480 - Part 13
(Judges, Chapter 16)

Part 13 of 19 Parts  

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



I would like to call you attention the fact that I have moved some of the earlier verses around, and pretty much what I did was that largely, not completely, but largely undo the interspersion. I had I think it was verse 9 and 10, and perhaps 8, were out of sequence, and as I reviewed the alternate translations, the Lord revealed to me that in some instances, I had imputed Adam to the men of Judah, when the Scripture should have been talking about Adam in within Samson, because I really didn't understand what the verse was saying, and as the Lord brought this correction in my mind, and I didn't know which verses it was. As the Lord brought this correction in my mind, and I changed the particular verse, where I had said for example, Adam within Samson, and I had to make it Adam within the mortal men of Judah, or vise versa, I saw that those interspersions that I had done, were not appropriate. Did anyone not understand what I said? Okay.


So because I changed the sequence, and made some changes in some of the verses, you have all of the notes, and whoever is hearing this tape has the notes, if you want to go back into your old notes and see what changes I made, that's up to you, if you want to do it, but I have not indicated the changes for you. So I'm going to read the alternate translation as it stands, without comment, right through verse 11, and then we will pick up commenting on verse 12.


"And Adam within Samson saw the adulterous woman in Samson's third energy center, the lair of the fiery serpent, the wild beast within Samson, and Adam within Samson attacked the fiery serpent, and Samson died to the fiery serpent's lifestyle, and the fiery serpents within the mortal men of Judah said to the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, Adam is compassing Samson about, and now Samson will lay an ambush for all of the fiery serpents who have ascended into Leviathan's city, and attack us, because Elohim, the head of the neck energy center of the upper window within Samson, and I see that this should really be the Spirit of Elijah, because the Spirit of Elijah, the head of the neck energy center of the upper window within Samson, intends to silence Satan in the mortal men of Judah, and engrave all of the fiery serpents within the mortal men of Judah, with the nature of Elohim, the light wave who calls forth Adam, the morning, and nail us to the upper window of creation. But Adam within Samson lay upon the heart center of the mortal men of Judah, to the point that Adam within Samson became a hedge between Leviathan and the fiery serpent, Leviathan's household in the mortal men of Judah, which are the entrance way into the neck energy center of Leviathan's city. And Adam within Samson ceased the fiery serpent, Leviathan's household in the mortal men of Judah, and Adam within Samson made love to the fiery serpents within the mortal men of Judah and Adam within Samson had spiritual intercourse with the fiery serpents within the mortal men of Judah. And it came to pass that the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, who were miserable disheartened and pining away, because of their weak and inadequate nature, brought forth Abel, the manchild, and the Spirit of Elijah, Adam's captain, who was in the crown energy center, which is above the neck energy center of Samson, the valley where Satan was silenced, brought the personalities of the mortal men of Judah out of Leviathan's city and bolted the door against the primordial serpent, the magician who cast his spell on the primordial Adam, to cause him to fall, so that she could unite with Elohim's sons, and this is how Adam within Samson, joined the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to Samson's neck energy center, which is above.


And Satan, the lord of the fiery serpents, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah, whispered towards...", well I think I have, I didn't intend to comment, but I have to make a comment. This is one of the changes that I made in verse 3d, "...and this is how Adam within Samson joined the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to Samson's neck energy center, which is above." And what this means is that the mortal men of Judah were protected by the level of energy that was flowing out of Samson's neck energy center. These mortal men of Judah had not overcome, they have not overcome Satan or Leviathan, but it was the power of Adam in the Spirit of Elijah within Samson that did all of these great feats on behalf on the mortal men of Judah and connected them or joined them to Samson's throat or neck energy center. That means that the protection that they were under, flowed out of Samson's neck energy center. That's what it means. And Satan, the lord of the fiery serpents, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah whispered towards the personalities of the mortal men of Judah saying, "Samson has deceived you into believing that Adam is a ascended into Samson's neck energy center, and that Elohim can harness Satan and Leviathan's great strength, and overcome them, because Samson wants you, the moral men of Judah to be his disciples, but we, Satan and Leviathan, will give you the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy centers, without submitting to Samson, if you will cast down Adam within Samson." "..if you will cast down Adam within Samson."


Well, I'm thinking that that should really be that they should cast down Adam within themselves. This is interesting, because we're having the same situation in this fellowship right now. There's somebody who wants the materials, they want the anointing, they want everything that's coming out of this ministry, but they're not willing to submit to the ministry. So I'm not really, well maybe it is correct. Satan is saying, If you be my agent, if you give this, the leader of this ministry so much grief, and if your rage which is witchcraft continues to flow towards the leader of that ministry, and you bring Christ Jesus in that ministry down, then you will ascend into the brow energy center in my spirit, Satan is saying. Now this interesting because, it's really talking about one of the TV series that we've watched over the years called The Highlander, and what the Scripture is saying here, is basically this, and I think I spoke about this on the last part, let me back this up and just give you the principle. Both Satan and Christ Jesus or Adam in the Old Testament, exists because or they consist of a seed which contains the nature that they manifest, grafted to the waters or the energy of creation.


Christ Jesus is the virile seed of the Lord Jesus Christ grafted to the energy of the individual that he is within. Every individual has a measure of energy, or a measure of spiritual blood, see. This term waters, it's just, to refer it to the physical body, just to help you understand, it's simply meaning the fluids of the body. That's what waters mean, the fluids of the body. And when we're talking about spiritual things, we're talking about the etheric body, the fluids of the etheric body are energy, that's what the fluid of the etheric body is, it's energy. So, every individual has a measure of energy, our spiritual blood, and grafted to that spiritual blood, is a spiritual seed, which imparts nature, character to the individual, and the seed that is grafted to the fluids of the spiritual body, when Satan is in possession of the water, is the seed of the earth, that has the nature of the earth, which is the nature of the primordial serpent. And the seed that is grafted to the fluids or the waters of the individual, when that person is an expression of Christ Jesus in the case of Jesus Christ for example, the seed that's grafted to the waters, that was grafted to the waters of Jesus of Nazareth was the virile seed that came from Elijah, which carried the nature of Jehovah.


So we see that both Christ Jesus, and Satan need to possess the waters or the fluids or the spiritual blood of the individual, to graft their nature to that individual. Is anybody not with me? So we see two natures, the nature of the primordial serpent, via Satan, and the nature of Jehovah via the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament, or Adam in the Old Testament, or the Spirit of Elijah in the Old Testament. The Spirit of Elijah is the spirit that is within Adam, and therefore there is a warfare going on over which nature will possess the energy of the individual, and I know that I mentioned this on the last part now.


So we see that for the time, for the period of time that part of the spiritual warfare blood is engraved with the nature of Christ, and the balance of the spiritual blood is engraved with nature of Satan, this is a person who's double minded, a person who had two natures, and James said that everyone that receives Christ is double minded, and unstable in all their ways, because we bounce back and forth between the two natures. That means that there's two seeds in the individual, in the New Testament, it's easier for me in the New Testament, so I'm going to stay with that. The seed of Christ, which is the nature of the glorified Jesus, and the seed of the earth, which is the nature of the primordial serpent. And these two virile seeds are fighting for the water medium that the seed must flow in, and if we go back to human reproduction once again, a male sperm separated from the water of the seminal fluid, would probably die, I'm not a doctor, I'm not sure, but I don't think it could survive. Because the water medium is that which the sperm flows in, that's his medium, you see.


So once Christ enters into an individual, we have two virile seeds representing two different natures, representing two different minds, fighting to possess the fullness of the energies of the spiritual blood of that individual. So therefore Satan said to the, to Delilah, the mortal men of Judah, who were miserable and depressed and whatever else their problem was, they were in their carnal mind, to put it simply. Satan whispered into their ear, "You rebel against Samson, you rebel against the man of God and in your rebellion, rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, so you let your rage flow at this man of God, and now the man of God has to stand against the attack. It has to, especially if the man if not in perfection. He's fighting Satan within himself, plus Satan coming through the rage of the other person. And Satan said to the mortal men of Judah, you keep up this rage, you keep this rebellion, you keep attacking Samson, and at some point... See, and there is a destructive interference, your spirit, or your energy, the energy that's flowing out of you, which is Satan, because all rage and rebellion and witchcraft is Satan, this witchcraft that's flowing out of you, that's touching the spiritual waters of the teacher, which although in Samson's case, they may have been, Samson's ascension was an imputed ascension you see, so his waters had to be mixed, you know, that Satan was under the control of the Spirit of Elijah, but she was still in there, you see.


So Satan is whispering to these mortal men of Judah, send Satan, send your spiritual energy, send your witchcraft towards Samson, therefore you will strengthen Satan in Samson to break the bands of the Spirit of Elijah, which is holding the fiery serpent down, and when you break those bands away of the Spirit of Elijah, then the fiery serpent, will depart from her cover, Christ Jesus, and the man Samson, will go tumbling down. So it was the spirit of Satan saying to the mortal men of Judah, I, okay, I didn't finish my point. So this is what happens, the rage and the witchcraft comes from the mortal men of Judah.


They break Elijah's bands, and the fiery serpent then has the strength to break free of Christ Jesus or the regenerated Adam in the Old Testament, now, the spiritual blood in the man Samson is fair game for Satan, who is flowing into that teacher as a powerful spirit of witchcraft, and she's going to every spiritual molecule in that man that she can to knock the virile seed either the Lord Jesus in the Spirit of Christ or the glorified Jesus in this dispensation, or the Spirit of Elijah in the Old Testament, and Satan's flowing from the rebels into the teacher, fighting the war on a cellular level, seeking to destroy the virile seed that's grafted to every molecule of spiritual blood and plant her seed, the seed of the earth, the seed with the nature of the primordial serpent in that molecule, or in that spiritual particle of water. So it does make sense that Satan is saying to the mortal men of Judah, you do it, you rebel, you rebel, you send your witchcraft against the teacher, you bring him down, and I will give you the brow and the crown center, in my spirit. What does that mean? You rebel against the teacher, defeat him, and when all of this happens that I just said, when every spiritual particle in the teacher is attacked on the cellular level, and you killed Christ or the Spirit of Elijah, in that spiritual particle you will absorb the water, you will absorb the energy, and you will ascend into the brow and the crown energy center. Just like in The Highlander. When one immortal killed another, they took their energy. There's a truth to it.


You bring down the man of God and you will absorb his energy, and you will ascend into the brow energy center, without submission. Satan spoke the truth. But what she doesn't say is that once you ascend into the brow and the 7th energy center, then you become a slave. She didn't tell the mortal men of Judah that, see. So of course this kind of instruction only works with people that are filled with pride rebellion, and they're seduced by the serpent. So once again, we see another example of how absolutely urgent it is. If you are called to any position of authority whatsoever, that you do not step down from that authority for anything, because when you step down, as I've told you in the past, not only will you have one hard time fighting your way back to get your authority, of course it's doable, but you are giving over the family tools. See, we are called to defend Christ, but I've never heard anyone yet, really explain to my ears what defending Christ means. Most Christians mean you have to go out and fight with people over the Gospel. I don't believe it means that. It means that you have, well you see what's happening is, there is one spiritual humanity, and Christ Jesus is going from person to person, from spiritual particle to spiritual particle seeking to possess the energies of this creation on the cellular level, and every time you give your authority over to Satan, you're giving up ground that has been taken on behalf of the body of Christ. You're not just giving up your own authority. You're not just giving up your own ministry, you're betraying the call that you were called to. See, nobody is called to their own ministry, not many preachers seem to know this, and we're called to be faithful to our local fellowship and to the church that the Lord has given us, but out local fellowship is not the be all, end all. We're faithful to it, for so long as the Lord lets us stay here, but the bottom line is, the absorption of the energies of Satan so that the whole creation can be delivered.


And most pastors, they get all involved in building their own little kingdom. We're suppose to be training up the people to be sons, so that every individual stands in righteous power, possessing the energy within himself, for the name and for the nature of Christ Jesus, and as we are strong enough, to sustain others who are struggling to gain power over Satan within their own being. We're fighting a war that goes way beyond the local fellowship, but that's hard to see when your pride is still in it. But we're challenged to see it. Did anybody not understand or have a question about what I just said?


COMMENT: Family jewels have to with the reproductive area?


SHEILA: Well, there is a saying in the world, you know, it's a vulgar saying in the world, but that's what came forth under the anointing right now that, if a man's bragging, you know that's the saying in the world, you know, this his virility is the family jewels. Well this just came out under the anointing, so, and you're the one that's saying all the time, how all of these sayings in the world relate spiritually. We in the world, we don't even know where they come from, and yet they seem to fit in with all of these spiritual principles. So they're arising from some deep subconscious level. Yes, the particles of energy that are engraved with the nature of Christ, that we possess, that's the family jewels. Every particle of energy that has his nature, is a jewel that is eventually going to turn all of the energies of the whole of mankind into a precious stone.


The, what is the sea turning into? What is Satan's sea turning into, how is the sea described in the book of Revelation? What's going to happen to the sea? It's going to become crystalline. The sea is becoming crystalline. The world on the spiritual plane is crystalline. See, right now, the energies of mankind, are unstable, just like the physical sea that we could see. The water flows, it doesn't take any particular form, it just flows. But when the sea is engraved with the nature of Christ, it will take a definite pattern, and crystal is a definite repeating pattern. So what we're saying is that these waters, this energy, this raging energy of the creation will be under control, right now it's not under control. But what is engraved with the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, the waters are the energy, or the fluids or the blood of the creation will be under control, and is likened to crystal. I don't know that it will be crystal as we know crystal, but I think it's called crystal, the Scripture calls it crystal, to indicate a definite repeating molecular pattern.


So the instability of the emotions, because Satan's sea is in our emotions, this is the stabilizer of our unstable emotions. They have to be completely converted, not just covered, covering is just the first stage. This sea has to be made crystalline, it must be, it must conform. The sea must conform in it's every spiritual particle to the nature of Christ Jesus. So therefore I believe that I had, I have this alternate translation right at the bottom of verse 5, and Satan is saying to the mortal men of Judah, "We, Satan and Leviathan, will give you the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy centers, without you submitting to Samson, if you will cast down Adam within Samson. Because when you cast Adam down, you're going to take his energy. When you cast Adam down, all of the energy that Adam consisted of, will come over into Satan's sea, and you're going soaring up into the brow energy center. You know, when I was in Nigeria, not my last trip, but the trip before that, I heard that there were some unscrupulous people going into the market places and attacking people. The markets, they are very, very crowded, and they would just go over and, I don't know whether they had something in there hand or not, but they would, with the women, they would touch their breasts, and with the men, they would touch their testicles, and in both instances the organs would shrink, never to be restored. And when I heard this, I was naive about witchcraft, or at least this aspect of witchcraft in those days. And there was a young woman that was telling me this, and I said, "Why would anybody want to do that?" And she looked at me like I was crazy that I didn't know the answer. And she said, "To get power."


But I have to tell you that up until this minute, I really, eventually I did get the revelation, that they were doing it to get power, and then I thought, well, people that are serving Satan, they have to do evil things to get power. In other words, you hurt somebody and Satan gives you power, but it wasn't until this minute that I got the revelation, that they were actually taking the spiritual energy from these people, so that they could ascend. Because spiritual energy is in the, a large measure of spiritual energy is in the reproductive organs. And the woman's ability to produce milk, and in the man's generative organ. So the reason that the organs of these people who were accosted would shrink, they reason that they shrunk is that somehow by black magic, these people were withdrawing the energy from the reproductive organs of these victims, that by magic, they were able to steal their energy. And therefore the reproductive force of the people, and the man, the reproductive force in the man and the nurturing force to feed a child through the mother was stolen from them, and the organs collapsed. Because something was literally physically taken from them, and absorbed by the person stealing it, to give them spiritual energy, to practice their magic.


As I've told you before, on our recent messages, Satan's power is limited to the energy that is in the creation. Jehovah breathed the breath of life into Adam at the beginning, and that was an aspect or a ray of Elohim was breathed into the creation, and when Jehovah and Elohim separated from the creation, and the creation died, that breath of life, that ray that really belongs to Elohim, stayed in the creation. That is the breath of life that gives consciousness to this dead creation. And this measure of energy that Jehovah breathed in, which was actually Elohim that he was breathing into the creation, that's all that Satan has. Her energy is limited, that's why we die. But the energy of Christ Jesus, the energy of the glorified Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, the energy of the glorified Elijah is limitless, you see. That's why in the New Testament, see, well not even in the New Testament, not even in the New Testament, there's aside from the fact that Jesus is righteous and he would never do it, he had no reason to steal energy from other people,


He is a sun, s-u-n, he has an unlimited source of energy. There's no reason for him to go to steal energy from other people, but Satan, who is limited to the energy within the creation, when Satan desires to lay hold of one man and raise that man up into the brow energy center to be a spiritual philistine, which is the representation of herself, for her to give one individual the excess of energy that's necessary to raise him up, she has to take energy from another man, because there's no other place that she can get it from. And this is why Satan was saying to the mortal men of Judah, attack Adam and Samson, bring him down, absorb his energy, just like in The Highlander, absorb his energy and I'll let you keep it. I'll let you keep it, and you can use his energy to ascend into the brow center. And this lines up with the teaching that came down here with Jacob and Esau, where we found out that Esau was traveling in the astral plane, and I know that I have many messages, a year or more ago, where I was teaching that when someone ascended in Leviathan's time line, and they got up to the 7th energy center, they entered into a place where there was a supply of energy which was beyond their own personal measure, okay, but I didn't know at the time, that that source of energy which was beyond the individual's own personal measure, was the energy of the rest of humanity.


In other words, if you are ascended in Satan and Leviathan to the degree that you can ascend into the 7th energy center, the place that you have ascended into, is the place of the unconscious and the subconscious collective mind of all of humanity. And you exit out into that sea, that place where all of humanity is one. And when you drink of that sea, you're taking it from another human being, because the sea that you tap into, through the 7th energy center, is the sea of the collective energy of all of humanity. So if you take more than your measure, you're taking it from someone. And I'm of the opinion based on everything the Lord has taught me so far, today I'm of the opinion that when you're engaged in that kind of activity where you're taking someone's energy, you're taking it from someone that you know, you're not taking it from a stranger. Why do I say that? Because the Lord is revealing that the way we take other people's energy, is by raging at them, by attacking them with our rebellion, our rage, our envy, our hatred, and the average human being will rise up and respond, and that is how we take their energy. That is how we ascend into the 7th energy center, and capture their energy.


Praise the Lord. I know a family where all of their siblings were dying, all of the siblings were dying, one was a little girl, and the parents had no idea, they had no idea what they were doing, but the woman, the mother was a ragaholic, screaming and yelling and critical, and demanding continuously, and the father was a total repressed alcoholic, astral projecting through the children continuously, and they were killing their children by stealing their energy. When you rage at someone, you steal their energy. Unless the person is defensed enough to, someone people in this world are very defensed, you don't have to be in Christ Jesus, it all depends on how strong you are, if you put that person in their place, then they haven't stolen your energy, but with little children, how do they defend against parents? And the three children were dying, or very sick, because of these two dysfunctional parents that if they knew what was happening would have been absolutely mortified, had no idea they were hurting their children.


Praise the Lord. Okay, we will go on with verse 6, and Satan spoke to Samson through the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, the spiritual women who were miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature saying, "So please explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down and imprison and engrave with Jehovah's nature, the widowed fiery serpents who are ascended in Leviathan's circular time line that the mortal men of Judah are nailed to. So Adam within the mortal men of Judah ascended into the heart energy center of the righteous time line, because the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, the part that remains after Adam dies, dried up Satan within Samson and imprisoned the fiery serpent, the household of Leviathan, the time line that was completing the fiery serpent, the spiritual immigrant within Samson, with strong cords. Samson said to Adam within the mortal men of Judah, "If Leviathan, the subconscious part of your carnal mind harnesses Adam within you, the Spirit of Elijah, the remainder of Samson's household within you, is strong enough to dry up Satan within you, wound Leviathan within you, renew Adam within you, bind the fiery serpent under Adam within you and reunite Adam within you, with the Spirit of Elijah.


And the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, that were nailed to Satan, the spirit in the lower window, who were miserable, disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, thought within their heart that they would ambush Samson, which would cause the Spirit of Elijah, the part of Adam that remains after Adam died, to draw away from Adam within the heart center, of the mortal men of Judah, so that the fiery serpent, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah could ascend above Abel, so that Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window, and Leviathan, Satan's household, could have spiritual sexual intercourse with the mortal men of Judah, Samson's disciples." Now this is another verse that I changed, and pretty much what it's saying is, that Satan is saying to the mortal men of Judah, bring down Adam in Samson, so that Adam within Samson will depart from the Spirit of Elijah. See, when Adam falls, he departs from the Spirit of Elijah, and remember it was the Spirit of Elijah in Samson that had penetrated into the hearts and the minds of the mortal men of Judah, that was sustaining Adam in the mortal men of Judah. So what they're saying is, we want to bring down Adam within ourselves, the mortal men of Judah are saying, but the Spirit of Elijah in Samson is maintaining Adam in us, so let's get Samson, let's bring down Adam in Samson, so that the Spirit of Elijah will separate from him, and therefore the Spirit of Elijah will withdraw from us and Adam within the mortal men of Judah will become subject to the fiery serpents of the mortal men of Judah, and the fiery serpents and Leviathan will bring Adam in the mortal men of Judah down, without the defending qualities of the Spirit of Elijah.


I'm going to try and make that simpler. Let's get Samson and bring him down, because Samson is sustaining the regenerated Adam in us and we don't Adam ruling over us, we don't want that man ruling over us, we want to rule ourselves, so let's get the guy that's strengthening Adam to stand in us. So how do we relate this to our present day situation? The believers who are still ignorant, who have not been educated in the doctrine of Christ, and do not know enough to recognize their carnal mind, and therefore resist their carnal mind, even though Christ if formed in them, the personalities because of their own sins, are in agreement with their carnal minds, to get the teacher, so that the teacher gives up on them, and stops sustaining the strengthening the resurrected Christ in them. So we see that in ignorant believers, and that's not a bad word ignorant, if you're uneducated to the point that you're agreeing with your carnal mind, you're in darkness. You're ignorant, I'm not insulting you.


So we see that the ignorant believers, the uneducated believers that Christ is formed in, but who don't understand any of this stuff, their pride and their rebellion has caused them to agree with their carnal minds to bring down their teacher, so that their teacher will turn away from them, so that Christ in them will die. I mean talking about being self destructive or suicidal, this is spiritual suicide. Did anyone not understand what I just said, do you want me to say it again? Everybody got it? Okay. I want to say it again, the Lord told me to say it again. The ignorant believer, the immature believer, who doesn't understand this principle, who has formed in him, but is still too ignorant or in too much darkness to resist agreeing with his carnal mind, will attack his teacher in attempt to cause his teacher to turn against him, so that his teacher will stop praying for him, so that Christ in that original disciple that's in rebellion, so that Christ in that disciple dies. See, but the true son of God doesn't scatter, when the flock scatters, you see, the shepherd doesn't scatter, if you're really in Christ, you don't scatter, you stand, and you understand what's going on, you understand that it's the disciples carnal mind trying to make you let go of them, and give up on you, and curse you, and say bad things about you, and you don't do it, you do what Christ does. You continue to rebuke the sin in them and to pray for their deliverance. And what happens when you do that, you don't pull out of their heart center.


If you are a teacher and the spirit in you has penetrated their heart center, you are sustaining Christ in that heart center. If you turn away from them because of the evil they do to you, Christ could die. So we see that our faithfulness is to Christ Jesus in sustaining the strength of the son of God in that rebellious disciple. Our faithfulness is not to the rebellious disciple, who doesn't deserve anything except to burn. Our faithfulness is to the Lord Jesus who said, my son's in that person, I've sent you to that person, and you stand and you support that person.


Now that doesn't mean that you yield to their sin, but you never stop praying for them, you never stop forgiving them, as you resist their attempts to control you, and to sin against you, you must resist in Christ, but you don't pull out, because if you pull out, because if you pull out, Christ is as good as dead in them. Does that sound like pride? That's not pride. If they have received the engrafted word from you, and you pull out, that seed could die easily. You're the one that put it there, of course Christ directed you and gave you the ability, you're the teacher that put that seed there, and you're the teacher that's raised up to nurture that young spiritual life, you turn against that personality, which is the womb of the son of God, and that embryo, or that spiritual fetus, is going to abort. And it is this knowledge, it is this wisdom which is the doctrine of Christ, that will enable you to continue on with someone who is utterly trying to kill you. Look brethren, we're just human, how much hatred can you take, how much rage can you take, how much rebellion can you take, how much attack from somebody's pride can you take, how much disrespect can you take. Well if you really believe that you're service is to the Lord Jesus above, you can a lot, you can take all that needs to be taken, if you're pride is out of the picture. If you take it personally, you can't take it, how much can you bear if you take it personally? But if your pride is out of it, and your service is above you can all that they could shell out and the result of it, the end result will be that the person will come to Christ. That's how you defeat them.


You know, the Lord just gave me a vision of a fish that has been caught by a hook, that a man, a hook that's attached to a line that's attached to a fishing pole that a man is holding, and that fish was just flipping back and forth and fighting something awful, to get off of that hook, but the fish eventually dies from exhaustion, not dies, but gives up from exhaustion, and then you reel it in and it dies. So Jesus said you will be fishers of men. We fish in the spirit, and the line we cast, and the hook is the Spirit of Christ that goes out from us, and the resurrected Christ that we call forth, with the Spirit of Christ, that's in that person, and it's our responsibility to not let go, unless the Lord says, Let go, you don't let go. And that fish is going to thrash until it knocks itself out, but if it's really Christ in you that's doing it, Satan in them will break, and if it's really Christ in you that's doing it, it's not witchcraft, you're breaking Satan. Now if you're doing it and it's not Christ, then it's witchcraft, and the person with the greatest witchcraft power will prevail, either you or the other person. Witchcraft is a test of power to people opposing each other in witchcraft, the more powerful one wins, but if it's truly Christ, there's no contest if the personality won't let go. Now I don't see how anyone can hold on without this understanding, that you are literally fighting for that person's life and they're more destructive to themselves than they could ever be to you.


Praise the Lord. Verse 10, "So Satan the engraver nailed to the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, the spiritual woman, who are miserable, disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, said to Samson, "We see that you have proven Satan the engraver to be a liar, since you have subdued Leviathan, the deceiving time line, that the fiery serpents are nailed to, and have put the fiery serpents in the right moral order, so now please explain why Satan, the engraver should be yoked to Elohim. But Adam within Samson, didn't respond to Satan, Adam within Samson instructed Abel within the mortal men of Judah saying, "Satan within you must be afflicted, so that the Spirit of Elijah within Samson can unite with Satan within you, because your wife Cain, the foliage of the fiery serpent, your spiritual ground, has imprisoned Abel within you under the fiery serpent's authority, the daughter of Leviathan, actually that should be under the authority of the fiery serpent, the daughter of Leviathan, the principal fish, the time line that the primordial serpent fashioned to employ mortal humanity, and yoke the human spirits of the mortal men of Judah to Satan.


Continuing on with verse 12, and we have a heading on verse 12, Satan violently seizes Adam's household, only the carnal mind will believe Satan's intellectual opposition to Samson's truth, and what that means is, is that Satan posed the question in verse 10, Why does Satan have to yoked to Elohim, Adam within Samson did not respond to Satan but responded to Abel. Now as long as Abel can hear and respond to the instructions of Samson, Satan doesn't stand a chance. When our Christ mind is functioning, Satan really doesn't stand a chance. We're undefeatable. The battle is very hard, I'm not going to lie to anybody, the battle is very hard, but we're undefeatable, if we understand what we're doing, and we're fighting in Christ Jesus, and confessing our weaknesses and asking the Lord to assist us, we are failure proof if we're willing to put our pride down, see.


So as soon as Satan saw, you see, when Satan asked the question to Samson, explain to us, why Satan has to be yoked to Elohim, Satan was tempting Samson, and I had a whole exhortation on this, on either part 11 or part 12, Satan was tempting Samson to try to explain this to the carnal mind, and I have told you many times, I have learned this lesson from a very painful experience. You try to explain things to the carnal mind, and you, Christ, if you are in Christ, you will go down. The carnal mind will defeat anyone that's in the present condition that we're in today, if you try to teach the carnal mind. And that's why I'll tell you right here in this ministry, and it's happened with probably most of you, I know it's happened with you too. It happens with you a lot, that I tell you, I'll explain it to you, once, I'll explain it to you twice, and if you really can't understand, I'll tell you that I'll explain to you one more time and then I have to drop it, and I have to leave it to the second witness, to the Lord Jesus, the one you have a personal relationship with, the Spirit, that you have a personal relationship with, I'm the teacher, I'm his mouthpiece, he has to some how bring to a place that you can at least get into your Christ mind on the issue. Because if I keep on trying to explain it to you, I'm going fall out of Christ, that's the bottom line. I'm going to fall out of Christ, you see.


So, Samson recognized what Satan was trying to do, and he didn't respond to Satan. But he did teach, you see, now it really doesn't say it here, but let's just say for example of understanding this principle, let's say the mortal men of Judah were broken down into two groups, let's say there was one group of disciples that there was no way they were going to budge out of their carnal mind. So Samson turned to the disciples who at least had Abel in them or a Christ mind in them, that was responsive when he spoke in that direction. You go to the people who understand you. You don't try to convince or explain or teach the people who really don't want to learn. So Samson went, Adam within Samson spoke to Abel in the disciples that would hear Adam, and what it probably means is that Samson responded on a particular spiritual note that, I just broke the disciples up in to two groups to try to help you to understand this principle, but I believe that Samson had to ascend to a particular note, or a particular spiritual level. When the Scripture says that Samson didn't respond to Satan, but responded to Abel, I believe the Lord is telling me right now, that Samson taught out of a particular level, you see. You're all looking at me. Let me see if I can explain it to you better. Instruction in Christ is spiritual, you see, well it's just like with natural children, if your small child asks you, if your three year old child asks you where babies come from, you're not going to tell them what you would tell a fifteen year old child. You have to get down on their level and simplify it so that they can understand it.


Well, just like the physical reality of this world that you can blow a whistle that is so high pitch that only a dog will hear it and other people, and human beings will not hear it, in that same level, if your high, I don't know how to control this, although Christ Jesus in me controls it, it is possible to teach out of a spiritual level or out of a particular energy center, that would be edifying to people in their carnal minds who really want to learn, maybe some very basic principles about faith, or the Holy Ghost, or about Jesus resurrection. But you would have to go down to a lower energy center to teach them. But if you want to teach the kind of disciples that we have here, I'm at my max when I teach you, I'm pretty much as high as I get. I'm not always the same at every meeting, but I'm within that level, and I get as high as I get with you here, but I don't talk like this to other people. So the way that the Scripture describes it is to say, I'm preaching at a particular note up here, I'm preaching at a particular spiritual level that the carnal mind would never understand.


So when the Scripture says that Samson didn't respond to Satan, but he responded to Abel, he responded out of higher energy center, and he responded at a higher level, that went over Satan's head. Another example is, we've talked about Malchus, about Jesus coming out of the garden when the Sanhedrin guards were looking to arrest him, and I've told you that Jesus spoke on two levels, the human being, the personality Jesus said, "Who do you seek, Jesus of Nazareth? I am he." But that at the same time the Spirit of Elijah was in Jesus speaking on a higher spiritual note that the carnal mind couldn't hear, and Elijah was saying, I'm building my kingdom, whosoever will come and join me, and one man responded, his name is Malchus. So Samson spoke out of a higher level. Now the only people who could hear him, were the mortal men of Judah, in whom Abel was still active. See the people, the disciples of Judah, who were completely given over to Satan, they didn't hear this response. The disciples who had both minds functioning where Abel was still active enough to hear, heard this response. The disciples where Abel was not functioning or dead, didn't hear anything. Remember Paul, when Jesus encountered him on the road, and spoke to Paul, Paul heard him and answered him, and said, who are you Lord, but all of the men that were with Paul, all they heard was thunder. Why didn't they hear what Jesus said to Paul? Because the men that traveled with Paul were not at the same spiritual level was at. Jesus spoke at a high spiritual level and apparently Paul was there, but the other men weren't, they didn't hear. They did hear a noise, it sounded like a rumbling. I know that when I talk like this, well, what would most likely happen, if I had a carnal person here, they would go to sleep, you know. But they would just pass out. I've seen people pass out the minute I open my mouth, and say one word. Is it the words that I'm saying, I don't think it's the words that I'm saying. For me to talk like this, Christ Jesus in me has to go up very high. We read about this in the Scripture where it says, Well Jesus knelt down and he wrote in the earth with his finger. Jesus came down into a lower energy center, because what he was doing was re-engraving the nature of the adulterous woman's personality. And apparently to engrave somebody's nature, he had to come down to a lower energy level from where he was, at the moment that he started out.


So we engage in different spiritual activities out of different energy centers. I don't have any control over it, but I know that Christ Jesus in me, is not always in the same energy center. And it's Christ Jesus in me that rises and falls at will to accomplish his purposes through me, because I'm just the clay that he's manifesting through. Maybe some day, when I'm higher, I'll be able to control it myself, I really don't know, but I know that right now, I don't want to control it myself, because, why would I not want to control such an ascension and descension of the energy centers, probably between the fifth or the crown center. Why would I not want to control it myself at this time. Can anybody guess? See, I know that I don't have the wisdom that goes with the power, I wouldn't know when to do it. To desire power without the wisdom necessary to negotiate that power is foolishness. The acquisition of power is the acquisition of responsibility, tremendous responsibility. Personally, I wouldn't want a gun in this house, I don't anything about guns, I'd be afraid of shooting my foot. But, if the Lord were to come to me some day and say, "Sheila, I think that you should have a gun in this house", and if he did that, he would send someone to instruct me, if I felt that it was the Lord that really wanted me to do it, if things got so, if crime got so severe here, at some time, that he told me to do it. I don't think he would tell me to do it, this is just an example. He would not give me a gun without giving me instruction and practice.


I do not understand the spiritual principles behind the ascension and descent of the time line, of the true time line, which is from the heart center, up into the crown. Christ doesn't go any lower than the heart center, Christ Jesus doesn't go any lower than the heart center. I don't know when to go into each energy center. I'm totally unequipped for this power, and I don't want it, I don't want any power, until I'm equipped to legitimately, faithfully, and intelligently execute it. I have no understanding of this at all. I'm not sure where I am tonight, when I preach like this, I honestly don't know, whether I'm in the 5th, 6th, or 7th energy center, I honestly don't know. I think there is a difference between when I'm preaching out of knowledge that I already have, which I'm pretty much doing now, and when I'm preaching by revelation, when a message comes forth here, the thought had never entered my mind, we've had nights like that. I'm probably coming out of the 7th energy center. The glorified Jesus is probably descended and giving me knowledge beyond my own ability. So I'm not equipped for that kind of spiritual activity at this time. And I don't' desire, I don't desire any more authority than I have, except that I would like the power to heal people that are suffering. But I will take whatever Jesus gives me as he gives it to me. He knows what he's doing, he's knows what I could handle right now, and I don't have any aspirations beyond what I have today, because I have faith in Christ Jesus and in the glorified Jesus Christ that he's going to promote me.


See, most people, they have desires and aspirations because that's how they go on in the world, by their own desires and aspirations. If you don't have a goal, you just die where you are, but I know that my goals are in the hands of the Lord Jesus. I know that I'm going to grow, I know that I'm going to increase, and I've placed my increase completely in his hands. I would like more power to heal people, but I'm not in any way trying to pursue it, I'm pursuing the ministry that he's given me today.


I'm working as faithfully as I can, and what he's given me to do today, to deal with the disciples that he's given me today, to reach out to the people that he's directing me to today, to teach today, to translate today, and the increases come, they come. Praise the Lord. So we see that, okay, this is the point that I was making, so Satan tempted Samson, and Samson did not respond to Satan, Samson responded out of a higher note, he responded on a spiritual level, that only Abel could comprehend, that's what it means. Satan asked and Samson said to Abel, that's what it means. Samson responded out of a spiritual level that was so far over Satan's head that Satan was like, well of course it's reversed, we blow the whistle, the human can't hear it, but the dog hears it, and we know Satan is the dog. So Samson responded on a level that Satan couldn't hear, but that Abel could hear. That's what it means. And then we see in the very next verse, that Satan violently seizes Adam's household. Well what does that mean? It means that Satan got the message. Some how maybe Satan heard the thunder, I don't know, somehow Satan knew that Samson responded on a level, that she could not comprehend, but that the mortal men of Judah could comprehend, and Satan knew that as Abel was educated in the mortal men of Judah, they would never listen to her. It's only the uneducated Christian that listens to Satan, the uneducated one, the unpracticed one, the untried one, you have to be educated, you have to have your overcoming experience. So Satan seized her forcefully. Satan knew, as soon as Samson, I don't think I made my point, Samson wasn't tricked, you see. Satan tempted Samson to talk on her level. It just happened here tonight. I had a phone call, I was tempted to come down to someone's level, and get into an argument, I gave you this exhortation off the tape, and I said I praise God that my knee jerk reaction, was not human, my knee jerk reaction was Christ. My automatic reaction ascended above that note that was provoking me to get into an argument with that person. And my response was from a higher plane, that's what happened here.


Samson didn't respond to Satan, he ascended to a higher place and spoke on a higher level and Satan said, I'm finished. If Abel in the mortal men of Judah, hear this instruction, they'll believe me. So Satan rose up and seized the mortal men of Judah by force. And you can see this kind of a manifestation in human relationships. If you look for it, you could see it in human relationships. Someone will ask somebody to do something, and it looks on the surface like they're giving the person a choice, but if the person asked refuses, then the true nature of the asker comes out, and pressure is applied, either they're unkind or they're insulting, or they're provoking. So if they don't get their way by being kind, then they use witchcraft and manipulation. Brethren the nature of humanity is Satan. We have Satan's nature. Everything that we're reading about and learning about, Satan's nature, you can find this in men. Now some men are more towards this direction than others, but humanity across the board, every behavior, I have described it Satanic, you can find manifested by the some of the nicest people.


So Satan knew she was defeated, on any logical level, only the carnal mind will believe Satan's intellectual opposition to Samson's truth, Abel would never believe it, Christ would never believe Satan's nonsense, only the carnal mind believes it. So Satan got violent, and she tried to seize the kingdom by force. She rose up and seized the spiritual woman, who was miserable, now this is Delilah, the personality, she seized the spiritual woman, who was miserable disheartened and pining away, because of her weak and inadequate nature, and Leviathan harnessed Adam, Elohim's time line within the mortal men of Judah, and Cain, the foliage of the ground, intertwined with Abel, the manchild within the mortal men of Judah, and Satan commanded the fiery serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, to lay an ambush for Adam, the Spirit of Elijah's household, who was in the heart center of the mortal men of Judah, so that the mortal men of Judah might exalt themselves above Samson, the personality nailed to the upper window.


So Satan seized the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, harnessed Adam in them, and Cain, intertwined with Abel, put Abel under her, and Satan commanded the fiery serpents to lay an ambush. Now to lay an ambush for Adam, they have to ascend. What kind of lay an ambush for Adam, what kind of an ambush? Adam was on top of the fiery serpents, you see. So that laying of an ambush was to shrug off, or throw off Adam off of them. And you see here, that is says Leviathan harnessed Adam. So Leviathan descended on the top of Adam and the fiery serpents started to break free from the bottom. Now what it doesn't say here, is that for Satan to seize the spiritual woman, there has to be a battle with the Spirit of Elijah.


The Spirit of Elijah, or the Spirit of Christ fights with Satan, Christ Jesus fights with Leviathan, or Christ Jesus or Adam fights with Leviathan, and Abel fights with Cain. It's just like saying in boxing, you have lightweight, medium weight, and heavy weight. You don't cross the weights, you have to fight on your own level. So for Satan to grab the spiritual women, it means that at that moment, Satan knocked the Spirit of Elijah out. Now remember, the Spirit of Elijah in the individual is only an aspect or a ray of the Spirit of Elijah, it doesn't mean she knocked out the whole Spirit of Elijah. And in this new age, the Spirit of Christ within an individual can be defeated by Satan, but the glorified Jesus Christ doesn't come down.


So in these mortal men of Judah, Satan defeated the Spirit of Elijah, and therefore, Leviathan harnessed or got on top of, Adam, and Cain interwove herself with Abel, and the fiery serpents, which were underneath Adam, lay that ambush, and broke away from underneath him. They lay an ambush for Adam, the Spirit of Elijah's household, who was in the heart energy center, so that the mortal men of Judah might exalt themselves above Samson, the personality nailed to the upper window. I think I may have to make some changes there, that to lay an ambush should come first, and after Adam lay the ambush, then Satan, well I'll have to go over that, I don't want to put that on the tape, I'll have pray about that and see if I have to switch that. So we see that the whole purpose of the mortal men of Judah was the same purpose as Satan, to exalt themselves above Samson, the personality nailed to the upper window.


Now remember personality is made of the earth, and he personalities today, are the descendants of Adam's primordial ox. We the personalities, if Christ is in us we're Christ, okay, if the carnal mind is in us we're the carnal mind. We're all of these things, depending on what aspect of us is manifesting at the moment. So, the personality nailed to the upper window, that's saying that Adam's ox was restored to the upper window. You see, our nature, dictates that we should be in the lower window because we're made out of earth. But it's the intention and the commandment of Elohim, that we who are the part of the earth that's formed into the ox that Adam is married to, should abide in the upper window with him, that we should abide in a place of glory, that we have no right to be in. We're of the earth, we're not of this spirit. And this is the salvation of the soul, the soul is the personality. This is the salvation of the soul, that we should be nailed to the upper window through union with Christ Jesus, who is returning there, and Christ Jesus, the savior within the midst of us, is returning to the upper window, when he marries the glorified Jesus Christ, we go with him.


So we see that Samson is a personality that's nailed to the regenerated Adam who is married to the Spirit of Elijah, and therefore all three elements are abiding in the upper window. What does that mean? That their authority is above the authority of the earth. Satan rules in the lower window, she's the god of this world. The lower window is this world. So to abide in the upper window means that your authority is above the authority of this world. When you are above the authority of this world, you walk through walls, you don't need a car because you just think of where you want to be and you wind up there. I want to be in the kitchen getting a glass of water, I'm still sitting here, it didn't work, see. I'm still of this world, I don't have authority over this world, over this physical world. I have some authority in the spirit, I have authority against unrighteousness, I have some authority over disease, some authority over demons, some authority over Satan and Leviathan, I don't have full authority over them, I would be in perfection if I did. And I only have passive authority over this world. I do not have the authority to move this physical body by the spirit, I do not have the authority to transmute the atoms, the material atoms of this world, I cannot look at that chair and make it into a stove, but I do have some passive authority over this world, through prayer, I can change things for example, I prayed two years ago for a new dining room set, I wanted to go buy one, the Lord told me no, two years later, someone gave me a dining room set. Well if you were here two years ago, you saw my dining room set that wasn't in too good shape, and if you came now two years later, you would say, "Hallelujah, it happened, you got your new dining room set."


Now it didn't materialize in my kitchen, someone gave it to me, but it was prayed in here. So I have authority over this material world, from that point of view, if you can understand what I said. I know that I visited someone many years ago, who had had a bad experience, to be honest with you I don't remember the details, but their living room was stripped of furniture, okay, they completely lost their furniture, and they had financial problems.


I prayed, I broke all the curses, and I prayed for new furniture, and I don't think it took very long, the whole room was furnished, including a piano, and I was amazed, I had prayed the prayer in faith, I was amazed that it happened. I saw this spiritual principle, that my prayer had completely restored with an increase, but yet I didn't have the power to command the material molecules of this world to just manifest furniture. Someone had to give it to them, you see. But this is ultimately what we are called to, to command the material molecules to form in whatever formation we want them to form into. That's what we're called to. I honestly don't know whether that power is in the brow center or not, it might be, but I'm not sure, but it's definitely in the crown center.


Praise the Lord. Verse 13, the heading for verse 13, Satan intellectually opposes Samson's truth. Satan lies to the uncovered personalities of the mortal men of Judah. Well that doesn't seem to be in the right order, I'll have to look that over after the meeting. Why? Because for verse 12, I said Satan violently seizes Adam's household, only the carnal mind will believe Satan's intellectual opposition to Samson's truth, and then in verse 13 I say, Satan intellectually opposes Samson's truth. Satan lies to the uncovered personalities of the mortal men of Judah. So I may have to make a switch or something there, I'll have to look that over. Verse 13, "And Satan said to the spiritual women, who were miserable, disheartened and pining away, because of their weak and inadequate nature, concerning Samson. Samson has deceived you all along saying that he stands boldly opposite Leviathan, and has subdued her, and has arranged the fiery serpent in the correct moral order, and that Samson lies to you with respect to Elohim, saying that the Spirit of Elijah is within you, and that if the fiery serpent braids together with Leviathan her head, Leviathan will complete her, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil will sprout in the lower window that is within you again, and Leviathan will harness Adam within you, the mortal men of Judah and Satan will engrave you with her nature." And then I have verse 15 next which says, "And Satan, the engraver nailed to the lower window, said to the mortal men of Judah, how can Samson say that he loves the fiery serpent, when he deceives her, declaring at length, that the fiery serpents and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah belong to Adam, the great disciple that is nailed to Elohim, and the Spirit of Elijah, the engraver within Samson, will nail the fiery serpents and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to the other heart center that is near to him." I guess that verse 13 and 15, have to go before verse 12.


Okay, let's do some comments on verse 13 here. So what we see happening here is that in verse 10, Satan tries to seduce Samson, by saying, Why does Satan have to flow with Elohim, and in verse 11, Samson responds on that high note, that only Abel could hear, and then we'll go to verse 13, Satan rises up and tries to intellectually oppose Samson's truth with her truth, and the end of the whole thing, the end of the whole affair is verse 12, where Satan seizes the spiritual woman, etcetera, etcetera. Okay let's, I don't know if you're following me or not, but I'll fix it up for you for the next message, let's just comment on verse 13 here. So we see that Satan is intellectually opposing Samson's truth, Satan lies to the uncovered personalities of the mortal men of Judah. They're uncovered because in their hearts, they have departed from Adam, they have departed form his righteousness, they've departed from his counsel, and therefore they are uncovered. And Satan said to the spiritual women, who were miserable, disheartened, and pining away, because of their weak and inadequate nature, concerning Samson, "Samson had deceived you all along saying he stand boldly opposite Leviathan, and has subdued her." That means Samson is talking about himself, and it was either in Samson's Riddle, or Samson And The Foxes, Samson is speaking to the mortal men of Judah, and he's telling them, I have overcome Leviathan, I have opposed her and I have subdued her, and you too, can do the same thing, you see.


Just as I sit here and I tell you, you are all called to the same place that I am, if I did it, you can do it. If you're sitting here and the Lord has placed you here, your war may be a little harder than mine, or maybe not, you don't know what my life was like fifteen years ago or ten years ago. And there's no way of comparing what two different people go through, two different people. You don't know what's in a person's heart, you don't know how they react to their own particular trial, we really shouldn't be comparing ourselves to each other. But don't be deceived, a lot of people make the mistake of looking at me sitting here now, and saying, "Well look at you Sheila, you know, I'm not like you", well I wasn't always like this, and I've had almost all of the problems that you have, almost all of them, and maybe a lot that you haven't had.


So you can't look at me now, and think that I cannot relate to you, because I can relate to you. I went through hell to get where I am now, and I have told you before and I'm telling you again, I did not go through hell because I wanted this position, I went through hell, because I wanted to survive, and when I survived, Jesus gave me this position. I never wanted it, never asked for it, never looked for it, never hoped for it, I just wanted to survive, because I'm a survivor, I'm not a quitter. So we see Satan telling the mortal men of Judah that Samson lied to them when he said that he stood boldly opposite Leviathan, and subdued her, he defeated Leviathan, signifying his pride. You know I remember the first day I ever took Leviathan on in full strength, I had a problem with my mouth, I had a problem with my temper, with my pride, with my arrogance, with my rebellion, and it was in my office, I was in my office, I don't remember what was said to me, but I felt that pride rising up in me and I knew if I opened my mouth, I was going to lose my job. I went running into the lunch room, nobody was there, and I started binding and loosing, I said, "Leviathan, I bind you, you will not speak through me, you will not destroy me, you will not ruin my life, or steal this job from me." It's a miracle nobody was there, and she went down, and that was the beginning of my warfare with the sea serpent within me, my own self destruction.


So we see that Samson stood boldly opposite Leviathan, just as I did that day, and I've been doing it ever since, and he subdued her just as I did that day. And Satan said, Samson is also telling you that he has arranged the fiery serpent in the correct moral order. Could anybody tell us what that means, that Samson arranged he fiery serpent in the correct moral order? He's talking about himself. Samson overcame Leviathan, and subdued her, and what does it mean that he arranged the fiery serpent in the correct moral order? The fiery serpent was actively male to the personality of Samson, and Samson, who was strengthened through union with the regenerated Adam in the Spirit of Elijah, put that fiery serpent under him, and made the fiery serpent female to the personality of Samson, which was now male, through union with Adam in the Spirit of Elijah. The fiery serpent was male and Samson forced her down into the female position, where she belongs. And Satan goes on to tell the mortal men of Judah, Samson lied to you, with respect to Elohim saying, that the Spirit of Elijah is within you. Samson told you that the Spirit of Elijah is within you, and he lied. Can anyone tell us how the Spirit of Elijah came to the mortal men of Judah? Anybody? The Spirit of Elijah within Samson had penetrated into the mortal men of Judah, directly from Samson's mind through prayer, and through a spirit guide, see.


We read earlier one of the earlier verses was, "And Samson loved the mortal men of Judah." And in the New Testament we hear John saying, "The disciple that Jesus loved." Now all that's saying is that there was a spirit tie, there was a spiritual sexual union. There was a spirit tie. The Bible is spiritual. It's not talking about physical love. To love means union, spiritual union, and to hate especially if you're saying this concerning God. Some people get all upset because the Scripture says, God hates such and such. All that it means is that his Spirit is not involved in it. He doesn't hate like a man hates. But God does hate what his Spirit is not involved in, because his Spirit is the only righteous spirit, and every other spirit is unrighteous, therefore God hates it, he says it's wrong. He opposes it, he doesn't hate like a man hates.


The Lord isn't capable of hating like a man hates. Man hates unto destruction of the hated object. Jesus hates unto the destruction of the carnal mind, and the resurrection into eternal life of the hated object. Even the fiery serpent, well Satan is going to disappear and Leviathan is going to disappear, they're both going to be consumed, but the fiery serpent, that wicked wild beast in mortal man is hated of God at this time, because she's separated from him. But God's hatred of her will apprehend her, will put down her rebellion and in her condition in the serpent's condition of being female to Christ Jesus, she will be loved by God. When you're in right relationship you're loved, and when you're in wrong relationship you're hated, it just means separation Scripturally speaking. And a lot of people in the church that are not use to authority, when they hear that authority rise up, they feel that they're being attacked, they feel that they're being hated, they feel that they're being maligned? No, all that it means is that in your heart, in your understanding, you have separated from Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus has risen up in a righteous rebuke to let you know that you're out of order, but as soon as you come into right order, you're loved again. All that it means is separation. Scriptural hatred is separation from the righteousness of God, that's all it means.


So Satan is telling the mortal men of Judah, "Boy, Samson he's really done a job on you, he actually told you that the Spirit of Elijah is within you, what a lie", But of course we know it's true. Hasn't anyone ever told you the Holy Spirit cannot be inside of you? What do you mean the Holy Spirit is inside of you, what do you mean God talks to you. That's Satan saying that. What do you mean you have the Holy Spirit, who do you think you are, that the Holy Spirit should be within you? And that if the fiery serpent, and Satan is saying, Samson lies to you with respect to Elohim, that the Spirit of Elijah is within you and that if the fiery serpent braids together with Leviathan her head, Leviathan will complete her. Now remember, the fiery serpent is Leviathan's larvae, the fiery serpent that swims in Satan's astral plane, and the fiery serpent is the extension of Leviathan, just as a man's sperm, the sperm of a man's body is the extension of himself. Only the fiery serpent is buried in the earth, she' s the offspring of the sea serpent, the seed of the sea serpent buried in the earth, just as a man's seed is buried in the womb of a woman, until it is born and appears.


So the fiery serpent is an earth worm and Leviathan is a sea serpent, but the fiery serpent is the seed of Leviathan. But her whole programming, her whole spiritual programming, is to get back to the ocean where Leviathan is, now for the fiery serpent who is buried in the individual, the womb of the earth, for her to get back to the ocean where her father is, I'm sorry, Leviathan is the mother, where her mother is, she has to bring the whole personality with her into the astral plane, and this is spiritual ascension in the counterfeit time line, to bring the whole personality in to the astral plane, and that's where the torment is. That's my understanding right now. I say that this world is hell, but there are different levels of hell, abiding continuously in the astral plane, I think is the real thing. And the Lord has shown me, I saw a discovery program on TV, showing the animals that have been discovered in the real depths of the sea, where scientists thought animals existed before, it's black, there's no light down there at all, and the deeper the scientist look under the sea, the more perverted looking and malformed these fish seem to be. There's great evil in the astral plane. When alcoholics break through and have a bad experience, they have peered into the astral plane, when they see frightening sights, things that really scare them, they've entered into the astral plane. They've pierced he veil into the astral plane.


Now remember that the publicity, the PR that's going out for Satan in this country today is that when this physical body dies, we just pass into another state of existence, which is the astral plane, and that it's desirable and that it's good, and it's wonderful, but existence in the astral plane for the personality, is eternal torment. (End of Tape 1)


Tape 2


It is the desire, it is the programming of the fiery serpent to return to the astral plane where her mother is. Just as I mentioned to you earlier on this very message, that Samson is the personality nailed to the upper window, the upper window is filled with the waters of creation, and that, you know if you need this to understand it, that is heaven, when we are nailed to the upper window, with Christ Jesus, all of our needs will be met, and our personality, our soul will be preserved. That's where we get to when we follow Christ Jesus, but when the fiery serpent ascends within us, without Christ Jesus, she doesn't return us to the upper window, she returns us to the astral plane, which is the spiritual level of the world under the sea, it's the heaven under the sea, or the heaven under the firmament. The lower window is under the firmament, the visible window, I'm sorry, the upper window is above the firmament and the firmament is the heart center. And there's a heaven above the heart center. There's no hell above the heart center, and underneath the heart center, there is a false heaven and a hell. So the heaven that we ascend into when we ascend with the fiery serpent alone, and we're still underneath the heart center, that heaven is the astral plane, but that heaven is hell, it's a false heaven, and that is the heaven that the fiery serpent is seeking to return to. And the way that the fiery serpent returns to that heaven, is through union with Leviathan. The fiery serpent ascends and Leviathan descends, and they flow together, although it's not possible in this physical world, the example is, they flow together as a river flows into an ocean.


So in this physical world for two people to flow together and become one, but we know that this happens in the spirit, the Scripture says, "A man and his wife, they are one flesh." We know all about soul ties and spirit ties, and the fiery serpent is not physical, she' spiritual, she's an energy force, she is a spiritual river. So she flows together with Leviathan and she is seeking that union with Leviathan, just like we are seeking that union with the Lord Jesus. She's unsatisfied, the fiery serpent is unsatisfied. She needs a husband, she's seeking that intimacy, that Christ Jesus is suppose to be giving her, that she's seeking it with Leviathan, and mortal humanity, which is merely a physical manifestation of the fiery serpent in Leviathan, is largely unsatisfied. People that have everything that they could hope for, are usually unsatisfied in some area, because we are manifestations of the fiery serpent, who wants to go home. She wants to go home to a more fully spiritual union, and she thinks that fulfillment, on a subconscious level, she thinks that that fulfillment is through union with Leviathan, but she'll never be satisfied until she's completed by Christ Jesus, you see.


So what verse 13 is saying is that the fiery serpent is seeking to braid together with Leviathan. She seeks Leviathan like a Salmon going up stream. She's seeking Leviathan with all of her strength, and she's not seeking Leviathan as a mother. You see, Leviathan is the mother of the fiery serpent, Satan is the father, and Leviathan is the mother, but he fiery serpent is not seeking Leviathan as a lover. So we see that we have spiritual incest as well as spiritual homosexuality here.


Satan speaking to the mortal men of Judah telling them Samson, who has preached the doctrine of Christ to them faithfully, Satan is saying that Samson has lied to them, Samson, the one who has preached the doctrine of Christ faithfully, has lied to them, telling them that the Spirit of Elijah is within them, and also telling them that if the fiery serpent braids together with Leviathan, her head, Leviathan will complete the fiery serpent and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will sprout in the lower window again, or in their personal lower window again, and that when that happens, Leviathan will harness Adam and Satan will engrave you, the personalities of the mortal men of Judah with her nature.


So Satan is telling the mortal men of Judah, Samson is telling you that it's a bad thing for the fiery serpent to braid together with Leviathan, because that is the resurrection of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which will result in you being engraved with the nature of Satan. And it doesn't say it in this verse, but we know from other studies, that what this really means is to be fully manifested as Satan's image, which means to be fully possessed by the primordial serpent, the only way you could be fully manifested as the image of either Christ Jesus, or Satan and Leviathan is to be utterly possessed by them. You see, this whole creation is spiritually retarded. We're all retarded, because humanity, in it's present condition, is, I don't know what the percentages are so I'll say 50%, but I don't know what the percentages are, we're 50% the manifestation of the dumb beast. We have more intelligence than the animals, because to some degree, the fiery serpent is manifesting her higher mind through us, but compared to our potential, in the event that the fiery serpent within us marries Leviathan, that potential which would make us spiritual giants or spiritual philistines, powerful in every aspect, having dominion over the powers of this world, we would be needing nothing, we would live forever, you know, but we would be tormented by the one who was giving the eternal life of this time line. There is eternal life in this time line, you can live forever as long as this time line exists, but we know that this time line is coming to an end, that Christ Jesus will swallow it up, you see.


So we see Satan telling the mortal men of Judah that Samson is lying to them, when he says, it's a bad thing for the fiery serpent to braid together with Leviathan, her head, because that will complete Leviathan. Now remember the Scripture says that we are to be completed in Christ Jesus. Oh I know my point, what I was telling you, I was telling you that moral humanity in it's present condition is less than a full man, you see, and the promise of full manhood in Satan is through the marriage of the fiery serpent within us to Leviathan, and the ultimate possession by the primordial serpent, that will produce spiritual manhood in the individual who will become a spiritual philistine, a powerful spiritual being. So right now mortal humanity is in a retarded condition. Our subjection to the physical laws of this world, and the limitations that we have to provide for ourselves, that we have to labor to provide food for ourselves, to grow food and raise animals, and clothe ourselves, the labor this world system, is the labor of a retarded population.


So not only are we fallen is so far as Christ Jesus is concerned, and in this low spiritual place, which I've spoken a lot about that over the years, but are also in a very low spiritual place as far as Satan is concerned. Satan has a glorified man also. Well we know she's really a glorified woman, but we say man because of the spiritual authority. Someone that has spiritual authority is spiritually male as far as power is concerned, but they're still female in relationship to Christ Jesus. We are a retarded fetus in the womb of the earth, spiritually, mentally, intellectually, and physically retarded, and we're living at least partially out of the mind of the dumb beast, and the only way we, mortal humanity, can ascend out of this spiritual, mental, intellectual, and physical retardation is through union with a higher mind. And remember now, the fiery serpent is the spiritual virginity of the personality. The personality and the fiery serpent are one, so who the fiery serpent joins with, the whole personality joins with. The fiery serpent marries Christ Jesus, we are truly delivered from hell. But if the fiery serpent marries Leviathan, we go into a deeper level of hell, eternal torment.


But in both cases, we will be superior, intellectually, physically, and spiritually superior to this present condition. So whether we marry Christ Jesus, or whether we marry Leviathan, we will be physically, intellectually, and spiritually and mentally superior to our present condition, but when we marry Christ Jesus, we will also be morally superior to this present condition. But ascension in the serpent through marriage with Leviathan, will make us spiritual Philistines. And a spiritual Philistine is a man, who's fiery serpent is fully ascended into the crown center, and fully joined with Leviathan, and this was the condition of the race of men that lived at the time that Jehovah destroyed the tower of Babel. I don't know whether it happened in the physical or not, but I'm convinced that the destruction of the tower of Babel was the spiritual event that took place in each individual, and that the tower of Babel, the tower reaching up to heaven, now remember the astral plane is heaven, is the ascended fiery serpent joined to Leviathan, and I had that revelation a couple of years ago. I remember putting it up on the board, and I didn't even understand what I was receiving in my mind, that Jehovah separated, well it came out that Jehovah separated Satan from Leviathan, I didn't really know about the fiery serpent then. And if you recall, I couldn't decide who was at the top and who was at the bottom, whether Satan was at the top, or Leviathan was at the bottom, now I know, Leviathan was at the top and the fiery serpent was at the bottom. That was the destruction of the tower of Babel. It was a spiritual event that happened in each individual of the race that existed at that time. Whether or not there was also a physical city that was destroyed, maybe yes, maybe no, I have no idea. I don't know.


So we see that Satan is telling the mortal men of Judah, that Samson is lying to them, that this doctrine is false, Samson's doctrine is false. How can we relate this today, how about me, sending out material to all of these creatures, telling them you're preaching the false message, you're going to ascend in the serpent's time line, that's what we're doing right now, and they're saying, no, that message is false. Satan inside of these men is saying, no, that message is false. Satan is speaking right through them. we're on verse 13, and Satan is saying to the mortal men of Judah, that if the fiery serpent, Samson is telling you that if the fiery serpent braids together with Leviathan her head, Leviathan will complete her, the fiery serpent, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will sprout in the lower window. The tree that's in the lower window will sprout, not the tree that's in the upper window, the tree of life is in the upper window, and Samson is telling you that if you fool around with Leviathan, that negative tree is going to sprout and you're going to be in trouble. Satan is saying it's a lie. And Samson is saying that when that happens, or if that happens, that that tree, and who is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? It's the primordial serpent. That if that tree in you again, that's beginning of your possession by the primordial serpent, Satan will engrave you with her nature, and what that means is full possession. You'll be possessed by the primordial serpent.


Verse 15, "And Satan, the engraver nailed to the lower window, said to the mortal men of Judah, how can Samson say that he loves the fiery serpent when he deceives her, declaring at length, that the fiery serpents and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, belong to Adam, the great disciple that is nailed to Elohim and that the Spirit of Elijah, the engraver within Samson will nail the fiery serpents and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to the other heart center that is near to him, and Satan the engraver nailed to the lower window, and does anybody remember how I know that Satan is nailed to the lower window? I'll tell you cause I don't think you remember.


When we first brought this principle forth, I told you that Satan is the only one that's nailed. See, Elohim is not nailed to the upper window, Elohim overflows the upper window. He has the capacity to flow into the lower window, and he extends beyond the upper window, Elohim is one with Jehovah in eternity. Elohim is not nailed to the window, Satan is the one that's nailed to the window. Therefore we know that this Scripture is talking about the lower window, and Satan, the engraver nailed to the lower window, said to the mortal men of Judah, how can Samson say that he loves the fiery serpent, when he deceives her? So we see here, the carnal mind's concept of love. We've already said in this message that the love of God is a spirit tie. The love of God is union, communion. We see here mortal man's concept of mushy emotional love. How can Samson say that he loves the fiery serpent when he deceives her? Again calling Samson a liar, declaring at length, that the fiery serpent and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, belong to Adam, the great disciple that's nailed to Elohim, how dare he say that the fiery serpents and the personalities belong to Adam, or belong to Christ Jesus. Can anybody tell us who these fiery serpents are? Does anybody remember who they really are? Anybody? Okay, the fiery serpents are the sperm of Jehovah's seminal fluid that flowed forth in Elohim. Now Elohim is the name of the whole spiritual seminal fluid, the water or the energy and the seed. Energy has the power, the seed has the nature, and all of these fiery serpents, now they're not worms like outside your window. They're energy streams. The Scripture talks about all of the streams, talking about all of the fiery serpents. And when the primordial serpent defeated Adam, all of these fiery serpents, they weren't serpents at the time, they were a fish, they were flying fish in the upper window, under the dominion of Adam, and when the primordial serpent killed Adam, all of these flying fish that were likened, that can be likened to ovum in a woman's ovary, scattered, and on another tape, I gave you a testimony about how I saw a spider crawling along the floor one day, and I picked up a shoe and I smashed it, it was just an average looking spider. And it must have been thirty, at least thirty little infant spiders just scattered from her carcass, crawling all over the floor, the spider was pregnant.


Adam was pregnant with all of these energy streams, called the sperm, the spiritual sperm of Jehovah, and when the primordial smote Adam and he died, all of these energy streams lost their nurse maid, and they scattered, and the primordial, and they fell down into the lower window, and the primordial serpent captured them, and wove them together with the earth, and engraved them with her own nature. The fiery serpent is the immortal part of this creation. Now I'm not talking about the last two thousand years that Christ Jesus is in the earth, the fiery serpent is the immortal part of this creation. The personality dissolves, the physical body dissolves, it doesn't go on. It's the fiery serpent that is the spiritual sperm of Jehovah that incarnates from generation to generation. It is the fiery serpents that are being trained through experience, which is the promise of the serpent, yes, they're maturing through experiences, I think humanity at large is maturing, but they will never be perfected through experience, which is the promise of the serpent, that the reaping and sowing judgment will perfect you if you do good. It's a lie.


We're perfected only through union or through reunion with the glorified Jesus Christ, who will restore us to Elohim and Jehovah. So the fiery serpents are the changelings, the fiery serpents are the chameleon, that if they're joined to Adam or Christ Jesus, they have the potential to become the Seraphim, the glorified serpents that stand in front of Jehovah day and night, crying holy, holy, holy. But if they're married to Leviathan, they become a race of fierce people that torment and torture the personality aspect of the being. Right now the fiery serpents of humanity are in the nature and in the image of the primordial serpent, and they lust after Leviathan, and will fight Christ Jesus with all of their strength, when he tries to marry them. They're conscience is completely seared. So, Satan is saying to the mortal men of Judah, how can Samson say that he loves the fiery serpent, when he deceives her, declaring at length that the fiery serpents and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah belong to Adam. So we see Satan is the great liar, because the fiery serpents of the seed of Jehovah's seminal fluid, and they are that which was lost that Jesus came to retrieve. Jesus came to retrieve that which was lost, he came to retrieve the sperm of Jehovah's seminal fluid, and he also came to retrieve his ox, that was lost.


So Jesus came to get the fiery serpents and the personalities which we are, we are what he came looking for, he didn't come looking for the bunny rabbits, he didn't come looking for the deer, he didn't come looking for your pet dog or cat, or the bears or the kangaroos.


Jesus came looking for the fiery serpents and the personalities of mortal humanity, that the fiery serpent is attached to. So Satan said, Samson is a liar, and we don't belong to Adam, or Christ Jesus, the great disciple that is nailed to Elohim, and of course Elohim is manifesting as the Spirit of Elijah in the Old Testament, and as the Spirit of Christ, or as the glorified Jesus Christ in the New Testament, and that the Spirit of Elijah, the engraver within Samson, will nail the fiery serpents and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to the other heart center, that is near to him. So we see Satan saying Samson is a liar, you know, he's a liar, it's not true that if you marry Leviathan, Satan will engrave you with her nature, and you'll be forever in the eternal torment of the astral plane, and again Samson is a liar because he's telling you that he loves the fiery serpent, but he doesn't, see. Now we know that to love the fiery serpent means union. Samson is saying he's joined to the fiery serpent. Well Samson has penetrated the fiery serpent within himself, and that's love, that's the love of God. Penetration and subjection to the righteousness of Christ Jesus is the love of God. And he lies when he says that you all belong to Adam or Christ Jesus, and that he's going to deliver you, the Spirit of Elijah or the Spirit of Christ is going to deliver you, by nailing you fiery serpents in you personalities to the other heart center that is near to him.


So the way this translation comes forth, I don't see Satan denying that there's another heart center, but I see her denying that salvation is through the union with regenerated Adam or Christ Jesus, and that union will establish the regenerated Christ Jesus in you and your heart center. Satan is saying Samson is lying, he says that he has the power that the Spirit of Elijah will penetrate into you and will regenerate Adam in you, and raise Adam up into the heart center, and plant him there, and sustain him there, strengthen him and sustain him there. And that Samson is lying. He's going to remove you from the lower heart center, or the right side of the heart center, and establish you in the dry land, or the dry ground of the left side of the heart center. He's a liar, and he's not going to do it. And then of course, I realize now that the next verse should be verse 12a, which says, "And then after Satan intellectually reasons with the mortal men of Judah, she reached out and she seized the spiritual woman, who was miserable, disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, and Leviathan harnessed Adam, Elohim's time line, within the mortal men of Judah and Cain, the foliage of the ground intertwined with Abel, the manchild within the mortal men of Judah, and Satan commanded the fiery serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, to lay an ambush for Adam, the Spirit of Elijah's household, who is in the heart center of the mortal men of Judah, so that the mortal men of Judah, might exalt themselves above Samson, the personality nailed to the upper window.


So we see the bottom line is that the mortal men of Judah want to exalt themselves above Samson, and any conflict, such as this, that manifest between the leader, a teacher, or a pastor, or whoever Christ Jesus raises up, and a conflict between someone who is rebelling against their authority, the bottom line is that the rebel wants to exalt themselves above Christ Jesus, and the personality that he's appearing in, whether they know it or not. They may not know it, but it's still the truth. They're trying to put themselves above the teacher that Christ Jesus has raised up. And we who are given ministries or are given authority by Christ Jesus, we are responsible to not let anyone climb over us in authority that Christ Jesus has not put over us.


Verse 14, and the heading is, The Spirit of Elijah within Samson, rescues Adam within the mortal men of Judah. This is a very heavy verse, I don't really think I'm going to go into it tonight. There's going to be a lot of explanations here, and I think I'm going to let it go for tonight. Does anybody have any questions or comments on this message? If not we will pick up Lord willing next Thursday with verse 14, and that will be part 14 of this message. Glory to God.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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