The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
I received you, saith the Lord, indeed I have chosen you from before the foundations of the earth, and I have called you and I have received you. Be assured without a question of a doubt that I shall not stop working in you until the day of the Lord arrives in your soul, saith the Lord. I shall not fail you, I shall not forsake you, I shall not abandon you. Be careful not to confuse the fiery trial which is bringing you into my image with my rejection of you. Indeed, I shall never leave you, and I shall never forsake you. For what man hateth his own flesh, saith the Lord, and indeed thou art my flesh, thou art the one to whom I am betrothed, and I shall cleanse thee, saith the Lord. I shall make thee a fit virgin bride, and we shall indeed by joined in marriage, and there is no power in heaven and earth that can interfere with or prevent this process from happening in your life. Trust me, believe in me, have faith in me, fear not, bring everything to me in prayer, saith the Lord, and I shall indeed accomplish the work that I have predestinated from before the foundations of the earth in you.
I am going to back up a little over what we did on Wednesday, for those of you who were here, there was a heavy spiritual opposition coming against the message, I do not discern it today, but in any event we give the meeting over to the Lord.
We pray for your mercy and your protection, we pray that everybody understands and that you give me the wisdom needed to convey your word to them, Oh God.
We are in Revelation 17 and we are going to pick up in verse 9, there is something I wanted to make clear in Revelation 17:9. We gave a little teaching last week on the fact that the mountains in the Scripture... Verse 9;
9. And here is the mind which has wisdom; the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth. KJV
We taught last week the number 7 is a number that implies fullness, and the reason, well first of all everything in the book of Revelation is symbolic. We are talking about spiritual things and the way God imparts spiritual truth to us is with symbols, because there is no way that our carnal mind can understand spiritual things and it is because we have never experienced it. I had an interesting experience this week, I found out that I needed memory chips for my computer, and I was walking around for two weeks with a vision in my mind of them looking like the chips that you find on a ring, I have chips on this ring, I have ruby chips on this ring. That is what I thought they were going to look like. When I finally saw them, they did not look anything like that at all; they were a hunk of metal. If someone did not tell me that these were the memory chips, I would have never, never been able to recognize them.
What I am saying to you is that unless we have experienced something, there is no way that we can understand it because our carnal mind fabricates imaginations about what we do not know and that obvious in our children. I am sure that we have all had experiences with our children when they were young imagining what something should be like because they had heard a word and they had no idea what it was.
We as spiritual children get these thoughts in our mind about spiritual things and unless God explains them to us, there is no way that we can understand it. The method that He uses is symbols that we can relate to. When He tells us that the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth.
What I suggested to you last week is that when we talk about the things of the Spirit, it is not from the bottom of our foot to the top of our head, it is from our innermost spiritual being in our hearts to the circumference of the most outer circle. This is our spirit and this is our soul wrapped around it. You cannot see the spirit and you cannot see the soul but our spiritual being builds outwards in layers and the most external layer is the realm of the flesh and this is where you see our body. Your spirit is not sitting on top of your head, it is not at the tip of your fingers, it is within your being.
When the Scripture talks about heads, it is talking about that which is seen. When you look at someone the first thing you look at is their head even when you talk about a government or a ministry, you say, who is the head, who is in charge, who is the one that you go see? The Scripture is talking about that which you see. When He is talking about heads, He is talking about that which you see, that which in the realm of appearance. The number 7 means the completeness of it. We know that we are a many membered man with many cells; so when He talks about seven heads, He is talking about the total number of human beings on the face of the earth that make the spiritual man Adam, or the spiritual man Christ.
We taught that last week but what I did not tell you is that the Scripture does teach that mountains are nations. This is just another witness to it; maybe it will help you to understand. Jeremiah 51:25 says;
25. Behold I am against thee O destroying mountain, saith the Lord, which destroyeth all of the earth; and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and I will make thee a burnt mountain. KJV
I think He was talking to Assyria there. He is talking about groups of people, He is talking about people, mountains are people. Jeremiah 31:23;
23. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, as yet they shall use this speech in the land of Judah and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring again their captivity, the Lord bless thee, O habitation of Justice, and mountain of holiness. KJV
He is talking about people, He is talking about the body of the natural man, the corporate body of the natural man is the one that is going to be destroyed and He is talking about the body of Christ which is the mountain of holiness. It is just another witness that He is talking about people, I think the Lord asked me to tell you that, in the hopes it is helping you to understand. Obviously when we are talking about the harlot and heads and horns, everything is a symbol, depicting spiritual truths.
I have a little study for you here, I looked up the three words in Webster's, nation, kingdom, and city, and I would like to give you a little comparison on that because these terms are used throughout Revelation 17 and 18, and as I mentioned last week, nothing that God does is to be taken lightly. If once He says a city and another time He says a nation, there is a meaning behind it. We have the word nation, and that is a tribe or a federation of tribes, it is a politically organized group of people of the same genetic heritage. Basically what it is describing is everything that I am talking to you about, a kingdom, a nation and a city; they are all groups of people.
When God talks about nation, He is referring to the source of the people. The second thing is a kingdom and Webster's says that a kingdom is a politically organized community which is what I just said about nation only this one has a monarch for a monarchial form of government headed by a king or a queen. When God talks about a kingdom, He is referring to the form of rulership.
The 3rd word that is used in this study in Revelation is city, and Webster's says that a city is an inhabited place where people live, simply the people of a city with no other identifying marks about them. They do not have to be of the same ethnic background like a nation, it does not tell us what they are, it is just a place where people live. When God talks about a city He is merely referring to people to the presence of people in general. That might help us as we go on trying to understand this section of the Scripture that has mystified Bible scholars for centuries. God has given us some very exciting interpretation on it. Verse 9;
9. And here is the mind which has wisdom; the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth. KJV
It is saying the seven heads or the seven nations of the harlot because in verse 1 it says the harlot sits upon many waters and in verse 15 it says the waters which you saw where the whore sits are people, multitudes, nations and tongues. We know we are talking about people and groups of people. Verse 9 says the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. There are seven nations upon which the woman sits, there are seven; seven being the number of totality, of races and tribes, it is the whole of the natural mankind.
We said in a prior meeting that the word sitteth means that she dwells in them, she is spirit and she dwells within the natural being of the races and the tribes which are the nations of the earth, she is in every natural man on the face of the earth. In verse 12 we find about the horns.
12. And ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. KJV
Here we are talking about the form of government that exists in the nations, it is a kingdom, and there is a ruling spirit, and we know that your king, if it is not Christ it is Satan. The nations... across the face of the earth, many tribes, many ethnic backgrounds, they all have a king, he is the power of the prince of the air; he is the spirit that rules in the children of disobedience, his name is Satan. Man does not like to hear this but he is the spiritual power that rules in the natural man, he is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Jesus said there is none good but God. Even though you are leading a socially acceptable life, the Lord said, there is none good but God. You can give to the poor, you can be a responsible parent, husband or wife, but you have to get into Christ, if you do not get into Christ, you are going to die, and if you die, that is the unequivocal, undeniable evidence of what? It means that there is sin in your life. You only die when there is sin in your life. You can live your entire life, be a perfect citizen, husband, wife, father, mother and die and that means there was sin in your life and your king was Satan. This is the condition of the entire human race. Your only way to get out of this condition is to move into the life of Christ which is available to men today. You have to get a new soul and a new spirit.
Everything that we are talking about is taking place where? It is taking place in your mind. You have to stop thinking the thoughts of the carnal mind and start thinking with the thoughts of Christ and when that happens, your entire spiritual makeup will be converted. If this is the first message you are hearing, we have many messages on this, you can write to us or call us.
The heads are the nations, the kings are the spirit that rules in them, the kingdom refers to the individual man or woman that appears on the face of the earth, and the city in verse 18 the Lord talks about the city. The woman which you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth. This is merely referring to this corporate form of life that appears on the face of the earth. It is just filled with people. It does not matter whether they are kingdoms or whether they are nations, whether they are black, white, green, or yellow, there is a group of human beings on the face of the earth and God loves them all together. He does not distinguish from them at all, He calls them one lump of clay and He calls them the people that live in the city that the harlot reigns over. There is a whole, and then He breaks us down into nations, the tribes that we come from, He breaks us down into kingdoms, the spirit rules over us. How many kingdoms are there in the earth? There are two; adam and Christ, there are only two kingdoms.
That is it; first He calls us a city that is the entire human race; that is the entire creation. We are a city, people in general, then He breaks us down into kingdoms, the form of rulership, and then He breaks us down into the source of our tribe which is our natural heritage.
I wanted to make this point to you too, throughout our study in Revelation 17 we mentioned last week, sometimes the Lord calls the harlot the harlot, and sometimes He calls her the woman. We explained that when God looks at the woman, God looks at this entity.... I am just going to go over this, that there was a creation at the beginning of time and God was the male element in the creation, the living soul was the female. God was the male and the soul was the female. The soul was in three parts, Adam, Eve and Satan. This creation could not change because God was preserving it and making it eternal.
God left for the specific purpose of this creation dividing into a many celled creature. The son of God is being made into a creature. When God left because there was no male in the house, the widow took the place of the male. If you have children, if you are running a household and there is no man there, for all intents and purposes you are performing the function of a man. We found out that Eve married Satan and she came up here with her son, the carnal mind to a position of rulership. Satan was up here in the realm of the spirit, the carnal mind is in the realm of the soul with Eve, and she has been ruling as a male spirit. Her authority comes from her husband Satan. We have more messages on this if you want to get them.
When God looks at the harlot he calls her a woman, He calls her that woman Babylon, and He is saying to her, you think you are a man, because she is not aware that she is a widow, she is not aware that she is in this position of authority because her husband left the house, she thinks she is it. God says to her, you are Babylon, you are confusion, you are a woman, and you think that you are a man, and what I intend to do and what I shall do and it is even upon you now, is that I am taking back the house, I am taking back the house and I am going to be the man again, and you are going back down on the bottom, because you were always a woman but you were a widow and ruling in a position of authority because I left.
Just to give you a little more understanding before I go on, in verse 7 of chapter 18 God says about the harlot, for she says in her heart, I sit a queen and am no widow. She denies any possibility that God is going to come back and take over the male rulership of the family. She says I am not a widow, I am a queen, I am ruling by the authority of my husband Satan, and there is not going to be anymore change, this is the creation as it stands and it is going to continue this way. God says; you are Babylon. You are confused; you do not even know who you are. You were created to be the vessel that is going to bring forth my son Christ who is going to rule in the earth.
Because she is in this state of religious confusion, she thinks that she is the queen and Satan is the king, she will not move over. She will not move over for Christ, so God has to judge her. He has to judge her because she will not move over; she does not know who she is. She is all mixed up.
When God calls the great city a woman, that is the implication, He is speaking the truth to her, and I think we have mentioned this in these meetings, there is so much mind control in this world, people will come to you and they will tell you right to your face things that are not true. Right to your face, they will tell you things that are not true. We have to stand against it knowing what the truth is. The same thing exists in the realm of the spirit. The truth is that this order that we are living in right now is not going to exist forever.
You talk to the scientists, you talk to the people ruling the government and they see no end to mankind, that science is going to have the answer to every problem that we have and man is going to continue indefinitely. Man is not going to continue indefinitely. He is has not inherited this planet. You speak to the scientists and they will tell you that man rules on this planet. Man does not rule on this planet. God rules on this planet and He intends to take over every human vessel alive and rule in each and every human vessel alive.
When we are talking about the harlot, we are talking about man, is that not what man said? They utterly deny the spiritual truth that we are a partially created creation and that the finishing touch is Christ in you the hope of glory, He must indwell every human being on the face of the earth and he must rule. Man utterly denies it as a whole; we know that there are some men that believe it. I am going to start by reading you a couple of alternate translations from verse 18 and then we will just continue on and then we will have questions. Revelation 18:1-2;
1. And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory.
2. And he cried mightily with a strong voice saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the home of demons, the body of the unclean spirit of man and the individual body of every impure manifestation of spiritual life which is a part or a cell of the whole. AT
He is saying Babylon is fallen. She is this great city; she is the entire human race. She is filled with demons. The whole of her, the corporate human race, you can call it many names, corporate adam whatever you want, has become the home of every impure manifestation of spiritual life. She has become impure as a whole and every human being that exists in her, every man that is a part of her, every natural man has become impure.
She has become the habitation of devils or demons, the body of the whole of the unclean spirit and unclean in every separate individual and the word unclean is the word used to describe Levitically unclean. Remember reading the studies in the Old Testament where if a leper would come near them, the leper had to say, unclean, unclean, do not come near me, and if you were a Hebrew and you touched the leper, you were defiled. You had to go through a whole ritual to stop being defiled.
Man in relationship to the righteousness of God which is to the best of my knowledge only in Jesus Christ of Nazareth today, we are unclean. When God approaches to us we are supposed to say, unclean, unclean, but man does not know he is unclean. Jesus Christ has fulfilled the Levitical law and because He is righteous, He can touch us without being polluted, and not only does He not get polluted, but His righteousness has the power to cleanse us.
This is a very important concept because we are going to find out that the carnal mind of man in the church today is interpreting this book of Revelation all backwards because of their carnal mind. This is the basic point, someone could be utterly polluted unclean and filthy and where a man would run from them and say, flee from them lest the filth get upon you, Jesus Christ and anyone moving in His righteousness can touch the unclean and not only get polluted, but heal them. It is really important and the church world does not have this concept. We touched on it last week in verse 6 of chapter 17;
6. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus; and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. KJV
We found out when looked the word saints and martyrs that they were redeemed men; that the word saints refer to men who have been made holy. The evil cannot pollute holiness. What the Scripture is really saying, the word drunken means that she lost her facilities, the woman was perverse to start with. If you are perverse to start with and you lose your facilities, what happens to you? You become clean. What it is really saying if you want to get the message it was one of the last two messages where we went into the whole thing in depth that the church preaches that the harlot consumes the redeemed of God and that their blood was in her. You cannot hurt the redeemed of God. The woman became drunk. She was affected by the redeemed of God. What we are going to find out today is that she is being redeemed. This wicked harlot is being redeemed against her will. God is doing it against her will. Verse 13 of Chapter 8;
13. For all of the various ethic tribes of the earth have joined with her in her passionate spirit of fornication, and the spiritual men in the earth have become laden down with the produce of her carnality instead of developing spiritually. AT
We found out last week that the merchants of the earth are the spiritual beings that live in our, well we know that we are spirit, we possess a soul and we have a body, and that our spiritual life is in this earth of this soul and this body for the specific purpose of being exercised to the point that they can rule the soul and the body without being polluted by the sin which is inherently exist in the soul. What we are saying here in verse 13 is that the witchcraft of the harlot, the witchcraft of the soul of man has been so powerful that she has succeeded in blocking the spiritual man from ruling her, and he has been weakened and overtaken by her. If you want that in more depth you have to get the last message. Verse 4, Chapter 18;
4. And I heard another voice from heaven saying, come out her soul my people and enter into the life of Christ so that you can stop being victimized by her and the judgments of God can thus stop falling upon you. AT
The point that we made on Wednesday night was that if someone says to you, come out, it just implies that there is a place that you have to go to. If this is Babylon, this is the soul of the natural man, and this is your condition. This is the condition of the natural man; our spiritual life, we will call it Eve, we are on with the carnal mind who is the offspring of Satan and Eve. They are all one, and they continuously fornicate with Eve. Satan, his offspring the carnal mind whispered to our spirit man and said, hate that person, hate that person. Eve which is spirit, she is from God, somewhere in the depths of her mind she knows it is wrong. She absolutely cannot resist. She cannot resist taking the drink, she cannot resist fornicating with the man, she cannot resist hating the person; she is utterly overtaken.
She continues to do these things, she continues to produce demons. This is a diagram of the minds of men, and in the natural realm what happens to the man? Who had this mind? He continues to die. She cannot stop sinning. The only way we are going to stop dying is to stop sinning and what does God say? He says, come out come out, what a mess. Come out to where? Come out to Christ. In the earth today there is another soul available to men, come out to Christ, he is calling Eve and He is saying, come over here because this is coming down, I am going to burn it to the ground, I am going to burn the soul of the natural man to the ground. That in you which is of God must come out and get into Christ if you are going to survive. Verse 4, Chapter 18;
4. And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her soul, come out of the soul of Babylon my people, and enter into the life of Christ so that you can stop being victimized by this situation, and if you stop being victimized, God's judgments are going to stop falling upon you. AT
That is what it says. Partake not of her sin that you receive not of her plagues. Her plagues are the judgments of God. The judgments of God are on this city, it is on fire, it is already starting to burn. It started to burn 2,000 years ago. He says the other way you are going to get out from the under the judgment is if you stop partaking of her sins. So long as you stay in here you will never stop sinning, they are too strong for you. They are too strong for you, God says it; you will never stop sinning. You have got to come into Christ. How do we get into Christ? We start agreeing with Him in our mind. We read the word of God, we study the word of God, we look into the teachings that God has raised up and when we get the witness that it is the Lord, we start changing our minds and we start thinking with His mind, that is how you get out.
It is not that easy, it sounds real easy, it is not that easy, but that is how you get out, you have to change your mind and start thinking with the mind of Christ. Everything that is happening to man today is happening in his mind. It is spiritual and the things of the spirit are in the mind. Verse 5, Chapter 18;
5. For her breaking of the law has been seen in the spiritual realm of God and God has turned His attention to the fruit she has produced which is the carnal mind and his demons. AT
When God turns His attention to you, He either blesses you or He judges you. When God looks at you, He discerns the intents of your heart, and if He sees Christ, He gathers you unto Himself and if he sees sin, He judges you because God is righteous. God does not say, oh that is cute; we will let it go today. God is righteous and all sin will be judged no matter whom it is even His own son. Chapter 18, Verse 6;
6. Give her what is due as she gave you your due for fornicating with her and give her a double portion for her labors in the soul wherein she produced the carnal mind instead of Christ. Mingle her again for the second time and this time produce Christ. AT
What is your due for fornicating with her? You have a demon. That is what you have. You fornicated with her and you have a demon. Iniquity is the fruit of the sin, you commit a sin and you bear fruit, demons. What is due her when you sin? Judgment unto death; the judgment of sin is death. She was supposed to produce Christ over here, she was supposed to marry God and produce Christ, but she married Satan and produced the carnal mind, she produced the wrong fruit, and God said, Give her a double portion for all of the work that she performed in the realm of the soul where she produced the carnal mind instead of Christ. Then He said, Mingle her again. In the actual Scripture it says, In the cup which she has filled, fill to her double.
We said Wednesday night that the cup signifies the whole of the human race, cup holds fluid, and fluid in the Scripture is the type of the spirit, so the cup that she holds is symbolic of the entire human race and the spirit in it. What she did was she filled that cup with the spirit of Satan and his son the carnal mind. She, Eve, is the fertile parts of the creation of God. She was intended to be fertilized by God.
Eve is the fertile parts of God. When she was still a virgin before the fall, this was the situation; she was waiting to be fertilized by God. When He fertilized her, she was supposed to produce a child, His name Christ, and in the natural when we bear children they leave us, in the spirit when we bear children they remain within us, demons are evil children. If you produce a demon it stays with you, you wish it would it leave, but it does not, it is a big deal to get a demon out of us. When we bear children in the realm of the spirit, they stay within us.
She bore Christ, this was what was supposed to happen, and Christ, when Christ appears He rules and she was supposed to be up here with Him one with God and Christ.
She was supposed to be exalted and when she would copulate with Christ, when Christ says to her, love your enemy, when Christ whispers in her ear, love your enemy, and she says, Yes, what does she produce? She produces love, a fruit of the spirit. This is what was supposed to happen. The whole human race and each individual vessel was supposed to have married God, produced Christ and the fruits of His Spirit, but that is not what happened. She married Satan, she gave birth to the carnal mind and she is producing demons.
The word mingle means to create a new substance. If you take gold and green marbles and mix them up in a bag, that is the word mix, you still have gold marbles and you still have green marbles, but they are all mixed. The word mingle implies a new product. If you take water and you take flour and you mix it together, you now have paste. There is no more flour and there no more water, there is a 3rd substance. That is what the word mingle means.
When God said to her, Mingle, what she did was she mingled with Satan, and she produced a 3rd substance, the carnal mind. She mingled herself with Satan and produced something new, the carnal mind. Do you remember I said they are all one, they are ruling as one.
What she was supposed to do was mingle herself with God and produce a 3rd new substance called Christ. They are one, the child remains in her and they become one. she was supposed to produce Christ, but she did not, she produced the carnal mind and God say to her, Mingle her again, do it for the second time and this time do it right, produce Christ. That is what it is saying, brethren.
I do not know if the church world would appreciate this but that is what it is saying. Everything that God does, every judgment that He executes, it is towards the end of His purpose in mankind, and His purpose in mankind is that Christ should appear. He is not glorified in men burning in hell forever. He is not glorified men dying and never being seen again, He is glorified when Christ appears in you.
If he is judging you, if there is a fiery trial upon you, if there is hardship in your life, it is for the specific purpose that Christ should appear in you. He is a mighty great God, and His mind is so much greater than the carnal minds of men. This is what He is saying to this wicked harlot. Look across the face of the earth, look at what she has produced, horrible things, and He says to her, Do it over, mixing her up again and this time produce Christ, do it right.
1. And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.
2. And she being with child cried travailing in birth and pain to be delivered. (for the second time) KJV
Here we go again, I have heard some of the kingdom preachers, I think it was Bill Britton, I heard him preach, there are two women, he had a book, there are two cities, Babylon and Jerusalem and there are two women, there is the harlot and the sun clad woman, saying you know one is of God and one is the natural man. I am continuing to teach here that there is really only one, there is only one man, there is only one soul, there is only one woman, at first she was a wicked harlot and at the end she is the glorified city Jerusalem.
In transition we are two, right now we are two because we are separated, but in reality there is only one creation, at the beginning it was a living soul, at the end it is a life quickening spirit, and there are stages in between. At the stage of her immaturity of the soul that God created she is the harlot of Revelation, but her end is that she will be the sun clad woman that is bringing forth Christ. It is not two different souls, it is the same soul. God only created one living soul. It is really just one, although in this interim stage it is two, it all depends on how you look at it, it is not even worth arguing about. If it helps you to understand to believe that there are two then you believe that there are two, it is not even a problem. If you can receive it fine, glory to God.
The word works means work and labor, and Webster's says that the word work means expenditure of physical or mental effort when difficult or compulsory; the physical activity involved in parturition which means childbirth and the period of such labor. We are dealing with verse 6 which says, Reward her even as she rewarded you and double unto her double according to her works. What I am suggesting to you is that this word works means labor in childbirth.
That is just a witness to what I just said that this woman Babylon that all these judgments are being rained on right now, after the judgments rain upon her and all of the wickedness is burned up in her, she is the sun clad woman of Revelation 12.
First God cleans her up and then she bears Christ. That word works means labor in childbirth. Verse 7;
7. How much she hath glorified herself and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her, for she sayeth in her heart, I sit a queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow. AT
The word glorified means to honor or esteem, and the word deliciously is a little deceiving, it really means to be luxurious in the sense of satisfying your own cravings and needs, wanton and excessive. The word torment, we have had this way back, it means torture, it is Strong's #929 and it is from #928 which means, vex, and it is the same word used to describe the pains of childbirth in Revelation 12:2, it is the same word. We are in verse 7 and it says, so much torment give her, and in chapter 12:2 it says, And she travailed in birth and pained to be delivered. It is the same word, so again it is the same woman, glory to God, hallelujah.
The word sorrow means grief and mourning and the Hebrew equivalent of this word, it is Strong's #3997, sorrow, it means grief and mourning and the Hebrew equivalent which is Strong's #60 means to mourn especially for the dead, and it is from a root that means to walk with the head cast down.
We know that what has happening to this harlot over here who is lifted up in pride because she appears to be ruling at the moment because she is a widow, that she is going to have her head cast down. Why is she going to have her head cast down? Hos is she going to have her head cast down? Who is going to cast down her head? What is happening over there that he head is being cast down? Her head is being cast down because she is getting a new head and His name is almighty God. She is getting a new head.
Whereas she is ruling over here, all that is going to the bottom. The carnal mind gets broken up; it is going to cease to exist. She is getting a new head and Eve is staying with the head. Eve is the spirit; she stays with whoever is ruling the kingdom. If Satan is ruling the kingdom, she is up there, if Christ is ruling the kingdom, she is up there, but Satan is going to the bottom and his son the carnal mind will never be seen or heard from again. I have an alternate translation for you of Revelation 18:7;
7. How highly she has esteemed herself and lived without restraint, fornicating at will, give her a proportionate measure of hard labor in bringing forth the Christ and great grief over the death of her son, the carnal mind. For in her heart she believed herself to be a queen, the wife of a king, Satan, and denied the fact that she is indeed has been a widow ever since God withdrew from the creation before the fall, and she believes she will never mourn for her son that he will continue forever. AT
We spoke about this earlier; this is the state of the mind of man. He thinks the natural man is going to inhabit the earth forever, and for that reason man will not yield to the Spirit of God. He says I do not need you I am complete, I am fine the way I am, science is my god and I have everything under control. I have the answers to every problem on the face of the earth. God says; So much torment and sorrow give her, give her pain in labor in childbirth because even though she is sitting up there saying all of these untrue things, the ultimate mind control, she does not even know it, but she is still bringing forth the Christ. She does not even know she is pregnant.
You know there is a natural type for everything in realm of the spirit. Did you ever hear of a woman giving birth to a baby and not knowing she was pregnant? I have, my mother told me the story, I did not know it personally. A woman, she was a very heavy woman, and she was always on a diet and could never lose the weight, and she was putting on weight and putting on weight. She went to the doctor and he did not know she was pregnant and nine months later she had a baby.
That is the state of the natural man, he does not even know he is pregnant, he does not know what is happening to him. This whole story that we are talking about, about the harlot, it is talking about the mind of natural man. He does even know he pregnant, he thinks he is king, just to put it in the tense, in the sex you can understand, he/she is all mixed up, does not even know whether it is a he or a she, thinks he is a king, thinks she is a queen, thinks that mankind is not going to come to an end, thinks he does not need God and the whole time he is pregnant and he does not even know it. Verse 8;
8. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, (plagues being the judgments of God and these are the plagues), death and mourning and famine, and she shall be utterly burned with fire for strong is the Lord who judgeth her. KJV
This word day, it is Strong's #2250 and Strong's says it means the interval between sunrise and sunset as distinguished from and contrasted with the night. What we are talking about is dark and light and this is pretty fairly obvious symbol in the Scripture. I hope you all know who the light is; Jesus is the light, glory to God. Jesus is the light that makes Him the day. Who is darkness? Satan is the darkness therefore he is the night. What are we saying here? Her plagues her judgments are going to come in one day, her judgments are going to come in the day of light; her judgments are going to come in the hour that Jesus reveals Himself to her.
Why do people say, Look at all of these Christians, look at what they are going through, look at all of the trials and the troubles and the problems that they have, what kind of a witness is that for Christ, I do not want to be a Christian. Those of us that are being dealt with are walking around moaning and groaning and you know, all of these things happening to us right? Your plagues your judgments are coming upon you in the time period that the light is revealed to you.
I want to contrast this to the verse that we studied in Revelation 17 where it says I believe it is Verse 12, and the end of Verse 12 talking about the kings of the earth and it says;
12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. KJV
The word hour is Strong's #5610 and it is a definite time or season fixed by natural law returning with the revolving year. It is not day or night it is a season, spring, fall, summer, winter that returns with the revolving year. This is a tough one, what we are saying here in verse 12 is that the ten horns which thou sawest, the ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet, and when we studied this verse, we said that a kingdom is a life in the realm of time. It has not appeared in the realm of time yet, but they received power as kings, after their first season with the beast.
If there is a first season, there has got to be second season. I will read it to you again, an hour this is what Strong's says, this is what the Bible says not me, an hour is a definite time or season fixed by natural law and it returns with the revolving year, summer, winter, fall, and spring. The scripture says they received power in human vessels after the first season that they spend with the beast.
The implication is that there are going to be other seasons. The kings have many seasons with the beast and the judgments of the harlot fall in the time period or in the season if you want to bend it a little in which the light is revealed to her. It is there, is it there, did you read it? It is there. Verse 8;
8. Therefore her judgments have come in the time that the life of Christ is revealed in her. AT
8. Therefore her judgments have come in the first day, in the period of time that the life of Christ is revealed to her. AT
That is the first part of verse 8. Therefore her plagues shall come in one day, and these are what they are, death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire. The Greek word translated death is Strong's #2288 and that is the Greek word thanatos which is not referred to total destruction, it refers to the separation of the soul from the body. We know that your soul cannot live after it is separated from the body unless it is joined to your spirit. She is not being destroyed totally, her soul is being joined to her spirit, she is being saved. She is being saved and every wicked work in her is being cast down and trampled and destroyed but the result of it is that she is being saved.
The word mourning is the same as we spoke earlier about sorrow; it just means grief and mourning, and putting your head down and all of that. The word famine means a scarcity of food, and it also means a scarcity of the harvest. It is from a root that means to fail to be absent to be wanting. It is not just an absence of food. Today we go to the supermarket but in Bible days you had to grow your own food, so famine was one in the same as the harvest failing, it was one and the same. Luke 15:14;
LUKE 15:14
14. And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in the land, and he began to be in want. KJV
There arose a famine in the land, a great lack, a great absence, a great wanting. Here is the alternate translation of the second part of Verse 8, Chapter 18 of Revelation;
8. Therefore shall the judgments of God come in the first season in which Christ is revealed to her, separation from the body, and grief resulting from the loss of her son, the carnal mind. AT
These are the judgments, separation from the body, that form of death, and the grief which results from the loss of her son, the carnal mind.
8. And she shall be utterly burned with fire for strong in the Lord who judgeth her. KJV
The word utterly burned that is one Greek word, it means to consume wholly, to burn down to the ground.
8. And she shall be burned to the ground and utterly consumed for the Lord who is plaguing her is mighty. AT
Who remembers what survives when a wood house is utterly burned to the ground, when a wood house that has a spirit in it; and the spirit the Scripture tells us is likened to gold, and it burns down, what is left? Everything burns except the gold, brethren, everything burns except the gold. The body burns, the soul burns, and the only thing that is left is the gold, that is all that is left. I just want to read you that, it is such a profound verse, I just want to read you the whole thing.
8. Therefore shall the judgments of God come in the first season in which Christ is revealed to her, separation from the body, and grief resulting from the loss of her son, the carnal mind. And she shall be burned to the ground and utterly consumed, for the Lord who is plaguing her is mighty. AT
You need spiritual ears to hear this, this is exciting. Verse 9;
9. And the kings of the earth who have committed fornication with her and lived deliciously with her shall bewail her and lament for her when they shall see the smoke of her burning. KJV
Maybe I did not make it clear to you, when everything burns except the gold, this is what is burning, Satan is burning, and the carnal mind is burning, because they are soul, they are not spirit. They are a substitute spirit. They took the role of spirit because God left the house, they are the widow who moved into the role of dominion because her husband left her, but she still is a woman but she is doing the job of a man because there is no man. That is who Satan and the carnal mind were. They were really soul and female. Satan is burning, the soul realm is burning, Satan is burning, the carnal mind is burning, and the demons are burning. What is the result of the burning? She is free, she is free. The only problem is that while it is burning it hurts because she is locked in there with them; we are locked in there with them. When God plagues them He plagues us, but the end result of it is that she is free.
What happens after she gets free? She is going to mingled double for double. She is going to marry the Holy Spirit, and she is going to produce Christ. She is going to get the second chance. That is what is happening to her. Adam is in there burning too; I do not know where to put him. Adam is in there too, Adam is soul, everything that is soul is burning, and the result of it is, is that the gold is getting free. We had another type of this a few messages back, God calls them gold ore. We are gold locked in the rock of the stony heart of man.
Not only are we locked in the rock of the stony heart of man, we are buried under the earth. He has got to dig up the earth, he has got to get out the ore, he has to put it the smelter. That is what is happening to us, it is the truth.
This is the end, man cannot see the end, the church cannot see the end, they are wailing and moaning and groaning and threatening people, this is the end. You are not going to get people to come to Christ by terrifying them. You may get a few but it is not, I do not even believe it is genuine conversion; this is what you have to tell them. This is what the promise is. This is what is happening to you, you are going to be set free. Most of the world, they do not even know they are enslaved. They do not even know they are enslaved. God has to reveal it to them that they are enslaved. In the day that He reveals Himself to them their plagues shall fall upon them.
They might have all of the money in the world, all of the brains, all of the worldly wisdom, but when pestilence falls on them, whey get cancer, when they get heart disease, when their son, their only son dies in an automobile accident, when their wife runs away with another man, there is not anything that their money or their brains or their sophistication can do to help them.
The hour that the Lord god reveals Himself to them, in that season their plagues shall be upon them. We are in Verse 9;
9. And the kings of the earth who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her shall bewail her and lament for her when they see the smoke of her burning. KJV
The word burning is a Greek word Strong's #4451 and it really means smelting which means a burning by which metals are roasted or reduced, it is a refining fire. That is what we are talking about over here. Webster's says that smelt means to melt or fuse ore, to melt ore within an accompanying chemical change. That means when it melts you separate the gold from the rock. There is a melting and there is a separation. You are supposed to be separated. There is a Scripture in Jeremiah that says the refiner's fire is burning and the wicked are not plucked out. When the fire gets upon her, there has to be a separation. God is saying that sometimes in His people, He puts the fire on them but the separation does not take place. Does anybody remember why? They have not repented.
You have to repent in the trial. We have believers all over the church, the fire of God is all over them and they are screaming and yelling and moaning, and groaning, and saying that Satan is doing it to them, and they will not repent. Satan is doing it to them, but who is Satan's boss? The Lord is Satan's boss. You have to repent, brethren. You have to repent. Proverbs 27:21;
21. As the fining pot for silver and the furnace for gold, so a man is to his praise. KJV
The refining pot is for silver, and silver refers to the realm of the soul. That is what we are talking about here. When He burns her with fire, He has put her in the refining pot and she is being smelted, and a chemical change is taking place, the gold is separating out from the soul realm, gold is preserved and we are going to find that very shortly what happens to the soul, I have it here somewhere. 1 Peter 4:12-13;
1 PETER 4:12-13
12. Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you...
That word fiery is the same word translating burning which means to smelt.
12. Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you;
13. But rejoice in as much as you are partakers of Christ's sufferings that, when His glory shall be revealed, (when the gold is separated out from the soul) ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. KJV
When the gold is separated out and joined to the Holy Spirit and Christ is produced, you may be glad with exceeding joy. I mentioned earlier God is moving me to the place where no matter what trial is upon me, I just pray for the victory, I do not pray to be moved, I do not pray to kind of help other than the victory of God, whatever will glorify God in that trial, and whatever they do to me they do to me.
Now sometimes God has me rise up and say something to the people, but it has to be under the anointing, it has to be under the anointing. As you all know I work for a very difficult man that abuses me and insults me almost every day that I work for him and sometimes I have to ignore it and sometimes I have to say something to him, depending on what God tells me to do, but I am required to respect him at all times, he is my employer. Alternate Translation Revelation 18:9;
9. And the carnal minds of men who have committed fornication with her without restraint shall cry out loud and beat their breasts in outward displays of grief and mourning for her when they shall see her in her glorified form which has resulted from the severe trial of her refining. AT
This is very interesting, listen to what that says, the carnal mind of men have committed fornication with her without restraint, they are going to cry in fear and beat their breasts in a form of mourning, in outward displays of grief and mourning when they shall see her in her glorified form, which has resulted from the severe trials of her refinement. The carnal minds of men want their carnal mind. They do not want the things of God. They are mourning and moaning and groaning and fighting the change that is upon mankind today. They do not want it, even the believers in the church. They do not want to change. They are fighting this change every step of the way. They are mourning and beating their breasts when they see her in her glorified form, they do not want the child; they just do not want it. Verse 10;
10. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment saying, alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city, for in one hour is thy judgment come. KJV
I remember the kings of the earth receive power in one hour, the harlot receives her plagues in one day, and now in one hour her judgment is come, in one season her judgment has come. Let those who have ears to hear, hear it. The word fear means to be alarmed, exceedingly fearful. The word torment is the same as in verse 7 and it refers to the pains of childbirth. The word great is Strong's #3173; it is referring the external form, mass in great weight, large. The word mighty is Strong's #2478, it means powerful, strong, forcible. The word come is Strong's 2064 and it means to appear, to enter. We are in verse 10;
10. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment saying, alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city, for in one hour is thy judgment come. KJV
10. Standing far away because they were alarmed by the violence of her labor unto childbirth saying, How terrible, that extremely large soul, Babylon, that place of confusion where she is a woman and she thinks she is a man, where their queen thinks she is a man, that powerful city, for in one season has the plague of the Lord appeared in her life to refine her unto the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. AT
The refining fire is unto redemption. I just quoted Romans 3:24 for you the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. The carnal mind is mourning as this great and joyous event takes place. He is mourning the death of the carnal mind.
He shows us the woman bringing forth Christ first and He shows the judgments afterwards and it is backwards because we know the judgments come before you bring forth Christ. The reason God does that is that we are a mirror image of the spiritual realm, we are a mirror image. The way it appears in the natural, it is happening in the opposite of the spiritual realm. We are the mirror image. It is impossible. Do you receive it? Do you hear this, is that not glorious? Yes, it is only by the mercy and the glory of God. He is a mighty and glorious God.
COMMENT: Could you tell me what the anti-Christ is?
PASTOR VITALE: Anti-Christ is the carnal mind. That is what I am going to say off of the top of my head. If I think it over and decide I do not agree with myself I will tell you on Wednesday but that is what it is in my mind right now. I must have said anti-Christ instead of the carnal mind. I believe they are the same.
What anti-Christ means is in place of Christ. Instead of Christ being formed, anti-Christ is formed, anti-Christ the carnal mind, the offspring of even Satan instead of the offspring of God and Christ.
One thing about the Scripture, we have talked about this, God uses many different names and part of the reason that He does it is that the whole Bible is a parable, and Jesus made it very clear it is not for everybody to understand. Unless God gives you the understanding by His Spirit, you could be really confused. There is the harlot, there is the woman, there is Eve, there is the human spirit, there is just so many names for every different thing. Very frequently depending on the context of what He is saying, the name will change, but they all mean the same, everybody has several names.