The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Praise the Lord. We’re going to do a commentary on another preacher’s work tonight. It’s what I call a critique, not a criticism, but a critique, which is a response to what this other preacher is saying. I really would rather not do this. Why do you think I would rather not do this?
COMMENT: Because you think people will misunderstand you.
Because you’re tired of correcting people. Spiritual retaliation from the Kingdom preachers.
SHEILA: This answer that I’m afraid people would misunderstand me; if that were true, that would be sin unto me. I would be guilty of the sin of pride and it’s not true. The closest answer is that I’m tired of correcting. Of course all of these things are pride, but there really are different degrees of pride. That would have been a serious error for me to not be wanting to do something because I would be concerned with people not understanding. Retaliation is understandable because I have really been hurt from retaliation over the years. I’ve been physically hurt from retaliation. Although that’s not the true answer.
When a spirit of righteousness rises up in me, I just forget all about the consequences. I can’t take any credit for it. The Spirit of God is just so powerful on me, that when He rises up in me, I just don’t think about the consequences. I just go and do what I’m supposed to. The closest reason is that I’m tired of correcting and it’s not even that I’m tired of correcting, although that is an aspect of it. It’s that the problem seems so insurmountable, which of course, is my carnal mind saying that. I want to make it very clear that I believe that a miracle will take place in the church. I do have faith for that, but I also believe that a lot of people will be lost. A lot of people will fall away and there will be a remnant. The miracle will be the remnant. I guess this truth is just burdensome on me. It seems that a large part of the Kingdom church has fallen away. What have they fallen away from, Sheila? They’ve fallen away from the knowledge that Christ Jesus is the only mediator between God and man.
There is a group; I call them “the Club,” and I don’t mean that in any hostile way. It’s just the way I see it. There’s a group of Kingdom Preachers in this country that are pals and friends and they all preach in each other’s churches. There’s one man who seems to be an unofficial leader. It seems to me that this whole group of preachers have gone over to this false Kingdom message that does away with Christ Jesus as mediator, or manifests in other areas of error. But basically, the major errors are that they do away with Christ Jesus as mediator, and their message imputes everything that happens in this world to the Living God.
How can I say this? I’m going to point out to you in this book, how subtle this message is, because he does say that Jesus is God, but he says it in a very twisted way. His message is, “we do not need a mediator.” That’s his message, although there is a sentence in this book which asks, do you believe Jesus is God? He’s asking himself the question. He says, yes I do. But then he goes on to teach that we don’t need the mediator. What he’s suggesting, really, is that we are equal to Jesus right here in the flesh. The author is suggesting we’re equal to Jesus now and we don’t need a mediator, and that everything that happens in this earth is from the Father. Incest, murder, torture, rape, every evil event, the worst evil that can happen to a man comes from the Father above. It’s just God’s way of helping us to get where we’re going.
I did a book called “Leprosy” several years ago, which was a critique of something that this same author has written. Apparently he’s still preaching the same thing. He names the Father and he calls Him, I Am. Our author talks about God and he talks about the Father, I Am. He says God is responsible for and has orchestrated everything that happens in the earth. Not only is it okay that we experience incest and rape, but that the Father has planned it for our good.
This is the message that’s seeping into the church. It’s not only seeping into the church; it’s seeping throughout the whole country. I attend some secular meetings and I’ve even heard this in the secular meetings; God is responsible for everything. Everything that happens to you is ordained of God, so if you have a bad day or something bad happens to you, just be at peace because God is in the whole thing. This is the seduction that’s flowing on all levels of our society. There’s a fatalism in this doctrine. We’re going to go through the book. It’s a small pamphlet. I’m going to read the whole pamphlet to you. There’s a fatalism in it. Well, don’t fight, don’t break curses, don’t seek to get healed, and he clearly says, don’t ask for answers. He says God told him that sons of God do not ask why. But I want to tell you, sons of God ask why. The Lord Jesus says, ask me and I will tell you. Ask me and I will bring you into all truth.
So this is the message; don’t ask questions. That’s what I heard when I was in Illinois. The Lord had me going around to those churches where the gold dust anointing was coming in. Out of a church of several hundred people, of which I knew nobody, I wound up talking to the woman who turned out to be the head intercessor for that church and she was bragging to me that she prayed this anointing into the church. When I questioned a part of her testimony, I said, you know God doesn’t do that. It had to do with putting gold fillings in your teeth. I said, why would God fill your teeth with gold? Why wouldn’t He just give you a new tooth? Her answer to me was we are instructed not to question these things.
Seek ye me. Seek me and you’ll find me. Well, who is me? Me is the Spirit of Truth. Jesus is the truth. So how do you reconcile a commandment to not question when your relationship is with the truth? Why would the truth not want to give you answers?
So we have the fundamental church that has faith in Jesus Christ and is waiting to be “raptured” and is out there preaching all kinds of wrong things and manifesting the nature of Satan and thinking that they’re going to be okay when they get to heaven. Then we have the Kingdom church that’s doing away with Christ Jesus and imputing all the evil of the God of this world to the Father in heaven. There’s no talk about family line sin; no talk about the sowing and reaping judgment, but God is responsible for every evil thing that happens, and we just cannot understand Him because we’re too low down. So the answer to our problem is to ascend and we’ll understand why God does all these things.
Well, I want to tell you something, that if you follow this teaching long enough you will understand why God does all these things because you will ascend into the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. When you get into the brow or the seventh energy center, the crown energy center of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you will understand why Satan, the god of this world, does all these things. Do you know why you’ll understand? Because you will be just like her. Satan is a her. You will understand why she does all these things because you will have her mind. You will learn from the prospective of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil how Satan is the enforcer of the sowing and reaping judgment, and you will be a vessel that manifests that force. You will be a punisher of men. Jesus is a forgiver of men. You will be a punisher of men. That’s just a nice way of saying you will be a cruel person, probably cruel beyond my own ability to even imagine it, visiting judgment upon your fellow man, without mercy. The Sowing & Reaping Judgment is without mercy and is unto death and destruction. We saw it manifesting in the sadists of Hitler’s Germany.
Well Sheila, are you telling me I’m going to be a torturer of people? You may be. I cannot tell you exactly, but I will tell you this and I’m telling you this unabashedly, ascension into full stature in the Serpent’s timeline is what John calls the Resurrection of Damnation. You will be an expression of damnation.
I tell you without hesitation that it was witchcraft power that raised up Hitler. Just look at the movies. Look at the crowds screaming and yelling and cheering. That’s all spiritual power and it raised up evil men that were cruel punishers, cruel enforcers of the Sowing & Reaping Judgment.
Well Sheila, are you saying that all those people that were tortured deserved that? I can’t comment on that right now because I really don’t even want to deal with it. But I believe I’ve told you a spiritual truth. I don’t know what could have happened in someone’s past or in past generations that would have made them susceptible to that kind of evil. I can’t even comprehend it. I don’t understand it and I won’t talk about it now because I don’t know what I’m talking about. But I know that there are laws in this world, and I know that there’s a universal law that rules over this world. It’s called the Sowing & Reaping Judgment and things do not happen by accident. Neither do all things happen by the design of the Father of Lights. This world is a spiritual penal colony. It’s beyond my ability at this time to understand how anyone could deserve physical torture. I don’t understand it. So we’ll just go on with this book. But I’m telling you the truth. There is a resurrection of damnation coming and there are going to be a lot of people that think they worship the Lord Jesus Christ, that are going to find themselves in Satan’s palace. They’re going to find themselves a vessel of Satan’s wrath.
So I’m not happy about commenting on this book. But I must be obedient to the Lord. I have nothing personal against this man. I’ve never met him. I’m very sad that someone with the reputation that he has in the Church is preaching this message. I asked the Lord, does he know what he’s doing? Does he know what he’s doing? I don’t know that it was the Lord who answered me, but the feeling in my heart is that I just really have to give him the benefit of the doubt that he doesn’t know what he’s doing; that at some point he came under a seduction and because of his position, because he’s so well known or was so well known when he started preaching this message (and I think he’s preaching it at least ten or more years) that a lot of people have followed after him.
I want to publicly thank the Lord for the spiritual stability within me. I take no credit for it. I don’t know how I got this way. I haven’t been the best person in this world. I’ve done a lot of things wrong. I have been the recipient of many family line curses. I should have died at eleven years old. It’s a miracle that I’m alive. I’ve almost died several times as a judgment for witchcraft on my family line and for witchcraft that I myself have manifested; witchcraft in the form of rage and anger and ungodly behavior. I did read tarot cards in ignorance for awhile, but I was never a practicing witch or actually cast spells.
It’s just a miracle that the Lord has decided to live through me and to do this great work through me. I can take no credit for the strength that I have to recognize error and to follow after the Lord.
The Lord raised me up in a very powerful church. I got an excellent start. I had a dream many years ago concerning ministry and it was probably while I was still in that church (although I’m not sure, it may have been after I left the church) and in the dream it showed all of these people waiting to go out in ministry and they were sitting in a place that looked like a travel agency. The Lord came in and He took me by the hand and we walked off together. I walked off with the Lord. The dream was telling me that the ministry that He was giving me would not be the kind of ministry that you find in the Church, but that it would be the result of a personal relationship with Him. I thank God for that, that I’m not caught in the religiosity of the Church, but the Lord has given me this honor of being a container that carries Him and that He expresses Himself through. Part of my reward for being the container that carries Him and that He expresses Himself through is that this container is being elevated more and more to be closer and closer to what He is. That’s an outstanding miracle. That’s the story.
The whole Church is falling away. There’s just a remnant and I’m going to do this critique because the Lord told me to and He’s told me to put it up on our Web Page with some kind of a big splash title “Can you Discern The Error In This Message???” (something like that). Most likely there’s one or two people that are going to read this message and hear the voice of the Lord in it and escape.
But the whole Kingdom church is ascending in the wrong timeline. They’re ascending into the resurrection of damnation and they’re being deceived, you see. I don’t really have any problem with a Christian (and there are a lot of Christians that are leaving Christianity) calling Pentecostal churches a cult and calling the Catholic Church a cult. A lot of people are leaving Christianity. I don’t have any problem with someone telling me I left Christianity and I’m a Hindu. I heard the Hindu message and I like it, so I went. I heard the Buddhist message and I like it, so I went. I don’t think many Christians are becoming Moslems, but a lot of them are becoming Buddhists and Hindus and other eastern type philosophies; Theosophy, etc. etc. I don’t have any problem with that. You went out, you read the books, you did your thing, you made your open decision to leave Christianity and become whatever you became. I don’t have any problem with that. You went and bought a Hindu book, you bought a book that said this is a Hindu book and you liked what you read and you made your decision.
But these books that call themselves Christian, that are written by men who have been Christian preachers for years, that manipulate the truth of the Scripture so as to confuse Christians who are honestly seeking the truth, that I have a problem with. I have a problem with it. It’s a form of rape. I don’t like it and I don’t think the Lord likes it either. So let’s go on.
I’m going to just read you the whole book and we’ll comment on it. Please take note that the sentences and paragraphs of the booklet will be in quotes throughout this transcript to avoid confusion as to who is saying what.
I heard somebody say the other day, what a day we are; what a day we are. Bless the Lord.
Sounds like a Christian book, right? “Bless the Lord.” It doesn’t sound like a Hindu book, does it?
It is a wonderful joy to be here this year. We weren’t able to make it last year because we were in the midst of one of God’s strange but wonderful works. Our Father is a great teacher.
We’re told to pray to the Father in the name of Jesus and Jesus is the great teacher. We pray to the Father in the name of Jesus because we are too far away from the holiness of God to be taught by Him directly. We could never understand Him and His holiness would probably burn us to a crisp because we’re all sinners. Jesus is the teacher, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit that’s in Christ Jesus. The Father does not teach us, except through a mediator. So that’s a little play there. The Father does teach us, but only through a mediator.
Our Father is a great teacher. He is a very effective teacher and He teaches by the illumination of His word within the inner recesses of our being.
Well, that’s what Christ Jesus does; that’s true. You see, here is the mixture of truth and error: the mixture of truth and error. There’s enough truth in this booklet to trip up the average Christian.
Error: Our Father is a great teacher.
The mediator is the teacher. Even in our Alternate Translation of the Book of Revelation, the Spirit says to John (and I’m just paraphrasing because I haven’t looked at that translation in a long time) write down or speak out what I say to you by the Spirit, and repeat it accurately in the language of human beings.
You, John, who are an unusual man, you are an apostle. You have the ability to be taught directly from the Spirit and your assignment is to repeat what you hear accurately. Don’t put your spin on it. Don’t put your interpretation on it. Don’t put your understanding on it, but what I say to you in spiritual symbols, you are to repeat accurately to human beings in their language so that they can hear what I’m saying.
So if Christ Jesus is mature enough in you, it is possible that He will teach you by the illumination of His word within the inner recesses of your being. Well, that’s not even true. It is the Glorified Jesus Christ that teaches me. I have a spiritual teacher. Everyone that learns from me has a human teacher, who is under the anointing of the Lord Jesus Christ. But it’s not the Father teaching me; it’s the mediator teaching me.
The way the Glorified Jesus Christ teaches me is not difficult for me because I have a special call on my life to do this. But there are not many people, if any, around right now, that are hearing on the level that I’m hearing. As far as I know, we have the only web page that’s up on the Web preaching the Doctrine of Christ. So I have a spiritual teacher. You have a human teacher, but the human teacher that you have is the expression of the spiritual teacher. But my spiritual teacher is not the Father; He’s the mediator. It’s the Glorified Jesus Christ.
He teaches by the illumination of His word within the inner recesses of our being.
That is true of the Glorified Jesus Christ if you have that extent of a relationship with Him.
He teaches through the ministry of the body of Christ from member to member in the flow of His life.
Well, that’s true, except that the author is not talking about Jesus Christ; he’s talking about the Father. The Great Teacher teaches through the ministry of the Body of Christ from member to member in the flow of His life or in the flow of His Spirit. But who is our author talking about? It’s the flow of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, not the flow of the Spirit of the Father.
He teaches through experience and many times He teaches through parabolic experiences.
It’s true. The Lord teaches through experience. It’s true. I tell you that all the time. Hopefully we can learn as much as we can from instruction, because instruction cannot hurt you. Sometimes experiences are painful. But sometimes instruction doesn’t cut it and we have to have experiences.
He teaches through parabolic experiences. We have an example of that in the book of Jeremiah where the Lord spoke to the prophet and said, I want you to go and buy a fine linen girdle and I want you to put it on. So the prophet went and bought the fine linen girdle and put it on. Then the word of the Lord came to him saying, now take the girdle and go to the river Euphrates and hide it there in a hole in the rock.
Brethren, this is a parable. “Go hide it in a hole in the rock.” What rock has a hole in it that would suffice as a hiding place?
The river Euphrates is a spiritual place, but our author says,
Now it was 400 miles to the Euphrates.
Brethren, there were no automobiles in that day. Do you know how long it would take to travel 400 miles with the kind of transportation they had in the days of Jeremiah? It would probably take weeks, if not months.
Now it was 400 miles to the Euphrates. So the prophet went to the Euphrates and buried the girdle in a hole in a rock by the river and he made the long trek over 400 hot, dusty, rocky, treacherous miles.
He went by foot and it may have taken him a year to travel 400 miles. Then our author says,
Then some days later (some days later) the word of the Lord came to the prophet again and said, Now go back to the Euphrates and dig up the girdle. So he made the 400 mile trek back.
It must have taken him a year each way. Dug up the girdle (how do you dig up a girdle out of a hole that’s in a rock?) Brethren, this is all a parable. And he dug up the girdle and brought it back. This is all a spiritual experience, brethren.
But in the meantime, the girdle had become marred, it had decayed, it had mildewed, it had rotted in that little hole in the rock by the river and the word of the Lord to him was this; as this girdle has been marred, so will I mar the beauty of Judah and Jerusalem.
Brethren, this was a spiritual experience. This was not a physical experience. Exactly what Jeremiah experienced by burying that girdle, I don’t know. I would have to look at the Interlinear Text to see what the Lord said. But I can tell you this, that the judgment that was pronounced here; so will I mar the beauty of Judah and Jerusalem, is a very significant spiritual statement because the word, “beauty,” suggests certain attributes of God.
“Beauty” represents the combination of Grace and Judgment; the balanced combination of Grace and Judgment. Brethren, the word “Beauty” is talking about the White Throne Judgment. JUDGMENT WITHOUT GRACE is Satan’s Sowing and Reaping Judgment. Grace is mercy. Grace means mercy, mercy that is unmerited; mercy that has nothing to do with who or what you are. The Lord Jesus is Beauty to us. He is mercy to us and it doesn’t matter what we’ve done. Well, it’s not that it doesn’t matter (of course it matters what we’ve done) but what we have done or what we are does not affect whether or not He has mercy on us. He will have mercy on the most wicked wicked person in this world if they just turn towards Him. His mercy is not dependent on what we have done in the past. Getting the mercy of God is not dependent on our works, you see. There are a lot of people in the Church that think they have to do certain things to receive the mercy of Jesus. They’re mistaken.
But mercy without judgment would keep us in the same condition that we’re in. The Lord Jesus Christ is sent here to deliver us from hell, to deliver us from this series of births and deaths that is endless. He has come to give us eternal life. Well, if He comes with mercy and He says your sins are forgiven you, but there’s no judgment to correct the spiritual error that is causing us to die from generation to generation, then mercy is no longer mercy. Is there anyone who doesn’t understand what I’m saying? Why? The mercy is no longer mercy because mercy without judgment means that you continue to die. So what kind of mercy is that? That’s like going to a mass murderer that’s on death row and saying, I forgive you. TRUE FORGIVENESS PRODUCES CHANGE. When Jesus forgives your sin, you change. When Jesus forgave the adulterous woman, with the words He imparted to her, He gave her the ability to stop being adulterous.
So to say, “I forgive you” and not to change you, is forgiveness by faith, but it’s forgiveness without power. That is, forgiveness by faith is not the whole forgiveness. It’s just the first step of forgiveness. You see, if you hurt me and there’s been a break in our relationship and I say to you, “I forgive you” and the relationship is restored, then I’ve truly forgiven you. If we go back to the way it was, that’s true forgiveness.
But if I say I forgive you and I won’t reconcile with you, that is not true forgiveness. Now the problem could be on my part or the problem could be on your part. Let’s say you did something really evil to me. Let’s say you raped me or you violated me in some way; I do forgive you, but I do not want a relationship with you. So you see, I forgive you by faith “until” (until what?) until there is a significant change in YOU, and that can happen only in Christ Jesus. Until there is a significant change in you (Jesus Christ being in control of the whole thing) which would produce a change in me, creating a confidence in me that there’s not a chance that this will happen again)completes the forgiveness and produces reconciliation in our relationship.
So sometimes I might not complete the forgiveness because I’m not willing to restore that relationship with you, and sometimes the relationship cannot be restored without corrective judgment. If you have seriously violated me, how can our relationship be restored if true repentance has not come forth in you? It cannot.
Therefore Beauty is grace, which is forgiveness of sins with corrective judgment. I forgive you, and here is the power to change. It’s called “Tiferet,” one of the ten sefirot of the Kabbala. “Tiferet,” Judgment tempered with Mercy, is an attribute of God. Judgment tempered with Mercy, is the White Throne Judgment, as opposed to the Sowing and Reaping Judgment, which is enforced by Satan.
So we see that the whole experience of Jeremiah was a parable. He may have had a spiritual experience, but he certainly was not trekking 400 miles. The word of the Lord to Jeremiah as a prophet was, “I will mar the beauty of Judah and Jerusalem,” meaning “I will disturb the equilibrium, I will disturb the balance of mercy with judgment.”
Now what do you think the Lord meant? Do you think He was leaving Judah in Jerusalem with mercy alone and no judgment or with judgment alone and no mercy? What do you think? Is anybody following me here? When Jehovah said to Jeremiah, “I’m going to mar the beauty of Jerusalem,” He was saying, “I’m taking away the White Throne Judgment. You have had judgment with mercy. I’ve shown you your sins and I’ve given you the power to change, but now I’m going to break that relationship that I have with you, I’m going to break that aspect of our covenant.”
Judgment will never be done away with because righteous judgment is the police force of the world. Every sin will have its just recompense. So the Lord cannot do away with judgment. He will not do away with judgment. So only mercy can be done away with. “I will mar the beauty of Judah and Jerusalem. I will take away their opportunity to receive grace with judgment and they will receive hard judgment, wormwood judgment; judgment without the power to change, even the change which will put an end to the judgment.
So our author is talking about a parabolic experience. He’s saying that the man had an experience through a parable. But I have to tell you, there’s no way that Jeremiah walked 400 miles each way. But of course, that doesn’t have anything to do with the main theme of this message, and the main theme of this message is that I’m trying to help you and whoever will read this transcript, to read critically, and to see THE TWO MAJOR ERRORS IN THE DOCTRINE that’s preached here. The two major errors that are flowing through the whole Church today, that is (1) DOING AWAY WITH CHRIST JESUS, THE MEDIATOR, and (2) SAYING THAT GOD THE FATHER, IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERY EVIL WORK IN THIS WORLD.
What a way to receive a word from the Lord. Don’t you think that God could have just shown him the girdle in a dream? Don’t you think that God could have given him a vision that would have encompassed everything that happened without walking 1,600 miles to get a revelation from God? But you see, that was a parabolic experience. It was the word of God in the form of a parable that was experienced by the man of God. In other words, he experienced the revelation and God spoke to him out of that experience, rather than by a word out of the heavens.
Well, I believe there is such a thing as a parabolic experience. I believe that we can experience a revelation and that we will learn from God by that experience. That happens to me all the time. I don’t walk 400 miles. But I will have an experience that I know has been orchestrated by God. But I want to tell you I’ve had many experiences orchestrated by God and they are never car accidents and they never put me in the hospital. They are spiritual experiences where I encounter other people and sometimes I encounter sin (it’s almost always that I encounter sin in other people) and I do learn from those experiences. I’ve learned some very important things from experiences. Sometimes my experiences are just between me and God. Maybe they’re in the Spirit.
In other words, he experienced the revelation and God spoke to him.
Well, you know this happens to me a lot, that I get revelations, that I see visions and then they act out in my life. They appear in my life and I get understanding of how God thinks and how He deals with people. I know that God is a merciful God and that He loves us and that He is not the orchestrator of every evil work. I can tell you that from my own personal experience because of the mercy that He has had on me.
So last year God was speaking to me in a parabolic experience. Beginning about 25 years ago, I had a little vision problem.
Listen to what he thinks a parabolic experience is.
I had a little vision problem. I could read the finest print close-up. But anything in the distance was blurred and it had been that way for many, many years.
He’s talking about his eyesight.
Most of you know that about four years ago I had a surgery. The surgery was trans-oral. That means they went through the roof of my mouth to cut a bone at the top vertebra and remove it from my spinal cord. When I came out of that surgery, my eyesight was about 80 percent better. I asked the neurosurgeon about it, I asked the eye doctor about it, and they said, we don’t know any reason for this. We don’t know anything related to your surgery that would affect your eyesight. But God had done a strange and wonderful work and it improved my vision. But it wasn’t whole yet.
So he’s saying that God arranged this for him. This is how God healed him, he’s saying. He had trouble with his vision and this is how God healed him. He arranged for him to have trans-oral surgery, where they cut a bone off the top vertebra of his spinal cord. Do you know how dangerous that kind of surgery is? He’s saying this is how God healed his eyesight. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it. He’s calling this a parabolic experience. I believe that Satan has given me many experiences because I’ve reaped what I’ve sowed, both from my own behavior and from family line sin, and God has taught me through that experience.
I, myself, was in the hospital for three months and I learned a lot that time. I hope it never happens to me again. I hope I never have to go back into the hospital again, but I was in the hospital for three months. That is a long time, brethren. But God did not put me in the hospital to teach me the things that I know. Family line sin and personal sin resulted in my being hospitalized for three months. The Lord took advantage of that situation and taught me many things. Can you see that fine line? God did not put me in the hospital to teach me. God does not give you a retarded child to teach you. God does not give you a child with one leg to teach you. Satan may. Satan doesn’t even do that because Satan doesn’t teach you. Satan just punishes you. SATAN IS JUDGMENT WITHOUT MERCY.
Last year, just before the convention, I was riding with my son-in-law, coming back from there. Just before the dusk of the evening, a deer presented himself in the road. Neither one of us saw it, but we hit the deer. We hit the deer at 70 miles per hour. The air bag hit me in the face at 200 miles an hour. Immediately in this right eye, which was the weak eye, I couldn’t see anything. Nothing. Just a blur and I was all scarred up, blood flowing everywhere. I wound up in the emergency room where they treated me and told me that what I really had was severe corneal abrasion. Through a process of healing over weeks and months, when the healing was complete, I had perfect vision.
So God gave him two experiences where he wound up in the hospital. One where he had dangerous surgery and the other one where he was in a car wreck, which took him weeks and months to heal, and that was how God healed his vision. Now if you want to believe that Brother, you believe that, but I don’t believe that. I’m telling anyone that has ears to hear, that our God does not heal like that, and you can call that a parabolic experience or you can call it anything that you want, BUT IN MY OPINION, YOUR EXPERIENCE CANNOT BE LIKENED TO JEREMIAH BEING TOLD BY THE LORD TO BURY A GIRDLE.
First of all, Jeremiah was not hurt. Both times your life was in danger. I don’t see Jeremiah’s life being in danger in this situation that you related here.
So can you see this? CAN YOU SEE SOMEBODY GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT THEY’RE SAYING? Can you see it? I know there is something in Jeremiah about a girdle. I really haven’t looked it up and checked it out tonight. He’s quoted a Scripture to justify his telling you that God healed him by giving him two life threatening situations. HE HAS WOVEN HIS TESTIMONY AND HIS BELIEF THAT GOD HEALED HIM BY THREATENING HIS LIFE TWICE, TOGETHER WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE SCRIPTURE.
You see, brethren, I don’t care if you’re a Hindu and I don’t care if you’re a Buddhist. You want to know something, I don’t care if you’re a Satanist. I’m not out to convert the world. I do care if you’re hurting somebody and it comes to my attention. I mean, in principle, I don’t care who you worship. That’s between you and God. But don’t come in here and trick God’s people. That’s a whole different ball of wax. Don’t take a Scripture and use it to support your lies, because you’re killing people with what you’re doing. Simple people are following you because of your big name, or are following you because most, if not all, of the other Kingdom preachers honor you. You are killing people. Someone writes a book on Satanism and someone wants to read it, that’s their business. But don’t call yourself a Christian and lead God’s people to death. Listen to this.
I guess the Lord knew I needed a corneal adjustment. So He set it up!
God set up this car accident and it took him weeks and months to healed and (God set it up) because he needed a healing.
How many know God is good at setting things up? After this, the word of the Lord came to me and the word of the Lord is this: That God is adjusting our vision.
Well, that sounds good.
God is correcting our vision. God is enhancing our vision. God is bringing us to the place of His perspective to see as God sees, to understand as God understands, to know as God knows; to have a divine perspective, an immortal perspective, an incorruptible perspective to see according to the mind of Christ.
He’s calling this the mind of Christ.
God wants us to see according to the mind of Christ, to see according to the heart of the Father.
So we see that our author WEAVES TOGETHER THE TWO PHRASES, (1) the mind of Christ and (2) the heart of the Father.
I pray that the Lord helps everybody to see the truth here according to the true mind of Christ. When we get through this whole book you will see that our author doesn’t believe in the mind of Christ. Our author is going straight to the Father and claiming that he is the offspring of the I AM. So what is our author talking about the mind of Christ for, if he’s saying that he’s the offspring of I AM? Look, I’ll read you what He says at the end of the book.
I am not claiming this morning to be the I AM, but I am the offspring of the I AM. Brethren, we are the offspring of the Glorified Jesus Christ.
I am the offspring of the I AM. I am the son of the I AM. I am of the substance of the I AM! I have the mentality of the I AM! I share the nature of the I AM! I am filled with the wisdom of the I AM to see as He sees!
Well, what do you need the mind of Christ for? I want to suggest to you that our author is just mentioning these biblical expressions to deceive simple people. Brethren, the whole purpose of the Mediator is that, in our present condition, we cannot get close enough to the I AM on two levels, (1) we could never understand His form of communication, and (2) we would burn up from the power of His energy. That’s why we need a mediator.
Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son. What that means is that Jesus Christ was born from seed. He was born from the direct seed of the Glorified Elijah, who is Elohim clothed with the personality of Elijah. That seed was planted in Mary’s ovary before it came forth, and it was born as Jesus. We are not having that experience. We have all received A CUTTING of the Glorified Jesus Christ.
We are not born from seed. We are the sons of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not directly conceived by the I AM. Even Jesus wasn’t directly conceived by the I AM. The I AM is the highest level of the Godhead that we can relate to. Beyond the I AM is the unknown (well, we know today that He is the Lord Jesus) but the unlimited God that many don’t even have a name for. I AM is the highest level of the Godhead that is revealed to men. Our relationship is with Elohim. The I AM descends into our world, and takes different names as He descends into lower and lower spheres. Our relationship is with Elohim, who today is clothed with the personalities of Elijah and Jesus, known to us as Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man. If you ascend without a mediator, brethren, you are ascending in Leviathan’s timeline and you are deceived. You are not only deceived, you are in trouble.
Now you know, in the Old Testament priesthood, the high priest of the priesthood carried within his breastplate that which is called the Urim and the Thummim.
Now our author is talking about the High Priest, brethren. The High Priest, Aaron, carried within his breastplate the Urim and the Thummim.
The Urim and the Thummim simply means light and perfection. It speaks of a vital characteristic of the priesthood. Now God, in this hour, is bringing forth a priesthood.
This is all true.
I would like for us to turn for just one moment to the book of Exodus, Chapter 19, and notice one of the very first statements that the Lord has given us in the scriptures concerning the priesthood of God. This is where the word of the Lord came to Israel in Exodus 19, verse 5. The word of the Lord came to Israel as they stood before Mt. Sinai in the midst of the thundering, the quaking, the fire, the glory, and the majesty of God that appeared there before them. The voice of the Lord came from the majestic glory and He said this, Now, therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine and ye shall me unto me a Kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
Well, all of this is true. But I’ll tell you up front what our author doing here. He’s saying that we’re the High Priest. He’s saying that the people of the Church today are the High Priest.
The truth of the matter is that Leviathan is Satan’s high priest. Okay, I’m going to keep on reading, but I’m going to tell you up front that he’s doing away with Jesus. It’s very subtle, but I will show it to you.
This scripture is what I call the Divine Sandwich. Now we all know what a sandwich is. It is two pieces of bread with meat or something else in the center. This is the Divine Sandwich. The first piece of bread is where the Lord says, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people. The second piece of bread is, and ye shall be unto me a Kingdom of priests and a holy nation. But the core of the matter is, that the earth, all the earth is the Lords. Notice, He says, you shall be a peculiar treasure. But why? Because all the earth is the Lords! He says, You shall be a Kingdom of priests. But why? Because all the earth is the Lords!
Why shall we be a peculiar treasure and why shall we be a Kingdom of priests? Can anybody answer that? Why shall we be a Kingdom of priests? Christ in you, brethren, the hope of glory, is the answer. We shall be a Kingdom of priests because the High Priest is in us. For you to be a priest, the High Priest has to be in you. Not because the earth is the Lords. Can you see it? You’re all looking at me. Can you see this? You shall be a Kingdom of priests because all the earth is the Lords?
Now we’ve done some work in this ministry on drawing conclusions and restating sentences. You see, this is why you need those exercises. When you can draw the proper conclusions yourself, then you’ll be able to recognize the error here.
Now therefore, if you will obey my voice and keep my commandment, then you shall be a peculiar treasure to me above all people for all the earth is mine.
Well, let’s work this out on the board. Praise the Lord. I’ve written this out on the board for you (see, Illustration #1). We have two conditional statements starting with “if,” four promises starting with “you shall be” and then we have an erroneous reason why the Lord is doing this.
The Lord says conditionally, “if” you will obey my voice; “if’ you will keep my commandment, if you do this I will make you a peculiar treasure. I will make you to be above all people. I will make you to be a king, a Kingdom of priests, and I will make you to be a holy nation “if’ you will obey my voice and “if” you will keep my commandment.
But our author draws the conclusion that the reason that the Lord will do this is because “all the earth is mine.” We know that the earth signifies mortal personalities.
I have the power, says the Lord, to make you great, to make you a treasure, a Kingdom of priests, a holy nation, and I have the power to destroy you, but because you belong to me, I have chosen to make you great.
But, you see, when you belong to Satan, she will destroy you. That’s the implication here. It’s because you belong to me, the Lord, that I’m going to do this for you. I don’t do this for people who belong to Satan. I don’t do this for people who are ascended in Leviathan’s timeline. I don’t make you a holy nation if you’re ascended in Leviathan’s timeline. Because you belong to me, I WILL GIVE YOU THE OPPORTUNITY to obey my voice and to keep my commandments. I’m making a covenant with you. I make an agreement with you. I make a contract with you. IF YOU DO THIS, I WILL DO THIS.
[Illustration # 1]
Can anybody not see that? What does our author say? What has our author done? HE HAS DRAWN AN ERRONEOUS CONCLUSION FROM THESE FACTS. He has said, because all the earth is mine, I shall make you a peculiar treasure. I shall make you above all people. You shall be a Kingdom of priests and you shall be a holy nation because you’re mine.
Is that what the scripture is saying? What happened to the conditions? What happened to the covenant? Brethren, this is called a manipulation of the scripture. It’s evil. I’m not saying the man knows what he’s doing. I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt that he may be overtaken in his mind, that Satan may have entered in and overshadowed whatever of Christ was in him.
I’m NOT calling the man evil. Don’t anybody misquote me. I’m not calling the man evil. I am saying this kind of manipulation of the Scripture is evil. Why is it evil? Because it results in the death of the people that believe it. If they believe enough of this kind of manipulation it will result in their spiritual death.
How do we die spiritually, brethren? We die spiritually when Christ in us dies. He is the way, the truth and the life; the only life that we have is Christ in us and when Christ in us dies, we die and we become zombies walking around this fallen world. We look the same. We talk the same. We have the same name, but we’re spiritually dead and there is no life outside of spiritual life.
Well, how does this kill Christ, Sheila? You’re just a panic monger! How does this kill Christ? Brethren, the Spirit of Truth is in Christ and if you believe the lie long enough, what it does is, it exalts the mind that teaches the lie, and it’s the carnal mind that teaches the lie.
I remind you, if you don’t know this, I’m telling you it for the first time, that if you have Christ, you are in a warfare. The battle is not over. Whoever told you that lied to you. The battle is NOT over. If Christ has been grafted to you, He is in a life and death struggle with your carnal mind over who will live through you. When Christ lives through you, eventually, Lord willing, you will enter into eternal life. When the carnal mind lives through you, you will die. You will die to everything that you have ever received from Christ and you will be spiritually dead and eventually die physically.
Yes, there is an immortality in Satan and Leviathan “until” the Lord Jesus Christ shuts down this age, and then all who have attained the immortality of this age will die. So error ultimately ends in your death. Now you have to find this fine line because you cannot be afraid of hearing new things. You cannot be afraid of learning mature doctrine. But there are certain basic rules. You cannot live if you abandon Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man. Your first allegiance must be to the Lord and you must go to Him to witness truth to you. You can listen to a man. People listen to me. But I’ve been telling you as long as I’m preaching, for thirteen years, take everything I tell you before the Lord. You pray about everything. You don’t have to believe anything that you hear here. I don’t want you doing that. Sometimes you do it and I’ve rebuked you for it. It doesn’t do you any good to just believe everything that I say. You have to get before God and say, Lord, is that true? If it’s true, I want it to be growing up on the inside of me. I don’t want to just be saying it because somebody else says it. It’s got to be alive in me.
I can’t save you. Only Christ on the inside of you can save you. When you pray doctrine correctly, it strengthens Christ in you. He matures in you. I give you the food. You chew it, you pray about it, you get your answer from God. Sometimes in a ministry like this, Jesus’ response to you would just be a peace about it. I am teaching in His name. If you have a peace about what I’ve told you, as long as you’ve actually prayed about it, that’s good enough.
But this teaching is evil. Whether the person who does something like this knows what they’re doing or whether they don’t know what they’re doing, manipulative doctrine comes out of the mind of Satan. Jesus Christ does not manipulate you, brethren. Jesus Christ is honest and forthright. He says, let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. When the Lord tells you something you don’t have to figure it out and you don’t have to interpret it. He tells you the truth and His intention is not to trick you. His intention is to make you a peculiar treasure, to put you above all carnal people. For the purpose of lording yourself over them? No! For the purpose of helping them!
I’m reading in his book again.
How many know this morning that the earth is the Lord’s?
Well that’s the Scripture.
The earth is the Lord’s. The earth does belong to the Lord and the fullness thereof belongs to Him. The world and they that dwell therein; everything belongs to the Lord.
It’s true. Did you ever hear of stolen property, brethren?
Now I look out over the world today and it doesn’t look like something that God would own.
Well, that’s true.
I mean, you know,
Now listen to this,
God owns Kosovo. God owns Mr. Milosevich.
That means the Lord is responsible for what happened in Kosovo.
God owns the Albanians and the Serbians. But we see the wars and the famines, the poverty, the ignorance, the hatred, the crimes, the violence, the drugs, the pornography, the perversion, the self-righteousness, the corruption of religion, and all of the calamities that stalk throughout the nations in this hour and it does not look like a world that is owned by God, our Father. It doesn’t look that way. But God says, it’s mine! All the earth is mine! And because it’s mine, you will be unto me a peculiar treasure!
He has drawn a false conclusion from a set of statements. He has manipulated the word of God and he’s actually suggested that the Lord is responsible for what happened in Kosovo.
You will be unto me a holy nation!
See, our author is saying that this is for everybody, that these promises are for everybody, when these promises are not even for all the Jews and Christians. It’s only for the people who keep his commandments. IT’S FOR THE PEOPLE WHO KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS AND OBEY HIS VOICE. It doesn’t matter if you go to church on Sunday or not. These promises are for the people who obey His voice and keep His commandments. THESE PROMISES ARE FOR THE OBEDIENT ONES.
You will be unto me a holy nation! You will be unto me a Kingdom of priests! And I tell you that during these days here
In the town where he is...
I have had the sense that we have lived through days and we are living in days of Heaven on earth.
Heaven on earth?
We are standing in the inner-face between heaven and earth. It is there in the inner-face that the priesthood of God is birthed.
Well, what’s between heaven and earth? Christ Jesus is the mediator. He is the mediator between heaven and earth. But our author says nothing about Christ Jesus, just that we are standing in that middle place. He’s saying we are the mediator. Well, we are the mediator when Christ Jesus is in us and when we live out of and minister out of Christ Jesus. But our author is not even mentioning Christ Jesus. He’s saying we are the mediator in our fallen condition. But of course, he doesn’t believe we’re fallen.
You see, the priesthood is that which stands between God and man, between heaven and earth.
Our author says that the priesthood is that which stands between God and man, between heaven and earth, so everyone that is earthen (the earthen personalities of humanity, which have Satan’s nature) is the holy priesthood of all of humanity. So you don’t have to confess your sins, you see. You don’t have to obey the voice of God. You don’t have to obey His commandments (so our author suggests).
You see, if our author acknowledges that you have to obey God’s commandments, then he has to deal with sin and he doesn’t believe in sin. See, he doesn’t argue against sin. He doesn’t tell you that it’s wrong, he just doesn’t deal with it. He quotes the Scripture that talks about sin and obedience so that you think he’s in God, and then he forgets to mention it.
It’s called mind control, subtlety and manipulation, brethren, that damages the simple, young and ignorant believer that cannot yet see with the mind of Christ. This is what is happening in this writing. It’s evil. I’m NOT saying the man is evil. THE MANIPULATION IS EVIL BECAUSE IT DESTROYS GOD’S PEOPLE.
The priesthood takes hold of God with one hand, takes hold of humanity with the other, and by virtue of that priestly ministry of intercession, of the flow of divine life, of the creative proclamation of the Father, heaven and earth within that priesthood are united.
Now listen. Do you hear what our author is saying? Heaven and earth within the priesthood are united. Our author is making us the mediator without Jesus. Now we’re the priesthood, our author says, because the earth belongs to the Lord. That makes us priests who take God with one hand and humanity with the other hand and we become the mediator without Christ. Can you hear this? Can you hear this?
The priesthood takes hold of God with one hand, takes hold of humanity with the other, and by virtue of that priestly ministry of intercession, of the flow of divine life, of the creative proclamation of the Father, heaven and earth within that priesthood are united, brought into one, harmonized, and unified. Hallelujah. Earth is quickened by heaven and you are the priest of the most high God because all the earth is the Lord’s.
You, our author says, are the priest because all of the earth belongs to the Lord. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to be obedient and you don’t have to hear, and you can just do whatever you think is right in your own eyes and think you’re great because you’re a priest of the Lord.
You know, brethren, if you do and are what our author says, you are Satan’s priest, because this description is not describing the priest of the Most High God of the Hebrew and Christian Scripture.
The Father that’s spoken about in this book is Satan, and Satan does have a priesthood. Everyone who unites man to God without going through Jesus Christ is indeed a priest and you are Satan’s priest. In my opinion, this author is Satan’s priest. Oh SHEILA, you shouldn’t be talking like that about another preacher! Brethren, I’m telling you the truth and I recommend that you ask the Lord to give you the mind of Christ and let you hear with the mind of Christ because I have nothing personal against this man. The last thing that I would try to do is to punish him. I would never try to punish him, but it is my job to reveal the spirit that is behind this writing. That is my job, to tell people the truth. If they hear, they hear, and if they forbear, they forbear. All I do is tell the truth. I’m not trying to force anybody to do anything. I do not punish people.
Now you see, the priesthood is after the order of Melchisedec.
So our author is saying that this earthly priesthood, which is Satan’s priesthood, known as Leviathan, is after the order of Melchisedec. Our author is bringing the Scripture in again.
But the typology of the priesthood is rooted in the Aaronic priesthood of the Old Testament. There are qualifications that God has revealed through the Levitical priesthood, that produce within us the kingship and the priesthood of God to minister to creation.
Well, I’m not even sure what he said here.
Now you see, the priesthood is after the order of Melchisedec.
Well, we know that’s in the New Testament. Then he says...
The typology of the priesthood.
Well, it’s not true that the typology of the priesthood is rooted in the Aaronic priesthood of the Old Testament. PAUL CLEARLY TELLS US THAT WE’RE A PRIESTHOOD OF A NEW ORDER, not after the order of the Levite priests, who could get sick and who could get rashes and who die like human men. They are human men. The Melchisedec priesthood is not after that order. THE AARONIC PRIESTHOOD IS NOT THE TYPOLOGY OF MELCHISEDEC. MELCHISEDEC IS ONE WHO HAS AN ENDLESS LIFE. THE PRIESTHOOD THAT WE ENTER INTO THROUGH CHRIST JESUS IS ONE OF AN ENDLESS LIFE AS TYPIFIED BY MELCHISEDEC. This is a lie.
Our author says..
The priesthood is after the order of Melchisedec,
and he emphasizes the word ORDER.
But the typology...
And he emphasizes the word TYPOLOGY...
...of the priesthood is rooted in the Aaronic priesthood of the Old Testament.
That is not true.
There are qualifications that God has revealed through the Levitical priesthood that produce within us the kingship and the priesthood of God to minister to creation.
I’m telling you I didn’t want to do this message. I’m just flabbergasted. I want to tell you that this message sounds to me like it’s coming from a spirit guide. Can anyone not see the corruption in what our author is saying here?
There are qualifications that God has revealed through the Levitical priesthood.
Brethren, the qualification to be a priest in the Kingdom of God is to have Christ grafted to you, to be obedient to His voice, and to obey His commandments; to hear His voice and obey His commandments. You cannot fulfill these qualifications if Christ is not in you. Our author is saying that we have to fulfill the Levitical qualifications to be a priest in God’s Kingdom. Total confusion.
Our author says,
The qualifications of the Levitical priesthood produce the kingship and the priesthood of God to minister to creation.
When did the Levitical priesthood ever produce kingship? What Levitical priest was a king? Under the old covenant, brethren, the kings were separate, the priesthood was separate and the prophets were separate. What qualification of Levitical priesthood ever produced a king? None! It’s a lie!
First of all, a priest must be a son of Aaron, the high priest.
A priest must be a son of Aaron, the high priest? I have to get this out of the New Testament. I’m going on with this book and I’m going to read a little bit more and then I’m going to read what the Scripture says onto this message.
So our author says that the priesthood is after the order of Melchisedec and that’s true. Paul says that. But our author doesn’t explain what that means. Then our author says,
But the typology of the priesthood is rooted in the Aaronic priesthood.
That’s a lie. The typology of the priesthood of the Kingdom of priests is rooted in Melchisedec. But this is what our author says.
There are qualifications that God has revealed through the Levitical priesthood that produce within us the kingship and the priesthood of God to minister to creation.
As I explained a few minutes ago, under the old covenant, the priest, the prophets and the kings were completely separate. There is no qualification for the Levitical priesthood that would make you into a king.
First of all, a priest must be a son of Aaron.
Well, that’s true under the old covenant WHICH DOES NOT PRODUCE KINGS.
A priest must be a son of Aaron, the high priest.
See, our author says that God’s priests are the offspring of Himself. Well, Christ Jesus was not in Aaron. It was an imputed Christ. An imputed Christ does not have the ability to reproduce Himself in other people. The whole concept of being a Kingdom of priests, or the whole concept of being a king means that Christ Jesus is rooted and grounded in you, and growing in the earth of your personality to the point that Christ Jesus becomes your nature.
In order for Christ Jesus to become your nature, you must confess that the nature that you’re born with is not Christ. You must recognize the activities of the nature that you are born with in thought and behavior and, in Christ, rise up and kill that squatter that is possessing you because it is a squatter that is possessing us. Satan and Leviathan are possessing us (the earthen personalities, which are the containers of spiritual life) illegally.
Therefore, [the Aaronic priests] are genetically the reproduction of the one that begat them so that the nature of God, the mind of God, the heart of God, the will of God, the purpose of God, the wisdom of God, the love of God, the compassion of God, the mercy of God, the goodness of God, all that He is, is reproduced within a people.
This is insane.
Does anybody not understand what this man is saying? He is dismissing Melchisedec by saying we’re after the order of Melchisedec, but then he doesn’t say anymore. So our author doesn’t explain what that means. Our author says that the kings and priests that are promised (in the Scripture that He just quoted) “if you hear my voice and keep my commandments, ye shall be a nation of priests,” are after the type of the sons of Levi.
Our author says that the sons of Levi have the nature of God, and that the sons of Levi are kings, and that a kingship could be produced in the sons of Levi.
Let’s respond to this statement directly from Hebrews 7. This is what the Scripture says, brethren.
Hebrews 7:5; And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment.
Now didn’t our author just say over here that there are certain qualifications? Paul says the sons of Levi have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law (the sons of Levi are under the law), that is of their brethren. They take tithes of their brethren even though they come out of the loins of Abraham. I’ll read you the whole Chapter 7 in the book of Hebrews.
Hebrews, 7:1, For this Melchisedec, King of Salem
See, Melchisedec is already a king. Now our author is talking about kingship here. Melchisedec is already a king. The Levite priests are not kings; they’re priests.
1 For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him.
2 To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness and after that also king of Salem, which is King of peace.
So Melchisedec represents peace and righteousness. He is...
3 [W]ithout father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life but made like unto the son of God; abideth a priest continually.
4 Now consider how great this man was, unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils.
5 And verily, they that are of the sons of Levi,
Who are authorized not to bless but to receive tithes...
....who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham.
So we see that the Levite priests come out of the loins of Abraham, and it’s Melchisedec who comes out of the Great God. Now our author says right here...
First of all, a priest must be a son of Aaron, the high priest. See, God’s priests are the offspring of Himself.
No, Melchisedec is of God. The Levite priests come out of the loins of Abraham. According to Hebrews 7:5 THE LEVITE PRIESTS COME OUT OF THE LOINS OF ABRAHAM, NOT OUT OF THE LOINS OF GOD. First our author preaches his lie and then he builds on his lie.
Therefore, our author says,
Because the Levite priests are the offspring of Himself,
Which is a lie, our author goes on to say, the Levite priestd are the genetic reproduction of the one that begat them, so that the nature of God, the mind of God, etc.etc. is reproduced within a people.
Brethren, this is the truth of Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is the nature of God, the mind of God, the heart of God, the will of God, the purpose of God, the wisdom of God, the love of God, the compassion of God, the mercy of God, the goodness of God, and all that God is, is reproduced in the people that Christ Jesus dwells in, and that is not the Levite priesthood.
He stands up in the earth and He says,
And I don’t know who he means by “He”
You are my peculiar people, you are my holy nation, you are my royal priesthood, because all the earth is mine.
No! You’re all those things when you hear His voice and you obey His commandments. And within you, and by you, and through you, heaven and earth will be united and be made one that all men may be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the son’s of God.
And within you? No, no, no! And within Christ Jesus, and by Christ Jesus, and through Christ Jesus, heaven and earth will be united and made one so that all men may be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.
Well, that’s a true Scripture our author quoted, except that we’re going to be delivered through Christ Jesus, not through carnal men who are not even descendants of Aaron. I mean, the whole thing is total confusion. You have to be a descendant of Aaron to be a Levitical priest. Levitical priests don’t produce kings and only kings produce the power that’s going to deliver the creation.
In my opinion, this man has acquired a spirit guide, and is completely dominated by that ungodly entity. I pray for his deliverance in the Name of Jesus. I’m still reading this book now. God has made us priests and the order of this priesthood is the order of Melchisedec.
So what has our author done here? He’s woven the qualifications of the Levitical priesthood together with the name Melchisedec.
God has made us priests and the order of this priesthood is the order of Melchisedec. Our author is telling us that the order of Melchisedec is everything that he just said about the Aaronic priesthood. It’s total confusion!
God has made us priests and the order of this priesthood is the order of Melchisedec. But the thing I want us to see this morning is that the High Priest, the one that begets us after His own image.
Now that’s true of Jesus, right?
After His own heart, His own nature, carries within his breast the Urim and the Thummim: the lights and the perfections, bringing to us the vision of God, the illumination of God, the revelation of God, the mind of God reproduced within us so that we can see everything and everyone as God sees.
Our author is saying the High Priest does this. Well, that’s true.
That is the visual correction He is bringing. That is the visual enhancement He is bringing, that we see everything and everyone and that we understand all things as they really are after the vision and the knowledge and the wisdom and the understanding and the perspective of Him that has birthed us as His priesthood in the earth.
But, who’s the High Priest? Who’s the High Priest?
But the thing I want us to see this morning is that the High Priest, the one that begets us after His own image and does all of this stuff, gives us all of this illumination
Our author doesn’t say who the High Priest is. You know, Leviathan is Satan’s high priest, brethren.
It is very hard to see, but our author is really saying that we, in our mortality, are the high priest. It’s very hard to see. I’ll go through it once and do the best I can. It’s very subtle. Our author is saying,
And within you and by you and through you,
Talking about all the carnal people without Christ...
Heaven and earth will be united and be made one, that all men may be delivered from the bondage of corruption. God has made us priests and the order of this priesthood is the order of Melchisedec. But the thing I want us to see this morning is that the High Priest, the one that begets us after His own image.
Okay, we have to go back. Our author is talking about the High Priest, the one, according to our author, that begets us after His own image. Now going back to the previous paragraph, this is what our author says.
First of all, a priest must be a son of Aaron, the high priest...
See, God’s priests are the offspring of Himself...
Therefore, they are genetically the reproduction of the one that begat them.
Our author is saying that God begat the Aaronic priesthood. It’s total confusion.
See, God’s priests are the offspring of Himself. Therefore, God’s priests (that’s us according to him) are the genetic reproduction of the one that begat them.
Now, down below, our author says it’s the High Priest that begets us. Okay, I’m going to put this on the board for you (see, Illustration # 2). Let’s just stay with the first “who” because we can’t really deal with the second “who” until we answer the first question.
Okay, these are our statements taken right out of our author’s book.
A priest must be the son of Aaron.
God’s priests are the offspring of Himself,
Therefore, [the Aaronic priests] are the genetic reproduction of Him.
[Illustration # 2]
We are going to be drawing conclusions here. These are the statements that we have been given as statements of fact.
1. A priest must be the son of Aaron, the high priest.
2. God’s priests are the offspring of Himself.
Let’s draw a conclusion based on these two statements.
A priest must be the son of Aaron.
God’s priests are the offspring of Himself.
Draw a conclusion.
What is the common ground of each of these statements? A priest must be the son of Aaron. God’s priests are the offspring of Himself. What word appears in both statements? Yes, the word “priests” appears in both statements. So we’re going to be drawing a conclusion about priests. A priest must be the son of Aaron. God’s priests are the offspring of Himself. I’ll give you a couple of minutes to draw your conclusion, and then if you don’t have the answer, I’ll help you.
COMMENT: There are two different types of priesthood?
SHEILA: You are drawing your conclusion based on your knowledge of the Scripture, but we’re assuming that some innocent, simple person that doesn’t know the Scripture is reading this. What we’re practicing here tonight, is drawing the conclusion that those two statements would draw from someone who doesn’t know the Scripture. Do you understand that you drew your conclusion, not based on those two statements? Can you see that?
Who is God’s priest, based on these two statements? A priest must be the son of Aaron, the high priest. God’s priests are the offspring of Himself.
You see, this phrase; are the offspring of Himself has nothing to do with our first conclusion. A priest must be the son of Aaron, God’s priest. Who are God’s priests? “Sons of Aaron are God’s priests.” This is the conclusion that simple people who don’t know the Scripture, or who are not strong in the Scripture, will draw. This is the conclusion that they will draw. “Sons of Aaron are God’s priests.”
So what’s the next question that we asked? Now that we know that (according to the spirit guide that I believe is teaching through this man), now that he’s convinced us that the sons of Aaron are God’s priests, what’s the next conclusion that we’re supposed to draw?
Okay, we have now drawn the first conclusion that the sons of Aaron are God’s priests. What’s the second conclusion we can draw from these two statements, the sons of Aaron are ___?
COMMENT: The sons of Aaron are offspring of himself.
SHEILA: Right. The second conclusion that we can draw from these two statements is that “the sons of Aaron are offspring of himself.”
Let’s draw a third conclusion. We can draw the conclusion from these statements that Aaron is the high priest of God’s priests. But, who’s the High Priest of God’s priests? Our author says Aaron is the High Priest, but Christ Jesus is the High Priest. Christ Jesus is the High Priest.
Hebrews 5: 5-6; So also Christ glorified not himself to be made a high priest;
He didn’t make Himself a High Priest
...but he that said unto him, [unto Christ] Thou Art My Son, Today Have I Begotten Thee. That same God who said that also said to Christ in another place, Thou Art a Priest For Ever After The Order Of Melchisedec. The High Priesthood is the order of Melchisedec.
Jesus Christ is the High Priest after the order of Melchisedec and we are the priests of God. You see, the sons of Aaron are not the priests of God. The sons of Aaron come out of Abraham. They’re the priests of the covenant. The sons of Levi are the priests of the covenant. They’re not the priests of God. God did not beget them. They’re human men. They have all the failings of human men and they get sick and they die. They’re human men. They’re the priests of the covenant. They’re not the priests that will break the bondages on humanity. So this is a lie that the sons of God are God’s priests. That’s a lie. “The sons of Aaron are offspring of Himself,” meaning God. That is a lie.
Aaron is the High Priest of God’s priests and that’s a lie also. So we see that these two statements have already produced three lying conclusions. You want to know something, for all of you people (even you who are strong in the Word here), for the people who don’t stop to reason this out, this is the subliminal message that goes into your mind. Now it goes into your mind as well as it goes into anyone else’s mind, but Christ Jesus being strong enough in you, it cannot cleave unto you. But this is the subliminal message. You read these two sentences and don’t stop to analyze them, and this is the hidden message that attacks your mind. That’s what a subliminal message is.
Therefore, they are the genetic reproduction of the one who begat them.
We’re going to couple that statement with this conclusion up here. The sons of Aaron are the offspring of himself. The sons of Aaron are the offspring of himself, therefore, they are the genetic reproduction of the one who begat them. The sons of Aaron are the offspring of himself, therefore, they are the genetic reproduction of the one who begat them. Draw a conclusion based on these two statements.
1. The sons of Aaron are the offspring of himself, therefore, they are the genetic reproduction of the one that begat them.
Who is the they?
COMMENT: The “they” are Aaron sons.
SHEILA: Okay. We’re going to draw our last conclusion. We are going to make our last conclusion the statement upon which we are going to draw our future conclusion. “Aaron’s sons are the genetic reproduction of God.” We’re taking that conclusion as a statement of fact now. “Aaron’s sons are the genetic reproduction of God,” and now we’re taking another statement from our writer’s book.
The high priest, the one that begets us after his own image.
So who begets us after His own image? That’s right, Aaron, is the incorrect, subliminal conclusion.
So we see that one error builds upon another error or that one error is a foundation for the next error. Our first wrong conclusion is that the sons of Aaron are God’s priests. The sons of Aaron are the offspring of Himself, meaning God. Aaron is high priest of God’s priests. Aaron’s sons are the genetic reproduction of God. Our final conclusion (according to this false scenario) is that Aaron begets us after his own image. So we see that what I perceive to be a spirit guide preaching through this man, is saying that Aaron is the high priest that can fulfill all the promises of God to us. There is only death in this teaching.
The next paragraph says,
God has made us priests and the order of this priesthood is the order of Melchisedec. But the thing I want us to see this morning is that the High Priest, the one that begets us after His own image, after His own heart, His own name, carries within his breast the Urim and the Thummim.
What I would like to point out here is that the writer says that God has made us priests after the order of Melchisedec, after the typology of Aaron. BUT HE DOESN’T TELL US THAT TO BECOME A HIGH PRIEST, BECAUSE TO BE MADE A PRIEST OR A HIGH PRIEST AFTER THE ORDER OF AARON, YOU HAVE TO BE A NATURAL JEW. You have to be a natural Jew, born from the tribe of Levi, and a descendant of Aaron. So if you’re not a Jew, if you’re a Christian in the Church, how do you become a priest?
The only information that I could see here is that we are made priests after the order of Melchisedec. Well, how do we get to be that? If there’s no mediator, if Christ in you is not the hope of glory, if you can have the same experience that Jesus had as if you were equal to Him and not one of His offspring; how do you get to be a priest? That is a moot question, according to our author, because our writer does not answer it.
Therefore, the conclusion that I would draw is that anybody who wants to can be a priest. Just believe! Just believe what you read in this book, and call yourself a Christian. Anyone that calls themselves a Christian, gets baptized, carries a Bible, a bumper sticker, a cross on your neck, and you’re a priest. That’s the conclusion that I draw from reading this information. What comes to mind as this message comes forth, is what Jeroboam did when the northern and the southern Kingdom divided. King Jeroboam put up golden calves for his people to worship and he made priests out of the common men (non-Levites). He appointed men who were not the descendants of Aaron to be priests.
Now in this new covenant, the only people who are priests, brethren, are the people who have Christ grafted to them and who Christ is living through. You are a priest when the grafted Christ speaks through you and ministers through you. The term, “the order of Melchisedec” means that the people who are the true priests have eternal life (or at least in this hour) we have eternal life WITHIN US. I believe I have eternal life within me. I believe Christ Jesus is within me. I believe He’s grafted to me. I believe He’s a Tree of Life that’s growing in the spiritual earth of my personality. I believe that Christ Jesus is eternal life, but He has not yet fully mingled with me. Christ Jesus has mingled with my personality somewhat.
Who is me? My personality. How do I know this? If He was fully mingled with me, I would not be aging and I would not be getting colds or having any of the other physical problems that I have, because I would be a possessor of eternal life. So eternal life is in me, but He has not yet fully mingled with me. He has not saved me yet.
Oh my goodness, don’t shut off the message or stop reading! If you want to believe the lie, you can believe the lie, but nobody is saved that I know of, except Jesus.
“To be saved” means that you live forever, now, here, in the flesh. Jesus was saved. He said no man can take my life. If you’ve had an experience with God, if you’ve had an experience with Jesus, you are reconciled to the Father through Jesus, the mediator. If your sin nature is being exposed, you’re justified, or you’re in the process of being justified. Salvation is of the soul, and the soul is the personality.
The salvation of the soul is the impartation of everything that Christ Jesus within me possesses, to the personality. Let me say that again. Salvation is of the personality, which is the soul. Salvation is the transference of everything that Christ Jesus possesses, to the personality; identified to most of us through the term “eternal life,” which means you don’t die anymore.
Brethren, to believe that you have eternal life and that you must die to attain to it, is a pagan doctrine. It’s a pagan doctrine, brethren. You do not have to physically die to attain to eternal life. Jesus said, no man can take my life. He laid it down willingly. Do you lay down your life willingly? Did your dead relatives lay down their life willingly? Did they choose to die believing they would awake on the other side? I would like to meet that man, although we do have some fanatics who have committed suicide recently. I don’t know if they were Christians or not. But brethren, no sound Christian would tell you that. No sound Christian that I know of would tell you to commit suicide so that you could wake up on the other side in eternal life.
Nowhere in the Scripture does it say that you should commit suicide to enter into eternal life. Jesus did not commit suicide. He was offered up by the pharisees of His day. He was crucified in a legitimate criminal execution. Of course, He wasn’t guilty, but the execution was by the government. He did not commit suicide. So I would like to meet the person that is lying on his death bed from disease or who is on death row, who is claiming to be having a Christian experience that is willing to die believing that he will be raised from the dead and appear before at least 500 witnesses within three days.
Brethren, the doctrine in the Church is off. How come people are believed to be passing over to the other side, but they’re not appearing. Then again, on the other hand, do you know that what is happening in the church today is that many people are seeing their dead relatives. Their dead relatives are appearing and they’re claiming that they’re doing what Jesus did. So this is happening in the Church today. People are seeing their dead husbands, their dead wives, their dead children, and they’re believing that it could be Scriptural and that it is God because their relatives “were saved” before they died.
But brethren, you must in all honesty, if you seek the truth, you must compare the condition of your dead relative to Jesus the Christ before the life was snuffed out of His physical being. It was the Son of Man that was killed; it was not the Son of God that was killed. Jesus Christ was perfect. He was without sin. JESUS ROSE FROM THE DEAD BECAUSE HE WAS SINLESS. In effect, what Jesus did was He shed the physical body. But the people that are being seen by some Christians today, they were sinners when they died. They may say in response to what I’m saying, they may tell you, “well, Jesus Christ taketh away all of their sins.” Therefore they died in perfection and therefore this is a legitimate manifestation of someone resurrected in Christ appearing to me.
All that I can tell you, brethren, is that this is a lie. I don’t know what else to say to you. That is not the subject of this message. The point of this message is that this false teaching is appointing common men, so to speak, anyone who would desire it, to be a priest. This teaching doesn’t even say anything about being baptized. There are no instructions at all as to what you have to do to become a priest. So anybody can draw their own conclusions and make themselves a priest of the most high God. It is an unscriptural teaching.
Reading the book;
There is a wonderful thing in the book of Revelation in Chapter 20. John the Revelator says, “Blessed are they that take part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death hath no power. And they shall be priests of God and they shall reign with Him one thousand years.” We are talking about the Day of the Lord. Now don’t misunderstand me. There may be a thousand years millennial reign upon the earth. The next age may be one thousand years, I don’t know, but I will tell you this. One thousand years in the typology of Scripture speaks of “the Day of the Lord.”
Well, these next few paragraphs that I’m going to read you, there’s a lot of truth in them. I’ll just read through.
How many remember what Peter said? He said a thousand years is as one day and a day is as a thousand years.
(That’s all true).
Now you see the Day of the Lord simply means the illumination of God, the revelation of God, the unveiling of the Lord.
I do disagree with our author there but I don’t see anything perverted about this interpretation. See, there’s a difference between an error in Scripture or just having a difference of opinion in Scripture, as opposed to the manipulation that we have just revealed. Anybody can make a mistake. I probably have some mistakes in my doctrine. I look back to a few years ago and I see that I’m teaching things that I was not teaching five years ago because I didn’t understand it. That is not the same thing as manipulating the Scripture to say that there is no mediator any longer, which is a suggestion and conclusion drawn in subliminal messages.
So what am I telling you? Our author is saying that
The Day of the Lord is a day of understanding, a day of vision.
I just want to tell you that, in my opinion, the Day of the Lord is a completely other timeline. It’s a completely different timeline of which revelation and understanding is a part. That other timeline exists in the mind of Christ. You cannot get into the Day of the Lord with your carnal mind because the mind of Christ is the Day of the Lord. The mind of Christ is beyond time. The mind of Christ knows all things. But we, the personality, must be developed to the point that we can comprehend what the mind of Christ is saying to us.
A new born infant cannot comprehend what his mother is saying to him. So we can be in the Day of the Lord and be very spiritually infantile.
The Day of the Lord is a day when all things are revealed, when the glory of the Lord is revealed, and the wisdom of God is out-rayed, emanated, to permeate all realms until all death is swallowed up in victory.
This is all true, but of course, our writer is not telling you how to get into the Day of the Lord. But again, this is something that I would not have any argument with at all. This is his opinion, this is the level that he’s writing at. I don’t perceive this to be a form of manipulation, such as was just exposed.
So we are talking about the Day of the Lord. Blessed are they that have part in the first resurrection. Now, we are not going to talk about that first resurrection. But, they that are in the first resurrection are priests of God. They reign. It may be for a thousand years. But above everything else, they reign in the Day of the Lord.
Well, again this is his interpretation of the Scripture. I will give you mine. The first resurrection is the resurrection of Abel. When Christ is grafted to Abel in the individual, Abel is resurrected. That’s the first resurrection. I am firmly convinced that it’s not a group of people, it is not 144,000, it is not 544,000. The Lord Jesus does not do things like that. He does not cause people to scramble to be the first ones in. He says, whosoever will, come unto me and I shall receive you. You do your part, you do your work, you do what’s required of you and I will receive you and you do not have to compete with anybody because I’m big enough to take all of you. That’s what the Lord says.
So the first resurrection is the first aspect of the resurrected glory within you. It’s not the first group of dead people being dug up from their graves.
The biggest problem in the world and in the Church today is that we do not understand who we are. We, the personality, we are the containers that hold spiritual life. We are the house that holds spiritual life. It’s deity that died. It’s Jehovah’s royal seed, the children of the Kingdom, that died when they were kidnapped by the Primordial Serpent. They are the ones who are being resurrected. We (the house) we are made of earth and we are a reflection of the spirit that is housed within us.
Right now, it is the Dragon’s crowd that is living through us. It’s the Dragon’s crowd and Leviathan is the hand of the Dragon and the Fiery Serpent is the finger of Leviathan’s hand. There’s a Fiery Serpent in every human being who has the Dragon’s nature engraved upon her. She, the Fiery Serpent, is dead. The Fiery Serpent consists of Cain and Abel engraved with the Dragon’s nature and Abel is dead. Abel, Jehovah’s royal seed, is dead. When Christ is grafted to Abel, that is the first resurrection. Christ either raises Abel from the dead or stands in for him; one or the other. Either way it’s considered the first resurrection.
Brethren, the personality is earth, no matter how you look at it. You cannot raise from the dead what was never alive. Only that which came down from heaven will go back up to heaven. We, the personality, we are going back up because (Lord willing) Christ Jesus will marry us and fully mingle Himself with us in every cell of our being. He will give us everything that He has. That is our inheritance. But we must acquire that inheritance before we can live in the eternal.
So the Day of the Lord is Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, and the only vehicle, the only vessel, by which we can enter into the Day of the Lord.
Back to the book now.
In other words, they reign by the illumination, by the revelation, by the unveiling, by the understanding that comes from the Urim and the Thummim - from the revelation of God.
Brethren, do we get revelation from the Urim and the Thummim? Where do Christians get revelation from? Does anybody want to answer that? Where does our revelation come from? Yes, from Christ Jesus. But, of course, our writer doesn’t even mention Christ Jesus. He says our revelation and our illumination comes from the Urim and the Thummim.
But brethren, the Urim and the Thummim is granted unto the priests of Aaron. Are you Jewish? Whoever is listening to this message or reading this transcript, are you Jewish? If you’re Jewish, are you a descendant of Aaron? If you are Jewish and a descendant of Aaron, are you keeping the law? You only have the Urim and the Thummim when you keep the law. So here we see, not just an error or an opinion. Maybe someone would want to believe that he’s right and I’m wrong and that it’s a difference of opinion, but this is an outright manipulation of the Scripture. It is a lie and it is a wickedness that diverts the true believer from the true source of eternal life.
Christ Jesus is Melchisedec to us. Christ Jesus is the priest after the order of Melchisedec. When Christ Jesus is grafted to us, we are priests after the order of Melchisedec, and not after the typology of Aaron. You would have to be a Jew. Let’s say you were a Jew, you were a descendant of Aaron, and you were keeping the law, you still cannot keep the law completely because there’s no temple to make the sacrifices in. Brethren, the priesthood of Aaron has been dismantled. It is shut down; it is inoperable. Don’t go out looking for the Urim and the Thummim. Go out looking for Christ Jesus.
Back to the book.
In other words, they reign by the illumination, by the revelation, by the unveiling, by the understanding that comes from the Urim and the Thummim [that is quite amazing] from the revelation of God within their inner being [now he tells us that the Urim and the Thummim has become spiritual] out of the realm of the spirit.
Well, where do you find that, brother, that the Urim and the Thummim is available through the spirit? Help us, Lord. Oh, I don’t doubt that it’s out there. I don’t doubt that there’s some immortal out there giving people revelation, saying this is the Urim and the Thummim. It wouldn’t even surprise me that there’s some people making some physical object called the Urim and the Thummim. Some immortal is definitely meeting you when you meditate, when you empty yourself out and meditate with an empty mind, telling you they’re the spiritual Urim and Thummim. I don’t doubt it for a second. You probably even see it in the spirit.
Back to the book.
We become one with that realm in which we see as God sees [we become one with that realm in which we see as God sees?] and we understand as God understands, and we know as God knows, and we feel with God’s heart, we understand with God’s mind, we flow with God’s love, we manifest in God’s mercy, and we speak in God’s goodness.
Because of the revelation that comes from our inner being with the Urim and the Thummim? Well, how do you understand this, brethren? I’m telling you, our author is not saying it right out, but I’m telling you what he’s saying. I’m drawing a conclusion based on what I know is going on out there in the world and in a lot of the ministries today. Based on the little bit that our author says, he’s telling you that if you want to get this revelation that comes from the Urim and the Thummim, you have to meditate, you have to meditate with an empty mind, you have to empty yourself out, you have to quiet down your mind, and you have to listen for a voice that will speak to you in the midst of the void.
I want to tell you something, brethren, sons of God do not empty themselves out and wait receptively for a voice out of the void because there are many voices in the places that you ascend to when you meditate. Sons of God take action. They do what they must do to control their lives in a Godly manner. They do what they must do to control their meditation in a Godly manner.
How do you control your meditation? How do you stop yourself from being a receptacle, from just sitting there waiting for whatever voice feels like it, to talk to you? How do you take authority over your meditation? Does anybody know? Brethren, you choose what you will meditate on. Do you know that you meditate? What do you choose to meditate on?
SHEILA: Do you look at a picture of Jesus hanging on the cross with blood pouring out of Him? What do you meditate on? You meditate on the Doctrine of Christ. You meditate on the Word. You meditate on what is said and what you know at whatever level of knowledge you have and He meets you in that place. The Doctrine of Christ, which is coming out of Christ Jesus in you, is the place of mediator-ship. That’s where Jesus Christ meets you. That’s where He’ll talk to you. That’s where He’ll give you your revelation and that’s where He’ll correct any errors that you have. The Doctrine of Christ and the things of God are the point of contact upon which we meet with the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ Jesus within you is the mercy seat. The Scripture says, that the Lord will meet us at the mercy seat. Christ Jesus within us is the mercy seat, not some spiritual Urim and Thummim, which is really Satan meeting you in this empty place that you ascend to when you meditate by emptying yourself out.
Also, he says that we become one with that realm in which God sees, we understand as God understands [he says that’s where we get our understanding] we know as God knows [he says we get knowledge] we feel with God’s heart [he says we get compassion] we understand with God’s mind and we flow with God’s love and His mercy and His goodness.
What our writer is saying is that we’re going to receive the fruit of the Spirit from talking to some immortal that says he’s the Urim and the Thummim. I want to tell you that you will get all of these things, but they will not be the fruit of God’s Spirit. You know, there’s a Scripture in the New Testament that says, “wisdom is justified of her children.” Jesus spoke that scripture; Wisdom is justified of her children.
Let’s take a look at that. Matthew, Chapter 11. We’ll start reading with verse 7. Matt 11:7 tells us that Jesus was speaking to the multitudes and as John’s disciples departed from Jesus, He began to say unto the multitudes concerning John.
Matt 11:7, What went out before you into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment?
So Jesus is talking about John, the Baptist. Verse 10 says,
Matt. 11:7, For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I Send My Messenger Before Thy Face, Which Shall Prepare Thy Way Before Thee. Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist.
I’m just trying to make a point here. I don’t agree with this translation of the King James at all. But we see that Jesus is talking about John the Baptist. In verse 12
Matt. 11:12, Until now the Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
That is not my point. Let me just skip down here. The King James makes it sound like John the Baptist was Elijah, but Jesus is really saying that He, Jesus, is Elijah. In Matt. 11:16, Jesus is speaking to the multitudes, and who are the multitudes? The multitudes are the spiritual people that were standing around.
Matt. 11:16, But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows.
What our author is saying is, these are the spiritual people, or these are the Pharisees. They’re calling to their fellows, but it’s not really Christ in them calling to their fellows. What Jesus is saying is, you’re doing this in the flesh. That’s what He’s saying. Calling to your fellows and saying, “We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and you have not lamented.” That’s like preachers in the pulpit saying today, you’re not healed because you have no faith while the preachers are not acknowledging that they just simply don’t have what it takes to heal the people.
Matt. 11:18; For John came neither eating nor drinking and they say, he hath a devil.
19; The son of man came eating and drinking, [now Jesus is talking about Himself] and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.
I wondered what that meant for years. Then I found out that the fruit of the Spirit is the children of wisdom. So if someone claims to you to have wisdom, you can expect them to also have understanding, and knowledge and mercy and spiritual power and kindness and unconditional love. If they don’t have these qualities in their character, their wisdom is not the wisdom of God; it is the devilish wisdom that James speaks about that comes from Leviathan’s timeline.
Wisdom is justified of her children. Now the Scripture doesn’t say the Holy Spirit is justified of her children. You can claim to have the Holy Spirit. You can do miracles in the Holy Spirit. You can cast out demons. By the grace of God, people can be healed through you and your character can still be pretty poor, if it’s the Holy Spirit. But if you’re claiming to have wisdom, if you come claiming to have a knowledge of the Doctrine of Christ, a knowledge of the things of God, if you come claiming to be counseling people out of the Spirit of Christ, you better have all of the fruit of the Spirit or at least a large measure of it, or you will be proven to be a false prophet. Praise the Lord. The gifts come with the Holy Spirit, but wisdom comes with the fruit of the Spirit, or it’s false wisdom. Glory to God.
So our author is talking about manifesting God’s mercy and speaking in God’s goodness (not OF God’s goodness, speaking IN God’s goodness). Our author is talking about the fruit of the Spirit.
And out of the heart of the Father, out of the very throne of God, there flows a river and it flows in the city where the Lamb is the light, where there is no night, where all the shadows have flown away, and the nations of them that are saved walk in the light of that city.
I have to say one other thing. People that are walking in the wisdom of God today do not necessarily have one hundred percent of the fruit of the Spirit, but there has to be some witness of the fruit of the Spirit. There has to be some giving, some sacrificial aspect of their life and it can’t be works, not something that they’re doing. It has to be coming out of their personality, some sacrifice for the people of God, where there’s no recompense at all, but to be dying to promote the Kingdom on some level. Of course, if you watch them over a period of years, you have to see the increase of the fruit of the Spirit. You cannot be condemning people because they’re not perfect, because no one that is preaching is perfect at this time. But there has to be some manifestation of the fruit along with the wisdom for it to be of God. There has to be a humble heart and an ability and a willingness to admit wrong and to make the necessary changes, if nothing else is there yet. If nothing else has been developed in that person yet, if the wisdom is truly coming from Christ, at the very least, they’re willing to admit that they’re wrong and humble themselves before anybody when they’re wrong and make the necessary changes (at the very very beginning) and of course, it has to grow as it goes on.
And out of the heart of the Father, out of the very throne of God, there flows a river and it flows in the city where the Lamb is the light, where there is no night
Well, this sounds good. He says, it flows out of the heart of the Father. You see, this message just completely denies Jesus. I don’t really know if there’s a New Testament Scripture on this, but what comes to my mind is, the river thatflowed out of Eden. It’s a river of life; it’s not flowing out of the Father, and I don’t think it flows out of the heart.
Rev. 22:1-2; And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. The throne of God and of the Lamb;
It doesn’t say anything about “the heart of the Father.” So of course we have to find out where the throne of God is, which we’re not going to diverge to do right now. The Lamb is Christ Jesus. I couldn’t call this a manipulation. This is just an inaccuracy.
Where the Lamb is the light and there is no night.
That’s true.
Where all the shadows have flown away, and the nations of them that are saved walk in the light of that city. They walk in the understanding, the unveiling, and the revelation, in the perception of Him who is the light of the city, the glory of the Lord in a people in that temple that is built as a habitation of God by the Spirit.
Well, I don’t know that the temple is built by the Spirit. The temple is built by Christ Jesus, the Son, not by the Spirit; by the Son. Do you remember that David thought he was going to be the one that would build the temple and the Lord said no. Then most people think that Solomon built the temple. Well, I believe that God told Solomon to build the temple that he built, but I don’t think that Solomon built the temple that was prophesied. Christ Jesus is building the spiritual temple that was prophesied; first the natural and then the spiritual.
Reading the book again.
Now then, the Day of the Lord is illumination because the Day of the Lord is coextensive with the creator. God is light and in Him there is no darkness. That is the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord is an eternal day. It’s an unending day.
Well, that’s true, it’s a spiritual timeline.
The Day of the Lord can co-exist in God’s purpose with darkness because He has made a division. But I want to tell you that the Day of the Lord will win. In the end, there will be no darkness.
Well, isn’t that wonderful. Brethren, antichrist is a mixture. Antichrist destroys with mixture. There’s just enough truth here and enough Scripture here to spiritually slay thousands of people. Now these next verses are very interesting. Actually, to tell you the truth, it blessed me. So I’m going to read this into the message, too. Our author comments on the theory of relativity.
Last night so and so shared with us about the theory of relativity. I want to appeal to that theory this morning from another aspect. I was reading a book recently called “Einstein’s God.” It was a book that delved into Albert Einstein’s concept of the Theory of Relativity, of the reality of all things. One thing that stood out to me was that Einstein believed that there is no future and there is no past. In his Theory of Relativity, he concluded that within time, there is only now. Only now! No future, no past, everything that ever has been, everything that ever will be, exists only in the now. He says, I nearly had a Holy Ghost Conniption!
Well, that doesn’t sound right to me either, but I’m going to read you an absolutely excellent explanation here, except that I believe our author draws a wrong conclusion from the explanation, but it blessed me and I hope it blesses you. Back to the book.
Now let me explain how that is. Let’s imagine for a moment that they are having a parade through your city. So you go downtown early and put up your little chair there on the sidewalk in front of the hardware store, and you have the perfect vantage point from which to view the parade as it passes by. Well, the hour arrives and you begin to hear the beating of the drums and the tramping of the feet and the noise of the wheels and you know that the parade is on its way. Soon the parade begins to pass before your vision. But you see, there are people all around. There is a great crowd. Thousands of people standing or sitting on the sidewalk or curb. There you are in your little seat and you are watching the parade and the only thing you can see is the one float, or maybe two, that are right there in front of you. So one by one, by one, by one, you watch the floats pass by. There are some floats that are in the past. They have already passed by and have rounded the corner and you can’t see them any more, so those floats are in the past. There are some in the future because they are still far down the street. You can’t see them, but they are on their way and you will view each one from your limited perspective. You are like a horse with blinders. All you see is that little portion that is right there in front of you. That’s all that you can see.
Now let’s suppose that you make your way up to the top of a three-story building and you stand on top of the building. You perch yourself there on the edge of the roof and you have another view of the parade.
Do you remember Zacchaeus and the teaching I sent you not too long ago about Zacchaeus and the tree that he climbed up in being the Tree of Life. It was Christ within Zacchaeus, that he was permitted to ascend into, to see the spiritual truth about Jesus. So this is a very excellent exhortation.
In that instant, past and future pass away because now you see the whole parade all at once.
When you get high up enough, you see past, present and the future of the parade.
You see the little float that is down there in front of the chair you were setting in. But you see the one behind it, and the one behind that, and the one behind that, and the one in front, and the one in front of that. You see the beginning and the end and you see the end from the beginning and everything in-between. It is a matter of perspective. It’s your viewpoint. It’s how you see. It has to do with your elevation. It has to do with the scope of the thing. If you get high enough, you see it all at once and the whole parade exists in the now. It’s all now!
Now listen to what he’s saying. You can see everything when you’re high enough, but the problem, brethren, is that our spirit has the potential to ascend in Christ Jesus and outside of Christ Jesus. The problems of this world are in our personality. They’re in our emotions. Our emotions do not ascend. So we can see and we might be able to understand. I understand why I have all the problems that I have and I see the promise and the deliverance from all those problems, but I have problems today. This knowledge doesn’t help my problems today. I need the power of God in my life to help me with the problems that I have today.
Back to the book.
This is what the Spirit of the Lord began to quicken to me. He’s changing our perspective. He is altering our vision.
Well, this is all true.
He is correcting our viewpoint.
This is true.
He is bringing us into a dimension in Himself, to see as He sees.
That’s true. Both the Lord Jesus is doing that and Satan and Leviathan are doing that. You have to make sure you’re in the right timeline.
How many know that He sees the end from the beginning? God exists in the eternal now.
That’s true.
There is no past for God. Heaven is not past. The millennium is not future. The dawn of creation in God is not thousands or millions or billions of years ago. The consummation of all things is not ages and ages and ages out in the future because God is high enough to see the whole purpose from the beginning to the end and it all exists in His (God’s) eternal now. He sees it all. [Because He’s so high].
You know, this is the same principle that I used to preach on six, seven or eight years ago, when I commented on certain philosophies saying that this world is just an illusion. Well, I believe this world is an illusion. The reason it’s an illusion is that it’s impermanent. It will eventually be wiped out and rolled up like a scroll by the Lord Jesus, but the fact is that I’m trapped in this illusion and I’m trapped here and I can experience physical pain. I can experience emotional pain and I see ugly things frequently, concerning other people.
I want to tell you something, this ascension in Christ Jesus, which is giving you new vision, is a wonderful thing, but it’s a very painful thing. You see, it’s bitter and it’s sweet. You can use this new vision to do the works of God and to help many through prayer as the Lord leads you. But it is very painful seeing things about people that they don’t even know about themselves, seeing the truths of people’s motives and understanding what’s going on in this world. You look at other people, just roller skating, so to speak, just roller skating through, enjoying themselves, having a good time, being completely blind to what’s really operating in them and around them and through them and for them. There’s a price to pay for spiritual maturity. If you do ascend and get this kind of insight and you find that you have received it through the serpent, it will not work to your good. At least in Christ Jesus you have the Doctrine of Christ and your relationship with Christ Jesus, and your spiritual growth and your hope; your real hope.
So our author is saying God sees it all from His height. In other words, our writer is saying, sight is the whole thing. Vision is the whole thing. But vision is not the whole thing because my flesh is down here.
But you see, in the limitations of our humanity, we view things with our blinders and we are perched on our little seat down on the sidewalk in front of the hardware store with thousands of human bodies around us and with all the systems of the world, the flesh, the carnal mind, the limitation of this gross material world, and all we can see is that limited portion we are looking at right now.
This is true. But ascended vision is not the answer to your problem today. Maybe it will be tomorrow or next week or next month or next year. But if you’re dying today, brethren, ascended sight is not the answer to your problem. Or if you’re in pain today or if you’re hungry today, ascended sight is not the answer to your problem. Spirituality alone is not the answer to your problem. It just amazes me when I see the importation of Hinduism and outgrowths of Hinduism such as Theosophy and other New Age philosophies being imported into this country.
Do you know how poor the people are in India? What has this spirituality done for India? More people live in the streets in India than I think in any other country in the world. I understand that they have carts that go through the streets every morning just to take away the dead. Why would you want to take a philosophy from that nation into a nation which is as prosperous as this one? Only because of total ignorance as to the fact that the Christian philosophy, as erroneous as it has been for the whole life of this country, for the whole time of Christendom, is responsible for our prosperity.
I’m not talking about the days of the apostles, but from the time that the true doctrine was lost, what we’ve had is the Holy Spirit or just the tenants of Christianity; the Bible. Look at what’s happened to the western world from the little bit that we’ve had, so why are you bringing in a philosophy from a nation where people die every day from hunger and starvation? I know we have problems here and I know there are people living on the streets here, but it’s not anywhere near the enormity of what’s going on in India. The only reason this travesty can be happening in this country is because of the ignorance of the people, failing to relate Christianity to the prosperity of this nation. They fail to relate the Spirit of God to the prosperity of this nation. So we have become so wise with all of our education, that we have become fools, as Paul has prophesied.
We think that this little portion that we see is now and everything else is either past or future. That is why we are distressed. That’s why we are troubled. That is why we are sometimes confused. That is why we cry out to God and we say “Oh God, why? Why did this happen? Why did the other happen? You see, we feel hopeless and helpless in the midst of circumstances and problems and situations, as we look out at the nations and the world and society and what’s happening in our schools and the condition of the churches, our government and all the rest of it.
Well, I don’t know about you, brother, but I don’t feel hopeless. I only feel hopeless about people believing this doctrine. I feel helpless to help the people that are seduced by this doctrine and the only reason I feel helpless is because my pride is up because I’m supposed to know that Jesus will do it in His time, and that I am not responsible for anyone except myself and to be faithful to God. I’m not helpless or hopeless. I have an intense relationship with the Lord Jesus who meets all of my needs through prayer. You may feel helpless, brother, but I don’t feel helpless.
We feel helpless because we are sitting on our little chair in front of the hardware store and all we can see is how it looks from where we are. We see how it looks from here. We don’t see where it came from and we don’t see where it is headed.
Well, you can see where it came from and you can see where it’s headed if you will pursue the Doctrine of Christ and the teachings of the Lord. He has not left us without comfort or without knowledge.
We do not see the origin and we do not see the consummation. We just see what is in front of us. That’s all.
That’s what your carnal mind sees. That means you’re not looking with the mind of Christ.
And we call that now. That’s not now. That is now, but that’s not all of now. The origin is now. The destiny is now. The whole plan is now because God is now. When we see from His perspective, we see the whole thing.
And how does seeing the whole thing help your pain, brother, help your hunger, brother, help your poverty, brother, help your drug addict son, brother? Now brethren, you have to see the truth. Jesus said the truth will set you free. But the truth alone will not set you free. You have to have the power with the truth to do what’s necessary in accordance with the word of God and the wisdom of God, that will deliver you and your loved ones and anyone you’re sent to help in Christ Jesus. You have to have the wisdom and the authority to do it. Just looking at it doesn’t set you free.
I have had agnostics and others ask me, if God is real, if the God that you worship is as good as you say He is, if God is love, then why do we have all the millions of starving people and little children with bloated stomachs and drug addicts that are strung out and killing themselves and committing suicide and why do we have teenagers shooting people in the schools, and wars, and famines, and tornadoes, and destruction. If God is love, why do we have that?
And our writer responds,
And you know, it is difficult to answer that because you are trying to answer people that are sitting on their little chair in front of the hardware store looking only at the present. All they can see is the war and the famine (and their amputated legs. That’s my sarcasm getting in there) That’s all they could see is the bloated stomachs, and the shootings in the schools. That’s all that they can see. And they ask if God is love, why this? And you can’t answer that.
Listen to him. He says you cannot answer that “why” unless you can see the whole picture.” What does that mean? What does that mean, brethren?
You can’t answer unless you see the origin and the consummation, which produces the meaning behind everything that happens in between.
Let’s do this on the board.
We have drawing #3 (see, Illustration # 3) on the board; an example of false reasoning. We have three statements.
1. I see war, famine, bloated stomachs, etc.
2. God is Love
3. I am told that I cannot see the whole picture
Draw a false conclusion:
[Illustration # 3]
COMMENT: Since God is Love, His manifestation of Love must be war, famine, bloated stomachs, etc.
SHEILA: That was a right answer. I also added to it two more conclusions. Now these are all subliminal conclusions. You may not actually think them with your conscious mind, but this is what is going into your spirit. If you cannot dissect this kind of teaching and see the manipulation that’s being done to you, this is what is going into your spirit.
So we draw false conclusions:
1. War and famine must be a manifestation of God’s love because I see war and famine and bloated stomachs and trouble all around me and I’m told that God is love.
2. So all of this evil must be God’s love.
3. I’m also told because I’m all upset about these manifestations that the problem is that I cannot see the whole picture.
Therefore I draw the conclusion that I should be thinking that war and famine and bloated stomachs, etc. must be good. The reason I think it’s bad is because I cannot see the whole picture. Therefore the whole problem with being upset about incest or murder or torture is because I’m lacking the ability to comprehend the goodness of incest and the rape of infants.
That’s the poison that you’re ingesting when you read this stuff. As I told you at the beginning of this message, we do have free speech in this country. If you want to open a web page and say raping infants is good, as long as you say what you are, as long as you’re speaking the truth and you’re not in deception -- I’m not saying it’s good, but I’m saying it’s between you and God. But this kind of manipulation that plants seeds that will ultimately destroy Christ in a Christian who’s reading it because he’s seeking Christ; to me that is something that God will deal with because it’s trickery. It’s subtlety and that makes it evil, that you’re not giving the people the full choice of understanding what you’re saying to them. They think that you’re a great man of God and they want Christ and you’re tricking them, and that’s dishonest and God calls that evil.
Now we’re going to do another set of conclusions. I’m going to show you, Lord willing, how to draw the right conclusion. You draw conclusions by asking yourself questions. This wrong conclusion came because the imaginary person that we had here received the lie. Even being told that I can’t see the whole picture is not a lie, but there is a suggestion in that. If you say to someone who you respect as a man of God; well, I see all this evil around me and I read in the Bible that God is love and the man says to me, well, the problem is you can’t see the whole picture. That really does suggest that there’s something wrong with your vision and this evil must be good. So we’ll do another picture on the board and I’ll show you, at least, the right questions to ask. This is how you can find the right answer from out of this kind of thing.
Drawing #4 is an example of Christ reasoning: We have the same three statements here.
1. I see war, famine, bloated stomachs, etc.
2. I’m told God is love.
3. Someone else tells me that I cannot see the whole picture
[Illustration # 4]
But I know that God is good. The goodness of God heals and delivers. Therefore God cannot be responsible for war, famine, etc. Therefore there must be an evil factor at work or another factor at work. Then we ask the Lord the question, who is responsible? This is called reading critically and thinking for yourself. If you’re not reading like this, you are receiving a subliminal message from these kinds of books that are destroying your faith in God. So let’s read some of these Scriptures onto the message.
My conclusions in Christ reasoning:
1. I know God is good. 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.
So we now know that there is something besides goodness in this world, and it is called evil.
2. The goodness of God heals and delivers. Luke 13:32 And he said unto them,
Go ye and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.
So we see that Jesus Christ is working against the factor that produces war, famine, bloated stomachs, etc. At the very least, although that Scripture doesn’t mention war, Jesus said He goes to cast out demons and to do cures. So He’s certainly not producing war, famine, bloated stomachs or disease, which we haven’t got up there. There must be another factor operating here.
I didn’t mention it earlier, but an unstated premise behind this man’s whole book is that there is no evil and that God is responsible for everything. I will comment further on that as soon as we get through here. Okay, we now have our next statement.
3. There must be an evil factor at work. 1John 3:12 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.
So we see that everything is not the same in this world. There are evil motives and righteous motives. Our last statement is really a question.
4. Who or what is responsible? 1John 3:17 But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
Well, that Scripture does not answer who is responsible, but we know that there’s a factor, that there’s another side, that there’s something opposite of the love of God. Now the manipulation of the Scripture here, and of course, none of this is gone into in detail, because the average person that reads this book isn’t asking these questions that I’ve put up on the board. But for the person who asks it, they would say, well, if there is another evil factor, isn’t God stronger than the evil factor?
Yes, God is stronger than the evil factor. Well then, isn’t God responsible? God is responsible to the degree, brethren, that He is righteous, and that the laws that He has built into these worlds that we are a part of, is that every action will have a reaction. Every sin will have a just recompense. Every sin will have a just recompense. Well Sheila, what are you talking about? Do you mean that war, famine and bloated stomachs could be a recompense? Do you mean it could be a reaping of what was sown? What did that little baby do to have cancer at one month old? Brethren, the results of the Sowing & Reaping Judgment span generations.
Well, what kind of a God is Jehovah, who would put these kinds of judgments on people? Brethren, the truth is that God gave Adam every opportunity to avoid his descendants falling into this condition, and Adam failed to keep us from falling down. That is the truth. You know, this kind of reasoning is the same thing as saying that the policeman who arrests the criminal is being violent. This is the same kind of reasoning that’s saying it’s wrong to put people in jail no matter what they do, because now the offender feels sorry. Or some people say, even if they don’t feel sorry, it’s wrong to put people in jail.
God does not desire the evil in this world and the proof of it is that He has sent the Lord Jesus Christ to deliver us from the righteous Sowing & Reaping Judgment. What the mind of mortal man has such a problem grasping is that the deliverance of the Lord Jesus Christ involves us (we mortal men) changing in our mind from thinking the thoughts of the spiritual criminal to thinking the righteous thoughts of Christ.
Jesus is saying to us, Jehovah has sent me to get you out of this world, but there is something that you have to do. You cannot be delivered from the spiritual penal colony while you are still a criminal. You have to, first of all, learn righteousness so that you can compare yourself and the way you think to His righteousness, so that you can admit that you are not a member of the family of God.
You are a member of the family of God by faith. But as far as your behavior and your thoughts go, you don’t act like the family of God. You don’t think like the family of God. So I’m here to help you to acquire a mind that thinks and produces the behavior of God so that I can rescue you from this spiritual penal colony. That is the truth.
We, the descendants of Adam, are spiritual criminals. The Lord never intended it to be this way and He is doing everything He can to get us out. But we are responsible for ourselves. That is the truth. Nobody wants to believe it. They would rather believe that God is doing all of these things to us to make us into some, whatever. I don’t know what he teaches; we’re going to be like God and this is what we have to go through to be like God perhaps.
Now remember the teaching, brethren, that Adam was supposed to experience all of the worlds of consciousness from a position of dominion, but he fell down from experiencing the worlds of consciousness, to a position where Adam’s remains is now under the authority of the other species. That’s the bottom line. Adam lost his righteousness. Of course, that’s a whole message which is not this message.
But nobody wants to hear the truth, that there is a god of this world and her name is Satan. She is the warden of this penal colony and we are subject to her. A merciful God has made a way for us to prosper in this world. That’s what America is all about. That’s what the prosperity of this nation is all about and why we live in houses with heat. A lot of us have air conditioning and drive in cars and have food everyday because of the Holy Spirit over this nation. That’s God’s mercy in this penal colony. Praise the Lord. If you’re hearing this message, we have all kinds of messages on this, if you want to study it further.
God is good. God is righteous. We are the spiritual criminals. Mortal man is possessed of an evil mind. If you want to escape from here, you have to (somehow by the grace of God) receive the truth that you are possessed of an evil mind, so that you can receive the righteous mind which is your passport out of hell. This is what Jehovah sent Jesus to do, to rescue a people who do not want to be rescued. That’s the truth; we don’t want to be rescued, or we want to be rescued and keep our sin, which is a total contradiction. The rescue is from the sin nature, but we won’t let go of our sin nature. So we keep reaping what we sowed by preferring our sin nature, and that’s why we’re stuck down here.
Okay, that’s not this message. Can anybody not see the proper way to reason here and the proper use of the Scripture? No matter how young you are in Christ, you have to know that God is good. But it is amazing how many people in this world believe that God is responsible for taking people’s lives and for disease. It’s just amazing. I think the majority of people, at least the majority of Christians, believe that God is responsible for it. It’s not true! Man has a responsibility. Does anyone have a question or a comment on anything?
Going on with this message, I’m going to skip a couple of paragraphs here and our author says, (talking about someone who had just experienced a loss of a loved one,
I knew that God is in control and nothing can happen outside of God’s will.
Well, that’s true Brethren, but that statement is grossly misunderstood. It is God’s will that justice be done in the universe. It is God’s will that every cause have an effect, that everything we do has a just recompense. That is God’s will, because we are fallen and possessed of an evil mind, and we all do evil all the day long (at least on the unconscious level) because Satan is the unconscious part of the carnal mind.
To deliver us from His own law, Jehovah sent the Lord Jesus Christ to minister judgment to us with mercy.
Satan is the enforcer of the Sowing & Reaping Judgment. She ministers judgment without mercy; judgment unto destruction and death. That is the reason for all of the torment, pain, disease and death in the world. Satan is giving just recompenses to all of the evil that has been sown by mankind. That’s why we all die because we’re getting a just recompense, not only for our sins, but for the sins of our ancestors.
Well, that’s not fair, Sheila. Well, as far as the Lord is concerned, we’re the same spiritual person; the same family line. Satan is judgment without mercy and the Lord Jesus is judgment with mercy. Satan destroys us without any explanation or ray of hope. The Lord Jesus comes with hope that He can help us to stop sowing the seeds of destruction that Satan comes to recompense us for.
With Jesus, there’s the hope of a way out. With Satan there’s no hope of a way out. But Jehovah’s law is righteous. Every thought will have a just recompense. Thoughts are powerful. Thoughts produce action. Thoughts produce events in your life. Every sin will have its just recompense and sin originates in the mind. Yes, God is in control of everything. He’s a righteous God. But He is not tormenting you so that you can be built up into a son of God. You’re under His righteous judgment. This is a penal colony. We’re here because we’re hurtful spirits that are in jail, in a spiritual jail. So we see the author telling the truth, that God is in control of everything, but with a completely false understanding of what this means.
Now, of course, our author doesn’t say that, but the whole implication of the message is (we’ll get to read it real soon) that God is in control and He’s doing something good with us. If you could just understand that the end of this whole thing is good, you wouldn’t be crying when you see your baby incested or chopped up, or a pregnant woman having her child ripped out of her belly. You’d say isn’t that wonderful; God is perfecting the whole creation. Or even if you don’t think it’s wonderful (pardon my sarcasm) even if you could admit that at the moment it’s a terrible thing, you’ll sit down and say, well, we just have to endure these things because the end will justify the means.
No, the end doesn’t justify the means of the evil. When Jesus comes to change our nature, He hurts evil. Because the evil is in us, we can get hurt. But He is doing it to save our life. He is not initiating the evil. When Jesus comes and does hurt to the evil, the hurt that Jesus does to the evil does not result in incest or rape or torture. What is the hurt that Jesus does to the evil nature? How does Jesus hurt us? What does Jesus do that causes us pain?
COMMENT: He wounds our carnal mind.
SHEILA: He tells us the truth, which wounds the carnal mind. The hurt that Jesus does is to tell the truth. That hurts our pride very much. He tells the truth and He offers a way of escape. If we don’t take it, He leaves us alone. Of course, Satan moves in with the Sowing & Reaping Judgment. The hurt that Jesus does is to tell the truth like we’re doing tonight.
There is a divine meaning in every happening that comes into our lives. There are no accidents in God.
Well, I believe that there are no accidents in this world, but Satan is the one who orchestrates the events of our lives. The Lord Jesus is interfering with Satan’s orchestration. Satan has a plan for everybody’s life and the Lord Jesus is here interfering with that plan and saying, come on a different path; come my way.
I do not believe that Jesus has planned the lives of everybody here. Aside from that, even in the case of the people who the Lord approaches, we could still turn away. I do not believe that the lives of people are written in stone and I think that’s what our writer is saying. That is the Hindu fatalism, saying your whole life is written and there’s nothing you can do to escape it. I don’t believe that.
I believe that I have a special call on my life. I believe that the Lord brought me forth, knowing what I would be, but I do not believe that it was guaranteed. I personally believe that there were several (I have no idea how many; maybe five thousand, maybe five, I don’t know) but there were several babies born within a particular time frame that could have come to where I am today. But as far as I know, I’m the only one that has matured into my potential in this area. At least (let me say this) I’m the first one; I’m the first one.
I think that there were people who were born with the potential to be teaching the Doctrine of Christ like I am today and they did not ascend into their potential. I do not believe it was guaranteed that I would make it. I know it wasn’t guaranteed, simply based on some of the trials that I’ve had. I know that if I didn’t take the victory, that the Lord would have let me go. I know it because He told me so.
The bottom line is that we have to overcome. He will give us every opportunity and every assistance, but we must overcome. So I do not believe in this fatalism, that our life is written in stone. I believe our opportunities and our potentials are set when we’re born. Then we see what we’re made out of. Life in this world, this existence, reveals what kind of stuff we’re made out of.
Everything that comes to us is for our growth and our development in God.” Maybe in the god of this world, Satan, but not the Lord Jesus. “How God does it is His business.
No brethren, He tells me that I’m a son and His business is my business. That’s what the Scripture says, that I’m not a servant, I’m a son and He teaches me and explains things to me and He’s raising me up to be like Him. So His business is my business. I’ve heard this teaching through the Church world; don’t ask any questions. Brethren, the seduction of the Church is pretty far gone.
Back to the book. He’s saying how God does it, it’s His business.
If we try to put our hand to it, we’ll only make a mess of it.
So you see, there’s nothing for us to do except submit to the pain and torments of this world, and we should do that because we can see the end of it, that everything is going to turn out okay. Don’t pray, don’t try to help yourself, don’t expect the Lord to deliver you. Just accept your pain because the end of it will be good.
Brethren, this doctrine is an abomination to the Lord Jesus. Back to the book.
You see, if it’s left up to us to direct our steps, we will guard, preserve, fight for, and save everything that needs to go to the cross because we are sitting on our little chair in front of the hardware store.
Brethren, the Lord Jesus educates us for this very reason. He educates us to prefer Him and to be willing to die to all of these things for the promises that He promises us. Back to the book.
I knew in my heart that God was there.
This is a personal testimony about someone who lost somebody. He said he felt like an idiot because he didn’t know what to say to this man who was so hurt. I’ll just read the last sentence here.
When clouds have come and darkness has settled down, what do you say? You say, I’m sorry. That is so trite and childish. Well we are sorry, in that human way. But we are saying that from our little chair in front of the hardware store. There is nothing we could say. But you see, what I am saying is that God has purpose. God has a plan in everything. If you are looking from your little chair, you just see the now and you cry out why. But when you see from the eternal perspective, when time is swallowed up, when you see the end from the beginning, when there is no yesterday and no tomorrow; there is only God’s now.
So just ignore your pain. Don’t try to help yourself. Just accept the kinds of things that happen in this world because the end of it is going to be good.
And this is how God is preparing you to enter into His Kingdom?
He is working out His purpose in all of us. Let me tell you something else about today. We are in the flow of time. When that parade moves, there is movement. There is a beginning and there is an end. We are in the flow of time. But you see, yesterday was today before it was yesterday and tomorrow is today before it is tomorrow. Think of all your yesterdays. At one time, every one of them was today. Visualize all your tomorrows and all of those tomorrows, before they ever become yesterday, will be today. Therefore, there is no power in yesterday, because yesterday is past and there is no power in tomorrow because tomorrow has not come.” Well, I don’t know about you, but there’s power in my tomorrow. And I want to tell you something else, there’s power in yesterday. There’s negative power in yesterday. It’s called curses. It’s called ungodly soul ties. It’s called bondages on your mind. It’s called emotional entanglement. There is negative power from yesterday, but there is also positive power from yesterday. There are blessings on the family line. There are all the prayers that your grandmother prayed for you and your aunt and your mother and the person on the street that you didn’t even know that the Lord said to them, pray for that person. There’s power in yesterday. There’s also power in tomorrow because Jesus is tomorrow. He’s the New Day. So don’t just sit on your duff and accept what you’ve got. Back to the book. “The only power in the universe is in today.
Now your today can be on the little chair, or your today can be three stories up seeing from God’s vantage point. Your today can be before you hit the deer when you don’t see everything clear or it can be after the cornea has healed and you see everything clear. God is adjusting our vision. He is correcting our viewpoint. He is altering our perspective and He is doing it by raising us up and bringing us into union with Himself, so that we see as He sees, so that we see from His heart, so that we see by His wisdom [that’s the devilish wisdom that James talks about], so that we see out of His understanding. That’s the understanding and the wisdom that hasn’t produced children in you, you see. This wisdom has not produced children. This wisdom is murdering the people, spiritually murdering the people that read it. That is not the love of God, brethren.
So that we see in conformity with His plan and His purpose, so that we see in accord with His will, so that we see as God sees.
Who is your God? If you go into this unity, you will see with Satan’s eyes.
On the back side of the desert, Moses said, Lord, when I go down to Egypt, who shall I say sent me? And God said to him, tell them that I AM that I AM. Now I am aware that there are different spins that we can put on the Hebrew and I want to put my spin on it this morning. My spin is this: From one angle God is saying, I AM that I AM. In other words, what I am, I AM, I have never been anything but what I am.
I am I AM. In other words, I am SHEILA. Well, that really blessed me because I never thought of it that way. Well, I really want to skip along here.
I will never be anything but what I am. What I am, I was. What I am, I will be. I am that I am, I am the Lord and I change not! In other words, God is constant. That’s why He is eternal. Because nothing that changes can be eternal.
Well, that’s true.
Everything that is eternal is unchangeable, unvarying, without fluctuation. I AM that I AM.
Of course, this is the I Am Message, in case you haven’t recognized it; Jehovah Only.
The constancy of God’s nature, that is eternity. If you can know God as He is, you have touched eternity.
Well, if you know Jesus, you’ve touched eternity. We can’t get to the Father without Jesus.
You have transcended time into a realm where you can see time from beginning to end.
See, the whole point is this vision is not going to deliver you.
I think I said this at the beginning of the message. I believe this is true, that when you ascend in Satan, you will receive all vision, but you’re still going to be captured down here in hell. So what good is the vision if you can’t get out? Didn’t Moses look at the promised land and not enter in? What good did it do him to see it?
You have transcended time into a realm where you can see time from beginning to end.
Well, that sounds very exciting.
You can see all things as they are, but you transcend into a realm where as He is, so are you in this world.
Well, that’s a Scripture that he’s quoting, but I don’t really think it means this. At the moment I don’t recall what the true meaning of that scripture is, but it certainly doesn’t mean what he’s saying.
I AM that I AM. The I AM of God is today! The I AM of God is the Day of the Lord.
No, Christ Jesus, the mediator, is the Day of the Lord;.
That’s the illumination, that’s the revelation, that’s the unveiling. It’s the unveiling of Himself in all that He is. Unchangeably, unvaryingly, constantly, eternally, immortally, incorruptibly, I AM that I Am. Praise God! And He is bringing us into union with Himself in the I AM.
No mediator, no Jesus, you see. The man talks about Jesus in this book, but if you analyze it, what he’s saying is that Jesus just went in before us and now it’s our turn; no mediator. That means Jesus didn’t die for us according to this writer. He just went in first and now it’s our turn. Back to the book.
You see it’s right here, when we touch eternity, it’s all now. Because the Day of the Lord is coextensive with the God of the day.
I’m not really sure what that means, but that’s okay.
When we touch that realm, it’s there that the process and the cry, it is finished, are balanced.
So, what our author is saying here is that everything that we’re going through, all of the pain and torment, sickness, disease, emotional loss, whatever, is for the purpose of ascending into unity with the Father.
Now of course, that is the purpose in Christ, to ascend into unity with the Father. But before we can ascend into unity with the Father, we must become a unity with the indwelling Christ Jesus. And the indwelling Christ Jesus becomes a unity with the Glorified Jesus and we go along for the ride because we’re married to the indwelling Christ Jesus. That’s the whole point of the mediator. You cannot ascend to the Father without Him. So if you’re hearing this message or reading this transcript and you are having ascended spiritual experiences without Christ Jesus, you should know that you are in the Serpent’s timeline. You are ascending into unity with the father of this fallen creation, which is Satan. There is more than one father. There is the Living Father and there is the dead father. We found that recently in a Scripture that we translated. There is the Father of lights, and the father of darkness.
Some say that it’s never finished, it’s always process. I don’t know about that, but I have been processed now for 62 years. We have been through processing and processing. I hear a lot of brethren talking about processing the same way that the denominational systems talk about humanity. They say you can never be perfect. Not on this earth. You can never be perfect. You gotta sin a little bit every day because you are human. You can get better and you can set a goal of perfection. You can strive for that goal. But don’t expect to obtain it.
Now our author is saying that this is what other people say, but he doesn’t believe it.
You’re just going to improve a little bit. I have met a lot of sons of God that preached processing to the point that you get the idea that you’re never going to get there. You are never going to be able to say, I am that I am. You’re always being changed. Most of us confess quite often about how far we still have to go to get to perfection. We say, I admit I am not there yet. I know I have done all these things that God is dealing with and God is working with. Well, my God, how old are you? How many lifetimes will it take? Maybe we better embrace reincarnation [smile].
He has a little smiling face there indicating he doesn’t really believe in reincarnation.
The way some of us talk it may take several times around to get there! And yet the word of the Lord to us is: It Is Finished!
Someone preached this word to me about fifteen years ago, before this ministry started. I was in another church and that was the word coming forth; it is finished. Can’t you read it right there in the King James Translation; it is finished. Yes, it is finished, for Jesus! It is finished for me by faith, but it is not finished. How can you tell me it’s finished, when right after that woman said that to me, I went into the hospital for three months. It’s only by the grace of God that I’m alive and doing very well today. It is not finished. The warfare is every day.
How do you balance that? How do you balance the processing with it’s finished?
It’s finished by faith! That’s how you balance it. It’s not a reality yet. Then he says,
I tell you how to balance it. Get off your little chair in front of the hardware store! Get up there, up there high enough. And when you get high enough, the origin and all the processing and the cry, it is finished, is all now. I mean it’s right now. If you can understand that the past of that parade and the future of that parade becomes all now, you can understand that all the processing and all the consummation and all the origin of God’s purpose is in God’s now. It is all accomplished now! I don’t even know how to say it. I see it in the Spirit, but I don’t know how to articulate it. The process and the consummation are both now. Sure there’s a process, and sure it’s finished. And if you get high enough you can see it. If you touch that immortal dimension of God’s mind, you can understand it. All glory to God.
So you can see the finish. You could understand it and you can touch it, but it hasn’t happened to you yet. I see it and I understand it and I touch it, but I still have a lot of needs. Seeing and understanding is only the beginning of having the experience. Going on with the book.
Let me say it this way, God dwells in the ever-present now! Now is common to every time and every place. There is no time, no place, never has been, never will be that did not exist in now. To live in God’s now, is thus to be everywhere and in all times at the same time. Can we get there? Let’s put it this way, God is not sitting in the little chair in front of the hardware store. God is three stories up, seven stories, I don’t know, seventy billion stories, but God is high enough that for Him everything is now.
Well, for God everything is now. Okay.
No past, no present, God dwells in the ever-present now. Therefore, now is common to every time and every place.”
That’s true! But I’m not God.
To live in NOW, is to be everywhere and in every time I AM that I Am.
Well, that’s true about God. What about me? I hurt, I have pain. What about the individual? What about all the people that Jesus came to relieve? What about the sick and the oppressed? This is wicked. The message is wicked.
Let me tell you something else.
Albert Einstein believed, [this is very interesting. This blessed me now] Albert Einstein believed, according to his theory of relativity, that it would be possible to do time travel, to travel forward or backward in time. He believed that. Now hear me well. If I were to get into a time machine and you were to say, where do you want to go? Do you want to go forward in time or do you want to go backward in time? One of my voyages would be back to the time of David and Solomon. I would like to go back to when Jesus was here too.
See, he mentions Jesus, but he plays Him down.
I just have in my own self a fascination with the time of David and Solomon. If I could get in a time machine that possibly would be the first place I would go. Now here we are, it’s the 13th of June 1999. We get in our time machine. We go back to the days of David and Solomon and we’re not just going to go back and take a quick trip, a hasty view, jump in and come back. We’re going to stay a while. So we spend a year or five years or twenty years and we are caught in that time and we live there and we walk it out and we experience it. After twenty years, we get back in our time machine and come back and guess when we are going to arrive? We are going to get back June 13, 1999. That’s right, you are going to get right back to where you left. Now, if you’re sitting on your little chair, that will blow your mind.
What he’s saying is all true. If you go back in time and you stay there and you live long enough, you’re going to get right back to where you started from. So he’s making this whole big point that everything is now. Well what about your pain? It’s all high talk. It’s all high spiritual talk, but the bottom line is that there’s no relief for your trouble; high spiritual philosophy.
When I first started reading this, I said that this blessed me, but I thought I was reading something else. I had something else in mind when I said that.
So what did Einstein discover? He discovered that there is no past, and there is no future, there is only now.
For God! But for me there’s a past and for me there’s a future because I’m not that high. But I can see. My VISION is that high, but I am not that high. What about my pain? What about the people that are suffering and desperately looking for a healing or some mercy, some hope that maybe God is real? What about all of them? I’m going to take this message into the home with all the mentally ill people, all the institutionalized people, all the crippled people that are missing legs, all the retarded people; are you going to give them this book? What are you going to give them? This book?
Everything is now. What a mystery” our author says.
But it is the mystery of life. It is the mystery of immortality. It’s the mystery of the Spirit. It’s the mystery of God. That’s why we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses.
Another Scripture that he’s throwing in.
It’s now. It doesn’t matter which side you’re on. Whether the floats are up front or in the back. It’s now. See? I AM that I AM. Hallelujah!
Well, isn’t that wonderful? God exists!
Oh the wonder of it. Hallelujah! Ah, it’s the Day of the Lord. John was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day.
Telling all the retarded people to get up in the tree so they can see the end of the vision.
Did you see the news the other day? There were a pair of siamese twins born and they separated them and they came out of the hospital with one leg each. They were joined in their heart and their liver. I don’t know how they did that. But they came out of the hospital with one leg each. Oh, but they should get up in the tree and look at the whole picture and their mother and their father and the other siblings in the family who will be affected by this for their whole life.
Our author is talking about John.
He saw the beginning and he saw the end. He saw all the processing in between. From the day of darkness until the day when the whole earth was full of the glory of the Lord, as the waters covered the sea.
Well, praise God that he saw that.
But you know what he heard before he saw it? Because John was in the midst of tribulation, you know what he said in the opening? He said, I, John, your brother in tribulation. I forget all the things, but it was sort of a dismal picture. You see, John was sitting in the little chair in front of the hardware store.
This is John the apostle that he’s talking about.
I am your brother in tribulation. Then he heard a voice saying, get off your chair. Come up hither and I will show you things that must be hereafter. But John saw the beginning and he saw the ending and all the processing in between because the whole book of Revelation is not about mutated cockroaches the size of semi’s. [Whatever that means] It’s about the processing to bring us to the consummation that’s in the day of the Lord in the Now!
So getting this vision of the end of the whole thing, according to our writer, set John free. But I want to tell you that I read a different Bible than he does. I read where the Glorified Jesus Christ said to John, I come quickly to set you free. First He gave John the vision. He caught John up and He gave him the vision. Then the Glorified Jesus came to John to set him free from the criminal mind that possessed him. John didn’t just have a vision. John got delivered.
I just want to share one more thing. I AM that I AM. That is the immortal, eternal, all encompassing, ever-present, unchanging, un-variable, being of God. And you are a peculiar person. You are a holy nation. You are a Kingdom of priests that stand in the interface between heaven and earth.
Listen to that. Mediator; he’s saying you are the mediator! Brethren, it’s true, we are all a part of the mediator “if” the mediator is in us and ministering through us. Our author is saying, mortal man without Christ, is the mediator.
You see everything in heaven and you see everything in earth from that eternal perspective. It is only there in that priesthood that you can take all realms and bring them together into one. It’s in union with Him.
With who? With the I AM! Well brethren, the only I Am you can be joined to without Jesus is Satan. Back to the book.
I am not here this morning to dispute doctrines about the Godhead.
Because all these people are coming to this preacher and saying, “what about Jesus, what about the Holy Spirit?” Now listen to this. What our author is going to do here now, he can do because of the condition of the Church. I am about to read to you an absolutely true exhortation on the fallacy of the trinity. Our author is using a knowledge of the fallacy of the trinity to mess up these people and to get them all confused; the people who in their own way are trying to be faithful to Jesus and saying, what about the Holy Spirit, what about Jesus, what about the Father? The writer’s answer to them is that the trinity is a fallacy. We know in this ministry that the trinity is a fallacy. So our author is using that truth for his own advantage. This is what our author has to say.
I am sure each one of us has our own understanding of the Godhead, how many persons there are in the Godhead, and all the rest of it. I am not here to debate that, I am here to just point something out that the Spirit has made very real in my heart. There are many kinds of terminology that we can use that are not God’s terminology. They came right out of Babylon. Right out of the religious system. [And he’s right!] Right out of the darkness of religiously carnal minds and we have embraced them and we parrot them as though they were the revelation of God. We talk about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.
Did you know that there is not one Scripture in the Bible that talks about God the Son? [He’s right.] There is not one scripture in the Bible that talks about God the Holy Ghost. To us there is one God even the Father. Jesus is the Son of God - not God the Son. [He’s right.] Jesus is the Son of God, not God the Son.
The man, Jesus, in the days of His flesh was the Son of God, not God the Son, but today, the Glorified Son is completely mingled with the Father. So today Jesus is the Father to us. The Glorified Spirit is the Father to us. I don’t want you to misunderstand me. Jesus is God, but He is not God the Son. He’s God. He’s the Son and the Father to us; He’s all things to us. But the Church is getting tripped up on their own false doctrine, right out of Babylon.
Brother Eby, are you telling me Jesus isn’t God? No. I am not saying He is not God the Son. And the Holy Spirit is not God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. God, Himself said, I will send My Spirit. I will pour out My Spirit. Jesus said that God the Father had sent Him. So to us there is one God who is the Father. Was Jesus God? Yes!
The man hasn’t said one thing wrong in this exhortation so far.
But did you know that the God that was in Jesus was the Father? [Yes!]
What did he say? He said, it’s not I that doeth the work. It’s My Father that dwelleth in me.
Yes, Jesus said that, amen.
He doeth the work. Can you imagine one God saying of another God, Of myself I can do nothing. And one God said to the other God, it’s not I, but it’s My Father and My words are not My own, but as I hear from My Father, so I speak. So what I am saying is, that the God that was in Jesus was the Father. [They were one.] Great is the mystery of Godliness. God was manifest in the flesh. Not God the Son! God was manifest in the flesh. [He’s absolutely right.]
A dear brother was caught up in the Spirit. I know not whether it was in the body or out of the body, but he was caught up in the Spirit and he saw, in spirit, the throne of God. There was one that sat upon the throne. He did not see three thrones: God the Father sitting on one, God the Son sitting on another, and God the Holy Ghost sitting on another. Nor did he see one throne with three Gods sitting on it. He saw one on the throne and the one that he saw was Jesus. He saw Jesus sitting on the throne. But emanating and radiating , in an unending, all encompassing, outshining, and out-raying of glory and majesty, wisdom, dominion, power, love, mercy, and goodness was the Father. [Out-raying from Jesus.] Shining out of Jesus was the glory of the Father so that Jesus could say, if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father because I and the Father are one. [This is all right].
Now I want to enlarge that a little bit and I want to get you off of your little chair in front of the hardware store where what you see of God is only that little bit of limited view of God that you have read out of the Word or heard some preacher preach. I want you to see yourself in Christ. See yourself IN Christ. I want you to know that we have a great high priest in the heavens. But He is not only in the heavens as brother Ray so ably explained to us yesterday. Because the Scripture says He ascended up far above All heavens that He might fill ALL THINGS. Jesus is not in that little chair, He is in that high and holy place. [This is all true!] And He is the high priest of His house. [This is all true. This is all Scripture.] And God’s elect, God’s chosen ones, are the body of the high priest and we are a kingly priesthood, a royal priesthood.
That’s true only “if” He is in us; only if He is in us.
Him that overcometh, will I grant to sit with Me in My throne. Not in another little throne beside My throne. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me In My Throne even as I have overcome, as I have come up over and am set down with My Father IN HIS THRONE.
I’ll just add that we’re all going to be in the throne together. It’s called unity. Our author absolutely right in this exhortation.
If you can see that one throne where the King of Glory and the high priest of the house of God is seated in all the fulness of the dominion and the nature, majesty, wisdom, and power of God, and see yourself seated in Him, then you know what UNION IS!
Seated in Jesus? Not Jesus seated in you, you see. Christ in you is the hope of glory. Union is Christ in you, the hope of glory, not you sitting in Jesus’ throne without Him inside of you. Talk about a play of words!
Then you know what a Son of God is!
Our author is saying,
Listen, if you can see yourself seated in Him, then you know what union is.
No! Christ Jesus has to be seated in you, for you to know what union is.
I am not claiming this morning to be the I AM, but I am the offspring of the I AM.
Brethren, we are the offspring of the Glorified Jesus Christ. We are the offspring of the Lord Jesus. We are His children. We are not the offspring of the I AM.
But I am the offspring of the I AM. I am the son of the I AM! I am of the substance of the I AM! I have the mentality of the I AM! I share the nature of the I AM! I am filled with the wisdom of the I AM to see as He sees!
There’s the proof. Did you hear that? Our author says all these things are proof that he is the substance of the I AM, the son of the I AM, the mentality of the I Am, the nature of I AM; all of that is proving he is filled with the wisdom that allows him to see as the I AM sees.
So our author is saying that revelation proves that he is the son of God. But REVELATION DOES NOT PROVE YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD, if you remember me telling you that. Our author says here,
I am filled with the wisdom of the I AM which enables me to see as the I AM sees.
But wisdom is justified of her children. Do you have the fruit of the Spirit? Do you confess your sin nature and prefer Christ Jesus over her? No, you do not, brother, because Christ Jesus is the fruit of the Spirit. Back to the book.
To know as He knows, to understand as He understands! That is why this morning, as I look out over humanity, I am not distressed. I am high enough to see the beginning, to see the end, and to see everything in between. It’s NOW, it’s today.
All of our author’s credentials are in His ability to see the past, the present and the future and that it’s all now for him. He has vision. His credentials are completely rooted in his vision, in his revelation; no power to heal, no power to deliver, and a false wisdom that denies the Doctrine of Christ.
This is deadly, deadly doctrine. When you get all caught up in this doctrine, (I don’t think that reading one pamphlet is going to destroy Christ in you), if this doctrine starts getting inside of you like the Doctrine of Christ gets inside of us, it produces the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in you. Just like the Doctrine of Christ produces the Tree of Life in us. We even have something like that in the Alternate Translation. Let me see if I can find that for you. This is Samson warning the men of Judah. I’m reading from the Alternate Translation of Judges Chapter 16 verse 13;
Judges 16:13, If the Fiery Serpent braids together with Leviathan, her head, and Leviathan completes her, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil will sprout in your lower window again. And Leviathan will harness Adam within you, the mortal men of Judah, and Satan will engrave you with her nature.
So if you read this kind of material long enough, it will kill the Tree of Life in you. If Christ is grafted to you, it will kill Him, and it will cause the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to sprout in you again. If you read it and you believe it and if you pursue it, believing that this man is a teacher of God, and you drink in what he’s teaching you, this will eventually happen to you, unless the Lord has mercy on you and causes you to escape. So there is a danger.
Now you shouldn’t be afraid to pursue other doctrines, but you have to read critically, having yourself before God continuously. If you cannot recognize the kinds of things I have pointed out, you shouldn’t even be doing that.
Somebody contacted me once and they told me that someone had offered them a couple of messages. I know the preacher who offered them the messages preaches this kind of doctrine. The man didn’t know whether or not to listen to the messages. All that he could hear the Lord say was, “the tree will grow.” He called me up to find out if I knew what it meant. This was the message that I had for him. “The Lord is saying, if you listen to those messages, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil will sprout in you again.”
So you see, when we hear directly from God, He speaks in very abbreviated phrases. That’s why we need teachers. This man did not know what those few words meant. I happened to know what they meant. So brethren, this is what is going on in the Church today. As I told you at the beginning of this message, I really did not want to preach it, not for any of the reasons that the three of you suggested, but because it’s such a hard thing for me to see what’s happening in the Church, and to know that there’s nothing I can do to change it. It’s in God’s hands.
Well Sheila, you could say, you are doing something.
Very few people will receive this message, very, very few; maybe one or two people will receive this message. But I’m going to put it up on the web page, Lord willing. The whole Church is following after Satan. It’s just mind boggling to me.
This is the reason why I didn’t want to preach this, because I have to deal with myself. I’m not supposed to be hurt over this. I’m not supposed to be upset over this. I’m supposed to be very calm and rational about it, moving and standing in faith that I see the end of the whole picture, in accordance with our writer’s reasoning. The end of the whole picture is that all of mankind is reconciled with Almighty God and bearing the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s the end of the whole picture.
I see the end of the picture. But I know that there is going to be some very very hard and painful and unpleasant times for God’s Church. I also know that a lot of people that are walking on the earth today will not see His glory. But they will pass out of this earth and the personality that is not a unity with the Lord Jesus Christ will not rise again.
The immortal part of your soul will rise again, but the personality is the mortal part of the soul. That’s what we need to be saved. That’s why the personality needs to be saved, because the personality is the mortal side of the soul. There is a root in us, there is a germ seed in us. You might call it a spiritual gene pool that will rise again, but it will be a completely different person; just as it was Michael incarnating in Elijah and in Moses and in Jesus. Those were three personalities that clothed Michael, the Prince of Israel. So it’s hard; it’s a hard thing to see the whole church falling away before my very eyes.
But the way I deal with it is by keeping my mind on today, keeping my mind on bringing forth the Doctrine of Christ, preaching, doing the on-line meetings, publishing the material, so that the Lord Jesus can bring whoever He wants to, to our public well on the internet, to drink.
All I can do is my small part. I am not God and I am not the Savior of the world. I do look forward to the day when the miracle working power is poured out. I believe that’s coming. I’m very excited about that. But as for today, it’s very hard, even though I’m up in the tree. I’m not sitting on my little chair in front of the hardware store. I’m up pretty high and I see the end of all things, but I also know what’s going to have to happen to get to that end. It is not going to be pleasant. It’s going to be a very hard, hard thing to see.
For that reason I did not look forward to preaching this message. But now that I’ve done it, I thank God for the opportunity to serve the Lord Jesus. If there is one person, one person that comes to our web page and reads this and escapes from the lion’s mouth, it was worth it. Does anybody have anything to say?
COMMENT: I would like prayer because I studied under this man for a number of years and a lot of other people that I was associated with at that time have gone off into the deception of the I AM doctrine.