033 - Part 2

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


This is Grass, part 2, and it's not about marijuana, okay, (chuckle). I'm going to review our definitions of "grass", before we get into the few Scriptures that I picked out. I've been going through these Scriptures on grass, and brethren they are so glorious, I think we're going to be on Grass for a few more meetings, until God releases me, we may just exhaust every Scripture on Grass, because the message is just glorious.


I'd just like to make a couple of points before I start with the actual message, and that is that most of the church world, they understand that there's good, and they understand that there is evil, and they understand that there is a conflict, but they think that the evil is outside of them. They think that the men that are evil are going to be destroyed, and that those few of us, that are special are going to be delivered.


But brethren I declare to you that the evil is within each and every man, and that the only good thing within you, if you have him, is the Lord Jesus Christ, and that there is no evil hoard coming from without, it is from within. The battle Armageddon itself is within your mind and it is between the Lord Jesus Christ, and your carnal mind.


And the wicked that is being destroyed, is your carnal mind, your natural man, Satan is in your mind, there are many names for it, and the battle is spiritual, and it's within your being.


Your body is going to, you're going to have the same body before it's glorified. When Christ takes over your mind, and the wicked is destroyed, you're going to have the same body, you're going to look the same, but your thoughts will have changed, your words will have changed, and your deeds will have changed from the thoughts words and deeds of the carnal mind to the thoughts words and deeds of Christ. And in due season your body shall be adopted. But the change is within you, it's without being raised up physically off of the earth. It's without your body being killed, it's spiritual, it's in your mind. There's a new kingdom in the earth, the Lord Jesus Christ, and his kingdom is swallowing up the carnal mind, and the kingdom thereof. And that is what's dying. Glory to God.


The type for it in the Scripture is grass, and as we spoke about it in the last meeting, there are six words translated grass in the Old Testament, and one in the New Testament, and Webster's definition of grass, is that it is an herbage, it's an herb, and it's suitable or used for grazing animals. Any of the large family of seed producing annual, biannual, or perennial plants, that do not develop persistent woody tissue, but dies at the end of the growing season. That means grass is not a tree. When you have a tree, it develops persistent woody tissue, and it could abide for thousands of years. What dies on a tree is its leaves, and the grass would the equivalent of the leaves of a tree. It appears for a season, it typifies the soul of man, and it dies.


We are told there are three kinds of grass. The first kind is an annual, it appears once a year, and it's from the Greek word "year", which means the time required for one revolution of the earth around the sun. There is a biannual kind of grass, it occurs and it lasts for two years, the first year, it grows vegetatively, which means, it has, it grows or it has the power of growing, and it's growth is related to nutritive growth. In the second year, it grows is related to reproductive growth.


Okay, so vegetative, the first year it grows vegetatively, which means it produces the nutrients that are going to be necessary to bring forth the fruit in the second year. And the third kind of grass is perennial, and that is present in all seasons of the year. It persists for several years, usually with new growth, in the part that goes from season to season. It means persistent, enduring, continuing without interruption, regularly repeated, and I give to you the Scripture, world without end. And what we're talking about here, is the concept of spiritual journeys through the earth. We have been teaching that God is Spirit, and that we are told in the book of Job that there are sons of God that have existed with the Lord from before the foundations of the earth in the realm of the spirit. And what God is doing, is that he is forming a creation in the realm of appearance, and he is training these spiritual sons to live in the realm of appearance.


And to live in the realm of appearance, what do you need? Does anybody know what you need to live in the realm of appearance?


COMMENT: A body.


PASTOR VITALE: A body and what else? And a soul. Okay, the problem is that the soul is desperately wicked, the heart of man is desperately wicked, who could know it. And the spiritual son must receive appropriate training at the hands of the father, to live in the flesh, the soul and the body, and not be overcome by the wickedness, but on the contrary, to rule the soul in righteousness, not only saving their own spirit from corruption, but saving the life of the soul and the body also.


So this is what we're dealing with, we have the realm of the spirit where the father is, and where the sons of God are, and what God did was he dropped down a big ball, and he called it the realm of time, the life of the ages. And we know that in the Scripture God has very frequently has more than one name for everything, okay. This is the life of the ages as opposed to the life that exists in the realm of the spirit, different kinds of light, amen. And we have spiritual sons that are up here with the father, and they are taking journeys, and one complete cycle, when one of these sons enters into the realm of time, and then leaves it and returns back to the realm of the spirit, that is called a spiritual day, and it is called a spiritual day.


Now we just said, that in order for a spiritual man to live in the realm of appearance, he must have a soul, and he must have a body, he does not need it over here, he does not need it over here, he must have it over here. In the realm of time there is four seasons, spring, summer, winter, and fall. Plant life blooms on the face of the earth in the spring, that is when the son of God enters into the realm of time and receives his soul and body, he appears on the face of the earth, and the analogy that the Scripture gives us is a blade of grass, this is the ground, on the earth, and underneath the ground, there is a root system, I don't know what it looks like, so if anybody knows, they very well might be wrong. There is a root system for grass, it is a root system, it is alive, but it cannot be seen on the top of the earth. When the spring time comes, a blade of grass appears on the face of the earth.


In the fall, as we approach the winter, the grass dies, the root system does not die. The root system does not die, it still lives, and the next year, the grass appears again. Could everybody relate it to this? The spiritual son of God enters into the realm of appearance. God gives him a body and a soul. He passes through the four seasons of his life, and in the fall of his life, his body and his soul dies, dissolves, returns to the dust, which is the substance of which this realm of time is made. It goes right back into the hole, and the spirit continues out of the realm of time, and returns to the realm of the father. Everybody with me? We'll take questions as we go along.


Okay, and God is using grass to teach us about our spiritual life, okay. And the two major principles for this teaching is 1), that the personality is not resurrected. The personality is not resurrected. That's a big problem for some people. This soul that you get when you pass through the realm of time that dies as you pass out of it, when your turn comes to pass through again, you're not getting the same soul. You're not going to get the same personality, it's a tough word brethren, but it's the Scripture. It's the Scripture. Hallelujah.


I'm not going to put the explanation of Jesus and the Sadducees and the woman with the seven husbands or six husbands again. Does everyone here understand it, okay. If anyone on the tape doesn't understand it, it's on the tape prior to this. You know, write to us and we'll send you the tape. The personality is not resurrected, okay, and the second basic principle of this teaching, is that spiritual life, the spiritual life which comes from the father, makes many journeys, it makes many journeys through the realm of time. And the sole purpose of these journeys are for the spirit man to learn, to live in the realm of appearance without being corrupted by what? Anybody? By the carnal mind, the thoughts of the carnal mind. When the carnal mind can get the spirit man to fornicate with her, evil fruit is produced, and that soul is corrupted, and the soul that sinneth, is must die.


When the hour comes that by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, a son of God enters in the realm of time and succeeds in ruling in the flesh without fornicating with the carnal mind, he will abide forever. That soul will not die, and that body will not die. And the only way that is going to happen, is that he's going to pass through the realm of time, in the hour, and we know there's a season for everything that the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, is available to man. And the Lord Jesus Christ is going to say, now is your time, he's going to apprehend him right here in the middle of the realm of time, join himself to him and bring forth Christ in the vessel of this son. And he in this lifetime, in this age, in this hour, in this day, will receive the life of the ages, and he will abide forever in the body and the soul that will be glorified as sole result of Jesus Christ joining himself to him. No other reason, no karma, no good works, no good and evil, nothing that he did, he was just there, and the Lord Jesus Christ joined himself to him.


Is that clear to everybody? Okay, now I want to relate this a little bit more to the three kinds of grasses that we have here, because we're going to be studying some Scriptures that God has given us about grass, and hopefully we're going to get some deep spiritual understanding out of it. Brethren this is just such a beautiful word, I was getting really excited last night. Okay, let me give you the Hebrew word for grass. There are six Hebrew words for grass. Two of them are just used once.


The first time I couldn't make any sense out of it, the first one, Strong's #1758, Strong's #3418, means pallor, and it' from sense of having no color, it means a sickly yellowish green, and it's corresponding word in the Greek, is #5515, it means pale green, and it's used in the book of Revelation 6:8, and says "Behold, I saw a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was death, and hell followed after him." So there is a form of grass, or there is a form of human life that God calls grass, and it's sickly death, it's sickly like death. And I remind you that the word horse in the Scripture represents a man that God considers his own. In this particular Scripture God calls him a horse, because God knows what his end will be, but at this time he is separated from God and thus sickly green.


And Satan rode on him instead of God, and the realm of hell appeared. Remember our teaching about the horse, that the horse is the body, and the saddle is the soul? Okay, and the rider is suppose to be God, when the rider is God, in the realm of appearance we have Christ, okay. So we have a horse in the realm of appearance and the horse really is the natural man, that's what the horse is. So this will be the saddle, and this will be the rider up over here.


So when the rider is Satan, what we have in the realm of appearance is a daughter of Babylon. Remember that? We have the mind of Satan, the spirit of Satan ruling the soul of the natural man, and the result of it is that this guy is going to think, he's going to speak, and he's going to do the things of this rider, and his rider is Satan. And God called him a daughter of Babylon, but there is a change coming, there is a new kingdom in the earth, glory to God, Satan is going to be put under foot, and Christ is going to be ruling in the mind of men, and we're not going to have the daughter of Babylon anymore, in this very same horse, in this very same body, is going to appear Christ. Hallelujah.


Glory to God. So we have one kind of grass, that is sickly green, there is no appearance or evidence of Christ in it at all. Okay, this is Strong's #3418, and it means death. It's a form of human life that has nothing of God in it. We've been talking about this over the last few weeks, that the reason that God permits human beings to be birthed without the root of Christ, never to rise again is that the way he has ordained to bring forth Christ in the earth, is to have a many membered natural man.


He is saying to Adam, multiply, bring forth the human vessels, bring forth the human vessels, and if there is a man on the face of the earth, that is born without the root of Christ and he has children, if he reproduces himself three times over, that is his function on the face of the earth. And when the exact number of vessels appear on the earth, Christ, the Spirit of God, is going to inhabit every human being, and Christ will appear in the earth.


God is permitting men to appear in the earth, they can lead a very happy life, but they will never appear again, because there's no, there is no spirit man in them to return to the father. Are you following me? And there function, the reason God permits it, this isn't a terrible travesty, the reason that God permits it, is that he wants mankind to spread out and cover the earth. And when the ordained number of vessels appears, he is going to inhabit every last one of us. Is that clear? Satan might think he's producing all of these vessels without the will of the father, but God said, "Go ahead and do it."


So we have Strong's #3418, and it's a grass that means death, there is no root of Christ in it, there is no root of Christ in it. This kind of grass is going to appear once, and it's sole function is to reproduce, and there is no spiritual life in it, to appear in the earth again. Glory to God.


Okay, now we have the next three numbers that God says has life in them, so I'm going to call them grass, I'm going to do it this way. I didn't even call that grass, I just called it death, and the first number is #1883, and 87, they seem to mean the same thing, and this is the annual. It's the grass that appears once, remember it went through that cycle once and it returned to the father. That's the only time that that spiritual son is going to appear in a human being in that basic stage, and in that basic stage, it means a young sprout, the first sprout of the earth, the basic tender young grass, and the spiritual son goes through that cycle only once. Glory to God.


The second word that we have is #2682, and this is grass that's ready to be mown. Well the reference book says ready to mown, but I'm going to say ready for the harvest, because that word means more to us, ready for the harvest. Now this one is an annual, it has the root of Christ, this one has the root of Christ also. And the third one is #6212, and this one is in full seed, this one is ready to reproduce itself. Now what have we got here, what is this saying? This is the annual up here, this is the biannual. It appears twice, the first time ready to be harvested, it's goes through the cycle twice, the first time ready to be harvested and the second time in full seed.


And then last but not least, we have down here, perennial, because God doesn't have a grass name for this. Now look at what I'm saying. In the Scripture there's three kinds of grasses, but before it, there's a grass that means death, and after it, there's a grass that means eternal life. Okay, this is in accordance with Webster over here. Three kinds of grass, annual, biannual, and perennial, okay. In the Old Testament, all of these three words are translated grass, this is not translated grass. The perennial is not translated grass.


Are you with me? The perennial is not translated grass, because by the time eternal life is received, you're not grass anymore. You're not grass anymore. I feel like I'm losing you. Okay it's not that important, it's really not that important, that's it. In the Old Testament there's a word that means death, it's translated grass, it's used once. These are the words translated grass, they're used several times for the annual and the biannual, and the perennial down here, is eternal life.


And very often in the Scripture, we're going to go through some Psalms, you'll see it, God does not call the perennial life grass, it's not translated by a Greek word that says grass, it's translated by another expression, okay. As far as the Hebrew goes, it's #6212, which means grass in full seed, but it's still grass, which can disintegrate, and I'll read you Scripture which said, even the grass 6212, that's in full seed, it's still withers, the soul still withers and dies. So even though the grass matures to the point where it's in full seed, there has to be another step, for it to come to perennial, where it goes on without end. But when it comes to that point, the Scripture no longer calls it grass.


If I didn't make it clear, don't worry about it, it's not that important. Okay, I'm just going to review here quickly #2682, means a courtyard, a fence, a habitation, a dwelling place for unclean animals, that's ready for the harvest. We're still unclean animals, what's ready for the harvest? It's Christ in us, Christ in us, the unclean animals, that are ready for the harvest, this #2682, and then there's Strong's #6212, and that means, it has produced a seed. That means that Christ is formed in you to the point that he is a full fledged embryo, and he's going to come forth and swallow up your natural life. It means to glisten, to be green, the green herb, which is full grown, and in seed, and also means herbs for the food of man. So when we get to this point, we're getting ready to feed mankind. And we know that Jesus is the bread that came down from heaven.


Okay, the first thing we're going to do, is Ps.37:1-2, "Fret not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herbs." Okay, the Lord is saying, Fret not because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity, and God is saying that the evil doers and the workers of iniquity are going to be cut down like the grass, and whither as the green herb. So here he is, I'm saying to you, that man is likened unto grass, and God is saying that he's calling evil doers and the workers of iniquity grass. So is it possible that man is the evil doer, and the worker of iniquity, you think that's a possibility? Okay.


The word "fret", Strong's #2734, it means to burn, to be kindled, and it's always spoken of anger. The word "evil doers", Strong's #7489, means to be broken in pieces, to do evil, and we've had studies in this ministry, that when God propelled his son into the earth, he was broken into many pieces so that we could life. So those who are broken into pieces are the natural man. The son of God was propelled into the earth, he was made one with the earth, and broken into many pieces, so that we could appear as many vessels on the earth, because there was life outside of God. There's no form of existence, there's no life outside of God. So we couldn't be here if he didn't give his life to the earth. There was an existence in the earth, it was purely evil, his name is Satan. But we could not exist in the form that we're in, if God was not joined to the earth.


So the one who was broken into pieces, was the son of God, that was joined to the earth. He was made into the natural man. The word envious is Strong's #7065, and it's from the word redness in the face. It means to be excited to jealousy or anger, and it means to burn with zeal. Now the word "against". It's always in a downward motion, and it also means "upon". The phrase is, Fret not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity", and I'm saying that word "against" is always in a downward motion, it means to come upon somebody.


The word "workers" means to produce by labor, and "iniquity" means wicked person, perverseness, unrighteousness. And it's from a verb that means "to distort morally, to turn away from". Alternate translation, Psalms 37:1, "Don't be angry at yourself because those who are broken in pieces when they were separated from God, do evil, neither over anxiously seek to cover your morally perverse offspring." Don't be angry at yourself because you're the one, he who is broken into pieces resulted in you. You are him who was broken into pieces, don't be angry at yourself, when you do evil.


Now this does not mean, don't be convicted of sin, it means don't condemn yourself. That's what it means. Don't condemn yourself when you find that you do evil, neither over anxiously seek to cover over the results of your sins, which is demons. Now God is not saying, don't repent, he's not saying evil is good, he's saying, "Repent and until God delivers you brethren, you have to live with it." You have to live with knowing what you are. It's not easy, and I know that I went through a period of time, where I was banging on the walls, crying out for deliverance in certain areas, I still go through it, but not as badly that I can't bear the sin in my own heart, and deliverance doesn't always come the next day.


We're still natural men, we're God yet. What he's saying is, you're not God yet, don't condemn yourself, when I show you the sin in your own heart. He doesn't say, Go do it freely, which we saw another ministry get into that. Now there's a fine line here, I'm not saying go and do whatever you want, do the best you can to not do it, ask God to help you, but don't beat yourself up everyday because there is sin in your heart. Because there shall be sin in your heart, until you're perfected, amen. "...neither over anxiously seek to hide your morally perverse offspring." If you've produced a demon, and you have sought God for deliverance, and that deliverance is not coming forth in this hour, God does not say, don't seek to cover it over, he says, do not over anxiously seek to hide it, deal with it, don't hide it with religious works, do your best you can to not let it manifest in your words or in your deeds.


If God has not brought deliverance and it's in your thoughts, and you've put it before God and you're genuinely repentant, there is nothing you can do brethren, but wait for the deliverance and look at yourself in the mirror, which is the face of God, and sometimes that really hurts. But God says, "If I placed you in that position, and you've done all that you could do, and I have chosen in my wisdom to not bring forth the deliverance in this hour, don't condemn yourself, and don't be over anxious.


Okay verse 2, "For they shall soon be cut down like the grass." Who? The evil doers and the workers of iniquity. They shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Glory to God. The word "cut down" is Strong's #5243, and it means "to be cut off or cast off and the grass in this verse, is Strong's #2682, and that's the grass that is ready to be harvested. And the word "wither" means to fade, to faint, to just dry up and die. And the green herb, "...for they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb." The word "green herb" is that word #3418, which is the grass that doesn't have the life of God. It has no root of the life of God in it, and it was just here on the face of the earth, for some purpose and it's just going to disappear and never be seen again. And what that is referring to is the demon.


Now what are demons, demons are the illegal offspring of the spirit man, fornicating with the carnal mind. Can anyone say amen to that? The spirit man has the life of God in him. Okay, but this earth is just going to wither, it's just going to wither.


It exists because the carnal mind fornicated with the spiritual man, but it's illegal, and it's going to wither and it's never going to rise again.


Alternate Translation, Ps.37:2, "For those who are separated from God, (that's us), shall soon be harvested, and Christ shall be revealed in them." Don't condemn yourselves because there is sin in you, because you shall shortly be harvested and the righteousness of Jesus Christ shall be revealed in you, and those morally perverse ones, the demons that God is permitting to stay in your soul, that don't have the root of Christ, they shall lose their strength, and fade away." God is going to do it, don't condemn yourself, and don't be over anxious because you're not perfect. Glory to God. I now have, I want to read you what I have an Alternate Alternate Translation. I did verses 1 and 2 again, and I expanded them even more to help you understand.


Verse 1, Don't be angry at yourself because you as a natural man, do evil, neither over anxiously seek to cover over the demon which your soul has produced, as a result of your fallen condition. For the man of the earth shall be harvested in due season, and Christ shall be revealed in them, and the demons shall lose their strength. Now God's not saying, don't seek him to get the demon cast out, he's saying, don't over anxiously cover it over with some false religious work, or some false personality, you try to control it. Do you understand the difference? There's a difference, there's a difference, okay, a very fine point.


Okay, now, the next few verses are very important, although I'm not going to do an Alternate Translation on what the next verse says, this is what you do. He said don't condemn yourself, don't be over anxious, but to delight yourself in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Now if you're condemning yourself because you have sin in your soul, and if you're over anxious because there are demons that haven't come out, watch the desire of your heart. Deliverance, amen, deliverance, and righteousness. So he says, Now don't be over anxious, but do this, delight yourself in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine own heart. Don't try and do it yourself, don't try and do it yourself.


"Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass, and he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him. Fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass." Trust God, trust God, trust God. You cannot bring forth the deliverance in your own power, and God said, don't cover it over, don't deny it, don't deny it, look at it, it's ugly, but look at it, God wants you to look at it. Hallelujah. So these last few verses that I read, this is the perennial grass, this is the perennial grass, this is the grass that is going to abide forever. When he says in verse six, he says, "And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light." The righteousness is the grass, that's going to abide forever, that it comes forth in all seasons, and it keeps recurring and it keeps recurring. But it's not a Hebrew word that's translated grass, he calls it righteousness. You see what I'm talking about?


Okay, going on to the next one, Ps.90:3, "Thou turnest man to destruction and sayeth, Return ye children of men." The word "turnest" means "to convert", and the word for "man" is Strong's #582, it's mortal man. And the word "destruction" is Strong's #1793, this is the only time it's translated destruction, and what it means is, "to crush, to bruise, to beat very small into dust." "Thou turnest man to destruction", "thou convertest man into dust, thou beatest man into dust." "..and sayeth, Return ye children of men."


The word "sayeth" is Strong's #559, and it really means, it's a much stronger word than "say", it means "to will". It's the will of God that you return. God commands you to return. First he beats you small as dust, and then he commands you to return. What are we saying here? The word "return" means "to do again", and not necessarily with the idea of returning to the starting point, to do it again. The word "children" means sons, and the word, the verse that we're in is, "Return ye children of men", and this word "men" is a different word than in the prior verse. This is Strong's #120 and it means Adam. He's saying return ye children of Adam.


Now lets see what we've got here, Alternate Translation Ps.90:3, "You turn mortal man into dust and command by your will, do it again ye sons of Adam." Well what in the word is he talking about, if that isn't the disillusion of the body and the soul, I don't know what it is. Anybody here that doesn't see that? "Ye turn mortal man to dust and command by your will, the will of God, do it again." Do what again, do what again? Gen.3:19, "In the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat bread til thou return unto the ground. For out of it was thou taken, for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." When God beats you to dust brethren, he takes your soul and body from you, it dies. That's what the Scripture is talking about. Glory to God. Do what again? Travel through the realm of appearance again, do it again. It's there, can you see it? Everybody is very quiet today. Verse 4, okay, we are in Psalms 90, and I want to read verse, why did I lose my place here? Psalms 90:4, "For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday, when it is past and as a watch in the night". Verse 5, "Thou carriest them, (who? The sons of Adam), thou carriest them away as with a flood. They are asleep. In the morning, they are like the grass which groweth up." First God carries them away in the flood, they go to sleep, and in the morning, they are like the grass, which groweth up and flourisheth. Glory to God.


The word "carriest" means "to gush as water", and it means, that is one word, to carriest away as a flood, and it's Strong's #2229, and Webster says that a flood is a rising, an overwhelming of water, especially on to normally dry land. And what does water do when it passes over land? It takes the surface of it and it dissolves it, and breaks it down into particles, amen? The Webster says the word dissolve means to cause to disperse or disappear, to separate into its component parts. When the Spirit of God, which is likened to fluid, comes upon us as a flood, our souls and our bodies die. And I remind you that the natural type of it was, in Noah's day, the flood. When God wanted to wipe out the souls and bodies on the face of the earth, he sent a flood. Today it happens in the spirit. When God wants to take a man's soul and his body, he sends a spiritual flood upon him, and dissolves his body and his soul. Can you see that? Amen.


Okay, we are in the second half, "...they are as asleep..", that word "as" is in italics, so what the Scripture is really saying is they are asleep, and we know that sleep in the Scripture is always a type of death. It's Strong's #8142, it means "slack, languid, or dead". And the next phrase is "in the morning, they are like grass which groweth up." And we have a few words there in italics, I'll read it without the italics, "in the morning like grass groweth up." "Thou carriest them away as with a flood, they are asleep, in the morning like grass groweth up." In the morning, they grow up like grass, and that word grass is #2682, it's the grass that's ready to be mown, and harvested, and the word "morning" means "dawn or the break of day". That's the new cycle coming through the earth. Remember what we said, that the cycle started with the son of God leaving the realm of the spirit, passing through the realm of time, and returning to the father as one spiritual day. So the spiritual morning is when they enter into the earth.


And the word groweth up is Strong's #2498, and it means to spring up, to pierce, to sprout, to pierce through, to strike through, to renew or to revive. Now remember our little picture of the grass that existed underneath the earth. The root system didn't die, the root system of the grass didn't die. In the morning of the spiritual day, new grass appears up here, but it's the same root system. The only thing that had died was the blades of grass, which typify the soul of men, and what we're talking about over here, is this son of God, starting a new journey into the realm of time. He had already gone through once and made one day in return to the father, and here he is, and this is the morning. He's appearing again, he appears in the earth, just like this blade of grass. Everybody with me? You're very quiet, okay.


Okay, I have a reference for you, in Isaiah 9:10, "The Sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars." Now this word change, is the same word groweth up, Strong's #2498. The word "Sycamore", it refers to a fruit bearing tree, which I'm told in Gesengus, is cultivated only by persons of the lowest condition. I don't know why, but that is what Gesengus said. Only the poorest people cultivate sycamore trees. Maybe the fruit isn't that tasty. Okay. Sycamore trees are cultivated only by persons of the lowest condition. I don't know why, perhaps the food isn't that tasty, and only poor people would be interested in it. Cedar trees on the other hand, are known for their remarkable firmness of its roots, and its wood is incorruptible. It's a very valuable wood that is sought after by the wealthy.


So what we're saying here in Isa. 9:10, is the sycamores, the poor people's trees, are cut down, but we will change them into cedars, the rich people's trees. Now the word "them" and "into", are not in the Hebrew text. So what we have here, is the sycamores are cut down, but we will change, or we will groweth up as cedars. So what is Israel saying, we're in these vile bodies, we're in these corruptible souls, and we may be cut down but we will live again, in glorified bodies. This is what Israel was saying. In this Scripture, Isa.9:10, this is what Israel was saying, and God is rebuking them for pride, because the only way we're going to live again in glorified bodies and souls brethren, is by Jesus Christ joining himself to us, but the proud nation of Israel in this hour was saying, "Cut us down, cut us down, reign your judgments on us, we'll be raised up not as in vile bodies, but we'll be raised up incorruptible." And Jesus was saying, Ye shall not be raised up incorruptible without me. And he's saying that to the church world today, that are doing their thing. And they think they're going to die, and be raised up incorruptible in heaven. I say unto you church world, you shall not be raised up incorruptible without the life of Christ.


...and the whole point here is that the word "change" is the same as groweth up. So when we use the word, "groweth up", and we're back in verse 5 of Psalms 90, "Thou carriest them away as with a flood, they are as asleep in the morning, they are like grass which groweth up. They are like grass which is changed into something new. That's the word that we're talking about here. Can you see that?


Glory to God. So the word "change", it's the same word as "groweth up", and what it really means is to revive, or to renew and to come forth in a different way. Alternate Translation, Isa.9:10, "As natural men we are destroyed, but when we live again, we will be incorruptible." Okay, now back to Psalms 95, this is what we're dealing with, "Thou carriest them away as with a flood, they are as asleep. In the morning they are like the grass which groweth up." Alternate Translation, "You flood over their land and dissolve it into particles. They disappear, when the next day dawns, they revive and pierce through to the realm of appearance again, this time as a mature grass ready to be harvested." Can you see this? The Lord floods over the land of their souls and their body, and dissolves it into particles.


They, the souls and body disappear, but when the next day dawns, that which was their spiritual substance revives, and pierces through into the realm of appearance again. This time they come through not as a sycamore, they come through as a mature grass, ready to be harvested. Can you see that? Is everybody with me, are you just thinking or am I losing you? Is everybody with me? Okay.


Now verse 16, I want to skip down to verse 16 over there, well let me read it for you. Okay, we're in verse 6, "When the new day breaks, the grass blossoms and shows itself forth again, at the end of the day its life is cut off and dried up. Verse 7, So we are consumed by thy anger and by thy wrath are we troubled. Thou hast set our iniquities before us." Now God's giving all the reasons why the souls and the bodies die. And we're going to jump down to verse 16 and find out the end of all this. "Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto thy children." So after all the judgment, Israel is saying, in verse 13, "Return O Lord, how long are you going to judge us and let our souls and bodies die, and let it repent thee concerning thy servants. O satisfy us early with thy mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil. Let thy works appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto thy children."


Now who knows what the work of God is? Anybody? The work of God is that he's making a man. That's the work of God, okay. "Let the work of your hands..", now who was the first of the creation of God? Jesus was the first completed man. "Let the work of your hands, Jesus Christ, the creation of God, be seen by your servants." Who is the servants of God? Israel. Let Jesus Christ be seen by Israel, and your glory, which is the Spirit of God, glory refers to the spirit, Jesus in spirit form, be seen by the descendants of Israel. Let Jesus Christ be seen by Israel, and let the Spirit of Jesus Christ be seen by their descendants. Glory to God. "Let the work of your hands, Jesus Christ, the creation of God, be seen by your servants, Israel, and your glory, Jesus in spirit form, be seen by their descendants.


That's the grass that's perennial. The Scripture doesn't call it grass, it's Jesus Christ, it's the glorified soul and body, it's the life of the ages, it's incorruption. So the end of these many journeys, the end of the grass dying and withering, the root system lives, which is the spirit, is that in one hour, Jesus Christ will join himself to it, and the work of God and the glory of his Spirit will be seen in men. That's the end of it. Glory to God. Not Christ consciousness or any other kind of perfection. The perfection is the Lord Jesus Christ. Okay, we're going to try Psalms 92:7, "When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish, it is that they shall be destroyed forever." Now, do you see here that God is likening grass to men, and he's also likening the grass to the wicked. So it's a confirmation that the wicked is men. When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity flourish, it is they that shall be destroyed forever. The workers of iniquity, and the wicked shall be destroyed forever. Glory to God.


Okay, the word "wicked" is Strong's #7563, and it means evil in state of being. Who is the evil one in his state of being? It cannot be anything else. Satan. The grass we're talking about here is #6212, grass in full seed. This is man that has produced the embryo of Christ, after his human spirit has been fertilized by the Holy Spirit. And the word "iniquity" means to come to nothing, and it means especially an idol, which is the demons that are produced in our soul, when we fornicate with the carnal mind.


Alternate Translation, Ps.92:7, "When the manifestations of Satan bud forth in the earth, as the fully mature seed bearing grass, and when the demons show themselves forth, they shall be destroyed forever." At the end, in the final generation, when wicked covers the face of the earth, and all of the manifestations of the natural man, are manifesting the wickedness of the carnal mind, in that hour, they shall be cut off. How are they going to be cut off. Satan's going great guns, he's covered the face of the earth with billions of people. We also, many of us are a program of Satanism last night. Satan is appearing in the earth brethren, he's appearing in the earth. But the Scripture says in that hour when they show themselves in the realm of appearance, they're going to be cut off.


Okay, we're going to read the rest of the Psalms. This is Ps.92:8, "But thou O Lord, are most high forever. For lo, thine enemies shall perish, all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered, but my horn shalt thou exhort like the horn of the unicorn. I shall be anointed with fresh oil, (the Holy Spirit). Mine eyes also shall see my desire on mine enemies." Who are the enemies, David wrote this Psalm, who were his own enemies, they were within him. His carnal mind and the demons that his soul had produced. Mine enemies shall see my desire on mine enemies, and mine ears shall hear my desire of the wicked that rise up against me. The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree.


So what are we saying here, in the hour that Satan reveals himself in the earth, the righteous shall flourish like the palm trees. "He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon, and those that he planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God." That's us, those of us with the root of Christ. "They shall still bring forth fruit in old age, they shall be fat and flourishing, to show that the Lord is upright." Well it's very hidden, for those of you that could see it, it's very hidden, but what the Scripture is saying, grass is man, man is the worker of iniquity, and in its fullness, in the fullness of his iniquity, he shall be cut off, and he's going to be cut off, because Christ shall appear in him. He's going to be cut off because Christ is going to appear in him. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Okay, let me read that again, and then I'll take questions. "When the manifestations of Satan bud forth in the earth as a fully mature seed bearing grass, and when the demons show themselves forth, they shall be destroyed forever, because the righteousness of God shall appear in them." So what God is really saying in these Scriptures, we're making three points, that grass is typified man, that man is the wicked one, and the demons that he produces through fornication with the carnal mind, are the workers of iniquity, that the enemy is within our own mind, and in our own souls, and that the ultimate victory is Christ in you, the hope of glory. That we cast out demons when they have overtaken us, and they're causing us great stress, but apparently, God permits a measure of them to exist. It's my understanding of the Scripture that he cast out enough demons, so that we could walk in the admonition of the Scripture, that we could walk in at least an outward appearance of righteousness. But to cast out every last demon, there might be nothing left of us. The ultimate deliverance is Christ appearing in you. That's my understanding of the Scripture.


So those are the three points that we've made tonight, that grass is clearly likened to the wicked, and there's two elements, there's the wicked and the workers of iniquity. The wicked is the tree of the adamic man, and the workers of iniquity are the fruit that he produces. I don't think there could be any question that God likens grass to the wicked and the workers of iniquity.


The only problem that we have is that we're trying to establish that the grass is man. But I say unto you, that if the end of all this, if when you study this tape, if you see that the end of the result, the result and the end of all this, is that righteousness shall flourish, righteousness can only flourish in man. So I just pray father, and I ask that you quicken this to those that you would have to understand it, it's not the most important thing in the world you know, if there's something that you don't understand, or that you can't receive, I tell you all the time, you don't have to believe everything that I preach, but if it's the will of the Lord that you understand it, I pray that he gives you all understanding. Does anyone have any questions at this time?



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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