433 - Part 2
(Luke 2:1-20)


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Brethren, once again I have to make some radical changes in the Alternate Translation, and if you look at your notes the line through a word is called strike out. I did this so that you could see the changes that I made. These are all the major changes, and the words that seem to have dots over them, those are words that I added in that were not in Part 1.


I have completely turned this around. Apparently, I was seeing it wrong, and I have to admit that I was incorrect when I set up Part 1, that I have heard it preached that it was the Lord Jesus Christ who raised up the census for His own purposes.


I preached that it was the Serpent who had done it on Part 1, but the Lord showed me that, in fact, it was the Lord Jesus Christ that raised up this physical census, because of which Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem.


I want to show you how the Lord revealed to me that I had made this error.  Of course, it is very easy to make this error, because everything that comes out of the Scripture, there is a translation that can be given to the carnal mind or there is a translation that can be given to the Christ mind. 


You have to take all of the words and look at all of them, ask for the spirit of revelation and decide which way this translation is going, because so many words are left out.  Just about every spiritual principle in the Scripture can be applied either to the carnal mind or the Serpent or to the Christ mind.


When you are doing more than translating, when you are interpreting, you have to make a judgment whether this particular chapter is about the carnal mind or is about Christ.  For whatever reason, when I first looked at it, I thought it was about the carnal mind and the Serpent, but the one thing that kept bothering me, pricking at me, was the term in Verse 2, I think it was Verse 2, yes, Verse 2, the term the "exalted warrior." 


When I preached that to you on Part 1, I said to you that I am not sure which member of the Serpent's household this exalted warrior will be, I am going to pray about it.  When I prayed about it, the Lord told me it was not about the Serpent's household, that the exalted warrior is Adam. He is the exalted warrior, he is the man, that exalted warrior who was designated as the king of the whole creation by Jehovah.


The spirit kept pricking at me that I had made a mistake there, because I have a fleece with the Lord that He is going to correct every error, and the sacrifice is my pride.  It does not matter, and I do not remove the messages. I am not removing Part 1 of this, because there is a lot of good information on Part 1, and even if I preach a message where I thought that it was talking about the Serpent, there was still a lot of information, that all the information that I gave you is true.


It is all true, there is a lot of good stuff on that message so there is no reason to call it back, and, who knows, maybe the Lord did not even intervene when it went that way because I spoke about certain things that He wanted on the message.


This is what the Lord told me, there is a lot of good information on Message 1, but I think this is one of the most radical turn-arounds that I ever recall making in a translation. However, it must be done because the primary motive of everything we do must be truth and righteousness and honor to God.


That has to be our primary motive, and if our carnal mind got in there, and we made some kind of mistake, we must immediately right that error.


If you want your Christ mind to prevail over your carnal mind, that is what you have to do, because if you do not get in there and admit that you made a mistake and correct the error, that gives your carnal mind power over your Christ mind, and if it happens too often, your carnal mind will knock your Christ mind down and tread on it.


Review, Luke 2:1-14


I am going to read you the Alternate Translation of the first 14  verses. I have made some changes in it, and I will comment briefly on Verse 1, "And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out of Michael, the elder who severed Adam from Elohim's household that the whole world should be engraved with the nature of Elohim our honorable ruler, that Adam the exalted warrior had."


Adam had the nature of Elohim, and Adam was divorced by Elohim and Jehovah.


Let me read that again, "And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Michael" who was still attached to God,  Adam was severed from Michael, Adam died, but Michael was permanently attached to the Godhead, Jehovah and Elohim."


And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Michael, the elder, who severed Adam from Elohim's household, that the whole world should be engraved with the nature of Elohim, our honorable ruler, the nature that Adam the exalted warrior had in the beginning before he died."


Verse 3a, "So everyone went into his own city to have the pregnant woman (that is talking about the carnal mind), the pregnant woman who was engraved with the nature of the thief that they were mentally joined to, they were mentally joined to."


This is a spiritual translation of Luke 2, and we will find as we go on that it is really talking about the whole tribe of Judah. This verse is talking about Judah, the tribe who carried Elohim's nature. Judah is the tribe that had the seed royal. That word is in the King James translation, the seed royal, the royal seed of Elohim's life apparently was deposited in Judah.


I remember preaching to you that I thought the seed was through all of the twelve tribes of Israel. This translation seems to indicate that the spiritual seed royal was in Judah, so I am waiting for the Lord to talk to me a little bit more about that, but I am going to have to go with that for the time being that the seed royal and that is true today, that the royal seed or the virile seed, the seed that can produce everlasting life, the spiritual men with everlasting life, is only in Judah, not in the whole twelve tribes of Israel.


I am still seeking the Lord on this. Let me share with you what I have so far. I still do not believe that I have all the answers. The virile seed that can produce a spiritual man who will live for the life of the ages was deposited into Israel and, apparently, specifically into Judah through Moses on Mount Sinai, this is the virile seed.


2,000 years ago Jesus Christ who was crucified, ascended and poured out of His spirit upon the day of Pentecost, poured the virile seed in a different form into the world, in a manner that was available to the whole world.


Let me say it again.  The virile seed that came from Elohim through Moses was deposited in Judah. This is very sexual, brethren, the seed was deposited, there was a connection between God and Israel, and the seed was deposited in Judah, in a specific area of the whole of Israel.


When a man and a woman lie together the seed is deposited in a particular physical area of her body, and in the cases where the male seed is deposited in another area of that woman's body, there could be no conception. 


The virile seed was deposited with Judah, and for all of those years up until the time of the day of Pentecost when Jesus' spirit returned to the earth, the only place that the virile seed could be found was in Judah. 


Jesus Christ who now had the personality of the man, Jesus, joined with the virile seed poured out of His spirit on the day of Pentecost, and now the virile seed is available to the whole world.


The whole world does not have it, but it is available to the whole world.  We see that the seed, the virile seed, is now available as the Holy Spirit to the world.


Whether or not you are a physical descendant of Judah and you have virile seed, because it has been passed down through the generations since Sinai, or whether you have the seed which has been imparted to you in the form of the Holy Spirit, both of those seeds need to be quickened, and the quickening agent is the Spirit of Christ. It has to be quickened. Why?


Brethren, we have a Pentecostal church filled with thousands if not millions or trillions of people who have the Holy Spirit, but Christ is not manifesting in them. Why is He not manifesting in them? There has to be a quickening agent, they have received the seed, the world has received the seed through what is called Pentecost, but that seed has to be quickened.


I am not going to go any further on that today, because that is not our message.


Everyone went to his own city and, that is his own spiritual city, and we know that our spiritual city is within us. There are two spiritual cities.  There is a spiritual city of Leviathan which is called Babylon, that spiritual city which extends from the lowest energy center where the Fiery Serpent is, up into the lower part of our heart center.


If the Lord lets me go through with what I have on my heart tonight, I do have a message for you about the circumcision of the heart.


The physical heart has two cavities, and each cavity has two chambers in it. I believe that this has intense spiritual significance, but we will have to wait until tonight for that, but we know that the spiritual city of Babylon, the Lord of which is the Dragon, extends or covers over from the lower center where the Fiery Serpent is up into the first half, or the lower half of the heart center, or the first cavity of the heart center.  That is where the spiritual city of Babylon is.


People who are spiritual outside of Christ, their spirituality  extends from, or their spirituality is brought forth by the energy that is produced from the lower center up to the lower half of the heart center.  All of this energy being given off by those centers produces a sea of energy, and that sea of energy is called Satan. We have had several messages on that.


People who are spiritual out of their natural mind are spiritual in Satan. That is where their energy...spirit is energy, that is where their energy is coming from, that is where their spirituality is coming from.  Those of us who are spiritual in Christ,  we belong to the city of God.


I believe, from what the Lord showed me in the Scriptures, that it is valid to call it Michael's city,  and that spiritual city extends from the upper portion of the heart center all the way up. When it is fulfilled in you, it will extend all the way up to the crown center, and the way it works is that we, through the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, had the power to ascend up into our throat center.


When our consciousness is abiding in our throat center, Adam is raised from the dead in us.  Michael who enters in, Michael is attached to the eternal realm of the Godhead, enters in through the crown center and reaches down with his hand and grabs our hand.


Adam is our hand, and Michael is the hand from above.  The left and right together, they make the left and right hand, the two hands join,  we are connected to the eternal Godhead again, and this is the fulfillment of Michael's city in us.


For those of us whose consciousness has not yet ascended into the throat center which would be full stature. No, sorry that would not be full stature, but for those of us who have not yet...in the throat center, when our consciousness is abiding in the throat center, Adam is risen from the dead in us, but that is not the end of it. When Adam rises from the dead, he has to overcome Satan.


Remember, as soon as Jesus was caught up at His baptism, as soon as He came up out of the water, He was caught up into a spiritual temptation, a spiritual standoff with Satan. Jesus rose into His throat center, and when He overcame Satan He ascended further into His brow center. 


When our consciousness is in the brow center, that is what is known as full stature, and we have an intimate vibrant relationship with the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.


I see this with the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, comes in through the crown center.  You realize now that we are in the New Testament, and I am still using the Old Testament terminology.


When I say Michael, it really should be the Lord Jesus Christ. There has just been so much time in the Old Testament, I have carried the terminology over into the New Testament, so I will have to make those changes in the translation.


Michael is appearing to us in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament.  For those of us who have not ascended into our throat center, we still have access to Michael's or to the Lord Jesus Christ's spiritual city.


We can access that spiritual city through the mind of Christ that is in us.  The mind of Christ that is in us is a citizen of that city, in our earth.  If the Holy Spirit has come to you and joined with your human spirit, and you have been quickened, if Christ has been quickened in you, that human spirit in you that has been quickened is a citizen of Michael's spiritual city, and you have been penetrated by a hand from the Godhead above, if you can hear that.


We are still down here under the earth, we are still fallen. Satan and the carnal mind still has dominion in a lot of areas over us, but we have been penetrated by a hand, or at least a finger from the Godhead from above, and because of that, the whole protection of Michael's city is directed towards us.


The protection is not perfect, because we have to overcome our carnal mind.


Someone was telling me the other day about a preacher who preaches that if God could change things He would do it.  Apparently He cannot change things. This is convoluted thinking, this is the thinking of the carnal mind. God can change things. The fact of the matter is that we are in a spiritual prison, we are down here in jail, and every evil thing that happens to us happens because our own unconscious mind, Satan, is orchestrating it.


It is the fallen mind of this world that brings forth all of the evil of this world, but I do not want to get...that is a whole other message.  I have it on a lot of messages,


God is doing something, but He is not doing what the carnal mind would like him to do. The carnal mind would like him to just take all the rape and the murder and the pain away, but that is not what Jesus is doing.


What Jesus is doing is working towards raising up the mind of Christ in us, and joining Himself to that mind of Christ, so that each and every one of us in the world should overcome the evil mind in us which is causing all the evil in the world.


What is out there is in our mind. This evil world is the product of an evil mind. Even those of us who are living socially acceptable lives have the bestial mind in us, and we are finding out here what our unconscious mind is doing that we have not been aware of for all of these years.


Brethren, the answer to crying and pain and violation in this world is the eclipsing of the bestial mind that is projecting the events of this world. Jesus' answer which is Jehovah's answer to our problem is a new righteous mind which will defeat this present criminal mind, and while this new mind is in the making, all of the wickedness that is happening in the world is just. 


It is a just recompense, but for everyone who has thrown themselves on the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ, He has made a way of escape.


Even in the midst of the just recompense, there is a way of escape for those who will confess their sins and repent and serve Him. There is a decent life available to us I believe with all my heart, free from rape and murder.


You do not go out tempting God, you have to take caution, but I believe that if you are really living for God, I really think that you will be protected from the evils of this world.


Not many people are totally sold out to God, brethren, very few, but it is the mind of man who would blame the Lord Jesus Christ for the evils that happen in this world.  That mind set that blames the Lord Jesus Christ or considers Him guilty of not doing anything about it, that is a mind that is not under the protection of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the carnal mind.


The Christ mind says, "I acknowledge I am in this spiritual jail which is a just recompense for the crimes, the spiritual crimes, that were committed, but while I am down here, the Lord, if I follow Him and if I follow His ways, will protect me.


I want to tell you that protection is in service, that protection is in service. I tell you the truth, I am not telling anyone how to live their life, but I am telling you that no matter how much you think you love the Lord Jesus Christ, if you go to church a couple of times a week, and you read a couple of chapters of the Bible everyday, and you think that you are protected, the truth is that you may not be.


There are many factors. There are family curses, there are family line blessings, but if you are a person who has a preponderance of curses on your family line, and your commitment to the Lord is church a couple of times a week and reading a couple of chapters of the Bible a day, you very well may not be protected against those curses.


The deeper and the more difficult the curses on your life, the deeper you will have to go into Christ to find protection from those curses.  If you do not have a lot of evil on your family line, and how do you know if you have a lot of evil on family line? If there is premature death, if there is drug addiction, if there is alcoholism, if there is divorce, if there is trouble on your family line, you have got curses, and the stronger those curses the more people you see this manifesting in.


Just trouble, financial trouble, spiritual trouble, you know what trouble is whoever is listening to this message, you know what trouble in a life is. The deeper that trouble, the more people in your family that you see it manifesting in, sickness, death, the deeper you have to go in your consecration to Jesus Christ, and in your service to Jesus Christ to overcome those curses.


I cried out for help for my daughter and for myself. I had to go this deep to overcome the curses on my family line, and I am pretty deep, brethren.  My whole life is given over to Him, I am very deep. My whole family was being wiped out under destruction.


Everyone went into his own city.  This Chapter, Luke 2, is talking about Mary and Joseph. They were of the tribe of Judah, we are talking about Judah here.  Everyone in Judah that had their human spirit connected to God...I do not know at this point. 


Let me say it this way, I believe in the wilderness, whatever that means, when Moses was a mediator to Israel, there are Scriptures that indicate that everybody that was with him in the wilderness had a connection to Adam and Michael above through Moses as mediator.


At the time that Jesus appeared, I believe that Israel was backslidden. Judah was backslidden at the time that Jesus appeared.


I am going to choose to believe, unless God corrects me, that everyone who was of Judah that day was not connected to God. That is the way it looks to me, but there were people in Judah whose heart was seeking God and was serving God to the extent that a relationship had been established between these people of Judah and the spirit of Elijah.


I have been all over the place this morning. First, I said Michael, and then I said the Lord Jesus Christ and, of course, I realize now that the Lord Jesus Christ was Savior at this point even though we are in the New Testament, so please forgive me for bouncing you around like this, and I rebuke this confusion on my mind.


The Savior of Israel is Elijah, so it was the spirit of Elijah that was reaching towards the faithful of Israel, and those of Israel who were reaching towards their God had a relationship with the spirit of Elijah, and those who had a relationship with the spirit of Elijah were in Michael's spiritual city.


I had it right, Michael being Elijah's elder, Michael being a part of the Godhead attached to Elohim and Jehovah. Elijah is Michael's hand, Elijah is the personality that was glorified, Elijah was glorified, and he ascended.  Elijah is an ascended man.


Michael has no personality. Michael is an aspect of the Godhead, he has no human personality attributed to him. Elijah was a human man who was glorified, so we see Michael through a series of lifetimes descending into the earth, taking on human personalities.


Actually, we see Elohim through Michael descending into the earth taking on, wrapping himself in human personality. Why? Because His ultimate goal, Elohim's ultimate goal is to penetrate the earth in a form that will be able to deliver all of humanity out of the clutches of the Serpent. 


It has been determined by the Godhead that in order to do this great work, to deliver all of humanity that is fallen under the power of the Serpent out of hell, that it is necessary for Michael to descend into the earth to associate himself, to wrap himself with a human, fallen personality, to raise Adam from the dead in those personalities and thus raise us up spiritually and, eventually, bring the whole man out from hell. This is the plan.


The first that we hear about in the New Testament of Michael descending into a personality is the personality of Moses, and the spiritual translation,  if you look through the Interlinear Text and if you ask the Lord for the truth, the truth is we are told about it in the book of Jude, that Moses resisted full ascension into full stature, and that his problem was that he was having trouble confessing his sin nature.


I believe Moses had an imputed full stature. He had the power that is associated with full stature for the specific purpose of accomplishing Jehovah's goals in Israel. Moses did not have a full stature which he received because he overcame his carnal mind.


After this great work was done for Jehovah, Michael was offering Moses a permanent full stature which requires the confession of sin, repentance, and the overcoming and treading under of your carnal mind.  Moses resisted and, therefore, never ascended into a permanent full stature.


The next time we see Michael wrapping himself in human personality is in the man Elijah. Michael did it with Elijah, and he did it with Elisha, and they both ascended.  If you think they did not, that must mean you are believing the King James translation which is incorrect in this area.


Michael found a man in Elijah who agreed to all that he had to do so that he would ascend and become a glorified man, and now we see Michael one step closer to mortal man.


He has a hand, Michael has a hand that he can eject into fallen humanity, and the name of that hand is Elijah, and Elijah was appointed as Savior to Israel.  It was Elijah who quickened the Lord Jesus Christ. It was the Lord Jesus Christ that had the spirit of Elijah, not John the Baptist, I am sorry.


Today, the Lord Jesus Christ is Savior of the world. Elijah was a Savior to Israel, and the Lord Jesus Christ is Savior to the whole world including Israel, only Israel does not know it yet, but until Israel knows, they still have a Savior.


Israel still has a Savior, but when Israel turns to that Savior, that spirit of Elijah will direct them to the Lord Jesus Christ because that is the way the whole plan is going. I hope I made that clear. That is not even today's message.


Every man went into his own city.  All of that explanation was to tell you that those people in Judah at the time of Jesus' birth who were seeking God with all of their heart, and we will read about it in a few verses down, they were guarding themselves, they were being guarded against their animal nature.


That means those people who were willing to confess their sins and repent and admit that they needed help to guard their animal nature, had a relationship with Michael's hand, which was the spirit of Elijah, which was reaching down into Judah in that day. Did I make that clear? Some confusion came on me today when I tried to preach that.


Therefore, the faithful of Judah were in Michael's city through their connection with the mediator, Elijah, who was reaching down into their fallen minds. Elijah was the mediator that connected the human spirit of the faithful in Judah with Michael's spiritual city.


What is Michael's spiritual city? Michael's spiritual city is all the spiritual energy coming from above.


Michael is attached to Elohim and Jehovah. He enters in through the crownlets center of the man and activates the brow center and the throat center.


All of the energy that is above is Michael's spiritual city. The energy that is above is clean energy, clean spirit, coming from the Godhead, from the world above the firmament, and the city that is below which is Leviathan's city or Babylon, it is dirty energy.  It is the urine, it is polluted, and it is evil.


Does anybody not understand what the two cities are? Everybody is connected to some spiritual city, but if you are a person who is not a spiritual person, you may not know God, but depending on your inherited psychic power you may.


It may not be very active in you, but everybody is connected to either the spiritual city below or the spiritual city above, and, of course, the Book of Revelation calls the spiritual city above, "The new Jerusalem." The Lord Jesus Christ's city is the new Jerusalem.


Everyone went into his own city, and it was revealed of what spirit they were, and the reason they went into their own city was to have the pregnant woman, that is the carnal mind, who was engraved with the nature of the thief that they were mentally joined to.


That is a translation of the word "espoused," to be joined in mind or spirit but not physically joined. Brethren, everyone in the world today, as far as I know, is espoused to the Serpent, and she fully intends to marry everyone in the earth.


We see people in Judah with double minds, they are attached to this pregnant woman. She is pregnant with the Serpent's offspring, the carnal mind, but in the midst of the carnal mind our human spirit is clinging in this day to the Lord Jesus Christ.


At the time of Luke 2, it was in only the people in Judah.  They were the only people that had the opportunity to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, with the Godhead, through the spirit of Elijah.


You are going to find out that the Shepherds in the field were Jews, the Magi, they were Jews, brethren. If I ever get to it today, I am a little long winded, they were Jews. Praise the Lord.


Everyone went into their own city. Every Jew that had a relationship with the spirit of Elijah went into Michael's city, and every Jew that did not have a relationship with the spirit of Elijah went into the Serpent's city.  A division was made, the cattle were separated from the cattle.


Everyone went into his own city to have the pregnant woman, that is the carnal mind, who was engraved with the nature of the thief, that is Satan. Satan is the nature of the thief. I put that in there with Satan the nature of the thief, that they were mentally joined to.


Brethren, we are all mentally joined to Satan, she is our unconscious mind. Leviathan, because this was happening, what was happening, what was happening?


Michael above sending Elijah to gather up the faithful to save them from the Serpent's timeline. Leviathan, the heathen timeline that has the nature of the sea bottom, sprang up out of the human spirits of Judah, the tribe of Elohim's household that carried Elohim's nature.


This human spirit, brethren, he is up for grabs. He was made into a homosexual harlot by the Serpent, and he is joined, he is in a female role right now, so we will call him a she. She is joined to two husbands, Leviathan and the spirit of Elijah, and today we are in the same exact condition.


Our human spirit is joined to Leviathan and to the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.  This whole message is what is happening to us today. It already happened to Judah, and now it is happening to the faithful in the church.


Brethren, the lines are being drawn. Everyone who is truly connected to the Lord Jesus Christ and abiding in His city is going through, and maybe not all together, maybe not all at the same degree at the same time, but you will, you are going to receive the opportunity to ascend.


The people who call themselves Christians, and they could be reading the Bible every night and going to church everyday, but in their heart they are not connected to the Spirit of Christ.  You can have the Holy Spirit and not be connected. You could be talking in tongues, casting out demons, healing the sick, and not be connected to the Lord Jesus Christ's spiritual city. You have to be engrafted in.


They are not getting the opportunity to ascend.  Is it punishment?  No, it is not punishment, it is the will of the Lord that all should come to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.


You have the Holy Spirit and you are not grafted in, it is because somewhere along the line you were disobedient.  It is not punishment. If you are hearing this message, and you have any doubts at all that you are grafted in, cry out to God, confess your sins and repent and ask to be grafted in.


Oh, you cannot do that, you cannot confess your sins and repent?  That is why you are not grafted in. You think you have everything you need, you think you do not need Christ added to you, that is why you are not grafted in.


You have not because you ask not, and if you are not asking because you think you do not need it, may God have mercy on you, you are in trouble.


Leviathan sprang out of the same human spirit that was attached to the spirit of Elijah. "So that she would" should be stricken out, that carried Elohim's nature to, for the purpose of bringing the timelines that were within her into existence.


What is that talking about? We are talking about Leviathan, brethren, who was the collective subconscious mind of the fallen man, and she has timelines within her.


Each one of us is a timeline, each one of us is a day. Our whole lifetime, by our standard, is one day in the lifetime of Christ who is trying to rise from the dead in us. He is having many experiences through many individuals.


When we are growing up we can only experience one year at a time, first year, second year, third year, fourth year, and you cannot skip. Either you are four years old or you are five years old, or you are six years old, but Christ who is being raised from the dead in us is experiencing many years at the same time.


He is experiencing multiple timelines at the same time, He is having many experiences on many different levels through many different fallen human beings, and each one of us is a timeline.


Just as there are many rivers that empty out into the ocean, there are many timelines signified by the word "day" in the Scripture that empty out in to a collective timeline signified by the word "year" in the Scripture.


Leviathan has many timelines within her, that many human beings, that she is intending to birth into this world for the specific purpose of supplying that place, and I expounded on that in Part 1, so I am really not going to go into it too much, but that place is this fallen world, where she herds us like cattle so that she can consume the energy that is imparted to us when we are born into this world.


What do we have here, what do we have here? We have here that Michael has sent out a command that it is time to engrave the whole world with his nature, it is time to save the whole world, but Leviathan's timeline, the Serpent's timeline went out to do everything that Michael was doing through the Spirit of Elijah, and in this hour it is the Lord Jesus Christ.


Is  Satan not doing the same thing? It is still happening today, she is still trying to capture the human spirits of men and make us into the Serpent's timeline instead of timelines for the Lord Jesus Christ.


She is trying to make us as houses or experiences that will be raising up the Serpent's kingdom rather than a house which will be an opportunity for the resurrected Christ to experience His life. 


We see Michael sending out a command, Leviathan trying to block the command, and this war is going on for who is going to possess the human spirit of all of the faithful in Judah.  Joseph was safe because Joseph's Christ mind guarded his animal mind, that is Leviathan, the subconscious mind of fallen man.


The Christ mind guarded Joseph's animal mind, and Michael's spiritual city preserved his human spirit. Joseph was saved.


There were others whose animal nature was guarded by their Christ mind and whose human spirit was preserved by Michael's spiritual city. While they were assembled in the spiritual darkness, that is a translation of the word "shepherd." To be assembled, they were assembled in the dark.


I think the King James says, "the shepherds in the dark." I think the King James says, but "the assembled ones" is a translation of "shepherds," as I explained to you on Part 1.


To come into this human form that we think is a solid form, we really are an assemblage of trillions of atoms of matter that are assembled in a specific pattern around spirit. That is what we are, we are assembled, and we are lined up in a certain specific order.  If you know anything genes, or chromosomes, that is exactly what science will tell you about chromosomes, that they are genes just lined up in a specific order, the genetic code.


What I am seeing in my mind right now is one of those baby bracelets that you get at the hospital with all the beads, that is what I am seeing in my mind.


For someone to have brown hair, the chromosome that gives you brown hair...you can have ten thousand genes lined up on one string just like that baby bracelet that will program in brown hair for you. We are an assemblage, we are an accumulation of physical matter, and the accumulation of spiritual matter.


We are the product of the program of a super computer that has literally put us together in this form, and when this form falls apart, the truth of what we are is revealed. We are spirit with a personality and a mind that is dead, and when we die the only thing that remains is the bones of this creature which we are, which is our spirit.


There were others also whose animal nature was guarded by their Christ mind which was imputed.  The Christ mind that was formed when the human reached out into a relationship with the Spirit of Elijah, an imputed Christ mind was formed. What does that mean? Was not engrafted, was not engrafted. 


The human spirit was preserved by Michael's spiritual city while they were assembled in the spiritual darkness.


These people  had faith towards God, but they really were not into the exposure of the sin nature and the confession and repentance of specific sin. What we are doing here, they were not into it, but by their faith, they were under protection, and you will hear when we get to the end of this Alternate Translation. 


I do not know if it is on this part, it may be on the verses for today, that when they got the revelation that this marvelous message that was brought to them, actually it was Elijah that appeared to them  when they fully believed that it was true, because they saw Jesus the child, and it was witnessed to their spirit that all this was true.


Their reaction was to promise God to do everything that they were told to do.


This is the same message that we found in the Book of Jonah, and I have the verse here for you as second witness. What was it that they were promising God to do? They made vows to God to do what? To face their specific sin, to die to their own sin nature by facing everything that was in their heart.


In other words, the vow and the promises that they made towards God was to not stop here, but they have received this gift, they received the embryonic Christ, they received the power to eventually be fully delivered from hell, and their promise was that they would not take this gift or this talent, we are told in the New Testament, and bury it in the ground and not use it.


Their promises were they would do everything they were instructed to do.  They would not just take the loaves and the fishes and stop here.  They were going to go all the way through.


The people in Judah today, and most of the people in the church world today have an imputed Christ mind.  The Christ mind can only be permanently engrafted to you when you are destroying, when you are using Christ to destroy your carnal mind.


In this physical world, if you want to kill somebody with a knife, you penetrate them with that knife, and that knife becomes a part of that person. The person is impaled by the knife.  There is no separation from the person that the knife, or the sword....well, as you use your Christ mind to crucify your carnal mind, the two become one.  That is the engrafting..


The engrafting is the joining, that is when you engraft, when you use the Christ mind.  When your conscious mind and your personality rise up and lay hold of the Christ mind and use it to crucify the carnal mind, that is the engrafting of the word.


We have a lot of people that have the Holy Spirit, but He is not engrafted and, quite to the contrary, the message I hear everywhere in the church today, the message is "Do not judge, do not judge."


There are two kinds of judgment.  There is righteous judgment, and there is judgment before the time. As far as I know I am the only one in the kingdom church that is preaching that your sin nature has to be exposed. Nobody wants to face it, but it is the truth anyhow.


The engrafting is through a cutting. Even when you graft one plant to another, you have to cut in.  There is a cutting, brethren.


Because this was the situation, what was the situation? Michael sent forth the command, saying "It is time for the salvation of the world." The Serpent sent Leviathan to rise up out of the human spirits of those who are faithfully waiting for this salvation to stop this salvation from coming forth, and there were people in Judah who were faithful to Jehovah through the spirit of Elijah.


Because of these set of circumstances, and because Leviathan was stopping the promised salvation from coming to pass, Elohim compressed his firstborn son.


Verse 7, "Elohim compressed his firstborn son, made him to spiritually lie down and brought him forth in an animal body to break apart and destroy the Fiery Serpent's household." 


I went over this in Part 1 so I do not want to spend too much time on it. Elohim compressed his son, spirit is energy, whose natural condition or energy which is either expanded or contracted, and when it is expanded, energy vibrates out, can vibrate out for many miles and when it is contracted...what is a natural example of contracted energy? A battery, energy packed into a battery.


Elohim contracted his son which was energy, made him to lie down in a human body, brought him forth in an animal body for the specific purpose of breaking apart and destroying the Fiery Serpent's house.  If you are out there thinking that you are going to take this physical body in with you, brethren, you cannot take the physical body in with you.  Jesus is destroying it.


Jesus is sent to destroy your physical body as soon as your spiritual house is ready for you to occupy. You have to give up the animal life.  You cannot take the animal life into heaven.  You can believe it all you want, but you will find out that you cannot do it.


Verse 9, "And Elijah, the spiritual man who controlled the carnal mind, or who had the strength to control the carnal mind, appeared, and they saw Elijah the controller, and Michael's magnificent...." Elijah was attached to Michael. Elijah is Michael's hand, so when they saw Elijah they also saw Michael's magnificent vibrating energy. 


Michael is not a man, Michael is energy. Elijah is a whole glorified man, and the two are one.


When they saw Elijah, the controller, they also saw Michael's. It is the same thing as saying, "I and the Lord Jesus Christ are one."


I am not preaching, I am preaching this message, but it is the union of the Lord Jesus Christ, Christ in me and my personality, and my conscious mind that are all preaching this message.


It is certainly not me alone, but the only one that you see is me, and if you could see in the spirit, I really expect that you would see tremendous energy circulating around me, because there is a lot of power here today and it is the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, because I do not have any power that is worth anything. Any power that I have is Satan's.


Elijah, the spiritual man who controlled the carnal mind, appeared and they saw Elijah the controller, and Michael's magnificent vibrating energy was shining all around him like a halo, and their carnal minds were seized with alarm.  Those whose carnal mind was guarded and human spirit preserved, acknowledged that Elijah was their elder and submitted to him. 


The carnal mind is terrified of the appearance of Michael and Elijah, or, in this hour, the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ joined to the Christ within us.  The carnal mind is terrified, but those whose human spirit has a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ will recognize that you are of God and submit to the Godhead in you, submit to the God in a person.


If it is the Lord Jesus Christ in a person, they are not going to try to do anything ungodly to you, or dominate you or control you in anyway. Submit to the God in the person. That is what Elisha did.  He submitted to the Godhead in Elijah.


Verse 10, "And Elijah the spiritual man said to them, do not be alarmed, but understand that I am bringing the good news that spiritually mature, calm delight is available to all the people."


I talked a lot about that on Part 1, that we are talking about the satisfaction of human needs which very frequently, in this country anyway, people seek to satisfy through agitated delight, agitated delight, wild dancing, stimulating music. Am I against it? No, I am not putting anybody under the law, I am not against anything.


I am telling you that there is a different life, there is another life available where calm delight satisfies you, delight that lasts.


If you are satisfied by stimulating music and wild dancing, what happens if your body breaks down and you cannot do it anymore?


When I was a young woman, I use to dance until I dropped. I use to go down to Basin Street in Manhattan on Sundays and dance for hours to wild Hispanic music. It was the pachanga in those days, right?  What happens when your body cannot handle it anymore, what is going to give you delight? 


The calm delight that comes from above, when it is given to you will satisfy you forever.  You will be satisfied without this kind of agitated physical or mental activity.


"So Elijah the spiritual man said to them, do not be alarmed but understand that I am bringing the good news that spiritually mature, calm delight is available to all the people, and, as evidence of this good news, Michael Elohim's spiritual city, has given Christ the controller to you this day, the Savior who can deliver you from the animal mind."


I have translated and interpreted many of these words including the shepherds in the field at night, and, brethren, I am convinced that these were Jews that Elijah appeared to, and in the past I told you that I thought they were incarnated immortals that were not Jews. 


I changed my mind. I believe the Lord has shown me these were faithful Jews that the Lord came to, and they were incarnated immortals but they were incarnated immortals in Christ.


There are incarnated immortals from the Serpent, and there are incarnated immortals from God. We know that God incarnates people. I believe there are incarnated immortals in Christ all through the church, all through the world.  They do not know who they are. One of the signs is you have to be spiritual.


If you are an incarnated immortal you are spiritual.  If you are not an incarnated immortal, and you want to be spiritual, Jesus can make you spiritual, but one of the signs that you are specifically incarnated by Him is that you are spiritual, and that you are drawn to the spiritual life, you are drawn to the spiritual life.


Why are you drawn to the spiritual life? There has to be something in there.  Most of the world is not, most of the church world is not.  They want to dance and sing, but they really do not want to be spiritual.


Brethren, to be spiritual requires deep discipline, long hours of deep discipline and commitment, doing things that you would not always choose to do.  There has to be something in there.  Then Elijah continued on to say to them, "But understand that this miraculous embryo," that is Christ engrafted to them. "But understand that this miraculous embryo is contracted and lying down in your animal body."


That is what Elijah said to them.  Full satisfaction is available to you, but it has come to you in seed form, it has to grow, it has to grow, and it has to overcome and swallow up the nature that you were born with.


Verse 13, "And suddenly, Elijah the spiritual man who brought God's promise from heaven, joined Christ the celestial luminary to the assemblage." 


The "assemblage," that is a translation for "shepherd." Those who were assembled together in the darkness of this animal body, Christ was engrafted to them. It is a parable, the whole story is a parable, brethren. I honestly do not know whether there was a census.


On several occasions as we are doing these kinds of interpretations, I have asked the Lord if I should go to the library and try to check the historical facts, and he has told me not to spend my time doing that.  I honestly do not know if there really was a census in the days that Jesus was born. I honestly do not know, there may have been.


If there was truly a census, then these Scriptures are true, both on a spiritual and a physical level. Does everybody understand what I said?


I believe that the shepherds in the field, and they are called Magi in other verses, they are called magicians. The reason they are called magicians, not in the verses, in other gospels, is because when they received Christ, and you will see as we go on, they were caught up to a very high place, possibly an imputed full stature.


That initial contact with Elijah, where Christ was engrafted to them, they were caught up to a very high place, and they became magicians.


Brethren, all spiritual people who are moving in spiritual power are magicians. I always thought that was a bad word, you know magic, and magicians, but it is referring to spiritual power.  We are called to be magicians.


If that word offends you, you do not have to use it, but it is just a word. We are called to wield spiritual power, to do exploits, and signs and wonders. That makes you a magician.


You do not have to use that word if you do not want to, but what I am trying to get through to you is an understanding of what we will really be doing when the power of God falls upon us. We are going to be doing what people do not understand is coming out of the spirit of God.  We may very well be called magicians.


If someone sees what you are doing and calls you a magician, you now have a choice. Are you going to respond to them calling you a magician, and get all upset because your pride gets out of joint, or are you just going to understand that what they are saying is they recognize that you are doing exploits?


When the Lord first brought me into full time ministry, my testimony is not at all typical.  I was not raised up in the church, and there was so much that I did not know that people who have been in the church all their life knew. There was so much I did not know, the Lord just brought me right into the spiritual aspect of it.


Several people from time to time would say to me, do you work, because money was a real problem here when I first started out. I have come up the hard way, and I did not have anything, and I was very poor, and to people who were carnal, to them that meant that the Lord had not called me, and I had some very difficult years.


Someone would say to me, not meaning me any harm, "Do you work?" I would say, "Of course, I work.  I work 15 hours a day," but what they were trying to say to me was they wanted to know if I had a secular job.


I know you said that to me once. I do not remember the circumstances of it, but I got all upset in those days when people would say that to me, and I have no memory of anyone person saying that to be trying to hurt me.  They wanted the answer for some reason.


Finally, the Lord said to me,"Sheila, what they mean is do you work at a secular job, that is what they mean."   I have to accept that when somebody says that, and I found out that it was my pride,  because I was really condemned by a lot of people for the way I was living.  "Why do you not work, why do you not go out and get a job,  why are you living like that?


I was condemned.  That is not my case right now, but I was condemned by a lot of people at the time, because I gave up my secular job. I gave up everything, and I was very poor for several years, had all my needs met, but very poor, and my pride rose up when someone would say to me, "Do you not work? My pride rose up, and I had to confess that it was pride. 


The truth is that I did not work, and the truth is that I was very poor for several years for the kingdom of God's sake, and that the truth is that Jesus told me that He was my full supply, and if He was not seeing fit to give me certain things that made me look sociably acceptable at that time, He was not giving them to me, and I had to live with that.


I know when my daughter got married, I did not have the money to go to her wedding.  I remember I cried, and then somebody came in, I had to take a train, I did not have the money to take a plane to Florida.  To people with carnal minds, I was a disgrace. My parents were very upset with me, I was a disgrace, what can I tell you.


When you are a prophet of God, there are breakings that you go through.  I am not telling you that everybody has to lose all your money when you come to God, but that is what happened to me. I lost everything I had.  Not everything, I kept my car.  He let me keep my car, and He let me keep my apartment and the furniture in the apartment.  Aside from that, I lost everything. Praise the Lord.


There is a verse 14. I will read it to you, but it really does not... it really goes with everything subsequent to verse 14, but I will read it to you.


Verse 14, "It is true indeed that mortal men can experience the tranquility and satisfaction which is from above the earth through the Most High God."


That is what we are hoping for whether we know it or not.  The whole world is looking to be satisfied, to stop running and to stop their labor, and have peace with God.


When I say stop your labor, that does not mean that you do not work.  If you are God's employee you work harder than...I work....I put in more hours than anything that I know at a secular job, but it is a labor of the spirit, it is a labor of the spirit.


Before we go on, does anyone have any questions about anything that I have preached so far? 


You may or may not have noticed that I completely changed Verse 13, so I just wanted to read you Verse 13, and then we will go with...I will read 14, and then we will go on with 15.


Luke 2:13, "And suddenly there was the angel, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying..."  I worked up "there," "and suddenly there," the word "with" can be translated "completed" or "companion."


An angel is a spiritual man.  The word "multitude" we are translating "filled," and the word "army" can be translated "celestial luminary." That is right in the Strong's or Thayer's.  "That came from heaven saying...",  I have in there that we could translate "praising the true story," but I think we decided not to use that.


This is our new translation of Verse 13, "And suddenly Elijah, the spiritual man who brought God's promise from heaven, joined Christ." I think that is a translation of the word "with." "Joined Christ the celestial luminary to the assemblage, multitude of the heavenly host."


"And suddenly Elijah the spiritual man who brought God's promise from heaven joined Christ, the celestial luminary to the assemblage."


I guess "assemblage" is a translation of "multitude," I must have chosen that word to stay consistent with the concept that we found in the word shepherd, "those that were assembled." "And suddenly Elijah the spiritual man who brought God's promise from heaven joined Christ the celestial luminary to all of those who are assembled in the darkness of this world."


Verse 14, "It is true indeed that by the Most High God, mortal men can experience the tranquility and satisfaction which is from above the earth."


Continuing With Luke 2:15-20


Luke 2:15, And it came to pass as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, let us now go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known to us.


We are translating "were gone away," we are translating that "ascend." To go away can be translated "ascend," "From them into the world above," that is a translation of heaven. "The spiritual men," that is a translation of "angels." "The assembled ones or incarnated immortals in Christ" is a translation for "shepherds."


"Said one to another," now this is very tricky, I have seen this kind of, I have seen this in the Old Testament before, I do not know that I have ever seen it in the New Testament, "said one to the other."


We do not know who is talking, when the Scripture says, "said one to the other." It has to be interpreted as to who is talking, and who is talking to whom, and I want to suggest to you that the first party who was talking is the Christ who is now engrafted to the shepherds of these incarnated immortals. 


As soon as Christ is engrafted to you, whether you were born with the seed or not, you become an incarnated immortal, because Christ is in the immortal, and as soon as He starts taking over your life, you are an incarnated immortal.


If you are moving in the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is controlling and ruling through you, you are an incarnated immortal, Christ is immortal. Anybody having a problem with that? I tell you the truth.  One said to the other, Christ and who is the engrafted Christ? It is really the mind of Christ which is the resurrected Abel.


Abel said to Cain, and who is Cain in you? Cain is your fallen nature in the form of your fallen conscious mind. When you receive the mind of Christ, that is Abel raised from the dead in you, and your fallen conscious mind is Cain.


One said to the other, Abel said to Cain, "Now we are both going to do what I want to do," because you may recall that Cain is inferior to Abel, and now when I say inferior I do not.... maybe that was not the best choice of words.


I am talking about authority in the same way the Scripture says the woman is the weaker vessel. What it means is the person who has to submit to authority is the weaker vessel. That was how I used that word "inferior." Now that Abel is here Cain has a head. Abel is the head.  Abel said to Cain, to the old nature, "Now this is what we are going to do."


Brethren, this is what it is all about. The Lord Jesus Christ wants to rule your life, He wants to say to you, "Now this is what we are going to do," and He wants you to do it, but that does not happen too often with most of us.  If Christ is engrafted to you, if the mind of Christ is present in you, if Abel is raised from the dead in you, there is a war going on in you, because Christ wants to be the head of your old man.


If you could do it yourself, that is fine, but you may need someone to help beat up Cain in you if Cain is too strong, or if Abel is too weak.  That is what is happening to us today.


The Scripture, I believe Peter said it, "When you're young you do whatever you want, but when you're older, someone else will dress you," and it is the resurrected Abel, the mind of Christ in you that wants to cover Cain over like a garment,  and I suggest to you that is what is happening here in these few little words, "one said to the other."


Your carnal mind will tell you, "One shepherd said to the other shepherd," but I suggest to you, the resurrected Abel said to the fallen nature, "This is what we are going to do."


You are only an incarnated immortal, brethren, if you are living out of Christ.  You are only an incarnated immortal when you are living out of Him. You have to be following Him.


I do not know if that is true. I guess if He is engrafted to you, you are an incarnated immortal whether you are in obedience or not.


"So said one to another, let us go now to the bottom of the sea." That is a translation of Bethlehem, "Let us go to Bethlehem which is at the bottom of the sea." What does that mean? 


They just have this tremendous experience with Elijah,  their consciousness was way up in the high centers, they were all connected to the Godhead above, they had just been visited by Michael and Elijah themselves, and Christ said, "Let us descend to the lower centers, let us go descend into the world where the people are who are not where we are spiritually, let us go into the world that is underneath the heart center at the bottom of the sea." We are all made from mud, brethren, that is found in the bottom of the sea.


"Let us go into the physical world and see this living voice." That is a translation of the word "thing," which really is the Greek word "rhema." They translated the Greek word "rhema" "thing," and rhema means "a living voice."


That is not a human voice, that is not talking about a human voice.  It is talking about a voice that comes from someone who is alive, and we are all dead.


Elijah is alive, for the purposes of this translation, Elijah is alive, and for our purposes today the Lord Jesus Christ is alive, and if it is truly Christ speaking to you through me, today you hear a living voice, and it is either true or it is not true.


There is no point in arguing about it.  Either it is true or it is not true, whether you believe it or not. If this is really the Lord Jesus Christ joined to Christ in me talking to you, then you are hearing the voice of the living one, and it is your responsibility to discern it.


If you cannot discern it, ask the Lord Jesus Christ to help you have a true discernment, because you need to know who you are listening to.


"So said one to the other, let us go now to the bottom of the sea (That is Bethlehem), and see this living voice which has incarnated which Elijah, the controller, has told us about."


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:15, And as Christ, the spiritual man within the incarnated immortals.


I am now translating shepherds no longer "assembled ones," but I am translating the word shepherds "incarnated immortals." "And as Christ the spiritual man within the incarnated immortals ascended into the world above, it came to pass that Christ (that is a translation of one) said to their fallen animal nature." That is a translation "of the other." "Now let us go to the world below to see that which the living voice, Elijah's living voice told us was coming to pass."


Brethren, this is a radical translation. I do not know if you can...how much you think when you are listening to me preach, but if you stop to think about it, this is a radical translation because what I am saying to you is that Elijah, the spirit of Elijah and Michael, visited these faithful Jewish people and told them, visited these faithful Jewish people and engrafted Christ to them, and said, "Not only am I doing this great work to you, but I have engrafted myself to a newborn child who is the Savior of the whole world. I am just the Savior of Israel."


You have got this experience, and you have got experience, but neither one of you are equipped to pass it on to the world. They got it too, they did not come looking for it, they got it too and you are going to find out as the translation goes on that when they got to Joseph and Mary, they went to explain what had happened.


Do you know that it is possible that you could have a spiritual experience and not know what happened to you? You know that, right? You had a spiritual experience, you did not know what it was.


Brethren, this is part of the ministry of the sons.  There are going to be people all over the church world that are going to be pregnant with Christ, and they are not going to know what happened to them. They are not going to understand it, they are not going to know what to do with it.  Some of them are going to be frightened, and this is the way the translation worked up.


Elijah appeared to some faithful Jews, engrafted Christ to them, probably caught them up to a temporary full stature and sent them to Bethlehem to explain to Mary and Joseph what happened.


Then, in another gospel sent them to Herod, to tell Herod what happened, and the Savior of the world is lying as an infant child, a human infant, who was not in any condition to do anything for anybody at that point.


The people of Israel, as I understand it now, the people of Israel could have ascended without Jesus Christ, because they were the nation that had received the virile seed and the direct contract with Jehovah. They could have ascended through Elijah, Elisha did. Maybe some of them did, I do not know, I have no idea.


Did Jesus not  say something like, "And what if John will be around until the end of the age, what is it your business?" I never studied that in the Greek. I do not know, maybe some of them did go up. I do not know. 


Jesus is the Savior of the world. Let us just say for argument's sake, because I know people are going to manifest at what I am saying.


Listen, just for argument's sake, let us say that there were many Jews who ascended, who went all the way into glorification, through their experience with Elijah. That does not mean that they have the power to come down and save the world. Jesus went all the way into glorification.


I know for a fact, well according to these studies, that Elijah and Elisha were fully glorified. Why are they not the Savior of the world? Because the one, the chief honcho did not send them back as Savior of the world. It is very simple, that was not their job.


Everybody has to do the job that you are called to do and everything gets done.  You cannot be doing someone else's job.


Elijah was called, and Elisha was called to be Saviors or fathers to Israel, and they did their job and that was it. Jesus, the mantel was passed to Jesus, the mantel was passed to Jesus. Why? Because that is what Jehovah said it is going to be, and Jesus is the Savior of the world. 


What did Jesus do that Elijah and Elisha did not do? Of course, what Elijah did, Elisha did not even do, you know.  What did Jesus do that Elijah did not do? Jesus after he ascended, after He was glorified, He came back in spirit form and entered into the hearts of those apostles in Jerusalem, and the Holy Spirit has been going throughout the world ever since.


Why did  Elijah not do that? Jehovah did not tell him to do it, and he does not do anything that Jehovah does not tell him to do.


Jehovah through Michael, everything is a chain of command,  there is a full chain of command in the Godhead, and we saw that, and we have not finished Jonah yet, but we have done the first two chapters.


Jehovah spoke to Elohim, who spoke to Michael, who spoke to Elijah, who went down into the earth and raised Adam from the dead. Everything is a chain of command.  That is why you are not supposed to jump over people's position.  You are supposed to go through the chain of command. If you do not go through the chain of command, you are bringing confusion.


Everybody has to do their job, everybody has to know what everybody else's job is, and everybody is suppose to be in right relationship with everybody else. If I want something to be done, if this recording equipment, I am not going to xxxxxx, I am going to the one who is in charge of the recording equipment.  I am going to xxxx.


Praise the Lord, let us go on.  This is a hot message, I am telling you, wait to hear the rest of this. I guess you probably read it from your notes already.


Christ took control of these men, they were in a temporary full stature, and Verse 16 says,


Luke 2:16, And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in the manger.


We are translating "They came to and they arose, with haste," "to desire eagerly," and the Scripture says, "and found not only." I see I did not make a note of it, but there was, either there was a word left out, I see I did not note it, I am sorry.


"And they came with haste and found." I think there was a word that was not translated there that means, "not only."


I am pretty sure that it was not translated, "and they found not only," and I have amplified the child, Jesus, but they also found, oh here it is.  It is in the wrong place. 


Where it says, "not translated," I put it after the word Mary.  I see what I did. There is a word that is not translated that means "not only but," so they found not only the child, Jesus but they found Mary. "Not only but," it is an untranslated word, "not only but."


They went looking for the child, Jesus, and they not only found him, but they found Mary and also Joseph. Indeed, the embryonic Christ was lying down in these, and there is another "not" translated word there, "lying down in these animal bodies."


I want to suggest to you that the way the Lord is showing it to me, the way the Lord is showing it to me, I believe right now, is that Christ had been engrafted not only to the child, Jesus, but to Mary and to Joseph also, that Christ was being engrafted to the faithful in Israel, and out of all of those, this human infant, the youngest, was called to be their leader as soon as He grew up, and the Savior of the world.


Remember that David was the youngest, the youngest was given the office. God could do anything he wants.


I am going to say it again. I suggest to you that Elijah...I do not know if everyone in Israel had the same experience, that these faithful had, that the Scripture talks about.  Maybe Elijah appeared to everyone in the faithful personally, maybe it was a tremendous telepathic communication, such as Maitreya says He is going to do.


Maybe everyone in Israel, maybe everyone in Israel that was connected, you might say, had this experience at the same time that Elijah appeared to them and told them all these things.


I am sorry, that cannot be, that cannot be. Why? Because these few, who got this message were sent to Mary and Joseph to tell them the message, so it was only a few of them that Elijah appeared to, but according to my understanding of the Scripture there were others who had received the engrafted Christ but did not know what happened to them.


It was something that went forth without them knowing it, but Elijah and Michael appeared to this group of faithful and gave them the message.  We have the message here. I think that there are people in the church world who have connected with Jesus on some level. There are lots of them, but they do not know what is going on.


Jesus has come to a group of faithful and given them the message of what is going on, and those who have the message are sent to those who are having the experience but do not have the message.


Please note that when Christ in the shepherd said to them, "Now let us go see this thing that Elijah's living voice told us about, let us go see," Christ did not explain to these people, these men whoever they were, that they were going to explain to Mary and Joseph what had happened to them, and I want to tell you this is typical.


The Lord will say, "Go." He does not tell you why you are going, and you do not know what your assignment is until you get there, and even then you have to go through the whole thing that we went through off the message here to figure out what you are even supposed to be doing. You are just supposed to obey, and you better make sure it is Jesus that you are obeying.  That is what is happening here, let me read this to you.


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:16, And they arose, these shepherds, these incarnated immortals in Christ, those who were assembled in darkness, in the darkness of their animal bodies, they arose eagerly desiring to find not only the child Jesus, but Mary and Joseph to see if the embryonic Christ was lying down in these animal bodies also.


Why would they even think that the embryonic Christ was lying down in these animal bodies also? Why? Anybody know why they would even think that?  Because that is what Elijah told them.  The whole message that Elijah told them is not in Luke 2. Elijah told them a whole bunch of stuff that is not in Luke 2.


They probably got the whole Doctrine of Christ in one big syringe right into their arm, into their heart.


Luke 2:17, And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child.


This is the first time the word "child" is used. It is Strong's #3813, this is the word for a human.


We are translating the words "had seen" or "seen." That means "to perceive with the eyes." I do not know why I typed that in there, "to make known abroad," I guess that is just another translation for it. That "they perceived with their eyes" is a translation of "they had seen it," and the words "made known" means to "discern with the spirit."  They saw it with their eyes, and they recognized it with the spirit.


Everything we do for Christ, brethren, we are going to see it with our eyes, and we are also going to have to recognize it with the spirit.  What we see with our eyes is supposed to submit to what we see with the spirit. It has to line up with what we see with the spirit.


If we see something different with our eyes than we see with the spirit, that means we have to look past the surface, and we have to submit it to Jesus and ask him what is going here, and just test it and test it, and test it, until you get your answer.  Just keep it before the Lord until you get your answer.


Remember, that Scripture in Isaiah? I think it is Isaiah 6, I may be mistaken.  The sons of God, they do not judge anything with their physical ears, or their physical eyes, or their carnal mind. Every decision they make, every fact that they gather in, is gathering with the spiritual mind, by that which comes out of Christ.


We have that translation in our Alternate Translation of the Book of Revelation, towards the beginning, one of the first couple of verses.  They perceived with their eyes, they discerned with their spirit, and they discerned the other side. That is an untranslated word that means "the other side."


First, they perceived with their eyes, and then they discerned the other side.  They perceived the physical child with their eyes, they discerned his other spiritual side with their spirit, and the word "saying," we are translating "declared," was told them concerning this child.


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:17, And when they perceived Jesus with their eyes, and discerned the embryonic Christ within him, which is his other side with their spirit, they declared what was told to them by Elijah concerning this child.


I think I should put that in, "And when they perceived Jesus with their eyes, and discerned the embryonic Christ, his other side, they declared what Elijah had told them concerning this child."


Apparently, these incarnated immortals had information about Jesus that Mary and Joseph did not have.


Luke 2:18, And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.


I do not know who was there. I do not know if there was anyone besides Mary and Joseph, I really do not know.  The only one that we know about is Mary and Joseph, but the Scripture says, "and everyone that heard it."  I am just going with Mary and Joseph.


The word "wondered" means "amazed," the word "at" can be translated "concerning," those things that were told by the incarnated immortals. That is a translation of "shepherds."


I think that word shepherds is so deceptive.  It has nothing to do with people who were attending sheep in the field, physical sheep, it just does not. The reason I have a question mark in there, I say, and Jesus, Mary, and Joseph heard all of the things. I do not know whether Jesus heard it in the womb, or it was just Mary and Joseph because Verse 18 does not name who it is.


Verse 18 says "and all they that heard." I do not know about you, but I do not usually apply "all" to two people.


If there are two people in the room, I am not likely to say "and everyone heard," but of course this book was translated 2,000 years ago, so I am just wondering if the babe, Jesus, did not hear it by some supernatural means, or it was just the idiom of the day. I do not know, and I will have to find out from the Lord what I am going to do with this before I put it in the Alternate Translation.


For the time being, I am going to say Mary and Joseph,


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:18, And Mary and Joseph heard all of the things that the incarnated immortals told them about themselves, and they were amazed.


What did the incarnated immortals tell them about themselves? That they had Christ engrafted to them.  I do not really know the degree to which Mary and Joseph even knew Jesus' condition.  This whole message that was delivered by Elijah to the faithful ones is now delivered to Mary and Joseph.


Luke 2:19, But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.


I have a radical different translation there, but the word "all" we are translating "whole." The word "things," but "the whole," preserved the whole.  One of these words means preserved, and I did not write it down which one it was, but Mary whole preserved this whole discourse, pondered. I believe it must be pondered.


I really should have this on the message, let me check that out. The English word preserved that we are using is a translation of the word "kept," but Mary "kept" all of these things.


The whole discourse is a translation for "things," "and brought them together and combined them," that is a translation of "ponder," to combine is a translation of ponder.


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:19. And Christ in the incarnated immortals brought this whole discourse,


“This whole,” they really preached to them.  The Greek really indicates that they preached to them, this whole discourse to the preserved human spirit in Mary's heart. I suggest to you that, what did I do here?  I have Mary in brackets, but Mary does not belong in brackets, Mary is in the actual text.


"And Christ in the incarnated immortals brought this whole discourse to the preserved human spirit in Mary's heart and combined them."


I think what I told you a little earlier was not exactly accurate then. Apparently, there were not people all over Israel who were receiving this engrafted word.  There were people all over Israel that had a relationship with the spirit of Elijah through faith, and these few faithful that Elijah appeared to, in these few faithful that Elijah appeared to, Christ was engrafted to them. 


They ascended into a temporary full stature and was sent forth to pass this experience onto other people who had a relationship with Elijah through faith.


Mary and Joseph apparently had a relationship, I am sorry I am having some hindrance here this morning, I am sorry if I am confusing you.  Let me say this again.


The incarnated immortals entered into the household, they saw the child, Jesus, they saw Mary, they saw Joseph, and they preached the message that was given them by Elijah.  This message that was preached to Mary and Joseph revealed that Mary's human spirit was preserved through a relationship with the spirit of Elijah.


There is nothing said about Joseph. I looked this up several times.  There is nothing said about Joseph, and I cannot find anything in the Scriptures about what happened to Joseph, but we know that Mary was one of the disciples in the upper room.


I am going to say this again, I have to make a correction here. Earlier on the message, I said that I thought the spirit of Elijah might have been appearing to all of the faithful in Israel at that hour. Apparently, that is not correct.


The spirit of Elijah, together with Michael, appeared to a small group of faithful. I do not really know if it is three or not, other gospels talk about three magi, but I have not really studied that in the Greek. There may have been only three of them, I do not know.


A small group of the faithful get Christ engrafted to them, raised them up into a condition of temporary full stature and sent them forth to preach this message to all of Israel, and by the preaching of this message, there would be revealed who in Israel had a human spirit that was connected to Elijah through faith. How would it be revealed? They would receive the message.


Brethren, is that not what we are doing here?  All of these Christians who say to you, "Oh, the whole church world is wrong and you are right? Brethren, you show me one instance in the Scripture where the Lord went to a large number of people to bring in the next move of God.  Show it to me, I want to see it. It is not there.


He goes to a small group of people, and He gives them a spiritual experience, which is the power to carry the message that goes with the spiritual experience, and He sends them out to the rest of the church. That is what happened in Israel,  it is what is happening today, and it will be revealed who in the church has a human spirit that is connected to the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, as they receive this message. Not many so far, huh?


Although, we are getting more and more through the Internet, we do not really know. Joseph did not receive it. Joseph did not receive the word. Mary received the word.  Christ in the incarnated immortals brought this whole discourse, they preached, they preached, and they brought this whole discourse to the preserved human spirit in Mary's heart, and they combined.  The human spirit in Mary's heart and Christ in the immortals combined.


Brethren, if Christ is in you He has the power as a spirit to be reaching out and attaching Himself to anybody and everybody. Maybe that young lady that came here yesterday, maybe when I kissed her she got it, I sure hope she got it. Does everybody I kiss get it, am I saying that everybody that I kiss is going to get this anointing? No, but I am saying this, that, that young lady was brought to my house supernaturally, and if it was the will of the Lord Jesus Christ that she should get this anointing through my kiss, she got it.


Not everybody that I kiss, I am not the Pope, but He is in me, He could do it through you too. He rises up, and He touches whoever He wants, when He wants to.


The way He touches them is that He has to bring the house that He is living in, in contact with the house that he wants to touch.


We are a living house.  Anybody not understand that? We are very important if we understand that our importance is in Christ. If you only really understood how important your obedience is to the furtherance of His kingdom, you would be having a lot better success at overcoming your carnal mind.


It is not you, it is the one who lives in you, but if you are not obeying what He wants you to do, He cannot do what He wants to do through you. He will go to someone else. That is what he does, not necessarily permanently. I am not trying to scare you.


Years ago when I belonged to that ministry that had a ministry to Harlem, we went to Harlem, and there was a lot of voodoo and witchcraft in Harlem. We went into that church once a week, and I went in one day and my eyes were drawn to a clear glass bottle on top of the piano.  It was filled with kidney beans, and we were just standing around while the pastor was setting up. 


The service had not started yet, and no matter how many times I looked away, my mind was drawn back to it.  I clearly heard in my head that it was witchcraft, and I did not do anything about it. I heard the word of the Lord that it was witchcraft, and it was stationed on the piano, that it was pointed right to where the pastor would be preaching when he preached.


Why did I not do anything about it? I do not know, disobedience. I knew it was witchcraft. I did not just hear the word witchcraft, I had an understanding of witchcraft in those days.  Some kind of passivity from my carnal mind.


The Lord went past me, He went to someone else, He went to xxxxxxx.  He spoke to the spiritual person, and when I did not respond He went to another spiritual person.  She brought it to the pastor's attention, they broke the jar, prayed over it, broke the curses, and the pastor received it immediately.


Christ in the incarnated immortals brought this whole discourse to the preserved human spirit.  They preached to the spirit,  they did not preach to the carnal mind.


Remember that study we did in Amos years ago, when we were still meeting in your basement? One of the translations in Amos that we have, I think it is three, but I am not sure.  Chapter three, is anybody in there? 


This message is going out, it is going out to the world, and our evangelism right now is largely through the Internet. Thousands of people are seeing this material, and the way they respond to it determines what city they are attached to.


A lot of people could...the message, the spirit on the message the spirit of Christ is going right to their human spirit.  They may not even know what hit them for several years. The seed is going out. I am sorry it is not the seed. I am still struggling with this understanding.


The seed is the Holy Spirit. This is the Spirit of Christ going out, and the Spirit of Christ quickens the seed. There has to be a quickening of the seed.


Whether you are born with the seed because you are a descendant of Judah, or if you are born with something, and I do not understand this completely yet, because the Holy Spirit has been in past generations and, to the best of my knowledge at this time, speaking in tongues cannot be passed on through physical birth.


I have this matter before the Lord, and I am suspecting at this point that something is passed on, or something can be passed on. It does not have to be passed on. I know there are many people who have deep faith in Jesus Christ, and they do not speak in tongues.


I hear a lot of testimonies of very young children having faith in Jesus Christ.  They never speak in tongues, or they do not speak in tongues at the time.


I am thinking, I am asking the Lord, is it possible that if someone has really served Jesus Christ faithfully all these years, that their children could possibly have some form of the seed, although not a form of the seed that is speaking in tongues?  Is everybody following me?


Whether you have received the seed from the Holy Ghost or you receive the seed if you are a descendant of Judah, or if it is possible you receive the seed because some ancestor was really faithful to God, no matter where you get the seed from, that seed has to be quickened, the seed has to be quickened.  The scent of water has to come and give it life. 


Let us finish this up.  The message was preached to Mary's human spirit which was preserved, and the Christ that was preaching the message to the incarnated immortals combined with her human spirit and Christ was conceived in Mary.


Luke 2:20, And the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all of the things that they had heard and seen as it was told unto them.


The word "returned" can be translated "converted." We are translating "shepherds" the "incarnated immortals." The word "glorifying" can be translated "opinion," the word "praise" can be translated "to make vows or to make promises." Is that not interesting?  The true praise is to promise God to do everything that He tells you to do.


Raising your hands, I am not against raising your hands, screaming, and yelling, and singing, but, brethren, that is not the true praise, especially when someone is standing on a platform psyching you up to do it, that it is not even coming out of your own heart. The true praise is submission and obedience.


The word "for" we are translating "above." It is a legitimate translation.  The word "seen," we are translating "understood."  That is about the only change.


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:20, And the incarnated immortals were converted and promised the God above that they would do everything that they had heard with their ears and understood with their heart that they were to do, just as it was told to them.


We do not really know if these shepherds, if there were just the incarnated immortals that visited Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, or now Mary was one of the incarnated immortals. Everyone that has Christ engrafted to them, you are an incarnated immortal in Christ. An eternal being is a part of you. 


I do not know, your guess is as good as mine.  Perhaps by the time I put it in the Alternate Translation the Lord will tell me, so that I could put a foot note in.  I think my guess would be that Mary was one of them. "And the incarnated immortals were converted and promised God above that they would do everything that they heard with their ears and understood with their heart that they were to do just as it was told to them."


I do not know, maybe that is Mary alone, maybe the...I think the feeling that I got when I brought forth this translation was that when the first, the shepherds or the incarnated immortals or spiritual men that Elijah visited, when they first started off to see.


Remember, it was Christ in them that said, "Let us go see this thing that the living voice has told us about," and they had an imputed anointing.  When the incarnated immortals arrived, and they saw Jesus, and they spiritually discerned that Christ was in there, and they recognized that Mary was called also, that their fallen nature believed.


Remember, it was Christ that influenced Cain to go, their fallen nature to go.  It was the resurrected Abel that said, "Come on Cain, we are going to go, and we are going to check this out, and when they saw it, they believed with all...."   We are supposed to believe with all of our hearts.


Did you ever know what that means? There are two cavities to your heart.  The upper part is connected to the world above, and the lower part is connected to the world underneath.  You have to believe with your carnal mind as well as with the faith of your Christ mind.


We also found out that in our translation of Elijah. I think it was I Kings 19, if I am not mistaken.  Whenever I quote a Scripture you have to know that I may not have the right Scripture. 


The series that we did on Elijah, we found Elijah twice in that chapter, saying once to the angel, which must have been Michael, and the other time to Jehovah Himself, "I have served you, I have served you both with my carnal mind and with my Christ mind, I have served you with all of my heart."


"I have served you with all of my heart."  That is how we serve God with all of our heart. Christ is our faith, but our carnal mind is capable of believing under the influence of our Christ mind so that is what happened to these incarnated immortals. They believed with all of their heart, and when they believed with all of their heart, they were converted.


I have an idea what converted means, I just really hope I can get that message to you tonight. I am going to have to work somewhat between the services, and I see it is really late, but I believe what the true conversion is, it is the circumcision of the heart. 


It is the piercing through of your consciousness from the lower cavity of your heart that is connected to the Serpent's city into the upper part of your heart, and I believe that, that is the conversion, and that is the circumcision. 


I do not want to get into that now, but Lord willing it is the message for tonight, so when it says they were converted, it means their consciousness ascended


Remember, up until this point they had an imputed Christ. That means it was their faith in Jehovah that connected them to Elijah, and Elijah comes to your throat center. Elijah put his hand down into their lower heart center,  and when it is....the Scripture says they were converted.  I believe that their consciousness ascended up to the upper part, upper cavity of their heart which is the circumcision.


You should know that whenever the Scripture says that you have to do something...that is not a good way to put it. Whenever the Scripture uses the word "all" or "the whole," it means there is more than one part to it, or why would the Scripture be saying the whole of you, your whole heart, your whole mind? 


There has to be more than one part to it if the Scripture is saying the whole of whatever it is. "So the incarnated immortals were converted and promised the God above that they would do everything that they had heard with their ears and understood with their heart, just as Elijah told it to them."


The witness I have for you is Jonah Chapter 1:16, "And the mortal men of Nineveh were astonished..."  We had that same thing in Luke 2, "And they were amazed at what they heard."


Jonah 1:16, "And they were astonished, and they exceedingly revered Jehovah, and offered to sacrifice the Fiery Serpent, the God in the midst of them to Jehovah, and they promised Jehovah that they would confess their sins and repent." 


You can see that I amplified that "they would confess their sins and repent," because the Scripture in Jonah says, "and they made promises to Jehovah." What kind of promises? That they would confess to specific sins, that they would enter into a program of exposing their sin nature and systematically destroy that sin nature by confessing that every wickedness that was revealed was in them, not by faith, but because they were willing to look at it and see that it was...you start out by faith, but as the Lord revealed it, they would look at it, and see that it was in them, and live out of their Christ mind.  It does not go away right away.


Let me tell you, it is painful. I do not know whether you are there or not yet.  It is painful to look at the filth that is in my heart, and all that I could do is pray, "Lord, help me to keep it dormant, help me to live out of Christ, a righteous, holy life until the day of my change comes, because I have to coexist with this filth until it is surgically removed from me. You have to coexist with it.


Most people that have led a pretty average life, they see this filth in them, they just want it to go away quickly, but I am telling you that you are spinning your wheels.


I have heard this from several people, and there was a time when I felt the same way.  I now accept the fact, by the grace of God I accept the fact, that all this ugliness that I see in me, that I accept it, that it is there, and I have no power to remove it. 


Only Jesus Christ can remove it, and that what I can do while I am waiting for this removal is to continue to bomb it, and weaken it, and refuse to agree with it. That is my job, and I have been doing this for years, and you just want it to go away, and you just want this to be over quickly.


I do not have much encouragement for you. I cannot assure you that you will not have a different experience than I have.  Maybe  it will be more quick for you, but I do not think so, I could be wrong, but I do not think so.


We have to walk that middle path. You have to look at all these ugly things in us, but we cannot condemn ourselves, because if you condemn yourself, you are sinning against yourself, and you are defeating everything that Jesus is trying to do in your life.


What is He trying to do in your life? He is trying to raise up Christ in you to eclipse your carnal mind, to cover it over, and cut it off, so that you become sinless.


If you are condemning yourself, because of the sin that you see, you are defeating His work in you life.  Our goal is to see the sin without condemnation, to live with it but to guard against it. The Scripture says guard your heart.  That is what it is talking about.  Do not let it live through you.


I tell you, brethren, if you do not want to see it, if you are in denial, you are defeating your own purpose, and you are limiting the measure to which you can ascend in Christ.  All you have to do, you pray the prayer, tell the Lord you want to do it, to open your eyes and give you the strength to live with this stuff.


A lot of people have done it.  You may not know that you have done it.  You have done it when you are forced to do it, you have done it when you find out.


God forbid one of your children is a drug addict, you live with that, or you find out something terrible about one of your parents, that they are an alcoholic, or they beat your mother or whatever, you live with it, you live with it.  That is how we have to do it, we have to live with it.


You have to know that it is true, know that it is true, and just live with it, rebuking it.  Do not let it get up on you and live its life out through you, but you have to accept yourself, you have to accept yourself.


You have to accept the things that you cannot change, but you do not have to let them be a part of your life, and then someday Jesus will come and cut it off, and this labor, this is a spiritual labor, of keeping the sin under our feet. 


"I know you are there, I will not feel bad over you, because I am forgiven, but I am only forgiven if I prevent you from living through me, and if I lose my grip and you rise up and you manifest through me, I have an advocate before the Father.


It is this very attitude that qualifies you to be a member of the two- witness company.  You have to do it to yourself first, then when the Lord sends you out to other people, you can see sin and call it sin without condemning them, and you can talk about it in...you do not go talking about it to everybody but to another son of God.  The Lord does have us in groups to pray together.


You can talk about it without condemnation, and that the purposes of God can be done on behalf of these people.


That is what the two-witness company does.  It sees sin, it sees it, it calls it sin without condemnation, and it prays the prayers that will eventually deliver the person, but if you are still living by the Pharisitical laws that you were raised by, and I do not mean that as a bad word, if you still believe that you should not see any sin in anybody, that you should not acknowledge that anything is wrong, you automatically disqualify yourself for the two-witness company, because you are not doing the very job that characterizes them.


The marking of sin is the first step in the changing of the engraving on the person's mind. When you say that is sin, that is the first step that sets them up for deliverance. I tell you the truth.


I am going to run through this Alternate Translation,


"And it came to pass in those days, that a decree went out from Adam, the elder, who was severed from Elohim's household that the whole world should be engraved with the honorable nature that Adam the exalted warrior had.


So everyone went into his own city to have the pregnant woman who was engraved with the nature of the thief that she was mentally joined to, who was to bring the timelines that were within her into existence to supply that place we call hell, to be engraved with Elohim's nature.


But Leviathan the heathen timeline that has the nature of the sea bottom, sprang out of the human spirits of Judah, the tribe of Elohim's household that carried Elohim's nature, but Joseph's Christ mind guarded his animal mind and Michael's spiritual city preserved his human spirit.


And there were others whose animal nature was guarded by their Christ mind and human spirit preserved by Michael's spiritual city while they were assembled in the spiritual darkness.


So Elohim compressed his firstborn son, made him to spiritually lie down and brought him forth in an animal body to break apart and destroy the Fiery Serpent's house.


And they saw Elijah the controller, and Michael's magnificent vibrating energy was shining all around him like a halo, and their carnal minds were seized with alarm.


But those whose carnal mind was guarded and their human spirit preserved, acknowledged that Elijah was their elder, and submitted to him.


And Elijah the spiritual man said to them, do not be alarmed but understand that I am bringing the good news that spiritually mature, calm delight is available to all the people, and as evidence of this good news, Michael, Elohim's spiritual city has given Christ the controller to you this day, the Savior who can deliver you from the carnal mind. But understand that a miraculous embryo is contracted and lying down in an animal body.


And suddenly Elijah the spiritual man who brought God's promise joined celestial luminaries that came from heaven to the assemblage.


And as Christ the spiritual man within the incarnated immortals ascended into the world above. It came to pass that Christ said to their fallen animal nature, it is true indeed that mortal men can experience the tranquility and satisfaction which is from above the earth through the Most High God, so, now let us go to the world below, to see that which Elijah the controller's living voice told us, is coming to pass.


And they arose eagerly desiring to find not only the child Jesus but Mary and Joseph, to see if the embryonic Christ was lying in these animal bodies also.


And when they perceived Jesus with their eyes and discerned the embryonic Christ, his other side, they declared what was told to them concerning this child, and Mary and Joseph heard all of the things that the incarnated immortals told them about themselves, and they were amazed.


And Christ in the incarnated immortals who brought this whole disclosure, joined himself to the preserved human spirit in Mary's heart, and the incarnated immortals were converted and promised the God above that they would do everything that they had heard with their ears and understood with their heart, that they were to do, just as it was told to them.





Alternate Translation, Luke 2:1-24


            2.01     And it came to pass in those days, that a decree went out from [the resurrected] Adam, the elder [brother] who was severed [from Elohim’s household], that the whole world should be engraved [with]


            2.02     The nature of [Elohim], our honorable ruler, [the same nature] that Adam, the exalted warrior,1 had [before the Primordial Serpent murdered him (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament)],


            2.03a   And everyone went into his own [spiritual] city (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament)                                                                       


            2.05     So that the [spiritual] women [who] were pregnant with the mind [that has] the nature of the thief R etched upon it,


            2.03b   Could be engrav[­ed with Elohim’s nature], 2

                                                                                                                                             R  Jn 10:1,10


            2.06     And bring the [righteous] time lines3 within her into existence, to supply that [spiritual] place [between the heart (4th) and crown (7th) energy centers], R 

                                                                                                                                                R Jn. 14:3


            2.04a   But [Leviathan], the heathen time line (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament) who has the nature of [the Primordial Serpent], the sea bottom, sprang up out of the human spirits of Judah,R the tribe [of Elohim’s] household that carries [Jehovah’s] male seed, but [The Fortified Adam] guarded Joseph’s emotional animal [personality]4 against [the fiery serpent], his [animal nature, from the spiritual] city [on the right side of the heart (4th) energy center], 

                                                                                                                           R Jonah 1:4(AT); Mic. 1:13


            2.08     And there were [other personalities] that were preserved because  [The Fortified Adam] guarded their animal [nature] while they were assembled5 in the [spiritual] darkness [of their Carnal Mind],R-1 

                                                                                                                                        R Matt 8:20(AT)


            2.07     So, [Elohim] com­press­ed6 His firstborn7 Son,8 made him to [spiritually] lie down,R and brought Him forth in a animal body,9 for the purpose of  breaking apart and destroying the fiery serpent’s  house[hold in Israel],10

                                                                                                                                   R Ps. 8:5; Heb. 2:7,9


            2.09     And [Elijah], the spiritual man who overcame [his Carnal Mind], R-1 appeared, and [the spiritual men] saw [Elijah], the controller, R-2 and [Elohim’s] magnificent, vibrating energy was shining all around [Elijah] like a halo, R-3 and [Satan and Leviathan within the spiritual men] were seized with alarm, R-4 but the [who were guarded by The Fortified Adam acknowledged that Elijah was] their elder [brother], and submitted to him, 

                                                                                                                                   R-1 2 Kings 2:11(AT)


                                                                                                                                      R-2 Acts 4:29(AT)


                                                                                                                       R-3 Ez. 1:28a, 124b, 128b(AT)


                                                                                                                                       R-4 Ez. 1:22(AT)


            2.10     And [Elijah, Jehovah’s] angel said [to the spiritual men, Satan and Leviathan] are afraid,R but I bring you the good news that calm delight11 is now available to all the people [who are tormented because their fiery serpent has ascended without Christ Jesus], 

                                                                                                                                        R Matt 8:26(AT)


            2.11     And, as evidence of this [good news, Elijah], Elohim’s [spiritual] city, has [given to you] this day, Christ, the controller,R-1 the Saviour R-2 who can deliver [you from your animal nature], 

                                                                                                                                      R-1 Acts 4:29(AT)


                                                                                                                                      R-2 Matt 8:25(AT)


            2.12     But understand that this miraculous [Christ] embryo12 is contracted (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament), and lying down in your animal body,R 

                                                                                                                                                R Ps. 8:5;


                                                                                                                                                                         Heb. 2:7,9; Lk. 2:7(AT)


            2.13     And suddenly, [Elijah], the spiritual man who brought God’s promise from heaven, grafted [Christ], the celestial luminary (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament), [to the assemblage], the [spiritual] men, said to the incarnated immortals,13

                                                                                                                                                 R Acts 1:9


            2.15a   And  as [Elijah], the spiritual man, ascended into the world above14 and went away, R it came to pass that Christ [who was grafted] to the [spiritual] men, said to the incarnated immortals,15

                                                                                                                                                 R Acts 1:9


            2.14     It is true, indeed, that [mortal] men [can experience the] tranquility and satisfaction R [that is] above the earth, through the Most


High God (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament), 

                                                                                                                                        R Matt 8:26(AT)


            2.15b   Now let us go to the world below (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament), and see that which [Elijah], the controller, [Elohim’s] living voice, R-1 told us is coming to pass.R-2 

                                                                                                      R-1  Ez. 1:24a, 1:25a(AT)  R-2 Lk. 2:10(AT)


            2.16     And the [incarnated immortals] arose, eagerly desiring to find not only [the child, Jesus], but Mary and Joseph, [to see if] the embryonic Christ was lying R down in their animal bodies also, 

                                                                                                                                  R Ps. 8:5; Heb. 2:7,9


            2.17     And when they perceived [the human baby, Jesus] with


their eyes, and discerned [the embryonic Christ, the child’s] other side, [with their spirit], the [incarnated immortals] declared [to Mary and Joseph] what [Elijah had] told them concerning the [Christ] child,


            2.18     And [Mary and Joseph] heard all of the things that the incarnated immortals told them about themselves (see, ¶ 2 of Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament), and they were amazed,


            2.19     And [Christ in the incarnated immortals] brought Mary into the left side of her heart (4th) energy center, [where she could understand] the whole discourse [that they had heard from Elijah], and [Christ] grafted to [Mary, and] preserved her [personality/soul],16


            2.20     And [this is how] the incarnated immortals were converted,17 and promised R the God above, that they would do everything that they had heard [with their ears], and understood [with their heart, that they were to do], just as it was told to them.


            2.24     And [that they would] offer their [Carnal Mind] as a sacrifice, according to what the law of [Christ], the controller, says, and that the two [Cain, the animal nature], and [Abel/Christ, Jehovah’s nature], the younger of the two, shall be tied together [as one spiritual] turtle.18

                                                                                                                                        R Jonah 1:16(AT)  



1Adam exists in two stages of maturity: (1) Resurrected in an individual, but not yet rejoined to the Godhead above, Adam is that man’s male, spiritual mantle; (2) Joined to the whole Godhead above, Adam is King of the whole visible world in that man’s heart center (Gen. 1:26).


2The Carnal Mind perceives the Scripture with natural understanding, but the spiritual, Christ Mind, discerns the Scripture spiritually (1 Cor. 2:14).


      Babylon and Jerusalem, the city of God, exist in both the natural and in the Spiritual worlds (Rev. 21:10). Judah was the pregnant woman in Jesus’ day, and the Church, and each member in particular,  is the pregnant woman today (Rev. 12:1-2).


      There is no male or female in Christ Jesus. Every human being, both physical males, and physical females, are spiritually female in relation to God, and can, therefore, bear the Christ child, Elohim’s righteous mind (1 Tim. 2:15; Rev. 12:5).


      The spiritual understanding of the phrase, So everyone went into his own [spiritual] city to engrave the pregnant woman . . ., is that the people of Israel were summoned to The Fortified Adam’s spiritual city to be sealed, or marked, with Elohim’s nature, their only defense against the Dragon  [mark of the beast] devouring the Christ Mind  (Rev. 12:4) that was to be grafted to them.


      Conception of the Christ Mind was available to all of Israel by the Spirit of Elijah, the Saviour of Israel, but Mary was the only one who was physically impregnated, and she bare Jesus (1 Jn. 4:9), the SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.


      The Spirit of Elijah incarnated as the man, Jesus (see, Message # 396, Jesus & John - Elijah & Elisha???), who was glorified, and now Jesus is Saviour of Israel (Acts 13:23) AND Saviour of the whole World (Acts 13:23; Jn. 4:42).


3Christ Jesus, Elohim’s time line, is swallowing up this present spiritual generation of fallen men (Matt. 17:17). Every individual who is pregnant with Christ, is pregnant with one member of Elohim’s many-membered, renewed time line.


4Adam was joined to an emotional animal that was made from the mud of the ocean bottom, and they were one Living Beast. The Primordial Serpent murdered Adam, and stole his ox, and the two are presently joined to each other as the personality and the fallen animal nature of mortal man.


      Christ Jesus is  saving the emotional personalities of mortal humanity by grafting the Mind of Christ to us, and destroying our Carnal Mind, which is engraved with the Primordial Serpent’s nature.


5    The root of Strong’s # 4166, translated shepherds four times in Luke 2 (verses 8, 15, 18 and 20), is from a root which means to assemble. The spiritual significance of this word is incarnation, the gathering of spiritual beings into physical bodies.


      The mortal man that Christ is grafted to is an incarnated immortal, because the Immortal One is within him, and the emotional animal [personality] can ascend into immortality IF her Carnal Mind is overthrown (Ez. 1:28b[AT]). (See, also, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament.)


      Accordingly, we have translated shepherds, the assembled in verse 8, and incarnated immortals, in verses 15, 18 and 20.


6Elohim condensed His spiritual Son into a human body (Job 10:11).


7The Greek word prototokos, Strong’s # 4416, is translated firstborn eight times in the Scripture, but the only time this word  refers to the human child, Jesus, is in Luke 2:7. Every other Scripture using this word refers to the spiritual man, Christ Jesus.


8Strong’s # 1025, brefos, translated babe, speaks about the spiritual Christ child, and Strong’s # 5207, huios, speaks about Jesus, the human child.


      In Luke, Chapter 2, huios is used only in verse 7. All other references to the child, or the babe, are translations of Strong’s # 1025, the spiritual Christ child, the Mind of Christ.


9The Greek word translated manger, is derived from the verb, to eat, and means, a trough, or an open box in which feed for livestock is placed. Christ Jesus is the bread from heaven which, when eaten, imparts immortal life (Jn. 6:51).


      We have translated the word firstborn to mean Christ, the spiritual child who is the bread from heaven and, accordingly, we are translating manger to mean the place, or physical body, that the spiritual child was placed in.


10Fallen humanity (Matt. 12:29,44).


11Salvation means complete satisfaction. Many today are trying to satisfy their physical, emotional and spiritual cravings by engaging in all sorts of activities, but Christ Jesus promises calm delight -- the internalized peace which arises out of a sinless nature.


      Activity, as we now know it, will cease to exist, when we enter into the laborless world of Elohim’s eternal time line.


12The engrafted Word (James 1:21), which is the Mind of Christ.


13The Lord Jesus is incarnating in the mortal men who prefer Him over their Carnal Mind.


      Christians who have Christ, the humble seed, grafted to them (Js. 1:21), and who have made their fallen personalities bow down to Christ Jesus so that Christ Jesus can express His nature and purposes through them, are righteous incarnated immortals.


      Satan is also incarnating in the mortal men who prefer her. These men are evil incarnated immortals (see, Rev. 12:7).


14The world above and the world below are states of consciousness which correspond to the left and right sides of the heart center. The world below is this present world, which is under Satan’s dominion (2 Cor. 4:4), but the one who dwells in the world above, has dominion over Satan (Jn. 1:38).


15The Lord Jesus is incarnating in the mortal men who prefer Him over their Carnal Mind.


      Christians who have Christ, the humble seed, grafted to them (Js. 1:21), and who have made their fallen personalities bow down to Christ Jesus so that Christ Jesus can express His nature and purposes through them, are righteous incarnated immortals.


      Satan is also incarnating in the mortal men who prefer her. These men are evil incarnated immortals (see, Rev. 12:7).


16According to this account, Christ did not graft to Joseph.


17Conversion means that you start living out of your Christ Mind, and stop living out of your Carnal Mind (Acts. 17:6).


18Cain and Abel are the inseparable germ seed of creation, Jehovah’s nature and the Primordial Serpent’s nature inseparable for the life of the ages. The only question is, which nature will prevail over the whole man? The answer is, of course, the nature of Christ, but not without much spiritual wrestling.


      The turtle demonstrates this spiritual principle. Cain is the hard shell that blocks Abels’ spiritual development (Ez. 11:19), and Abel/Christ is the heart of flesh that responds to the call of the Lord Jesus (Ez. 11:19). Abel/Christ must overcome his spiritual straightjacket (shell) to mature into Christ Jesus, who covers the pair, and preserves (saves) the personality (soul) that they inhabit.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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