The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
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The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team
This is Mystery Babylon part 2. We are in Revelation 17, picking up with verse 6, and we touched on verse 6 last week, we are going to overlap, glory to God.
6. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. KJV
We know that the blood refers to the soul life, and the word saints refers to those who have been made holy, it is referring to the people that have received the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ, and been made holy. That is how you are made holy brethren. We have a soul, it is an adamic soul and it is very essence, its very nature, its very being is sin, and there is only one way to cleanse our adamic soul, and that is to have it swallowed up by the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the purging and that is the purifying. Casting out of evil spirits in many instances in necessary when the fruit has produced in the soul, but the basic personality of the natural man cannot be cast out. The way God is dealing with that is to swallow it up by His life and that is how He is being made holy.
The word martyrs, it is Strong's #3144, it is translated martyrs three times and 48 times it is translated witness. The witness of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy. What the word is saying is that we are receiving a new soul life, the life of the Lord Jesus Christ and a new spirit, the spirit of the Father, when we are completely redeemed, that is what we will have.
I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. I found something very interesting here, back in verse 2 which we talked about last week, we talked about the kings of the earth being drunk with the wine of the harlot, the kings of the earth, which are the manifestations in the soul realm of the natural man have been made drunk by the spirit of the harlot, but the harlot is made drunk by the redeemed sons of God.
The word drunk means that your senses are not functioning properly. She has perverted the natural man with her spirit. Her spirit is perverse and she is being made drunk by the sons of God. Some of us here have had a teaching about the second death. The second death is the destruction of death. The first death is man was in a high spiritual realm, and he died, he fell down and he died. How do you kill death? You lay hold of it and you raise it back up again. Death is to destroy, to do away with, so how do you do away with death? You make it holy again; we should put the word holy in there.
Can you see that or am I confusing you? Let me do it another way. We had a soul life, and it was good, God said it was good, and then it died, it died and our soul life became evil. When you die you condition reverses. It was good and it became evil, so when the evil died, in God's world it is going to become good.
If you had a soul that was good and became evil and now we are getting the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ; it is going to be glorious. The way God deals with evil and with death is that He makes it good, can you understand that. He does not have to burn people in hell forever, He straightens them out. What we are saying here is that this harlot, what she did is pretty much the same thing. It says in verse 2, the harlot with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication, wine representing the spirit. The spirit of her spiritual fornication has caused the manifestations of the natural man in the soul realm to be polluted. Then up here in verse 6 it says, but I saw the woman and now the woman was drunk, not the kings of the earth, now it is the woman that is drunk. What does drunk mean? It means that her mind is being changed, but her mind is perverted, so what is it going to be changed to? It is going to be changed to good.
I saw the woman and she was drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. When you drink of the blood of the saints, and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, what happens to you? You get just like them right? When you drink of the blood of Jesus, you become like Him right? He says I saw the woman and she was drunk and her mind was being changed and she was being drunk she was being made drunk by the blood of the saints, those redeemed sons of God and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
When I saw her I wondered with great admiration. Who could save this harlot? Who could possibly make this harlot clean? God can do it, glory to God. Is that not interesting? Verse 7;
7. And the angel said unto me, wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast. KJV
We are not going to do verse 7, we are not going to do the mystery of the beast; we are staying with the harlot. We are going down now to verse 12 which says, well I really want to get to verse 17 I think, but I have to give you verse 12, so that you can understand it.
12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, (we are talking about the beast now), which have received no kingdom as yet, but received power as kings, one hour with the beast. KJV
What I really want to deal with is verse 16,
16. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate, and naked, and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire. KJV
We have to do verse 12 so we can find out who the ten horns are.
12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet, but received power as kings one hour with the beast. KJV
To be a king, first of all, it is an inherited office, second of all you have to have a kingdom to be a king, and kingdom is a piece of land and we know that the land involved in spiritual life is the soul. If you are a form of spiritual life, to be a king you have to be living in a body. We know that spiritual life lives outside of a spiritual body; I hope you all know that. God is a spirit and He lives outside of bodies. To be a king from a spiritual point of view, you have to be living in a body; you cannot be a king if you do not have a piece of land. Does everybody understand that? Okay.
We also are talking about the beast and the beast had seven heads and ten horns, glory to God, hallelujah. This is how we explained it last week, the beast had seven heads. The beast is a spiritual entity and we know that spiritual entities are within, and then they have a soul. Let us say this is their spiritual life form, and this is their soul over here.
When they want to manifest into the realm of appearance, they literally put out feelers, or they manifest, this is a spiritual diagram, it is a spiritual life living inside of a soul. When it wants to incarnate, it appears on the face of the earth, it appears in the realm of appearance. That is person. This is a man, can you understand that? We have a spiritual life. The realm of the spirit is not out where the planets are; the realm of the spirit is within. The world that we see is outer darkness. This is the most outer realm. This would be a diagram of our life, this would be our spirit over here, this would be our soul, and this would be us in the realm of appearance. We are not up and down; we are looking from a spiritual point of view, when God wants to measure us it is from our spirit out. Can you understand that we take this form, we look like a man or a woman, but it is really just an illusion, it is just the way we look to each other?
Spiritually this is not what we look like. Can you understand that? Spiritually this is not what we look like. This is a diagram of our spiritual makeup. When it says here that the beast has ten, has seven heads, we are talking about a spiritual entity, the ruling spirit of which is Satan, and he has many cells incarnated across the face of the earth that he is manifesting in.
When he manifests a man, it appears to be something that protrudes from the spiritual realm, it pierces through into the realm of appearance and that is why it is called a head. That is why it is called a head because it is higher than the rest of this, it is sticking out. Spiritually speaking it is sticking out; and the word seven, is a number for the fullness, so it is saying the fullness of the amount of men that are supposed to appear on the face of this earth.
We know that God said to Adam, Go forth and multiply, and we know from other Scriptures that there is a specific specified number of human vessels that are supposed to appear on the face of the earth and when that number is reached, God is going to inhabit everybody and there are not going to be anymore vessels appearing. The whole purpose of Adam's reproduction was so that God would have all of these human vessels to take for themselves.
When it says the beast had seven heads, the beast is a spiritual entity, he is not a man, he is a spiritual entity, and he is ruling in every vessel of the face of the earth to the best of my knowledge except Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The seven heads refer to the totality of the human vessels that are going to appear out in the realm of appearance. They are going to stick out and that is why the word head is used. It says that he has ten horns, and the word ten, remember ten is the number for the realm of the law, and horns refer to power, ruling spirits and I am going to suggest to you that the seven heads is the fullness of the number of men that are going to appear on the face of the earth, and the ten horns refer to the fullness of the spiritual power ruling in them. Can you understand that? We are talking that the horns are the spiritual power that rule in the man. We know that we are all, we have to have a king, either it is Satan or it is Jesus, everybody has to have a king, and this is the mind of man, this is the realm of appearance and this is the man.
In his mind he has; if you have Christ, you have two souls, but we know that we have to have a king and it is either Satan or it is Christ. These would be, now the symbol for the spiritual power which rules in the man is a horn, it is a symbol, it is a symbol. It is just like when you drive down the road and you see a sign that there is a gas station and they show you a picture of a gas station, it is a symbol.
In the Scripture the word horn is used to describe the spiritual power that is ruling in the man. The actual human vessel is the head on the beast, and the spirit that rules in him is the horn. Of course as we are talking about the beast Christ is not there. If we are talking about the beast, the ruling spirit is Satan, and what is Satan, how did he get to him, through sin, but also he is in his thoughts, he is in his words, and he is in his deeds. The man is typified by the head on the beast, and the horn refers to the ruling spirit, praise the Lord.
We are talking about a beast that is greater than any one man, he is a spiritual entity, and he is the fullness of the entire human race. This Scripture is saying when natural man gets to the fullness that God intended him to be, it symbolized by seven heads, referring to the total number of human vessels, and ten horns referring to the fullest manifestation of satanic power in them, the ultimate of satanic power. We are in verse 12.
12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings. KJV
If you are a member of the beast company, Satan is your king right, king Satan. He is a king that is appearing in the realm of the earth, he is a king of the earth and the earth is the soul.
The beast is a spiritual entity which the corporate natural man, and God uses this symbol of a head to describe men on the face of the earth. Here is another way I could explain it to you. If this is the face of the earth, this is all grass, and we have men walking along here, you can see that they are appearing above the ground level; so the symbol that God uses is the head, that which appears above the level. Just for understanding sake, below the level would be the realm of the spirit. What appears in the realm of appearance which is men, the symbol God uses to describe that is head in the Bible. The reason He says seven heads is to explain to us that the fullest number of men that is going to complete the beast at this point has appeared.
The horns typify the spirit that rules in the man because it says the horns are ten kings. The horns are symbols for the spirit that rules in the mind of the man and the number ten refers to the fullness of the spiritual realm in which the beast dwells which is the realm of the law.
The beast dwells in the realm of the law because he needs the law to keep him alive. Natural man does not have an inherent knowledge of what is right and wrong. If he is not told what is right and wrong, he will be destroyed. This sounds a little confusing, I am going to explain it to you, Paul said does that make the law bad because we are all dying, God is killing us because we have been breaking the law for all of these thousands of years; does that make the law bad? Paul said God forbid. It does not make the law bad. God is righteous. The law does not have the power to redeem us; it just has the power to accuse us and to reveal us for what we are, and what we are, are a fallen creation, that is what we are.
That does not make the law bad because when Adam, before Adam fell, the law was good, before Adam fell, he was not being killed by God, he was being sustained by God and the Lord said, thou shalt not, thou shalt not, thou shalt not, and the purpose of the law was to keep him alive. If he had obeyed the law the law would not be killing him; but he could not obey the law. Do you understand the difference? The law is good. It is the law of God that is killing us, but the law is righteous, we are unrighteous. Hallelujah, glory to God. We are still in verse 12;
12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings. KJV
That is the fullness of the spiritual life manifested in the soul of men; we are talking about the end time when natural man has come to his fulfillment on the earth. These men have received no kingdom as of yet. We said earlier that the kingdom is this body. Spiritual life dwells in human vessels. The Scripture sometimes calls them cities and the Scripture sometimes call them kingdoms. These are kings that have not received their kingdom yet, they have not incarnated yet. God called them kings, they do not have a body yet, but He knows they are going to have a body so He calls them kings. They are manifestations of Satan in man that have not fully manifested yet. They have received no kingdom yet.
They receive power as kings one hour with the beast. This word hour it is Strong's #5610 and it does not necessarily mean hour, it is a spiritual time period, it can mean an hour, it can mean an instant, it can mean a day. Strong's says it is a certain definite time or season fixed by natural law and returning with the revolving year. In other words it is the realm of time; it is the realm of time. We know that there are no hours or minutes or days in the realm of the spirit, so what the Scripture is saying, but they receive power as kings one hour with the beast. As soon as they enter into the realm of appearance, they become kings. As soon as they enter into the realm of time they become kings. How do they enter into the realm of time? They incarnate, they take on the flesh.
As soon as they break through into the realm of appearance, they receive the power of beast because they are part of his spiritual life that is merely taken form on the face of the earth. Hallelujah, glory to God.
I have an alternate translation for you of that verse 12, the horns you saw represented the fullness of the realm of the law which is natural man, when he appears in the total number of vessels or gain to be birthed out of the fallen Adam, you can all him Satan if you want.
Even though the total number has not appeared as yet, the total number of men has not appeared as yet upon the earth, the power of the law will be revealed as soon as the complete number of men revealing Satan's manifested life in the earth. Do you realize that Satan is God's strongman? Satan is God's strongman, he has no power over us whatsoever except that we have sin in us. If we had no sin, he has no power. Jesus said Satan cometh, He said the prince of this world cometh and he has nothing in me. There was nothing he could do to Jesus Christ.
Satan is God's enforcer. If you sin, he comes after you, except if God is apprehending you. I hope you all understand that I am talking about the people that have not been apprehended by Christ. Satan is God's enforcer. Hallelujah, glory to God. The horns you saw represent the fullness of the realm of the law which is natural man, when he appears in the total number of vessels ordained to be birthed out of the fallen Adam. Even though the total number has not appeared as yet on the face of the earth; the power of the law will be revealed as soon as the complete number men revealing Satan will be manifested in the earth.
We have talked about this that if you are not revealing Christ you are revealing Satan and you do not have to be a terrible wicked person to reveal Satan. This is a big misunderstanding in the church. Some people get very upset; but Satan is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you do not have to be an evil person to reveal Satan, Satan is the spirit that rules in the natural man. All it means to reveal the spirit of Satan is that you are natural man. The only person I know of that is fully revealing Christ at this time is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We are all manifestations of the satanic mind. That is a hard word but it is the truth praise the Lord; however we have talked about this also; there is a manifestation of God in the earth whether you are saved or not, does anybody know what the manifestation of God in the earth is whether you are saved or not? Does anybody remember? It is the law, amen, it is the law.
The law is impressed in the genes of all of the nations across the world. You could be the most primitive heathen in the farthest regions of the earth and these people have society, they know you are not supposed to murder. They know you are not supposed to take slaves of other people, they know you are not supposed to take another man's wife; they know all of these things, that you are not supposed to steal what another man has labored for.
The law of God is written in the chromosomes and the genes of the natural man, so it is possible to lead a decent life, but nevertheless the spiritual reality of what you are is that you are an expression of the spirit that rules in the natural man. Anyone listening to this tape, if you do not have a realistic concept of what Satan is, you might be upset, if you are upset you should seek the Lord about this, you should not be upset. What I am saying to you is either you have the mind of Christ or you have the mind of the spirit that rules in the natural man. The truth of the matter is this, this is a hard word; every human being is capable of everything.
The reason, when I first heard that I was a sinner and I had to repent, I really did not understand. I remember when I heard if God loves you He chastens you. I said, well what does He have to chasten me for, I am okay, you know, I really said that, I did not understand, you see. The truth is that if you are leading a decent life because you are raised with a moral upbringing and you are not stealing and you are not murdering and you are not committing adultery, that does not mean that you are okay, it means that the mercy of God is resting upon your life but your soul under the right circumstances is capable of causing you to do any evil work.
We have, when we can confess that, that is our condition, we become eligible to receive the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is incapable of doing any evil, hallelujah, glory to God. We are going on to verse 16;
16. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore; and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire. KJV
The word desolate means to come to naught, to lay waste and it is referring to the soul, and make her naked refers to the loss of the body. What we are saying here is they are going to kill the manifestation, the natural manifestations. We know that every man that we meet is a natural manifestation of the beast, and the whore is the soul. This is what the harlot is; she has birthed the carnal mind. This is the realm of appearance over here, and this is the mind of a man, and this is the condition of the natural man. Satan is the spirit that rules; the carnal mind is the realm of the soul, and in the realm of the flesh, and they are called a daughter of Babylon, and the carnal mind is the king. The king is in the realm of the spirit. This is the mind of this man, and the king, this man's king rules in his mind, but in the earth this is what he is. Verse 16;
16. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore. KJV
The ten horns refer to the kings that are ruling in the minds of men. The king, the carnal mind that is ruling in the mind of this man is going to hate the harlot. Remember he is fornicating with her, remember? The king is the carnal mind, he is Satan's son and he continually whispering to the harlot, and saying, lust, fornication, hatred, murder, and she is incapable of resisting him and she is continuously in an unsaved man birthing demons in the soul.
The Scripture says the kings of the earth which is the carnal mind in you and me, there are many of them, the kings of the earth, the kings that rule, that reign in the minds of men, the carnal mind, is going to hate the harlot that it is fornicating with, and it going to make her desolate and naked.
What is she doing, she is seducing her, she is fornicating with her, she is producing demons, and what is the result of it? He is killing her, this man is going to die; he is going to die as a result of sin. This is sin. The king of the earth is fornicating with the harlot, who is the mother of all living and sin is being produced and the result is that this man is going to die. This man is going to die because of the sin that is being produced. The carnal mind is going to hate the harlot.
He is going to fornicate with her; he is treating her like a whore. You all know the natural type; I hope you all know what men can treat women like if they do not respect them it can be really ugly; a man treating a woman that he has no respect for, it can be pretty ugly. He hates her. We are sophisticated people here, have you all known men in your lifetime that will not leave a woman alone, they will not stop sleeping with her, they will not stop taking her out, they will not stop going after her and they hate her. I hope you are not all naïve enough to believe that every a man goes to bed with a woman he loves her. I hope we are a little more sophisticated than that in this place. There is a lot of sex going on that is a result of hatred. Man is sick brethren, he is sick. It is supposed to be a result of love and respect and affection for women, but in many instances sexual intercourse takes place as a result of hatred.
You do not think men love prostitutes that they go to bed with. You do not think men love women that they pick up at bars. Usually what is motivating them is hatred. I hope you understand what I am saying, in the realm of the spirit, the king wants spiritual fornication, and the harlot is the woman. It does not mean that he loves her. He fornicates with her continuously. It does not mean that he loves her because if he loved her, he would be doing what would save her life.
If he loved her he would stop fornicating with her so that she could live. He hates her because his activity in her life is causing death of the man. Are you following me, are you with me? The kings of the earth are the spirit that rules in the mind of the individual person, they are fornicating, and does anyone remember what the harlot is, the harlot is the fallen Eve. Does anyone remember what she is spiritually? She is the human spirit, she is the fallen human spirit, and she is that part of the living soul that is purely from God and her purposes in the creation was to produce the life of Christ, she was to marry God and produce the life of Christ, but she was seduced by Satan and instead of producing the life of Christ, she produced the carnal mind who hates her, who fornicates with her and continues to seduce her to sin so that her manifestations in the natural realm die, glory to God.
16. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and they are going to make her desolate and naked. KJV
They are going to destroy her soul and her body, and they shall eat her flesh, and burn it with fire. They are going to make her desolate and naked. Desolate and naked refers to the natural realm. He is going to destroy her vessels, he is going to destroy her cities in the natural ream, and in the spiritual realm he is going to eat her flesh and burn her with fire. He is going to eat her flesh and burn with fire. Up here in the spiritual realm we know that the flesh is the body and the soul.
He is eating her flesh, he is literally devouring her because this kind of life destroys you, destroys your mind. Let us use our natural example. The psychiatrists have reports out, women that are promiscuous, it destroys their mind. It not only destroys your body, prostitutes and even people that are not prostitutes but they have a lot of male partners that cannot make a commitment to one man and go from man to man, it destroys your mind.
They are going to eat her flesh, the flesh referring to the mind, he is going to destroy her mind, he is going to eat her flesh, he is going to destroy her mind, glory to God, and he is going to burn her with fire. The mind refers to the soul; the mind is the soul, okay. He is going to burn her with fire. What is burnt by fire? Purification of the spirit, it is the spirit that goes through the fire, if you know the Levitical law, everything that is metal goes through the fire, the gold and the silver goes through the fire, and if it cannot abide the fire, if it is wood, if the fire will destroy it, it has to be washed. The soul is likened unto wood that has to be washed but only the spirit can go through the fire.
If you want to destroy the spirit, you have got to put it through the fire; that is how you destroy the spirit. He is destroying her mind by eating her flesh, but he cannot eat her spirit, he has got to put it through the fire, if you want to destroy spirit, you have got to put it through the fire.
We know that we use different procedures upon different parts of the creation, the demons are being cast out, and the personality is being swallowed up, the carnal mind is being swallowed up by Christ. Whether you want to redeem something or whether you want to destroy something, you use one procedure upon the soul and another procedure is used upon the spirit, glory to God. He is going to, in the natural he is going to destroy her, he is going to make her naked and desolate, glory to God, and in the spirit he is going to make her die, he is going to make her soul and her body die, and in the realm of the spirit he is going to destroy her mind and he is going to burn her spirit with fire.
I do not really know what that means but it is some kind of spiritual destruction. I do know that the Scriptures teaches that the spirit can be breached and the spirit can be broken, and if I am not mistaken Proverbs says any man could stand a bad experience, he can stand his emotions being hurt, but a broken spirit, who can abide it? That is terrible thing to have a broken spirit. Let us say he is going to break her spirit. Has anyone ever seen anyone with a broken spirit? Did you ever see movies that have come out of concentration camps? I saw a movie once about a British radio operator, a woman that was captured by the Nazis, and she was a hero, they tortured her for a long period of time, vicious cruel torture and at the end, I do not know whether it was years or months, I do not know how she could have survived it for years, I guess it was months and at the very end, the SS officer that was assigned to her saw that she just was not going to break, so they decided to execute her, and she was an excellent actress, as they put her up before the firing squad, she just had this blank look on her face. She was almost happy that they were killing her, she was utterly broken and destroyed, and her eyes just stared out at you.
When you destroy someone's mind you break their heart and their emotions, but you can also breach their spirit, you can break their spirit and the Scripture says that, that is a terrible condition to be in, to have your spirit broken; to have absolutely no hope. You can have your mind destroyed, you can have a nervous breakdown, you can be hurt, but you can still have hope. When your spirit is broken you just have no hope, you are just utterly destroyed.
We know in the spirit is the opposite of the natural, I personally would say why did they not say they were going to destroy her mind and break her spirit first and then we are going to kill her, that would be my natural way of putting it we know in the realm of the spirit everything is backwards.
The first thing that the Scripture says is that they are going to make her desolate and kill her body and the next thing they are going to do is destroy her mind and break her spirit. They are just saying it backwards, we have had a lot of that here, and we usually read the Scripture backwards when it comes out that way.
This is what he is going to do first, this is the corporate natural man, the kings of the earth, Satan that rules in your mind and that rules in my mind, if Christ has been fighting for us, he will eventually destroy our mind, break our spirit and kill our soul and our body. That is what he is going to do for us. Therefore he hates us, because if he loved us he would want us to live. Does everybody understand that? Verse 17;
17. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill His will and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. KJV
I did have an alternate translation for verse 16, let me back up. I just wanted to say that this is the ultimate of self-destruction; you look at a human that is self-destructive, this is what has happened to them. You look at someone in an insane asylum, someone that is really far gone; look at these people sleeping in the streets. That is a breached spirit, I see them every day I go into Manhattan. That is a breached spirit. I said to the Lord, I saw a man this morning, they just sit there, they just sit on the sidewalks, they will have a little knapsack or something and that is all of their possessions in the world. I said, Lord, I cannot imagine it. I just repented, I said, I moan and I groan and I say I have this problem and I have that problem, but I am telling you all, I repent for moaning and groaning, I cannot even conceive of not having a home to go home to.
I really personally believe it, if I did not have Christ, I hope he does not give you that child, I mean outside of Christ, I really think it would destroy my mind, I do not think I could survive.
We see these people sitting on the streets and they are acting a little strange and we wonder why they are acting a little strange? Can you imagine having no home to go home to? I mean that is quite incredible to be in that condition. This is the ultimate of self-destruction and natural man is self-destructive. Unless he has intense training in a loving disciplined home hopefully with the word of God, it is not the word of God with the wisdom, you do not have to be a Christian to have a decent life in this earth, if you are raised up, I do not care if you are raised up in Buddhist household, if you are given some manner of ethic, something to live by, which is a manifestation of the law of God. It is wisdom that will give you life, it is a manifestation of the law of God in the earth, that is the only thing that is going to save you from this, it is the ultimate of self-destruction, because man is his natural state, this is where he will go to, if you do not teach him otherwise. Alternate translation verse 16;
16. And the spiritual powers which rule the corporate man shall hate her and cause her body and soul to die, they shall devour her soul and destroy and break her spirit by causing her to sin. ATB
17. For God hath put it in their hearts to fulfill His will and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled. KJV
This word, I just said two words; fulfill and fulfilled, they are two different words, and we are going to take it one at a time. The first word fulfill is Strong's #4160 and it means to make, to form, to fashion, to produce, to construct, and it is the same word used all through Genesis 1 where it is talking about God forming the creation. The word will, God's will really refers to much stronger than the word will and it refers to that which God is thinking, that which is His resolve, that which is His purpose and we know that God just thinks it, and the molecules rise up to form what He wants in the natural realm. What we are really saying here is that God thinks it, and the kings of the earth bring it to pass. That is what we are saying here. Let me read that first phrase for you. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill His will... God wants something to turn out a certain way, and the kings of the earth, the carnal mind are doing God's bidding, and it God's bidding that they destroy the carnal mind.
We just said that Satan is God's enforcer, right? She has sinned and the judgment for sin? It is death. The kings of the earth are killing her because the kings of the earth the carnal mind, Satan in the mind, Satan in the realm of the soul, is God's enforcer, and God has determined that the harlot is filled with sin and she must die. This terrible, this being Satan that many of us have feared for all of these years, he is God's enforcer.
A lot of Christians do not like to believe that, but it is the truth, it is the Old Testament in the book of Job and it is in the New Testament. He is God's enforcer, we have fallen down brethren; we have fallen down. Underneath him, we use to be on top of him and now he is on top of us, but it is going to be reversed hallelujah, he is going down.
The Lord is going to bruise him under our feet very shortly, the Scriptures say, very shortly. For God hath put it in their hearts to perform in the natural, He has put it in their hearts to in spiritual terms be the molecules that rise up and produce His will.
We know that if God wants a tree, the molecules rise up and form a tree. If He wants someone to be killed, it is not a question of bringing together the molecules; he sends the carnal mind to kill the harlot. If God wants to bless you, most of the time how does He bless you? He sends a man to bless you. If you need money, He will send someone to give you a gift. You need someone to help you? He will send someone to help you. God is in men, He manifests in men, glory to God.
The next phrase is, and to agree, that word is not in the Greek, so I am going to go past it. He has put it in the hearts of the kings of the earth to give their kingdom unto the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled. He has put it in their hearts to give their kingdom, let me make this guy alive again. He has put it in their hearts to give their kingdom which is the natural person that they are manifesting in, in the realm of appearance; He has put in the hearts of the carnal mind to give their kingdom unto the beast.
He has put it in their hearts to kill the harlot, He has put it in their hearts that this manifestation in the earth should think the thoughts, speak the words and do the deeds of Satan. That is God's will; that is God's will until the words of God shall be fulfilled. God said that, that is the way it is going to be. He knew all about the fall, He knew everything that was going to happen and He is God, and said that is the way it is going to be and He is righteous, He is righteous.
This word fulfilled is Strong's #5055 and it means to carry out the contents of a command, to perform the last act which is completed. God said, I have ordained this to be, I have put it in the hearts of the kings of the earth of the carnal minds of man to kill the harlot with sin, and to make her desolate and naked, to destroy her mind and break her spirit, until the purposes, until all of the words of God are fulfilled. That is a pretty hard word, that is a pretty hard word but it is the truth. God is righteous. That means that we are unrighteous, we are unrighteous. God is righteous, He has permitted all of this devastation to come upon mankind, He did it; Satan did not do it; He did it. That is a hard word.
If you are having a problem with it, I had a problem with it for years, sometimes I still have a problem with it, do not get condemned but just tell the Lord about it because you cannot be bitter towards God. If you are bitter towards God, you have got a problem okay, and we are not condemning anybody, we know He knows that we are but dust, and He knows our frame and He knows our problems.
If you are angry at God in any way, and your hearing this, if it brings to your mind that has happened to your children, or something that happened to you in the past, that you have been blaming Satan for all of these years, and now found out that it is God, if you are manifesting any ungodly feeling at all, seek God for getting deliverance, because you got to get delivered from that, and the word of the Lord is that He is righteous. That is a hard word. If you lost a child or something terrible happened to your child or something terrible happened to you, because if something terrible has happened to you and you cannot blame God because God is righteous what does that mean? It means it is just, it means what happened to you, you deserved. That is a hard word.
You may say, how did that happen to a little baby? What did that little baby do? The sins of the fathers shall be visited unto the third and the fourth generation, glory to God. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus but we have to face the truth, we have to face the truth, it is part of the process, He set it up this way, glory to God.
Just think about what we are coming to; we are going to be glorious and He is going to make us in His image and He is going to share all of His royalty and His riches and His glory with us but He has determined that this is the road we have to pass through, this is the journey we have to take, hallelujah. He is righteous, if you are having a problem, do not run from it, do not run from it because He knows it is there anyway, just tell Him about it, He is very merciful. Alternate Translation Revelation 17:17;
17. For God has put it in their heart to produce His purpose and join their minds to the beast system or corporate man, until the words that God has spoken appear in the realm of appearance. ATB
What words had God spoken? I think what it means is He said, And let us make man in our image, I think that is what it means, let us make man in our image, and in our likeness; and this is the process by which it is happening, that this fall was necessary for the creation to multiply into the billions of human beings across the face of the earth. That was the way God did it, He had one cell, His name was Adam, and in order for Adam to multiply, God had to withdraw from the creation and yes the creation is multiplying but we are just laden with sin, and the next step is that the Lord God is coming to get us back in our multiplied condition, and He is going to indwell us and fill us and catch us up and restore us.
This is an in between stage that has been going on for thousands of years, and to our carnal minds a lot of people have suffered a lot. We have touched on this before, the whole human race is the son of God that was propelled into the earth, so it is not just happening to us, it is happening to him, and it is the wisdom of God. Sometimes I still have a problem with it, but it is the wisdom of God, hallelujah, glory to God. I will read that again, verse 17;
17. For God has put it in their heart to produce His purpose and join their minds to the beast system or corporate man, until the words that God has spoken appear in the realm of appearance. ATB
This is going to go on until we appear as sons of God in righteousness; this is going to continue until every man on the face of the earth appears in righteousness and glory with the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the fulfillment of the words of God; that we shall be in His image and in His likeness. Hallelujah, verse 18;
18. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth. KJV
That is a very strange thing to say. We just said that she is being victimized by the kings of the earth, they are killing her, they are doing all of these terrible things to her, and now in verse 18 it says the woman is the great city that reigns over the kings of the earth. Now I am really confused right? First of all, the city is the corporate soul. We know that we are all attached in the realm of the soul, God only made one soul and that soul has been dividing, dividing, dividing, and there are many separate individuals, human vessels, but we are all many cells of one soul.
She is that great city or she is that great soul which reigneth over the carnal minds of men. What in the world is going on here? The word great means to lift yourself up in pride, to magnify, to celebrate herself and this word reigneth really is an incorrect translation. The actual word, the literal word that is there, is kingdom, so it would say, and the woman which thou sawest is that great city which is kingdom over the kings of the earth which makes no sense, that is why they changed it. In other words, the kingdom is rule, I looked it up and another word for kingdom is rule.
I went to Webster and Webster says that the word rule means a prescribed guide for conduct or action; the laws or regulations prescribed by the founder of a religious order, a written order or a direction made by a court. She is the manifestation of the law spiritually in the earth. This is pretty wild because she has become the harlot. This is the law of God that has been utterly overtaken and destroyed. She is directly from the Spirit of God. God is a law unto Himself. She is the manifestation, spiritually the manifestation in the earth of the law that has been completely cast down, trodden under, and humiliated. What God is saying is that He is using the kings of the earth to reign judgment on her, but nevertheless she still is the law, she still of His Spirit. Remember the story about Saul and David? Saul had become a very wicked reprobate man, and David would not kill him, he would flee from him, and flee from him, and finally when Saul fell in battle, some man thought that David was going to reward him, and he brought the head of Saul, and David said, how did this man die? The man thinking David would reward him said, I killed him, and David killed the man, he said, how dare you touch God's anointed, this God's anointed. She is God's anointed. She is the condition that she is in and God is judging her.
You know I find this is a very interesting point, we have talked about it before, that even though this is His Spirit in the earth, He judges her when she sins. God will judge sin, He will judge it in you, He will judge it in me, He will judge it in His son, He does not care who it is, He is not a respecter of persons, He will judge sin, and this harlot is His Spirit in the earth, she is under great judgment because of her sins but nevertheless she is still the anointed of God, and she still has the rule over the kings of the earth. God looks at the end.
What is the end of this? What is going to happen to her? God knows the end that she is not going to stay in that condition, He knows that He is going to restore her and that her new condition is that she is not going to be a harlot anymore, but that she is going to be married to Christ, and that Satan and his carnal mind is coming down underfoot, and that she will indeed rule and reign over him. God looks at the end of the picture. He looks at our end result. If you study the Song of Solomon, that is what it is all about, at one point in the Song of Solomon she says, how could you look upon me, I have been defiled and filthy? He just ignores her and continues to tell her how beautiful she is. He knows that He has the power to redeem her, and make her a virgin again, and wed her to His son. He knows He has the power to do that.
Even though they are killing her now and they are making her desolate, and they are utterly humiliating her, the Scripture says, and the woman, he is not calling her a harlot now, and the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth. She is great in God. Is that not interesting?
When you read Scriptures and God changes the word, when He goes from harlot to woman or whenever He changes the word, it is never a coincidence, it always means something, it always means something; every little word means something in the Scripture. He is not calling a harlot here He is calling her a woman, and He says that she is great and even though her flesh is being eaten at this time, she still reigns over the kings of the earth.
Is that not what Jesus said to Pilot, when he said, do you not know I have the power to crucify you? Jesus said, you have no power over me, just looks that way. This condition of the human spirit in man today is an illusion, it is not real, it is not going to stand, it is not going to last, it is for a specific time period, for whatever reason God seems to feel that it is necessary, but it is not real. I know that it is hard to say when you are the one that is in pain, it is hard to say, but when you are caught up in the illusion it is painful, but the spiritual reality is our condition is not even real. Can you see that? Our condition is not even real.
A lot of people have criticized me for watching Star Trek but I have learned a lot from the examples, God will teach me something and I see it play out in a program like that, and it has really helped me and they have a lot of spiritual principles, not the new Star Trek, I do not care for that, but the old Star Trek is a very spiritual program. Of course it is not God, I know it is not God, but it is still spiritual principles, spiritual is spiritual, you are a woman whether you saved or not, you are still a woman right? Spiritual is spiritual. They have a lot of programs where they talk about illusion, and they make it very clear in the program that when you are involved in the illusion by a spiritual power stronger than you, when they place you in this condition of illusion, it is very real to you, and you can feel pain and you can feel everything that we are feeling in this lifetime, but the spiritual reality is that someone who is more powerful than we are spiritually God has placed us in this condition and it is really an illusion.
Can you receive what I am saying? I know it is hard, when you are hurting it is hard, but it is still the truth. If you can start understanding this, it is part of your deliverance out from it. You cannot do this intellectually; it has got to work into your spirit. God has got to really show it to you, that this world is not real; the only thing that is real is Jesus Christ. There is not anything He cannot get you out of, there is not anything He cannot do for you, and if He is not doing it, if He is not doing it immediately, it is because He does not just want to drag you out of the water, He wants to make you into a son of God, and you have lessons to learn, you have lessons to learn. That is why He does not do it immediately.
This is just an illusion; He could pull out of it like that. This is a learning experience brethren, is that not wonderful, glory to God. It is still the truth, it is still the truth. I have had this revelation for a couple of years but I am just starting to move into it now, I have my toe in the water, that no matter what is happening in my life, I just sit down and start studying the word of God and God takes care of it. God takes care of it. I am admitting I just have my toe in the water; I do not know what I would do if was in Jamaica and I lost my home, I mean that is terrible, but I would like to believe that I would believe God and that He would take care of me, I would like to believe that, that my faith in Him, that He would sustain me in my faith in Him.
I would like to believe that because it is a reality and that is what we are all headed for, we are headed for having our faith developed to the point that we could believe Him to the point that He could take care of us in the midst of a nuclear holocaust, in the midst of famine, because it is possible. He is not just going to give it to us as a gift, it has to build into us and He gives us trials and tribulations so that when He delivers us from our trials and tribulations our faith is built, and it is built to the point, I hope I never have to experience losing my home, but you never know what is going to happen when God builds your faith.
He raised Jesus from the dead right? There is not anything He cannot fix, and if it looks like He cannot fix it, you do not understand Him, because your mind is carnal, especially if you see somebody die without their receiving what you had wished for them or what you had prayed for them, do not condemn God you just do not understand. I do not think anybody here believes that, but that must have been someone that is going to hear this message, you are the one that does not understand, God is okay and everything is alright. As soon as we could really believe it, we are going to get out of this mess, hallelujah; we are going to get out of this mess, glory to God. We are not going to be raptured; we are getting out of this mess in our minds, in our minds.
I gave a testimony earlier, I want to put this on the message that I had a very difficult situation with regard to, not so much physical exertion, I am okay physically, but with my time I was being tortured in my mind that I just did not have enough time to get everything done, I was not tired physically, it was in my mind, I was being tortured in my mind and I just did not have enough time to get everything done, and I was seeking God to relieve me in the natural and He did not, He did some kind of a spiritual work in my mind that made me capable of doing everything. I am doing everything I did before, if not more, and I have peace about it and everything is getting done. It is all spiritual, it is all in your mind, everything is in your head, everything, glory to God. We are going on to chapter 18, verse 1;
1. And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with His glory. KJV
We have an angel; this is an angel showing all of these things to John. Verse 2;
2. And the angel cried mightily with a strong voice saying, Babylon the great is fallen is fallen and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. KJV
The word fallen merely means to prostrate oneself, to disappear, to perish; to cease. We know that when we are separated from God, we perish and we cease to be, this seems to really be a little after the fact, we know that Babylon fell when Adam fell back thousands of years ago, but what this Scripture means is that it is manifesting in the realm of appearance. She has become very wicked and she has become the habitation of devils, the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird; this is manifested in the realm of appearance. She has come to the fullness, the fullest that she is able of producing wickedness in the realm of appearance. The word habitation merely means abode, a place where you live. The word devils means demons. The word hold is Strong's #5338 and it means an enclosure, or a confinement, and I am going to suggest to you that it is the human body.
Does anybody have any problem with the fact that this body is an enclosure that holds spiritual life? It is an enclosure, it is an outline, it is vessel, it is a sack, it is a bag, it is a bottle, and it holds the water of spiritual life. Does anybody have any problem with that? Okay. We are saying here that she has become the hold or the enclosure of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. The word every is Strong's #3956 and it really means the whole. The word cage is the same Greek word as hold, it means an enclosure. The word bird, birds in the Scripture typify spiritual beings. I have an alternate translation for you, verse 2;
2. And he cried mightily with a strong voice saying, Babylon the great is fallen is fallen and is become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. KJV
2. And He cried mightily with a strong voice saying, Babylon the great is fallen is fallen and has become the home of demons, the body of the unclean spirit of man and the individual bodies of every impure manifestation of spiritual life which is a part or cell of the whole. ATB
Those of us in this service here; I think just about everybody here has heard my opinion on this unclean spirit, and I am just going to put it on this message. I am suggesting to you that the unclean spirit is different from a demon. Matthew 12:43 says;
43. When the unclean spirit is gone out of man, he walketh through dry places seeking rest and findeth none. KJV
I am suggesting to you that the unclean spirit is the unclean adamic life that leaves a man and incarnates again. We know that there are people constantly dying and being born on the face of the earth, we have had this teaching way back several months ago that there is just one man, one living soul, he is a spiritual being that is invisible, and he keeps on taking on the flesh and when the flesh wears out, he takes on the flesh again, and that men and women on the face of the earth are all manifestations in the realm of appearance of this living soul.
I am not going to spend any more time on that, I am sure everybody here understands that. The unclean spirit is the whole of the living soul; I am going to read you this again.
2. And He cried mightily with a strong voice saying, Babylon the great is fallen is fallen and has become the home of demons, the body of the foul or unclean spirit of man and the individual bodies of every impure manifestation of spiritual life which is a part or cell of the whole. ATB
That word foul, it is the same as unclean and it means that which must be abstained from in accordance with the Levitical law. In case you do not know it, natural man is unclean. Spiritually speaking, when you place us next to Christ, we are spiritually unclean, we are to abstain from. The Scripture tells us, young men, stay away from the harlot, spiritual men stay away from the harlot of the soul of the natural man.
What we are saying is Babylon, the living soul, she has become the home of demons and she has become the enclosure or the body of the unclean spirit of the natural man, and she has also become the enclosure of every unclean cell of the spiritual life within that man. I am going to give you that again, I do not think I made it clear.
Babylon is a great city, she has become the home of demons, this is a spiritual being, that is not the realm of appearance, she has become the home of demons, she is filled with demons, she has become the enclosure or the body of every, of the whole, that word every means, the whole of, the unclean spirit of the natural man, she has become the enclosure that the unclean spirit of the natural man dwells in, and we know that the natural man is in many cells across the face of the earth, so the Scripture puts it twice, she has become the whole of the enclosure of the unclean spirit and she has also become the enclosure of every individual manifestation of the unclean spirit, in which birds dwell, and birds represent spiritual life in the Scripture, of every unclean and hateful bird, a bird that is hated. That is a manifestation of spiritual life, a manifestation of spiritual life in the flesh.
We know spiritual life, that when Satan appears in full power, we get involved with witchcraft, witchcraft is spiritual life, it is illegal spiritual life, so these birds are hated, hated means that they are not esteemed, it is illegal spiritual life. This is Babylon, I will try it again, I do not think I made it clear to you. This is Babylon, she is the fallen soul, she has become a home of demons, and she has become the enclosures through which the entire spiritual life of the living soul is manifested, she has fulfilled the number vessels across the face of the earth, she has fulfilled the numbers of vessels that will express her spiritual life, she has become the hold of the whole of the foul spirit and she has also become the enclosure of every individual manifestation of the unclean spirit and this where the hated birds live, this is where the hated spiritual life exists, the witchcraft life of Satan, the hated spiritual life, the witchcraft life, spiritual life of Satan.
She has become the home of demons, she has become the enclosure of the fullness of the number of vessels that contain her spirit, which is unclean, and she has also become the enclosure of the individual manifestation of her spirit which is unclean and in this place, this is where the hated birds live, this is where the hated spiritual witchcraft life of Satan abides. That is what she has become.
This is what she has become, this is what Babylon the fallen has become, she is filled with demons, she is the unclean spirit in her corporate sense and in the individual sense and there is immature illegal spiritual life existing within her, Satanic witchcraft spiritual life, that is what she has become. At her lowest state, when she falls to her lowest state, she is practicing witchcraft, illegal spiritual power. Did I make that clear? I know it was a little confusing.
The word unclean and the word foul, that is the same word, I think I told you that, glory to God. She is filthy, she is untouchable, according to the Levitical law, Jesus Christ of Nazareth could not touch her, she is an unclean woman, He broke the law; thank God He broke the Levitical law. He broke the Levitical law, He worked on the Sabbath, He healed on the Sabbath, He plucked the corn on the Sabbath; He did not wash His hands, the ritualistic washings, He broke the law all of the time. If He did not break the law, He could not have touched us, we were unclean, glory to God; thank God He broke the law. Verse 3;
3. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies, glory to God; for all nations have drunk the wine of the wrath of her fornications. KJV
First of all, nations refer to the natural manifestation of man, we are the nations, men on the face of the earth, the human natural manifestation of man, they are the nations, the tribes that live upon the face of the earth, they have drunk of the spirit, and the word wrath means passion, they have drunk of the spirit of her passionate fornication. That is lust, desiring power over people; lust, desiring things for themselves, they desire power, they desire money, they desire sex; that is the passion of her fornications; she lusts to hate, every illegal thing, she lusts to fornicate with the kings of the earth.
The nations, the tribes that appear on the face of the earth, they have partaken of the spirit of her passionate fornication, they have lived their life out through, they have been hurt, the spirit of her fornication has been lived out through the natural man, they have partaken of her fornication.
The kings of the earth has committed fornicated with her. The kings of the earth, the earth is the soul, the earth is the soul, so they are the kings of the earth; that is the carnal mind. First we are talking about the nations, she says the nations have been made drunk, the human manifestations on the face of the earth, you can say the body for all intents and purposes, just the natural man, the nations have been made drunk by her fornications, the kings of the earth which are the manifestations of the carnal mind have fornicated with her; boy she is a mess, I am telling you; and the merchants of the earth, where do they come from? The merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. This word merchants, it is Strong's #1713 and it means someone who is on a journey, whether by sea or by land, and I get the word merchant out of that from the idea of a travelling salesman, but the real intent of the word is one that journeys and it is from a root that means to traverse. I am going to suggest to you that the merchants of the earth are the spirits that are passing through the earth.
We know that there is spiritual life living in our vessels, the merchants are the spiritual life that live in our vessels, glory to God, we will go over that again. And the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. To become waxed rich means to become wealthy, increased with goods or outward possessions, and this was a surprise to me, the word abundance from the phrase abundance of her delicacies, is Strong's #1411 and it means dunamis. Some of us here know that there are two words for power in Greek, one is dunamis and one is exousia, and this is one of the words that is translated in all of cases of power or authority in the Scripture and it means miracle working power, supernatural power. The word delicacies is Strong's #4764 and it means excessive strength, which longs to break forth, it means passion, wantonness, arrogance, eager desire, ungodly strength. I am going to read you the alternate translation and then we will go back over it again, Revelation 18:3;
3. For she has involved all of the races of the earth in her passionate fornication and their carnal mind have fornicated with her, and spiritual life passing through the earth has become increased with carnal thoughts instead of developing spiritually, because of her arrogant illegal spiritual power. ATB
You may remember that the whole purpose of this creation is that God is developing His spiritual sons, so that eventually God can appear in the earth. We are spirit, we are spiritual beings, we possess a soul and live in a body and God is exercising us for the purpose of learning how to live in the flesh without being overcome by it. Do you recall that from pass meetings? We are spiritual life; who in our fallen condition have been overcome by the flesh. The carnal mind is ruling us, the spiritual law of God is not ruling us, and we are being exercised in the flesh, God's ultimate purpose for us is that we shall rule the flesh, we shall not yield to the carnal mind but the righteousness of the mind of God shall appear in this flesh and when that happens we are going to stop dying. There is spiritual life that passes on a journey into the realm of appearance. When the body and soul dies, the spirit goes back to the Father, amen? Okay.
These are the merchants of the earth, and the Scripture says that instead of learning to rule by the power of the spirit, what is happened is they have become increased with carnal thoughts.
They were seduced, we have been seduced by the harlot, we are not functioning by the spirit, we have been seduced by her and we have fornicated with her. I will read it to you again. For she has involved all of the races of the earth in her passionate fornication and their carnal minds have fornicated with her, that is the body and the soul, and the spirit, and the spiritual life passing through the earth has become increased with carnal thoughts, it is demons, high imaginations, instead of developing spiritually, because of her arrogant illegal spiritual power. She has overtaken the spiritual life that is passing through the earth for the purposes of being trained up to be sons of God.
She has stopped them so far. There is a 42nd generation brethren, and Christ is going to appear in man, there is a manchild that is being born, hallelujah, we have been women, the whole human race has been women from the beginning of time, except for the Lord Jesus Christ, we have been subject to the carnal mind of the harlot, but there is a manchild that is about to be born, and he is going to appear in the realm of appearance, Christ spiritual life ruling over the flesh in the earth in the realm of appearance soon, glory to God. This is the last verse that I did, Verse 4;
4. And I heard another voice from heaven saying, come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues. KJV
The word plagues is a stroke, it is a wound, it is a calamity and it is usually sent, it is sent by God, it is a judgment of God. The Scripture says do not fornicate with her, so that you do not have to get smitten. If you are fornicate with the harlot, the judgments of God fall on you, God smites you when you fornicate with the harlot, God smites you. He says, come out of her my people, come out of her soul. How can you come out of her soul? How do you come out of the harlot? You have to have another place to go. If you are in the harlot, if this is the soul life, and this Eve and she is in there with the carnal mind, we are Eve, we are the human spirit; how do we get out? We have to have another place to go. Amen? It is here, it has been in the earth for 2,000 years, His name is Christ and He is offering us His blood which is His soul life. There is finally a place to run to, after thousands of years of mankind being in the earth, there is finally a place for him to run to. He says come out, come into Christ, glory to God.
I heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues, glory to God. Come out of her, stop partaking of her sins, come over here; glory to God. Verse 5;
5. For her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remembered her iniquities. KJV
The word reach means to follow the one who perceives her, she has gone all of the way up to heaven, she has gone up to heaven, God has seen them and when God remembers, we had this teaching in the message #18 series, when God remembers it means that He takes action. When God remembers you kindly, He blesses you, when He remembers your sin, He curses you. The expression God remembers, it means that you come to a place where God is dealing with you, you come into God's consciousness and He deals with you. Her sins have reached unto heaven and God has remembered her iniquities. Remember the difference sins and iniquities. Sin is what you commit is when you break the law, and iniquity is the fruit of that sin which is the demons. The Scripture says, and I heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her breaking the law and that you receive not of her judgments for her sin, the law that she has broken has reached unto heaven and God has remembered her iniquities, he is dealing with the fruit of her sin. Verse 6;
6. Reward her even as she rewarded you and double unto her double according to her works in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double. KJV
I am sorry I told you I was stopping at verse 5, but I went on to verse 6. This is the last verse I am just going to make a couple of comments on it. Verse 6;
6. Reward her even as she rewarded you and double unto her double according to her works in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double. KJV
The word reward means to pay off, to discharge what is due. This word filled, it is a very important word, it really means to mix, it means to mix or to mingle and there are two words in the Greek that mean to mix. One means that you can have orange and blue marbles and put them in a cup and you can mix them up, and you still have orange and blue marbles, they are just mixed up, orange and blue marbles. The word mingle, the word that is used here it means to mix to the point that you form a new compound. If you take flour and take water and mix it together, you get paste. It means that you mix two things together, they totally combine and you have a totally new product in your hand.
That is what happened over here. He says in the cup which she has filled, fill to her double; fill to her double. The word works means labors. What it is saying here is that she has created a totally new creation. You might recall that this was the soul and Eve was here and she was supposed to produce Christ, she was supposed to marry the Holy Spirit and produce Christ, that is what she was supposed to produce but she did not do it. She married Satan and she produced a totally new product, the carnal mind. They mixed together and they produced the carnal mind, a totally foreign product that has no place in God's kingdom. That is what he sin she produced the carnal mind.
Reward her even as she rewarded you and double unto her double according to her works. That word works is labors, she did not do it by spiritual power, she labored; in the cup which she has filled. We had the other day that the word cup refers to the whole of the living soul.
A cup is a vessel that holds spiritual life. The cup of harlot refers to the whole of the creation, the corporate man. Reward her even as she rewarded you and double unto her double according to her labors in the cup which she has filled. What did she fill it with? She filled it with the carnal mind. It is supposed to be filled with Christ, and she filled it with the carnal mind; that is us, she filled us with the carnal mind.
In this very same cup that she fills, he says fill to her double. All that I can say about this word double, I took out Jeremiah 16 but I am not going to read it to you because it is late and you all want to go, but it is just very common in the Scriptures when God judges people to use the expression give you double, He gives you double blessings when He wants to bless you, and He will give you double for your sins when He wants to judge you.
If you want to read it yourself I picked out Jeremiah 16:17-18 just to show that it is very common in the Scripture that God says He is going to a double for double. In the cup which she has filled up with the carnal mind, give her a double portion of the judgments. Any questions before we go? Okay.