036 - Part 4

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


The seven churches of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John, Part 4, Thyatira. We are going to start with a couple of comments on Pergamos, which we did at the last meeting. Verse 17 of Chapter 2; He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. We had said that the meaning of that last phrase, which no man knoweth excepting he that receiveth it, refers to the fact that no one is going to know about our changed nature except another man that has the same changed nature. Natural man will not be able to tell what spirit is dwelling within us. I forgot to give you the scriptural reference on that.


It is 1 Corinthians 2: 14 thru 16. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. Natural man cannot understand spiritual things. Verse 15; But he that is spiritual, that is you who has the new name of Christ, but he that is spiritual judgeth or discerneth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. If you are spiritual, if you have Christ, you know who has Christ and who does not. You know what is in the hearts of men, but he, himself, is judged of no man. Natural man cannot judge you. You know all things and natural man will not know who you are.


I am sure you know the results of this difficult situation usually is persecution, mockery, lack of acknowledgment of your authority in everything that goes with the new spirit that you have been given. We cannot fight in the natural. We have to humble ourselves before men that do not know who we are. That is the only way to deal with people on a lower spiritual realm in a way that glorifies God. We are to humble ourselves before them and wait for the Spirit of God to move. Sometimes He moves in that particular instant and sometimes He does not. If He does not move, very often humiliation can be directed towards us, but we cannot be humiliated unless we receive it in our hearts. We must know who we are, with dignity at all times, being totally dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ to vindicate us. If we are humiliated, we are humiliated. That is the life of the spiritual man.


Verse 16: FOR WHO HATH KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD, THAT HE MAY INSTRUCT HIM? But we have the mind of Christ. Who hath known, what natural man has known the mind of the Lord that he might instruct God? Well the mind that was in Christ. If you are moving in the Spirit of Christ, if you are lifted up, if God has exalted you and raised you up, you are moving in the mind of Christ. What natural man knows that mind that he might instruct you? But the natural man will instruct you. He will try to instruct you. He will try to correct you. He will try to tell you that you are wrong. The way that you deal with this is that you do nothing unless you are motivated by the Spirit of God. You do not strive with natural men.


You have to wait by discerning the Spirit to know that God has given you an opening to communicate with the man whose heart is in the darkness of the natural man. There is no way you can communicate downward to a lower spiritual realm unless the Lord Jesus Christ makes the way. We are to hold our peace and be silent until we discern by the spirit that that pathway is open. Otherwise, you let the other person talk. Let them teach you. Let them tell you whatever they have to tell you unless you feel that it is totally out of order. At one point I shared with you I had a conversation with a woman who was trying to convince me of a doctrine that I believe God hates. I told her that I chose not to discuss the subject any further, but I did not try to show her where she was wrong. It would have been like banging against a stone wall.


This is the situation. As we are spiritual, and the more spiritual we get, the natural man and those that are spiritual on a lesser level will not be able to discern who we are. They are not going to know who we are. You can have a very high authority in God and have people right in the Church world call the power that you are moving in witchcraft. It happened to me. God sent me as a prophet to a man of God. He called me Jezebel and his wife called me witchcraft, and the prophesy is coming to pass. The prophesy is coming to pass. He did not know who I was. Do you want to know what the inclination of natural man is? If you are sent to someone in the office of prophet, most of the time you are not going to have a good word for them.


God is always warning His people. Sometimes you have a good word for them. If you have a harsh word for them, like repent or, nine out of ten men, unless they are very spiritual, are going to say who do you think you are? The hardness of their own heart and the darkness of their own mind, and the fact that they love the sin that they are committing, is going to prevent them from seeing the Spirit of God on you. They are going to say you are just a man. Who are you to talk to me like that, and the judgment is going to fall. Glory to God. Alleluia.


I am going to change the form a little bit today because we are moving on to the fourth church. I want to do a comparative review of Ephesus, Smyrna and Pergamos before we go on to Thyatira. It is a little different than the comparative review that we have done at the end of the other three messages. I have changed the format.


Ephesus; They have labored, and borne burdens. The Lord has shown me this. Now we are making some corrections here. As you all know here, if you hear a discrepancy on a later tape, take the revelation on the later tape because God is correcting us as we go along. Now I had told you about Ephesus, that I thought that they were going to receive the fullness, that the promise of eating of the tree of life would give them the fullness. The Lord has corrected me. What He has told me is that the phrase that says they have labored and borne burdens implies that they have only an imputed anointing. The spiritual burdens that we bear is the work of keeping Satan under our feet so that we do not sin. When we have the imparted anointing, that burden becomes the work of the Lord.


So if Ephesus has labored and borne burdens, the Lord said to me, that means that even though they had a glorious ministry of discernment, judgment, righteousness, true doctrine and glory, it was only imputed. Christ was walking in the midst of their candles. It still, nevertheless, was an imputed anointing. They had almost all of the promises short of the imparted anointing. They had all the glory of the spiritual life, but it was imputed. That is why Jesus could say unto them, if you do not repent of your pride because I have given you so much, if you do not stop saying you did it, or you got it because you deserved it, or you got it for yourself, if you do not repent of your pride, I am going to take away the spiritual life that I have given you and I am going to knock you back down to a more carnal realm. So the glorious life of the church at Ephesus was imputed. Glory to God.


We are told that one of the things that is for them is that they hate the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes. Last week we spoke about the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes. One of the things they believe in is the community of women. We said there is a denomination in the Church world today that believes in housing women in separate communities, and that I personally do not see anything inherently evil in it, although history tells us that when this was the practice in early church days, and when it was practiced by the pagan religions where it first started, these women were used sexually by the men in the religion.


I am not suggesting that the denomination in our modern society that does this is doing this in this hour. I really do not know. I am not saying anything about that. What I would like to mention today is that there is a spiritual application to housing women and keeping them chaste. We know that women is referring to our souls. Our spirit is the man and our soul is the female. So if there is a religious organization that believes in communities of women, of gathering them together and keeping them chaste, that means they are forbidden to marry. They are forbidding the souls to marry. We know that our soul is suppose to be married to the Lord Jesus Christ.


So this doctrine of communities of women, what it can refer to in the modern church world is groups of men who say that they have all of the doctrine, and they are the only ones who can perform the miracles, and they are the only ones that can heal the sick, and they are the only ones that get the knowledge, and the women, the people on the soul realm, you gather together in the congregation and you stay chaste. I am not going to let you come to a place in Christ where you hear from God, and you can hear, and you can deliver, and you can bring forth the revelation of God. So there is a spiritual application in the Church world today that is saying the clergy have the particular power associated with spiritual manhood that the congregation cannot have. They are keeping those people on the soul realm, gathered in communities, and forbidding them to marry and produce the fruit of Christ, so that they can partake of spiritual manna, so that they can bring forth the Son, and partake of spiritual manhood. Did I make that clear? Okay. Glory to God.


The Ephesians appear to have the fullness of spiritual life and doctrine by way of the imputed anointing. Their sin is pride. The tree of life is the corporate Christ. Now the tree of life is not the Christ that appears in you. The tree of life is the corporate Christ, therefore eating of the tree of life means fertilization by the Holy Spirit. It means fertilization by the Holy Spirit. We know there were two trees in the garden. There was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is the living soul. That is the corporate living soul. There was the tree of life, which is the corporate Christ. What is happening to the human soul right now, the living soul right now, is that we are hopefully coming to a place where we will eat or partake of the tree of life, which partaking will cause our own human spirit to be fertilized, so that that tree can be reproduced in our very own souls. This is what the Lord told me. He corrected me.


The tree of life is the corporate Christ, therefore eating of the tree of life means fertilization by the Holy Spirit, which will ultimately bring forth the spiritual life that they already have, but bring it forth by way of the imparted anointing. At which point they will no longer be able to lose it. It will rise up and swallow up their pride because the imparted anointing is Christ. It will swallow up their pride. This glorious spiritual life that they are leading will become a part of life, a way of life, that cannot be removed. Their candlestick will not be able to be removed because the anointing will not be poured out from on high. It will be welling up from within them, and it will have the power to put their pride underfoot, and there will be no chance of them losing it.


There are two categories that we are looking at as we do this comparison, fertilization and the appearing of Christ. With regard to Ephesus, fertilization takes place after repentance from pride. God does not deliver you from your sin until you repent. When you are not in repentance, you are in rebellion, and you are God's enemy. If you are not in a condition of repentance, you are in rebellion, and you are the enemy of God. The only relationship that you have with Him is warfare. When you repent He has mercy on His enemies, and He gives His life to you.


Fertilization takes place after repentance from pride in Ephesus. There was no mention of Christ appearing. They have this glorious spiritual life, and He says if you overcome your pride, I am going to let you be fertilized, but there is no mention of Christ appearing. We know that when a human woman becomes fertilized, it is nine months until the baby appears. In the spiritual life there is a time period that I am sorry to say is much longer than nine months by our natural time span. From the time that we are fertilized and the time that Christ appears in us, it could be a very long time by our natural years.


Why is Ephesus fertilized and why is she not promised that the Christ will appear in her? She has all of this glory. Why does God not give her the whole thing? The answer is that Ephesus is in need of nothing but repentance from pride. There is no urgency for Christ to appear in her. There is no urgency for Christ to appear in her. What I am suggesting to you is that God deals with everybody according to their needs. He does not deal with them in accordance with the carnal minds of men. When Christ comes to you and He wants to have mercy on you, He looks at you and He says what do you need?


He does not say you have got nine tenths of the glory and the next step, line upon line, and precept upon precept, is that I am going to give you the fullness. He does not do that. He comes to you and He says, what do you need and that is what He gives you. What do you need most? Where are you most desperate? Ephesus had pride and because of their pride they were in danger of losing the spiritual life that they had. So He says to them, repent and I will let you be fertilized, and the fertilization of the human spirit will give you strength. It will bring forth Christ in you, maybe not the fullness of the appearing, but Christ will start to appear in you, and that manifestation will give you the strength and the power that you need to overcome the pride.


We had teaching on this in this ministry. Lots of times we just cannot stop. God knows that. He wants you to repent, and when you repent He will impart the power to you to overcome. So what is happening to Ephesus is that they have been blessed. The imputed anointing is without repentance. The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance, and God has poured out a glorious spiritual life upon Ephesus, and they think that they are wonderful. He said to them you have got to overcome this pride. If you repent, I will fertilize your human spirit, imparting spiritual power to you to overcome that pride. No man can do it on his own.


Smyrna is struggling to survive in this real world, reaping what they have sowed, and they are spiritually poverty stricken. Jesus has given them only the faith that there is a God who can help them. He expects nothing of them except that they hold that belief that He can save them unto death. He knows the hateful doctrine of those who call themselves believers, and without any sign of mercy tell these poor souls that they are going to burn in hell forever. They cannot come.


They cannot live the spiritual life that these believers are living, and these self righteous believers go to them and say you are going to burn in hell forever. That is what they tell them, and Jesus is aware of it. Faithfulness, not overcoming, will result in being woven together with Jesus. They do not have to overcome. They just have to hold on to this thing in their heart that says God has the power to help me. I am making a change here. I was not too sure what the weaving meant. I thought it was the fertilization, but God has told me that the weaving is the impartation of the root of Christ.


This category known as the church of Smyrna are human beings that have been born without the root of Christ. We have talked about this in this ministry. What happens when you are born without the root of Christ and you get a revelation that there really is a God in heaven and you want it and you repent. We have taught here in this ministry that if you can just touch God, the next generation will receive the root of Christ. We have taught that here. If you have not heard those tapes, just write to us and we will get the tapes to you. So faithfulness, not overcoming, will result in being woven together with Jesus. Glory to God.


The weaving together is the impartation of the root of Christ. Those in the church of Smyrna have been birth without the root of Christ. They are having tribulation in the days that Christ turns His attention towards them because they are reaping what they have sown. When He comes, He judges their sin. They have been out there sinning. They have no root of Christ. They are just out there living their life, and Jesus turns His eyes towards them. When Jesus turns His eyes towards you, He turns His eyes towards you with judgment. The only time He does not turn His eyes towards you with judgment is when there is no sin in your heart. Show me the man that has no sin in his heart. Everyone is yelling yea, yea, yea, Jesus is coming. When He comes, He is coming with judgment. Glory to God.


There are a group of people in the world, human beings born without the root of Christ, and Jesus has turned His eyes upon them, and they are reaping what they have sown, and they are in judgment, and they are in anguish and pain and torment. Jesus said to them, believe in me even though you are dying. You are going to die. He is not going to stop them from dying. The soul that sinneth, it shall die. Believe in me even though you are dying and I will impart the root of Christ to the next generation. I am going to let you die. Believe in me unto death and in the next generation I shall be woven to your descendants in the realm of the Spirit. Glory to God.


The overcomer in the next generation will have to die like their fathers, but they will not be hurt when the soul dies. The promise is to he who overcometh in Smyrna is that you shall not be hurt of the second death. We know in the Scripture that, very frequently, there is no distinction made between generations, fathers, grandfathers, sons. So when God says to Smyrna, be faithful unto death and you will not be hurt of the second death, it is perfectly scriptural in accordance with the way the Scriptures are written for the interpreters to say, be faithful. You are going to die and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Be faithful unto death and you shall not be hurt of the second death. You is meaning your sons. If you know the scripture, you know that is perfectly scriptural that He could be meaning that. Glory to God.


The root of Christ is imparted as a result of believing that God will help them, despite these people's lack of spiritual understanding. I do not know about you, but I know lots of people like that. They have no spiritual life at all. They have no knowledge. They do not go to church. They do not read the Bible, but they pray. When trouble comes into their life, they are down on their knees, saying God help me. That is all they have got. God help me. That is all they have got. That is it, God help me. What is more, the only time they cry out God help me is when they are in trouble. They can go for years without even thinking about God or talking about God or having anything to do with Him.


As soon as they get sick, or when they find out that they have cancer or their son has to go to war, they are down on their knees saying, God help me. They know there is a God. They know that there is a chance that He will have mercy on them. These are the people of Smyrna. I just want to repeat that these seven churches are not denominations. They are seven spiritual realms that human beings fall into. In many cases they can fall into many of them, if not all of them, at different times in our life. They are different spiritual realms.


The root of Christ is imparted as a result of believing that God will help them, even though they have no spiritual understanding. The root of Christ will be present in the next generation to sustain their spiritual life when their soul dies. The soul is dying. It is only the last generation. It is the soul that is present in the last generation that is going to be totally saved. Your soul is dying. Glory to God.


The spiritual life of the descendants of the Smyrnaians are going to be preserved because now this family line is being birthed. With the root of Christ there is hope. Glory to God. There is no mention of fertilization and there is no mention of the appearance of Christ. Compared to some of the other churches they have gotten a very small gift, but when you compare it to what they had, their gift is great. They had nothing. Their family line was going to come to an end because Christ had not touched it spiritually. Glory to God. They received the gift of life in an immature stage. That is what they got. Why?


Why did Smyrna get this gift that they will not be hurt of the second death? It was because Smyrna is being destroyed by curses and judgments. What they need to sustain their lives is the root of Christ. That is what they need. Jesus gave them what they need. He did not give them the baptism with the Holy Spirit. He did not give them dancing around. He did not give them great revelation. What they needed was the root of Christ. He gave them what they needed.


Pergamos labored to exist in this realm. They have laid hold of the Spirit of God and they believe Jesus Christ for salvation. Their carnality has destroyed the root of Christ which was in them. Their souls are ruling and bringing forth false doctrines such as denying God the Creator, acknowledging another god, and separating the soul from the spirit. That is the communities of women, and forbidding the soul to marry, denying that you have to bring forth Christ, and their spirit man is fornicating with the soul realm and believing or eating its doctrines. They deny God as Creator. Now I am going to say something radical here, brethren. There is a lot of people in the church world that deny God as the Creator. They will admit that He created us in our present condition, but they do not want to admit that He is still creating us.


They will admit that He formed man or they will say He created man in His likeness, but they do not want to admit that He is creating man in His image, and that the work is not done, and that Christ is coming forth in us. They will deny that to you. If you go out there in the church world, they will say you are coming forth in Christ's image? Who do you think you are? It is a lie. I declare to you that they are denying that God is the Creator because what they are saying is we are as far as we are going to go, and now it is in our hands. I am going to do it. I am going to do it. That is what they are saying. They are taking the glory from God. You pray about that. I know it is not too clear. You pray about it.


They acknowledge another god, and they sure do acknowledge Satan as god. They deny that he is the servant of Almighty God. They give him separate autonomous power. They make him the enemy of God with the power to be His enemy. He is not God's enemy. He is God's servant. So they do declare another god, and they separate the soul from the spirit in their congregation. They tell the people to sit in the congregation like a bunch of wet pansies. The cannot get up. They tell them to stand up, to sit down, to raise their hands. They tell them where to sit. They tell them where to park their cars. They tell them where to move, how to speak, how to talk, how to sing. They yell at them when they are not singing the way they like.


They keep them utterly dependent and weak. They tell them they cannot heal. They tell them they cannot lay hands on people. They tell them they cannot preach. They will not give them a chance even if God witnesses to the preacher that He wants that person in the pulpit. They rule like kings and they keep the women as cloistered as women have been in past ages. In this age in the United States of America, women are coming out, but for centuries, thousands of years, women were cloistered by the men in this society. That is what is happening today, spiritually. Glory to God.


Their spirit man is fornicating with the soul realm, and believing or eating its doctrines. The soul realm is being exalted because the Church world is in rebellion, and they do not want to acknowledge God. So that means the soul realm is exalted and it is bringing forth false doctrine, and the spiritual man is saying, yeah, you are right. This is the condition of Pergamos. The Pergamosians have everything they need to produce Christ, but they have failed to do so. Their soul realm is too strong. The soul realm in the Pergamosian church is too strong, and there is only one thing that can help them and that is judgment.


Hebrews 6:4-6; For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of god, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing how they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame. Verse 8; But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. I just want to go over this one more time. I know we had a tape on this.


This was the condition of the original creation. God was ruling the living soul and sin was present, but contained, because God was ruling and it could not manifest, because God had everything under control. God withdrew and He replaced Himself with the law. The living soul was not contained. The law did not have the power to stop sin. It was only a knowledge that would help you know what was right and wrong, but it did not have the authority to control sin. The living soul rose up and came out of its place. Ruled by Satan, it took authority over the living soul, and it put the law underfoot, and sin became rampant.


What is happening today is that Christ came back in this generation. If you are that far along with God, hopefully you have Christ ruling in your life, and Satan and everything involved with the living soul is under the control of the Christ in your life. It is under the control of the Christ in your life, but Satan can still impulse thoughts into your mind. You could be leading a blessed life with Christ ruling it, and you can get a thought from Satan. He says if you let the people in that congregation pray, if you let them manifest the gifts, if you let them heal and deliver, if you let them freely flow in the Spirit of God, you are going to lose control of your congregation. You are going to lose control of your service. You are not going to be able to control the people. They are going to be out and running their own ministry. People are going to leave. You had better not let the people manifest Christ.


When thoughts like this start entering a preacher's mind, what is happening is that Christ is no longer ruling in his life. The second that thought comes up to him and he says yeah, I am not going to let the people pray. I am not going to let them deliver, and I am not going to let them move freely in the Spirit. I am going to control them, and I am going to put them under my thumb because I have been working at this for fifteen years. I have a wife and three children, and if this church falls down, how am I going to support my family? I cannot afford to have these people leave the church. I cannot afford to have them get spiritual and go off without me. I had better start telling them that if they leave here, they are going to be destroyed. I had better start telling them that they cannot leave here without my permission. I had better start telling them that they cannot hear from God, but through me.


It is a process, but the second you start doing that, this is what happens to your soul. Christ goes back down on the bottom and Satan is ruling. I am sorry, but those are satanic thoughts, brother. The soul realm is ruling in your life. This is what the scripture that we just read is saying. When you have tasted, when you have come through all of these steps, you have come to the point that Christ is ruling in your life. You have tasted of the good things of God, of the powers of the age to come. You have heard the true doctrine of the Lord that we are all being formed in the image of Christ, and that the job of everybody in the ministry is to encourage and strengthen the other believers to the point that they too come where you are without fear.


I am picking on the preachers now, but there are applications for the people in the congregation too. As soon as you do that, you have tread Christ underfoot. The only way that you can get Him back up on top again would be to crucify Him again, and it does not work that way because you have willingly stripped His power from Him. God will not let you go by the route that you went when you first repented and had a salvation experience, and you had healing, and you had deliverance, and Christ was exalted in your life. Once you reach that point, and you willingly put Him underfoot for selfish gain, because there is no other reason that you would do it, you cannot get back to a place with Christ on top by the same means. God will not let you do it.


There is only one way to get Christ back on top, because for you to do that, there is something terribly wrong in your spirit. God has given you healing. He has given you deliverance. He has given you doctrine. For you to make a decision like that, that I am going to sell God's people, that I am going to eat their flesh, that I am going to steal from them, or whatever, there is something wrong in your thinking. I will tell you there is an application for the person in the congregation. If you find out about a minister that is under the anointing of God, and you are mature enough to discern in your spirit that Christ has raised this teacher up, and God says to you come, sit in this ministry and learn, and I will give you your own ministry in due season.


But right now, in this hour, I want you to sit and learn, and you say I am recognizing the anointing on that person. I know it is the ministry of God. I know it is the doctrine of God. I know it is the power of God, but I want my ministry now. I am going to get that person's tapes and I am going to go out and have my own ministry, and I am going to act like it is my doctrine. That is one of the things that can happen to the people in the congregation. I am going to tell you something with regard to that situation, brethren. God will let you do it for a season. First of all, you cannot hurt the preacher. Anyone who is moving in the power of God cannot worry about losing people in the church.


It has to be God that brings the people in. You cannot steal from the preacher that has been raised up by God. Let me tell you something, when the flesh was still in their mouth, destruction came upon them. You cannot do this. You cannot steal the revelation of God from a ministry that was not given to you. Do you understand what I am talking about? You cannot do that. You cannot take it and go out and say it is your doctrine. When you sit in that ministry and you learn, and God births it in you, and in the fullness of time He says, now I have given it to you and you can go out.

You cannot go out with that doctrine on someone else's revelation unless God gives you a special dispensation to do it. I am not talking about that.

I do know people that study other men's teachings, and it is God, and they share it with other believers. I am talking about someone that is called to be discipled in a particular ministry, and because of their pride, they will not sit and learn. They get up and take the teaching and tapes, and they run out to make themselves a big shot in someone else's ministry before God sends them out. God will deal with you in due season. Glory to God.


We just read Hebrews Chapter 6 verses 4 thru 6 and verse 8. We said that the Pergamosians had everything they need to produce Christ, but had failed to do so. The soul realm was too strong and the only thing that will help believers in this condition is judgment. With regard to the church of Pergamos, there is no mention of fertilizing them. The overcomer, he who overcomes will be joined to Christ when He appears, and take His name and His nature and His character. So we are jumping beyond fertilization. Jesus has looked upon the heart of this church and He has said to them you are a mess. I have given you everything and you are letting the carnal mind rule in your mind. Why? Because your heart is black? I am going to send you into judgment, and at the end of that judgment I am going to give you my nature, and my character, and my life so that you do not fall into this condition anymore.


Now the carnal mind would say, oh God is going to get them. He is going to get them. Look at what they did. They had everything they needed and they did not produce Christ. They manifested the carnal mind. God is going to burn them in hell forever. No, He is not. He is going to give them the power that they need so that they do not manifest Satan instead of Christ. Do you hear this? He is not punishing them. He is going to give them what they need so that they can do what is right. Of course, getting them to that point involves tribulation, but through the whole tribulation, what is on God's mind is getting them to the place where they are no longer committing the sin. The whole thing that is on God's mind through the whole tribulation is to add to them what they need so that they no longer make this error in their soul. Can you hear that? Can you hear that? Okay.


Pergamos is in danger of losing the Spirit of God and faith in salvation, if Christ character is not imparted to her. He gave her what she needs. If you analyze this so far, what we are saying is the more wicked the church, the greater the spiritual gift that they are getting. The carnal mind says how could God do this? How could you pay me who came into your vineyard at dawn the same money that you are paying the man that came in at midnight? Because you both need it. Do you hear that? Glory to God.


How can this be if the Pergamosians destroy the root of Christ in them? Now we said that in verse 13. They destroyed the root of Christ. I know thy works and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is, and thou holdest fast my name and has not denied my faith even in the days where Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you. We said that was the root of Christ. Well, if the root of Christ was slain under the feet of the carnal mind, how could Christ appear in them?


Revelation, Chapter 11 Verses 7 to 8 and 11 to 12: And the beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, alleluia, and they stood up upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them. Glory to God.


And the beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit, the soul, shall make war against the spiritual man, and shall overcome them and kill them. Verse 8; And the dead bodies of the spiritual man shall lie in the street of that great spiritual city, which spiritually is called Sodom, perversion, and Egypt, the flesh. It was ruled by perversion and fleshly ways. The living soul ruled. Where also our Lord was crucified. Yes, the spiritual man was just crucified there.


Verse 11; And after three days and an half, which is a spiritual number of totality, the Spirit of life from God entered into the root of Christ. They were killed. And the spiritual man stood upon their feet. They were raised up in spiritual power right in the midst of the filth of the spiritual city known as Sodom and Egypt. And a great fear fell upon them which saw them. Who saw them? Who saw them? And every eye shall see them, and those which pierced him shall see him. Every eye, every soul, the soul of every spiritual man that was pierced, shall see him resurrected from the dead. Alleluia. Glory to God.


If you fall into the category of the church of Pergamos, and you have slain your spiritual man under the foot of your soul, God is going to raise him from the dead and your soul shall see him. Glory to God. And great fear shall come upon you. Verse 12; And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them. The spiritual man heard a great voice saying unto them Come up hither. Rise up to full authority and power, and the spiritual man ascended up into heaven in the cloud, which is the redeemed soul, the saved soul and glorified body, and their enemies beheld them. And their souls beheld them as they were glorified by the power of Almighty God. You cannot kill anyone that is with God. He will just raise them from the dead. You cannot steal from somebody that has a ministry from God. He will just give them twice as much. Carnal minded men. Carnal minded men.


I have drawn a conclusion, and that is this, what we receive from the Lord has nothing whatsoever to do with who we are, or what we have done. Everything we receive from the Lord is an act of mercy. Do you know somebody who said or felt, well I was called to the Lord and I never went through that stage where He gave me my Cadillac, and He gave me my house, and He gave me everything that I prayed for. Why did I not go through that stage? It was because by the time God got you to where you are now you would have died.


He propelled you right into a deeper walk with the Lord where you are under judgment, where you are corrected on every error that you make, because the curses on your family line and your life were so severe that if He started you in a dancing, singing church, you would have been destroyed, and probably your wife and family with you, by the time He got you to the place where He was seriously dealing with you. Can you hear that? Jesus gives everyone what he needs, but to the carnal mind, this can appear to be unfair. I never went through that stage where I prayed and I got it. So what!!! So what if you are sitting in your Cadillac and in your six bedroom colonial.


We are going to recap Pergamos, Chapter 2 of the Book of Revelation, verses 12 to 17: Write to the spiritual man of the church that is in Pergamos. He who has the power to execute judgment upon you says, I know how you labor to survive on the soul realm, and I also know from where your thoughts, words, and deeds are coming, even your carnal mind, over which Satan is lord, and you have held on to my Spirit and not rejected my promise of salvation, even in those days when the seed of Christ in your own hearts, my faithful witness in you, was tread under the feet of your carnal mind and slain in the temple of your body where Satan rules.


But I have a few things against you because there are those amongst you who as the prophet Balaam taught Balac, the enemy of Israel, how to destroy the chosen of God by encouraging fornication with pagan women and participation in their pagan religious rituals. There are those of you who are teaching God's people to fornicate with their carnal mind and worship and sacrifice their own souls to the demonic offspring of that fornication, even the false doctrines which come forth from the mind of natural man. And there are also those among you who believe that God is not the Creator of the world and have adopted the pagan practice of separating the women from the men, which things I hate.


Repent or I will come to you with speed and strength, and I will make war against them with the spiritual power and authority which I speak through the mouth of my servants. Those of you that have spiritual ears listen to what the Spirit of God is saying to the men in whom His Spirit lives. I will permit the one who overcomes his own soul to become joined to the spiritual life of God, which has been birth within him and is concealed by the natural man, which he is, and I will cleanse his human spirit, and I will join my Holy Spirit to it, changing its name and nature to Christ, and the only men who will be able to recognize Christ in him are those men who have received Christ nature also.


Verse 18. Thyatira is Strong's # 2363 and I could find no information with regard to the meaning of the word. Unger's Bible Dictionary says it is a city in Asia Minor, the seat of one of the seven apocalyptic churches. It was situated on the confines of Mysia and Ionia, a little south of the river Hilus, and at the northern extremity of the valley between Mt. Tumulus and the southern ridge of Timness. It was one of the many Macedonian colonies established in Asia Minor in the sequel to the destruction of the Persian Empire by Alexandra. The waters of Thyatira are said to be so well adapted for dying, that in no place can the scarlet cloth out of which aphesis are made, a type of hat, be so brilliantly or permanently dyed as here.


So in Acts 16:14, Lydia, the first convert of Paul and Philippi is mentioned as a seller of purple from Thyatira. It was a major industry in Thyatira. The principle deity of the city was Apollo. He was worshipped as the sun god under the surname Tyrimnos. He was no doubt introduced by the Macedonia colonists for the name is Macedonian. The priestess of Artamus, also mentioned in the inscription, the modern city of Akhisar, marks the site of the ancient city in the territory which is now Anatolian, Turkey.


I am going to read verses 18 thru 29, Chapter 2 of the Book of Revelation, and we are dealing with one of the seven churches, Thyatira. Unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass;


I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.


Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden. But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations. And HE SHALL RULE THEM WITH A ROD OF IRON; AS THE VESSELS OF A POTTER SHALL THEY BE BROKEN TO SHIVERS: even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.


Verse 18. And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass. Hebrews 1:7; And of the angels he saith, WHO MAKETH HIS ANGELS SPIRITS, AND HIS MINISTERS A FLAME OF FIRE. Glory to God. We are dealing with the fact that Jesus has eyes like unto a flame of fire. The word, angel, is Strong's # 32. It means messenger. I am suggesting to you that the angel is the spiritual man wrapped in the flesh of the soul and body and at the end of his processing he will be a spirit. The glorified Jesus is all Spirit. Jesus Christ, the logos, the Almighty Son of God, that was birth in the natural man, Jesus of Nazareth, at the end of his processings, he had laid hold of his soul and his body, joined them altogether and absorbed them, his soul and his body into the spiritual life that He was. He was totally Spirit. He is totally Spirit at this moment, living in the spiritual realm of God, at the right hand of the Father.


When we say that His eyes were like flames of fire, eyes refer to soul, we are talking about His many membered body, the souls of His many membered body being converted totally into spirit. Glory to God. Just going on with that scripture, HE MAKETH HIS ANGELS SPIRITS, AND HIS MINISTERS A FLAME OF FIRE. The word ministers is Strong's #3011 and it is a functionary in the temple or gospel. He is a worshiper of God. This refers to the soul man, the angel of the spirit man. The word for flame is Strong's #5395. It means blazing and the word fire is #4442. It means fire, specifically lightning. I am suggesting to you that the minister is the soul man, who at the end of his processing will have been converted into the blazing lightning fire of God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 2, verse 18. And write to the spiritual man of the church in Thyatira saying, the Son of God says the following things to you, even the one whose soul has been consumed by and converted into the fire of Almighty God. I am sorry. I got ahead of myself. Let me stop right there. His feet are like fine brass. I wanted to remind you that we discussed this. I believe it was in Chapter 1 of the Book of Revelation in the series entitled The Introduction To The Book Of Revelation. We had discussed the fact that the feet are the part of Jesus' body which stands on the earth. That means it is the vessels, the place in which He appears in the realm of appearance, and that is us.


He appears in the realm of appearance in mankind. We are the feet of Almighty God. We also studied in prior teachings that the way we got our natural body is that the Satanic realm in rebellion to God, broke through into the natural realm, and when it broke through into the spiritual realm he became hard, forming this exterior body that we live in. We also know that this body is judgment. We have had many teachings on this. Our soul is locked inside this body, and we are under the judgments of God. It is perfecting us. It is teaching us. We have to learn to overcome the flesh. Brass typifies the Serpent. We have had all this before. Brass typifies the Serpent. So we have feet, that part of him, which is in the realm of appearance, and brass typifying the Serpent, which we are, being like fine brass, referring to a glorification and a spiritual uplifting.


Let me read this for you. Write to the spiritual man of the church in Thyatira saying, the Son of God says the following things to you, even the one whose souls have been consumed by and converted into the fire of Almighty God, and whose members upon the earth, which function as the iron furnace of Egypt and the earthen oven for the purpose of purifying the living soul unto perfection. They have now been glorified unto fine brass. We are talking about the glorified body.


I am going to read that to you again. Write to the spiritual man of the church in Thyatira saying, the Son of God says the following things to you, even the one whose souls have been consumed by and converted into the fire of Almighty God, and whose members upon the earth, which function as the iron furnace of Egypt and the earthen oven for the purpose of purifying the living soul, which is within, unto perfection, have now been glorified unto fine brass, the glorified body. Alleluia.


Verse 19. I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. The word, service, is Strong's # 1248 and it is used to describe the office of Moses, the Hebrew equivalent of that, of course. It is also used to describe the office of the apostle and the administration of the apostolic order. The word service is obviously referring to the work of the ministry. The word work is # 2041. We have had that all through this book of Revelation. It refers to that with which one is occupied. We have been using it up until now as the work that is necessary to survive on the soul realm, but it is also used of the work of salvation, which was committed to Jesus Christ.


We know that He said that He is doing the work of His Father. He is finishing the work of His Father. What is He doing? He is finishing bringing the living soul into the glorified condition. The Father God formed the living soul, brought us to where we are now. Now that the Son has manifested, the Son has been given the commission of engraving the image of Almighty God through the Son, upon the living soul. He is finishing the work. Alleluia.


Alternate translation of the Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, verse 19. I know how you labor to survive in the soul realm, and I know that you are manifesting my agape love by serving diligently in the administration of my gospel. And I know of your belief in me for your salvation and your cheerful endurance and your efforts on behalf of the work, which was committed to Christ to bring the whole living soul into the image of God. And I recognize your work for the Lord, and the spreading of His gospel, and I recognize that work more than I recognize your labor to survive in this realm because it reveals a renewed spirit.


Brethren, if you are involved in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, if you are concerned with His people, if you are manifesting His agape love, if you desire to serve, it is a sign that your spirit is in the process of being purified. Jesus said that I give more credence, I give more weight to the work that you do for my Spirit than to the work that you do to survive in this soul realm because it is revealing to me that a spiritual work is being done in your heart. Of course, you have to take care of your family. Of course you have to be honest and righteous in this lifetime, but that is only interim. What I really want is a purified spirit. So I thank God more for your works in the ministry than I do for your works to survive in the soul realm. That does not mean that you can stop doing the works to survive in the soul ream. I have heard stories like that. Men say they are called to the ministry and they run off and leave their wife and family. No brethren, God is not telling you to do that. God would never tell you to do that. We have to work two jobs until He delivers you. Amen. Glory to God.


Verse 20. Not withstanding, I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed to idols. The Hebrew word for Jezebel is # 348. I found this extremely interesting. It means chaste. If you have an familiarity with the scriptures at all, you know that Jezebel is a very wicked queen. Her name means chaste. I found that very interesting. However, look at it this way, it means chaste without cohabitation. Spiritually she refused to cohabit with the spirit of God, because when a soul cohabits with the Spirit of God, Christ comes forth and Christ rules. So she was a woman of the soul realm and refused to cohabit with God. She refused to bring forth the Christ because when you bring forth the Christ, your own personality is utterly subdued and ultimately destroyed. Only Christ shall be seen. She refused to cohabit with Christ. Glory to God.


Unger's Bible Dictionary says this about Jezebel. She was the daughter of Ethbaal, the King of Thyatira and Sidon and King Ahab, which was the King of Israel. Her father had formerly been a priest of Astaire, the heathen goddess. The first effect of her influence was the immediate establishment of the Phoenician worship, idolatrous worship on a grand scale at the Port of Ahab. At her table was supported no less than four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and four hundred of Astarte while the prophets of Jehovah were slain by her orders.


When at last, the people at the instigation of Elijah, the prophet of God, of Jehovah, rose up against her ministers and slaughtered them at the foot of Carmel. When Ahab was terrified into submission to God through Elijah, she alone retained her presence of mind, and when she received the tiding that her religion was all but destroyed, she vowed to take Elijah's life. She would not be terrified into submission. She was not even terrified of Almighty God. She had the nerve to say or acknowledge that God had destroyed her false religion and that she would not submit. She was going to kill His prophet. Alleluia.


Now this is another incident with regard to Naboth's vineyard. When she found her husband cast down by disappointment because Naboth would not sell him his vineyard, she took the matter into her own hands and killed Naboth by writing a death warrant in Ahab's name. Jezebel was a woman in whom, with a reckless and licentious habits of an oriental queen, were united in the sternest and fiercest quality inherit in the Phoenician people. The wild license of her life, the magical fascination of her arts or of her character became a proverb in the nation.


Long after her death, her name lives as the byword for all that was evil or wicked. A lot of us have had a deliverance background. We know that Jezebel is a spirit that can manifest in men as well as in women in an ungodly manner. It is a spirit that wants to dominate. It is a spirit that wants to control. It is a spirit that will step over the line of your personal space. It will write a death warrant in your name. It will take your authority. It will tell you that it loves you and it is doing it for your good, but the truth of its nature is that it is a ruling, controlling, domineering spirit that will swallow you up if it is permitted to do so, and you will become its slave.
Glory to God.


We are dealing with verse 20. Notwithstanding, I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman, Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servant to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. I Timothy 2:11-15. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed and then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Not withstanding, she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith. Check out the pronoun. She shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. The word, sobriety, is Strong's #4997 and it means sanity, soundness of mind, and self control.


Now brethren, Paul has been blasphemed for centuries. He has been called a woman hater and I declare to you that Paul is not a woman hater. He had the revelation that female is soul and male is spirit. What he is saying here is let your soul learn in silence with all subjection to whom? Subjection to the spirit, subjection to your spiritual man, and if your spiritual man is still in a condition of weakness with subjection to the spiritual man that God has put you under. The soul cannot teach. What happens when the soul teaches, brethren? She brings forth false doctrine. You cannot give what you do not have. We have talked about this principle. A man cannot have a baby. He does not have the apparatus to do it.


The soul does not have the apparatus to bring forth the truth of God's word. That is not her function. Her function is to bring forth Christ. It is to submit to the Spirit of God and bring forth Christ who will rule and she must submit to Christ in herself, and Christ in whomever He is manifesting. Let your soul learn. Now God says the soul could learn. God says the soul could learn and there is a scripture that I believe is in Colossians where it says the powers and principalities are going to be taught the doctrine and the plan of Almighty God. The problem is that the soul wants to teach the spiritual man. That is a spiritual reality, brethren, and it is manifesting everywhere in the Church. Everybody wants to teach. Everybody has the answer. Everybody is arguing with the preacher.


I am not saying that a preacher cannot be wrong. We had a prior meeting where the Lord brought out the fact that He gives us direction in how to relate to people. He gives us instructions, how to relate to your children, how a husband relates to his wife. We have instructions in the word of God how you are suppose to relate to someone that God has raised up as an elder. That does not just mean someone sitting up here in a ministry like this. You have to be able to discern who is an elder. That does not mean if they tell you to jump off a roof that you do it. It means that if you get involved in a spiritual discussion, and you know that someone is an elder to you, whether they have a natural example of it with a microphone or otherwise, and you disagree with them, you can tell them that you disagree with them.


You can tell them that you think they are wrong, but you do not argue with them either. You subject yourself to them and you go and get into your prayer closet and you pray about it. You do not stand up and rebuke them. You do not tell them that they do not know what they are talking about unless it is under the anointing. I have seen that happen too. I am telling you this spiritual life is hairy. Every law that says thou shalt not, if God anoints you to do it, you do it. This is a hard saying. This is hard, but by and large, if you would not describe yourself as an elder in Christ, if you are still learning, you do not argue with someone that God has raised up in spiritual authority. You most certainly can tell them you are distressed with what they are preaching. You most certainly can tell them you think they are wrong, but you do it with respect and with honor, and you subject yourself to them.


Verse 12. But I suffer not a soul to teach nor to usurp authority over the spirit, but to be in silence. Your soul may not usurp authority over your spirit or over any spiritual man. When God has raised up an authority, even if they are wrong, you do not try to usurp authority over them. You get down on your face before God, and brethren, sometimes assuming that authority is wrong, which is very possible, it can take the Lord weeks or months if not longer to correct the situation. You still cannot argue with God's authority. You cannot do it because God is going to judge you. Glory to God.


But I suffer not a soul to teach nor to usurp authority over the spirit, but to be in silence. Shut up and listen. You know, I want to tell you something. God sent me to the writings of a particular man one time. I looked through the books and they were very carnal interpretations of what he was dealing with. I was still a student at the time, and the Lord said to me read the book. I read the book, and as I submitted myself to this man's teaching, because God told me to, out of obedience to God, the Lord gave me the true revelation. He gave me the true revelation, and I walked away from those teachings greatly enriched. Can you hear that? I did not call the man a fake. God used his work because he had done the best that he could do. He had written these books and he had spent his whole life serving God to the best of his ability, and God used it to give me a deeper revelation. The man would never know and probably would not believe it if he heard it, because he would not believe what God told me. You have to submit yourself, brethren.


But I suffer not the soul to teach nor to usurp authority over the spirit or the spiritual man, but shut up and listen. Have you ever been in a service where the preacher is saying something wrong and God speaks to you, and gives you a blessing? It has happened to me. I have been in a service where I said, Lord, what am I doing sitting here. I do not believe what he is saying, and the preacher would quote a scripture or say one thing and the Holy Spirit laid a hold of me and gave me a great blessing in my mind because of something that I heard in that service, and the man was not even preaching it. God just used what came forth from his mouth to bless me because He wanted me to hear. Glory to God.


I suffer not a soul to teach nor to usurp authority over the spirit, but shut up and listen. You never know what God is going to do with it. Adam was first formed and then Eve. The soul was first formed and then the spirit. Verse 14. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. We are breaking the living soul down into two parts now. We are saying the living soul is soul and spirit. Adam, the whole living soul was first formed, and then the human spirit was brought forth. In verse 14, and the living soul was not deceived, but that element of him, the human spirit, she was deceived. The woman, being deceived, she was in the transgression. The soul was not deceived. The human spirit was deceived.


Number 16. Not withstanding, she shall be saved in childbearing. Not withstanding, the whole living soul shall be saved when she bears the Christ, if they, if every member of the many membered body, continue in faith to believe God for salvation, and charity, if she continues to manifest the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and holiness, if she continues to live out of the life of Christ with sobriety, with self control, she shall be saved. I did make a little switch there between male and female. If you picked it up, I am not going to go into it now. If you picked it up and you are confused, contact us. We have tapes that explain this situation of the changing male female roles. If you did not pick it up, just forget about it and do not get confused.


Okay, I want to do verse 16 again. Not withstanding, she, the human spirit, shall be saved in childbearing. The human spirit shall be saved in childbearing because the many members, the human soul and the many members of the body of Christ shall be saved if they bear Christ, if they bring forth Christ, and if they continue in believing He can save them, if they continue manifesting the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and if they continue to live out of His Spirit exercising the self control over what? Over their soul. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation of the Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 20. Nevertheless, I have a few things against you because you let the living soul, which has all the negative qualities of that woman Jezebel, who tells you that she speaks the truth of God, but is a liar, to have authority over you, and teach you the doctrines of the soul realm, and to trick my people into fornicating with her and partaking of her false doctrines, which in reality the worship of other gods, to entertain, to believe, to receive false doctrines. God calls it the worship of other gods because these doctrines, brethren, they come forth from demons, and if you accept them, if you embrace them, you have worshiped another god. False doctrine is no joke. It is a very serious business. It is the worship of other gods.


Verse 21; And I gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not. The word, space, is Strong's #5550 and it refers to an unfixed period of time. It can also be translated opportunity. Alternate translation of the Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 21. And I gave her an opportunity to admit that she was guilty of fornicating with the spiritual man who was suppose to be exercising authority over her, and to change her way, but she would not do it. I gave her, I gave the soul an opportunity to admit that she was guilty of fornicating with the spiritual man who was suppose to be exercising authority over her, and I gave her an opportunity to change her way, but she would not do it. The living soul wants to rule. She wants to be God. She is not going to give up her position of power. She is going to have to be bombed by Almighty God. She will never give it up.


Verse 22. Behold, I will cast her into a bed and them that committed adultery with her into great tribulation except they repent of their deeds. Glory to God. Look at what I am going to do to her. She will not give it up. She will not lay it down. She will not let go of the death grip that she has on my spiritual men that are buried deep within the hearts of the earth. This is what I am going to do to her. I am going to cast her into a bed. We have had many teachings here that being in a bed implies spiritual weakness. Standing up implies spiritual strength. And them that commit adultery with her and the spiritual men that are fornicating with her, I am going to send them into great tribulation if they do not repent of their deeds. God is not blood thirsty. He is doing what needs to be done to weaken the living soul and strengthen the spiritual man.


I have been going through severe tribulation for years. Sometimes I thought I would not survive it, but let me tell you something, brethren. The more you get beat, the stronger you get. So tribulation weakens your soul realm and strengthens your spiritual man. Alternate translation of the Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 22. Look at what I will do to her. I will weaken her by stripping her of her spiritual authority and I will cause great tribulation to come upon her lovers, even the spiritual man, even my spiritual sons, if they will not admit what they are doing and stop it. They will not even admit what they are doing. They say these are the true doctrines of Almighty God, and that every prophet God sends to them, they call a false prophet. Look at what I will do to her. I will weaken her by stripping her of her spiritual authority and I will cause great tribulation to come upon her lovers, even my spiritual sons, if they will not admit what they are doing and stop it. We have to stop fornicating with the carnal mind.


Verse 23. And I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know I am He which searcheth the reins and hearts, and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. I will kill her children with death. Who are her children? Who are the children of the soul realm? Well we know that she produces demons, but she also produces human beings in her own likeness and in her own image. So what God is saying here is that I will kill her children. That means that mankind will continue to produce vessels on the soul realm and everybody that is born on the soul realm dies. That is because everybody born on the soul realm is born in sin and shaped in iniquity, and the soul that sinneth, it shall die.


The only way to stop dying is for the soul realm to start to produce Christ. She will not do it, knowingly, willingly, rebelliously, refuses to do it, so God is judging her. He is going to kill her children with death and all of the churches, all of the people in the different spiritual realms will know that I am He which searcheth the reins and the hearts. The reins merely refers to our inner most organs. Our hearts, our souls, it means He looks deep into our spiritual being. Glory to God. He will give to every one of you according to your works. God is saying I am going to give you according to your works. That is for the rebellious man. The repentant man receives mercy. The rebellious man receives the true judgment for everything that you do. When I first came to the Lord, I was raised up in a church where it was preached very frequently, thank God that God does not give us justice. If we truly reaped everything that we have sown, of course we would be dead, but we would be experiencing true torment along the way. I do not want according to my works. I want the mercy of God. Glory to God.


Verse 23 in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 2 of the alternate translation. And I will destroy her future generation with the curses and judgments that exist in this realm of death. And the believers dwelling on all of the spiritual realms will know that I am the one who can see into the innermost being and motives of men, and I will recompense each and every one of you according to the deeds that you do. May God have mercy on us. And I will destroy her future generations with the curses and judgments that exist in this realm of death and the believers dwelling on all of the spiritual realms will know that I am the one who can see into the innermost being and motives of men, and I will recompense each and every one of you according to the deeds that you do.


Verse 24. But unto you I say, and unto the rest of Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan as they speak, I will put upon you none of the burden. Now this is interesting. It seems to be the first category that we are coming to where God openly acknowledges that there are those in this category that are not guilty of this sin associated with that category. There are people that are associated with the spiritual realm known as Thyatira. They have the agape love. They work diligently in this realm to survive. They serve in the ministry. They believe God for salvation. They endure patiently the difficulties of this life and nevertheless they do not suffer Jezebel to teach. So we have two categories here. We are still in verse 24. But unto to you I say, and unto the rest of Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan as they speak, I will put upon you none of the burden.


I read this verse and looked it up in the Interlinear. It blew my mind. It said everybody that is out there saying Satan is some red horned monster in another planet. Listen to what this says. As many as have not this doctrine and which have not known the depths of Satan as they speak. Satan speaking right out of their own mouths. It is right here. And as many which have not known the depths of Satan as they speak. Jesus is saying there are some people in this earth, and I believe it, especially people that are raised up in families where salvation has been on the family line for years, they are born and grow up with a very sweet spirit. They do not have the problems that other people have that have come from heavily cursed families. They may not have experienced the depths of Satan speaking through them. Glory to God.


The word, depths, is Strong's #899 and it means mystery and deep, and it is referring to that which is hidden, the unconscious mind. Satan is our unconscious mind. He is suppose to be underfoot of our conscious mind, which communicates with God. He is not suppose to be speaking through us. Alternate translation of the Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 24. But I say to the rest of the believers in Thyatira who do not have this doctrine, and who have not experienced the deepest hidden part of their soul speaking through them, even their unconscious mind which is Satan, I will not make things any more difficult for you than they already are. But I say to the rest of the believers in Thyatira who do not have this doctrine and who have not experienced the deepest hidden part of their soul speaking through their own mouths, even their unconscious mind, which is Satan. If they have not experienced this, I will not make things any more difficult for you than they already are. These believers are going through the tribulation that is not judgment for sin, but that is bringing forth the Christ in them. He says He is not going to make it any more difficult than it already is.


Verse 25. But that which ye have already, hold fast til I come. What do they have already? We are told up in verse 19 that they are producing signs of a cleansed spirit. He is talking about the spiritual work that has already been done in them. Alternate translation. Protect your cleansed spirit which is revealed in your agape love, service, faith, patience, and your involvement in the ministry of the gospel of God until I appear in you. Protect your cleansed spirit which is revealed through your works until I appear in you. Do not slide back. Guard it. You can slide back. Guard it.


Verse 26. And he that overcometh and keepeth my works until the end, to him will I give power over the nations. The word, keepeth, is Strong's #5083. It means to guard from loss of injury, to detain in custody, to withhold for personal and to keep unmarried. It is the same word or the equivalent of the Hebrew word that is used in Genesis when God tells Adam to keep his garden. We know that the garden is the living soul and what Adam was suppose to be doing was preventing it from being fertilized by Satan. So the Lord is telling us in verse 26, I have cleansed your human spirit. Guard it. Do not let it fornicate with Satan. Glory to God.


Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 26. And I will give the one who overcomes his own soul and guards his cleansed spirit until I appear in him, authority over His many membered body. And he that overcometh and keepeth my works until the end, to him will I give power over the nations. The nations, brethren, are the living souls as they appear in the earth. The nations, the races, the many people, and they are the many members that the Lord Jesus Christ will possess and remake the many members of His glorified body. Going over verse 26. And he that overcometh and keepeth my works until the end, I will give him authority over the natural man. I am going to give him authority over his body. Brethren, we do not have authority over our bodies.


When our bodies manifest with cancer tumors, unless God anoints you to do it, you cannot say go away. We do not have authority over our bodies. If we did, they would not get old. We would tell them to not get old. He is going to give us authority over our bodies. To he that overcometh and keepeth the spiritual work that has been done in his soul until the end. What is the end? The end is Christ. We have a whole message on that. The end is Christ. If you keep your spirit pure and do not let it be polluted again, and you guard it until Christ appears in your soul, which is the salvation of your soul, you are also going to get authority over your body. Glory to God. Glory to God. Alleluia.


Alternate translation, the Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 27. And He will rule His many membered body with a powerful spoken word. Am I ahead of myself again? Sorry. Verse 26: And I will give the one who overcomes his own soul and guards his cleansed spirit until I appear in him, authority over His many membered body, authority over His many membered body. Verse 27. And He shall rule them with a rod of iron and as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers, even as I received of my Father. Glory to God. Even as I received of my Father. And He shall rule them with a rod of iron. That word rod refers to the tongue, the spoken word of iron.


We know, first of all, that iron is a very powerful metal. Second of all, it comes deep from within the earth. It is found in the form of ore buried under the earth. And He shall rule them with a powerful spoken word from underneath the earth. And the vessels, the individual bodies as the vessels of a potter. We are the vessels of a potter, brethren. We touched on this in other meetings. We are the clay. The Lord is the potter and He is forming us as individual vessels, and we are vulnerable. These vessels break. You hit them with a car and they break. The bones break. The skin can be ripped off. Blood can come out. We are a very vile creation, brethren. You are a vile creation. We break. Do you watch science fiction programs? The aliens always say those vessels can be damaged. We can be damaged, brethren. Our vessels are vile. Glory to God.


And He shall rule them with the spoken word from deep within the earth and their clay vessels that were made by the potter God, they are going to be broken into shivers, into many pieces. Our bodies are going to be broken into many pieces, even as I received of my Father, even as my father broke my body into many pieces, the individual body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


I just want to put this on the board for you. We have done this before and I want to review it. We are now in a vile body. It is solid. Our soul is locked up in here. It is a judgment. We cannot get off of the earth, but by the power of the Living God should He anoint us. We are bound to the soul realm. Man cannot get back up into the heavenlies. We are in jail. Our soul is a solid line. It is a solid line. Glory to God. Our body is a solid line, so this is the way I have been drawing it. The yellow is our body and the green is our soul, and it is solid, and it cannot walk through walls, and it is a vile low spiritual condition to be in. Christ is coming forth. We will make Him purple because it is the royal color. He is coming forth in us. What He is going to do when He comes forth is that He is going to break this soul apart, the solid line of the soul.


He is going to break the solid line of the body apart, and this is what we are going to look like. We are going to have Christ ruling from deep within the heart of the earth. We are going to have the broken body in many pieces because He is going to beat it to dust. There are many scriptures in the prophets describing that. He is going to break our soul. He is going to beat it into dust. It is no longer going to be in this vile condition of the solid line where we are bound by it, where it is a jail house. He is going to break it down into its basic molecules, and when He puts it back together again it is not going to be this solid line. It is going to be the many pieces that it has been beaten into. It is going to be glorified, and He is going to rule from the midst of a glorified soul and a glorified body.


We are going to be a spiritual creation, no longer jailed by our soul and our body. Christ, in us, shall be ruling it from within and we shall walk through walls. This is what happened to the body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. By the power of Almighty God, His body and His soul was broken down to its component parts. The apostle Peter says, in that day the earth shall melt. Sometimes the Scriptures say it is going to melt and sometimes it says it is going to be beaten into dust. I am not going to get into the technicalities right now, but there is a change coming upon our soul and upon our body. It is going to be broken down into its component parts, and the Christ, the mature Christ from within us is going to rule it instead of the condition that we are in now. Our body rules us.


Brethren, I have been suffering from infirmities for years. Let me tell you, my body does not have that power over me now, but there was a time when there was something I wanted to do for God and I could not do it. I could not do it. My body hurt me so bad I could not get up. It has not had that much power over me in a long time, but it still torments me a lot. Our body is going to be ruled by the Christ within. There was a time in my life where my soul was so powerful that I wanted to do something for God and I could not. I could not do it. I spent a year editing the books for my pastor. I would have to pray for an hour and a half before I could go to work. My soul afflicted me to such a degree that it took me ten hours to do a seven hour day's work because of the opposition against me. My soul does not have that kind of power over me. I worked on this message for seven hours last night, and I worked straight through. Glory to God.


But there was a time and there are people in this world today, and there are people in the church today, whose soul and whose body have this kind of power over their spiritual man. You cannot do what you want to do. Can you stop smoking? Can you stop taking drugs? Can you stop missing church when your soul pulls on you so hard that you cannot bear it and you stay away? Who is ruling your life? Our soul and our body is going to be broken into shivers and it is going to be ruled by the Christ within. If our body and our soul was in this condition of being in many pieces without a mature Christ we would be destroyed because He is the one that is holding all the pieces together.


The analogy is the universe, not the universe, but the sun with all the planets going around it. The sun causes the gravity, does it not? The sun provides the gravity and all the planets fly around it, but the control is coming from the sun. This is going to be our glorified condition. In our un-glorified condition, if we do not have a sun or we do not have a mature sun, if our body and soul was broken into little pieces like that, all the pieces would go flying out into wherever they wanted to go and there would be no creation. Glory to God.
Verse 27. And He shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken into shivers even as I received of my Father. Alternate translation of the Book of Revelation, Chapter 2 Verse 27. And He will rule His many membered body with a powerful spoken word of authority from deep beneath the earth of their souls and His many membered body shall be like clay pots which have been broken into pieces just like my Father broke my human body into pieces. What is implied there is under the power, by the power of Almighty God. He rearranged those pieces and formed the glorified body. I hope you all know at this point that there is a lot in the Bible that is unsaid. It says my father broke my human body into pieces. Well glory to God, He gathered up those pieces and inserted an energy source of a power which is unknown to man in this hour and reformed those pieces, forming the glorified body.


Verse 28. And I will give him the morning star. Revelation 22:16. I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and morning star. He says He is three things. He is the root, the offspring of David, and the bright and the morning star. We have been talking a lot about roots in this ministry, so when King David was born, He was his root. He was the spiritual source that was in the man known as King David. He was also King David's offspring. How was He King David's offspring? When He manifested in this earth realm as Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


He was King David's offspring and He is the morning star. Who is the morning star? He is the next generation, the 42nd generation, Christ coming forth in you, Christ coming forth in me. He was the root. He was the first cause of the man David. David could not have been what he was if it was not for the root of Christ in him. He was the offspring of David, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, two generations, and he was also the next generation. The Bible calls it the 42nd generation, the children that God has given Jesus, we are told in the Book of Isaiah. He is Christ appearing in the living soul. Glory to God.


I am going to say something very controversial, but it is the truth. Lucifer is the Latin word for day star. You can find the reference to it in the Amplified Bible. You can find a reference to it in Thayer's Greek Dictionary. Lucifer is the Latin word, which is the equivalent of the Greek day star. In Isaiah 14, where we read about the fall of Lucifer, the glorious angel. We have had studies here where we have taught that it was Adam before the fall who walked in the glorious anointing of God and then he fell. So the alternate translation of verse 28; And I will give him the morning star. I will give him the living soul restored to glory. I will give him the morning star. Where is the morning star? He is in you. He is in the living soul. Where is Christ? Christ is God in the flesh. I will give him the morning star. I will give him God in the flesh of the living soul.


Verse 29. And he that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit sayeth unto the churches. Let the man that has spiritual ears understand what the Spirit of God is saying to the body of Christ in the different stages of spiritual development. Glory to God. Alleluia. There was something I wanted to say here. This is the only church so far, referring to verse 26, where Jesus says to he that overcometh and keepeth my works to the end. So there are two things you have to do. Let the man that has spiritual ears understand what the Spirit of God is saying to the body of Christ, which is in the different stages of spiritual development.


Recap. The church at Thyatira, verses 18 to 29. And write to the spiritual man of the church in Thyatira, the Son of God says the following things to you, even the one whose souls, plural many membered body, have been consumed by and converted into the fire of Almighty God, and whose members upon the earth, which function as the iron furnace of Egypt and the earthen oven for the purpose of purifying the living soul unto perfection, they have been glorified into fine brass.


Verse 19. I know how you labor to survive in the soul realm and I know that you are manifesting my agape love by serving diligently in the administration of my gospel. And I know of your belief in me for your salvation and your cheerful endurance and your efforts on behalf of the work which was committed to Christ and I recognize your works for the Lord and the spreading of His gospel more than I recognize your labor to survive in this realm because it reveals a renewed spirit. Nevertheless, I have a few things against you because you let the living soul, which has all the negative qualities of that woman Jezebel, who tells you that she speaks the truth of God, but is a liar, to have authority over you and teach you the doctrines of the soul realm and to trick my people into fornicating with her and partaking of her false doctrine, which is in reality the worship of other gods.


I gave her an opportunity to admit that she was guilty of fornicating with the spiritual man who was suppose to be exercising authority over her and change her ways, but she would not do it. Look at what I shall do to her. I will weaken her by stripping her of her spiritual authority. I will cause great tribulation to come upon her lovers, even my spiritual sons if they will not admit what they are doing and stop it. And I will destroy her future generations with the curses and judgments that exist in this realm of death and the believers dwelling on all of the spiritual realms will know that I am the one who can see into the innermost being and motives of men. And I will recompense each and every one of you according to the deeds that you do.


But I say to the rest of the believers in Thyatira who do not have this doctrine and who have not experienced the deepest hidden part of their souls speaking through them, even their unconscious mind which is Satan, I will not make things any more difficult for you than they already are. Protect your cleansed spirit which is revealed in your agape love, service, faith, patience and involvement in the ministry of the gospel of God until I appear in you.


The one who overcomes his own soul and guards his cleansed spirit until I appear in him authority over his many membered body and he will rule his many membered body with a powerful spoken word of authority from deep beneath the earth of their souls and his many membered body shall be like clay pots which have been broken into pieces just like my Father broke my human body into pieces. And I will give him the living soul. Let the man that has spiritual ears understand what the Spirit of God is saying to the body of Christ in the different stages of spiritual development. I hope you all know that he who overcomes is Jesus. It is Christ. Christ in you, Christ in me, He is the one who is overcoming.


Number 1: I am just going to take a few more minutes and run very quickly through this comparison of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, and Thyatira. Description of Jesus. Ephesus; He upholds the spiritual man and manifests freely in the church. Smyrna; He is revealing to them that He is alive. Pergamos; He is judgment. Thyatira; He is the one whose soul is saved and body glorified. Alleluia.


Number 2: Relationship to tribulation. Ephesus; She has endured tribulation cheerfully for the sake of receiving Jesus' Spirit. It is not a judgment for sin. Smyrna; Two kinds of tribulation. She is reaping what she sowed and she shall have tribulation, which is not any kind of punishment, which will bring her into the image of Christ. Pergamos; Tribulation and progress has not brought forth the image of Christ. Judgment or third kind of tribulation is necessary to bring forth Christ. Glory to God. Thyatira; Tribulation only for those who will not admit they are fornicating with the harlot and stop.


Number 3: Spirituality. Ephesus; They are moving in the deep realms of the Spirit. They have discernment, judgment, righteousness, ability to distinguish between true and false doctrine. Smyrna; No spirituality. Pergamos; Has the gifts of the Spirit and a knowledge of the promise of salvation. Thyatira; A mature church. She has agape love, service, faith, endurance and a renewed spirit. I remind you that Ephesus, which was called a mature church, she did not have service and her spirit was not renewed.


Number 4. What Jesus has against the church. Ephesus; They left the protection of God and are a fallen creation. Smyrna; Jesus has nothing against them. They are the victims of carnal Christians. There is no judgment because they have been given no knowledge. Pergamos; Fornication, idolatry, denying God as Creator and separating the women from the men and keeping them unmarried. This is what Jesus has against the church. Thyatira; They let the soul realm, the false prophetess teach them false doctrine and then they agree with that false doctrine.


Number 5. Jesus' warning to the church. Ephesus; Repent of pride. Confess your fallen spiritual condition and totally submit your fallen soul to the Christ in you by the power of God. Smyrna; Do not be afraid. Keep believing your salvation is in Jesus Christ, even though you are going to die anyway. Pergamos; Repent. Jesus does not state what from because these people have failed to hear Him time and time again. If they do not know what to repent from, it is useless telling them again. Thyatira; Repent of fornication with the soul realm.


Number 6. Judgment for not heeding Jesus' warning. Ephesus; Loss of spiritual moral order where Christ reigns in your life and return to a moral order where Satan rules. Smyrna; No judgment for not obeying God because He never called them to a spiritual life in this natural realm. Pergamos; Will rain down judgment or a third kind of tribulation, the one which is necessary after all of the processings of God have failed to bring forth Christ. Thyatira; Great tribulation. The continuation of producing offspring on the soul realm and a just recompense instead of mercy for sin.


Number 7. He that overcometh. Ephesus; Your human spirit shall be fertilized. Smyrna; The impartation of the root of Christ shall be given to them. Pergamos; Christ shall appear in them. Thyatira; Salvation of the soul and a glorified body. Ephesus shall be fertilized. Smyrna shall have the root of Christ imparted to her. Christ shall appear in Pergamos and in Thyatira. Their souls shall be saved and their bodies shall be glorified. My closing comment is the churches with the most sin are receiving the greatest glory. Hallelujah. (Laughter) Glory to God.


I just want to make one comment that I was in a deliverance church for five years. The people there were very troubled people. Most of them had come out of drug addiction or alcoholism or witchcraft or severe sin. The glory of God and what He was doing in these people was incredible. It is right here in the Book of Revelation. The ones that have the greatest sin, He is doing the deepest work in. Why? Because they are going to die without it. If you do not need it, you do not get it. So here it is, the natural realm is the mirror image of the spiritual realm. It is a blessing to be needy. God help us. Glory to God. Any questions?


CONGREGATION: Is Jezebel the living soul?


PASTOR VITALE: She is the soul realm. We know the living soul has a human spirit, a living soul in the satanic realm. She is the soul realm of the living soul.


All of those terrible sinners that a lot of people want to see burn in hell, I have a flash for your church world. Not only is God going to save them, but He is going to glorify them before He glorifies you. (Laughter) Glory to God. Thank you Lord.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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