in us is separate from us.  It is the Christ in us, and it is us.  The day is coming in the future, Lord willing.  It is not even Lord willing, we know, because it has been prophesied that our entire soul shall be swallowed up, and we shall get a glorified body, at which point we will be indistinguishable from the Christ, which is within us, and at that point we shall be male.  But until that happens, we are still female.  Hallelujah.


            The second point that I would like to make is just a note for you, if you would like additional study on the exchange of souls.  Now, I have not really used that expression before.  What I am talking about is the sons of God, our spiritual life, which is within us, as we throw ourselves out of the soul of Satan, and into the soul of Christ.  We have talked about that on several messages, and it must have been on last week’s message.  I do not recall right now, but I have it written down.  I am going to be calling it, in the future, the exchange of souls.  Right now our spiritual substance is dwelling in the adamic soul, and God is imparting power to us.  The day is going to come that there is going to be a great earthquake, and there is going to be a vibration, and a shaking within the earth of our souls.  That shaking is going to give us momentum.  We are going to shake with it, and we are going to go shooting right out of the adamic soul, and we are going to move into the soul of Christ.  Our spiritual substance is going to transfer from dwelling within the soul of adam, to dwelling within the soul of Christ.  The expression the Lord gave me to express this is the exchange of souls.  If you would like some additional study on that, you could review message #32, Parts 2 and 3.  I do not know where on Part 2 it is, but on Part 3 it is a few paragraphs down on the message. 


I just want to make a point before we start here.  In Verse 14 of Chapter 6, which says;


 And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island removed out of its place.  That verse is still speaking about the firstfruits company.  Now Verse 15 picks up with the remaining members of the living soul.  The Kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, etc., that is speaking about the remaining members of the living soul.  Verse 14 is still speaking about the firstfruits company.  Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation Recap of Revelation 6:12-14.  And I looked when the power of God continued to release the firstfruits of the living soul from the authority of Satan, and there it was, a powerful outpouring of the Spirit of God in many human vessels.  And as the earth labored, the life of Christ was raised to full stature in them, and their human spirits were completed, and the rising sun of Christ overshadowed them, and their human souls were made alive by his blood, or his soul life.  The ministers of God’s word, who fornicated with the harlot, and preached the false doctrines, birth by their carnal minds, lost their spiritual power, and became natural men when the tempest of God’s Spirit tested them, even as the unripe figs of a fig tree growing out of season, never come to maturity, but fall off and die when a powerful wind blows upon them.  And the firstfruits company separated the spiritual realm of their souls into two parts, even the soul from the spirit, the bone from the marrow, and Eve, the human spirit, was separated from her husband, Satan, and the firstfruits of the living soul was restored to the correct moral order.  And the members of the firstfruits company of the living soul were thrown into a commotion of agitated movement, and they threw themselves out of their natural boundaries.  AT


            Now I just want to empathize to you about this throwing of yourself out of your natural boundaries.  Our natural boundaries now are the adamic soul.  Our spiritual substance dwells within the adamic soul.  The agitated movement is in your thoughts.  It is in your thoughts.  You have confusion in your mind?  Well, you are suppose to be confused because Christ has entered into your minds, and has given you a whole new way of thinking.  Where you used to be mad, you are suppose to be glad; and where you used to hate, you are suppose to be loving; and where you used to be angry, you are suppose to be forgiving.  If you are shaking, if you are going back and forth from one thought pattern to another thought pattern, that is what is happening.  The natural boundaries that you live in, the adamic soul, it is shaking, and it is vibrating, and the day is going to come that you are going to fight so hard with these conflicting thoughts in your mind, that you are going to go propelling out of your adamic mind, and just enter into the life of Christ.  Can you hear that?  Glory to God.


            So fight, fight with everything that you have got against the thoughts in your mind that are not of God.  Fight with everything that you have got because it is not in vain.  You are going to come shooting out of this doublemindedness.  You are going to come shooting out of this confusion.  You are going to do it.  Fight.  Do not lay down.  Do not lay down.  Fight with everything that you have got.  It is real easy to know what is ungodly, what is adamic.  Just pick up your Bible.  You know if you are angry at your neighbor without a cause, it is wrong.  If you hate instead of forgiving, it is wrong.  I do not care what they are doing to you.  It is wrong.  It is wrong.  It is wrong.  Fight in your mind so that your mind shakes and reels until you are propelled out of it into a place where the thoughts of Christ will prevail in your life without warfare.


            Let us make these scriptures real.  That is what we are talking about.  Love your enemies.  Pray for those who despitefully use you.  Help those that hate you.  Forgive those that have sinned against you.  I am telling you that I have this on so many messages.  I live this thing.  If you cannot keep  the law in your mind, if you cannot keep the spiritual law of God in your mind, then you are subject to the written law.  I go before the Lord, and I say, Lord, I am hating in my mind, and I cannot stop, but I read the Bible and I know that it is wrong.  I submit myself to the written law.  Help me.  He will give you the victory in your mind.  That is what I mean when I say fight.  You cannot do it in your own power.  You cannot win these battles in your own power.  If someone sticks a knife in you, you cannot love them, but by the power of God.  You cannot do it.


            I had a problem with my boss last week.  You all know about my famous boss.  If he ever gets saved and hears these messages, it is going to be something else.  He called me from the airport in Chicago to attack me.  He had nothing better to do.  He made a long distance phone call from Chicago to tell me some ridiculous lie, and accuse me, and blame me for some absolutely off the wall thing.  I told him that it was off the wall.  I was respectful to him, but I was not going to agree with it.  He was irrational.  He said to me, I do not want to talk to you.  Get lost.  I slammed down the phone on him, and I was really mad.  But glory to God, by the time I came in the next morning, God had given me grace.  He came in ready for a fight.  I had forgotten all about it.  He went into confusion.  God fulfilled the law in my mind in that instance.  I do not have that victory all the time, but that was what happened.  The law was fulfilled in my mind.


            I want you to know that I am making light out of it, and I am making a joke out it, but there was intense spiritual power behind his words to me.  I was severely wounded.  I want to put that in this message.  I was severely wounded by the spiritual power that propelled his words.  He was filled with hate and anger, and he was taking it out on me.  He was using me as a scapegoat.  It had nothing to do with me at all.  The law of God in this instance was fulfilled in my heart.  I genuinely forgave him.  It does not happen all the time.  When it does not happen, I have to resist the ungodly thought, and stand before God.  If the law is not fulfilled in your mind, then you are under the law.  You say, Father, I acknowledge that I am sinning, help me.  Sometimes, I struggle with it for weeks before He gives me the victory, before I can forgive that person, before I can stop being angry with that person.


            Sometimes it goes on for weeks, and sometimes I take the victory, and sometimes it comes back.  Know what you have to do.  Know what the warfare is, brethren.  I know nobody here thinks this, but for anybody reading this message, the warfare in not with the demons that are out in left field.  It is against your own carnal mind, because you cannot enter into the kingdom hating your brother.  You are not going in hating your brother.  There is a whole list of things that are not going in.  Fornicators are not going in, and that is not just with your body, it is with your mind.  Those that fornicate with their carnal mind are not going in.  How do you fornicate with your carnal mind?  You hate your brother, and God says, listen, you are agreeing with your carnal mind.  If you agree with your carnal mind, that is fornication.  You have got to stop, not by your power, but by the power of God.  If you try to do it in your own power, you are sure to fail.  You will fail, I prophesy to you, you will fail, so do not even try.  It has got to be a spiritual reality.  Hallelujah.


            This is the agitation in your mind.  This is the shaking.  The covering of the moon with blood is when you shake, and you shake, and you shake, and your mind is shaking, and you shake right out of your adamic thoughts.  You enter into the blood of Christ.  You enter into the soul life of Christ, which is his blood, and the moon, which typifies your soul, gets covered with blood.  That is what it means to you, personally.  The warfare is with the demons in your own mind.  Of course, sometimes you know, you come under a spiritual attack from the outside.  This ministry is just coming out of a really bad one, but brethren, God uses everything for our good.  We have been under a severe spiritual attack.  Well, the Lord wants to know how you feel about that person that was praying psychic prayers, that afflicted me so much that I could not go to work for two days, and whatever else happened to all of you over here.  How do you feel about her?  Do you hate her?  You had better get yourself under the law.  You need a sacrifice.  I am not condemning her.  I am not condemning her.  I am telling the truth.  If you have not totally forgiven her, if you are not totally emotionless towards the person that caused you that torment, you are under the law, and you have to appropriate the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you have forgiven her, you do not even need the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.  You have not broken the law.  Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation of Revelation 6:15; And the kings of the earth and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bond man, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.  This is very interesting.  I pointed out to you earlier that verse 14 is talking about the firstfruits company.  The spiritual substance of each member of the firstfruits company shooting out from their adamic soul; which is what?  It is their adamic thought processes moving into a place where the thought processes of Christ prevail, and their soul has been covered with his blood.  The very next thing that happens is that we hear that all these different kinds of people are hiding themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.  I am suggesting to you that the firstfruits company has stood up in spiritual power, the very next thing that is about to happen in the program of God.  I will be honest with you.  I really do not have a vision of how this is going to happen in the natural, but I know there are going to be spiritual men.  For those of you that have not been following along with these teachings, when I say that you are a man, it has nothing to do with your physical body.  It has to do with your spiritual condition.  AT


            There are going to be men in the earth that are going to be filled up with the power of God, and somehow, and I do not have the vision yet, they are going to be in contact, having communication, having relationships, with believers, and non believers.  We are going to see as we go through this book of Revelation, to whom God sends them, and the result of these interactions is that the judgments of God are going to be falling on the sin ridden souls of the people that the sons of God are sent to, for the specific purpose of bringing them to repentance, of impregnating them with the life of Christ, and with having the same process happen to them that happened to the firstfruits.  All of the judgments and chastenings of the Lord is the end of which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.  The church world to day sees the blood, and the guts, and the chastenings, and they stop there.  But the end of the chastening is that Christ shall appear in everyone that is chastened.  This is what we have got here.  We have got the firstfruits company.  They have taken the victory.  They have thrown themselves out of their adamic mind into the mind of Christ.  They have been restored to the correct moral order, and they are standing up in spiritual power.  The next thing that happens is that all these categories of people are hiding.  What does hiding signify?  It signifies fear.  Great fear has come across the earth.  Hallelujah.


            Let us find out what these different categories of people are.  I suggest to you that the kings of the earth are human vessels appearing on the face of the earth that are manifesting the carnal mind.  If you would like to study that in more depth, it is on message #32, Parts 1 and 2.  The kings of the earth are men and women, whose spiritual life, that rules their mind, is the carnal mind.  The second category is great men, but it does not say great men in the Greek.  It says great ones; great ones.  It does not say anything about men at all.  This word great is Strong’s #3175.  It means exceeding great ones; grandes; magnates; nobles; chief men of a city or a people; the associates or courtiers of a king.  It is very high quality people.  Before I give you the scripture that I have for you, I am going to suggest to you that what the scripture is saying, is that this is the spiritual life that Almighty God has sown in the earth of the soul.  He calls them great ones, because they are indeed great.  They are of His Spirit.  They are His spiritual seed.  This was not easy to establish with scripture, so if you cannot receive it, pray about it,  and do not worry about it.  This is the only scriptures I could find for you.  Jeremiah 24:5,7,8,10.  I skipped through it, and I just picked out pieces of all of it.


Jeremiah 24:5;7,8,10.  Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, like these good figs, I will give Judah a heart to know me, that I am the Lord.  And they shall be my people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to me with their whole heart.  Please note that the word of the Lord to Judah is that He shall give them a heart by which they are capable of knowing Him.  No one can know the Lord unless the Lord gives you that thing which He describes as a heart, that will enable you to know Him.  It does not mean your physical heart.  You cannot know Him unless God calls you.  As the evil figs which cannot be eaten, they are so evil, surely thus saith the Lord, so will I give Zedekiah, the king of Judah, and his princes that remain in the land.  Princes is the word used.  That is the same word, the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek word translated great.  And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence among them, till they become consumed from off of the land that I gave unto them, and to their fathers. 


            We see two categories of people in Judah.  We know that Judah typifies the church today.  The Lord is saying that there are some believers that can be eaten.  They are good figs, and some believers that cannot be eaten because they are evil figs.  We know that the expression to be eaten is used in the New Testament.  God is literally going to consume our souls.  He said if you are not hot or cold, I am going to spew you out of my mouth.  He is going to swallow up our adamic souls.  He is saying here that there are certain souls that He will not swallow up.  He is not going to eat them, because the end of being swallowed up is that we are going to be glorified.  He is saying that there are certain vessels on the earth that He is not going to do this with.  Instead He is going to send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence among them, until they be consumed from off the land that I gave unto them, and to their fathers.


            I am suggesting to you that these princes, that He is pronouncing this judgment upon, typifies spiritual life that He has sown in the earth of the soul.  There is spiritual life that He has sown in the earth of the soul that is living according to God’s will for them, and they are the good figs.  There is spiritual life that God has sown in the earth of the soul that has been utterly overtaken by the carnal mind.  The judgment upon them is that He is going to destroy their land; their souls.  He did this in Noah’s day with the flood.  That was what He did.  He destroyed their bodies, and He destroyed their souls, because He had sown His spiritual life in the earth, and they had been overcome by the carnal mind, to the point that there was such wickedness on the earth that He destroyed their bodies, and souls, and He called His spiritual sons back.  We will try it again, fellas.  You utterly failed.  The harlot utterly took you over.  That is my whole point here.  


            That was Jeremiah 24: 5,7,8,and 10 if you want to check it out yourself.  I am suggesting to you that this Greek word translated great ones is talking about spiritual life.  They are royalty that God has sent into the earth of our souls, and into the realm of appearance.  Does anyone remember for what?  Why has God sown the royalty of His spiritual seed in the earth?  Anybody want to take a crack at it?  Yes, that is true.  He wants them to overcome the carnal mind so that God can appear in the souls of men.  Amen.  That is absolutely true.  We have been failing.  For generations we have been failing.  Hallelujah.  But there is a manchild that has been born, and he is going to overcome the harlot of the Book of Revelation.  Hallelujah.


            We are going on to the rich ones.  We are in Revelation 6:15.  The scripture says rich men.  Again, the word men is not in the Greek.  It merely mean rich ones.  It is Strong’s #4145 and it is the same word used in Revelation 18:3 where we are told that these men had waxed rich because of their dealings with the harlot.  If you would like to study that further, it is message #32 Part 2.  The words rich ones means wealthy; abounding in material or spiritual resources.  As we found out in message #32 Part 2, this is spiritual life that has been sown in the earth, and has fornicated with the harlot, and has been made rich by the produce of their fornication with the harlot.  We found out that what they received from fornicating with her was witchcraft and mind control powers; witchcraft and mind control powers.  They fell prey to the ways of the world.


            We know that in this world it is very common that people that refuse to use these powers are very trodden under, and they are victimized in this world.  The large number of the victimized people, and victims of this world, are people that cannot use witchcraft and mind control.  They are the victims of witchcraft and mind control.  We are going to find out in a few minutes that God breaks the human race into two categories.  He breaks them down into people that are victims, and people that are victimized.  The people that have fornicated with the harlot, that are filled up with witchcraft and mind control, are surviving in this world by the witchcraft power of the harlot.  The other group of people are victimized, unless Christ has joined himself to you, and given you your power, or unless you have laid hold of a manifestation of his power in the earth, which is what?  Yes, it is the law.  Amen.


            The power of God in the earth, if you do not have a personal relationship with Him, is the law.  It is the Bible, it is the written word of God, and you can lay hold of it.  You do not have to be born again.  You can read it, and you can believe it, and He will answer your prayer.  I know it because that is what happened to me.  He does not need any special ritual.  You do not have to say any special prayer.  You do not have to go to any special church.  You just have to be desperate for help.  Lay hold of a Bible and read what it says, and believe it.  Say God, if you are real, help me.  That is all you have to do.  That is a manifestation of God in the earth, whether you are born again or not, whether you are a believer or not, whether you are a Christian or not, whether you were raised in a Buddhist or Hindu church or not.  God is interested in people.  All of this other stuff is just junk.  If it makes your life good, that is fine.


            I do not mean to put down your religion, but when you start moving on in spiritual things, to God it becomes junk.  He wants a personal relationship with you.  If you do not have a personal relationship with God, and all you have is your religion, I am not telling you to drop it.  You do not give something up unless you have something else.  But when the Lord comes to you and says, I want a personal relationship with you, that other stuff becomes junk.  We have been studying for months in this ministry, that things change when situations change.  If you are carnal, and you become spiritual, God changes your name.  Well, if your religion is helping you, that is great and wonderful.   It is wonderful until Jesus comes to you and says, I want a personal relationship with you.  Then it changes.  It becomes junk.


            We found out that Satan was on the soul realm, but when God left the living soul, and adam fell, Satan took on the role of spirit, because he took dominion over the soul.  Things change, and when they change, their names change.  Your religion could be great.  It could have done you great good.  It could have done your grandmother and your grandfather great good.  But when Jesus Christ comes to you, and says, I want a personal relationship with you, all that good becomes junk, when it is overshadowed by the light, and mercy, love and power of His life.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


            We are saying the rich ones are the spirits that God has sown in the earth, that have increased themselves through their fornication with the harlot, primarily with mind control and witchcraft; power to survive in the soul realm.  You get money.  What do people want in the soul realm?  There are three major things that people go after in the soul realm.  They want power.  They want money, and they want sex.  That is it in a nutshell; power, money, and sex.  Glory to God.  Hallelujah. 


            The next category after rich men is chief captains.  That also is just one word in the Greek.  It is Strong’s #5506 and it means the commander of a thousand soldiers.  I believe in the American army that is a Colonel, a commander of a thousand soldiers.  It also could mean any military commander.  I am suggesting to you that the chief captains are the men in the earth that have spiritual authority in the realm of the law.  In this whole earth’s realm is the realm of the law.  So these chief captains are those with spiritual authority in this realm.  Now  this is including, brethren, both believers and unbelievers.  This is including men that have witchcraft spiritual authority, and this is including men that have the spiritual authority of the Lord by the imputed anointing.


            We are going to find out as we continue through this list that God is mixing up the believers with the unsaved.  I have preached this several times.  I know it is in several messages.  I never really had any scriptures for it, but I have felt for a long time that the church world is so carnal, that in many areas, God deals with them just as if they were heathens.  Here is a scripture for it, you will see, as we go along.  The chief captains, I am saying, are the men in the realm of appearance that have spiritual authority.  It does not matter whether it is Godly spiritual authority or ungodly spiritual authority.  It is just people with spiritual authority. 


            The next category is mighty men; mighty men.  Again, men is not in the Greek.  The word is mighty ones.  It is from the Greek in Strong’s #1415 meaning powerful, capable, and it is from the word dunamis, that most of you might know is one of the two Greek words translated power in the Scripture.  We have exousia and dunamis.  The dunamis is the miracle working power.  Glory to God.  So these mighty ones have miracle working power, and the Hebrew equivalent of this Greek word is the Hebrew word that used to describe the spirit of might, when we talk about the seven Spirits of God.  We did a study on the seven Spirits of God.  We found out that the spirit of might typifies Christ being birth in you.  If you would like to study that further, it is message #35 Part 1, if you would like to study about the seven spirits of God.  This is the spirit of might, and it means those that have birth Christ.  Glory to God.


            The next category is every bondman; every bondman.  The next category is every bondman; every bondman.  The word every is Strong’s #3956 and it means the whole of; the whole of the bondman.  The next word is every freeman.  So we have two categories here; the whole of the bondman and the whole of the freeman.  We are going to see that God is breaking the human race down into two categories, those that are victims, and those that are not victims.  Bondmen is Strong’s #1401 and it means a female slave or a man of servile condition; one who gives himself up wholly to another’s will. 


            I suggest to you that it typifies the group of underdogs in our society.  Of course, we could see that on two levels.  We can see the derelicts sleeping in the street.  We can see the uneducated, unskilled people working for slave labor salaries at present.  We can also see the very prosperous men that have utterly given up their minds to the will of Madison Avenue, and all of the witchcraft operating in this society that work four jobs so that they can have things sitting in their house.  It is all bondage.  Freemen is the Greek word, Strong’s #1658 and it means unrestrained as a citizen.  It is the total opposite of being a slave.  It means exempt from obligation or liability to another man.  It typifies the group of the privileged in society, those that are not in debt because they are financially stable.  There are, believe it or not, groups of people in this society, brethren, whose mind is not bent by Madison Avenue, and they are usually the men that are bending your mind.  Hallelujah. 


            I am just going to review now what we just found out.  The kings of the earth are men manifesting the carnal mind.  I suggest to you that, that is the category that covers the subsequent six more categories.  There are six more categories after the kings of the earth.  I am suggesting to you that the kings of the earth is a general category, and the following six categories are within the kings of the earth.  The second is the great ones, spirit sown in the earth by God.  Rich ones, spirit sown in the earth by God, who had failed to overcome the carnal mind, fornicated with the harlot of Revelation instead, and who are filled up with the spiritual resources of their fornication.  They are not surviving in this world by the spiritual power of God, but by the spiritual resources of the carnal mind, mind control and witchcraft.  Then we have chief captains, men with spiritual authority, both legal and illegal.  We have mighty ones, men that have birth Christ.  We have bondmen, that portion of the living soul, which is the underdog in this world system.  We have freemen, that portion of the living soul, which is the privileged in this world system.  


            The spiritual events, which are described in verses 11 to 14, of Revelation 6, are going to touch every cell of the living soul.  If you want to review that, that is message #42, Part 1.  That is Revelation 6:11-14.  These events that have happened to the firstfruits company are now going to affect every cell of the living soul.  These six categories that we just went through, the whole of which is the kings of the earth, are everybody that is going to be touched by the sons of God that have stood up in spiritual power.  That is what this is all about.  The kings of the earth that are mentioned in verse 15 of Revelation 6, represent the whole of the members of the living soul in the earth, and the six subsequent types named, cover the different categories that members of the living soul fall into.  The first two categories typify the spiritual condition in the realm of the soul.  Let me repeat those names so I do not lose you.  That is the great ones and the rich ones.  They typify the spiritual condition in the realm of the soul.  The second two, the chief captains and the mighty ones, typify the spiritual condition in the realm of appearance.  The chief captains and the mighty ones, the spiritual condition in the realm of appearance.  Those are those who have spiritual power, legal or illegal, and those that have birth Christ.  We are talking about men that have witchcraft power, men that have the imputed anointing, and men that have the imparted anointing.  That is what we are talking about. 


            The last two categories typify men in the realm of appearance.  We have no spiritual information about them.  We are just told that there are two categories that men can fall into.  Either you are the privileged or you are the victim.  Glory to God.  Six is the number of man, and there are six categories under the blanket category of the kings of the earth.  When you add the six categories to the blanket category, the number seven typifies the fullness of the carnal man, or the carnal mind in man; either the carnal man in the earth or the carnal mind in man.  This is the same technique used by the Holy Spirit when he describes the seven spirits of God.   The first spirit is the Spirit of the Lord, and that is the blanket name that describes Christ in you.  Then the six spirits following are the different categories; six typifying man, and seven typifying the completion of man by the addition of Christ.  Glory to God.  It is the same technique.  You will find the same literary techniques throughout the Bible.


            I do not know about you, but I am just really excited when we go through this Book of Revelation, and I see how much information God has taught us through other messages.  I think if we were doing the Book of Revelation first, it is going to take us, God only knows how long to get through the Book of Revelation now, but if we had stopped to work up all this revelation, it not only would it take forever, we might not even be able to understand it from the way the Scripture is worded in the Book of Revelation.  So the Lord is doing something so exciting here, because He tells me what to preach.  All of the messages that we preached before this, I had no idea it was preparing us to do the Book of Revelation, but He has just got everything down perfectly.  I personally find it very exciting. 


            We are dealing with Revelation 6:15, and we are continuing with the phrase, they hid themselves.  All of these categories of men hid themselves in the dens, and in the rocks of the mountains.  Now what in the world does that mean?  Let us find out.  All of the remaining members of the living soul, that are not in the firstfruits company, that are not standing up in spiritual power, are hiding themselves in the dens, and in the rocks of the mountains.  The word hid is Strong’s #2928 and it means to conceal by covering over; to keep secret; to escape notice.  It can mean to quietly withdraw; to depart secretly.  The tense of the verb in the Greek was not translated correctly here.  It should have been translated were hidden.  It is suppose to be a passive form of the verb.  They did not hide themselves.  They were hidden.  The correct translation is were hidden.  They hid themselves.  The word themselves is Strong’s #1438 in the Greek, but Thayer says that this word can be translated within themselves; within themselves. 


            I am suggesting to you that they were hidden within themselves.  Do you know anybody that wears a mask?  Do you know anybody that you cannot read, and you do not know what they are thinking?  You do not know what they are feeling.  You do not know what they are like.  They are hidden within themselves.  Glory to God.  When they hid themselves, within themselves, they hid in dens.  The word dens is Strong’s #4693 in the Greek.  It merely means cavern, cave, or hiding place.  I suggest to you that it means the human body.  They were hiding within themselves.  Now this is spiritual life that we are talking about.  One of the places that they were hiding is within their bodies.  How do you hide within your body?  Well, what if you put a smile on your face when you are miserable?  You jump up, and you dance, and you do all kinds of things which would show you to be joyous when you are crying within.  Now we are talking about looking at people’s true spiritual substance.  The condition of your true spiritual substance does not have to be sad or happy.  You could be a wicked person and you hide behind good deeds with a smile on your face.  We can hide behind our bodies.  Anybody have a problem with that?  Glory to God.


            They also hid in the rocks of the mountains.  The word rocks is Strong’s #4073 in the Greek.  It is a feminine word, and it is petra.  It is the same word that Jesus called Peter by, when he said, Peter, you are a little rock, but my church is going to be built upon the rock that I am.  He called Peter a petra, a little rock.  This word means a detached, but large fragment of a rock.  It can be likened to a man who was rocklike because of his firmness and strength of soul.  What it really means is a man, a member of the living soul, that has been strengthened.  He has been strengthened because a spiritual power has joined himself to him.  He is a detached, but a large fragment of a rock.  So if you receive the Spirit of God in any measure, if you receive the Holy Spirit, you receive a part of that large rock.  You become a fragment of that rock.  From the day you receive the Holy Spirit, you receive a measure of strength.  Hopefully, that strength will continue to grow, but that is what you receive.  You receive spiritual power, and spiritual power is typified by rocks.  When you receive the Holy Spirit, right then and there, you have been strengthened, and you become a fragment of the large rock, which is Christ.  Hallelujah.


            They are hiding in the rocks of the mountains.  Well, just to fill you in on what my thinking processes are here.   How do you hide behind rocks?  How do you hide behind a man that has been strengthened by the Holy Spirit?  Ever hear of self righteousness, brethren?  Ever hear somebody say, I speak in tongues, and I am okay.  Did you ever hear that one?  Did you ever hear somebody say I prophesy, and I am going to heaven, and you are going to hell?  Did you ever hear somebody say, I cast out demons, I am a wheat, and you are a tare?  I have heard it.  They are hiding in the rocks.  What I am suggesting to you is that they are hiding behind the gifts that have been given to them without repentance.  They are hiding their true spiritual nature, and character, behind the gifts that have been given, without repentance.  That is what I am suggesting to you.  They are hiding in the rocks of the mountains.  The word  mountains is Strong’s #3735 in the Greek.  We have studied that, too.  If you want to review it, it is in message #10, the spiritual significance of mountains. 


            A mountain is a projecting spiritual power.  Strong’s says it takes that name as lifting itself above the plain.  It is a projecting spiritual power.  I am suggesting to you that the projecting spiritual power that is available in man, either a natural man or in man that has received the imputed anointing, you are still a natural man even if you have the imputed anointing, and the projecting spiritual power in your life is Satan.  You see, you could have the imputed anointing; you could prophesy; you can cast out demons; you can heal the sick; and you walk out of church, and the projecting spiritual power that you are manifesting, is Satan.  It is very very common.  The only time you manifest the projecting spiritual power of Christ is when you are praying in tongues, healing the sick, casting out demons, or prophesying.  That is usually just in church a couple of hours a week.  Then you walk out the door, and the projecting spiritual power of your natural man is ruling you, and his name is Satan.  I am sorry if that upsets you.  I know I am not upsetting anyone here, but it is the truth.  I am telling you the truth.  You have two gods.  If you receive the Holy Spirit, you have two gods until Christ is formed in you, and He destroys your other god.  Who was your god before Christ came?  It is not presto, instant change.  I wish it were, but it is not.  Hallelujah.


            How do we hide behind the mountains?  We hide behind witchcraft and mind control.  I rob you, but I will make you believe that I am the best thing that ever came into your life.  I will lie to you, but I will make you believe that I am the greatest truth teller in the world.  Did that ever happen to you?  It has happened to me.  I will have the capacity to manifest any kind of sin you want to think of; envy; hatred; anything; it does not matter what it is.  It does not matter what it is, but because my mind is so strong with mind control, and witchcraft, I will convince you that I am the exact opposite of what I am.  Well, If I do that, I am hiding behind the projecting spiritual power of the mountains.  Glory to God.


Alternate Translation of Revelation 6:15; And the remaining members of the living soul, which appear on the face of the earth, and the spirit sown in the earth by the Lord, and the spirit sown in the earth, which fornicated with the harlot, and became spiritually strong with mind control and witchcraft power, and the men with spiritual power, both of the Lord and of Satan, and the men who had birth Christ, and the whole of the victims of this world system, and the whole of the privileged of this world system, all of them.  AT 


            I remind you, included in these categories are what we call saved and unsaved.  Those who go to church; those who do not go to church; those who call themselves born again; those who do not call themselves born again; they are all in these categories.  They are all lumped together, and this is what they were doing.  They were hiding within their own selves.  That is to say that their true spiritual nature was covered over and made secret by their facial expressions, and bodily movements, and by the gifts of healing, deliverance, and prophesy, which they received without  repentance, when their souls were strengthened by the Holy Spirit, and by the mind control, and witchcraft power of the living soul.  Everybody is out there with a mask on.  Nobody wants you to know what is in their heart.  If they would only realize that everybody stinks, they would not have a problem.  Everybody is out there hiding.  The whole world is out there hiding, some a little more, some a little less.  Did you ever think a terrible thought, and say, oh God, do not let that person know about  what I thought.  I know it was an ungodly thought, but I could not help it, and it would break their heart.  I have.  I thought the thought, and I prayed a prayer.  I was hiding.  I was hiding. 


            Christ has been birth, and is preceding to break the human spirit, Eve, away from her husband, Satan.  It is Eve that is asking her soul, and the power of Satan, to protect her from the Christ that has been birth within her.  Christ has been birth in her?  Well, I think I may be changing my mind after I type this up.  I think that what is happening, I am going to take that first phrase out.  But it is Eve, it is the human spirit in all these categories, that are asking her soul, and the spirit in the natural man, Satan, to protect her from Christ.  Now I have a question in my mind.  I do not know, at this point, whether Christ has been birth in these people, or they are just coming in contact with the sons of God.  They are coming in contact with the word of God.  I hope you all know this, and if you do not, it is okay.  I will remind you that when you come in contact with someone that is manifesting the anointing, you are going through an ex-ray machine.  I hope you know you are going through an ex-ray machine because the Spirit of God discerns all things, of the saved, and the unsaved.



Nothing shall be hidden, saith the Lord.  In deed, I shall expose you, saith God, and I shall attack the sin in you, and I shall root it out, saith the Lord, and I shall bring you forth in my life, and in my image.  Hallelujah. 


            Lots of people do not like people that move in a heavy anointing.  Why?  They know every thought that is in your mind.  They know every piece of filth that is in their soul.  In verse 15, I think I am going to take the stand, at this point, that all of these categories of natural men, I do not think Christ has been birth in them yet.  I am going to take that back.  I think they have got the revelation that a company of men of God are in the earth, and that nothing is hidden.  Remember Ananias and Sapphira.  Somehow God is going to impart this revelation to them that they cannot hide their sins from these people, who are moving in such a powerful anointing of God, that for all intents and purposes, they are one with God.  Jesus said, I and my Father are one, and they tried to kill him.  But it is going to happen again, and it is not going to be one man.  It is going to be a many membered company across the face of the earth, going to every category of human beings, looking at them, and seeing every piece of filth in their soul.


            All of these people, instead of saying, I repent, deliver me; they hid within themselves.  They hid behind their facial expression, and their bodily movements.  They hid behind the gifts of healing, deliverance, and prophesy, which they received without repentance, when their souls were strengthened by the Holy Spirit.  They hid behind the mind control, and witchcraft power, which looks you right in the face, and denies exactly what they are.  They did not repent, you see, when the sons of God stood up.  They did not repent, and say, convert my soul.  They said, it is not true that I am a sinner.  They said it is not true.  I am okay.  Look at me dance; and look at me sing; and look at the smile on my face; and look at me cast out demons.  Hallelujah.  Do you hear this?  Do you hear this judgment that is coming on the whole world?  It does not matter whether you have the imputed anointing, or you do not.  God puts them all in one category.  I finally found a scripture for it.  Hallelujah. 


            There are going to be a lot of Christians that are going to be very surprised, because they think they have got it all, and when they die and go to heaven, they are going to get whatever they did not have now.  No brethren, it is going to be right here, on the earth, in the body; in the body; in the body.  Judgment is in the body.  You want to know what the great white throne judgment is?  It is when Christ appears in your mind, and your soul stands before him, and His light shines on your soul, and you see the filth.  That is what the great white throne judgment is; right here, in the flesh, on the earth.  Hallelujah.


            We touched on this earlier, while I was just talking to the people before the meeting.  There are two groups of people that are going to react in two different ways to the appearance of Christ,  whether Christ is appearing in your own heart, or whether Christ has appeared to you in the form of a man that has stood up in full stature.  It does not matter which way.  When Christ appears to you, and you know you are in the presence of God, there are one of two ways that you are going to react, the Scripture tells us.  We studied in previous messages that there are a group of people  called the firstfruits company that are going to confess their sins, join with the Christ in them, and they are going to wage war against their own souls.  They are going to look at every piece of filth in their soul, and they are going to attack it, step on it, crush it, and utterly deny it.


            Then there is going to be another group of people that will, for whatever reason, cannot look upon their sins.  Now there is no condemnation in this message.  I do not know why God does what He does, but God has got control of everything.  There is going to be another group of people who cannot look upon their sins.  They cannot do it.  They are going to hide until the bitter end.  They just cannot admit it.  They just cannot admit it.  I do not know why they cannot admit it.  It is easy for me.  There have only been one or two things.  I have committed a lot of sins.  I think there was only one thing that I could not admit, and God utterly stripped me in front of four believers.  I was just utterly exposed, and I knew I had two choices.  I could deny it, and not get the deliverance, or say, well you got me, I might as well get the deliverance.


            I said, you got me, and I got the deliverance.  But there are people that would not have said, you got me.  They would have denied it.  They would have starred these believers right in their face, with witchcraft and mind control, and say that is a false word, because it came forth by a word of knowledge.  They would have said you are not a woman of God, and that is a false word, and they would have known it was the truth.  I am not condemning anybody.  There are two categories.  They are both going to wind up in the fullness of Christ anyway.  But I do declare to you, that if I understand the scriptures, if you cannot find it within you, to join with Christ in judging your own soul, it is going to be more difficult.  That is the way it looks to me now.  I am not condemning anyone.  I am telling you the truth.  Glory to God.


            We talked about the two categories now.  All of these people that are hiding within themselves are in the second group.  The firstfruits have joined with Christ, have waged war in the power of His Spirit, and overcome Satan in their conscious and unconscious mind.  The firstfruits company have waged war.  They have not been a victim.  They have been an aggressor.  They have joined with Christ, and they have gone out and waged war against their own soul.  The people that fall into the second category, they shall be victims.  What they shall be victimized by is the wrath of Almighty God, if they will not step away from their husband, Satan, and join with Christ, when Almighty God, when the Lamb goes to war with Satan.  Almighty God is going to get you free, whether you want to come or not.  He is going to get your spirit away from Satan, whether you are joining with Christ, or whether you are not.  You are His Spirit, and He is still going to break you away from Satan.


            If you join with him, you wage war.  If, for whatever your reason, you cannot join with him, you are going to be there with Satan, when the Lamb wages war against Satan, and you are going to get burnt.  Now if you join with Christ, and you wage war with him, there is still spiritual warfare, but you are waging it here.  It can be very painful.  I do not see how it could be any less painful.  It just looks to me like it has to be more painful if you cannot join with Christ, and you are getting bombed by the Lamb.  If for any reason,  you find yourself in the category, that looks like it might be more painful, put it before the Lord.  Maybe He will change your category.  All things are possible with God.  If you can recognize yourselves, and you want to be honest with yourself, put it before the Lord.  Maybe He will change your category.  If you cannot be honest with yourself, He is going to break you free from Satan, anyway, but you are going the hard way.  I am telling you the truth, you are going the hard way.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.  I have a couple of scriptures for you, just to support this.  This is the group that is going to join with Christ.


King James Version.  Philippians 2:12; Wherefore my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and  trembling.  KJV


            How do you work out your own salvation?  Well, you look at your soul, by the power of Christ.  You join your spirit to Christ.  You look at your soul, and you wage war against it.  That is how you work out your own salvation.  If God has granted you the ability to do it, do it.  The second group are resisting Christ, who is shedding light upon, and exposing their sins, and are in  fact, trying to avoid being restored to the correct moral order, because of their pride   This is what the Lord told me.  I told you earlier that I prayed about this for hours today.  If you are in the second category, what your problem is, is pride.  This is what He told me.  I am going to say it again.  The second group are resisting Christ, who is shedding light upon, and exposing their sins, and are in fact, trying to avoid being restored to the correct moral order, because of their pride.  Their pride wants them to hide their sins more than they have a desire for righteousness.  This is  the spiritual reality of it.  If you are in the second group, pride in you is so powerful, that your desire to hide your sin is greater than your desire for righteousness.  I repeat, there is no condemnation in this message.  The truth is going to set you free.  That is what your problem is  if you are in the second group.  It is pride.  If you want to, if you can find the strength to, put it before the Lord.  If you cannot, He is going to get you out, anyway.  Glory to God.


            I could not find any New Testament scripture for the second category.  I had to go into the Old Testament.  Job 34:31-33; Surely it is meet to be said unto God, I have borne.  Now in the King James they put in the word chastisement.  I will not offend anymore, but I suggest to you that he has borne demons.  He has not borne chastisement.  In the Hebrew, it just says, I have borne.  Well, what have you borne?  He has borne the fruit of his sin, demons.  Surely, it is meet to be said unto God, I have borne demons.  I will not offend anymore.  Job is saying, surely it is a good thing to say unto God, I have sinned.  I have borne demons.  I will not do it anymore.  Well, at the first hearing, that sounds wonderful, but the whole problem is that man cannot stop sinning, and he cannot stop bearing demons.  What a manifestation of pride to say to the Lord, I have been bad, and I will not do it anymore.  You cannot stop doing it unless He joins His Spirit to you.  You cannot stop doing it, brethren. 


            Verse Job 34:32; That which I see not teach thou me; if I have done inequity, I will do it no more.  You cannot stop doing it, brethren, unless Christ joins his strength and his life, and his spirit  to you.  Verse 33; Should it be according to thine mind?  He will recompense it, whether thou refuse, or whether thou choose.  Now that is the word of the Lord coming forth.  Is it going to be according to your mind?  You are going to stop sinning when you determine you are going to stop sinning, in the manner that you are going to stop sinning.  Are you going to determine the procedure that is going to stop you from sinning?  Impossible!  The Lord is the only one who could do it, and He will do it, not if He is the only one that could do it, not if He is the only one that could save your soul, but He will do it, and He shall do it in accordance with His timetable, and His ways, and His program.  Not only that, but He is going to do it whether you want Him to or whether you do not.  He is separating you from Satan.  You can go the easy way or you can go the hard way.  If you are going the hard way, your problem is pride.  Seek God if you fall into this category.


            I just have a couple of notes that are here.  White robes, in Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation, were given to the firstfruits company.  I am suggesting to you that, that typifies a return to the correct moral order.  Robes are also given to the multitude in Revelation 7:9, 13 to14.  We are going to get into this on Sunday.  I have started working on Sunday’s message already, and it really looks to me like starting with Chapter 7, the Lord is dealing with the group of people that are not joining Him in warfare.  They are not joining Him in warfare, and the result is that judgment  is going to have to fall.  That judgment is expressed in Revelation 7:3; Hurt not the earth, neither the sea nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their forehead.  What  that means is that the Lord is not going to let the judgment fall before they have at least received some measure of God.


            Now I have not studied this out yet, but I do not know whether it means the Holy Spirit or anything more than that.  They have to receive some measure of God or the judgments will destroy them off the face of the earth.  So that is the second category right there, but they both receive white robes.  The category that chooses, and the category that refuses, they both are restored to the right moral order.  The only difference is the category that chooses, joins with Christ, and has the glory of waging war against the enemy in his own mind.  The group that cannot, or will not, join with Christ, they are partakers of the judgment that fall upon Satan.  Glory to God.  That is described as great tribulation.  Hallelujah.  The earth, and the trees, and the sea being hurt, is how it is described in the Scripture.  We will get on to that on Sunday.


            The Lord told me, and this was a great surprise to me, that both of these categories exist among the firstfruits company.  I was very surprised when He told me that.  I prayed about it for awhile, and I asked Him to really confirm it before I preached it tonight.  I really do not like making corrections.  I do it when I have to, but I would rather not.  I think it is better for all of us if I do not have to.  I really prayed carefully, and I believe this is what He told me, that both of these two categories, those who choose, and those who refuse, are found in the firstfruits company.  I said, Lord, how can this be?  He said to me it is the right of election.  If I have called someone to be among the firstfruits company, they are going to be among the firstfruits company, whether they come willingly or whether they come kicking, whether they are willing to confess their sins or they are not.  If I have ordained that you shall be a member of the firstfruits company, that is what you are going to be.  It is God’s right of election.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


            In verse 16, all of the members of the living soul fall into the second category.  We are talking about verse 15, 16 and 17 now.  They are experiencing great fear.  This fear is a very powerful manifestation of pride.  The true spiritual nature of persons falling into this category desire to hide their sins more than they desire Christ in His righteousness.  The Lord must expose their true spiritual nature against their will.  A very important point is that fear is associated very strongly with pride.  If you are being attacked in any way by the Spirit of God, and you are experiencing any measure of fear, and in particular great fear, what you are afraid of, what your soul is afraid of is being exposed.  Your pride does not want to face the exposure, and you are manifesting great fear.  The chances are that your carnal mind will tell you it is the fear of something else, but it is not.  If you can find yourself in this category, it is not something else.  Your soul is afraid of the exposure of the sin within it.  That fear is greater, at this moment, until God  weakens it, for the desire of the righteousness of God.  Hallelujah.


            Verse 16; And say to the mountains and rocks, fall on us.  So all of these categories of people are saying to the mountain and rocks, fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.  All of these people said to the mountains.  The word said is Strong’s #3004 and again it can be translated to say within one’s self.  In other words, to think it in your own mind; to say within yourself.  It can also be translated bid.  I suggest to you that the people that fall in this category, that their spiritual substance is bidding, literally bidding.  Their own soul, and the satanic mind within them, is bidding to cover them.  So they are not cleaving unto Christ.  They are cleaving unto their soul, and unto the satanic spiritual power.  And said to the mountains and rocks, fall on us.


            This word fall is Strong’s #4098.  I could not find anything in the Greek or in the Hebrew, so I went into the English.  If you cannot get it in the Greek or the Hebrew, go into Webster’s Dictionary.  I found something very interesting.  This word did not make any sense to me.  It said to the mountains and rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him.  Well, that word fall is a strong word.  It really means to fall on you.  In other words it is not just saying hide me.  Rocks and mountains could crush you, so it just did not sit right with me.  This is what I found in Webster’s Dictionary.  There are about twenty definitions of the word fall.  One of those definitions means to come within the limits, the scope or jurisdiction of something.  It can mean to pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind.


            What I am suggesting to you is when these spiritual people were saying to their souls, and Satan’s spiritual power in them, fall on me, they were saying pass into my state of mind; be my state of mind.  Witchcraft and mind control, false face mask, be my state of mind.  That was what they were saying.  Fall on me, cover me, let me join with you, because I do not want to join with Christ.  I just cannot bear His light shining on me.  I cannot bear it.  You only have two choices.  If you cannot bear Christ, you have  to manifest some spirit, so what they were saying was, be my state of mind.  The mind of Satan, the carnal mind, and my sin ridden soul, filled with the mask, the false face, the witchcraft and the  cover of the imputed anointing, if you will, they were saying, be my lie.  I do not want to admit I am a sinner.  I am okay.  Maybe you will admit some of the little ones, but when you get down to  the really big ones, I really do not want to look at it, so carnal mind, be my state of mind.


            What we are saying in a nutshell was, they failed to join with Christ.  They failed to join with Christ, so they joined with the carnal mind.  When the Lamb wages war against the carnal mind, they are going to be right there with him under the bombs.  And they said to the mountains and  rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne.  The word face is Strong’s #4383.  It means the front as being the fall of you.  It means appearance or surface.  I am suggesting to you that the face of the Lamb is that part of the Lamb that is seen.  The part of the Lamb that is seen is the body that he is dwelling in, that is the vessel of the son of God.  So we are talking about God in the flesh.  We are talking about the Lamb in the realm of appearance.  We are talking about the manifested sons of God.  That is what we are talking about. 


            Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne.  Hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne.  That is what these people are saying,   Now I definitely got the confirmation.  This category has not birth Christ.  This category has not birth Christ, but they  have the awareness that God is in this company of men.  They know that when they have a contact, when they have a confrontation with this company of men, or a member of this company of men, that something in them is going to be exposed, and they are saying I do not want it.  Hide me from his face.  Keep me from the son of God in the flesh.  Keep me hidden from him.  That is what they are saying.  I jumped ahead of myself a little.  And hide it from the face of him that sitteth on the throne.  The word sitteth is Strong’s #2521 and it means remain, reside, dwell.  The word throne, if you want to review our study on the word throne, it is message #38, Part 1.  We established in that message that the one that sits on the throne is Jesus Christ of Nazareth in His glorified condition, of course.


            He is no longer Jesus Christ of Nazareth, but I am trying to identify  Him.  He is the image of the Father.  The Father is Spirit.  You cannot see Him, so the one sitting on the throne cannot be the Spirit of God.  It has to be the image of the Spirit of God, and Jesus Christ is the express image of the Father.  Amen.  Jesus said, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.  So the one sitting on the throne is the Glorified Jesus Christ.  He is now in the realm of the spirit, but He has a glorified soul, and His glorified soul has a form.  If you have spiritual eyes, if the Lord would permit you, and you would see the throne in the spirit, you could see a man sitting upon it.  It is the Glorified Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who has been restored to the right hand of the Father, and is one with Him.  We see the image of the Father sitting on the throne, and the Father is within Him.  Christ, in the flesh, God in the earth, is now the 42nd generation, the sons of God, that have stood up in full power.  The face of the image that is sitting on the throne are the vessels in this day and hour that have stood up in spiritual power.  Did I make that clear?  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


            I will just read you my comment here.  The face of the one who sits on the throne is the offspring of Jesus, the sons of God, that are in the minds of men.  Hallelujah.  Jesus is now one with the Father in the realm of the Spirit.  That realm of the Spirit, if you are a son of God, is in your mind, but that part of your life that is seen on the face of the earth is your body.  You are the face  of Him who sitteth on the throne.  Hallelujah.


            The last phrase; and from the wrath of the Lamb.  I have something very interesting here.  This word wrath is Strong’s #3709.  Almost every time in Strong’s, this Greek word is translated  wrath, and it does mean anger, and violence, and everything else that you would associate with wrath.  Let me read you what it means.  The definition of this Greek word is denoting an eternal motion, violent passion, agitation of the soul, impulse, desire, reaching out for violent passion.  It is from a root that means the same exact thing; to reach out after, to desire.  It must be a different form of the verb.  Well, that very same word is translated desire in Hebrews 11:16.  What I am suggesting to you is that there is a positive translation of this word.  When I hear the word wrath, it means negativity to me, destruction, but there is a positive translation.  It is in Hebrews 11:16, and it says; But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.  It has translated the word desire, and its usage is to desire a good thing.  So even though it is not typical, this Greek word translated wrath, can be translated in a positive sense. 


            I just put this down for you, and I hope I am not going to confuse you with this, but there is another derivative from this same root, Strong’s #3713.  I just want to show you that this Greek word can be used, even though it is not the typical case, it can be used in other ways.  There is another derivative of it, and it is translated lust.  It is another derivative of Strong’s #3713 and it is translated lust.  Now this time it is not wrath, but it is lust.  This is Romans 1:27; And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one towards another.  My whole point is, it does not have to mean the destruction of anger.  It can mean desire or lust.  I hope I am making it apparent to you that desire and lust really are the same thing, except one is positive, and one is negative.  My whole point is that the Greek word translated wrath, can be translated desire, or reaching out for, or desiring of, with a Godly or ungodly meaning.  It is translated that way, although it is not typical, we are going to use it that way in this translation. 


            I just want to make one more comment before I go on about the violent passion of God.  How many of you know that God desires you?  He wants to marry us.  He is going to swallow us up.  He is desiring us as a man desires a woman that he is engaged to.  He wants to consummate  the marriage, and it is just as real, we are taught in the Scripture, the desire of the spiritual entity  known as Lord God Almighty, His desire for us in the spiritual realm is just as intense as a bridegroom is for his bride.  That is what we are taught in the Scripture.  He desires us.  He wants to connect with us in a spiritual copulation.  He is reaching towards us, and everything that He does in this world system is towards one end.  That end is to make us His own.  If you are in rebellion, He chastens us, but His end, His purpose, is to bring us into submission, so He could marry us.  That is His purpose.  Glory to God. 


            Now the violent passion of God is destructive towards sin, but it becomes positive when the sin is burnt up.  So if God is a Spirit, and He reaches out for you, and He comes in contact with sin, you have got a warfare on your hands.  But as soon as all that sin is burnt up, that very same desire of God is lust towards you.  Can you hear that?  We talked about that earlier tonight, that things change.  It is the same Spirit of God.  When He touches the sin in you, He is at war with you.  When the sin is dealt with, and gone, it is still that very same Spirit.  He has not changed.  You have changed.  We are going to change.  He has not changed.  The very same Spirit of God is loving towards you because you are no longer in rebellion or filled with sin.  We are changing, not God.  God changeth not.  I have a couple of scriptural witnesses for you here.


King James Version.  Hebrews 12:11; Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.  Isaiah 55:8; For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.  KJV 


            I put those scriptures in because I am going to use the translation of the Greek word translated wrath, as desire; the desire of the Lord for us, that is coming as a burning, and a purging, and a warfare.  Why?  Because we are filled with sin.  That is why.  Let me read you my alternate translation.


Alternate Revelation 6:16; And they bid Satan, the spirit that ruled in their souls, that had been strengthened without repentance by the Holy Spirit, to be their state of mind, and hide them from the Christ that was confronting them, and from the desire of the Father, which was reaching out  for them.  AT


            They bid Satan, in their own souls, to hide them from the desire of the Father, that was reaching out for them.  In their perception, because of their sin ridden condition, that reaching out  for them was grievous to them.  My whole point is that it is really the love of God.  It is the love of  God reaching out for them. 


            Verse 17.  For the great day of his wrath is come.  Who shall be able to stand?  The word great merely means mighty or strong.  The word come is Strong’s #2064 and it means appear.  The word able is #1410.  It is that word dunamis again, and it means to have the power to do something.  This word stand is Strong’s #2476.  We see it a lot in the scriptures, and it means to stand up from a lying down position.  That is the word used in the scriptures to describe our standing up in spiritual power.  When I used to read that verse, I always used to think it would mean who is going to be able to stand there while the power of God is coming into you, but it does not mean that.  It is the day of the Lord, and it means who is going to be able to stand up in the day of the Lord?  Who is going to be able to throw their soul out of the adamic soul into the soul of Christ?  Who is going to find the strength to stand up in the midst of all of this fire, and blood, and guts?  So here is the alternate translation of Revelation Chapter 6 verse 17.


Alternate Translation of Revelation 6:17; For the mighty age of his reaching out for us has appeared, even Christ.  And who shall have the strength to separate himself from Satan, and stand up in spiritual power by entering into the soul life of Christ?  AT


            I will read the alternate translation again for you.  For the mighty age.  I really did not tell you where I got that word age.  For the great day of his wrath has come.  That word day can be translated age.  It really means a time period.  I hope you all know this, and if you do not, it is okay.  When Christ starts ruling in our life, we are entering into the new age.  It is the new age of the rulership of Christ, which is called the kingdom of God.  What we are saying is, for the mighty age of his reaching out for us, has appeared, even the kingdom of God.  And who shall have the strength to separate himself from Satan, and stand up in spiritual power by entering into the soul life of Christ?  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.  This is not exactly the way a lot of Christians would like to preach it to you.  It is glorious.  I am just so excited working on this.  It is just glorious. 


Alternate Translation Recap of Revelation 6:15-17; And the remaining members of the living soul, which appear on the face of the earth, and the spirit sowed in the earth by the Lord, and the spirit sowed in the earth which fornicated with the harlot, and became spiritually strong with mind control, and witchcraft, and the men with spiritual power, both of the Lord and of Satan, and the men who had birth Christ, and the whole of the victims of this world system, and  the whole of the privileged of this world system, they were all hidden within their own selves.  That is to say that their true spiritual nature was covered over, and made secret, by their facial expressions, and bodily movements, and by the gifts of healing, deliverance, and prophesy, which  they received without repentance, when their souls were strengthened by the Holy Spirit, and by the mind control, and witchcraft power of the living soul.  And they bid Satan, the spirit that ruled in their souls, and their souls that had been strengthened without repentance by the Holy Spirit,  to be their state of mind, and hide them from the Christ that was confronting them, and from the desire of the Father, which was reaching out for them.  For the mighty age of His reaching out for  us has appeared, even the age of the kingdom of God, and who shall have the strength to separate himself from Satan, and stand up in spiritual power by entering into the soul life of Christ Jesus?  AT


Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


Any questions?  We finally have a question.  I thought we had lost our question ministry.




How do you get the wrath of God out of the wrath of the Lamb?  I know you said wrath was desire, but how do you get the Lamb?




I think we established it in an earlier message.  I do not have the number for you, but the Lamb is the 42nd generation.  It is in Revelation Chapter 5 verse 6, whatever number that message is.  We established that the Lamb was the spiritual life of the crucified Jesus Christ appearing in the vessels of the sons of God.  He is appearing in the next generation.  The life of Christ that was crucified, resurrected from the dead, and glorified, is taking on the flesh again.  The way he is taking on the flesh again is not by coming out of the sky.  He is not coming in an airplane or a jet plane.  He is not going to be ruling on the throneof England.  His spiritual life is being birth within a selected group  of men, and women.  I am calling them men because of their spiritual condition.  The spiritual life  that was in Jesus Christ of Nazareth shall live again, in his offspring, in the next generation, and the name of the next generation is Christ Jesus, referred to in  Matthew 1:17.   That is the wrath of the Lamb.  Did I answer your question? 


Jesus said, I and my Father are one.  So when he appears in full stature, in you, and in me,  we will be able to say, I and my Father are one.  The Lamb, within me, is the spiritual life of Christ.  When He stands up in full spiritual stature, He is going to be me, and He is going to be you.  Did I explain it?  Right now, our true spiritual condition, that a lot of people do not like to hear, is that our true spiritual condition is that we are daughters of Babylon.  We are manifestations of the spiritual life of Satan.  We have received a promise from the Lord Jesus Christ, we have received a promise from God Almighty, that He is going to divorce us from our husband, Satan, and make us sons of God.  But the truth of our true spiritual reality, of everybody in the church world today, unless there is someone that I do not know about, is that we are daughters of Babylon.  We are  manifestations of Satan in the earth, who are in the process of being divorced from our husband,  so that we can be translated from daughters of Babylon to sons of God.  So when the Lamb is in full stature in us, we will be sons of God, and it will for all intents and purposes, be God.  Glory to God.  Anybody else?




Revelation 6:17 ends in a question, who shall be able to stand?




He is saying, who is going to find the strength to be divorced from Satan, and marry Christ.  What is implied there is, it is impossible unless you are given that strength by the Lord.  That is what is implied.  Who can possibly do it?  Nobody, except those to whom God gives His Spirit.  It is impossible.  That is the implication.  Glory to God.  Anybody else?


3/22/2014 mjs-Transcriber

3/25/2014 mjs-1st Editor     

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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