038 - Part 4

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I am doing a study in the Book of Revelation. We are working on Revelation, Chapter 4:7.


King James Version of Revelation, Chapter 4:7. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.  KJV


What we are doing is that we are in the middle of a cross reference study in the Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 1 Verses 4 thru 28, which is an expansion of that one verse in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 3. In the last message we did Ezekiel, Chapter 1, Verses 4 thru 9, which I will now recap in the Alternate Translation Version.


AT Ezekiel, Chapter 1 Verse 4; And I looked, and, perceived that God appeared with judgment in the form of a many membered man, which man witnessed to the presence of the Father and the Son, who compassed the man about on every side. And in the middle thereof I saw the appearance of smooth brass, which shone like gold, even the purified human spirit. And in the middle thereof was the essential nature, the physical material, the arrangement of parts, the structural design and the visible characteristics of human souls which had been multiplied by themselves, and thus made strong, and solid, and raised to a higher realm of spiritual life. And in their minds they had the structural design and visible characteristics of adam. And every soul had four dimensions to his personality, and everyone had four aspects to his spiritual nature, that is height, width, depth, and the realm of the spirit. The reproductive parts of the creation of God, even natural man, were made righteous, and revealed the peace of Almighty God, and the spirit that rules in the minds of men, even Satan, himself, was like one covered over and contained by the spiritual maturity, and power, of the elevated creation. And having been delivered from their sins, they blossomed forth as serpents shining with the life of God. And in each of the four dimensions of their personality, the corresponding spiritual nature over layered it, and ruled it, thus preventing it from expressing ungodliness, and empowering it to express the nature of God. And each of the four of them were joined to each other in their personalities, and in their spiritual life because of the mind of Christ ruling and reigning in them, not in their hands or behavior, but because they shall be individuality in righteousness. Our motivating source shall all be Christ, but we shall be doing different things in accordance with the will of God. Not one of them manifested adam as they went on with God. Every one of them crossed over into the spiritual realm of God, and returned to the garden of Eden.  AT


King James Version of Verse 10 in the Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 1. As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.   KJV


The word lion is Strong’s #738. There is more than one Hebrew word that is translated lion. This one means a young lion, and it comes from the sense of plucking or tearing, and it furnishes an image both of strength, fierceness, and cruelty, and it is used to describe ungodly spiritual power.


King James Version. Judges 14:5 says, Then went Samson down, and his father and his mother, to Timnath, and came to the vineyards of Timnath: and, behold, a young lion roared against him.  KJV


Samson, as you may know, was a Nazarite from birth. He was a holy man, and a young lion roaring at him typifies ungodly spiritual power threatening the man of God.


King James Version of Proverbs 28:15 says, As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.  KJV


This word young lion is also used to describe the tribe of Judah. As we have studied here in this ministry, even recently, the context of a sentence can give us the understanding as to how a word is used, whether it is used negatively or whether it is used positively. This Hebrew word translated young lion could be used to describe ungodly spiritual power, and it can also be used to describe the tribe of Judah, which is a Godly spiritual power. Genesis 49:9 says, Judah is a lion’s whelp. That is the same word, young lion. From the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? So the one thing that is in agreement here is, whether the word is used negatively, or whether the word is used positively, is that lion typifies spiritual power. Amen.


I am going to do an alternate translation on Genesis 49:9. Judah is a lion’s whelp. From the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? We are trying to get a deeper understanding of this word, lion,so that we can understand the face of the lion in the Book of Revelation. We are going to be all over the scriptures tonight. I just pray that the Lord blesses this. We are doing an alternate translation on Genesis 49:9. Judah is a lion’s whelp. From the prey, my son, thou art gone up. The word prey is Strong’s #2964 and it means a green leaf. I do not know where they got the word prey from. It means a green leaf. I think it can mean prey also, but it means green leaf, as a leaf newly plucked. I know how they got the word prey, as a leaf newly plucked, is so called from being torn off. So if you are torn off, if you are plucked up, you are somebody’s prey. That is how they got it. Glory to God.


Ezekiel 17:9, using this same word prey, says; Say thou, Thus saith the Lord God; Shall it prosper? It is talking about a tree. Shall he not pull up the roots thereof, and cut off the fruit thereof, that it wither? It shall wither in all the leaves of her spring. That word, leaves, and wither, and all of the leaves of her spring, is the same word translated prey in Genesis 49:9. So it is translated a leaf that has been plucked up or a leaf that is dying in some way or another. The phrase we are dealing with is; from the prey, my son, thou art gone up. The word gone up is Strong’s #5927 and it is used of going from a lower region to a higher, for instance, those who go to Judea from Egypt. It is also used to describe a plant which sprouts forth, and grows. You are a seed, you are in a low condition, you sprout forth, and you grow up. Hallelujah. 


Genesis 40:10 says; And in the vine were three branches: and it was as though it budded, and her blossoms shot forth. That word shot forth is the same word translated gone up. And her blossoms shot forth; and the clusters thereof brought forth ripe grapes. This word gone up also means to be elevated or exalted. Psalms 47:9 says; The princes of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham: for the shields of the earth belong unto God: he is greatly exalted. That word translated exalted is the same word translated gone up. So what do we have here?


Alternate translation of the first half of Genesis 49:9; Judah is a young lion. You have been elevated back into the realm of the Spirit of God, my son, after having been plucked out of it like a leaf. Judah, a young lion, you have been elevated back into the realm of the Spirit of God, my son, after having been plucked out of it like a leaf. AT


We are still in Genesis 49:9. He stooped down. Who? Judah. Judah stooped down. He couched as a lion. The word stooped down is Strong’s #3766 and it is used of those who sink down for want of strength. It is used of those who are about to lie down on the ground. It is also used of parturing women, women about to give birth. It comes from the custom, which still exists in Ethiopia, where women bring forth their children kneeling. It also means to depress or afflict. To be stooped down, it is much more than just squatting. It is a spiritual concept of being low down, and being oppressed, and being afflicted. He stooped down. He couched as a lion. Now this word couched is very interesting. It is Strong’s #7257 and it means a liar in wait.


Now this same word is used in Genesis 4:6 and 7; And the Lord said unto Cain, if thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. Sin lieth at the door. That is the same word, lieth at the door. It is the same word as couched. So we are going to do an alternate translation on Genesis, Chapter 4:6 and 7 to try and get a better understanding of what this liar in wait really means. I am just going to comment on it before I give you the alternate translation. And the Lord said unto Cain. Who is Cain? Cain typified the natural man in the creation. Abel typified the spiritual man in the creation. The Lord God said unto Cain, if you do well, you will be accepted also. What was God talking about? What did God want him to do? What did God want the natural man to do? What did God say unto Adam? Cain is related to Adam. God wanted him to keep Satan underfoot. He wanted him to keep the garden, and not let the female parts of the garden be fertilized.


God said, if you do well, if you do not fornicate with Satan in the creation, if you do well, I will glorify you, also. You are jealous of your brother. The natural man was jealous of the spiritual man. Cain was jealous of Abel. God said, do not feel bad. I know Abel is the spiritual son. Right now he is closer to me than you are, but if you do well, I will glorify you, also. You will be accepted. You will be accepted where? Into the realm of the Spirit of God. If the natural man does well, he is going to be accepted as a spiritual man into the realm of the Spirit of God. How? God is going to elevate the natural element of the creation. Amen. And if you do not do well, sin lieth at the door. If you do not put Satan under your feet, if you fornicate with him, he is ready to fornicate with you, and take you over totally, and bring you into a worse condition than you are now. You may not be as spiritual like your brother. You may not be the spiritual son at this time, but if you fornicate with Satan, you are going to be much worse off than you are. You will be a fallen creation.


Alternate Translation of Genesis Chapter 4:6-7; And the Lord said to the part of the creation, which is natural man, even Cain, if you keep the hidden evil, which is also part of the creation, even Satan, underfoot, and do not fornicate with him, will not you be glorified as well as the spiritual part of the creation? That is the human spirit. It is going to be glorified. Satan is crouching at the door like a lion, ready to spring on you, and make you his prey. He desires to fornicate with you, but you must rule over him. Satan is crouching at the door like a lion, ready to spring on you. I just want to put this in this message. I hope I did not confuse you, but this account of Cain and Abel is a parable, and I relate it to the account of Adam and Eve in the garden. It is the same principle. There is a natural man, and there is a spiritual man. There is something that he has to protect. There is something that he has to keep under feet.


What I am saying for the purposes of this study is that Cain is the natural man, and Abel is the spiritual man, and God said to the natural man, do not fornicate with the existence in the earth. I am going to glorify you, also, but you are going a different way than the spiritual man is going. You are going a different way than the human spirit is going, but I am going to glorify you too. I am going to exalt you, too. I am going to accept you, also, into the realm of my Spirit. Do not fornicate with Satan. Do not break my law. Exist on the realm that I have given you. Wait for the hour that I shall accept you, also. This word, this phrase, Satan is crouching at the door like a lion, ready to spring on you, and make you his prey. Basically, it is the same word. We are talking about preying. We are talking about crouching. It is the same concept. Natural man failed to rule Satan. He married him, and he brought forth the carnal mind, and what happened? Natural man, in his state of being, became just like Satan. Then who rules us? The carnal mind is ruling us in this hour, and the carnal mind is the offspring of Satan. In our state of being, we are manifesting Satan to the world.     


King James Version of Proverbs 7:10-13; And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot. Her feet abide not in her house. Now is she without, now is she in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner. So she caught him, and kissed him.  KJV


The one who lieth in wait, or the one who crouches down is waiting to catch you for a prey. That is the concept of the word. The one who is doing that is waiting to snare you, and to use you for his own purposes. We are dealing with the phrase; And he stooped down and crouched as a lion. The alternate translation that I have for that is, and we are talking about Judah. He had been lowered into the realm of appearance so that he could multiply. He became a fallen natural man. I am suggesting to you that this scripture in Genesis 49:9, that we are dealing with, is saying that Judah is the spiritual man who had first been fallen, and when Judah was prophesied over, the prophesy was, you are the fallen natural man, and God is exalting you back into the realm of the Spirit.


We are dealing with the end of that scripture in Genesis 49:9; And as an old lion, who shall rouse him up? Who shall rouse Judah up? When Judah is an old lion, who shall rouse him up? Now this is a different Hebrew word. It is Strong’s #3833 and it means old lion, but it really means lioness. It can mean old lion, but it really means lioness, and it means to draw the first milk, to suckle the first milk. Now why would Judah be called a female lion? Judah is the tribe of the twelve tribes that was slated to bring forth Messiah. We are going to find out in a minute. I want to do one more word. Who shall rouse him up? The word rouse is Strong’s #6965 and it means to cause to stand; to be erected; to preserve alive; to fulfill. So when he is an old lion, when he is suckling young, who shall raise him up? Who shall raise him up? Let me read you the alternate translation. You look confused, and we will go over it again. It is confusing.


Alternate Translation of the second half of Genesis 49:9; He, Judah, was lowered into the realm of appearance so that he could multiply. He became a fallen natural man, and now that he has brought forth many young, whom shall fulfill the promise, and cause him to rise in spiritual power again. He was lowered into the realm of appearance so that he could multiply. He became a fallen natural man, and now that he has brought forth many young, who shall fulfill the promise, and cause him to rise in spiritual power again. Now that does not sound anything like Judah at all. I suggest to you that Genesis 49:9 is a prophesy over the tribe of Judah, but it is really a prophesy over the whole living soul. Judah represented the whole living soul. We know that the Son of God, in pure spirit form, was propelled into the earth, and he gave life to the living soul.


He became the living soul, and he is in the process of being elevated back up to the realm of the Spirit. He has already, in the form of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, been returned to the Father to pure spirit form, but we know that he has to bring the whole living soul with him. I am suggesting to you that what this scripture is saying, that Judah, who was bringing forth the Messiah, is a type of the whole living soul. This is what is being prophesied over him. Now I am reading the second verse backwards. The second half of the verse I am reading it backwards. The second half of the verse first. The son of God was lowered into the realm of appearance so that he could multiply. He became a fallen natural man, and now that he has brought forth many young, the many cells of the living soul, who shall fulfill the promise, and cause him to rise in spiritual power again?


The son of God was lowered. This is the prophesy over Judah. That is what is being said over him. The son of God was lowered into the realm of appearance so that he could multiply. He became a fallen natural man. Now that he has brought forth many young, who shall fulfill the promise, and cause him to rise in spiritual power again? Judah, a young lion, you have been elevated back into the realm of the Spirit of God, my son, having been plucked out of it like a leaf. I remind you in King James, Revelation 5:5 it says; And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. Delivering all of mankind. These two verses are saying the same thing. Let me read it again.


Revelation 5:5; And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals that will set free mankind. The Lion of the tribe of Juda, being Christ, who came forth through the natural line of Judah. Back in Genesis 49:9, the prophesy over Judah is saying the same thing. The Son of God was lowered into the realm of appearance so that he could multiply. He became a fallen natural man, and now that he has brought forth many young, who shall fulfill the promise, and cause him to rise in spiritual power again. Who shall set free the human race? Judah, a young lion, who is going to bring forth Christ, you have been elevated back into the realm of the Spirit of God, my son, after having been plucked out of it like a leaf. I hope this is not too confusing to you. We will just go on.


We are going on in the Book of Ezekiel. We are trying to understand the phrase that says; As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion on the right side. All of the verses that we just studied has been to get a concept of the idea of what the word lion represents. I have tried to establish that a lion is a spiritual power, that it is fierce, that it is ungodly, that it is without mercy. Nevertheless, this same word is used to describe Jesus Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Juda. In Revelation 5:5, the Greek word that says Lion of the tribe of Juda, it is the equivalent to the Hebrew word, that we just studied, describing lion as an ungodly spiritual power. We are going to have to find out what God is saying here, and try and find out what God means.


Before we go on, I just want to discuss the right side. It said on the right side of this four sided creature, he looked like a man and a lion. The word right side or right hand is Strong’s #3225. In the Hebrew it is connected with the idea of success, and thus denotes prosperity. It means to stand on the right hand of anyone. It also means to aid him; to surround him; to support him. I suggest to you that it means that part which is outer, which is exterior, which is seen. It typifies a wall that would be around you to protect you; an aid, a support, a brace that you would put on your leg. You see the brace, you do not see your leg. That which is on the right side is that which is seen.


Alternate Translation of the first third of Ezekiel 1:10; As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion on the right side. As for their nature, their appearance, and the way they were constructed, the square ones, the men who had been raised to the second power, who had been made spirit, had the appearance, and were made in the visible pattern of a man. In their personalities they exhibited the spiritual strength, fierceness, and cruelty of a lion, even the mind of the natural man. In their personalities they exhibited the spiritual strength, fierceness, and cruelty of a lion, even the mind of natural man. I am suggesting to you that the basic root of natural man is fierce, and he is cruel. He is as a lion, that the spirit of man is as a lion. It is negative. Man is negative. He is a spiritual power that is ungodly. Glory to God.


Going on with Ezekiel 1:10; And they four had the face of an ox on the left side. Now the left side is Strong’s #8040 and it means being covered, because of it being wrapped up in the outer garment thrown over the left shoulder. That is the tunics that they wore in bible days. They would thrown their tunic over their left shoulder, and the left hand would be hidden, and the right hand would be exposed. The right hand means prosperity, success, and that which is seen. The left hand means hidden, unseen, and it also means the north quarter. We have had studies here where we discovered that the north is the area where Satan dwells. It is the hidden realm. They four had the face of an ox in their hidden side. Now this word ox; there are several words translated ox in the Scripture. This word ox is Strong’s #7794 and it means bullock or cow, but the primary distinctive quality of this word is that it is without sex. It is without sex. It is not male or it is not female. It is an animal, and animals are either male or female, so how could it be without sex?


Webster tells us that the word bull is an adult male of various large animals, which advance forcefully, and are violent. That is a bull. They are adult male animals, various large animals that advance forcefully, and they are violent. An ox, according to Webster, is an adult castrated male. A male that was forceful and violent has been castrated, and he is no longer called a bull. He is now called an ox. Sometimes he is called a bullock. A bullock is a young bull that has been castrated. An ox is an adult bull that has been castrated. So we have had an animal here that was fierce, and violent, and wild, and they have been castrated. When they are young, and castrated, they are called a bullock. When they are old, and castrated, they are called an ox. We are told that they four had the face of an ox on the left side, in their hidden quarter. They had the face of a castrated male animal that used to be violent and forceful. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation of second third of Ezekiel 1:10; And the squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power who had been made spirit, they had in their hidden interior parts the personality of a castrated bull. And the squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power, who had been made spirit, they had in their hidden interior parts the personality of a castrated bull. Glory to God. They four also had the face of an eagle. Now the eagle, it does not say whether it is on the left side, or whether it is on the right side. It does not say whether it is on the side that appears, or on the side that does not appear. It just says it also had the face of an eagle. Now Webster says, an eagle is any of various large birds of prey, which are active in the daytime, rather than at night, and they are noted for their strength, size, graceful figure, keenness of vision, and powers of flight. Glory to God.


Eagle is Strong’s #5404 and says that it is just an eagle. But Gesengus has an interesting comment. It says that the eagle often changes its feathers, just as a serpent often changes its skin. I am suggesting to you that the Serpent is the many membered body of adam, and the skin that he changes frequently are the vessels that appear on the face of the earth. We have been studying this here, that natural man is a spiritual entity that takes on the flesh, and appears on the earth, and when the flesh wears out, he lives in other vessels. He changes his skin. We are told that the eagle often changes its feathers. I suggest to you that there is a body of Christ in this earth as well as a body of adam. He is a spiritual entity. He is the Lord Jesus Christ. He has appeared in the face of the earth, and when the feathers that cover him, when the part that has appeared in the earth wears out, he plucks them, and shoots forth new feathers. Can you hear that? The part that appears in the earth is corruptible. Glory to God. Hallelujah 


Alternate Translation of the third part of Ezekiel 1:10; The square ones, the men who had been raised to the second power, who had been made spirit, also had a spiritual dimension to their personality. They also had a spiritual dimension to their personality. It was not on the left, and it was not on the right. Alternate Translation of Ezekiel 1:10; As for their nature, their appearance and the way they were constructed, the square ones, the men who had been raised to the second power, who had been made spirit, had the appearance, and were made in the visible pattern of adam. That is the face of a man. In their personalities they exhibited the spiritual strength, fierceness, and cruelty of the fallen human spirit. That is the lion, the fallen human spirit. She was fierce and cruel. And the squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power, who had been made spirit, they had in their left side, in their hidden interior parts, the castrated structure of the violent adult spirit, which had ruled the living soul by witchcraft; even Satan. Glory to God.


That is the ox that had been castrated. That is the wild fierce adult animal that had been castrated. The squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power, who had been made spirit, they also had as a part of their state of being, a spiritual dimension, that is the eagle, even the life of Christ, which layered over adam, that is man, Eve, that is the spirit of the lion, and the castrated Satan, that is the bullock, filling in what was lacking in them, and completing them, and Christ expressed his nature through adam, Eve, and the powerless, utterly subdued Satan. I would like to point out to you that adam and Eve were not changed outside of having something added to them. Where they were lacking, Christ filled them in. Satan was changed. He was castrated. His power was broken.


I recall to your memory, our study on the words describing evil. Adam and Eve, the natural man, are evil because they have fallen from original virtue. When the Lord removed himself from them, they fell because they could not stand on the law alone. The law did not have enough spiritual power to keep them without sin. They fell because they were lacking something. Christ is restoring what was taken from them, and they shall, once again, be without sin. Satan is in a different category. Satan is the lawless one. He is not subject to the law. He cannot, indeed, obey the law. It is impossible for him to obey the law. He has risen up to a position of spiritual power. He is a wild raging beast, and he shall be castrated. His power shall be broken, and he, too, shall be subdued, although not by having something added to him, by having his power broken. I am going to read it again.


As for the nature, their appearance, and the way they were constructed, the squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power, and who had been made spirit, had the appearance, and were made in the visible pattern of adam, and in their personality, they exhibited the spiritual strength, fierceness, and cruelty of the fallen human spirit. And the squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power, who had been made spirit, they had in their hidden interior parts the castrated structure of the violent adult spirit which had ruled the living soul by witchcraft; even Satan. The squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power, who had been made spirit, they also had as a state of their being, a spiritual dimension, a fourth dimension, even the life of Christ, which layered over adam, Eve, and the castrated Satan, filling in what was lacking in them, and completing them, and Christ expressed his nature through adam, Eve, and the powerless, utterly subdued Satan. Glory to God.  


What I am saying is that in this creation, the man typifies adam, the soul man. The lion typifies the fallen human spirit, Eve. The ox typifies a castrated Satan, who is having his power broken. Glory to God. Isaiah 65:25 says; The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock. Now this is another word; bullock. It is Strong’s #6499 and this means a young bull used to pull a cart, used of a sacrifice, even when sacrifices are offered of the lips. We know what our mouth speaks out is what is in our heart. So what is Isaiah saying? He is saying, the wild venomous beast, the wolf, shall feed with the lamb, and the lion, who is the wild venomous fallen human spirit, is going to eat straw. She is going to pull the cart. She is going to be a servant, like a bullock. She, who was a lion, she who threatened the spiritual man, she who ate the natural man, and devoured him for a prey, she is going to be domesticated. Glory to God.


Hosea 14:2 says; Take with you words, and turn to the Lord: say unto him, Take away all inequity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips. The bull being a sacrifice, talking about the sacrifices that come forth from our mouth. The sacrifice that comes forth from our mouth is in our mind, because if you speak only Godly things, it means that which is in our mind, which was sinning, has been sacrificed. The wild venomous beast, the human spirit, she is going to be domesticated. She is going to pull a cart, and Satan shall be castrated, and Christ shall be added to adam and Eve, to the soul, and to the spirit, and they shall be made whole again. Satan shall maintain his position as being the skeleton of the spiritual creation, and man who is either a two or three dimensional being, shall become a four dimensional being.


I just wanted to show you this on the board. Man is developed in three stages. In the first stage, if you are a natural man, you are a one dimensional man. You have one dimension. This is the dimension that you exist in. As we become a spiritual man, God is bending us. That is why this process is so painful. He is bending us, and He is making a second dimension to us. He is bending us, and He is going to take this away. We are going to be bent. See, He is starting to square us. The first step, whereby He starts to square us, is that He bends us, and He gives us a second dimension. We now have width, and height, and we are a right angle. We are a right angle. This is the spiritual man. Natural man is a straight line. The spiritual man is a two dimensional man, and he is a right angle.


We talked about this last week. If the two dimensional man is going to be squared, this is what you get. This is how you get the squares. He is going to be multiplied by himself. Can you see that? We are a natural man. We are a straight line. When we become a spiritual man, we get another dimension, and we become a right angle. Then to become a glorified man, we are going to be multiplied by ourselves, and we become a whole square. Can you see that? That is what is happening. We are being bent now. We are being bent from being a straight line to being a right angle. We are being made into the second dimension, which is Christ being added to us. That is why this is so painful. Spiritually, we are being bent. Once we are bent into the right angle, the third stage is that we are going to be multiplied upon ourselves.


We are going to be squared. We are going to be made solid. We are going to be made stable, because a square is a stable geometrical form, when you want something to stand, and not fall over. If you have a triangle like this, that is not very stable. It is going to topple and fall over. There is not anything more stable than a square. In our ultimate spiritual condition, that is what we shall be. We shall be squared ones. We are going to be three dimensional beings. I have some more information for you on this thing. Natural man’s natural number is six. He is linear, and he has one dimension. Spiritual man is an angle. He has two dimensions. An angle is a projecting structure or fragment. It is the figure formed by two lines extending from the same point. So this was the natural man over here. Now Christ is adding himself to us. The spiritual man is being added to us.


Now we have two dimensions. The first dimension is adam. The second dimension is Christ. Then we become a two dimensional man, and our number becomes twelve. Six is the natural man. He is one dimension. Twelve is the spirit man. That is his number because he is six and six. He is two dimensions. Then the glorified man is 144 because he is a spiritual man that is multiplied by himself, and he becomes pure spirit. Is anybody having a problem with that? I have some more definitions for you here. Glory to God. Now the third dimension; Satan. We have one, two, and four. Christ is the fourth dimension. Satan is the third dimension. He is unseen. He is the skeleton in the figure that gives it form. Natural man is the first dimension. Christ is the second dimension. Satan is the third dimension, but we do not talk about him. God does not talk about him. He is just in there. He is the spiritual skeleton. Then the fourth dimension is when you become pure spirit. That is the glorified man. Glory to God.


Webster’s Dictionary says that a dimension is one of three or four co-ordinates determining a position in space or time. God made a creation, and He positioned it in space and time. God is a mathematician. The whole creation is based on science and math. Space is a boundless three dimensional extent, which has a relative position and direction. It is limited. The only thing that is unlimited is the realm of the spirit. Space is limited. I just want to go over this. It is not really important. I will just give it to you. We have distance. It is the amount of space between two points. When we are a linear person, we are dealing with distance. I am suggesting to you that, that is the beginning of the creation. God set out the bounds of the earth. That is what it says in Genesis. So that is the first dimension that He created. The second dimension that He created is area, the surface included within set lines. After He bends us, this would be the surface in here.


First we are a straight line. Then we become the two dimensional man, and then He fills us. The third measure is volume. That determines the amount of substance which is occupying the measure. We are two measures. This is one dimension. This is the second dimension, and then we are filled with spirit. God is making a vessel, one dimension, two dimensions, and then He is filling us, and then He is squaring us, so that we are glorified and perfected forever. Does that make any sense at all? Am I confusing you? It is not that important. I am going to say it one more time. It is not that important. I am just putting it in. It is just Bible numerology. That is all. I guess you really need a math background for it.


There are four dimensions. The first dimension is natural man. The first dimension is adam. He is a straight line. The second dimension is Christ. He is the spirit man, and he is an angle. He is an angle. The third dimension is Satan. He is the skeleton. God does not name him, but he is in there. He is giving the creation form. The fourth dimension is Christ multiplied by himself. He becomes 144, a glorified man. A glorified man, that was after the crucifixion, and the resurrection, and the ascension. This is what is happening to us. What we are talking about in the Book of Revelation, it really is not four living creatures. It is living creatures that are squared. It is living creatures that are squared, and that is what we are becoming, and that is what is happening to us. We were a straight line. We were a natural man. We are in the process of being bent. It is very painful.


We are becoming a spiritual man, and the next stage, God only knows how many thousands of years away that is, is that once we become a two dimensional man, we shall be multiplied upon ourselves. We shall become squares, and we shall be utterly incorruptible. The only one that, that has happened to, to date, that I know of, is Jesus Christ. That will move us into the fourth dimension. Let me just go over the dimensions for you, and we will call it quits. These are the dimensions. There is height. It is this high. That is height. There is width. This is how wide it is. We are getting a square again, right? The third dimension is depth. How deep it goes in. This is the depth in here. That is Satan. He is the hidden depth. Height, width, and depth, this is the dimension that exists in the natural world.  


When we become a glorified man, there is going to be a fourth dimension added to us. That dimension is the realm of the Spirit of God, and it is going to layer over us. It is not on the left, and it is not on the right. It is not seen, and it is not hidden, because it is not in the realm of space and time. There is only something that is seen in the realm of space and time. Can you hear that? It is another dimension, the realm of the Spirit of God. It is being added to the three dimensions that exist in time and space, making us a well-rounded, fully firm, and stable creation that will never fall again. Can you hear that? Do you have any questions right now? I would not worry about it too much. If this is confusing you, simply what it comes down to, what this four sided creature is, is adam, Eve, and Satan, whereby Satan has been castrated, and the human spirit, and the human soul, has been made righteous, because what they were lacking has been filled in.


We have had many teachings like this here, that the human soul, and the human spirit sin. They are evil. The word evil; that which has fallen from original grace, because they are incomplete. They cannot do anything but evil because they do not have what they need to do righteousness. Jesus Christ is going to give us what we need to do righteousness, and the human soul, and the human spirit, shall be made righteous. The skeleton, the wild ravening beast that is causing us so many problems because he is stronger than he is supposed to be, is not going to have anything added to him. He is going to have something removed. He is going to be castrated. He is still going to be there. He is going to be the skeleton, the spiritual skeleton of the creation, and he is going to be fulfilling the form that God created him for. He is going to be utterly castrated, and he is going to be a servant to the spiritual man. He is going to serve us. Glory to God.


Yes, Satan is castrated, right. He will not be able to fertilize the human spirit. Amen. That is very good. I did not think of that. You are right. He will no longer be able to fertilize the human spirit. What is the source of all of our problems? It is that our human spirit is weak. She is married to Satan. She cannot stop fornicating with him, and she is producing all this evil fruit. Well, we are not only going to be divorced from him, he is going to be castrated so he cannot ever do that to us again. So not only is God adding himself to the spirit and the soul so that they could be made strong, and not fornicate, He is not taking any chances. He is also castrating the male. He is strengthening the female element of the creation, so that she will not fornicate anymore, and He is castrating the male, the illegal male element, so that she could not do it if she wanted to. The creation shall be married to God. She shall be squared. She shall be stable. She shall be solid, and she shall be incorruptible, and she shall live. She shall have eternal life in the realm of appearance. She shall have age abiding life in this time and space that God has set out.


There was an eternal realm of the spirit, and God gave it boundaries. That was what happened. There are no boundaries in the realm of the spirit. God created boundaries. He made distance. He made height. He made width, and He made depth. God created boundaries in the un-boundless realm of the Spirit of God. That is what He did, and He called it time and space. The Spirit of God is going to dwell in it. Of course, what this is, is adam. It is the soul. It is Eve, and it is Christ. This is the spiritual man. Satan is in here. He is unseen. He is the form. That is what God set out in the middle of the un-boundless realm of the spirit. He set boundaries, and He called it His creation. He started with Adam. Then He made Eve. Satan is unnamed because Satan is a part of the substance with which this was made. Then Christ was added to it. This is some creation. He is building a square. Do you believe that? That is what He is doing.


The end result is going to be stable, solid, incorruptible, a spiritual man, in whom the Spirit of God is ruling and reigning through the personality of adam, through the human spirit of Eve. He is manifesting through natural man, who will be made incorruptible. Our every thought, our every word, and our every deed, shall be controlled by the indwelling Christ. The Scripture says, Eye hath not seen, and ear has not heard, what the Lord has in store for us when we get into this condition. This is thousands of years away because what we all are waiting for, an expectation in this hour, is to become a two dimensional spiritual man. The only one that has happened to yet is Christ. God is just starting to bring mankind into being a two dimensional being, so it has to be thousands of years before we become squares. God is taking just millions of years to make this creation. I find it absolutely incredible. I just regret that I am not a scientist because I believe that if you have the Spirit of God, and you could understand physics and math, it would be amazing. Do you know what God could tell us? Now this is very basic math and physics, and I have trouble with it myself. Can you imagine if we could understand physics, what He would tell us? He would really tell us how He made the creation. He is quite incredible; quite incredible.


Still at the drawing board: I hope I did not confuse you too much. I do not know how to make it any simpler. Like I said, if you do not understand it, it is not the most important thing in the world. I am just doing the best I can to expound on the scriptures that are there. It is very complicated, but I think it is really exciting. He is building a square. I just got a book in the mail recently, from a man that thinks the body of Christ is a triangle. This is why they say it is a triangle. I do not really know what the answer to this is, but I just know that when I first saw it, I asked the Lord if it was true, and all of a sudden I am in this study, and I think He is telling me that it is a square. There was something else I wanted to tell you. There was a word here that meant corner. I must have gone past that. The scripture where Jesus said the head of the corner is in Matthew 21:42. It was a definition of one of these words. I never knew what was meant by Jesus is the head of the corner. It is a definition of angle. I looked up the definition of angle. One of the definitions for angle was corner. This is a corner, is it not? That is a corner. Well, the outside is called the corner. Inside it is called an angle. So an angle is a corner.


Well, if Jesus is the head of the corner, he is the head of the angle. He is the head of the two dimensional man. When you have a natural man, the natural man is a line; is width. When you add the height, which forms the angle, Jesus Christ is the head of the corner. Well, if this line is natural man, and then you add the height, which is Christ, forming an angle, this is now a two sided creation. It is Christ in man. Who is the head of the two sided creation? It is Christ. It is not man. So Christ is the head of the corner. Christ is the head of the two sided creation. When Christ is added to you, he becomes the head. He is the head of the corner. Can you hear that? I have heard all kinds of explanations as to what the head of the corner was. None of them ever sat right with me. He is the head of the corner. He is the head of the two sided creation. When Christ is added to man, when we get the double portion, when we are a natural man in Christ, Christ is the head of that creation. Now who is the head of the linear creation? Satan is the head of the linear creation. It is adam, but Satan is the spirit that is ruling in him. Satan is the head of the one dimensional creation. Christ is the head of the corner that is formed when the two dimensional creation is formed. I find that exciting. Praise the Lord.


Well, it is not really cornerstone. That is what the King James translators put in there, but it does not mean that. They could not make any sense out of it, so they said that he was the cornerstone. What it really means is that he is the head of the corner. I think what they teach you, and I really do not have an answer for this, but what someone who studied in that will tell you, is that when they built a pyramid, I believe this is what they teach, that the cornerstone is up here. That is what they call the cornerstone. They say this is the realm of the spirit up here, and Christ is single, and he spreads down into the realm of appearance with his many membered body of Christ, who on the face of the earth, he has many more members. There is one member up there, and that is why they draw it like a triangle. Well maybe that is true, but it is not scriptural. I cannot find it anywhere in the Scripture, but I found a square in the Scripture. As a matter of fact, there is a triangle. We drew a triangle. We said there is a linear man, and we said there is a two dimensional man, and it forms a triangle because this is Satan over here, who is the skeleton.


There is a triangle, but it is not like that. It is like this. Can you see that? This is what certain people in the church are teaching today. If it is in the Scripture, I cannot find it. If anyone reading this message wants to show it to me, I will be glad to see it. They say Christ is one on the spirit realm, and on the earth he is many membered, so he is a triangle, and he is the head of the corner, and this is him up here. I thought that Christ is so big that he fills everything. Should he not be this big up here? Why do they make him just this little corner up here? Because that is the only way they could understand it. But this is scriptural. He is the head of this corner, right here, and the triangle is a right triangle. There is another name for that, but I cannot remember it. It is not a right triangle. It is a particular kind of triangle, and it is very important in geometry, this triangle with a right angle on it. I wish that I was a mathematician so I would know what it means. But that is not the triangle. This is the triangle, and he is right down here where heaven meets the earth. He is not up there. He is over here. He is a triangle church, but he is not that kind of a triangle. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


06/07/14 Transcribed by MJS

06/10/14 1st Edit MJS 

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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