480 - Part 19
(Judges, Chapter 16)




Part 19 of 19 Parts  

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord; we are on page 6 of your notes and verse 23.


23. And Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan carried away the widowed mortal men of Judah, and sacrificed the widowed Adam within the mortal men of Judah to Dagon, the arrogant fish god. And the mortal men of Judah rejoiced because the Fiery Serpents within them were freed from Adam, Samson's subconscious mind. And they said to Elohim, Samson, gleefully, Adam, Elohim's household, is given over to Satan, and Leviathan is possessing the flesh of Adam's ox, the personalities of the mortal men of Judah. ATB


First of all, let me remind you that Satan is the lord of the Fiery Serpents, and I remind you that the word lord means controller, the Spirit of Christ is the controller of the Fiery Serpents, the true controller of the Fiery Serpents, or the husband or the authority over the Fiery Serpents, or the lord of the Fiery Serpents, but Satan is the false or the counterfeit lord or the counterfeit husband of the Fiery Serpents, she controls them, and how does Satan control the Fiery Serpents, does anybody know?


Satan is the witch, she is the originator and the generator of the thoughts of the carnal mind, and she controls through suggestion and spiritually generated influence, she is the witch that made suggestions to Adam apart from Jehovah's suggestions and her suggestions carried spiritual power with them, and Adam was seduced, and he died because of his transgression.


For anybody who is listening to this tape or reading this transcript who feels that it is okay to confess that you have done something wrong and then go ahead and justify it and say, Well I did not know better, or I had never heard that before, Adam died anyway. Confession is not enough, to confess your sins and then to justify them denies the true spirit of repentance, your only hope to survive your error. Your hope of surviving your error is that a true spirit of repentance arises in you, because there is no mercy coming from the Godhead until you repent, and repentance is not something that comes forth in words, repentance is a spirit, and if you are not in the spirit of repentance, you in the spirit of pride, and the Lord resists the proud.


Adam died for his transgression. Today, because of the Lord Jesus Christ, you have the opportunity to repent and go on and to change, but without that spirit of repentance coming forth, you can go nowhere but downwards, Satan will curve you downward if that spirit of repentance does not come forth.


Satan is the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah.I remind you, can anybody tell us why the Fiery Serpents are the spiritual immigrants, does anybody remember, spiritual immigrant is a definition of the word Philistine. Why are the Fiery Serpents the spiritual immigrants? Who are the Fiery Serpents, does anybody know who the Fiery Serpents are, at their spiritual root, who are they?


COMMENT: Jehovah's sperm.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Fiery Serpents are Jehovah's sperm which were drawn downward into the muddy waters of the lower window, where they became coated with earth, just like fish become coated with oil in an oil spill, and that earth covered them. Then the Primordial Serpent overshadowed them and engraved them with her nature, with the nature of the earth. For all intents and purposes they died and became a whole new creature, they became earthworms. They became Fiery Serpents tunneling under the earth, buried in the earth of fallen humanity, and they are called the spiritual immigrants, because they are very powerful. The word Philistine implies a very powerful person. The Fiery Serpents are not people, but they are beings, they are spiritual beings. They are extremely powerful because they contain the energy of Jehovah's life, and they migrated or emigrated from the upper window into the lower window. They emigrated from being fish swimming in the seas of the clean waters of the upper window, to becoming earthworms dwelling in this world under the sea.


They are spiritual immigrants, very powerful spiritual immigrants.


They are within the mortal men of Judah. Every man born of a woman has a Fiery Serpent in him. That is the worm that Jesus was talking about, when He talks about the worm that does not die. The Fiery Serpent is the part of us that reincarnates, our personality does not reincarnate, our body does not reincarnate, but the Fiery Serpent that wove us as a garment for herself; she reincarnates.


Every time she incarnates again, she takes on a new personality and a new body. It is the Fiery Serpent that is being redeemed and restored to the world above when she is born again back into the image of her true father. We, the personalities of humanity are the spiritual ox that Adam was married to. We are made of the clay of the earth; we are animals, and we die from generation to generation.


The ox dies from generation to generation. If you think that you are going to meet your mother and your brother and your dead husband on the other side, you are mistaken, it is a lie, the personality does not rise again, the symbol for the personality is the leaf of the tree, it falls to the ground and it becomes fertilizer for the root of the tree, the energy of the leaf is absorbed back into the root and new leaves are brought forth every season. We have this lifetime to make our marking, whatever we do for Christ will last.


23. And Satan the lord of the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan carried away the widowed mortal men of Judah. ATB


Why are the mortal men of Judah widowed? Can anybody tell us that? Why does the Scripture call the mortal men of Judah widowed, who is their true husband, who is the true husband of the mortal men of Judah?




PASTOR VITALE: Yes, Adam is their true husband. For the Scripture to call them widowed, it means that they are separated from Adam, and you may recall from a previous verse, Satan went forth and circumcised the mortal men of Judah off of Adam's vine. She separated them from Adam in the previous verse. In verse 23;


23. And Satan the lord of the of the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan, (Satan is the spirit, Leviathan is the mind), carried away, (well Satan is the spirit of the mind), carried away the widowed mortal men, (after Satan circumcised them off Adam's vine), Satan and Leviathan carried them away and sacrificed the widowed Adam to Dagon...ATB


We were talking about that in another message this morning. Brethren, we still give sacrifices, even though we do not give animal sacrifices anymore, physical animal sacrifices, even though the temple does not stand anymore, even though there is no class of what can be likened to the Levites in the church today or even for the Jews, everyone that has Christ formed in them or even the Holy Spirit, you have an imputed Christ through the Holy Spirit, everyone makes sacrifice. You either sacrifice Leviathan so that Christ in you can be exalted and be the thinking mind through you, or you sacrifice Christ so that Leviathan can be the thinking mind, in every thought that we think, someone is sacrificed, either Christ or Leviathan is sacrificed in every thought that we think. I have to correct that, as I said this morning, I do not think there is any crisis with you thinking I love my child, I do not think there is any crisis with that, but any thought in which Christ Jesus imputed or imparted, any thought in which Christ in you deviates from the thought of the carnal mind, one or the other Christ or Leviathan must be sacrificed.


Basically, I think we are talking about spiritual matters, and that is not just doctrinal matters, we are talking about righteousness. Righteousness is a spiritual matter. Once the mind of Christ is formed in you, every dances around and says, oh we have the mind of Christ is that not wonderful? There is responsibility that goes with the mind of Christ. You are expected to use it, you are expected to call upon Him, and ask Him the wisdom that is in Christ and you are expected to follow through on that wisdom, in every life situation that requires wisdom. That does not mean that you have to call on God to ask if you should go to work in the morning. You could kiss your family goodnight and say, I have to get up tomorrow morning because I am going to work, and that is not a sacrifice of Christ, that is your life.


But every spiritual issue, in every issue that Christ would be concerned about, righteousness, morality, truth, doctrine, doctrine last, last but least, we are talking about moral issues, either Leviathan or Christ must be sacrificed, because the two of them want to be your wisdom, the two of them want to be your truth, the two of them want to be your morality, the two of them want to drive your ethics, so one of them must be rejected and put down, so that the other, or that the thoughts of the other can prevail for you, we sacrifice continuously. The deeper you are into the spiritual life, the more you sacrifice.


And Satan the lord of the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan carried away the widowed mortal men of Judah that had been circumcised off of Adam's vine, and sacrificed the widowed Adam. ATB


As soon as the personality turns away from Adam's righteous judgment, that personality has turned Adam or Christ Jesus within themselves over to Satan and Leviathan as a sacrifice. This is what Paul meant when he said; we are killed all the day long. The brethren in the church, they kill Christ all of the day long. You may never say a word, but every time you criticize or reject or condemn not only me but anyone else, and it is truly Christ manifesting in that person, you have killed Christ.


As far as God is concerned, as far as the Lord Jesus is concerned, you have murdered Christ, why? It is because your negative thought, I really do not want this to focus in on me, anyone, it does not even have to be someone with a public ministry, it could be between two people right here in this fellowship, if you have an interaction, any kind of a controversy, and one of you is truly manifesting Christ, and the other one is accusing you of evil because their carnal mind is up, you need to know that you have first of all killed Christ within you, you sacrificed Christ within you, to be coming forth with a wrong judgment against your brother who is in a right spirit.


Second of all, if your brother is not strong, now listen, when you condemn that brother who is manifesting Christ, that is the witchcraft of Satan, that is a spiritual attack that goes forth towards your brother that accuses them of something they are not guilty of, and if your brother is not yet strong enough or trained well enough in this warfare, Christ in your brother will go down.


You have not only killed Christ in yourself but you have killed Christ in your brother. It is sort of hard to do that to me these days, although it is definitely possible. Are you condemned forever? No, you have an advocate with your father, but you must repent, and you cannot repent unless you know that you did it, and you cannot know that you did it unless you believe that it is possible for you to do this kind of thing and that even if you believe that it is possible, you must be convinced of it.


Repentance when you are not convinced of guilt is worthless. It is a religious work, that convinces you or whoever it is that is doing this, well I am innocent because I confessed to it. You believe your own lie. There is no forgiveness of sin because you have not repented. It is a lie in your mind and your sin remains with you. (You Xxxx have to watch out for that every minute of every day, because that is your m.o.) You should ask the Lord to help you with that.


Satan the lord of the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan carried away the widowed mortal men of Judah who were cut off from Adam's vine, and they sacrificed the widowed Adam within the mortal men of Judah, to Dagon, the arrogant fish god. ATB


Satan and Leviathan carried the widowed men...ATB


It really should be, and Satan sacrificed, because Dagon is really just a form of Leviathan. I will have to look at this verse; there may be another change here.


And Satan and Leviathan carried away, (maybe it should just be), and Satan carried away the widowed mortal men of Judah, and sacrificed Adam. ATB


I will have to work on this; I will put a question mark here.


Satan sacrificed Adam to Dagon, the arrogant fish god. ATB


Arrogance is a manifestation of pride. Pride is the most deadly sin, it will kill you every time, and it will kill Christ in you, it will absolutely destroy you, pride will absolutely destroy you. It will kill Christ in you and leave you a widow, and vulnerable to Satan and Leviathan, who will move right in to take you over as soon as Christ is gone. Pride must be guarded against regularly.


Dagon is the fish god which is interesting because we know that Leviathan is the serpent or the fish that lives in the sea. Dagon or Leviathan is the collective name for all of the Fiery Serpents; I do not really understand the distinction here right now. Leviathan is the sea serpent and Dagon is the fish god, I better stop right now because I do not really understand what the distinction is, if the Lord tells me by the next message or even during this message I will share it with you. We have both Leviathan and Dagon here, the arrogant fish god.


The mortal men of Judah rejoiced because the Fiery Serpents within them were freed from Adam, Samson's subconscious mind. ATB


Adam within Samson was penetrating the minds of the mortal men of Judah and sustaining the regenerated Adam in the mortal men of Judah. Satan, by circumcising the mortal men of Judah from Adam's vine, delivered them not only from Samson's subconscious mind but from Adam within themselves.


And they said to Elohim who was manifesting through Samson and the mortal men of Judah...ATB


I do not know who said it; I am going to have to pray about this whole verse, I do not know whether it is Satan and Leviathan or the mortal men of Judah, I am just going to put down a question mark here.


And they said to Elohim, who was manifesting through Samson, gleefully, Adam, Elohim's household,(and that means wife, Adam, Elohim's wife) is given over to Satan, and Leviathan is possessing the flesh of Adam's ox, the personalities of the mortal men of Judah. ATB


Do you know what this means? It means that Leviathan is living through what we would call people. Listen brethren, everybody is either a manifestation of Christ or a manifestation of Leviathan. The whole world, all of mortal humanity, is founded on pride, Leviathan is pride. The whole human race is one giant manifestation of pride, and if you have Christ in you, from minute to minute, you could be manifesting either Christ or Leviathan, because no one is in perfection to date.


Every given moment, you are a physical expression of either Satan and Leviathan, or the Spirit of Christ and Christ Jesus. That is an awesome word, you are not your own, you do not live for yourself, you are an expression of another, you have a spiritual husband, her name is Leviathan, the mind that Satan dwells in, Satan's seat is the carnal mind.


Will you go into fear and shock and hysteria, or will you be brave enough to say, Lord, I want to divorce this wicked mind, and I want to marry you, but there is no way I have the strength to do it unless you really truly have mercy on me, and not only strengthen me but teach me and show me how to escape this wicked, wicked soul tie that makes me the mouthpiece for Satan and Leviathan, I do not want to be her mouthpiece anymore.


I was Satan's mouthpiece for years; I do not want to be her mouthpiece anymore, now I speak for the Lord Jesus Christ, most of the time. I look forward to the day that it will be all of the time. Going on with verse 20,Adam within Samson calls for the mortal men who are joined to him to escape.


20. So Satan commanded the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah should be above Samson, but Adam within Samson stirred up the waters of the astral plane within the mortal men of Judah and Adam within Samson commanded that his spiritual footsteps or reflections should escape from the household of Leviathan, the dragon who speaks from the throat center of the counterfeit time line. But Leviathan's footsteps, (or reflections that is talking about physical men), nailed down the personalities that were nailed to Adam within Samson, because they knew that Jehovah would remove them to a place of safety beyond Satan's waters. ATB


Actually they knew that Jehovah would remove Adam within Samson. I see there is a little discrepancy here in the sequence of the translation. Back in verse 23, it was Adam within the mortal men of Judah that were sacrificed, and next in verse 20 which is an interspersion, we see that Adam within Samson continues to stand and to help the mortal men of Judah. Satan commanded the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah to be above Samson, to override Samson's authority and be above him, but Adam within Samson would not permit it.


Brethren, this is just a very flowery way of telling you what I have been teaching here for years, that you can expect people to take authority over you continuously, because that is what happens. It does not only happen to Christ; that is what goes on the world; this world is a jungle. People are continuously trying to take authority over other people that they do not legitimately have. Children try to take authority over their parents, women try to take authority over their husbands, workers try to take authority over their bosses, and the whole mortal humanity is founded on pride, arrogance, and rebellion which are witchcraft.


It is a rare person that really does not try to take authority over people that they have no authority over. There are some people, who do not as a matter of course, but it is unusual, the majority of people do, and parents take an ungodly authority over their children, and husbands take an ungodly authority over their wives. This world is war; if we do not have Christ we survive in this world by using pride, by using the witchcraft that flows through pride to stop people from overriding us, it is the only defense that we have. Once Christ is formed in us, the Lord is no longer at us using pride and witchcraft to defend ourselves against other people's aggression. We have to start using the power and wisdom of Christ. The difference between using Satan and Leviathan to defend yourself against the aggression of this world, and using the Spirit and the power of Christ is that Satan and Leviathan, even though you are defending yourself, it damages the other person. It damages the other person, it may damage the relationship, no good can come of it, and there is a conflict.


When you start reacting to aggression in this world out of Christ, the result is that the aggressive person somewhere along the line receives help from the Lord, it may not be that very same day, but at some point the Lord Jesus is going to move towards them to help them, because if they are doing it to you, they are doing it to everybody else, and no good thing can be coming out of it. They do not even know what is wrong with their life. They just know that either people do not like them or people do not come to see them or however it is manifesting in their life, they cannot figure out what is wrong, they do not even know what they are doing, and it is the mercy of God that somewhere along the line will raise up somebody to tell them the truth if you deal with their aggression in a godly manner.


You have to curse the sin and forgive the person, and have mercy on the person, not just words, true mercy on the person who does not know their left hand from their right. You cannot have mercy on people until you are strong enough to not let them kill you, and it takes a lot of strength to resist somebody's aggression towards you without being aggressive in an ungodly manner back to them, it takes a lot of strength, weakness promotes violence.


If you are weak, if you are spiritually weak, and you feel the person's aggression coming towards you, it makes you afraid because you know that you are weak and usually weak people who are fearful because of aggression rise up with a counter aggression which is witchcraft, and it is very strong because they are terrified of you whether they know it or not. Fear is behind all spiritual weakness, fear is behind all mental illness; fear is behind is all instability in every human being and fear comes from pride. How could fear be pride? It is lack of faith in God. Fear is a lack of faith in God. If you want help from the Lord, you have to confess it as sin.


That makes no sense at all to the carnal mind; you are telling me that I have to confess this as sin? Yes, it is a lack of faith in God. If you really believe that God would help you out of all destruction you would have no fear. But I know this person down the street and he does not believe in Jesus Christ and that man is absolutely fearless. He goes bungee jumping and parachute jumping and he does all of this stuff and he is not afraid of anything, that heroism in that man is out of the carnal mind which means, I am not saying it is not valid, it is valid, it is a true heroism but it has a breaking point. That kind of bravery has a breaking point. The faith in Jesus Christ that you can overcome all obstacles has no breaking point. There is not anything that you cannot go through if you are truly leaning on Him.


Actually you are better off having experienced fear and dealt with that fear through faith in Jesus Christ than never having experienced fear and been this really brave heroic person and the first time something really scares you, you could be so shocked it could really damage you. Something like that happened to Xxxx Xxxx, he was a fearless warrior, fearless, undefeatable, and then one day by chance if you believe in chance, he was under cover, and he was arrested by a Turkish company of soldiers and he was beaten and molested by the company commander and raped, and he was never the same after that, because he believed that he was undefeatable. He was fearless because he believed that he was undefeatable. If you know that you are defeatable, but you believe, if you know that you personally are defeatable, and you have fear over it and you recognize that fear, but you know that you are going to make it because of Jesus Christ, whatever happens to you, whatever tragedy happens to you, your faith in yourself is not broken.


That man, his faith in himself was broken, he found out that he was not who he thought he was, and he collapsed within, that is the difference. You do not have to be a fearful person, you can be a brave person; if you are hearing this message, or reading this transcript, do not go out and become afraid, continue to be fearless but know that you have a breaking point, but that, at that breaking point, Christ Jesus is there to carry you through. All that I am saying is that it is harder for people who are very self-sufficient to have faith in Jesus Christ because most of them do not believe they have a breaking point.


20. So Satan commanded the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah to be above Samson; but Adam within Samson stirred up the waters of the astral plane within the mortal men of Judah, and Adam within Samson commanded that his spiritual footsteps or reflections should escape from the household of Leviathan the dragon. ATB


I do not know why Adam within Samson would stir up the waters of the astral plane within the mortal men of Judah.


And Adam within Samson commanded that his footsteps should escape from the household of Leviathan the dragon who speaks from the throat energy center. ATB


I do not know why, I am going to have to pray about this, I do not know why Adam would stir up the waters of the astral plane. The astral plane is Satan, that is the spiritual sea, so that means, if I have this translation correct, I am going to have to go back into verse 20 into my original notes and see why I came to this conclusion, but Adam within Samson stirred up the waters of the astral plane, stirred up their emotions, the astral plane is our emotions. So Adam stirred up the emotions of the mortal men of Judah and Adam commanded that they should escape from the household of Leviathan. He stirred up their emotions. I think that there is some kind of an error there, I am going to have to back into the original translation, and I do not believe that the Lord stirs up our emotions. I think most likely, that translation should be something like,


20. So Satan commanded that the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah. Satan stirred up the astral plane within the mortal men of Judah; she stirred up their emotions and commanded that the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah should be above Samson. (That is what is supposed to be, I got it backwards, my carnal mind got it backwards. Did anybody not understand what I just said?)


20. So Satan commanded that the Fiery Serpents the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah should be above Samson, and therefore stirred up the waters of the astral plane within the mortal men of Judah, but Adam within Samson,(I will have to check that out, I have an extra Adam there),commanded that his spiritual reflections should escape from the household of Leviathan the dragon who speaks from the throat center of the counterfeit time line. ATB


Leviathan's usual position is in the throat energy center. We found in another Scripture that Leviathan was in the belly, but in that case apparently Leviathan has descended. I have some controversy as to what energy center Leviathan abides in, but it appears that it is in the 5th energy center of the counterfeit time line which is the throat energy center. Brethren, to have your consciousness abide in the throat energy center; it is a very powerful place to be. You are a very powerful spiritual person if your consciousness abides in the 5th energy center most of the time. Whether you are in the 5th energy center in Christ, or whether you are in the 5th energy center of Leviathan, you are a powerful spiritual person; you are of an awesome opponent in any spiritual battle, if your consciousness has ascended to that high place in either time line. If you are in Leviathan's time line, the name of your spiritual power is witchcraft, if you have ascended into the true time line, the name of your spiritual power is righteousness.


20. So Satan commanded that the Fiery Serpents the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah should be above Samson, and therefore stirred up the waters of the astral plane within the mortal men of Judah to make them...ATB


Satan stirred them up against Samson, saying, Let us overtake Samson.


...but Adam within Samson commanded that the physical men, his spiritual footsteps, his reflections, the physical men that were reflected him...ATB


I found Scriptures that use the word Adam in the plural, and all of these Adams here, if you are a manifestation in this dispensation it would be Christ Jesus, if you frequently manifests Christ Jesus, you are Christ, you are an Adam, you are Christ, all of these Adams here. All of the physical men of Judah who were still in submission to Adam, who did not obey Satan's command, who did not respond to their astral plane being stirred up in rebellion, when Satan stirs up she promotes rebellion.


Adam in Samson commanded that all of the footsteps, all of the physical men of Judah that were still in submission to Adam, should escape from the household of Leviathan, the dragon who speaks from the throat center of the counterfeit time line. ATB


The average person is down in their belly; that is the 3rd energy center. If Leviathan is in your 5th energy center, he is ruling through you; you the personality that is abiding in the 3rd energy center, you are subject to Leviathan, he is higher than you, and he is ruling over you and he is living through you, and he is consuming you.


20. So Adam commanded all of the men of Judah that were reflections of him to escape from the household of Leviathan, the dragon who speaks from the throat energy center of the counterfeit time line, but Leviathan's footsteps or Leviathan's reflections, the physical mortal men that were expression of Leviathan, nailed down the personalities that were nailed to Adam within Samson. ATB


How did they do that? We have two groups of people here, they are both mortal men of Judah, one group are reflections of Adam and the other group are reflections of Leviathan, and Adam in Samson, Adam in the leader said, Rise up and escape from Leviathan, the dragon who speaks from the 5th energy center. How do you escape? How do you escape the dragon who is in the 5th energy center of the counterfeit time line? The only way to escape is to ascend into the true time line. Let me show you this on the board.


This is drawing #1, and I am attempting to show you here the deception of the false ascension. I always draw the heart center as the focal point because the heart center is the visible world and it is the dividing line between the true heavens, the true heavenly world which is above, and the false heavenly world which is underneath. The average person is in their belly, the personality is in the belly, the personality is made of the earth, and the personality is pregnant if she is pregnant with the Christ child. The Christ child is under the ground in the womb of the earth, and the womb of the personality.


1 Timothy 2:15 says we shall be saved in childbearing if... Can someone read this Scripture for us right now?


1 Timothy 2:15
15. Notwithstanding, she shall be saved in childbearing if they shall continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. KJV


She shall be saved, the woman shall be saved in childbearing if they, all the many members, all of the personalities of the collective woman, continues in the character of Jesus Christ, faith and charity and sobriety, the character and the nature of Jesus Christ. Christ who is called Abel in the Old Testament is under the earth of the personality, and Christ will climb out before the personality will. I really did not have room on this board to show it, but of course I have an oversized heart center here which is divided into two halves, the left and the right side of the heart center, and down here where the belly, where the 3rd energy center connects to or touches the heart center, these are two channels here coming to this one point. One channel allows Christ to ascend into the left side of the heart center, which is the way of escape through the desert.


1 Corinthians 10:13 says the Lord will always make a way of escape, and this is the way of escape, the left side of the heart center which is dried out from Satan's sea. Satan covers the right side of the heart center and the whole lower world, which is Satan's sea. The left side of the heart center is a desert, and if you are personality who is crossing this desert seeking to ascend into the higher centers in Christ Jesus and you are living the life that would allow you to do so, spiritually speaking, you are a camel. If you are living on the right side of the heart center, under Satan's influence, you are a jackass, and that is not an insult, that is what the Scripture says.


Both the personality and Christ are in the belly in the 3rd energy center. There is no way that the personality can escape from the belly, personality is earth, it is the spirit that goes forth. If Christ is in you, He has the ability to ascend into the left side of the heart center, but you see these two openings cannot both be open at the same time, and it is very easy to slip into the wrong channel and think that you are ascending into the true time line. Here is another really strong clue as to which time line you are in.


The only clue that we have had so far does anybody know, what is the clue that you are ascending into the true time line? If your sins are being exposed and you are working in cooperation with that exposure, looking into your heart trying to identify Satan and Leviathan within you and removing yourself, separating yourself from her, circumcising yourself away from her, and cleaving unto Christ, that is the only sign that we have had that your ascension is in the true time line.


Here the Lord shows us another sign. If you are ascending in Satan's time line, you are ascending into the right side of the heart center which is under Satan's sea, you are ascending into spiritual power; you are ascending into spiritual experiences. If you are ascending in the true time line, you have to go through the desert before you enter into the spiritual experiences that occur in the 5th and the 6th energy center. The spiritual experiences that occur in the 5th energy center are to the best of my understanding is supernatural ministry where God directs your paths and you are sent to a person and you just have one little thing to say to them, but the outpouring of outstanding signs and wonders and miracles, occurs when you ascend into the brow energy center.


If you are just meditating or you are just beginning your spiritual walk or even if you have been in your spiritual walk for a while, if you immediately started having spiritual experiences, visions, and any other spiritual experience, the chances are that you are in the wrong time line. If you are in the true time line, you have to have a desert experience before you start having the spiritual experiences. We now have two signs that might tell us which time line we are ascending in.


First it is Christ that escapes into the left side of the heart center, passes through the desert, and ascends into the 5th energy center where He waits for the glorified Jesus Christ to come down and catch Him up to the brow energy center where He becomes a supernatural man. There is no way the personality can get into the left side of the heart center unless Christ Jesus is in there first and brings her in. For a long period Christ Jesus is in the left side of the heart center and our personality is still in the belly. Even today I have conflicts, not as much as I use to, I know I am sold out to the Lord, but there are parts of me, I know that if I ever have to choose, I will choose the Lord, maybe I will be crying all of the way but I will choose the Lord, Lord willing, I will be able to perform this commitment of mine, but I desire the nice things of this world. I do not desire sin, but I desire my comforts. I like having a nice house to live in. I like my bed where my feet go up when I sleep at night. I like nice things; I am going to be lying to you if I tell you otherwise.


I like getting my nails done and getting my hair done, and wearing nice clothes, I like it, it makes me happy, at least for the moment, it does not make me happy like the Lord makes me happy, but I still live in this world. What does that mean? It means a part of my personality is still down here in the belly. If you are living a life where you are not interested in anything of this world, do not automatically assume that you are ascended into the heart center, because it could be a religious spirit.


This is the true time line which is linear, it is straight line up from the belly, and this of course is eternity up here. We have several Scriptures; I would appreciate it if you would take turns reading some of these Scripture here. We have five Scriptures.


Psalms 61:2
2. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. KJV


The true time line is higher than the counterfeit time line. The 5th energy center of Christ Jesus or Adam in the Old Testament is way beyond the 5th energy center of the counterfeit time line and notice that the counterfeit time line curves around. You are going in a circle, so when the Hebrew children wandered in the desert; the reason that they were wandering is that they were in the false time line. They went around in circles because they entered into the right side of the heart center and they were deceived. We have seen many Scriptures that tell us that Adam stands opposite Leviathan, boldly opposes Leviathan, and we see it over here. Christ Jesus or Adam in the 5th energy center of the true time line and he is diagonally directly opposite Leviathan who is in the 5th energy center of the counterfeit time line, and Christ Jesus is higher. Does someone have Psalms 89:27?


Psalms 89:27
27. And I will make him my firstborn higher than the kings of the earth. KJV


Higher than the kings of the earth, that is the spiritual reality of the height of Jesus Christ today. Isaiah 55:9;


Isaiah 55:9
9. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways; and my thought than your thoughts. KJV


That word way, I have not looked it up, but it suggests to me the highway, the highway of the Lord is higher than the highway of the Serpent. Romans 13:1;


Romans 13:1
1. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power but of God. The powers that be are ordained of God. KJV


The only true power is the powers of the time line of God. A lot of Christians take that King James translation to say that the Scripture says, well there is no power other than God. No, no, what it is saying is that there is no true power other than God. The Lord laughs at every other power and calls her nothing. That means in the long run, in the overall spiritual battle between the Lord and the one who has rebelled against him, she has no power to even speak up, but for those of who are fallen, Satan has a lot of power, she is the god of this world, and she is not ashes under our feet yet, she is ashes under Jesus' feet. We are up to Hebrew 7:6;


Hebrews 7:26
26. For such an high priest became us who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens. KJV


He is higher than what heavens? He is higher than the false heavens down here. The 5th energy center if the heavens of the heart energy center which is the earth. He is higher than the 5th energy center. That is what this is saying. I do not know how clear I have made it but I have tried to show you the path of the false ascension, how is curves from the belly through the right side of the heart center to the 5th energy center, to the 6th energy center, to the 7th energy center, and the person who follows this path is curved into a black hole, curved right back down to the bottom of the black hole that this whole world is in.


We do have a witness to that in an alternate translation, I thought that we had two verses talking about that but I could not find the second one, it is the Song Of Solomon chapter 2, verse 7 in the alternate translation, if someone would read that onto the tape please I would appreciate it.


Song Of Solomon 2:7
7. Your eyes are opening, you are good but not righteous, spiritual women of Abel's city, because you are triumphant over the Serpent, but she trying to curve you into a black hole again, because she loves to continue her incestuous spiritual sexual relationship with you. So, I will defend you by resurrecting Adam. ATB


Hallelujah, Christ in you, the hope of your glorification. There is one more element here, Leviathan is in the 5th energy center which is higher than the 3rd energy center and this is the fulfillment of Revelation 12:4, which says that the dragon stands over the woman waiting for her child to be born to devour him. This is the spiritual reality of it. Will someone please read Revelation 12:4 into the tape?


Revelation 12:4
4. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth, and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon it was born. KJV


There you go, that is what it looks like, and it is the job and the ministry of the sons of God who have already ascended, Christ Jesus in the sons who has already ascended out of the belly and who are abiding in at least the 5th energy center within themselves, to have a relationship with the young sons who are pregnant with Christ who is first trying to ascend out of the belly, and this is the relationship of Samson, and Adam within Samson, Samson had already ascended up to the 5th energy center, if not the 6th energy center, probably the 6th energy center, and he has at this height within himself and he is coming into the mortal men of Judah penetrating them with his mind, and assisting the young Christ who is down in their belly, to ascend into the left side of the heart center, and every time he gets them up there, Satan who is right here on the right side of the heart center, Satan's sea is covering the heart center and all of the lower centers. She is the astral plane. Every time with the assistance of Adam within Samson, Christ in the mortal men of Judah ascends into the left side of the heart center, Satan is right here next to them just separated by the thinnest, thinnest wall, but she is whispering through the wall.


Adam has ascended in the mortal men of Judah, but their personalities are still down here in the belly, and the belly is under the influence of the astral plane and Satan is stirring up the emotions, the astral plane within the mortal men of Judah. Tell me, what do you think the manifestation of the stirring up the astral plane in the mortal men in whom Christ or Adam has ascended into the heart center what do you think that manifestation is? It is an emotion, what emotion do you think the personalities of the mortal men of Judah that are still in the belly, whom Christ in them is ascending into the heart center, what emotion do you think Satan would stir up with intention of pulling Christ back down into the belly? Would it be joy, what?




PASTOR VITALE: It could be lust, but one of the things Satan attacks us with is lust, but my question is specifically your personality who is abiding in the belly and Christ in you is ascending into the 4th energy center and standing there, lust is not really wrong; I just had something else in my mind. Yes?


COMMENT: I would say pride.


PASTOR VITALE: Again, that is in the same category as lust, what I had in my heart was fear, fear that Christ is going forth, Christ is ascending spiritually, and on some level the personality knows and is already experiencing the loss of the things of this world and she is terrified. Of course Satan also attacks with lust, and actually lust and pride come from Leviathan, not from Satan, but Satan stirs up the emotions of fear. Fear and envy come from Satan, lust and pride comes from Leviathan. She makes the men afraid to go on, afraid you will never get married, afraid you will be alone for the rest of your life.


Do notgo out and serve God, maybe you will not make enough money, maybe you will starve to death, maybe you will lose some of the things of this world, maybe you will lose your friends, maybe your family will not want anything to do with you anymore. Well maybe. It is fear. Are there any questions or comments about this drawing? We are in verse 20;


20. So Satan commanded the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah that they should be above Samson, and stirred up the waters of the astral plane within the mortal men of Judah, (to make them afraid, to make them rebel, and rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Satan is responsible for witchcraft, for rebellion, for envy, and for fear, and Leviathan is responsible for lust and for pride), but Adam within Samson commanded that this spiritual footsteps the mortal men of Judah that were reflecting his nature should escape from the household of Leviathan, the dragon who speaks from the throat center. ATB


What makes these men the household of Leviathan? It simply means that they are in submission to Leviathan. All of humanity is married to Leviathan. Some of us are in rebellion, and serving the Lord Jesus Christ at a great cost. Every man born of a woman is married to Leviathan. We are committing adultery against Leviathan when we serve the Lord Jesus and she punishes us, Satan punishes us severely, it is a hard walk serving the Lord.


Adam within the Samson gave the commandment for those who were serving him despite their marriage to Leviathan, to escape from that household, but Leviathan's footsteps or Leviathan's reflections, the personalities, the mortal men who are in agreement with Leviathan's nature, nailed down the personalities that were nailed to Adam within Samson. ATB


How do you think that would manifest in our world, in our church world, how would one personality or one group of personalities prevent another group of personalities from going forward? Have you ever tried to go forward in God and has no one physically manifested to turn you away from the faith, has no one told you to stay away from this false doctrine, has no one told you to stay away from deliverance, has no one warmed you and put fear in you and threatened you with loss of friendship or physical illness or all kinds of mishap because you are walking away from their church? Has not your own family, members of your own family threatened you with loss of love and affection? Some people have been threatened with divorce if you continue on this path. In this Scripture it is not talking about your family, it is talking about the people in the church, well no, not necessarily I have to, well it is talking about the mortal men of Judah, it is talking about the people in the church.


All I know is I was crying out to God since I was small child, I got sick at a very young age, and the Lord brought me to a powerful deliverance church, you would not believe the people that came out of the woodwork to tell me to not go to that church. One woman, I said to her, why? She was really trying to put fear in me, and I said to her, why? Her answer was, I do not know. Why are you trying to turn me away? My pastor said that church is no good. If you want to know why you should not go there you should speak to my pastor. Brethren, that is a very poor witness.


I thank God that is as powerful in my life as he is, well now, but even then in those days that He was so powerful in my life that He just brought me in, and He kept me there and gave the strength to stay, but of course I was a rebel from the beginning, everyone in this walk has been a rebel and probably still is a rebel, because the strength of that rebellion helps us to stand against the whole church world and everyone else that comes against us, we are going against the whole tide.


Leviathan's reflections nailed down the personalities that were nailed to Adam within Samson. ATB


They succeeded in nailing them down, brethren, they used witchcraft and fear and psychic prayers, and any kind of influence they could to stop their brothers from going on. Brethren, the world is not praying against us; it is just the church that is praying against us. They did that because they knew that Jehovah would remove Adam within them to a place of safety beyond Satan's waters. They knew, now we are talking about the manchild here, maybe it is not even Adam, let me see if it should be Adam, it is not Adam, it is Abel, it is the manchild that we have on our drawing right here, they knew or Leviathan knew, it is not even they, because Leviathan, Satan and Leviathan knew that Adam within Samson would lay hold of Adam within the mortal men of Judah and b ring them to a safe place and every personality that was following Christ or Abel, would be rescued with the manchild, in those very Scriptures in Revelation 12, they talk about the woman fleeing into the wilderness and being fed and cared for. First of all the wilderness is the desert, the left side of the heart center, and the one that cared for her was the Christ child that escaped. Satan and Leviathan knew that if Abel, or in our dispensation Christ would get out of the belly 3rd energy center, and get into the heart center which is the aerial center, that Adam in Samson would join with him there and carry him into and sustain him in a safe place, and that the personality would be joined to young Abel who would mature into Adam as he ascended into the heart center. Satan and Leviathan raised up their footsteps, their reflections, the human beings who had their mind, where is the reflection of Satan and Leviathan in us, it is in the mind. If you are a reflection of Christ or Christ Jesus, it is in your mind and the way you think and the way you reason, and your logic and your solutions to problems, the way you deal with threats with someone that threatens you, that is how you determine whose nature you have.


If Satan and Leviathan knew that the personalities who were cleaving to the young Abel who had been revived, they knew that if that manchild broke through into the left side of the heart center, that the personality was joined to him and that they would be free from Satan's influence. If you are in the left side of the heart center, you are beyond Satan's grasp. Brethren, you or I or anybody do not stand much of a chance of overcoming Satan and Leviathan, so long as you are under their influence, you have got to separate. This is the truth of sanctification, it is a spiritual separation.


You are absolutely limited in your ability to resist Satan and Leviathan until you enter into the left side of the heart center unless of course you are under somebody spiritually who is already ascended into at least the throat energy center of the true time line and has penetrated your mind and is strengthening Abel, strengthening Christ in you and helping Him to ascend.


That is what discipleship is all about, the true discipleship. We have had a lot of false discipleship in the church. It is not putting you in a commune, it is not taking you away from your family, it is a spiritual program designed to develop Christ in you through submission to the teaching of the doctrine of Christ and the exposure of your sin nature and in general, the overcoming of all character flaws and weaknesses in the personality which would rebel against authority or be prideful towards authority. Then you go home and you live your own personal life. The discipleship in the church today has been a false counterfeit discipleship; it has hurt a lot of people.


Does that mean that no Christian commune could be of God? I cannot say that because I do not know, I really do not know, but all I know is how the Lord is doing it here, and I do not see that here, but of course everybody here is married, so you have mates to deal with, I do not know. The Lord can do anything that He wants but He is not doing that here. It does not mean He could not do it if He does not want to.


We now see the truth of discipleship, we see that it is virtually impossible for Christ who is within the personality who is bound to the 3rd energy center and under the constant threat of Leviathan to escape into the wilderness of the left side of the heart center and stand there without being drawn back.


Even if he does escape, just stand there without being drawn back, it is virtually impossible without somebody strengthening you from above, and the plan that Jehovah has set up is that the glorified Jesus Christ is in the heavenlies and the eternal plane strengthening a group of men and each of these men has a group underneath him and possibly members of that group have people under them, this is the plan that Jehovah has set up, for strengthening people to conceive Christ and to bring to term that manchild.


Leviathan's reflection nailed down the personalities that were nailed to Adam within Samson, because Satan and Leviathan knew that Jehovah would remove Abel, or the Christ child within the mortal men of Judah to place of safety beyond Satan's waters or beyond Satan's grasp, or beyond Satan's influence or beyond Satan's authority and power. Satan and Leviathan rose up, some human being, some mortal men who opened the door to these ungodly thoughts and said, Come on in, and they turned against their own brothers who were doing everything they did to follow Christ, and they did everything that they could including psychic prayers to stop them from going on. Brethren I tell you that if you are consecrate yourself to Jesus Christ, and you refuse to give up, no matter what things look like, you can overcome any obstacle that Satan throws against you, because He is calling you from above, and that is why we need a savior.


This is a large part of the problem of what happened to the Jews, they had the power of God, they had the word of God, they were a supernatural people, but they also had pride and Leviathan who were threatening them from the 5th energy center, and every time they would start to ascend, every time they would ascend, because at one point, the Hebrews were in the 5th and probably the 6th energy center, Joshua and Caleb must have been in the 6th energy center, I think they did not come down, but there were other people that went in with them who could not sustain their height because Leviathan drew them back down.


Jehovah's plan is to have a glorified man in the heavenlies who anchors us from above, but before He can anchor us from above, He has to grab hold of us, you see, we must ascend into the aerial center. The glorified Jesus Christ does not come down any lower than the left side of the heart center; we have to get up into the left side of the heart center.


Yet he has not left us ashamed and He has not left us without help or without hope. If the glorified Jesus Christ will not come down any lower than the left side of the heart center, what is the hope that He has given us? The hope that He has given us is the man who is already in the 5th energy center, the mortal man who is going to give you a hand up, the mortal man that the glorified Jesus Christ is now connected to because Christ Jesus in that mortal man has made it into the 4th or 5th energy center, that man becomes an intercessor between the believers who are pregnant with Christ but are still in the 3rd energy center and cannot seem to get up out of it, there is a mediator, a mortal man who is not yet perfect, but who has Christ Jesus formed in him who has made it into the 4th energy center on the left side. He is your connection to the glorified Jesus Christ.


But I have a relationship with Jesus Christ, you say. You have a relationship with the Holy Spirit before Christ is formed in you. The Holy Spirit is not the whole Jesus Christ, it is just His energy, it is not His righteousness, because your carnal mind is unclean. The glorified Jesus Christ just relates to Christ who is formed in you. The Holy Spirit relates to the unclean man with the carnal mind, we are all unclean in our carnal mind. That is the plan. This plan offends a lot of people in the church world, and that is too bad. The offer is for everybody, but only those who prefer Christ Jesus and are willing to pay the price will enter into the kingdom.


I think we will call it quits here for the night, especially since I am losing my voice, and are there any questions or comments before we close? Glory to God, goodnight.






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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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