480 - Part 18
(Judges, Chapter 16)

Part 18 of 19 Parts  

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



We are up to verse 18, and we see verse 18 has been split into at least two paragraphs, 18a and 18b.


18. And the Spirit of Elijah within Samson mounted up against Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, and carried the mortal men of Judah, the pale ones that are obedient to Satan and pine away for Leviathan into the upper window within themselves, and the Fiery Serpents, the subconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah, became Adam's household within the mortal men of Judah. ATB


As I told you before, I have added in all of these phrases within the mortal men of Judah because this translation is so complicated that I felt it was necessary to do that, to clarify where Adam and Satan and the other characters are appearing because they are appearing in the mortal men of Judah, and they are also appearing within Samson. To clarify where they were appearing, I have put in all of these extra phrases to help those of you who are not as familiar with the doctrine as I am.


18. And the Spirit of Elijah within Samson mounted up against Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah...ATB


The Spirit of Elijah within Samson, mounting up to fight Satan, the lord or the god of the Fiery Serpents in his own disciples. I remind you that the mortal men of Judah are Samson's disciples. Every son of God is called to teach, every son of God is called to have disciples. You may not have a formal ministry like we have here, maybe your ministry will just be one on one with a couple of people that come to your house or who you go to have lunch with to talk to.


Every person that has Christ being formed in them is a son of God, that is what makes you the son, you see. The son of God is Christ in you, and if you the personality are living out of Christ in you or if He is more mature, Christ Jesus in you, then you too are the son, you are a part of the son of God.


Christ Jesus in you and the personality, which you are, become one; there is no separation. That is how you become a son of God. If you are living out of Christ Jesus, you are called to minister Christ Jesus, you are called to preach and to teach and to judge sin, if Christ Jesus is in you. You have to understand that when you come into this ministry, you may not be in it now, but when you come into this ministry you will be engaged in continuous warfare. The Spirit of Christ which is in Christ Jesus in you will be engaged into a continuous warfare with Satan in the human beings, physical men and physical women, that you are called to minister to, their Fiery Serpent will rise up and bite you at every opportunity, until your disciples learn to restrain their Fiery Serpents. That could take a long time.


You are required to swing back at that Fiery Serpent without condemning the personality who has failed to restrain her. Why would the personality fail to restrain its own Fiery Serpent? Most likely the personality was not even aware that their Fiery Serpent was attacking their teacher, or anybody else for that matter.


The disciples that you receive as a son will only be at the very beginning stages of the ministry of Christ Jesus, they may be blind, they are probably blind, and deaf, they are infantile.


Christ in them, the disciples that we receive as sons of God, they may be physically mature human beings, they may even be emotionally immature human beings, they may be successful in this world, but the Christ in them is an infant, and Christ is our spiritual sight, He is our spiritual eyes, He is our spiritual life, He is our spiritual memory, and He is our potential to have all of the knowledge of Christ Jesus manifests through us. Christ Jesus is infantile. As with human children, newborn babies, are blind, I do not think they are deaf but they are blind, and they are completely helpless.


You as a teacher will be dealing with disciples who have not yet been toilet trained. That means they are going to dump all over you, and not even know that they are doing it. When you try to tell them, not be willing to even believe it at the beginning. The Spirit of Elijah in Samson, which is the spirit that was within the resurrected Adam within Samson, rose up to wage war against Satan in his own disciples.


How was Satan manifesting in Samson's disciples? Satan manifests as thought. Satan manifests as thought and as suggestion, and her thoughts and her suggestions always lead to the death of Christ Jesus.


Satan and Leviathan are the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but I want to tell you brethren, people who have been living out of the good side of that tree their whole life, will be absolutely shocked at the evil thoughts that start arising in their mind when they come in contact with a man who is manifesting Christ Jesus. That is the bottom line. Satan rises to the battle when she sees the personalities that she is living in are entering into a relationship with a man who is living out of Christ Jesus. Why would Satan be so upset? It is because she knows that Christ Jesus comes with the virile seed of the Spirit of Christ, that He comes to make disciples out of those men, and to kill Satan. She knows that the end of the process of the regeneration of Christ Jesus or in the Old Testament Adam in these men is that she will die, Satan will die, and Leviathan will cease to exist, and the Fiery Serpents will be re-engraved with the glorious nature of Jehovah, and the whole world as it now exist will cease to exist.


Satan has a lot to lose, so she attacks under the cover of under the cover of night, she attacks from the astral plane, and the people that she is attacking from do not even know what is up. The discipleship of Christ Jesus goes much deeper than preaching the doctrine of Christ, and exposing the sin nature of those who are willing to hear you; it goes much deeper than that. We are actually engaged in an ongoing warfare with the powers and the principalities within the mind of the disciples that the disciples cannot deal with themselves. They most likely are even blind to them. We are teachers, we are righteous judges, we are revealing the motive and the intents of the disciple's hearts, and we are also diligent and continuously on warfare duty to fight against Satan and Leviathan in the minds of the disciples who cannot tell their left hand from their right.


It is quite a job that we are called to, but we cannot enter into it until we are living out of Christ Jesus a large part of the time. I cannot tell you, I might have an idea if you are not ready for it, but if you appear to me to be spending a lot of time in Christ Jesus, I cannot tell whether you are ready or not, I will know that you are ready when the Lord Jesus Christ sends you a disciple, that is when I will know that you are ready, when He says you are ready, I will know you are ready, unless He tells me which He really has never done.


The sign to me that you are moving into your call is that He will send a disciple to you. It does not have to be a permanent disciple. If you are start having opportunities to mention the doctrine of Christ, if it is Christ in you, if the Lord Jesus brings somebody to you, you have to have spiritual eyes to see this, if the Lord Jesus brings spiritual people to you for a spiritual word, Christ Jesus is manifesting in His calling within you. If you have people coming to you, and you do have an opportunity to mention things of the doctrine of Christ here or there, you have to ask the Lord, Lord did you arrange for that person to come here, was that the ministry of reconciliation that comes forth out of Christ Jesus? I know that there are no accidents, but sometimes we bring things to pass ourselves, sometimes Satan our unconscious mind brings opportunities to preach to pass ourselves.


Brethren, even the psychiatrists of the world know, I do not know remember the statistic, but it was very high, something like three quarters of our life is orchestrated by our unconscious mind. That is mind boggling. Satan is the judge, she is the executer of the sowing and reaping judgment, she is the one within us, we are judged from within, either Satan is judging us or Christ Jesus is judging us. We are judged from within. The judge within will bring forth events into our life to manifest judgment upon us. There is no such thing as an accident. This whole world and everyone in it and every event in it is a manifestation or an acting out of something that is occurring in the unseen planes. It is just another way of saying, it your brain is thinking that you are hungry, that you get up and go make yourself a sandwich. You did not just get up and go make yourself a sandwich, your body registered hunger to your brain and your brain told you to go do it.


We are the manifestations of the spiritual life that indwells us. That is a hard word but it really is the truth. Jesus said the truth will set you free.


The Spirit of Elijah within Samson mounted up against Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah. I remind you that the spiritual immigrants is a translation of the word Philistines, that there are spiritual Philistines as well as physical Philistines, and we are doing a spiritual translation of the Old Testament, therefore we give a spiritual translation of the word Philistine.


The word means an immigrant, and the Philistines are the spiritual immigrants the Fiery Serpents that emigrated from the high realms of Jehovah's Spirit down in this world underneath the earth, the black hole that they were drawn into where they were covered with earth and they became earthworms, and engraved with the Primordial Serpent's nature.


The Spirit of Elijah attacking or at least responding to Satan within the mortal men of Judah, and He carried the mortal men of Judah, the pale ones that are obedient to Satan and pine away for Leviathan, we had that in our online meeting this week, the word pale came up, and I had asked the question, does anybody remember who the pale ones are. This is a translation of Delilah brethren. Delilah is a parable, she is a name that signifies the carnal mind, always lusting, pale, lacking the true life of God, always seeking, never satisfied, and pining away for lack of satisfaction. The Spirit of Elijah mounted up against Satan within the mortal men of Judah and carried the mortal men of Judah the pale ones that are obedient to Satan and pine away for Leviathan into the upper window within themselves, within themselves.


The Spirit of Elijah within Samson entered into the minds of the mortal men of Judah, and raised up their consciousness, carried them up into the upper window and was specifically into their heart center. Brethren, every time you sit in a meeting like this, I am raising your consciousness. Every time you listen to a tape or read a book, your consciousness is being raised. Every time you go from a carnal thought or a carnal conversation to a spiritual conversation or a spiritual tape or a spiritual meeting like this, your consciousness is being raised, why? It is because your carnal mind is in the lower window and your Christ mind is in the upper window, and you could not be sitting her if you were not listening with your Christ mind, so you have just ascended into the upper window. If you are natural condition is, if you default to the lower window, which you do, the thing to do is, you cannot get up there by yourself, you have to be in a meeting like this or listening to a tape or reading a book, that is how you get up there.


Some of us stay up there even when we are not, even though I am not preaching, even though I am not reading a book, I am up there. I very rarely come down below the heart center, I do not want to say never, but I do not think I have been down below the heart center in a long time.


You have to ask the Lord where you are. There is no shame in it if you default to the heart center, you just have to work harder and put more time in. I do not know what you do; maybe you are doing all that you can do, and then you just keep on doing it. The truth will set us free, you need to know that you default to the heart center, you default to the lower window, and you also need to know that the way you ascend is to put your mind on the doctrine of Christ and whatever form you put it in.


I have had days, it has not happened for a while but I have had days where my mind, I was fighting continuously, fighting ungodly thoughts in my mind, whatever my problem was at that time, and finally one day I cried out and I said, Jesus, I am so tired of this war, beating off all of these wrong thoughts, give me your thoughts. Do you know He responded instantly? He put a thought in my mind that I pursued, it was a thought of a question or an idea in the doctrine of Christ, and I said, Oh, I wonder if it means this and I wonder if it means that. I was off and running on a study.


That is how we ascend, that is how our consciousness is raised. You have to put your mind on the higher things. The Spirit of Elijah carried the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, into the upper window. It is the Fiery Serpent within us that ascends.


The Fiery Serpent is the subconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah and they became Adam's household. The Fiery Serpent within the mortal men of Judah became Adam's household. Adam's household signifies wife. They were, the Fiery Serpents and the mortal men of Judah were Leviathan's household, but because the Spirit of Christ in their teacher entered into their mind and raised their consciousness, the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah departed from Leviathan, ascended into the heart center, and became the wife of Adam, who had been generated in the mortal men of Judah.


We did find out in previous messages that the regenerated Adam in the mortal men of Judah could never, He was just not strong enough to sustain Himself in the heart center and to keep that Fiery Serpent under Him. Adam regenerated in the mortal men of Judah had no strength to do that, but it was the Spirit of Christ from Samson that sustained Adam in the mortal men of Judah, so that He was strong enough to keep the Fiery Serpent in submission to Him.


This is a plan; a pattern for discipleship in Christ Jesus, there is always a head that has a mature manifestation of Christ Jesus which is under the glorified Jesus Christ. The Lord has not raised that head up, to humble you or to put you down, but to restrain you and to strengthen you, and to raise Christ Jesus in you up to the heart center and to secure Him there and help Him to stand.


Leaders are sent to strengthen you, if they are truly in Christ, that is what they are sent to do, they are sent to bring forth the life of God in you, and as I have told you many times over the years, the Scripture in Malachi that is used to support tithing by many members of the church is really an indictment of the pastors for not bringing forth the life of God in the people.


Jehovah is saying, if you would just bring forth the life of God in the people, I would open up the windows of heaven, and everybody will get blessed, you and the people, but you hold the people back, you hold their spiritual growth back, and they do not grow and you do not grow either. 18b, Satan fights to recover her influence over the mortal men of Judah.


18b. But when Satan perceived that the spiritual woman who was miserable disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature belonged to the Spirit of Elijah, and that they were all standing boldly opposite Leviathan in the heart center of the upper window, Satan vibrated forth to harvest the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah off of Adam's vine, and to re-engrave the Fiery Serpents with her own image. And Satan castrated the widowed Fiery Serpents the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, and commanded them to ascend into her time line, and become her reflection because Adam, Elohim's mind was standing boldly opposite Leviathan within the mortal men of Judah and causing all of the mortal men of Judah to ascend into the heart center of the time line that is near to the Spirit of Elijah and to belong to Him. ATB


But when Satan within the mortal men of Judah perceived that the spiritual woman who was miserable disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, (that is Delilah), belonged to the Spirit of Elijah, and that the mortal men of Judah were all standing boldly opposite Leviathan in their own heart center, in the upper window...ATB


I just explained to you how that came to pass, it was the Spirit of Elijah in Samson that was sustaining them there.


...when Satan saw this, she vibrated forth to harvest the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah off of Adam's vine. ATB


Jesus said, I am the true vine, and we know that Leviathan is the false vine. We have to growing on vine or the other. Brethren, Satan is always vibrating forth to harvest those of us who are growing on the vine of Christ Jesus to cut us off from the one who sustains us. Satan is always vibrating forth to cut us off from Christ Jesus within ourselves and to cut us off from Christ Jesus and the Spirit of Christ in the leader that the Lord Jesus has placed us under to sustain us, to nurture us, and to help us to grow up into Christ so fully that we will be fully mature men and go out and have our own children.


This is a spiritual family here. You are supposed to grow; you are not supposed to stay this way forever. Eventually you are supposed to have your own spiritual children, as the Lord sees that you are ready, and as I told you many times, knowledge of the doctrine is only the very, very beginning. The Lord does now want His children abused, you have to go forth in the mind of Christ and your motives must be correct.


If you are seeking to bring disciples unto yourself, that is not a correct motive for the Lord to give you children. Your motive has to be a love for the Lord and a desire to serve Him and an attitude that says, Thank you Lord for the opportunity to minister, thank you Lord for the opportunity to discuss or preach this doctrine to somebody. I have people over the years, I have had people from all over the world contact me, asking me for a local fellowship in their area.


Brethren, we are grass roots movement. This is the new thing that the Lord is doing, there are still very few of us, and very few of the people who are following this message are more than, many of them are just one, if you have two, you are blessed, if there are two of you that are willing to get together and discuss this doctrine, or listen to a tape, you are blessed.


There are people all over the world and all over the country that are by themselves and in pain. I have received communications from people that it is very painful to have no one to discuss these things with, to have your heart just bursting with this truth, and be surrounded with Christians who actually think the exact opposite than you do because that is what they are being taught in the churches, whose mind are so closed, minds are so closed that you cannot even talk to them. People have expressed this to me as painful, and I can appreciate that.


Satan vibrated forth to harvest the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah off of Adam's vine. She wanted them back. Why did Satan want the Fiery Serpent back, what would Satan do with the Fiery Serpents after she harvested them off of Adam's vine, does anybody know what Satan would do with the Fiery Serpents after she harvested them off of Adam's vine


COMMENT: She would steal their energy and engrave them.


PASTOR VITALE: That is pretty close, but to stay in sync with the theme of this whole chapter, you may recall that at the beginning of the chapter Satan threatened Samson and said, I will give your Fiery Serpent to Leviathan for a wife. Just to stay, that was pretty close what you said but to stay in line with the theme of this message, Satan's intention was to harvest the Fiery Serpents off of Adam's vine, and return her daughter because the Fiery Serpent is Satan's daughter, to the husband that Satan had assigned her to. Satan had assigned the Fiery Serpents in Samson and in the mortal men of Judah to Leviathan, so she was going forth to get that woman back for Leviathan. This is what you said as this verse goes on, it says;


Satan vibrated forth to harvest the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, off of Adam's vine, and to re-engrave the Fiery Serpent with her own image...ATB


While the Fiery Serpents were attached to Adam their image was being changed, their nature was being changed. As we feed off of the vine of Christ Jesus and we are nourished by the spirit that flows through that vine which is the Spirit of Christ, we are being changed from glory to glory into the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes that seems so far away, but even though we may not see the fruit of it right now, that is what is happening to us. Brethren as you sit under this teaching, as you sit under this preaching, as you sit under this anointing, that is what is happening to you. You may not see it yet, but you are being changed into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, and how are you changed into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you look like Him? Will your face appear on a picture of the last supper? Everybody is laughing, which is not even an accurate concept? No, you are changing in your nature and how does your nature manifest? How are you being changed? Where are you being changed? It is the clothes that you wear, the nose on your face, how are you being changed? Yes.


COMMENT: Through your words, your mind and your thoughts?


PASTOR VITALE: You are very close but, did you want to say something too?


COMMENT: I thought maybe in your spirit?


PASTOR VITALE: What does that mean? Let us say I do not know anything, I am totally ignorant, what does that mean?


COMMENT: I guess it is your whole, becoming more like Christ.




COMMENT: Righteousness is coming in.


PASTOR VITALE: How, where are you changed, is your nose changed?


COMMENT: No, by your words, by your communication and your actions.


PASTOR VITALE: You said the same thing as Xxxx said, you are close. What did you want to say?


COMMENT: Our nature, our personality.


PASTOR VITALE: You are changed in your thinking brethren, you are changed in the way that you think, in the way that you think. The way that you think determines the words that you say, so you were close but you really were not at rock bottom. The way you think, and we are not talking about a mind control, we are not talking about indoctrination, that says, if somebody says x,y,z, you say a,b,c. We see that, we see that in the Jehovah's Witnesses, we see that in the church brethren. The church is filled with well-meaning people who go around spouting slogans continuously but there is no depth of understanding to their responses, they do not understand it themselves, so how could they help other people to understand it.


We are changed in our thinking, which thinking is creative, it is not mind control, and it is not indoctrinated, the thought mechanism is changed in the very, very guts of the way that we think, and then everything else follows afterwards, then your words follow afterwards, your opinions follow afterward, whatever else you said, all that comes afterward, but you have got to be changed in the gut mechanism of how you think, of what you think is right and what you think is wrong.


That is where we are changed.As you listen to a message like this, the thinking of Christ Jesus is being impressed upon your mind, and that is how you are being changed, in the very Nitti gritty of the foundation of your being, how you think, which is expressed in the words that you speak.


Satan did not just take it lying down; she did not take it lying down that the Spirit of Elijah mounted up against her. It does not say it verse 18a, but in order for the Spirit of Elijah to bring the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah up into the heart center, the Spirit of Elijah has to separate the Fiery Serpents from Leviathan. Satan went after her, her daughter was now married to Adam in the mortal men of Judah to the resurrected Adam and she went to get her daughter back and return her daughter to the husband that she, Satan, had chosen for them, Leviathan.


Satan vibrated forth to harvest the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah off of Adam's vine, and to re-engrave the Fiery Serpents with her image and Satan castrated the widowed Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, and commanded them to ascend into her time line. ATB


What does that mean, Satan castrated the widowed Fiery Serpents? How can you castrate a Fiery Serpent, I thought the Fiery Serpent was an energy stream? The Fiery Serpent is an energy stream, she is a force, how do you castrate the Fiery Serpent, does anybody know? First of all, what do you have to be to be castrated? Are women castrated? What do you have to be to be castrated?


COMMENT: A male.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, you have to be a male to be castrated. What is or who is the Fiery Serpent's manhood? How does the Fiery Serpent become a man, because she is a female? In mortal man the Fiery Serpent is a female, but she becomes a male when Christ Jesus covers her. The Fiery Serpent becomes a male, a spiritual male when Christ Jesus covers her, and the two become one. When the Fiery Serpent is joined to Christ Jesus, she becomes male, so therefore to be castrated; Satan must have separated the Fiery Serpent from Christ Jesus. The Fiery Serpent becomes an uncovered female source of spiritual energy, known as witchcraft.


Satan castrated the widowed Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, and commanded them to ascend into her time line and become her reflection, Elohim's mind was standing boldly opposite Leviathan within the mortal men of Judah and causing all of the mortal men of Judah to ascend into the heart centerof the time line that is near to the Spirit of Elijah. ATB


Wow, Satan was really mad, she actually commanded these Fiery Serpents to ascend into her time line. I wonder why I have the word ascend there, I have to go over that, I do not think that the Fiery Serpents would be ascending from the heart center on the left side, the higher heart center, where Christ Jesus is there would be descending. I have to check out that word, it must be on the wrong place. Satan does not take it lying down, and that there is a continuous warfare going on between the Spirit of Christ and Satan, and between the resurrected Adam which is Christ Jesus in the New Testament, and Leviathan, there is a continuous warfare going on, and what are they fighting for? What is the prize that they are fighting for, can anyone tell us?


COMMENT: The Fiery Serpent.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, they are fighting over the woman, the Fiery Serpent. The two males are fighting over the woman, and the Fiery Serpent is who in relationship to the personality?


COMMENT: The spiritual sexual part.


PASTOR VITALE: Right. The personality and the Fiery Serpent are really one; they are one woman; that is the whole woman, the personality and her spiritual sexual part. That is funny because if a man is castrated, you hear the expression he is half a man, the personality is half of a woman without her spiritual sexual part. She is still only half a woman when that spiritual sexual part is not covered by Christ Jesus. She is half a man, I am sorry, she is half a woman when she is, (laughing), I better stop while I am ahead, the Fiery Serpent is half a man until she is covered by Christ Jesus and that half a man or that partial man makes a her spiritually female.


This war goes on continuously brethren, continuously, and if you are hearing this message, you have the opportunity to no longer be a victim or no longer be passive and have nothing to say about what role you play in this war.


This message is calling you to arms and it is telling you that you and Christ Jesus can take control of your spiritual life and no longer be a pawn for Satan. Everybody that is not fighting this fight is a pawn for Satan. If Satan can manifest freely through you, you are a pawn for Satan. Most people are. Only the people who are highly trained in Christ Jesus that guard the doorway within them that Satan enters in through, and they do not let her in, and they judge every thought that comes into their mind and every impulse that comes into their heart, they judge it, and if it is sin they are willing to confess that it could be coming from them, and they pray about it and they talk to the Lord about it and they work it out and they get knowledge and they deal with it, they are not an open doorway, they are not an open street.


The average human being is an open street that Satan can enter into at will. The Scripture says that Satan entered into Judas. Jesus took His hand off of Judas, and he became an open street, and Satan entered into him and used him for her own purposes by controlling the thoughts that came into his mind. Of course place had to be found in Judas, the greed had to be there. I do not have any personal revelation as to Judas' motives to tell you the truth. I have heard it preached two different ways, I heard it preached that he did it for the money, and I heard it preached that he really thought that he was doing a good thing, I cannot remember how that was justified. I have no word in my heart that the Lord has spoken to me about Judas' motives, so I will just make that a prayer right now that I would be interested in knowing the Lord's thoughts on this. We should be continuously looking for the Lord's thoughts, and it is a good place to be, to be able to recognize or at least have a really good idea whether the thoughts in your mind are your own or whether they are the Lord's.


I do not even have an opinion of my own; I do not have any word on it at all. How could I tell you might be thinking this question in your mind, how does she tell whether it is the Lord or whether it is her? Right now I will tell you, that when I think about what Judas' motives may have been, there is just an emptiness in my heart and in my mind, there is an emptiness, there is nothing there, so I know that the Lord is not manifesting because I have no answer. What is more difficult is if your carnal mind comes up with an answer. Then you have to judge whether it is the carnal mind or Christ Jesus. Frequently when I say to you, I have no answer, there is emptiness in me, and I perceive the spiritual emptiness. When Christ Jesus speaks through me, He rises up within me and He fills me.


He fills me up with Himself and I am filled with wisdom and understanding and knowledge and thoughts and ideas and I am so sensitive to Him at this point, that I pretty much know when He is there and when He is not there, and I pretty much can tell when the thought is my own and it is not Him, because when He is filling me, the presence is so profound that I can distinguish between His filling my mind and the thoughts of my own mind. That is hair splitting sensitive you have to be. Do not be overwhelmed and say, oh, I could never do that. You can do all things in Christ Jesus, you do it a step at a time, you become spiritual a step at a time. If you are hearing this message and you have received the revelation that every thought in your mind does not have to be God, and that Satan speaks to you and enters right into your mind and speaks to you, you are way ahead of the majority of the people in the church, who think every voice that they hear is the Lord. Do not be discouraged, always be encouraged, go forward, little baby steps, go forward, every day, I was not always like this.


I have been deceived, I was deceived in a major area in my life that almost destroyed me, I heard a voice talking to me and I thought it was God, and it almost destroyed me, it is just the grace of God that I was not destroyed. I learned this lesson a hard way. The thought never occurred to me that it might not have been God talking to me, so now I have this message to preach. I am telling you, you can hear a voice that sounds just like God.


This filling up that I just spoke to you about, brethren this is spiritual sexual intercourse. Christ Jesus rises in you, now if Christ Jesus is within you, your husband dwells within you, He rises and He falls, He is not always active in you, but when He rises up to speak to you, He fills your mind with Himself. At the point that the glorified Jesus Christ enters in, I may not have gotten that just right. To be honest with you, I do not know to what degree the glorified Jesus Christ fills me these days, I just do not understand it, but I know when the glorified Jesus Christ comes in, He fills your Christ mind up, and your Christ mind ascends to some high place in your personality. At the moment I do not have the exact details as to where. This is spiritual sexual intercourse, it is of the mind, and the mind is a thought.


Our relationship with Christ Jesus is on the mental plane. He is not in your emotions; He is not in your emotions. There is an emotional reaction, we are told that Jesus cried, I have cried in Christ Jesus, but it is not coming out of my emotions, it is coming out of the mental plane. I do not have more information on that, at this time, but I know there is a difference between manifesting my human emotions which are destructive, very destructive to me, to manifest my human emotions, yet I have cried, cried a bucket full of tears out of Christ Jesus which has not been destructive to me, but it has been compassion that has brought help to the person that I am crying for.


This is the spiritual sexual intercourse, this is what it is, and it is a spirit entering into your mind and filling you with him which is thought. I think the Lord is telling me that it is the Spirit of Christ within Christ Jesus even though we have Christ Jesus within us, if the Spirit of Christ within Christ Jesus that arises into the personality somehow. I do not have the exact details but I am sure that I will have them shortly, now that this issue has come up.


Every mortal human being is female because we are all vessels to be filled up with a spirit which is spiritual intercourse. That is the truth. It is very humbling brethren, and it feels good, it is not the same feeling as physical sexual intercourse but it is very gratifying and it stays with you because Christ Jesus gives you knowledge and wisdom that you can take with you for long periods of time, and your prosper, you prosper from the knowledge and the wisdom and then you come to a place where you share it with others, it is very gratifying, physical intercourse is very brief and it is dependent on your physical prowess. It is very limited. I am against sex? No, if that is where you are and you are married, enjoy yourself. I am not against it, I am telling you there is something better, but you cannot have both, you can only have both for a season, and then you cannot, your engaging in physical intercourse will hinder your spiritual growth at some point, because the two are directly opposed to one another. The fruit of spiritual intercourse is that you give out what you have received. Eventually we ascend to the place and mature to the place where we are continuously giving out, continuously giving out and receiving the satisfaction of giving out. Physical intercourse is a taking, it is a receiving, it is the exact opposite, one is an inny, the other is an outy. One lasts forever and the other is very temporary. One day you have it, the next day you do not have it. You think everybody that is married has sex? They do not, it is not true. There are all kinds of problems in marriage. Verse 19;


19. So Satan called to the widowed Fiery Serpents, the other self of the mortal men of Judah, to steal the energy of Samson, the completed head of the mortal men of Judah, because Elohim within Samson, was restricting Satan to the lower centers within the mortal men of Judah. And Adam the tree of life has sprouted out of Abel again, the manchild within the mortal men of Judah. ATB


So Satan called to the widowed Fiery Serpents, the other self of the mortal men of Judah, we have two selves. We are two men, we are the old man and we are the new man. There are two of us, one side of us is good and evil, and if Christ Jesus is in you, you have a righteous self. Your new man, who is in the image of the glorious Lord Jesus Christ, and we the personality, we have the opportunity to choose which mind we will cleave unto. You have got to get your motives straight, this is what you are struggling with now, you have got to get your motives straight, what is most important to you, that you get with Christ Jesus or that you have something to say? What is most important to you, I mean I do not care, you have to answer that question, that is for you, you know.


It is true of all of us, that we have to get our motives and our priorities straight. What is the most important thing to you, because Jesus says where your treasure is that is where your heart is. What is the most important thing to you? You have to answer that question and you have to follow through on it. Sometimes people deceive themselves, and what they think is most important to them is not really the most important to them. If someone comes to you and says, what is the most important thing to you, you would probably have the right answers, but the Lord is revealing that the right answer is the wrong answer. It is not true; the right answer is not true. What do you do? If you wake up one day and you find out, wow, having Christ Jesus live through me is really not the most important thing to me in the world, I have a need to make myself heard, and that need is more important to me than having Christ Jesus live through me. What do you do, who knows the answer? What do you do, are you finished, are you condemned, are you kicked out, what do you do, how do you deal with that? Do you know how to deal with that?


COMMENT: You repent and ask for forgiveness and make it your goal to have Christ formed in you the most important thing.


PASTOR VITALE: No, what you just said is that you are going to do it yourself. You cannot do it yourself, so what do you do?


COMMENT: Ask the Lord to show me?


PASTOR VITALE: Ask the Lord to do it for you. Everybody has their own weaknesses, everybody is not the same, one weakness does not make you any worse than someone who has another weakness, but if your weakness is that Jesus is not really first in your life, you have to admit that after all of these years of sitting here if He is not first in your life, that you are having a problem making Him first in your life, and as long as you keep on trying to, or think you can do it yourself, you will never make it. That is all the pride that we are all dealing with.


We cannot do it ourselves. You cannot, and you cannot, you cannot, we cannot do it ourselves, and it is that pride that is separating us from going on with God. We cannot do it ourselves. I cannot run this ministry myself; I cannot even survive by myself. I cannot even exist by myself. I need help every second of every minute of every day, I cannot do anything myself. If you think you can do it yourself, you are manifesting a measure of pride that is killing your true life. Christ Jesus is your true life, and you are killing Him because pride rises up and says, I am going to make it my business to do it, and Christ Jesus is down there saying, Huh, will I ever get to the surface? Praise the Lord.


19. So Satan called the widowed Fiery Serpents, the other self of the mortal men of Judah, to steal the energy of Samson, the completed head of the mortal men of Judah, because Elohim within Samson was restricting Satan to the lower centers. ATB


Brethren, do you hear this, that the leader of your group, your teacher, the one the Lord has placed over you, the Spirit of Christ in that leader is literally inside of you, literally inside of you strengthening Christ Jesus in you, fighting with Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent in you, and Satan in your unconscious mind is giving impulses of suggestions which may touch your conscious mind and may not, Satan is vibrating forth commandments to drain the energy of the teacher that is sustaining Christ Jesus in your heart center. That is what happened to me a couple of days ago. I got knocked down, my energy was stolen, and my energy was zapped.


Why would Satan zap my energy? It is because she wanted to weaken the strength that I am sending to everyone, who knows, I do not even know how many people I am sustaining. God only knows how many people I am sustaining that I have not even heard their names yet. Through our web pages and through our materials, everyone that is sincerely reading our books and seeking Christ Jesus, has a spirit tie with me and I do not even know them. My spirit is out there in these thousands of books that have gone out, over all of these years. How many years have we been sending books out? Six or seven, or eight years, at least seven years we are sending books out, six or seven years.


Satan called the widowed Fiery Serpents, the other self of the mortal men of Judah to steal the energy of Samson, the completed head of the mortal men of Judah, because Elohim within Samson...ATB


I do not know why I said Elohim, it should really be;


...the Spirit of Elijah, within Samson was restricting Satan to the lower centers within the mortal men of Judah. ATB


What does that mean? Satan restricted to the lower centers? Brethren, that is Revelation chapter 20, I believe. And an angel came with a big chain and put it around Satan and put her in the bottomless pit in the lower centers, the first, second, and third energy centers, and put a seal over those centers that she should not deceive the nations anymore. That is happening within us. Christ Jesus, if He is prevailing over Satan in you, is forcing her downward into the lower centers where He is weakening her influence over you, and He is silencing her. He is weakening her signal by which she communicates with you on an unconscious level. Sometimes you do not even know why you say things, you do not even know why you do things, you do not even know why you think things, it is Satan in you, if what you do, think, or say is destructive, it is Satan in you, there is no such thing as I did not think about it or I did not know about it. All that the truth is, is that you are not aware of the inner mechanisms of your mind, and that is part of the training here, to help you to become aware, to the inner workings of your carnal mind and your Christ mind, because we want to hear what Christ Jesus has to say to us too.


There is a whole world between our temples, there are worlds within our temples, spiritual worlds that do not take up any space, they are spirit, but they are intelligent, there is intelligence within us. Christ Jesus is intelligence within us that is beyond us. The people in the occult would call Him the higher mind. Leviathan is a higher mind, Satan is a higher mind. These entities impart knowledge beyond our own ability to give forth; Christ Jesus is a higher mind.


He is within us, but He is not us. Eventually we will marry Him and become comingled with Him and become one, but right now we are not one. He is in there, but He is very separate, why? It is because we are filled with sin. He is not comingled with us. He is swallowing us up, He is digesting us little by little, and as He digests us, we become purified by our sin nature. Why is He doing it so slowly? It would kill us if He did it more quickly, we could not take the shock. We are very fragile. You have to have spiritual eyes brethren to see what this world really is.


I saw somebody the other day that I have not seen in maybe ten years, and I was shocked, he was all grey and getting old, this is not normal, that you get old and you die, it is not normal, that is not normal, that you live for a season and at the prime of your life when you have learned all of these hard lessons and you have acquired all of this wisdom, and you have so much to offer because of all of the years that you have lived that you die?! That is not normal! Jehovah never intended it to be that way.


So Satan is restricted to the lower centers, and Adam the tree of life had sprouted out of Abel again, the manchild had sprouted againout of Abel the manchild within the mortal men of Judah. ATB


Satan was very unhappy that the tree of life had sprouted in the mortal men of Judah; but remember, this is an imputed anointing, the mortal men of Judah were not spiritually strong enough to sustain the tree of life. Who is the tree of life?




PASTOR VITALE: Yes, Adam is the tree of life and in the New Testament Christ Jesus is the tree of life. We have already said that the regenerated Adam in the mortal men of Judah was not strong enough to occupy the heart center by himself; he needed the additional support and strength of the Spirit of Elijah in Samson. This is the specific purpose that Satan goes after the leader or the true leader in Christ Jesus, and he is holding up the ministry. It can even be a powerful ministry in the Holy Ghost, if it is really under the Lord Jesus, Satan goes after the leader. If you strike the shepherd the sheep will scatter.


This also is why if there is sin in the ministry, that sin will reproduce itself throughout the whole congregation. I have heard of cases where I have seen it, where adultery is in the pulpit and adultery is all through the congregation. I heard another story where the pastor was a homosexual, and by the time it came out, homosexuality was spread through the whole congregation. Brethren, we are all one, we are all attached, because we all have the same spiritual root and spiritual disease is very contagious. Sin is the name of spiritual disease, it is absolutely contagious. That is why the Scripture says, do not keep company with an angry man, you will become angry, and every evil work follows that anger, unless you are unusually strong. You should not be friends with an angry man. If it is in your family or if it is someone you have responsibility for, it is a different story, if you give, if you call upon the Lord Jesus He will strengthen you and help you, but to have fellowship with an angry person, when they have no responsibility towards you, you have to even ask yourself why you are attracted to fellowship with that kind of a person.


Why would you want to be friends with an angry person? I know the Lord has changed my whole life, I am a radically different person than I was, and I looked back at some of the relationships that I had, and I know that I would never choose to have a relationship like that again.


I know that I want peace in my relationships, I want respect, and honor, I do not want people trying to tell me what to do or forcing themselves on me, and I want peace. I want quiet fellowship, I want aggression in my life, I do not want to aggressive towards you, and I do not want you to be aggressive towards me.


The tree of life had sprouted out of Abel in the mortal men of Judah and Satan was determined to bring it down, it was an imputed anointing, so she called to the widowed Fiery Serpents that still had contact with Leviathan, the old man of the mortal men of Judah, to steal the energy of Samson. How do you steal the energy of somebody? How were they to steal the energy of Samson? How do you steal someone's energy? There are several ways, do you want to answer?


COMMENT: How you have an interaction with a person.


PASTOR VITALE: What kind of an interaction?


COMMENT: A forceful interaction.


PASTOR VITALE: A negative interaction. You could do something or say something openly and it will aggravate them or annoy them. It could be subtle, it could be in the spirit, you may never say a wrong word, but your heart can be filled with envy towards them which might seduce them to rise up in envy. That is what happened to me today, I was talking to you about it off the tape. Somebody had ungodly feelings towards me, they may not have intended to hurt me, it may have been fear or anxiety, most likely it was fear and anxiety, but because that sin was not dealt with possibly not even recognized in them, it entered into me to stir up an ungodly response in me, and it took my energy to put it down, I had to go before the Lord and rebuke it and put it down, and tell the Lord that I was going to do whatever He told me to do, no matter what I was feeling. That took my energy; I had to wage warfare. You have to wage the warfare against the sins of the unrestrained sins of people's minds. There are just different kinds of people in this world.


Some people will come right to you and start a fight with you or aggravate you, and other people will never say a word, but if you sensitive in Christ Jesus, you will perceive the intents of their heart. Take the person's energy, take their time, take their concentration, do something that will cause their concentration to turn away from the Lord's work to deal with you. Everybody makes mistakes, everybody needs help; I am talking about a specific contrived thing where you should know better.


And this is how Satan began to dissolve Adam the wedge between the widowed Fiery Serpents, within the mortal men of Judah, and Leviathan, so that Cain within the mortal men of Judah could pluck Abel, Samson's disciple within the mortal men of Judah away from Adam within the mortal men of Judah and force Abel down under Cain within the mortal men of Judah. ATB


And this is how Satan began to dissolve Adam...


I know that we had a whole big discussion on a previous message in this series about how Adam dissolves. Adam is an energy stream, he is a compound energy stream, and he consists of Abel, or in the New Testament it is Christ, which is the virile seed, cleaving to the purified waters in the Old Testament of the Spirit of Elijah or Elohim, and in the New Testament, of the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Christ. And Adam dissolves or unravels when the virile seed separates from the purified waters.


How could that be Sheila? It was Abel in the mortal men of Judah and it was the Spirit of Christ in Samson. The Spirit of Christ in Samson had penetrated into the mortal men of Judah and irrigated and raised from it or revived the dead Abel, and the new creature or that revived Abel increased into Adam. For Adam to dissolve it was just a reversal of that process, a separation of the seed from the energy. When you depend on another man, you are at a disadvantage. If you are in a discipleship situation and this is where the Lord Jesus has put you so that you could mature, well your faith has to be in Jesus Christ that He is going to sustain you no matter what happens to me, no matter how bad I mess up, I hope I never mess up, but you have to believe that He is going to sustain you if I mess up. This is not ideal brethren. The ideal is to be so completely filled up with Christ Jesus and the glorified Jesus Christ from above, that we are completely independent.


I am sustaining everybody that is under me, I just told you earlier, only God knows how many people I am sustaining, I do not even know, if I were to mess up, everybody would probably take some measure of a tumble, the Lord would catch you and put you back on your feet, and strengthen you in whatever way He would do it, but you could have a couple of bad moments, because your anointing at least to the level that you add is still imputed. My whole point is that we should never be satisfied with this condition. You have to accept yourself where you are today as long as you are growing, but you need to know that it is never ideal to be dependent on another man, even if that other man is in perfection, you should want your own manhood.


You should want to be fully independent in Christ Jesus. There is a lot of responsibility tied to being fully independent in Christ Jesus, but there is no other way to go. There is just no other way to go. He must be your total source of supply, and He will meet your need through people. If somebody that He is meeting your need through goes away, for whatever reason, you must believe that He will meet your need through another person, He meets our needs through people.


It is not the person meeting your need; it is Christ Jesus meeting your need, through whoever He sends to you. The carnal mind and our human emotions cause us to be attached to the personality, instead of to Christ Jesus. There is nothing wrong with being attached to people, of course you could love people, but your foundation, your security, must be in Christ Jesus, not in the person. People get sick, people die, there are all kinds of things happen to people that might call them to the other side of the world.


So this is how Satan began to dissolve Adam, the wedge between the widowed Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah and Leviathan. ATB


Adam was standing between the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan, stopping them from having spiritual sexual intercourse. Why, why would Samson be doing that, why would Adam within Samson be doing that? Because when the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan get together, they are an awesome witchcraft force, and the strengthen each other and the energy that they put out is greater than the strength of Leviathan plus the strength of the Fiery Serpent. It is a multiplication of their energies, which give them the power to rise up into 7th energy center where they become an awesome witchcraft force. Does anybody remember the name of Leviathan when he is married to the Fiery Serpent in the 7th energy center?


COMMENT: Pharaoh.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, Pharaoh, that is the name of Leviathan when he is joined to the Fiery Serpent and their two energies have multiplied beyond one plus one, and the name of the Fiery Serpent in the 7th energy married to Pharaoh?




PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Fiery Serpent is called the swine, she becomes a glutton in the 7th energy center, she cannot get enough, she is gobbling up energy in that high place, they are taking energy from other people, they are taking energy from the astral plane and they are engaged in high witchcraft. What form does that witchcraft take, does it have to be praying over candles or using chicken bones or slaughtering chickens, what form can that high witchcraft take? What are some of the signs of socially acceptable witchcraft, social witchcraft? Nobody remembers, envy, anger, any form of hatred, retaliation, revenge, socially acceptable witchcraft, it is accepted as normal and just dealt with, never thought of as witchcraft, control over other people, domination, mind control which is exercising ungodly authority over other people, cruelty, negativity, disapproval, continuous disapproval, continuous contradiction, continuous disagreement, not supporting people in their godly endeavors, if they are dieting, offering them food. That is witchcraft, if you know somebody is really watching their weight, to wave a piece of cake under their nose, saying, Are you sure you do not want it? That is witchcraft brethren, and it is wrong. We should be supporting each other and helping each other to accomplish our goals.


So this is how Satan began to dissolve Adam, the wedge between the widowed Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah and Leviathan, (and here is the reason why), so that Cain within the mortal men of Judah could pluck Abel, Samson's disciple within the mortal men of Judah, away from Adam within the mortal men of Judah, and forced Abel down under Cain within the mortal men of Judah. ATB


Satan began to dissolve Adam, the wedge between the widowed Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, so that Cain could pluck up Abel, and that is the dissolving of Adam, Cain plucks up Abel, Satan begins to dissolve Adam. We read in an earlier verse that the Spirit of Elijah mounted up against Satan. How does Satan dissolve Adam? She mounts up against the Spirit of Elijah, strips Samson of His energy, so that remember Adam is Abel joined to the energy, joined to the Spirit of Elijah. When Satan zaps Samson's energy, Abel is left vulnerable. Cain rises up and plucks up Abel. Cain does not fight with the Spirit of Elijah; everyone fights on their own level, Satan and the Spirit of Elijah fight, Adam and Leviathan fight, Cain and Abel fight. Satan is moving in there to knock out Samson's strength, so that Cain can grab Abel, and cover him over and kill him and bury him under the ground again.


But the union between Abel in the mortal men of Judah, and the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, their head, loosened, and the human spirits of the mortal men of Judah were thrown into disorder.
And Adam the wedge between the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan within the mortal men of Judah began to dissolve and the widowed Fiery Serpent married Leviathan and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which steals the energy of Elohim Adam's spirit, within the mortal men of Judah sprouted in the heart center of the mortal men of Judah. ATB


So the union between Abel in the mortal men of Judah and the Spirit of Elijah within Samson their head, loosened...ATB


Why did it loosen? It is because Samson was afflicted, Samson was under attack, and he was not pouring forth the full strength of the Spirit of Elijah into the mortal men of Judah. He needed whatever energy he had to recover, however they afflicted him. I know that I was in bed for 24 hours this week, however it afflicted him. Maybe it afflicted him mentally, I do not know, but that union loosened.


The union loosened and the human spirits of the mortal men of Judah were thrown into disorder. ATB


What is the disorder? The human spirit cannot exist by itself, the human spirit either flows with the Spirit of Elijah or with Satan. The disorder that the human spirits were thrown into is that, the human spirits of the mortal men of Judah that were flowing with the Spirit of Elijah from Samson separated, and began to flow with Satan again. And Adam the wedge between the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan within the mortal men of Judah began to dissolve, and the widowed Fiery Serpents, the Fiery Serpents. Why are the Fiery Serpents widowed? It is because Adam dissolved. Adam is their husband. As Adam began to dissolve, the Fiery serpents were widowed they were freed from Christ Jesus' dominion, or from Adam's dominion within them, and they married Leviathan. The human spirit is never alone, and the Fiery Serpent, she is never unmarried. When the Scripture talks about the Fiery Serpent being unmarried, what that means is that the Lord does not acknowledge the Fiery Serpent's marriage to Leviathan, she is unmarried, if she is not married to Adam or Christ Jesus, the Scripture says she is unmarried, but she either flowing with Christ Jesus or she is flowing with Leviathan, she is never by herself.


And Adam, the wedge between the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan within the mortal men of Judah began to dissolve and the widowed Fiery Serpent married Leviathan, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which steals the energy of Elohim, Adam's spirit. ATB


The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that is Satan and Leviathan, they are the ones that steal the energy, of, well I have to work on that,


Elohim or the Spirit of Elijah, Adam's spirit within the mortal men of Judah, sprouted in the heart center of the mortal men of Judah. ATB


The tree of life began to dissolve, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil sprouted, it has to be one tree or the other brethren, we cannot live without a tree, because spiritual trees signify mind, and we would have no existence without a mind. Verse 23;


And Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan carried away the widowed mortal men of Judah. ATB


Wow, can you imagine being carried away by Satan and Leviathan?


...and sacrificed the widowed Adam within the mortal men of Judah to Dagon, the arrogant fish god. ATB


Brethren, I have been preaching this for years, we the personality, either we sacrifice Leviathan to Christ Jesus or we sacrifice Christ Jesus or Adam to Satan. The sacrifice is to Satan, either we sacrifice Leviathan to the Spirit of Christ, or we sacrifice Christ Jesus to Satan. We sacrifice continuously. I remember years ago in the church that I was a disciple in, a powerful prophecy came forth to a woman that really needed a deliverance, it was a supernatural deliverance, and the prophecy came forth by the gift of prophecy from the pastor, and it had something to do with the altar in the temple and I went up to him afterwards and I said, what did all that mean? He looked at me with a grin on his face, and said, I do not know but I know that she got delivered. The Lord gave this pastor a spiritual prophecy by the gift of prophecy, the power of which set this woman free, but the man had no idea what it meant. It was the Spirit of Truth, I cannot remember exactly what he said, but the Spirit of Truth must have been addressing the situation in that woman's heart, talking about whoever was in the temple, and I do not think he said heart center, but he said temple, I am pretty sure, and he did not even know what it meant, but he knew that the Spirit of Truth imparted the power to help that woman with these words.


Brethren, there is power in the Spirit of Truth. There is power in preaching the doctrine of Christ because the spirit that preaches it is powerful. You want to invoke the Spirit of Christ, you want the power of the Spirit of Christ, speak His language. Somebody came to me once and said, the Lord told me that Sheila speaks my language. This is the language of the Lord; this is what He talks about. You want a relationship with Christ Jesus; you have to talk about what He talks about. He is not coming down to where you are; you have to come up to where He is. This is His conversation. That is why I noticed for years and years in the traditional church, no matter how anointed the music was, the people could be hanging off of the ceiling, the anointing was so strong, as soon as the message came, the anointing waned. There was a residue of the anointing because the people had invoked the Holy Spirit, but the anointing is not on the message, unless the message is touching on the doctrine of Christ. As I preach the doctrine of Christ it is happening in you.


If a preacher preaches faith, the people get faith, if he preaches the Holy Spirit the people get the Holy Spirit, all that is good, but the power is limited. As I preach this doctrine of Christ, and you listen to it with an open heart, it is happening within you. This warfare, this battle is happening within you, it is happening in your life, it is happening in my life, it is happening in this fellowship. I am not going to a second tape tonight brethren, we are in the middle of verse 23, and we will pick up with verse 23 on part 19. God bless you.




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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