038 - Part 11

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

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Yea saith the Lord. Amen, even the faithful witness to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, indeed I am the one who liveth, who was dead and who liveth, saith the Lord.  And because I live, thou too shall live saith God, for my life, indeed, shall appear in you, saith the Lord.  And it shall live through thee and thou shalt have the life of the ages, saith God, for I have ordained that mankind shall ascend unto the right hand of the Father with me, saith the Lord.  And I shall call all men, saith the Lord, indeed, each in their own order, hallelujah, saith God, and these things shall be accomplished.  Hallelujah.  Tongues.  


Hallelujah.  This is Around God’s Throne and it is Part 11.  It is the final part of the series, which is in essence Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation.  We took a turn at verse 7 and we did a study in Ezekiel, Chapter 1, which gave us very exciting understanding into the spiritual man that we are about to become.  I am going to read my alternate translations of Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation, verses 1 thru 6.  We are going to pick up with verse 7 incorporating what we learned from Ezekiel and continue on to the end of Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation.  Glory to God.


These are all alternate translations.  Verse 1, Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation.  After seeing the glorified Christ and writing down the messages he directed me to take to the seven churches, I looked and I perceived that Christ was the entranceway into the spiritual realm of God.  And the first thing I heard was an utterance which sounded like a trumpet speaking to me, and it said enter in behind the veil, even the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ, into the spiritual realm of God, and I will show you the course of events which are about to come upon mankind. 


At the drawing board.  Now we have been studying in this ministry for months now, and for example purposes we have been drawing the human soul as a circle, and within the midst of the human soul is the human spirit.  When that human spirit comes in contact with the Holy Spirit, which is out here, it is usually in another person or it is in an outpouring like we had this morning.  If you are an unsaved person and you come in contact with that, when it enters into your heart, it goes right to your human spirit, and they join together.  We have explained in this ministry how our natural example is human fertilization.  We have an ovarian egg and we have the male sperm.  This is established by biological knowledge.  What happens is we have two separate cells.  This is one cell and this is one cell.


Science tells us that a sperm and an ovarian egg are each an isolated cell, and when they come together and they join, what we get is one cell and it is called a zygote.  Science calls it a zygote.  The two cells are now one cell.  This is the beginning of a new life.  The two have become one.  From that point forward, the zygote engages is a process of cell division.  The two cells that have become one are now an entirely new creation.  That sounds like the Bible, right?  A whole new creature.  This zygote is a whole new creature.  It is the beginning of a new life or the baby.  It engages in cell division and becomes two cells.  Then each of these cells becomes two cells.  Eventually you get an embryo, which eventually becomes a fetus, which eventually becomes a child and a whole brand new human being.  This is our natural example. 


In the spirit, when the Holy Spirit, which is the male element of the Father, comes in contact with the human spirit, which is female, and likened to the ovarian egg, they join and the two become one, Christ, and Christ has been birth in the heart of that believer.  Some people may have to be under an anointing or under an outpouring.  They may have to have hands laid upon them.  The power of the Holy Spirit might come through the spoken word, what we call witnessing, singing praises and glory unto God.  I do not even think it is the same in every instant, but the fact is that, somehow, the Scripture does say by the foolishness of preaching we are saved.  Somehow, the Holy Spirit, whether it is by an anointed word, whether it is by an outpouring of his Spirit, or whether it is by the laying on of hands, somehow the Holy Spirit, the male element of Almighty God, has contacted the human spirit of a man and fertilized her. 


We are all female, whether we are in a male body or a female body.  If Christ has not been birth in us we are female.  We have a whole new creation, Christ, in embryo form just like this.  That is the new creation that we are.  That is the new creature that we are.  It is Christ in us.  Our spiritual being and our natural being become the womb that Christ is growing in.  He is growing up and he is going to reach, Lord willing, full stature in us.  It is a long process, and he is living inside of our being, which is likened unto the am-biotic sack in the natural woman.  As he grows, this is how he grows.  He is in a little circle here, within the soul.  He keeps getting bigger.  We were talking about the concentric circles of the rainbow here on Wednesday night, the rainbow typifying Christ.  He just keeps expanding out in concentric circles, and eventually he makes contact with the edge of the soul.  Glory to God.


Eventually the whole soul, the whole human soul, is swallowed up by the Christ, the soul of Christ within.  This scripture that we just read is saying that a voice said enter in behind the veil.  We know from the Book of Hebrews that the veil is Jesus’ flesh.  The veil is Jesus’ flesh.  If this is how wide Christ has gotten inside of our being, this becomes the veil right here, because on this side is Christ and on this side it is still our natural soul.  Can you hear that?  We are a soul within a soul.  Christ is a soul within a soul.  We had another witness to that in our study in the Book of Ezekiel, that the wheel within a wheel is a soul within a soul.  The soul of Christ is living within the soul of man. 


So when the voice said to John, enter in behind the veil, he said to him by some mystery, by some spiritual mystery, he said the life that you are, the consciousness that you are, the spark of life that you are, that is dwelling out here in your human soul; he said enter in.  Join with me and enter into the Christ, which is right within your own mind, and I will show you things to come.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.  I will show you the course of events which are about to come upon mankind.  When we studied this verse in an earlier message, we received understanding of how prophesy works, of how we see visions, of how we get knowledge and wisdom, and understand the things of God.  By some spiritual mystery, that spark of life that we are, that is dwelling out here in the realm of the human soul, has pierced the veil of the flesh of Christ, which is in our own mind, and they have become one.  We have the ability to see what is in the life of Christ, or to see with his eyes.  


Verse 2, Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation.  And in response to the invitation, I immediately entered into the Christ within me.  He entered in.  We cannot enter in unless the Lord invites us.  There is no other way we are going to become one with Christ even for a moment.  I think that is what is happening to most of us in this hour is that we have not joined permanently with Christ.  We join in moments, and when we get a vision, when we prophesy, we have joined with Christ for that moment, but we cannot do that unless Christ invites us in.  It is not at our will.  It is not at our decision.  It is at the decision of Almighty God.  He is ruling from within.  Hallelujah. 


He said in response to the invitation, I immediately entered into the Christ within me and I perceived that I was dwelling within a soul which had utterly prostrated itself before God.  John, who was in the human soul, entered into the soul within him; Christ.  He passed through the veil, which is the flesh of Jesus, and when he got inside of Christ, when he became one with Christ, he perceived that he was dwelling in the midst of a soul that had utterly prostrated itself before Almighty God.  Now I remind you, when he was out here in the human soul realm, he was not utterly prostrated before God.  Brethren, to utterly prostrate yourselves before God there is only one way you could do it.  That is to enter into Christ, who has already done it.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


I perceived that I was dwelling within a soul which had utterly prostrated itself before God and which was sitting upon my soul.  So what we really have here from a different view point is an outline of a circle, which is the human soul, and in the middle here, we have the Father, because Jesus is one with the Father.  Then we have Christ.  Concentric circles of the rainbow, brethren.  The human soul, Christ, and the Father is in the midst.  Glory to God.  When John entered from the realm of the human soul into the realm of Christ, he perceived that he was in the midst of a soul that was totally ruled by the indwelling Father in here.  It was utterly prostrated in submission to the Father.  When John became one with Christ, he became utterly in submission to him and prostrated before the Father. 


Brethren, that is the only way we are going to be able to have the ability to submit our lives to God, by entering into Christ first.  We cannot go straight from the outer realm of the human soul to the Father.  We cannot get there.  We cannot prostrate ourselves before Him.  We cannot be obedient to Him.  We cannot hear Him.  We cannot see Him.  We need a mediator, and there is only one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.  Hallelujah. 


The glorified soul was sitting upon the soul of John.  That is how he perceived it.  It is a spiritual mystery now.  When you sit upon something, brethren, you have dominion over it.  The person that is underneath, that is being crushed up, does not have dominion.  So what John noticed was that when he entered into Christ, what happened to his soul was that he came in submission to Christ.  He entered into a soul that was utterly prostrated to the Father, and then he realized that this soul was sitting upon his soul.  When the life substance of John entered into Christ, what happened to his soul was that it came underneath or in submission to Christ.  If your soul is in submission to Christ, and Christ is in submission to the Father, you are in submission to the Father.  Glory to God.  There is only one way to come into submission to the Father and that is to join with Christ.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


Verse 3: And the one who sat upon John’s soul is Jesus.  That is who we are talking about now.  He had the appearance of a perfected spiritual man who reflected the ruddy soul life of Adam, and the Spirit of the Father, which was round about the soul, and the supernatural spectacle was glistening with the life of God.  Now we have a perfected man.  When John entered into Christ, he realized that Christ was the perfected man who reflected red.  The word red is in there.  I am not going to go back over the whole thing, but I think the word is the sardonyx stone, if I am not mistaken.  It is either jasper or sardonyx.  I believe it is the sardonyx stone which is a ruddy red stone.  When we say that Christ looked like a sardonyx stone, we are saying that he reflected the blood in the face that typified Adam throughout the entire Scripture. 


This glorified man that we are looking at is a spiritual entity in concentric circles.  Christ perceived that he had the form of a man, but we can recognize him.  He was glorified, but he had the form of a man, and he was surrounded by the Spirit of the Father.  It was around the soul, and the supernatural spectacle was glistening with the life of God the Father, the Christ, and the subjected human soul.  Hallelujah. 


We studied this last Wednesday night when we talked about the rainbow preceding forth out of the cloud.  It is a spiritual mystery that God can describe in two or three or sometimes four different ways in the Scripture, so that we can get a better understanding.  There are no words that can describe spiritual things.  I think it was Paul who said at one point, or was it John?  I am sorry, but I am not sure if it was Paul or John.  He said these things were unlawful to utter.  What that means is that there is no language, no words that we could speak that could describe spiritual things.  That is why God tells us that there is a rainbow coming forth out of a cloud, and that there is a soul sitting in a soul, and sitting on top of a soul.  There is no other way we are going to get the understanding if we do not start with the natural principles.  Glory to God.


What we had here was a spiritual entity, that in essence was the Father, surrounded by the soul of Christ, which had utterly submitted to Him, surrounded by the soul of natural man, which had utterly submitted to Christ.  The Father, from the most inner part of the being was ruling and reigning.  We studied this also in our study in Ezekiel, that wherever the Father desired to go, the whole entity went.  It was not the skin that was making the decision.  He was not even Christ that was making the decision where the glorified man would go to or what he would do.  It is the Father in the innermost being of the creation that decides what the creation shall do. 


We also discovered in our study in Ezekiel that actually the glorified creation is going to be four concentric circles.  It is going to be the Father.  It is going to be Christ as the second circle working from your innermost being out.  This is the makeup of the glorified man, the Father, the Christ, the human soul which has been brought into submission, and then there is going to be a fourth circle, which is going to be like crystal we have been told.  That is the glorified body.  It is going to be hard.  It is going to be incorruptible.  It is no longer going to be black so that you cannot see through it, because spiritually these bodies that we dwell in are black.  You cannot see through them. 


You cannot see who I am spiritually.  Lots of people cannot even see who are the people in the soul realm.  All they see  is the form in front of them.  With this glorified body it is going to be like crystal.  It is going to be clear, and it is going to be white, and the light that  comes from the Father, from the most innermost being of the creation is going to shine right through and be seen in the outer realms because there will be no more darkness.  The vibration and the lights and the rays of the Father are going to appear in this outer realm over here.  They are going to be seen.  They are going to be seen, even those of us that are in Christ right now, lots of times you cannot see the Father in us.  We need discernment.  Lots of us cannot see the Father in us.  Glory to God.  Hallelujah.


So this is what the glorified creation looked like.  It was glistening with the life of God.  That is the rays that are appearing out in the exterior.  Glory to God.  Hallelujah.  The innermost spiritual thing of the creation is going to be apparent in the outer realms of what today we call outer darkness or the ends of the earth.  We studied that our spiritual being exists within in the deepest realms of the midst of us.  When we measure ourselves spiritually we do not measure from bottom to top, because spiritually we are a circle.


If you are a circle, there is no bottom or top.  The spiritual measurement of a man is from his innermost being to the outermost edge.  That is the spiritual measurement, and the outermost edge is the body.  The Scripture calls that outer darkness or the ends of the earth.  You are existing on the spiritual realm of the body, and some men do that brethren, if your body controls your behavior.  If your need for drugs, if your need for alcohol, if your need for sex, if your need for anything that is an appetite of the flesh is determining your behavior, you are dwelling in outer darkness at the ends of your earth.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


Verse 4: And around the soul there were twenty four thrones with footstools, and I saw twenty four mature spiritual men sitting upon the thrones, and they were covered all over with a pure and holy garment, and their minds had been intertwined and made one with the mind of God.  Around the soul there were twenty four thrones.  We said that twenty four typifies two witnesses from each of the twelve tribes of Israel, and that every spiritual man shall be complete in every respect.  Twelve is the number of God’s perfect government and the number two is the number of witness.  So every spiritual complete man shall have what the Scripture describes as twenty four elders sitting around the throne which is the soul. 


It is talking about spiritual fullness.  The word footstool there refers to   reflections.  So it is referring to an appearance in the outer realm.  And around the soul there were twenty four thrones with footstools.  It was a full spiritual maturity and it appeared in the realm of appearance.  And I saw twenty four mature spiritual men sitting upon the thrones and they were covered all over with a pure and holy garment.  That is the garment of crystal that we studied about in the Book of Ezekiel.  And their minds had been intertwined and made one with the mind of God.  Hallelujah.


As we studied in the Book of Ezekiel, all of these realms, the Father, Christ, and the human soul and the crystal, they have indeed been made one.  They have indeed been made one, but nevertheless the decision making power that moves the vessel and motivates behavior comes from the Father.  Now the Scripture tells us that this is a great mystery, but a husband and a wife are one flesh, and there is no doubt in the Scripture that when it comes to a family decision, husbands and wives are suppose to come to agreement, but the one that makes the final decision is the husband.  This is a great mystery.


The whole creation is one, the Father, the Christ, the human soul, and the crystal.  The Scripture tells us they are one, nevertheless, the decision making power comes from the Father in the deepest recesses of the being of the creation.  It is a great mystery.  They are one, but they are not one.  Hallelujah.  Amen.  They are one when everybody is in their place, you see.  When you have a big machine, and all of the nuts and bolts and moving parts are working in the order or the position that they were designed to work in, you have one functioning machine, but every part of the machine is not doing the same thing.  Glory to God.  Hallelujah.


Verse 5: And visible signs of the spiritual power of God.  That is the lightning.  We said it was visible signs of the power of the Father.  The law of Jesus’ victorious soul life is going to be heard in the realm of appearance, and the voices of the many membered body of Christ came out of the soul.  As far as I am concerned, came out means they vibrated forth and they were seen and heard in the realm of appearance out here.  Glory to God.  They came out from the soul and the containers which hold the life of Almighty God, that is our bodies, even the fullness of the manifestation of his life in the flesh, are in front of the soul.  This crystal is a container.  It is holding the fullness of the life of God, the Father, the Christ, the redeemed soul, and it is held in by a crystal which is hard and impenetrable, and many faceted.  Nevertheless, the light coming from the innermost being of the Father can permeate through the entire creation.  Glory to God.


The containers, the glorified body which are likened to crystal, which hold the life of Almighty God, even the fullness of the manifestations of His life in the flesh, are in the front of the soul, even the glorified bodies of redeemed man.  Now the front is the closest to what you see, and it is the outer ring of our spiritual diagram.  And there was a many membered transparent human soul, which had been made hard, in front of the soul of Christ.  Glory to God.  In the middle of the soul of Christ and all around it there were squared living creatures which were filled up with sight in both the natural and the spiritual realm. 


There was a many membered transparent human soul which had been made hard.  So the soul had been made hard as well as the exterior.  It was in front of the Christ.  We are going out towards the ends of the earth.  It was in the front and in the middle of the soul of Christ, and all around it were squared living creatures which were filled up with sight in both the natural and spiritual realm.  Now what this is saying is that we are going to have many vessels on the earth.  There are going to be many glorified men.  This is how the Scripture describes it.  Do not get too literal, because you can get confused sometimes, unless there is something at this point that I do not understand.


But if each circle represents a glorified man, we are going to have Christ ruling in each of these glorified men.  So if you want, you can draw a picture like this, which says Christ, and he is just touching all of them.  My understanding at this point is that is what it means.  In the middle of the soul of Christ, and all around it was squared living creatures.  In the middle of the soul of Christ, and also all around him, because there are many members.  He is in the midst of each member, nevertheless, he is the kingpin, and the many members of his body are all around him.  I think what it is saying is that he is manifesting in two different ways.  He is manifesting in you as an individual and he is manifesting as the mind of the spiritual body of Christ.  That is how the Scripture expresses it.  Hallelujah. 


They had sight.  They were filled up with eyes.  They had eyes all around.  There was not anything that they could not see.  Glory to God.  They were filled up with sight.  They knew everything that was happening in the natural realm, and they also knew everything that was happening in the spiritual realm.  Full sight, no trickery, no surprises, no deception, full ability to deal with every situation, unobstructive sight, no more deception.  Hallelujah. 


We are moving on now with verse 7 of Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation.  And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.  This is the verse that we diverged at and took this whole study in the Book of Ezekiel.  Let us see what we have. The word lion in the Greek merely means lion.  So I went into Webster Dictionary and it means a large carnivorous chiefly nocturnal cat that lives in open or rocky areas.  He is nocturnal and he dwells mostly in the night.  He is an animal of the night.  He is an animal of the darkness.  He is comfortable in the darkness.  That is his medium.  We had determined in our study in the Book of Ezekiel that this was the human spirit.  Glory to God.


She dwells in open or rocky areas.  We know that rocks refer to spiritual powers in the Scripture.  It is the human spirit in an immature stage where she is a carnivorous animal.  Glory to God.  We are still in verse 7.  The first beast was like a lion, and the second beast was like a calf.  The word calf in the Greek is Strong’s #3448 and it means a young bullock or a calf.  So I went into Webster’s Dictionary and it says that a bullock is a young bull, a steer.  It is a castrated bull.  It is a bull without power.  The word bull in the English language implies maleness, strength, power, and protective ability.  A calf is a young bull or a castrated bull.  I believe for our purposes and also in the study in the Book of Ezekiel, he is a castrated bull.  Webster says that the word calf is the young of a domestic cow, the offspring of a domestic female. 


Now remember, in the beginning the living soul was a wild raging beast.  He is being domesticated.  He is being brought into submission.  I should say she.  She is being brought into submission to the life of Christ that is going to rule her.  The Scripture refers to us as horses.  Right now we are sheep.  Jesus said my sheep hear my voice, but when we come into total submission to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Scripture likens us to horses.  Now the horses refer to our bodies.  The saddles on our back or the chariots refer to the soul that has been tamed and brought into submission, and the rider of the horse is the spiritual life that is riding the horse.  If it is not Christ, brethren, it is Satan.  If it is not Christ riding your horse, it is Satan.  And behold I saw a pale horse and his rider was death.  Glory to God.  Hallelujah.


I just want to mention here that in our study in Ezekiel, the word in the corresponding paragraph was ox.  That word means, according to the Hebrew, a castrated bull.  There is no sex.  What we are dealing with here when we say calf is we have determined in the study in Ezekiel that this is referring to the satanic realm.  Satan is the beast and he has indeed been castrated.  He is castrated when he comes into submission to Christ, and Christ is sitting on him, and he cannot move.  For spiritual intents and purposes, he is castrated and he cannot function.  As it was brought out in a prior meeting, neither can he any longer fertilize the human spirit and bring forth demons and evil fruit.  He is castrated.  He cannot do it anymore. 


As a double measure, Christ is sitting on him.  There is no way he is going to bring forth evil fruit in a human spirit anymore.  We have had many teachings in this ministry that a lot of people get deliverance and more deliverance, and they cannot seem to get better.  I got better.  I was highly demonized when I came to the Lord.  I had a heavy deliverance four to six nights a week, screaming, yelling, rolling on the floor.  I got better, but there are people that were there with me eight years ago that are still getting all this deliverance, and their lives have not improved.  Why?  Because the situation that originally caused them to birth the evil spirits has not been corrected.


We must have the demons cast out.  We must have the curses broken, but brethren, Christ must be birth in you.  As he matures in you, that problem in your human soul that causes you to birth evil fruit starts to be repressed.  As long as you have demons they must be cast out.  But along with the process of God, the ultimate end of the process of God is that that tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that is fornicating with Satan, that is producing the evil fruit, he is going to stop doing it.  You see, it is because he is going to be castrated.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.  


We said an ox in the Hebrew was without sex.  Webster said that an ox was an adult castrated male.  This is just a review.  A bullock was a young bull or a castrated bull, and the cow is the female of the species.  So the living soul is female.  She is going to be domesticated and the raging beast in her, the spirit that rules her, Satan, is going to be castrated.  Glory to God.  It is a pretty established fact for those that know that when you castrate a bull or you castrate any kind of an animal, they lose their fierceness.  They lose their warlike design.  They become calm and they become domesticated.  An ox was used and is still used in farming communities to pull the plow.  He becomes utterly domesticated and useful to the benefit of society, whereas before that he was wild and raging.  In a lot of the Latin cultures, they are used in bull fights and they are fierce animals.  There is no way you could get that bull to pull a plow.  You have to castrate him first.  Glory to God.


The word eagle is Strong’s #105 in the Greek and it means an eagle from its wind like flight.  I found this very interesting.  It is from a root, Strong’s #109 which means to breathe unconsciously, to respire, or it means air.  That is the realm of the spirit.  There is a scripture in the New Testament that says we shall be caught up in the air.  I am not sure that it is the same Greek word, but I think that it is.  I did not take the time to check it out.  It means we are going to be caught up to the realm of the spirit, brethren.  It does not mean we are going up into outer space.  Some people believe that.  It means we are going from being natural men to spiritual men.  So this word eagle refers to the air.  Webster says that an eagle is any of a large variety of birds of prey.  They are birds of prey which are active in the daytime. 


Now we start with the lion who is active in the nighttime, and we wind up as an eagle which is active in the daytime, the light of God.  They are noted for their strength, their size, their graceful figure, and their keenness of vision.  The souls have many eyes all around.  They are also noted for their powers of flight and their ability to function in the realm of the spirit.  Glory to God.     Let me read you this again.  Verse 7.  And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast was like a calf, and the third beast had the face of a man.  The face is the part that turns.  It is what you see in the realm of appearance.  So when you looked at this spiritual entity, what you saw was a man, but it had all these spiritual characteristics in it that we just described. 


The fourth beast was like a fine eagle, like a strong daytime bird that functions with power in the realm of the spirit.  Somebody out there is saying how is she going to make this into one entity because it said very clearly, the first, the second, the third, and the fourth.  Well I went into Strong’s and the word first is Strong’s #4413 and that can be translated beginning.  The word second is Strong’s #1208 and it can be translated afterward.  The word third is Strong’s #5154 and that can be translated the third part.  The word fourth is Strong’s #5067 which merely means four.  We have spent many services studying that word four.  If you are listening to this tape or reading this transcript, and you have not heard it, it is in this series.  If you want to write to us, we will get it to you. 


We found out that the word four typified the glorified man in that the natural man is typified by a straight line and one dimensional man.  The spiritual man is typified by a right angle when that straight line is bent.  Let me put it on the board for you.  We have the natural man typified by a straight line.  He is a one dimensional man.  What Jesus typified before the crucifixion is typified by a right angle because he is a two dimensional man.  He comes down from heaven to the earth, and he meets the earth man at a right angle.  The unseen element, the spiritual skeleton which is Satan, forms a right triangle.  That is the spiritual meaning.  Mathematically what happened to Jesus when he was glorified was that this right triangle man, which he was, was squared.  If you want that in more depth, we have teachings on it if you want to get it.  He became a square. 


We have been teaching here that this whole creation is based on mathematical and scientific principles.  God is not a wimp.  He does not come out with a bunch of chemicals and just throw it on the earth.  I have a very funny story.  When I first moved out to the country I was a city girl, born and raised in the city.  I got into gardening, and I read in a book that you could use your garbage as mulch.  I took my garbage and I threw it on my garden.  My neighbors came in and said, Sheila, somebody threw garbage all over your garden.  I did not realize that you have to plow the ground and put the garbage underneath.  I was mortified.  That is what you have to do.  You just do not throw your garbage on top of your garden.  You have to dig holes in the earth and bury it underneath.  Glory to God.  I do not even know why I said that.


I was saying that this is a mathematically and scientifically based creation.  God did not just throw it out there.  Everything is in order.  God is a God of order, and the square, if it is not the most, it is one of the most stable geometrical figures.  It cannot fall.  It cannot topple.  It is steady.  It is stable.  That is the figure that typifies glorified man, incorruptible in every level of his life.  Hallelujah. 


This is what we have got on the alternate translation of Chapter 4 Verse 7 of the Book of Revelation.  At the beginning the living creature was like a fierce untamed nocturnal beast, and afterwards he was like a domesticated castrated male, and the third part of this glorified creation had the appearance of a man, and the squared beast was like a large strong bird with keen vision.  This is the glorified man, the squared beast.  He was like a large strong bird with keen vision, whose nature is to fly in the heavenlies in the light of the day of Almighty God.  Hallelujah.


Verse 8: And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him, and they were full of eyes within, and they rest not day and night saying, holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.  The word wings is Strong’s #3671 and we went into this more deeply also when we studied Ezekiel.  It means an edge or an extremity.  It could mean an army, and it is used of birds of all kinds.  It is used to express the extremity of the earth or the skirts of a garment.  The way it seems to be used in the Scripture is that it is the most external part of the bird.  It is the edge.  It is the outer darkness.  It is the ends of the earth.  God uses it in those contexts.

Let us see what we have here.  I took this opportunity to get some scriptures together for you, showing you that the number 6 is the number of man.  I finally did it, so just let me read you these scriptures.  Genesis 1:26 thru 31 says; And God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness, and the evening and the morning were the sixth day.  Man was made in the sixth day.  Exodus 20 verse 9 thru 10: Six days shall thou labor and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath day of the Lord.  Six is the number of man.


When we move into the seventh day, Christ shall have appeared in us, and we shall no longer labor, for indeed, Christ in the midst of us shall keep the soul realm underfoot.  He shall perform the spiritual work that we are trying to do today.  We are trying to think right thoughts and to do good behavior, and we fail coming in and we fail going out.  Our lives may not be manifesting evil behavior, but we are failing in our minds.  We are only going to be without sin when the Christ in us enters in and puts the soul realm underfoot.  He will be the husband and he will be keeping the garden.  Hallelujah.


1 Samuel 17:4 says, And there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath of Gath, whose height was 6 cubits and a span.  So the bestial aspect of natural man again is typified by a six.  2 Samuel 21:20; And there was yet a battle in Gath where was a man of great stature that had on every hand six fingers and on every foot six toes and four and twenty in number, and he also was born to the giant, typifying the bestial nature of the natural man.  Hallelujah.


Daniel 3:1; Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore sixty cubits and the breadth thereof six cubits.  He set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.  Now when man was first made, he was just a six, and as he proceeds in his development, he has just become a sixty.  We have just seen in the Book of Daniel, he had just become a sixty.  We have a whole teaching on this six, six, six.  If you want it, write to us.  We have a tape and we have an exhibit.  We will print it out for you if you want to study that six, six, six. 


We continue on in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13 Verse 18.  Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man.  The number of that man is 600 threescore and six.  So at the beginning man was a six.  In mid section he was a sixty.  At the end of the story he had become a 666.  Glory to God.  So our whole point for this teaching is that six is the number of man.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.  Let us fit it into this verse 8 here.  We are going to do this a half verse at a time.  Verse 8; And the four beast had each of them six wings about him, and they were filled with eyes within.  Glory to God. 


Alternate translation of the first half of Chapter 4, Verse 8 of the Book of Revelation.  And each of the squared beasts had six sides.  Each of the squared glorified men.  Now I am taking this from our study in Ezekiel.  Each of the squared men were joined to the other squared glorified men in that they all had a human spirit which had birth Christ.  It joined them.  It made them one in Christ, in that they all had the identifying qualities and characteristics of an adamic man expressing the Christ nature.  What we are saying is that two of their wings joined them, one on each side, to another believer that had birth Christ.  So two of the wings were joining them to another glorified man on each side of them, in Christ.  Then they had another two wings that was joining them each to another man on the other side of them in their humanity; in the fact that they were both born adam.  Glory to God. 


And the glory of God covered over and hid both the castrated Satan and their human bodies.  Let me back up here.  We have a human spirit.  She was married to Satan.  She had become a harlot and she was producing all kinds of evil fruit, but now she is married to Christ.  So what was the harlot, what was Satan, the spirit that ruled in the living soul, is now Christ, and they are joined in Christ.  The reason that there are two wings is that the glory of God has covered over the human spirit and made Christ in everybody one.  The glory of God was joined to the human spirit, and Christ came forth, and thus they are attached.  As far as the body is concerned, the natural characteristics of the natural man which is expressed by the body became pacified.


The body and the mind of the adamic man was now expressing Christ.  So men are no longer at each other.  They are no longer disagreeing with each other.  They are no longer fighting with each other, even in the natural elements of their being.  They are in agreement because what they are is being ruled by Christ.  Their bodies are being ruled by Christ.  I guess I should not have said body there.  They are not beating each other anymore, and their natural minds are ruled by Christ so that they are in agreement.  So they are connected by the Christ in them, which was originally the human spirit, and they are connected by what was the natural aspect of their being because that has been pacified by the Christ within.  The reason that they have two wings is that it was what they were at the beginning and then Christ was added to it.  So they have two wings.  They have one wing typifying the human spirit, and when the Holy spirit was joined to it, it became Christ.  They had two.  So there are two of each.  That is what I am trying to say.  Glory to God.


Only Christ was seen in them.  The spiritual dimension in the midst of them caused them to be divorced from their husband, Satan, the spirit which rules in the minds of natural man, and to be joined in marriage to Christ, who is above.  They were filled up with spiritual sight, knowledge and understanding.  We have four wings, two typifying the glorified spirit in you, and two typifying the glorified soul in you, and we have two more wings.  I am suggesting to you that this is the spiritual realm of God up here.  The other two wings that they had were reaching up to God.  That was how they were being sustained.  They were being set up, sustained in the realm of the Spirit.  That was where their life was coming from.


This is another diagram of the glorified man.  The human spirit became Christ.  The human soul became pacified.  It was functioning in accordance with the will of Christ in the Father within.  It was no longer killing its neighbor and thinking evil thoughts.  Then they had two more wings that reached upward to the heavenly realms of God, which kept them connected to the realm of God so that all of this condition could remain.  They could still manifest Christ and not hate their brother.  Their soul would remain pacified, and the wild raging beast, Satan, that was in the midst of them, would remain castrated.  They had two wings that reached up to and connected to the spiritual realm of God.  Glory to God.  That is the six wings.  If you want that in more depth, as I said in this #038 tape, we went into this in much more depth in earlier tapes.


We are continuing with; And they rest not day and night saying, holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.  The word rest is Strong’s #373 and it means to set or place for control management or use.  It means to put somebody or something in a place or a position where you are going to have control over it, where you are going to be able to use it.  It is like harnessing atomic energy.  We have harnessed atomic energy.  I do not even know what they call it.  They have put atomic energy in places where scientists and whoever is in control of it, have harnessed it for their own good.  Hopefully it is for their own good.  We have some atomic energy plants, and sometimes they make atomic bombs out of it.  But whether it is for good or for evil, man has harnessed atomic energy. 


Well what has happened to the natural man is that he has been harnessed, and he has been placed in a position where he can be controlled by Almighty God for the purposes of God.  Hallelujah.  So that is what the word rest means.  To rest is to be put in a position where you can be controlled or used or managed.  Glory to God.  That same word also means refreshed, because when we are controlled and managed by God Almighty, we are going to be refreshed.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


And they rest not day or night.  The word day is Strong’s #2250 and it means the interval between sunrise and sunset.  I found this very interesting.  The word night is Strong’s #3571 and it is from a root meaning to disappear.  What disappears at night?  The light of the sun disappears at night.  Glory to God.  It is the time when work ceases.  It is the time of death, and it is the time for deeds of sin and shame.  They are saying holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.  The word saying is Strong’s #3056.  It is the Greek word logos, and it means something said, including the thought, the mental faculty, and the motive.  It is what you say, including your motive.


I am sure that all of us here are spiritually sophisticated enough to know that there are all kinds of people out there that say things that they do not mean.  When you start moving on in Christ, and I do not know about you, but I ran into a real problem when I found out one day I was responding to what people were thinking, and not what they were saying.  I found out that I was responding to people’s motives, and not the words coming out of their mouth.  I had a real problem because a lot of people would not admit what their real motives were, and a lot of people did not know what their real motives were.  All of a sudden I could not communicate with people because I knew what was in their heart, sometimes when they did not even know. 


When you get to that place in Christ, I tell you brethren, the only way to deal with these people and with these situations is through prayer unto the Lord Jesus Christ, because your communication is utterly broken off.  So you do not stride with them, and you do not argue with them.  You go to the Lord in prayer.  So that is what the word say means.  They were speaking, and it also means the divine expression.  They were speaking the mind and the motive of Almighty God.  They were expressing the life of Christ.  That was what they were doing.  They were thinking the thoughts of God.  We have a whole tape on this teaching that if you are in the mind or the memory of God, you exist.  That is how we exist.  God thinks of us and we are.  The day that He stops thinking about us, this whole creation will disappear.  That is all we are, brethren.  It is very humbling, but that is all we are. 


Alternate translation of the second half of Revelation, Chapter 4 Verse 8.  And they do not cease from their activity of rising into the realm of appearance and disappearing.  Now remember that whole teaching from the Book of Ezekiel, that we are not solid, that we are really many pieces, rising into the realm of appearance, and subsiding in an intensely rapid rate of speed.  We likened this to the very interesting message last Wednesday night showing exactly how God did this.  The natural example that He gave us was a rainbow.  Let me just put that on the board for a minute because it really blessed me.  It was just a real blessing to me. 


This is how the realm of appearance appears, brethren.  God showed it to us in explaining to us how a rainbow works.  A rainbow starts with energy, and the energy is the sunlight.  The next thing that it needs is water.  It needs raindrops.  I did it in two colors on the board.  We need water, raindrops falling down.  Light travels on a straight line.  When it starts to go through the water, through the raindrops, it stops going through a straight line, and the light of the sun starts going off in all different directions.  It gets reflected and refracted through the water.  What we get in the realm of appearance are the concentral circles of the many colors of the rainbow.


The Lord showed us that the rainbow typifies Christ.  What happens in the realm of the Spirit is that we have the Spirit of God.  He is an energy source and He pierces through the water of the living soul.  We had many teachings, and I think it is pretty obvious to anyone with a background enough to be listening to these tapes, that the living soul is typified by water.  This is the living soul and he is water.  This whole realm is 96% water.  When the energy source of Almighty God pierces through the water of the living soul the light goes off into all different directions.  It does not come out looking like a rainbow.  It comes out looking like a man.  That is how we appeared.


Actually it does come out looking like the concentric circles of the rainbow because we just had it on the board that our spiritual appearance is really this.  It is the Father.  It is Christ.  It is the human soul.  It is the glorified body.  The concentral circles of the rainbow, which you might notice, is half the circle.  We are a whole circle when it happens in the Spirit, and this is how man appears.  It is the energy source of the Father being projected through the living soul of man.  Because God is so great we get a man.  This is how the realm of appearance has been formed.  Glory to God.  Hallelujah.


What are we saying?  And they do not cease from their activity of rising into the realm of appearance and disappearing continually.  As they rise, as the beams of the Spirit of God pierce through the living soul, they rise and appear and they subside.  We have whole teachings on that.  They do not cease from doing that, and they are continually desiring and speaking the realm of appearance into existence through Christ.  They do not stop.  Without ceasing, the Spirit of God within the midst of the creation is generating forth through their soul so that they rise and they subside.  What does that mean?  It means no death.  When your body dies, brethren, your spiritual substance has failed to continue to rise into the realm of appearance and subside.


You disappear and the night of your spiritual being enters upon you.  We cannot exist.  You do not have to be born again.  A man cannot exist if in some place of the spirit, the life of God is not passing through his soul and creating a man on the face of the earth.  Saved or unsaved, this is our spiritual nature.  It is the mystery of our existence.  You cannot exist if God is not doing this for you.  The only problem is in our realm today, the spirit that is shining through the living soul is not Christ.  It is another spirit, you see.  It is a criminal spirit.  His name is Satan, and he is shining the light of his spirit through the living soul, which I remind you, was made out of the substance of God.  You see, we cannot have a realm of appearance without God.  God has got to be in it somewhere.  We cannot have a realm of appearance without God.  There is no life outside of God.


We have an illegal spirit.  His name is Satan, and he is shining his rays through the living soul, and they are going all over the place.  Because the substance of God is in the living soul, a man is appearing on the face of the earth, but brethren, he is an utterly corrupt, reprobate, fallen man.  What we are saying here in verse 8 of Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation is that when these glorified men start rising and falling, and appearing in the realm of appearance, when the spirit that is giving them the power to do this is the Spirit of Almighty God, what is going to appear on the face of the earth is not going to be reprobate fallen man.  It is going to be the exact motive that God has for mankind.


What is going to appear on the earth is going to be man as God saw him when He first conceived the idea in His imagination.  God said I will make a man.  Let us make man, and God had an image in His mind of what that man would look like.  To date, we have only see him in Jesus Christ.  Because we all know what happened to the creation, and what we see today is the image produced by Satan copying God.  But when these glorified men rise and fall and appear in the realm of appearance, the man that we see on the face of the earth is going to be exactly what God had in mind for him when He said, let us make man.  Glory to God.


They do not cease from their activity, of rising into the realm of appearance and disappearing continually, desiring and speaking the realm of appearance through Christ into existence.  Well let me change this.  This is going to be the spirit and the soul that they are piercing through.  So we have something new on the face of the earth here.  We are going to have a spirit and it is going to be the life of the Father.  It is going to be piercing through, through Christ.  It is not going to be the living soul anymore.  We are going to have the Father shining the rays of His Spirit through the water of the soul of Christ, and when the rays are reflected, we are going to get glorified man.  It is going to look like this, concentral circles of the glorified man.  Hallelujah. 


What are these glorified men doing?  They have a function.  They are literally perpetuating the creation by thinking the thoughts of Christ.  When you become glorified, and Christ is your every motivating thought, word and deed, he is going to appear in you.  He is going to be a glorified man.  When that is happening in every man on the face of the earth, what we are going to see is a glorified creation.  The world is not going to look like this.  We have no idea what it is going to look like. 


They do not cease from their activity of rising into the realm of appearance and disappearing, continually desiring and speaking the realm of appearance into existence, through Christ.  The way they are going to do it is by thinking.  This is what their thoughts are going to be, brethren.  No more of I hate you.  No more I cannot stand you.  No more selfishness, me, me, me.  Their thoughts are going to be blameless, perfect, and without sin as the Lord God Almighty, which always existed, which exists now, and shall exist in the future.  It is going to be their whole thought.  It is going to be the only thought, blameless, perfect, and without sin, is the Lord God Almighty, which has always existed, exists now, and shall exist in the future.  It is going to come pulsing through the Christ with power, and glorified man shall appear on the earth, and the sun shall shine like the day in the midst of the night.  Glorified man appearing through the souls of the Christ.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 4, Verse 8.  And each of the squared beasts had six sides.  Each of the squared glorified men were joined to the other squared glorified men in that they all had a human spirit which had birth Christ.  They all had the identifying qualities and characteristics of an adamic man expressing Christ’s nature.  And the glory of God covered over and hid both the castrated Satan, which is their natural man, and the spirit in the natural man, and their human bodies or their human souls.  Only Christ was seen in them, and the spiritual dimension in the midst of them caused them to be divorced from their husband, Satan, the spirit which rules in the minds of natural man, and to be joined in marriage to Christ, who is above.


And they were filled up with spiritual sight, knowledge, and understanding, and they do not cease from their activity of rising into the realm of appearance and disappearing continuously, desiring and speaking the realm of appearance, through Christ into existence, by thinking and saying blameless, perfect, and without sin is the Lord God Almighty, which has always existed, which exists now, and which shall exist in the future.  Glory to God.  Hallelujah. 


I have a comment here that I will read to you.  The divine or spiritual thought of God is expressed or passed through the glorified soul and the image of the realm of appearance is manifested.  I just told you that.  The realm of appearance is sustained because of an unceasing expression of the Logos, the word, the motive, the intention, the purpose of God for you.  When His desires for you are continuously expressed through your mind, you shall not cease to be.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


Verse 9.  And when those beasts gave glory and honor and thanks to him, that sat on the throne, who liveth forever and ever.  The word glory is Strong’s #1391.  It means opinion, judgment, view, estimate, concerning someone.  In the case of Christ it could mean splendor or brightness of the sun, the moon, and the stars.  It could typify the perfected state.  It means to be exalted, and it is from a base that means to think.  So this glory is associated with the word Logos that we were just talking about.  It has to do with what you think. 


If you think the thoughts of the carnal man, your sun is going to go down and you will enter into the night.  You cannot live thinking the thoughts of the natural man.  So the word glory referring to the Christ means we are thinking the thoughts of his motives towards us.  There is a scripture in one of the prophets.  It says I think good thoughts towards you, thoughts of life and peace.  So what the prophet is saying is why are you dying?  It is because you are not manifesting the thoughts of God.  That is why.  When we are glorified, we shall express the purposes or the thoughts of God for us, and we shall live.  Alleluia. 


Webster’s definition of the word opinion, is of you, a judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular person.  God’s opinion of us is good.  There is someone that I ministered to on and off.  I have been ministering to him on and off for years.  He cannot deal with the reality that Christ has promised to receive us, even if we have murdered people and done really bad things.  He cannot deal with this forgiveness thing.  I have tried to explain to him that it is not that you just go off and walk away.  What happens is that you are converted.  You have to be changed, capable of never doing that again, and then you go on with God.  When the thoughts of God start channeling through our mind we shall never do that again.  Alleluia. 


We are going on now.  We have the word thanks.  They gave thanks.  When those beasts gave glory and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth forever and ever.  Thanks is Strong’s #2169 and it means gratitude, grateful language to God, and worship.  Gratitude, grateful language to God.  Again, we are talking about language.  Hallelujah.  Speaking what we speak is very important, because what we speak comes forth from our motives.  Thanks is a grateful language to God, and it means worship.  We have had many studies on the true worship.  It is very nice to raise your hands, but the true worship is our submission to God.  You can come into church, and raise your hands and praise God, and walk out and go do something that He told you not to do.


The true spiritual worship is obeying God in every aspect of our life.  So they are giving thanks unto God.  It means they are being obedient to Him in every area of their life.  They are saying thank you to God, and by saying thank you to God they are doing what He tells them.  Believe me, I love raising my hands to God, but the Church world is filled with people today that come into church, and they come out of the service and they just break His law left and right.  So when  we truly thank God from the depths of our beings, we have attained the ability to do what He tells us.  Sometimes we cannot do what He tells us, and I am not condemning anybody.


When we get to that point we can say thank you God that we have attained to the spiritual place where we are doing what He told us to do.  I will tell you from my own personal experience, sometimes I am in great pain when I am doing what He tells me to do.  It hurts because every fiber of my being wants to do something else.  I have been in churches and they say thank you Jesus over and over again, and they walk out and they are doing everything bad there is to do.  I am not knocking you people.  I am not a condemning preacher, but I am telling you when you attain to that place in Christ where you could say thank you Jesus, what it means if you have attained to it, is that you are doing everything that He tells you.  Glory to God. 


Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 4, Verse 9.  And when those glorified men in their exalted spiritual state express their estimation of the value and worth of the creation, through their minds, which minds reflect the thoughts of the splendor and brightness of Almighty God, and when they submitted themselves in every thought, word and deed to Almighty God, the one who abided in the glorified soul of Christ, whose life is the age out of all the ages which shall endure forever.  That is John, or you or me, whoever it is happening to.


Let me take that again.  And when those glorified men in their exalted state.  That is you and me when we get to the exalted state, when we express the estimation, and the value, and the worth of the creation through our minds. When we get a vision of the value, and the estimation, and the worth of the creation of God, when we stop looking at men and saying that they are without hope, or they cannot be helped.  There is no hope for them.  Leave them alone.  Throw them away.  Put them out.  When we stop doing that, when we look at man, no matter how far he has fallen, and we say to him, brother, stand up and walk, and believe that he can do it. 

This is point one and two on the board.  When that happens, when we think those thoughts through our mind, we have to express life for the creation.  That is the first thing we have to do.  The second thing that we have to do is be in submission to God.  Brethren, again I am not condemning you.  I am telling you the truth.  I am not talking about your estimation of submission to God.  You have got to be doing everything He tells you to do.  If you cannot do it, you have to cry out and ask Him to help you.  If you do not know what He wants you to do, you have to ask Him for a revelation of it.  Because when you express the hope of life for the creation for your mind, and when you are in utter submission to God, in every area, glory to God, when that happens, when they have submitted themselves in every thought, word and deed to Almighty God, and Almighty God is the one who abided in the glorified soul of Christ, whose life is the age out of all the ages which shall endure forever.


I am going to go back to that in a minute.  I just want to read you the rest of this.  What happened then was that the two witnesses from each of the twelve tribes of Israel, the twenty four elders, present in the glorified men, what happened was they made contact with God Almighty.  When you think life to this creation and you are in utter submission to Christ, you are going to make contact with the Father.  That is what we are striving for.  We are passing through Christ, but we want to make contact with the Father.  They made contact with Him, that abided in the glorified life of Christ.  They made contact with the Father, brethren, the source of all life.  When they did that, they submitted themselves to Him, whose life is the life of the ages.  The Scripture says they violently cast down their crowns.  They violently cast down the glory of the life of the soul realm. 


I just could not stop because it was right in the middle.  I am going to back up brethren.  When you think life towards this creation, and you are in utter submission towards God, you are going to make contact with the Father.  Hallelujah.  When you make contact with the Father, you are going to cast down whatever glory you have had in this soul realm, and you are going to enter into the life of the ages, world without end.  Can you hear this?  Who wants to hear that someone is being burnt in hell forever?  Listen to this.  Glory to God. 


I mentioned this Wednesday night.  I just want to go over it now about the ages.  I tried to do a little study on it and I really ran out of time.  Maybe I will just give you what I have.  I think there are people that would disagree with me, but as far as I am concerned there are only three ages.  There was the age before the flood.  The first age was the age before the flood, and we have several tapes that talk about the difference with regard to humanity in the age before the flood and the age after the flood.  I believe man changed in his appearance and in his physical being.  There is only one more age coming, brethren, because it is going to be the age that is never going to end.  Although, that is not true.  I think there are ages beyond that.  I have to check that out and get back to you on it.


For our intents and purposes, the age that is coming, the new age, it is the age of incorruptibility.  It is the age of life, and that life and that age is in Christ.  To get into this, to partake of this age, Christ has to be birth in you, and he has to say to you, enter in behind the veil.  You have to say, yes Lord, and submit yourself to him, and pierce through the veil of his flesh, and you shall enter into incorruptible life.  It is within you, brethren.  It is not without you.  It requires a sacrifice.  You have to sacrifice the glory of the soul realm, and you have to start loving your brethren.  Again, I am not condemning you.  If you cannot do it, you have to ask Jesus to help you, because to enter in you have to think thoughts of life and nobody is without hope.  Nobody is without hope, unless the Lord tells you leave him.  Hallelujah.  I am all excited.


I am going to go back over this verse 10.  The four and twenty elders fell down before him that sat on the throne and worshiped him that liveth forever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne.  That word fell down is a word that means to light upon.  It is a word that means to light upon, and it is used in other chapters of the Book of Revelation.  In one specifically, it says an angel came down and lighted upon the earth.  That is how it is translated, lighted.  What it means is to make contact with.  That is how I got that definition.  And the twenty four elders fell down before him that sat on the throne.  They lighted down upon him.  They made contact with him that sat upon the throne.  The one that sat upon the throne is Almighty God.  The throne is the glorified soul.  Hallelujah.


And they worshiped him.  They submitted their soul lives to him.  They worshiped him that liveth forever and ever, Christ the life of the ages, and they cast their crowns before the throne.  Now that word crowns we studied before.  It means to be woven together.  They cast down the crowns of their soul life because we are spiritually woven together.  This body that we are wearing is a garment, and that is how we appear in the realm of appearance.  We are wearing a garment that is woven together.  Well, they took down the crown of their soul life.  The word cast down implies forcibly.  They forcibly threw it down.  They said you get down beneath me because Christ had imparted the power to them to put it under their feet.  Hallelujah.


As the twenty four elders did this, they connected with the Father.  They worshiped Him.  They utterly submitted to Him, and then they received the power to utterly put their soul lives underfoot, never to be seen again.  As they did this, they were saying, thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power, for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.  Glory to God.  Now this word worthy means deserving.  Glory and honor we already discussed.  Now we are looking at the word power.  Some of you might know that there are two Greek words translated power.  One is dunamis which refers to energy such as the electric lights that we have here.  The other Greek word is exousia, and it means authority.  This is the word dunamis.  It means power, miracle working power.


What is the greatest miracle other than life?  He received miracle working power, glory, and honor, and miracle working power, because he has created all things, and for his pleasure they are and were created.  I have heard all kinds of stories about what the pleasure of God is, like He wants company, that He is lonely.  No brethren, the pleasure of Almighty God is that He should appear in the realm of appearance.  You were created for His pleasure that He might dwell in you, that He might appear in the realm of appearance.     


Alternate translation of verse 11.  You are deserving, Christ Jesus, to receive the glory of the perfected state, to be estimated to have great value to God, and to have miracle working power, because you have created all things, which things were created for your specific purpose and will.  You are deserving, Christ Jesus, to receive the glory of the perfected state, to be estimated to have great value to God, and to have miracle working power because you are the first cause.  You have created all things, which things were created for your specific purpose and will.  You are the one that lost all your glory.  You are the one that came down from the realms of the heavenly and was made into a man, and suffered all of the humiliation of the natural man.  You are the one that overcame by the power of Christ in you, and has been resurrected and raised back up to the heavenly realms.  So you are worthy and you are deserving of all of the glory and honor and power that has been bestowed upon the creation, because you did the whole thing from the beginning unto the end.  Glory to God.


Recap of Revelation, Chapter 4, Verses 7 thru 11.  And at the beginning, the living creature was like a fierce untamed nocturnal beast, and afterward like a domesticated castrated male.  The third part had the appearance of a man, and the squared beast was like a large strong bird with keen vision, whose nature it is to fly in the heavenlies in the light of the day.  Each of the squared beasts had six sides.  Each of the squared glorified men were joined to the other squared glorified men in that they all had a human spirit which had birth Christ, and that they all had the identifying qualities and characteristics of an adamic man expressing Christ nature.  And the glory of God covered over and hid both the castrated Satan and their human bodies. 


Only Christ was seen in them, and the spiritual dimension in the midst of them caused them to be divorced from their husband, Satan, the spirit which rules in the minds of natural men, and to be joined in marriage to Christ, who is above.  They were filled up with spiritual sight, knowledge and understanding, and they do not cease from their activity of rising into the realm of appearance, and disappearing continually, desiring and speaking the realm of appearance through Christ into existence by thinking and saying blameless, perfect, and without sin is the Lord God Almighty, which has always existed, exists now, and shall exist in the future.


When those glorified men in their exalted spiritual state express their estimation of the value and worth of the creation through their minds, which minds reflect the thoughts of the splendor and brightness of Almighty God, and when they submitted themselves in every thought, word, and deed to Almighty God, the one who abided in the glorified soul of Christ, whose life is the age out of all the ages which shall endure forever.  At that time, the two witnesses from each of the twelve tribes of Israel, in you, make contact with him that abided in the glorified soul life of Christ.  And submitted themselves to him, whose life is the life of the ages, thus violently casting down the glory of life on this soul realm, saying you are deserving, Christ Jesus, to receive the glory of the perfected state, to be estimated to have great value to God, and to have miracle working power, because you have created all things, which things were created for your specific purpose and will. 


Brethren, the Lord wants me to tell you as a closing comment, that you are worthwhile.  You are worthwhile.  His thoughts towards you are thoughts of life.  His thoughts towards you are thoughts of perfection.  His thoughts towards you are thoughts of glory, and He shall bring it to pass in you.  Glory to God. 



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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