038 - Part 3

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.




            Yea, saith the Lord, there is indeed joy in my Spirit, saith the Lord, and there is joy in obedience to me, saith the Lord. Indeed, the offense must come, for thou shalt not be obedient to me without thy soul being persecuted, saith the Lord. Yea, thy enemies shall be greater than the hairs upon thy head, saith the Lord. And they shall be within thy own mind, and they shall be without from thy peers, and thy acquaintances, and even saith the Lord, from the members of thine own household. Yea, every imagination shall raise its head up against me, saith the Lord. And I shall say, do thus and thus, and they shall say do thus and thus, and when they say do thus and thus, great witchcraft power shall proceed forth in their words, saith the Lord. For they wouldest not that thou wouldest be obedient unto me, saith the Lord God. They wouldest not that thou wouldest move into a place where I shall indeed form thee in my image, saith the Lord God. They would indeed choose to shut up the door unto the kingdom of heaven unto thee, saith the Lord. Yea, they wouldest destroy thee if they could, but I have purposed, saith the Lord, to have a man in the earth. Indeed, my image shall appear in the earthen man, and to those to whom I have called in this hour, to be this first fruits company, the first appearing of my life in the earth, they shall come, saith the Lord, for no man can cast down whom I have raised up, saith the Lord. Tongues. Great shall be the tribulation, saith the Lord. Great shall be the tribulation for he who enters into the kingdom. There is no easy way. My soul, it indeed, must die. Thou must do what I tell you to do, and not what your soul tells you to do. Thou must follow me, and forsake all else, saith the Lord, even the approval of man, saith God. Thou must forsake all, and follow me, and I shall bring thee unto a place, saith the Lord, that eye hast not seen, and ear hast not heard, that thy carnal mind cannot even imagine, saith the Lord. I shall reveal to thee the glory of my Spirit, and it shall be within thee, and it shall be without thee, and I shall be a wall of fire around thee, saith the Lord, and I shall be thy defense, saith God, but there is no easy way. Thou must indeed climb the mountain, saith the Lord. Thou might slip, and thou might slide, and thou might fall, saith the Lord, but thou must climb this mountain. There is indeed no easy way to go. Lay hold of me, saith the Lord, for I indeed shall strengthen thee, and I shall make thy anchor strong, and I shall raise thee up, and I shall show thee the way, for indeed, thou hast not gone this way before. But I shall guide thee, and I shall teach thee, and I shall show thee. If thy heart wouldest cleave unto me, I indeed shall impart unto thee the strength to overcome the enemy, both within thy own mind, and within thy peers.


This is part 3 of Around The Throne. We are doing a side study in the Book of Revelation, with regard to the scripture that talks about the four living creatures around the throne. Chapter 4:7; And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face of a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. That is just one scripture in the Book of Revelation. The Lord has shown us that in the Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 1, verses 4 thru 28, we have an expansion of that scripture. We are in a study trying to understand what the Lord is talking about. What it appears to us so far is that this is a description of the spiritual makeup of the glorified man. We are going to pick up in Ezekiel 1:4, although we did Ezekiel 1:4 in the last message. I feel it necessary to go over it. And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire. I will go on to verse 5. Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. In case some of you here do not know, when the original scriptures were written, they were not broken down into chapters, books, and verses, so sometimes the King James writers ended the verse at the wrong place. That is why I took a phrase from verse 5 because it was really a part of verse 4.


            We talked last week about the whirlwind, and we gave many witnesses that the whirlwind was God appearing in man. We also said that the north refers to judgment, and that the word cloud refers to the witnesses of Jesus, and that a cloud is basically vapor, in which is contained many particles, vapor being spirit, and the particles being the individual cells of the glorified body of Christ. That would be us, the fragments of soul, that are involved in it. We had a scripture that said we are compassed about by a cloud of many witnesses. We spoke about the fact that what the cloud is witnessing to is the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are a witness, you are witnessing to the fact that Jesus Christ is present in you. We have had studies on the word martyr, and witness in the Book of Revelation. The witness is the imparted anointing, even the Christ in you, speaking out through you, and the second witness is the Spirit of the Father. The word and the Spirit, the two witnesses witnessing to the fact that God has appeared in man. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


            That is the purpose of the creation, that God, His nature, His righteousness, His love, everything that He is, should appear in the souls of men. How? In our thoughts, in our words, and in our behavior, and in particular in our relationships, in the way we relate one to another. The cloud represents the witness. The witness of what? That the fire enfolding itself, and that the brightness is the Father and the Son. Hallelujah. The whirlwind, God in man. The cloud, that is also man, witnessing to the fact that the fire and the brightness of the Son is present in mankind. The Lord asked me to put this in just to confirm this concept. In Genesis 15:17 it says; And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces. From that scripture I pulled out of it the account of Abraham’s contact with the Lord, when they made that covenant, and Abraham said, Lord, how will I know that this covenant will be? The Lord said, take animals and cut them up. The ultimate conception of the covenant between Abraham and God was that, God, by a smoking furnace and a burning lamp, walked in the midst of the pieces.


            We studied this recently, and I suggested to you that the dead flesh is the dead flesh of man. The animals that Abraham cut up typified the dead flesh of man that is walking around today, which confuses a lot of people. Man that is walking around without Christ is dead, and the smoking furnace, and the burning lamp, was the Father and the Son, walking in the midst of the dead flesh of mankind. That is the promise. That is the promise, because without the Father and without the Son, we are dead. The Lord asked me to put this in, that He does express Himself in this way, as a smoking furnace and a burning lamp. This is just a similar situation in Ezekiel 1:4; And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind, man, came out of the north, judgment, a great cloud, a many membered man, and a fire enfolding itself, and a brightness was about it. It is the same concept. It is man with the Father and the Son, walking within it.


            The next verse is; And out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber. This word amber is a very unusual word. It is one of these words in the Old Testament that cause the translators to be puzzled. It is Strong’s #2830 and what it really means is brass, which has been made smooth and polished. It clearly means brass, which has been made smooth and polished. But nevertheless, when they examine other words that are derived from the same root, what it is really saying is that this metal is so bright that it really should not be able to be brass. It is the kind of brightness that only comes from gold and from silver. Nevertheless, the Scripture calls it brass. It is a confusion that according to Gesenius, they cannot even explain it. I suggest to you that it is the purified human spirit, that it is the part of the creation of God that is the actual life of the Father, Himself, that He has imparted to mankind to be the female element, to be fertilized by His Holy Spirit, and bring forth like kind His Son. This human spirit, which came out from God, was and is in many cases, was, is, but shall no longer be married to Satan, even the spirit in the living soul, and that the two had become one flesh. She therefore became the brass that is associated with the Serpent, but that she has been purified, and she has been cleansed, and she has been returned to the Father. The Scripture describes her as brass that is shining like gold and silver because she really is the original gold of the Father, and the silver of redemption, but that touch of brass is still in there. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


            Now this word the colour of amber. The word colour is Strong’s #5869 and what it really means is to be seen with the eye. Now as we go along in this study, we are going to find out that there are three ways that the Scripture is looking at this creation. It is looking at it from the point of view of what you see with your eye. In English we would say what is your appearance. Then it uses the word appearance, which really means mental image. When I see you, what do I see spiritually? I really am not looking at your body, I am looking at your spiritual character. Glory to God. Then there is another word used in this account. It is called likeness. What that really means is that we are looking at what your substance is. We are looking at what you are made of. In this particular verse it says there was the colour of amber. What it is saying was that the appearance to the eye was shining bright like with the brightness of gold and silver, but nevertheless, there was that brass in it, which indicates that the human spirit had descended to its lowest point, and has been redeemed, and is now married to God because she is shining like the silver of redemption, and the gold of Almighty God, who is now her husband. Hallelujah.


               Alternate Translation of Ezekiel 1:4; And I looked and perceived that God appeared with judgment in the form of a many membered man, which man witnessed to the presence of the Father and the Son, who compass the man about on every side. Here we had in the prophesy earlier, that God shall be a fire within us, and a fire around us. He shall be a wall of defense around us. And in the middle thereof I saw the appearance of smooth polished brass which shone like gold, even the purified human spirit. I shall just put it in this message again that this concept of smoothness in the Scripture comes from the fact that the living soul is not smooth. We have been drawing it as a circle on the blackboard for the purposes of understanding, but the Scripture tells us that we have mountains in the living soul, and that we have valleys. That is the condition of the living soul. Now the mountains have to be cut off. They have to come down, and the valleys have to be filled in. What they are being filled in with is the Lord Jesus Christ. The pride of man, which are the mountains, they shall indeed be torn down, and everything that is lacking in us, that causes demonic manifestations in us, shall be filled in with the life of God so that we shall be round, and smooth, and even, and shining with the life of Almighty God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


            Verse 5: Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. Now this was their appearance. They had the likeness of a man. Now the word likeness is the same word that is used in Genesis 1:26; And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. In Strong’s #1823, it does not mean what you look like. It does not mean that you have dark hair and brown eyes. It means resemblance, model, shape, similitude. When you look up these words in Webster’s Dictionary, resemblance means to be alike in essential nature; in your nature, not your appearance. It means the physical material from which something is made. You and I are alike because we are both made of the dust of the earth. We are alike. We have the same likeness, according to this scripture, because we are made of the same substance.


            It also means to be alike in arrangement of parts. You and I are alike because we both have two eyes in the middle of our head, and two arms, and two legs. We are alike. Our structure is similar. It does not matter whether your hair is blonde, and my hair is black, or you have a moustache, and I do not have a moustache. Our structure is similar, and there are variations within the structure. This word likeness also means model. Again model means structural design, and it means a pattern of something to be made. We just mentioned that you have two legs, and I have two legs. I do not care if you are 6 feet and I am 4 feet. We both have two legs, two arms, and a head. When we eat our food is digested the same way.


            The word shape is referring to the visible makeup characteristic of a particular item. Basically, we are saying the same thing. Similitude is a visible likeness, two arms, two legs, a head, five fingers on each hand. This is it in a nutshell, likeness means to be the same in essential nature. What is the nature of man? Anybody know? Sin! We are all sinners; amen. None is good. All have fallen short of the glory of God. Church world; I am sorry if I am shocking you, but even if you have the Holy Spirit, you still fall into that category. Your nature has to be totally swallowed up by the nature of Christ before you can say that you are good. You are not a sin filled man, born in sin, and shapen in inequity, that has the Holy Spirit, who is clean. You are not clean until every vestige of your sin filled nature has been subdued, and consumed by Almighty God in His righteousness.


            If you have one ungodly thought, brethren, you are not clean. You have been sold a lie, and you have bought it. If you do not get passed it, when the move of God comes that is going to usher us into the kingdom, you are going to be left behind as were the pharisees, because if you say that you see, then there is nothing that I could do for you. Jesus said, if you say you are blind, I can help you. I will give you sight, but if you say that you see, that there is nothing that is wrong with you, why would you need Christ joined to you? You need Christ joined to you. There is no other way. You are not clean because you have the Holy Spirit, or because you have great revelation, or because you could quote long passages of Scripture. You shall be clean when Jesus Christ is your every motivating thought. When every thought that comes into your mind is Christ, you shall be clean. There is no other way. You cannot be saved by works.


            Likeness means to be the same in essential nature, in the same physical material, to be the same in our sin nature. We are going to be righteous. Likeness means to be the same in physical material. We are all made out of the dust of the earth. It means to be the same in the arrangement of parts. Your head is not in your stomach. We all have a head and it is sitting on our shoulders. We are all the same in structural design. We all have the same number of arms and legs, and we are the same in our visible makeup. If you blanked out the faces on all of us you could tell that we all are human beings. This was the likeness of the four living creatures. The word living means alive or a living thing. It is the same word that is used to describe the human soul. I am not going to really get into this too much now, but when we did this message #18, on the study of creation, we determined that each cell of the creation, of which each of us are one, had a human soul, a human spirit, and an element of the satanic realm, the existence in the darkness of the earth that gave form to the creation.


            Now this word, living creature, is the same word that was used to describe the human soul. It is not talking about the entire living soul. It is talking about an element of the living soul. I am suggesting to you that what we are looking at here is a description of the glorified man that the Lord is breaking down into soul and spirit. We were just told that there was something in the midst of the fire that was the colour of amber, and it appeared to be the glorified human spirit. Now we are talking about the human soul. First he saw the human spirit, and she was shining with the life of God, and now we are looking at the human soul. These are the different elements of the original creation. Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures, out came the likeness of four human souls. This was their appearance. They had the likeness of a man.


            This word appearance means mental vision in their minds. In their minds, they were like a man. What is the basic nature and characteristic of man? He is sin. He is evil. He is depraved. He is fallen. He is not inherently evil. Satan is inherently evil. He cannot be redeemed. Satan cannot obey the law. He is indeed not subject to the law. Remember we had a study on the word evil. There are three or four Greek words that can be translated evil. Man is one that has fallen from a position of original virtue. That means we are redeemable. Glory to God. Hallelujah.   


            The mental vision of the man was that he was sinful. The word four is very interesting. The word four obviously means four, but it from a root that is through the idea of being squared. For those of you who are not familiar with mathematics, to square something means to multiply it by itself. We all know what a square looks like. It is a four sided creature. Each side measures two inches, and you want to know the area of this square, so you go two times two, and the area is four. You can say two times two or you could say two squares. Is that clear to everybody? This word four means the idea of being squared, through the idea of having four sides, or through the idea of being multiplied by yourself. Webster says that the word square is the product of a number multiplied by itself. It is also a number raised to the second power.

            Now how many of you know that this creation is based on physical principles? How many of you know that God, although He simplified things in the Bible for us, if we really want to, if He permits us to get in really deep, that the principles of the creation will coincide with the science of physics. I hope that you know that. He kept it simple for us because very few of us are physicists, but there have been little tidbits that He is imparting to various members of the church. I am suggesting to you that God is telling us that we are four sided creatures, and there are people in the church today preaching that the body of Christ is a triangle. At this point, I have to disagree with you. I believe the Scripture teaches that we are four sided creatures, and that the body of Christ is a square, and when we are squared, we are raised to the second power. We are being elevated to a higher realm. When God squares us, we are in the process of being squared, we are in the process of being multiplied by ourselves. When that process is completed, we are going to be raised to the second power. Hallelujah. We are going to be glorified.


            We are talking about the number four. It means a shape, suggesting strength and solidity. In geometry, in which math and science go together, a square is a solid, strong symbol figure. Geometrically, it is strong and it is solid, so God is starting with a solid base. He did not make man looking like some unstable little thing just hanging there. He is making us in the form of a square. We are solid and we are strong. Our problem today is that we are not complete. If you are not solid, and you are weak, your problem is that the creation is not finished. You are not complete, but God is making a square creation, and we are going to be solid, and we are going to be strong. Also, this is very interesting, square means to be converted from a linear unit. Now this is the condition that we are in right now. We are in this realm of time, that for all intents and purposes, our life is on a straight line. We cannot get access to the heavenlies. God had to come down to us. Amen. We are down here in the realm of appearance on a straight line. Now God is squaring us, and He has got to raise us up so that there is going to be a right angle there.


            At the drawing board. I am not going to get into this too deeply, but it means to be converted from a straight line into a square unit. He started us out with a long line, and then He took part of this line off. He did not add anything to it, and He bent the line, and He made a square out of it. He is bending us. Can you see this? He is bending us. He is shaping us. He is molding us. Are you familiar with that expression that we are being formed into His image? Well, He started out with a straight line, and He is shaping us into a square unit. That is what is happening to us. The word square also means to test for deviation from a straight line. He wants to find out if we have been squared. You know the Scripture has many scriptures about angels coming out with a measuring line. What are they measuring? They came out with the line of the plummet. I know it is in Ezekiel, and it is also in the Book of Revelation. What are they measuring? They are measuring to see if we have gone from being a straight line to being raised up to the second power of becoming a square. Our form is changing. We are being exalted to the second power. Hallelujah.


            It also means to compare with a standard, to test, to set right, to bring into agreement. To bring into agreement with what? To square means to bring into agreement, to bring into agreement with God. We have to reveal His nature. Right now, natural man, and even the church, we are totally out of agreement with God. Not totally, but in various measures, depending where we are. God says go left and we go right. He says love your brother, and we go punch him in the face. We are totally out of agreement with God. He is bringing us into agreement, and when we come into agreement with Him, we are going to be in a spiritual form that is symbolized by a square. Did I make that clear? Does anybody have any questions on that now? The creation is based on math and science. God is the ultimate mathematician and scientist. Glory to God.


            Alternate Translation of Ezekiel 1:5; Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. Now this was their appearance. They had the likeness of a man. Glory to God. And also in the middle thereof. In the middle of what? In the middle of the fire enfolding itself, in the middle of the brightness, in the middle of the whirlwind, in the middle of the cloud, there was the essential nature, the physical material, the arrangement of parts, the structural design, and the visible characteristic of the human soul; the human soul. Everything that identified it as a human soul. It was there in the midst of the Son. Along with the Son, the brightness, the Father, the fire enfolding itself, and the shining brass that was shining like gold, which is the human spirit. We also had the human soul. Are you with me? And he saw the human souls which had been multiplied by themselves. They had been multiplied by themselves, and thus made strong, and solid, and raised to a higher realm of spiritual life. And in their minds they had the structural design, and visible characteristics of adam. They had been multiplied by themselves.


            Now this is a little tough, but I am going to put it in the message. I am not really going to get into it, but we have been studying in this ministry that the original creation came into being when the son of God was propelled into the earth when the spiritual entity known as the son of God was propelled into the earth. He gave life to the earth, and we were able to take form. There is no form of life outside of the son of God. This is a controversial word, but it is what we are preaching, the son of God, who was slain from before the foundation of the earth. He was not slain on the cross. His body was slain on the cross. The soul and body that came down on the line of David was slain on the cross, but the Son of God, Almighty God, the Logos, he was slain when he gave up all of the benefits of life in the realm of the Spirit, and was made into a man. He was made sin for us. Church world, pray about this if you do not understand. He was made sin for us. What is sin? Sin is man. He was made into a man, and he lost his glory to give life to the earth, knowing the whole time that the Father would raise him up again by joining the Spirit of the Father to him. He became the creation. Does everybody here understand that?


            What we are saying here then is that they were multiplied by themselves. In their basic condition they are still Christ. They are Christ in a lower condition. Can you understand that? A lot of people get upset when they hear this word. I am not saying that God sinned. I am not saying that God sinned. God never sinned, but I am saying that he laid down his deity for the purpose of the formation of man, and he became a natural man, capable of sin. But he was not God at that time. He was a natural man. Do you understand that? Is that clear? Any questions on that?


            So they were multiplied upon themselves. Jesus Christ became a man. He became a natural man. As the creation continued to be formed, he was multiplied by himself. What happened? The Holy Spirit entered into his heart, and fertilized his human spirit. What happens when you have a man and a woman, and they produce a child? You have multiplied. Have you not? You were two, and now you are three. Well, you were the manifestation of the living soul. The Holy Spirit entered into your heart, and what have you got? You have multiplied. I am going to read this again. And also in the middle thereof was the essential nature, the physical material, the arrangement of parts, the structural design, the physical characteristic of a human soul, which had been multiplied by itself, and thus made strong and solid, and raised to a higher realm of spiritual life. It had been multiplied by itself, but one part of it was in the fallen condition, and the other part of it was in the form of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. Can you understand that?


            In their minds, they had the structural design, and visible characteristics of adam. Now do not forget that adam had not sinned at the beginning. They had the structural design, and visible characteristics of adam, but they had been multiplied over. They had been layered over by Christ. We have been teaching in this ministry that it is possible for man not to sin. It is possible for man not to sin in what condition? In what condition? When man has Christ ruling and reigning, sin is underfoot. Sin is what gives the creation form. We want to be seen in the realm of appearance. Sin will always be a part of man. He is giving him structure. He is the skeleton. He is the building blocks. So when we say they have the structural design, and visible characteristics of adam, it does not necessarily mean that in this glorified condition they were sinning. Sin was present totally under control of the Christ, but it was still there. We have the same basic building blocks. Remember the teachings on the moral order? The moral order had been reversed to a place where sin was totally under control. But the visible characteristic of them, they were still man. They were still Adam, Eve, and Satan. Glory to God.


            Verse 6; And everyone had four faces, and everyone had four wings. The word face is Strong’s #6440 and it means the part that turns. Well, how does your face turn? Did you ever see a comedy play where the guy is up there, and he has a big smile on his face? Did you ever see a play where the man is playing all of the roles in the play? He has this happy costume on, and a big smile on his face, and he says hold it. He turns around, and he turns back, and changes his hat, and he goes dat dat dat, and he is the villain; different faces, different manifestations of the human personality. The word wings is Strong’s #3671. It is an edge or an extremity. It is an army. It is used of birds of all kinds, and it is used of the extremity of the earth. Glory to God.


            Now in our natural world, does anybody know what the extremity of the earth is in our natural example? This is our earth, and we have flowers growing along it, and houses, and people living here. Do you know what an extremity is? It is a border. It is the sky. It is the edge of the earth. It is the sky. If you look at our natural world, we have a globe that we live on, and when you look up how far can you go? In this era we are going into outer space, but carnally speaking for this understanding, when you look up, or if a child looks up, how far can you go up? You go up to the sky. Glory to God.


            Alternate Translation of Ezekiel 1:6; And every soul had four dimensions to his personality, and everyone had four aspects to his spiritual nature. He had four faces, four elements to his human personality, and four aspects to his spiritual nature. Four wings flowing, and four hands. Glory to God. Verse 7; And their feet were straight feet, and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot, and they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass. This word feet is Strong’s #7272 and one of the translations is pudenda. We had this at a recent meeting. It is the word that describes the female sexual organs. Those of us who have been following along with this study know that the female sexual organs of the creation of God is what? Yes, the human spirit. Amen.


            The human spirit is going to reproduce, but I think that for this particular study, God is saying, He is looking at us as the whole human soul. In other words, it is true it is the human spirit, definitely, for she is the one that reproduces. But it is like saying who in a marriage is the one that is going to produce the child? We say it is the woman. I am not going to look at you, and say that this womb is going to produce the child. The female produces the child. So I believe, that in this particular context, although the human spirit would be likened to the female reproductive parts, the element of God’s creation, because we have the Father, and we have the Son, and we have the living soul. I believe, for this particular context, God is saying, that the female reproductive organs are the female of the creation; the living soul. That is what I believe He means in this context.


            The word straight is Strong’s #3474 and it means to be even or level as opposed to inflated or proud, and it is used of an even tranquil mind. It means to esteem right, to approve. Now we just had on the board a few minutes ago that to be even or level means that your mountains, your pride, has been knocked down, and your valleys have been filled in with the life of God. You have a tranquil mind. We know that when this happens, when our pride is knocked down, and what we are lacking is filled in with the life of God, that we are going to have peace, because there is only one person that you can have enmity with, and that is God. The true peace is to have peace with Almighty God, because when He reigns in your mind, you are no longer rebelling against Him.


            Brethren, believe me, if you cannot receive this, pray about it. Every problem in your life is going to straighten out then. There is nothing that man can do to you. If he steals your food, your food will manifest in front of you. If he destroys your house, I do not know whether God will give you another house, or when the rain comes down it will not touch you, but I declare unto you what we are striving for, what we are praying for, what we are hoping for, is Christ totally manifesting through our mind. When that happens there is nothing in this soul realm that can do us any harm. If they kill us, God will raise us from the dead. If His Spirit dwells in you, He will quicken your mortal body. Can you hear this? You do not need anything but Christ. When I first came to the Lord I did not understand the Scripture. I had a lot of problems, and I did not understand it, but brethren, this is what it means. We are striving to be utterly ruled and controlled by Almighty God in our mind. When that happens there is nothing that could happen to us in this realm of appearance that could hurt us, not even death. He will raise us from the dead. Glory to God.


            This word straight is referring to complete salvation. Now we have people in the church today that go around saying they are saved. Well, it is a nice experience, but brother, what happened to you is that you received the promise. If you receive a salvation experience, if you had a confrontation with God, you have received the promise. Then if you have gone on, and you have received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, you have received the down payment of His Spirit, but you are not saved, brethren. You have got to be converted. You have got to be converted. You have got to change. You have got to manifest the image of God. Salvation is Christ, in you, ruling and reigning in every aspect, every second of every day of your life. Glory to God.


            This word straight means salvation. There is a tranquil mind. This creation is at peace with God. It also means to esteem righteousness. They return to righteousness, and they are approved. They are approved. Brethren, if you have the baptism with the Holy Spirit, if you know the Lord, what has happened to you is that Jesus Christ has imparted His Spirit to you for the purpose of you becoming cleansed. You have got to go on to the next step. If you think that you are under the new covenant because you have got the baptism with the Holy Spirit, you are mistaken. The new covenant is Christ, in you, the hope of glory, keeping you from sin. The only one I know that has attained to it is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Glory to God.


            And their feet were straight feet. Their reproductive parts were saved. They were saved. Their reproductive parts of the creation, man, was righteous before God. He was righteous before God. He was even. He had peace with God. The sole of their feet were like the sole of a calf’s foot. Now this word sole is Strong’s #3909 and it means covered, secret, and by implication it means incantation, enchantment. It is from a root that means to mock or cover up. Now I hope everybody here knows that these terms enchantment and incantation is referring to the witch. Who is the witch? Anybody know who the witch is? Satan is the witch. He is the one that is secret. He is the one that is hidden. He is the one that is speaking to us from the deep recesses of our unconscious mind, saying sin, saying hate, saying rebel, saying fornicate.


            Satan is the secret one. He is invisible. He is our unconscious mind buried deep in the hearts of our soul. There is a rumor going around the church world today that he is out there somewhere. Some people think he is red. Some people think he has a tail. Some people think he has horns. Some people think that he is separate from us. He is not separate from us. Satan is a part of us. He is one of us. He dwells in the deepest recesses of our being, and he is bringing us down, if he can, from within. Do not look for your enemies to be outside of you, brethren. Your enemy is your own soul, and that part of your soul which is the witch. Hallelujah.


            Their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot. Now this word calf is Strong’s #5695 and it specifically refers to a male calf, especially one that is nearly grown. Now we just said the living soul is female. The living soul is female. They were female, but nevertheless, they were male. Now how could you be female, and nevertheless be male? Does anybody know? When Christ joins himself to you, brethren, you become a spiritual male. I hope that we know here that the feet refer to that part of a spiritual entity, or a spiritual life, that is appearing in the earth. Feet stand on the earth. If you are a spiritual life, or if there is a spiritual life, and we talk about his feet, we are talking about that part of him which is standing upon the earth. When the Lord Jesus Christ appears in the earth, when he stands on the earth, he appears in man. He manifests in a man. When Jesus Christ manifests in you, he is standing on the earth. So the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ, for example, are his people. He is standing on the earth by his people. We are talking about the living soul here, and the feet of the living soul, that part of us that appears on the earth, the earth of the soul. Their feet were like a calf’s foot.


            Alternate Translation of the first half of Ezekiel 1:7; And the reproductive parts of the creation of God, even natural man, the living soul, were made righteous, and revealed the peace of Almighty God. And the spirit that rules in the minds of men, even Satan, himself, was like one covered over, and contained by the spiritual maturity and power of the elevated creation. We are being squared. Glory to God. We are being elevated to a higher realm of the spirit, and when that happens, we shall become male, because we shall be joined to our husband, Christ. That which is female within us, Satan, himself, shall be under the feet, and under the headship, and the authority of us, when we rule and reign through marriage, through being joined to Christ. Our own soul will be restored to the proper order. I will just put that on the board very briefly, for you, just to remind you of it.


            These were the stages in the beginning. This was the creation, God, and man was down here in three parts; Adam, Eve and Satan. This was the age of innocense, and there was no sin. Man was capable of sin. He was capable of sin. This is Adam, Eve, and Satan, but he had not sinned because God was ruling the creation. God left for the purpose of cell multiplication. He wanted a many membered body, and He said to Adam, you rule. I am going to give you the law, and you rule, and you keep Satan down here where he cannot do any harm. But Satan, from the deep recesses of the unconscious mind of man spoke to Adam. Actually, the Scripture says he spoke to Eve, and said, God did not say that. Adam, who was the conscience, did not prevent this spiritual fornication, and sin came into being, and the creation looked like this. Satan came up here, and he started to rule, and then there was Eve, and then there was Adam.        


            Do you remember this? The moral order changed. God was on top. Adam was on top, then Satan got on top. Same thing, same elements, same basic structure of the creation; Adam, Eve, and Satan, but the components changed their position. God on top, Adam on top, and Satan on top. In this hour what is happening in the creation is that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of all mankind is come to restore the creation to a moral order, where Satan will be underfoot. Christ shall rule, and we shall live, for there shall be no more sin. Everybody got that? We have gone over that a lot of times, but if you have any questions I will be glad to answer it for you. The destruction that is coming upon Satan is that he is being destroyed in the form that he now is. He will no longer exist in power as an individual entity, but he will exist as a part of the structure, and form of the new creation man, totally subdued, where he can do no harm.


            Alternate Translation of first half of Ezekiel 1:7. And the reproductive parts of the creation of God, even natural man, were made righteous, and revealed the peace of Almighty God. Where? In their minds, in their words, and in their deeds. And the spirit that rules in the minds of men, even Satan, himself, was like one covered over and contained, by the spiritual maturity and power, of the elevated creation. We had this on the board last week. I will put this back up. Satan is not changing. Satan is a wild ravenous beast. His nature is lawlessness. He is not changing. What happened was that the creation was a glorious tree. There are many scriptures that indicate the creation was a glorious tree, and Satan was underfoot where he could do no harm. The tree was hewn down. We are told in the Book of Daniel that the tree was hewn down, and came underfoot of Satan. That is why we have the problem that we have today. What is happening to the creation right now is that, glory to God, He has got one big rope on the creation, and He is cranking it up. Maybe that is what we look like right now, but we are going back to this. The tree is going to be resurrected, glory to God. He is going to smell the scent of water, even the Spirit of Almighty God, and it is going to be raised up to a position of power, and Satan has never moved. When we were strong, he was weak.  When we became weak, he became strong. We are becoming strong and he is going to become weak. Everything is relative, brethren. He is not changing. We have changed, and we shall change. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


            The second half of Ezekiel 1:7; And they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass. This is from my memory. The word brass here is a different word than the word amber. Now you remember, the word amber looked like brass, but it was shining in a way that it had to be gold. It was something that the King James writers could not even understand. This word really means brass. The word sparkling means sparkling. The word colour is how it appeared on the surface. This redeemed soul sparkled like the colour of brass, which we know represents Satan, and it was shining with the life of God. This is the redemption, if you want to call it that, or the reconciliation of even the satanic realm of the living soul. We have talked about the human spirit. In verse 4 she was the colour of amber. We talked about the aspect of the human soul. They had been squared upon themselves, and they had received wings which elevated them into the realm of the Spirit.Now we are talking about the satanic realm. He has been put underfoot, under the foot of the redeemed spirit, and the redeemed human soul, and he was glistening. Even though he was still Satan, he was still brass, he was glistening with the life of God.


            King James Translation, Verse 1:8 of Ezekiel; And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings. I am just going to take that last phrase of verse 8. It belongs with verse 9. So we are going to stick with, and they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides. They had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides. Alternate Translation; Each of the four of them were joined. They had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides. There were four sides of them. Now this says there were four hands, and each hand was covered over with a wing. What is the hand? There are two words in Hebrew for hand. One means the right hand of God, the right hand that does good. One means the left hand of God, which is judgment. This is the Hebrew word for the right hand, so it means that they were doing good with the hand, and each hand was covered over with the equivalent aspect of their spiritual nature. Glory to God.


            They had the hands of a man under their wings. They were spiritual creatures. They had four sides. They had been elevated to the second power. They had a spiritual nature depicted by the wing, but they also had hands. They still dwelled on the face of the earth, and they still were involved in every day behavior. They still had relationships with people. They were still dwelling on the earth, but the nature that motivated them in their daily lives, and in their relationships with people, was the nature of God. Amen. They had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides. They had four sides. They had been squared. They had been elevated. They had been multiplied upon themselves, and their spiritual nature was overlaying their soul nature, empowering them to be righteous in their dealings with other people. That is because everything is our dealings with other people. Nothing else really matters. It is our dealings with other people. How could you be unrighteous to this blackboard? How could you sin against this board? Everything is relationships with other people. Amen. In their dealings with other people, even though they were still a man, they were being motivated by the righteousness of Christ.


            I am going to take out the second verse of verse 8 because it really belongs with verse 9. Verse 9; And they four had their faces and their wings. Their wings were joined one to another. And they four had their faces; what this really means in the Interlinear is that they were joined. It says; and they four had their faces joined. They were joined at their faces, and they were joined at their wings, one to another. They were joined in two places. They were joined in their faces, and they were joined in their wings. Now we know that the body of Christ is a spiritual body, and that we are being built into a house that will be a habitation for the Father. We have to be joined to be built into a house. Well, our arms are not stuck together. We are individual members on the earth. We walk around separately, but in the spirit we are joined by our wings.


            We are joined by the mind of Christ. This is a big misunderstanding in the church today. The preachers stand up and they say, now we have to stop this fighting, and we have to stop this disagreement, and we have to be joined in the body of Christ. Now you believe my false doctrine, because if you do not, you are separating the body of Christ. That is ridiculous, brethren. There is only one joining, and that is in Christ. When you manifest Christ, and when you manifest Christ, and when I manifest Christ, we shall be joined. Why? Because we shall have the same Spirit. We shall have the same Father. We shall be of the same family. We shall, indeed, be one, but do not come to me with your false doctrine, and tell me that I am separating the body of Christ, brethren. The carnal mind is separating the body of Christ.


            There are two bodies. There are two minds. There is the carnal mind of the living soul, and the mind of Christ. This living creature, every cell of it was joined in their minds. They all had the same thought; righteousness. They all evaluated a situation. Something happened, and there was a million people that looked upon it, and they all said the same thing. Either it was righteous or it was sin. Everybody was in agreement. Sometimes I hear about some of the trials that are going on in this nation today. Because God has given me this revelation, I get greatly distressed. I see lawyers going into the court house. They are lying. They are conniving. They are plea bargaining. They are up there harassing witnesses. What an abomination before the Lord. Let us do righteousness here. They do not care about righteousness. Nobody cares about righteousness. If someone is going to be condemned or am I going to get my client off. Am I going to make money?


            I do not know what is going through their minds. God wants righteousness. What is the truth? Did you do it or did you not do it? What do you mean by plea bargaining? Did you do it or did you not do it? Brethren, this is the realm of the living soul. In the realm of Christ, our courts are not going to be like that. Did you do it? You did it. Do you repent? If you do not repent, watch out. If you do repent, it is up to the Lord what He is going to do with you. Do not give me this nonsense. This is the realm of man. I cannot bear the court systems, and I am on call for jury duty in two weeks. This is going to be really interesting. I do not know what, if anything, God has in mind. But brethren, He is giving me a revelation of our court systems. They are an abomination before the Lord. They are terrible. They do not care whether you did or whether you did not do it. They have no power to rehabilitate you. It is perversion from A to Z.


            Alternate Translation of the first half of Ezekiel 1:9; And each of the four of them were joined to each other in their personalities, and they were also joined in their spiritual life because of the mind of Christ ruling in them. I did not talk about the faces. They were also joined in their faces. They were joined in the different aspects of their personality. They were joined in the righteousness of Christ, and they were also joined in the mind of the living soul, which had been elevated to the second power. It was no longer a reprobate, fallen mind, but it was a mind that was ruled by Christ, that was capable of manifesting righteousness. The only place where they were separate was on the earth. This is going to be the glorified creation. We shall indeed be separated beings. We are not going to be joined in the flesh, but we are going to be joined in mind, and we are going to be joined in righteousness. Hallelujah.


            We are going to be joined in mind, and we are going to be joined in righteousness. I want to put one other thing in this message. When we had a very unhappy experience in this country, about a year ago, some young black man was murdered by a group of youths out in Howard Beach. I read the newspapers, and I said to the Lord, I am so glad that I do not have to judge this. I do not know what I would do. Of course, I did not know the whole story, but what it appeared to me was that there was at least a possibility concerning these youths that had killed this young man. I do not know. Maybe, he did provoke them. I do not know. They did not mean to kill him. Obviously, they were wrong going after anybody with a stick. They were definitely wrong, but they did not mean to kill the kid. How could I ever judge this? I said to the Lord, I could not do it.


            I thought of these young men, 17 and 18 years old, going to jail, and all the stories that you hear about homosexual rape, and they come out and they are never the same. I said, Lord, I do not know what to do. I look at the mother of the boy that was killed. She lost her son. The boy was dead. I look at the mothers of these other boys. I said, but they were just kids. They were wrong, but they did not mean to murder him. Their whole lives are going to be ruined. So Lord, I cannot judge this. The Lord said to me, oh yes you can. He said do not tell me you cannot judge this. You are going to judge angels. Do not tell me you cannot judge this. Does anyone know how you judge it? You apply my law. He said you implement my law. I am the law, and the law says if you murder somebody you can run to the city of refuge, and that is your only salvation. If the defender of blood or the avenger of blood captures you, you die. The city of refuge, brethren, is the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the Lord Jesus Christ. They murdered a young man, and the law says death. Their only hope is to throw themselves on the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ. Who, if He truly brings them to repentance, I do not know what He would do. Do you hear what I am saying? A life for a life. This nation is suppose to be under the law of God. If you are not under the spiritual law of God, you are under the law. This country is a disaster. They murder, and they are outside years later. They rape, they mutilate, they plunder, they pillage, and they walk the streets.


            Alternate Translation of Ezekiel, the first half 1:9; And each of the four of them were joined to each other in their personalities, and in their spiritual life, because of the mind of Christ ruling and reigning in them. Glory to God. The second part of verse 9; And they turned not when they went. They went every one straight forward. They turned not when they went. They went every one straight forward. The word turn is Strong’s #5437 and it means to be changed. It does not mean to turn your body around and look in another direction. It is a word with a spiritual implication. It means to be changed. It means to be transferred. It means to turn your heart to another person or another thing. I am suggesting to you that what it means in the Scripture is to change from adam to Christ. We are being changed from adam to Christ.


            What this scripture is saying, they did not turn. They did not manifest adam, brethren. They did not manifest adam. Let me tell you something. For one minute or one day, you are speaking with or thinking with the thoughts, and doing the deeds of adam, and the next minute, and the next day, you are thinking with and speaking, and doing the deeds of Christ, you are turning. We have talked about this in this ministry. We have called it flip flopping. Well, you turn. You are a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, brethren. Either you are manifesting the righteousness of Christ or you are manifesting the natural man. Now maybe when you manifest the natural man, you are not doing anything terrible, but brethren, it has got to stop. Every thought, and I do not care if it is a thought that picks up someone off the street, we are to manifest nothing outside of Christ. Every thought, word, and deed must come forth from Christ.


            Let me tell you something. I know that we all know it here. We have to get rid of this icky sticky idea of Christ. I am in Manhattan a lot, and every now and then I see a lot of people that beg. There are a lot of desperate people laying on the streets in Manhattan, New York. I do not want to take too much time in this message, but God has told me many times to pass people by. I just help those that He sends me to. I had a very exciting experience one day when this man was crying out. Everybody was ignoring him. A horde of people passing him on the street as he was crying out. As I passed by, because I do not move unless God talks to me. He cried out, and I had already passed him, and he said, cannot anybody hear me, I am starving to death; and Jesus heard him. Jesus heard him. He rose up in me, turned me around, sent me back, and I gave the man money. He was just overwhelmed.


            The next day I went walking down the street, and there was this poor depraved woman sitting there, and someone was giving her a coin. You are lucky to even get a cup of coffee with it. I said, oh maybe I was suppose to do that. I went to take money out of my wallet, and the Lord said to me, do not dare to do that; not a dime until she repents. I am telling you something, brethren, it did something to my emotions. As I went walking down the street, the words of the Lord were resounding in my mind. They were bouncing off the walls of my mind for the next ten blocks. That was what He said to me. Now if I had given her money out of my own soul, I would have turned, and it would have been what appeared to man to be a very righteous work, but I would have turned my back on the mind of Christ that was ruling in me. Can you hear this? It is a hard word, brethren. We have to do what the Lord tells us to do. Sometimes it does not fit in with people’s religious concepts of what Christians are suppose to do. Glory to God.


            So they did not turn, and they went straight forward. The word straight forward is Strong’s #5676 and it means to go across, to go to the opposite side, to go to the region across. Alternate Translation of Ezekiel 1:9, the second half. Not one of them manifested adam as they went on with the program of God. Every one of them crossed over into the spiritual realm of God, and returned to the garden of Eden. King James; Joel 2:3; A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness. We are headed back to the garden of Eden, which is a condition of our mind. It is a condition, whereby in our minds we shall be joined to God, and our every need will be met. Now that does not mean that we can be irresponsible. I remind you that when money was needed for taxes, Jesus told one of the apostles to catch a fish, and get the money out of its mouth, and He provided the food.


Well brethren, this does not mean being irresponsible. We are going to be very responsible. When God meets your every need, you are probably going to be so busy working in the ministry that you would not have time to go out and earn it for yourself. Glory to God.


            King James, Ezekiel 1:10; And as for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: of righteousness, and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle. Now the left side is the side of judgment, and the ox typifies our natural man. Our natural man is being judged. The soul that sinneth, it must die. It must die. Now I am not going to go any more deeply into verse 10 today.


            I just wanted to take a couple of minutes to go over this numerology that I tried to bring forth last week. I am not going to take too much time on it. We said here that man is being multiplied upon himself, and that he is being squared. We have a scripture in the Book of Revelation that tells us about the 144,000 being sealed. I just want to try to impart to you some understanding of the scriptural numerology here. God says that we are a square. There are four sides to us. We have the human spirit, and we have the human soul. We have Satan, and we have the natural body. What is happening to us is that we are getting a spiritual life that is going to overlayer us. Every human manifestation is going to be controlled by the life of the Spirit. Now six is the number of man. I may do it next week. I just did not have the time to give you all the references as to how we draw the conclusion that six is the number of man. If the Lord lets me, I will go over it next week.


            Six is the number of man. We have a human spirit here, and we have the human soul, and he is being squared. He is being raised to the higher power. Glory to God. This is the natural man. We are going to start with natural man. Man is body, soul, and spirit, and his number is six; body, soul, and spirit. I just want to pray because I tried to bring this forth last week, and this incredible spiritual attack came upon this room. Father, if you want this word to come forth, I just pray that you defeat every high imagination that would keep me from bringing it forth. I personally do not think that it is that important, but in view of the attack that came upon us, maybe it is.


            We are body, soul, and spirit. I am going to call the spirit the number of man, and it is six. The soul exists in the realm of the law. So the number of man, six times the number of the law, 10 equals 60. The number for the human soul is 60. The body is a manifestation of the soul, and the body lives in the realm of the law too, so we are going to multiply the number of man times the law again. The number of man times the law in the realm of the soul, times the law in the realm of appearance, and we get the number representing the body which is 600. This is scriptural numerology. This is not demonic numerology. It is a symbol by which God identifies a spiritual makeup. God identifies our spiritual makeup. He therefore tells us in the Book of Revelation that the number of man is 600; he is a body, 60; he is a soul; 6 in his spirit. That is the number in the scripture that symbolizes the spiritual composition of man. Glory to God.


            That is how it is computed. I remind you that Satan is unnamed. Satan is like the skeleton of a body. If you look at me, you do not say there is Sheila in her skeleton. It is a part of my body. Satan is not named. He is in there, but he is invisible, and he is giving form to the creation. God says it is a three part creation, and the symbol describing its spiritual substance or spiritual existence is 666, and that is how we got it. Now we have spiritual man. His number is 144 we are told. This gets a little more complicated. I am going to try to impart it to you. It is up to God whether I do it or not. We are told in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 14:1 that there are 144,000. A lot of mistaken people think they are going to be preferred above the rest of creation and marked by God. I suggest to you that if you study this out in your Interlinear, what it really says is that there are going to be thousands of 144's which shall be sealed by God. 144 is the number that symbolizes natural man that has been squared; natural man that has been multiplied upon himself; natural man that has ascended to a higher realm of existence. That is his number. It is 144.


            This is how we get it according to scriptural numerology. We know that 12 is the number of God’s perfect government. There were twelve tribes of Israel, and there are other scriptures that I am not going to take the time to establish this either, that 12 is the number of God’s perfect government. Maybe we will do it next week. 12 is the number of spiritual man. Natural man is 6 and spiritual man is 12. He has got the double portion. He has been layered over. He has been multiplied by the Father and the Son. He has been doubled. Glory to God. The 12 represents the double portion, two sixes; 2 souls, 2 spirits, and 2 bodily structures. I suggest to you that there is a spiritual bodily structure coming. So it is two times six, the number of man. The number of spiritual man is 12. It was really easy the way we got the 666. We just multiplied by the name of the law. This gets a little more complicated. Let us see if I could do it.


            We said earlier in the meeting that God is a mathematician, and God is a scientist. All of these basic laws of science that brilliant physicists know about, God is the author of them. God is the author of them. This is the way you get the spiritual man. We get it by utilizing or implementing the formula that is used in the science of physics, which tells us how energy is formed. The spiritual man is pure spirit, and what is spirit? It is energy. Spirit is energy. It is power. It is life. When Jesus Christ provided the bread for the many, he did it by spiritual power, which is an energy force. If we bake bread in the natural world, we have to gather all of the ingredients and bake it in the oven. The fire is an energy force. Well, when God provides for us, He provides by an energy source, the power of His Spirit. We said in this ministry that when Jesus’ body was crucified, and resurrected, and converted, what had happened was that the power of Almighty God had broken down that physical body into its component parts. This concept is known to science. I spoke to a scientist about this. He said to me, the concept is known to science, but the energy source that would be required to perform it is so far above the ability of man, in this hour, that they do not even deal with it.


            The basic building blocks of his body was broken down into its basic components, rearranged, and fused back together again. When he was resurrected in his glorified body, it was by the energy source, the spiritual power of God. That was how it was done. We talk about the word spirit, but do you ever stop to think that you are energy. A spirit is energy. This is how we get the number 144 for the spiritual man. I do not know, but God seems to want me to do it. This is Einstein’s formula. He says that to get energy this is what you have to do. You have to multiply mass. What is mass? It is anything that has substance. It is your body or anything that takes up time and space. He says you multiply it by the speed of light. Then you take that answer, and you square it, and that is how you get spirit. That is how you do it.


            We are going to work this out. What is light? Light is the Father. Light is the Spirit of the Father. Speed can only exist in the realm of time. There is no speed in space. Did you ever see a movie about people in spaceships? They go out and they just float. There is no gravity, there is no speed. Speed is only in the realm of time. The speed of light is the power of the Father in the realm of time. Can you hear that? Speed is God in the realm of time, so that is Christ. We have energy equals the living soul. We are the mass, times Christ, squared. Christ is the double portion. He overlays natural man. He is a type of the tabernacle whereby the wood is overlaid with the gold. So for this purpose we are going to change Christ to a 2. We are going to say that energy is equal to the living soul, which is 6. The number of man is 6, times the double portion, which is Christ, squared. We are going to say energy is equal to 12, which is the spiritual man, squared. Spirit is equal to 144.


            When we have thousands of 144's, we have human beings to whom God has applied an incredible energy source, and applied Einstein’s theory of relativity. This is incredible, but it is not Einstein’s theory, it is God’s theory. This is how we are being made into spirit. We are being overlaid with the double portion, and then we are being squared. We are being overlaid by Christ. That is what is happening to us now. He is overlaying our mind. Now remember, we are first going to be raised up to a place where Jesus Christ of Nazareth was before he was glorified. He was a natural man, in a natural body, with a natural soul, but he said no man could take my life unless I lay it down. He was a spiritual man. He was a 12, but he had not yet been squared. He was raised to a higher power, and he became 144. Glory to God.  Hallelujah.


            That is Bible numerology. Maybe this is why God wanted me to put it in. It is just another witness to the fact that everything that is demonic, that is out there, is based on a spiritual truth. We are preaching multiple incarnations in this ministry, and some people are getting upset, but I declare to you, brethren, if reincarnation is out there, it is based on a spiritual truth of God. That spiritual truth is that the human spirit is moving through the realm of time. It is not the personality, but there is a reality to it. If you want to study it, if you are reading this message, we have many messages on it. I cannot get into it now, but we are teaching in this ministry by the instruction of Almighty God, the spiritual truth that is the basis for the perversion known as reincarnation.


            A lot of Christians hear this and they get very frightened. I declare to you that if you are frightened, you are not manifesting Christ. You have turned, and you are manifesting adam. Christ is without fear. Christ is without fear. If you want to study it, we have many messages for you. If you do not want to study it, that is fine, but I pray that you have the wisdom to not come against what God is doing in the earth in this hour. I believe God just told me that is why He wanted me to do this. This is a witness that there is a scriptural numerology of which there is a demonic perversion. Are there any questions before we leave?


Comment: In Ezekiel 1 you said the wings are the mind.


Pastor Vitale: The wings are the mind of Christ, and they overlayer the human personality, and cause it to be righteous, because they become a controlling factor in it. You see, it is still the human mind, but when thoughts of anger come into our mind, Christ says love. It is still the human mind, but a controlling factor has come in, and it is the mind of Christ. They join and they become one.


Comment: I think it is great the way you put science in this. I just love it.


Pastor Vitale: I just love it too. I think God is just great. I just think He is so great. He is so great. I am telling you, the things of this world, that there is almost nothing left that I want from this world. I just want to get where He is. The church has to grow up. The church has got to grow up. Hallelujah. God bless you. May this word be quickened to everyone reading this message. Glory to God.


05/25/14 Transcribed by MJS    

05/26/14 1st Edit MJS

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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