Part 8 of 8 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
We are in Daniel 2:31, glory to God, Daniel 2:31. I am going to read the alternate translation from last week, verses 31-33;
DANIEL 2:31-33
31. You saw O King and behold a very large idolatrous form, this proud shadow of what he will be in the future, whose power to exist is exceedingly great, appeared before you, but in this stage of his development, he could only creep along the earth because of his premature birth.
32. The existence of the figure which is representative of he who is to come is from God, that part of him which understands, reasons, and experiences pleasure is of a weak pale fearful material, even the rubbish of the earth. 33. His womb and reproductive seed is the intelligence that exists in the earth, even Satan, the part of him which overflows into the realm of appearance and stands upon the earth is part piercing iron, and part earthen vessels prepared as containers. ATB
There are two ways to look at this image, we know that God speaks in parables, so in the Scripture, He is talking about an image and it says that His head is gold and He says that His arms and His breast is silver, and He says that His reproductive parts, His loins so to speak, His thighs, are brass, and His legs are iron, and that His feet are iron and clay. There is another way to look at this, there is a spiritual way to look at this. We know that in the realm of the spirit the most spiritual aspect of our being is within us, and as we move to the outer realms we become more carnal. We could look at this way, we could say that this is His spiritual being and His most innermost spiritual being is gold, then there is a layer that wraps around him of silver. This is the gold is spirit, and the silver is soul and then there is another layer that wraps around and that is brass or bronze, and spirit and soul, the brass actually refers to Satan. Then there is another layer that wraps around it, and that is iron, and then there is one more layer that wraps around it, and that is iron and clay. The layer that has clay in it, that is the part that appears in the face of the earth, because we are clay.
You could look at this, it looks almost like an atom, that this is what our spiritual being looks like and you can remember from other meetings that we measure ourselves from within to without, that is how we measure in the spirit. We do not measure from high to low, from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet, but from our innermost being to the outermost realm, this is outer darkness, the iron and the clay, hallelujah, and the gold is spirit, and the silver is soul, the brass is Satan and the iron represents that part that is starting to pierce into the realm of appearance.
do you remember when Satan overflowed and he started flowing into the realm of appearance, he became hard. You might remember that teaching from the teaching on the creation messages #18, he started to harden over here at this point, and then the very most outer layer, the iron was mixed with clay and he appeared in men. Just like when a sculptor builds something, they have an iron pole, they have an iron pole, and then they start putting the clay on it. He is the iron pole, he is the iron pole of the natural man, he is the spiritual substance of the natural man. This is the spiritual application of the statute that is given to us in parable form. This is it, that is the spiritual state of being of the natural man. Glory to God. We are going on to verse 34;
34. Thou sawest till that a stone that was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet, that were of iron and clay and broke them to pieces. KJV
The word cut out means to decree, to establish, and it is used especially of fate. We are not talking about a natural rock that is cut out of the mountain, we are talking about fate, we are talking about the manifestation or the establishment of something spiritual. The word hand refers to the human hand, the word stone refers to a building block, and it is from a root that means to obtain children. I want to give you a reference on that word stone. The word stone is Strong's #68 and that is what the definition is, to build, but it is used in Isaiah 28:16 to describe Messiah.
ISAIAH 28:16
16. Therefore thus saith the Lord God, behold, I lay in Zion, for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, and precious corner, a sure foundation. KJV
This is indeed a building block, but what it is, is a building block of the creation of God, and it is Messiah. In Genesis 49:24 it reads;
24. The arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob, the stone of Israel. KJV
Glory to God, it is God almighty the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, is God almighty. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
34. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay and broke them into pieces. KJV
This word smote, it means to strike, this is very interesting, it is Strong's #4223 and it means to strike or break into pieces, it means to arrest which means to stop something, and it also means to impale. Do you know what impale means? It means to run something through with a knife, so that it is hanging on it, that is what it means. Did you ever see one of those office tools and you just have, it is called a spindle, and it is just a spike that stands up and you take a piece of paper, and you just impale it upon the spike, that is what impale means. You may recall that we have a teaching that Satan was being impaled to the Spirit of God, that Christ was nailing Himself to Satan. Christ was nailing Himself to Satan.
Here we have a word here that says the word smite means to impale, so we have to find out what He is smiting because when we find out what the rock which is Christ is smiting, He is going to be nailed to the rock. You with me? This word smite, it is from a root that means to rub or strike the hands together in exaltation, that means it is a happy rubbing, that means when Satan is impaled upon the rock of Christ, it is going to be a joyous occasion. Hallelujah, we are dealing with the verse;
34. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet, that were of iron and clay and broke them in pieces. KJV
The word break means crumble or crush, and it is from a root that means to beat into small pieces, to bruise, to make dust and it is especially referring to threshing. We know that Jesus spoke a lot about the wheat and the tares, and the threshing floor, and the harvest, and the spiritual reality of that is, that the fruit of the Spirit of God, is the wheat and it is within these flesh bodies which are the tares. Once the fruit comes to maturity, there is virtually no more use for these bodies, these bodies are wounds in which the fruit of the Spirit of God is growing. Hallelujah.
34. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet, that were of iron and clay and broke them in pieces. KJV
They smote the image upon his feet, this word upon, it is a word that means super, it means, it is not really explained in the Scripture what it means. It means to lay completely upon. If you have a box like this, and you put something upon it, it means to put it right upon it, exactly upon it, to lay it on top of it. That is what it means. When anything is put on the upper part of another, so as to stand or lie upon it, or have it for a substratum, this would be the substratum, it is the part that is underneath, and it is used of a state of rest. This piece is resting upon this piece. There is a joining coming here. There is a joining coming here, glory to God. Alternate translation, verse 34;
34. You saw until the foundation stone of God's creation was supernaturally established, and nailed itself to the image, overlaying it, treading it underfoot and becoming one with the part of it which appeared in the realm of appearance, even the feet, that part of Satan which pierced through to the realm of appearance and now is seen on the earth in clay vessels. And the stone bruised them as if threshing wheat and reduced it to its basic elements. ATB
What are we talking about here?
34. You saw until the foundation stone of God's creation... ATB
First of all, it hit it on the feet, where the clay and the iron was. We know that spiritually we are not talking about a statue of a man, spiritually we are talking about this. The Spirit of God hit it in the outer realms, it hit it in the realm of appearance. You feel you are being beaten these days? The Spirit of God is attacking your spiritual vessel in the realm of appearance for the specific purpose of getting His gold out, He wants His gold, and He is not going right in there, He is starting to beat you up over here, He is going to knock all of this away so that He can get to His gold that is buried deep inside of your spiritual being. If you are having a lot of pain, and a lot of trials and tribulations, that is what is happening to you.
We have watched until the foundation stone of God's creation was supernaturally established...
all of a sudden, there was Jesus Christ, all of a sudden He appeared in the earth 2,000 years ago. He was crucified, He was resurrected, He ascended, and He came back to earth by His Holy Spirit. Where did He come from, He just manifested.
You saw until the foundation stone of God's creation was supernaturally established, and nailed itself to the image..
How is it nail itself to the image? This is the image, how is He going to nail itself to the image? He is going to lay right on top of it. Let me get another color here. He is going to lay right on top of it brethren. He is not going to nail Himself to this corner. It is a circle. He is going to lay right on top of it. That is how He is nailing Himself to the image. He is laying right on top of it. Glory to God. He is going to nail Himself to the image, overlaying it, He is going to overlay it, and He is going to tread it underfoot. How is He going to tread it underfoot. We are going to get to that in the next verse. I am going to let that go til the next verse how He is going to tread it underfoot. Glory to God.
He is going to become one with that part of it which appeared in the realm of appearance, even the feet, this is this outer layer, He is entering in, He is going right through, He is overlaying it, and He is going to become one in this outer realm. Do you see that? He is headed right for the center, He is vibrating forth, he is going to take over the whole thing, and He is going to be seen here in the realm of appearance. Glory to God.
...Even the feet, that part of Satan which pierced through to the realm of appearance, and now is seen on the earth in clay vessels. And the stone bruised them as if threshing wheat and reduced it to its basic elements. ATB
Maybe I will deal with it now. Let me read that again;
He became one with that part of it which appeared in the realm of appearance, that is the outer circle now, and even the feet, the part of Satan which pierced through to the realm of appearance, and now is seen on the earth in clay vessels. And the stone bruised them as if threshing wheat and reduced it to its basic elements. ATB
Let us see how he is going to put it underfoot. Glory to God. We know that when you thresh wheat, the wheat berry is knocked around and whipped, and it is treated pretty violently until the outer husk falls off. It is beaten to pieces. Let us try it this way. We will say that this is the gold, that is the spirit, and we have an element of gold in there and He beats it to pieces. That is what it looks like. The next thing is the silver, and that is the soul, and He beats the soul to pieces, and they are all in there together.
Remember the diagram that I just erased, everything was in order. First you have the gold in the circle, then you have the silver, everything is getting mixed up over here. The next thing that He had was the brass. Then he had the brass which was Satan, and they are all being bruised to dust, to pieces small as dust, total mixture. Total mixture. Then the last thing we had was the iron, we had the iron which is the, we will say the realm of appearance. Everything is beaten to dust and all of the dust is flying around. What do you do when dust flies around. What do you do when dust flies around? You put something on top of it and you press it down to the ground.
Jesus is coming in right up here, right on top, and it is all going to come under His dominion. It is going to crush it together under great pressure, and whereas what you had before was this, this is what you have, I may have it in the wrong order, because I am trying not to keep too much empty sound space on the message. This is what you had, He broke it all apart, He beat it as small as dust, and if you read the prophets, there are a lot of Scriptures where the prophets talk about beating the enemy small as dust.
We studied that for years and I did not know what it meant. That is what it means, you are going to break the whole, this is what it looks like, He is going to break it to pieces, it is going to be like this, He is going to compress it under great pressure, and He is going to rule the whole thing and it is going to serve Him. He is going to break its power. There is strength in this, there is strength in this, can you see where there is strength in that? When you put all of one kind together, there is strength. He is breaking it to pieces. It is going to have no strength at all, and He is going to rule it. This is the creation, this is the natural man, this is what He is doing to the natural man, and also, another point to notice, is that by the time this happens, it is going to be the spiritual body. The natural body is solid, just like this line, and you try to walk through that wall, you are going to get a big egg on your head, but you try to walk through the wall with a body that looks like this, it is going to go right through, it is going to go right through, can you see it? Hallelujah. I will just read that again.
You saw until the foundation stone of God's creation was supernaturally established, and nailed itself to the image, overlaying it, treading it underfoot, becoming one with that part of it which appeared in the realm of appearance, this circle here, even the feet, that part of Satan which pierced through to the realm of appearance and now is seen on the earth in clay vessels, and the stone bruised them as if threshing wheat and reduced it to its basic elements. ATB
ROMANS 16:20
20. And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet. KJV
2 PETER 3:4
4. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. KJV
Everything that God does is with great heat, He is consuming fire. I think even when you grind wheat berries, even through the millstones, there is great heat generated from the millstones rubbing together. For this to get to this condition, there is going to be great heat. This is the New Testament witness to it. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away. This whole order is going to pass away, with a great noise, and the elements, these are all elements, gold, silver, brass, and iron, and they are going to melt with fervent heat, and the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
This whole order will never be seen again, it is going to come down and it is never going to be seen again, it is the order that we are in now, and we are coming into a new order, we are not going to get sick, we are not going to have any problems in our mind, we are not going to be subject to the elements, we are going to have the whole soul realm which was this, under our feet, total authority, because we will have become one with Christ, and we will be in full rulership and control of our body and our soul.
1. And I saw a new heaven and new earth for the first heaven, for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea. KJV
I saw a new heaven, this is the new heaven over here. Hallelujah. I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had passed away, and there was no more sea. The sea in the Scripture is a type for the living soul, it rages and it foams, and if you do a word study on it, you will see that God uses it to describe the emotions of the living soul, it is up and down, it is raging, it is violent, and it is directly connected with the moon which is also a type of the soul. There is not going to be anymore soul, the old heavens, the old spirit, and the old earth, the old soul is going to pass away and there is going to be no more living soul, we are going to have a new heavens, and a new earth. All of this is going to be beaten to pieces, mixed together, pressed down, and come into submission to the Spirit of God. Hallelujah, glory to God. Verse 35;
35. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and the gold broke into pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors, and the wind carried them away that no place was found for them, and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. KJV
The word chaff, it is Strong's #5784, and it is the only time that it is translated chaff in Strong's, it refers to the naked husk, and Webster's definition of husk is a typically dry or membranous outer covering of a seed or fruit. This skin, this human skin is membrane. One of the constituent parts, an outer layer, a shell, a supporting framework. Glory to God. Glory to God, hallelujah. The word membrane according to Webster, is from a Latin word meaning skin, it from a Latin word meaning skin, and it is thin, soft, pliable sheet of layer especially of animal or plant origin.
What is going to be removed from the fruit within is the skin. This is coming off brethren, it is only here for a season because the spirit man that is within us is too weak to live without his amniotic sac. That is what it is, you are not this body, you are the spirit that dwells within you. This body is an amniotic sac, that is what it is, hallelujah. Let me read that verse for you again.
25. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold broke into pieces together and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors... KJV
The word together means one, single, and it is used in, the short form of it is #259 and it is used to describe a group of people functioning as one man. Ezra 2:64 says;
EZRA 2:64
64. The whole congregation together was forty and two thousand three hundred and three score. KJV
What that means is that we are separated now, the whole human race is under the curse of Babel, we are all defensed cities, and we are at war with one another, and if you do not believe that, just observe human nature, just watch people, just watch them, everybody is at war with one another, everybody is on the defensive, everybody is ready to defend themselves if any other man comes along and attacks them. It happens every day of our lives, if you are out with people. We are all opposed to one another. We are set one against the other, but in the new creation, after our spiritual being is beaten to pieces and rearranged, we are going to be as one man, on the summer threshingfloor. Let me read that verse for you again so you can stay with me.
35. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold broke into pieces together...KJV
What that is talking about is this right here, first it was broken to pieces, and then it was put together, just like we have up on the board here, it was broken to pieces, each one of these circles, and they became one unit. There is really no way, I guess, I guess you could squeeze all of this together, but God did not choose to do it that way, He chose to break it to pieces, mix the pieces together and make it one new entity. That is how He chose to do it. That is what that means. Glory to God.
35...and they became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors...KJV
The word summer is Strong's #7007, this is the only time it is translated summer in Strong's, and it refers to the season which is identified by harvest time. When it is harvest time, you can know that it is summertime. The word threshingfloor, again is Strong's #147, and it is only translated threshingfloors once, and it means ample, a lot, or a sufficient amount. Webster says that to thresh means to separate seed from a harvested plant. To strike frequently, repeatedly, to strike with or as if with a flail or a whip, to strike repeatedly. If you feel that you are being beaten, it is very possible that God is in the process of removing the fruit of His Spirit from the womb which you are.
Although it is painful, it is reason to be rejoicing. Hallelujah. Glory to God. I wanted to remind you that the word smote, well let me read that verse for you again; well I am not up to that yet;
35. ...and the wind carry them away...KJV
The word wind refers to the Spirit of God, Strong's #3708, it is translated the Spirit of God three out of the four times that it is used, it is always used in the book of Daniel, and including this time, it is translated, if we would translate this Spirit of God which it should be, it would be four out of four times. Daniel 4:8 says;
8. But at the last Daniel came in before me in whom is the Spirit of the Holy God. KJV
That is the same word translated wind, it is Strong's #7308. Daniel 5:12 says;
12. For as much as an excellent spirit and knowledge of understanding, were found in the same Daniel, now let Daniel be called, and he will show the interpretation. KJV
For as much as an excellent spirit was found in Daniel, that is the same word translated wind, Strong's #7308. Daniel 7:2;
2. Daniel spoke and said, the four winds of heaven strove upon the great sea. KJV
The four winds of heaven, this is the same word translated wind, that is the same word translated wind in the verse we are dealing with. Hallelujah. We are still in verse 35; alternate translation for half of verse 35;
35. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold broke into pieces together and became the chaff of the summer threshingfloors...KJV
35. Then the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold were crumbled into one membranous outer covering for the fruit of God's Spirit in the summer season when God harvests His sons with repeated blows, and whippings. ATB
Maybe I did not draw this right, maybe I should have put Christ in the middle, I should have put Christ in the middle, and all of this is going to represent His glorified body. Hallelujah. He is going to thrash the human spirit, the human soul and Satan, He is going to thrash them small as dust to form His glorified body, and He is going to dwell in the midst of them, and they are going to be His glorified body, and they are going to be totally under His dominion. Hallelujah, glory to God.
I just wanted to show you the four kingdoms, we are told in the book of Daniel that these are four kingdoms and that the fifth kingdom coming is the kingdom of Christ. I just wanted to put that down for you over here. We have the first kingdom is gold, and this is Adam, this is Adam before the fall, Adam before the fall, and it is an imputed anointing, he had the imputed anointing of God, he was not perfected yet, imputed anointing, hallelujah. Then we had silver next, and that was Eve, this was Eve, and it is the formation of the soul, and she was formed to be the soul, Eve formed to be the soul, she was formed to be the soul, hallelujah, or a wife for Adam, however you want to think of it, it is okay, she was formed to the soul or the wife for Adam who had become a spirit.
You may recall when God left the creation, Adam was the most senior being or the most senior element in the creation, that he therefore moved into a position of rulership which qualified him to call himself spirit, although it was an imputed spirit, he really did not deserve to have the title, and the example that we gave was a thirteen year old boy, a thirteen year old prince whose father would die, and he became king at thirteen years old, he was not really qualified to rule, but nevertheless he was the king. Adam was not qualified to be the ruling spirit in the creation, but he was the highest man on the totem pole when the Spirit of God withdrew and he inherited the office, but as we all know he was not strong enough to sustain it, and he was overthrown by Satan.
The brass which is the third kingdom, refers to Satan, hallelujah, and he became the ruling spirit because although he was desperately wicked, he was stronger than Adam, he became the ruling spirit, illegally, became the ruling spirit of the living soul, illegally, because he defeated Adam. He was not entitled to it, it was illegal, but he was stronger than Adam. Glory to God. Hallelujah. How many know that good unless it is attached to God is weaker than evil? Evil is very powerful, evil is very powerful. You take any human being that is raised to be a gentle soul, and you put them up against some person that has been raised that they have had a fight every second of their life to survive, that gentle person does not stand a chance unless God intervenes. Evil is very powerful, great power in evil.
The fourth kingdom was iron and clay, and that is Satan appearing in the flesh, Satan appears in the flesh. Who knows what his name is when he appears in the flesh. Anybody remember? Anybody remember what Satan's name is when he appears in the flesh? Daughter of Babylon, amen. That is the fourth kingdom. The Scripture says there is a fifth kingdom coming hallelujah, and it is going to smite all of these, and it is going to break it to pieces, and it is going to rule. Christ, hallelujah, He is greatest of all. He is greatest of all, He is before all, He is going to overshadow everyone of them. He is greater than evil, He is greater than Satan, He is God in the flesh, He is the offspring, the son of almighty God, He is undefeatable once He comes forth, He is undefeatable. Satan is utterly without scruples, he will stop at nothing, to destroy the immature seed that will eventually sprout into Christ, he will kill you if he can to stop Christ from coming forth in you, because once He stands up in you, it is all over, you are undefeatable, you are absolutely undefeatable. Satan will kill you if he can. If he cannot kill you, he will seduce you, he will seduce you in your mind, he will try to seduce you to sin, if you he cannot seduce you to sin, he will try to seduce you to be lifted up in religious pride in the church.
If he cannot do that, he will seduce you with regard to false doctrine, he will do anything he can to stop Christ from appearing in you, and for Christ to appear in you, it requires to processes, anybody know? Two processes, two methods of treatment have to come upon you to bring forth Christ in you. You need the ministry of the Spirit of God, and you need the ministry of the word. The ministry of the Spirit is very common in the church world today, the ministry of the word is not in every new stage that God brings forth, every new revelation that He brings forth, there is hundreds of Satans right there in the church world standing up to tell that it is false doctrine, that if they can, to scare you half to death, to even studying it out.
They have succeeded in stopping a large portion of the church world from even studying it out and praying about it, because these people are so scared. Glory to God. Hallelujah. This is the second half of verse 35;
35...and the wind carried them away and no place was found for them, and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. KJV
We have already studied the word wind, and we have established that, that is the Spirit of God. The word carried away is Strong's #5376 and it means to rise up against anyone, it is an aggressive act, it is a war, the act of a warrior, and that there will not be any place found for them. This word place, is Strong's #870, it is the only time that it is translated place, and it means track. Webster says that track means a course laid out especially for racing, succession, the course along which something moves, and I am suggesting to you that the Lord over here is speaking about the spiritual lifetime.
You know that we have had teachings in this ministry about a spiritual lifetime, if you have not heard the message, Thy Neighbor's Landmark, and the one following right after that, Lazarus And The Rich Man follows up on it. We have had teachings about a spiritual lifetime, and that all of us at some time had a spiritual ancestor, we had a spiritual ancestor who incarnated in the flesh, he became a man, you can take it back to Adam, you can take it back to Abraham, you can take it back to one of their offspring, it is not important, we are talking about spiritual concepts.
We all, every one of us, every human being alive at some point had a spiritual ancestor that took on the flesh, that man had a son, that man had a son, and the generations moved on. This guy died. The same spiritual ancestors living this guy. This guy dies, same spiritual ancestor, he is living in that guy, the same spiritual ancestor. When the flesh wears out, he goes on to the next generation. What we are saying here, if you want to study this in more depth, it is in the message Thy Neighbor's Landmark, and Lazarus And The Rich Man, if you want to study that further.
This word place, and there was no place found for them, there was no course laid for them, their course was taken away. What does that mean? Their course was taken away. It means that this is the last guy. You can say that this spiritual ancestor is traveling a road, that is the road that he is traveling, maybe he started in the year 2 B.C., and he has ancestors all of the way up to the year 1988, same spiritual ancestor living in the same family line.
There is no more place found for them. Their course, their track has come to an end, that is it, this guy does not have any children, and he dies. This is the story of the Adamic man, there is no more place for him, he is going to be swallowed up in Christ, his track, his course is finished, his whole purpose, God said, Go forth and multiply, until the specified number of vessels are inhabiting the earth, so that my son can come forth and take over your work. That is it, when the specified number of vessels appear on the earth, there is no more place that shall be found for him. Revelation 12:7-8 says;
7. And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon, and the Dragon fought against his angels.
8. And prevailed not, neither was there place found anymore in heaven. KJV
Satan has been ruling through Adam in heaven. He took over the creation of God, he is the spirit that has been reigning and ruling in the living soul but there is going to be no more place for him found in heaven, because this natural man, where Satan rules, where he is the prince of the power of the air, there is not going to be anymore place found for him, his last ancestor is going to come to an end without leaving offspring to continue him. He is going to be swallowed up and the end is Christ, the end is Christ. We have a really good message called The End Of The Commandment Is Godliness, the end is Christ. Everything, all of these people running around saying, Oh the world is going to be destroyed, fire, and blood, and tribulation, the end is Christ. Maybe there will be fire and blood and earthquakes and tribulation, but the end is still Christ. He is going to rule on the earth, hallelujah. Who cares if there is blood and fire and tribulation, that is not the end, the end is Christ.
The word place, no place was found for them, in the Greek is Strong's #5117 and it means a spot limited by occupancy or a location, it referring to the sou, it is referring to the soul. There is no more place found for the soul of the natural man, it is going to be swallowed up into Christ, glory to God. Then all of these people running around and they want everybody burning in hell and punished and you know, the end is Christ. God does not care what you did, He wants you to stop doing it, and he is going to stop you from all of your sins, He has no desire to punish forever in hell, He has a desire to mature you into a spiritual man that will be mature enough to stop beating his brother over the head and putting the cat in the refrigerator right? We have to grow up, He loves us. The last phrase in verse 35;
35. ...and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. KJV
This word mountain, it is Strong's #2906 and almost every other entry in Strong's for mountain, was Strong's #2022, there was only maybe one or two other entries where the word mountain was Strong's #2906, and it means a mountain or a rock but is from a root that means a cliff, a cliff, a sharp rock and it is used to describe... Isaiah 30:29;
ISAIAH 30:29
29. Ye shall have a song as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept, and gladness of heart, as when one goeth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the Lord, to the mighty One of Israel. KJV
The mountain of God is the mighty one of Israel. It is also used to describe God as the founder of a nation. Isaiah 51:1;
1. Hearken to me ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord, look to the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit from whence ye are digged. KJV
Look to the rock from which you are cut out of. Look to the rock from which you would not exist if you did not have start over this basic substance. Hallelujah.
35. ...and it became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. KJV
The word great is Strong's #7229 and it means chief leader or captain. Daniel 2:48 says;
48. Then the king made Daniel a great man, and gave him many gifts. KJV
11. There is a man in thy kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy gods and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was found in him, in whom the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, I say, thy father, made master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers. KJV
I never realized that the king had made Daniel the chief magician. You know what that means? Do you know how many people in the church world today do not realize that we are supposed to have spiritual power in the church? We are supposed to have spiritual power in the church, and when Daniel manifested the spiritual power of God, king Nebuchadnezzar made him the chief magician. This Scripture says, he made him the master of the magicians. The word great is Strong's #7229, and when I look up that word master in Strong's, it says #729. My Gesenius lexicon says that this word master means the word great, but I always double check it.
When I looked it up in Strong's, it did not say that it was #7229, it said it was #729. I looked it up in the Interlinear, and I looked at the Hebrew letters, and sure enough, it means great, but the King James translators, they could not deal with Daniel being made the chief magician, they could not deal with it, so they changed the word. They put a different number down in Strong's concordance, but when I looked that Hebrew word, it really meant great. They changed the word, they changed the number, they did not change the word in the Hebrew text, but they changed the number. Is that not something? Unless it was a mistake, Strong's said #729, and the Hebrew is #7229, so either they could not deal with it, or it was a mistake, I do not know, but it says that Daniel was the chief of the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers. Do you know what that reminds me of? God never denies that there is more than one god, He will never deny that there is more than one god, He says He is God almighty.
He does not deny that there is spiritual power out there, He just says that He is the master of all of the magicians. He is the greatest of all of the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers, and the magicians. He does not deny that, He does not deny that there is spiritual power. He does not deny the validity of spiritual power. All of these people walking around in this country today saying, Oh it only works if you believe it. Oh no it does not, it is real. The Bible says it is real, only God says He is the greatest one of them all. Hallelujah, glory to God.
35. became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. KJV
The word filled is from the root #4390 and it means to fill other out, to fill each other out. It means if you have something that has hollows in it, if you have vessel that looks like this, and you want to fill it up, it means that something comes in and fills up all of the hollows. You have two vessels or two substances and when you put them together, they make a whole. In the meantime this is filled up. Exodus 35:35 says;
EXODUS 35:35
35. Them hath He filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of work, of the engraver, and of the cunning workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any work, and of those that devise cunning work. KJV
To be filled up, you have to be lacking something, to be filled with the Holy Ghost there has to be a place in you where you are lacking. Natural man is lacking, he is incomplete, he is immature, he half made, he is partially created, and that is the simple answer to all of his problems, it is the answer to the problem of the man who rapes, it is the answer to the problem of the man who steals, it is the answer to the drug addict, it is the answer to the alcoholic, it is the answer to the fornicator, he is half made, he is lacking Christ.
Some of are lacking Christ in a greater measure than others because there is a manifestation of God in the earth. There has been from the beginning of time, who knows what the manifestation of God in the earth was before Jesus, anybody know? The law of God. Some people because of their upbringing, have more of the law of God, it has been imparted to them by their parents, to a greater measure, that which is right and that which is wrong. They have more of Christ than others. Some are more fortunate, and some are less fortunate. That is the only difference between you and some horrible person that tortured somebody, your upbringing. The curse is on your family line, the only difference between you and them. Glory to God. Alternate translation of Daniel 2:35;
35. Then the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and the gold were crumbled into one membranous outer covering for the fruit of God's Spirit, even Christ, in the summer season, when God harvests His sons with repeated blows and whippings, and the Spirit of God overtook them and brought their spiritual lifetime to an end, even the end of the age, and almighty God crushed the shadow of he who was to come, and became the sharp rock, even the male element that completely filled up that which was lacking in the female element of the creation, and they became one. ATB
I want to show you this on the board. I do not mean to be crude, but how many of you know that sometimes the Bible gets racy, it does whether you know it or not, it gets racy sometimes. What this is saying, it is saying that there was a natural woman, spiritual natural woman, and she was not complete, she was not complete and there were lots of things wrong with her because she was not complete, and it said that God manifested, and He manifested as a sharp pointed rock, that is what the Bible says, I did not say it, manifested as a sharp pointed rock, glory to God, entered into her, became one with her, permanent intercourse. That is what it says, I did not say it, the Bible says it. That is what it says. She was lacking, He entered into her, male, she is the female, and He remained permanently and they became one, sharp pointed rock, the Spirit of God. Hallelujah, glory to God, a cliff, a sharp rock, and it is used to describe God. He is the cliff. He is the cliff, glory to God. Hebrew 10:1;
1. For the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the thing, can never make the doers thereof perfect. KJV
Adam is the realm of the law, the living soul is the realm of the law, He could never be perfect. Colossians 1:28;
28. Warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. KJV
This is the perfection, this is the perfection, male and female joined together for the life of the ages. Colossians 2:10;
10. And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality the power. KJV
We are female, we are lacking, all of our problems are a result of our lacking of our spiritual husband, and when He joins Himself to us and when He marries us, it is all over. There is just one other thing I wanted to touch on before I ended this, and I just want to jump down here, I do not know, maybe we should be doing this tonight, but in verse 43, it says, now it is talking about the feet now, the outer realm, and it says;
43. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one to another even as iron is not mixed with clay. KJV
We said that the iron and the clay is the manifestation of Satan in the earth, amen, it is the outer realm here. I am going to do it in one color. This was the gold, and it was the spirit. This was the silver and it was the soul. This was the brass and it was Satan, and then we had iron, and he was moving into the realm, he was hardening, and then he had one more layer, and it was iron and clay. Iron and clay, but the Scripture says, they did not mix, let me read that again.
43. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry, they shall mingle themselves... KJV
Who are they? It is the spiritual manifestations of Satan, and the vessels of the natural man. They shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. What I am just trying to suggest to you to close this thing out, is that Satan could not do what God did. We had it up on the board that what the Lord did when He took this whole thing and He smashed it and He ground it and He pulverized it, and He made it into little pieces, then He joined Himself to it, but Satan could not do that. If Satan could, he would, if he could give us glorified bodies and live through us, he would do it. Remember we had it in a prior meeting, that we said Satan has utterly succeeded in ruling the human race, but the one thing that he could not do was stop our bodies and our souls from dying. He has been ruling mankind for centuries, but God has been killing us at the same time, and it is the end of the line, He cannot stop our body and souls from dying.
If he could have mingled the iron with the clay, he would have made glorified bodies, but the Scripture says he could not do it, and the very next Scripture is;
44. And in the days of these kings...KJV
He could not do it, he could not mix it, he could not make a glorified body, and in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, it shall not be left to other people. Do you hear that, it shall not be left to other people, we were just talking about it, it shall not be left to other people, there is no other generation that is going to come along that is going to inherit this spiritual kingdom. This spiritual ancestor that has started this kingdom all of the way down here. This spiritual ancestor that is all of the way down over here, and these bodies keep dying out, and these same guys all of the way down over here, it is not going to left to other people.
In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up the kingdom, He is going to set it up right up in this last ancestor, He is coming right in to this last ancestor, and when Christ appears in you, the kingdom that is in you, it is not going to be left to another people, your body is not going to die so that it will be passed on to the next generation. Hallelujah.
44. ...but it shall break in pieces and consume all of these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. KJV
Hallelujah. It is going to break everything, this whole thing, He is going to break it in pieces, and consume it, and overshadow it. It is going to stand forever, it is the glorified body. It is not going to be passed on to another generation of bodies and souls that die. It is going to stand for the life of the ages. Hallelujah. Everybody understand that, did I confuse you? Any questions? You got a question?
COMMENT: Say it happened to me or you, and we have children, if we passed on, would it be passed on to them, and the grandchildren.
PASTOR VITALE: I believe it is speaking about the whole generation, Xxxx, I really believe He is talking about the whole living soul. When the process is totally completed, that last generation that is alive in that day, I believe that, yeah, I do. Anybody else? Glory to God.