480 - Part 10
(Judges, Chapter 16)

Part 10 of 19 Parts  

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord brethren, this is the second part of our exhortation on the alternate translation and we're up to verse 3. And the subtitles are, there are two subtitles for verses 3 and 4, well it's interspersed, so it's half of verse 3 and 4, have two subtitles, and the second half have two more subtitles. The first subtitles are, Adam within Samson interferes with the fiery serpent's seduction of the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, and men, Adam makes love to the fiery serpents. But Adam within Samson lay upon the heart center of the mortal men of Judah, to the point that Adam within Samson became a hedge within Leviathan and the fiery serpents, Leviathan's household in the mortal men of Judah, which are the entrance way to the neck energy center of Leviathan's city. And Adam within Samson seized the fiery serpents, Leviathan's household in the mortal men of Judah.


Now the spiritual principle here, is that Adam within Samson, or Adam within the vessel or the mortal man that is carrying Christ Jesus, or that Christ Jesus is living in as he ministers to other members of the church in this dispensation, Adam or Christ Jesus in that man, through prayer and through spirit ties, penetrate into the heart center of the disciples that have been joined to him by the glorified Jesus Christ. Let me say that again. We are studying Samson and Delilah as an example of the discipleship ministry in the church. There's been a lot said about discipleship in the church over the years, but to the best of my knowledge none of it has been the true discipleship of Christ Jesus. It has been, the discipleship ministries or the ministries that have called themselves disciples, discipleship ministries, have been carnally minded men under the influence of the Holy Ghost, trying to bring forth a discipleship ministry, but the only true discipleship is in Christ Jesus.


The Holy Ghost does not disciple you. The Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost, you can call him which ever you want, the Holy Spirit's job is to be present in you as a source of purified water, so that the seed of Christ can graft to him, so that the whole seminal fluid of the glorified Jesus Christ can be present in you in the form of Christ Jesus and defeat Satan, the polluted spiritual waters of mortal man. Now the Holy Spirit comes with gifts, but he doesn't do everything that the spirit of Christ does, and it is the spirit of Christ which is in Christ Jesus which disciples the believers who already have the grafted seed within them. So this principle that we're dealing with in verse 3, is the principle that is only found in discipleship, that there is a teacher that is raised up by Christ Jesus, and that there are disciples who the glorified Jesus Christ draws to this teacher for the specific purpose of forming a local body of Christ, for the specific purpose of training up Christ in the individual, because Christ has to be trained up, and Christ has to be trained up on a personal level, on a one to one relationship. You cannot, Christ is not trained up in a fellowship, and I'm not knocking these fellowships where the pastor stands in the pulpit and preaches to hundreds of people or even a hundred people, that's okay for the bride church, that's okay for the people who have the Holy Spirit, but once Christ grafts to you, Christ in you, and you, the personality need to be trained up to learn to be a son of God. And this is done in small groups, with a leader who has a manifestation of Christ Jesus within him, which is under the glorified Jesus Christ, so that the spirit, and that Christ and all of the members of the group, are gathered into one body who are really being trained up by the glorified Jesus Christ through Christ Jesus in the teacher, to Christ in all of the group.


And the way this works, is that first of all, the glorified Jesus Christ chooses a teacher, for whatever his purposes are, he chooses a teacher. Usually from what I know, the qualifications are obedience to his Spirit, and an ability to hear what the glorified Jesus Christ is teaching. Everybody's ears are not opened equally. So the glorified Jesus Christ chooses a teacher, a human person, a mortal man, to be the expression of himself, to a group of believers who the glorified Jesus Christ chooses to disciple. So the first thing the glorified Lord Jesus Christ raises up a teacher and then he draws the students to the teacher. And the next thing that has to be done is that a spirit tie must be established between the glorified Lord Jesus Christ, who's manifesting through the teacher towards the disciples, the connection has to be formed. The union has to be manifested. Because this is a spiritual discipleship, even though it's manifested through words, the word only have power because of this spiritual unity of the group. And the way this unity is manifested is that through relationship, Christ Jesus in the teacher actually penetrates into the spiritual being, or into the minds of the disciples, and actually lives in them, and begins to disciple Christ on a real level, on a real level. "...brings forth Adam, regenerates Adam in the individual, and strengthens and joins with Adam, that's regenerated in the disciples, fortifies Adam that's regenerated in the disciple, so that Adam in the disciples or Christ Jesus in the New Testament, in the disciples is strong enough to overcome Satan's dirty waters, and ascend into the heart center. It is the job of the teacher to get the disciples into their heart center.


So we see that, but that Christ Jesus has to be raised in the disciples, that Christ Jesus joins with the personality in the disciples, and then Christ Jesus, who is now joined to the personality, is to ascend into the heart center, and it is the job of Christ Jesus in the teacher to penetrate the mind of the disciples and fortify them and support Christ Jesus in them to this extent, that he should ascend, that he should overcome Satan in the disciples to the point, that he should bring the personality that he's dwelling in, we're talking about the personalities of the disciples now, into their heart center. And the Lord is telling us through this teaching in Samson and Delilah, that when a group exists such as we have here, for which Samson and Delilah is a prototype, this is what's happening, that Christ Jesus in you has penetrated you and strengthened Christ in you, and raised him with you, because you're joined to Christ within yourself, into your heart center. And when Christ occupies the heart center, he stands between Leviathan and the fiery serpent.


And the purpose of Christ Jesus standing between the Leviathan and the fiery serpent, is to deliberately prevent them from forming a union. The fiery serpent is a spiritual harlot who lusts after Leviathan, her own father. And if there is no intervention, the fiery serpent will ascend and have a spiritual union, I'm sorry Leviathan is her mother, with her mother, Satan is her father, and the serpent's household will be born or expand or possess the personality. The personality has a household. You see, Peter said to Cornelius, you shall be saved and your household.


I've heard this in the church for years, "Oh you're saved, now your whole household is not saved. Your husband is not saved, your wife's not saved, your children are not saved, is God a liar? No, Jesus is not a liar, you did not understand what that Scripture was saying. First of all we're not saved, until we're glorified, or at the very least until we've ascended into the brow center. We're not fully saved until we're glorified. Because who are we saved from? We're saved from Satan and Leviathan, and as long as we're in this physical body and bound to this world, we're not liberated from Satan and Leviathan. And who is our household. If you read these esoteric translations that we bring forth here, the word household is very common. The part of us or the entity or the being or the aspect of our self, which is female to another aspect of our self, is called a household. The personality in mortal man is the household of the fiery serpent. We are the wife of the fiery serpent.


The personality is the wife of the fiery serpent, we are her household. The fiery serpent is the household of Leviathan, the fiery serpent is the wife of Leviathan. So what did Peter mean when he said, "You shall be saved and your whole household?" I want to suggest to you that Peter was talking about the fiery serpent. You see, in God's eyes the true over the relationship that's in the right moral order between the personality and the fiery serpent is that the fiery serpent is suppose to be in submission to the personality, who is suppose to be in submission to Christ Jesus, who is suppose to be in submission to the glorified Jesus Christ. The reality of our existence is that the personality is female to the fiery serpent, but as soon as Christ Jesus comes into our life and the personality is female to Christ Jesus, as soon as we turn to Christ Jesus, as soon as we turn away from the fiery serpent, and turn towards Christ Jesus, and become female to Christ Jesus, now that the personality is joined to Christ Jesus, we take dominion over the fiery serpent, who has been abusing us, and the fiery serpent has been abusing us because she is dominating us, the personality on the one hand, and on the other hand, the fiery serpent has been a whoring after Leviathan, and Satan.


So therefore, the fiery serpent who was male to the personality, has brought the personality into submission to Satan and Leviathan, but when Christ Jesus rises and the personality turns away from the fiery serpent, who's joined to Satan and Leviathan, and that personality turns towards Christ Jesus, the true household, now remember the household is the female, the personality has now become male, a son of God, through union with Christ Jesus, and the fiery serpent has become female to Christ Jesus and the personality. The fiery serpent has the household of the personality is the one that is being saved. The fiery serpent is the household of the personality that is joined to Christ Jesus. And the fiery serpent is the household of Christ Jesus, the fiery serpent is female to Christ Jesus. Now, how does the fiery serpent get saved, what does saved mean. Both the Hebrew and the Greek word translated saved means deliverance.


So for someone to be delivered, they have to be in trouble and the fiery serpent is in trouble, because the fiery serpent has a lust for Satan and Leviathan, and Satan and Leviathan are the ones who are causing the fiery serpent to engage in reincarnation, and have good and evil experiences here in hell. Who is the fiery serpent? The fiery serpent is the sperm of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid which have been captured by the primordial serpent, and bound together with the earth, so that they are now appearing as earth worms, or the earth worms of mortal man, every mortal man has an earth worm within him. Jesus spoke about the worm that dieth not. This is what he was speaking about. The fiery serpent is the aspect of our self that experiences reincarnation. She is the only immortal aspect of mortal man.


The physical body does not rise again, the personality does not rise again, the fiery serpent that incarnated us rises again, and she is the household of Christ Jesus and of the personality who is married to Christ Jesus. So we see that the fiery serpent can be engraved in the image of the primordial serpent and continuously lusting after and cohabiting with Leviathan, or she can be engraved with the nature of the glorified Jesus Christ and be preserved. Because when the fiery serpent is joined to Leviathan, and Satan, she's forced into reincarnation which is painful. Look the fiery serpent in you and the fiery serpent in me, she is experiencing all of the pain that we have experience in this life.


Reincarnation is not a good thing, it's eternal torment. So it's the fiery serpent who's being saved, who's being delivered from reincarnation, from unending births and deaths, and experiences in good and evil, and being translated into eternal blessings and life without continuous births and deaths, through union with Christ Jesus. So Peter said to Cornelius, "You the personality, shall be saved, and the fiery serpent within you, shall be translated, into the image of the glorified Jesus Christ and that translation also involves going from female to male, when the fiery serpent is in the image of Satan, she's female, but as soon as she is married to Christ Jesus and dominated by him, she becomes male, and is part of the whole Son of God. Who is the Son of God? The Son of God, in the second generation, I'm not talking about the glorified Jesus here, we are the offspring of the glorified Jesus, and the Son of God is personality, first of all, the Christ Jesus, the spiritual offspring of Jesus Christ joined to the personality, joined to the fiery serpent. This is who the Son of God is. So both the personality and the fiery serpent are being saved.


Both the spiritual sperm of Jehovah's seminal fluid and the present day expression of the primordial ox that Adam formed, the personality, are being saved. So you Cornelius, the personality and the fiery serpent, your household, shall be saved, not your physical husband, or your daughter or your drug addict son. Now look, if you serve the Lord Jesus, the Lord may have mercy on your drug addict son, I don't mean to sound hard, and we pray and we hope that the Lord will help our families, but I challenge you who are listening to this message to understand that the word household means wife, and that your physical wife or your physical husband is not really your wife, or your husband, that this whole society that mortal man engages in is homosexual and incestuous from a spiritual point of view. And the Lord Jesus has said, You're in this condition, so live as holy as possible with this situation that you're in, but that does not mean that the situation that mortal man abides in is a desirable situation, from a spiritual point of view.


We are all manifestations of the primordial ox, having intercourse with one another. Spiritually speaking, physical men and spiritual woman, are all spiritually female. The only spiritual male is Christ Jesus, and the true sexual intercourse is of the spirit and of the mind. So every thing that's going down here, all family life is spiritually incestuous and homosexual. Jesus said the truth will set you free. Don't shut off the tape. There's nothing wrong with loving your relatives, but your primary relationship is suppose to be with Christ Jesus. And our natural example is human marriage, unless Christ Jesus has intervened, cause Christ Jesus comes with a sword between a physical husband and a physical wife, before that happens, in the traditional family, the husband and wife are suppose to be primary in their relationship to one another, and then you can love your mother and you can love your father, and you can love your children, and you can love your aunts and your uncles and your cousins and your brothers and your sisters, but your husband or your wife is suppose to be your primary relationship, or when Christ Jesus is formed in you, he comes as a sword between you and your physical mate, and he draws you into a relationship with himself, which becomes or should become the primary foundational relationship of your life, and your physical mate, husband or wife, falls into the category of the people that you love, your mother, your father, your sisters, your brothers, your children, your cousins.


You don't have to give up your other relationships. The issue is priority. Christ Jesus might send you to minister to a relative, the issue is the motive that is driving you to do what you're doing. If Christ Jesus sends you that's fine. So we see that the household of the personality which has chosen Christ Jesus is the fiery serpent. And it is the fiery serpent and the personality who are being saved, God help us. And may the Lord help everyone who hears this message. Receive this truth or at least be brave enough to pray it through. God help us, we are fallen. We're fallen. Adam and Eve was not in bodies like we are in, we're fallen, there was no Eve, but that's another story. We're fallen, we're fallen, we're fallen, we're fallen. We're in animal bodies. The glorious Son of God, Christ Jesus is living in an animal body in me. Why would he live in an animal body? Because that's all there is. He comes to live in our animal bodies, and to raise us back up to where we fell from.


Now the personality is of the earth, the personality is the present day manifestation of Adam's primordial ox, so heaven is not our natural home, but we did fall from heaven because Adam raised us up, he formed us from the ocean bed of the primordial sea, he formed the primordial ox, and he raised her up into the upper window, and he nailed her there. So although we are not indigent to the upper window of creation, we did fall from there because we were legitimately raised up ad nailed to that window by our husband Adam.


So back to Samson and Delilah, this whole exhortation was to exemplify the spiritual principle of Adam intervening between or intervening or preventing the union of the fiery serpent and Leviathan by occupying the heart center. Now we had a message this morning called Holy Water, Dirty Water, and the images, the drawings, the illustrations, are still on the board. If you want to look at the lower half of the drawing, you could see, that when Adam is occupying the left side of the heart center, he is in a position to reach over into the right side of the heart center every time the fiery serpent tries to ascend there, and to communicate with Leviathan. Adam is in a position to interfere with that communion between the fiery serpent and Leviathan. And the spiritual principle is, that Adam lays across the heart center, or Adam is a hedge on the, it was in the heart center, that will not allow this unholy fornication to take place. We found some Scriptures where he's called a hedge and other Scriptures where he's called a wedge. But Adam within Samson lay upon the heart center of the mortal men of Judah.


Now listen, this is Christ Jesus in the New Testament within the teacher, laying across the heart center of the disciples, to break up this unholy union between the fiery serpent and Leviathan, and to strengthen the regeneration of Adam or Christ Jesus in the disciples, until Adam or Christ Jesus in the disciples is strong enough to defend the heart center of that disciple on his own. But Adam within Samson lay upon the heart center of the mortal men of Judah, to the point that Adam within Samson became a hedge between Leviathan and the fiery serpents, Leviathan's household. The fiery serpents, Leviathan's household in the mortal men of Judah. How does the fiery serpent become Leviathan's household and what determines whether she's Leviathan's household or Christ Jesus' household? The determining factor is the personality. When the personality prefers Christ Jesus, the fiery serpent becomes Christ Jesus' household. If the personality is weak, and not choosing, but just going with the flow, she is choosing Leviathan and Satan by omission, by not doing anything, she is choosing Leviathan.


So we see that the mortal men of Judah were certainly not preferring Adam. And therefore the fiery serpent within the mortal men of Judah was the household of Leviathan. And why were the mortal men of Judah not preferring Adam? Why were they not preferring Samson, who was Adam to them? Most likely, because they were filled with rebellion against authority being manifested through a physical man towards them, filled with pride, filled with rebellion and filled with envy, envy! They killed Jesus because of envy. You see, envy rises up in us, envy will arise in us, and it will say, "Who are you, why am I not the teacher?" Well you're not because Jesus didn't appoint you. And I'll tell what I tell everybody, God only knows how much work there is to be done. There are many teachers needed. Perhaps you don't qualify yet. When you do, you too will be teacher, and then you'll be sorry you asked for the job. It's just our fallen nature. We should strive in Christ to be content with whatever role the Lord has given us.


Be happy with what he's given you, and all of our aspirations should be to do the very best job that we could possibly do, in the job that the Lord has given us. Be content with what you have, because the higher you go, the more responsibility you have, and being discontent and desiring another job is a manifestation of pride. See, when the Scripture says that, it doesn't mean you should be content with poverty, but that you should be content with physical pain, that's not what he's talking about. Of course you pray for deliverance from physical pain and poverty. It's talking about your position in life. Does that mean you shouldn't have hopes of going to college or going to art school? No, it doesn't mean that. It means pursue your own talents, and pursue the direction that the Lord points you in, and be content with what he has you doing today, as you pursue your life.


I know someone who was always unhappy in school, they were unhappy as a freshmen in school, because they couldn't wait to graduate. Enjoy your freshmen year, enjoy who you are, and where you are, and what you are at the moment. This is not saying the same thing as Hinduism, as the fatalism of Hinduism. The fatalism of Hinduism says you're born into the position that you're in because of karma, and there's nothing you could do about it in this life to raise you. Just be good to other people in this life, and hopefully in the next life you'll do better. I'm not saying that. I'm saying that you don't have envy in your heart for other people's positions, and you don't strive for a promotion because pride in you, wants to exalt you. If you see that you sing, or you play a musical instrument, or you draw or whatever your talent is, and you have a desire to see that talent fulfilled, there's nothing wrong with that. You say, Lord, I really would like the opportunity to see this talent fulfilled. Are you a brain, Lord I'd like to go to college and become a scientist, and then let the Lord show you the way and pursue it with a humble heart. But if your desire for wanting to be an engineer, or a scientist or a musician or an artist, if the root of your desire is to exalt yourself, that is the sin of pride. And it is from this point of view that the Scripture says, "Be content with what you have." Don't seek to exalt yourself above other men. It does not mean that you should not pursue your life's talent, or try to, or petition the Lord to deliver from painful situations in your life. That is what deliverance is all about. Deliverance is the children's bread. It's for us, we're not suppose to be content with our misery. But neither are we to put our own will into delivering ourselves, we must have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to deliver us, in his timing and in his purposes. It's such a fine line.


So back to our message, we see that Adam in Samson has penetrated the heart and the minds of the disciples that the Spirit of Elijah has given to him. See this is the true, you see there can be no submission if, in the New Testament, if Christ Jesus in the teacher is not living in your heart center, joined to the regenerated Christ Jesus in you, all submission to that teacher is a manifestation of pride. It's just your carnal mind. The true submission is the submission of the regenerated Christ in you, to Christ Jesus in the teacher. It's a spiritual submission that manifests itself in the physical. It will manifest itself in a right attitude between the student and the teacher, but if there's no submission in the heart, that any form of submission that comes forth will be of pride, and the teacher will know it. It's not what you do, it's not what you say, it's an attitude of your heart. You don't have to walk around with your tail between your legs, it's an attitude.


So Adam within Samson lay upon the heart center of the mortal men of Judah to the point that Adam within Samson became a hedge between Leviathan and the fiery serpents, Leviathan's household in the mortal men of Judah, which are the entrance way to the neck energy center of Leviathan's city. Who is the entrance way, who is the entrance way to the neck energy center to Leviathan's city? The fiery serpent. Leviathan wants to penetrate into the neck energy center of the counterfeit time line. He must have the fiery serpents joined to him to do this. Remember that the fiery serpents are Leviathan's seed. Satan is the father and Leviathan is the mother, spiritual incest, and they have produced the seed, the fiery serpent, which of course it's Jehovah's sperm, which is immortal, but they have taken Jehovah's sperm and formed them into larvae, which represent themselves. The fiery serpent is Leviathan's larvae in the individual. So for all intents and purposes the fiery serpent is Leviathan. For all intents and purposes, in this fallen creation, the fiery serpent is Leviathan. So for Leviathan to enter into the neck energy center, that's the fiery serpent entering into the neck energy center, because the fiery serpent is Leviathan.


That's why it is such a warfare for Christ Jesus to capture the fiery serpents, to harness her, and to saddle her. That is to bind her underneath himself, because her nature is to lust after Leviathan, her lover and her mother, and Satan her father. She doesn't have to be bound under Leviathan, she's looking for Leviathan, but she has to be bound forcibly under Christ Jesus. So we see that the fiery serpent is Leviathan's entrance way into the fifth energy center of the individual. You may recall that Leviathan is the collective subconscious mind, the collective subconscious part of the carnal mind of mortal man, and Leviathan is beyond the individual. She's in a spiritual plane beyond the body, but she enters into the spiritual being of the individual through her union with her own offspring, the fiery serpent. Therefore the Scripture says that the fiery serpent is ascended into the fifth energy center, that's where Leviathan is, also the fiery serpent cannot ascend into the fifth energy center except through union with Leviathan.


Do you remember the teaching that Christ Jesus in the individual can ascend only to the heart center by himself, where he is commanded to occupy, to defend that heart center, until the glorified Lord Jesus Christ penetrates into that individual, and joins with Christ Jesus in the heart center, and then starts drawing Christ Jesus up towards the throat energy center, and then into the brow energy center. Well the household of Leviathan and the counterfeit time line is a parallel time line, the same principles apply. The fiery serpent is seeking to ascend into the heart energy center, and occupy it. And when the fiery serpent is dominating the personality, and is ascended into the heart center, that heart center, that is who the devil is. The personality bound to the fiery serpent who is pursuing Leviathan and Satan. That's who the devil is, and the devil is good and evil. This is where people stumble. The serpent's household is good and evil. You do not have to be a serial killer to be in the image of Satan. The devil is our old man, the personality bound to the fiery serpent and through the fiery serpent connected to Satan and Leviathan. And our new man is the personality bound to Christ Jesus, through whom we communicate with the glorified Jesus Christ. That's the old and the new man. And Adam is signified by the ram or Christ Jesus in the New Testament, is signified by a ram, and the devil our old man, is signified by our old man is signified by a goat. So we could have a ram on the left side of our heart center, and a goat in the right side of our heart center. That's a divided man.


Only one can survive. We see this principle in the book of Daniel. As soon as both a ram and goat appear, and the visible world, the heart center is the visible world. The heart center is the real world. What we see here is just an image of the heart center. And once a ram and goat both appear in the heart center, there will be a fight to the death. Either the old man or the new man must dominate. So we see that the old man, the devil, the fiery serpent joined to the personality ascends into the heart center and occupies in the form of a goat, or this is a spiritual goat now, this is just a symbol, and occupies that heart center, waiting for Leviathan, to descend into the heart center to catch that old man, or that devil or that goat up into the fifth energy center. So we see that the fiery serpents are the entrance way into the fifth energy center of the counterfeit time line. The fiery serpent is our spiritual potential, she is the subconscious aspect of the carnal mind in the individual.


One thing that I really don't understand yet, I expect that the Lord will explain it to me at some time is that it seems to me from all of these studies that the fiery serpent seeks to ascend. It seems to me from this whole doctrine of Christ that's coming forth, is that she in a of herself is seeking to ascend from the 1st center, to the 2nd center, to the 3rd center, where she becomes flies, and in the 4th center she becomes a goat, and in the 5th center she becomes, not that she becomes, her spiritual condition is signified in the elephant in the 5th center, a vampire bat in the 6th center, and the swine in the 7th center.


And yet it's my understanding of Hinduism, that the Yogis are seeking to waken the slumbering serpent. That from the readings or the writings that I pursued in Hinduism, the fiery serpent or Kundalini, they call her, is coiled in the root energy center, and she would stay there forever. If they don't use physical exercises, and mantras and whatever else they do to stir her up, and cause her to ascend. So I have a conflict in my understanding, and I'm waiting for the Lord to explain it to me. Why the Hindus would perceive the fiery serpent as not desiring to ascend, as needing to be prodded and coaxed, while the doctrine of Christ shows her very willing to ascend, and we having to use all of our strength in Christ Jesus to cast her down. So there's a conflict here, I'm lacking some information, and we will see what the Lord has to say about it. Praise the Lord.


So we see that the fiery serpents, Leviathan's household in the mortal men of Judah, are the entrance way into the neck energy center of Leviathan's city. And of course the fiery serpents are the neck energy center of Christ Jesus' city or of Adam's city. When they're in submission to Adam or Christ Jesus. The fiery serpent is our spiritual potential. She's our spiritual virginity. We read about the virgins that will follow Jesus wherever he goes, these are the virgin fiery serpents who have been separated from Leviathan and so securely bound unto Christ Jesus that they are starting to vibrate towards him, rather, their instincts are changing towards Christ Jesus, rather than towards Satan and Leviathan. And I'll tell again that when Paul, in the book of Corinthians talks about leading his virgin around, he is not talking about his sister. He's not talking about his physical sister, the virgin, he's talking about his own fiery serpent, he's saying, wouldn't, it's a good thing to desire to lead your virgin around.


It's a good thing that the personality should desire to dominate the fiery serpent within her. So we see that the fiery serpents who are pursuing Leviathan are the entrance way to the neck energy center of Leviathan's city. And Adam within Samson seized the fiery serpent, Leviathan's household in the mortal men of Judah. He seized the fiery serpents with, now this Adam in Samson, penetrating into the minds of the disciples that the Spirit of Elijah has assigned to him, and he seized the fiery serpents in his disciples, with the specific intention of restraining them from pursuing Leviathan, and binding the fiery serpent under himself and redirecting her, and retraining her and re-engraving her with the image of the Spirit of Elijah, and towards his lifestyle. Now this is a warfare on the part of the teacher, and the procedure that is laid down, by the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Spirit of Elijah in the Old Testament, is education. The teacher must educate the disciples, and convince them by the Spirit of Christ that it is in their best interest to cooperate with him. And when the personality of the disciple understands the doctrine of Christ, and works with the teacher, the warfare goes very slowly, with very few bumps, Christ Jesus is raised in the disciple, and ascends into the heart center and occupies waiting for the, we're in the New Testament now, waiting for the glorified Jesus Christ to come and catch them up in the 5th energy center, a place of power; a place of power and one energy center below, the brow energy center where we become a supernatural man.


Praise the Lord. And Adam within Samson made love to the fiery serpents, within the mortal men of Judah, and Adam within Samson had spiritual intercourse with the fiery serpents within the mortal men of Judah. So we see that the penetration of the fiery serpents, by Christ Jesus, is done in two stages, what does it mean. Adam in Samson made love to Adam in the mortal men of Judah. Was there physical love making? Of course not. God is not a homosexual and his servants are not homosexual. It simply means that Adam or Christ Jesus in Samson or in the teacher, does kindnesses towards the mortal men of Judah, helps them, heals them, delivers them teaches them, loves them, with the love of God, which is a sacrificial love.


So the teacher who is truly ordained through the indwelling Christ Jesus towards the disciples assigned to them to love his disciples means he will sacrifice for them. Sacrifice what? Does he support them physically? No, you have to work for own living, but the sacrifice is the forgiveness of the sins of the disciples towards the teacher, and the longsuffering in an attempt to bring them to a place of understanding and strength where the teacher himself is. That's the sacrifice. The forgiveness of sins, and the tolerance of the ignorance and the ineptitude of the people you are teaching. This is the love of Christ Jesus and Adam loved the mortal men of Judah. He loved them with the love of God. And the next step is, that Adam within Samson had spiritual intercourse with the fiery serpents of the mortal men of Judah. There's nothing physical going on here.


The fiery serpents must be captured and bound under the authority of Christ Jesus. And once Christ Jesus in the teacher captures and binds under himself the fiery serpent in the disciple, then that fiery serpent is suppose to be turned over to the regenerated Adam or the regenerated Christ Jesus in that man, and as soon as that man is strong enough to maintain holding down that fiery serpent who's himself, Christ Jesus in the disciple can withdraw. But the thought in my mind right now, is that the way that the Lord Jesus has set this up is that Christ Jesus in the disciple may not withdraw until such time as the glorified Jesus Christ descends into the disciple, and joins to Christ Jesus in that disciple, that the fortifying power that is enabling Christ Jesus in the disciple to stay on top of the fiery serpent, first comes from Christ Jesus in the teacher, who continues to fortify Christ Jesus in the disciple until the glorified Jesus comes in and does the job for himself. Praise the Lord, And Adam within Samson had spiritual intercourse with the fiery serpents within the mortal men of Judah. That intercourse is the penetration that is necessary to harness and bind the fiery serpents under the authority of Christ Jesus, that's the intercourse.


We're now at the top of page two of your notes, and we're going on with the second half of verses 3 and 4 which are interspersed and the two titles are, The personalities of the mortal men of Judah bear the manchild, oh, there are three topics here, "The personalities of the mortal men of Judah bear the manchild", "Elijah delivers from Leviathan's city." I didn't put down who's delivered. I guess it's the fiery serpent, I don't know whether it's the personalities or the fiery serpents, we'll have to find that out as we preach this.


Elijah delivers somebody from Leviathan's city, "And Adam joins the men of Judah to their neck energy center." "And it came to pass, that the personalities of the mortal men of Judah who were miserable disheartened, and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature...", and of course this is Delilah, we're talking about Delilah, for those of you who have not heard the earlier messages, or who maybe reading this transcript, Delilah is a collective name for the carnal mind, the carnal mind joined to the personality, or for the old man, Delilah is the collective name for the old man, who is female to Christ Jesus. "And it came to pass that the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, also known as Delilah, who were miserable disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, brought forth Abel, the manchild, and the Spirit of Elijah, Adam's captain, who was in the crown energy center, which is above the neck energy center of Samson, the valley where Satan was silenced, brought the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, out of Leviathan's city, and bolted the door against the primordial serpent, the magician who cast a spell on the primordial Adam to cause him to fall, so that she could unite with Elohim's sons."


"And this is how Adam within Samson joined the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to the neck energy center, which is above. And it came to pass that the personalities of the mortal me of Judah, that Delilah who are miserable disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, that's the carnal mind, brought forth Abel the manchild." So we see that in Samson's case, the personalities had not yet, that he was sent to disciple, had not yet been persuaded to cooperate with him. They were his enemies, and brethren, in most instances that I have seen in discipleship situations, which haven't been very many, but everyone that I've seen, the disciples that the Lord sends to the teachers to initially are hostile to the teacher. This is a very hard walk. You want glory with God, you want power with God, it is not easy to attain to this, and the Lord gives you things to do, that you could never do without his strength, and he sends you to disciples who don't want you, or who don't believe you, or who don't trust you, and you have to love them, and forgive them, and teach them, and if Christ is really in you, if he has really been called by you, things will work their way out.


You may lose some people along the way, but the ones who are truly called, will settle into a relationship with you and be taught. So we see that the mortal men of Judah did bring forth the manchild. Now remember we just read that the personalities were hostile to Samson, they were trying to kill him, we read earlier, in verse one and two that they were trying to cause Samson, the fiery serpent in Samson to break free and dominate him to get free from the relationship that Elijah had established between them.


So they were trying to bring down their teacher, to escape from what, well I'm going back and forth between the Old and New Testament, between what the Spirit of Elijah or the Spirit of Christ in the New Testament was intending to do in their life. And the next thing that happened was that Samson continued in the faithful execution of his commission, he entered into their heart center, by Adam within him, and he captured the fiery serpent, and he loved the personalities of the mortal men of Judah. He sacrificed for them, and then there was a union between them, and they conceived.


The mortal, you see, brethren, every true teacher in Christ Jesus who comes to this point, who brings the disciples into a godly submission, through love and trust and education and truly penetrates their spirit and their mind, will cause the disciple to conceive. Paul said, I believe it's in the book of Gal. he said to the Galatians, you are the proof of my apostleship. You are the proof that I am truly an apostle of God who is sent to you. Now why would he say that? Because Christ Jesus is coming forth in them too. So if the discipleship group truly is in Christ, the disciples must conceive Christ Jesus. You must. Now it may take some a little longer than others, but you must conceive, if the teacher is truly an apostle sent to disciple Christ in you, you must conceive, because the true discipleship is of Christ in you. So what would you be doing under a teacher if Christ isn't in you? It's up to that teacher to bring forth Christ in you. So it came to pass that the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, who were miserable, disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, brought forth the manchild, Abel, or Christ in our generation, and the Spirit of Elijah, Adam's captain, the Spirit of Elijah is Adam's captain, in our generation the Spirit of Christ, or actually it will be the glorified Jesus Christ is our captain.


He's higher than we are, he's higher than Christ Jesus in me, he's the one who's been liberated from the body, and he enters into the individual, at the crown center, and he is the captain or the head of the most mature of expression of Christ Jesus that's possible in the flesh, the glorified Jesus Christ has the preeminence, he is the head, and Christ Jesus in the individual is the body. So after the mortal men of Judah conceived the manchild, the Spirit of Elijah, Adam's captain, who is the crown, that's the 7th energy center, which is higher than the 5th or the neck energy center of Samson, "...the valley where Satan was silenced." So might ask, "Why did I amplify the words, the 5th energy center of Samson? Because the next words are, "...the valley where Satan was silenced." Samson is the valley where Satan was silenced. Each of us is a valley, we're also a black hole, sometimes we're called a well. Mortal man is a container, we're a container for the energy center or the spiritual life. And the principle of Satan being silenced, can anybody explain that, does anybody know why or how Satan is silenced? Do you want to try, okay.


COMMENT: He's cut off because, I'm thinking of the two valves, and one is cut off and they can't function all at the same time.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, that's close. Satan is the generator of thought in the mortal man. All thought originates in the unconscious mind and it either arises out of Satan or the Spirit of Christ. So if the Spirit of Christ is not in you and the Spirit of Christ is in Christ Jesus, if the Spirit of Christ is not in you where he's powerful enough to be generating thoughts, well even if he is in you, well if he's not in you, all of your thoughts are arising out of Satan. Your good thoughts and your evil thoughts are all arising out of Satan, and even if the Spirit of Christ is in you, if you're still in the flesh, if you're not in the brow energy centers, Satan is still generating forth as well as the Spirit of Christ, and thought is vibration, thought is energy. It's an energy stream that goes forth, and it moves by vibration and vibration creates sound.


We know that audible speech, that you're listening to my audible speech right now, it's because I can speak because my vocal chords are vibrating. Well there is a speech that is not audible to the human ear. It begins in the depth of the carnal mind, in the unconscious aspect of it, and that inaudible speech is also a vibration. To hear my language my physical vocal chords are vibrating, but in inaudible speech does not have any physical vocal chords, the speech itself, the thought, speech is thought, you see. Satan generates thought, thought is a form of inaudible speech, and it operates through vibration, and every time I get this teaching, I see in my mind, in my spirit's eye, a rattle snake, vibrating its tail. So Satan must move, now who is Satan? She is an energy force, and she moves by vibration, and when she moves, she creates sound or thought, I don't know if she creates, well she creates it for us, as far as we're concerned. She's not a creator, she forms the thoughts, let me say that.


So Satan must move to make a sound. Just as you have bell, you have to move the gong to sound the bell. So the silencing of Satan is the stilling of the movement of Satan, and the sensation of her generating thoughts, in the unconscious aspect of our carnal mind. Brethren we sin in the unconscious aspect of our mind. It is our sin nature that sins in us. We are not sinners because of behavioral sin. We are sinners hopelessly doomed to death, because the one who founded us, our spiritual foundation, our very mind is an expression of sin, the primordial serpent. She has generated us, she has incarnated us, and she thinks through us, and lives through us, and she is both good and evil, but she cannot be righteous. Only Christ Jesus is righteous. So when Satan generates thought from the unconscious plane, she must move, thought is vibration, she must move to generate this thought, therefore the silencing of Satan is the restraining of Satan so that she cannot vibrate, so that she cannot get her thoughts out, and how is she silenced?


An angel came down from heaven, I saw an angel come down from heaven with a great chain and he put it on that old dragon, Satan, and the devil, and put her in the bottomless pit, I'm sorry it's not the devil, it's just Satan, and he put that chain on Satan and forced her down into the lower energy centers below the heart center, and he put a seal over the pit, that she could not get back into the heart center again, and that the movement of her spirit would only be heard under ground and not influence the man who was in his heart center.


So we see that Christ Jesus or the regenerated Adam in Samson was the chain that Samson had in his hand and he put around Satan and he forced her down into the lower centers beneath her. And that's what each and every one of us have to do. By the strength of Christ Jesus within us. We must chain Satan and force her down into the lower centers, while we live out of the higher centers. And this is how Satan is silenced and we must a seal over those lower centers that she cannot get out. And this is how Satan is silenced in the individual.


I had a dream years ago when I was a very young disciple, that I had no idea I was going to be a teacher, and I was teaching, there was a whole row or their were a lot of people there, like a whole row of people sort of sitting in a semicircle, and I was trying to teach, and the people weren't understanding me, and all of sudden I looked up and there was someone standing there, just making a lot of noise, making unintelligible sounds, like aya aya aya, aya, aya, and the people couldn't hear me, and I lay hold of him, the man in the dream, and opened the door, and threw him out and slammed the door, and then I taught the people.


You know I want to tell you something, there's something going on in this society today, that is a direct parallel of what I just told you, especially amongst the younger people, I've heard them, and a lot of older people too. If you're saying something that you don't want to hear, they'll either talk over you, well I've had younger, like young teenagers, actually go ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, when I was talking to them. But adults are more civilized, they'll just change the subject, or talk over you, but I want you to know that this is a Satanic response to something that you do not want to hear. You know I've been preaching this for years, and I felt it in my spirit for years that this is in ungodly response to someone who is saying something that you don't want to hear, and I struggled with it for years, because I don't know how people get this way, I know that the way I was raised, I would never dream of doing something like that, of being so rude as to just change the subject without any acknowledgment as to what the person is saying.


But apparently it's something that is very common in our society today to me it's extremely rude, but a lot of people are doing it, that's the way they deal with you if they don't want to respond to something that you're saying. And up until this very minute, I never had any Scripture, or any Scriptural foundation to explain to the person why this is ungodly to do this, it's just, I know in my gut that it's wrong. And I finally have a Scriptural principle, as to why it is ungodly, that this is how Satan behaves, and I'm telling you based on that dream that the Lord gave me years ago, and this Scripture that says that Satan has to be silenced. Satan will interfere with honest communication, and just changing the subject just because you don't want to answer is Satanic at its root, it is ungodly behavior. Every attempt at communication should have a response, and if the person is out of line, you have to ask the Lord to help you to rise up in the authority of Christ, and in firmness but in kindness say to the person, I really can't listen to this, it's wrong, what you're saying is wrong, and I can't listen to it. And then hopefully, if their response is godly, you'll have an opportunity to teach them, they'll ask you why, why can't you listen to it, what's wrong?


I can think of two people right now, who use to call me a lot with their burdens, and I couldn't bear it, it was draining me of my energy, and I had to tell both of them, I can't stay on the phone with you, I'm starting to faint, my energy is being drained to this degree, and now both of these people accepted what I have told them, and have decided that they want a relationship with me, and are willing to get off the phone when I tell them, I've got to go, I'm being drained. Jesus is into honest communication, he's not into avoidance, he's not afraid of confrontation, so who do you want to be, Satan or Christ Jesus. You have to decide, a life of confrontation is not easy, and a life of confrontation in a godly spirit is even harder, but that's who Christ is. He's a confronter, because the confrontation shows the person that they are doing something wrong and if they're willing to listen, shows them the correct alternative. If you just avoid the person or change the subject, you have not exposed their sins, neither has you taught them, and you've left them exactly like they are, you haven't affected their life at all, you've just preserved yourself and escaped from an unpleasant situation, and this is the not what Christ Jesus does.


Christ Jesus helps the offender. Now of course if the person doesn't respond and continues to afflict you that way, then you have to take certain action. But you have to at least attempt to help them. So we see the Spirit of Elijah, who is Adam's captain, who is in the crown energy center, which is higher than the neck energy center, of Samson, the valley where Satan was silenced, that's Samson, the valley where Satan was silenced, does Satan speak through your mouth? To what degree does Satan speak through your mouth? Has Satan been silence in your valley? Has been 80% silenced, has she been 90% silenced, or she is still yacking away in your mouth, but is your mouth refusing to repeat her words? Satan has not been silenced in me. I hear her all the time, but it's rare that I repeat her words. I'm not 100%, I do slip from time to time, but it's rare for me to repeat her words, but I hear her in my head.


So we see that Samson must have been higher than I am now, but what I can see, he must have been caught up into the brow center. I hear all the time saying, curse God and die. I'm just saying that to make a point, that's in the book of Job, I hear her thoughts all of the time, her thoughts are designed to destroy my spiritual life in Christ Jesus. Because you see, if you choose to agree with the thoughts of Satan in your mind, you are cursing Christ Jesus in you, when you, the personality, cleave to the thoughts of your carnal mind, Christ Jesus dies just a little bit. Every thought from your carnal mind that you agree with, Christ Jesus dies just a little bit. So maybe that's what those words in the book of Job mean in the King James translation, "...curse God and die." That was Job's carnal mind, saying cleave unto me, choose my thoughts, so that Christ will die.


"So Samson, the valley where Satan was silenced, brought the personalities of the mortal men out of Leviathan's city, and bolted the door against the primordial serpent", now that's what you were just talking about, sister. "Adam within Samson brought the personalities of the mortal men of Judah out of Leviathan's city and bolted the door against the primordial serpent. Now this spiritual principle indicates that the two time lines are very close, I believe that the Lord has shown me that they're one within the other, that they're two channels of ascension, one within the other, and the door to one, and only the door to one can be opened at a time. So the fiery serpents within the mortal men of Judah has ascended into the wrong channel of spiritual ascension, and Adam within Samson penetrated into the minds of the mortal men of Judah, and he brought them, and now the personalities were joined to the fiery serpents, brought them out of the Leviathan's city. Well how do you think Adam brought these personalities and the fiery serpents out of the Leviathan's city. Does anybody know how he did it?


Now remember Leviathan's city is a spiritual place between the heart center and the 7th energy center. So we see that the fiery serpents had to be ascended to be in Leviathan's city. How did Jesus deal with the ascended fiery serpent in the righteous Pharisee, what did he do. Want to try?


COMMENT: He straightened her out?


PASTOR VITALE: Actually, he coiled her up because she had to be straightened up to be ascended, but he cast her down, he cast the ascended fiery serpent down, and she who was erect, fell down into the coiled position into the second energy center, but you had the general idea, you had the general idea.


So we see the whole account of the Gadarene demoniac, mentioned in a few words in the Old Testament, in the book of Judges saying, "And the Spirit of Elijah, Adam's captain who was in the crown energy center, which is above the neck energy center in Samson, the valley where Satan was silenced, so it's the Spirit of Elijah brought the personalities of the mortal men of Judah out of Leviathan's city, by casting down the fiery serpent in them. Is that amazing, that whole account of the demoniac, I think we had three or four or five ninety minute tapes teaching the whole thing, is expressed in one sentence in the Old Testament. That's how he brought them out. He brought the personalities out by casting down the ascended fiery serpent.


And when he cast down the ascended fiery serpent, he shut the door to the counterfeit time line. Now remember the door, the opening has to, or the entrance way to the, okay let me say this, only one, the entrance way to only one time line can be opened at a time. So the Spirit of Elijah cast down the fiery serpent, cast it down the second energy center, and slammed the door to the counterfeit time line. You know what that sounds like to me, the Scripture that I just quoted from the book of Revelation, and that angel took a great chain and put it around Satan and cast it down into the bottomless pit, and put a seal over the pit. So now the door to the counterfeit time line is sealed, and the only channel of ascension that's available to the fiery serpent is in the time line, or Christ Jesus in the New Testament. So she wants to rise up again, she has only one place that she can go.


So we the Spirit of Elijah brought the personalities of the mortal men of Judah out of Leviathan's city and bolted the door against the primordial serpent, the magician, who cast a spell on the primordial Adam and bolted the door against the primordial serpent. You see, that counterfeit time line, it's open at two ends, or it was open at two ends until Adam sealed it. The primordial serpent has an entrance way into the individual through the seventh energy center of the counterfeit time line. She is seeking, she still exists, the primordial serpent, that old serpent, who is appearing to us out here in these outer dimensions as Satan and Leviathan. The primordial serpent still exists in the deeper spiritual planes. And she is seeking to enter into the person, enter into the individuals and dwell in them. And the ascension of the fiery serpent through union with Leviathan is the preparation of the individual to receive the primordial serpent, to come in and dwell here, in the same manner that the ascension of the fiery serpent under the control of Christ Jesus is preparation for the individual to have the glorified Jesus Christ, and actually Jehovah, the promise is Jehovah will come in and dwell in us, through the Lord Jesus.


So once again, humanity in this hour are technical virgins. You see we're either married to Leviathan or Christ Jesus within ourselves, but we have not yet married a spirit from outside of our self. Lord willing, we expect to marry the glorified Jesus Christ, but the rest of humanity that's not prepared for marriage to the Lord Jesus Christ, are subject to being penetrated and forcibly married to the primordial serpent, because this is the age that we're coming into, marriage, it's time for the marriage, mortal humanity is at the age of marriage, the time for love. And it's already begun. So the Spirit of Elijah, locked the door, and bolted it against the primordial serpent, entering into the individuals. This counterfeit time line has to be closed in us, or the primordial serpent will enter in, and influence us, and what opens this door? All of the interest in the occult that's going on this nation today, simple little things like reading your astrology chart, going to a card reader, all of this is pursuing the wisdom of Satan who is the primordial serpent to us in this generation or in this dimension out here, in outer darkness. We are seeking her when we go to her agents to have our fortune told, that opens the door, pursuit of Christian principles close the door, and as this nation departs from Christian principles, the door, the national door is opening and many of the individual doors are opening.


Praise the Lord. So the Spirit of Elijah bolted the door against the primordial serpent, the magician who cast a spell on the primordial Adam. So we see, this is the end of verse 3. We see here some reference to Adam's fall. We deal with this subject in our book, Adam and the two judgments, the primordial serpent has spiritual power, and her spiritual power rises out of the water part of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid. When the waters of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid touched the earth, the earth received consciousness, became the primordial serpent, and she received power from the waters that quickened her, but she has power without righteousness, and that's what makes her a magician, power is without righteousness. That's what makes her a magician. The magician who cast a spell on the primordial Adam. You see, the spiritual power that's in the waters or in the energy of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid are intended or is intended to be under an authority. The spiritual authority of the waters are designed to be under the authority of the seed that's suppose to be grafted to the waters, and righteousness is in the seed, not in the waters. The waters you know, can be likened to the Holy Spirit, and the seed can be likened to Christ. This is why the bride church, which is the in the Holy Spirit must come into submission to Christ, because there is no righteousness in the Holy Spirit. When you receive the Holy Ghost comes upon you, you shall receive power. The Scripture doesn't say, you shall receive righteousness, righteousness is in Christ.


So we see that the primordial serpent is the waters of Jehovah's seminal fluid, who have withdrawn from and have denied the authority of the righteous seed, but has taken the seed of the earth unto herself to thicken her waters so that she can reproduce. I'm going to say that again. The primordial serpent is the waters or the energy of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, which has withdrawn and departed and separate from the headship of the seed, or the sperm. That's why the primordial serpent has, and Satan is her agent in this dimension, that's why Satan has power. She is, and you know, the people that deny Satan will say there's only one power in the universe, that is true, and that is of God, that is true, but the power of the universe is seed and water. And there was a division between the two aspects of Jehovah's power.


So the authority, the power and the righteousness are not cleaving to one another, and the power without the righteousness is evil power. When the seed is once again grafted to the waters of creation, the rebellion will be put down, and there will be peace on earth and good will towards men. I've been convinced for years, that every problem known to man, especially physical illness is caused by a lack. You see, we have all of these medications and chemicals that are sent to kill disease in our body, I'm convinced is caused because we're lacking something. Now maybe the medications that kill the problem are good for the time being, but basically speaking, disease is caused by a lack, and this is the principle of holistic healing, which today is all pretty much occult, although there may be some validity in it. You have to ask the Lord if he wants you to pursue it. But holistic healing teaches that if you just give the body what it needs, it will head itself. But I don't believe that it's all in food. In some instances this situation is in food, but in other instances we're lacking the righteousness of Jesus Christ, you see. The body is sick because it's lacking something. The primordial serpent who is appearing to us as Satan in this hour is evil because she's lacking righteousness.


So the Lord Jesus Christ is come to join righteousness to her, and she's fighting like a wild animal, every step of the way, but righteousness will be joined to her, to Satan. And Satan will cease to exist. I'm not saying Satan is going to saved, Satan is the evil personality that manifests when the waters of creation are departed from the righteous seed. And when the righteous seed is grafted to the waters or the energy of creation, Satan will die, she will cease to exist. Praise the Lord.


So we see that the Spirit of Elijah, bolted the door against the primordial serpent, and that door, I believe that's probably the seventh energy center of the counterfeit time line, bolted the door against the primordial serpent, the magician who cast the spell on the primordial Adam, to cause him to fall, so that she could unite with Elohim's sons. And of course this issue is dealt with in our book, Adam and the two judgments that the primordial serpent deliberately seduced Adam and did everything she could to cause him to fall. Of course his weakness manifested, Adam must take the full responsibility for his fall, but the serpent did everything that she could to cause him to fall, because she wanted the children or the sperm that Adam was protecting. And she wanted the children of the kingdom or Jehovah's sperm because she wants their energy so that she can be king, well she's really a queen, but she calls herself king over the creation.


Brethren, the same thing is going on today. Adam is risen from the dead in the person of the Lord Jesus, and he's in the world today, seeking to regain that which was lost, to get back the fiery serpents who were Jehovah's sperm, that became evil, and the personalities which are the present day manifestation of the primordial ox. And the Lord Jesus is in the earth today, gathering unto himself what belongs to Jehovah, his seed and his energy, the whole spiritual seminal fluid upon which this creation is based. And Satan is very active today doing the same thing that she did before time began when she brought Adam down. She's seeking to steal the children of the kingdom through subtlety and deception, from following the Lord Jesus Christ. She appears as an angel of light, she calls herself god, she misleads God's people, telling them that she's the Lord, and the whole purpose is that she wants you, you the believer, she wants you, she wants energy, she wants your authority, she wants to rob from you, and she wants to steal, and the fruit of her robbing and stealing from you, is that you will be destroyed. What did Jesus say, "Satan comes to steal, kill, destroy". She comes to steal your energy, to kill Christ in you, and make him her lackey, to destroy your personality. That's what she comes to destroy.


So that she could unite with Elohim's sons, and this is how Adam within Samson joined the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, to the neck energy center, which is above. This is how, how did he do it? He penetrated into the minds of the disciples, he regenerated Adam in them, he strengthened Adam and raised them up and established him in the heart center of his disciples. He cast the ascended fiery serpent down from the 7th energy center of the counterfeit time line into the 2nd energy center, and he put a seal over the pit, and he sealed off the counterfeit time line, the channel of ascension to which the fiery serpent was joining with Leviathan and the primordial serpent in the 7th energy center, then he loved them, he sacrificed for them, then he had intercourse with them, he bound the fiery serpents with the personalities underneath himself, and completely penetrated them, and he directed them into the true time line towards the Lord Jesus Christ, and this is how Samson joined the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to the neck energy center.


Well all you heard me say is that he established them in the heart center. He established them in the heart center, where they occupy that land, until the Spirit of Elijah penetrated them from the 7th energy center, and met with them in the heart center, which is the 4th center, and raised them up to the 5th energy center, a place of power. The 5th energy center is a place of power with Christ Jesus. It's just one step away from a supernatural life.


So let's look at our categories here, did we cover everything? The personalities of the mortal men of Judah bear the manchild. We did that. Elijah delivers, I guess it's the mortal men of Judah from Leviathan's city. Adam joined the mortal men of Judah to their neck energy center. Well I don't know if it's Adam, it should really be Elijah. Let's change that, Elijah, joins the mortal men of Judah to their neck energy center. Well I don't think that we will start another verse, but I would like to explain to the people who are realizing that on the previous part, which would be part nine of this message, I gave whole exhortation on why I would be changing the Spirit of Elijah to Elohim, and someone here did ask me, Well I'm all confused, you know you gave us that whole exhortation on changing the Spirit of Elijah to Elohim, and when I look at the notes today, you haven't done it, and you're still using the name, the Spirit of Elijah, and my answer to you, is that when I worked on these notes, I thought about changing them, and I felt that the Lord was not in agreement with me changing the Spirit of Elijah to Elohim. At this moment I don't know why. I still am of the opinion that Elijah had not yet manifested himself to Israel in the time of the book of Judges, but maybe I'm wrong. I really don't want to guess because I would like to minimize anything that I say that might confuse you. I know it's hard enough for you to follow me with my ups and downs, as I seek to follow the Lord.


So I'm just going to let it go for now, I'm just going to let it go until I hear an explanation from the Lord, as to why I don't feel to change this, I'm just going to leave it like it is. Praise the Lord. Are there any questions or comments on tonight's message?


COMMENT: Being that is was Michael, the manifestation of the Spirit of God with Moses, wouldn't it be the same with Samson?


PASTOR VITALE: You're talking about whether or not I say the Spirit of Elijah or Elohim, is that what you're talking about? That maybe could be Michael, I don't think it would be Michael, because Michael is the name of the seed of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, Michael, Elohim is the name of the whole spiritual seminal fluid, and Michael is the name of the sperm aspect of it, and we know that the sperm aspect, when separated from the waters is weak, that the waters of the creation is stronger than the separated seed. That's why Satan always kills the righteous seed. Until that righteous seed is joined to a glorified Spirit, Satan is always stronger than the righteous seed. Are you following me? So Michael is the righteous seed, okay. So it could not Michael penetrating the mortal men of Judah, it has to be a glorified man, the whole man. This Spirit of Elijah, it's really signifying the glorified Elijah, the whole glorified man, seed and water, seed and water, the glorified man.


In the case of Moses, Michael fighting with Satan over the body of Moses, indicates to me that Michael the righteous seed was trying, isn't this interesting, Michael the righteous seed was trying to graft to the spiritual waters of Moses, without the presence of the Holy Spirit, and he couldn't do it. Now this goes along with the teaching that we have this morning, and the message called Holy Water, Dirty Water, the Lord taught us that the righteous seed can only graft to the Holy Spirit, the righteous seed cannot graft to Satan, why? Because when the righteous seed tries to graft to the waters of the individual, which are polluted with the earth, the earth kills the righteous seed, in the same manner that Cain continuously killed Abel, see. Therefore the Holy Spirit comes into the individual, and is the purified waters of Jesus Christ in the individual, so that when the righteous seed, when Christ comes to graft, Christ grafts to the Holy Spirit in the individual.


Well here's an example of why it's necessary to have the Holy Spirit for salvation, because in the Old Testament, we see Michael, the righteous seed trying to graft to the waters in Moses, the polluted waters of the man Moses, and he failed. So we see that the righteous seed cannot graft to Satan's polluted waters. Thus the necessity for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to make the Holy Spirit available to us, as a medium to receive the grafted word. Did you understand what I just said. I just love it when the Lord, the Lord just teaches as I preach. All of these wonderful revelations come forth, I had never seen quite that way before. I thought that the whole reason that Moses didn't ascend was because of his pride, that he couldn't overcome his pride. But as the Lord is explaining it to me now, is that none of us overcome our pride, until Christ Jesus really becomes alive in us and helps us to crush our sin nature. But in the man Moses, all that Moses had, you see, for Moses to overcome his pride, he needed the power of regenerated Adam to overcome his pride, and Adam was not, it was all imputed, Adam was not regenerated in him, the seed was present, we see that Michael was present, trying to dominate the waters of the man Moses, but Satan was strong enough to prevent that righteous seed Michael, from grafting to the waters.


Now Michael grafted to the waters would have been the resurrected Adam, who would have given Moses the strength to overcome his pride, but Adam was not regenerated in Moses, so he didn't find the strength to overcome his pride. So you see the Lord teaches me in levels, now it's true that Moses couldn't overcome his pride, but the reason that he couldn't overcome his pride we find out tonight, is that Adam wasn't regenerated, which I didn't realized in the past. Adam was not regenerated because the righteous seed could not graft to the waters to create the whole, to recreate the whole of Jehovah's seminal fluid in the man Moses. Therefore the need for a savior, that makes Moses look much better, you see. Therefore the revelation that I had a couple of years ago, when I did an alternate translation on this account in the book of Jude, was that Michael failed because Moses could not overcome his pride and agree with Michael. But now we see that there's even more to it than that, that's it's impossible to overcome our pride without the regenerated Adam, and Adam cannot regenerate unless the righteous seed can graft to the energy of our life, and thus the reason and the need for a savior.


Well, I don't think you understood me, but I think you'll understand it when you listen to the tape, and everyone else is passing out in the spirit here, so there's a very, very beautiful and heavy anointing here right now. I just thank the Lord for visiting us and teaching us, and forgiving us our sins, and this is how we are suppose to be in Christ Jesus, no matter what sin is manifested, as soon as the individual becomes teachable, Christ Jesus is teaching. You know if we had a murderer sitting here right now, if that murderer in his mind was in submission to Christ Jesus, teaching comes forth every time the group that the Lord has put together, the teacher and one or more disciples that the Lord has put together are present and there is a right attitude of submission from the disciples to the teacher, teaching comes forth continuously.


Now that does not mean that the murderer will not have to pay his price for murdering somebody, but even if that murderer is in submission, at that moment, Christ Jesus teaches. Christ Jesus teaches continuously as soon as your spirit comes into submission to him, he teaches you.


COMMENT: There are some I know who are able to except the doctrine of Christ, but they have not received the Holy Spirit, in other words they don't speak in tongues, and there is no gifts and all, it's still the Holy Spirit in them?


PASTOR VITALE: Well that's a very good question, I'm not really sure of the answer yet, I'm not really sure of the answer. The thought has occurred to me, and now this is proven yet, this is how I learned you know, certain possibilities will come to me and eventually the Lord will confirm to me one or the other. The possibility occurred to me that if the person doesn't have the Holy Spirit, if the person that's in Samson's role, the teacher, if Christ Jesus is strong enough in them, he can penetrate that person's mind, and literally be the Holy Spirit for them, so that the seed can be grafted in the disciples, but it's really Christ Jesus in the teacher, that has penetrated into the disciple, and he's the Holy Spirit for them, and he's also the seed of them, and Christ Jesus is regenerated in that person, and planted in the heart center, this is what the grafting, maybe this is what the grafting is, and then when the glorified Jesus Christ comes down and joins with that regenerated Adam, which is the whole thing has been done by Christ Jesus in the teacher, once the glorified Jesus Christ comes down and joins with him, it really becomes that person. Do you understand what I just said? Now that's a possibility that I'm thinking about, the Lord hasn't confirmed it to me yet. And then the other thought that comes to my mind, is that the bride church really does have a commission to go out all over the world, and spread the Holy Spirit to receive the bride groom church.


But both possibilities may be true, some people may receive the Holy Spirit and then receive the seed from the sons of God, from the bridegroom and then there may be a category of people, who for some reason cannot receive the Holy Ghost, or just never come in contact with the Holy Ghost, and if Christ Jesus is strong enough in the teacher, perhaps that first possibility that I just described to you, could manifest towards that person. I think that's what the Lord is saying, that people will come, Christ will be regenerated in people through both methods, and I think the easiest method is to get the Holy Spirit first, but I know that some people, some people no matter how hard they pray and try, they never get the Holy Spirit and they never really speak in tongues. I've met people like that, and I don't really have a full understanding of it as to why this person wouldn't be able to receive the Holy Spirit, but it's possible that they're born with something spiritually lacking in them, that the Holy Spirit cannot enter in. But if Christ Jesus in the son of God is strong enough, he might be able to do it for them, and I see it's almost like an in vitro fertilization. But that's what I'm getting right now, that the majority of people will come by receiving the Holy Spirit first, but there is a category of people that will receive him in another way, if their heart is really yearning for him, he will do this for them. Why are you smiling, do you have something to say?


This sister is laughing because before I said that, she heard the words implant in cloning. So I think if a person wants the Lord badly enough, the Scripture says, "All things are possible." And just as he provided eyes, I believe that Jesus' miracles were physical, such as he provided eyes that were not there for people. If there is a person somewhere, there definitely in the minority of mankind. People who for whatever reason are lacking something, that they cannot receive the Holy Spirit, if the Lord Jesus is capable of creating eyes where there were no eyes, why could he not do this implant, surely he could, all things are possible with Christ. But I do believe that the majority of people will receive the Holy Spirit first.


COMMENT: For a person to actually become reconciled to God, that still is the work of the Holy Spirit, am I right?




COMMENT: Now I have one last question. I always thought the Lord Jesus Christ was Jehovah, that the names were interchangeable.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, the Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah, and to say that the name is interchangeable, it all depends on what thought you're trying to convey. The Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah clothed with glorified personalities. He's not Jehovah alone, he had taken on personalities, he's taking on the personality of the Lord Jesus, who is now completely mingled with Jehovah. Elijah, the personality of Elijah is completely mingled with Jehovah, and the personality of Moses completely mingled with Jehovah. So he's Jehovah clothed. It all depends on the context of what you're trying to say. The glorified Jesus Christ did not exist before time. Jehovah is the eternal one who existed before time. I guess the Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah, the eternal one, but in another form. So it all depends on what thought you're trying to convey.


To say that they're interchangeable, I don't think that it's accurate to say that it was the Lord Jesus Christ, who brought this creation into existence, it was Jehovah who thought it into existence, and Jehovah was not yet Jesus. See, you have to understand that whenever there is a change of name, there's a subtle differentiation of function. Change of name indicates a change of function. But Jehovah is the foundation of everything that exists.


COMMENT: And in the end, we will be swallowed up by Jehovah.


PASTOR VITALE: Right, Jesus will offer up the whole creation to the father, and he will be all in all. But that doesn't mean that Jesus will cease to exist. It merely means that we'll be so purified that we won't need a mediator anymore, we will not need a mediator anymore, but Jesus will still exists, the father will be all in all. Jesus will give up his office, so that the father can rule directly, but Jesus will be there. It's the same principle as saying, if you have the Holy Spirit and the Lord calls you to a mature ministry to disciple under someone who has Christ Jesus, you have to give up your authority and sit under the ministry where Christ Jesus is ruling. Jesus won't cease to exist, but his function as mediator will cease to exist, and the father will take up full governorship of the creation, but Jesus will still be there.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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