500 - Part 2
(2 Cor. 13:14)

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Part 2 of 3 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



            Praise the Lord. In your notes I start with a translation of Matthew 26:26, but I have decided to start with page eight of your notes and to comment on the New Testament Scriptures for the word remembrance.


            In Part 1 of this message, we commented on the Old Testament Scriptures concerning the word remembrance, and

I hope I established or convinced you that the word remembrance is talking about the remembrance of Jehovah. We cannot remember Jesus Christ.

            Do you know that the world is not even capable of remembering Jesus Christ? Right now, there is an attack upon this whole country, the whole western world, all of Christendom, to wipe the name of Jesus Christ from our memories. Does this sound strange to you?

            I tell you that the names of the Egyptian and Babylonian deities were wiped from the memory of most of the people that now inhabit the Christian world. Except for those few who study mythology, who know the names of the gods of ancient civilization, of ancient Egypt, very few know the names of those gods.

            In the same manner, there is an attack today upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to wipe Him from the memories of the people.

            We see that mortal man is not even capable of remembering God, but it is our hope that God will remember us, that He will remember us in our affliction, that He will remember us in the day of our calamity.

            What does that mean?

            It means that we serve Him as faithfully as we can, when our mind is sound, and when our body is whole, and we hope that when we are in crisis, the time of our life that we may not be thinking clearly, that He will remember us and have mercy on us in the errors that we are making in our thoughts and behavior, because we are under this great affliction.

            That is what the day of calamity is, the day of our trial, the day that we must choose between Christ and the carnal mind. That term is found in the King James translation, the day of our calamity.

            Brethren, it is very easy,  I do not know how easy it is, but it is not all that hard to get pregnant with Christ, but the day of separation, the day that the carnal mind rises up to kill the Christ in you, and you must choose Christ or the carnal mind, that is the day of your calamity. The day that Satan tries you in your weakness, whatever your weakness is. If your weakness is gambling, if your weakness is drinking, if your weakness is drugging, if your weakness is adultery.

            Whatever Satan would use to destroy you and turn you away from Christ, that is the day of your calamity, the hour that you must choose. That is an Old Testament phrase, the day of your calamity. The New Testament phrase is the temptation.

            This is what Hebrews 6 is talking about when it says,

After tasting of the good Word of God, of the miracles of the age to come, you still turn back to the things that you left behind, there is nothing left for you but a burning.... (KJV)

and that is not a punishment.  That is a purifying burning, the fiery trial that will burn away your carnal mind.

            That is what Hebrews 6 is talking about. You have received the Mind of Christ, it is been grafted to you, you have received of the good things of God, and when Satan comes to tempt you, you turn towards your carnal mind.

              Who in their right mind would do this? No one in their right mind would do this, but Satan is the witch. She comes with witchcraft, she comes with illusion, she comes with deception, and what we need to stand against her is education.

            The Spirit of God alone, the Spirit of Christ alone, will not keep us in the hour of temptation.

            In addition to the Spirit of Christ, we must have a knowledge of the law of God, of the way that Christ Jesus thinks, and an ability to discern between the two minds. The Spirit alone will not keep us. We must have the Spirit and the Word, and what I have just described to you are all aspects of the Word of God.

            We must have the body of Christ. The body of Christ is the Mind of Christ, the fully equipped, fully knowledgeable, educated Mind of Christ.

            In the English language, there is an expression called the body of the law. I used to think that the physical body was the only kind of body that there was. I used to think that the field out there, where the farmer grows his potatoes was the only kind of field. Then the Lord educated me, and I found out that there are all different kinds of fields.

            There are energy fields. Adam was not in a field where they were growing potatoes.  It was an energy field.

            We must ask the Lord everything, because our mind  is limited. Our carnal mind is so limited, it is pitiful, and He is so high.  How can we ever understand His ways if we do not admit and confess that our carnal mind is limited, and that we need Him, every second of every minute of every hour? 

            We need Him or our understanding will go off. We need Him to tell us what is right in every situation, because we do not know.

            The remembrance is that Jesus Christ, who is Jehovah to us in this dispensation, will remember us.  I want to tell you that Jesus Christ only remembers His own Son. The Spirit of Jesus Christ is in the earth looking for His Son, Christ Jesus, that is being formed in the peoples of the earth.

            That is a hard word, but it is the truth. Jesus Christ has planted His seed in the peoples of humanity, and He is coming to get His Son, and if you are one of the personalities that has been, and is, a human womb for the Son of God to gestate in, the Lord Jesus Christ desires to save you too.

            Jesus desires to save the whole world, but the way you are saved is by becoming pregnant with the Christ child.  You have to do it His way, you cannot do it your way.  The remembrance is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

            Jesus Christ remembers His son, Christ in you, and comes to deliver Him and the personality that contains Him as well. The remembrance is Christ in you, it is Christ in you. The remembrance is the mechanism in you that will cause Jesus Christ to remember you.

            Take a look at some of these Scriptures. All of them do not really apply, according to the context of the verse, but I left them all in there.

Mark 11:21,  And Peter calling to remembrance saith to him, Master, behold the fig tree which thou cursed, is withered away. (KJV)

            Do you know what that means, calling to remembrance? What that is saying here is that Peter thought with his Christ mind. This was Peter's Christ mind. The remembrance is the Christ mind.

            When Jesus said, do this in remembrance of me, He was saying, do all the things prior to me saying that, so that the Christ mind should shoot forth in you.

            We are going to translate those Scriptures. I will show it to you in the Greek. The remembrance is Christ in you, and all memory is in Christ.

            There is a teaching in the occult world and in the church that all you have to do is remember who you were before the fall. They do not even acknowledge that there is a fall.  They say that humanity has just lost its memory, and we are having a bad dream, we are having a nightmare, and all we have to do is remember who we really are, and we will be okay.

            Do you know that is true?  You have to remember with your Christ mind, because if you remember with your carnal mind you are going to remember wrong.  To remember with your Christ mind, you have to have a Christ mind, and to have a Christ mind that is not covered over by your carnal mind, you have to wage warfare against your carnal mind, and in order to wage that warfare, you have to see your carnal mind.

            In order to see your carnal mind, you have to confess your sins and repent, and in order to confess your sins and repent, you must have your sins revealed to you.

            It is true, all knowledge of the creation, of the fall, of everything that is happened to humanity is in Christ.

            How do you think I bring these teachings forth. I use a point of contact.  I use the King James Translation, and I use the Interlinear Text, but it is just a point of contact that is bringing back all of this knowledge which is in the Christ in me.

            This knowledge is not in the Holy Spirit. It is in Christ, and the two are not the same. The Holy Spirit is the purified spiritual waters of the glorified Jesus Christ, the anointing, the Tree of Life. The whole anointing is root and branch, and we can liken this to seminal fluid, water and seed.

            The Holy Spirit is the waters of Jesus Christ, but the waters are barren. How do I know that?  The church has been around for 2000 years, where is Christ?

            The Holy Spirit is sent to point us to Christ. We must have the root of the tree grafted to us to have Christ formed in us, and then Christ must grow in wisdom and grace, He must be educated, and He must learn.  The Spirit of Christ is in Christ, and the Spirit of Christ is different than the Holy Spirit, because the Spirit of Christ is the whole virile seed, root and branch, water and seed.

            The Spirit of Christ has the ability to fully reproduce Christ in you. The Holy Spirit points you to Christ. They are not the same. Christ must be formed in you, brethren.

            Peter calling to remembrance the Christ mind in Peter said, Master, behold the fig tree which thou curseth is withered away.

            If you really believe that Jesus cursed that tree, first of all, if you really believe that it was a physical tree, and second of all, if you really believe that Jesus cursed it because He was hungry for the food that nourishes the physical body, I would like to make another suggestion to you.

            The fig tree is the symbol of Israel, brethren, and Israel can be likened, Israel at that time can be likened to the church today. The tree has leaves. There were many people, many human beings had been born, many physical human beings had been born, the tribes of Israel had prospered numerically, but there was no fruit. Christ was not formed in them.

            Jesus came looking for the fruit. What does that mean? What does that mean?

            It has to do with communion, it has to do with the subject of this message. Jesus wants to consume us. He wants a union to take place between His Spirit and the Spirit of Christ in us.  The Scripture expresses that in an allegorical term, saying, eat my flesh, and drink my blood, or now do this in remembrance of me, eat this.

            Jesus said, If you are neither hot nor cold, I will spue you out of my mouth. There is a consumption that is not cannibalism, it is spiritual, and it is talking about a union of spirit. When we eat a steak, the flesh of that cow winds up on our body.

            When we eat of the Spirit and the Word of God of Jesus Christ, His life grows within us.  It does not affect our physical body, although it may heal us, but His life, the body of His mind, grows within us.

            Jesus did not curse any natural fig tree. How unlike the Son of God to curse a tree because there was no fruit on it. Jesus does not do that, Jesus would come out and dung the tree.

            It was a spiritual statement, brethren. Israel was the fig tree, and Jesus said, I curse this fig tree, because you are not going to be a fig tree anymore, I am going to make you into an olive tree. You will bear fruit.

            Why would Jesus say that? Because Israel, the spirit that was on Israel at the time that Jesus was around,  could be likened to the Holy Spirit today. They had energy, they had spiritual power, spirit is personalized energy, spirit is power, but the virile seed was not manifesting in Israel at the time of Jesus' appearance.

            Jesus was saying by this cursing of the fig tree, which is probably a parable that He was telling His disciples, was that I am going to be crucified, I am going to rise from the dead, and I am going to return to this earth in spirit form, in the form of a spirit that is both root and branch of the Tree of Life, that is both energy and seed. 

            I am going to return to this earth as the male seed that can restore the Tree of Life to Israel.  Actually, I do not even know if the Scripture says that He cursed the fig tree, because I have not looked at that in the Greek, but I know that the Lord has given me this revelation.

            Jesus cursed the fig tree in His disciples. The fig tree signifies the carnal mind in Israel. The Tree of Life is the Christ Mind. Jesus cursed the carnal mind in His disciples and, by that act, prophesied the impartation of the Christ mind to His disciples, Israel, the church, and the world.

            Whenever Jesus kills, He kills to give you something greater. We are challenged to die to the lifestyle of this world, so that we can ascend in a higher form.  If the Interlinear Text does say that Jesus Christ cursed the fig tree, if that is what it does say, all that it meant was, you are going to die to this aspect of life. 

            What aspect of life? Where you have spiritual power, but you do not have the righteous seed. The virile seed is the nature of Jehovah, and it is the door to righteousness, and the power that comes with righteousness, which is greater than the power that comes with the gift.

            Jesus was saying to Israel, You are going up, you are not going to be a fig anymore... ...What is characteristic of the fig? It has many seeds... You are going to become an olive with just one pit, I am going to unify you. I told you this recently, I think it was in an online meeting.

            The Godhead is characterized by unity, and Satan's household is characterized by division, not necessarily division caused by fighting, but by many members. The household of God gathers everything into one.

Luke 1:54, He hath hope in his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy. (KJV)

            That must be a quote from the Old Testament. Jehovah remembered that He had mercy on Israel, and He helped them, or He looked at Israel, and He saw His seed in Israel and He helped them. The remembrance is His seed. Christ is His seed.

Luke 22:19, And he took bread and he gave thanks and break it, and gave unto them saying, This is my body which is given for you, do this in remembrance of me. (KJV)

            I am not going to comment on that because we will be translating that verse.

John 14:26, But the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have sent unto you.  (KJV)

            This is a mistranslation. First of all, the Holy Ghost is not the teacher.  The Holy Ghost points us to the teacher. The Holy Ghost comes with gifts, He comes with power, and He comes with gifts. He does not teach.  Christ is the teacher. I looked this up in the Interlinear Text, and the Interlinear Text indicates that the correct translation is The Spirit of the Holy One that is in my nature.

             I just gave you a whole exhortation on how the Holy Spirit is the energy, the power of God. If I have cast out these demons, the power of the Holy Ghost has come upon you, but the nature of God is in the seed that produces Christ.  The Holy One that is in my nature, that is Christ. The Spirit of the Holy One that is in my nature, that is the Spirit of Christ.

              We see that the comforter is not the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit is the free gift, but the teacher and the one who comforts you, the comforter, is the Spirit of Christ.

            Who does He comfort, how does He comfort you? He comforts you with His word, which is the Doctrine of Christ, as well as with His Spirit that is the Spirit of Christ.

              We see that the Spirit of Christ will bring all things to your remembrance, the Spirit of Christ which is within Christ Jesus, and that is what is happening to me. That is the Spirit of Revelation.


Acts 10:31,  And said Cornelius, Thy prayer is heard and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God.  (KJV)

            Thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God. Of course, it is hard without looking at the Interlinear Text, but God has remembered you, that is what it is saying. God has remembered you, you have paid alms, and as I have told you in many past messages, it is very possible to have an imputed Christ formed, a Christ formed without the root, if you are pursuing God with all of your strength.  That manifestation of Christ will not endure, unless the virile seed, or the virile seed is grafted to him.

I Cor.4:17,  For this cause have I sent unto you Timotheus, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways, which be in Christ, as I teach everywhere in the church. (KJV)

            Remembrance of my ways....  The only way we can understand the ways of God is with the Mind of Christ. The carnal mind is not capable of understanding the ways of God. I Cor. 11:25. We will be translating that also, so we will skip over it.

Phil.1:3, I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. (KJV)

            I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.  Again, I have not looked at this in the Greek, but it is talking about the remembrance in Christ

Timothy 4:6,  If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith, and of good doctrine, whereunto thou has attained.  (KJV)


            If you put the brethren in remembrance of these things... What it is talking about is stimulating their Christ mind. Only the Christ mind remembers the things of God.

 II Timothy 1:5, When I called to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee... , (KJV)


            That means he is stirring up the Christ mind. Brethren, the carnal mind has no faith. The carnal mind has hope, the carnal mind hopes that Christ will be formed, Christ who is our faith.

Timothy 1:6, Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. (KJV)


            The gift of God is the Holy Ghost. We receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands.  We do not receive the Spirit of Christ by the laying on of hands.

            How do we receive the Spirit of Christ, anybody? Through instruction, brethren.

            I am sorry, did you have the answer? Yes, through instruction, through instruction and study. You can receive the Holy Ghost in one quick moment, but the Spirit of Christ is built into you. 

            The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of the Mind of Christ which must be formed in you slowly, and it is not just a question of education. You have to have experiences, and this word, this education has to become a part of you.

II Peter 1:12, Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though you know them, and be established in the present truth, (KJV)


      To put you in remembrance...  That is why this Doctrine of Christ is preached only to the Christ mind. The Lord is no respecter of persons, but the carnal mind is not capable of understanding the deep things of God.


            Pastor Vitale, you say, many non-Christians can understand your doctrine.  They understand aspects of it, because the spiritual truth is spiritual truth, whether the spiritual truth is coming from the Mind of Christ or the carnal mind, or from the occult world.

            The spiritual truth of this world is spiritual truth, the occult world has a lot of truth, but the carnal mind will never understand the details of the Doctrine of Christ, such as confession of sin and repentance, and that is your test.

            If someone tells you they love your doctrine, you find out if they are confessing their sins and repenting, and you will find out whether they are understanding it with their carnal mind or their Christ mind.

            I had a woman e-mailing me from time to time over a period of two years, telling me how she was just in love with this doctrine, and finally the day came that she came closer, and it turns out that she thought I was promoting, [it sounded to me, I never really discussed it with her, because she disappeared from my life], but it sounded like she was pursuing a form of tantra, Hindu tantra, which is where you use physical sexuality with spiritual doctrine to attain to a spiritual high.

            When I told her...it was not me, it was one of the other members of the ministry who told her that it was not true, and we sent her a couple of books saying that I preached the exact opposite, I never heard from her again.

            She actually believed that I was preaching the exact opposite of what I was preaching, and this is true of a lot of people.

II Peter 1:3, Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle to stir you up by putting you in remembrance, ..., (KJV)


            It is talking about stirring up your Christ mind.

II Peter 3:1, This second epistle beloved, I now write it to you, in both which I stir up your pure mind by way of remembrance. (KJV)


            The pure mind is the Christ mind.  I stir you up by way of remembrance... What does that mean? It means that he preaches the Doctrine of Christ to stir up the memory that is in your Christ mind. Christ in you must be stimulated.

             I tell you all the time, it is not enough for you sit here and listen to me. The ultimate goal of Christ Jesus in your life, through this ministry, is that Christ in you should stir up and stay stirred up and start remembering all these things that I am teaching you, and that He should be reproducing in you and shoot forth in you in great power and overcome all of the weaknesses of your personality, and manifest Himself through you.

            Christ Jesus is the great teacher, and when He manifests Himself through you, you become the great disciple of the great teacher, who speaks the words of the great teacher.  He must overthrow your carnal mind, brethren.

II Peter 1:15, Moreover I will endeavor that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance. (KJV)


            That is exactly what I just said to you. Christ has to start functioning in you on His own.

I Peter 3:1, This second epistle beloved, I now write unto you, in both which I stir up your pure minds by ways of remembrance. (KJV)


            Oh, I read that one already, I am doing this twice. I stir up your Christ mind, by preaching the Doctrine of Christ to you, challenging your Christ mind, remember, remember, remember, wake up, wake up, wake up. It is the time to wake up from sleep, wake up to righteousness, wake up to your Christ mind.

Jude 5, ...I will therefore put you in remembrance, though you once knew this, how that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believe not. (KJV)


            I am sorry that I did not do an Alternate Translation on this verse, because Scriptures like that are very distressing. I will remind you though you once knew this, how the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

            I am sure that is an unfortunate translation. God does not destroy you because you do not believe. Satan will be very happy to destroy you if you are not close to Jesus Christ.

            The Lord Jesus does not have to destroy you because you do not believe.  If it was not so late, I would go inside and look up that Scripture in the Interlinear Text. It probably says the people who did not believe were destroyed, and believe what, believe what?

            You have to have the true doctrine to believe, and it probably says, I would probably find if I looked it up that they had doubt and unbelief.

            What it is talking about, brethren, is that the people who stayed in their carnal mind were destroyed.  We just did an account of Moses in the Book of Numbers, we just did it in a recent online meeting, how thousands of the Hebrews were destroyed because they were bitten by Fiery Serpents, because they were murmuring, and complaining against Moses.

            We destroy ourselves, brethren, when we turn away from God, and this is why education is essential, that we know what God requires of us, that we know what is right, so that we can fight the good fight of faith against our own carnal mind that is bringing all of these evil thoughts into our mind.

Revelation 16:19, And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and great Babylon came in remembrance before God..., (KJV)


            God remembered Babylon. ... to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath.  Here is a good Scripture right here talking about the cup.

            Most of the Christians today choose to believe that the cup that Jesus offered His disciples was a physical cup, filled with physical wine, or in today's church with grape juice, but, brethren, I want to suggest to you that this is not true.

            Jesus did not offer his disciples a physical cup and a drink of physical wine. He offered them the wine of His Spirit. He said, Drink into my Spirit. Drink into my Spirit.  That is just another way of saying, Flow into my Spirit, flow with my Spirit.  I did not tell you that the Greek word for remembrance is Strong's #364. We will take a look at the Interlinear Text of Matthew 26:26. Actually, there are four.  This account of the so-called communion service, which is not at all what the church has made it to be.

            Actually, the communion in the church today is directly out of the Catholic Church, which has retrieved it directly out of paganism.

            The Scripture never, in any way, indicated the kind of ritual that goes on in the church today, eating little crackers and drinking grape juice.

            Brethren, we now have the Spirit, we have the Holy Spirit. Some of us have the Spirit of Christ. We are not to go back into rituals, the rituals of this physical world. We are to become more and more spiritual everyday.

            That is why the more carnal a church is, the more paraphernalia they have in the church, the bigger the cross and the bigger the decorations that please the eye, and the more spiritual the church, the richer the Word is, and the less the stimulations of the eye. That is just the truth.

            The more carnal the church, the more steeped in ritual they are. The more spiritual the church, the more steeped in the Word they are.

            There are four books that this account of the so-called communion appears in. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and I Corinthians. The Scriptures in Matthew and Mark are actually really all the same. I think we are probably going to go through this very quickly because it is pretty much the same thing in all of these accounts, with one or two minor variations.

            We will start with Matthew 26:26, I will read it to you in the King James.

Matt. 26:26-29. And as they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed it and break it, and gave it to the disciples and said, Take eat, this is my body, and he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying, Drink ye all of it, for this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. But I say unto you I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom. (KJV)


            We have no problem believing that Jesus was not offering up His physical blood in that cup, we have no problem believing that, but the church today has a problem believing that neither was Jesus offering up wine in a physical cup.

            It is talking about the Spirit of Christ, it was talking about His Spirit. He said, Here, partake of my Spirit.

            I have got a flash for you, whoever's hearing this , you cannot partake of my spirit unless I give it to you, and you cannot partake of the Spirit of Christ wherever He is appearing unless He gives it to you. You cannot take this kingdom by force. You have a war on your hands if you are trying to take it by force.

            It is free for all who come with a right heart and a right attitude. He said, Drink into my Spirit. 

            I have told you that every time we gather here, and I preach the Doctrine of Christ, we are having communion. You are drinking into the Spirit of Christ that is preaching through me, and I am breaking the bread to you. I am breaking little pieces of Christ Jesus, within myself, off and imparting it to you.

            Does that sound strange to you? Seeds, spiritual seeds, My word is spirit, and my word is truth.  This word is projected by spirit, and the spirit carries the seeds.  The spirit in me, Christ Jesus in me, is breaking Himself off, is breaking pieces.

            Is not Jesus the bread from heaven? Did He not say, I am the bread that came down from heaven?  He breaks off pieces of Himself, and imparts them to the people through the foolishness of preaching.  The pieces of bread are the seeds of His life that go forth with this word.

            We really have to look at the verse before the account that I just read to establish what I just told you.  Let us go back to Verse  14 and 17.

            It says that Judas Iscariot went to the chief priest and betrayed Jesus.  Verse 17, we see that it is the first...., now you see the day of the feast of, is in italics. That means that those words are not in the Greek.

            The first unleavened bread, the disciples, came to Jesus.  The first unleavened bread, did  Paul not say in another place, Ye are loaves, purge out the leaven that you should be unleavened bread.  Did Paul not say that? These disciples were the first ones that had the sin purged out of them.

            I had a preacher say to me once that Jesus never exposed sin, and I said to him, do  you not know that in the Scripture, the word feet signifies the carnal mind? He says, I know that. l said Jesus washed the disciples feet.


             You think He washed their physical feet? He washed their carnal minds. He washed them with the water of the Word, and here we see the second witness that Jesus judged the sins of His disciples. This is the second witness.  That is very interesting.

            The first unleavened bread, the first unleavened loaves, that is the same Greek word that says loaves and bread,

Verse 17.... the first unleavened loaves, the disciples of Jesus, came to Him saying, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover? (KJV)

              You think he is talking about a physical Passover lamb? Brethren, there a spiritual Passover. I want to suggest to you that Jesus was a spiritual teacher, and He came to overturn the law by raising it up into the Spirit.

            Every festival of Israel is a type and shadow of the spiritual event. We did two on-line meetings on the spiritual Passover.

            Brethren, the Passover lamb is passing over death, passing over the carnal mind. The reason the angel of death passed over the household that had the blood on it in Israel, what that means is, not that they were spared from death, but that the Christ mind covered over their carnal minds.

            Brethren, when we are living out of our carnal minds, we are dead and living out of death. We will be resurrected unto Life when the Christ mind utterly covers over our carnal mind and prohibits it from even speaking.

              The Hebrews that had the blood on the doorpost, and I translated those verses, I just do not remember them off hand, they are in the Alternate Translation.

            The Hebrews that had the blood on the doorpost, the Hebrews that confessed their sins and repented and had Christ formed in them, were saved from death, because the Christ mind passed over their carnal mind and covered it.

            I do not deny that this happened in the physical also for the Hebrews. There are a lot of people in the church world that are saying that we are ready to enter into or experience the Feast of Tabernacles, that Passover, the spiritual Passover, has already passed, but this is not true.

            Jesus Christ of Nazareth experienced the spiritual Passover. It is time for the church to experience the spiritual Passover.

            We must have the Mind of Christ formed in us so that, that mind can cover over our carnal mind, that we might ascend in wisdom and knowledge, and understanding and power, in Christ Jesus.

            Jesus Christ is not giving power to this carnal mind. We must have the nature of Christ Jesus, which is only in Christ.

            We see the first unleavened loaves, the disciples of Jesus came to him saying, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover?

            There you go Pastor Vitale, you do not know what you are talking about, there are the words right there, Eat the Passover. Yes, there is a consumption. There is a consumption, there is a union of the Christ mind and the carnal mind.

            It is not Eat the Passover. The Passover is eating the carnal mind. The Passover is the lamb, which is Christ Jesus in you. Christ Jesus must eat and consume the carnal mind.

            Christ Jesus, the high priest in you, Jehovah's high priest, the high priest of the Lord Jesus Christ will cover over and then consume your carnal mind, because the priest eats of the sacrifice.

            Brethren, Jesus Christ went to the cross so that the ability could be imparted to the individual to overcome their carnal mind, and that ability is in Christ.  Every man must overcome his own carnal mind,  Christ Jesus in that man will consume his carnal mind, and that is the spiritual Passover.

            These disciples were talking to Jesus about preparing themselves for this experience of spiritual ascension in Christ Jesus.        

Verse 18. And he said, Go into the city to such a man and say unto him, The master saith my time is at hand, I will keep the Passover at the house of my disciples.(KJV) 

I really am not going to go in to all of these verses word by word, but I think I did translate that verse in Luke. I translated the equivalent, or the parallel account in Luke, and we have this on a message called The Last Supper.

            Jesus is saying to the disciples who have just said to Him, What must we do to experience this spiritual Passover? What must we do?  Jesus says, This is what you have to do, go into the city....

            Oh, and you thought He meant the physical city?  Does the city have a name? Brethren, there are spiritual cities. Jerusalem is a spiritual city, is it not? The Holy Jerusalem that you are waiting to come down from heaven is a spiritual city. Is not Babylon a spiritual city?

            Brethren, if you are in your carnal mind, which just about everybody is, but you have Christ formed in you, and you are waiting for this great event, that your Christ mind will rise up and overshadow and swallow up your carnal mind, you want to know what is it that you have to do.

            I pray that all the time, Lord, what must I do?


            This is Jesus' instruction to them. Go into the city, get spiritual, go inward. How do you go inward?

            Do you meditate with an empty mind, which many are preaching today? No. You get spiritual by studying the Doctrine of Christ and focusing on the Word of God. You go into a spiritual city. Jesus talks to you there. Sometimes you hear the minds of other people there. Does that shock you?

            Paul heard Ananias, Paul was in prayer, and the Lord put him in communication with Ananias.  Jesus said, This is what you must do to experience the spiritual Passover.

            If you want to have spiritual experiences, you must be spiritual. How do you become spiritual? Go into the city. How do you go into the city?  Study the word of God. Go into the city to such and such a man and say unto him...

             Pastor Vitale, if it is a spiritual city, how could I be talking to a man? Brethren, when you go into a spiritual city, there is communication with other minds.

            Of course, we did do a deep work, a deep study on this, and we did find, I do not know if it was this account. There is another account where it says, You will find a man with a water pitcher, and the Lord revealed to us that, that was not just any old man with a water pitcher, but Jesus was telling the disciples, go in and find Satan and Leviathan, the criminal mind of mortal humanity, who transcend all of the generations of mortal man.


            They are immortal, Satan and Leviathan are immortal in this age, but Christ Jesus will swallow up this age.

            I am sorry if it upsets you, brethren, but Satan is the unconscious part of the carnal mind which you were born with, and Leviathan is the subconscious part.

            This is why it is essential that we transfer into the Christ mind, because the carnal mind is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and even if you are doing good works out of your carnal mind, you are still subject to the influence of Satan and Leviathan.

            That offends you? I am sorry, it is the truth. Jesus said, Go into your carnal mind, go deep, become spiritual, go into your heart, and tell Satan and Leviathan, I am going to challenge you.

            That is what Jesus was saying, Challenge Satan and Leviathan in your own mind.  You are offended, you do not think Satan is in your mind. Where do you think your evil thoughts come from? Those thoughts that you were just wrestling with a few weeks ago, where do you think they come from? Thoughts that you know are wrong, that you do not know how they got into your mind, Satan whispers them into your mind. This is grow up time.

            Jesus said, Look into your own heart, and if you look into your own heart, surely you are going to find Satan and Leviathan there, and when you find them, this is what you tell them, Go into such and such a city and to such and such a  man and say to him, the master sayeth, My time is at hand.

            Who is the master? Jesus. When you finally contact Satan and Leviathan in your own mind, tell them that Jesus said, My time is at hand. My time to challenge you, and to overcome you, and to put you down in the bottomless pit and seal you in there.

            My time is at hand, I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples. The spiritual Passover is coming.

            To translate that into a more practical translation, every time you hear an evil thought in your mind, you have to rebuke Satan and Leviathan, and burn them in the Lake of Fire.

            This is a parable, brethren. Jesus was saying, Face what is really in your mind and start fighting the fight.  That is what you have to do.  Please note that Jesus only gave these instructions to the disciples who were unleavened. Their sins were confessed to the best of their ability. The surface sin was dealt with.

            You have been serving the Lord for years and years, and you think you have got all of your sin under control? l I have got a flash for you, we are all like onions, and you have got many, many layers to go into. You have not seen anything yet.

Verse 20, Now when the even was come, He sat down with the twelve. (KJV)


Verse 21. And as they did eat. Verily, I say unto you that one of you shall betray me. (KJV)


            We see pictures all over the church world of thirteen people, Jesus and twelve disciples sitting at a table eating, but I want to tell you that they were eating the Doctrine of Christ.

            Brethren, you are eating tonight, this is the communion. If you are listening to this message, and your heart is open towards it, you are receiving the Word, you are receiving the bread, and the Spirit that is going into your heart is the wine. The Spirit with the seeds of His Life.

            They sat down to eat, and Jesus said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.  Brethren, He was teaching them. They were not eating physical food. If you do not get spiritual, you are going to die. Whatever you have of the spirit, you are going to lose.  And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began everyone of them to say unto Him, Lord is it I? That Scripture confused me for years until I found out that these twelve disciples have been instructed by Jesus.

            They knew, and remember they were unleavened, they were the unleavened loaves, they knew what is in the heart of man. They knew, they knew what mortal man was capable of, and I tell you all the time, we are all capable of anything under the right circumstances.

            Therefore to say, I would never do that, that is the sin of pride. You do not know what you would do under certain given circumstances. Therefore, to judge somebody unless you have had that experience and you are judging them in righteousness, to judge somebody and say that...I was sick for years.

            I had a lot of pastors tell me that it was my fault, that I had no faith. A lot of people told me that. I was lying in the hospital in intensive care, and a brother came in to see me, and asked me if I was sure I confessed all my sins. The brother loved me, but that is the teaching in the church.

Verse 22.  And they were exceeding sorrowful and began everyone of them to say unto Him, Lord is it I? (KJV)

They all knew that they were capable of it, and not only did they know that they were capable of it, but they had a revelation that we betray each other in our unconscious mind all the time.

            I believe that Judas betrayed Jesus, I believe that Judas turned Jesus over to the Sanhedrin, and I believe that Jesus was physically crucified.  What these men were talking about was a knowledge that Satan operates out of the unconscious part of the carnal mind. I think at this point, they did not have any idea that Jesus was talking about a physical betrayal in this physical world.

            It is just like me coming in here one night and saying to you, My mind has been under attack all day, is anybody here mad at me? That is what Jesus was talking about... that is not what Jesus was talking about, but that is what the disciples thought He meant.

            Do you know that if you are mad at me without a cause, or if you are mad at me because of an unjust cause, you have betrayed me? Do you know that? It is your responsibility to stand against that anger and say, No, I will not be mad, I rebuke this anger.

            If there is something wrong, I will deal with it. How do you deal with it? You go before the Lord, and ask Him to make it right, ask Him if I really did something wrong to tell me.  Maybe I did not do something wrong, maybe the problem is with you. You have to open yourself to the Lord's judgment and take whatever falls.

            They thought Jesus was talking about the betrayal of the heart. 

Verse 23. And Jesus answered and said, he that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. (KJV)


            Now the Greek word translated dippeth, it is talking about baptism, brethren. He that dippeth his hand..... what does the hand signify, what is the spiritual significance of the hand, does anybody remember? We just had that in the online meeting this week. Yes?

            COMMENT: I think it is the mind.

            PASTOR VITALE: What part of the mind?

            COMMENT: It is the unconscious mind.

            PASTOR VITALE: The subconscious part of the mind in the individual. The spiritual, our spiritual mind.

            Our conscious mind is not spiritual. There is no conscious mind in Christ. Christ is a spiritual mind. The carnal mind has a conscious aspect of it, which is the mind of the dumb beast, it is ignorant.  There is a subconscious mind, there is a spiritual mind, a spiritual part of the carnal mind, and the Mind of Christ when He is not covered.

            If the Mind of Christ is covered, the conscious part of the Christ mind is the carnal mind that is covering Him.  Christ, when He is liberated, has no conscious part. He is spiritual, Christ is spiritual.

            That does not mean you are not functioning in this conscious plane when you are in Christ. It means that when you think, you are thinking spiritual all the time. That is what it means.

             When a spiritual person tries to talk to a carnal person, you can have one big communication problem there, because the two of you could be focusing on one event, and the carnal mind sees it in the flesh, and the spiritual mind sees it in the Spirit.

            This is what we are up against here tonight. The carnal mind in the church sees this account of the so-called communion as an actual physical dinner with a physical cup and physical wine, and this is not true.

            The Bible is a spiritual book, and when the spiritual understanding comes, you are supposed to give up the physical rituals, and if the spiritual understanding has come to you, and you will not give up the physical rituals, it is idolatry. Paul says it is idolatry.

            He that is baptized, he whose hand is baptized, he whose subconscious mind is baptized with me, the one whose subconscious mind, the one whose spiritual mind is gathered into me, the man whose spiritual mind is gathered into my mind, the man that I have a Spirit tie with in the dish, in the physical vessel, the same shall betray me.

            Someone that I have a spirit tie with is going to betray me. That is what He said.

Verse  24, The Son of Man goeth, as it is written of Him, but woe unto the man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed. It had been good for that man if he had not been born. (KJV)

             I looked at that in the Interlinear Text, brethren, and I am convinced that Jesus was saying, It would have been better for him, if Adam had not been raised from the dead in him.

            Brethren, to know  the spiritual life in Christ, to know that the resurrected Adam is Christ Jesus, to know that Christ Jesus is resurrected in you, to have His fellowship, to live out of His Spirit, to experience His mercy and His life, and His grace and His protection, and to have Him depart from you, you would be better off if He was never raised in you, because when you were ignorant, you were not in pain, but to have experienced it and to lose it, is a very, very bad thing.

Verse 25: Then Judas which betrayed Him answered and said, Master is it I?  And He said unto him, Thou hast said. (KJV)

Verse 26:  And as they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed it, and break it, and gave it to the disciples and said, Take eat, this is my body. (KJV)


             I am in the notes now.  As Jesus taught the Doctrine of Christ, brethren, they were eating the Word of God. The true communion is spiritual.

            We are to eat the Word of God and drink the Spirit of Christ, just as we eat a steak, and a glass of orange juice to nourish this physical body, our spiritual body requires nourishment, and our spiritual body is the Mind of Christ. We must eat this Word of God.

            We see that the Mind of Christ is eating this Word. This message is not for the carnal mind, even if you are a Christian.  This message is for the Mind of Christ, who can understand spiritual things. He must eat this food.

            The Mind of Christ in you must eat this doctrine, must eat this word, must take it into Himself, and hold on to it, so that it will build Him up just as good natural food will build up our physical body.

            Christ Jesus is a spiritual man, He is spiritual. The church has got to wake up, or it will die, and it is dying.  Why is it dying? Because many cannot discern the body of Christ. They cannot discern that Christ is in them, they think their carnal mind  is Christ, and they cannot discern the Christ mind in another man.

            They think that it is Satan or wickedness in the other man, because Christ is so radically different than the carnal mind, that the man who thinks his carnal mind is Christ, when he comes up against a man that Christ is manifesting through, he thinks that man must be evil, because he thinks he is Christ, but he is not.

            He is a mortal man living out of his carnal mind, which is under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

            Very few walk in the Mind of Christ today, but the hour is at hand that Jesus is calling many to walk in Christ, but very few are.

            They're walking in the good side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and they have the Holy Spirit, and they think they are Christ, but they are not.  The Lord is coming to convince them of the truth, so that Christ may come forth in them.

            And as Jesus taught the Doctrine of Christ, the disciples seized... That word took is Strong's... I see I do not have these words lined up properly, I think it is #2983. It can also be translated to seize. The disciples seized Jesus, the bread from heaven.

            Brethren, you have to seize me, you have to lay hold of this word. You have to study it. If you have a question, you have to go after me until I answer your questions. You have to pursue it.

            What this means is that the disciples believed what Jesus said. They believed everything that we just read before this verse. The disciples laid hold of it, they believed it, they ingested it, they made it a part of themselves.

            Please look a the Interlinear Text that I have printed out in your notes. It says they took, They took Jesus bread, that is what the Interlinear Text says, and we go through this so many times, that the subject in the Scripture is so frequently vague.

            And as they were eating...  ...as the disciples were consuming this word... they seized, or they laid hold of Jesus, the bread, and blessed it, and that word blessed can be translated to receive gladly. They received the Word.

            The King James says, and break it. No, no, they laid hold of Jesus' Word and received it gladly, and when their hearts opened to the Word, the virile seed that was able to reproduce Christ in them, broke forth from Jesus and entered into their heart.

             Jesus bestowed it, He gave it to them.  And Jesus taught the Doctrine of Christ, the disciples laid hold of Jesus, the bread from heaven, and they received His Word gladly, and Jesus bestowed that Word to them.

            Not just the verbal word, the spiritual word. When their hearts received it, the Word in Jesus was imparted to them, And broke forth from Jesus and was imparted to them. And Jesus bestowed it upon the disciples saying, Take eat, get a hold of this message, brethren, and consume it.

            If I was doing a formal Alternate Translation here, this would come first. And as Jesus taught the Doctrine of Christ, the disciples seized upon Jesus, the bread from heaven, for Jesus said to the disciples, get a hold of this message and consume it, and the disciples seized Jesus, the bread from heaven, and received it gladly.

            And the seed, the virile seed of Christ within Jesus, broke forth within Jesus, and He bestowed it upon them. Because this Word is my spiritual body. The real me.

            Jesus is saying to them, This physical body is not me. My reality is in Christ Jesus, my spiritual man. This is the real body.

            Brethren, the spiritual Word and the seed, the virile seed by the Spirit of Christ that is coming forth from me, that is breaking forth from me, that I am bestowing upon you, that is the real me. This physical body is just my earthly tabernacle. This is not me, but my words are spirit, and my words are life. This is the real me, my spirit, and the word that expresses my spirit.

            Lay hold of it, grab it, seize it, get it, because it is Life unto you.

            I am leaving, (He is saying), I am going to be crucified, but I leave my seed with you. You do not need me here teaching you, Christ in you will teach you, after He gets stirred up.

              We have a lot of people in the church saying, No man should teach them, but that is not what I intended here. Christ must be trained up, and either you should be under a teacher, or you should be a teacher.

            If you are not a teacher, if you do not have disciples, then you should be under a teacher, because the Lord Jesus does not waste anyone.


Matthew 26:27, And he took the cup, and he gave thanks and gave it to them saying.... (KJV)


Again, it does not say who took the cup. Brethren, cup is just another way of saying physical vessel.

            We had a Scripture with the word cup in it when we were going through the Scriptures earlier, something about the cup of Babylon.

Rev.16:19, And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.(KJV)

            The Spirit of Christ is fierce to Satan and Leviathan, your carnal mind. The Spirit of Christ is determined to kill them.

            We see the cup is another way of saying, the vessel that holds the spirit. The Mind of Christ holds the Spirit of Christ. Jesus was saying, Get my spiritual life. He was saying, I am physically leaving this world, but I leave my spiritual life with you, do not be deceived, this body is not me. And the same one who made me who I am, can be reproduced in you.

            And the disciples seized Jesus body (not his physical body now), the Mind of Christ, and the spirit that was in it. And they were grateful.

            To give thanks means to be grateful.  Your attitude is very important. You cannot receive the Doctrine of Christ and the Spirit of Christ in your heart if your attitude is not right. You have to be grateful, you have to have an attitude of gratitude towards it, and there was something else here.

            They received it gladly. You have to appreciate it, you have to be grateful for it, you have to be willing to receive it from a teacher if that is the way Jesus gives it to you.

            If you think that you are going to get a hold of these s and these books that we produce at Living Epistles, and get this message without submitting to the ministry, and while you are saying bad things about me, and imputing evil motives to me, you are mistaken, because you can listen to every  and read every book, but the Spirit on these books, and on these s, which is Christ in me, will not cleave unto you, and you will not have power in your life if you are despising me.

            You cannot separate the message from the messenger. You have to be in right relationship with me to get the Spirit that is in me.

Verse 28, For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. (KJV)

            For this is my blood, and this is my spiritual blood.

            The church, as I said earlier, has no problem believing that Jesus was not talking about His physical blood, so they make His blood spiritual and His flesh spiritual, but everything else, they make carnal, and they are dying because they cannot discern the body of Christ. There is death all through the church today.

            Because my spiritual blood is shed to activate the contract. First of all, the word new is not in the Greek here, although it is in the Greek, I think in Luke, but it is not in the Greek here. It just says Testament, and Testament means contract.

            Because my spiritual blood is shed to activate, or to put into affect the contract, which remits the sins of humanity.

            Brethren, the contract is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

            The contract says that Christ will be imparted to you. Christ Jesus is the forgiveness of sins. When you experience the spiritual Passover, and your Christ mind covers over your carnal mind, you are truly forgiven.

            The church today is forgiven by faith. We all sin every second of every minute of every day in our unconscious mind.

            We sin continuously, but we are forgiven by faith.  We have been given a period of dispensation, a time to study to show ourselves approved, to understand the Word of God, to have the Christ mind developed in us, and to fight the warfare which will destroy our own carnal mind, our own sin nature, and then the forgiveness of sins is ours in reality, because the sins, the sins of our mind, are our sin nature.

            When we, the personality, agree with Christ Jesus to destroy our own sin nature, then that is the true forgiveness.           Brethren, Jesus’ forgiveness is the ability to destroy our sin nature.  Jesus says, My blood is shed to activate the contract.  What does that mean? His spiritual blood is being scattered all over the world, and His spiritual blood activates the contract.

            Do you not know that every contract has to have some token? If you are signing a contract to buy a house, you have to put down at least ten dollars. You have to put down a down payment.

            The blood of Jesus is the down payment that we receive. It says that. I think it is either in Ephesians or Colossians.  The Holy Ghost is the down payment. It is just the beginning of what our inheritance is in Christ Jesus. 

            Our inheritance is Christ Jesus, the whole body of Christ, the whole Tree of Life, root and branch, wisdom, grace, truth, not just the power of the Holy Ghost.

            I have seen a lot of power in the Holy Ghost coming from a lot of reprobate people. The gifts and the callings of God are without repentance.

            There is power over disease, and there is power over demons in the Holy Ghost, but there is no power over death in the Holy Ghost. Sometimes the Holy Ghost raises them from the dead, and then they die again.

            The power over death, brethren, is in righteousness. The power of divine health leading into eternal life is in the nature of Christ Jesus. It is in righteousness, it is in sinlessness.

Verse 29, But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom. (KJV)

            Jesus is saying, Look, brethren, I am discipling you, I am teaching you, I am sharing my spiritual Life with you, I am giving you the Word, I am giving you Christ in me, I am giving you  the Spirit of Christ, and I know that you have a carnal mind. I am sharing the communion with a carnal mind. I am giving you, my Life, to a carnal mind.

            I am not going to do this anymore. Once I am crucified, I will only give myself to Christ. That is what He is saying to them. I do not know if I put this on the  or not, but I have told you this, this evening.

            This Doctrine of Christ, the spiritual understanding of the Scripture, is only for Christ. The Christians that are still in their carnal mind have the Gospel of the Cross.

            To be spiritual outside of Christ, to be spiritual with your carnal mind, raises up the Fiery Serpent or raises up Satan's spiritual mind in you. You have to have the Mind of Christ before you enter into this course of study.

            Let us see what it says. 

Verse 29...But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine... (KJV)


or how about, I will not drink of this vine. Jesus said, I am the true vine.

            If there is a true vine, there is a false vine. There is two of everything in this divided age, a negative and a positive.  I will not eat the fruit of this present vine, or this false vine, until the spiritual day dawns.

            Did Paul not say, You are the day, awake to righteousness. Why do you think that it is a physical day?

            You are supposed to be spiritual. The Scripture explains itself in many cases, just get yourself a concordance. Paul talks about a spiritual day.  I am not going to eat of the fruit of this false vine anymore, this is the last time, until the spiritual day dawns in you, until Christ rises in you. And I will drink of that new mind.

            Jesus is talking about Himself in His glorified state, and I have told you many times, the Holy Spirit is the ministry of Jesus Christ to the believer with the carnal mind.

            The Spirit of Christ only goes to the Christ mind, and Jesus was saying, as a teacher in the flesh, I have ministered to you in your carnal mind. Jesus covered over the carnal minds of the disciples, and He gave them of His own substance, so that they could understand these things.

            He said, Once I am glorified, and I come back as the glorified Jesus Christ, I will only be in the midst of you when the Christ mind is formed in you. The glorified Jesus Christ comes to abide with Christ Jesus, or the Mind of Christ within us.

            That is a hard word for the church who thinks that the Holy Spirit is the beginning and the end. The Holy Spirit is the beginning, but He is not the end. Christ must be formed in you, Christ, the house or the temple, for the glorified Jesus Christ to come in.

            The Holy Spirit is only an aspect of Himself. We could not bear to have His whole self in us. We would probably blow up, He is too powerful. 

            We have to get a new wineskin. He cannot come into the old mind. You have to get a new wineskin for the glorified Jesus Christ to come into your heart.

            If you look at your notes, you will see the words in the midst of and a couple of arrows.  All that this means is that, that goes with the next line.

            The fruit of this present vine, I will not eat of the fruit of this present vine until the spiritual day dawns in you, that I drink of the new mind within the midst of you, that is joined to my Father's kingdom. When the new day dawns, I will drink of the new mind within you.

            That word in can be translated within, and the word in the midst of you, I see that I cannot read my own notes. I do not know which word it is, which Greek word it is that means in the midst of you when I drink it.  Oh, with. In the midst of is a translation of the word with.

            I will drink henceforth, but I say unto you not, I will drink henceforth of the fruit of this present vine, until the spiritual day dawns in you, until Christ is formed in you, and then, I will drink of the new mind within you, that is, I will drink of the new mind that is in the midst of you.

            I do not know. I have to work on that translation.

            We are going now to Mark 14, and the Scriptures concerning communion begin at Verse 22, but we will take a look at Verse 12.

Mark 14:12 And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the Passover, His disciples said unto Him... (KJV)

 I did not really go into any deep study here, but it is basically the same principle, brethren.

  I do not have a copy of the Interlinear Text here, but what it is basically saying is, in the first day that their bread was unleavened, where their sin was dealt with to the point that Christ killed their carnal mind....

  I know the King James Translation says they killed the Passover, but if you want the truth, you have to understand that the King James translators used a lot of translator's license, which is perfectly legitimate. They translated the Scripture to the best of their ability.

  The disciples had become unleavened bread, their sin was dealt with, Christ rose in them, and killed their carnal mind, or at least covered it over.

Mark 14:12 ...And His disciples said to Him, where will thou go, where wilt thou that we go, and prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover? (KJV)

  Again, it is basically the same message, What do we have to do, where do we have to go to have this experience of spiritual power through ascension in Christ Jesus?           

Mark 14:13 And He sendeth forth two of His disciples and sayeth unto them, Go ye into the city... go into the spiritual city... and there you will meet a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him. (KJV)

  When we did that study in our message called The Last Supper, we found out, the Lord revealed to us by revelation, that the Scripture is talking about Satan and Leviathan in the age of Aquarius, and that there is a man, well whatever he is, he calls himself Maitreya, he calls himself Lord Maitreya.

  I call him Maitreya, and this man claims to be the Christ of this age of Aquarius. Maitreya is a title. There will be many expressions of Maitreya, just like there will many expressions of Christ Jesus.

  There is a big conflict coming up, brethren. It is already started, but very few Christians are engaged in the warfare. Very few Christians are even engaged in the warfare of dealing with their own sin, let alone dealing with those who claim to be the Christ of this new age coming in, and you should not be fighting them if you are not qualified. You have to be educated to wage this warfare.

   Jesus said, When you go into your own heart and you see your sins, and you see Satan and Leviathan within your own heart, tell them, they are coming down in the age of Aquarius.

  Brethren, the year 2000 is the official beginning of the age of Aquarius. There is going to be conflict such as the world has never seen before between the forces of righteousness in Christ Jesus and good and evil in the carnal mind and, if you are good, you are a part of the tree that is being brought down. You are a part of the fig tree that is being brought down in this hour.

  You must be in Christ to stand. The church is sorely uneducated, and celebrating pagan holidays, and in all kinds of sin, and they think they are in right standing with God, because He is just winking at it in this hour.

  You will not stand celebrating Christmas, brethren. It is not the birthday of Jesus, it is the birthday of Tammuz, a pagan god. All you have to do is pick up an encyclopedia, and you will find out that this is the truth. When are you going to open your eyes?

Verse 14, And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the goodman of the house, The master sayeth, where is the guest chamber.... (KJV)


  I did do something on that. Unless I did it in Luke, but that word guest chamber, we may have a parallel account in Luke, because I do not see it over here. Let me look on the next page. No, I must have done it in Luke, we are in Mark right now, but I will just read you the verses.

  That Greek word translated guest chamber can be translated dissolution.  Go in, within yourself, and face Satan and Leviathan, who are the head of this whole house of mortal humanity, and say to them, The Master, Jesus sayeth, it is time for the dissolution of your house.


Verse 14 ...I shall eat the Passover with my disciples.(KJV)


         That is the King James Translation.  The Passover shall consume the carnal mind of my disciples, Christ Jesus, the Passover in me. Jesus. 

  Tell Satan and Leviathan that Christ Jesus in the Master, Jesus, is going to cover over the carnal minds of my disciples, and your city, and your whole household within them will dissolve. It will come down with a crash, said Peter, a loud noise and much spiritual burning and flame.

Verse 16, And the disciples went forth and came into the city and found as He had said unto them, and they made ready....(KJV)


   They prepared themselves to have their carnal mind destroyed.

Verse 17, And in the evening He cometh with the twelve.(KJV)


Verse 18. and they sat and they did eat..... (KJV)


  They had a meeting, brethren. We are suppose to be having communion every time the Word of God goes forth, if it is the Spirit of Christ.

  Not every preacher has the Spirit of Christ. You have to be preaching out of your Christ mind to have the Spirit of Christ.

  You could be preaching an excellent message out of your carnal mind, but you are not having communion with your congregation, even if the Holy Spirit is present. 

  If you are preaching out of the Spirit of Christ, you have communion, and your whole congregation has communion with Christ Jesus within you.

Verse 18. And as they sat and they did eat, and Jesus said, Verily I say unto you, one of you which eateth with me shall betray me.(KJV)


  It is the same message.

Verse 19. And they began to be sorrowful, and to say unto him, one by one, is it I? ....(KJV)


Verse 20. And He answered unto them and said, It is one of the twelve that dippeth with me in the dish... (KJV)


       One of the twelve that is gathered unto my spirit that is covered by Christ Jesus in me.


              Verse 21.The Son of Man indeed goeth as it is written of him... (KJV)

       He is going to be crucified, and He is going to leave this world.


Verse 21.... but woe to the man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed.... (KJV)


  It would have been better for him if that man had never had Adam regenerated in him.

  Because when he loses Adam, and Adam is the name of Christ Jesus in the Old Testament, when that man loses that glorious experience, he will be absolutely miserable.

Verse 22, When they did eat, Jesus took bread and blessed and break it, and gave to them and said, Take eat, this is my body... (KJV)


I do not think there was really anything different here. I do not see anything here. No, there are some changes in Luke, but I will just read through this account in Mark. 

  This account in Mark is just about completely parallel to the account in Matthew. Take and eat, this is my body, eat of the Word of God that I am giving you, and he seized, the disciples seized the cup, they seized the spirit, and gave thanks, and the Spirit broke forth in Jesus and went into the disciples, and they drank of Him.

  They received His spirit, they absorbed it, they were the dead earth that absorbed it.

Verse 24. And He said to them, this is my blood of the New Testament, [my spiritual blood, my spirit], which is shed for the many. (KJV)


  Not his physical blood, His physical blood is being shed so that the spirit man would separate from the body, and the spiritual blood is scattered all over humanity today.       

Verse 25. Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God.(KJV)


Of course, we had a translation on that from Matthew.

  I will give it to you again.  Until the spiritual day dawns in the midst of you, and I drink of that new mind within you, that is joined to my Father's kingdom. Praise the Lord.

  Next, we have a few Scriptures in Luke 22:11. Yes, this is the account that I gave you off the top of my head concerning the goodman of the house.

Luke 22:11, And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, the Master sayeth unto thee, where is the guest chamber where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples? (KJV)


  Here, I gave you the Interlinear Text and the notes, and I show you that the word guest chamber, Strong's #2646, means dissolution. The Master of the house says that your city is dissolving.  As the Passover, the mind of Christ Jesus in the disciples, is consuming the carnal mind of my disciples, your house is dissolving.

  Brethren, as you sit under this teaching of the Doctrine of Christ, and fill your mind with the Word of God, your carnal mind and the whole spiritual kingdom that it supports is dissolving. There are spiritual kingdoms within us.

Verse 14, And when the hour was come, He sat down and the twelve apostles with Him,(KJV)


 Verse 15. and He said unto them, With desire, I have desired to eat this Passover with you, before I suffer: (KJV)


  That is interesting. This is the first account that we see the Scripture says, the twelve apostles with him.  The church world had a definition of apostle as a man who founds churches all over the world, but that is not the Scriptural definition of apostle.

  I have a whole message, it was one of the earliest messages that I did years ago.

  The Scriptural definition of apostle is, Christ in you. Christ Jesus is the apostle. Christ Jesus in you is the whole five-fold ministry.  If you are a personality that carries Christ, you have to have experiences that will bring forth this potential for the five-fold ministry in you.

  The teacher has to be birthed in you, the apostle has to be birthed in you, the evangelist has to be birthed in you. As Christ develops in you, you will have all of these experiences, but first you have to get Christ in you.

  When I first started this ministry, I was just a teacher. I was not a pastor, I was not an evangelist, I was not an apostle but, over the years, all of these offices have been birthed in me.

  You are an apostle if Christ Jesus is in you, and you live out of him, and the churches that you found are the individual people that you impart the Life of Christ to. Christ Jesus is the apostle.  There is a Scripture that says Jesus was an apostle.

  In order for you to be an apostle, Christ Jesus has to be living powerfully through you to the degree that your carnal mind is depressed most of the time, because you cannot be living out of Christ Jesus and your carnal mind at the same time.

  We see that it takes a warfare to be a spiritual apostle. You have to war against your carnal mind and defeat it. It is a life of continuous warfare.

  And He sat down with the twelve,

Verse 14, And when the hour was come, He sat down, and the twelve apostles with Him...  (KJV)


  That Greek word translated, He sat down, can also mean to fall back.  I want to suggest to you, that Jesus did not sit down on a chair with His apostles to have chicken,  but that the Scripture is saying, they fell back.

  Does anybody remember the spiritual meaning of to fall back? You go into the back of your mind.  What part of your mind is the back of your mind? Jesus was in the back of the ship, He was not in any physical ship, He was in the back of His mind.  It is a spiritual part of your mind. It is the spiritual plane. He was with His disciples, and they were having a spiritual experience.

Verse 15. And He said unto them, with desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer: (KJV)


       Those are two different words translated desire. The second Greek word, I have desired, means to set the heart upon.  I see that there is a letter missing in your notes on Page 6, to set the heart upon.


  Jesus is saying, I have desired to see Christ Jesus in your heart (4th) energy center. It is Christ Jesus who occupies the heart (4th) energy center.  I have desired to set you in your heart (4th) energy center for a long time.  In order for you, for Christ Jesus, to be occupying your heart (4th) energy center, you must be engaging Satan in warfare.

  Jesus said, Occupy until I come. Occupy what? Occupy your heart (4th) energy center, but in order for that to happen the Passover has to consume your carnal mind. I have desired to set you in your heart (4th) energy center for a long time, and for this Passover within me to consume you, in the front.

  The word in the King James is before. The Greek word translated before can also be translated front.

  What did I do here? ...before I suffer.  That Greek word translated suffer means to have, to experience sensation.

  I do not believe that Jesus was tortured on the cross. He was God in the flesh. I do not believe that He was in agony on the cross. I believe He was in a high spiritual place where He was above pain. He was God in the flesh. I believe, in His Spirit, He ascended to a high spiritual place where He experienced no pain.

  This word suffer means to experience sensation. He is talking about the days of his flesh.

  A spirit does not experience sensation. A spirit does not experience pain, and a spirit does not experience pleasure. These are all conditions and aspects and experiences of the animal life.

  I believe I told you the Greek word translated before can also be translated in the front of, and what is in the front? The personality and the physical body is in front of the spiritual man.

  Jesus is saying to them, I have desired to set you in your heart (4th) energy center for a long time, and that this Passover within me, Christ Jesus, this Passover lamb within me, should consume your carnal mind, while I am still in this flesh, while I am still in front of the spiritual man, where I experience sensation.

  When I am still in this flesh, I desire to see you set in your heart (4th) energy center, and for this Passover within me to consume your carnal mind, while I am still in the flesh where I have experiences.

  This is interesting, because this verse lines right up with our recent studies in Samson and Delilah. You may recall that the Scripture has revealed that the King James Translation does not really comprehend Samson's position, and that Samson was a great disciple who was a disciple of Elohim and of the regenerated Adam within him, and that he had disciples of his own.

  Samson, by the Mind of Christ within him, which is the regenerated Adam in the Old Testament, he entered into the hearts of the men of Judah, and regenerated Adam in them, and set Adam in their heart (4th) energy center.

  These men of Judah, they would have never, of their own, been able to have had such an experience of Adam being regenerated in them and possessing and occupying their heart (4th) energy center.

  They only were in this spiritual condition because Samson's mind, the regenerated Adam in Samson, literally created or formed or regenerated Adam in them, and was holding Adam up in their heart (4th) energy center.

  That is what Jesus is saying to them right there.  I have desired for a long time to see this day, that I have penetrated your mind, and I have regenerated Adam and set him in your heart (4th) energy center, while I am still in the flesh.

  He is saying this to the men that the Scripture calls apostles.  Jesus had regenerated Adam in them, just like Samson did to the men of Judah. Wow.

Verse 16, For I say unto you, I will not anymore eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God. (KJV)


   I will not consume that spiritual communion. I will not consume you, I will not consume your carnal mind, until you are filled up with the Kingdom of God, or until the Kingdom of God is completed in you.

  Brethren, do you ever wonder why Jesus does not just kill the carnal mind? Because we would die. The carnal mind will die as Christ Jesus is formed in us, and as we live out of Him. The carnal mind will, of necessity, die. The whole point is to keep us, the personality, alive while our nature and our mind is translated into the righteous nature and the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  This is the process that requires the exposure of sin in you and the destruction of that sin nature with your cooperation. You cannot say, I want to close my eyes, wake me up when it is over. This process requires your cooperation.

Verse 17, And he took the cup and gave thanks and said...,(KJV)


 and, again, it does not say who took the cup.

  Let me see what I said in my notes here.  This word, took, it is a different Greek word.  This is the third account of the communion that we are looking at, and this is the only time this Greek word, Strong's #1209, translated he took is used.

  We also see the word to take that is used in the other account is the next phrase down below Strong's #2983, that is the word that is used in all of the accounts, to take, to lay hold of. This word in the beginning of Verse 17, to take, Strong's #1209, can be translated to have intercourse, and we know that there is a spiritual intercourse of the mind.

  Jesus granted the disciples intercourse, He granted them permission to have intercourse with His spirit and His mind.

  Brethren, by the grace of God, you cannot get into my mind unless I let you in.  I am at war with a lot of people who are trying to penetrate my mind, and I want to tell you that very few of them are looking for the good stuff that is in my mind. If you are looking for the good stuff that is in my mind, the chances are I will let you in, unless you are coming in a wrong spirit.

  There are a lot of people who try to penetrate my mind to bring me down.

  My mind is very powerful, brethren. You think evil thoughts of me, you accuse me of evil, you accuse me falsely, you pronounce me wrong when you do not even know what you are talking about, and I will feel it. I am very spiritual, I will feel it, and I will push you back.  I will not let you into my mind.

  You want to know what was hurting you last week, it was my mind, saying, I will not take your rebuke. Give it to God, with an open heart that is willing to admit that you were wrong if He shows it to you. You cannot punish me. You are not anointed to punish me. God is my judge, not you.    Jesus granted the disciples permission to have intercourse with His Spirit, and they thanked him. Brethren, it is a privilege to have a relationship with anyone who is truly in Christ Jesus. If they are abusing you with their authority, then they are not in Christ Jesus.

  Jesus said to His disciples, this is a different Greek word now, Take or lay hold of, and divide from the carnal mind. The King James says,                                                     

Verse 17 ...take it and divide it among yourselves.(KJV)


No, brethren, divide yourselves from the carnal mind.

  Do you remember when Abraham first made his covenant with Jehovah and Elohim? There was a sacrifice of pigeons, I think it was two pigeons, he divided the pigeons, cut them in half. A pigeon signifies our spiritual man.

  The Christ mind is growing within the carnal mind, the two are one. There must be a division. What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness?

  If you do not divide from your carnal mind, Christ in you will die. If your Christ mind does not divide from your carnal mind, He will die.  Jesus granted His disciples permission to have intercourse with Him, with His mind and with His spirit, and they thanked him.

  Do you see the theme of gratitude to all three accounts of the communion? Gratitude and appreciation, humility, the exact opposite of arrogance, or an arrogant person would think they are entitled to this.

  A lot of our work is posted on the Internet for whosoever will. Whatever you can get out of what is posted on the Internet is between you and God, but if you want to come closer, if you want the anointing at the meetings, which is much more intense, although some people cannot even bear the s and the books, but if you want to come closer, you have to be in right relationship with me, and that is not your idea of right relationship.  It is God's idea of right relationship, and you have to appreciate it, otherwise go get the material off the Internet. You cannot mistreat me and take my work. It will not do you any good, you will not prosper.          

Verse 18, For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the [this present] vine, [the fruit, your carnal mind of this false vine], until the Kingdom of God shall come.(KJV)


 I do not have a copy of the Interlinear Text on that verse.

  For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of this false vine.  The King James makes it sound like He will drink of the false vine when the Kingdom of God comes, but what it is saying is...  what is the Kingdom of God?

  The Kingdom of God is the Mind of Christ.  I will drink of your fruit, I will drink the fruit of the true vine, when the Kingdom of God comes in you, when Christ is formed in you. I will come as a glorified spirit, and I will have communion, I will have spiritual intercourse with the Mind of Christ within you.

  That is what the Song Of Solomon is all about.  My beloved, come into my Garden, and eat of the spices. It is talking about the union of the glorified Jesus Christ and the Christ mind in the individual, spiritual sexual intercourse of the mind.

  Praise the Lord.

Luke 22:19, And He took bread and He gave thanks, and break it, and gave unto them saying, This is my body which is given for you, this do in remembrance of me. (KJV)


  The Greek word translated do, I am on page 7, the Greek word translated do, Strong's #4160, can also be translated to shoot forth or to bear.  Jesus is saying to them, I have done all of this for you, I am giving you the Mind of Christ, I am giving you the Spirit of Christ for the purpose that the Mind of Christ should shoot forth in you, that you should bear the Christ child.

  You shall be saved in childbearing.  If you think that a physical child is going to save you, just look at all the reprobate women that have born children.  This Scripture is talking about the spiritual child, the Christ child.

  Jesus is saying, I have done all of this, I have given you of the body of Christ, and of the Spirit of Christ, so that Christ should shoot forth in you, so that you should bear the mind that Jehovah remembers, so that you should bear the mind that remembers Jehovah, and that Jehovah remembers.

  You should bear the mind that is the mark of God on you, your ability to remember everything that happened before the fall, your ability to understand the things of God, your ability to remember God in your true relationship with Him, your ability to understand His Life and His Kingdom and His Spirit.

  Brethren, Jesus was not saying remember me, like in a memory of a loved one who died. We are talking about God here, brethren. Wake up, wake up, wake up!

  He said, I am leaving with you the ability to remember the Life before the fall. For what purpose? So that you should be restored to that Life.

  Anyone who hears this and goes back to crackers and grape juice just amazes me. If you do not know the truth and you are in ignorance, that is one thing, but once you hear the truth, to go back, that does not glorify God.

  We have a couple of verses in I Corinthians 11:24, and we will finish up. It is pretty late so we will make a part three, and we will finish up on Sunday morning. God bless you.

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10/20/06 Jo Reformatted

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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