476 - 1 Part
(Matt. 21:1-14)



A Colt The Foal Of An Ass LEM 476 Cover 030216


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            Matthew 21, Verses 1-11; And when they drew nigh into Jerusalem and were come to Bethphage unto the Mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples, saying unto them, go into the village over against you, and straightaway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her. Loose them and bring them to Me. And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, the Lord hath need of them and straightaway he will send them.

            All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets saying, tell ye the daughter of Sion, behold thy king cometh unto thee, meek and sitting upon an ass and a colt, the foal of an ass.

            And the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them and brought the ass and the colt and put on them their clothes, and they set Him thereon. A very great multitude spread their garments in the way. Others cut down branches from the trees and strawed them in the way and the multitudes that went before and that followed cried saying, hosanna to the son of David. Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

            And when He was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved saying, who is this? And the multitude said, this is Jesus, the Prophet of Nazareth, of Galilee.

            This esoteric explanation, that means the spiritual or the hidden translation of these verses, actually goes down through Verse 13. I did not have time to do a translation on Verses 12 and 13, but I'm going to read them now and I may just give an exhortation on these two verses, or if we don't finish this message this morning, I may do two more verses between the services.

            So Verse 11, and the multitude said, this is Jesus, the Prophet of Nazareth, of Galilee, and Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of those that sold doves. And said unto them, it is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves.

            So what I have just said to you is that the spiritual understanding that is in Verses 1 through  11 of Chapter 21 really continues on through Verse 13, although the parable version doesn't reveal that at all.

            The basic principle that I would like to emphasize before we start our study in our translation is that it is rare (I can not say that it never happens because I have not exhaustively studied the whole Bible, but in my studies I find that it is rare) that the Scripture is dealing with a group.

            The Scripture is dealing with the individual and the individual experience that we will all be having. It is our conversion. The Scripture talks about conversion. There's no rapture as you all know here, and I'm pretty sure everyone listening to my messages (I hope you know) that there is no rapture.

            The physical body is not being taken off the earth to escape the hard times. We are called to be overcomers, and we overcome by the spiritual blood of Jesus Christ. That blood has to be flowing in our veins for us to be an overcomer.

            Brethren, if we are both physically dying and you get a blood transfusion, even though I'm related to you, it doesn't help me. Jesus shed His blood for us and that blood has to get inside of our veins for it to help us.

            So we will see that Chapter 21, Verses 1 through 13, Jesus is speaking to His disciples, but He is really dealing with the individual disciple even though He is speaking to them as a group. He is talking about the experience that they and we shall all have as our conversion proceeds.

            Unfortunately, for those of us who don't like pain, which is all of us, our conversion does not take place in one day. It takes place over a long period of time. It is not that the Lord isn't capable of converting us.  It is that, we, our carnal mind, our stubbornness and our pride and our idolatry takes a long time to change.

            That's true of the whole human race. Maybe some people need a little more time than others, but everyone, including me, is taking years and years and years to be perfected because of the condition that our mind is in.

            Of course, let me state this, what is the conversion? The conversion is a conversion of nature. Our nature is manifested through our mind. So conversion involves a new mind.

            That should be pretty easy for everybody. Everyone knows we're getting the mind of Christ. If you are a student of the Bible at all, you know that we are receiving the mind of Christ, and there is a new nature in that mind. It's the nature of the glorified Jesus Christ who has the nature of Jehovah. That glorious nature which produces eternal life is in the mind of Christ, but we have two minds.

            All stubbornness, and idolatry, and rebellion, and every other sin known to man is in the carnal mind. So the conversion is that the mind of Christ must overlay the carnal mind and suffocate it. We must utterly prevent it from thinking or manifesting through us in any way. This is our conversion.

            Ultimately, the carnal mind will be destroyed. This is our conversion. Now what you hear preached in the church today is largely a change of opinion."I used to think it was okay to steal, now I know it's not okay to steal. I used to think it was okay to fornicate, now I know it's not okay to fornicate. I used to think it wasn't true what I heard about Jesus Christ, now I believe He's the Savior of the world." That's just a change of opinion.

            We must get a change of a whole new mind. When we receive the beginnings or the germ of that new mind, the new mind has to grow and develop and mature in us and then, we, who are the personality must prefer that mind of Christ over our carnal mind. We must fall into agreement with everything that the mind of Christ says.

            At the beginning, when the mind of Christ is first being formed in you, He is very immature, so the Lord will send you to someone with a mature mind of Christ in them. You are not the only one who has the mind of Christ. There is only one mind of Christ, and He's appearing in many people at the same time.

            He doesn't always speak to you. The Lord Jesus, the glorified Jesus Christ, does not always speak to you only through the Christ within you. Sometimes He speaks to you through Christ in another man. It is only Christ in you that can recognize Christ in another man speaking to you. So if you don't have the mind of Christ formed in you, you will consistently reject the wisdom of God wherever you're hearing it.

            If you're following after your carnal mind, the end of you will be death, even though you have the Holy Spirit. Brethren, you have to follow your salvation through to the end. The Holy Spirit is just the beginning. You must come into obedience to Christ Jesus. You cannot do whatever you want.

            Peter said, when I was a young man, I did whatever I wanted, but now that I'm older, now that I'm mature, another dresses me. Well, of course, this is a carnal interpretation. I was going to say, he doesn't even choose what he wears anymore, but, of course, that's not what the Scripture means.

            Brethren, when Christ is formed in you, He wants complete control over your life. You cannot do whatever you want. More often that not, what He wants you to do is very painful to your personality and carnal mind. It causes you pain in your emotions to do what the Lord wants you to do. But we must learn to stand. We must learn to obey the Lord, no matter what the price is, or what the cost is.

            Obedience includes the Lord's priorities. We have to give up our priorities and submit to the Lord's priorities, and we have to live according to the Word. We have to treat people according to the Word. There's no justification for mistreating people no matter how upset you happen to be at the moment. It's still sin. It's the sin of pride. If you're upset and mistreat somebody, it's scapegoating, and that is the sin of pride.

            So let us go on with our notes this morning. Praise the Lord, this is a very exciting revelation. I hope it blesses you as much as much as it blesses me.

            Matthew 21, Verse 1, And they drew nigh unto Jerusalem and were come to Bethphage unto the Mount of Olives. Then sent Jesus two disciples. We're translating the word "nigh," the English word, nigh, to "they drew near." Unto "in," we're saying "in". And we have interpreted the word Jerusalem. I'll read you my note. This was very interesting. It really surprised me.

            Thayer says that the Greek word translated Jerusalem, Strong's #2414, means double peace. I've always thought that Jerusalem meant peace. To be honest with you, I don't recall it meaning double peace. I know I've looked at that definition before, and I know that we have interpreted Jerusalem before.

            I'm pretty sure we interpreted it, and just in case you are new to our messages let me tell you a little bit about that. Words of everyday language are translated, and each Hebrew or Greek word has many potential definitions, just like every English word had many potential definitions. But proper nouns and dates, we have found, need to be interpreted. If we're looking for the spiritual or the hidden or the deep meaning of the Scripture, we have to find out the hidden meaning of names and dates because we have found that information to be very significant in deep studies.

            As I have told you many times, the more difficult it is to translate a verse, and in some verses there are actually words missing, there are just enough words to indicate to the ones who  already know that aspect of the doctrine of Christ to understand what the Scripture is saying. So the more words that are missing, the more symbolism that there is, the more proper names and dates that there are to interpret, that is an indication that this is a very spiritual verse.

            Actually, for several years that I was doing these translations, I missed this whole point. I would frequently skip the first verse of a chapter that I was translating because it was talking about two or three names of cities, especially when we did the studies in Daniel 7 and 8. I skipped the first couple of verses. I said, oh well, that's just saying the city that he was in and the time that it was, until the Lord showed me that there was some deep spiritual information which was very important in these verses that appear simple in the parable form.

            So we interpret names and dates, and we translate words, and sometimes we interpret words too. There are symbols. Certain words represent certain symbols. If that particular meaning is applicable to a particular verse, we will use it.

            I encourage you to remember that the Scripture is a spiritual word, and even the Hebrew words are points of contact for the Spirit of Revelation to rest upon us. I work with that point of contact to impart to us an understanding of spiritual truth which is way beyond our ability to comprehend in our carnal mind. The mind of Christ grows in wisdom and grace, but He has to be matured.

            When I say the mind of Christ has to be matured, I'm not just talking about an accumulation of knowledge. It has been my experience that my ability in Christ to even comprehend spiritual principles has to be continuously stretched.

            A lot of people see this ministry, and they see all the material here, and they think they're going to sit down and read it and they're going to have all of this knowledge.  But you cannot gain the knowledge that is here from reading books. Your mind must be processed to understand it.

            First of all, your carnal mind won't understand this, so you have to have the mind of Christ. If you're interested in this message at all, you have every reason to assume the mind of Christ has begun to be formed in you. But it still may not be mature enough to understand the depths of what is being preached here. It's not a question of just reading the books and listening to the messages.

            I know that my ability to understand spiritual principles is continuously being stretched. I have books in the house that I could not understand last year, but that I understand this year. It's not a question of building up to foundational principles that now let me understand this. No, I know that I was not capable of understanding a year ago what I'm understanding now.

            My mind is stretched by pressuring myself. It's a Godly pressure. The hours that I put in, in study and in communication with the Lord, that's what stretches our mind. If you look at it and say, I can't do it, you'll never do it. You'll never do it.

            So we're interpreting the word "Jerusalem," which the Greek says means double peace. But for this verse, the Lord sent me to investigate the roots of the Hebrew word and, much to my surprise, I found out that the Hebrew word translated Jerusalem, Strong's #3389, is derived from two Hebrew words - Strong's #3384 which means mother and Strong's #3389, which means mother thresher or matricide or a murderer of one's mother.

            Spiritually speaking, the earth is the mother of the creation. The earth is the womb of the spiritual child, and the spiritual child that's coming forth from the earth is the product of a spiritual father and an earthen mother. That's why Jesus can do for us what the Angel Michael could not do for us. Jesus is born of the earth and the Angel Michael of Jehovah. However, I don't want to get into that spiritual genealogy right now.

            Jehovah is the Almighty God. He has a spiritual seminal fluid whose name is Elohim, and Michael is the name of the seed, the sperm part of Jehovah's seminal fluid. So the sperm, Michael, joined with the earth and produced a whole new creature.

            Jesus said, I am the beginning of the creation of God. He's a whole new creature, a whole new race of people, a whole new race of men; part earth and part spirit with the spirit dominating the earth.

            So we see that the roots of the word Jerusalem indicate matricide, the murder of ones mother. I think that the principle behind that is that.... now spiritual things are different than things in this world. What's criminal in this world is not criminal in the spirit world. We must all eventually murder our spiritual mother because she has become evil and robbed us of the heritage of our Father.

            Now even in this natural world, we see this principle sometimes. It's not at all uncommon in this society, today anyway, to see the mother rise up and really turn the children against the father. I have seen it done. It's happening a lot in this society, but then again, I've seen fathers turn the children against the mother. But for our studies today, we're talking about the spiritual necessity of killing our mother.

            The spiritual significance of killing your mother is that she will rise from the dead in another righteous form. You may recall that Adam had two sides to him. He had a male side which was spirit, which is Michael, and he had a female side to him, which is the earth.

            His female side, the earth, had two sides. The female side also is subdivided into good and evil. The female side of Adam is subdivided into good and evil, and the good side is called the woman, and the evil side is called the Serpent.

            Now Adam was married to the woman, the good woman, but her own evil side rose up and seduced her, and the good woman became evil. Now when Christ rises from the dead in us (Christ is the resurrected Adam in us), we must kill the evil side of us which is the evil woman so that the good woman can be restored to life, if you can hear that.

            People without understanding would hear a message like this, and they would be horrified by it, that I'm teaching you that you must murder your mother. This is a spiritual principle, brethren. You don't go out and murder the mother that you were born from. We're talking about internal spiritual principals.

            The reason we die from generation to generation is that we have been robbed of the eternal life which is our inheritance. The one who robbed us of our eternal life is the very spiritual mother who bore us. The way she robbed us was by yielding to her own evil side and ceasing to exist. We died, the whole creation died.

            So we must kill the evil aspect of our mother, which is dwelling in us today, that the good woman might rise from the dead, that she might marry Adam, and that the whole person, all of us, will enter into eternal life.

            There is such misunderstanding with the Scripture, especially with the King James Translation. I think the King James translation is wonderful. I thank God for it, but a lot of the translations really upset a lot of the people, and they're not accurate.

            The Scripture talks about the death of death. It's this evil side of the woman who is called the Serpent. That is who death is. Death must die. So to say that we must kill our mother, our spiritual mother, is just another way of saying the death of death. Our mother has turned. Our internal principle called mother, the earth, which brings forth our spiritual condition became evil, and she must die to that evil.


But she will never die of her own accord, so we must kill her so that goodness can rise in her place, and so that goodness can marry righteousness so that the whole creature will rise from the dead, be born again and live eternally.

            I don't know why the Scripture uses these principles, but I know that in the hands of the wrong preacher, it is devastating. Therefore, because the carnal mind has laid hold of these Scriptures, there is much condemnation in the church.

            Without the mind of Christ, these Scriptures become a condemnation, and in the hands of the wrong person could make a murderer out of them, a physical murderer out of them. Nevertheless, the Lord has given us this holy Word. He's surely aware of all the dangers of it. It's all part of the regeneration of the whole fallen creation.

            In the context of Matthew 21:1, we shall interpret the word Jerusalem to mean the murder of the disciples' carnal mind, the murder of the earth, the murder of our earthen spiritual mother that is our carnal mind. Going on with verse one, the English word "will come," we are translating " appeared" and now we have the word Bethphage, Strong's #967. It means the house of unripe figs.

            The significance of the word, "unripe," according to the Hebraism, according to the Hebrew usage of the word fig, is that the fig (and that's a fruit with much seed in it) is lying dormant under the mud. I didn't put down the numbers of the Hebrew words, but I studied this root back in the Hebrew. That's what the word arises out of, two words; one meaning to lie dormant and another meaning mud.

            This is a reference to the un-manifested Christ lying under the carnal mind. The carnal mind is the womb of the earth, and when Christ begins to be formed, He begins to be formed within the midst of the carnal mind. He is under the mud. When Christ begins to be formed, part of the elements that are reforming him, or one of the parts of the elements that are reforming him, is Abel, and Abel is under the ground.

            Cain killed Abel, and the regeneration of Christ who is the Tree of Life begins underneath the earth. First, Abel is regenerated, and then he starts digging his way out from under the earth.

            Going on with verse 1, the word "unto," we're translating "toward." The word "mountain," we're translating "energy centers." The Lord has shown me that He uses the word mountains for the energy centers, and I put the word "heart" in there because the very next word is the Mount of Olives.

            When you look up that word "olives," it is Strong's #1636. It could mean the olive itself, or it could mean an olive tree, or it could mean an orchard of olive trees. I have translated it based on the meaning or the context of the whole verse. I've translated this phrase, the Mount of Olives, as the heart (4th)  energy center, the collective heart (4th) energy center, which is an orchard of olive trees because each one of us is an olive tree.

            But really there is only one olive tree, and we see this principle in Ezekiel where he says he sees one Tree of Life, and then he says that he sees many trees because we are all branches of the olive tree which is the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is an olive tree.

            Yet, the Scripture from what I can see, the Scripture calls us individual olive trees, yet each tree is a part of a whole tree. I think in the same way that a piece of fruit, a fig for example, every seed in that fig is a potential fig tree, but it's just one fig tree. It's just one fig, but every seed within that fig is a potential tree, and in a situation like that the Scripture would call every seed its own tree.

            The Scripture frequently deals with what will be. It takes the potential, and the Scripture frequently talks about what that potential will be. In other words, we are seeds now, but the Scripture calls you trees even though you are just seeds. The Scripture calls us saints, even though, God only knows, we are not saints. The word saint indicates to be sinless, yet the Scripture calls us saints because we are in the process of being purified.

            So the Lord or the Scripture will look at a seed and call it a tree because He knows that's really what it is. It really is a tree in another form, and we really are the immortal sons of God in another form. We fell down.

            We're at the bottom of Verse 1 here, toward the heart (4th)  energy center, which is the orchard of olive trees. The English word "sent," we're translating to" set apart." Now this is really tricky. The word "two," it looks in the English like two disciples, but when you look in the Interlinear text, that's really not what it's saying.

            Please note that Jesus did not send His disciples away. He set apart Christ in the midst of them from their carnal mind. He set the two apart. But the whole verse is talking about the heart (4th)  center and it's talking about Christ. It's talking about killing your carnal mind.

            So before you can kill your carnal mind, you have to separate your carnal mind from your Christ mind. Therefore, the translation of "and He set the two apart," the translation that would indicate that He is setting the Christ from the carnal mind apart is much more applicable to this verse than to think that Jesus set the two disciples apart. Why would He set two disciples apart? Or according to the King James, He sent them away.

            The King James indicates that He sent them away on a mission, but brethren, I suggest to you this is not true. The words that we have to work with, to form a translation from, are Verse 1 of Matthew 21, And when they drew near to killing their carnal mind and appeared to Christ, the dormant fruit that was lying under their carnal mind in the heart (4th)  energy center of the orchard of olive trees, then set apart Jesus, two disciples.

            This is what the Lord gave me.  That's what I have to work with when I formulate an Alternate Translation. You cannot do it without the Spirit of Revelation.

            Alternate Translation of Matthew 21:1, And when they drew near to their carnal mind to kill it, Christ, the dormant fruit that was lying under their carnal mind, appeared in the orchard of olive trees in the heart (4th)  energy center. And at that time, Jesus separated Christ from Leviathan, the two minds  of the disciples .

            So we see this is for us too. This is not just Jesus' disciples, this is for us today. First of all, if you don't get it, get it now. You are commanded to kill your carnal mind. It is required of you to go on with Christ.

            And when they drew near to their carnal mind to kill it. Well, that's really talking about timing. What it's really saying is that the disciples had come to the place in their spiritual growth, they were studying under Jesus, they were receiving His ministry, and they had come to the place in their own spiritual development where they were ready to kill their carnal mind.

            Now it doesn't say in this verse that there's no way that you're about to kill your carnal mind until you know you have a carnal mind, until you know that Satan is the unconscious part of that carnal mind, until you can admit that Satan is within you, in the unconscious part of your carnal mind.

            Until you are ready, you, the personality, to turn against that mind, until you can acknowledge that that mind is evil, even though you have never done a bad thing in your life, you have never even said a curse word, you've been in church since you were a little baby, and you never did anything wrong, when you are ready to face the fact that despite the fact that your behavior has been irreproachable, that a criminal mind has still been dwelling in you all of these years, and that that criminal mind has just been on good behavior, then you are ready to kill your carnal mind.

            So we see that some people, it could take years until they get to the point that they're ready to kill their carnal mind. We have to be prepared to kill, brethren, even in our natural world.

            I just saw a man on an interview show the other day. He had the title of Lieutenant. I don't really know whether he was in the police or the military. I think he was in the military, and he said his job was to train men to kill. He said that the military has found out that when they train young men who haven't grown up as killers, they've grown up in a family with a mother and father who loves them and sisters and brothers and they go to church every Sunday, and all of a sudden they're in the army and they're told you may have to kill somebody. Well these men have to be trained to kill.

            Well brethren, spiritually speaking, we have to be trained to kill. The first aspect of your training is to recognize your enemy. Have you all heard of friendly fire? Most Christians go around killing the wrong person. Who do they go around killing? Christ! Why? Because they can't tell the difference between Christ and their carnal mind.

            Brethren, there is a training to go on with God that goes way beyond reading books. It is a training of relationship. You cannot learn it from a book. The way that you learn it is to have the ungodly ways that you relate to people exposed, without condemnation, so that you have the opportunity to change. It has to be pointed out to you. You can't see it. Everybody is blinded to their own selves.

            So when they drew near to their carnal mind to kill it, well in Jesus' case, with His disciples it was only a few years, but I know we're working here for years to expose the carnal mind. Then even after it is exposed, you have to be willing to kill it.

            Brethren, I have seen a lot of people with deep idolatry. They don't want to kill their carnal mind. It's been with them all their life. You have to become a soldier in Christ. You have to become a warrior. You have to become a killer of your carnal mind. Be wise as a Serpent and as harmless to other people as doves. Kill the Serpent within you and be harmless to other people.

            So, at that time, they drew near to their carnal mind to kill it, and Christ, the dormant fruit that was lying under the carnal mind, appeared in the orchard of olive trees. That's the heart (4th)  center.

            Well, what does that mean? It means another requirement or another aspect that reveals that you're ready to kill your carnal mind, that Christ has escaped from the domination of your carnal mind and pierced through into the heart (4th)  center.

            Let me tell you something.  You have to have some war with Satan to get into the heart (4th)  center. So we see that there's a long period of training to come to the point that you are prepared to kill your carnal mind. But I think this message is very encouraging because we know that Jesus was only with the disciples about three years.

            So Jesus brought His disciples to the point that they were ready to ascend in three years. Now there are people laboring with me much longer than that, but Jesus was in perfection. So to me, this is a very encouraging word that the more ascended the teacher is, the shorter the period of time that it is going to take the disciples to be prepared to kill their carnal mind and ascend into the heart (4th)  center. So that's encouraging.

            So the time drew near for the disciples to kill their carnal mind. They were prepared in mind and spirit to do it, and that preparation took the form of Christ, the dormant fruit that was lying under their carnal mind, piercing through that carnal mind and ascending into the heart (4th)  center which is where the orchard of olive trees is. That's where the Tree of Life is.

            You see, once your Christ mind gets into your heart (4th)  center, you start thinking with the mind of Christ. When Christ is underneath your carnal mind, I cannot tell you that it is impossible for you to think with the mind of Christ, but I will tell you that it's very difficult, if you're doing it at all.

            Your carnal mind sounds just like the mind of God. There's a whole school of teaching that you need to become familiar with to learn how to recognize the difference between the two voices that sound exactly alike. You will never tell the difference consistently until you receive the wisdom of God in this area because it's just not an audible recognition of a voice.

            You have to be able to try and test the words that are spoken to you, and you can only do that when you're schooled in the body of wisdom that is the foundation of the voice that you hear. The body of wisdom is the voice that you hear. The more you depend upon the voice, the more vulnerable you are. As you mature in Christ, and as Christ matures in you, the body of wisdom which is Christ, is supposed to become your thinking mind.

            When you possess this body of wisdom, when you have years of experience as to what is right in a given circumstance, you don't have to put all of the weight on how the voice sounds to you. Was that the voice of the Lord or was it my carnal mind or was it somebody else's carnal mind? That's a dangerous way to live.

            But when the wisdom which is the substance of the voice becomes yours, you don't have to worry about hearing voices because the voice will have expanded in you into a body of knowledge. It will be a living thing within you that knows that that could not possibly be the voice of the Lord because it's in direct contradistinction to the body of knowledge from which that voice arises.

            I don't know about you, brethren, but to the best of my ability, I am not willing to take any chances in this spiritual war. I want to do everything I can do to gain as much knowledge and wisdom in Christ as He is willing to enable me to absorb because that is where the safety is.

            If you're listening to voices, you are vulnerable, you're vulnerable. If the whole test of the commandment or the instruction that's imparted to you is that you recognize the voice, you are in great danger because Satan, herself, appears as an angel of light.

            So with all this preparation, they got ready to kill their carnal mind. All of the preparation and wisdom and knowledge manifested itself in the fact that Christ was able to pierce through the carnal mind, overcome Satan and appear in the heart (4th)  energy center.

            Does anybody remember the other name for the heart (4th)  energy center? It is the aerial center, brethren. It's called the aerial center. It is the airport.

            If you get a lot of dreams from God, you know God speaks to us in high spiritual symbols. He doesn't care that you don't know what those symbols mean. He is not changing His mode of speech for you. You have to find out what the symbols mean, and you can't make up your own symbols. You have to find out what they mean.

            The heart (4th)  center is the aerial center which is as low as the glorified Jesus Christ goes to drag you up to the higher centers. You have to fight your warfare in the lower centers. You have to fight Leviathan and Satan, and that's no simple war to get to the place where you can be caught up from.

            There is a catching up, but it's a spiritual catching up. You're not getting caught up from the belly. You're not getting caught up from the third  energy center or lower. You have to get into the heart (4th)  center if you have any hope of getting caught up at all. Believe me, that's a war.

            Once you get into the heart (4th)  center, once Christ in you is free, once He's washed off the mud, because He's under the mud of the carnal mind, that's when you start thinking clearly, and that's when you start realizing, I really have to kill this carnal mind. The only enemy I have is my own mind. No man is my enemy.

            Christ is all wisdom. He has the answer to every problem, if I could just hear Him and if I could just obey Him. So first you have to hear Him. You see, He doesn't even have to be in you. It could be Christ in you, or it could be Christ in another man.

            First you have to be able to hear that it is Christ, and then you have to be able to overcome your own carnal mind and obey. Then you are victorious over every problem that you have in the world.

            It's very hard to hear Christ, if you can hear Him at all, when He's still underneath the carnal mind. But once He pierces through into the heart center, you will get the revelation that you have to kill your carnal mind, if you want to survive. If you don't kill her, she will kill you.

            And at that time, at what time? At the time that Christ pierced through to the heart (4th)  center and the disciples were convicted that they needed to destroy their carnal mind before she destroyed them, at that time, not a year, not 1998, not the year 1 BC, but at the time that the individual (and this is for everybody today), at the time that you come to this place in your mind and in your emotions. At that time, Jesus separated Christ from Leviathan in the disciples.

            So you see, Christ could be in the heart (4th)  center and still be attached to Leviathan. Just the fact that Christ pierced through into the heart (4th)  center doesn't mean that He's free of Leviathan. We war continuously until we ascend into the brow (6th)  energy center.

            We separate in stages, we separate in degrees. We can move apart. Two objects can move apart from each other, but still be attached. You cannot kill your carnal mind until you separate from her, you see.

            So first the Christ mind moves away from the carnal mind, from the womb of the earth and after that, only after the person is prepared and equipped in their mind to deal with it (I think I said that wrong, I'm sorry).

            Well, you're fighting your warfare and Christ in you pierces through to the heart (4th) center, and Christ in the heart (4th)  center equips you to kill your carnal mind, and then Christ Jesus (in Verse 1 of Matthew 21, it was Jesus. In our case, it's the man of God who is mature enough in Christ Jesus to circumcises us), circumcises Christ from Leviathan, cuts away the Serpent’s connection to the soul/personality. The more we are separated from our carnal mind, the more we're in submission to, and the more dependent we are on Christ Jesus and the glorified Jesus above, and the more we ascend.

            We are on a journey. We are climbing a mountain. We want to get to the high mountain which is the brow (6th) energy center, at which point we become a supernatural man where Satan and Leviathan have no power over us at all, and we stop dying. That is our goal.

            Verse 2, Saying unto them, go into the village over against you and straightaway ye shall find an ass tied and a colt with her. Loose them and bring them to me.

            So we see that the parable sounds like a very nice story, that Jesus is sending the disciples to get an ass and a colt and, actually, if you look at this King James translation, you have to ask yourself how the people knew that He was Messiah.

            According to the King James Translation, it says Jesus told them to go get a colt and an ass, and all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, tell ye the daughter, etc. etc., that the king come riding on an ass. Well what if Hitler rode into town on an ass, or what if some horrible evil man rode into town on an ass?

            Come on brethren, we just have got to snap out of this. This is a spiritual book. It's a spiritual walk. Any human being could have rode into town on an ass. The Hebrew people spread their garments on the path that Jesus was traveling on, and cried hosanna to the son of David because He rode into town on an ass?

            Come on church, I know nobody here believes that, but I don't know who I'm preaching this to. You have just got to wake up. That makes no sense at all. That makes no sense at all. If you want to follow Christ, you have to be spiritual.

            So let's see what Verse 2 means. Go into the village and straightaway ye shall find an ass tied and a colt with her. Loose them and bring them unto Me. So we're translating the English word "go" to "transfer over." These are all legitimate translations of these words.

            The English words "over against" we're translating "opposite side." That phrase, opposite side, that's a very significant phrase. The words sound very insignificant, but you find it used throughout the Scripture. It's talking about the other mind.

            Brethren, we have two sides. We have a male side and a female side. The Christ mind or Christ Jesus is our male side, and our carnal mind, our emotions, is our female side. We continuously go back and forth between our left and our right side.

            If you're in your carnal mind and the Lord says to you, go to the other side, He's saying get into your Christ mind. I don't think He is ever telling you to get into your carnal mind.

            You know, when Cain was put out of the garden, he went eastward of Eden. According to the Hebrew, he went into the female side of the garden. Well, do you know what that means? Now that we have this revelation of the energy centers, we know that the garden is in the heart (4th)  center that was under the protection of the fifth (throat), sixth (brow), and seventh (crown) energy centers.

            When Cain was put out of the garden, he went down to the part of the heart center (4th)  that was under the dominion of the lower centers where the Serpent is, the first, second and third centers. We have a whole message on the left and right side of the heart (4th)  center. There's two sides of the heart (4th)  center. One side is male, and the other side is female.

            The side that is male has all provision from the Godhead above, and the side that's female is dependent and weak.  And everybody in this world is dependent and weak, even the most successful, self confident people in our world today.

            You cannot keep yourself alive. You cannot save yourself from disease, and if you do defeat a disease it's only for a season. You die anyway. If a tornado comes and picks you up, you cannot keep yourself alive. You just have power in this world so long as mother nature is controlling herself or someone else is controlling her.

            But you do not have control over life and death, and you have only limited control over nature. Should nature rise up in all of her strength, she would break you like a twig. We are on the female side of Eden. This whole world is on the female side of Eden.

            So when Jesus says, go to the other side, He's saying go into the side of the garden that's protected by the eternal Godhead. When Jesus says to go on the other side, brethren, it's not just a casual word such as, well, why don't you take a walk. You cannot get to the other side without permission.

            So when Jesus says go to the other side, He's saying I give you permission to go over into eternal life. You have fought the good fight of faith, you have studied to show yourself approved, Christ has been formed in the womb of the earth and pierced through to the heart (4th)  center in you, and you have received the revelation in your mind and in your spirit that you must kill this carnal mind before she kills you.

            Of course, you're dead already, but before she takes your life in this world. Everybody in this world is dead. If you have the Holy Spirit or if you have Christ within you, you're still dead, because if you're truly alive you can't die. So if you're aging; if you see any signs of aging at all, you're not alive yet, and you have not been raised from the dead yet.

            So you're prepared in your mind to kill your carnal mind and because the Lord Jesus Christ sees that you have progressed so far, He has circumcised Christ in you and freed all of Him from the control of the carnal mind. Now that you're free, the Lord Jesus says to you, go to the other side.

            The word  "straightaway," we're translating "immediately." The word "find," we're translating "to perceive." The word "ass," we're translating as Cain. You may recall that when Adam died, and the substance of him descended into the lower centers, the substance of the dead Adam was birthed as Cain and Abel. Cain, a dumb animal, and Abel, the spiritual, but yet mortal mind of that dumb animal.

            That came forth in Genesis, Chapter 6, I believe. Our definition of ass from the Carter Desk Encyclopedia, an ass is a mammal, also known as a donkey, smaller than a horse. Asses have long ears, a gray coat, well, we'll skip that. The ass was domesticated by the Egyptians about 4,000 BC.

            In the United States the donkey has been used as a beast of burden and for the breeding of mules, which are hybrids by mating female horses and male donkeys, called jackasses.

            First of all, we see that the ass is a beast of burden. Brethren, this ministry is not for the squeamish. The truth of our condition is that, we, the human race, the personalities and the bodies that we live in, are animals. Well, the whole world knows that we are mammals, but we are a race of animals that have been bred by criminal spiritual beings who departed in rebellion from Adam, their true husband.

            I can't go into the whole thing now, but the Serpent rebelled against her true husband, Adam, and has created us. There are many classes of beings that she has created in her own image, and humanity is the host race that she has created so that the spiritual aspects of herself can dwell in us.

            If that sounds way out to you, think of it this way.  Is not Christ dwelling in you? Is not the Holy Spirit dwelling in you? Does not the Scripture say we will give birth to a manchild? Brethren, there is a being dwelling in you, most likely, right now, if you're listening to this message. Christ is dwelling in you. If not, the Holy Spirit.

            Well, there's also a spiritual being dwelling in every man born of a woman called the Fiery Serpent. We see them in Isaiah, called the Seraphim, after they have been joined or rejoined to their true husband, the Lord Jesus Christ. But this Fiery Serpent that is in us, at this time, she is joined to Leviathan.

            Paul clearly tells us to divorce our present husband and marry our new husband, the Lord Jesus Christ. We have a spiritual marriage, you see. That spiritual marriage has not yet been consummated in anyone that I know of. We're married, but it has not been consummated yet.

            Once our marriage to the Serpent is consummated, we will be born into eternal hell. We will stop dying, and we will have an existence of servitude to the Serpent which will be hellish. I don't really know what it would be like, and I hope I never find out.

            So the Lord Jesus Christ has come  in this last hour to separate us from the spiritual husband that we're married to because everyone born of a woman is married to Leviathan. He's come to separate us from our own husband and marry us Himself.

            How can you enter into a strong man's house and take his goods (that word "goods," if you look it up, it is really talking about the man's wife) unless you first bind the strong man. He's come to take us away from Leviathan, a part of the aspect of the primordial Serpent which has incarnated us, and intends to do the whole human race great evil, which evil will be manifested in the consummation of this unholy spiritual marriage, which will bring forth an evil spiritual child, which is the counterfeit of the Christ child, that will control us.

            So we see that the ass typifies the dumb animal which we are. The church calls it the flesh. We have a flesh. Well, what is this flesh? It's Cain within us, the dumb animal. The mind of the flesh is very,  very ignorant. We would probably still be living in caves if it wasn't for the fact that we have a higher mind.

            We have the mind of the dumb beast, Cain, and also we have a higher mind. It's an evil mind, and it's called Leviathan. It is Leviathan, the higher part of the mind of the Serpent that has brought us to where we are in this world. We're living way above the animals in the jungle, not because of Cain, the mind of the flesh, but because of Leviathan, the higher mind that the Serpent has given us. Leviathan is the mind that has to die and be replaced by the higher mind of Christ Jesus.

            Now what I also find very interesting is this phrase. In the United States, the donkey has been used as a beast of burden and for the breeding of mules. A mule is a hybrid produced by mating female horses and male donkeys and they're called jackasses. Now jackasses are sterile.  Brethren, jackasses cannot reproduce.

            The Scripture says that Israel is the goodly horse of the Lord, so the horse signifies the personality part of us. So we see that the personality part of humanity is about to be mated to the male donkey, the male animal, and produce a sterile being.

            What I'm getting at brethren, is that there's no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven. Once these bodies stop dying, we will stop reproducing, you see.

            The way the bodies are going to stop dying is (and this would  be in the Serpent's timeline) that you're caught up to the brow (6th)   energy center where all of your needs including reproduction are brought forth by mind generation, reproduction by mind, reproduction by will.

            We will stop reproducing as the animals reproduce. But the Serpent and Leviathan, they want to inhabit us as beasts of burden.

            You see, the whole point is that it's not the Serpent's intention that we die after a season anymore than it's Jesus' intention that we die after a season. The Serpent is seeking to bring us to a place where we live forever.

            It's taking Jesus a long time to train us up. He comes to us after we're born of a human woman, we have to study to show ourselves approved, we have all this experience, and then unless the Lord intervenes, we die after a season.

            Maybe we have taught some people in our lifetime, but we certainly do not continue on. Could you imagine how wise we would be if we continued on indefinitely?

            The Serpent doesn't want us to die either. We're dying because of sin. We're dying because of Jehovah's judgment upon sin. The Serpent is seeking a way to make us live forever in her image so that she can continue to accumulate her wisdom in us without having to train people over from scratch every generation. Can you understand that? The Serpent does not want us to die.

            I really think that's what the aliens are all about. Aliens are always associated with medical experiments. They're trying to keep these bodies alive so that they do not have to begin to train people to submit to them every generation.

            You see, the more active Satan's hordes are in you, the more likely you are to get sick and die early. So there are many spiritual beings that are in the Serpent's image. They all want to live through or express themselves through human beings. But when they do this, in order for Satan's hordes to live through us, they consume our energy and we die.

            When they live through us, they require our energy which kills us. It takes Satan time to get someone to submit to her and understand her ways, just like what we're going through with Christ. She wants us to live eternally, just like Jesus does.

            The way that we will live eternally is that she, the primordial Serpent, has built a mind in humanity. It's called the carnal mind, and the primordial Serpent is working towards raising that mind up into the brow (6th) energy center in the counterfeit timeline.

            She wants to get the carnal mind and the personality up into the brow (6th)  energy center of the counterfeit time line, the place where, when our consciousness is up there, we stop dying and we stop reproducing like animals, and start reproducing by an act of the will. There is so much mind power in the sixth energy center that someone’s mind can actually will a woman to conceive.

            So we see that the horse which typifies the personality is being mated with the male donkey, with the male dumb animal, to produce a jackass; one which will not reproduce as an animal anymore. There will be some people who will ascend into the brow (6th)  energy center of the counterfeit timeline and become spiritual jackasses.

            What does it mean to be a jackass spiritually speaking? You will stop reproducing as an animal, but you will live forever and any reproduction that comes forth through you will be done by the higher mind of the ascended Serpent who is living through you in the brow (6th)  energy center.

            I want to make sure you understand what I'm saying. Jesus wants to do the same thing. Brethren, there is a war going on, and it is for us. There is no rapture. The Serpent is coming to enslave all of humanity. These are the last days.

            The Serpent has been bringing forth our race for thousands and maybe billions of years, and she has got us to the point where she's about to complete her circle. She's going to consummate the union that she already has with us and give us eternal life with her nature which is eternal torment.

            Jesus is come in these last hours to marry us before she does. This is the plan of Jehovah to save us from the fall. He sent the Lord Jesus Christ. He let the Serpent do all of this stuff. He let the wheat grow with the tares, and at the end of the age He sent the Lord Jesus Christ to wage a warfare against the dragon and Satan (as we see in Revelation, Chapter 12:7) to take us away from our present husband, marry us Himself and consummate that marriage, which means we will ascend into the brow (6th)  energy center of the true timeline and live forever in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, in eternal glory with Him.

            There's no rapture. The question is who do you belong to? Brethren, everybody in the earth today is not a spiritual person. The Lord Jesus will take anybody. If you're not spiritual, He will make you spiritual. But there are people in the earth who are born with a spiritual inheritance, and these are the ones who are in danger of being taken by Satan because Satan wants their energy. She wants your spirit, and she's going after the ones who are born with a spiritual inheritance.

            Some are in the church, some are in Hinduism, some are in Buddhism. But I'll tell you right now, she's looking mostly for the Christians because we have the Holy Spirit. I don't care how dull you think you are. If you have the Holy Spirit, you have a source of energy and Satan wants it. If you have the Holy Spirit, you have more energy than you were born with and Satan wants it. She wants your energy.

            So she's coming looking for the more spiritual people, and if you're a Christian and you have the Holy Spirit and you have a spiritual inheritance, you have a double portion of energy, and she is coming for you.

            Do I tell you this to scare you? No! You must understand your situation because the way of escape is already established in Christ Jesus. But you have to find out how to lay hold of it. If you think that you're safe because you speak in tongues, you are vulnerable because you are not safe because you speak in tongues.

            You have to marry the Lord Jesus. Christ has to be formed in you. You have to marry Him, and you have to ascend into the brow (6th)  energy center and in order to do that, you have to be at least committed to killing your carnal mind. If you haven't done it yet, you must be committed to doing it. You must disobey her, and you could only disobey her by obeying the Lord Jesus Christ.

            You have to obey one or the other because, in and of yourself, you are just a dumb animal. That's the message, brethren.

            You want to know what hell is? Hell is a consummated marriage to the primordial Serpent. That's what hell is. You are not saved from hell because you speak in tongues. You have to be married, in a consummated marriage, to the Lord Jesus Christ, and that's no easy thing to do. This consummation is no easy thing to do if you're married. Getting married isn't any easy thing to do.

            Going on with Verse 2. We're down at the bottom of page 2. The word "tied" and the phrase, "an ass tied," we're translating that word "tied" to be "bound up" and the word "colt".... I guess I did not print out any definition of the word colt for you. But if you look it up in your own dictionary, it merely means the young of a horse.

            Now there is a difference between the horse and the dumb beast. There's a difference between a colt, the young of a horse and an ass. The ass is Cain. That's the dumb ass or the dumb ox. But the young of a horse.... Israel is the goodly horse of the Lord. So the horse is the personality.

            See, we're all divided inside, in our carnal mind, aside from our physical body. We're a personality. We're a carnal mind which has three parts. Satan is the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Leviathan is the subconscious part of the carnal mind, and Cain is the dumb ox, the conscious part of our carnal mind.

            It's the personality or the soul that's being saved. It's the personality that's being saved. The personality is the present form of the good woman who died, and Adam wants his wife back. Adam is risen from the dead in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and He wants His wife back. That's us, the personality.

            So the offspring of the young horse is Christ, the manchild. We, the personality, are going to marry and conceive the manchild, and when we give birth to the manchild we will be born again into the higher centers above, which is heaven.

            If you think you're born again, you're not. When you're born again, you don't die anymore. You're reconciled to Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ, and if the judgment of your sin nature has begun, you are in the process of being justified. Salvation is a process.

            You do not get salvation by answering an altar call. Salvation is something that happens to you. Salvation is not a free gift. The Holy Spirit is a free gift. But salvation is not a free gift. You take that free gift, and you have to do everything that's required of you to receive the whole promise.

            So we see that the offspring of the young horse is Christ. The offspring of the personality is Christ. So we also see that in Verse 2, we're talking about the offspring of the young horse, Christ, and we're talking about Cain, the dumb animal.

            Israel is the goodly horse of the Lord.  That's Zechariah 10:3. Christ is the offspring of the personality which is the mother horse.

            The Spirit of Christ is the Father of the colt of the horse. The mother is the horse or the personality and the Father is the Spirit of Christ. I have a note here, and I'm not sure whether I should say that Christ in the disciples in Jesus' day, when Jesus was still in His flesh, was fathered by the spirit of Elijah or the Spirit of Christ since Jesus was not yet glorified. I'm really not sure which it was.

            On top of page 3 we have a few more words from Verse 2. The word "loose," we're going to translate dissolve or melt. These are legitimate translations of that Greek word. The number for loose is #3089.  It got moved down beneath the witness.

            Amos 9:13, Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that the plowmen shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes, him that soweth seed and the mountain shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt.

            Now the hills, brethren, are the lower energy centers. The mountains are the higher energy centers.  II Peter 3:10, But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the element shall melt with fervent heat and earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

            So we see in the Old Testament it's all poetry. The hills shall melt. No one really knows what the Lord is talking about, but in II Peter we see it a little clearer in the Scriptures. It's talking about the earth, and the works that are therein, and we are the earth. It's all of the works of the earth. All of the works of the carnal mind are going to be burned up.

            But you have to understand this with your Christ mind. To be burned up is not the end of existence. To be burned up means that they will melt. It means the carnal mind is going to melt and all of the lower energy centers that she controls. The purpose of melting (I believe it's in Jeremiah, it says the ovens are hot and the metals are melting, but the wicked are not pulled out).

            It's talking about deliverance, brethren. Reprobate silver you shall be called. The fires are judgment. The Lake of Fire is judgment. It's hard times, it's trials, it's difficulties. The difficulties of your life are suppose to cause you to turn to God, recognize your own weaknesses and sins, so that the wicked can be pulled out of you.

            But if you're bitter towards God, you're turning on the only one who can help you. God didn't bring these trials on you. Our own sin brings these trials on us. But there is growth and deliverance and return to immortality by dealing with these trials in the right way.

            The right way is to confess that we would not be in this condition if we did not sin, that Jesus is righteous no matter what happens, and to humble ourselves before Him. We must ask Him to help us to endure the trial and become stronger for it and help us to learn how to submit to Him and do what He wants us to do.

            So we see the melting is the melting of the carnal mind. Why? Because we are renewed in the spirit of our mind. Well, you have to separate the spirit from the rest of your mind. That separation will take place through melting. Now we saw in Verse 1.... (I think it said Jesus separated the carnal mind from the Christ mind).

            At that time, Jesus separated Christ from Leviathan, the disciple's two minds. Well He didn't go in with a razor, brethren, or with a surgical scalpel. The only way Christ can be separated from your carnal mind is by having your sin nature exposed in every aspect of it.

            What does that mean? It means exposing your sin nature in the words that you speak and in the attitudes that you take. So we see that it's possible to not say anything wrong, as far as your words go, but that you can have an attitude that rises out of your sin nature.

            That must be exposed to you and you must confess it as sin, if you want the promise which is the melting of your carnal mind, the releasing of your human spirit from it, so that your human spirit can join with Christ, that you might ascend in consciousness and become strong emotionally and overcome every enemy and every problem in your life.

            The melting is of your carnal mind so that your spirit can be released, and so that your personality can be converted back to the good woman who's in submission to her husband, the Lord Jesus Christ.

            The words that we're working with on Verse 2, this is what I have to work with to formulate the Alternate Translation. Saying unto them, transfer over into the village, the opposite side, you, and immediately ye shall perceive Cain your dumb animal bound up, an offspring of a young horse which is Christ, with her, dissolve or melt them or bring them to me.

            This is the Alternate Translation that the Lord has given me. Matthew 21:2, Saying to them, transfer over into the spiritual village on the opposite side of you, and immediately you shall perceive the dumb animal, Cain, bound together with Christ, the offspring of your personality. Separate the two with judgment and bring them to me. This is the Lord's instruction to the disciples.

            When I first started doing this translation, I thought that Verse 1 was Jesus' ministry to the disciples, and that the verses after that were the disciples' ministry to others, but this is not my final word on it. But I'm thinking now that Verse 1 is merely just a general overview of what Jesus was about to do for His disciples. Then starting with Verse 2, we see the details of it.

            This is a common literary pattern in the Scripture, that the first verse gives the whole story in an abbreviated form and then the subsequent verses explain the first verse. So in Verse 2, we see Jesus saying to the disciples, transfer over into the spiritual village on the opposite side of you. Transfer over into Christ Jesus. When you do that, as soon as you get the spiritual sight that's in the mind of Christ, you shall perceive the dumb animal, Cain, bound together with Christ, the offspring of your personality.

            Now Christ is the name of Abel in this present generation. The reason we're calling Him Christ is because the glorified Jesus Christ is raising Abel who is dead in the individual. When the Lord Jesus Christ raises Abel from the dead, Abel takes the name of his Savior, Christ. So we see that Jesus Christ is telling the disciples what they are about to experience.

            I just want to exhort all of you to pay attention to this. Lots of times I will come to one of you and try to prepare you by telling you what you are about to experience. Not so much here anymore; we've fought a lot of battles here. Now I think there's pretty good communication, but there are new disciples coming in all the time, and a spiritual teacher is always misunderstood invariably.  Not only me, even the spiritual teachers outside of Christ, because the carnal mind cannot understand us.

            When I come to you and start to tell you about a spiritual situation, I am telling you, either this is what's happening in your life or this is what you should expect to happen to you. I am not coming to you to tell you my problems. I'm coming to you to try to prepare you to deal with what is about to happen to you, but the carnal mind, which is the same in everybody, you've all gone through this here, and there are people going through it now, the carnal mind perceives that I am telling you these things because I need help or because I want your counsel. This is the carnal mind.

            I am your teacher. I am the one that the Lord has raised up to prepare you to have the spiritual experiences that I have already experienced. Because I have already experienced them, and also because I am in submission to Jesus Christ, largely in submission to Him (I cannot claim I'm in 100 percent submission to Him), but I'm in a large measure of submission to Him. This qualifies me to teach the disciples of Jesus Christ or the children of Jesus Christ who are having, and, who are about to have, the spiritual experiences that every disciple who has proceeded them has ever had.

            It's very hard to go through these experiences without someone to explain them to you and to help you through them in a language that you understand. That is what my job is, to help the young disciples who are ascending in Christ Jesus. No one helped me. I'm the one who went through first in this generation. I keep telling you and I'm telling you for years, you've got it really easy having somebody here who could tell you in English what to expect and to help you to understand what's happening when it happens to you. So I am God's blessing to you.

            So Jesus said to them, transfer over into Christ Jesus. Transfer over into the spiritual village on the other side. Leave your carnal mind. Get into Christ and when you get there, this is what you're going to experience. You are going to perceive, now this does not mean that you will see this with your carnal eyes. But you will perceive, you will understand, you will comprehend in spiritual terms that the dumb ass which the church world calls the flesh, that's all of your stubbornness and your idolatry and your rebellion, is bound up in the dumb ass within you.

            I haven't really talked about this much lately, and in the past I've pretty much lumped the flesh together with the carnal mind, but there is a division between the flesh and the carnal mind. The carnal mind is a mind that thinks wrong thoughts. Although the carnal mind is good and evil, sometimes the carnal mind thinks good thoughts by the standards of this world. But the carnal mind deals in thought.

            But it's this flesh, what the church world calls the flesh, that dumb animal, Cain, that's where all this stubbornness, idolatry, rebellion and control is. All that wickedness is in this ignorant flesh which needs to be dealt with by a higher mind.

            In this world, people who don't know Christ deal with their flesh, their stubbornness, their idolatry, their rebellion, their Jezebel, they deal with it with the Serpent's mind. A lot of people do that. There are a lot of people in this world that are very disciplined, that know how to respect their parents, know how to deal with all kinds of peoples, diplomats, business men.

            There are all kinds of people in this world that don't know Christ, but the mind of the Serpent which is in them, which is good and evil, is a manifesting good mind which controls all of the stubbornness and idolatry of the flesh. They reap what they sow, and they have a decent life in this world. So everybody who does not have Christ is not having a bad life in this world.

            The truth of the matter is that there are many people who have the Holy Spirit who are having a very hard life. The reason for this is that the Holy Spirit doesn't change your life. The Holy Spirit is the vehicle that leads you to Christ, and when Christ is formed in you, He changes your life when you prefer Him over your carnal mind.

            Now if you're having trouble in your life because your carnal mind, if for whatever reason, is not dealing with the stubbornness and idolatry and rebellion and everything else that's in your dumb animal, your flesh, and you're having bad times in this life because you are not adequately dealing with your flesh, what you need is the mind of Christ to be strengthened in you to control and deal with your flesh.

            Now this is a great paradox because the people in this world who have a carnal mind, who deal with their flesh, that lead socially acceptable lives, they have a lot of trouble coming to the point where they're ready to kill their carnal mind.

            But the people in this world whose life is out of control, people who are having a lot of trouble in their life (which means that their carnal mind is failing to deal with their flesh) it's easier for them to see that they really need the mind of Christ. They need to do everything that is necessary to build Him up, which includes studying to show yourself approved, submitting to the exposure of your sin nature and the rejection of that sin nature, and by the force of will with the power of Christ, changing your behavior to line up with the mind of Christ rather than the carnal mind.

            When Christ Jesus becomes strong enough in you, He will deal with the stubbornness and the idolatry and the rebellion in your flesh. We all have a wild beast in us, a dumb ignorant beast.

            Now we've talked here a lot about the wild beast that's evil, but there's also a dumb beast in us that's not particularly evil in this world. By God's standards it's evil. It's not particularly evil, but it's hurting us. It's destroying us; our blindness, our willfulness, our self destructiveness.

            We, the personality, must choose to give up the bad habits that we've been living with all of our life. But we cannot do that if we cannot recognize bad habits. Now these bad habits are sin. But to a lot of people, they are not recognized as sin. They're just a bad habit, but it's not just a bad habit. It's a sin, and the reason you're engaged in it is that one of your two minds has not been strong enough to restrain your flesh, which is not particularly evil, just idolatrous, stubborn and thick and doing things that are self destructive.

            It's a shade of difference between your flesh and the wicked carnal mind. Can anybody not see that? It's just a shade of difference. So we are all of these aspects.  There are many aspects in a man. There's a personality, there's a mind, there's our flesh.  The mind is in three different parts. This is the divided age.

            The promise of the Lord Jesus Christ to help us is in Christ Jesus. Then we must submit to His judgment as to how we should behave ourselves and what is required of us in life.

            So we must transfer over to the other side.  Whether our life is in order, whether our carnal mind or whether our life is not in order with our carnal mind, we must transfer over to the other side. We must start living out of our Christ mind. That's not easy.

            To do that we have to admit that a lot of things that we are doing is wrong. If for any reason, which is the case with most people, you cannot see it yourself that you're doing it wrong, you have to humble yourself and hear it from somebody else. But the end of this whole process is eternal life in Christ Jesus, eternal life.

            I'll tell you this. A lot of people (I've seen this. I'm doing this for long years) people cry out to Jesus for years and years and years to help them, and they have no idea what they're crying out for. They have no idea that when He finally rises up to help them, that the help is someone coming to them and showing them what they're doing wrong, how they're thinking wrong, and how their behavior is wrong.

            When this happens, they say this can't possibly be God and they rise up in a great anger. There are very few people who don't go through this. The reason I'm telling you this is that I want to tell you, for sure, that if you have been crying out to God for years, and He has come to a place where He is ready to answer your prayers the way He wants to answer them (not the way you want Him to answer them), there is no place that you could run to get away from this exposure of your sin nature. There's no place you could run.

            You could make the process shorter. You could make the process longer. You could make it easier or you could make it harder, but there's no place to run. Why? Because He has received your prayers. He is going to answer your prayers even though you don't like the way He has decided to answer your prayers.

            Praise the Lord. Thank God for it. We're all self destructive, are we not? Believe me, we're all self destructive. Some more so than others, but we're all self destructive.

            So we're in Verse 2. Saying to them, transfer over into Christ Jesus, the spiritual village on the opposite side of you, and immediately when you get into the mind of Christ Jesus, you shall perceive the dumb animal, Cain, bound together with Christ, the offspring of your personality.

            Now that's very interesting, because as I explained to you earlier, Abel is the one who is under the ground. Abel is the dead root of the Tree of Life, but he only exists in the offspring of the line of David. So for someone who is not the offspring of the line of David, to receive Christ you have to get it from the Spirit of Christ.

            You see, in this generation, through the Lord Jesus Christ, you no longer have to have Abel under the ground of your carnal mind to have the hope of the Tree of Life being regenerated in you. The Spirit of Christ is flowing because Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, a descendent of the royal household of King David after the flesh, had the root of the Tree of Life; which Tree of Life was raised from the dead in Him, and now that Tree of Life is available to all men through Christ Jesus.

            Now remember what I said earlier about the figs. I said, scripturally speaking, the seed of a fig is the same thing as a fig tree but just in a different form. Scripturally speaking and spiritually speaking, the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ is the Tree of Life, but it has to get inside of you. It has to get grafted to you, and it has to grow up in you.

            The Holy Spirit is not the seed of the Tree of Life. Now we've gone into this on other messages.  On the On-Line Meetings, I think. I don't know if I've actually preached it. This is very shocking to a lot of people, but there are at least three Greek words that mean seed. The Holy Spirit is not the virile seed. He's a different kind of seed.

            The Holy Spirit is the seed that comes in, and the Holy Spirit is likened unto water. He comes in, and He starts purifying the waters of your life. Every man born of a woman has polluted waters of life. That's just another way of saying spiritual blood. The name of the waters of life, or the spiritual blood of the fallen man, is Satan.

            So the Holy Spirit, which is pure water, and we can put it another way, the Holy Spirit is the purified water that is above the firmament. He has come down here beneath the firmament into the lower centers where the waters are polluted.

            The Scripture calls the waters down here, the urine. The Holy Spirit is beginning to purify the waters of the individual that He's in. He's purifying our spiritual blood. He's the seed of the life of Jesus Christ, but not the virile seed that plants the Tree of Life.

            Under normal circumstances, outside of the supernatural intervention of the Lord Jesus Christ, when a drop of clean water enters into a glass of polluted water, the clean water is polluted. So it is an outright and outstanding miracle that the purified waters of the Lord Jesus Christ can enter into a human being and not be polluted, but that, that purified water is swallowing up the polluted waters or purifying the polluted waters. It's an outstanding miracle of God.

            The reason for this sequence of events is that when the root of the Tree of Life comes into us, when the virile seed comes to us, He has to graft to the purified waters because the root of the Tree of Life is the potential for Adam or Christ Jesus to rise from the dead in us. The resurrected Christ Jesus is the root, or the seed, of the Tree of Life grafted to the waters of creation.

            A tree has roots, and it has branches. The branches are the energy of the creation. The energy of the creation is in the form of the spiritual blood of the creation. For every man born of a woman, our spiritual blood is polluted. The root of the Tree of Life will not graft to the polluted waters of Satan. So before we can receive the Tree of Life, we must at least begin to have our waters cleansed. So the Holy Spirit begins the process of the purifying of the spirit of the man, the spiritual blood of the man.

            In due season, the Lord Jesus sends the Spirit of Christ in a man, brethren, in a man. You get the Holy Spirit from a man, you get the Spirit of Christ from a man.

            How does the man give you the Spirit of Christ? Do you answer an altar call and have hands laid on you like you did for the Holy Spirit? No, you cannot get the Spirit of Christ from the laying on of hands, brethren. You get it from a person that has the root of David. You get it through the preaching of the word. But it cannot be the preaching of the carnal mind.

            Jesus said, my words are spirit, and my words are life. When someone who has the Spirit of Christ, someone who has the whole tree (the root and the branch), when they preach the Doctrine of Christ, if you're sitting there with an open heart, if you're not mocking or challenging, if you're sitting there saying everything in this word that's true, I want it. If something shocks me, I'm just going to put it aside until you deal with it. If that's your attitude, you are being seeded with the seeds of the Tree of Life every time you sit under this teaching.

            You cannot get it from an altar call. You cannot get it from the laying on of hands. Because,  as far as I know, there is no one in the earth right now who is more spiritually mature than me who is preaching this message. Some of you are sitting here for a long time, and the Tree of Life is slowly rising in you.

            Jesus did it for His disciples in three years. I'm not that strong yet, but I do have something to give you. I do have the virile seed. If you're willing to do your part and submit to the teaching and sit under it. I've got it. You have got to come and eat of my tree. Praise the Lord.

            So this is this mysterious phrase here; when you get to the opposite side, and the word is "immediately". As soon as your spiritual eyes are opened, you will perceive your flesh, Cain, (the church world calls it flesh) that dumb animal in you, that stubbornness and idolatry in you that is bound together with Christ. That's just another way of saying Cain and Abel in you are one.

            You know, I was reading an occult book just the other day. As I told you, the Lord has given me several occult books that I can read. The spirit is not dirty. It's a high intellectual spirit, and there's a lot of truth in their books. I've looked at some occult books, and the spirit is dirty, and I turn away from that book. But the Lord has lead me to several books.

            He works with me in these books and He teaches me from them. He says, "this is true" and "that's not true". Well, in this book they were talking about good and evil. Now I don't believe they said Cain and Abel although there are some Scriptural references.

            This chapter did not talk about Cain and Abel, but it talked about good and evil. The author said, good and evil can never be separated because they are two parts of the one whole. You know that's true. Good and evil cannot be separated. You cannot cut evil out of you and be only good. You would die.

            We, mortal man, are good and evil, but the Lord Jesus Christ is giving us an outstanding miracle. He is separating the good from the evil, and the way He is separating the good from the evil is that He, the Lord Jesus, is joining His virile seed to the good part of the good and evil within us.

            Cain and Abel is the good and evil within us. He is joining Himself to Abel, the root of the Tree of Life which is in that good side of us. Now everybody doesn't have it. I think I'm getting you a little confused now.

            For the people that have the root of the Tree of Life, it's planted in the good part of us. When the virile seed is transmitted to you, it roots in the good part of you. It joins with the good part of you to overcome the evil part of you. So we are receiving another outstanding miracle.

            The first outstanding miracle we spoke about today was the fact that we receive the Holy Spirit, and that He's purifying our spiritual blood.

            Here we talk about another outstanding miracle that righteousness comes in, in the form of the virile seed of the Lord Jesus Christ. He joins Himself to the good side of us and strengthens that good side of us, Abel, to the point of a supernatural man who will overshadow his evil side.

            Actually, I have to go back and correct something that I just said. It's not that good and evil are being separated, but the balance of good and evil is being unbalanced, you see.

             When I read in that book, good and evil can never be separated, in my mind it was either you're good or you're evil. But we see that the good side of us is being converted into righteousness and becoming a whole new creature out of that good side of us.

            Although the evil will still be there, because the evil is the dark part of the negative of creation. For us to have a visible image, we must have some darkness in us. The light without darkness is unformed, you see. But it is an outstanding miracle that the Lord Jesus Christ is planting this Tree of Life in our good side and turning that good side into righteousness.

            This tree which is the tree of righteousness, which is in the good side of us, will grow up into a great tree and overshadow our evil side.

            There's a parable in one of the major prophets. It may be Ezekiel or Zechariah. It may be Ezekiel. He talks about this big tree. It was a glorious tree, and all of the birds sat in its branches. It covered over all forms of life. That's the indication of the parable. When the tree fell down, the whole creation became evil.

            You see, there's a condition of evil, and the doing of evil which are two different things. I should say the whole creation began to do evil.

            When the Tree of Life is fully standing, there is still evil, but there are no evil deeds being done. The Tree of Life is our righteousness, which is Christ Jesus in us. Adam is the Tree of Life. When he stands in us, his branches shade our evil potential, and we are restrained from doing evil deeds.

            But we will always have an evil side because the evil side is the darkness of the earth which is the dark part of the negative which produces a visible creation. This is why we must have eternal judgment. Eternal judgment is the continuous Lake of Fire.

            The earthen part of us, the earth, is evil. The earthen part of us is continuously bathed in the Lake of Fire. The evil is the earth, and the female side of us is the waters. The male side is the virile seed.

            The waters must also be judged eternally because water can either be in the condition of water or vapor. This is just an analogy to deal with the energies of the creation. It can be in different forms.

            When the energy is in the form of vapor, which can be likened to water vapor called ether (spiritually speaking), it cannot mix with the earth. The earth remains dry and dead and barren.

            But when the waters of the creation condense, and they descend from being vapor into being a substance that we would liken unto physical water (if you need that to understand it), energy in that condition can mix with the earth and become clay, and the earth can rise up and do evil deeds.

            The earth cannot do evil deeds when she is dry and barren because the waters are continually in a vaporous state. Is there anyone who doesn't understand that?

            In the book of Revelation, Jesus says, if you're not warm or hot, I'll spit you out of my mouth. We did an Alternate Translation on that. What Jesus is really saying is, I want the waters boiling. Why does He want the waters boiling? It means that when the waters are not boiling, the water vapor condenses into a form of water that can hydrate the earth, the earth becomes clay and begins to do evil deeds.

            So the doctrine of eternal judgment is a blessing unto us, a protection unto us. Christ Jesus in the midst of us is the Lake of Fire who continuously boils us.

            What does that mean? It continuously exposes our sin and continuously deals with our sin so that the energies of our person remain in a vaporous state, so that the earth remains barren, which is the preventative of evil deeds proceeding forth from us.

            The evil is always going to be in us, but we will not always do evil deeds. Praise God. What a wonderful message.

            So we're still on Verse 2. Jesus said to them, transfer over into Christ Jesus, the spiritual village on the opposite side of you, and immediately you shall perceive that the dumb animal, Cain (your flesh), is bound together with Christ.


Cain and Abel are one. Christ, the offspring of your personality is one with Cain, the dumb animal. Now remember, Cain is the dumb animal, and Christ is the spiritual mind of the dumb animal.

            Jesus said, separate the two with judgment and bring them to me. Separate the two, and let Christ increase into Christ Jesus and become a supernatural man and bring them to me. Bring Christ to me. Christ in us is going to mature into Christ Jesus.

            When He is a virile seed alone, He's Christ. When He's grafted to the waters or the energy of our life, He becomes Christ Jesus. Then when He ascends higher, ultimately in the brow (6th)  energy center, Christ Jesus in the individual, the Savior in the midst of you (Lord willing) will marry the glorified Jesus Christ. Jesus said, bring them to me. I want to marry him.

            Let me give you a bizarre example, brethren. You are down in a hole somewhere, and I cannot get you out. I cannot fit into the hole to get you out. So I cut off my arm, and I send my arm down into the hole, and I say grab hold of my arm, and I start pulling that arm up out of the pit. When you get out of the pit, I take my arm back and I sew it back on to myself again.

            See, Christ Jesus is the Lord Jesus Christ. He sent a part of Himself down here into this black hole where we are. It's Christ Jesus' job to get us up into the higher energy centers, into the brow (6th)  energy center. When we get up there, Christ Jesus in us marries the glorious Jesus Christ who sent Him down. The two are really one. The separation that temporarily existed between the glorified Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus in the earth dissolves. Why? Because what separated them was the earth of our carnal mind.

            Now there was never a complete separation. Jesus is always in touch with Christ in the individual, but this carnal mind and this flesh and this stubbornness gets between them. So when Christ Jesus gets us back up there to the brow (6th)  energy center, He just flows together with the one who sent Him and we, the personality, are up there.

            Cain, the dumb ox, is up there too. She's a part of the creation. She'll come into right order. I don't know about you, but that really excites me.

            Someone came to visit us a few years ago and she was from another country. I was teaching a little bit about the ox at that time, and she confessed to me that just a week before she came to the United States, she had a dream and in the dream she heard two people talking. She could see the sky. It was filled with stars and there was an ox up in the sky. She heard these two voices. Now she had never heard this teaching. She heard two voices speaking and one was talking about nailing the ox up into the sky.

            In her dream she was saying, now why would anyone be wanting to put an ox in the sky? She came out of this dream very upset. That's happened to you a couple of times. You've had spiritual experiences that have upset you. You thought they might not have been of God.

            She was completely liberated when she heard this teaching. She had had an intense word of knowledge about the very basic spiritual reality of our existence and of the plan of deliverance for humanity.

            The ox, which we are, must be returned to the heavens, which is the higher energy centers. But the ox is made out of earth. So her natural habitat is the lower centers. It is unnatural for the ox to abide in heaven. She is of the earth.

            But this is a miracle of the creation that the spiritual man, Adam, will be married to a spiritual animal made from the earth. Not like the animals here. I don't know what she is going to look like, but Adam, who was invisible, is to be joined to a spiritual animal which will give him form.

            In the same manner, today, our mind is joined to this physical body. This physical body has appetites, but it doesn't do anything unless our mind tells it to do something. So the ox is being returned to the heavenlies where she was suppose to be in the first place.

            The way she fell down out of the heavenlies, you may recall, is that the ox, being of the earth, heard the voice of the Serpent because the Serpent is the earth. She turned away from her husband, Adam, and responded to the mind of the earth. Adam didn't take the victory, and the whole creation fell.

            Praise the Lord. We just came back from dinner, and the Lord told me that I didn't have the sequence right on the Alternate Translation of Verse 1. So I just want to go back briefly to page 2 and show you what He told me. It should be the correct sequence. We're just moving some of the lower phrases up to the top.

            And at the time when they drew near to their carnal mind to kill it, Jesus separated Christ from Leviathan, the disciples' two minds. And then Christ, the dormant fruit that was lying under their carnal mind, appeared in the orchard of olives in the heart (4th)  energy center. So first, they drew near to kill their carnal mind. The Lord Jesus separated Christ from Leviathan within them, freeing up Christ, and then Christ was able to pierce through to the heart (4th)  center. So I had the sequence wrong. Praise the Lord.

            We're going on with Verse 3 on Page 4. King James, And if any man say aught unto you, you shall say back to that man, the Lord hath need of them and straightaway he will send them.

            In the Greek it is very common, more common than not, that the English word, man, is not a translation of any Greek word that means man. It's Strong's #5100, and it's a word that means, if any. It doesn't say whether it's a man or it doesn't say whether it's a woman.

            The spiritual significance of the use of this word is that, technically speaking, we are not men. We are mortal men, but the only true man is the fully resurrected Adam. He is a whole man. The glorified Jesus Christ, He is a whole man.

            The Greek indicates that by calling mortal man, if anyone, it doesn't name us man, woman or anything. In the Hebrew, we have the word "Adam," which is the whole man. Then we have the word," ish ", and there is a third word also. Ish, and there's a second word that means mortal man in the Hebrew.

            In the Greek, we have the word Strong's #444, and it's talking about the man-faced creature, anthropos. I may be pronouncing it wrong in the Greek. So that is the word that I translate Adam, Strong's #444, anthropos.

            But in this case, the word is Strong's #5100, and it's translated "any man," but it can be translated "anyone," "any woman."  It's just "any." That's how the Greek indicates mortal man; any.

            So if anyone says aught unto you, you shall say, the Lord demands (we're keeping all that). The word,"need," we're translating, "to possess." The word, "straightaway," we're translating, "immediately." The words," he will send," we're translating that," they should depart in liberty." It's a legitimate translation of Strong's #649. So we don't have too many word changes there.

            Our Alternate Translation of Matthew 21:3 is, And if anyone, if any mortal man that you are trying to free, says to you "what are you doing?"  What are they going to say to you? They're going to say "what are you doing?"  "Why are you exposing my sins?"  "What are you doing, interfering in my life?"  Because the mortal men that Jesus sends us to help have that reaction.

            That is the reaction of the carnal mind." I don't want you to interfere in my life." A very common reaction is, "I hear from the Lord. Who are you?" People have trouble understanding that the condition of the church today is very out of order. Any spiritual discipline that you go into, at all, anywhere across the world, over the ages, everyone that's going on with a spiritual discipline has to have a personal teacher.

            It's true in Christianity, too, except you would never know it because of the condition of the church. What is wrong with the condition of the church? There are very, very few qualified teachers in the church that are qualified to disciple on a personal level, very few. That's why you don't hear about it in the church.

            So if you want to go and sing and dance (and I'm not putting that down), if you want to go and sing and dance, if that's as far as you want to go with God, well you can be part of a congregation where you can be anonymous.

            You can go in there and you don't have to submit to the preacher. You can come when you want and leave when you want, and nobody bothers you. But if you want to go on and become a spiritual man with awesome spiritual power, the way Jesus trains you up for that kind of office is through a personal relationship with a teacher. A lot of people have been called here that have been absolutely shocked at that reality.

            I've been telling you this for years and I'm telling you this today, that any spiritual discipline in the world requires a personal teacher just like the disciples with Jesus. He was in the flesh, and He was their personal teacher. If you want to go on to wield the power of God, and I'm not talking about casting out a demon or healing a disease because the Holy Spirit flows through you. There's nothing wrong with that, but if you want to ascend beyond that level of spiritual power, if you really want to hold an office in Christ Jesus, you have got to go on, through a personal teacher.

            That's the way Jesus set it up. That's the way it is, but be careful, because a lot of people are not willing to submit to a teacher that the Lord has witnessed to them that He has sent them to. They have a tendency towards deception. I'm not trying to scare you, but I'm telling you the realities of the dangers.

            You go it alone and you may ascend on the other side in the Serpent's timeline. So this is the way it is. That's the reality of maturity in Christ Jesus, whether you believe it or not, whether you like it or not. Everybody here knows that,  that's the way it is, I hope. Is there anybody here that doesn't know that,  that's the way it is. (Laughter) Everybody here knows that's the way it is.

            Alternate Translation, Matthew 21:3, And if any man that you are trying to set free says anything to you, "who do you think you are?"  Tell them that the Lord demands that they should be set free immediately, and that they should depart in liberty. Or that they should be set free immediately, so that they can depart in liberty.

            Depart from who in liberty? Depart from their carnal mind. Depart from your carnal mind. Brethren, you can go from evil to good. The power in the church today delivers drug addicts, delivers alcoholics, delivers fornicators, adulterers and thieves and murderers, and they translate from the evil side of the tree of knowledge to the good side of the tree of knowledge. That's all on the circle of the earth. You're still going round and round in a circle.

            But if you desire to ascend upward, to ascend upward and receive spiritual power, the real thing, a change has to take place in us. Now what we have in the Holy Ghost is the power of God, but it's not the real thing because we cannot wield it at will.

            We are channels for the power of God, and if He wants to heal through us, we heal. If He wants to deliver through us, we deliver. When He stops healing and delivering through us, we stop healing and delivering. So we're spiritual children that the Lord allows to manifest His power so long as He's holding on to the handle of the gun, or however you want to express it.

            But if you want to become a spiritual man with responsibility to execute spiritual power as Christ would execute it, you have to go through a training that will impart the wisdom to you and the knowledge of how, when and where Jesus exercises spiritual power.

            If you've been here for any length of time, you should know about psychic prayers. I don't care if Christ is in you. If you pray out of your carnal mind, that's witchcraft and we're all double minded. So you have to learn how to wield your weapon. There's a training, there's an instruction, you have to learn how to shoot.

            But even more than learning how to shoot, you have to learn how to restrain yourself from not shooting when your emotions rise up in you, because Satan operates through your emotions. If Satan is operating through your emotions and you have Christ in you, that means your energy, the power that you have is manifesting in Satan's timeline.

            You have to learn how to restrain yourself. There's a deep work that must be done in everyone of us before we can wield power with God.

            It's a tremendous responsibility because you affect people's lives. As you go higher and higher, you have the power to take people's lives. You better believe that because it's true.

            You have all heard my testimony about that person. I saw that incest operating in that family. It was grieving me and I said, Lord, I'm afraid to pray against it. I'm afraid that if I pray, that man will die. It must have been a word of knowledge. The Lord let me go for two days, and then He rose up in me in power. I broke the curse of incest and three years later the man died. But his daughter was set free, and the whole family is prospering.

            I didn't kill him. All I did was say, I break the curse. I prayed. You cannot go around wielding the power of God without the ability to control your emotions and your wrath and your rage. The Lord won't give it to you.

            So it's your choice what you want out of life. But sometimes, it is not your choice. If the Lord calls you to this call, you're going to come one way or the other. Praise the Lord. That's between you and the Lord. I'm just the teacher here.

            So if any man that you're trying to free says anything to you, tell them that the Lord demands that they should be set free, not in ten years, not in twenty years. I want to tell you, I spent five years of heavy deliverance rolling on the floor, submitting myself to all kinds of humiliation. Well, I was so desperate at the time, it wasn't humiliating. But a lot of people would consider what I went through, humiliating.

            Five years, four, five and six nights a week, getting old order deliverance, confessing my sins, trusting the people in the church that I was confessing them to and sitting there sometimes for hours while they cast those demons out of me.

            I had a very close friend who had a lot of the same problems that I did, and she wouldn't come into old order deliverance. I spoke to her for the first time in twenty years just last week. I'm not saying she hasn't prospered, but she still has those obvious problems. She's still highly critical and loaded with a heavy Jezebel spirit and very controlling. Her communication with me was very unGodly.

            So I got it, you see. I rolled on the floor and I humbled myself and I got it. My "immediately" was five years. Actually, it was more than that. I stopped rolling on the floor in five years, but I spent another ten years getting my personality straightened out because I was a very aggressive person. So the Lord's "immediately" for me has been fifteen years. But other people, it's a whole lifetime and they never get it.

            As I told you earlier on this message, the Lord raises up people to do this work, to show His people their sins, so that they can have the privilege of destroying their own sin nature. It is a privilege to destroy your own sin nature. The stronger the teacher in Christ is, who is helping you, the faster it is going to go for you. Jesus' "immediately" is as fast as it can go.

            Now if you're left to your own devices, and you think that you're going to get this change of nature from reading the Bible everyday, I'm very sorry to tell you, that you're not. The amount of deliverance that you can get without someone working with you is minimum.

            It is like a psychiatrist would work with you to dig into your heart and your unconscious mind and dig up what's there from the bottom of the barrel. It's going to take a lot longer, if it ever happens at all.

            So we see that the word "immediately" in context to deliverance is associated with working with a teacher who is going to help you, and that the Lord's "immediately" can be years depending on the strength of the teacher and the degree of the cooperation of the person who has been called to this privilege of destroying their own carnal mind.

            And if any man that you are trying to free says," who do you think you are?"  Tell them that the Lord demands (demands) that they should be set free immediately so that they should depart in liberty.

            Why would the Lord want them to depart in liberty? So that they, the personality, can join to Christ within them, so that Christ within the individual can be joined to the glorified Jesus Christ. The Lord wants us back. We are His property. His son is within us. He wants reunion with His son, and He wants us, the personality, to ascend back up to the higher centers with His son because we are His property.

            We're His goods, you see. We, the personality, are the goods or the property or the earthen wife of the spiritual man. That's who we are. Our father drew us back down to the lower centers, Satan and Leviathan, our father, or the primordial Serpent. Sometimes I don't get it right as to what member of the Serpent's household it is.

            Our father drew us back down to the lower centers, to our roots. We've done several deep studies on this. What Really Happened in Gibeah, that's the one that's coming to my mind right now.

            We saw that the man took his concubine to visit her father. They went to visit her father, the father wouldn't let them go, and he kept restraining them. That's a parable, brethren, saying that your own passions and your own sin nature will hold you down here in the lower centers.

            The door to the upper centers has been opened for two thousand years. Why haven't we gone home? Because our father, you see, the one who incarnated us, Leviathan and his dog, Satan, holds us down here with a form of spiritual gravity. That's why we haven't gone home in two thousand years.

            Ascending into the higher energy centers, getting away from the lusts of the flesh and the wrong thinking of our carnal mind and the raging of our carnal mind can be likened to a spaceship taking off. If you've ever seen a spaceship take off, all the power that's required and the flames that shoot out, that's what we're up against.

            The only way that we will make it out of here is if our personality agrees with Christ Jesus and rejects the thoughts of our own carnal mind. We must agree with the Savior to be delivered. We must agree with the deliverer to be delivered from this hellish world. He's not going to do it without our help.

            I didn't say He can't do it. I said, to the best of my knowledge, He will not knock us out, throw us over His shoulder and deliver us. He teaches us this message, the Doctrine of Christ, so that we can be educated as to what we must do to work with Him to ascend. As far as I know, that's the only way we can get out of here.

            Do you know anyone who's gotten out of here besides Jesus? If there have been one or two, they sure have kept it a secret.

            Let me tell you, Satan's designs to keep you down here, it's all in the mind. The higher you ascend, the more subtle the manifestation of people's minds. You must learn to war in the spirit. The higher you ascend in Christ Jesus, the more enemies you have.

            Satan is in everybody's carnal mind, the nicest sweetest people. If they're not looking at Satan and watching her every minute and punching her every time she dares to try to sin through their thoughts, the nicest kindest people could be sinning in their unconscious mind towards you.

            The higher that you ascend in Christ Jesus, the more it affects you. If you're down here in your carnal mind and somebody is hating you without cause, and maybe they're really in denial and they really don't know about it, if you're a carnal person, it really wouldn't touch you very much. You would probably just throw it off and go about your business.

            But the higher you ascend, the more spiritual you are and the more it affects you. There is a way to deal with this without sin. If you're spiritually ascended, and  you're aware of people hating you or having lustful thoughts towards you, I want to tell you, that's a real problem. Thoughts of lust coming towards a spiritually ascended person is a problem.

            In this world it is totally accepted that a man will look at a woman and lust for her. But I'm telling you that when you are spiritually ascended and someone is lusting for you, it is a weapon coming against you to bring you down from where you are.

            This is why Jesus said, if you lust in your heart for a woman, you've already committed adultery. That carnal mind going towards that woman who is ascended in Christ is a bullet to bring her down. If you can't understand that, just ask the Lord to tell you and put it on the shelf. Don't reject this because I tell you, I know what I'm talking about.

            So deliverance from hell is through spiritual ascension by the power of the resurrected Christ. We must fight a spiritual gravity every step of the way.

            The name of that spiritual gravity is the three aspects of the carnal mind. Satan, Leviathan and Cain is the conscious mind and, of course, the Fiery Serpent is in us. She is the seed of Leviathan, pulling us and dragging us to stay down here, to love the things of the world and to yield to our passions.

            I'm not only talking about sexual passions.  Whatever your passions are, passions to anger, passions to rage, passions to commit adultery, whatever your passion is. That's what's keeping you down here.

            The door has been open for two thousand years. That's not very encouraging, is it? (Laughter) But be encouraged because the Lord has told me that this message today is the answer that will encourage you, if you can understand what I'm saying.

            The message is yes, the door has been open for two thousand years, but people who have the Holy Ghost influencing their carnal mind do not have the apparatus to ascend even though the door is open. Their elevator is not working.

            You cannot ascend when you're still living out of your carnal mind even if you have the Holy Ghost influencing you. You must get this mind of Christ because it is only the mind of Christ that can understand this message, and it's only the mind of Christ that can truly repent of your sins. It's only the mind of Christ that can turn on Satan in your unconscious mind and dare to look at her and confess what's there and kill her. Your carnal mind will never do that.

            The deliverance that the Lord has for the church is that He will seed them with the mind of Christ in due season. It's not His time yet, brethren. It's not His time. He's going to go forth, and He's going to seed the church with the mind of Christ.

            They won't even know they're pregnant, but when that manchild in them, when that baby starts crying, and this food, this Doctrine of Christ, comes their way, they won't run from it. They'll be able to recognize it, and they'll hear the word, and they'll understand what they have to do.

            The Lord Jesus will separate Christ from their carnal mind, and Christ will pierce through into their heart (4th)  center, and they will wage the necessary warfare. They will confess their sins, they will repent. They will learn what is sin because a lot of people in the church really don't understand what the hidden sins of the heart are. That's an essential aspect of this program.

            What you think of as just nothing is probably the sin of pride. There are just hundreds of little hidden subtleties of the carnal mind which are sin, that most people never hear about. The bottom line is that you've got to stop living out of your carnal mind. That's the Lord's deliverance for His church.

            This is my understanding.  He's raising up a small group of people into the brow (6th)  energy center, and when they get there they will be strong enough to seed the minds of the church, to impregnate the church, with the mind of Christ.

            Then the faithful who are crying out to God, day and night, and don't understand what God is doing, look at our country, look at our world, look at our life, what is the Lord doing?

            He's working behind the scenes to raise up the few people who are strong enough to go through this process to enter into the brow (6th)  center, to overcome Satan and Leviathan, and enter into the brow (6th)  center and from this high spiritual place, seed the rest of the church.

            When this message comes to them, when they're pregnant with the manchild, they'll be able to hear the message. Right now, by and large, the church cannot receive this message. It cannot receive this message. But they will receive this message.

            This is the commandment of the Lord to me, stay positive. I will give it to them, I will implant within them the ability to understand this message which will save their life. The time is not now, but it's very soon. He's never late.

            So those of you who can hear it now, God bless you, those of you who can hear it now. Stay with what you're doing and, Lord willing, you will have this honor.

            If you have the honor of killing your own sin nature, you have every reason to hope for having the honor of killing the sin nature of others who are not strong enough to do it for themselves. This is the plan of the Lord.

            All of these tragedies out there, tornadoes and earthquakes, that is not the Lord Jesus sending judgment on people. That is Satan doing that. That is the reaping and sowing judgment.

            You know, I had a revelation after hearing about eighty tornadoes hitting Oklahoma at once. A couple of days later, the thought came into my mind that this was a reaping and sowing for what we have done in Kosovo.

            I watched a TV show just the other day and I heard an announcer say (he just passed it off like it was a light thing) but he said, you know, the same amount of people that were killed in Oklahoma, that's the exact amount of people that were killed in  Kosovo. I don't know whether it was that day or collectively. I don't know. He said isn't that strange, the same amount of people killed in Oklahoma as in Kosovo.

            So if you're hearing this message and you're for the war, that's okay. You can be for the war. You can disagree with me on that point. It's not even a spiritual point.  It's a political point. But I'm telling you that these upheavals in nature, that is Satan's sowing and reaping judgment.

            If anything evil is happening in your life right now, if you want it to end as rapidly as possible, open your heart to the Lord and say, Lord, am I reaping anything that I have done or my ancestors have done? If that is the case, I want to repent, and I would like this sowing and reaping judgment to be transferred into the White Throne Judgment.

            The difference between the two is that the sowing and reaping judgment doesn't stop until it wipes you off the face of the earth. It destroys you. But if you transfer into the White Throne Judgment, the Lord Jesus shows you what you or your ancestors did wrong.

            When you confess that sin and begin to change, Satan loses the legal ground to execute that judgment upon you. All sin is in the mind, and when you begin to change the way you think and think differently and behave differently, that judgment will end.

            I should have been dead years ago. The Lord didn't just break a curse on me and leave me the way I was. I had to change in my heart and in my thinking and in my behavior for that curse to die without taking me with it.

            The judgment of the Lord is the exposure of your sin nature and the destruction of your sin nature. Upheavals in nature is the sowing and reaping judgment. It is Satan. I don't know what the proportions are here, but it also can be the physical manifestation of the spiritual war that is going on right now between the mind of Christ and the carnal mind. There is a war raging right now.

            Revelation, Chapter 12, Verse 7 is happening right now. But there are very few who have the mind of Christ, who are waging the warfare in a knowledgeable enough manner to be damaging Satan. But apparently there are enough of us who are doing it, and all of these judgments are falling.

            You see, when the war is waged between the people who have the mind of Christ that know what they're doing, there is a warfare in the heavenlies. You can't just have the mind of Christ and be doing anything that you want. If you have the mind of Christ and whatever you're doing is out of the carnal mind, you're just as good as not having the mind of Christ.

            But the people who have the mind of Christ, who are being responsible, who understand this message, who are living according to the nature of Jesus Christ, and praying according to the nature of Jesus Christ; there is a warfare in the heavenlies between these people and the carnal mind.

            Now don't misunderstand me when I speak about the carnal mind attacking the mind of Christ. I'm not talking about attacking me or attacking any individual person on any carnal level. This is a high spiritual warfare.

            When the carnal mind attacks someone who is truly in the mind of Christ and fighting as the Lord Jesus would have them to fight on a high spiritual level (that very few people even understand today) there are physical repercussions in the atmosphere. The war is raging now. If you can hear it, hear it.

            Your only protection is obedience to the Lord. I know someone in Oklahoma. They said to me, I was suppose to go to work, but the Lord told me not to go, and I didn't go. They would have been right in the midst of the disaster. Then that person said to me, but if I went, the Lord would have protected me anyway. No, He wouldn't have. The Lord's protection was that word,"don't go." If she didn't listen, she would have been subject to the elements.

            I tell you the truth. The Lord is not babying anybody. Obedience is the name of the game. If you can't tell the difference between Satan's subtle voice and the Lord's subtle voice in areas that are not obvious, you've got a problem. We talked about this earlier on the message. So let's go on.

            Verse 4, King James, All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets saying. This is leading into an Old Testament quote. So this is a simple translation here. I don't think we changed anything. Our Alternate Translation is, all this was done so that which was spoken by the prophet might be fulfilled.

            Okay, I just moved the words around a little. Verse 5, and this is a quote from the Old Testament. Tell ye the daughter of Sion, behold thy king cometh unto thee, meek and sitting upon an ass and a colt, the foal of an ass. Now I think I mentioned this earlier on the message, brethren. We have got to get past our carnal thoughts, thinking that the man Jesus sitting on an ass and the colt, the foal of an ass is what identified Him as Messiah.

            You have got to realize that it had to be more than that. Because if you cannot realize that it had to be more than that, how will you ever tell the difference between a true prophesy and a false prophesy?

            Do you know that there is divination in the church? A prophesy by a spirit other than the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Christ is divination. How will you ever tell the difference, if you don't know that a man sitting on an ass doesn't have to be the one who's fulfilling the Scripture, that it has to be a spiritual discernment, a word from the Lord?

            I know when I was being raised up as a disciple, there was a woman in the church that was prophesying in every service, and that prophesy was very distressing to me. I didn't know what was wrong and nobody would talk to me about it. None of the Pharisees in the church would talk to me about it. I went to one friend and I said, do you think there's something wrong with that prophesy? She said, oh yes, but the Lord is going to use her anyway.

            Brethren, the Lord deals in truth. You have to know what spirit is prophesying. Well I travailed, I thought that there was something wrong with me, I travailed before the Lord until He told me. It went on for a couple of weeks. He finally told me. He showed it to me in the Scriptures. That's a spirit of divination. It's not the Holy Spirit. Now I don't know why the pastor didn't know that, but that's another story.

            It's in the spirit, it's in the spirit, it's in the spirit. It's not what you see with your physical eyes. It's not what you hear with your physical ears. You have to learn to function in the spirit, which is no easy thing to do.

            Having words of knowledge is wonderful, but are you ready for other people's minds to start penetrating you? Are you ready to start dealing with other people's thoughts ripping through your mind? Are you ready to war against the thoughts of your mind? You've got a lot to learn. The whole church has a lot to learn. Praise the Lord.

            Tell ye the daughter of Sion, behold thy king cometh unto thee, meek and sitting upon an ass and a colt, the foal of an ass. We have the word "tell", and I inserted the word "Abel" there because we'll see that this is a Cain-Abel kind of thing.

            Tell Abel, the female descendent, (that's a translation of daughter) the female descendent of Sion. Sion, we have established this in other studies. First of all, a mountain refers to a higher energy center, and that the word, "Sion," means the parched place, and it's talking about the brow (6th) energy center, sometimes the throat (5th) energy center too. The brow is the sixth center, and the throat is the fifth center.

            It's talking about the upper centers, the higher centers that are parched because all of the water departed from the upper centers and went down underneath the firmament, and all the water is down here, except for the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who's in the earth right now.

            The waters of creation are down here mixed in the earth, and they're mud. They've been absorbed by the earth, and they're in a condition of either mud or polluted waters. The mud is the carnal mind, and the polluted waters are Satan. They flow together, it's muddy water. In some places it's solid.  In some places it's liquid. The parched place or the upper energy centers have no water.

            When Jesus ascended on high, He went and prepared a place for us. He made it possible for us to return to the dried up energy centers. That's the withered arm.

            You see, we all have a withered arm, every man born of a woman, every human being born of a woman, we have a withered spiritual arm. Our higher energy centers are withered, dried and dead and non-functioning. We're trapped down here in the lower centers unless you have already ascended. I've ascended somewhat.

            I'm suggesting to you that the female daughter of the parched energy centers is Abel, because when Adam died and his substance was apprehended by the Serpent, she absorbed it.

            You may recall that the Serpent is the earth. The primordial Serpent, she is the earth and she absorbed that earth, absorbed Adam's spirit and he died. The earth divided herself into male and female and interacted with herself and brought forth offspring.

            The first offspring were Cain and Abel. Cain, the dumb spiritual animal (not like the animals of this world) and Abel, the spiritual mind of that dumb animal, but they were both mortal. Cain and Abel were and are both mortal.

            But Abel is the spiritual aspect of the creature which, when he joins with the Spirit of Christ, has the potential to increase into Adam and become the regenerated Adam, at which point he becomes male.

            But both Cain and Abel, when separated from the household of God, are female. Therefore I'm suggesting to you that Abel is the female descendent of the parched energy centers. Does anyone not understand that?

            The parched energy centers are talking about the brow (6th)  center where, when we ascend to that place, we become a supernatural man. Men who abide in that place reproduce by mind generation. They no longer reproduce as the animals reproduce.

            So Abel is the female descendent of Sion, the parched energy centers, the place where they reproduce by mind generation.

            We're translating the word "behold," "look." Christ (I added that in). Christ, your king is appearing. We're translating the word,"cometh," to"appearing."

            "Unto thee," we're translating, "in you." Then we have the word "meek," we're translating, "in submission."  I know we did this in another study not too long ago.

            The Scripture says that Moses was the meekest man that ever lived. That does not mean that he was a timid man. It means that he caused his carnal mind to bow to Jehovah. His carnal mind went down so low that Jehovah was able to manifest through him in a high degree of power because Jehovah gave Moses the mind of God.

            You see, Jehovah gave Moses the mind of God. Moses did not receive that mind of God by overcoming his own carnal mind because we know from the book of Judges that Moses was not agreeing with Michael, who was trying to kill his carnal mind. If you never heard that, you can read about that in our Alternate Translation.

            The Book of Jude says that Satan was struggling with Michael for the body of Moses. But that Greek word does not mean dead body.  It means live body. We have more than one body, brethren. So if you're assuming every time you see the word body that it's talking about this physical body, you're drawing a conclusion that's incorrect. We have many bodies.

            Even Paul said there are different kinds of flesh. He said there's terrestrial flesh, there's celestial flesh, there's the flesh of the fish, which is Leviathan, and the flesh of the birds, which is the flesh of the spiritual bird, the ascended being in the higher centers. There's all different kinds of flesh and each kind of flesh has a body.

            So Michael was not struggling with Satan for the physical body of Moses, but for the body of his mind because the mind is the body of the spirit. The mind is the body of the spirit. The spirit lives in the mind. The way we transfer into the mind of Christ is that we must be renewed in the spirit of our mind.

            So Michael was struggling with Satan for the spirit of Moses to convert it into a permanent mind of Christ. Moses, the personality, could not confess the sin that Michael was revealing in him. He could not accept the fact because of his pride. I don't want to preach that whole message right now.

            So we see that Moses was the most meek man, not because he overcame, but because Jehovah sat on his carnal mind and utterly repressed it and manifested through him fully. Moses was a mighty magician by the spirit of Christ. He did great miracles and feats of magic that defeated Pharaoh.

            Magic, brethren, is just a word for the exercise of spiritual power. You don't really hear that word magic used in the church, but all that it means is supernatural signs. The book of Daniel says we'll be doing exploits. The book might just as well say we'll be doing magic. Magic is a supernatural exploit.

            The word "sitting," now this word "sitting," we have been translating this word, "to be married," for a very long time. That definition of the word is not obvious in the Greek, but if you find the Hebrew word that is translated,"to sit," it's very obvious, at least in Gesenius.

            I really don't know about Strong's or Brown's, Driver, Briggs. But to "sit down" is a Hebraism. It doesn't have to be translated "to be married," but it is a way of expressing marriage in the Hebrew language. You sit down in the same bed, you're married.

            The word, "ass," we're translating, "Cain," a dumb animal. A "colt," we're translating "the offspring of the horse," which is our personality. The"foal," that Greek word translated "foal" means male offspring. So we'll be translating the word colt and foal together as the male offspring of the horse or the male offspring of the personality.

            Now this is very significant, brethren, because the personality is the manifestation of the ox today, who is married to the carnal mind. She has been bringing forth spiritual female children from the time that she departed from her husband, Adam, which has been eons, millions of years and maybe longer.

            Jesus Christ was the male offspring of the personality. The manchild that came forth in the man, Jesus, was not engendered by the carnal mind. The personality is the mother, the carnal mind is the father, and everybody that has existence has a spiritual child, and she's female.  This is true for the whole world. How do I know she's female? Because we all die.

            You see, you're saved in childbearing. If the manchild is truly born in you, you don't die anymore. So the word,"foal," is very significant, that it was a male offspring. It was a manchild. This is a very rare thing. Jesus Christ, the first male that the fallen ox, known as the human personality, has given birth to in all of the time since she departed from her husband.

            Jesus said, I am the son of man and I am the Son of God. Well, why do you think He said that? Jesus never wasted His breath. Everything He said meant something. Why did He say I am the Son of God, and I am the son of man?

            He said I am the son of mortal man. That's just another way of saying the personality. But my father was not the carnal mind. My father was the spirit of Elijah. and I am the male offspring of the personality; the first male offspring ever brought forth from seed since the creation departed from Adam. His male offspring, now the glorified Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ is glorified), and He is impregnating the personalities of the earth with His seed.

            If we have Christ being formed in us, we carry the manchild. Jesus Christ is now impregnating us, and that manchild will save us when we bear the child. They shall be saved in childbearing. We, the personality, we, the woman, that manchild has to be fully born in us.

            So if you think you're born again, I'm sorry to shock you, but you're not. The church has really used that word incorrectly. It is Christ who is being born in us. It is Abel who is being raised from the dead, and then he is maturing into Adam.

            Abel is the root system of Adam. He's just the root. When the root gets grafted to the branches of the Tree of Life, which is the energy of this world, then the whole Tree of Life emerges, and the name of the whole Tree of Life is the resurrected Adam.

            In the new covenant, because the Lord Jesus is the one who has impregnated you, the name of the resurrected Adam is Christ Jesus, the son of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father.

            I've heard some Christians say, well, I'm a begotten son, I'm pregnant with Christ. No you're not. You are not impregnated while you are an ovum in your mother's womb. You were born of a human male seed and a human female seed. The spirit of Jesus Christ has penetrated you and implanted His spiritual life in you.

            But in the case of Jesus, He was Jesus of Nazareth, and He was generated by the will of the spirit of Elijah. We had a whole message on that in the On-Line Meeting recently.

            Mary did not conceive through intercourse with a man. The spirit of Elijah hovered over her, and by the power of his ascended mind and glorified mind, commanded her body to produce a manchild.  Not only a child, but a male child.

            Brethren, we're in a very low place. I am not against marriage, and I am not against children, but the truth will set you free. We are living like animals, and God is not an animal. Adam and Eve did not look like us.  They were not animals.

            There really was no Eve, but that's another story. Adam was not an animal. He was a high glorious spiritual being. He was the zygote that was to bring forth all of the members of creation, but not through animal intercourse. Praise the Lord. It was suppose to be through a form of cell division. There are several forms of cell division which we will not go into now.

            I have a definition for you on Page 5 of the Greek word, foal. It's Strong's #5207 and that word is huios, brethren. That's the word that's translated manchild. I have it for you right here.  Revelation 12:5, And she brought forth a manchild who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron, and her child was caught up unto God and His throne. That's the word translated "foal" in Matthew 21:4.

            That's a pretty radical difference from the manchild to a foal. That is the authority on which I translate that English word, foal. I translated it as the male offspring of the personality. It's the Greek word, huios. It means a son.

            The last word is "ass." That's the dumb animal which we know to be Cain. So the words that I have to work with when I worked up this Alternate Translation are: Tell the female descendent of Sion, the parched energy center where they reproduce by mind generation, look, Christ your king is appearing in you, in submission to and married to, upon a dumb animal, and the offspring of the horse, the male offspring of the dumb animal.

            That's what I had to work with. This is what the Spirit of Revelation gave me:  Tell Abel, the female descendent of the mind generated ones, who dwell in the parched brow (6th) energy center, look, Christ Jesus, your King, the male offspring of your personality is arising in you because you are in submission to Him, even though you are married to Cain, that dumb animal.

            Do you hear it? Christ, your King, the Savior of your personality, arises in you when you submit to His authority, even though you're married, your spirit is married, and your personality is married to that flesh. The church world calls it flesh, that dumb animal, Cain.

            So for you to submit to Christ, you have to war against the commandments of that dumb animal. That's the lust of the flesh, and also you have to war against your criminal mind. You do not just obey Jesus or submit to Jesus. You cannot submit to Jesus without waging a warfare everyday of your life.

            Tell Abel, the female descendent of the mind generated ones who dwell in the parched brow energy center, look, Christ Jesus, your King, the male offspring of your personality is arising in you because you are in submission to Him, even though you are married to Cain, that dumb animal.

            Brethren, I want to suggest to you that the significance of this Old Testament verse being in Matthew 21 at this point is to say that the only reason the people recognized that Jesus was Messiah is because Christ was being raised in them, and they were in submission to that Christ, even though they were married to that dumb animal.

            They recognized the resurrected Adam in the man, Jesus. They recognized that He was fully ascended and in perfection because Christ was formed in them, and they were living out of Him and rejecting the thoughts of their carnal mind and the animal impulses of that dumb ass, of that flesh that they were attached to.

            I want to tell you, that when the carnal mind meets Christ, that carnal mind wants to run. The carnal mind does not like Christ. She will raise up any kind of diversion to get you away from someone that Christ is being raised in. She'll give you all kinds of justification to make it sound right. But you have to learn how to stand. You have to learn how to obey Christ.

            You cannot obey Him if you don't know how to tell the difference between His voice and the voice of the good side of the Serpent. Now if a voice says to murder somebody, now of course you're not going to do it.

            It's in the little things, in the everyday nitty gritty things of life. Can you really recognize the voice of Christ? Or do you believe that your carnal mind is Christ because you really prefer what your carnal mind is saying to you, that what Christ is saying to you is really too hard, and you'd really rather not do it or you'd really rather not face it? So you decide that your carnal mind is Christ. Very convenient, isn't that convenient? Except that you can only keep it up for so long.

            Verse 6, And the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them. That's a simple verse. We're translating, "went," to "cross over," and the word,"did," we're translating "to acquire for himself."

            The significance here is that when the disciples crossed over into their Christ mind or into the city of Christ Jesus, Jesus acquired them for Himself. Jesus wants to acquire us for Himself, but we must cross over into His city. We must wage the warfare and make the sacrifices necessary to get to the place from which He acquires us.

            He's not picking us up like we're infants and carrying us to safety. He's not saving infants. He's saving fully grown men, warriors. If you're hearing this message and you're saying, well, I'm not a grown man, and I'm not a warrior.  If you keep crying out to Him long enough, He'll make you a grown man and a warrior. He will prepare you before He takes you. He doesn't marry little babies. He has to make a man out of you first.

            Paul said to endure hardship like a good soldier. I don't like it either, but hardship makes you strong. It either breaks you or makes you strong. If you're holding on to Christ Jesus, it won't break you.  It will make you strong.

            The word,"as," we're translating "after that." The word "commanded," we're translating "to put in order." Of course, there's a spiritual significance to the phrase, to put in order. We can have Christ in us, but if our spiritual principles are not in order, if our carnal mind is dominating our Christ mind, we're not in order.

            You cannot go on with God, you cannot go on to a mature walk with God when your carnal mind is dominating Christ in you. If you continue to do that, eventually you will kill Christ in you. But before you can do that, the chances are that Christ in you will wage a warfare against your carnal mind which can bring trouble into your life.

            The best way to overcome trouble in your life is to line yourself up with Christ and stand. The troubles do not go away. They do not get any milder, but your ability to cope with them and to overcome and prevail becomes much greater.

            Alternate Translation, Verse 6 of Matthew 21, And the disciples crossed over and, after that, Jesus put them in order and acquired them for Himself. They crossed over, and He put them in order.

            Well maybe it's the other way. Maybe He put them in order, and they crossed over. I think He put them in order. I'll have to work on that. Jesus put them in order, and they crossed over or maybe He put them in order, and He acquired them for Himself, and they crossed over. I don't know.  I'm going to have to work on this translation, but you have the idea, I hope.

            Verse 7,  And brought the ass. The significance here is that the disciples crossed over into Christ, and that phrase, that Jesus acquired them for Himself, means that they were joined in spirit to Christ.

            This is the man Jesus in His flesh. Adam was completely raised from the dead in the man Jesus. The man Jesus was perfected. He had the regenerated Adam and the spirit of Elijah as spiritual beings dwelling within Him, the physical man, Jesus.

            Everyone of His disciples that crossed over into their Christ mind became a part of the spiritual city that they all existed in, and it was the regenerated Adam in the spirit of Elijah that was providing the strength to hold these disciples above the carnal mind. They were gathered unto Jesus. If you could hear that.

            They were one body, they were one spiritual man, and that is happening today. But Jesus has to do it. If the Lord Jesus doesn't do it, you have an ungodly soul tie with somebody. If the Lord Jesus brings a group together, and Christ rises in all of us, and we have a spirit tie, and we are joined in the spirit, we are one man.

            When we have these meetings, we are one man. This is Christ Jesus manifesting here. That's why this is such a special meeting, that in order to come into these meetings, you have to be able to join in with what Jesus is doing here.

            In order to join in with what Jesus is doing here, you have to have some measure of control over your carnal mind. You have to give up your carnal mind to come in here because the Lord does something special every time we get together.

            This is a high priestly message coming forth here, and it's not just the message. There's healing going forth, there's spiritual growth going forth, there's power going forth when we all gather together.

            We are all gathered unto the Lord Jesus. We're all taking communion in this place, spiritual communion, the true communion. We're eating and drinking of Christ Jesus, and we walk out of here more mature than when we came in.

            For years, we had people in here whose carnal mind went crazy every time they sat in a meeting. They brought down the anointing. It doesn't make me feel too good that I and everyone that's in agreement with me could not continue on with a message at this level because there was one carnal mind sitting in here that was manifesting. But that seems to be the truth of our condition.

            We're in the Serpent's world. To be in here we have to be in one accord. One carnal mind in here can do a lot of damage because we are controlling our own carnal minds. I have to admit to you that I've had people in here that could not cooperate.

            You see, you don't have to understand the message, but if you could just flow with it. We've had people in here that couldn't flow with it. Their carnal mind was manifesting, and I could not preach on the level that I'm preaching on with that manifestation. So whatever that says about me, I'm not nearly as high as I would like to be, but I couldn't do it. So now we have rules about who can come into these meetings.

            What's so special about these meetings? Brethren, when I preach a message like this, and the whole group is flowing together, does anyone remember what's happening here? It's true that we're communing with Christ in me, but what's happening is that we're manufacturing thought forms.

            Christ Jesus is manifesting through our personality and when I preach this message, to whatever measure you understand it, He is gathering the strength or the energy from all of us, and He is creating thought forms that are going out into the mental plane. They are affecting the whole world.

            So if we have a carnally minded person in here (and I have nothing against the carnally minded person), but if I am not strong enough to preach on this level when someone is sitting here manifesting, then the main purpose of our being together is defeated.

            The Lord is converting the whole world, and what we're doing here is a very large part of it, if you can hear it. There's a spiritual cloud manifested here today. Pictures, spiritual pictures, the Scripture call them pictures of what we're talking about here.

            Pictures are going forth into the mental plane. Someone in Australia on the other side of the world could even be praying about this Scripture (I don't know), and the Lord Jesus can direct one of His thought forms to them, and they will get a flash of revelation.

            The Lord will use it for whatever reason He wants to use it. It's going to take a miracle to bring the church, let alone the world, into this deep message. But He is going to do it. The thought forms that we manufacture are a part of it.

            When I first started preaching publicly eleven years ago, the Lord told me that I was cutting up Satan's kingdom by preaching verbally, by actually preaching this message. Verbally preaching and recording this message had a power that it doesn't have when I just study by myself.

            For the life of me, I could not understand it because I didn't know anything about thought forms in those days. I was very carnal in those days. I didn't think I was carnal, I thought I was a pretty spiritual person. I prophesied, and I cast out demons, and I had a lot of spiritual experiences. But today, eleven years later, I realize that I didn't know anything. Maybe eleven years from now, I'll realize that I don't know anything (now I know that I don't know anything).

            We are cutting up Satan's turf by preaching this message, and if someone is sitting here who cannot control their carnal mind, they're damaging our ability to do our job. I don't mean to be irreverent, but the way that the Lord has given us to express it, brethren, and I don't mean to insult anybody (but this is the truth) you cannot sit in this meeting if you're not toilet trained.

            If your carnal mind is free and manifesting, if you are not strong enough in Christ to sit on that carnal mind, she is polluting what the Lord is doing here. That's how the Lord put it to us. If pollution is vibrating forth from us, we're not doing it in the bathroom where we're suppose to be doing it. We're not suppose to be doing that here. This is a holy convocation. It's an ingathering of the saints to do the work of the Lord that's affecting the church and the whole world.

            So the Lord Jesus put the disciples in order, acquired them for Himself, and they crossed over. And brought the ass and the colt and put on them their clothes and they sat thereon.

             The word," brought,"we're translating "dominated."  The ass is the dumb animal, that's Cain. The offspring of the horse, which is the personality, is Christ. The word, "put," we're translating "to lay upon."

            I do have our translation of Judges 15:4 in our study of Samson and the Foxes. We have a better idea of what it means to lay upon. I amplified this word,"put," and we're translating it "lay upon," and I amplified it," to lay upon the heart (4th)  center" based upon what was revealed to us in our study of Judges 15:4.

            This is that verse:  And Samson went and captured the brow (6th) energy center of the Serpent's timeline, where the mortal men that Satan is appearing in are, and he captured the heart (4th)  energy center and turned back the Fiery Serpent, the tail that was added to Leviathan, the principle tail, and lay upon.

            Now here it is:  Adam in Samson lay upon the heart (4th)  energy center which is between the primordial Serpent's two tails and bisected them. So we see that Leviathan is in the higher energy centers of the counterfeit timeline. That's above the heart (4th) center.

            The Fiery Serpent is in the lower centers of the counterfeit timeline, below the heart (4th)  center. When the resurrected Adam in Samson lay on the heart (4th)  center (according to Judges 15:4) Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent were joined, and he separated them. He bisected them. He broke that spiritual sexual union that was generating a high measure of illegal energy.

            So we see that the concept, the spiritual principle of laying over the heart (4th) center, either breaks up the union between Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent or prevents them from entering into a liaison. The joining together of two aspects of spiritual power is a spiritual fusion which gives off a tremendous amount of energy.

            In the same manner, when Christ Jesus eventually ascends into the brow (6th)  center and joins with the glorified Jesus Christ, there will be a tremendous amount of inner spiritual energy given off in the person that has this experience. That's when we become a supernatural man, through that union.

            So when the Fiery Serpent joins with Leviathan, that person is ascended into a high spiritual place, and they're manifesting witchcraft. Now there are a lot of people in our world and in the church that would be very shocked to hear this.

             There are a lot of people who are everyday people who are experiencing this spiritual union within them of the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan, and they're generating a lot of spiritual power. It's an illegal spiritual power.

            Does anyone remember the signs of someone who is ascended in spiritual power through this kind of spiritual union, even though they don't know it? Usually it's an inherited trait. Does anyone remember any of the signs? It is rage, especially continuous rage.

            You have to ascend into the brow (6th)  energy center of the counterfeit timeline to be raging continuously. You need to know the truth. The truth will set you free. This is sin.

            Look, I was a rage-aholic. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. My whole family raged. I thought that was normal. But I found out that I had to stop doing it. I found out that it's sin to rage. I don't care how offended you are. It generates witchcraft power, and it damages people. It can damage people just as much as the quiet person who doesn't rage, but who has envy which goes underground.

            You know what they say about belly buttons. Someone has an "inny" and someone has an "outy." Well, to be a rage-aholic or verbally or emotionally aggressive is just as much a sin as the person who represses their feelings, their envy, and their hatred, and it goes underground and hurts people. It's witchcraft. Both cases are witchcraft.

            But if you're a rage-aholic like I was, you have it easier than the person who has been repressing their ungodly thoughts for years and doesn't even believe that they're there. At least, when I screamed and when I raged, I knew what I was doing. I couldn't lie about that. I couldn't deny that. So it was easy for me to ask the Lord to help me to stop, once I got the understanding that it was sin to do that. Every time I did it, I had to confess it as sin.

            But the point is that you must ascend to a high spiritual place in the Serpent's timeline to be raging, to be a rage-aholic, or to rage at any time. Rage requires energy. To get the energy to rage or to be angry or railing at somebody, you must ascend into the brow (6th)  center of the Serpent's timeline to join with Leviathan to get that energy.

            You see, the Lord broke this in me. I used to rage all the time. I was a rage-aholic. When He delivered me from it (now I really feel that I don't want it to be tested actually) but I don't think I'm capable of getting into a rage. The only way I would describe it is I don't have the strength to raise up in that kind of an anger like I used to. I just don't have the strength in me to do it.

            I'm very grateful that I don't have that strength because that strength that I had to do it was witchcraft. Do I condemn you if you do this? No, but you must know that it's witchcraft. If you're a believer, the Lord requires you to repent and to ask Him to help you to start dealing with that anger and that abuse because it's also abuse.

            So I told you all that to make the point that the words " to lay upon," if the context of the whole verse is right, which I believe it is in Verse 7 of Matthew 21, what the Scripture is saying is that when Christ Jesus lays upon the heart (4th) center, the purpose of it is to either separate the already joined Fiery Serpent and Leviathan and break their power or to prevent them from entering into that spiritual sexual union which generates high witchcraft power in an individual.

            Well, let's just finish the study here. Another aspect in people that don't think they're doing anything wrong is envy. It's the Fiery Serpent in us that ascends to give us the energy to be envious. Now envy is really the exact opposite of raging and railing because envy can be very quiet. Most people, if they recognize that they're envious, they automatically repress it.

             It's not something that anyone would advertise. But for that envy to come forth in you, as quiet as it is, requires high amounts of energy. If you are an envious person (if you want to be honest with yourself) it is much easier to know that you're a rage-aholic than if you're an envious person.

            You really have to tell the Lord that you are willing to admit it if you are an envious person or you have envy to any degree, that you're willing to face it if He will show it to you.

            I recommend that everybody do that because we all have envy, but we do not all deal with it equally, and we all do not have equal amounts of it. It's really important that we put it down if we have it, not ignore it or not deny it, but curse it and burn it in the Lake of Fire.

            So if we have a problem with envy, which so many people do, we're in the same spiritual condition as the rage-aholic. Envy is cruel, the Scripture says. It is rottenness to your bones; bones signifying spirit.

            Also pride, if pride is intense in us, it can also be another aspect of our mind and our emotions that could cause this high manifestation of spiritual power. There's all different degrees of pride.

            What I call malignant pride, pride that goes forth and really damages people, requires this unholy union between the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan. An example of malignant pride is when someone will accuse or, in some way, attack another person to cover their own error or mistake or sin.

            Another word, at least in some instances, is called scapegoating. If you do something wrong, and you blame it on somebody else, if that's a pattern in your life, you should know that you are ascended spiritually in the Serpent's timeline. It takes spiritual power for your mind to be quick enough to throw your sin off on somebody else. You've got to hear this. It takes spiritual power to do that, to be subtle, to hide behind another person.


It may come second nature to the people who engage in this kind of behavior, but you need to know it takes spiritual power to do that. If you are doing that, no one is condemning you. If you are doing it, you need to know that you're a spiritually active person in the Serpent's timeline, and you need to get with God and tell Him you're willing to see it, you're willing to see it.

            When I go before God, I beg Him. I say please God, show me my sins, please. Because I know that there is safety in that.

            Going on with Verse 7. The word "clothes," we're translating "clothe," and the word,"on," we're translating "above." The word,"they set thereon," apparently that's the word," to sit." We're again translating that,"married." We see in the Interlinear text that this word "set," Strong's #1940, that we're translating "married," appears twice.

            I work with two different Interlinear texts. I have one,  more accurate than another on occasion. The first one, Bible Soft, did not have this word appearing twice, but the second one, the On-Line Bible and their version of the Interlinear, had it twice.

            You see, the Bible Soft just took it out. The people who work on these Scriptures take license, you see. Someone made a decision that this had to be an error from a scribe, that the word appeared twice, and they took it out.

            They've taken words out, they've put words in, they've changed letters, they've changed vowels. So we need this Scripture, we need the King James and it's sister translations, we need the Interlinear text, but if you really want to get the spiritual truth in Christ out of what we have to work with today, you must have the Spirit of Revelation or you will never get around the human errors in the letter of the word.

            So the word,"set," appears twice and we're translating it "married" both times. The word," him," I have a line through it because there's no Greek word for it. The word," thereon," can legitimately be translated "upper." I've amplified that word, upper, and made it "upper part. "

            This is what we have to work with: And, dominated, Cain the dumb animal, offspring of their personality laid upon, above, and clothed them, and married their higher center.

            I guess I changed "upper part" to "higher center". The upper part is the centers above the firmament, above the heart(4th)  center.

            This is the Alternate Translation that the Spirit of Revelation has given me, Matthew 21:7: And Jesus dominated Cain, the dumb animal, and Christ, the male offspring of their personality, lay upon their heart (4th) center and clothed them, and Christ married the Fiery Serpent within them, and Jesus married their higher centers.

            And Jesus dominated Cain, the dumb animal in the disciples (in the disciples). Now why do I say that? Why do I say that Jesus married the dumb animal in the disciples? Because Jesus is the controller, you see.

            The word,"Lord," means "controller."  If you're going around saying or if you believe that Jesus is the Lord of your life, and He is not controlling your life, you are a liar.

            The Lord Jesus has come to control our life. He wants to control every aspect of our life. That's what He wants. That's not a bad thing.

            You see, it's a bad thing when the Serpent controls every aspect of your life, but when the glorified Jesus Christ controls every aspect of your life, that's when you stop sinning because He's perfect, and whatever we do in our own strength is sin, whether it be good or whether it be evil. Whatever we do in our own strength is sin. Praise the Lord.

            Now you can only come to that place where Jesus completely dominates your life little by little. I wish He would completely dominate me already. He dominates a lot of my life, but I know that He's not dominating me completely because I still sin, very much so. I look forward to that day that He controls me completely.

            You see, when Christ Jesus controls you, He does not make an automaton out of you. You have more liberty when Christ controls you than you have ever had in your life. The Lord Jesus controlling you is not the same thing as your mother controlling you or your father controlling you or your husband or your wife controlling you. It's a totally different kind of control.

            Jesus' control controls your carnal mind and your animal nature and liberates you (the personality) to live your life out of the ascended Christ mind which is the best thing that could happen to anybody - life in righteousness.

            To be in that position where the Lord Jesus controls your life, releases the flood of your creativity. You see, this world crushes your creativity. Unfortunately, many relationships in the world crush your creativity, but Jesus releases your creativity.

            When your whole life is given over to Him, you become all that you could be. Every talent that you were born with is extrapolated. It becomes completely and fully expanded and developed. He doesn't waste anything. Satan crushes you. Satan wants to make you an automaton. Satan wants you to be like someone on an assembly line.

            If there's anyone listening to this message that has this kind of job, I'm not against it, but it's not ideal to have a job where you sit at a conveyor belt, and you just do the same thing over and over all day long. It's an honest living, but Christ Jesus uses your creativity, and the happiest people are people who are completely expressing their creativity,  people who are all that they could be or becoming all that they could be in Christ Jesus.

            So this is what the world calls an oxymoron. It's a contradiction. To be controlled by Christ Jesus means that you're freer than you could ever be if you were never controlled by Him. It's the truth. There is liberty in Christ Jesus when He controls you. You have to stop doing it yourself.

            So we're doing our Alternate Translation of Verse 7, And Jesus dominated Cain, that dumb animal. That's what the church calls the flesh. Jesus dominated the dumb animal in the disciples.

            You know, that's what I do here in these meetings. We've talked about this before. I do not dominate your marriage, I do not dominate your private life, I do not dominate your decisions with regard to your children or your marriage or your career.

            But when you come here to these meetings, I assist you. Christ Jesus in me assists you in controlling your carnal mind and keeping it down so that Christ in you can rise and understand this message.

            Any time that you ask my assistance with regard to any problem in your life, when we pray together, what's happening is that I'm lending my strength to you so that Christ in you and Christ in me, together, are laying upon your carnal mind so that you can hear and understand and get the Lord's answer to your problem.

            So I help you to control your carnal mind so that you can hear and live out of Christ. The Lord Jesus is a controller, and those who serve Him are controllers, and they're controlling parts of lives. But the control of the people in this world who are controlling people out of their carnal mind is witchcraft, and their witchcraft produces death in the person that they control.

            And Jesus dominated Cain, the dumb animal in the disciples, and Christ, the male offspring of the personality, lay upon their heart (4th)  center. The significance here is that Christ in the disciples was only able to do this because the Lord Jesus was a man apart from them and dominated their flesh and the impulses of the flesh. Christ in the disciples was not strong enough to dominate their own carnal mind and the impulses of the flesh.

            So Jesus Christ, who was ascended into the brow (6th)  energy center, who had a lot of spiritual strength, joined with Christ in them`and dominated that flesh, and then Christ in the disciple was now strong enough to lay on the heart (4th)  center and either break up that union between the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan or prevent it from coming into existence.

            This is the plan of the Lord Jesus Christ for those who hope to spiritually ascend in Christ Jesus. It is not likely that you will make it alone. Make what alone? Ascend into the higher centers. You would only make it alone to ascend into the higher centers if you are called to make it alone. There are very few who are called to make it alone. I made it alone.

            I wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world, but I want to tell you, that if I had to go through some of those experiences that I've been through to get where I am today, I would probably cry like a baby right now, if I thought that I had to experience some of them again.

            So all of my grief and all of my bad experiences that brought me to where I am, you now have the fruit of my labor. You don't have to go through what I went through. I don't have to go through what Jesus went through, and you don't have to go through what I went through to get this help needed for weakening your carnal mind so Christ in you can grow. It's just like pruning a plant. You have to cut the branches back so that the whole plant can grow.

            We know the true understanding of Ananias and Sapphire in the Book of Acts where the fantasy account in the King James says that they were giving their land.

            Those disciples along with Ananias were approaching Peter for help. They were coming to the Apostle Peter, who was in perfection, so that he would impart his strength to the Christ within them. They were coming to Peter to ask him to cover their carnal minds so that Christ in them could stand up and get on top of her.

            If you know anything about wrestling or any kind of physical combat, once you have the man down with your foot on his neck, it's much easier to keep him down than if you have to bring him down from a standing position.

            All of those disciples that came to Peter came for Peter to control their carnal mind so that Christ would have a chance to stand up in them. That's the message. I don't know if I ever preached that on a message or not, but I know I did the study.

            That's the message. It's not likely that anyone would be able to do it alone and if you can do it alone, it's because God is raising you up to be someone who helps other people. But you better make sure you're not deceiving yourself.

            How do you make sure you're not deceiving yourself? You better ask the Lord if you're going it alone, if He wants you to go it alone.

            And Jesus dominated Cain, the dumb animal in the disciples, and Christ, the male offspring of their personality, lay upon their heart (4th)  center (this is in each of the disciples now) and clothed them.

            You see, when you lay upon the heart (4th)  center; I guess that's the covering of all of the centers underneath. What does that mean? It means that Leviathan from above can no longer descend into those lower centers, clothe them or cover them. Leviathan is the cover of the people who live in the lower centers.

            I believe we had that expression in our earlier Samson study. Not Samson and the Foxes, perhaps Samson's Riddle, but I may have the studies mixed up. In one of those studies with Samson, we found that principle that Leviathan is the cover of the lower centers where the Fiery Serpent dwells.

            Who is the Fiery Serpent? The Fiery Serpent is our spiritual virginity. Every man born of a woman has a spiritual virginity or a spiritual virgin. Paul called her the virgin. She's also our spiritual egg, you might say.

            If you need to think in human terms, women are born with ovaries that contain ovum that can have the potential to become other human beings.

            We, the personality, spiritually speaking, we could say we have a spiritual virginity.  We have one spiritual egg within us, however you need to understand it. Although, as far as I understand right now, the scriptural term is that she is our spiritual virginity. She's a spiritual part of us that has the potential to mature into a manchild or a female child depending on who she mates with.

            So the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual sexual parts of the personality, and the personality is the woman. If the Fiery Serpent joins with Leviathan and that union goes to completion, we will produce a female child. The production or the birth of that female child will catapult us into eternal life with the Serpent's nature, under the domination of the Serpent, which is eternal torment.

            So Christ Jesus (if He's in you and I hope that He's in you) is in a contest with Leviathan to see who will impregnate our spiritual virginity.

            So when Christ Jesus lies over your heart (4th)  center and clothes you, that means Christ Jesus has intervened, has blocked Leviathan's covering of you and is now the male presence over the lower centers, which are female.

            We see the next phrase here, they lay upon the heart (4th)  center and clothe them and Christ married the Fiery Serpent within them.

            So first Christ covers the heart (4th)  center, and in order to do that, He has to break Leviathan away from the Fiery Serpent. He lays upon the heart (4th) center. He becomes the protective cover or the clothing or the garment of the lower centers, which is the abode or the lair as we found out in a recent message on Samson, the lair that the Fiery Serpent dwells in, and the next thing that He does is marry the Fiery Serpent. He joins with her in an act of spiritual sexual intercourse.

            When Christ Jesus ascends into the higher centers, the fifth  and sixth center, (well in this day) He meets and marries the glorified Jesus Christ. We, the personality, ascend with Him and marry the glorified Jesus Christ with Him, and we inherit all that He is in that spiritual union.

            That spiritual union swallows up Satan and destroys our carnal mind and our carnal nature.  And the Serpentine aspect of us that will continue to exist for the endless or for the age of the ages become the Seraphim.

            They become Serpents that serve the Lord Jesus Christ because the Serpent is the darkness which forms the light which is necessary to create a visible creation.

            When the Serpent is in the right moral order and under the continuous judgment of her husband, Christ Jesus, she will no longer do evil. She'll always be evil, but she will cease from doing evil and not only that, she will do good because she is being controlled by her husband, Christ Jesus. It's a Godly control.

            Brethren, if you have a one-year old baby or a two-year old baby, do you let her walk out on the street? Do you let her eat poison? There is a Godly control in this world. If someone has a gun and they're murdering people in the streets, the police come and lock him up. They knock him down, they take his gun away and they control him. There is a Godly control in this world. You could not have a civilized society without it. There must be law. Law is control.

            I see that I put in for the last phrase that Jesus marries their higher centers. And Jesus dominated Cain, the dumb animal in the disciples, and Christ, the male offspring of their personality lay upon their heart (4th)  center and clothe them, and Christ married the Fiery Serpent within them.

            The Fiery Serpent is the spiritual virginity of the personality. Of course, what's not said here is that after the marriage of Christ to the Fiery Serpent, Christ and the Fiery Serpent and the personality all ascend up to the brow (6th)  center.

            Brethren, you cannot go someplace without taking your sexual parts with you. They are one.  The personality, and the Fiery Serpent are one. So after the marriage, Christ Jesus ascends to the higher energy centers, to the brow (6th) center, at which place Jesus married their higher centers.

            What that means is that they all became one spiritual man. They were separate in the flesh, but they became one spiritual man in the mental plane of God in the same way that we're one spiritual man here.  But we're not ascended as high as they were when Jesus was there to bring them up.

            See, you can only go as high as the elder that the Lord places you under. If the Lord wants to raise someone in a congregation higher than the pastor, He has to take you out of the congregation. That happens sometimes. The Lord will take someone out of the congregation and send them to another church. That happens sometimes. As long as it's God, it's alright. But basically speaking, if the Lord is not intervening supernaturally, you cannot grow beyond the pastor.

            Brethren, you cannot grow beyond your parents until such time as you get out of the house and become an adult and have your own life, and then it's possible to grow beyond your parents.

            A lot of people that grow up in a dysfunctional home or in a home where there is a lot of ignorance, they grow up and become adults and leave the home and move to the other side of the country. Twenty years go by and they find out that they're just like their parents. It's a spiritual thing.

            To escape from ignorance or dysfunction in your family, you need a spiritual intervention. Christ Jesus can intervene. That's a family line curse. But it also can be done with a psychiatrist.

            Of course, when Christ Jesus intervenes and breaks family line curses, that deliverance goes on to the next generation. It will touch your children and your grandchildren while you're living, and certainly future unborn generations will receive deliverance because of the curses that are being broken on you.

            I don't believe that this happens with a psychiatrist. It could happen to some measure. So many people go to psychiatrists, and they don't really have genuine changes.

            Of course, a lot of people go through Christ and don't have genuine changes. There's very few people, even in Christ, that really change. It's a rare person that really changes because it's hard to change. Even when Jesus gives you the power to change, it's some war to change. You have to really want it or it won't happen to you.

            Jesus dominated Cain, the dumb animal, in the disciples and Christ, the male offspring of the personality of the disciples, lay upon their heart (4th)  center and clothe them or clothe the lower centers, and Christ married the Fiery Serpent within them.  And then the Fiery Serpent took the personality up into the brow (6th) center, and Jesus married their higher centers or their brow (6th)  center, and they all, all of Jesus' disciples that experienced this procedure, partook of the power of the brow (6th)  energy center.

            See, I can't give you that right now.  I don't have it. You can't give what you don't have. But of course, the test is when Jesus lets go of them. When you ascend because someone else brought you up there, if that person lets go of you, you may take a tumble.

            That was the case with Elisha, if you recall the study in Elisha. Elijah was holding him up there. Up where? In the brow (6th)  center. Elijah was a supernatural man. When the word came that the Lord was taking Elijah out of the earth, Elisha was faced with this predicament.  Would he stand when Elijah was gone? Would he stand?

            As the message went, he did stand but only after a battle. Elisha's carnal mind did break free when Elijah departed, if you recall the message. But Elisha cried out to God for help. The Scripture says that the spirit of the glorified Elijah came down and strengthened him and saved him.

            That's what Jesus is doing for us today. Elijah is the Savior of Israel, Jesus is the Savior of the world, and they are both the same man. The spirit of Elijah incarnated as the man Jesus and increased His ministry from Savior of Israel to Savior of the world.

            It is just as if to say you became twenty-one years old, and you graduated college, and you became a teacher, and then you spent the next six or eight years of your life going to school to get a master's degree, a Ph.D., and you became a dean of some college. You expanded your horizons from being a teacher to being the dean of a college, but you are the same person, and you still are a teacher. A dean can teach if he wants to. Praise the Lord.

            Verse 8, And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way. Others cut down branches from the trees and strawed them in the way. We're translating "multitude," "spiritual one."

            Now that's a principle that I've preached here several times. For years that word confused me. Something about the usage of that word in the New Testament just didn't sit right with me. Then one day when I was ready to understand the principle, the Lord took me into a word study of the word, "multitude," in the Old Testament.

            I found out that the roots of the word, I have a book that lets me look up the Greek word.... Actually, it's Thayer's (and not in every case, but in many cases) Thayer will say this Greek word is a translation of a particular Hebrew word. So then I can go into the Hebrew lexicon and investigate the word in the Hebrew, which is a much richer language.

            I found out that the roots of the word," multitude," is talking about vibration. It's talking about spiritual activity. The Lord showed me that the use of this word, multitude, in the New Testament is talking about the spiritual ones.

            Now remember, the New Testament was written in Aramaic. It was translated into Latin, and then it was translated into Greek, and then it was translated into Hebrew. So sometimes the English word in the New Testament does not reflect the true meaning of the word and the whole sentence that it was used in when that sentence was spoken by a Jewish mind.

            That sentence, that idea, was spoken forth by a man who had been studying the Scriptures all of his life. That's what a Jewish mind is. His mind was thinking like the Scripture. Now I don't know what the word was in Aramaic. I don't know how they translated it into Latin.

            I don't know how all that happened, but I know that the Lord has shown me that the roots of this word is vibration, and that when it is used in the New Testament, it's not talking about a multitude, thousands or hundreds of people. That's not the meaning of the word.

            The meaning of the word is the ones that vibrate. The ones whose antenna is up.  The ones who recognize Christ when He looks just like you and me, the spiritual ones. That's what it means.

            We have the word,"spread."  I amplified it to "forth." I see that we didn't make many changes here. The word," way," we translated "lifestyle." That word "way," we have come up against that so many times in the Old Testament. Sometimes it's the English word," go." When you look in the possible definitions, one of the prominent potential definitions is lifestyle. It's the way, it's your lifestyle. It's the way you go, it's the way you live, it's your lifestyle.

            The way that this word is usually used in the Old Testament (we found it in several of the Prophets) is that we must die to the lifestyle of the carnal mind. You see, every lifestyle that we have is the fruit of the way we think. So to go on with God, we must die to the lifestyle of the carnal mind.

            Well, you say, Sheila, you were talking about killing the carnal mind in Verse 1 of this message. Well brethren, the way we kill the carnal mind (at least the way we begin to kill it) is to resist the lifestyle of the carnal mind. She dries up and dies as we resist her suggestions and her commandments. You can't really do that until you prefer Christ. You have to have something to replace what the carnal mind has done for you and what the impulses of the flesh have done for you.

            So it really begins with preferring the things of Christ and resisting the impulses of the flesh and the thoughts of the carnal mind that will prevent us from pursuing Christ. So we change our lifestyle, and then, eventually, the mind that generates that lifestyle dies. That's the significance of the word "the way," the lifestyle.

            The word "others," we're making it singular," other." The word "cut down," we're going to translate " to cut off from." You see, the King James makes it sound like they cut down branches from the trees and put it on the ground so that the ass that Jesus was on could walk on it. But this Scripture is talking about the branches of the Tree of Life that were cut off.

            We have the word, "trees." I've amplified,"of life". The word "strawed" means to "spread forth." That brethren, is a spiritual word; to spread forth. Spirits move by vibration. Spiritual beings move by vibration. They spread forth.

            When we walk, we're in a form that doesn't change. When we walk, we still look the same. We have two arms, two legs, our height remains the same. But when a spirit moves forth, and when a spirit vibrates out from a man's mind, it doesn't necessarily take any given pattern.

            Well, I don't know that's true, whether or not it takes a pattern. But when it comes out of a man's mind, it spreads forth. It doesn't come out in a straight line. It spreads. Let me put it on the board for you.

            We have Drawing #1 on the board. It's very simple. I show a man, and I tried to indicate the thoughts that are in his mind. When the thoughts are in his mind, they're contained. Of course, this is just a parable. It's not exactly like this. The thoughts are contained within the form of his head, but when that thought goes forth, it doesn't just go forth in line with his head. It spreads all around him. It spreads abroad or it spreads forth.

            A question was asked as to whether the word "pulsate" could be used as well as spreads. Pulsate is a true word. The thought does pulsate, but I would tend to replace vibration with pulsate more than spread. The word pulsate merely means that it vibrates, but the word "spread" much more clearly indicates that it goes all over, goes all over.

            Actually the Scripture indicates that when it's the Spirit of Christ speaking, it even goes everywhere and literally creates a cloud that we dwell in. It literally covers us completely.

             This is the equivalent of the New Age aura. I've talked about the aura a little bit here, but the Lord has told me that the aura that the people see who are in Satan's spirit is the aura that emanates from the physical or etheric, even possibly the astral body. All of these bodies are Satan's work, you see. So the Lord Jesus is not into looking at auras.

            I don't doubt for a second that people in the world can be helped by that. They can look at their health aura and see diseases. I don't deny that it's happening, but the Lord has told me (at least for now, it's my understanding) that He's not using or healing through the auras. That what He is working through is what the Scripture calls the shadow.

            We read about Peter's shadow. Of course that's not a shadow of the physical body. It's the shadow of the Christ, you see. The word shadow is really confusing if you don't understand what it means.

            That phrase, Peter's shadow, is not talking about the shadow of Peter's physical body. It's talking about these emanations, these vibrations of that glorious mind. Here you could say pulsate, that pulsate out or vibrate out from the Christ mind, that pierce through the astral body and the etheric body and the physical body and all the auras of the Serpent's creation, and forms this glorious cloud around the person who's manifesting that spirit.

            But it's a spiritual cloud. Sometimes it manifests here. It's here mildly tonight. But sometimes it's so thick in here that everything is hazy.

            That's what the Scripture is talking about when it says Peter's shadow. There's healing in that emanation. Emanation is the name for that which went forth. Pulsate talks about the actual going forth, the vibration. The light of God is scattered everywhere. That's the light of God coming out of his mind. It is scattered everywhere.

            Then again, we have the word,"way," which we will translate "lifestyle," again. Remember, the branches of the tree have the energy. Christ is the root. For the whole Tree of Life to spread forth, the root must be grafted to the energy. The branches of the tree, that term "the branches" signifies the energy, and Christ is the root of the Tree of Life. Abel is the root system of the Tree of Life.

            For the whole Tree of Life to spread forth, the root must be grafted to the waters or the energy of the creation. We touched on this earlier on this very message.

            This is what I have to work with for Verse 8, And the very great spiritual ones spread forth their garments and lifestyle, other indeed cut off branches from the trees and spread forth in the lifestyle. It's a miracle that I get the translations that I get.

            This is what the Lord has given us, Matthew 21:8; And Christ Jesus indeed, that great spiritual one, spread forth and Christ, the spiritual garment which was covering the disciples, cut off the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle and the spiritual branches of the trees of life. Now the spiritual branches are the disciples and Christ Jesus, the new lifestyle of the disciples, spread forth.

            We must die to the old lifestyle before we start walking in the new lifestyle. So it happens simultaneously, but it will be painful to walk in the new lifestyle. Brethren, you need to hear this. I am as happy as I have ever been in my life, as I could ever imagine being. It is such a privilege bringing forth a word like this.

            This whole day has been glorious for me because the Spirit is so high. This is the second day that I've been working and preaching on this message. There's nothing else I would rather do, but the fact is that I have a dumb animal that is a part of me. I have lust of the flesh. I have a flesh. I have a physical body. I have a flesh, and I have a carnal mind.

            Sometimes I suffer because I do not satisfy what those aspects of my life are asking me for. But the reality of my situation is that I only have twenty-four hours in my day, and I must make hard choices as to how I will spend my time. I praise God that I find the strength to choose the things of God.

            I'm in glory yesterday and today and actually the day before. I'm just flying; I'm in glory. But when I come down, you see, if I come down to do office work or administrative work, I can experience a lot of emotional pain and a lot of mental torment because those aspects of my life are not satisfied.

            So to live the kind of life that I have or to live a really spiritual life, you really have to spend as much time as possible in the spiritual things of God because when you come down into your flesh, you're going to be punished because you're lacking.  You're hungry.

            So that's the bitterness and the sweetness of the spiritual life. But I know I have a revelation that if I go the way of the flesh, the pain and the torment and the distress that I will experience from neglecting my spiritual life is far worse than the torment that I experience from neglecting the life of my flesh.

            So I've made a choice, but it's not an easy choice. The day will come that there won't be such a choice, that we'll be all in the spirit. The Scripture says all pain will be gone, but right now this is a hard life. I wouldn't have it any other way, if you can hear what I'm saying. It's not for free, you see. It's a glorious life in the spirit, but there is a price to be paid for it. It's not home free.

            Verse 8, Alternate Translation, I'll read it again. And Christ Jesus, indeed that great spiritual one spread forth and Christ, the spiritual garment which was covering the disciples, cut off the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle in the spiritual branches of the Trees of Life and Christ Jesus, the new lifestyle of the disciples, spread forth.

            Now these spiritual branches; it's talking about the disciples, you see. They're the ones that were highly spiritual men. They didn't have the root of the Tree of Life. Jesus had the root of the Tree of Life. Jesus was the one who was a descendent of David. The other disciples had the spiritual energy, but they didn't have the root of the tree.

             So when Jesus joined to their higher centers, the whole Tree of Life expanded. Jesus, Himself, had the whole Tree of Life. The disciples just had the branches.

            Brethren, the branches die without a root. So when Jesus joined Himself to their spiritual branches, which is talking about their spiritual energy, the whole Tree of Life was born in each of the disciples that Jesus joined Himself to.

            And Christ Jesus, indeed that great spiritual one (now that's the spiritual Christ Jesus) spread forth and Christ the spiritual garment which was cut (now Christ Jesus in Jesus, you see). Christ Jesus, in Jesus, indeed the great spiritual one, spread forth and Christ in the individual (in the disciple) the spiritual garment which was covering the disciples cut off the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle.

            You see, because Christ Jesus in Jesus, who was in perfection at that point, (because Christ Jesus, the great one in the man Jesus) spread forth and assisted Christ in the disciples by covering their minds. Christ Jesus in Jesus covered and dominated the carnal mind of the disciples.

            Because He did that for them, Christ rose up in the disciples and cut off the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle in the spiritual branches of the trees of life (that's the disciples), and Christ Jesus, the new lifestyle of the disciples, spread forth. Alleluia!

            Verse 9, And the multitudes that went before and that followed cried saying, hosanna to the son of David; blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna to the highest. Again, we have the word," multitude," which means spiritual ones. The word,"before," we're translating "went forth." The words,"that followed," can be translated "to join Himself to."

            Then we have "the one who preceded them." What is that a translation of? I see that I have a comment on Page 8. I have translated Strong's #190 twice. Joined himself to and the one who preceded them. Sometimes I do that. I take two translations of one word and that word is, "that followed." The English words,"that followed," a translation of Strong's #190, I've translated it twice because I think it's appropriate to translate it twice in this verse; translators license.

            And the word "cried," Strong's #2896 is talking about breaking a silence. When you cry out, you break your silence. I want to suggest to you that this is a spiritual crying out.

            You know, for years one of the first deep things (well, everything that we've ever done here is deep), but one of the first big projects that the Lord gave me was that we translated most of the book of Revelation.

            There is a Greek word that appears over and over again in that book. It's usually translated," they cried out." It just mystified me because when I looked at the lexicons, the translation was a croaking, a noise, a guttural sound, something that birds would make.

             I could never get what it meant. But now I understand what it means. It's talking about spiritual speech, you see. When birds make a screeching sound, the significance of the word is that a vibration goes forth that is not human language. It's talking about spiritual speech before it ever becomes human language.

            Now I've preached on this a little bit. I haven't preached on it a lot. So I don't really know how much you understand of it, but brethren, speech takes many forms. The last form that speech takes is language. I am speaking to you in language right now, but the beginning or the inception of speech is an idea or ideation, the formation of an idea. That is the beginning of speech.

            The formation of that idea or the seed of that idea begins in your unconscious mind. That's why we are not capable of not sinning because the seeds of the sinful thought begin in our unconscious mind before we ever see them.

            The only way to stop sinning is to utterly wipe out the whole carnal mind. Satan must be silenced. She is the one who thinks through us.

            Thought or ideation, an idea becomes a thought. First it's an idea and then it turns into a thought. Then it comes into spiritual speech and eventually, it doesn't have to, but it can manifest in spoken language.

            This ideation, this idea, the way it manifests in the spiritual plane is as a vibration, a very subtle vibration that moves in the earth of our mind. When it moves, it marks our earth, just like you can see that an earth worm has burrowed under the earth. If you look in your backyard, sometimes you can see that, or sometimes it's an animal that lives underground.  It burrows, and you see a little mound comes up in your garden, and you know something is burrowing under there.

            Satan is an energy source, and when she thinks through us she vibrates, and she marks our earth, and that is the mark of the beast. We all have it. So we don't have to worry about not getting the mark of the beast.

            We should concern ourselves with removing that mark, and the only way we can remove that mark is to transfer over into the life of Christ and die to the life of the carnal mind.

            Satan is the god or the spirit of the carnal mind. She must be silenced. She will be silenced when Christ Jesus lays on top of her and casts her down to the bottomless pit and puts a seal on it, you see, so that she can't get out.

            That's what the King James says, but the significance is more than that she can't get out, that she cannot vibrate, that she cannot sow the seeds of her thoughts in your unconscious mind, that she cannot mark your earth, because it's that thought deep in the depth of your unconscious mind that results in your ultimate death. This is why it is impossible to overcome our condition without a Savior, our Savior being our new righteous mind.

            Does anybody not understand the concept of spiritual speech? Brethren, I just pray that the Lord helps everyone. Whoever is hearing this message, if you need this prayer here, receive it to become spiritual. You have just  to start thinking spiritually. Ask the Lord to help you.

            Because you see a word that "they cried out" or "they spoke," don't assume, don't assume that it means language. To speak can mean thought. You don't have to speak with your mouth. That's why lots of times I know what you're thinking even though you don't say it because I hear in the spirit. I don't hear everything that you think. When the Lord opens my ears, I hear in the spirit. I know what a lot of people are thinking.

            Sometimes I know what you're thinking, and you don't even know what you're thinking because you're in denial, or it hasn't hit your conscious mind yet, but I heard it the minute your heart uttered it. I heard it.

            And "broke their silence;" that's a translation of "cried," and I'm suggesting to you that, that's not necessarily the silence of not speaking with an audible voice, but they broke their silence of spiritual speech. I mentioned this at the beginning of this message.

            I believe this is what Revelation 8:1 is speaking about. And when He had opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

            I believe this silence in heaven is the period of time, from the time that the disciple refuses to let his carnal mind speak through him and the time that Christ speaks through the disciple. This is a spiritual fast, a sacrifice of one's carnal mind, so that Christ can come forth.

            Now brethren, in the condition that we're in now, we do not have the power, to the best of my knowledge, I know I do not have the power to stop Satan from vibrating. She does vibrate in me. But as soon as I perceive the thought that she has put in my mind, I'm at war with her. It is the job of the disciple to silence Satan within yourself.

            Now if you're having a problem doing this, some of you are having a problem doing this, you need to know that it's not likely that you will be able to do it until you can stop verbally talking, like things that have been pointed out to you that are wrong, that you shouldn't be saying them.

            I hope that I'm wrong, but it's my understanding right now, that it's not likely that you're really going to be seeing the operation of Satan in your unconscious mind if you can't even control your tongue here in the physical. So we have to practice to be discreet. Ask the Lord to help you to be discreet.

            There are certain forms of communication that are not right. I've talked about it a lot. There are ways that we relate to one another that a lot of people in this world do. A lot of people in this world relate to one another in ways that are not acceptable to God.

            You know I used to be such an aggressive person and I came out of such an aggressive family.  Everybody yelled, and everybody fought with each other continuously. There was a time in my life that people suggested to me, Sheila, you're talking too loud or there's too much anger in your voice or you shouldn't be talking like that. I used to get very angry at them and my reaction was, well that's the way I am. Because you're a person who never raises your voice, that means that I can't raise my voice? That was my position.

            But I want to tell you that I'm convinced at this point in my life that it's absolutely wrong to ever raise your voice to anybody. Now sometimes, when a legitimate correction is coming forth by a legitimate authority, it does come out strongly and if it's in Christ, there will be an increase in your voice.

            But I now know that the way that I used to live, that there's no excuse for it. At the time, I couldn't stop. That was the way I was. That was my personality. That was the way I was. But I didn't understand that it was wrong. I would get mad at the people who would try to say something to me.

            But now that the Lord has changed me, I know that it's just really wrong to ever raise your voice outside of the situation that I just described. There is a Godly authority when you talk to children. But you can raise your voice to children and it's a correction, but it doesn't come with that violence, it doesn't come with that violence.

            Now I don't know how many people in this world can accomplish that, but I know that there are whole societies where it's very rare that people raise their voice. Yet there are other societies like where I grew up, where people just yell at each other all day long, and it's totally accepted. They don't understand that this kind of a lifestyle where you yell at each other all day long, it's really affecting the children. It's like arrows going through the children.

            I turned on the TV during services today, and there was an old movie with David Niven and he was talking to this woman and they were just talking so sweetly to one another. I looked at them and I said, oh my goodness, does anybody ever really talk to each other like that? Then I had to say, yes, there are societies where people, most of the time, keep their voice down and talk gently.

            I've seen movies where people are corrected as soon as the child starts to raise their voice.  They're saying don't do that. I used to say why can't the child be angry? The answer is you can be angry, but you have to learn to express your anger in a mature way. So when you say to your child, don't raise your voice, hopefully you're also saying to them, I'm listening to you. I'm going to hear what you have to say. There's no reason to yell, or if you can't control yourself right now, as soon as you calm down, I'll listen to you. Then, of course, you have to listen to them.

            So when we do that to children, we are helping them to learn to control themselves at a young age, or they grow up and become adults that go around yelling at everybody and I was one of them. It's amazing what we do that we don't know is wrong.

            I repeat, for everyone who is a Pharisee that's hearing this message.  The fact that you never raise your voice doesn't mean that you're okay. Maybe you're one of these people who doesn't show your feelings, who is in denial about your feelings, and your feelings are going underground and hurting all the spiritual people that are experiencing your feelings.

            So you have to know that there's sin on both sides of the fence. Don't think that you're okay because you never raise your voice. That's a good thing, that you never raise your voice, but don't use what I just said to feel complacent, to feel that you're okay, and that you don't have to continue to deal with the hidden sins of your heart. Did anybody not understand what I just said?

            Be careful to not condemn anybody that yells all the time because what you're doing could be just as bad and harder to see. But the truth is that when you're.... (I tell you all the time there's basically two categories of people.) The people who do control all their emotions and don't even know what's going on in their own heart themselves, and their thoughts are going underground and hurting people, that's the Pharisees. I say that lovingly.

            Then there's the category of people who become adults without really ever learning to control themselves. They're screaming and yelling and railing all the time. Both sins are just as serious.

            But we do reap what we sow, so the people who rail a lot, they're going to be reaping some unpleasant things that the people who can control themselves won't reap. But then on the other hand, the people who rail a lot find it easy to recognize their sin and repent.

            It's easier for them to repent than the people whose behavior is spotless. Then they have a lot of trouble seeing the hidden sins of the heart. So it's six to one, half a dozen to the other, just different kinds of people in the world. But I'm very glad that the Lord helped me to tone down my intensity. I used to be very intense in my communication, and I found out that a lot of people couldn't bear it, and they would depart from me.

             For a long time I didn't understand why, but then when I got the revelation why, I exercised my will power in Christ Jesus, asked Him to help me, and exercised my will power in Christ Jesus, and I rarely raise my voice anymore. I'm getting better and better and better.

            I find now, having experienced both sides, that it's a much better life to live without ever raising your voice. Why? Because when you're a rage-aholic like I was, you are out of control, and it's not good to be out of control. You're out of control, you're not even thinking about what you're saying. It's just shooting out of your mouth, and it's not good to be out of control to that degree.

            We don't want to be over-controlled either, but we want our emotions to be under a Godly restraint. That is not the same thing as denying what you're feeling. That is having your emotions under enough restraint so that you can express them in a socially acceptable way.

            The most obvious example is this: That hopefully in this world, we don't have to shoot each other anymore. We can sit down and negotiate. That's the example because we shoot each other with our words, you see. Hopefully, we're going to mature beyond that to become civilized communicators. But before you can communicate, you must restrain your passions. You've got to calm down, you know, get out of your emotions. Then you solve the problem by talking about it, hopefully. Praise the Lord!

            Okay, we were talking about crying out. The word "hosanna" means "the mystery revealed." That's Strong's #5614. It means the mystery revealed.  "To the son of David," of course, this is the indication that Jesus is a descendent of David, the genetic line which carries the root of the Tree of Life.

            "May he prosper," that's a translation of "blessed." May he prosper.  Now the words,"may the Tree of Life continue to abide in him and may He fulfill his commission from Jehovah is He that cometh in the name." and that word "name" signifies nature of the Lord.

            Now we haven't talked about this in a long time, but several years ago in a study (I think it was in one of the chapters in the Book of Revelation) the Lord revealed to us that when the English word, Lord, appears (I didn't make a note of what the Greek word is, but it's Strong's #2962) when that word, Lord, appears by itself, when it doesn't say the Lord, Jesus; when it just says Lord, it is talking about the resurrected Adam. Adam is Lord.

            Of course, Jesus is Lord, but the resurrected Adam was resurrected in the man, Jesus. Because Adam was resurrected in the man, Jesus, Jesus is now Lord. You see, it was Adam that was raised from the dead in Jesus. Even when Jesus said to the Pharisees, before Abraham was, I am.

            See, a lot of mockers of the Bible will come and say He was just a man, thirty years old, how could He say before Abraham was, I am? As Christians, we have to have calm answers to these questions. Adam, who was raised from the dead in the man, Jesus, existed before Abraham.

            Actually, it was Elijah speaking through Jesus, but Adam was raised in Elijah also. Well, that's another whole story, who Elijah was. I don't want to open that can of worms right now. So let's leave it Adam.  Before Abraham was, I am, that was Adam speaking through the man, Jesus. Adam is Lord.

            Today in the new covenant, Adam is appearing to us as the Lord Jesus Christ. Adam, who died, whose death initiated the beginning of time, has been raised from the dead in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the head of the body. The Lord Jesus Christ is planting His seed in the church, which is the body. He will be raised from the dead in a many- membered people. Praise the Lord!

            So may He prosper.  Blessed is he that cometh in the nature of Adam, the Lord. Of course, Adam is in the nature of Jehovah. Adam was formed by Michael, and he's made of Jehovah's seminal fluid, the name of which is Elohim and the dust.

            Adam is the perfect thought form. Adam is the thought form that perfectly represents Jehovah's idea or Jehovah's imagination to create a man that would reflect the nature and the image of the Godhead. Adam is that perfect thought form, that visible representation of Jehovah's imagination.

            The last phrase of that Verse 9 is "the mystery revealed." I took out several Scriptures that deal with the mystery of God because so many people in the church today would deny that the plan of God is a mystery.

            I declare to you, brethren, that the message in the church today cannot possibly be the mystery of God because it's not a mystery. It's blasted all over the world, and it's preached by a lot of Christians that are doing it out of their carnal mind, and it's a false message.

            You see, the Holy Spirit is real and Christ is real, but the message in the church is a false message. The true message is the Doctrine of Christ. So we see that there is a mystery in God.

            Mark 4:11; And He said unto them, unto you it is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God, but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables. Brethren, the message in the church today is a parable. The mysteries of God are not for everyone's ears.

            1 Corinthians 2:7; But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory. The wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom. So how, brethren, how can you preach that this King James Translation is the word of God and nothing beyond this word is necessary?  What about the hidden wisdom that very few know about? It's in the Scripture.

            This phrase, which God ordained before the world unto our glory or unto our glorification, what that means is that this hidden wisdom which is in Adam existed before this fallen world came into existence.

            Paul is talking about the resurrected Adam in us. He's talking about the regeneration of Adam, the wisdom that died just before this world came into existence or died as this world came into existence, because it was the thief of Adam's blood that built this world.

            Ephesians 3:9; And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ. The mystery is hidden, brethren. If your doctrine is known all over the world, some people receiving it and some people rejecting it, you do not know the mystery of God.

            Colossians 1:7; To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

            So we see that the mystery is Christ in you, the hope of glory. It is not the rapture, it is not that you will burn in hell forever, and it is not that you will walk on streets of gold after you die.  The mystery of God is Christ in you, the hope of which is the promise of your glorification. God help us.

            Colossians 4:3; With all praying also for us that God would open unto us a door of utterance to speak the mystery of Christ for which I am also in bonds. The mystery of Christ, to have the mystery of Christ, you must be in bonds. You, the carnal mind of you, you the dumb beast of you, you the personality of you, must be in bondage, must be a bond servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.

            Why? Because you will never understand this mystery if your carnal mind is floating around doing whatever it wants. 1 Timothy 3:16; And without controversy, great is the mystery of Godliness. God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

            So we see that the mystery is Christ in you, and that the mystery is also the way we become Godly. The way we become Godly is to have Christ formed in us and all of these stages of it. If you want God formed in you, if you want Christ formed in you, first He has to manifest in your flesh, you see. He already manifested in Jesus' flesh. That manifestation gives you the power to have Him manifested in your flesh.

            Justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. Revelation 10:7; But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants, the prophets. So we see that the prophets know all about the mystery of God, and everyone that has Christ being formed in them is a prophet. Christ Jesus is The Prophet.

            Now that doesn't mean that you're hearing everything that the Lord is saying, but Christ Jesus is the prophet, and if you have Christ Jesus, that makes you a prophet. But every prophet is not of equal maturity. Christ Jesus in each of us is not of equal maturity. Sometimes you hear from God yourself, but in certain areas you have to go to Christ Jesus in another man.

            Why? Because perhaps Christ Jesus in you is not mature enough for you to comprehend the word of the Lord from a spiritual plane. You may need to hear it from Christ Jesus in a man who has the ability to understand what the Lord is saying and explain it to you. That ability is based not only on the presence of Christ Jesus in you or even the maturity of Christ Jesus in you.

            Experience is a very strong factor because it is very hard to understand the things of God. Your best bet of understanding something that you need to understand at the moment is to hear it from Christ Jesus in a man who has had that experience. That's your best bet. That's why the Lord has teachers. There are certain things that you cannot hear from God yourself. You need a teacher.

            One more phrase in Verse 9, Hosanna in the highest; hosanna meaning the mystery of God. I'm amplifying "the highest"  to"the highest energy centers." This is what we have: And Christ, the spiritual ones that went forth and joined himself to Jesus, the one who preceded them and broke their silence, crying out the mystery revealed to the son of David. May he prosper in he that cometh in the nature of Adam, the Lord, the mystery revealed in the highest energy centers.

            This is what the Spirit of Revelation says, Matthew 21:9, And Christ, the spiritual one in the disciples, went forth and joined Jesus, the one who preceded him, and the disciples broke their silence of spiritual speech, crying out, this is the son of David, the mystery of God revealed. May the one who comes in the nature of Adam, the Lord prosper, and may the mystery of the highest regions be revealed in us also.

            I amplified, that "in us also." And Christ the spiritual ones in the disciples went forth and joined Jesus or joined Christ Jesus in Jesus, the one who preceded him and the disciples broke their silence of spiritual speech.

            Now brethren, the significance here is that Christ started speaking through them. They broke their silence when Christ spoke through them. Please note that Christ only spoke through them after they joined with Jesus. Christ in them received the strength to speak out, and what did He say when He spoke out?

            He witnessed to the truth of the Son of God. When Christ in the disciples rose up, they said, there He is, that's Christ Jesus in that man. He's the one who has the whole tree. He's the son of David. He's the one that has the root of the Tree of Life.  We just have the branch. He's the descendent of David that has the whole tree.

            So you see, that when the disciples joined with Jesus, they then became a part of the whole tree. Prior to their union with Jesus, they were just the branch. The first thing that Christ said when He spoke is a confirmation of His own life in another man. And they broke their spiritual speech as the spiritual speech of Christ came forth out of their new unconscious mind and rolled into their subconscious and conscious mind.  They received the revelation, that's the son of David.

            They didn't get it until Jesus did all this for them. They couldn't see Him for who He was. This is the son of David, the mystery of God revealed, the mystery of God incarnate, Christ in you, the hope of glory. The mystery of God, we just read it, the mystery of God is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

            So what the disciples were saying is, there He is, Christ Jesus fully manifested in this man, but they couldn't see it until Christ Jesus in the man Jesus, dominated their carnal mind, and Christ lay on their heart (4th)   center and all of the other things that we read about in this study.

            Christ pierced through into the heart (4th) center, was separated from the carnal mind by Christ Jesus, and when Christ was liberated in the disciples they recognized that this man who looked just like everybody else was the manifestation of the mystery of God, Christ in you, the hope of glory.

            They knew also that He was the manifestation of the mystery of Godliness. God was manifest in His flesh. He was justified, not in the spirit, but by the spirit that dwelt in Him. The way you're justified, brethren, is that your sin nature is covered. So Christ Jesus in the man Jesus was completely covering His carnal mind and repressing it.

            We see in 1 Timothy 3:16 that the mystery of Godliness says that He was seen of angels. Jesus was seen of angels. Who are the angels? Christ in all of the disciples were the angels that recognized who He was and witnessed to who He was. Then, of course, He was preached to the Gentiles and believed on in the world, and He was glorified.

            So we have our Alternate Translation of Matthew 21:19. I'll read it again. And Christ, the spiritual one in the disciples went forth and joined Jesus, the one who preceded Him and the disciples broke their silence of spiritual speech, crying out, this is the son of David, the mystery of God revealed. May the one who comes in the nature of Adam, our Lord, prosper. In other words, may He not die.

            You see, brethren, there were many men in Israel that Christ had been raised from the dead in. Christ had been raised in many of the Prophets, but He didn't prosper, you see. Christ only remained ascended long enough for them to do the job that the Lord had called them to do, and their carnal mind rose up and overturned Christ. That's why they said, may He prosper. Because without Him, we don't have any hope.

            May the one who comes in the nature of Adam, the Lord, prosper and may the mystery of the highest regions or the higher energy centers be revealed in us also. May the mystery of the higher energy centers.... it's a whole new world when we ascend to the higher energy centers. Jesus! Even when we're still living in this world, you're in another completely other world.

            And how do you tell? You have to listen to what people say. You have to look at what people do and see what makes people happy, and you'll see you're in a totally different world in your mind.

            Verse 10, And when He was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved saying, who is this? The word, "He," we're translating "when they," and the word, Jerusalem, we already established that we can translate to the point of their killing their carnal mind. The word, "all", we're translating "whole" and the word, "city," is a spiritual city.

            Matthew 5:14 says, Ye are the light of the world. You are a city that is set on a hill and you cannot be hid. So we see that we are spiritual cities. That's not talking about our physical body, it's talking about the spiritual city of Christ Jesus within us.

            Continuing on with Verse 10, and the whole spiritual city quaked with fear. That is a translation of the Greek word translated "moved," Strong's #4479, to quake or to quake with fear. Our witness is Revelation Chapter 11:13; The same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell and in the earthquake were slain of men, seven thousand, and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of heaven.

            I got so excited when I saw this verse that I had to translate it. The reason I'm referring you to this verse, Revelation 11:13,  is because of the Greek word,"moved," Strong's #4579 in Verse 10 of Matthew 21, and it is referring to earthquakes. So I pulled out this Revelation 11:13, and we will do a translation on it.

            The word "hour," Strong's #5619 is talking about the twenty -four hour day which, when it is appropriate, we translate "the Serpent's timeline."  "Earthquake," we're translating "commotion" and the " tenth part," we know that the number 10 is the number of the law, so we're translating that " the law of sin and death."

            The word," men," I talked about this earlier on this message, the word, men, is Strong's #444. I think the Greek word is anthropos. That is the word that means a man faced creature, and we translated that word," Adam." The word, "seven," we're translating "completed."

            So we have the word here, seven thousand, were slain of men, seven thousand. The number"thousand" signifies the seventh energy center. That energy center vibrates at a very high rate of a thousand undulations. Of course, that's a round number. 

            The energy in that energy center vibrates very rapidly. One thousand is the number of undulations of the seventh energy center. Of course, we have the number seven here also, which means completed. So it's talking about the completed seventh energy center.

            Now I have to tell you honestly, at this point, I thought that I knew the difference between the seventh and the sixth energy center, but this verse sort of shakes my theory, so I'm not really clear as to what the differences are. Up until this point, I believed that you could ascend into the brow energy center, you become a supernatural man where you don't have to die, but you're still in a physical body. That's the condition that Jesus was in, in the days of His flesh.

            Up until now, I was under the impression that when you ascend into the seventh energy center  that's glorification, and you're no longer in the physical body. That was my understanding. Now if I remember correctly, this verse didn't actually go along with that.

            So let's go on and see what it says. The "remnant," we're translating "remained," that which remained. The word, "were," we're translating "was." We made it singular. The word," affrighted," we're translating "alarmed," and the meaning of the word glory is splendor, and we're translating it "spirit". Our splendor is our spirit to the God of heaven.

            So this is the Alternate Translation, And Adam slew (and I'm not sure whether this should be Satan or the vampire bat here). Now remember, the vampire bat is the entity that dwells in the brow (6th)  energy center of the counterfeit timeline. That vampire bat is across from the eagle of the sixth  energy center of the timeline of God.

            When someone is ascended enough in the counterfeit timeline, when they come to a place where their mind (whether they know it or not), when they come to a place where their mind drains energy from other people, where their mind is capable of making other people sick (and if you don't know that's possible, know that it's possible).

            You can make people sick with your mind and, you don't have to even know what you're doing. You can be operating on a level of denial where Satan is just doing her thing while you're not looking at her. Now you either have to (the main categories of people who operate on this level are rage-aholics, people who are very envious and people who have a lot of malignant pride.)

            The malignant pride and the envy are subtle. The rage-aholic is obvious, but it's possible if you are (if you dare to ask the Lord, you have to ask Him) if you in your affliction, if you in your sin, if you in your weak moments ascend to a place in Satan's timeline where you are draining energy from people or the fruit of your manifestation towards them, whether it be rage, envy or malignant pride, if the fruit of it is that it makes them sick, or that it causes them torment in their mind, that means that Satan has ascended to a place where she becomes a vampire bat in you.

            Now if you want to go on with God, you have to ask Him if you're doing this. If it's the truth, the upside of it is that you're a very powerful spiritual person, and if you're brave enough to face yourself you can stop letting Satan use that energy, and you can turn it over to the Kingdom of God. That is the upside of it, if you're brave enough to really see it, if it's true of you.

            That's a pretty hard word for someone to think that the negative energy in them is so high that on occasion they operate as a vampire bat. That's really hard to deal with, but the truth will set us free, and we cannot give that power to Jesus unless we're willing to face the fact that Satan is using that inherited spiritual energy.

            This is the Alternate Translation of Revelation 11:3, And Adam slew Satan, or the vampire bat (I have to decide which.) You see, it's my revelation right now that the negative energy that Satan operates in is mostly in the lower centers, the first through the third centers, and maybe she's in the heart(4th)  center too. But as soon as our negative energy ascends above the heart (4th)  center, especially by the time she gets to the brow (6th)  center, Satan gets a new name.

            When Satan becomes strong enough to drain people's energy and make them sick and cause damage in their life, she increases into a vampire bat. And Adam slew the vampire bat or slew Satan, the vampire bat (I guess it's just a different Satan in a higher manifestation), the law of sin and death of the spiritual city, and there was a great commotion in the Serpent's timeline, and the Fiery Serpent fell down from the completed seventh energy center, and the personality that survived the spiritual earthquake was alarmed and gave her spirit or gave her spiritual strength to the God of heaven.

            Now this is my confusion, because the verse seems to say that the Fiery Serpent fell down from the completed energy center, from the seventh energy center, which according to my revelation, doesn't really fit in this verse. I'm getting slain in the spirit here, so I'm not going to go into this anymore deeply. I'm going to skip over that and try to finish this message before I pass out completely.

            But Adam slew Satan, the vampire bat, the law of sin and death of the spiritual city, and there was a great commotion in the Serpent's timeline, and the Fiery Serpent fell down.

            Now you may recall the teaching here that the Fiery Serpent has to extend herself upward through the energy centers to join with Leviathan, and it's in that spiritual sexual union that this energy (it's really a witchcraft energy) comes forth. I talked about it earlier on this message.

            So the Fiery Serpent is either (and we found this in the Samson study also), the Fiery Serpent is either weak or flabby or she's extended and erect. When she's extended, she's joined with Leviathan and engaged in illegal spiritual activities, largely pride, rage or envy. Those are the three major categories that require large amounts of energy.

            So the significance here of the words," the Fiery Serpent fell down," the significance of that is that Christ Jesus entered into this person who was in this condition and broke the spiritual sexual union of the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan, and the Fiery Serpent fell down back into the root energy center.

            See, she's sustained in that high agitated condition that's generating all of this negative energy through her union with Leviathan. When that union is broken, she falls down, back down in the lower centers and, hopefully, the root center because we don't want her extended at all, except in Christ Jesus.

            And the Fiery Serpent fell down from the completed seventh energy center (and that word "completed," that's a translation of seven, and the "seventh energy center" is a translation of "one thousand"). So according to my doctrine, that should really be the sixth energy center, so I don't understand that. We'll just go on.

            And the personality that survived the spiritual earthquake was alarmed. You see, it's a spiritual earthquake. When Christ Jesus is in you seeking to separate Leviathan from the Fiery Serpent in you, you're rocking and rolling. It's in your emotions, it's in your mind.  Your life is an earthquake, ups and downs and all kinds of trouble, and it's very easy to get alarmed when this kind of thing is going on in your life, you see.

            You may have answered an altar call (I did it). The altar call was, who wants to go on to the feast of tabernacles? Well, I ran up, and I was jumping up and down at the altar.  Take me, Lord, take me, Lord. I had no idea what I was talking about. I didn't have the vaguest idea of what I would have to go through. I would have done it anyway, but I had no idea what was coming. It's like a pregnant woman who has no idea what giving birth is like.

            So if we don't hear this kind of teaching, and you're not around somebody who has been through it, it could be very alarming when your earth starts to quake. I have had people tell me that they feel like they're dying. I have had somebody say to me, you are killing me. Well, I said it is Christ in me, and He's killing your carnal mind.

            That person is prospering today. It's alarming to the personality to see your life quaking and rocking and rolling, and you don't know where to turn, and your emotions are in an upheaval. That's the waves crashing. Your emotions are the waves.

            So the personality that survives the spiritual earthquake (that means that some personalities don't survive it, you know) was alarmed. But when she realized what had happened, she gave her spirit to the God of heaven.

            People who are in this spiritual condition, that the Fiery Serpent is ascended and in this unholy union with Leviathan and operating, whether it be on a conscious or an unconscious level, operating in this level of high spiritual power, which is ungodly, they are not going to give themselves to the God of heaven. They don't want anything to do with Him.

            This is the salvation that's coming first to the church and then to the world, the seeding of humanity with the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ will not prosper in every individual. In some individuals, the carnal mind will destroy that seed of Christ. What will happen to that person? They will live out the rest of their life, and they will die. This is hell right here in earth. There's no hell after death. This is it, right here.

            As far as I know, it is impossible to give your life over to Christ while your carnal mind is in that ascended position. So the salvation of Jesus to the world is the seeding of their minds with the Spirit of Christ and the attacking of their ascended carnal mind by mature believers in  which Christ is formed in the individual. That's His deliverance. That's what Jesus is doing in the earth today.

            He's not making floods and tornadoes and earthquakes in the earth.  It's in the spirit. Even then, it's not a punitive judgment. The earthquake is the fruit of the separation of the Fiery Serpent from Leviathan. Do you think they're letting go easily? There's a war going on.

            Continuing with Matthew 21 verse 10. I just repeated it for you so you can find your place. But we're picking up with that third line, saying, who is this? Alternate Translation of Matthew 21:10, And when they came to the point of killing their carnal mind, their whole spiritual city quaked with fear saying, who is this Christ?

            The whole city, that's the carnal mind, that's the dumb beast, and the personality and their spiritual virginity, their whole spiritual being.  The whole old man said, who in the world is this that is strong enough to do this thing?

            Verse 11, And the multitude said this is Jesus, the Prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. Again, the word,"multitude," is translated "spiritual one" and "Nazareth" means "the guarded one." Jesus is the guarded one. He was guarded by the resurrected Adam in the spirit of Elijah. Jesus, the man, He was the personality that was guarded.

            Brethren, our hope, our goal, is to be so fully guarded by Christ Jesus and the Lord Jesus Christ, that we are invulnerable to any harm. I don't know about you, but that's one of my goals. I look forward to that day. Jesus was completely guarded. It is very dangerous here.

            The Scripture says touch not my anointed. It is very dangerous to try to deliberately try to harm someone who is guarded by Christ Jesus and the glorified Jesus Christ. Because whatever you try to do goes back on you. You can't touch them. You cannot penetrate their force field, and it goes back on you.

            The Lord does not punish you for hurting someone that He guards, but your prayers, your evil cannot penetrate them, so it just bounces or boomerangs back on you, a boomerang effect. The Lord hasn't done that to you, you've done that to yourself.

            Alternate Translation, Matthew 21:11; And Christ, the spiritual one said, (maybe Christ, the spiritual one in the disciples said) this is Jesus, the Prophet, who the spirit of Elijah and Adam guards in the Serpent's timeline. You don't need to be guarded when you're in the timeline of Almighty God, but when you're down here in this timeline, believe me, you need to be guarded.

            If you have any of the problems that are known to this life, if you still get sick, if you still have financial losses, if you're struggling in any way, you should know that Christ Jesus in you is not fully guarding you. Not because He doesn't want to, but He has not matured to that point. When you're fully guarded, nothing can harm you.

            There's even a Scripture that says that, nothing by any means shall harm you. That Scripture should let you know that you haven't arrived (whoever you are that think you have arrived because a lot of things can harm you). A little virus can harm you. A mosquito can harm you. A poison ivy plant can harm you. A tick can harm you. A bacteria can harm you. If you're not getting sick, you're definitely still aging.

            This is recap, Matthew 21, Verses 1 through 11. And at the time that the disciples drew near to their carnal mind, Jesus separated Christ from Leviathan, the disciples two minds, and Christ, the dormant fruit that was lying under their carnal mind, appeared in the orchard of olive trees in the heart center. And Jesus said to them, transfer over into the spiritual village on the opposite side of you.

            That means go from your carnal mind to your Christ mind. And immediately you shall perceive the dumb animal, Cain, bound up together with Christ, the offspring of your personality. Separate the two with judgment and bring them to me. And if any man that you are trying to free says anything to you, who do you think you are? Tell them that the Lord demands that they should be set free immediately, and that's why you're exposing their sins.

            And He wants them set free immediately so that they should depart in liberty and join themselves to the Kingdom of God. All this was done so that which was spoken by the Prophet might be fulfilled saying, tell Abel, the female descendent of the mind-generated ones who dwell in the parched energy center, look, Christ Jesus your king, the male offspring of your personality, is arising in you because you are in submission to Him even though you are married to Cain, that dumb animal.

            And the disciples crossed over, and after that Jesus put them in order and acquired them for Himself, and Jesus dominated Cain, the dumb animal, and Christ, the male offspring of their personality, lay upon their heart center and clothe them, and Christ married the Fiery Serpent within them, and Jesus married their higher centers, and Christ Jesus indeed, that great spiritual one, spread forth, and Christ the spiritual garment which was covering the disciples cut off the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle in the spiritual branches of the Trees of Life, and Christ Jesus, the new lifestyle of the disciples, spread forth.

            And Christ, the spiritual one in the disciples went forth and joined Jesus, the one who preceded Him, and the disciples broke their silence of spiritual speech crying out, this is the son of David, the mystery of God revealed. May the one who comes in the nature of Adam, our Lord, prosper, and may the mystery of the highest regions or the highest energy centers be revealed in us also.

            And when they came to the point of killing their carnal mind, their whole spiritual city quaked with fear saying, who is this Christ?  And Christ, the spiritual one said, (Christ within them, you see, the carnal mind within the disciples) said, who is this and Christ within them answered and said, this is Jesus the Prophet, who the spirit of Elijah and Adam guard in the Serpent's timeline.

            Now I told you at the beginning of this message that Verse 11 is really not the end of this account, but I did not have time to work up Verses 12 and 13. I will tell you, however, (well let me read you verse 12). And Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all of them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the table of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves.

            I looked at this in the Interlinear text, brethren, and I am convinced that this verse, that the temple that Jesus went into was not the physical temple. There are two Greek words translated temple in the Scripture. I will tell you this, and you're free to have your own opinion here.

            The Greek Interlinear text, both versions of it that I have, indicate that the temple is the physical building, the temple, but I believe that the Lord has told me otherwise, and that it's very possible that a scribe somewhere said, (in other words, in the Scripture that says your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, it's a different Greek word.), it's possible that some scribe said somewhere that this has to be the wrong word, and they changed it.

            If you don't want to go along with this, it's fine, but this is what's in my spirit. I'm looking at the Interlinear text here, but I don't have access to the lexicon's while I'm preaching. I believe that Verse 12, Jesus went into the temple of God, and we know that we are (the Scripture says that we're the temple of the Holy Ghost, but of course, the temple of God is the mind of Christ).

            There's a difference between the temple of the Holy Ghost and the temple of God. Of course, in the Greek, it says the temple of God, Theos. We don't know which God it is. It could be the temple of the god of this world. It could be that Jesus went into the carnal minds of the disciples, and He threw out all those that were selling and buying. Now you may recall that  expression "selling and buying,"  that's in the book of Revelation with regard to the beast, and no one will be able to buy or sell.

            Brethren, it's not talking about going to the local supermarket and buying and selling. The phrase buying and selling, didn't Jesus say, come buy gold of me. He's talking about His Spirit, and the expression of buying and selling, it's talking about the buying and selling of the mind within you.

            Brethren, every time we prefer our carnal mind over Christ, we sell Christ. Now this is not a new principle. I've been teaching you this for awhile, but I've never used these words to explain it to you. I've usually said, we sacrifice Christ, every time we prefer our carnal mind we sacrifice Christ.

            Well, this is just another way of saying it. When we prefer our carnal mind, we sell Christ and when we choose Christ, we buy gold of Jesus. You don't have to believe it, but can you hear it? Do you know what I'm talking about?

            Okay, this is the Interlinear text. And went in Jesus into the temple of God. We don't really know which God it is. It could be the god of this world. And threw out all those that were selling and buying in the temple. The tables of the money changers, He overthrew. I do not recall what those words mean, but we know that there was a turning over.

            We know that the Book of Acts says these are the men who turned the world upside down. It's talking about overthrowing the carnal mind so that the Christ mind can come up, you see.

            Based on what we heard so far, my guess would be that Jesus went into the temple of the god of this world, and He overthrew it. He overthrew the carnal mind in His disciples, and He also overthrew the seats of the ones selling the doves.

            I told you I haven't studied this in depth, but we know that the Scripture says that the dove was the symbol of the Holy Spirit coming down on Jesus, and when I did do a deep study on that, I found that the way the Scripture expresses the dove that descended in a bodily form, it was John the Baptist. John the Baptist had an imputed manifestation of the resurrected Adam in him, you see. John the Baptist was not born of seed like Jesus was born of seed.

            But there were many men and women in Judah in that day, because of the covenant with Jehovah that came through the law, that did have Christ formed in them. But He was an imputed Christ.

            Just like a lot of people in the church today, that are very faithful to God, they have an imputed Christ. They haven't really overcome their carnal mind yet, but they do have a mind of Christ in them that's a temporary mind of Christ. That's the answer.

            The only time you're going to hold on to the mind of Christ, brethren, is when you overcome. When the mind of Christ exists in you because you have defeated Satan and overcome your carnal mind.

            So if the Lord gives you the mind of Christ, and it's given to you as a gift, usually for a specific purpose to do a specific ministry, and the Lord wants you to keep what He has given you, He's coming to you with judgment because (and when I say that, that He's coming to you with judgment, I mean that He's coming to you to expose the sins of your carnal mind so that you can keep that mind of Christ). Otherwise, it's just a matter of countdown time until Satan strengthens that carnal mind to rise up and kill the Christ in you that has been raised up in you without you overcoming.

            So after this whole account of Verses 1 through 11, I am convinced that Jesus entered into the temple of the god of this world. He entered into the minds of the disciples, and He overthrew their carnal mind. He overthrew the ones that bought and sold Christ all the day long. He overturned the tables of the money changers. He overturned them. He put Christ on top and the carnal mind on the bottom.

            It says that He also overturned the seats of the ones selling the doves. I was telling you about the dove. When I did that deep study on John the Baptist, I found out that the dove descending in a bodily form was the resurrected Adam joined to the spirit of Elijah.

            I may not have this right, I'm really getting slain in the spirit. But it was the spirit of God and whatever form it was in, in John the Baptist, (I think it was the resurrected Adam, but I'm not sure right now). It went from John the Baptist to Jesus when John baptized Jesus.

            See, Jesus had the spirit of Elijah. It was the spirit of Elijah that had incarnated Jesus, but John had the resurrected Adam in him. John was a holy man. Adam was raised from the dead in him. So Jesus, who already had the spirit of Elijah, He was born with the spirit of Elijah, now received the resurrected Adam, and John touched Jesus and raised Adam from the dead in Jesus, too. Now Jesus had the resurrected Adam and the spirit of Elijah.

            The way the Scripture expresses that is that the dove descends in a bodily form. A dove is an animal. It's saying that this wasn't a pure spirit. This wasn't a pure spirit. I'm having a lot of trouble explaining this, and this probably is not accurate. But this interaction between John and Jesus brought forth the spirit of God in a man, and that is the significance of the dove.

            You don't have to believe it, but do you understand what I just said? We knew for a long time that it wasn't a physical dove, but the reason the Scripture says dove, it's talking about the Spirit of God in the form of a man.

            So He overturned those who were selling the doves. They were selling the Christ. He says to them, it has been written, my house is a house of prayer. Prayer is communication with God, and you can only communicate with God through the mind of Christ. He says my house is suppose to be a house of prayer or shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers because you're living out of your carnal mind.

            Now it's not really clear to me whether Jesus did this to the disciples or after He raised up the disciples He went to the rest of Israel and did this. I'm not really sure. You have made it a den of robbers. That's the end of Verse 13, and the next phrase I think it goes on to Verse 14.

            The next thing it says, And came near to Him the blind and the lame in the temple and He healed them. Do you know who the blind and the lame were? They were the people whose mind He entered into and overturned the money changers in them. You have to be blind and lame to be selling Christ.

            So my opinion of these last few Verses, 12, 13 and 14 is that after Jesus had this great victory with His disciples, He went to the rest of Israel, and I believe He went in the spirit and He touched all of them.

            Isn't that what I've just been preaching tonight, that the word of the Lord to me is that His deliverance is the seeding of the minds of the church. And if we're high enough in the spirit, we won't even have to be face to face with them. We'll do it from our prayer closet.

            I believe that's what happened. Jesus had this tremendous victory with His disciples, and then He went to the temple. He went to the collective Israel, by His spirit, entered into their minds, attacked their carnal minds and overturned them. Just as it happened with Elijah and the sons of Israel who were worshiping Baal, when Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers in the minds of the rest of Israel, those who were blind and lame and came to Him for help.

            Who was blind and lame? It was their spirit or if they had Abel, if he was in them, that aspect of them, maybe it was the imputed Christ in them. Maybe it was the imputed Christ in them who couldn't even function because the carnal mind was so strong.

            This is the principle, brethren. Jesus dominates, controls and if we're blessed, He changes us. Can you hear this?

            I'm all excited. It's coming soon. It's coming soon. But you have to try your very best until He comes, if you have a problem making changes. I believe He's coming very soon to overturn your carnal mind. But He's coming to the people who are trying as hard as they can and, for whatever reason, are having this problem of changing. But He's coming. I really believe  that's  what the message is.

            Whatever I preach, that's what's happening. He's coming in power to overturn the carnal minds of the people who are doing the best that they can and are moving at a snail's pace. Praise the Lord! Any questions or comments on this message? I wonder what the next verse says.

            They came for prayer, the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple and He healed them. Praise the Lord! That's it. Our message goes through Verse 14. I don't know about you, but I'm all excited. I'm ready to have my heart ripped out.

            You know, about a year ago, I had a dream that was so alarming to me. It woke me up out of a dead sleep. I knew when I woke up that the dream had something to do with some character out of mythology. I think its Greek mythology. I had this dream that this gigantic bird was eating my heart, attacking me and eating my heart.

            When I investigated, I found out that there was a character called Permethius in Greek mythology and this big bird, I think it's the Phoenix, I could be mistaken about that, it attacks and then eats his liver and this is his personal hell.

            If I'm not mistaken, it keeps happening to him over and over.

            It's really funny because the last couple of days I've had this image in my mind of that dream. The man was just lying there horrified as this giant bird plucked his (in my dream it was his heart, in Greek mythology it's his liver), just plucked it out of his body. I'm telling you, I was so alarmed, I woke up out of a dead sleep and I was afraid to go back to sleep. That was about a year ago. I now found out what the real spiritual significance of that dream is.

            I haven't read it in any of the books that I've looked up. This is what God gave me. He said, look, who is the great bird? Who is the great bird, anybody? Yes, the Eagle, the fortified Adam, Christ Jesus, King Adam and He is coming. Both the heart and the liver signify our spiritual parts. It's just a symbol of our spiritual parts. He's coming to consume us. That's how we become one with Him.

            Permethius, the image, he was so alarmed, but when Christ Jesus comes to consume us, it's very alarming to us mortals. It is very painful, and it's very alarming. Even when you have all this information, that by the grace of God, I'm able to give you, it's very alarming because it's painful when He comes to just literally chew up everything of your carnal life.

            Of course, in the Scripture we read about in the Book of Revelation, the Scripture says that the fowls of heaven are coming to consume the flesh of kings. That's us. That's how we become one.

            Didn't Jesus say if you're neither hot nor warm, I'm going to spit you out. He's eating us. Didn't Jesus say to the disciples in His time, you must eat my flesh and drink my blood or you cannot have any part in me.

            Of course, it's not a physical flesh and blood. But when Christ Jesus comes, when it's our time to experience the exposure of our sin nature and everything that goes with it, so that we can become one with Him, this is the marriage.

            It sounds wonderful when you read it every night before you go to sleep, but when you start experiencing this Scripture, when it becomes an experience for you, it is alarming to the personality that it is happening to. But the end of it is eternal life in righteousness.

            So stand tall and be brave and do what you have to do because the hour is at hand. The Jews were waiting for the Messiah, the religious Jews of His day, and He manifested. Sometimes my carnal mind says to me, this can't really come to pass. Then the Lord says to me, I manifested two thousand years ago, and I'm going to do it again. It's time. It's time.

            COMMENT: I wondered if there was any relation with Christ covering or laying over the disciples as in Ruth, Chapter 3:9, And Boaz said, who art thou. I am Ruth thy handmaid. Spread therefore thy skirt over thy handmaid for thou art a near kinsman. I didn't know if that had any relation to Christ laying over the disciples.

            SHEILA: Well, it very well might be, but I would have to look at it in the Hebrew. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it had something to do with that. But especially the Old Testament, any Scripture at this point, I just really have to look at it in the Old Testament. But thank you for your contribution.

Alternate Translation

Matt. 21:1-16

            21.01a At the time that Jesus drew near to the disciples, [Abel within the disciples] was lying dormant under [Cain within the disciples],

            21.02               So [Jesus] said  to [His disciples] I am transferring you into [the Holy Jerusalem, the spiritual] village on [the left side of your heart (4th) energy center, which is] opposite [Babylon the spiritual village on the right side of your heart (4th) energy center], where you will perceive [Cain], the dumb animal [that is] your personality, bound together with [Abel, Adam’s male] offspring, and  immediately [after that], I will separate [Cain within you] from [Abel], the second [born], with the judgment, [which] will bring [you close] to me,

            21.03               And if any one of you think [that it is wrong to expose your sin nature, which [exposure] frees [Abel from Cain within you], my response to you is that [Adam/Christ Jesus], the Lord [within me], demands that [Abel within you] should be set free immediately, [so that your personality can] depart [from Leviathan],

            21.01b [Then Adam/Christ Jesus], the fruit [of King Adam] within the man, Jesus, sacrificed [Leviathan within the disciples], and separated [Abel], the second born, from [Cain within the disciples],

            21.07a And [then Adam/Christ Jesus within the man, Jesus], lay upon [Abel, the disciples’ spiritual virginity], and [Christ],  the [male] offspring of [Adam/Christ Jesus within the man, Jesus, grafted to Abel within the disciples, and] clothed [Abel within the disciples, so that Abel within the disciples] could dominate [Cain], the dumb animal [which is the disciples’] personality, so [that Adam/Christ Jesus within the man, Jesus], could marry [Abel/Christ within the disciples],

            21.01c [So that Abel/Christ within the disciples] could appear­ in the orchard of olives trees, [in the left side of the disciples’ heart (4th)] energy center.

            21.08               Indeed, [Adam/Christ Jesus], that great spiritual garment [within the man, Jesus], spread [forth] upon [Cain], the other side of [the disciples] who cuts down the branches of the Tree [of Life, and reproduces within them] the lifestyle [of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, even the Primordial Serpent who] spread forth [her] lifestyle [within Israel],

            21.09   [And Abel/Christ within the disciples] broke His silence [of spiritual speech, and Abel/Christ within the disciples] cried out, [saying, this Jesus is] the Son of David, the mystery [of God] revealed [in a man]. May [Christ], the one who comes in the nature of King Adam, our Lord, prosper! [And may] the mystery of the highest [spiritual regions/energy centers] be revealed [in us also; and then Abel/Christ], the spiritual [man within the disciples], went forth and joined [Adam/Christ Jesus within the man, Jesus], the one who preceded them,

            21.10               And when [the disciples] came  to the point of killing [Leviathan], their carnal mind, [Satan, Leviathan and Cain], their whole [spiritual] city, quaked with fear saying, Who is  this [Jesus]?

            21.11               And [Abel/Christ], the spiritual [man within the disciples] answered [saying], This  is Jesus, the prophet who [Adam and the Spirit of Elijah] guard [while He is] in the Serpent’s timeline.

            21.04               Indeed, all this was done [so] that which was spoken by the prophet might be explained [in human] language, and fulfilled,

            21.13               [Because], it is written [that “Israel should be spiritual]  houses [where] My Name is invoked, but you have  made Israel Satan’s seat,”

            21.05               [Wherefore, Abel/Christ within my disciples], shall speak to [Cain, Adam’s] female descendant [who is occupying] the parched and barren brow (6th) energy center [within the disciples, and say to her],

                                    Look, [the disciples are in] submission [to Adam/Christ Jesus],  the King that is not concerned with self, [within the man, Jesus, so], the manchild (foal), the [spiritual] offspring of [Adam/Christ Jesus within the man, Jesus], the youthful male horse (colt), is arising within the personalities [of the disciples] and marrying [Abel/Christ within the disciples, even though Abel within the disciples] is  married to [Cain in the wrong moral order within the disciples ], and Cain (ass), that stupid [spiritual] animal [is also married to] the Egyptian, [but now that Abel/Christ in the disciples is married], he is covering [Cain within the disciples, and Cain] shall be yoked [between Abel/Christ within the disciples and Adam/Christ Jesus within the man, Jesus, instead of Abel being yoked between Cain and Leviathan],

            21.06a And after [Adam/Christ Jesus within the man], Jesus, put the disciples in [the right moral] order, [the disciples] crossed over [Into

            21.07b The orchard of olives trees, in the left side of the disciples’] heart [(4th) energy center, and Adam/Christ Jesus within the man, Jesus, whose Name is]  higher [than Satan and Leviathan], married [Abel/Christ within the disciples, and Adam/Christ Jesus within the man, Jesus],

            21.06b Acquired [Abel/Christ within the disciples] for Himself,

            21.12a And [then, after that, Adam/Christ] Jesus  [within the disciples who were now] in [Christ’s] stead,

entered into the collective [carnal] mind of all  [Israel who were] married [to Leviathan because Jehovah sold] Adam [to Satan], and they forced [Satan] down under [Abel/Christ within Israel and] redeemed  the personalities [of Israel] that [Jehovah] sold [to Satan],

            21.14               And [then] those who were too weak to overcome [Cain because] Satan and Leviathan were preventing them from understanding the Doctrine of Christ, came near to [Adam/Christ Jesus], the completed mind [of the man, Jesus], and they were healed,

            21.15               And when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that [Adam/Christ Jesus within the man, Jesus], did, [Abel/Christ, the spiritual] children [of righteous Adam] within [the chief priests and scribes], cried out saying, [may Adam/Christ Jesus], the mind that completed [the man, Jesus], the Son of David, liberate [us] now; [and] Leviathan


            21.16               [Within Jesus’ disciples] said [to Jesus], do [the chief priests and the scribes] understand what [Abel/Christ within themselves] is saying? And Jesus said [to the disciples], yes, because Cain [within the chief priests and scribes] remembers that, in the beginning, [Jehovah] suckled the immature Adam, the [spiritual] infant [whose mortal remains are now appearing as Cain and Abel], the personalities [of the chief priests and scribes, and Cain knows that Abel desires that Adam/Christ Jesus] should repair [the altar and] complete [them].

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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