The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
John 2:1, And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there.
I've been teaching for a long time that the third day can be translated the third part of the day, and the third part of the day is talking about Satan. The third day meaning Satan, a marriage there was in Cana, and the significance of Cana is Behemoth. Cana means a place of reeds. As soon as I heard that I remembered the scripture in Job 40:21, I think, where it says that Behemoth just dwells among the reeds and the fens.
So we are going to say that Cana signifies Behemoth, and who is Behemoth? Behemoth typifies the lust of man. Behemoth is lust and Leviathan is pride. So we see the third part of the day, that's the serpent and marriage, and then we have Behemoth of Galilee. I looked up the significance of Galilee and much to my surprise, Galilee means the "circle of the heathen".
In the natural the circle of the heathen, Galilee is a place where mostly foreigners dwelt. They dwelt in this area where houses were built. So to us, the circle is the circle of the earth. It is talking about this fallen timeline. Galilee spiritually signifies this fallen timeline, where all of us fallen heathens dwell.
And the mother of Jesus was there. You may recall that the word mother is the word used in Genesis to describe the point of departure. Adam left his mother. It was the point at which he departed from the timeline that Michael had set him upon.
Implementing the spiritual understanding of all of these words, this is our Alternate Translation of John 2:1; And there was a marriage between Satan, the third part of the day and Behemoth in the circle of the heathen in this world. There was a marriage between Satan and Behemoth in this fallen world. And the serpent, the place at which mankind departed from our original ancestor in the timeline that he set us on, was there also.
Let me try that again. And there was a marriage between Satan and Behemoth in the serpent's timeline and this fallen world. And the Serpent, Jesus' point of departure, was there also. Jesus' point of departure is talking about His mortal personality.
So this is saying in John 2, Jesus had a mortal personality, and within the man, Jesus, Satan was married to His Behemoth, and a part of this mortal world, a spiritual place that departed from Adam's original timeline (which is the Serpent's timeline) was in Jesus, also. That's what it is saying. Oh my!
Verse 2: And both Jesus was called and His disciples to the marriage. The word to be called means to have the name of.
Verse 2 is saying, And both Jesus and His disciples were all in this condition. Jesus and His disciples were mortal men.
Verse 3: And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto Him, they have no wine.
The Greek word translated when they wanted is Strong's #5302, and it doesn't mean anything that sounds like that at all. Strong says it means to be later; to be inferior; to generally fall short; to be deficient; to be destitute; to be lacking; to be worse. The word really does not mean to be wanted at all. The King James just couldn't make any sense out of this.
Then we have the word wine. I want to remind you that the spiritual significance of the word wine is a bubbling up and a fermenting. Now remember, the Serpent bubbled up and fermented into Leviathan, and Michael bubbled up and fermented into the first Adam. It is an increase. Wine is talking about an increase.
What do we have here? When they wanted, we are translating it inferior. And the inferior wine increase, and the inferior increase says (who is the inferior increase? Leviathan is the inferior increase). And Leviathan says mother of Jesus unto Him. I want to suggest to you that this phrase, the mother of Jesus is talking about Jesus' mortality.
So in view of that, listen to this. And the inferior wine says to Jesus' mortality, to Jesus' mortal mind, to His mortal personality; the inferior increase, Leviathan, says to Jesus' mortal mind, wine you don't have. Now do you hear this?
The inferior wine says to Jesus' mortal mind, You don't have any wine; you don't have Christ.
Therefore, Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come.
And saith unto her. Who is Jesus talking to? Jesus is talking to Leviathan, the inferior wine, and Jesus says back to Leviathan, What have. There is no Greek word translated have, it simply says in the Interlinear Text, what I and the word to do, there is no Greek word translatied to do. It is not there. All that's there in the Greek is what I. And what means Elohim.
Leviathan said to Jesus, You don't have Christ. And Jesus said to Leviathan, I Am Elohim. Hallelujah!
And is a word that is not translated, #2532. It means indeed. Then the phrase, with thee, woman; with thee is Strong's #4671, and it means you are. Jesus said to Leviathan, I Am Elohim, and you are the woman.
My hour has not yet come. This word not yet is the Greek #3768, and it can be translated simply no or not. And the word to come means to arrive, to be present, to appear. Jesus is saying, You are not a part of my hour, or my timeline. That's interesting.
Satan is the third part of the day and the word hour is talking about the twelfth part of the day. I don't really have any deep significance on that yet. In verse 4, it doesn't say who Jesus is talking to you. It just says, Jesus saith to her. Jesus is speaking to Leviathan, saying, I Am Elohim and you are the woman, and you have no part in my masculine role. I guess I just got that by revelation, that the number twelve signifying hour is talking about the male role and the third part is talking about the female role. I don't understand it at this time, but that seems to be what is coming forth.
Jesus is saying, You will not appear. Your mind will not be present where my authority exists. My hour is not yet come.
To put it in the vernacular, I would have to say, Jesus is saying to Leviathan, You are not going to interfere with my headship.
And Jesus said to Leviathan, I Am Elohim and you are the woman, and you are not going to interfere with the exercise of my masculine authority.
Verse 5: His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.
We know that the word mother is talking about Jesus' point of departure. It is talking about His mortality; it is talking about the Serpent within him because the Serpent's time line is the point of departure. So you could say the Serpent, I don't know whether it is the Serpent or Leviathan, I'm not really stopping to work on these subtleties at this time, but we are saying the Serpent said unto her servants.
The Greek word translated his is just a pronoun. It can mean hers or his. It could be anything. It looks like verse 5 is saying on the surface, The serpent said to her servants, Whatsoever he tells you to do, do it. And who is the Serpent's servant? The Serpent's servant is Leviathan. So we are seeing that the Serpent rose up.
The whole point here is that Jesus had just come back from the temptation. He had just overcome Satan and the devil, and He is putting them in their place, and He is putting Leviathan in her place. And the Serpent has risen up to defend Satan, Leviathan and the devil. In the account of the temptation, we hear about Satan and the devil, and in this hidden message we are hearing about Leviathan and the Serpent.
You may recall in our studies of II Kings 2, that Leviathan and Satan could not overcome Elijah. They called upon the Serpent to help them, and that's in the Alternate Translation. This is the same principle. At least I don't see anyone calling upon anybody, but the Serpent is rising up to defend Leviathan because Jesus has overcome Satan and the devil, the devil being the lust of the flesh. And Satan being the one who offered Him spiritual power, now Jesus is getting ready to put Leviathan under His feet and stand up in full stature. Remember, even if you defeat Satan and you defeat the devil, you are not in full stature until you are without sin, and you are not without sin until Leviathan is completely covered over and restrained and paralyzed. Isn't this interesting? In the temptation we see Jesus dealing with Satan and the devil, and here in the marriage of Cana, He is dealing with Leviathan and the Serpent. Very interesting.
Verse 5, Saith his mother unto the servants, Do whatever he tells you. It is the Serpent saying to her servants, Leviathan in all of the disciples and in Jesus (I'm not even sure that word is plural. I'm not as good at the Greek as I am at the Hebrew), Do whatever Leviathan, the sub-conscious tells you. The Serpent has risen up and is speaking to the individual conscious minds of Jesus in all His disciples saying, Now you obey Leviathan, the sub-conscious mind who is your controller.
Verse 6: And there were set there six waterspouts of stone and there were in that place over there.
The word waterpots is Strong's #5201. I think it is like unto the Old Testament word waterspouts. It is talking about the whole fallen vessel including the skins that we live in. We are vessels that hold Cain's waters. We hold the waters that produce this whole image of this world. And I don't know if I put it on the message already, so I'll repeat it. The word stone is the same word that is used in the parable of the soils where Jesus talks about the stony ground. I did a workup on that not too long ago. Jesus is the Rock, and rock refers to spirit in the flesh, and the stony ground is the ground that has spiritual heredity.
The stony ground is the ground that has the potential to produce spiritual life. In the parable of the soils, the thorns came up (which is talking about the carnal mind) and destroyed the spiritual potential to arise in Christ. But those who fight the good fight of faith, Christ becomes their functioning mind. So we see over there in that place where the number six is referring to men, so there were vessels, six waterpots, they were mortal vessels. They were vessels of mortal humanity that had the potential to increase into Christ.
And the word after, Strong's #2596 can be translated to the uttermost. It talks about distribution or intensity and the word translated, the manner of purifying, Strong's #2512, is talking about a washing off. It is talking about the ceremonial cleansing of the Jews' purification rituals.
So what this is really saying? The King James it says, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews. This phrase, after the manner of the purifying, it is saying that these mortal vessels who have the potential to increase into Christ were thoroughly cleansed according to the ritual of the Jews.
And then the phrase containing two or three firkins apiece; the Greek word translated containing, Strong's #5562 doesn't mean that at all. It means, oh I see here, let me back up a little.
Now this is really interesting. I know that I have done this, but this is the first time I've ever seen the King James translators do this. The English word set, it is the fourth word of verse 6, and there were set there six waterpots of stone. It doesn't appear in the Interlinear Text until after the phrase, of the purifying of the Jews. So the Interlinear Text says, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews set containing apiece. The King James translators moved this word to the beginning of the verse because they couldn't make any sense out of it at all at this place. But we are going to make sense of it at this place.
So far we have, And there were mortal men with a spiritual potential to increase into Christ in that place and they were wholly purified after the manner of the Jews.
We have the word translated set, #2749, which means to be buried. It is used of one buried, used of things that cover, quietly cover over some spot. Brethren, this is saying that Leviathan was covered. When Jesus answered Leviathan and said, I Am Elohim and you are the woman, He covered Leviathan. We see that these Jews -- and I honestly don't know whether this is talking about Jesus and His disciples or just Jesus at this point, but we will say it is all of them just for arguments sake right now. Of course, we only hear that Jesus was the only one that we know answered Leviathan. The Scriptures say that His disciples were there, that they were eligible for full stature, but we only know that Jesus answered Leviathan, and said, I Am Elohim and you are the woman. Now get down where you belong.
In verse 6 we see, and I can't tell whether this word is plural or not, I'm not that familiar with the Greek, but it says that there were mortal men who had spiritual potential, and they were wholly purified after the manner of the Jews. That means, according to the law, of the natural law. The word set and also they were covering over, and I suggest to you that they were covering over Leviathan.
So they were wholly purified according to the law, unto the Jewish law, and they were also wholly purified because righteousness had appeared in them and was covering over Leviathan.
And now we have the phrase, containing two or three firkins apiece. The English word containing is a translation of Strong's #5562 which means to go forward, to advance, to proceed. It also means to yield. It means to turn one's self. The English word apiece is a translation of Strong's #303 which means into the midst.
So I suggest to you that these Jews, this is apparently talking about Jesus and His disciples, the Scripture is saying that they were only purified according to the law, and also they had Leviathan in submission to them and they were turning into the midst, they were turning inward. They were turning inward.
As I tell you all the time, brethren, there is no way you are going to ascend into full stature without turning away from your families, and this is a radical thing. I am really open to condemnation for telling you this, but I am telling you this. It is what the Scripture says. You have to fulfill your responsibilities towards people who depend upon you, but we are to turn away from human relationships toward relationship with Jesus Christ. We are to be spending more and more time alone with Jesus because that is how we turn in.
These men who were eligible for full stature, they were not only purified according to the law (what does that mean to us today? It means that behavior was good); they had cleaned up their behavior. A lot of pharisees have cleaned up their behavior. Then they had covered over Leviathan. That's what we are trying to do in this ministry. We are trying to cover her over. You cannot cover her over until you see her.
That means that our sins have to be exposed and confessed and repented of. After those three things are done, the purifying of our behavior, the covering over of Leviathan, and the third thing is to turn inward. If you turn inward before you do the other two things, you are going to contact the Serpent. You are going to contact the Satan who is going to lead you to the Serpent. And that's what is happening in all of these believers who have gone on to deep doctrine and spiritual development without first purifying themselves. The two ways are required, both of the behavior and the exposure and covering over of Leviathan. If you are going on to spiritual experiences without that, you are contacting Satan and the Serpent of Satan. So we see these Jews, they have cleaned up their behavior, they have covered over Leviathan, and they were turning inward to the spiritual life.
Then we have the word firkins, which is talking about a measurer. It is like a cup. A firkin is a utensil. It is not the same thing as saying this was a pint or a quart. A firkin can be likened to a measuring cup. I have a 2-cup measuring cup that I use every day when I make my oatmeal. It is the cup itself. It is the measuring cup, itself, that indicates, that reveals what's in it. If I pour my oatmeal into a certain mark on my 2-cup measuring cup, I know that when that oatmeal comes up to that line that I have the correct amount of oatmeal.
So this word firkin is talking about the line and plummet, brethren. It is talking about the measure. It is talking about comparing us to the touchstone, not comparing us to the pharisees or to our mother or our father or to our husband, that we are doing better than he is, or to anyone else in our family. This is the measure that compares us to Jesus. And by comparing us to Jesus, we find out whether or not we are in full stature.
Then we have the words two or three. So the measurer came and he determined whether these men were two, the Father and the Son, the first and the last Adam (well I'm not sure whether it's the first and the last Adam). I really don't have that worked out yet, but I know that the number two is either talking about the first and the last Adam or the Father or the Son. It's a number that is pertaining to the mind and the personality of God.
So the measurer came, and who is the measurer? The measurer is Michael. Michael came to measure and find out whether these men were two. Were they hooked up and reconnected to the Father or whether they were three; whether they were the third part of the day. And then Michael came and he measured them and he made a judgment,as to whether or not they were one, because he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. He made a judgment, whether they were one with the Lord. Maybe it is him. Maybe Michael came and made a judgment whether or not these men were joined to him or whether they were the third part of the day, which would mean that they were joined to Satan. Oh, this is exciting.
Let me try and give you an Alternate Translation of this verse 6: And there were over there, in those days (over where? I don't know over where) and mortal men who had a spiritual potential to increase into Christ and stand up in full stature and they were fully purified after the manner of the Jews and they had also covered over Leviathan in themselves and they were turning inward and the measurer came, Michael came, to measure them and to determine whether they were joined to one, to the Father, which would be Himself, or whether they were three, whether they were joined to Satan and Leviathan.
That's interesting. That's another way to say this. And Michael came to see whether or not these people were two, or was it just their spirit joined to Michael, or were they three. Were these men three. Was it their spirit joined to Leviathan and Satan? Very interesting. Alleluia.
Verse 7: And Jesus saith unto them, fill the waterpots with water and they filled them up to the brim.
I'm starting to think that Jesus did ascend into full stature after the temptation and that this whole account of the marriage in Cana is Jesus raising His disciples up to full stature. After the temptation Jesus was in full stature and He came to see His disciples and acted as mediator. He became, well, He always was their controller. No, I'm sorry. At this point, at the Marriage of Cana, Jesus became the controller over His disciples and He was speaking to Leviathan in them. He was speaking for them, saying, I Am Elohim and you are the woman, and I am going to help these men cover you over.
In verse 7, Jesus says unto them (the question is who is He talking to?). This word unto them is a translation of Strong's #846, which really means He is talking to Himself. It really indicates Jesus is talking to Himself. And that means He is talking to Himself appearing in His disciples. because it was His Spirit that is now in full stature, which is Elohim, that is controlling Leviathan. He is speaking unto the spiritual aspects of His disciples, saying unto them, Fill the waterpots with water, or Let the waterpots be filled with water.
The waterpots are vessels. We no longer have the number six, so we don't know whether they are mortal or not, but we do know that they are vessels in skins that contain the waters of the creation. And the waters of the creation is Cain. And the word, to fill, signifies satisfaction; to fill up to completion, to satisfy.
So Jesus checked them out. Actually, going back into verse 6, the one who was doing the measuring was Jesus. He was measuring His disciples after helping them, giving them the hand that they needed to put Leviathan under. Jesus can give you all the help in the world to put Leviathan under, but if you are not working with Him, there is no way she is going under.
We now see that Jesus is the firkin that measured the disciples to see if they were one with Him, if they were two together, or if His disciples were three, if they were joined to Satan and Leviathan. And apparently they all passed the test because in verse 7, Jesus is saying unto them, unto His disciples, May the waters in you, may Cain in you be satisfied. May the waters of your waterpots, may Cain in these men be completely satisfied. That's talking about full stature.
And they filled them up to the brim. And they were filled up. They were entirely filled up to the point of the brim and this word brim is Strong's #507, and it is talking about above. It is talking about above; on high; on the top. On the top of the what? On the top of the firmament, above the firmament? No, they are not above the firmament. This is just full stature. They are above the sea. The word brim is talking about the edge. If you remember, the edge or the lip, that's a word that talks about the surface of this fallen world which is underneath the sea. Jesus' disciples ascended to the surface of the sea.
Well Xxxx, you are going to be the first one that's going to hear this. That's just really exciting because it is just another witness to me that if the Lord lets me stand, if I do stand, the first thing Jesus did after He stood up was that He went and He assisted His disciples and they stood, too. So let's all hope for the best here.
Verse 8: And He, Jesus, saith to them, draw out at this time.
The Greek word translated draw out is Strong's #501, and it is talking about drawing out water, but we know that Cain is the water. Then I suggest to you that Jesus is saying to them, Separate Cain from the rest of the waters, from the rest, separate Cain from what? The seas, because Cain, which is water, is mixed together with Satan, which is the sea. And I'm very surprised to see this, but it seems to be the second stage of resurrection.
I have just been meditating about this off the message, and this is what the Lord told me: There are three stages leading up to full stature and that is reconciliation, justification, and sanctification is full stature. And then there are three stages leading up to the second stage of resurrection and that is number one; killing Satan, smiting Satan and in Satan's death, Cain is drawn out of her. But it is not clear here in verse 8 that the only way to get Cain out of Satan is to kill Satan through the boiling.
So that is the first phase of the second stage of resurrection; the first phase of the second stage of resurrection is the destruction of Satan and the emancipation of Cain. And the second phase of the second stage of the resurrection is spiritual marriage to Michael, who is above. And the third phase of the second stage of resurrection is the harvesting of the new foundation which is established through the spiritual marriage away from the Serpent's vine.
It looks like there has to be three phrases leading up to the third stage of resurrection, but at this time I cannot see it. I have no information on it out of the Scripture. What it looks like to my mind is that one stage is the separation from the body, and then it would have to be the -- up until this point I have just been saying that the body just ceases to exist. I better drop it. I don't have any idea, but it looks like there's going to have to be three phases to the third stage. So I don't know what two of them are.
I guess one is the separation from the Serpent's body and two is the formation of the glorified body. I am using Jesus as an example. And then the third step would be the actual ascension up above the firmament. So what I see here in verse 8 is the first two phases of the second stage of resurrection.
And Jesus says to them, Draw Cain out now and bear unto. This word bear, Strong's #5342, and it means to move or to convey or to transfer. It is used of persons carried on a ship over the sea. It is used of the mind to be moved inwardly; to bear up or to uphold or to keep from falling or to endure. Actually, I have been meditating on this for over an hour off the message and it seems to me that the only way I can translate this is to say, Jesus says to them, Draw Cain out now at this time.
Now, they had just stood up in full stature; And carry her up to or let her ascend unto the governor of the feast. I have a word study on this Greek word translated the governor of the feast, Strong's #755 for verse 9. I did verse 9 before I did verse 1 and I will be plugging that verse 9 onto this message as soon as I finish verse 8.
And it looks like the governor of the feast (I think in my verse 9 study I said the governor of the feast was Jesus, but that really can't be because Jesus was not glorified yet). So the one above really has to be Michael.
Alternate Translation of verse 8: And Jesus says to them, to His disciples, Draw Cain out now.
That is just another way of saying, Kill Satan. When we did our study in II Kings 2, the Scripture says that both Elijah and Elisha smote the waters, so they killed Satan. Here in the New Testament, we have, Draw Cain out now, and carry her up unto the governor of the feast. Well, I'm changing my mind about this. The governor of the feast would be Michael. Remember, Michael is the seed. Michael is the last Adam, and he is the seed that is the husband of the waters, and when the two of them are together and Michael plants himself in the earth, the first Adam comes forth. So we see that Jesus is telling His disciples to kill Satan, to separate Cain from Satan and to carry her up so that she can be restored to her true husband, Michael, who is above the firmament.
And I think that we even have something about that in Revelation 17. Let me take a look. I thought it was in Revelation 17, but I couldn't find it.
This is what I have for verse 8: And Jesus says to them, Draw Cain out now and carry her up unto Michael, and they carried her up.
I'm going to plug in verse 9 on this message. In John, Chapter 2, verse 9, where it speaks about the ruler of the feast, Thayer says this is the superintendent of the dining room; a table master. And it differs from toast master, who is one of the guests selected by lot to prescribe the rest to the rest the mode of drinking. When I have done this study in the past, I have not been able to get past this word because I don't see how I could apply this word to Jesus. However, when I break it down, Strong says that this word, ruler of the feast, Strong's #755, comes from three other words. The first word, #746, means the beginning, the corner, the chief in order, time, place or rank. That certainly sounds like Jesus.
And it also comes from Strong's #5140, which means three, simply the number three. And the third word is Strong's #2827, which means to slant or to slope, to incline or to recline and it is supposed to be the cause to fall back. I couldn't make any sense out of that until I looked up this word, Strong's #2827, and I found out that this is the word, Strong's #2827, that is used in Hebrews, Chapter 11:34 in the phrase, turn to flight the armies of the aliens. And I believe this is the hall of fame that these great men, they turned to flight the armies of the aliens. That's the third word out of which the word ruler of the feast is derived.
Other uses of this word is to lay one's head down or to wear away or to bow down, for the day to be far spent. So it is a word that means to put down low or to use up. What does that mean? If we are looking for a hidden meaning of the word that means the ruler of the feast, we have to put together the chief, the three (and right away I'm thinking of the chief of the three part altar), and the third word is #2827, which means to put down. I'm going to say that this word that the Greeks translated ruler of the feast comes from three words that when I put them together, I get the chief of the three part altar that puts the woman down under. And to me that is Michael. Remember, at this point in John 2:9, Jesus was not glorified yet. He was just coming into full stature. So to talk about the chief of the three part altar that puts the woman under is talking about Michael.
We are on verse 9 of John, Chapter 2. The Greek word translated when #5613, we are going to translate that even as and then there is an untranslated word there, #1161, that means but, so but even as had tasted #1089, that word means to perceive the flavor of, to partake of, but it also means to make a trial of.
And I want to suggest to you, and I'm going to show you in the next few words, that Michael is testing the increase that has come forth in the disciples. Even now, as the ruler of the feast, Michael, was testing the water, which is Cain. The Interlinear says the waterline that was made, and I want to suggest to you that the Interlinear Text is saying that Michael was testing. Remember that wine means increase. So the increase of the water, the increase of Cain, either Christ or Leviathan. Michael was testing the increase of Cain to see who it was, Christ or Leviathan.
So now, even as the ruler of the feast, Michael, was testing Cain's increase. And the word that was made as of the translation #1096, and it means to come into existence; to begin to be. So even now, as Michael was testing Cain's increase that was coming into existence. And then we have the word and, Strong's #2532, can be translated also; at the same time, also.
At the same time that Michael was testing Cain's increase that had come into existence, also the King James says, knew not whence it was. The word not we are translating as one of the negatives. Right now, I'm just going to say Satan. I don't know which one it is right now.
At the same time that Michael was testing Cain's increase that had come into existence, Satan knew, Satan perceived with her eyes.
Please note that Michael tested; he was experiencing spiritually what Satan knew or recognized with the eyes. This is the recognition of the body right now. Whence #4159 is speaking about the place or the source or what condition this kingdom. At the same time that Michael was testing Cain's increase, the Serpent, or Satan, was testing it also to find out where it came from.
So at the same time that Michael was testing the increase of Cain, of the waters, at the same time, either Satan or the Serpent perceived with her eyes the source of the place from which this increase was coming into being.
We see both Michael and Satan knew who this increase was, and of course, I could say at this point that the increase was Christ. Both Michael and Satan recognized that it was Christ. And then the Scripture goes on to say in the King James, but the servants which drew the water knew. That word but can also mean and, and moreover, or what's more.
The servants, and who are the servants? The servants are the individual conscious mind, Leviathan, the mortal minds of those standing by, also, knew, recognized, also perceived with their eyes. So you see, Leviathan, in the very men in whom Christ was coming forth, recognized that Christ was coming forth.
They knew which drew the water. Which we are translating it this one or the one which drew the water. This word drew is Strong's #501, and it is the same word that we saw in verse 8 where Jesus is commanding the disciples, Draw out now, and we translated that it was a separation of Cain from Satan, in the sea.
We see the same word in verse 9, But the servants, Leviathan in the same men in whom Christ was coming forth, recognized with their eyes the one who was drawn out of the water. And the one who was drawn out of the water was Cain. She was ascending to Michael because verse 8 says Jesus commands them to draw Cain out, and to raise her up to the one above, to raise her up to Michael. So Leviathan in the disciples saw what was happening, that Cain was being separated from Satan, and that she was being joined to Michael.
Then the King James says, The governor of the feast called the bridegroom, but the Interlinear Text says to call the bridegroom the governor of the feast, and that word called can be translated to call to one's self, to summon. What this is saying is that Michael and Satan and Leviathan, the conscious mind in the individual disciples who were being raised up, were all recognized that the one being drawn out of the water was being summoned by the bridegroom.
Called, summoned to the, or by the bridegroom, who is the governor of the feast, and that is Michael. So Michael was doing the test, and Satan and Leviathan both knew that Cain was being separated from Satan. She was being drawn out of the seas by the bridegroom, Michael, the governor of the feast. Alleluia.
Verse 10: And saith unto him. We don't know who is talking here, but we can figure out who is talking here. This is probably Michael speaking, but I'm not sure. If it is Michael speaking, He is speaking through Jesus. I don't know at this point who is speaking here.
Verse 10: And saith unto him, every man at the beginning. This word every means the whole, and the word man here is not speaking about mortal man or husband or male. It is the Greek word anthropose, which is speaking about all of mankind. It is talking about humanity. It is not specifically talking about fallen man, and in fact, I think this verse is talking about man from the beginning, even before the fall.
And saith it unto him, the whole man at the beginning. And that word at the beginning, #4412, it means first in time or space or place, first in rank, chief principle. He is saying, the whole man from the beginning. And the whole man was the first and the last Adam, Michael and Adam together. And say unto him, the whole man from the beginning, the good wine, this good, this excellent, honest, genuine, approved increase. Wine means increase. Doth set forth, Strong's #5087, is to set; to place; to establish; to fix.
So Michael, speaking through Jesus, is saying, and of course this word as saying unto him, that's Strong's #846, and can be translated as saying unto himself. So it is Michael and Jesus talking to the resurrected Adam in the disciples and he is saying unto himself, the whole of humanity, the original creation. That's what he is saying.
The whole of humanity, at the beginning, had this good increase set in place. He was fixed and established and set in this good increase, in Adam. Adam was set and established and where was he set and established? In the garden of Eden.
And or but or indeed; this is very hard to translate; there are several words here that are not in the Greek. Let me give it to you in the King James. And when men have well drunk, then that which is worse. The word then is not in the Greek. The word, that which is, is not in the Greek, the word but is not in the Greek, and the word men is not in the Greek.
And when men had well drunk, that word men is not in the Greek. This is what it says in the Greek: And when have well drunk this worse. That's all that it says. Well, what does that say? And when have well drunk is #3182. and it means to intoxicate, drunk, not to drink, but to be drunken. It means to be drunk. He is saying, Listen, at the beginning, all of humanity had this excellent increase, which is Adam, but when or because of drunkenness.
Remember, brethren, that Noah lost his call because he became intoxicated, and that intoxication was from the fruit of the vine. It was from the grapes that the Serpent had brought forth in him. And the Serpent's fruit is Leviathan. So Noah was intoxicated when he partook of Leviathan and Satan. He became drunken and he lost his righteous mind; Adam was covered over by Leviathan. That's what Jesus is talking about here. This is very exciting.
And Michael in Jesus is saying to Adam and all the disciples, The whole man at the beginning, that's Adam and Michael together, have this same excellent increase that is now established in you, but since or when; I have to work that out; because he became drunken, Adam became drunken. He had the same experience that Noah had. He was intoxicated by the Serpent's witchcraft when he became drunken.
The word worse is Strong's #1640, and it means younger one, younger in age or in rank. It doesn't mean worse; it means younger. Thou means you. Hast kept, #5083; Strong's says this word can be translated to withhold as in marriage; figuratively, to keep unmarried. The good increase, which is Adam, until now.
Listen to what this is saying, brethren. How exciting! And Michael and Jesus said to himself in the disciples, the whole man at the beginning had this good increase established in him, but you when you drunk. He is saying to the disciples, You are drunk. You are drunk under the Serpent's seduction. And even while you are drunk, you are younger in rank. Has kept unmarried the good increase until now. I'll try to say it faster for you.
And Michael and Jesus said to Adam in the disciples, The whole man at the beginning had this good wine, had this good increase of Adam established in him, but you, even when you are drunk under the serpent's intoxication, even though you are drunk because of the Serpent's intoxication, even though you who are younger or less mature, who have kept this good increase, Adam, unmarried until now.
I think what this is saying is that even though the younger one of you is intoxicated, you have still kept this good increase from marriage until now. Remember, the first born is Leviathan. That would make Adam the younger, if I'm seeing this correctly at this time. That would make Adam the second born, the younger and Adam coming forth in a mortal man is intoxicated. I can tell you that from my own personal experience. I'm continuously under the intoxicating influence of the Serpent, trying to make me think and feel things that I am not thinking and feeling. It's the ultimate mind control. It's just awesome.
Even yesterday I was asking the Lord and trying to decide whether to work on this revelation or go out and do something else. I really couldn't decide what to do and it was very obvious to me that Satan actually brought forth distress in my emotions in an attempt to influence me to leave the house and do the other activity. But it was obvious to me. There was just pain in my emotions, just beamed into me. I knew that it was a manipulation and a seduction to make me leave off from getting this revelation out.
So the younger one coming forth in us... and maybe it doesn't even mean Adam. Maybe it means Abel. Maybe Abel is the younger one. Ha! I'll go for that. Abel is the younger one.
So Michael, through Jesus, is saying, Even while Abel is intoxicated by the witchcraft of the Serpent, you still have kept unmarried with good increase until now.
That unmarried doesn't sound right. Let me check that out. It has kept Abel unmarried until now. What that means is Abel has risen from the dead and he is still subject to the Serpent's witchcraft, but despite all that, Michael in Jesus is saying to the disciples (I don't know who he is saying it to. Maybe he is talking to Jesus. I don't know. It is not clear who he is talking to) that you have kept the younger one, you have kept Abel from marrying Leviathan despite the witchcraft of the Serpent that was intoxicating you. You have still managed to keep the younger one, Abel, unmarried until now.
Although, technically speaking, Abel married Cain in the wrong order, and he died. Cain penetrated Abel, putting Abel in the female position, and the result of that union was that Abel died, and that Cain absorbed Abel's energy and became the Serpent. Wow, this is really interesting. Let me try it again.
And saith unto him, The whole man at the beginning had this good increase, Adam, established in him. But you, even though you are under intoxication, or even though the younger one, even though Abel in you is intoxicated as under the Serpent's witchcraft, you have kept this good increase until now, whereas Abel has stayed alive in you until now. OK, I think I've got it.
Even though the Serpent and Satan has done everything to intoxicate you, and to cause you to turn away from Abel, Abel has stood until now. Despite everything that the Serpent and Satan could throw at you, Abel is still standing until now.
It looks to me like verse 10 should go before a few of these verses. It's really hard to tell until I can see this typed up. It seems to me that verses 7, and 8, perhaps, will have to be moved to the end. I'll take a look at that after you type it Xxxx.
Verse 11: This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.
Well, of course they believed on him, He brought them up to full stature. Please note that this is an imputed full stature. Without Abel, there is no indication at all that they were having their sins exposed or confessing their sins, and we did find out that the foot washing was just that, the exposure of their sins. That didn't come to pass until before they were caught up to an imputed full stature. So brethren, please note that the first miracle that Jesus did was that He caught His disciples up to an imputed full stature.
If this does come to pass, if I do stand and I do drag you up, if you want to hold on to that full stature, you are going to have to go through the full exposure of your wicked heart and everything that is in there. Brethren, this exposure includes your children, because if you are covering up your children's defects, it is the same thing as covering up your own. Because it is just your pride saying, I don't want anyone to know my children's defects. Your children are no different that any other person coming under the scrutiny of the Kingdom of God. We have another choice. If you think you are going to cover up your kids, it's the same thing as covering up yourself, because you are really just one flesh.
This is interesting. In John 2:15, it talks about Jesus overthrowing the tables of the money changers. That word to overthrow; it doesn't mean that at all. It means to bring up and nourish children; to nurse and nourish children; used of young children and animals nourished to promote growth; to bring up with the predominate idea of forming the mind. He changed their minds, brethren, He changed their minds.
In verse 16, where He says, Take these things hence; that word take is airo. It means to raise up. It is talking about lifting, carrying away sins. I'm very familiar with that word. He is saying take these things away. What things? He is talking about their sins. May your sins be taken away from here. Make not my father's house an house of merchandise. Not, meaning Satan, make my Father's house a house of merchandise.
And it is written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up. The pursuit of this ungodly house has eaten up Adam.
Going back to John 2:12, the King James says, After this he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples: and they continued there not many days.
I'm still going with the idea that the word mother is the point of departure, and the point of departure is the Serpent's timeline. In view of that, my translation is: He, Jesus, and the Serpent and his brethren and his disciples.
The question of who are the brethren, as opposed to the disciples, I'm not sure, but I suspect that the brethren may be the carnal nature of those with Him. The definition of brethren could be all men; it could be apostles; a fellow believer; blood brothers; having the same national ancestor. So I tend to think that His brethren is talking about the carnal nature of His disciples.
So He and His mother, the point of departure; He and the Serpent and the carnal nature and the disciples and the Christ nature, they went. I think I left something out. I'm sorry, I didn't start at the beginning.
And after this, He went down to Capernaum. He went down; it means He descended into Capernaum, and Capernaum means the covered village, or the protected village. And that which was a protected village now is the body and the personality that He is living in. He descended from the high place that He was in, where He was having communion with Michael; the personality of Jesus descended back down into His human body and into possibly Adam alone. I don't know that this communion with Michael was a permanent marriage. I'm not really sure what it means, but it has to mean something like that.
And Jesus came down from His high place into the safe or the covered village which was His humanity, His personality and His body, and He and His mother, the serpent, and the carnal personalities of the disciples continued, they continued not many days. I suggest to you, the word not should be translated Satan. And it says Jesus went down into the covered village and both the Christ mind and Leviathan mind of His disciples came down with Him and they continued there. Where did they continue? In the covered villages. Not many days; but I suggest to you that not should be translated Satan.
And even though Jesus and His disciples were in covered villages because their villages were covered by Adam and Michael, the Serpent still continued there many days. Remember, the Serpent was not dead yet.
And we see the same principle in Daniel, Chapter 7. Here it is in the Alternate Translation Bible; Daniel 7:12; And this is how Adam the living soul was raised from the dead in the many membered sin stained mortal wild animal, nevertheless their fleshly existence was prolonged until the season appointed for them to waste away.
In John 2:12, they were speaking about the Serpent's timeline and the mortal personalities, they continued for many days. They didn't die right away. Even after we stand up in full stature, our Leviathan and Satan and our mortal personalities are going to be alive, but they will just be totally controlled by the Christ in us.
I would also like to comment on the similarity of John 2:4 and Matthew 8:29. In John 2:4, we see Jesus saying, What have I to do with thee, woman? And of course, we rendered it a completely different translation. There is no Greek word that could be translated to do. That was added by the King James translators. But nevertheless, the similarity did strike me between this verse and Matthew 8:29, where the demons are crying out saying, What do we have to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? Art thou come hither before the time to torment us? And this word torment, the Greek indicates that it is talking about being tested by the touchstone. And we did find that principle a little further on. I don't remember exactly what verse it was in at this time. But we see that phrase, What have I to do with thee associated with the judgment. It sounded that way. I will look at it when it is in print.