031 - Part 6

Part 6 of 8 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.

Tonight is a review. What I am going to do is read the alternate translations through the last verse that we got through which was verse 17, and then I am going to open the floor for questions and answers, and then I have more for you, but this is what the Lord told me to do, because before we go on to verse 18, to answer any questions with regard to these first verses. Hallelujah.


3. And when God enables you to stop producing demons in your mind and delivers you from the fear, powerlessness and trouble which prevails on the soul realm, and from the witchcraft by which men try to make themselves strong, and from all of the labor required to survive in the soul realm, not the least of which is the spiritual labor required to keep Satan underfoot as much as possible. ATB

When God enables you to do that, this is what is going to happen, verse 4;

4. The people shall talk about the king of Babylon everywhere saying, How God brought the tyrant into submission and stopped her (Note that God calls the tyrant her, she is female in relation to God), from forcibly wrenching the life of God out of the people.

I am going to make this comment at this time because it occurred to me that you might not understand it. Our spiritual sex changes depending on who we are relating to. If you are a wife and a mother and your husband is home, you are subject to your husband, and your husband is the ruling authority in your household. When your husband leaves the home, you have become the ruling authority in the household. Your children must listen to you, if there is any crisis, you have become the spiritual male in the household. When Christ is present in our life, we are female, when Christ is not there, we move into the position of male, and this is what happened to Satan.

We talked about this last week, I made photo copies for you of all of those diagrams, Lord willing I will have them for you Sunday. When God calls the king of Babylon her, in relation to God Satan is female. Everyone is female in relation to God, He is the only male outside of Christ His son. Satan is female in relation to God. When God is out of the scene, as in the case of unsaved person, Satan is male, he is the woman that has taken over the household when the husband has left, he has become the authority and for intents and purposes, it is a stolen manhood, but it is manhood, because there is no one over him when the person is unsaved. I am going to read the alternate translation of verse 4 again;

4. When God enables you to overcome (in all the ways He tells us in verse 3), the people shall talk about the king of Babylon everywhere saying, How God brought the tyrant into submission and stopped her from forcibly wrenching the life of God out of the people.

5. They are going to continue to say that the Lord has destroyed the power of the spirit who rules in the living soul, even Satan, and the power of his flesh tribe which appears in the realm of appearance in many men, which use to have dominion over the people of the earth.

The human beings ruled by the spirit known as Satan at this time have dominion over the people of the earth. At that time when God gives us the victory in His mind, the coffee house chatter will be that these men that manifested Satan used to have dominion over the people of the earth. Verse 6;

6. Even he, (talking about Satan) who caused the people to pierce through to the realm of appearance where they are continually subject to the judgments of God, because of haughtiness and pride. He, Satan, that took possession of the nations after they passed over into the realm of appearance, he who exercised absolute ownership over them, but nevertheless failed to keep their bodies and souls alive.

He manifested through them virtually unhindered, but he could stop them from dying. Verse 7;

7. Hallelujah, the whole earth is free from trouble and calamity, even from the judgments of God. They have attained that place of calm evenness in their souls where they are free from the tyranny of their emotions.

8. The souls which have received the life of the ages and incorruptible bodies say, Since the Lord Jesus Christ subdued you Satan and put you underfoot, no spiritual power has dared to try to bring us down to the realm of the soul where they can rule over us and live out their lusts through us.

9. (Reading it backwards, the last phrase backwards to the first phrase) Hell has finally brought forth into the realm of appearance, those spiritual sons who were separated from God at the beginning of the creation, even those spiritually mature males who are in the process of becoming God's creation. They have been exercised sufficiently so that now they are appearing in a position of spiritual maturity and power, whereby they are strong enough to overcome and rule the flesh surrounding them. They shall stand up, vibrate forth from it, (the flesh), and rule from within and from without, the flesh, or the flesh man. The fallen creation is liberated from Satan's tyranny, it vibrates forth and meets him, Satan, face to face as an equal, because its new found strength has made them equal to him, and they will shortly be strong enough to overtake him and swallow him up.

10. And the sons of God shall speak the words of power which will subdue Satan and put him under their feet. And they shall reveal to the world that the proverb is true, Satan has become as weak as they.

11. The spiritual splendor that God gave you at the beginning has flowed downward under the earth, forming the subterranean world of dead. Each of your individual members, now these are Satan's individual members, moan and mourn because of their captivity inside sacs of skin, they try to restore themselves by using the power of speech, but alas, that power which they previously enjoyed has been stripped from them, and only a great noise or powerless hum comes out of their mouth. You have fallen down to a place of spiritual weakness, Hades, you lie in a bed of rubbish and putrefying filth Satan, a place where you can rapidly reproduce, and your voracious offspring are a combination of the rubbish and your spiritual life, maggots, flesh sacs, containing your spiritual life which will one day blossom into the sons of God.

12. How you have descended spiritually Satan, you in whom the brilliant shining of the Spirit of God dwell when your name was Adam, you who were the first ray of what was to be a whole family which would reveal Christ, how you are stripped of your spiritual authority and broken, into many vessels, many earthen vessels, you who caused the family of God's flesh to fall into a condition of spiritual weakness and decay in their souls and bodies.

13. Because you have boasted within yourself, I will become a spiritual man, without submitting to God's dominion, and I will do it by bringing the rightful heirs to God's creation, the spiritual sons of God into submission to the soul realm where I am king, I will inhabit, even overshadow the nation which is betrothed to God with the fertile parts of that hidden place, Hades, even myself.

14. I will ascend higher than Christ, the one who rules over the souls of man, I will be like God, the Father.

15. Nevertheless despite your boasting, you shall not rise above Christ at all, saith the Lord. But you shall be brought down to that hidden place under the earth, the realm of death where you shall fulfill the purpose for which I have formed you, you shall be a womb made of earth, even the amniotic sac that supports the uterine spiritual life of God's offspring until it is mature enough to live without you.

16. The spiritual sons of God within you shall perceive that the earth has a mind of its own, one alien to God, their Father, they shall identify you, look you over carefully and analytically, they shall discern you clearly and separate themselves from you in their mind. This is the condition of the man of the earth as he changes from an earth man into a spiritual man. He labors to bring forth kingdoms.

17. He who made the whole fertile earth when it was inhabited by God, changed into a lifeless desert because he yielded to the unconscious mind of the living soul, that mind which was in the rubbish of the earth before it was formed into the man. He who destroyed all of his descendants, the individual members of the creation, that is us, when because of his lawless state of being, he refused to prepare them, those who fell into hell with him, us, to receive the seed of Christ. He refused to prepare us to receive the seed of Christ so that they could be made in the image of God, so that we could be made in the image of God. ATB

Hallelujah, thank you Lord for this word.

COMMENT: When you are saying he refused to prepare us, now does that mean as Adam he refused to prepare us?

PASTOR VITALE: I am going to answer you to the best of my ability. It is interesting, the question popped into my mind just before you asked it, and I do have a thought in my mind but I may have to correct it later, because I am not going to tell you that it is God, but what I think that it might mean, is that, he is out there to the best of his ability, not Adam, Satan, incarnating vessels without the root of Christ, because what prepares us to receive the root of Christ, I mean what prepares us to receive Christ? We have to have the root of Christ birthed in us. If Adam, if Satan is out there birthing human beings that are not birthed at the express will of the Father, that means there is no way Christ can come forth in them, because if you recall the teaching, for Christ to come forth in you, you have to have the root of Christ, and then you have to have the seed of Christ.

That is the answer that is in my mind, I will pray about it, and if I have anything more for you, Lord willing, I will bring it in next Sunday. Hallelujah.

COMMENT: What is the difference between the root and the seed?

PASTOR VITALE: The root of Christ is that element of God that is present in human beings that have been incarnated at the express will of the Father. Satan counterfeits everything that God does. Satan we have studied in other messages has the ability to birth human beings on the face of the earth, the only thing he cannot give them, he can give them a body, and he can give them a soul, and what he cannot give them is what is of God. One of the examples that we used when we were studying this is that science teaches us that a woman can produce a child without the male sperm, that the ovaries can be stimulated by some medical procedure to cause ovulation, and the egg will birth a female child. This is the scientific, this is documented, scientific documentation, but a woman that is not been fertilized by a man cannot produce a male child, she can only produce like kind. Spiritually we know that this is what Adam has been doing. Adam has been spiritually reproducing himself and he has been producing only females, he is producing vessels only on the soul realm, for thousands of years.

In Genesis 5 it says, and Adam produced after his own kind, and after his own likeness but the commandment of God in Genesis 1, I believe it was Genesis 1, if it is not 1 it is 2, you have to forgive me, I am not a letter man, we are told that when God gave the commandment, that man was to be made in the likeness and in the image of God, but we are told in Genesis 5 that Adam reproduced in a likeness and image of Adam, so he is doing without God, and he is only producing females, he is only producing people on the soul realm.

When God reproduces, you have the, when God brings you forth, you have the ability to become a spiritual male, and there is something that is in you from birth, and we call it the root of Christ. Jesus said, I am the root, and the offspring. The seed is male, the seed is the Holy Spirit, Jesus said, My words are spirit and my words are life, and when they fall upon the earth of your soul, there has to be something to fertilize. We know that for every spiritual truth, God has given us natural example so that we can understand it. If you see something in this world, you can assume that it is a type of something spiritual, and if you want you could ask God what it is, and I am suggesting to you that, there are many barren woman in this world, there are many females that cannot bear, they are women, they have the primary and the secondary sexual female organs, but they do not work.

They cannot bear fruit. There are spiritually barren people also. When the seed of God, when someone preaches under the anointing, as hopefully you are witnessing that this is, I believe it is under the anointing, my spirit, I am joined to the Father in spirit, and everything He tells me I say, so the words that come out of my mouth are spirit, and they are life, and they are falling upon your heart. Hopefully they are taking root in your soul, but if you have a soul that cannot accommodate the seed in accordance with the parable of the four kinds of soil, you have a problem.

You have to have soil with something in it that can receive the seed or it can grow and prosper. The root is likened to the female element of God. What this whole creation is about, is that God is reproducing Himself, and He has created, because God is spirit, He does not have a body like women do, so He created a womb, and the womb that He created is man, and He broke off a piece of Himself because God is both male and female, and He planted in the human beings that are born, and this is His female element or His egg or His ovum, whatever you want to call it. When a vessel that is born at the express will of the Father, comes to a place where he hears the word of God being preached because the Scripture says we are saved by the foolishness of preaching, and the word of God which is life which is the seed of the Father, the male element, falls upon the soul which is the womb that contains the egg, Lord willing it will be fertilized.

I would like to remind you of something, I know I have it on another tape, but I would like to remind you of it again, maybe it is going to help you, that you see, Satan and Adam, they really are the same, the difference is, which element of the living soul is in authority. When God started it out, it was Adam after God left the creation, it was Adam, Satan, because they are one, that is the conscious and the unconscious mind, and Eve was down here. The name of the creation at this point was Adam, because Adam was ruling.

We know that in families we take the name of the male because he is the spiritual ruler of the family. I know some people are not doing that today, but we are talking traditionally, and this is just for an example. We know that after the unconscious mind of Satan overtook Adam which held the law of God in his mind that it turned around and it looked like this, Satan was up here, and Eve came up here and Adam came down here, so you see, it is the same three elements, Adam Eve and Satan, but we are calling the house by the name of the master.

There is going to be a third manifestation of the living soul, glory to God, there is going to be a third manifestation, it is going to switch around again, the three elements are going to switch around again, and we are going to have a new king, and it is going to look like this, hallelujah. Then we are going to be called Christ, and this is all the same entity, and it is going through a process of evolution, you see, there really is an evolution, but it is spiritual, the evolution is spiritual. This is all the living soul, and this is all God.

You know that Scripture at first Adam was a living soul and then Christ came, and He was the life giving spirit, it is in 1 or 2 Corinthians, you know, if you really do a word by word study on that word, it really is saying, the beginning the eternal one, God was a living soul, and at the end He was a life giving spirit.

He gave up all of His riches and all of His royalties in heaven to be made into a natural man knowing that He was going to fall, knowing that He was going to be humiliated, that Satan was going to overtake him, he knew it, he was God when he came into the earth, but he knew it because he knew his Father was going to raise him from the dead, and He knew that He was going to raise him up, Christ, God in the flesh. He knew that God wanted to form a creature.

He was being made into a creature. Man is a creature, we are just an animal, that is all we are, the whole creature groaneth, waiting on tip toes for the manifestation of the sons of God. He was made into a creature, and He knew everything that was going to happen to Him, He knew He was going to die, He knew He was going to lose His power, He knew He was going to be humiliated, He knew He was going to be overtaken, He knew everything was going to happen, every, the most wickedest thing you could think of, that has happened on the earth, He knew it was going to happen, but He was not looking at that, He was looking at the this, He was looking at this, hallelujah.

I will tell you, even today, this is all that He sees, I mean He will have mercy on you if you are in pain, you know, because we are His children and He has mercy on us, but it is just like you know, I keep trying to give you natural examples, liken it to a man who is the head of the household you know, if he sees his son scrape his knee, he will take him up on his leg and he will kiss him, but he still has to do it, that little boy still has to do what he has to do, he has to go through, he has to take the victory, he has to grow up and he has to become a man. You do not help your children if you keep them weak, they have to go through, they have to get their lumps.

COMMENT: ...I keep asking God show me what this means, I really want to know, He said that He laughs at the soul realm, and if we believe in Him or have faith or something like that, we will laugh at it too, and I said, I want to be able to laugh at it. I said, Right now it is horrible you know, I want to feel that way that I can laugh at it.

PASTOR VITALE: I am with you Xxxx, and I pray very aggressively for that ability, and I want to tell you, I have mentioned to you that I went through some really heavy trials here over the last month, and one of the results of those trials was that God brought me closer to that ability, that the things that are happening in this soul realm are, I said that wrong, what is happening is He is making the spiritual reality of His life in me so real, that the things that would in the past would have hurt me on the soul realm, I just laugh at them.

What is happening to you is that, when that happens to you and it cannot be intellectual, it has got to be in your heart, you see, it is a work of faith, and when you have, or start to draw so close to God, that you could say, I do not care about anything, you know, I do not care about anything, the only thing that I care about is that God does not leave me and that God remains with me, and that I go on in God.

You really have to get to that point, because I have tasted it, I have not stayed up there, but I have been up there and I have tasted it, and it is really exciting that He, you know, get a hold of this vision, God I pray that you get a hold of this vision, do you realize that this whole planet could be devastated from nuclear explosion and if you are in this place with God, your food is going to appear on the table, I kid you not, it is going to happen, it is going to happen, do not care if the whole world blows up, do not care if your house comes down, and you are going to have everything you ever wanted 500 times over, do not care about it, just care about God.

A lot of people, they hear a message like this and they wait five minutes and it does not happen and they think the word is not true. Let me get over there, you have to wait until God gets you there, and it is not intellectual, it has got to be worked into your spirit, but it is real, I just want to emphasize a point here and we are going to go on, God does do things like this under the imputed anointing, He does it for young Christians because He loves you, and He wants to bless you, but if we are talking about provision in the face of a nuclear holocaust, if we are talking about having food when the whole country is starving, when we are talking about really supernatural miracles on a regular consistent basis, while the rest of world is writhing in agony, you have to get the imparted anointing, you have to get the imparted anointing.

If you do not know what I am talking about, get some more messages, write to us, call us, whoever you are, wherever you are, you have to find about the imparted anointing, you have to get Christ, you have to get Christ, you have to get Christ, He has to be in you providing for you, being your husband, being your Father, meeting your every single need, and the more mature He is, the more supernatural He is, and the more your life walks in the supernatural.

And Enoch walked with God and was not. You have to get Christ, and one of the biggest unfortunate problems in the church world today is God gives His children miracles, and they think that is all there is, and they know that they do not line up to the Scripture, so their carnal minds draw the conclusion that they are going to get the rest of it when they die, no, no, no, no, no.

What do you think is happening in this country today, it is coming down. Do you see the wickedness of the system, it is coming down. You have to have Christ if you are going to stand when it comes down, but it is coming down, it is perverse, it cannot stand, it cannot stand, it is perverse. We are going on, unless anyone else has, no more comments, if anyone else has a question, I will take it. Any questions? Okay, we are going on to verse 18, let me read it in Isaiah 14 for you;

ISAIAH 14:18

18. All of the kings of the nations, even all of them lie in glory, everyone in his own house. KJV

Webster says that a king is a male monarch, of a major territorial unit, one who inherits his position and rules it for life. There are three outstanding characteristics of a king. He must be male, he must have territory or land, and he gets his authority through inheritance. Hallelujah. I will put that up on the board. To be a king you must be male, hallelujah, you must have territory to rule over, and you must inherit that territory. If you conquer it yourself, you are not a king, you may be a dictator, an emperor, whatever your name is. The expression, kings of the nations, I suggest to you that the kings of the nations are the natural man that rules as the king of the nation or the vessel, the nations, we have talked about this, the nations are the human beings on the face of the earth. It is the natural element of the creation, which is spirit, soul, and body.

We know that there is a spirit that rules over all of the children of disobedience, he is the prince of the power of the air, his name is Satan, he is invisible, he is a spirit, and everyone of these circles represents a human being, a cell in his body, these are the tribes of this flesh body, and he is connected and rules unequivocally in each and every one of these vessels, unless Christ is your king, Satan is your king. Satan is invisible. The manifestation of Satan in any one of these vessels, is a king of the nation. Satan in this man is a king of this nation. There are many nations, every man is a nation, with the spirit ruling him, the spirit ruling him has territory, our soul and our body, and therefore the spirit rules, I hope you all know that, that the spirit rules in man, whether it is Christ or whether it is Satan, you have to have a spirit ruling in you.

Every man alive has a spirit ruling in them, it is either Christ or it is Satan, and whoever the spirit ruling in you is, that is the king of the nation which you are. There is a name for the whole thing, it is the body of Adam, or it is the daughter of Babylon. We know there is a body of Christ, there is a body of Adam. Christ is male, let me take a minute to explain this to you. We know that Christ is male, so when God fertilizes the living soul and produces offspring in the realm of appearance, which is spirit wrapped in flesh, it is called Christ, and His offspring is male. When Satan in relation to God who is female in relation to God, rules in natural man, and produces a manifestation in the earth, he rules a vessel, he rules a man, it is called, or the corporate man are called the daughter of Babylon because in God's eyes he is female.

I want you to know I have been praying about this for years, God just gave it to me last week. We know that Satan is the king of Babylon, that is what we have been studying here. Satan is the king of Babylon. When you take the multitude of human beings that he is ruling in, there is a name for them, a corporate name, it is the daughter of Babylon, it is female because when God looks at him, everyone in relationship to God except His son, is female. Do you understand what I am saying?

The body of Christ in the earth is male, it is God in the flesh ruling in a multitude of men, and Satan in the earth in men ruling in a multitude of men, it is called the daughter of Babylon. I would have never guessed that if God did not tell me that one. He calls her a daughter because she is female, that corporate community of men that dwell in the earth today that manifest the spirit of Satan, she is female, and she is the product of this master spirit up here, and God calls her the daughter of Babylon.

God has a son in the earth, His name is Christ, Satan has a daughter in the earth, her name is the daughter of Babylon, the harlot, she is the harlot of Revelation, hallelujah. We are dealing with verse 18;

ISAIAH 14:18

18. All of the kings of the nations, even all of them lie in glory, everyone in his own house. KJV

Each nation, I want to make this point to you, each nation has a spiritual man and a natural man, and it is a question of which one is ruling. We touched on this earlier tonight. Let us say this is a nation, this is a man, and it is a manifestation in the earth of the living soul, assuming this man has the root of Christ, he was born with the root of Christ. If that root has not been fertilized, and Satan is ruling in this vessel, he is a manifestation of Babylon, but if we have another man over here, and Christ has been quickened, and Satan is down here, you see, Satan never goes away, they just change places, they vary in strength and weakness, they change places in relationship to dominion, but nobody leaves.

Satan is always there, Eve is always there, and Adam is always there, and when Christ is birthed, she is always there, they change places in relationship to who has dominion at which time. When Christ is ruling, this is a man in which Christ is ruling, and his name is Christ. When Satan is ruling it is Babylon. The spirit that rules is the king of Babylon and the man that is seen in the realm of appearance is called Babylon, daughter of Babylon. Here we have the realm of appearance, this is a man, you know that when we are talking about this, we are talking about the minds of men, I hope you know that.

We are talking about what is happening in the minds of men. When this is the condition of Jane's mind, she is a manifestation of Christ, the son of God, the son of God, when this is the condition of Joe's mind, when that is the condition of his mind, the man that he is, is a manifestation of the daughter of the king of Babylon, the manifestation of Satan in man, a manifestation of God in man. Man must express a spirit. I do not really know the condition of autistic people and things like that, but anybody that appears to be a human being, you have a king, it is either Satan or it is Christ, and depending on who your king is, if you can determine who your king is, you can find out whether you are a son of God, son of Christ, or whether you are a daughter of Babylon.

I suggest to you that everyone that I know including myself at this time is still flip flopping back and forth. The only one that I know that is fully Christ is Jesus Christ, and there may be a lot of people out there that are always daughter of Babylon, there are some really wicked people in the world, but there are many people in between, there are people in the church, that one minute they are the son of God, and the next minute they are the daughter of Babylon, because we know that we have two souls. It is a question of which soul is manifesting at which time, and until Christ totally takes the victory, we flip back and forth. I guess I, I think I have to correct something that just flipped out of my mouth. If you do not have the Spirit of Christ, if all you have is the law of God, if all that you have is the law of God, I would, in accordance with my understanding at this time, you are a daughter of Babylon, who is in submission to the law of God, but you are still the daughter of Babylon, you are still the daughter of Babylon because you cannot be a son of God, if you do not have Christ.

If you are unsaved, if you have not received Christ, but your lifestyle is acceptable in this society because you are obeying the laws of God, that does not make you a son of God, that makes you a daughter of Babylon who has submitted to the law of God which is present in the earth. Is that clear? Hallelujah.

COMMENT: Will Satan always be there?

PASTOR VITALE: Yes, Satan will always be there, he is going to be there in another form, he is going to be swallowed up by Christ, but God does not throw anything away, and the elements of, even in this natural world, nothing gets thrown away, if you burn something, it does is change form, any chemist will tell you that. Nothing in this world is destroyed, it just changes form. That is what is happening to us spiritually, we are just changing form, Satan will always be there in another form, he is going to stripped of, he already has been stripped of his power and authority in the spiritual realm, it must come to pass in the natural realm, he has to be stripped of his power and authority in your life and in my life, and in everybody's life here. He will be changed, he is still going to be there but he will be changed.

It is just like you take a chicken, and one day the chicken is running around the barnyard, and he is gobbling away and the next day they cut his throat, and he is in somebody's pot, he is still a chicken, and the day after that he is in your stomach, and he literally becomes the flesh on your body, he is still your chicken. We are dealing with verse 18;

18. All of the kings of the nations, even all of them lie in glory, every one in his own house. KJV

I hope you understand who the kings of the nations are, and the word in this particular Scripture, it is not clear, whether we are talking about the kings that are Christ or the kings that are Babylon, we are just talking about the ruling spirit in the individual vessel. The word all refers to the whole body. We know there is only two men in the earth, there really is only one, but I am not going to get into that right now, there is Adam and there is Christ, and each one of the spiritual bodies in which we are cells. The word all refers to the whole of the spiritual body. The lie means to rest, Hebrew 3:11 says;


11. So I swore in my wrath, they shall not enter into my rest. KJV

We know that God has promised us a spiritual rest. Hebrews 3:19;


19. So we see that they could not enter in to the rest of God because of unbelief. KJV

The rest of God, a lot of people think it is the Sabbath day for the ancient Hebrews, it was Saturday, they had to rest one day out of seven, but we know that everything in the natural is a type of the reality of the spirit and God has a rest for us. We have discussed this on several messages, and the rest is that we are going to be able to rest from keeping Satan, that lawless one, that is a part of creation, that is never going away, and we have to labor to keep him underfoot, because when he gets on top of our conscience, when he gets on top of the law of God that has been working through out spirit, he will destroy us. We are laboring to keep him down in a place where he cannot influence us.

God has promised us that the day is coming that we are going to be able to rest from that, and the reason we are going to rest from it, is that Christ will be birthed in us and He will do the work for us. He will utterly subdue Satan and bring him into permanent submission and we will be at rest, and the whole earth will be at rest, and the lion with lay down with the lamb. There will be peace throughout all of God's holy mountain. When Christ appears and subdues the wicked one in each and every one of us. Hallelujah. Hosea 2:18 says;

HOSEA 2:18

18. And I will break the bow and the sword, and the battle out of the earth, and make them to lie down safely. KJV

That is the rest of God brethren, that is the dominion of Christ in your mind, in your mind, in your mind. The whole world is waiting for something to happen outside, it is not happening outside, it is happening in the minds of every single man. That is how God is going to make it, that is how He is going to take over the world. He is not coming from the outside, He is not coming from another planet, He is not coming from the sky. He is not coming from the outside, He is coming from within your mind, and He is going to be coming within the minds of millions of men at the same time, defeating the Satanic realm in their mind.

The victory is within, the destruction is within, things of the spirit are within, the churches have to get spiritual, they are looking in all of the wrong places. They have got it all backwards, help them Lord. Glory to God. The word glory, Gesenius says, it is # 3519 in Strong's and Gesenius lexicon says it is a synonym for Nephesh which means the soul. There are several words that are translated glory in the Strong's concordance, and this particular word, #3519, Gesenius says is a synonym for the word soul, and for those of you that do not know what synonym means, it is, synonyms are two words that are completely different words in a language, but they have the same meaning, and languages, all languages have synonyms just for variety. This word glory means soul. This is very interesting. Let me read this to you again, in verse 18;

18. All of the kings of the nations, even all of them lie in glory, every one in his own house. KJV

If you look it up every one, it is very clear in Strong's what it really says is every mortal man, every mortal man. That is a witness that the kings of the nations are mortal men, and that is what we were just talking about. They are mortal men. The phrase every one, it is Strong's #376, and it means mortal man. The word house is from a root and it means, it is number #1004, and one of the many translations is from a root meaning, the translation is house, but Gesenius says it is from a root meaning to pass the night or to remain, because if you have a house, that is where you remain. We are spiritual beings, and we abide in these vessels. We possess a soul, and we live in this body. Hallelujah. Alternate translation verse 18;

18. The whole of the spiritual man Adam, and every mortal man within him rests in their souls, each one in that individual place where he has passed the long hours of the spiritual darkness that exists in the night, because Christ has finally been birthed and ascended to a place of dominion and rule. ATB

18. The whole of the spiritual man Adam, (in which we are all cells), and every mortal man within him, (that is us), rests in their souls, (they are no longer laboring to keep Satan underfoot, we are each resting in our souls), each one of us in that individual place where we have passed the long hours of spiritual darkness that exists in the night... ATB

What is the night? Anybody know what the night is spiritually, anybody spiritually know what the night is? It is the realm of the soul, the darkness in our mind, amen. Every one of us has lived in a house in these long hours of spiritual darkness which the Bible calls the night. When Christ is absent, we are in darkness and it is night time. I am going to go back to the beginning.

18. The whole of the spiritual man Adam, and every mortal man within him, that is us, rests in their souls, in each of our individual souls, each one of us, we are resting in our souls, in that individual place, in this body, where we have passed the long hours of spiritual darkness that exists in the night of the soul realm, because Christ has finally been birthed and ascended to a place of dominion. ATB

Hallelujah, when Christ is birthed in you, and has ascended to a place of dominion in you, the night is over, the day star has risen in your heart and your soul can rest, your soul no longer has to keep Satan underfoot, Christ is going to do it for you. Hallelujah, glory to God, I cannot wait, oh hurry up Lord! Boy you get a hold of this vision, I pound on His doors every day, Where is it Lord, where is it Lord, Where is it Lord!


6. For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts...KJV

6. For God who has commanded the light of Christ to shine out of the darkness of our souls has shined in our hearts...ATB

Glory to God.

2 PETER 1:18-19

18. And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with Him in the holy mount;

19. We have also a more sure word of prophecy; where unto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts: KJV

18. And this voice came from heaven we heard...KJV

What Peter is saying, that you would do well to take the word of God as light until the true light rises in your own heart. If the true light has not risen in your heart, if Christ is not a reality within your own spiritual being, you can lay hold of the light by laying hold of the word of God, and doing the best you can and asking God to help you to implement it in your life. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Verse 19;

ISAIAH 14:19

19. But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with the sword that go down to the stones of the pit, (now we have the stones of the pit, not the sides of the pit), as a carcass trodden underfoot. KJV

When the Lord says, But thou art cast out, He is talking about the king of Babylon, the spirit who has ruled the nations, that is us, which belong to God. The word cast means to overthrow, to be cast down or out, Jeremiah 9:19 says;


19. For a voice of wailing is heard out of Zion, How are we spoiled! We are greatly confounded, because we have forsaken the land, because our dwellings have cast us out. KJV

We know that these bodies are our dwelling places. The king of Babylon is being cast out of our souls and our bodies. Hallelujah. He is going to lose his power, he is going to be cast down. I do not want to confuse you, we were just saying, nobody is getting cast out. That is an expression, he is being cast down, I erased it, to a position where Christ has dominion over him, and he has no authority, glory to God.

The word grave, I have a very interesting study for you here on this, let me read you some of these phrases again, But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch. This word grave is Strong's #5913 and it means sepulcher or tomb, does anybody know what a sepulcher is? It is a tomb that is above ground, I just found that out myself last night, I did not know it, it is not a grave like we have today where you dig a hole in the ground and stick the person in it and put a headstone up. It is one of those houses like they use to have in ancient Egypt where they literally build in a house, and I know in this society, you have to be very wealthy to have something like that, they cost thousands of dollars, it is literally a house where you are buried above ground in a house, so that everybody can see it. Do you remember the teaching on the landmark? It is a landmark, you can see that this person is buried here, you cannot miss it, it is a house for a dead person. That is what a sepulcher is. The Greek equivalent of this word, Strong's #5913 in the Hebrews, the Greek equivalent is Strong's #5028. Matthew 23:27 says;


27. Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are like unto whited sepulchers which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. KJV

Whited refers to white washing, I know it is used in one of the prophets, it is either Isaiah or Jeremiah I believe, but the people are rebuked for being as whited walls, and what the Lord is talking about is really the imputed anointing, they look clean on the outside, they look white, when you look at them, I do not even know if it means the imputed anointing, I think I am going to take that back, it means their own self righteous works. I think that is what the Lord is talking about, their own self righteous works, they make themselves look really clean, and really good but inside they are all full of dead men's bones, and this is what is going on in the church today, the people do not want to deal with the sin in their heart, and they are hiding behind their own self righteousness. This is what Jesus said to the Pharisees, Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites because you look like monuments, you look like houses of dead men that are white on the outside that look beautiful, but indeed you are full of, now that word men's is in italics, it is not in the original Greek, but are within full of dead bones.

Bones in the Scripture typify spirit, they typify spirit. If you look at what happens to a body when it dies, the soul disintegrates, the spirit leaves, and all that you have is the skeleton. Spiritually the only that abides brethren is the spirit. When we die, the only thing that abides is the spirit, if your soul is preserved it is because it is attached to a spirit that is preserved. Bones are a type of the spirit in the Scripture. He is saying, You look beautiful outside, but you are really dead, you are full of dead, you are spiritually dead, you are full of dead bones, you are spiritually dead, and you are full of all uncleanness, so He is saying, You are spiritually dead and you are filled with demons and all of the works of iniquity, but you are walking around saying by your own righteousness that you are cleansed.

Hallelujah, the word branch, and we are dealing with this phrase, but thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch. It means a branch and it is given that word from a root which means bright green. We know in the Scripture green means life, so it is called a branch in the sense of greenness as a striking color, filled with life, a shoot, a descendant, and it is used in Isaiah 11:1 to describe Christ. Isaiah 11:1;


1. And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. KJV

This word in the Scripture is used to describe a descendant filled with life, powerful descendant. The word abominable means destestable, and to act shamefully. Webster says that abominable means worthy of, or causing loathing or hatred, intense hostility or aversion deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury, and I suggest to you God is not afraid of Satan. He is angry at him, and I do believe God experiences a sense of injury from Satan.

God calls him an abominable branch, an abominable descendant, but you, the spirit who rules in mortal man are thrown out of their vessels like a hated son. The next phrase is, and as the raiment of those that are slain, you are thrown out as a hated son, and as the raiment of those that are slain. The word raiment, we are told in Gesenius, it is Strong's #3830, and one of the translations that it could take is to be used to describe a wife, it is used that way in Malachi 2:16. I am not going to quote the Scripture for you because I have checked it out, I looked at it and apparently that is how it is used, but it was so confusing that unless I could picked the whole Scripture apart, it would not have done you any good, and I did not have the time to pick the whole Scripture apart, but it is Malachi 2:16 and it is used to describe the covering of a wife. Hallelujah. Psalm 65:13 says;

PSALM 65:13

13. The pastures are clothed with flocks, the valleys are also covered with corn, they shout for joy, they also sing. KJV

That word clothed is the same word raiment. We see that this word does not necessarily have to mean a dress or a coat, the pastures are clothed with flocks, what it means is a covering, that is what I am trying to put across to you, that this word raiment means a covering, and the Scripture that we are dealing with is, that Satan is called the raiment or the covering of those that are slain. Hallelujah. He is the husband of those that are slain, that is what the Scripture is saying. The word slain is Strong's #2026, and it is used of the slaughter of the enemies in war, and it is used frequently to describe the judgments of God. Jeremiah 19:21;


21. Therefore deliver up your children to the famine, (this is God talking), and let their wives be bereaved of their children, and let their men be put to death, let their young men be slain by the sword in battle. KJV

This word slain can be a judgment of God. The phrase we are dealing with is, as the raiment of those that are slain. Let me give you the alternate translation on that.

ISAIAH 14:19

19. But you the spirit who rules in mortal man are thrown out of their vessels like a hated son, as the husband of those that have died to the life of God pierced by his sword. ATB

Verse 19;

19. But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those who are slain, thrust through with a sword...KJV

19. But you the spirit who rules in mortal man are thrown out of their vessels like a hated son, the husband of those that have died to the life of God pierced by his sword. ATB

The next phrase is, and we are talking about those that are slain now, they have been pierced by the sword of God and they go down to the stones of the pit, they are going down to the stones of the pit as a carcass trodden underfoot. The word go down means just that, cast down or fall down, and the word pit, we had this recently, Strong's #953 and it means cistern. It also means sepulcher, we just talked about that, it means prison and burying place. It is used in Jeremiah to describe a deep pit, that is how it is used in Jeremiah. The word stones, we had the expression sides of the pit, now we have stones of the pit, so what does this mean? The word stones is Strong's #68, and it means a stone of any kind, it is also used to describe ore, gold or silver ore. Job 28:2 says;

JOB 28:2

2. Iron is taken out of the earth and brass is molten or melted out of the stone. KJV

It is meaning ore. 1 Peter 2:5;

1 PETER 2:5

5. Ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood. KJV

Peter calls us stones, and I suggest to you that stones in the Scripture typify spirit and bones, anything hard typifies spirit, the spirit is the hard part. The soul is the soft part. Spirit is male and soul is female. The stones typify spirit and we are spiritual beings wrapped in flesh. I am suggesting to you that we are the gold that is wrapped in the stone, we are the stone and inside of us is the deity of God which is gold, and the silver of redemption that is deep buried within our spirit. Hallelujah. Let me read that for you, the alternate translation, I will read it to you from the beginning.

19. But you the spirit who rules in mortal man are thrown our of their vessels like a hated son, the husband of those that have died to the life of God pierced by His sword, that are fallen down and become the prison house of the dead. ATB

We have talked about the pit being Hades, we have talked about the fact that Adam falling from the realm of the spirit into the realm of the soul, that he became hell, that hell is the condition of our mind, and either we have heaven in our mind, which is the mind of Christ, or we have hell in our mind which is Hades, which is the realm of the soul.

If you are living out of mind that thinks with the realm of the soul, if you are living out of your carnal mind, you are in hell. If you are living out of the mind of Christ, you are in heaven. This is the size of it brethren, this is the realm of appearance, and we have a man living down here. This body just obeys what his soul and his spirit tells him what to do.

Over here we have a mind or a soul that is ruled by Christ, and here we have a mind or a soul that is ruled by Satan, that is the carnal mind ruled by Satan, hallelujah, and this is the soul of Christ, and when we are in this condition God is reigning.

Depending on which mind or which soul you are taking your instructions from, that will determine whether you are in hell or are in heaven. If Satan has authority over you and you are thinking his thoughts, you are speaking his words, and you are doing his behavior, you are in hell. That is the size of it. All of this burning and fire that people talk about, you know it is really true, but it is in the spirit. I will tell you some people suffer more than anyone in a natural flame. Just look at them lying on the street, they are in agony. It is in the spirit brethren. If you are being motivated by the mind of God, if you are thinking His thoughts, if you are speaking His words, if you are doing His deeds, you are indeed in heaven.

That is what it is, it is so simple, it is so simple, but the carnal mind of man will do anything to block men from believing this. They would rather make up all of these fantasies because you see when they believe it, it is going to happen. That is the way God works. When you believe it, it happens.

It is even true in the natural, anybody will tell you that, go to Dale Carnegie, he will tell you that, if you really, really believe you are going to become a millionaire, you will become one, but you cannot say, Well I believe it, if it happens, you know great, and if it does not, no, no, these men that really believe it, they go out, and they become millionaires. If you really believe this, if you believe all of this stuff that I have been preaching here, it is going to happen to you, Christ is going to be birthed in you, He is going to rise to a place of ascension, He is going to motivate your every thought, word, and deed, and your every need shall be met, you will indeed be in heaven, your every need will be met. It is going to happen to you, if you believe it, but you cannot believe it intellectually, it is a spiritual work, it has to get inside of you, but you start by believing it intellectually, you start by believing it intellectually, then you expose yourself to this kind of ministry, and God does the work. Hallelujah, glory to God. We are still in verse 19;

19. But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with the sword that go down to the stones of the pit. KJV

19. But you the spirit who rules in mortal man are thrown out of their vessels like a hated son...ATB

Who threw them out? Anybody? Christ throws them out, amen, glory to God.

...the husband of those that have died to the life of God...ATB

When did they die to the life of God anybody know? When Adam fell, amen and Satan came in, absolutely, glory to God, they died to the life of God.

...pierced by the sword of God...ATB

Does anybody know what that means? Why or how are we pierced by the sword of God? When Adam fell the judgments of God fell with it, and it fell on us and God pierced us with His sword and we died to the life of God.

Those of us that have fallen down and become the prison house of the dead. ATB

Those of us that live here are now living here, we have become the prison house of the dead. In the natural things are without, in the spiritual, they are within. In this natural world, prison houses are buildings that are outside, but in the spiritual world, the carnal mind is your prison house and your prison house in within you. Your prison house is within your mind. The psychiatrists will tell you that, the world will tell you that. There are people that say, They cannot do it, they cannot do it, they cannot clean their house, they cannot walk out of the house, they cannot do it, they cannot hold a job, they cannot do it. What do you mean you cannot do it? It is in your mind, you cannot do it, you really cannot do it, you cannot do it, you cannot hold a job, you cannot do it, you cannot stop drinking, you really, I believe you, I believe you, you cannot do it. Where is your prison house? Someone that does not understand will say, Well what do you mean you cannot do it, you are a free person? No you are not, you are in jail up here in your head, the prison house is within you. Glory to God.

Those that use to live by the life of God, have fallen down and they have become the prison house of the dead. Of course we have the whole human race living with their minds in the condition of being in a prison house, and they form the pit, Hades, the prison house of God, the whole of them, hallelujah. Glory to God. We have one more phrase here, they have become the prison house of the dead, where the reproductive seed of God is buried deep beneath the earth, that is the ore.

Even if you are living after this mind, you still have that potential to be Christ. It is gold, it is gold and silver buried with you in the prison house, it is inactive until the seed of God comes from out here, until one day by the mercy of God, you hear the word of God and it falls upon it, and it sprouts, and it rises up in power, and it changes your condition to this. Glory to God. Those that have fallen down and become the prison house of the dead, where the reproductive seed of God is buried deep beneath the earth. Even though God slew them and they fell down, they fell down with the seed that would make it possible for restoration. They fell down when God's mercy with the provision for restoration in due season.

The prison house of the dead where the reproductive seed of God is buried deep beneath the earth like a corpse trodden under.

That phrase is as a carcass trodden underfoot, underfoot is not in the original Hebrew.

...those that are fallen down and become the prison house of the dead where the reproductive seed of God is buried deep beneath the earth like a corpse trodden under. ATB

It is as good as dead until it is activated by the word of God, it is a corpse, trodden under what? Trodden under Satan, the carnal mind, it is powerless, good for nothing. What can you do with gold that is locked in rock that is buried in the earth? What can you do with it, you have to dig up the earth, you have to get the ore out and you have to take it to a refinery. That is what is happening to us brethren. God wants His gold, He wants what is His, He wants His gold and He wants His silver, and He is digging deep down into the earth of our souls, and He is looking at our spirit, and He is putting our spirit in the fire, and only the gold will abide. That is what you are going through brethren. If the Christian down the block is not going through it, it is because it is not their time, they have not been called to it yet, they have not been called to grow up yet. Hallelujah. I just have a few comments here for you, as we close out that I found very interesting. Luke 11:44 says;

LUKE 11:44

44. Woe unto you Pharisees, hypocrites, for you are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them. KJV

I am dealing with the phrase they are like a corpse trodden under, and God related this to the New Testament

LUKE 11:44

44. Woe unto you Pharisees, hypocrites, for you are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them. KJV

This word grave is different than the word grave that I gave you a few minutes ago, I told you the word sepulcher was in the Greek #5028, this is a different word, grave, and it means, it is Strong's #3419, and it means any visible object for preserving or recalling the memory of any person or thing, a memorial, a monument. We did a whole study when we did Message #18 on the creation, about the fact that when God sent His spiritual sons into the earth, He knew that they were dying, He knew that they were going to fall, and He marked them. When Adam named all of the beast of the field, what He did was give them a mark that when God came looking for them, He could find them. When God comes looking upon the lives of men, when God looks at you, He is looking for a mark on you that says that you bear His Spirit. When God comes looking for you, that is what He wants. He wants what is His, and His Spirit is buried deep in the depths of your soul under the earth like a dead carcass buried under, and God is coming with a spiritual discernment that is going to pass by you and say, I see My Spirit in you, come forth, come out of Egypt, it is time. God is not going to call you if you cannot see you, He has got to see you. How does He see you? Let me read it again.

19. Woe unto you Pharisees, hypocrites, for you are as graves which do not appear, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them. KJV

For God to see you, for God to call as His son, He has got to see you as His son, He has got to recognize you as His son, He has got to see your name, He has got to see the mark on you, He has got to see the memorial on you, how does He see it, and how does He not see it? He sees it when it manifests. If you are a believer, if you have received Christ, you are two men, you have two souls, you are a soul man and you are a spirit man, and when you are walking after the flesh and you are living out of your soul, God does not see you, we are going to go into this in more depth. He sees you when you manifest Christ, when the word of God falls on your heart, and it fertilizes the root of Christ that is in there, and you start living out of your spirit, God sees you.

If there is no root for the seed to fertilize, you cannot live out of your spirit, are you following me? We are all two men, this is a man, let me put it this way, this is a man, before the Lord comes to him, he is living as an adamic man, he is living his whole life as an adamic man, and down here in the realm of appearance, in his thought, in his word, and in his deed, every motivation is coming from Adam, and God comes, the Spirit of God comes along to this man, and He says, Are you my son? And He looks at him with a spirit scanner, and He says, Thoughts, Adamic, words, Adamic, deeds, Adamic, you are not mine.

If this man has birthed Christ, but he is down here, and this man is listening to Adam, is walking after Adam, as far as God is concerned, you are not His. What God wants you to once you birth Christ, Adam has to be put down underfoot, Christ has to get up here. It is not enough to birth him, Adam has to come down here, and God passes you by with a spirit scanner and He says, Thoughts, the thoughts are Christ, words, words are Christ, deeds, deeds are Christ, you are mine, come home.

What God is saying, and we are going to go into this in a little more depth, it does not matter if you have birthed Christ, if you are living out of your soul, it does not matter, and your deeds are what He checks last. He is interested in your thoughts, the intents of your heart, and your words, because what your thoughts are, your words and your deeds will follow. He is interested in the intents of your heart. That is what He is interested in. Do you desire what? Do you desire what, anybody? Righteousness. Do you desire, this is really funny, it really does not even matter whether you are making it or not, you could be the biggest sinner, you could be a prostitute down on 42nd street, but He wants to know, do you desire righteousness. That is why you cannot tell by looking at somebody.

I stopped off to get something to eat on the way home tonight, I got out of work early, I had to work through my lunch hour, and I am sorry if anyone disapproves of me for this, but I do from time to time stop in a bar in Manhattan to pick up a sandwich, they have very good food, I do not stop and eat there, I do not sit down at the table, I buy the sandwich and I leave, the prices are the cheapest in the area and the food is excellent, and I do that, I am sorry if I have offended you, and as I was waiting for my sandwich to be made, I usually spend about three minutes there, I was looking at all of these people sitting at the bar, pitiful, pitiful, pitiful, and I walked out of there, lost souls, and I prayed for them, and I said, my prayer was it is was funny that, that was my prayer, and this is what I am preaching. My prayer was, Lord, not only forgive them but help them because even if they had a vision that there is a better way to live, which I really question whether or not they have that vision, if they had the vision, there is not a doubt in my mind they just would not know where to start to change. You should have seen these faces, tragic, tragic, they could not get out, if they had the vision that there was a better life, there was no way they could get out.

All that God is saying is, I do not care if you are sitting at the bar, I do not care what you are doing, when I scan your heart, is there a prayer deep in your heart, If there was only a way, if there was only a way, I would take it, but I do not know how to do it. He is going to take that person, He is going for that person, and then you could go to the person that has been raised in the church, I do not mean to be mean, this is the truth, you can pray in tongues three hours a day, you can go to the prison ministry, you can be in the song service, you can do all of these things, and when He scans your heart, if your heart says, I am great, I am okay, I have got it made just the way I am. Watch out, you are in trouble, brethren you are in trouble.

He said to the Pharisees, You see not, therefore your sin remaineth with you. You know this is a complete contradiction to everything we believe in this world, He does not care what do, He wants you to desire Him, and His righteousness. Going on with this study. He said to the Pharisees, Woe unto you Pharisees, hypocrites, for you are as graves, you are as memorials that cannot be seen, you have my word, but you are living out of your souls, I cannot see you, all I see is Adam, and the men that walk over, are not aware. I am going to do a little word study to explain that to you. The words appear not mean hidden, and this word walk over, well walk means to walk, and the word over is Strong's #1883 and it means beyond or more than, and it is often used in the Septuagint which is the Greek translation of the Scripture to mean above, or greater than, higher in rank, higher in rank. That is what it means. John 3:31 says;

JOHN 3:31

31. He that cometh from above, (which is heaven), is above all...KJV

His rank is higher than all, the spiritual man's rank is greater than the rank of the natural man. The word aware is Strong's #1492 and Strong's says it is used only in the past tense. It is a combination of to see, to be aware of, to know, and it is spiritual knowledge, if you follow it through, it is spiritual knowledge, it is spiritual sight, it is spiritual perception. This is my alternate translation for you, Luke 12:44;

LUKE 12:44

44. Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, your mark in the earth by which God intends to call back to the spiritual realm of God is hidden, and it is hidden because your natural man has tread the root of Christ under his feet, and the manifestations of Adam which walk above and are seen are not known of God. ATB

The manifestations of Adam, your thoughts and your words and your deeds which walk above, which appear in the realm of appearance, are seen, but they are not known of God. God does not know you, He does not know you when you manifest Adam. He does not know you. You know I got so excited when God gave me this last night because, do you know the Pharisees knew what He was saying, they knew what He was saying. Why do you think they were trying to kill Him, they knew what He was saying to them. The church world does not know what He meant by it, but they knew it.

You know, there is not a doubt in my mind that the Jews of that age had all of the revelation that we have, there is not a doubt in my mind, at least the priests had all of the revelation and maybe more, we do not know what God is leading us into. They had this revelation out of the Old Testament, and when Jesus said these things to them, they knew what He was saying. You are manifesting your natural man and God does not know you. How horrible! I pray I never hear God say those words to me, I would rather die before I would hear Him say those words to me, that He does not know me.

Does He not say that in the Scripture, that He is going to close the door and they are going to say to Him, Lord why do you not let us in, we cast out demons, we healed the sick, we went to the prison ministry, I tithed every Sunday, I danced in the spirit? He is going to say, Be gone, I never knew you, it was the works of the flesh. Hallelujah. Revelation 13:3;


3. And I saw one of its heads as it were wounded unto death, and his deadly wound was healed. KJV

We were talking earlier about being pierced by God's sword, Webster says that the word healed means to restore to original purity or integrity. I suggest to you that Adam was wounded unto death when he yielded to the subconscious lawlessness of his Satanic unconscious. He was pierced by the sword of God which is the judgment of God, and he was converted, and his mind was converted in to the Adamic carnal mind, the Satanic carnal mind, which is, we have just established is Hades, but now we see that this wound was healed, and I saw one of its heads as it were wounded unto death, and his deadly wound was healed. Glory to God. The Scripture says, and a lot of believers, a lot of people believers or not, they really cannot deal with this, but the Scripture says that we have been healed. It says that all power and authority has been given unto the Lord Jesus Christ, and a lot of people just cannot deal with it, but this is the spiritual reality brethren, we have been healed in the realm of the spirit, the work has been done by the Lord Jesus Christ. He has defeated Satan in the realm of the spirit, and He is continuing to defeat him and He shall defeat him until He appears in the mind of every man on the face of the earth.

We have been healed but what we are waiting for is for the salvation of God for the deliverance to manifest in our minds. I heard story once, I believe it was in one of the islands in the south seas during World War 2, there was soldier fighting twenty years after the war ended, he was out in the woods, he never got the message that the war was over, he was up living in the caves, never came down to the towns, he was going to die for his country, twenty years after the war ended. You see, the word has not gotten to Satan in my mind, or it is getting there, or to Satan in your mind that it is all over and that he is defeated, or even if the word has gotten to him, he is fighting unto the death. All authority and power has been given to the Christ that is coming forth in your mind, the deadly wound of the fallen creation has been healed, we have been rejoined to God, but that has taken place in the spiritual realm and it has to become a reality in each and every one of our lives and it is not after death, it is now.

You have to start walking after the spirit brethren, give up, despise the works of the flesh, because you are going to be left behind, God is going to look upon you and going to say, I do not know you, I never knew you, you are not mine. He is not going to say my son is not in there, He is going to say my son is not manifesting. How did the Scripture put it, as a carcass trodden under feet. I am just going to read verse 19 in the King James and then the alternate translation;

19. But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with the sword that go down to the stones of the pit, as a carcass underfoot. KJV

19. But you, the spirit who rules in mortal man are thrown out of their vessels, like a hated son, the husband, you have been the husband of those that have died to the life of God, pierced by His sword, come under His judgments, that are fallen down and become the prison house of the dead, where the reproductive seed of God is buried deep beneath the earth like a corpse trodden under. ATB

God is looking for it brethren, but He only sees it when it comes to the surface. Hallelujah. Glory to God, any questions on this? Okay.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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