038 - Part 8

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

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Fear not the faces of man, saith the Lord, fear not their hard forehead, saith God, fear not the expression on their faces nor the evil and the wickedness in their heart, saith God, for indeed I have seen it before you have.  For indeed I am the creator of the natural man and I know what dwelleth in the hearts of man, saith God.  But I have ordained, saith the Lord, that I shall have a people who shall seek and desire righteousness, who shall reject evil in the darkness of those who tell lies and wickedness.  I shall bring this remnant unto Me, saith the Lord God, and I shall join them unto Me, and they shall enter into the light, and they shall rule and reign with Me, saith God.  Fear not what man can do unto you, for indeed the end of the ages are upon you. 


I shall prevail, saith the Lord, yea, even My Spirit shall prevail, and no harm shall come to thee, saith the Lord that worship at My feet.  But those who are of a false heart, saith God, I shall visit them.


Praise the Lord; this is Around God’s Throne, part 8.  We are pressing through this study in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 1, trying to understand what God has told us, the information God has given us about the glorified man.  I am going to recap Ezekiel chapter 1:15-17, and I think we did about 3 or 4 verses tonight and hopefully we are going to wind this up within two more verses and then get back to the book of Revelation.  Ezekiel chapter 1, we are doing the first half of verse 16, then verse 15, and then the second half of verse 16.


EZEKIEL 1:15-17


The spirits of the glorified men were formed by a fountain of liquefied copper, even the melted natural man, the fruit of their spiritual labor which bruised the soul realm underfoot, which realm was now joined to the spirit in the correct moral order.  And the four spirits, even the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Father were formed as one spirit by the glorified natural man which covered them.  Now as I looked at the glorified man, I saw a marvelous sight, the spirit united with the square personality of the glorified man, and they appeared together in the realm of time.  And the appearance of the spirit and the appearance of the fruit of their labor, even the bridled and domesticated living soul looked like a sphere dwelling in the innermost part of another spirit, because the living soul which surrounded the Spirit of God had become spirit also.  When they appeared in the realm of time, they appeared as complete solid well balanced fully formed men, and Adam was not able to manifest in them when they appeared in the earth.  AT


18.  As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful, and their rings were full of eyes round about the four.  KJV


We discovered last week that Ezekiel’s wheels refer to the spirit, and we have been told that the spirit in glorified man is a four-fold spirit, it is the human spirit, it is the Holy Spirit, it is the Spirit of the Father, and when it appears in the earth, it goes by the name Christ.  It is the spirit of Christ and when it appears in the earth, it goes by the name of Christ, God in the flesh.   The human spirit and the Holy Spirit are the immature elements that have been swallowed up.  We are all human beings that are of various ages, we are no longer seven years old we are no longer ten years old, we are no longer four years old, but the experiences that we experienced, and everything that happened to us during those years of our life, are a part of what we are today.  The glorified man with the spirit known as Christ, we know that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Him, has swallowed up the human spirit and the Holy Spirit as a more mature realm in the development of mankind.  Does everybody understand that? 


We have discovered that the wheels were the spirits, and the reason they are plural is that there are four spirits comprising the spirit of the glorified man known as Christ.  Now we talk about rings.  The word rings is Strong’s #1354 and it is from an unused root meaning to hollow or to curve the back as rounded.  It is the top, the rim, or the circumference of wheels, something curved like an arch or a bow, it is also a fortress.  We know that we discussed this last week that we have been drawing the living soul as a circle with the human spirit within, and when the human spirit births Christ, we have Christ within and we have soul without, but this soul is being glorified, and that is the wheel in the middle of the wheel, it is the Spirit of Christ in the middle of the spiritualized living soul, that is the wheel in the middle of the wheel.  It is a spirit in the midst of a spirit. 


What the Holy Spirit is doing in these Scriptures is that, He is identifying; both the inner circle and the outer circle are spirit, but they are not the same.  This Spirit is Christ, and in here with Christ is the Father, and the Father was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself.  The outer circle is the glorified soul.  Even though he is spirit, he must be subordinate to the Christ, and to the Father ruling in the Christ.


The Lord in these Scriptures gives them different names.  They have not melted and become one to the extent that spirit is no longer spirit and glorified soul is no longer glorified soul, they are joined and they are one but the Father is still ruling through Christ, and the glorified spirit is still in submission to Christ.  God gives it a different name, He calls it the rings.  He calls it the ring, the rim, the circumference of the creation which is a spirit within a spirit, and the inner spirit is called a wheel, just so we can understand that there is a difference, and the outer spirit is called a ring. 


I just want to give you some references on some of these translations for the word ring.  The word ring can be translated fortress. 


We could see here that the glorified spirit is surrounding the Christ like a fortress, it is surrounding it like a fortress, and that word can be translated rings, it is Strong’s #1354 and in Job 13:12 it is used that way, that it is a fortress.  Job 13:12;


JOB 13:12


12.  Your remembrances are like unto ashes, and your body (which is this word rings, Strong’s #1354) to bodies of clay.


Your remembrances are like unto ashes, your spiritual life is like unto ashes, and your body, that which is outside, that which defends, that which is the fortress is like unto clay.  That is how that word is used in Job 13:12.  That word body in Job 13:12, it could be either a dead or an alive body.  What the Scripture is saying is that the outer rim, is called a ring because it is in a position where it is surrounding it like a fort; a fort goes all of the way around. 


The comment from Gesenius on that word is that; this use of the word is understood to be of the weak and feeble arguments with which the adversaries are defending themselves.  This outer ring is used in the context that I just described it to you as being weak, it is a fortress but it is weak, and it is beggarly.  What that is saying in our context here is that it is subordinate to the Christ within.  Even though it is called a fortress because it circles around without, nevertheless the strength is within.  That is a great mystery, but this is the life of the spirit.  Is everybody following me?

The glorified soul which is the ring, circles around the glorified spirit like a fortress, nevertheless the true strength is coming from the innermost spirit, which is the Father ruling through Christ.  This word ring is also translated to be a valued house especially used of a chamber where harlots prostituted themselves. 


Remember the living soul before Christ appeared in him was harlot’s house and the spirit was the human spirit and she was producing Satan’s offspring.  This concept of the circle round about the spirit being the soul has been known as a harlot’s house, only in this hour she has been glorified, she has been glorified, but she is still in that female realm.  That is the whole point that I am trying to make to you. 


I just want to show you how that word is used as a harlot’s house, Ezekiel 16:24-25;


EZEKIEL 16:24-25


24.  That thou hast also built unto thee an eminent place, (that is the same word translated rings, #1354), and has made thee a high place in every street.

25. Thou hast built thy high place at every head of the way, and hast made thy beauty to be abhorred, and has opened thy feet to everyone that passed by, and multiplied thy whoredoms.  KJV


This word rings is used to describe a place where sexual intercourse is taking place, and it is still taking place, only now it is taking place between the Christ and the glorified soul.  It is become honorable, but sexual intercourse is still taking place there.  This is a place, the ring; it is a place where sexual intercourse and her husband is within her, only she has become honorable, she is no longer a harlot.  This word ring is also used to describe the back of a shield, and it is used to describe shields when the soldiers use to stand close together and put their shields up and like you had one wall straight across, that is what this word ring is used to describe because it is a shield around the spirit.  It is totally circling around it.  This use we find in Job 15:26;


JOB 15:26


26.  He runneth upon him, even on his neck, upon the thick bosses (that is this word translated rings #1354) of his bucklers.  KJV


He runneth upon him, he runneth ahead, even on his neck, upon the thick shields of his bucklers.  That is the word rings, it is a shield, it is fortress, and it is also the house of a harlot, it goes all of way around.  It is also used as the back or the surface of the altar.  We know that in the glorified man, we have the reality of the altar, the altar that we had in the tabernacle in the desert with only a type of the reality. 


The true altar is God in Christ in the glorified soul.  This is the true altar.  Jesus Christ is the altar.  When we are glorified and He is ruling and reigning in power in us, this is Him, this is the most holy place, in the deepest center in the spirit within the spirit, and the bottom or the outer realm of the altar, that which surrounds it, that which it sits on, that which keeps it, is called a ring, or it is the same word that is translated ring.




13.  And these are measures of the altar after the cubits: The cubit is a cubit and an hand breadth; even the bottom shall be a cubit, and the breadth a cubit, and the border thereof by the edge thereof round about shall be a span: and this shall be the higher place of the altar.



The word higher is the same word translated rings, Strong’s #1354.  This outer ring, this glorified soul, it is a shield, it is a place where sexual intercourse takes place, it is the outer rim of the altar, and it is also translated body, and we know it is a glorified body.  What do we have here, what have we said?  We have said that Ezekiel is speaking about wheels and rings and that the wheel is the indwelling Christ which is really four spirits, it is the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and Father, and the Father who is ruling and reigning in the spirit, that is the spirit within the spirit, and the outer spirit, although it is glorified, and it is awesome and the light of God is shining through it, it is still inferior to the innermost spirit and God calls it a ring, to differentiate between the two grades of spirit. 


We are going to be glorified, this is a big problem in people that hear the sonship teaching and do not understand it, they think that we are lifting ourselves up above God and some people are, some people in the church are, but the true teaching is not so.  No matter how glorified we permitted to become, the Father in His Christ shall always be greater than we shall be.  He shall be the ruling force of our existence.  And there shall be an ongoing spiritual intercourse between the Father in His Christ and the outer rim which is the glorified soul, and the glorified soul shall submit to the Christ and the Father in the Christ and the correct moral order shall be established.  Hallelujah. 


The conclusion, these are my notes, the conclusion that I drew from my study is that the word rings are the exterior surface of the spirit, the outer rim of the place that used to be the harlot’s house.  It is the outer rim of the creation, an inferior level of spirit to that of the Christ and the Father which is ruling and reigning in the Christ.  Hallelujah. 


Going on with Ezekiel, chapter 1, verse 18;




18.  As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.



The word high is easy, it is Strong’s #1362, it means lofty and proud.  Of course I could not relate that word to our study of the glorified creation here, so I went into the word that is derived from, #1361, and it means to be exalted to a greater degree of dignity and honor.  The word high means lofty high but it is not in a negative sense, it is in a positive sense and it means to be exalted to a greater degree of dignity and honor. That is what is happening to the living soul and to our human bodies.  We are being exalted to a higher degree.  We are not going to have these vile bodies anymore, we are going to have incorruptible bodies and our soul which is desperately wicked is going to be converted into the righteousness of God, but we shall still be subordinate to Christ and the Father ruling and reigning within Him. 


Even at our highest height of glory, we shall be subordinate to the Christ and to the Father.  The word dreadful, the rings were so high that they were dreadful, it is Strong’s #3374, and it merely means fear or reverence, but what I find very interesting about that word is that it is a feminine word, and it is the feminine of #3373 which means one who fears God.  We have a female entity who fears God.  the rings fear God, they were dreadful, they fear God from a feminine position, the rings are soul, glorified or not, the rings are soul that have been made spirit, they are subordinate to the Father and the Christ, so they are still female, even in their glorified state, in relationship to the Father, in relationship to Christ, they are still female.


We know that spirit is male, so how could you tell me Sheila that the spirit is female?  I can tell you this because in its relationship to Christ, and in its relationship to the Father, it will always be female.  It is not equal to the Father.  We shall not be equal to the Father.  We shall be equal to the Father in our inheritance.  We shall be equal to the Father in that He shall delegate His life and His authority to us.  I know there are Scriptures that say Jesus thought it not robbery to call Himself equal to God.  I do not want anyone catching on this verse; we are equal to God except when it comes to a conflict between us and God.  Can you hear this?


So long as we have the same thinking as God, we are equal with Him, the second there is a conflict we are female and He is male.  Can you hear this, we are equal to Him in that we can do all that He has permitted us to do all of the things that He can do to partake of all of the things that He is partaking of, however, this glorified creation, it has a mind, it has a brain, it has someone ruling the whole that is saying, this is what we are going to do at this minute, this hour and this second, and it is not the glorified soul making the decision.  It is the Father in the Christ.  Nevertheless in function, we are equal with power, with wisdom, and with creative ability, we can do everything that the Father does, until we cross Him; then we immediately become female.


We are told that the creation shall be so complete, that there shall be no room for failure, we shall never cross Him.  We are going to come into our correct moral order and we are going to be fused there and we shall never rebel against God again.  Did I make that clear, I do not want to confuse anybody.  Yes, yes the glorified soul has become spirit, and he is equal with the Father, he has become a male, he has become a son, he is equal with the Father in function, but the Father still rule through the Christ.  I hope I did not confuse you, if you want to ask a question at the end of the message, we will go over it again.


They were dreadful, they were to be feared, they were to be reverenced, and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.  Their rings, the circumference, the outer edge of the glorified creation were filled with eyes round about them four.  The word eye, this is the same word translated color in verse 16.  It is the word that really means eye, it is Strong’s #5869, it also means fountain, it means that which is seen with the eye, that is where they get the word color from, and it means fountain and it was used in verse 16 to describe an outpouring of the melted natural man, he is a fountain. 


The word full; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.  The word full really means filled up, that is what it means, and round about means to be compassed on every side, exactly what it says here, to be compassed on every side.  It is referring to a circle.

Let us see what we have got here, alternate translation, Ezekiel 1:18:




18. As for the souls which surrounded the spirit, they were so highly exalted that they were fearsome, and all of the valleys or the spiritual emptiness that existed in their unglorified state were filled in at every point in their squared glorified state, they were filled in with fountains of the spiritual life of almighty God.  AT


I want to go over that a little more and try to make it as clear as I can; I am working from the alternate translation.  As for the souls, plural which surrounded the spirit, singular, as for the souls that surrounded the spirit, and I am just reminding you that we are going to be many cells, many cells, many glorified souls, with one ruling Christ.  We are going to be a molecule.  Christ, His spirit is going to extend into and through every glorified cell.  Every cell is going to look like what we just had drawn on the board.  There is one Christ and in the Christ is the Father ruling and reigning by His Spirit through all of the glorified cells.  As for the souls, plural, the cells which surrounded the Spirit, Christ, with the Father in Him, they were so highly exalted that they were fearsome.  We are going to be so highly exalted because the Father through His Christ is going to be ruling and reigning in us, that we will terrify everybody and anything on a lower spiritual realm. 


All of the valleys or spiritual emptiness that existed in their unglorified state; we have had this several times, I just want to put it on this message, I know this is a very heavy teaching, but God told me to do it.  We had this several times that the living soul in its unglorified state is a series of mountains and valleys referring basically to the emotion and the instability of the soul man.  The mountains refer to pride when a natural man lifts himself up in pride, the Scripture refers to it as a mountain and in the areas where he is lacking, and the Scripture refers to it as a valley. 


This combination of condition in us makes us the vile creation that we are.  We are lacking, does anybody know what we are lacking in, what is the major thing we are lacking in?  We are lacking in Christ and His righteousness, we cannot be righteous.  Christ is our righteousness.  When we do not have Christ, there is no way we can be righteous.  We can do all kinds of religious works, and put on all kinds of shows, there is no righteousness outside of Christ, so the valleys are the lacking areas of Christ in our life, and the mountains are the area where our natural man gets lifted up in pride, why?  Christ is not present to restrain him. 


In the glorified creation, the living soul is going to become a smooth circle.  We have been drawing the soul as a smooth circle all along, but just for convenience sake, He is going to become smooth, he is going to become even, he is going to become balanced.  We are saying in our alternate translation, all of the valleys, all of the lack of righteousness, or the spiritual emptiness that existed in their unglorified state was filled in at every point when they came into their squared glorified state, and what they were filled in with was the fountains of the spiritual life of almighty God.  I have some witnesses for you that fountains refer to the life of God.  Isaiah 41:18, this one fits right in. 


ISAIAH 41:18


18.  I will open rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of the valleys, and I will make the wilderness a pool of water and dry land springs of water.  KJV


I will open rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of the valleys.  That is what we just said; the valley is going to be filled up with the righteousness which is the fountain of the life of God.  Spirit is referred to water, flows like water, and it is referred to fountains in the Scriptures.  Revelation 7:17;




17.  For the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of water.  And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.  KJV




6.  And He said unto me, it is done, I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.  KJV


The water of life is a fountain.  John 4:10;


JOHN 4:10


10.  Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living water.  KJV




19.  And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them, and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.  KJV


The word lifted up is Strong’s #5375, and it merely means to be born up, to be lifted up to be born up.  So alternate translation Ezekiel 1:19 says;




19.  And when the glorified men rose up from the earth,


What I am doing here is I am plugging in our alternate translation from verse 14.  Do you remember that teaching that the way we appear in the earth is that we are involved in a series of, that we are really not whole, that we are existing on the realm of electricity, and that we flash up and appear and then subside, and that it is happening so quickly like the rapidly flicking strips of movie film, and this is how the realm of appearance appears.  Remember that the living God is Spirit, He has no form or shape and He wants to appear in the realm of time and this is the way He has done it, based on the science of physics.  He has made us in such a way that we are rapidly rising into the realm of appearance and subsiding; so rapidly that when you look at us we appear whole, and indeed when you touch us or put a knife in us, we are solid.  That is how rapidly we are rising and subsiding, rising and subsiding, going back and forth from the unseen realm of the spirit into the seen realm of appearance.  I am sort of plugging this into verse 19, because that is what the Lord is talking about.  He is basing a fact on verse 14. 




19.  And when the glorified men rose up from the earth, and subsided on their regular rhythmic cycle, causing outbursts of light to become visible, suddenly and briefly, like the rapidly moving frames of movie film, the spirits within them rose up and subsided also.  And when the glorified men appeared in the realm of time, the spirits appeared with them.  AT


This is how the Lord God has made a way for Himself to appear in the realm of time.  He made a glorified creation that is incorruptible, that rises and subsides at an incredibly fast rate of speed, the realm of appearance is formed and the spirit of almighty God which has no form or shape, which is the spirit which is in the midst of spirit, appears with Him.  Can you hear this?  There is a Scripture in Isaiah, it says, And the Lord says, I form the light, and I create the darkness, and most people do not know that, that does not mean that God has created the light.  What it means is that the light which has no shape or form is given shape or form when the Lord wraps darkness around it.  We studied this in the creation and our famous example is the invisible man, when you wrap the bandages around his invisible head, you see the form of the invisible spirit.  That is our function in the creation, to reveal the Christ and through the Christ the Father. 


What we are saying in verse 19 is when the glorified men appear, when the men in whom Christ is dwelling in power and the Father in the midst of Him, when they appear, Christ appears with them, and the Father in Christ. 


This is the ultimate in creation, this is God’s ultimate intention, I do not want to say it is the ultimate, the Scripture says, eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard what God has in store for us, but as far as we know, as far as we have been given, God wants to appear in the creation, and this is how He is doing it, He has created a glorified man to appear in the realm of appearance and when that glorified man appears, Christ and the Father in Him, appears with Him. 


Here what we are saying is; that we have the Spirit of God appearing in a man, and one of the biggest problems in the world, and even in the church world, is that people cannot discern Christ in the man.  The Jews stumbled at the flesh of Jesus Christ, they had the word of God, they had all of the understanding, and when He came in a natural man they could not believe it, and it is happening today. 


Christ is rising from dead in His 42nd generation.  He is appearing again in His offspring.  The Lord said in the book of Isaiah He shall prolong His days, He shall give Him seed, and Christ is appearing in this hour in His offspring, the whole church world is denying it. They deny it, they deny the vision, they deny the dream, they deny the spirit, they deny the power, they deny everything, and they deny the teaching.  They just deny it, why?  It is because their hearts are evil.  That is the Scripture, that is why they deny it, because their hearts are evil, they prefer the darkness because the light reveals their evil deeds.  Hallelujah, verse 20;




20.  Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go and the wheels were lifted up over against them.  For the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.  KJV


Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go and the wheels were lifted up over against them.  For the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.  That sounds awfully confusing.  I had to meditate on that for a long time, and it is really very interesting, I am going to show you what the Lord showed me.  The word spirit is Strong’s #7307, and it really means the Holy Spirit of God, the divine power, the rational mind or spirit.  It refers to the mode of thinking or acting in which sense there is attributed to anyone a steadfast mind, a steadfast mind.  It is the thinking element.  It is the decision making power.  It is the decisiveness of the creation, and I touched on it earlier when I said to you that yes, the glorified man is spirit, we have a spirit in the midst of the spirit, but it is the Father in Christ making all of the decisions as to where the glorified man walks, where he goes, what he says, and what he does with his glorified body.  The glorified man, although he has been exalted to a place of spirit, he is still not making his own decision. 


He is one with the Father, they are going to work miracles together, they are going to live together, they are going to love together, they are going to do whatever the works of God are together, but the one that decides where they do it, and who they do it to, and how they do it, and what they do, is the Father in Christ, in the midst of Him.  That is what this is saying, whithersoever the spirit was to go, whithersoever the spirit decided to go. 


For purposes of understanding, even though the natural man, the rim has been made spirit, just so we can understand it, the Scripture tells us, the spirit decided, made the decision where they would go.  He is separating the spirit in the midst of the spirit, and He is giving them different names so that we do not get confused, they are one, but they are separate.  They are one, but they have different functions, and the decision making power comes from the Father ruling and reigning in Christ, the glorified man, no matter how glorified he gets, he is still not going to be making decisions, he is the servant in his most glorified state, he is still the servant of almighty God. 


The verse says whithersoever the spirit was to go, and Webster says that the word go means to, one of the definitions is to intend to do something.  For example, so and so is going to leave town, they intend to leave town.  Whithersoever the spirit was to go, whithersoever the spirit was intending to go, glory to God; that is where they went.  That is where the whole creation went, including the glorified man which was the outer rim of creation.  They functioned was one mind, and the mind was not the mind of man, glorified or not, it was the mind of the Father in Christ. 


The words over against, we are dealing with the phrase, whithersoever the spirit intended to go, that was where the souls went, that was where their spirit to go.  Let me read that again.  Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go, and the wheels were lifted up over against them.  The wheels were lifted up over against them for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.  Let me read this alternate translation and then we will go back.  Alternate translation Ezekiel 1:20;




20.  Wherever the Father intended to go, the living creatures went, and thus the Father went also, and the Christ appeared together with the living creatures because the mind of the Father, the spirit of the living creature was in Christ. AT


Whithersoever the spirit desired to go or intended to go, and the major spirit is the Father, the ruling spirit, they went, the whole creation, every part of the creation went, that was where their spirit went.  The wheels, the spirit which is the Christ was lifted up against them.  The Father was pure spirit, He made the decision.  The wheels were lifted up, that is the Christ that appears.  God is giving it different names so that we can understand.  He has called the decision making function the spirit, and the part, and the spirit that appears the Christ, because God is Christ in the flesh.  Did I confuse you?  I am trying not to. 


Whithersoever the Father intended to go, the living creatures went, and thus the Father went also, and the Christ appeared together with the living creatures, because the mind of the Father, the spirit of the living creature was in Christ.  What do we have?   We have the decision making element, the Father, pure spirit, cannot be seen, we have Christ, God in the flesh, and when Christ appears does anybody remember how He appears?  He appears in our personality, in our thoughts, and our words and our deeds.  The glorified man appears, we can see him, we are going to see a body, when Christ appears, He is going to appear in our personality, in our thoughts and our words, and in  our deeds, and the Father is appearing because the Father is in Christ, but the decision making process is in the Father.


Therefore the Scripture says, the spirit referring to the Father, the wheels, referring to the Christ, and the living creature referring to the glorified soul.  Just let it roll over you; do not worry about it too much.  Basically that is what the Scripture is saying.  The new creation man is functioning in three elements.  The Father is the mind, the Christ appears in our personality, and the living soul appears in the realm of vision.  This is the new creation man, hallelujah.  I have a witness for you here, 1 Corinthians 5:18-19;




18.  And all things are of God who hath reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, and that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself.  KJV


Christ is the vehicle in which the Father rides, why?  It is because man is so polluted, even in this condition, even in his glorified condition; that the Father cannot deal directly with him.  We know that this sounds amazing, that in the condition that is being described in Ezekiel 1; that is still so polluted that God cannot live and dwell directly in him, yes that is what the Scripture is teaching. 


We are going to be in this condition while mankind is still not yet totally perfect.  Man is going to be exalted, Christ is going to be appearing in our personality, the body is going to be moving in a high spiritual realm, and there is going to be an in between stage, because when we are totally cleaned up, in our soul and in our spirit, does anybody know what is going to happen?  Christ is going to offer the kingdom up to the Father, when every enemy has been put under Christ’s foot, Christ shall offer up the kingdom to the Father, and the Father shall be all in all, there will be no more Christ, the Father will dwell directly, He will not need the mediator, Christ, He will dwell directly in the glorified soul.  This could take thousands of years, I believe that is my personal opinion, I do not know, but we are going to be, the human race has thousands of years ahead of us brethren, where they are going to be in a very high spiritual realm, yet not totally a hundred percent protected, they are still going to need the mediator, Christ.  That is wild, but that is what is in the Scripture.  We had another witness it a few messages back in the book of Isaiah. Alternate translation verse 21;




21.  When these went, when the glorified man went, the spirit went, and when these stood, when the souls stood, these stood, the Christ stood, and when those were lifted up from the earth, when the glorified soul was lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up over against it…  AT 


This word over against it means equally with or altogether in the same way.  When the wheels were lifted up, in the same way as the glorified man…


…when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up equally, with the glorified man, they were one.  AT


The glorified man is the vehicle, he is the vessel, he is the carriage, he is the chariot in which the Christ is riding, but the mind that is ruling the chariot is the Father who is dwelling deep within the midst of the creation, a spirit within a spirit.  Alternate translation Ezekiel 1:21;




21.  When the living creatures moved, the Christ moved, and when the living creature stood still, the Christ stood still, and when the living creatures were born up into the heavenlies, the Christ was born up with them.  When the living creatures were born up, when they appeared, (I am going to change that).  And when the living creatures were born up and appeared, the Christ was born up with them, because the spirit of the living creature, even the Father was in Christ, doing what?  He was willing it.  AT


When the living creatures moved, when the glorified moved, the Christ moved also, Christ is spirit in the soul realm; that is how He moves in the realm of appearance.  He is inside a glorified body that is doing what it is told.  And when the living creature stood still, the Christ stood still also.  And when the living creatures were born up, remember they are rising up and subsiding?  When they were born up, the Christ was born up with them, because the spirit of the living creature even the Father was in Christ telling them what to do.


Remember the teaching the Father is the rider, the Christ is the chariot, and the glorified body is the horse, this is the creation, horse and rider in a chariot.  The whole creation is a chariot and a beast that is pulling the chariot in which almighty God dwells.  Verse 22;




22.  And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of the terrible crystal, and it stretched forth over their heads above. KJV


The word firmament is Strong’s #7549 and it means the visible arch of the sky.  It comes from a root #7554.  It means to expand by hammering, to overlay with thin sheets of metal, to spread, to stretch.  We know that in our natural type of the tabernacle, the wood tabernacle is being overlaid, it overlaid with gold typifying that the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ shall over layer us.  If you are saying to yourself, how could this be if the natural man is on the outside and the spirit is on the inside?  What is happening is this; we have a glorified soul which is spirit, and in the midst of the spirit we have a spirit in the middle of a spirit, and this spirit which is Christ in the Father; is living electricity and it vibrates forth with rays.  Those rays are extending beyond the rim of the glorified soul and for all intents and purposes making a third layer.


This is the gold that is overlaying.  You could look at it that way in the natural, or you could say in the spirit things are opposite than are in the natural, but I prefer to do it this way, I prefer to do it that way.  The firmament is the visible arch of the sky.  It is the edge of the creation that is in the heavenlies. 


We have the spirit in the midst of a spirit, and then we have what we call the sky, it is the most outer realm of the creation, just like you would say the most outer realm of the earth is the sky, it is as high as you could go, and that is what it is.  The word heads, let me read it for you again.  ...And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature.  The word heads is Strong’s #7218, it just means heads, but I went to Webster, and the word head in Webster’s means mind, seat of the intellect, an individual person, and it is the unit number used to describe domestic animals.  If you have a herd of cattle, you say you have 50 heads, you have 100 heads.  We know that the Lord refers to us as domesticated animals.  We are His sheep, and we are becoming His horses. 


Let us try and find out what the Lord is saying here, there is one reference in the Scripture that I would like to give you about heads; Psalms 74:14;


PSALM 74:14


14.  Thou breakest the heads of Leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.  KJV


Leviathan is the natural man.  Leviathan in the pride of man, and the Lord is saying in Psalm 74:14, that He breaks the heads of Leviathan in pieces and gives him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.  Let us take a look at that.  The word breakest is Strong’s #7665, and one translation in Gesenius for this word is to cause to break through the womb.  It means that the child shall appear.  This word breakest, Strong’s #7665 to cause to break through the womb.  It means that a child shall appear.  Isaiah 66:9 says;




9.  Shall I bring to the birth and not cause to bring forth.  KJV


That phrase bring to the birth is the word translated breakest, it is the same word that God is going to break the heads of Leviathan.  He is going to take the heads of Leviathan and cause them to give birth.  What are the heads of Leviathan?  They are all of the cells in the body of the natural man, and they are all going to give birth to whom?  They are going to give birth to Christ.  I just did a quick alternate translation on that Psalm 74, it was too glorious to let it go by, verse 13 & 14;


PSALM 74:13-14


13.  The Lord caused the individual members of the natural man to pierce through into the realm of appearance and because of him; the people inhabiting the wilderness have existence.  AT


It is true that we are all going to bring forth Christ, but this particular phrase is in the past tense, the Lord did it in the past.  What happened?  He caused the spiritual creation to break forth into the realm of appearance, and the creation is here.  What is happening once the creation is here; now Christ is going to come forth in us.  Leviathan has a very important function.  The Lord caused the individual members of the natural man to pierce through into the realm of appearance and because of him, because Leviathan’s heads were broken, the people inhabiting the wilderness which is the soul realm without Christ have existence.  The next step is of course that we are going to bring forth Christ.  Can you hear that?  Thou breakest the heads of Leviathan in pieces. There was a natural creation, he was a zygote, and he was one cell.  God broke him into pieces, and he pierced through into the natural realm, and we have the creation as we know it today.  He birthed many cells which are the natural man, and then the next step in it is that each cell is going to birth Christ. 


One of the many judgments in the prophets on the natural man is that he is going to be broken in pieces.  He is going to birth the Christ.  Did I confuse you or did I make that clear?  I know I jumped ahead of myself here.  Psalm 74:14; let me say it one more time;


PSALM 74:14


14.  Thou breakest the heads of Leviathan…


That one cell of the natural, of the initial creation, the living soul, it was broken in many pieces and they gave birth, they pierced through into the realm of appearance and because of him, because that initial creation that mind that was created that God called Adam, the people inhabiting the wilderness of the living soul have existence.  The next step is that they shall have life.  We have to be born of what?  We have to be born of water and we have to be born of blood, we are told that in the book of John.  When we are born of Leviathan or the natural man, we are born of water into this natural life, and our second life, our second birth is that Christ shall appear in us.  We shall not only have existence, we shall have life.  Hallelujah, I got excited.  Verse 22;




22.  And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of terrible crystal… KJV


What are we saying?  The likeness or the construction, that word likeness is what it is made of, or how it is constructed, the construction of that arch that was on exterior of the many cells of the living creature, what it looked like, how it was constructed was that it was as the color of terrible crystal.  The word terrible means to fear or reverence, and the word color is the same word that we have been dealing with, it means eye, it means fountain, and it means liquid. 


The word crystal, it had the appearance, I think in this particular case, we are translating it appearance, it had the appearance of fearful or to be reverenced crystal.  The word crystal is #7140, it means ice, it comes from a root that means to be balled, and it refers to being smooth. 


By resemblance it refers to rock crystal, forced or ice.  I went into Webster’s, and this is what Webster says about crystal; quartz that is transparent or nearly so and that is either colorless or only slightly tinged, it is a body that is formed by the solidification of a chemical element. 


We have been talking about fusion, that we are being joined by fusion.  Does anybody remember what happened to us as we are being joined by fusion?  We are being melted, to be joined by fusion.  This is the element that is formed by solidification.  What I am suggesting to you is that we are being melted so that we could be joined and once we are joined, we are going to be cooled off and we are going to become solid like crystal. 


Do you know what a crystal looks like?  A crystal, rock crystal is like a diamond.  You can say that it is a circle, but it has all of these facets on it, and each facet is a head, an individual cell in the whole, I am suggesting to you of the body of Christ.


This is what I am suggesting to you, that we are being melted so that we could be joined to Christ and when we are joined to Him in the right moral order, the day is coming that we shall be cooled off, and we are cooled off, what we are going to be formed into, is this hard, this is very hard, it is like diamonds.  Right now we are soft, we corruptible, we are in a vile body.  We are going to be given a hard exterior that cannot corrupt, and it is going to be a many faceted gem; that will be the whole creation.


We will go over it a little further, let me finish you what Webster says, I stopped in the middle there.  First of all it is colorless, we know that the spirit has no color, and it is a body that is formed by solidification of a chemical element and I am suggesting to you that after we are melted and joined to Christ, that we are going to be a chemical element.  That is what we are.  We are 96% water, and a container full of chemicals, that is what we are, and we are vile and we are corruptible, but after we are melted, and after we are joined to Christ, we are going to be solidified, in a body that you cannot cut our arm off, that we cannot be broken, that we cannot be hurt, we are going to be colorless.  Why is that?  It is because we are going to be spirit.  We are not transparent now, you cannot see through us, we are solid, and we are darkness, the darkness is within us and the darkness is without us.  We are going to have a body that is going to be hard and solid, but even though it is solid, the light is going to shine through it, because the light is going to be within us, and the light is going to be without us.  We are talking about the glorified body.


A crystal is a compound or a mixture, it is us and Christ mixed together, that has a regularly repeating internal arrangement of its atoms.  Each of us shall be an atom in the body of Christ and our moral order; our structure shall be the same.  God is going to be on top and Christ and the glorified soul underneath.  We are going to be a regularly repeating arrangement of atoms in a rock crystal that is known as the creation of God; the brain of which is the Father ruling in Christ.  Hallelujah. 


Another definition is a clear colorless glass of superior quality, of superior quality, and I would like to remind you that the type in the Scripture or one of the types in the Scripture of the living soul is the sea, water, but turbulent, rises and falls, very destructive, and deep passions and emotions.  This water is being turned into a clear colorless glass or ice, likened unto ice.  It is the living soul solidified, he can no longer rise up and fall down and rise up and fall down. 


He is solidified; the darkness is gone from him.  He is clear and he is transparent.  Hallelujah. I have some references for you, Revelation 4:6;




6.  And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal…KJV


I suggest to you it is the glorified living soul, that the crystal is the glorified living soul.  This is still Revelation 4:6, I am just repeating it a little differently.




6.  And before the throne there was a liquid soul that had been converted into hard solid crystal.  AT


The liquid soul had been converted into hard solid crystal, but it was glorious.  It was not in a low spiritual realm, this is a miracle, this is a mystery because we have said that solidity is the form of spirit that is the form that spirit takes in this natural realm, and we have said it is the lowest form that the Father Spirit is gas, the soul is liquid, and in this natural realm, we are solid, dark, dense and vile. 


God has created a miracle, we are solid in the soul realm but we are not dark, we are clear crystal, the light is pouring through us, we are incorruptible, it is the miracle of the creation of God.  Revelation 21:9 and 11;


REVELATION 21:9 and 11


9. Come hither, I will show thee the bride the lamb’s wife.


11.  And her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.  KJV


The light of the bride of the lamb’s wife is clear as crystal.  It is definitely referring to the Spirit of God.  Revelation 22:1;




1.  And He showed me a pure river of water of life clear as crystal proceeding out the throne of God, and of the lamb.  KJV


And he showed me a pure river of water of life, the Spirit of God, clear as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamb.  We are working on Ezekiel 1:22; 




22.  And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of the terrible crystal, (of the feared crystal), and it stretched forth over their heads above.  KJV


The word stretched forth is Strong’s #5186 and one of the definitions of this word in Webster’s that I found in Webster’s, the word in the Hebrew says to stretch or spread out, to bend away to deflect, and Webster says that the word deflect means to turn away from a straight course.  Does this not sound like what we have been talking about recently with the right angle?  It is to turn away from a straight course.  If you are going along on a straight line, and you decide to move in a different direction, you have deflected.  You are no longer going on that straight line, you take a right turn.  Let us see what we have got here.  It means to turn from a straight course, or fixed direction, it means to bend, to turn aside, to deviate.  What are we saying?  It is stretched forth over their heads above. 


The word over is Strong’s #5921; it can also be translated above, upon, or against.  The word above is Strong’s #4605 and that can also be translated the upper part, upward, above, overhead.  Let us see what we have.  Alternate translation Ezekiel 1:22;




22.  And the construction of the heavenly material covering the individual members of the living soul appeared as a clear colorless solid many faceted chemical compound, even the cooled off product which resulted from the fusion which joined the living soul to Christ, and which caused the individual members of the living soul to turn aside against their own soulish nature and bend upward towards that which is above, the life of God.  AT


And which caused the individual members of the living soul to turn aside, to turn away from their own nature and bend towards that which is above.  I am going to read that alternate translation again Ezekiel 1:22;




22.  And the construction of the heavenly material covering the individual members of the living soul appeared as a clear colorless solid many faceted chemical compound, even the cooled off product which resulted from the fusion which joined the living soul to Christ and which caused the individual members of the living soul to turn aside against their own nature and bend towards that which is above.  AT




18.  As for the souls which surrounded the spirit, they were so highly exalted that they were fearsome.  And all of the valleys or spiritual emptiness that existed in their unglorified condition were filled in at every point in their squared glorified state with fountains of the spiritual life of almighty God.


19.  And when the glorified men rose up from the earth, and subsided on their regular rhythmic cycle, causing outbursts of light to become visible, suddenly and briefly, like the rapidly moving frames of movie films, the spirits within them rose up and subsided also.  And when the glorified men appeared in the realm of time, the spirits appeared with them.


20.  Wherever the Father intended to go, the living creatures went, and thus the Father went also, and the Christ appeared together with the living creatures because the mind of the Father, the spirit of the living creature was in Christ. (Christ being the wheels)


21.  When the living creature moved, the Christ moved, and when the living creature stood still, the Christ stood still, and when the living creatures were born up into the heavenlies, (I took that out the last time I read that, I will have to get back to you on the next message, I want to go home and restudy that), the Christ was born up with them.  When the living creatures were born up, when they appeared, (I am going to change that).  And when the living creatures were born up and appeared, the Christ was born up with them, because the spirit of the living creature, even the Father was in Christ.


22.  And the construction of the heavenly material covering the individual members of the living soul appeared as a clear colorless solid many faceted chemical compound, even the cooled off product which resulted from the fusion which joined the living soul to Christ, and which caused the individual members of the living soul to turn aside against their own nature and bend upward towards that which is above.  AT


Are there any questions tonight?  Hallelujah.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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