385 - Part 13





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Part 13 of 18 Parts


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           Praise the Lord! Brethren, we're going on tonight with some scriptural witnesses to the present world being a black hole and to the number 7 signifying full stature. The first thing I'd like to do though is go over our alternate translation of Zechariah 14:4 which we did in part 10, I believe, of this message. I'd like to point out to you an error that Leviathan stuck in there. If you see something wrong, you do tell me, so Leviathan blinded all of our eyes. If you can see the lines that are blocked out it says; the vehement insolent valley is the visible spiritual world. The visible spiritual world is the world of God. So the vehement insolent valley is the spiritual physical world. Just wanted to point that out to you. It's just so subtle. Leviathan just gets in there and turns things around and gives herself the glory. I think I told you a couple of months ago, a TV evangelist wanted to set something straight and gave the glory to Satan and his wife was sinking in her chair. Things like that slip out of my mouth all the time, but she was absolutely mortified. Do you know what it's saying? It's Leviathan saying, I have dominion over this body. I have dominion over this tongue. I have dominion; I have dominion; I'm speaking out of it and she couldn't even stop me. It's our condition.

          We're still very carnal and we're very young. I think within the last couple of months, I told you all that I was starting to think that the age of Christ Jesus in me was very young, maybe six or seven. Does anybody recall me saying something like that? Well I'm thinking that He is even younger. Along with the dream that He brought back to me because of your dream this morning, for whatever reason He brought back another dream that I had several years ago. I won't go through the whole dream again because this is Quantum Mechanics. In the dream I had a baby. At the beginning of the dream I had a two year old baby. At the end of the dream the baby was six months old. I had this dream years ago. How does a baby get younger? I think the Lord told me today, for whatever reason, that He was talking about an experience that I had that set back my spiritual growth. The manchild in me was two and at the end of this experience which is played out in the dream, the manchild was six months. But that was a couple of years ago, so I know that I recovered and that I went on. So at the very most, I'm four years old. That's how I figured it out.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">Since I brought Zechariah 14:4 up on this message, we'll read the alternate translation and then we'll go on to Song of Solomon, chapter 5. We'll be doing verses 8, 9 and 10 as a witness that the number seven in scripture frequently signifies full stature or the fullness of God. It is not enough to say that it is a number of completion. You may recall we were translating Genesis chapter 7 which is most all numerology. I was stuck and I couldn't go on until the Lord gave me the revelation that the number 7 signifies the fullness of full stature. I didn't have any witnesses to it. It seemed to fit in as we worked up the alternate translation. That interpretation of the number 7 as full stature fitted in very well with Genesis 7. We've stopped in the middle. We haven't gotten back to Genesis 7 yet. Why do I stop in the middle of a series? Because I don't have what I need to go on. I don't have what I need to translate the rest of the chapter in accordance with the Doctrine of Christ, so the Lord puts us in another study until I get what I need. I'm sure that we will eventually go back to Genesis 7. I doubt that I will get to it today, but this is about the third time I"m giving you these notes. I have a couple of scriptural references speaking or referring to the black hole that we dwell in.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">I was saying the other day that it is just amazing what is in these scriptures, but in the King James translation the spiritual truths are so tied up, they're so bound up that unless you already have the knowledge in your mind you will never ever understand that this is what the Lord is saying. Then the Lord revealed to us, this is the work that has been given to this group, to get these scriptures into a translated form where the seals are opened. We're opening the seals; we're opening the seals for other people to look at and to read and to get before the Lord and pray about them and say could this possibly be true? Without the work that we're doing the church wouldn't even have the opportunity to pray about it. The next stage of the development of the church is at hand. It is already here for us, but it's at hand for those who need the materials that we're bringing forth, for it to be at hand for them.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">Okay let's go on. Zechariah 14:4 alternate translation; And in that day the first Adam, the living soul shall break forth from the corpus callosum of Elohim's sons and he shall stand and continue to abide above their brains. That means above their animal nature which is possessing the brain in this hour. They'll be able to do it because of the glorified Jesus Christ, the last Adam. And the sun, the ruling spirit of that vehement insolent valley, the visible physical world shall depart from their corpus callosum and the darkness which is presently covering that corpus callosum (that's the center of the brain that activates the two hemispheres simultaneously or has the capacity to do so) shall be lighted by the sun of righteousness because the first Adam the living soul shall be the mind which is present in and controlling their forebrains. Alleluia! </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">We're now going on to Song of Solomon.

           QUESTION: In that line under the paragraph you said the vehement insolent valley is not the visible spiritual world but the visible spiritual world. It's supposed to be physical, right?

           SHEILA: Right, it's supposed to be physical, but do you remember what we were talking about before the meeting? If there is a correction when I'm not asking for corrections, that you are supposed to give it to the Lord. Okay, you asked Him, but you didn't wait for Him to move. Now I'm going to keep after you all. I'm going to do it as kindly as I can. But I'm not going to let this drop because it's really right that you ask to be acknowledged and that you use your microphone and that you flow with the spirit. You see, this is not just something that's for me. It's also practice and opportunity for you to practice moving in the spirit. I'm telling you, I'm going to stay after you.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">Praise the Lord, let's go on. Song of Solomon 5:8; I charge you o daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved that you tell him that I am sick of love. The words, I charge you are a translation of the Hebrew words Strong's #7650 that really means I will seven you. Isn't that amazing? It's in all the lexicons. It's not one of these little tidbits. Sometimes I find I have to go into a rarely used lexicon and I find a rarely used translation, but this is the meaning of the word in every lexicon that I looked in. It means I will seven you. I will seven you. I will multiply you by seven. It's a primitive root. It means to be complete. To seven you, to be complete or to seven oneself and the same word is translated also, to swear, as if by repeating a declaration seven times. It's from the root #7651 which again is speaking about the number 7. I think #7651 is merely the number 7 and it means seven times.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">The Hebrew word signified by Strong's #7650 and #7651 are expressed by the same letters with different vowels. You may recall me telling you that traditionally Hebrew is not written with vowels. Let me put it on the board for you. I know I showed it to you a while ago. I'll show it to you again. This is the Hebrew letter alef. It's called the alef bet. It's the alphabet. Alef, this is one letter base. It has the vowels in the Hebrew language are not letters like they are in the English language. The vowel a goes underneath the letter, ah or this is eh and then there is a, two dots. So the vowels go underneath the letters. Traditionally, even today, people who are really proficient in Hebrew do not use vowels. I know I saw an advertisement for Hebrew lessons in a local synagogue and I decided to take a look. For two years I'm thinking of getting a book to improve my skills and I just never do it. So I ran over and took one class. It turned out that I was there for a spiritual reason. My point of telling you about it on this message is that the teacher would not use the vowels. So the vowels are really for the amateurs. The vowels are for the amateurs.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">So this is the point; we have very frequently in Hebrew, according to Strong's he'll have a series of Hebrew letters forming a word and he'll give one number to these letters that have one set of vowels and then he'll take the next number with the same letters and he'll put different vowels under it. Then he'll give it a different number in Strong's Concordance. But the fact of the matter is that nobody knows when the original Hebrew text was written there were no vowels. So it was Strong's translator's license that decided to break these letters into two different words. As far as the Hebrew was concerned they're just one word. As the Hebrews read or as they talk, they add the vowels; it's a fluid language. It's a language with tremendous spiritual potential and the way they decide how the word is pronounced is by the context of what they are saying. It's incredible. I don't know how they do it. If you buy a Hebrew newspaper, there's no vowels in it. As you read, by the context of what you're reading, you add the vowels into it. It's awesome, but that's what it's like. We've had situations many times like this in the scripture where I'll look up the word according to the Strong's number and I'll compare it to the Hebrew text and I'll see that the vowels are different. What's happening is that the translator cannot believe that this word belongs in that scripture because he's not translating it according to the doctrine of Christ. He's translating it according to the King James Translation, whatever that doctrine is. He can't make any sense of this Hebrew word being there, so he takes another one with different vowels on it.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">We find that when we're translating according to the Doctrine of Christ, sometimes we have to take the next word down or not the word that the translator is referring us to. So the original Hebrew text displayed no vowels. I suggest to you that some scribe somewhere choose the vowels that mean the Hebrew word, to swear, instead of the vowels that mean the Hebrew word, to seven. Let me say it another way. The word in the Hebrew text of Song of Solomon, chapter 5 verse 8 says there is a word there, I charge you; it means I swear and it's Strong's #7650. But Strong's #7651 is just one notch away have the exact same Hebrew letters with different vowels. I'm suggesting to you that the correct word in this verse should not be #7650, to swear, but #7651, to seven. Some scribe when he was transcribing couldn't make any sense of #7651 in this place, so he changed it to #7650. I talk to you like this a lot. I hear the criticisms of people in my mind very strongly. It's interesting though; I went into Unger's Bible Dictionary today to look up something that has nothing to do with this message. Unger is a very well known author of a bible dictionary giving his opinion under the topic that I was looking up, that this translation was wrong and it was probably some scribe who took it upon himself to make the change. So it's done with translations everywhere. It is legitimate translator's license.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">What am I saying? I'm saying that these words, I charge you, should really be translated I seven you. I'm going to raise you to full stature. Daughters of Jerusalem, I'm going to raise you up to full stature. What do you think it means to be filled with the Holy Ghost, brethren? To be filled up with the Holy Ghost is to be in full stature. That's why nobody is filled with the Holy Ghost in the church today. It's a lie. You have received the Holy Ghost. You've received a measure of the Holy Ghost, but if you were filled up with the Holy Ghost, you would be in full stature. Now Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost. That means He had a form of full stature that did not recede. To be filled with the Holy Ghost is a temporary full stature. The Holy Ghost is signified by water. Water rises and water falls. But Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost. When He rose up to full stature, He rose up in such a way that it clung to Him, that even if it receded, it left a residue. Now you can lose full stature. Even Jesus could have lost full stature. We talked about that. Jesus could have died in full stature. It is not until glorification that you're fully born and completely safe. But it's much harder to kill the anointing on someone who is anointed with the Holy Ghost than it is to kill or take away or destroy the anointing on someone who is filled with the Holy Ghost. Everyone in the church today has just received a taste of the Holy Ghost. I don't know anyone that's in full stature today. </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">I charge you or I will seven you oh daughters of Jerusalem. We're talking about Jerusalem now, which is the capital of the United Kingdom and Judah after the split. Jerusalem, the capital of the United Kingdom and after the split of Judah and Israel, it was the capital of Judah. The scripture is speaking to spiritual women of Jerusalem. Now we know that at one point, Israel was in full stature. At least the leaders of Israel were in full stature. I guess everybody wasn't. I guess it was just their leaders, the prophets and perhaps the priests. But we do know that there was an anointing of full stature upon the headship of Israel. Now, oh you daughters of Jerusalem. I'd like to take a minute to talk about Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the city of God. I think that's pretty common. Most people know that and we know that there's a Jerusalem and there's a holy Jerusalem. I would like to say there's a mortal Jerusalem and there's an immortal Jerusalem. The new Jerusalem that's coming down from heaven is the immortal Jerusalem. I suggest to you that the body in which the Godhead dwells is the city of God; not the physical body. Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?

            It's not this physical animal body that is the temple of the Holy Ghost. It is your spiritual or celestial body that is the temple of the Holy Ghost. There are several layers of us within this physical body. This physical body is the outer court. It's an animal. Jesus has nothing to do with it. The Levite priest couldn't wear wool. They couldn't wear anything that would produce sweat in their body. From a spiritual point of view now, as we ascend, we are to despise the animal life. Now don't anyone misunderstand me. Our goal as spiritual men is to leave the animal life completely behind us. There are rules and laws that make this life acceptable to Jehovah under certain circumstances, while we are bound here. I hope everybody is okay on that. </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">The Lord showed me something today that I found very interesting. I'd like to share it with you. This concept of Jerusalem being the city of God. The Lord showed me that it's the restored altar. Do you remember the three fold altar that we talked about when we did Genesis 6? Let me review for you. Cain incarnated and then Abel. Remember Adam passed through the filter. They passed through the firmament. Adam and his lower nature came. The waters that he was dwelling in passed through the firmament which was the shelf that was supposed to be holding them up above the earth. But they passed through the firmament and just as when an electron passes through a filter, they pass through not as a single unit. They did not pass through as a single unit which they were when they were above the filter or above the firmament. But they passed through in two parts and each part had the ability to function as a particle or a wave, if you recall. Now the first thing that Jehovah did; Jehovah moved immediately to preserve the life of His son Adam. He did that by saying, Abel, you are the priest and Cain, you will submit. Jehovah joined with Abel and Abel joined with Cain and the living thing, the life of the creature was intact. It was a three part altar. It was only supposed to be a two part altar. Before the fall, before Adam and Cain pierced through the firmament, it was a two part altar. It was Jehovah and Adam because Adam was really Elohim mixed with the dust. Is everybody okay? I'm up against a tough wall here, tonight. Okay, praise the Lord.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">When Adam and his lower parts pierced through the firmament, they appeared as two, Cain and Abel. Jehovah secured the life of the creature by forming the three part altar. This three part altar is the city of God. It's the city that Elohim dwells in and Jehovah is in Elohim. But when Cain rebelled against Abel and killed him, it broke the three part altar. We know that. It broke the life of the creature. It broke that part of the creature which was the life. It broke the city where Jehovah and Elohim dwelt. I suggest to you that Jerusalem is a type of the restored altar. Also let me remind you that Jehovah has never ceased in His intention of rebuilding this altar and He has over the years rebuilt the altar several times. But it keeps breaking apart. Abel has continued to fail to hold on to Cain and keep Cain in a position of submission under him until Jesus of Nazareth, in the man Jesus of Nazareth.

            Abel rose from the dead. Adam rose from the dead and the living thing was secured and went on to glorification. We know that when Elohim (or Jehovah; to be honest with you I don't recall whether it was Jehovah or Elohim. It was probably Jehovah) came to Noah and said, you're going to rebuild the three part altar and this is the third time it is going to be rebuilt. Jehovah put the altar together right after the fall with Abel. He put the altar together again with Seth. Now Abel was murdered. The three part altar, the city that Jehovah and Elohim were dwelling in fell down because Cain murdered Abel. Abel was overcome and he is clearly called righteous Abel by Jesus, Himself. Abel was righteous. He died a martyr's death. Seth was the new seed that was given to the creature. Seth did not die a martyr's death. All of the population, humanity as mortal man as we call him, just before the flood at the time of Noah were all the descendants of Seth. All of those descendants had deteriorated. I don't know what they looked like at that time. They had deteriorated. The three part altar had deteriorated in them, in everyone except in Noah. He was the only one that was so cleaving unto Elohim that the three part altar, that the city of God, that Jerusalem was intact in this man, Noah. Today the city of God is intact in the Lord Jesus Christ, who has been glorified and now by His spirit is in thousands, millions, trillions, however many mortal men, in an attempt to rebuild the altar in each of us.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">Now when I was in a very critical point of my walk with the Lord, things looked so dark. It was really hard to believe that He was with me. I received a powerful prophesy from a local pastor who didn't even know me. The anointing was so strong, he was jumping around his own church saying I can't believe the Lord gave you that through me; I don't even know you. The prophesy was; Don't slip and don't slide. I'm rebuilding the altar. Of course, I had no idea what it meant at the time, but I knew that it was good and that Jesus was with me. He was rebuilding the altar in me, you see. Abel is raised from the dead in me and Cain is largely in submission, not completely in submission, but largely in submission. Otherwise, I could never be bringing this message forth. What have I said? I've said the city of God is the three part altar that dwells in a man.

            When you have many men in whom the three part altar has been restored; Abel has been raised from the dead; Cain is in submission to Abel and the life of God is being expressed through you; all of these men together form Jerusalem. I do have a scripture for you. The scripture talks a lot about the city of David; the city of David, which is Zion. Zion is a hill in Jerusalem. David's city was on a hill in Jerusalem. David, himself, was not the whole of Jerusalem. I believe that Abel was risen from the dead in the man David. I haven't been talking too much about Abel lately because I couldn't get it straight in my mind the difference between Abel and Adam. The Lord has given me that information so I'll give it to you tonight. I'm going to be speaking about Abel some more again. Now I have the difference between the two very clear in my mind. I was stumbling over that for a while. I believe that Abel was risen from the dead in King David. He had a city on one hill in Jerusalem. </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">This is a difficult night to preach, but we're going to do it anyway. The three part altars are going to be restored in everybody, which means Jerusalem is in the midst of us; the holy city. The body or the many members of the spiritual men in whom the altar has been restored together are Jerusalem. So I guess what we would really have to say is that if the altar is restored in you, we might say Zion is restored in you. The city of David and all of us together are forming the holy Jerusalem. O daughters, I charge you, o daughters, o spiritual women of Jerusalem. I looked up that Hebrew word translated daughters and it definitely means females. Let me read you my note. Jerusalem, the city or the altar headed up by Abel. Jerusalem is the name of Jehovah's restored altar. In this case, the one that Abel headed up and the spiritual women are Cain's descendants. The descendants of Cain that are engrafted to Abel and confessing their sins and repenting are the good daughters, but the spiritual daughters who are only reconciled or engrafted but not confessing and repenting are evil daughters.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">Now I got a little ahead of myself here. I had these scriptures translated and I changed the order. So I'm a little ahead of myself, but I'm going to give you two Scriptures; one which talks about the good spiritual daughters of Israel and the others which talk about the evil ones. We'll get to it. Like I said, I'm just a little ahead of myself. I'm making a suggestion to you. See, you can be a member of Jerusalem. All of Israel is not Israel. We have a lot of people in the church and we're going to find out when we get through these three scriptures here in Song of Solomon, what the order to be good and not evil means. You see, we have this concept, this fallen definition of the word evil, like Friday the 13th or you're a monster or something like that. But that's not what Jehovah means by evil.

            That's not Jehovah's definition of evil. Jehovah's definition of evil is one who is in rebellion against His moral order. Now people who are rebelling against and not in His correct moral order have a tendency to do very evil things like mass murderers and a whole variety on a sliding scale of evil; adultery, thievery, fornication, murder; a whole sliding scale of evil things. But to Jehovah (who is manifesting through the Lord Jesus to us right now) there's very little difference. Either you are engrafted to His spirit and you are in submission and the altar of the living thing is intact and you are alive or you are not engrafted and the altar of the living thing is not intact and you are not alive. Dead and evil are synonymous to Almighty God. Now don't shut off the message here.

            Some people get upset at this. Listen, Jesus clearly said, that according to what you do, according to your behavior, these are how many stripes you will receive. What you sow, you shall reap. For all the evil that you do, you will reap evil. But that's talking about the existence in this world. As far as Jehovah is concerned, the fact that you broke the altar, that you rebelled against the holy altar, before you ever murdered anybody, before you ever did anything terrible; as far as Jehovah is concerned, you broke the altar and that's the evil and everything else that you're doing is just a natural outcome of this first act of rebellion.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">So we see two different attitudes towards the two different principles. Evil towards Jehovah is rebellion against His altar. The result of it is death, this existence known as death. Jehovah's definition of evil is rebellion against His altar; the judgment for which is death, separation from God. Everything that comes after that that's happening in this existence called death is just a natural outcome of rebellion against God. Some people are more evil than others, but for those people dwelling in death, that which you sow, you shall reap. For every evil that you do, the one that does more evil shall get more stripes. But as far as Jehovah is concerned, if you're separated from Him, you're evil and it's the same word in the Hebrew. The fact that you're called evil includes within it the potential to be restored to the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ.

            So we have to see where Jehovah is coming from. In this Song of Solomon, as we go on, you will see that He's calling the spirit woman, which of course can be physical men; He's calling the spiritual women in whom Abel is, dead. He's calling them evil. He's calling the men of Israel in whom Abel is dead, evil. Why? Because if Abel is dead, the altar is broken; the altar is not functioning; the communication with Jehovah is cut off and you're dead. There is only one way that Abel could die after he has been raised from the dead by Jehovah. Jehovah sent Elohim to raise Abel from the dead in Israel and because of their sin (if you look in the Alternate Translation in Amos 5, you see that Israel was worshiping Satan). What does that mean? They were taking counsel from their own spirit. That is the worship of Satan and the result of it was that Satan raised up Leviathan and Leviathan killed Abel, threw him under the ground and trampled him down. That was how Abel died in natural Israel after Jehovah sent Elohim to raise them from the dead. Praise the Lord!</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">What are we saying? We're saying that these three scriptures in the Song of Solomon that I'm dealing with that's talking about evil spiritual women and good spiritual women. We're not talking about evil as evil in this world. The word evil in this world means that you're a sadist and that you torture people and that you murder people. That's not what the scripture is talking about. It's talking about good and evil in the context of either you're attached to Jehovah through His living altar or you're separated from Jehovah through the death of His living altar. Did I make that clear? Is everybody okay?</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">Here's the witness that I told you about David, the city of David, which is Zion. It is 11 Chronicles 5:22; Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel unto Jerusalem to bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the city of David, which is Zion. Jerusalem is the whole body of Christ. Abel was raised from the dead and living through David. Therefore David had a city or a mansion or a place within the greater whole Jerusalem which is the collective Christ Jesus. I'm not really following my notes too well tonight. What about Seth? Seth was an attempt to resurrect righteous Abel who was overcome by Cain, but Seth backslid under the influence of the serpent. We're still trying to translate Song of Solomon 5:8; I charge you, o daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved. The Hebrew word translated find can be translated, to be found to be the possession of. Going with the context of the Hebrew language, a wife was considered a possession; not only in the Hebrew language.

            Not today, anymore the women libbers might hang you, but for the longest time in civilized society, women were considered a possession. I suggest to you that that is the intention of this phrase; if you find my beloved, if you are found to be the possession of, if you are found to be the wife of my beloved. Who is my beloved? Ephesians 1:6; to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he has made us accepted in the beloved. I suggest to you that the beloved is the Son of God. Jehovah even said over Jesus of Nazareth; behold, this is my beloved Son. The one who is beloved is the one who is male because he is joined to Jehovah. That's the one who is beloved. The one who is hated is the one who is cast out and disconnected and again, the word hated must be viewed in two different contexts. Hated with regard to one's relationship with Jehovah and hated as one is hated amongst mortal men. To be hated amongst mortal men is a terrible thing; to have other men hating you.

            But to be hated by Jehovah; it sounds like a contradiction, but it's not. It's much worse to be hated by mortal man because when mortal man hates you, he'll torment you. But to be hated by Jehovah is not such a terrible thing because within that word is the potential to be restored unto Him and become His beloved. To be hated by Jehovah means separation from Jehovah. But He wants you back. When mortal man hates you, he doesn't want you back. He wants to get you out of his life; to kill you or hurt you in some way. Remember, Jehovah is not a man. He's not a man; He doesn't think like a man; He doesn't act like a man. He's not a man. His ways; they are not our ways. Even when He hates somebody, it is a righteous hatred. </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">If ye are found to be the possession of my beloved; if you're found to be married to the Son of God. Listen, I'm going to raise you up to full stature; O you spiritual women that's in this city, which is supposed to be the city of God, where Abel is risen from the dead. Those of you who are spiritual women in this city, I'm going to raise you up to full stature if I find that you're married to the resurrected Abel. That ye tell him; the word, that, is Strong's #4100. This is the word that is really translated what. It's translated what more than it's translated that. You may recall that we have discovered that the ancient Hebrew scholars knew that there were two levels of the Godhead; the higher and the lower. They called the higher one Who (Who is it because they didn't know who He was).

            They called the lower arm of the Godhead What (What is it?). It's that word what; we find it present when we're talking about the manna that was found in the wilderness. What is it? In other words, it was the son of God, Elohim, the lower extremity that kept them alive in the wilderness. This word that; it's really the word that means what. We translate that as the son of God, Jehovah's lower extremity. Now in this instance, I'm telling you that it's Abel and as soon as the Lord lets me work it into this message, possibly after we finish this alternate translation, I will show you clearly the difference between the resurrected Abel and the resurrected Adam.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">We're dealing with the Song of Solomon 5:8; I charge you (I'm going to raise you up to full stature) o you daughters of Jerusalem, o you spiritual women of the city of God. If it turns out, if you find my beloved; that you're married to my son. I'm going to raise you up to full stature if you're married to my son. You see, you're just spiritual women; you're mortal and you have all the mortal problems that there are, but if you marry my son, you're going to rise up to full stature. Is that not the promise that we're all hoping for now, marriage to Christ Jesus. The next phrase; that ye tell him that I am sick of love. But we're going to translate the Hebrew word, that, as Abel, as the lower extremity of God down here in hell. The lower extremity of God in the visible spiritual world is Adam. Ye tell; Strong's #5046, confess and make known. It's talking about confession and revelation of sin. Please note that it's not just confession. You see, after you confess your sins, you have to give your testimony; now not with every individual sin.

            You don't go telling the whole world everything that you did, but after you confess your sins and repent and you're renewed in Christ Jesus, then you have to go out and give your public testimony which will encourage other people to arise up and confess their sins and repent and be reconciled to the Lord. Is everybody okay? It's two different things. You confess and you make known. You don't make your specific sin known. You confess and you repent and after you're restored, then you give your testimony and make known what God has done for you. You confess your sins and make known what God has done for you. You don't tell the church gossip your sins.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">For the purpose of; that sick of love. Well, the word him (this is a very difficult translation) that ye tell him; the Hebrew word translated him, Strong's #8705 is being translated for the purpose of. It's a legitimate translation for the purpose of. That sick of love; sick of, Strong's #2470 can be translated polished and smooth and also weak, sick or wounded. See, it's not sick in the context of the King James Translation. It's sick in the context of weak or wounded. Of course, the opposite of weak or wounded is polished and smooth. Once again we see the Hebrew language having contradictory meanings for one word. The word, love; I am sick of love is Strong's #160 and it is specifically talking about sexual love. It's not talking about the love of God nor is it talking about what we call phileo love which is brotherly love. It's talking about (in the Greek, eros) sexual love. The word, I (that's an accented I) most of the time when the word I appears in the scripture, it's just merely the subject of the verb that's being used. But this is the emphatic I. It has its own word, Strong's #590, and frequently it's the word for Jehovah. It doesn't say I am; it just says I. But in this case, as you can read with my comment, the interlinear text says that the Hebrew word translated I is Strong's #589. But the spelling of the Hebrew word is not identical with Strong's #589, but with Strong's #590. I put #590 up there in my notes, but the interlinear text says that the word translated I is Strong's #589. If you look in the interlinear text you won't see #590; you're going to see a #589. But I looked it up. I recognized the Hebrew word and I looked it up in the lexicon and it's not #589. It's not the word that's #589. It's the word that's #590. The Hebrew word that's #590 means vessel, urn or pitcher. I suggest to you that this Hebrew word is speaking about the vessel that is the host for spiritual life and that the translator could in no way fit #589 into that sentence. As you could see, the whole translation is just one manifestation of translators' license.

            The translator just couldn't do anything with #589 so he just took the next word on the line and made it #590. But he didn't change the word; he just changed the number. Isn't that interesting? Thank God. The significance of the number being changed and not the Hebrew word being changed is that it was not a Hebrew scribe that changed this word, but it was Strong in his applying of the numbers. Strong was the one who gave it the wrong number. Can you hear that? Strong was the one who gave it the wrong number. He probably gave it the number that lined up with the translation that the King James translators gave it. The King James translators didn't change the spelling of the word. The King James translators just gave the translation a #589 and then Strong went right along with it and put down the number #589 in his reference book. But the Hebrew text is very clear. The word is identical to Strong's #590 which means vessel, urn or pitcher. I suggest to you that this Hebrew word is speaking about the vessel that is the host for spiritual life. That's us, mortal man.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">I printed out Strong's definition of #160. This is the Hebrew word for sexual love. Strong's definition of #160 says it is human love for human objects. It could also be used of a man towards a man. It could be used of a man towards himself. It could be used to express a love between a man and a woman, sexual desire, and he says sometimes it is used to express God's love towards His people. I don't know about that. Sometimes Strong's Concordance, in particular (a lot of translators, but Strong's in particular) he lines his definitions up to the King James translation. I didn't go so far as to look for a scripture where this word is used to express God's love for man. I did look at a few of them and it seems to me that it is used mostly of human attributes; human love for human objects, man towards man, homosexual love, man towards himself, narcissistic love, love between a man and a woman, heterosexuality. I suggest to you that the Hebrew words translated, I love, should be translated love for the vessel; love for the vessel, not I love, but love for the vessel because we're translating the Hebrew word translated, I, as the vessel. </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">Love for the vessel; this is the whole core of man's problem. We're in love with ourselves instead of with God. Is this not narcissism; love for the vessel. Tell them I am sick of love. Tell them that I'm wounded because of my love for myself. I'm wounded because of the narcissistic love that has us bound to our own soul instead of to Jehovah. I'll read you my note. I suggest to you that the Hebrew words translated, I love, should be translated love for the vessel which is speaking about mortal man's narcissistic self-love, which is in actuality a spiritual homosexual relationship with himself. That's what narcissism is. This is the condition of mortal man.

            This spiritual homosexual relationship with our self, which is really the serpent, Satan, Leviathan and the devil, which is the foundation of his unconscious mind. Let me read you that sentence again. I suggest to you that the Hebrew words translated, I love, should be translated love for the vessel, which is speaking about mortal man's narcissistic self-love, which is in actuality a spiritual homosexual relationship with himself, which is the foundation of his unconscious mind. That is the serpent. The serpent is the foundation of our unconscious mind. Our unconscious mind is Satan. Satan typifies the seas. The serpent is the earth, the ocean bed, the foundation upon which the seas rest. Leviathan is the dragon in the sea.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">So we see the King James translators doing again the best that they could, translated this verse of the Song of Solomon as a woman who's in love with the Lord, but the truth is that the Hebrew indicates the verse is talking about spiritual women who are in love with themselves. The message of Jehovah to them is there is deliverance for you if you will marry my son. See, you've got to stop loving yourself. It's talking about sexual love. You've got to break this union with yourself. You may recall when we did a translation of 1 Kings 19, the account of Elijah. He was the man who was joined to his own soul. He was married to his own soul. We've turned in upon ourselves. I will seven you, you spiritual women of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved (that beloved is corporate son, Abel.) Ye confess and make known for the purpose of polished and smooth homosexual love. That's what a translator has to work with. This is what I give to you. I will raise you up to full stature, you spiritual women of Abel's city. If you are found to be the possession or the wife of my beloved son, Abel. If you confess and make known for the purpose of being polished and made smooth, your spiritual homosexual relationship with yourself. You see, brethren, now isn't this interesting? We've been talking about confession and repentance for a long time. We have preachers in the church that say you just have to confess and repent upon reconciliation; general confession and repentance. That's all you have to do. A lot of preachers were saying that. Now it seems to be part of the new thing; there's only one or two that I know of on TV anyway, only one on TV saying no, you have to have specific repentance. You need the ability to recognize sin in your mind so that you can confess it as sin.

            That's the only way you're going to put this sin nature underfoot, to see the operation of specific sin in your mind. Now we see it's taken even a step further. If you want to stand up in full stature, you have to be able to confess your spiritual homosexual relationship with yourself which is the serpent. Brother, this is getting harder and harder and harder. If you want to stand up in full stature, you have to admit, not even that you're married to the serpent because I've been preaching that, but you've got to admit that you're married to the serpent and that this marriage is a homosexual marriage. We've talked about it before. I've been preaching for a long time that we're married to a butch lesbian; that we're spiritually female and that the serpent is a butch lesbian.

            But I never saw it in this context before, that a requirement for full stature is the confession and the actual admitting to other people that we're engaged in a very shameful relationship. Now this is not a shame that would condemn you, but it is a shame that is a disgrace to our true husband, Jehovah. It needs to be confessed as a disgrace without condemnation. But we cannot make light of it to make ourselves feel better. Now this is a fine line that Jesus can give you. He can give you this fine line, that you can confess this without condemnation.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">We do a lot with John Bradshaw here. This is a very many faceted ministry. We do a lot of John Bradshaw's work. I don't agree with his solutions, but I'm very interested in his identification of human problems. Even John Bradshaw says there are two kinds of shame; there's a healthy shame and there's a toxic shame. What he says is toxic shame, I call that condemnation. But there is a healthy shame. You need to know that our condition is not right. If you want to find within yourself the strength to resist the one that you're spiritually in bed with, you've got to get a conviction that this is an ungodly relationship. I don't care how happy your life is. You are happily married; your children are prospering; you like your career; you go out to dinner once a week with your husband; you love your husband; you love your wife; your life is good. I'm willing to give this up, so you say, to go on to a better life, but this life is good. You have to confess that this good life (without condemnation now) that this good life is a shame and a disgrace unto God; something that you found yourself in that you shouldn't be in; that you have to now seek the Lord Jesus Christ, how to get out of without destroying yourself, without destroying your wife, without destroying your children.

            You need to seek the Lord as to how to proceed. Alleluia! You don't go breaking every relationship that you have and jumping into nothingness. You break the hearts of your loved ones and you make yourself very vulnerable when you isolate yourself from every substantial relationship that you have. Let me give you this principle on a simpler level. I'm sure that everybody that's been in the church world for a while has met somebody who's reconciled to Jesus when they have a job such as a bar tender or some ungodly job. I've had men say to me, I'm a bar tender and I've just been reconciled to Jesus. I'm quitting my job tomorrow. No, don't quit your job tomorrow. You don't quit your job until Jesus moves you out. You may have to train for another job; I don't know what His answer is to your situation. Maybe He'll keep you there for a season. I don't know.

            So certainly, when you hear a message like this, that there is a healthy shame, a healthy knowledge, without condemnation, that the lifestyle that we're living is not pleasing to God and this whole fantasy and fable about Adam and Eve in the garden and the Lord blessing marriage from the beginning of time is just that; a fantasy. That we stay right where we are, that we love our families, but spiritually speaking, our whole lifestyle is a humiliation and a disgrace and a shame unto Jehovah, our husband. Now if you're listening to this message and you can't find the middle line; if either you're cursing me because you don't believe it or you're under condemnation because you do believe it, you need prayer. If there's nobody who could pray for you, cry out to Jesus because there is a middle ground. That middle ground is a knowledge without condemnation, that you cannot stay this way; that we cannot stay this way; that we are Jehovah's wife and that we cannot continue on in this adulterous relationship which is a shame unto Him. Then go forth to ask Him how we proceed. </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">I will raise you up to full stature, you spiritual women of Abel's city. If you are found to be the wife of my beloved son, Abel, and if you confess and make known for the purpose of being polished and made smooth your spiritual homosexual relationship with yourself. Jesus! What makes some spiritual women good and others evil? Well I already talked about that out of order. Confession of sin and repentance and of course, connection with Abel. He has to be risen from the dead in your spirit. Confession of sin and repentance coming out of your present sin nature does not make you good in God's eyes. Now remember, I gave you that whole teaching; we're not talking about the goodness of man. We're talking about good and evil in terms of whether or not your life is being sustained through union with Jehovah. You have to be attached to Him.

            You have to be joined to Him and the way we're joined to Him is when Abel rises from the dead in our human spirit and then when it is Abel; our confession and our repentance is coming out of our newly resurrected spiritual life which is attached to Jesus Christ, who is attached to Jehovah. Is everybody okay? We have people confessing and repenting all over the place, especially in the Catholic Church. That doesn't put you in right standing with Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ. The confession has to be coming out of the life in you which is of your Father. It has to be coming out of the resurrected Abel.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">What does it mean to be the beloved son's possession; to be his wife? I suggest to you that reconciliation won't do it. To be the son's wife is talking about union. Marriage talks about union. We're talking about the engrafted seed. I will raise you up to full stature, you evil spiritual women of Abel's city. The only reason I put that evil in there is because the next verse we are going to do, you're going to see that the word good is present. I will raise you up to full stature, you evil spiritual women of Abel's city, if you are found to be my beloved son Abel's wife and if you confess and make known your spiritual homosexual relationship with yourself, who is the serpent, so that your sins can be smoothed out and your spirit polished up. So please note that you not only have to confess that you're in a spiritual homosexual relationship to yourself or to a local group like this, the Lord is requiring us to spread the word. The Lord is requiring us to preach it. That right there is talking about a healthy shame as opposed to a toxic shame or condemnation. Because if you're taking this personally and you believe that you're this terrible person because you're in this spiritual homosexual relationship with the serpent, you're going to keep it quiet. You're going to hide it. That's not what Jesus wants us to do. He wants the word spread. So not only is it for your sake that you should not take condemnation from this knowledge, but for the sake of all of the brethren that the Lord is counting on you to spread this word to as He brings you in contact with them. If you're taking it as a personal shameful condemnation, you're not going to tell anybody.

            But a healthy shame says we're here. I have no personal recollection of how we got here, but I understand that all died in Adam, that somehow I had something to do with this in a way that I don't understand, but here I am and I want to do everything that I can to get out of here. Part of what I'm supposed to be doing is telling you about it because I believe the Lord has brought you to me to hear this message. No condemnation, brethren, because condemnation is the flip side of being in agreement with the relationship. I know that I've brought this up in this fellowship because some people here fall into this. When your sin is exposed, you go to the opposite side; well I'll never do this again or I'll never do that again. It's just the flip side of the sin that doesn't want you to have an honest confession that's going to set you free. Either you're engaged in the sin or because the sin is exposed, you're giving up and leaving town. It's the same thing. It makes no difference. Your pride is preventing you from giving an honest non condemning confession which will set you free. I'll preach it until it's coming out of your ears. </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">I'd like to review the devil, Satan and the serpent with you. The vessel that the spiritual man dwells in is the devil. Satan is our unconscious mind. Leviathan, the dragon, is our conscious mind. The devil exists on two levels; our bestial personality, which is the celestial body that Paul talks about (the personality) and the physical body which is an animal (the terrestrial body). The serpent is the lesser god that has founded this whole fallen world. She is the shelf that had replaced Elohim's firmament and upon which this world sits. So I guess I'm going to stop here and I'm going to explain that to you. I'm going to do a drawing and I'm also going to try to clarify, to make it very clear to you the difference between the resurrected Abel and the resurrected Adam. </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">This is drawing #1. As you can see, I've drawn our typical outline of the abyss. The image of Adam is gone because all of the seas have flowed down. They've broken through the firmament and they are now covering the earth. I guess I never really made it clear to you; the firmament was Adam's foundation. The firmament was the shelf upon which the seas sat and Adam was the image upon the seas. He was one with the seas up here above the firmament. So when Cain invaded Adam, what that means practically, is that he invaded his foundation. Now remember that Cain's invasion of Adam was a homosexual invasion. He penetrated his lower parts, Adam's foundation, and all of the waters (because Cain was the water part of the seas) flowed down and is now covering the earth. The seas are now under the firmament. For all intents and purposes the firmament doesn't exist anymore.

            I just put it up here so that you could understand what happened. The area above where the firmament was has collapsed because there was no longer any water pressure to hold the sides out and that's how the black hole formed. If this is the first message that you're hearing, you are going to have to go back and listen to some other messages or look at some other diagrams because I can't do it all in this one diagram. This is another main thing that I want to show you; that the foundation of the world under the seas is the serpent and the serpent is the earth which has completely saturated herself in Cain's waters. She is the solid part and here she is down here at the bottom. Elohim was Adam's foundation, but the serpent, the ocean bed is the foundation of the world under the sea. We are Atlantis; we are the spiritual creature that fell down under the waters. Our spirit is under the waters; our flesh is saturated with waters; our atmosphere is saturated with water. We are the world under the sea called Atlantis.

            I'd like to comment on Elohim's dark shadow. Now this is very interesting, brethren. Technically speaking we in our present form are Elohim's dark shadow. That means the way I used to draw the image of Adam with the little stick man up here on the surface of the deep, that's what should be down here by this tree. The whole problem is that I don't know what Adam, the living soul, looked like. Do you hear what I'm saying? I'll make it clearer for you. I'll show you. On other drawings that I've done when I said to you, here's Adam up here on the surface of the deep and this is what he looks like; do you remember me doing that? Well Adam didn't look like that. This (of course you know I can't draw) this little stick man that I've drawn is a caricature of man as we know him. He's got two arms, two legs and a head and two eyes, right? Are you with me? But that's not what Adam looked like. I don't know what Adam looked like. Now that we're drawing a picture that shows civilization having fallen down underneath the sea, the symbol that I have for Elohim's dark shadow is a tree. But the truth of the matter is that this stick man should be down here because this is us under the sea right now. Do you hear what I'm saying? But I don't want to draw a little stick man down here because in all my other pictures I've used this little stick man to signify Adam. So I have a dilemma because I don't know what Adam looked like. Therefore, I'm going to leave the tree as the symbol of Elohim's dark shadow. But it's really not a tree, it's some spiritual being called the serpent that when she appears, looks like us. Can you hear this?

            Let me review for you what the tree was. On earlier messages and diagrams, you may recall that it was Jehovah who came into the waters of the abyss, interacted with those waters. Electromagnetic fields were erected. Elohim was an electromagnetic field and Jehovah was an electromagnetic field. They were like because they were both spirit and they repelled one another; which propulsion drove Elohim down through the seas and gave him an opportunity to interact with the earth. This tree down here was the dark part of a negative. If you need to understand this, think of a negative out of which you are going to make a picture. If there isn't any darkness, you'll never see the image that's on the negative.

            This tree down here, whatever it looked like, is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Whatever it looked like, as Elohim passed through it and exchanged some electrons according to the photoelectric effect; by the time Elohim diffracted and appeared as an image called Adam on the surface of the waters, what had happened was Elohim was the light that shone through the negative and produced the image on the top of the waters. Do you remember that? That's why I drew a tree there because the bible says it's the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But right now there's no image on top of the waters. It's this tree under the sea that's appearing, but we don't look like a tree; we look like the stick man. Only I don't know how to draw Adam. So I'm going to leave it the way it was. </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">I have a lot more that I could have written on this board, but I'm just out of room. What we're seeing here; this is the black hole. This circle typifies the black hole that is this world. These lines up here are where the abyss used to be, but the abyss is now dry waste places. There's no water in it, but we see that Jehovah has never ceased from His activity. You may recall when Adam's waters were filling the abyss, Jehovah was coming into the abyss, interacting with Elohim and there was a circular activity; a ceaseless circular activity of interaction between Jehovah and Elohim and the earth which produced the image called Adam on the surface of the waters. It is this continuous ceaseless activity that produced the image of Adam upon the waters. Now Jehovah has not stopped His activity.

            But all of civilization fell down underneath the firmament and is sealed off. The sides of the abyss have collapsed because of the lack of water pressure. So Jehovah hasn't stopped His activity. He is still circulating around the black hole; He has not stopped. Not only is He still circulating around the black hole; He sent His son Elohim to pierce into the black hole and appear and rise up and out in the man Jesus. But that's not this drawing. These lines here, these dashed lines and the outline of the abyss indicate Jehovah's path. Jehovah is still attempting to interact with His creature. Not only with His creature; remember that we are in the midst of Jehovah. He has to be around us.

            The whole abyss is merely a womb that opened up in the midst of the eternal God. We don't even know what He is. You know the Jews say that they don't know what He is. In that two year dialogue that I had with Rabbi Lou, he was offended that I said that Jehovah was a spirit. The Jews don't acknowledge that He's a spirit. They say who is He? And what is He? They don't know what He is. But I'm saying that He's a spirit because Paul says He's a spirit.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">So this whole black hole now is still in the midst of Jehovah. But it's no longer an open interaction. You might say it's a cancer. It's a closed growth that shouldn't be there. Now the seas; remember what are the seas? The seas are Elohim's waters mixed with the dust, but predominately water. The amount of dust that's mixed with the waters, the seminal fluid, is controlled and limited so that the waters are not polluted, but that a visible image can be formed. But the seas which were above the firmament fell down, pierced through the firmament and are now covering the earth. That means the proportion of the earth to the fluid has increased. The seas have become more dense and they are no longer called seas. As the condition changes, the name changes. This is what Satan is. The seas under the firmament covering the earth and more densely saturated with earth is called Satan. The earth is still on the bottom of what was the abyss, but is now the black hole, except now Abel is underneath because Cain killed him and he went under the ground. So Abel is interwoven with the ground at the bottom of the black hole. You may recall that Cain is seduced by the serpent and the serpent weaves herself through the background threads. We established this in our studies in Genesis 4 or 6. I'm not really even sure what messages we did it on already. The serpent interacted with the earth that Abel was under, did what the male spirit was supposed to do and produced the image of this world. The image is on the seas. I'm sorry, the image is on Satan.

            Elohim produced an image high up on top of the clean waters. But we see that the serpent has produced an image on what is now called Satan, the dirty waters, the polluted waters in the urine. We talked about this before. An artist drew a picture of Jesus Christ in a bottle of urine and Christians everywhere were outraged because some high official in our government paid a million dollars or something to put it up on display. Where could anyone have such a perverse thought? Well it must have come right out of the serpent in his mind, because it's a spiritual truth. Abel, righteous Abel is buried underneath the ground. The serpent has interacted with him and produced an image in this world which is thick with earth. Righteous Abel is a type of Jesus Christ. </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">I was going to show you the difference between Abel and Adam. We know that the Lord Jesus is the resurrected Adam; was the resurrected first Adam, the living soul and went on to be the last Adam; the Emancipated Slave. So mortal man is Leviathan. We are Leviathan, brethren. We are Leviathan, the image of mortal man. I'd like to read to you Isaiah 27:1. In that day Jehovah with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish Leviathan the piercing serpent, even Leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. Who is His sore, great and strong sword that's going to punish Leviathan? It is Christ Jesus, brethren.

            Christ Jesus, being the first and the last Adam together. The last Adam in the form of the Holy Spirit in you with the resurrected Abel in you and then the resurrected first Adam, the living soul. The righteous one, the mighty one, the great sword of Jehovah is rising from the dead in two stages. I preached this before and then I knew I didn't have it right in my head, so I dropped it. But I don't want to cross over right now. I want to stay on Leviathan right now. We'll get to Abel shortly. Christ Jesus is the combination of the resurrected first Adam, the living soul in human beings plus the last Adam working with him together; called Christ Jesus. In that day, Christ Jesus, that's the great and strong sword of Jehovah shall punish Leviathan that piercing serpent, even Leviathan that crooked serpent. I haven't really looked at the Hebrew, but I suggest to you that the serpent is appearing in two stages. She is appearing as the serpent who you see in red on that drawing, the one who has woven herself together through the background threads of the earth where Abel is and she's also appearing as Leviathan, the dragon who is swimming in the sea. So the piercing serpent is the serpent as we know her because she pierced through the tree of life. She pierced through Abel and formed this world.

            The crooked serpent, as I said I haven't looked it up, but I believe it means Leviathan, the one that's the lie. Leviathan is the lie. Leviathan is the lie; the false image, the dark shadow. He shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. That's very interesting. I just had a thought. I have no backup for it at all. It just popped into my mind. Just as I said to you, that the great and strong sword is Christ Jesus, who is both the first and the last Adam together; the dragon is the two together, the serpent after she has increased into Leviathan. The two of them together is the dragon. It just popped into my mind. I have no backup on it. </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">Rather than redraw the whole board, I'm going to try and just talk to you from here. If I feel I have to redraw it, I will. When everything was straight, not crooked but straight, Jehovah was interacting with Elohim who was dispersed in Adam's waters. There was a production of the image known as Adam. Everything is reversed down here. Remember now, it was Jehovah piercing into the waters. Now look at the order here; Jehovah in the form of gas, piercing into the waters; Elohim in the form of light and the waters were beneath Elohim. It was Jehovah, Elohim and the waters. Now we see the waters are the primary force piercing into the earth and interacting with Abel, who is in a female role. Do you see the role reversal? It was Jehovah piercing into the waters and now it is the waters piercing into the earth where Abel is. Do you see the role reversal?

            It is complete role reversal. So Satan is Cain in the male role acting like a wave and Abel is down here; Abel who is spirit is down here like a particle stuck under the ground; solid, can't move. The serpent is Cain acting as a particle or an animal; our animal flesh; our animal mind; our animal personality. It is all Cain in the form of a particle; we've become solid. Cain is also in this hour acting as a wave in the form of our unconscious mind; Satan. This interaction is going on continuously. Micro second by micro second, this interaction is necessary to sustain the image of this world which includes our body. Our body is just an image. In the hour that Satan stops interacting with the earth which is a woven garment; the serpent is woven through the earth where Abel is. In the hour that Satan stops flowing through this and producing the image of Leviathan, this whole world is going out like a light. Now let me say it again. Now remember, Jehovah came into the abyss (a magnetic field) and interacted with Elohim. </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">They were both electromagnetic fields. Elohim, the light pierced down through the waters, just really skimmed the earth so that there were a few exchanges of electrons and then continued to diffract and ascend back up to the top of the waters. It was the spirit and the light. It was the gas and the light that was the primary factor. But over here it is the exact opposite. There is no light and the only spirit that there is is captured underneath the ground. It's the waters flowing through the earth, not just skimming the top of the earth, but flowing down to the depths of the earth to produce this image of Leviathan on Satan's sea. Can you see it? The whole creation was lowered; the whole creation was darkened. I had a carnal Christian tell me once; yeah, the whole creation was darkened. Yes, it sure was; this is how it was darkened. It's so nice to say these things; the creation was darkened. What does it mean? This is what it means. This is what it means.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">So you see, when Abel starts to rise from the dead, he's going to hinder this interaction. See, there has to be a spiritual male and female. There has to be an interaction of the two poles of the creation. As Abel rises from the dead, he's no longer going to be in agreement with his union with the serpent down here, which is spiritually adulterous. He is rising out of that. He is no longer going to be in agreement with the interaction with Satan. The image is coming down. Brethren, it's countdown time. This image is coming down. The image of this world; the image of the flesh that we're living in; it's going to go out like a light if part of you is not in the kingdom of God which is up here. The kingdom of God is being re-established, the abyss is being reopened. The waters are being returned to the abyss. The waters are being purified and returned to the abyss. If a part of your spiritual being is not in the reconstructed renewed world, when this world down here under the firmament ceases to exist, you will cease to exist. Why is it going to cease to exist? The waters are going to be boiled and they're going to turn into vapor that's going to ascend back up into the abyss. No waters; no image. That's what happened to Adam when he was up there. When the waters fell down through the firmament; no waters, no image. Adam died. The exact reverse is happening. The waters of this water world have already started to be boiled away and are ascending up above the re-established firmament. Jesus of Nazareth who was Christ, has already re-established the firmament and He's in the earth today going to thousands and millions of people to do the same thing in them.

            The day is coming that every human being on this earth will either pass out through a natural death, pass out of this earth, or the firmament will be re-established in the individuals that are left. Also, the waters are ascending back up and this world will not even be remembered. That's what the scripture says. The world will not even be remembered. So if a part of you; and what's that part of you? Your human spirit. If Abel is not rising from the dead in you; if you are not ascending out of this black hole back up into the abyss, you're going to go out like a light with the world. This was a tough night. Do you want me to do one more picture that will show you the difference between Abel and Adam?

            I'd like to make another comment on drawing #3. I've told you that Abel was a particle. He was forced under the earth and what I also didn't point out to you was this; that Cain killed Abel and Abel went down under the earth. The serpent weaving herself through the earth is a way of securing Abel's captivity under the earth in the same way that a tree puts down roots or a bush puts down roots. It works against soil erosion. Is everybody following me? That serpent weaving herself through the earth, that Abel was under, was securing his captivity making it harder for him to get out. But Abel was not appearing just as a particle, a part of the earth. He also is dissolved in Satan's sea just as particles of earth dissolve themselves in the waters; the particles of earth saturate the waters and became clay. It's the exact reverse now. Abel is captured under the earth, but his substance is in a wave formation intermixing with Satan's waters.

            Abel's substance is diffused through the waters of Satan's seas. There's no way this world could exist without Abel. So Abel is really mixed into everything. He's appearing as a particle and as a wave and he's dissolved and diffused through Satan's sea. If you go back a couple of years ago, I was preaching that Eve was dissolved in Satan's sea. For a while now I've been confused because as we went on we found out that there is no Eve and I've been asking the Lord who is the salt that's dissolved in Satan's sea. The salt that's dissolved in Satan's sea is Abel. Just as I told you when I stand in front of you and preach; I'm a particle, but my spirit reaches out and my words touch you, my emotions touch you. We're all functioning both as a particle and a wave. Abel is functioning both as a particle and as a wave. He is trapped under the earth and his captivity was secured when the serpent wove herself through the earth. But he is also vibrating out by his spirit and he is diffused through the waters. Praise the Lord.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">So we see that Abel has to be released on two levels. We know that Satan is being boiled for the purpose of releasing that part of Abel that's diffused through her sea. He is also rising up from underneath the earth and now we're up to drawing #4. The left side of the board which is A. He is rising up by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. I didn't make it clear on this drawing, but the Lord Jesus Christ has pierced through the seal, the seven part seal that has sealed off this world from Jehovah. We're a black hole. The Lord Jesus Christ has pierced through and pierced into the earth of our being because we are the clay. In the clay, He has contacted Abel and strengthened Abel by the power of Almighty God. Abel is rising from the dead. The point at which Abel is risen from the dead is the experience known as full stature to us.</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">I'm going to simplify the difference between Abel and Adam. Abel is the person of Elohim in this fallen world. Adam is the person or the personality of Elohim in the visible spiritual world; visible physical world underneath the sea; visible spiritual world above the sea. As for the Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that Abel rose from the dead in Him at the time that He experienced full stature. But at the time that He experienced spiritual circumcision, this was the piercing through and the opening up of the seal in the man Jesus. He went through the seal and He rose above it. Do you recall the teaching about the spiritual circumcision which occurred when He was in the garden? We looked up all those words that the King James translators translated to sound like Jesus was begging to get off the cross. It's not true. Those drops of blood that appeared didn't appear on His human physical body. Righteous Abel pierced through the seal and the blood of his righteous life appeared above the seal or where the seal was. I guess the seal was still there.

            I don't really know whether He demolished the whole seal or He pierced through as a pin point. But I do know that the scripture says when He pierced through and arrived above the seal, that large drops of clotted blood appeared and layered over and sealed off that which He had just penetrated. Now, of course, we have the ungodly seal. We're in a black hole because we've been sealed off from Jehovah. When Jesus of Nazareth pierced through that seal and clotted over it, what He did was re-establish the firmament. In re-establishing the firmament, He re-established the mechanism for the purification of the waters of the creation. Because what would be the purpose of boiling the waters of creation, having them ascend in vapor form, if the firmament was not re-established to stop them (when they condensed) from flowing back down into Satan's sea again? </SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">So the second stage of the resurrection is the re-establishment of the firmament. There's several parts to it. I told you it's the harvest. It's the separation of Christ Jesus from a dependency on this world for existence. In fact, we now see that it's an actual passing out of this world back up into the spiritual world of God. As the purified waters return into the abyss in due season, the image of Adam appeared. The only information that I have for you at this time as to how we could discern between a resurrected Adam and a resurrected Abel is what I already told you. I'll tell you again. I believe, this is my opinion, my very strong opinion. I believe that I've heard from God that Jesus of Nazareth, before His garden experience was the resurrected Abel. But after His garden experience He pierced through.

            There was a piercing through and He was no longer dependent. He pierced through back into the spiritual world of God within His own being and He became the resurrected Adam. Abel is the personality of Elohim down here in Atlantis and the world under the sea. Adam is the personality of Elohim in the visible spiritual world. I have a scripture for you on that in Job 9 verse 8; God speaking about Elohim. In verse 2 it is established He is speaking about Elohim. Job 9:2; I know it is so of a truth, but how should man be just with God (that's the word for Elohim). Then Job goes on talking about Elohim and in verse 8 he says; He, Elohim is the one which alone spreadeth out the heavens and treadeth upon the waves of the sea. So Elohim in the personality of Adam spread out the heavens. That's what he did. He treadeth; he put underneath his feet the waves of the seas.

            So first of all that means that the seas are restored and the waves of the seas (you may recall) are Jehovah. Jehovah is an electromagnetic field and Elohim, another electromagnetic field and Adam on the surface (all the way up on the top) is above the waves of the electromagnetic fields of the sea. Abel is the personality of Elohim down here in the urine. Let me go over this one more time. Now look, Adam existed and Adam was Elohim dispersed through the seas like salt dissolved in water. He wasn't a particle; he was a wave. His waters were resting on a shelf called the firmament that kept his waters from crashing down into the earth. This firmament, this shelf, kept the waters from crashing down into the earth. If they crashed down into the earth, all that earth would have been dissolved in the waters and they wouldn't be Adam anymore because Adam was the waters of life with just a smattering of dust. So if the waters crashed down on the earth and all that earth dissolved in his waters, the earth would become clay and isn't that exactly what happened?</SPAN>

            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">So we see that Adam is the personality of Elohim on top of the waters of the abyss. But the water part of him, the medium in which he was dispersed invaded Adam's lower parts. This foundation which is called the firmament was Adam's foundation. It was Elohim himself. Cain is Adam's lower parts penetrated. You see, Adam was experiencing being penetrated by Jehovah from above. Remember, Jehovah was coming into the abyss, piercing into the waters, interacting with Elohim, touching upon the earth and producing Adam's image. Adam wasn't looking at his back. He never heard of homosexuality, you see. It never occurred to him that he could be penetrated through his bottom. I'm sorry to be gross; it's the bible. So this is Adam, the personality on the top of the waters of the abyss. But all the waters fell down. Look at drawing A. All the waters fell down. The abyss became dry; the sides collapsed; all the waters covered the earth. The waters became very dense and civilization dropped down and began to exist underneath the seas. The heavily saturated seas became Satan. Down here in the black hole; remember Adam pierced through this firmament. Cain pierced through his bottom parts and all the waters fell down. When all the waters fell down, Adam fell down. He appeared in the world underneath the sea as Cain and Abel. Abel is the personality of Elohim underneath the sea. Adam, the personality of Elohim on top of the waves. Is everybody okay? Praise the Lord!


            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">So I started to tell you, the only idea that I have of how we could discern that someone has experienced the spiritual circumcision as opposed to full stature is that when Jesus came out from the garden of Gethsemane, He had warfare power. All He said was I am He and the guards went backwards. We also saw Him repair an ear that had been cut off. I can't tell you exactly why, but somehow it's not the same thing as looking at a man that has no eyes and putting clay on his face and producing functioning eyes. It's not the same thing as repairing a piece of flesh that was already there that was removed. I know the man who had the withered arm grew out and people who couldn't walk. You see, what He was doing; He was repairing bodies that were damaged when He got there.


            I don't have any recollection of Him going into any kind of an aggressive situation and repairing a body that was just wounded by a sword or by a knife or anything like that. At this moment, I know what I'm telling you. I'm not backing it up because I don't know what the answer is. But I expect the Lord is going to tell me. It's not the same thing. It's not the same thing to repair a body that's been wounded in a war as to repair a body from an infirmity or an illness or a deformity that you were born with. He came out with a warfare strength; power in His mouth that He didn't have before and an ability to deal with a present damage. Hopefully, the Lord will explain that to me more.


            That's the only indications that I have right now that would be apparent to the visible eye, between Abel resurrected from the dead and Adam resurrected from the dead. Jesus of Nazareth went into the garden as Abel risen from the dead and He came out of the garden as Adam risen from the dead; the first Adam. The man who went into the garden was not the man who came out of the garden. The man who went into the garden was the resurrected Abel who was living in Satan's world. The man who came out of the garden was the resurrected first Adam, the living soul, who had put Satan down in the pit.</SPAN>


            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">Let me put that scripture on the message, Revelation 20 verse 1. I have that written up at the top where you see Adam in drawing 4B. Up at the top where you see Adam on top of the waves, I have written Rev. 20:1; And I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. Can you see it? This is the way the King James is expressing it. He came down from heaven. What it means is the angel was in heaven; Adam. And he had a great chain in his hand that he was going to bind up the serpent. That great chain was the firmament. He re-established the firmament which forced Satan under his feet. That's verse 2. Revelation 20:2; this great angel; he laid hold of that dragon, mortal man in the sea of this fallen world. The name of that sea is Satan. And he laid hold of mortal man who was generated by that old serpent which is the devil and Satan and he bound him for a thousand years. I don't believe that was a thousand literal years. I believe that the number one thousand refers to full stature of the human spirit. And he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal on him. Do you see it? Adam came down. Adam was raised from the dead and he cast the dragon, Leviathan, into the bottomless pit. He said, you're not coming up into the abyss with me. And he set a seal on him. He re-established the firmament. He said you can't go past that firmament. He set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more. What does that mean? When you're in the second stage of resurrection, you're not going to have any trouble telling the difference between Leviathan and Christ Jesus or the resurrected Abel in you. Brethren, look at this.


            Up until full stature, we have trouble telling the difference between the resurrected Abel and Leviathan because they're both under the sea of Satan. It's like looking at two fish. That's an extreme example, of course. You see, Abel, our new mind; Abel who is rising from the dead; he is still under Satan's sea. He's in the sea with Leviathan and we have trouble telling who's who. Because this sea is dark and it's filled with dissolved earth and all forms of pollutants and filth. So we're deceived because of the darkness of our mind. But when Abel pierces through and becomes Adam who re-establishes the firmament, we won't be deceived anymore because Leviathan is all the way down here and Adam is all the way up in the purified waters. Then the next verse says he has to come out for a little season. He should deceive the nations no more until the thousand years should be fulfilled. After that he must be loosed for a little season (in the other men) brethren. He was put underfoot by Christ Jesus in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, and is going to be put underfoot by the first fruits company, but then he is going to come out again for the rest of the people. Only each time it gets easier. We have Jesus getting us through. Those who come after the first fruits are going to have the first fruits to get them through. (Everybody is passing out and I'm completely woken up and absolutely excited, absolutely excited.)</SPAN>


            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">Does anybody not understand the difference between the resurrected Abel and the resurrected Adam or just Abel and Adam? Abel is Elohim's personality in the black hole. Adam is Elohim's personality riding on the waves. I'll say it again another way. Adam, the living soul, is Elohim's personality in full and free relationship with Jehovah. Abel is Elohim's personality in the black hole where he can be in relationship with Jehovah, if he keeps Cain under his feet. It's down here in this black hole that Jehovah has continuously reached through, so I guess He penetrated this black hole somehow. I guess He's been coming through the black hole continuously resurrecting the altar and re-establishing a relationship with Abel, which strengthens him to put Cain under his feet, but it never held. It never held until the man, Jesus of Nazareth, who became Christ. I still don't understand how it happened.


            I know that Jesus did not have a natural father and that had to have some kind of an effect on Him, but I don't understand what was special in that sense about Jesus. All I know is that He did it. Jehovah did it. He reached a human man, a mortal man, and He rose Abel from the dead in Him and then He rose Adam from the dead in Him. And now this seal is open. The seal is permanently open. You just have to get into the tunnel, you see, and the way you get into the tunnel is the way you think. It's knowledge, but it's also the way you think. You've got to get into His mind because His mind is the tunnel out through the seal.</SPAN>


            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">QUESTION: Could you please repeat that. You said Abel is Elohim's personality in the black hole. Could you tell me who Adam is again?


            SHEILA: Adam is Elohim's personality above the waves in the abyss, in the clear waters, in the pure waters.</SPAN>


                        <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">COMMENT: You do mean in the physical world?</SPAN>


            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">SHEILA: That Adam can be risen from the dead in the physical world? Yes, the physical bodies are not done away with until the third stage of the resurrection, which is glorification.


            QUESTION: Full stature is Abel being raised and circumcision is Adam being raised?


         SHEILA: Yes. The significance of the circumcision is that Adam is no longer dependent on this world for his existence. If you look at drawing 4A the seal is still in place. So even though Abel is raised from the dead, he's in a womb of amniotic fluid. He's dependent on this world for his existence because if this world would turn on him and kill him, there's no way out. The seal hasn't been opened yet. I am of the very strong opinion and I believe I've heard from God that if the body of Jesus of Nazareth was crucified before the spiritual circumcision, Christ Jesus in Him would have died. I'm convinced of that. But because the seal was opened, His body could be crucified. You see, His body was down here. He was in a Leviathan body. His body was down here, but Christ Jesus had ascended up to the top of the abyss. So they killed His body, but He was gone. But down here in drawing 4A, if they killed His body, the seal wasn't opened yet. I believe Christ Jesus would have died and Jehovah would have had to start all over again in another human being.


            COMMENT: Full stature is just Abel being raised. I have to get that straight in my mind. I always assumed it was Adam. Now what is the significance of the dry places? I always thought that was the place for demons to go to.


            SHEILA: It doesn't say that. I haven't really studied the scripture on dry places. I just know that dry places can be positive or negative. Dry places are supposed to be negative. The dry place is supposed to be the world underneath the firmament. There's not supposed to be a world underneath the firmament. Underneath the shelf of the firmament is supposed to be the earth which is the negative, the dark part, that the light of Elohim passes through, which produces the image on top of the abyss. It's supposed to be dry and barren; inability to produce her own world. But we're in a perverse condition right now and everything is turned around. What was supposed to be the dry places is now Atlantis, the civilization under the sea, although it's not a civilization.


            It's a criminal world. Where the abyss is supposed to be is dry places because there's only one measure. There's only one sea. It's either above the shelf or it's underneath the shelf. So right now the dry places, except for Jesus of Nazareth, are what was the abyss. If the Lord lets me, I'll study those scriptures on dry places. As I recall, Jesus said, when a man goes out of this world, he walketh in dry places. So I'm not going to get into that now. Besides, that scripture is not about the demons. It's about the spiritual man; the whole spiritual man.</SPAN>


            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">QUESTION: That firmament, did you say that that was the place of the harvest also? </SPAN>


            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">SHEILA: Yes.</SPAN>


            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">QUESTION: The waters were purified as they went up in vapor. Is that the case?


            SHEILA: I don't have that exactly yet. I guess there was a boiling. I think the ultimate boiling does away with the human body, but it must be an on-going process so the vapors begin to ascend. I don't have any details on that right now. </SPAN>


            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">QUESTION: In picture B, is the dry places underneath all those lines?</SPAN>


            <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">SHEILA: No, they're not dry anymore because as Adam rises from the dead, Adam is in the waters. So the waters are being purified. It's just like the locks in a dam. As the waters are purified when they fall back; if the firmament wasn't here, they would fall back down into Satan's sea. But this shelf is separating the semen from the urine. It's back to the way it was at the beginning.


            COMMENT: Just yesterday I was asking the Lord why does He call us the salt of the earth?


            SHEILA: Because Abel is the salt.


            COMMENT: He answers the questions even as you ask them. The thousand years; did you say that was the full stature of the human spirit?


            SHEILA: Yes, the human spirit. I took something out for you a couple of weeks ago and I never gave it to you. It's lost on my desk somewhere. I have an old exhibit that I did years ago and it's the numerology of what one thousand means and what ten thousand means and what one hundred means. I'll try to find it and run off copies for everybody. But what that's talking about is the resurrection of the human spirit. And bound him a thousand years. What it is saying is the resurrection of the human spirit will bind up Satan and Leviathan.


            QUESTION: Is the resurrection of the human spirit the resurrection of Abel or of Adam or what?


         SHEILA: It is the resurrection of Abel. The resurrection of the human spirit is Abel. When we come into that condition, the actual coming into that condition is a rising up. If you look at drawing A, Abel is rising up above the serpent, above Leviathan. So Leviathan is not moving. The serpent is not moving. Abel is moving and as he ascends the powers and principalities of this world will find themselves in a bottomless pit underneath his feet because he has ascended. You have to realize this King James translation is on the most basic level. It's a fairy story. Some truths come through, but the more difficult the revelation, the more likely the translation is a fairy story. Because there's no way they could have understood it.


            I'd like to go back to our alternate translation of Song of Solomon 5: verse 8 and show you what Abel's city is. Abel's city is the fallen world; the visible physical world that Abel has risen up over. That's what Abel's city is. Let me read you the alternate translation. Song of Solomon, chapter 5:8; I will raise you up to full stature, you unrepentant mortal spiritual women of Abel's city. That's talking about all of us who are still down here under the sea. I'll raise you up to full stature if my beloved son Abel is risen from the dead in your human spirit and if you confess and make known your spiritual homosexual relationship with the serpent so that your sins can be smoothed out and your spirit polished up.







Praise the Lord! Brethren, we're going on tonight with some scriptural witnesses to the present world being a black hole and to the number 7 signifying full stature. The first thing I'd like to do though is go over our alternate translation of Zechariah 14:4 which we did in part 10, I believe, of this message. I'd like to point out to you an error that Leviathan stuck in there. If you see something wrong, you do tell me, so Leviathan blinded all of our eyes. If you can see the lines that are blocked out it says; the vehement insolent valley is the visible spiritual world. The visible spiritual world is the world of God. So the vehement insolent valley is the spiritual physical world. Just wanted to point that out to you. It's just so subtle. Leviathan just gets in there and turns things around and gives herself the glory. I think I told you a couple of months ago, a TV evangelist wanted to set something straight and gave the glory to Satan and his wife was sinking in her chair. Things like that slip out of my mouth all the time, but she was absolutely mortified. Do you know what it's saying? It's Leviathan saying, I have dominion over this body. I have dominion over this tongue. I have dominion; I have dominion; I'm speaking out of it and she couldn't even stop me. It's our condition. We're still very carnal and we're very young. I think within the last couple of months, I told you all that I was starting to think that the age of Christ Jesus in me was very young, maybe six or seven. Does anybody recall me saying something like that? Well I'm thinking that He is even younger. Along with the dream that He brought back to me because of your dream this morning, for whatever reason He brought back another dream that I had several years ago. I won't go through the whole dream again because this is Quantum Mechanics. In the dream I had a baby. At the beginning of the dream I had a two year old baby. At the end of the dream the baby was six months old. I had this dream years ago. How does a baby get younger? I think the Lord told me today, for whatever reason, that He was talking about an experience that I had that set back my spiritual growth. The manchild in me was two and at the end of this experience which is played out in the dream, the manchild was six months. But that was a couple of years ago, so I know that I recovered and that I went on. So at the very most, I'm four years old. That's how I figured it out. Since I brought Zechariah 14:4 up on this message, we'll read the alternate translation and then we'll go on to Song of Solomon, chapter 5. We'll be doing verses 8, 9 and 10 as a witness that the number seven in scripture frequently signifies full stature or the fullness of God. It is not enough to say that it is a number of completion. You may recall we were translating Genesis chapter 7 which is most all numerology. I was stuck and I couldn't go on until the Lord gave me the revelation that the number 7 signifies the fullness of full stature. I didn't have any witnesses to it. It seemed to fit in as we worked up the alternate translation. That interpretation of the number 7 as full stature fitted in very well with Genesis 7. We've stopped in the middle. We haven't gotten back to Genesis 7 yet. Why do I stop in the middle of a series? Because I don't have what I need to go on. I don't have what I need to translate the rest of the chapter in accordance with the Doctrine of Christ, so the Lord puts us in another study until I get what I need. I'm sure that we will eventually go back to Genesis 7. I doubt that I will get to it today, but this is about the third time I"m giving you these notes. I have a couple of scriptural references speaking or referring to the black hole that we dwell in. I was saying the other day that it is just amazing what is in these scriptures, but in the King James translation the spiritual truths are so tied up, they're so bound up that unless you already have the knowledge in your mind you will never ever understand that this is what the Lord is saying. Then the Lord revealed to us, this is the work that has been given to this group, to get these scriptures into a translated form where the seals are opened. We're opening the seals; we're opening the seals for other people to look at and to read and to get before the Lord and pray about them and say could this possibly be true? Without the work that we're doing the church wouldn't even have the opportunity to pray about it. The next stage of the development of the church is at hand. It is already here for us, but it's at hand for those who need the materials that we're bringing forth, for it to be at hand for them. Okay let's go on. Zechariah 14:4 alternate translation; And in that day the first Adam, the living soul shall break forth from the corpus callosum of Elohim's sons and he shall stand and continue to abide above their brains. That means above their animal nature which is possessing the brain in this hour. They'll be able to do it because of the glorified Jesus Christ, the last Adam. And the sun, the ruling spirit of that vehement insolent valley, the visible physical world shall depart from their corpus callosum and the darkness which is presently covering that corpus callosum (that's the center of the brain that activates the two hemispheres simultaneously or has the capacity to do so) shall be lighted by the sun of righteousness because the first Adam the living soul shall be the mind which is present in and controlling their forebrains. Alleluia!  We're now going on to Song of Solomon.  QUESTION: In that line under the paragraph you said the vehement insolent valley is not the visible spiritual world but the visible spiritual world. It's suppose to be physical, right?  SHEILA: Right, it's suppose to be physical, but do you remember what we were talking about before the meeting? If there is a correction when I'm not asking for corrections, that you are suppose to give it to the Lord. Okay, you asked Him, but you didn't wait for Him to move. Now I'm going to keep after you all. I'm going to do it as kindly as I can. But I'm not going to let this drop because it's really right that you ask to be acknowledged and that you use your microphone and that you flow with the spirit. You see, this is not just something that's for me. It's also practice and opportunity for you to practice moving in the spirit. I'm telling you, I'm going to stay after you. Praise the Lord, let's go on. Song of Solomon 5:8; I charge you o daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved that you tell him that I am sick of love. The words, I charge you are a translation of the Hebrew words Strong's #7650 that really means I will seven you. Isn't that amazing? It's in all the lexicons. It's not one of these little tidbits. Sometimes I find I have to go into a rarely used lexicon and I find a rarely used translation, but this is the meaning of the word in every lexicon that I looked in. It means I will seven you. I will seven you. I will multiply you by seven. It's a primitive root. It means to be complete. To seven you, to be complete or to seven oneself and the same word is translated also, to swear, as if by repeating a declaration seven times. It's from the root #7651 which again is speaking about the number 7. I think #7651 is merely the number 7 and it means seven times. The Hebrew word signified by Strong's #7650 and #7651 are expressed by the same letters with different vowels. You may recall me telling you that traditionally Hebrew is not written with vowels. Let me put it on the board for you. I know I showed it to you a while ago. I'll show it to you again. This is the Hebrew letter alef. It's called the alef bet. It's the alphabet. Alef, this is one letter base. It has the vowels in the Hebrew language are not letters like they are in the English language. The vowel a goes underneath the letter, ah or this is eh and then there is a, two dots. So the vowels go underneath the letters. Traditionally, even today, people who are really proficient in Hebrew do not use vowels. I know I saw an advertisement for Hebrew lessons in a local synagogue and I decided to take a look. For two years I'm thinking of getting a book to improve my skills and I just never do it. So I ran over and took one class. It turned out that I was there for a spiritual reason. My point of telling you about it on this message is that the teacher would not use the vowels. So the vowels are really for the amateurs. The vowels are for the amateurs. So this is the point; we have very frequently in Hebrew, according to Strong's he'll have a series of Hebrew letters forming a word and he'll give one number to these letters that have one set of vowels and then he'll take the next number with the same letters and he'll put different vowels under it. Then he'll give it a different number in Strong's Concordance. But the fact of the matter is that nobody knows when the original Hebrew text was written there were no vowels. So it was Strong's translator's license that decided to break these letters into two different words. As far as the Hebrew was concerned they're just one word. As the Hebrews read or as they talk, they add the vowels; it's a fluid language. It's a language with tremendous spiritual potential and the way they decide how the word is pronounced is by the context of what they are saying. It's incredible. I don't know how they do it. If you buy a Hebrew newspaper, there's no vowels in it. As you read, by the context of what you're reading, you add the vowels into it. It's awesome, but that's what it's like. We've had situations many times like this in the scripture where I'll look up the word according to the Strong's number and I'll compare it to the Hebrew text and I'll see that the vowels are different. What's happening is that the translator cannot believe that this word belongs in that scripture because he's not translating it according to the doctrine of Christ. He's translating it according to the King James Translation, whatever that doctrine is. He can't make any sense of this Hebrew word being there, so he takes another one with different vowels on it. We find that when we're translating according to the Doctrine of Christ, sometimes we have to take the next word down or not the word that the translator is referring us to. So the original Hebrew text displayed no vowels. I suggest to you that some scribe somewhere choose the vowels that mean the Hebrew word, to swear, instead of the vowels that mean the Hebrew word, to seven. Let me say it another way. The word in the Hebrew text of Song of Solomon, chapter 5 verse 8 says there is a word there, I charge you; it means I swear and it's Strong's #7650. But Strong's #7651 is just one notch away have the exact same Hebrew letters with different vowels. I'm suggesting to you that the correct word in this verse should not be #7650, to swear, but #7651, to seven. Some scribe when he was transcribing couldn't make any sense of #7651 in this place, so he changed it to #7650. I talk to you like this a lot. I hear the criticisms of people in my mind very strongly. It's interesting though; I went into Unger's Bible Dictionary today to look up something that has nothing to do with this message. Unger is a very well known author of a bible dictionary giving his opinion under the topic that I was looking up, that this translation was wrong and it was probably some scribe who took it upon himself to make the change. So it's done with translations everywhere. It is legitimate translator's license. What am I saying? I'm saying that these words, I charge you, should really be translated I seven you. I'm going to raise you to full stature. Daughters of Jerusalem, I'm going to raise you up to full stature. What do you think it means to be filled with the Holy Ghost, brethren? To be filled up with the Holy Ghost is to be in full stature. That's why nobody is filled with the Holy Ghost in the church today. It's a lie. You have received the Holy Ghost. You've received a measure of the Holy Ghost, but if you were filled up with the Holy Ghost, you would be in full stature. Now Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost. That means He had a form of full stature that did not recede. To be filled with the Holy Ghost is a temporary full stature. The Holy Ghost is signified by water. Water rises and water falls. But Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost. When He rose up to full stature, He rose up in such a way that it clung to Him, that even if it receded, it left a residue. Now you can lose full stature. Even Jesus could have lost full stature. We talked about that. Jesus could have died in full stature. It is not until glorification that you're fully born and completely safe. But it's much harder to kill the anointing on someone who is anointed with the Holy Ghost than it is to kill or take away or destroy the anointing on someone who is filled with the Holy Ghost. Everyone in the church today has just received a taste of the Holy Ghost. I don't know anyone that's in full stature today.  I charge you or I will seven you oh daughters of Jerusalem. We're talking about Jerusalem now, which is the capital of the United Kingdom and Judah after the split. Jerusalem, the capital of the United Kingdom and after the split of Judah and Israel, it was the capital of Judah. The scripture is speaking to spiritual women of Jerusalem. Now we know that at one point, Israel was in full stature. At least the leaders of Israel were in full stature. I guess everybody wasn't. I guess it was just their leaders, the prophets and perhaps the priests. But we do know that there was an anointing of full stature upon the headship of Israel. Now, oh you daughters of Jerusalem. I'd like to take a minute to talk about Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the city of God. I think that's pretty common. Most people know that and we know that there's a Jerusalem and there's a holy Jerusalem. I would like to say there's a mortal Jerusalem and there's an immortal Jerusalem. The new Jerusalem that's coming down from heaven is the immortal Jerusalem. I suggest to you that the body in which the Godhead dwells is the city of God; not the physical body. Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?  It's not this physical animal body that is the temple of the Holy Ghost. It is your spiritual or celestial body that is the temple of the Holy Ghost. There are several layers of us within this physical body. This physical body is the outer court. It's an animal. Jesus has nothing to do with it. The Levite priest couldn't wear wool. They couldn't wear anything that would produce sweat in their body. From a spiritual point of view now, as we ascend, we are to despise the animal life. Now don't anyone misunderstand me. Our goal as spiritual men is to leave the animal life completely behind us. There are rules and laws that make this life acceptable to Jehovah under certain circumstances, while we are bound here. I hope everybody is okay on that.  The Lord showed me something today that I found very interesting. I'd like to share it with you. This concept of Jerusalem being the city of God. The Lord showed me that it's the restored altar. Do you remember the three fold altar that we talked about when we did Genesis 6? Let me review for you. Cain incarnated and then Abel. Remember Adam passed through the filter. They passed through the firmament. Adam and his lower nature came. The waters that he was dwelling in passed through the firmament which was the shelf that was suppose to be holding them up above the earth. But they passed through the firmament and just as when an electron passes through a filter, they pass through not as a single unit. They did not pass through as a single unit which they were when they were above the filter or above the firmament. But they passed through in two parts and each part had the ability to function as a particle or a wave, if you recall. Now the first thing that Jehovah did; Jehovah moved immediately to preserve the life of His son Adam. He did that by saying, Abel, you are the priest and Cain, you will submit. Jehovah joined with Abel and Abel joined with Cain and the living thing, the life of the creature was intact. It was a three part altar. It was only suppose to be a two part altar. Before the fall, before Adam and Cain pierced through the firmament, it was a two part altar. It was Jehovah and Adam because Adam was really Elohim mixed with the dust. Is everybody okay? I'm up against a tough wall here, tonight. Okay, praise the Lord. When Adam and his lower parts pierced through the firmament, they appeared as two, Cain and Abel. Jehovah secured the life of the creature by forming the three part altar. This three part altar is the city of God. It's the city that Elohim dwells in and Jehovah is in Elohim. But when Cain rebelled against Abel and killed him, it broke the three part altar. We know that. It broke the life of the creature. It broke that part of the creature which was the life. It broke the city where Jehovah and Elohim dwelt. I suggest to you that Jerusalem is a type of the restored altar. Also let me remind you that Jehovah has never ceased in His intention of rebuilding this altar and He has over the years rebuilt the altar several times. But it keeps breaking apart. Abel has continued to fail to hold on to Cain and keep Cain in a position of submission under him until Jesus of Nazareth, in the man Jesus of Nazareth.  Abel rose from the dead. Adam rose from the dead and the living thing was secured and went on to glorification. We know that when Elohim (or Jehovah; to be honest with you I don't recall whether it was Jehovah or Elohim. It was probably Jehovah) came to Noah and said, you're going to rebuild the three part altar and this is the third time it is going to be rebuilt. Jehovah put the altar together right after the fall with Abel. He put the altar together again with Seth. Now Abel was murdered. The three part altar, the city that Jehovah and Elohim were dwelling in fell down because Cain murdered Abel. Abel was overcome and he is clearly called righteous Abel by Jesus, Himself. Abel was righteous. He died a martyr's death. Seth was the new seed that was given to the creature. Seth did not die a martyr's death. All of the population, humanity as mortal man as we call him, just before the flood at the time of Noah were all the descendants of Seth. All of those descendants had deteriorated. I don't know what they looked like at that time. They had deteriorated. The three part altar had deteriorated in them, in everyone except in Noah. He was the only one that was so cleaving unto Elohim that the three part altar, that the city of God, that Jerusalem was intact in this man, Noah. Today the city of God is intact in the Lord Jesus Christ, who has been glorified and now by His spirit is in thousands, millions, trillions, however many mortal men, in an attempt to rebuild the altar in each of us. Now when I was in a very critical point of my walk with the Lord, things looked so dark. It was really hard to believe that He was with me. I received a powerful prophesy from a local pastor who didn't even know me. The anointing was so strong, he was jumping around his own church saying I can't believe the Lord gave you that through me; I don't even know you. The prophesy was; Don't slip and don't slide. I'm rebuilding the altar. Of course, I had no idea what it meant at the time, but I knew that it was good and that Jesus was with me. He was rebuilding the altar in me, you see. Abel is raised from the dead in me and Cain is largely in submission, not completely in submission, but largely in submission. Otherwise, I could never be bringing this message forth. What have I said? I've said the city of God is the three part altar that dwells in a man.  When you have many men in whom the three part altar has been restored; Abel has been raised from the dead; Cain is in submission to Abel and the life of God is being expressed through you; all of these men together form Jerusalem. I do have a scripture for you. The scripture talks a lot about the city of David; the city of David, which is Zion. Zion is a hill in Jerusalem. David's city was on a hill in Jerusalem. David, himself, was not the whole of Jerusalem. I believe that Abel was risen from the dead in the man David. I haven't been talking too much about Abel lately because I couldn't get it straight in my mind the difference between Abel and Adam. The Lord has given me that information so I'll give it to you tonight. I'm going to be speaking about Abel some more again. Now I have the difference between the two very clear in my mind. I was stumbling over that for awhile. I believe that Abel was risen from the dead in King David. He had a city on one hill in Jerusalem.  This is a difficult night to preach, but we're going to do it anyway. The three part altars are going to be restored in everybody, which means Jerusalem is in the midst of us; the holy city. The body or the many members of the spiritual men in whom the altar has been restored together are Jerusalem. So I guess what we would really have to say is that if the altar is restored in you, we might say Zion is restored in you. The city of David and all of us together are forming the holy Jerusalem. O daughters, I charge you, o daughters, o spiritual women of Jerusalem. I looked up that Hebrew word translated daughters and it definitely means females. Let me read you my note. Jerusalem, the city or the altar headed up by Abel. Jerusalem is the name of Jehovah's restored altar. In this case, the one that Abel headed up and the spiritual women are Cain's descendants. The descendants of Cain that are engrafted to Abel and confessing their sins and repenting are the good daughters, but the spiritual daughters who are only reconciled or engrafted but not confessing and repenting are evil daughters. Now I got a little ahead of myself here. I had these scriptures translated and I changed the order. So I'm a little ahead of myself, but I'm going to give you two Scriptures; one which talks about the good spiritual daughters of Israel and the others which talk about the evil ones. We'll get to it. Like I said, I'm just a little ahead of myself. I'm making a suggestion to you. See, you can be a member of Jerusalem. All of Israel is not Israel. We have a lot of people in the church and we're going to find out when we get through these three scriptures here in Song of Solomon, what the order to be good and not evil means. You see, we have this concept, this fallen definition of the word evil, like Friday the 13th or you're a monster or something like that. But that's not what Jehovah means by evil.  That's not Jehovah's definition of evil. Jehovah's definition of evil is one who is in rebellion against His moral order. Now people who are rebelling against and not in His correct moral order have a tendency to do very evil things like mass murderers and a whole variety on a sliding scale of evil; adultery, thievery, fornication, murder; a whole sliding scale of evil things. But to Jehovah (who is manifesting through the Lord Jesus to us right now) there's very little difference. Either you are engrafted to His spirit and you are in submission and the altar of the living thing is intact and you are alive or you are not engrafted and the altar of the living thing is not intact and you are not alive. Dead and evil are synonymous to Almighty God. Now don't shut off the message here.  Some people get upset at this. Listen, Jesus clearly said, that according to what you do, according to your behavior, these are how many stripes you will receive. What you sow, you shall reap. For all the evil that you do, you will reap evil. But that's talking about the existence in this world. As far as Jehovah is concerned, the fact that you broke the altar, that you rebelled against the holy altar, before you ever murdered anybody, before you ever did anything terrible; as far as Jehovah is concerned, you broke the altar and that's the evil and everything else that you're doing is just a natural outcome of this first act of rebellion. So we see two different attitudes towards the two different principles. Evil towards Jehovah is rebellion against His altar. The result of it is death, this existence known as death. Jehovah's definition of evil is rebellion against His altar; the judgment for which is death, separation from God. Everything that comes after that that's happening in this existence called death is just a natural outcome of rebellion against God. Some people are more evil than others, but for those people dwelling in death, that which you sow, you shall reap. For every evil that you do, the one that does more evil shall get more stripes. But as far as Jehovah is concerned, if you're separated from Him, you're evil and it's the same word in the Hebrew. The fact that you're called evil includes within it the potential to be restored to the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ.  So we have to see where Jehovah is coming from. In this Song of Solomon, as we go on, you will see that He's calling the spirit woman, which of course can be physical men; He's calling the spiritual women in whom Abel is, dead. He's calling them evil. He's calling the men of Israel in whom Abel is dead, evil. Why? Because if Abel is dead, the altar is broken; the altar is not functioning; the communication with Jehovah is cut off and you're dead. There is only one way that Abel could die after he has been raised from the dead by Jehovah. Jehovah sent Elohim to raise Abel from the dead in Israel and because of their sin (if you look in the Alternate Translation in Amos 5, you see that Israel was worshiping Satan). What does that mean? They were taking counsel from their own spirit. That is the worship of Satan and the result of it was that Satan raised up Leviathan and Leviathan killed Abel, threw him under the ground and trampled him down. That was how Abel died in natural Israel after Jehovah sent Elohim to raise them from the dead. Praise the Lord.! What are we saying? We're saying that these three scriptures in the Song of Solomon that I'm dealing with that's talking about evil spiritual women and good spiritual women. We're not talking about evil as evil in this world. The word evil in this world means that you're a sadist and that you torture people and that you murder people. That's not what the scripture is talking about. It's talking about good and evil in the context of either you're attached to Jehovah through His living altar or you're separated from Jehovah through the death of His living altar. Did I make that clear? Is everybody okay? Here's the witness that I told you about David, the city of David, which is Zion. It is 11 Chronicles 5:22; Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel unto Jerusalem to bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the city of David, which is Zion. Jerusalem is the whole body of Christ. Abel was raised from the dead and living through David. Therefore David had a city or a mansion or a place within the greater whole Jerusalem which is the collective Christ Jesus. I'm not really following my notes too well tonight. What about Seth? Seth was an attempt to resurrect righteous Abel who was overcome by Cain, but Seth backslid under the influence of the serpent. We're still trying to translate Song of Solomon 5:8; I charge you, o daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved. The Hebrew word translated find can be translated, to be found to be the possession of. Going with the context of the Hebrew language, a wife was considered a possession; not only in the Hebrew language.  Not today, anymore the women libbers might hang you, but for the longest time in civilized society, women were considered a possession. I suggest to you that that is the intention of this phrase; if you find my beloved, if you are found to be the possession of, if you are found to be the wife of my beloved. Who is my beloved? Ephesians 1:6; to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he has made us accepted in the beloved. I suggest to you that the beloved is the Son of God. Jehovah even said over Jesus of Nazareth; behold, this is my beloved Son. The one who is beloved is the one who is male because he is joined to Jehovah. That's the one who is beloved. The one who is hated is the one who is cast out and disconnected and again, the word hated must be viewed in two different contexts. Hated with regard to one's relationship with Jehovah and hated as one is hated amongst mortal men. To be hated amongst mortal men is a terrible thing; to have other men hating you.  But to be hated by Jehovah; it sounds like a contradiction, but it's not. It's much worse to be hated by mortal man because when mortal man hates you, he'll torment you. But to be hated by Jehovah is not such a terrible thing because within that word is the potential to be restored unto Him and become His beloved. To be hated by Jehovah means separation from Jehovah. But He wants you back. When mortal man hates you, he doesn't want you back. He wants to get you out of his life; to kill you or hurt you in some way. Remember, Jehovah is not a man. He's not a man; He doesn't think like a man; He doesn't act like a man. He's not a man. His ways; they are not our ways. Even when He hates somebody, it is a righteous hatred.  If ye are found to be the possession of my beloved; if you're found to be married to the Son of God. Listen, I'm going to raise you up to full stature; O you spiritual women that's in this city, which is suppose to be the city of God, where Abel is risen from the dead. Those of you who are spiritual women in this city, I'm going to raise you up to full stature if I find that you're married to the resurrected Abel. That ye tell him; the word, that, is Strong's #4100. This is the word that is really translated what. It's translated what more than it's translated that. You may recall that we have discovered that the ancient Hebrew scholars knew that there were two levels of the Godhead; the higher and the lower. They called the higher one Who (Who is it because they didn't know who He was).  They called the lower arm of the Godhead What (What is it?). It's that word what; we find it present when we're talking about the manna that was found in the wilderness. What is it? In other words, it was the son of God, Elohim, the lower extremity that kept them alive in the wilderness. This word that; it's really the word that means what. We translate that as the son of God, Jehovah's lower extremity. Now in this instance, I'm telling you that it's Abel and as soon as the Lord lets me work it into this message, possibly after we finish this alternate translation, I will show you clearly the difference between the resurrected Abel and the resurrected Adam. We're dealing with the Song of Solomon 5:8; I charge you (I'm going to raise you up to full stature) o you daughters of Jerusalem, o you spiritual women of the city of God. If it turns out, if you find my beloved; that you're married to my son. I'm going to raise you up to full stature if you're married to my son. You see, you're just spiritual women; you're mortal and you have all the mortal problems that there are, but if you marry my son, you're going to rise up to full stature. Is that not the promise that we're all hoping for now, marriage to Christ Jesus. The next phrase; that ye tell him that I am sick of love. But we're going to translate the Hebrew word, that, as Abel, as the lower extremity of God down here in hell. The lower extremity of God in the visible spiritual world is Adam. Ye tell; Strong's #5046, confess and make known. It's talking about confession and revelation of sin. Please note that it's not just confession. You see, after you confess your sins, you have to give your testimony; now not with every individual sin.  You don't go telling the whole world everything that you did, but after you confess your sins and repent and you're renewed in Christ Jesus, then you have to go out and give your public testimony which will encourage other people to arise up and confess their sins and repent and be reconciled to the Lord. Is everybody okay? It's two different things. You confess and you make known. You don't make your specific sin known. You confess and you repent and after you're restored, then you give your testimony and make known what God has done for you. You confess your sins and make known what God has done for you. You don't tell the church gossip your sins. For the purpose of; that sick of love. Well, the word him (this is a very difficult translation) that ye tell him; the Hebrew word translated him, Strong's #8705 is being translated for the purpose of. It's a legitimate translation for the purpose of. That sick of love; sick of, Strong's #2470 can be translated polished and smooth and also weak, sick or wounded. See, it's not sick in the context of the King James Translation. It's sick in the context of weak or wounded. Of course, the opposite of weak or wounded is polished and smooth. Once again we see the Hebrew language having contradictory meanings for one word. The word, love;  I am sick of love is Strong's #160 and it is specifically talking about sexual love. It's not talking about the love of God nor is it talking about what we call phileo love which is brotherly love. It's talking about (in the Greek, eros) sexual love. The word, I (that's an accented I) most of the time when the word I appears in the scripture, it's just merely the subject of the verb that's being used. But this is the emphatic I. It has its own word, Strong's #590, and frequently it's the word for Jehovah. It doesn't say I am; it just says I. But in this case, as you can read with my comment, the interlinear text says that the Hebrew word translated I is Strong's #589. But the spelling of the Hebrew word is not identical with Strong's #589, but with Strong's #590. I put #590 up there in my notes, but the interlinear text says that the word translated I is Strong's #589. If you look in the interlinear text you won't see #590; you're going to see a #589. But I looked it up. I recognized the Hebrew word and I looked it up in the lexicon and it's not #589. It's not the word that's #589. It's the word that's #590. The Hebrew word that's #590 means vessel, urn or pitcher. I suggest to you that this Hebrew word is speaking about the vessel that is the host for spiritual life and that the translator could in no way fit #589 into that sentence. As you could see, the whole translation is just one manifestation of translators' license.  The translator just couldn't do anything with #589 so he just took the next word on the line and made it #590. But he didn't change the word; he just changed the number. Isn't that interesting? Thank God. The significance of the number being changed and not the Hebrew word being changed is that it was not a Hebrew scribe that changed this word, but it was Strong in his applying of the numbers. Strong was the one who gave it the wrong number. Can you hear that? Strong was the one who gave it the wrong number. He probably gave it the number that lined up with the translation that the King James translators gave it. The King James translators didn't change the spelling of the word. The King James translators just gave the translation a #589 and then Strong went right along with it and put down the number #589 in his reference book. But the Hebrew text is very clear. The word is identical to Strong's #590 which means vessel, urn or pitcher. I suggest to you that this Hebrew word is speaking about the vessel that is the host for spiritual life. That's us, mortal man. I printed out Strong's definition of #160. This is the Hebrew word for sexual love. Strong's definition of #160 says it is human love for human objects. It could also be used of a man towards a man. It could be used of a man towards himself. It could be used to express a love between a man and a woman, sexual desire, and he says sometimes it is used to express God's love towards His people. I don't know about that. Sometimes Strong's Concordance, in particular (a lot of translators, but Strong's in particular) he lines his definitions up to the King James translation. I didn't go so far as to look for a scripture where this word is used to express God's love for man. I did look at a few of them and it seems to me that it is used mostly of human attributes; human love for human objects, man towards man, homosexual love, man towards himself, narcissistic love, love between a man and a woman, heterosexuality. I suggest to you that the Hebrew words translated, I love, should be translated love for the vessel; love for the vessel, not I love, but love for the vessel because we're translating the Hebrew word translated, I, as the vessel.  Love for the vessel; this is the whole core of man's problem. We're in love with ourselves instead of with God. Is this not narcissism; love for the vessel. Tell them I am sick of love. Tell them that I'm wounded because of my love for myself. I'm wounded because of the narcissistic love that has us bound to our own soul instead of to Jehovah. I'll read you my note. I suggest to you that the Hebrew words translated, I love, should be translated love for the vessel which is speaking about mortal man's narcissistic self love, which is in actuality a spiritual homosexual relationship with himself. That's what narcissism is. This is the condition of mortal man.  This spiritual homosexual relationship with our self, which is really the serpent, Satan, Leviathan and the devil, which is the foundation of his unconscious mind. Let me read you that sentence again. I suggest to you that the Hebrew words translated, I love, should be translated love for the vessel, which is speaking about mortal man's narcissistic self love, which is in actuality a spiritual homosexual relationship with himself, which is the foundation of his unconscious mind. That is the serpent. The serpent is the foundation of our unconscious mind. Our unconscious mind is Satan. Satan typifies the seas. The serpent is the earth, the ocean bed, the foundation upon which the seas rest. Leviathan is the dragon in the sea. So we see the King James translators doing again the best that they could, translated this verse of the Song of Solomon as a woman who's in love with the Lord, but the truth is that the Hebrew indicates the verse is talking about spiritual women who are in love with themselves. The message of Jehovah to them is there is deliverance for you if you will marry my son. See, you've got to stop loving yourself. It's talking about sexual love. You've got to break this union with yourself. You may recall when we did a translation of 1 Kings 19, the account of Elijah. He was the man who was joined to his own soul. He was married to his own soul. We've turned in upon ourselves. I will seven you, you spiritual women of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved (that beloved is corporate son, Abel.) Ye confess and make known for the purpose of polished and smooth homosexual love. That's what a translator has to work with. This is what I give to you. I will raise you up to full stature, you spiritual women of Abel's city. If you are found to be the possession or the wife of my beloved son, Abel. If you confess and make known for the purpose of being polished and made smooth, your spiritual homosexual relationship with yourself. You see, brethren, now isn't this interesting? We've been talking about confession and repentance for a long time. We have preachers in the church that say you just have to confess and repent upon reconciliation; general confession and repentance. That's all you have to do. A lot of preachers were saying that. Now it seems to be part of the new thing; there's only one or two that I know of on TV anyway, only one on TV saying no, you have to have specific repentance. You need the ability to recognize sin in your mind so that you can confess it as sin.  That's the only way you're going to put this sin nature underfoot, to see the operation of specific sin in your mind. Now we see it's taken even a step further. If you want to stand up in full stature, you have to be able to confess your spiritual homosexual relationship with yourself which is the serpent. Brother, this is getting harder and harder and harder. If you want to stand up in full stature, you have to admit, not even that you're married to the serpent because I've been preaching that, but you've got to admit that you're married to the serpent and that this marriage is a homosexual marriage. We've talked about it before. I've been preaching for a long time that we're married to a butch lesbian; that we're spiritually female and that the serpent is a butch lesbian.  But I never saw it in this context before, that a requirement for full stature is the confession and the actual admitting to other people that we're engaged in a very shameful relationship. Now this is not a shame that would condemn you, but it is a shame that is a disgrace to our true husband, Jehovah. It needs to be confessed as a disgrace without condemnation. But we cannot make light of it to make ourselves feel better. Now this is a fine line that Jesus can give you. He can give you this fine line, that you can confess this without condemnation. We do a lot with John Bradshaw here. This is a very many faceted ministry. We do a lot of John Bradshaw's work. I don't agree with his solutions, but I'm very interested in his identification of human problems. Even John Bradshaw says there are two kinds of shame; there's a healthy shame and there's a toxic shame. What he says is toxic shame, I call that condemnation. But there is a healthy shame. You need to know that our condition is not right. If you want to find within yourself the strength to resist the one that you're spiritually in bed with, you've got to get a conviction that this is an ungodly relationship. I don't care how happy your life is. You are happily married; your children are prospering; you like your career; you go out to dinner once a week with your husband; you love your husband; you love your wife; your life is good. I'm willing to give this up, so you say, to go on to a better life, but this life is good. You have to confess that this good life (without condemnation now) that this good life is a shame and a disgrace unto God; something that you found yourself in that you shouldn't be in; that you have to now seek the Lord Jesus Christ, how to get out of without destroying yourself, without destroying your wife, without destroying your children.  You need to seek the Lord as to how to proceed. Alleluia! You don't go breaking every relationship that you have and jumping into nothingness. You break the hearts of your loved ones and you make yourself very vulnerable when you isolate yourself from every substantial relationship that you have. Let me give you this principle on a simpler level. I'm sure that everybody that's been in the church world for awhile has met somebody who's reconciled to Jesus when they have a job such as a bar tender or some ungodly job. I've had men say to me, I'm a bar tender and I've just been reconciled to Jesus. I'm quitting my job tomorrow. No, don't quit your job tomorrow. You don't quit your job until Jesus moves you out. You may have to train for another job; I don't know what His answer is to your situation. Maybe He'll keep you there for a season. I don't know.  So certainly, when you hear a message like this, that there is a healthy shame, a healthy knowledge, without condemnation, that the lifestyle that we're living is not pleasing to God and this whole fantasy and fable about Adam and Eve in the garden and the Lord blessing marriage from the beginning of time is just that; a fantasy. That we stay right where we are, that we love our families, but spiritually speaking, our whole lifestyle is a humiliation and a disgrace and a shame unto Jehovah, our husband. Now if you're listening to this message and you can't find the middle line; if either you're cursing me because you don't believe it or you're under condemnation because you do believe it, you need prayer. If there's nobody who could pray for you, cry out to Jesus because there is a middle ground. That middle ground is a knowledge without condemnation, that you cannot stay this way; that we cannot stay this way; that we are Jehovah's wife and that we cannot continue on in this adulterous relationship which is a shame unto Him. Then go forth to ask Him how we proceed.  I will raise you up to full stature, you spiritual women of Abel's city. If you are found to be the wife of my beloved son, Abel, and if you confess and make known for the purpose of being polished and made smooth your spiritual homosexual relationship with yourself. Jesus! What makes some spiritual women good and others evil? Well I already talked about that out of order. Confession of sin and repentance and of course, connection with Abel. He has to be risen from the dead in your spirit. Confession of sin and repentance coming out of your present sin nature does not make you good in God's eyes. Now remember, I gave you that whole teaching; we're not talking about the goodness of man. We're talking about good and evil in terms of whether or not your life is being sustained through union with Jehovah. You have to be attached to Him.  You have to be joined to Him and the way we're joined to Him is when Abel rises from the dead in our human spirit and then when it is Abel; our confession and our repentance is coming out of our newly resurrected spiritual life which is attached to Jesus Christ, who is attached to Jehovah. Is everybody okay? We have people confessing and repenting all over the place, especially in the Catholic Church. That doesn't put you in right standing with Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ. The confession has to be coming out of the life in you which is of your Father. It has to be coming out of the resurrected Abel. What does it mean to be the beloved son's possession; to be his wife? I suggest to you that reconciliation won't do it. To be the son's wife is talking about union. Marriage talks about union. We're talking about the engrafted seed. I will raise you up to full stature, you evil spiritual women of Abel's city. The only reason I put that evil in there is because the next verse we are going to do, you're going to see that the word good is present. I will raise you up to full stature, you evil spiritual women of Abel's city, if you are found to be my beloved son Abel's wife and if you confess and make known your spiritual homosexual relationship with yourself, who is the serpent, so that your sins can be smoothed out and your spirit polished up. So please note that you not only have to confess that you're in a spiritual homosexual relationship to yourself or to a local group like this, the Lord is requiring us to spread the word. The Lord is requiring us to preach it. That right there is talking about a healthy shame as opposed to a toxic shame or condemnation. Because if you're taking this personally and you believe that you're this terrible person because you're in this spiritual homosexual relationship with the serpent, you're going to keep it quiet. You're going to hide it. That's not what Jesus wants us to do. He wants the word spread. So not only is it for your sake that you should not take condemnation from this knowledge, but for the sake of all of the brethren that the Lord is counting on you to spread this word to as He brings you in contact with them. If you're taking it as a personal shameful condemnation, you're not going to tell anybody.  But a healthy shame says we're here. I have no personal recollection of how we got here, but I understand that all died in Adam, that somehow I had something to do with this in a way that I don't understand, but here I am and I want to do everything that I can to get out of here. Part of what I'm suppose to be doing is telling you about it because I believe the Lord has brought you to me to hear this message. No condemnation, brethren, because condemnation is the flip side of being in agreement with the relationship. I know that I've brought this up in this fellowship because some people here fall into this. When your sin is exposed, you go to the opposite side; well I'll never do this again or I'll never do that again. It's just the flip side of the sin that doesn't want you to have an honest confession that's going to set you free. Either you're engaged in the sin or because the sin is exposed, you're giving up and leaving town. It's the same thing. It makes no difference. Your pride is preventing you from giving an honest non condemning confession which will set you free. I'll preach it until it's coming out of your ears.  I'd like to review the devil, Satan and the serpent with you. The vessel that the spiritual man dwells in is the devil. Satan is our unconscious mind. Leviathan, the dragon, is our conscious mind. The devil exists on two levels; our bestial personality, which is the celestial body that Paul talks about (the personality) and the physical body which is an animal (the terrestrial body). The serpent is the lesser god that has founded this whole fallen world. She is the shelf that had replaced Elohim's firmament and upon which this world sits. So I guess I'm going to stop here and I'm going to explain that to you. I'm going to do a drawing and I'm also going to try to clarify, to make it very clear to you the difference between the resurrected Abel and the resurrected Adam.  This is drawing #1. As you can see, I've drawn our typical outline of the abyss. The image of Adam is gone because all of the seas have flowed down. They've broken through the firmament and they are now covering the earth. I guess I never really made it clear to you; the firmament was Adam's foundation. The firmament was the shelf upon which the seas sat and Adam was the image upon the seas. He was one with the seas up here above the firmament. So when Cain invaded Adam, what that means practically, is that he invaded his foundation. Now remember that Cain's invasion of Adam was a homosexual invasion. He penetrated his lower parts, Adam's foundation, and all of the waters (because Cain was the water part of the seas) flowed down and is now covering the earth. The seas are now under the firmament. For all intents and purposes the firmament doesn't exist anymore.  I just put it up here so that you could understand what happened. The area above where the firmament was has collapsed because there was no longer any water pressure to hold the sides out and that's how the black hole formed. If this is the first message that you're hearing, you are going to have to go back and listen to some other messages or look at some other diagrams because I can't do it all in this one diagram. This is another main thing that I want to show you; that the foundation of the world under the seas is the serpent and the serpent is the earth which has completely saturated herself in Cain's waters. She is the solid part and here she is down here at the bottom. Elohim was Adam's foundation, but the serpent, the ocean bed is the foundation of the world under the sea. We are Atlantis; we are the spiritual creature that fell down under the waters. Our spirit is under the waters; our flesh is saturated with waters; our atmosphere is saturated with water. We are the world under the sea called Atlantis. I'd like to comment on Elohim's dark shadow. Now this is very interesting, brethren. Technically speaking we in our present form are Elohim's dark shadow. That means the way I used to draw the image of Adam with the little stick man up here on the surface of the deep, that's what should be down here by this tree. The whole problem is that I don't know what Adam, the living soul, looked like. Do you hear what I'm saying? I'll make it clearer for you. I'll show you. On other drawings that I've done when I said to you, here's Adam up here on the surface of the deep and this is what he looks like; do you remember me doing that? Well Adam didn't look like that. This (of course you know I can't draw) this little stick man that I've drawn is a caricature of man as we know him. He's got two arms, two legs and a head and two eyes, right? Are you with me? But that's not what Adam looked like. I don't know what Adam looked like. Now that we're drawing a picture that shows civilization having fallen down underneath the sea, the symbol that I have for Elohim's dark shadow is a tree. But the truth of the matter is that this stick man should be down here because this is us under the sea right now. Do you hear what I'm saying? But I don't want to draw a little stick man down here because in all my other pictures I've used this little stick man to signify Adam. So I have a dilemma because I don't know what Adam looked like. Therefore, I'm going to leave the tree as the symbol of Elohim's dark shadow. But it's really not a tree, it's some spiritual being called the serpent that when she appears, looks like us. Can you hear this?  Let me review for you what the tree was. On earlier messages and diagrams, you may recall that it was Jehovah who came into the waters of the abyss, interacted with those waters. Electromagnetic fields were erected. Elohim was an electromagnetic field and Jehovah was an electromagnetic field. They were like because they were both spirit and they repelled one another; which propulsion drove Elohim down through the seas and gave him an opportunity to interact with the earth. This tree down here was the dark part of a negative. If you need to understand this, think of a negative out of which you are going to make a picture. If there isn't any darkness, you'll never see the image that's on the negative.  This tree down here, whatever it looked like, is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Whatever it looked like, as Elohim passed through it and exchanged some electrons according to the photoelectric effect; by the time Elohim diffracted and appeared as an image called Adam on the surface of the waters, what had happened was Elohim was the light that shone through the negative and produced the image on the top of the waters. Do you remember that? That's why I drew a tree there because the bible says it's the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But right now there's no image on top of the waters. It's this tree under the sea that's appearing, but we don't look like a tree; we look like the stick man. Only I don't know how to draw Adam. So I'm going to leave it the way it was.  I have a lot more that I could have written on this board, but I'm just out of room. What we're seeing here; this is the black hole. This circle typifies the black hole that is this world. These lines up here are where the abyss used to be, but the abyss is now dry waste places. There's no water in it, but we see that Jehovah has never ceased from His activity. You may recall when Adam's waters were filling the abyss, Jehovah was coming into the abyss, interacting with Elohim and there was a circular activity; a ceaseless circular activity of interaction between Jehovah and Elohim and the earth which produced the image called Adam on the surface of the waters. It is this continuous ceaseless activity that produced the image of Adam upon the waters. Now Jehovah has not stopped His activity.  But all of civilization fell down underneath the firmament and is sealed off. The sides of the abyss have collapsed because of the lack of water pressure. So Jehovah hasn't stopped His activity. He is still circulating around the black hole; He has not stopped. Not only is He still circulating around the black hole; He sent His son Elohim to pierce into the black hole and appear and rise up and out in the man Jesus. But that's not this drawing. These lines here, these dashed lines and the outline of the abyss indicate Jehovah's path. Jehovah is still attempting to interact with His creature. Not only with His creature; remember that we are in the midst of Jehovah. He has to be around us.  The whole abyss is merely a womb that opened up in the midst of the eternal God. We don't even know what He is. You know the Jews say that they don't know what He is. In that two year dialogue that I had with Rabbi Lou, he was offended that I said that Jehovah was a spirit. The Jews don't acknowledge that He's a spirit. They say who is He? And what is He? They don't know what He is. But I'm saying that He's a spirit because Paul says He's a spirit. So this whole black hole now is still in the midst of Jehovah. But it's no longer an open interaction. You might say it's a cancer. It's a closed growth that shouldn't be there. Now the seas; remember what are the seas? The seas are Elohim's waters mixed with the dust, but predominately water. The amount of dust that's mixed with the waters, the seminal fluid, is controlled and limited so that the waters are not polluted, but that a visible image can be formed. But the seas which were above the firmament fell down, pierced through the firmament and are now covering the earth. That means the proportion of the earth to the fluid has increased. The seas have become more dense and they are no longer called seas. As the condition changes, the name changes. This is what Satan is. The seas under the firmament covering the earth and more densely saturated with earth is called Satan. The earth is still on the bottom of what was the abyss, but is now the black hole, except now Abel is underneath because Cain killed him and he went under the ground. So Abel is interwoven with the ground at the bottom of the black hole. You may recall that Cain is seduced by the serpent and the serpent weaves herself through the background threads. We established this in our studies in Genesis 4 or 6. I'm not really even sure what messages we did it on already. The serpent interacted with the earth that Abel was under, did what the male spirit was suppose to do and produced the image of this world. The image is on the seas. I'm sorry, the image is on Satan.  Elohim produced an image high up on top of the clean waters. But we see that the serpent has produced an image on what is now called Satan, the dirty waters, the polluted waters in the urine. We talked about this before. An artist drew a picture of Jesus Christ in a bottle of urine and Christians everywhere were outraged because some high official in our government paid a million dollars or something to put it up on display. Where could anyone have such a perverse thought? Well it must have come right out of the serpent in his mind, because it's a spiritual truth. Abel, righteous Abel is buried underneath the ground. The serpent has interacted with him and produced an image in this world which is thick with earth. Righteous Abel is a type of Jesus Christ.  I was going to show you the difference between Abel and Adam. We know that the Lord Jesus is the resurrected Adam; was the resurrected first Adam, the living soul and went on to be the last Adam; the Emancipated Slave. So mortal man is Leviathan. We are Leviathan, brethren. We are Leviathan, the image of mortal man. I'd like to read to you Isaiah 27:1. In that day Jehovah with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish Leviathan the piercing serpent, even Leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. Who is His sore, great and strong sword that's going to punish Leviathan? It is Christ Jesus, brethren.  Christ Jesus, being the first and the last Adam together. The last Adam in the form of the Holy Spirit in you with the resurrected Abel in you and then the resurrected first Adam, the living soul. The righteous one, the mighty one, the great sword of Jehovah is rising from the dead in two stages. I preached this before and then I knew I didn't have it right in my head, so I dropped it. But I don't want to cross over right now. I want to stay on Leviathan right now. We'll get to Abel shortly. Christ Jesus is the combination of the resurrected first Adam, the living soul in human beings plus the last Adam working with him together; called Christ Jesus. In that day, Christ Jesus, that's the great and strong sword of Jehovah shall punish Leviathan that piercing serpent, even Leviathan that crooked serpent. I haven't really looked at the Hebrew, but I suggest to you that the serpent is appearing in two stages. She is appearing as the serpent who you see in red on that drawing, the one who has woven herself together through the background threads of the earth where Abel is and she's also appearing as Leviathan, the dragon who is swimming in the sea. So the piercing serpent is the serpent as we know her because she pierced through the tree of life. She pierced through Abel and formed this world.  The crooked serpent, as I said I haven't looked it up, but I believe it means Leviathan, the one that's the lie. Leviathan is the lie. Leviathan is the lie; the false image, the dark shadow. He shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. That's very interesting. I just had a thought. I have no backup for it at all. It just popped into my mind. Just as I said to you, that the great and strong sword is Christ Jesus, who is both the first and the last Adam together; the dragon is the two together, the serpent after she has increased into Leviathan. The two of them together is the dragon. It just popped into my mind. I have no backup on it.  Rather than redraw the whole board, I'm going to try and just talk to you from here. If I feel I have to redraw it, I will. When everything was straight, not crooked but straight, Jehovah was interacting with Elohim who was dispersed in Adam's waters. There was a production of the image known as Adam. Everything is reversed down here. Remember now, it was Jehovah piercing into the waters. Now look at the order here; Jehovah in the form of gas, piercing into the waters; Elohim in the form of light and the waters were beneath Elohim. It was Jehovah, Elohim and the waters. Now we see the waters are the primary force piercing into the earth and interacting with Abel, who is in a female role. Do you see the role reversal? It was Jehovah piercing into the waters and now it is the waters piercing into the earth where Abel is. Do you see the role reversal?  It is complete role reversal. So Satan is Cain in the male role acting like a wave and Abel is down here; Abel who is spirit is down here like a particle stuck under the ground; solid, can't move. The serpent is Cain acting as a particle or an animal; our animal flesh; our animal mind; our animal personality. It is all Cain in the form of a particle; we've become solid. Cain is also in this hour acting as a wave in the form of our unconscious mind; Satan. This interaction is going on continuously. Micro second by micro second, this interaction is necessary to sustain the image of this world which includes our body. Our body is just an image. In the hour that Satan stops interacting with the earth which is a woven garment; the serpent is woven through the earth where Abel is. In the hour that Satan stops flowing through this and producing the image of Leviathan, this whole world is going out like a light. Now let me say it again. Now remember, Jehovah came into the abyss (a magnetic field) and interacted with Elohim.  They were both electromagnetic fields. Elohim, the light pierced down through the waters, just really skimmed the earth so that there were a few exchanges of electrons and then continued to diffract and ascend back up to the top of the waters. It was the spirit and the light. It was the gas and the light that was the primary factor. But over here it is the exact opposite. There is no light and the only spirit that there is is captured underneath the ground. It's the waters flowing through the earth, not just skimming the top of the earth, but flowing down to the depths of the earth to produce this image of Leviathan on Satan's sea. Can you see it? The whole creation was lowered; the whole creation was darkened. I had a carnal Christian tell me once; yeah, the whole creation was darkened. Yes, it sure was; this is how it was darkened. It's so nice to say these things; the creation was darkened. What does it mean? This is what it means. This is what it means. So you see, when Abel starts to rise from the dead, he's going to hinder this interaction. See, there has to be a spiritual male and female. There has to be an interaction of the two poles of the creation. As Abel rises from the dead, he's no longer going to be in agreement with his union with the serpent down here, which is spiritually adulterous. He is rising out of that. He is no longer going to be in agreement with the interaction with Satan. The image is coming down. Brethren, it's countdown time. This image is coming down. The image of this world; the image of the flesh that we're living in; it's going to go out like a light if part of you is not in the kingdom of God which is up here. The kingdom of God is being re-established, the abyss is being reopened. The waters are being returned to the abyss. The waters are being purified and returned to the abyss. If a part of your spiritual being is not in the reconstructed renewed world, when this world down here under the firmament ceases to exist, you will cease to exist. Why is it going to cease to exist? The waters are going to be boiled and they're going to turn into vapor that's going to ascend back up into the abyss. No waters; no image. That's what happened to Adam when he was up there. When the waters fell down through the firmament; no waters, no image. Adam died. The exact reverse is happening. The waters of this water world have already started to be boiled away and are ascending up above the re-established firmament. Jesus of Nazareth who was Christ, has already re-established the firmament and He's in the earth today going to thousands and millions of people to do the same thing in them.  The day is coming that every human being on this earth will either pass out through a natural death, pass out of this earth, or the firmament will be re-established in the individuals that are left. Also, the waters are ascending back up and this world will not even be remembered. That's what the scripture says. The world will not even be remembered. So if a part of you; and what's that part of you? Your human spirit. If Abel is not rising from the dead in you; if you are not ascending out of this black hole back up into the abyss, you're going to go out like a light with the world. This was a tough night. Do you want me to do one more picture that will show you the difference between Abel and Adam? I'd like to make another comment on drawing #3. I've told you that Abel was a particle. He was forced under the earth and what I also didn't point out to you was this; that Cain killed Abel and Abel went down under the earth. The serpent weaving herself through the earth is a way of securing Abel's captivity under the earth in the same way that a tree puts down roots or a bush puts down roots. It works against soil erosion. Is everybody following me? That serpent weaving herself through the earth, that Abel was under, was securing his captivity making it harder for him to get out. But Abel was not appearing just as a particle, a part of the earth. He also is dissolved in Satan's sea just as particles of earth dissolve themselves in the waters; the particles of earth saturate the waters and became clay. It's the exact reverse now. Abel is captured under the earth, but his substance is in a wave formation intermixing with Satan's waters.  Abel's substance is diffused through the waters of Satan's seas. There's no way this world could exist without Abel. So Abel is really mixed into everything. He's appearing as a particle and as a wave and he's dissolved and diffused through Satan's sea. If you go back a couple of years ago, I was preaching that Eve was dissolved in Satan's sea. For awhile now I've been confused because as we went on we found out that there is no Eve and I've been asking the Lord who is the salt that's dissolved in Satan's sea. The salt that's dissolved in Satan's sea is Abel. Just as I told you when I stand in front of you and preach; I'm a particle, but my spirit reaches out and my words touch you, my emotions touch you. We're all functioning both as a particle and a wave. Abel is functioning both as a particle and as a wave. He is trapped under the earth and his captivity was secured when the serpent wove herself through the earth. But he is also vibrating out by his spirit and he is diffused through the waters. Praise the Lord. So we see that Abel has to be released on two levels. We know that Satan is being boiled for the purpose of releasing that part of Abel that's diffused through her sea. He is also rising up from underneath the earth and now we're up to drawing #4. The left side of the board which is A. He is rising up by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. I didn't make it clear on this drawing, but the Lord Jesus Christ has pierced through the seal, the seven part seal that has sealed off this world from Jehovah. We're a black hole. The Lord Jesus Christ has pierced through and pierced into the earth of our being because we are the clay. In the clay, He has contacted Abel and strengthened Abel by the power of Almighty God. Abel is rising from the dead. The point at which Abel is risen from the dead is the experience known as full stature to us. I'm going to simplify the difference between Abel and Adam. Abel is the person of Elohim in this fallen world. Adam is the person or the personality of Elohim in the visible spiritual world; visible physical world underneath the sea; visible spiritual world above the sea. As for the Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that Abel rose from the dead in Him at the time that He experienced full stature. But at the time that He experienced spiritual circumcision, this was the piercing through and the opening up of the seal in the man Jesus. He went through the seal and He rose above it. Do you recall the teaching about the spiritual circumcision which occurred when He was in the garden? We looked up all those words that the King James translators translated to sound like Jesus was begging to get off the cross. It's not true. Those drops of blood that appeared didn't appear on His human physical body. Righteous Abel pierced through the seal and the blood of his righteous life appeared above the seal or where the seal was. I guess the seal was still there. I don't really know whether He demolished the whole seal or He pierced through as a pin point. But I do know that the scripture says when He pierced through and arrived above the seal, that large drops of clotted blood appeared and layered over and sealed off that which He had just penetrated. Now, of course, we have the ungodly seal. We're in a black hole because we've been sealed off from Jehovah. When Jesus of Nazareth pierced through that seal and clotted over it, what He did was re-establish the firmament. In re-establishing the firmament, He re-established the mechanism for the purification of the waters of the creation. Because what would be the purpose of boiling the waters of creation, having them ascend in vapor form, if the firmament was not re-established to stop them (when they condensed) from flowing back down into Satan's sea again?  So the second stage of the resurrection is the re-establishment of the firmament. There's several parts to it. I told you it's the harvest. It's the separation of Christ Jesus from a dependency on this world for existence. In fact, we now see that it's an actual passing out of this world back up into the spiritual world of God. As the purified waters return into the abyss in due season, the image of Adam appeared. The only information that I have for you at this time as to how we could discern between a resurrected Adam and a resurrected Abel is what I already told you. I'll tell you again. I believe, this is my opinion, my very strong opinion. I believe that I've heard from God that Jesus of Nazareth, before His garden experience was the resurrected Abel. But after His garden experience He pierced through.  There was a piercing through and He was no longer dependent. He pierced through back into the spiritual world of God within His own being and He became the resurrected Adam. Abel is the personality of Elohim down here in Atlantis and the world under the sea. Adam is the personality of Elohim in the visible spiritual world. I have a scripture for you on that in Job 9 verse 8; God speaking about Elohim. In verse 2 it is established He is speaking about Elohim. Job 9:2; I know it is so of a truth, but how should man be just with God (that's the word for Elohim). Then Job goes on talking about Elohim and in verse 8 he says; He, Elohim is the one which alone spreadeth out the heavens and treadeth upon the waves of the sea. So Elohim in the personality of Adam spread out the heavens. That's what he did. He treadeth; he put underneath his feet the waves of the seas.  So first of all that means that the seas are restored and the waves of the seas (you may recall) are Jehovah. Jehovah is an electromagnetic field and Elohim, another electromagnetic field and Adam on the surface (all the way up on the top) is above the waves of the electromagnetic fields of the sea. Abel is the personality of Elohim down here in the urine. Let me go over this one more time. Now look, Adam existed and Adam was Elohim dispersed through the seas like salt dissolved in water. He wasn't a particle; he was a wave. His waters were resting on a shelf called the firmament that kept his waters from crashing down into the earth. This firmament, this shelf, kept the waters from crashing down into the earth. If they crashed down into the earth, all that earth would have been dissolved in the waters and they wouldn't be Adam anymore because Adam was the waters of life with just a smattering of dust. So if the waters crashed down on the earth and all that earth dissolved in his waters, the earth would become clay and isn't that exactly what happened? So we see that Adam is the personality of Elohim on top of the waters of the abyss. But the water part of him, the medium in which he was dispersed invaded Adam's lower parts. This foundation which is called the firmament was Adam's foundation. It was Elohim himself. Cain is Adam's lower parts penetrated. You see, Adam was experiencing being penetrated by Jehovah from above. Remember, Jehovah was coming into the abyss, piercing into the waters, interacting with Elohim, touching upon the earth and producing Adam's image. Adam wasn't looking at his back. He never heard of homosexuality, you see. It never occurred to him that he could be penetrated through his bottom. I'm sorry to be gross; it's the bible. So this is Adam, the personality on the top of the waters of the abyss. But all the waters fell down. Look at drawing A. All the waters fell down. The abyss became dry; the sides collapsed; all the waters covered the earth. The waters became very dense and civilization dropped down and began to exist underneath the seas. The heavily saturated seas became Satan. Down here in the black hole; remember Adam pierced through this firmament. Cain pierced through his bottom parts and all the waters fell down. When all the waters fell down, Adam fell down. He appeared in the world underneath the sea as Cain and Abel. Abel is the personality of Elohim underneath the sea. Adam, the personality of Elohim on top of the waves. Is everybody okay? Praise the Lord!  So I started to tell you, the only idea that I have of how we could discern that someone has experienced the spiritual circumcision as opposed to full stature is that when Jesus came out from the garden of Gethsemane, He had warfare power. All He said was I am He and the guards went backwards. We also saw Him repair an ear that had been cut off. I can't tell you exactly why, but somehow it's not the same thing as looking at a man that has no eyes and putting clay on his face and producing functioning eyes. It's not the same thing as repairing a piece of flesh that was already there that was removed. I know the man who had the withered arm grew out and people who couldn't walk. You see, what He was doing; He was repairing bodies that were damaged when He got there.  I don't have any recollection of Him going into any kind of an aggressive situation and repairing a body that was just wounded by a sword or by a knife or anything like that. At this moment, I know what I'm telling you. I'm not backing it up because I don't know what the answer is. But I expect the Lord is going to tell me. It's not the same thing. It's not the same thing to repair a body that's been wounded in a war as to repair a body from an infirmity or an illness or a deformity that you were born with. He came out with a warfare strength; power in His mouth that He didn't have before and an ability to deal with a present damage. Hopefully, the Lord will explain that to me more.  That's the only indications that I have right now that would be apparent to the visible eye, between Abel resurrected from the dead and Adam resurrected from the dead. Jesus of Nazareth went into the garden as Abel risen from the dead and He came out of the garden as Adam risen from the dead; the first Adam. The man who went into the garden was not the man who came out of the garden. The man who went into the garden was the resurrected Abel who was living in Satan's world. The man who came out of the garden was the resurrected first Adam, the living soul, who had put Satan down in the pit. Let me put that scripture on the message, Revelation 20 verse 1. I have that written up at the top where you see Adam in drawing 4B. Up at the top where you see Adam on top of the waves, I have written Rev. 20:1; And I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. Can you see it? This is the way the King James is expressing it. He came down from heaven. What it means is the angel was in heaven; Adam. And he had a great chain in his hand that he was going to bind up the serpent. That great chain was the firmament. He re-established the firmament which forced Satan under his feet. That's verse 2. Revelation 20:2;  his great angel; he laid hold of that dragon, mortal man in the sea of this fallen world. The name of that sea is Satan. And he laid hold of mortal man who was generated by that old serpent which is the devil and Satan and he bound him for a thousand years. I don't believe that was a thousand literal years. I believe that the number one thousand refers to full stature of the human spirit. And he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal on him. Do you see it? Adam came down. Adam was raised from the dead and he cast the dragon, Leviathan, into the bottomless pit. He said, you're not coming up into the abyss with me. And he set a seal on him. He re-established the firmament. He said you can't go past that firmament. He set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more. What does that mean? When you're in the second stage of resurrection, you're not going to have any trouble telling the difference between Leviathan and Christ Jesus or the resurrected Abel in you. Brethren, look at this.  Up until full stature, we have trouble telling the difference between the resurrected Abel and Leviathan because they're both under the sea of Satan. It's like looking at two fish. That's an extreme example, of course. You see, Abel, our new mind; Abel who is rising from the dead; he is still under Satan's sea. He's in the sea with Leviathan and we have trouble telling who's who. Because this sea is dark and it's filled with dissolved earth and all forms of pollutants and filth. So we're deceived because of the darkness of our mind. But when Abel pierces through and becomes Adam who re-establishes the firmament, we won't be deceived anymore because Leviathan is all the way down here and Adam is all the way up in the purified waters. Then the next verse says he has to come out for a little season. He should deceive the nations no more until the thousand years should be fulfilled. After that he must be loosed for a little season (in the other men) brethren. He was put underfoot by Christ Jesus in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, and is going to be put underfoot by the first fruits company, but then he is going to come out again for the rest of the people. Only each time it gets easier. We have Jesus getting us through. Those who come after the first fruits are going to have the first fruits to get them through. (Everybody is passing out and I'm completely woken up and absolutely excited, absolutely excited.) Does anybody not understand the difference between the resurrected Abel and the resurrected Adam or just Abel and Adam? Abel is Elohim's personality in the black hole. Adam is Elohim's personality riding on the waves. I'll say it again another way. Adam, the living soul, is Elohim's personality in full and free relationship with Jehovah. Abel is Elohim's personality in the black hole where he can be in relationship with Jehovah, if he keeps Cain under his feet. It's down here in this black hole that Jehovah has continuously reached through, so I guess He penetrated this black hole somehow. I guess He's been coming through the black hole continuously resurrecting the altar and re-establishing a relationship with Abel, which strengthens him to put Cain under his feet, but it never held. It never held until the man, Jesus of Nazareth, who became Christ. I still don't understand how it happened.  I know that Jesus did not have a natural father and that had to have some kind of an effect on Him, but I don't understand what was special in that sense about Jesus. All I know is that He did it. Jehovah did it. He reached a human man, a mortal man, and He rose Abel from the dead in Him and then He rose Adam from the dead in Him. And now this seal is open. The seal is permanently open. You just have to get into the tunnel, you see, and the way you get into the tunnel is the way you think. It's knowledge, but it's also the way you think. You've got to get into His mind because His mind is the tunnel out through the seal. QUESTION: Could you please repeat that. You said Abel is Elohim's personality in the black hole. Would you say who Adam is again. SHEILA: Adam is Elohim's personality above the waves in the abyss, in the clear waters, in the pure waters. COMMENT: You do mean in the physical world? SHEILA: That Adam can be risen from the dead in the physical world? Yes, the physical bodies are not done away with until the third stage of the resurrection, which is glorification.  QUESTION: Full stature is Abel being raised and circumcision is Adam being raised? SHEILA: Yes. The significance of the circumcision is that Adam is no longer dependent on this world for his existence. If you look at drawing 4A the seal is still in place. So even though Abel is raised from the dead, he's in a womb of amniotic fluid. He's dependent on this world for his existence because if this world would turn on him and kill him, there's no way out. The seal hasn't been opened yet. I am of the very strong opinion and I believe I've heard from God that if the body of Jesus of Nazareth was crucified before the spiritual circumcision, Christ Jesus in Him would have died. I'm convinced of that. But because the seal was opened, His body could be crucified. You see, His body was down here. He was in a Leviathan body. His body was down here, but Christ Jesus had ascended up to the top of the abyss. So they killed His body, but He was gone. But down here in drawing 4A, if they killed His body, the seal wasn't opened yet. I believe Christ Jesus would have died and Jehovah would have had to start all over again in another human being. COMMENT: Full stature is just Abel being raised. I have to get that straight in my mind. I always assumed it was Adam. Now what is the significance of the dry places? I always thought that was the place for demons to go to.  SHEILA: It doesn't say that. I haven't really studied the scripture on dry places. I just know that dry places can be positive or negative. Dry places are suppose to be negative. The dry place is suppose to be the world underneath the firmament. There's not suppose to be a world underneath the firmament. Underneath the shelf of the firmament is suppose to be the earth which is the negative, the dark part, that the light of Elohim passes through, which produces the image on top of the abyss. It's suppose to be dry and barren; inability to produce her own world. But we're in a perverse condition right now and everything is turned around. What was suppose to be the dry places is now Atlantis, the civilization under the sea, although it's not a civilization.  It's a criminal world. Where the abyss is suppose to be is dry places because there's only one measure. There's only one sea. It's either above the shelf or it's underneath the shelf. So right now the dry places, except for Jesus of Nazareth, are what was the abyss. If the Lord lets me, I'll study those scriptures on dry places. As I recall, Jesus said, when a man goes out of this world, he walketh in dry places. So I'm not going to get into that now. Besides, that scripture is not about the demons. It's about the spiritual man; the whole spiritual man. QUESTION: That firmament, did you say that that was the place of the harvest also?  SHEILA: Yes. QUESTION: The waters were purified as they went up in vapor. Is that the case?  SHEILA: I don't have that exactly yet. I guess there was a boiling. I think the ultimate boiling does away with the human body, but it must be an on-going process so the vapors begin to ascend. I don't have any details on that right now.  QUESTION: In picture B, is the dry places underneath all those lines? SHEILA: No, they're not dry anymore because as Adam rises from the dead, Adam is in the waters. So the waters are being purified. It's just like the locks in a dam. As the waters are purified when they fall back; if the firmament wasn't here, they would fall back down into Satan's sea. But this shelf is separating the semen from the urine. It's back to the way it was at the beginning. COMMENT: Just yesterday I was asking the Lord why does He call us the salt of the earth? SHEILA: Because Abel is the salt.  COMMENT: He answers the questions even as you ask them. The thousand years; did you say that was the full stature of the human spirit? SHEILA: Yes, the human spirit. I took something out for you a couple of weeks ago and I never gave it to you. It's lost on my desk somewhere. I have an old exhibit that I did years ago and it's the numerology of what one thousand means and what ten thousand means and what one hundred means. I'll try to find it and run off copies for everybody. But what that's talking about is the resurrection of the human spirit. And bound him a thousand years. What it is saying is the resurrection of the human spirit will bind up Satan and Leviathan.  QUESTION: Is the resurrection of the human spirit the resurrection of Abel or of Adam or what? SHEILA: It is the resurrection of Abel. The resurrection of the human spirit is Abel. When we come into that condition, the actual coming into that condition is a rising up. If you look at drawing A, Abel is rising up above the serpent, above Leviathan. So Leviathan is not moving. The serpent is not moving. Abel is moving and as he ascends the powers and principalities of this world will find themselves in a bottomless pit underneath his feet because he has ascended. You have to realize this King James translation is on the most basic level. It's a fairy story. Some truths come through, but the more difficult the revelation, the more likely the translation is a fairy story. Because there's no way they could have understood it.  I'd like to go back to our alternate translation of Song of Solomon 5: verse 8 and show you what Abel's city is. Abel's city is the fallen world; the visible physical world that Abel has risen up over. That's what Abel's city is. Let me read you the alternate translation. Song of Solomon, chapter 5:8; I will raise you up to full stature, you unrepentant mortal spiritual women of Abel's city. That's talking about all of us who are still down here under the sea. I'll raise you up to full stature if my beloved son Abel is risen from the dead in your human spirit and if you confess and make known your spiritual homosexual relationship with the serpent so that your sins can be smoothed out and your spirit polished up.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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